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Edition 1/14 news International Workers and Amateurs in Sports Confederation


1913 – 2013 5 100 years CSIT

Österreichische Post AG / Sponsoring.Post, Zulassungsnr. 09Z038123S - Retouren an Postfach 555, 1008 Wien Sport, Peace and Development International Worker Sport 1913–2013

Sport is a fascinating social phenomenon in Festschrift book describes the 100 years This book is a necessary read not only for society. Sport is seen to play an important development, the current state and the the members of the CSIT but also for eve- role as a promoter for peace and social in- future international sports partnerships of ryone interested in the multidimensional tegration in different geographical, cultural the International Workers and Amateurs in functions of sport in society. and political contexts. Has sport prevented Sports Confederation (CSIT). It also predicts conflicts and tensions? The answer is no, that women might be the future of sport. “Sport, Peace and Development - Inter- because it is not sport that can do so; it is This book tells us how and why the world national Worker Sport, 1913 - 2013” us, writes Dr. Marion Keim, Professor at organization having more than 208 million Editor Olin Kalevi the University of the Western Cape and an registered clients and members in 44 mem- published by CSIT Advocate of the High Court of South Africa. ber organizations from 34 countries has edition Sportverlag Worker sport movements are a part of the grown to a player in sport for all movement ISBN 978-3-9503593-1-2 above mentioned social phenomenon. This in Europe, Americas, Africa and Far East. price EUR 25,– Sport, news | Editorial Peace „I want to thank my Belgian friends for a perfect organization of our 100 years CSIT anniversary and rd and my Bulgarian friends for remarkable 3 CSIT World Sports Games and all my other CSIT Development friends for the big support. – All the best for 2014!“ International Worker Sport

1913–2013 ear Friends in CSIT, D 1913 – 2013” was certainly one of the high- The highlights of the 100 years celebra- 2013 will remain in the history of CSIT as lights during the centenary celebrations in tions took place in the cities of Brussels and one of the most remarkable due to several Belgium in October 2013. Prof. Kalevi Olin Ghent. I was proud to welcome also high occasions and facts. Already in June more has together with 7 international and well- representatives of International Sports than 3.000 athletes and delegates traveled known authors written the history of our Organizations and Universities in the CSIT to the beautiful City of Varna in Bulgaria in movement; the CSIT office together with family. AFSTB-President Yves Richard order to meet international colleagues and Art Director Jose Coll in Vienna has finally and FROS-President Pierre Janssens and teams in the diverse sport competitions or made it a piece of art in terms of design, their highly qualified teams have carefully simply to participate in the 3rd CSIT World layout and illustration. Many thanks and worked out a well balanced program; offi- Sports Games as a friendly follower. congratulations to all the voluntary writers cial receptions in the town-halls, scientific The expectations that had been put on and the editorial board, too. and historical speeches, videos and exhi- “BWF Sport & Health” President Dessie Blankenberge, a Belgian City on the bitions combined with cultural excursions Yagodin and her experienced team were coastline was the gathering point for more and great moments of hospitality. Please met on a very high degree of satisfaction; than 120 international delegates during the read the whole story about the celebration the Games have been evaluated carefully Extraordinary Congress 2013. A continua- week inside this CSIT News. and the result can be summarized as an tion of the strategic development process Great respect and numerous congratu- exceptional one. A great thank you and and a simplification of our structures were lations were brought to both unions for congratulations to all persons involved in the highlights besides all the important organizing “the best CSIT Congress ever”. the services of planning and organization. reports on the work of the past year. Our All persons present will never forget this The 4th edition of the Games will lead the dear friend from Brazil, Prof. Rui Campos exceptional week in Belgium, those, who international teams in 2015 to the North- do Nascimento announced that due to his were absent or hindered, missed a great Italian City of Lignano or to the American new professional life a continuation of the week of friendship, respect and collabo- continent; the City of Cancun in Mexico. demanding work as CSIT Sports Director ration, the core values of CSIT uniting us Read more about the two candidatures has become impossible. With standing since 100 years. brought in by AICS and President Molea ovations he resigned from all his positions and INDET together with the Congreso del in CSIT. We wish Rui all the best in private Trabajo by Prof. Meza and Vice-President and in business life, who has - next to un- Cordially Ojeda inside the magazine. forgettable championships in Brazil - de- The publication of the CSIT Festschrift livered high class service to the CSIT for Harald Bauer Book “Sport, Peace and Development, nearly 20 years. President

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Editorial 3rd CSIT 3 23 World Sports Games

