Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health

Centre at Muthuthala, ,

Social Impact Assessment Study Entrusted by District Administration Palakkad Draft Report


Requiring Body SIA Unit

Muthuthala Grama Rajagiri Outreach Panchayat Rajagiri College of Social Sciences

Palakkad (Autonomous) Rajagiri P.O Land Acquisition for Construction of PrimaryKochi Health- Centre 683104 at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad Ph: 0484 2911330 – 332 [email protected]



Chapter 1- Executive Summary

1.1 Project and public purpose 1.2 Location 1.3 Size and attributes of land acquisition 1.4 Alternatives considered 1.5 Social impacts 1.6 Mitigation measures

Chapter 2- Detailed Project Description

2.1 Background of the project, including developer’s background and governance/ management structure 2.2 Rationale for project including how the project fits the public purpose criteria listed in the act 2.3 Details of project size, location, capacity, outputs, production targets, costs and risks 2.4 Examination of alternatives 2.5 Phases of the project construction 2.6 Core design features and size and type of facilities 2.7 Need for ancillary infrastructural facilities 2.8 Work force requirements (temporary and permanent) 2.9 Details of social impact assessment/ environment impact assessment if already conducted and any technical feasibility reports 2.10 Applicable legislations and policies

Chapter 3- Team Composition Approach, Methodology and Schedule of the Social Impact Assessment

3.1 List of all team members with qualification 3.2 Description and rationale for the methodology and tools used to collect information for the social impact assessment 3.3 Sampling methodology used

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


3.4 Overview of information/ data sources used 3.5 Schedule of consultations with key stakeholders and brief description of public hearings conducted

Chapter 4- Land Assessment

4.1 Description with the help of the maps, information from land inventories and primary sources 4.2 Entire area of impact under the influence of the project (not limited to land area for acquisition) 4.3 Total land requirement for the project 4.4 Present use of any public, utilized land in the vicinity of the project area 4.5 Land (if any) already purchased, alienated, leased or acquired, and the intended use for each plot of land required for the project 4.6 Quality and location of land proposed to be acquired for the project 4.7 Nature, present use and classification of land and if agriculture land, irrigation coverage and cropping patterns 4.8 Size of holdings, ownership patterns, land distributions and number of residential houses 4.9 Land prices and recent changes in ownership, transfer and use of lands over the last three years

Chapter 5- Estimation and Enumeration (Where Required) of Affected Families and Assets

5.1 Estimation of families 5.1.1 Families which are directly affected (own land that is proposed to be acquired) 5.2 Family of scheduled tribes and other traditional forest dwellers who have lost any of their forest rights 5.3 Families which depend on common property resources which will be affected due to acquisition of land of their livelihood 5.4 Families which have been assigned land by the State Government or the Central Government under any of its schemes and such land is under acquisition

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


5.5 Families which have been residing on any land in the urban areas for proceeding three years or more prior to the acquisition of the land 5.6 Families which have depended on the land being acquired as a primary source of livelihood for three years prior to the acquisition 5.6.1 Families which are indirectly impacted by the project (not affected directly by the acquisition of own lands) 5.6.2 Inventory of productive assets and significant lands.

Chapter 6- Social Economic and Cultural Profile (Affected Area and Resettlement Site)

6.1 Demographic details of the population in the project area 6.2 Income and poverty levels 6.3 Vulnerable groups 6.4 Land use and livelihood 6.5 Local economic activities 6.6 Factors that contribute to local livelihoods 6.7 Kinship patterns and social and cultural organization 6.8 Administrative organization 6.9 Political organization 6.10 Community based and civil society organizations 6.11 Regional dynamics and historical change processes 6.12 Quality of the living environment

Chapter 7- Social Impact Management

7.1 Approach to mitigation 7.2 Measures to avoid mitigate and compensate impact 7.3 Measures that are included in terms of Rehabilitation and Resettlement and Compensation as outlined in the Act 7.4 Measures that the Requiring Body has stated it will introduce in the project proposal 7.5 Alterations to project design and additional measures that may be required to address the extend and intensity of impacts across various groups as identified during SIA

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


7.6 Detailed Mitigation Plan including detailed activities to be carried out for each mitigation strategy, timelines for each mitigation strategy 7.7 The SIA plan indicating which measures the Requiring Body has committed to undertake and those that have been proposed, but not committed to be undertaken by the Requiring Body

Chapter 8- Social Impact Management Plan Institutional Framework

8.1 Description of institutional structures and key person responsible for each mitigation measures 8.2 Specify role of Non-Governmental Organizations 8.3 Indicate capacities required and capacity building plan, including technical assistance if any 8.4 Timelines for each activity

Chapter 9- Social Impact Management Plan Budget and Financing of Mitigation Plan

9.1 Costs of all resettlement and rehabilitation costs 9.2 Annual budget and plan of action 9.3 Funding sources with break up

Chapter 10- Social Impact Management Plan Monitoring and Evaluation

10.1 Key monitoring and evaluative indicators 10.2 Reporting mechanisms and monitoring roles 10.3 Plan for independent evaluation

Chapter 11- Analysis of Costs and Benefits and Recommendation on Acquisition

11.1 Final conclusions on assessment of public purpose, less displacing alternatives, minimum requirements of land, the nature and intensity of social impacts, and viable mitigation measures will address costs 11.2 The above analysis will use the equity principle as a framework of analysis for presenting a final recommendation on whether the acquisition should go through or not.

