Ocr ANC Asks Businesses to Prepare to Invest ND Official Warns Of

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Ocr ANC Asks Businesses to Prepare to Invest ND Official Warns Of i o c r The Observer 184 2 1992 * ------------ SESQUlCf NTf NNIAl Saint Maryls College The Observer NOTRE DAME- INDIANA VOL. XXIV NO. 32 TUESDAY , OCTOBER 8, 1991 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S ANC asks businesses to prepare to invest By MONICA YANT Africa is instability. “There is News Editor conflict still going on, there is an uncertainty about the fu­ ture;” Mbeki said. The corporate world “can and What the new government of should” assist in the transition South Africa must do to quell of South Africa to a post- these fears is produce economic Apartheid government, accord­ policies that positively affect ing to Thabo Mbeki of the social and political policy, thus African National Congress attracting potential investors, (ANC). he said. American businesses need to The timetable for finalizing start investment preparations this democratic government is now, while the transition is still difficult to determine, Mbeki underway, said the ANC’s direc­ admitted. The ANC hopes the tor of international affairs in a constitution-making process press conference yesterday. will begin this year and con­ J.E. Overmeyer, president and clude within one year. CEO of Tokheim Corporation; “We would like it to move Roderick Turner, executive vice forward as quickly as possible,” president of Colgate-Palmolive; Mbeki said. and Father Oliver Williams, as­ In the meantime, American The Observer/Ganr Scwartz sociate provost of the businesses must begin to lay Into the corner pocket! University, joined Mbeki in the the foundations for investment preSs conference at the Center in a post-Apartheid South Paul Gerni played some fancy pool at Theodore's last night. This tricky jump shot is just one of the many for Continuing Education. Africa. The success of invest­ trick shots this master at pool has up his sleeve. All four are participants in a ment is going to depend on three-day conference, “The thorough preparatory work, ANC and New Investment in Mbeki said. Results of FAC election announced South Africa,” sponsored by the “Change is coming to South By ANDY RUNKLE select the remaining 11 posi­ and Maria Capua of Walsh Hall, University. During the confer­ Africa,” Mbeki promised. ence members of the ANC will News Writer tions, according to Travis each receiving more than 50 “ South A frica w ill be a demo­ Reindl, elections coordinator. percent of the•vote, were meet with American business cratic society sooner than later. In nine residence halls, only elected in the general election executives in an attempt to de­ Why not get involved now?" A general election determined one candidate applied for elec­ yesterday to represent their velop a first-ever policy for in­ The economic and business two representatives for the tion. The election was called halls on the FAC, according to vestment in a post-Apartheid climate in South Africa is im­ Freshman Advisory Committee o ff in this case and this candi­ Reindl. South Africa. proving steadily, said Turner (FAC) on Monday. Runoff elec­ date was declared the winner. Eleven other residence halls The basic problem con­ and Overmeyer. As representa- tions will be held Wednesday to Marie Hauck of Farley Hall fronting investment in South see ANC/ page 4 see FROSH / page 4 ND official warns of scholarship-search service fraud By DAVID KINNEY product to potential vendors by campuses or advertisements in brochures on the campus of He recommended that stu­ Associate News Editor direct mail, newspaper and magazines, he said. Notre Dame for “free in­ dents spend their time and ef­ magazine advertisements and Although it is possible that formation for students who fort attempting to secure stu­ A growing number of schol­ hand-outs in grocery store dis­ students “might find a needle in need scholarship money.” dent aid from major sources arship search organizations are play racks, he said. the haystack,” many of the The organization offers to like universities, government appearing across the nation, Virtually anyone can become programs are scams, according match its participants’ qualifi­ agencies and well-recognized but students would be better off a vendor of these information to Russo. “ You’d be better off cations to information gleaned scholarship program s such as looking for aid from other services, Russo said. One adver­ putting a buck in the lottery” from a database of almost the National Merit Scholarship sources, according to Joseph tisement directed toward those than spend time and money on 250,000 scholarship listings for Program. Between 90 and 95 Russo, director of financial aid interested in the venture said these computer