CONTENT 2013 – the year of the 4 24 best World Sports Games

CSIT 100th Anniversary of Labour New CSIT Sport – HAndball 5Sports International AND ITS 27 Kick-off in Austria 2014 extraordinary Congress Seniors in 3rd CSIT CSIT Extraordinary Congress 2013 28 World Sports Games 8Blankenberge The 33rd Edition of the SPORTIADA Henk Bouchoms follows Rui Campos 30 Eilat/Israel 10 as CSIT-Sports Director October 1st – 5th, 2013

Cancun and LignanO AUTO-arbitration 11 Candidate Cities for 32 not only in soccer 7 a-side CSIT World Sports Games 2015 A.I.C.S. organized INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS 34 THE “VERDE-AZZURRO” EVENT 12 2013 – a very active year of CSIT IN CERVIA

100 years CSIT Inatel & THE Olympic 15 1913 – 2013 34 Committee of Portugal

Editoral Director: Raimund Fabi, F.A.B.I. Medienagentur • Contributors: Yves Richard, Wolfgang Burghardt, Henk Bouchoms, Harald Bauer, Sirpa Paatero, Melanie Erasim, Raimund Fabi, Slavi Borisov, Palle Thomsen, Avigdor Dagon, Antoine Aubry, Andrea Cecinelli, Álvaro Carneiro • Translation: Edith Fabi • Production Agency: SHW – Stephan Hiegetsberger Werbegrafik-Design GmbH • Printed in 4020 Linz, Austria • Cover Image: World Sports Games (BWF) Contact Details: CSIT-Office, 1230 Vienna, Steinergasse ­12, Austria; Phone: +43 1 869 32 45-20; Fax: +43 1 869 32 45-28; E-Mail: 12 32 [email protected]; Internet:

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CSIT 100th Anniversary of Labour Sports International and its extraordinary Congress

by Yves Richard – AFSTB The highlight of the year 2013 for CSIT was certainly the 100th anniversary of the foundation of Labour Sports International in Belgium. The creation of the movement was a reaction at times when workers, day labourers and farmers had no right to practice sports.

he pioneers of Labour Sports Confederation. Then in 2011 Sports International did at the Congress in Rio de Janeiro, the not want to do any ordi- name was changed into International nary sport, they desired Workers and Amateurs in Sports to do physical activities on Confederation. Ta regular, educative and social basis. They proclaimed that sport is a cultural CSIT ExCom and social activity infused with science Blankenberge and engineering. Sport has to shape the human being in all its dimensions, To commemorate the centenary, an by joining the cultural activities, evoke extraordinary Congress was organ- his creating initiative and contribute to ised in Belgium from Oct. 13-19, 2013 form the conscious and responsible in Blankenberge, Brussels and Ghent. citizen that the world needs. AFSTB (Association Francophone International Workers Sport was du Sport Travailliste Belge), repre- officially established in Ghent on May sented by its President Yves Richard, 10th 1913, under the name “Labour and FROS (Amateursportfederatie), Sports International”. After World represented by its President Pierre War I it was newly founded in Lucerne Janssens, joined their forces to or- (Switzerland), on September 13th and ganise this historical event. 14th 1920, and then again after World Already in 2009 when the young War II in Brussels, on May 30th and president of AFSTB travelled to May 31st 1946. Belgium was always a Vilnius (Lithuania) to attend his first moving spirit for the initiative. CSIT Congress, he had the idea in In 1993 at the Congress in Eilat mind to suggest the organisation of (Israel) the movement adopted the this event to CSIT President Harald new name International Labour Bauer.

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unions from 4 continents have met. It was only missing Jeanneke-Pis. started with the ExCom meeting and After a short city-walk with music Two years later at the Congress Technical Commissions meeting and to the grand-place, the most beautiful in Rio, Yves Richard is co-opted to both registered a record participation. place in the world, all the participants the CSIT ExCom and is entrusted to At the extraordinary Congress a had lunch in the beautiful Hôtel de organise the festival for the 100th an- very positive atmosphere was percep- Ville (town-hall). In the afternoon the niversary of International Workers tible. All the delegations could contrib- academic conference took place in Sport. At the same Congress in 2011, ute to the articles and the structures the wonderful gothic hall of the Hôtel FROS is welcomed inside the big CSIT of the Confederation but also to the de Ville: remarkable speeches and family. prearrangements for the future inter- videos of the history of International This is the beginning of a very national sport organisations. Workers Sport and also the pres- nice cooperation of the two small entation of the festschrift book for Belgian federations, which did not 100 Years CSIT 100th anniversary “Sport, peace and meet before, preparing together development“ (International Workers this challenging event. During two The two festival days for the 100th Sport 1913-2013) by Professor Kalevi following there were years lots of anniversary started first in Brussels OLIN have delighted the audience. meetings, many journeys, countless on Thursday, Oct. 17th 2013, and con- After an aperitif with the emails and phone calls, searching tinued in Ghent on Friday, Oct. 18th, Bourgmestre (mayor) of Brussels, the for funds, putting together a team of 2013. gala dinner was served in a restaurant volunteers… at the Grand Place and accompanied This meant a lot of stress, some Brussels: by music appreciated by all guests. uncertainties in the last days, but The day in Brussels begun with a also an excellent relationship within visit of the monument symbolising Ghent: the two Belgian unions during the the European capital: the ATOMIUM. This special day started with a whole project. By the way the same Then we were welcomed by the visit of the VOORUIT. The historical excellent collaboration existed with Order of Manneken-Pis, accompanied place, where the CSIT was founded the CSIT. by the band and the guards of the City in 1913. Nowadays the Vooruit is a During this very special week more of Brussels, an unforgettable moment cultural center where documents than 100 delegates of 25 different of typical Brussels folklore. There and video archives are shown to the