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


List of Tables and Figures

List of Abbreviations


List of Tables

Table No, Contents

1.3.1 Acquisition of land and survey number 3.1.1 SIA Team Members 3.5.1 Schedule of SIA study 5.1.1 List of Affected Families 6.1.1 Social Group 6.1.2 Type of Family 6.1.3 Marital Status 7.6 Mitigation Strategy

List of Figures

Figure Contents No, 6.1.1 Religion 6.1.2 Age 6.1.3 Education

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


List of Abbreviations

SIA Social Impact Assessment

GO Government Order

RFCTLARRAct The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013

RD Revenue Department

KM Kilo Meters

CM Centimetres

LP Lower Primary

UP Upper Primary

PO Post Office

SC Scheduled Caste

OBC Other Backward Communities

UG Under-Graduation

PG Post-Graduation

BPL Below Poverty Line

APL Above Poverty Line

GoK Government of

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


Chapter 1 Executive Summary

1.1 Project and public purpose

Muthuthala is a village and grama panchayath. It lies north west of Pattambi in , of the state of Kerala, . It belongs to central kerala division. Muthuthala is located on the banks of the river Bharathapuzha. In India the health care system is organized in to primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. At the primary level are sub centers and primary health centers (PHC’s). at the secondary level there are community health centers (CHC’s) and smaller sub district hospitals. Primary health care refers to the essential health care made accessible to individuals in a community at coasts that they can afford. Primary healthcare centers offer professional medical care for individuals based on a locality or community before shifting them to more advanced hospital- based care like the general specialist and super specialist. Muthuthala panchayath has proposed to build a primary health centre in Muthuthala at . Current government hospital in muthuthala is functioning in rented building with limited facilities. So the project aims at satisfying the hospital needs of the people in the Muthuthala Region.

The principle Government approval for the land acquisition through G.O (P) no. 578/2019/LSGD dated08.03.2019, 50 cent (20.234 R) land is proposed to be acquired for the construction of primary health centre at Muthuthala.

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


1.2 Location

Village : Muthuthala Taluk : Pattambi Panchayath : Muthuthala District : Palakkad

1.3 Size and attributes of land acquisition

Acquisition about 50 cent land in the Pattambi taluk in Muthuthala village is required for the construction of primary health centre at Muthuthala.Land owned by two families will be acquired for the project. While majority of the land is kept unused. The remaining lands are being used for farming. According to the land records some parts of the land are recorded as Paddy lands. The project also causes cutting of trees in the affected lands. As per the land assessment for the acquisition, 2 affected persons will lose land and the same is understood to be the major impact.

The resurvey numbers and approximate extent of land to be acquired is explained below. Table 1.3.1 Sl.no Block no. Survey Type of land Area No./Sub division No. 1 26 195/3 Wet land 50cent (20.234R)

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


1.4 Alternatives considered

No other alternatives are to be considered, since the required land is situated near the Pattambi co-operative bank in the Pattambi- muthuthala road. The proposed land is easily accessible and having better transportation facility.

1.5 Social impacts

As per the land assessment for the acquisition, 2 affected persons will lose land and the same is understood to be the major impact. Agriculture land and compound wall of Mr. Ravindran will also be affected. Loss of trees and crops such as Coconut, Paddy, tapioca and its yield should also be listed in the adverse impacts. A brief summary of major impacts are as follows Loss of Land : 2 Families Loss of Livelihood Opportunities : 2 Families Loss of Agriculture Land : 50 Cent Loss of Trees and Crops : coconut 5, Paddy and Tapioca (Currently not farming)

Despite the negative impacts, the proposed project is expected to be beneficial for the people in the region as it ensures better hospital facility.

1.6 Mitigation measures

For affected persons whose land will be acquired, the Rehabilitation and Resettlement package as per the Policy issued by Revenue(B) Department, vide G.O.(Ms)No.448/2017/RD dated 29/12/2017 for the

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad

10 rehabilitation and resettlement package for land acquisition in the state in lieu of RFCTLARR Act 2013 will be applicable to the land construction of primary health centre at Muthuthala, Palakkad District. Further recreation of common properties and livelihood opportunities along with replanting of trees will mitigate various impacts to an extent possible.