searches, he a fee of $49. The company, percent of all student aid comes at Notre Dame. that no experience is necessary. said. which boasts a 95 percent suc­ from these sources, said Russo. Most of these services, ac­ Vendors, who spend hun­ One example of such an o r­ cess rate, “ absolutely guaran­ Students should answer a cording to Russo, are run by dreds of dollars on the soft­ ganization, the National tees to find one scholarship or number of questions before individuals who have purchased ware, solicit the service to stu­ Scholarship Assistance Program m ore.” Russo warned that it is spending money on a search software from a few large or­ dents around the nation (NSAP) based in Florence, KY, possible that the program is a program, he said: ganizations that market the through brochures on college has recently been posting scam. see SCAM / page 6 ND Debate team off to successful start By JENNIFER CLEARY the semifinals of the junior di­ Missouri. Although neither of News Writer vision. Renegar was awarded the two teams advanced, the fifth best speaker of the week­ novice team had a three and The Notre Dame Debate Team end. three preliminary round record. is olT to a successful start under The following weekend the According to MacDonald, St. the direction of new coach Tim novice teams of Faye Kolly and Louis was a more rigorous Mahoney and the assistance of Melinda Balli, Mike Sayer and tournament than any previous former coach Nancy Wallace. Mike MacDonald competed at one. The team has been debating Wheaton College in Illinois. the topic, “Resolved: That U.S. Sayer and MacDonald were The varsity team of Renegar colleges and universities have awarded a second place trophy and Matt Salzman plan to de­ inappropriately altered educa­ for their efforts. MacDonald bate next weekend in Emporia, tional practices to address is­ said, “This has been a learning Kansas. Mahoney said he is sues of race and gender.” year- the novice teams are confident the two will perform According to novice Mike growing by leaps and bounds.” well due to their experience Sayer the team has responded While the novices were at and success debating together well to the new coach. Wheaton, the varsity team of last year. “Although he is only supposed Renegar and Mark Escheveste to work part-time, he devotes debated at the University of The team will close the all of his time to us,” said Sayer. South Carolina. The two ad­ semester with a tournament in “ I’m really proud of the team vanced to the quarterfinals be­ Ohio after fall break. Renegar and especially the performance fore falling to an undefeated said the team is excited to of the novices," said Mahoney. team from northwest Louisiana. “switch to a new, less esoteric The varsity team of juniors Renegar was named top topic, rejuvenate and form Val Renegar and Tim Calmeyn speaker of the tournament. fresh ideas.” According to represented ND at a tourna­ According to Renegar, “ It was a Renegar the team is more spir­ ment Sept. 21-22 at the shock...It was the first time any ited and dedicated this year and The Obeerver/Jody Beilis University of Northern Iowa. Notre Dame varsity debater got is increasingly aware that Shape to perfection! the award. ” “debate is perhaps the greatest They earned third place after Senior Mary Beth Irvin puts the finishing touches on her ceramic This past weekend the debate game, an intellectual game of falling to the University of pot she has been making in the Riley Hall of Art and Design. Missouri, Kansas City team in team travelled to St. Louis, w it." page 2 The Observer Tuesday, October 8, 1991 INSIDE COLUMN FORECAST: W F A T H F R R F P O R T Forecast for noon, Tuesday, October Sunny, breezy and V V L- r V 1 * ,L - 1 1 1 1L-* V-/l 1 1 Unesshow high temperatures. v warmer today. Don’t let a job Highs in the lower 60s. Lows in the upper 40s. become an Increasing cloudiness and obsession cool tonight. TEMPERATURES: I think I’ve figured out what happened. City When I first joined The Athens Atlanta Observer my freshman Berlin year, I thought it was the Boston best job on the planet. I Chicago Dallas Ft Worth was determined to out- Denver write and out-edit Detroit everyone else that ever Honolulu Paul Rearson Houston has been or ever would Indianapolis be. I wanted to become a London Assistant News Los Angeles legend in Observer lore. Madrid And, besides, it was fun. Miami Beach Moscow However, as time passed, this newspaper New Orleans became less of a job and more of an obses­ New York sion. By now, my ju n io r year, I was in a work- Pans Philadelphia sleep-class-work-sleep-class rut (with the Cold front TTj Showers jPt Thunderstorms Rome occasional “eat” and “drink” thrown in where HHfh pressure St. Louis Warm front San Francisco they would fit).
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