6 | CSITnews public. During the whole morning an this event are “move together” and atmosphere reigned which was full “share”. of emotions. Specially the presence The joy to meet friends, to estab- of Mrs. Berthe Devlieger, the 99-year lish new contacts with other unions, old daughter of Jules Devlieger, who to exchange opinions in a very positive revived Labour Sports International in atmosphere and the wish to get more 1919 after World War I. Mrs. Devlieger involved to strengthen the was on occasion specially honoured contacts were perceptible. by CSIT President Harald Bauer. At the beginning of a new During the following reception in century for the CSIT, the de- the Hôtel de Ville of Ghent, President sire to meet, to exchange opin- Harald Bauer described the per- ions is stronger than ever. We spectives for the future of CSIT and should not forget that sport is handed over the medal “CSIT 100th first a human activity and than anniversary” to every participant. a physical activity. We should Following a nice boat-trip on the bear this in mind and we wish canals of the city, the festival ended CSIT a long life! with a sumptuous dinner, a convivial atmosphere where friends met and where presents were handed over. All participants seemed to have appreciated the contents and the planning of this historic CSIT event. The Belgians with their heartily wel- come did obviously their utmost so the memories will stay for a long time in the hearts of all who attended this extraordinary event. At the end of this meeting we can confirm that the key-words of

CSIT president Harald Bauer, FROS president Pierre Janssens and AFSTB president Yves Richard in front of the birthday cake (made of Belgian chocolate).

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CSIT Extraordinary Congress 2013 Blankenberge by Wolfgang Burghardt - General Secretary

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary celebration of CSIT an Extraordinary Congress took place in the Hotel Floreal in Blankenberge at the Belgian coast.

he Belgian and Flemish Future hosts AFSTB President CSIT World Yves Richard and FROS Sports Games President Pierre Janssens welcomed representa- Ttives of forty CSIT member unions After the presentation of the and countries. Sports Calendar 2014 with intended New CSIT single championships in , Members CSIT World Chess, Handball, Beachvolleyball, Sports Games 2013 Petanque, and , The Congress welcomed two both applicants for the 2015 World new organizations from Africa. The The highlight in summer 2013 Sports Games held their presenta- Organisation Nationale Rwandaise from a sporting perspective were tions; Cancun in Mexico and Lignano Culture, Sport et Travail (ARPST) as indeed the CSIT World Sports Games in Italy. well as the Association Nationale in Varna / Bulgaria. Extensive re- The awarding of the games will be Sportive Travailliste du Cameroun ports and analysis by Vice President made and finally announced – after (ANASTCAM) received the CSIT Desislava Yagodin as Bulgarian an evaluation of the CSIT Working Candidate Membership status. organizer as well as CSIT Sports Group World Sports Games on both Director Campos were presented; not locations – within the framework of Cooperation only results were discussed, but also the next Executive Committee meet- Partners recommendations for improvements ing in March 2014. of this CSIT major event. Noteworthy For 2017 several member unions CSIT cooperation partner the is the decision to invite all age catego- have shown their interest in host- university “AISTS (Académie inter- ries of athletes to future World Sports ing the CSIT World Sports Games. nationale des sciences et techniques Games 2015 / 2017 / 2019. Within the Applications for 2017 or 2019 are still du sport) presented the results of the framework of the Varna – Games possible! Interested organizers for project according to the topic “Setting also elections of the Technical Sports 2017 or 2019 are called to contact the grounds for a strategic plan”, Commissions took place and the new the CSIT Office via [email protected], which has been supported by the IOC. sporting leaders were confirmed by or phone +43 1 869 32 45 20, fax Profound analysis and recommenda- the Congress. + 43 1 869 32 45 28. tions of those specialists regarding