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


Chapter 2 Detailed Project Description

2.1 Background of the Project, including developer’s background and governance/ management structure The primary health centre (PHC) is the basic structural and functional unit of the public health services in developing countries, to provide accessible, affordable and available primary health care to people. The major goals or the principals of the Primary Health Centres are to reducing exclusion and social disparities in health, to organizing health services around people’s needs and expectations, to integrating health into all sectors, to perusing collaborative modelof policy dialogue, health work force developments and community participation.

The PHCs are established and maintained by the State Governments under the Minimum Needs Programme (MNP) and Basic Minimum Services Programme (BMS). At present 14 paramedical and other staff support a Medical Officer. A PHC acts as a referral unit for 6 Sub Centres. It has 4 - 6 beds for patients. The activities of Primary Health Centres involve curative, preventive, primitive and Family Welfare Services.

Primary Health Centres (PHC) is the cornerstone of rural healthcare. Primary health centres and their sub-centres are supposed to meet the health care needs of rural population. Each primary health centre covers a population of 1,00,000 and is spread over about 100 villages. A Medical Officer, Block Extension Educator, one female Health Assistant, a compounder, a driver and laboratory technician look after the PHC. It is equipped with a jeep and necessary facilities to carry out small surgeries.

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


The main role of primary health care is to provide continuous and comprehensive care to the patients. It also helps in making the patient available with the various social welfare and public health services initiated by the concerned governing bodies and other organizations. The other major role of a primary health care centre is to offer quality health and social services to the underprivileged sections of the society.

As for the benefits of primary health care to the members of a community, it offers the first set of professional care to the patients by incorporating a proactive approach that utilizes several preventive measures, management of chronic disease, and promoting self-care. Along with that, primary health care provides increased accessibility to advanced health care system for the community, which results in excellent health outcomes and prevention of delay.

Primary health centre is the first contact point between the village community and the medical officer it provides curative, preventive and promotive services to the people.

Through GO (Rt)No. 319/2019/ LSGDdated 14.02.2019,Palakkad District Planning Committee approval was given and sanctioned 15 Lacks for the land acquisition for the construction of primary health centre at Muthuthala.

Vide Kerala Gazette Order G.O. (P) No. 1851(4)/RD dated 16.08.2019, the SIA Unit of Rajagiri outREACH, Kalamassery was appointed to conduct Social Impact Assessment Study and to prepare a Social Impact Management Plan as per section 4 (1) of the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (RFCTLARR) Act, 2013.

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


2.2 Rationale of the projectincluding how the project fits the public purpose criteria listed in the act

Muthuthala is a Village in Pattambi Taluk in Palakkad District of Kerala State, India. It belongs to central Kerala Division. It is located 62 kilometers towards west from District head quarters Palakkad and 3 kilometers from Pattambi. According to the census report of 2011, the total population in Muthuthala panchayt is 24,864 (11,815 males and 13, 046 females). The Indian Constitution makes the provision of healthcare in India the responsibility of the state governments, rather than the central federal government. It makes every state responsible for "raising the level of nutrition and the standard of living of its people and the improvement of public health as among its primary duties". Muthuthala Panchayat already has a Primary Health Centre but that is working in a rented building. The limited facilities are the major barrier of the existing hospital. Muthuthala village needed a primary health centre with good infrastructure. Muthuthala Panchayath has proposed to construct a new primary health centre at Mututhala Village Block Number 195/3. Acquisition about 50 cent land in the Pattambi taluk in Muthuthala village is required for the construction of primary health centre.

As per Section 2 b (i) of The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013 (RFCTLA RR Act), the project fits in for public purpose.

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


2.3 Details of project size, location, capacity, outputs, production targets, costs and risks

The total land required for the construction of PHC is 50 Cent. The land is acquiring from the Muthuthala Village of Pattambi Taluk. Palakkad District Planning Committee approval was given and sanctioned 15 Lacks for the land acquisition.

2.4 Examination of alternatives The project intends to construct a Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala. Further the Muthuthala area is highly populated. A skilful primary health centre is a need in the project area. Also the proposed project is expecting to finish without affecting any residential buildings and a resulting displacement. Based on the research of the expert team and to limit the risk and cost, there are no suitable alternate project areas.

2.5 Phases of the project construction The project is planned to implement in two phases. Phase I involves whole process of land acquisition by Land Acquisition Officer appointed by Government of Kerala. Social Impact Assessment, Land Assessment, Mitigation, Compensation/Resettlement procedures etc. are included in this phase. Phase II consists tendering process, appointment of contractor, construction of Primary Health Centre and launch thereafter for public use.

2.6 Core design features & size and type of facilities Not Applicable

2.7 Need for ancillary infrastructural facilities Not Applicable

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


2.8 Workforce requirements (temporary and permanent) The appropriated combination of permanent and contract workforce will be deployed along with the right set of machineries and equipment as to be decided by Palakkad District Planning Committee during tendering process.