8 | CSITnews the CSIT and its member unions services to Sports Director Rui Festschrift should support to establish the stra- Campos from Brazil, who had to re- Anniversary tegic plan for the 21st century. sign for professional purposes. Book In June a memorandum of under- standing with ENGSO (European Non- New Executive Governmental Sports Organisation), Committee In view of the 100 anniversary cel- one of the most important organiza- Members ebration President Harald Bauer in- tions in the European Sports for All formed about the production details – Movement has been signed by Vice As Mr. Campos’ successor and of the CSIT Festschrift Anniversary President Sirpa Paatero in Belgrade. new co-opted Executive Committee Book “Sport, Peace & Development”, In July a cooperation agreement with Member the former Karate Technical that was officially presented by Prof. FICEP (Fédération Internationale Commission’s chair Henk Bouchoms Kalevi Olin during the festivities in Catholique d’Education Physique (NCS) from the Netherlands was con- the town hall of Brussels. Graphic et Sportive) was signed by both firmed, as successor of Vice President design, layout and illustration were Presidents - Bauer and Hauer - in Olivier Comont (FSGT) and new co- made in collaboration with the “Styria Vienna. opted member Mrs. Emmanuelle Media Group” in Austria. Bonnet Oulaldj (FSGT). Versions in English as well as in Decoration French of this 160 pages book with and Honorary Articles of CSIT historical pictures and impressing Awa r ds stories of our movement can be or- Also the articles were adapted with dered electronically for 25,00 Euros This year the honour (silver pin) the objective targets simplification, per book (excl. shipping costs) at rendered for services in the field avoidance of duality, clarification and ­[email protected]. of the international workers sports the implementation of the Congress movement was presented to Réne 2011 decisions (Rio de Janeiro) as Finally the total relaunch of the Moustard (FSGT), Wolfgang Boehm re-organization and restructuring of CSIT Website has been introduced. (ASKÖ), Moncef Bartegi (ONCST), the CSIT. Furthermore mentionable Further actual information about Hannu Kiminkinen (TUL) and in gold is the adjustment of the financial sec- CSIT and all partners and supporters for long-term and extraordinary tion of the articles. can be found on

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During the extra­ordinary congress of CSIT in Blanken­berge/Belgium NCS-representative Henk Bouchoms from Holland was nominated as new CSIT Sports Director. Henk

Bouchoms Henk Bouchoms – CSIT Sports Director follows Rui Campos as CSIT-Sports Director

ui Campos couldn’t ful- advantages of the newly introduced fil his task for CSIT any system, people will like it for sure. It more and resigned due will make the work of the TCs more to his work at the Sport powerful and provide CSIT neces- Ministry in Brazil and his sary information about progress, Rstudy. challenges and problems in each TC. Henk Bouchoms knows CSIT for Knowledge will give us the chance to many years and was active in the act and correct and being prepared to TC Karate until 2013. During the the challenging future of CSIT.” Honouring TC Meeting in Blankenberge Henk First concrete action is already and presented his approach and plans to made at the moment by filling the Taking leave all representatives of the technical empty positions in the Technical commissions. His professional skills Commissions. “We call all full mem- of Sports in the field of quality and project man- bers of CSIT to bring up candidates Director Rui agement will help him a lot. who will become active and work Campos Henk will manage the TCs by pav- together in good harmony to pro- ing the path by a clear structure, a vide CSIT brilliant Championships. Rui Campos of the Brazilian CSIT mem- new style for the TCs and at the end Participants of Championships are the ber union SESI worked for 18 years for the big advantages for all. Meetings on best tools of advertising about CSIT in CSIT. Last five years as Sports Director a more regular basis of all TC mem- telling their fellow sportsmen to par- and in this function he was the chairman of bers, more time together, higher ticipate in the next edition of the CSIT the Technical Commissions of the different quality of communication, common Championships and the World Sports sports. Since 2012 Rui Campos is working goals and regular information. Games”, so the new Sports Director. full-time for the Brazilian Sport Ministry “We need to serve the amateur Without hesitation Henk Bouchoms and therefore has to terminate its CSIT sport in the best way we can. But the grabs this enormous challenge to functions due to lack of time and much to way of working should not be ama- bring in structure, convince all TCs CSIT´s regret. During the celebrations in teurish at all. Introducing a simple of the advantages and raise the qual- Belgium President Harald Bauer handed system of clear deadlines, action ity of work of CSIT. Henk is realising over to Rui Campos the golden decora- points, reporting moments and shar- that reaching this goal only can be tion to the long-time staff and a memora- ing documents will make the work successful with the help of everyone ble souvenir, a “Original Österreichische quite easy”, so Heck Bouchoms. in CSIT and all affiliated members. It Lederhose” (Austrian leather trousers). “Of course people in the TCs will is really worth to try it. In this game have to get used to this new style of there are only winners. working. Seeing after a while the real