2.9 Details of social impact assessment/ environment impact assessment if already conducted and any technical feasibility reports As per the letter dated on 21-01-2019 by Muthuthala Panchayath President, no Social Impact Assessment or related studies were carried out in the past with respect to the project. Further, any technical feasibility reports werenot available to refer during this study.

2.10 Applicable legislations and policies The applicable laws on land acquisition, rehabilitation and resettlement for the proposed project land acquisition forconstruction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi are: The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013. Government of Kerala – Revenue (B) Department -State Policy for Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition vide G.O (Ms) NO.485/2015/RD dated 23/09/2015. Government of Kerala – Revenue (B) Department -State Policy for Rehabilitation and Resettlement Package for Land Acquisition in the State in lieu of RFCTLARR Act 2013 vide GO(MS)No.448/2017/RD dated 29/12/2017. Right to Information Act, 2005

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


Chapter 3 Team Composition, Approach, Methodology and Schedule of the Social Impact Assessment

3.1 Team Members Vide Kerala Gazette Order G.O. (P) No. 319/2019/LSGD dated 14.02.2019, the SIA Unit of RajagirioutREACH, Kalamassery was appointed by Revenue (B) Department to conduct Social Impact Assessment Study of the project and to prepare a Social Impact Management Plan as per section 4 (1) of the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (RFCTLARR) Act, 2013. Further, a team was constituted with experts who have engaged in similar projects and deployed them into the project with a set of definite roles and responsibilities.

Table 3.1.1

Qualification and Sl.No Name Experience Designation 1. Dr.Binoy Joseph MA(HRM), LLB, Ph.D. 22 years in teaching, Principal, Rajagiri Consultant-SIA research and training College of Social

Sciences 2. MSW MeenaKuruvilla Chairperson - SIA 30 years in development Unit sector

3. BA 24 years in development Biju C P Development Officer- sector SIA MSW 2 Years of experience in 4. Tony Babu Research Associate development sector

MSW 2 Years of experience in Gigin P S 5. Research Associate development sector

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


3.2 Description and rationale for the methodology and tools used to collect information for the social impact assessment Before preparing the SIA study report, the study team acquired maximum information about the project with the support of requiring body. Muthuthala Panchayath also helped the team by providing information about construction of Primary Health Centre. The team visited the project sites and studied about the land, inventories, structures and other productive assets in it. A population Socio Economic Survey was conducted to collect the information. Further, Key Informant Interviews and Focus Group Discussion were also held to understand depth of the impact due to implementation of the project. The team also identified two affected families in the project area and interviewed 1 family who are residing in the affected property for nearly 10 years. Another family is residing abroad in last few years.

3.3 Sampling Methodology Used As the size of land to be transferred for the project by the affected person and extent of impact due to the latter is unique for each, a population Socio- Economic-Impact Survey was found to be appropriate over sampling method. Further, the respondent size was found to be Two land owners and was possible to collect the information in the limited timeframe as per the scheme of the study.

3.4 Overview of Information/Data Sources Both primary and secondary information were collected and analysed through mixed method by the expert quantitative and qualitative researchers. Secondary information and published reports from concerned Panchayat/Revenue/Civil Stations were collected/ referred by the field investigators at multiple stages.

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


A structured questionnaire was prepared, tested and validated to collect information from affected persons through Socio-Economic-Impact Survey.1 person have participated directly in the survey and provided the information. Survey contained questions aimed to collect the information such as Demographic/ Economic/ Family/ Livelihood, details of performing/non- performing assets in the project land and the types/degree of impact. The response and data points were analysed through statistical software and findings have reported along with recommendations.

3.5 Schedule of consultations with key stakeholders and brief description of public hearings conducted As part of the study, multiple meetings/interviews/discussions were held with important stakeholders.

Table 3.5.1 Date Activity/Event/Meeting Venue 19-08- Pilot Study Muthuthala 2019 19-08- Meeting with Panchayat Muthuthala 2019 President 31-08- Socio-Economic Survey, Focus Muthuthala and Palakkad 2019 Group Discussions and Key Informant Interviews 15-10- Meeting with Deputy Collector Civil Station, Palakkad 2019 Officer in Charge 04.11.2019 Distribution of Notice and Muthuthala broadcasting about Public Hearing Meeting 13-10- Public Hearing Panchayat Hall Muthuthala 2019

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


The public hearing with the participation of Project Affected Persons (PAP), Requiring Body Representatives, Land Acquisition Officer and other critical stakeholders was conductingon November 13, 2019.

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


4 Land Assessment

4.1 Description with the help of the maps, information from land inventories and primary sources

The project aims to construct a Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad. Currently the Primary Health Centre working in a rented Building at Muthuthala and also having limited facilities.