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by Raimund Fabi – CSIT Media Officer Cancun and Lignano – Candidate Cities for CSIT World Sports Games 2015

The CSIT has invited he representatives of AICS- be the basis for a decision to be taken its member unions Italy and INDET-Mexico in the EXCOM-meeting that will be held to present during followed this invitation and in Lappland/FIN at the beginning of the Extraordinary showed their presentations march 2014. Both organisations, AICS Congress in Belgium to the international del- and INDET have already promised to Tegates. The cities of the well-known carefully respect all the paragraphs candi­datures for tourist and sports city Lignano on the of the host contract as well as the th hosting the 4 CSIT Adriatic Coast and the exotic desti- rules and regulations of the technical World Sports Games nation Cancun in the Carribean are sports commissions of the CSIT. in the year 2015. prepared to welcome athletes from For the World Sports Games to be all over the world to participate in the held in 2017 and 2019 Hapoel/Israel, international CSIT championships of LTSA/Latvia and ASKÖ/Austria all kinds of sports. mentionned their serious interest To have a better view on the present to host these future games. CSIT is conditions in the two cities the CSIT looking forward to deliver detailed EXCOM has decided to make and as- information on and the sessment and evaluation visit in Italy CSIT-newsletters at the beginning of and Mexico prior to the decision. CSIT march 2014. Vice-President Dessi Yagodin and new CSIT sports director Hank Bouchoms are in charge to examine facilities and infrastructure, hotels, means of transportation etc. Their reports will

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CSIT met EU Commission‘s Deputy Head of Unit Sport Mr. Pedro Velazquez: Young Leaders Working Group delegate Corina Korner, General Secretary Wolfgang Burghardt, Pedro Velazquez, CSIT President Harald Bauer and Melanie Erasim, CSIT EU projects (left to right)

INTERNATIONAL A FFa irs by Sirpa Paatero, Melanie Erasim, Raimund Fabi 2013 was a very active year for the CSIT. World Sports Games in Bulgaria, 100 years anniversary in Belgium and many meetings with the leaders of other international Sports Organizations. Last year CSIT signed many contracts for future cooperations.

12 | CSITnews CSIT visit at the Cooperation European Union with ENGSO

Since Harald Bauer took over the presidency, the Last summer, ENGSO, the European Non-Governmental CSIT with its member unions is applying for funding Sports Organization and CSIT, International Workers and from European Union programs. Therefore President Amateurs in Sports Confederation, took the first steps of Harald Bauer, General Secretary Wolfgang Burghardt, cooperation. responsible for EU projects, Melanie Erasim and CSIT CSIT, particularly in recent years, has expanded its Young Leaders Working Group delegate Corina Korner networking across both global and European sports or- visited the “European Commission, Unit Sport in ganizations. The most recent evidence is the cooperation Directorate - General for Education & Culture” for talks agreement “Statement of Mutual Understanding”, signed with Commission’s Deputy Head of Unit Sport Mr. Pedro by CSIT Vice-President Sirpa Paatero and ENGSO President Velazquez. The CSIT team also visited the European Birgitta Kervinen at the ENGSO Forum in Belgrade, Serbia, Parliament and had the opportunity to talk to the Austrian in June 2013. Member of the European Parliament Karin Kadenbach This agreement acknowledges common goals to in- (SPE). The delegation also used the visit (May 6th to May crease physical activity and to create equal opportuni- 8th) to discuss the last details for the CSIT Congress and ties. It also agrees on meetings for practical cooperation the CSIT 100th Anniversary Celebration in Blankenberge, and on collaboration for sports lobbying at the European Brussels and Ghent, Oct.13th to 19th 2013, with the Belgian level to, among other things, ensure financing and to keep host unions AFSTB and FROS. sports an important part of the political debate. Common interest can be found in a natural way in MINEPS V: “Berlin “sport for all” and “grassroots sport” activities, which are Declaration” as a mile- already a part of both organizations’ functions. In addi- stone for sport politics tion, opportunities for joint projects should be negotiated in the future. Now that the first meetings have been con- The 5th UNESCO world conference of Ministers and ducted by both sides, plans must be advanced to the level Senior Officials Responsible for Physical Education and of practical operations. Sport “MINEPS V” was held from May 28th to May 30th in ENGSO has a joint office with the European Olympic Berlin. The conference was attended by more than 600 Committees (EOC) in Brussels, where they can be contact- participants from 128 countries: Ministers, senior gov- ed, and from where they can liaise with the Commission ernment officials together with key stakeholders of the and other organizations. sporting world in order to tackle the most pressing chal- Through networking, CSIT also increases own pres- lenges in international sport policies. Opening speeches ence and makes own activities known more widely and were delivered by the German chancellor Angela Merkel thus, possibly, gaining more participants too. and the Director-General of UNESCO Irina Bokova. The three key issues of the conference were 1 - Access to Sport as a Fundamental Right for All, 2 - Promoting Investment in Sport and Physical Education Programs and 3 - Preserving the Integrity of Sport. CSIT was represented by Melanie Erasim, public relation manager of the International Workers and Amateurs in Sports Confederation. Highlight of the conference was the unanimous adoption of the “Berlin Declaration”. It reflects the conclusions of the confer- ence and focuses on the issues mentioned above.