4.2 Entire area of impact under the influence of the project (not limited to land area for acquisition) The project intends to construct a Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala. Further the Muthuthala area is highly populated. A skilful primary health centre is a need in the project area. Acquisition about 50 cent land of two families will be acquired for the project. While majority of the land is kept unused. The remaining lands are being used for farming. According to the land records

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad

21 some parts of the land are recorded as Paddy lands. The project also causes cutting of trees in the affected lands. As per the land assessment for the acquisition, 2 affected persons will lose land and the same is understood to be the major impact. Agriculture land and compound wall will be also affected. Loss of five coconut trees and hence the same along with the yield from these trees should also be considered while measuring the impact.

4.3 Total land requirement for the project The project is being implemented in 50 cents of Land in Muthuthala Village and the identified plots belong to 2 affected persons.

4.4 Present use of any public, utilized land in the vicinity of the project area None of the public utilized land is affected due to the project.

4.5 Land (if any) already purchased, alienated, leased or acquired, and the intended use for each plot of land required for the project Muthuthala Primary Health Centre is working in a rented building near Pattambi Cooperative bank at Muthuthala. The PHC was Started in 1995 and still working in a rented building with limited facilities. No land is already purchased, alienated, or acquired for the project. The whole land to be acquired is proposed to use for the construction of Primary Health Centre.

4.6 Quality and location of land proposed to be acquired for the project The project land is located at Muthuthala Village of Pattambi Taluk in Palakkad District. Majority of the affected land (100 %) are farming land; Paddy and coconut are the major yields in the affected area. The total land required for the construction of PHC is 50 Cent.The land is understood to be suitable for the construction of Primary Health Centre and the presence of Paddy land is limited in the project area.

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


4.7 Nature, present use and classification of land and if agriculture land, irrigation coverage and cropping patterns The proposed land for the construction of Primary Health Centre is almost agricultural or farming land. The type of land is “Nilam “in all land records. Some of the land parts are recorded as Paddy Lands. The land is owned by two persons in the same family. Total land of acquisition is 50cents. Agricultural land is reported to be affected due to the project. Coconut (5 nos.) and paddy are the major yielding in the affected property. While analysing the present use of land, it is found that the majority of the affected persons are using the land for agriculture. No residential plots were affected due to the project and no buildings are situated in the affected land.

4.8 Size of holdings, ownership patterns, land distributions and number of residential houses Each affected persons are losing land in varying size. While 1 affected persons have reported in the Socio-Economic Survey that they own land as their hereditary property. Further one affected persons is not in place so couldn’t get the information. It is reported in the survey that no functional residential buildings will be affected. 4.9 Land prices and recent changes in ownership, transfer and use of lands over the last three years

Based on the available information gathered through survey and interviewing key stake holders, the market value of the land per cent is reported to be between INR 2,00,000 and 3,00,000 per Cent and will be varied based on the value in the specific area. No transaction was held in the last three years and there were no major changes in the farming and other uses of land in the project area.

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


Chapter 5 Estimation and Enumeration (Where Required) of AffectedFamiliesand Assets

5.1 Estimation of families As per the released document from Revenue Department, there are 2 affected families whose land has to be acquired for the proposed construction of Primary Health Centre Muthuthala. Through the Socio Economic Census Survey, the SIA team of Rajagiri Outreach has found one affected families and their details are given in this chapter. 5.1.1 Families which are directly affected (own land that is proposed to be acquired) The following table covers available list of directly affected person, address and extent of land to be acquired with the survey number.

Table (5.1.1)

Sl No. Survey Number Extent of Land Name and Address

1 195/3 Anitha TP Gopalayam House Muthuthala PO 20.234 (50Cent) Pattambi

2 195/3 Geetha TP Bhavana Manapullikavu, Yakkara, Palakkad

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


5.2 Family of scheduled tribes and other traditional forest dwellers who have lost any of their forest rights The project is aimed at Construct a Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala in Palakkad district. Neither any forest land nor lands of any scheduled tribes/Scheduled Caste families are to be acquired as part of the project.

5.3 Families which depend on common property resources which will be affected due to acquisition of land of their livelihood No major common property and resources are found to be affected with the proposed Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad. 5.4 Families which have been assigned land by the State Government or the Central Government under any of its schemes and such land is under acquisition No families in recent years were assigned land by any government and no such land will be affected. 5.5 Families which have been residing on any land in the urban areas for preceding three years or more prior to the acquisition of the land

None of the affected families have bought land in the proposed project area in the last three years. Affected persons have purchased land for residence and farming before three years.

5.6 Families which have depended on the land being acquired as a primary source of livelihood for three years prior to the acquisition According to the revenure records the lands are classified into “Nilam” catagory. The families are getting income from the affected project area. The project affecting families continuing farming in the land that they got heriditary. So they are earing income from the affected land.

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


5.6.1 Families which are indirectly impacted by the project (not affected directly by the acquisition of own lands) No indirect impact due to the project. 5.6.2 Inventory of productive assets and significant lands.

The project area covers agriculture land. So paddy and tapioca are the Major crops so almost 50 cent of farming land will be impacted (currently there is no farming). Besides the impact on farming, Five Coconut trees in the area have to cut down for the project.

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


Chapter 6 Social Economic and Cultural Profile (Affected Area and Resettlement Site)

6.1 Demographic details of the population in the project area Muthuthala is a village and grama panchayath. It lies north west of Pattambi in Palakkad district, of the state of Kerala, India. It belongs to central kerala division. Muthuthala is located on the banks of the river Bharathapuzha. The proposed construction of primary health centre will have limited impact on the people directly. Socio-economic profiles of the affected families are given here.

As given in the figure 6.1.1, Hinduism is the most prevalent religion in the area. Two of the affected families are belongs to the Hindu religion. (Table 6.1.1)

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad

27 shows that social group of the affected families. One of the affected families belongs to general category and one family detail did not get.

Table 6.1.2 explains the type of family systems of the affected population. Nuclear family system is being followed in onefamily. One family detailis not available.

As given in the (Figure 6.1.2) age of the affected family members, one of the affected family having members of the age 65, 52 and 27 respectively. Table 6.1.3 shows that the marital status of the affected family members two of them are married and one of the members is unmarried and one affected family’s information is not yet get. Educational qualification of the affected family members are shown in the table 6.1.4, two of the members are graduated and one person completed B.tech

Figure (6.1.1)


4 Others

3 Muslim No. Families

2 Hindu

1 Christian

0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


Table (6.1.1)

Social Group No. of Families

SC 0



None 1

Total 2

Table (6.1.2)

Type of Family No. of Families

Joint Family 0 Nuclear Family 1 Individual 0 No information 1 Total 2

Figure (6.1.2)


6 58 to 68

5 48 to 58

4 38 to 48

3 28 to 38 members

2 18 to 28

1 Below 18

0 0.5 1

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


Table (6.1.3)

Marital Status No.of Persons Married 2 Unmarried 1 Widow/Widower 0 Separated 0 No information (family) 1 Total 4


Education Illiterate









Other Professional Courses

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


6.2 Income and poverty levels Income level of the affected family is 40,000 INR per month. Out of two affected families’only one family is residing in the affected area so information regarding another affected family is not available. While the affected family have only one earning member and she contributes to the family income. The average No. of Dependents in the family is two(2). Affected family do not have ration card. 6.3 Vulnerable groups The proposed project covers an area of 50 cent land in Muthuthala Panchayath, Palakkad District. Though major aspects of Human Development Index such as education, income, health etc. are found to be positive. One of the affected family member has the age of 65 so it would require special attention while implementing the project.

6.4 Land use and livelihood

The affected land is recorded as “Nilam” The project area covers agriculture land. So paddy and tapioca are the Major crops so almost 50 cent of farming land will be impacted (currently there is no farming). Besides the impact on farming, Five Coconut trees in the area have to cut down for the project. The land owner gets income from the farming activities.

6.5 Local economic activities Project area is a rural village in Palakkad District so agriculture and related activities are the major local economical activities.

6.6 Factors that contribute to local livelihoods Education levels of the project affected families are high and majority of them are employed with government and private organisations. Some of the villagers

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad

31 are working in abroad and it also a major contribute to local livelihood. Further, yield from coconut trees and paddy also constitutes income sources of the families. 6.7 Kinship patterns and social and cultural organization As observed by the expert team of SIA, people generally live in harmony and work together for the development of the region. To render school education, cooperative bank, government school and Neethi lab are functioning in the project area. The region also has different clubs and associations to promote sports, art, reading etc. among community. 6.8 Administrative organization MuthuthalaPanchayat office and Pattambi Cooperative bank Office, are the major administrative organisations present in the project area.

6.9 Political organization No political organisation is observed to be located in the vicinity of the proposed project location. 6.10 Community based and civil society organizations Though the project area has presence of all major religions, Hinduism is the dominant religion and Muslim community is also there. No such religious institutions were affecting in the proposed project.

6.11 Regional dynamics and historical change processes Muthuthala is a rural village in Palakkad district, placed between the Taluk Head Quarters- Pattambi and Muthuthala town. Located in the banks of River , the region was known for farming especially for paddy and coconut. The real estate boom in the year 2008-2014 and poor cost efficiency in the agro-sector resulted in the land being used for residential and commercial

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad

32 purposes. The migration of natives to foreign countries especially in Middle East and resulting rise in household income inflated this phenomenon. No major negative impact could be found regarding the regional dynamics and historical change process. 6.12 Quality of the living environment Major population in the project area live Above Poverty Line with access to facilities such as Schools, Hospitals, Civil Organisations, Social Groups etc. Due to its close access with Pattambi, one of the largest city in Palakkad district, the facilities in the city are also being used widely for tertiary care hospitals, higher education etc. The distance to major railway station is estimated at 8.4 KMs.