ENGSO President Birgitta Kervinen with CSIT Vice President Sirpa Paatero

CSITnews | 13 EU Sport Forum 2013 in CSIT President Bauer and Vilnius with CSIT Vice Vice-President Thomsen President Sirpa PAATERO attended TAFISA-Congress

The EU Sport Forum 2013 took place in Vilnius in CSIT President Harald Bauer and Vice-President Palle Lithuania on September 30th until October 1st 2013. This Thomsen followed the invitation of TAFISA to attend the forum is organized by the European Commission. It is an 23rd World Congress in Enschede - Netherlands. The par- opportunity for the Commission to inform the sporting ticipation in a meeting with 11 international Sports for All world about its current and future initiatives and to listen Organisations stood in the centre of interest. to their views. It was attended by about 320 delegates. The foundation of a “Global Coalition for an Active The six sessions dealed among other issues with preven- World” should finally bring more political power and tion of and fight against violence and intolerance in sport, influence and also a better promotion for Sport for All the implementation of the new sport development program activities globally. Another purpose of the Coalition is to “Erasmus +” which will start in January 2014, a consulta- increase participation in Sport for All and physical activ- tion on the EU Work Plan for Sport 2011-2014 and future ity, including grassroots sport, worldwide. priorities like the regulation of the transfer of players. European Sports Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou For the very first time representatives of CSIT were received the Jürgen Palm award for constant support invited to the EU sport forum. CSIT Vice President Sirpa of the Sport for All movement worldwide. President Paatero and CSIT EU-Project Coordinator Melanie Bauer used the opportunity to briefly talk to Madame Erasim took the opportunity to establish new contacts Comissioner and introduced CSIT. On that occasion he and to intensify existing ones. Among others they met the handed over the Festschrift book “Sport, Peace and current European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Developement” as well as the Commemorative Medal of Multilingualism, Youth and Sport, Androulla Vassiliou, as CSIT. well as ENGSO President Birgitta Kervinen.

CSIT Vice President Sirpa Paatero and CSIT President Harald Bauer and CSIT EU-Project Coordinator Melanie Vice-President Palle Thomsen handed Erasim at the EU sport forum in Vilnius/ over the Festschrift book “Sport, Peace Lithuania with EU-Commissioner (sports) and Developement” to European Sports Androulla Vassiliou (center) Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou

14 | CSITnews 100 anniversary of CSIT in Belgium were together with the 3rd World Sports Games certainly the highlights of the year 2013. On the next pages you find impressions and moments full of joy in Brussels and Ghent. Enjoy the picture journey.

100 years CSIT 1913 – 2013

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rd Games at a very high level 3 CSIT World Sports Games by Raimund Fabi – CSIT Media Officer

he organisers of the 3rd high and attractive level. We must big challenge and it was not easy to CSIT World Sports Games and will incorporate the experiences organise the games for so many par- in Varna at the Bulgarian gained in Varna in our future Games. ticipants and it was lots of work to Black Sea coast from 2nd I congratulate the organisers on the do in a very short time. We gave our to 9th June 2013, the CSIT execution of the Games. The result best and tried to organise perfect Tmember union “Bulgarian Workers was extremely good.“ games and I think we did a good job. Federation – BWF “Sport and Health” We talked to many of our friends of – in cooperation with the CITUB and BWF „Sport different CSIT member unions. All Varna Municipality, did a real good job and Health” of them were satisfied and we from in arranging the Games. Despite the President BWF „Sport and Health” are satisfied extremely short preparation time of Dessie Yagodin too.” less than one year the Games were a complete success. The organiser union with a big Notwithstanding the Games have team had worked very hard to ex- the amateur status the athletic per- ecute the Games in a perfect way. formances were all at a very high lev- BWF „Sport and Health” President el. The venues for the 3000 athletes Dessie Yagodin was very satisfied and as well as the accommodation for the reported a positive outcome: “It was a 32 participating member unions were excellent, as well as the transport to the venues outside the hotel complex, that worked without any difficulty. The competitions were not only spectated by athletes, also many locals and tourists came to tournaments of the CSIT World Sports Games, which is a very positiv sign.