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


Chapter 7 Social Impact Management

7.1 Approach to mitigation To assess the mitigation, the expert research team of SIA Unit has adopted an approach that is spanned in three phases. In the first phase, a physical observation of the area was held and conducted a pilot study to understand major risks and opportunities involved with the project. Through a structured questionnaire, detailed dynamics of risks of each affected person is collected and analysed. Further, to understand generic and common risks involved with the project, in-depth interviews were held with selected key persons and stakeholders of the project. Public hearing conducting on 13.10.2019 for a comprehensive measurement of risk and to mitigate it in the third phase.

7.2 Measures to avoid, mitigate and compensate impact The proposed construction of primary health centre at Muthuthala is planned by the requiring body by minimising the risk in the most possible manner. No residential building will be affected and no major farming lands are being used for the project. However, two families will be adversely affected and the following measures may be taken to avoid, mitigate and compensate impact.

The Rehabilitation and Resettlement package as per the Policy issued by Revenue(B) Department, Government of Kerala vide G.O.(Ms)No.448/2017/RD dated 29/12/2017 for the rehabilitation and resettlement package for land acquisition in the state in lieu of RFCTLARR Act 2013 shall be provided to the affected land owners. Reinstall common facilities and way to residential/ other properties which are expected to affect due to the implementation of the project.

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


Distribute sapling and take initiatives to replant trees which will be lost due to the project Recreate livelihood opportunities of the affected persons whose dependence on the affected area is crucial for the means of future income Safety of the people while constructing the road and healthy disposal of wastages arise out of construction should be ensured.

7.3 Measures that are included in terms of Rehabilitation and Resettlement and Compensation as outlined in the Act The Rehabilitation and Resettlement package as per the Policy issued by Revenue(B) Department, Government of Kerala vide G.O.(Ms)No.448/2017/RD dated 29/12/2017 for the rehabilitation and resettlement package for land acquisition in the state in lieu of RFCTLARR Act 2013 shall be provided to the affected land owners.

7.4 Measures that the Requiring Body has stated it will introduce in the project proposal Measures stated by the requiring body in the project proposal as sufficient fund has been reserved as compensation. 7.5 Alterations to project design and additional measures that may be required to address the extend and intensity of impacts across various groups as identified during SIA

Not Applicable

7.6 Detailed Mitigation Plan including detailed activities to be carried out for each mitigation strategy, timelines for each mitigation strategy The Rehabilitation and Resettlement package as per the Policy issued by Revenue(B) Department, Government of Kerala vide G.O.(Ms)No.448/2017/RD dated 29/12/2017 for the rehabilitation and

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35 resettlement package for land acquisition in the state in lieu of RFCTLARR Act 2013 shall be provided to the affected land owners.

Table (7.6)

SL.No. Mitigation Strategy Activities

1 Compensation and Assessing the impact Resettlement Calculation of Compensation Transfer of land and Disbursement of Compensation 2 Recreation of Common Construction of common facilities Facilities along with road widening 3 Livelihood Impact Reinstall livelihood opportunities for Mitigation the affected person whose dependency on the affected area is vital for his/her future earning 4 Environmental Mitigation Distribute sapling and take initiatives to replant trees which will be lost due to the project 5 Mitigation to ensure Implement safety measures and safety and continuous develop plan of action for the transportation undisrupted transportation and to dispose construction wastages

7.7 The SIA plan indicating which measures the Requiring Body has committed to undertake and those that have been proposed, but not committed to be undertaken by the Requiring Body

Not Applicable

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


Chapter 8 Social Impact Management Plan Institutional Framework

8.1 Description of institutional structures and key person responsible for each mitigation measures The project of construction of primary health centre at muthuthala, Palakkad district is proposed by Muthuthala Grama Panchayat, Government of Kerala has appointed various key persons through formal order with clear roles and responsibilities in accordance with the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Resettlement and Rehabilitation (RFCTLARR) Act, 2013.

RTFCTLARR Act, 2013 defines the Administrator appointed by the State Government would be the person responsible for Preparation of Rehabilitation and Resettlement Scheme for affected families of Land Acquisition. Subject to the superintendence, directions and control of the appropriate Government and the Commissioner for Rehabilitation and Resettlement, the formulation, execution and monitoring of the Rehabilitation & Resettlement Scheme shall vest in the Administrator.

As per G.O. (Ms) No.485/2015/RD, dated 23/09/2015, The Kerala State Policy for Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, the District Level Fair Compensation, Resettlement and Resettlement Committee comprising :

District Collector, Administrator for resettlement and rehabilitation, Land Acquisition officer Finance Officer Representatives of the requiring body to take financial decisions on its behalf,

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


Representatives of Local Self Government Institution will monitor the Rehabilitation Action Plan 8.2 Specify role of Non-Governmental Organizations Not Applicable

8.3 Indicate capacities required and capacity building plan, including technical assistance if any Muthuthala Grama Panchayat will finalise the resources and capacities.