President Harald Bauer satisfied

CSIT President Harald Bauer compliments the organisers for the realisation: “The 10 years experi- ence in organising the Balkan Games of the Bulgarian member union was perceivable in Varna. The finals in all disciplines have proven that amateur sports can be captivating at a very

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by Media Director Slavi Borisov - Bulgarian Worker’s Federation “Sport and Health” As we are already working on the sports calendar for 2014, with this article for the CSIT news we will take a breath and give ourselves some time to look back with pride to what we, Bulgarian Worker’s Federation “Sport and Health”, achieved during the last 12 months.

n 2013 the Third CSIT World Sports Confederation was facing the Health” settled an effective and fi- Sports Games went a long way real possibility of not taking place at nancially paying organizational mod- from a total failure to an abso- all right at CSIT’s 100-year anniver- el, now the shortened time did not lute success. As after the utterly sary. Ridiculous, right? That is what turn to be catastrophic for our team. untimely resignation from the Bulgarian Worker’s Federation “Sport We calculated that from a logistics IBrazilian federation, SESI, the most and Health” thought and rapidly took point of view, St. Constantine and valuable tradition of the International the organization of this monumental Helena – the Black Sea oasis – would Workers and Amateurs in sports forum in its hands de- not have the capacity for the huge spite the obviously restricted influx of participants, thus for some time period of just 8 months. of the disciplines we used some fa- The ambitious idea, which cilities in Varna like the buildings of started as a “plan B”, actu- Sportpalace and Primorski sports ally grew to a great success complexes, the Palace of the Culture and gathered over 3000 par- and Sports, the Ticha, Spartak and ticipants from 27 countries Mladost stadiums, etc. united under the powerful As a result, the CSIT President influence of sport. Due to Mr. Harald Bauer thanked us for the the accumulated experience “Best World Sports Games”. All the from the Games in 2005 and favorable compliments we received 2007 where BWF “Sport and for the organization of this prestigious

24 | CSITnews event of the calendar of CSIT could replaced the International Worker’s place for three years in a row, this be counted as “full set of medals” Sports Festival in our programme. time the Polish team grabbed the gold for the team of Bulgarian Worker’s From such a monumental event, medals in the complex rankings. Federation “Sport and Health”. We let us move on to our traditional After that it was time the 5th Bank are proud that we faced the chal- annual field competitions - the 9th Field-Day of the employees of United lenge and managed to turn it into International Field-Day of Teachers, Bulgarian Bank. From September 5th something positive, proving the abili- the 5th Bank Field-Day of the employ- to September 8th, the bankers let us ties and potential of our federation. ees of United Bulgarian Bank, the 10 th deal with the numbers and 200 play- We are extremely thankful to all of National Field Event of the employ- ers took part in 5 disciplines – mini the contestants for the unique sports ees in the Water Supply and Drainage football, beach , table ten- fete that they turned into reality. System Sector and the 2nd Field-Day nis, streetball and tug of war. Naturally, the Third CSIT World of Miners. Then from September 9th to Sports Games were the milestone in First on the list, between July 12th September 13th we celebrated the 10 th the 2013 sports calendar of Bulgarian and July 16th the 9th International Anniversary Edition of the National Worker’s Federation “Sport and Field-Day of Teachers was held. Over Field Event of the employees in the Health”. As always, Bansko ski fest 600 contestants left the classrooms, Water Supply and Drainage System (from March 21st to March 24th) deliv- changed their casual style with Sector together with over 900 par- ered a fast-paced competition to star t sportswear and arrived at the Black ticipants. After five days of emotional the year in style. The 87 competitors sea oasis – St. St. Constantine and and tense matches in darts, mini proved that the law on the ski slopes Helena. They competed in 9 differ- football, beach volley, tug of war, dictates: “Always ride as fast as you ent disciplines: mini football, beach , the numbers had their possibly can!” volleyball, table tennis, chess, swim- final say – the defending champions Up next were the Third World ming, streetball, tug of war, darts and Sofia Water PLC were back on top Sports Games of CSIT, which petanque. After finishing in second with 69 points, WSDS Ruse classified