8.4 Timelines for each activity Timeline will be finalized as per the Kerala Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Rules, 2015.

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


Chapter 9 Social Impact Management Plan Budget and Financing of Mitigation Plan

9.1 Costs of all resettlement and rehabilitation costs Through GO (Rt) 319/2019LSGD dated 14.02.2019, principle approval was given and sanctioned 15 Lacks for the land acquisition and rehabilitationof the construction of primary health centre at Muthuthala 9.2 Annual budget and plan of action Not Applicable 9.3 Funding sources with break up Not Applicable

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


Chapter 10 Social Impact Management Plan Monitoring and Evaluation

10.1 Key monitoring and evaluative indicators Muthuthala Primary Health centre project will affect2 families. The key monitoring and evaluative indicators are

Fair compensation and resettlement measures as per RFCTLAAR Act, 2013 Timely disbursement of funds to the affected families Implementation of the proposed project in the timeframe defined Safety and environmental measures Recreate livelihood opportunities if any

10.2 Reporting mechanisms and monitoring roles Rehabilitation and Resettlement procedures as stated in the Kerala Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Rules 2015 will be applicable.

10.3 Plan for independent evaluation Not Applicable

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


Chapter 11 Analysis of Costs and Benefits and Recommendation on Acquisition

11.1 Final conclusions on assessment of public purpose, less displacing alternatives, minimum requirements of land, the nature and intensity of social impacts, and viable mitigation measures will address costs The primary health centre (PHC) is the basic structural and functional unit of the public health services in developing countries, to provide accessible, affordable and available primary health care to people. The major goals or the principals of the Primary Health Centres are to reducing exclusion and social disparities in health, to organizing health services around people’s needs and expectations, to integrating health into all sectors, to perusing collaborative model of policy dialogue, health work force developments and community participation.

The Indian Constitution makes the provision of healthcare in India the responsibility of the state governments, rather than the central federal government. It makes every state responsible for "raising the level of nutrition and the standard of living of its people and the improvement of public health as among its primary duties". Muthuthala Panchayat already has a Primary Health Centre but that is working in a rented building. The limited facilities are the major barrier of the existing hospital. Muthuthala village needed a primary health centre with good infrastructure. Muthuthala Panchayath has proposed to construct a new primary health centre at Mututhala Village Block Number 195/3. Acquisition about 50 cent land in the Pattambi taluk in Muthuthala village is required for the construction of primary health centre.

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


With the current land mapping done for the project, no residential buildings are expected to be affected and hence need not consider any displacing alternative. But 50cent of farm land will be affecting and fair compensation will be suitable enough to mitigate the impact.

The nature of impacts varies from one to another. While loss of agricultural land is understood to be the major impact, loss of livelihood opportunities due to loss of various crops should also be categorised into negative impact. Fair compensation based on RFCTLAAR Act, 2013 and environmental measures to replant tress are expected to be the major mitigation measures. Further, the affected persons in general are very positive on the proposed primary health centre at Muthuthala.

11.2 The above analysis will use the equity principle as a framework of analysis for presenting a final recommendation on whether the acquisition should go through or not. Based on the analysis and assessment of the positive and negative impacts of the project of primary health centre Muthuthala, SIA Team recommends the project to implement with the existing land mapping and acquisition plans. The project is expected to improve quality of living in the region especially on Health and the same is empathised by the affected persons despite the negative impact the project leaves. The following are recommended to mitigate the impact The Rehabilitation and Resettlement package as per the Policy issued by Revenue(B) Department, Government of Kerala vide G.O.(Ms)No.448/2017/RD dated 29/12/2017 for the rehabilitation and resettlement package for land acquisition in the state in lieu of RFCTLARR Act 2013 shall be provided to the affected land owners.

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad


Reinstall common facilities and way to residential/ other properties which are expected to affect due to the implementation of the project. Distribute sapling and take initiatives to replant trees which will be lost due to the project. Recreate livelihood opportunities of the affected persons whose dependence on the affected area is crucial for the means of future income Safety of the people while constructing the road and healthy disposal of wastages arise out of construction should be ensured.

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad



1. The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 2. Rehabilitation and Resettlement Package for acquisition of Land in the State in lieu of RCFTLAAR Act, 2013 G.O. (Ms) No. 448/2017/RD dated 20/12/2017 3. Muthuthala Grama PanchayatPadhathirekha 2016-18 4. Muthuthala Grama panchayat five year plan booklet 2017-2022

Land Acquisition for Construction of Primary Health Centre at Muthuthala, Pattambi, Palakkad