CSITnews | 25 second and WSDS Kurdjali took the this last tournament will maintain Mr. Bauer said. „You did great with bronze medals. After the sweet joy of the tendency for a 30% raise in the this difficult and important task”. the awards ceremony, the Bulgarian number of participants in our events At the Assembly of Technical rock band BTR took the stage and compared to 2012. Commissions, Mrs. Yagodin, who awarded the audience with “Moon In addition, we received invita- is Vice President of CSIT, took the Flower” and a bouquet of their great- tion from China Workers’ Center initiative and focused on some very est hits. Before leaving the stage, the for International Exchange to cast a important subjects from the regula- lead singer Atanas Penev shouted: team of players for the International tions of the World Sports Games. She “See you all again next year!” Worker’s Sports and Culture Festival brought the attention on the issue After the employees in the Water in Beijing from November 26th to of the minimum age for compet- Supply and Drainage System Sector, November 30th. Bulgarian Worker’s ing in the World Sports Games. The it was time for the miners to step on Federation “Sport and Health” will Jewish Organization HAPOEL joined the beaches near Grand Hotel Varna send a group of six contestants, who the discussion, proposing to further for the 2nd Field-Day of Miners. From will compete in the swimming and divide the tournament into „under September 16th to September 20th, tournaments. The invita- 40” and „over 40” age categories. over 350 participants gave the audi- tion from China Workers’ Center Mrs. Yagodin also talked about the ence a lot of reasons to cheer with for International Exchange was ac- lack of contestants in some of the a great deal of tense clashes. In companied by compliments for the disciplines. Mr. Bauer recognized the the end, defending champions Mini organization of the Third CSIT World importance of the problem and pro- Maritsa Iztok won with a record score Sports Games in Varna. “We learned posed to the Presidents of the CSIT of 107 points. Last year they took the a lot from what we saw in Bulgaria’, Technical Commissions to determine gold in the complex rankings with a the Chinese reckoned. a minimum number of contestants total of 99 points. We heard the same kind comments for all the disciplines. As an improvement to our at the Extraordinary CSIT Congress Bulgarian Worker’s Federation sports calendar, we included the in Belgium, which marked the 100th “Sport and Health” is currently 1st National Worker’s Orienteering anniversary of CSIT. Mr. Bauer again focusing its efforts on expanding Championship, which took place paid his compliments to Bulgarian our dynamic sports calendar and from November 1st to November 3rd Worker’s Federation “Sport and in the meantime we are making all in the Sports center near the city of Health” for the organization the the necessary preparations for the Stara Zagora and gave the chance to Third CSIT World Sports Games. 11th International Worker’s Sports compete to over 200 contestants. Our federation was represented Festival. Our main objective for Still to come is the Eleventh at the Congress by its President – 2014 is to further increase the State Worker’s Christmas Futsal Mrs. Desislava Yagodin. “Despite all number of players in our events Tournament from November the obstacles and the insufficient and build on this year’s record of 28th to December 1st in the city of amount of time for the organization, 5000 participants. Blagoevgrad. We are certain that everything was absolutely perfect”,

26 | CSITnews news New CSIT Sport – HAndball Kick-off in Austria 2014 by Wolfgang Burghardt - General Secretary

In 2012 CSIT launched a survey concerning new sports in CSIT as Handball, Badminton, Fistball and Sports Shooting. According to this evaluation on request of the CSIT member unions besides Handball also Badminton as well as Sports Shooting should be implemented into the future CSIT sports program.

s a first step the Austrian February 3rd, 2014; Definitive regis- union as well as to inform and co- CSIT member union tration deadline with the remaining ordinate with your specific national ASKÖ in coordina- payment is April 4th, 2014. Handball Federation. tion with the European Furthermore in case of interest Please find the detailed invitation Handball Federation please save this date within your on A(EHF) is going to organize a Kick-off Handball Tournament in Austria from June 10th to 15th, 2014. Delegations will be welcomed in “Trofaiach”, a town in the so called “Green Heart of Austria”, the federal state Styria, where the event will take place. During the championships – week all the delegates will enjoy a mixture of culture, competition, gourmet and the wonderful landscape of Austria. In order to include this sport into the CSIT a Handball Technical Commission has to be constituted as well. For that reason at least six CSIT Member Unions must be present in Austria. This constituting CSIT meet- ing will be held during the champion- ships, whereas a chairman as well as secretary will be elected. All CSIT full member unions are asked to re- flect about a nomination of a leading specialist. Invited are all CSIT member un- ions as well as company teams and organizations, which are not CSIT members. At any rate championship with at least ten teams are aimed. Please take note that the preliminary registration incl. 50 % prepayment is

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After two fantastic events respectively in Rimini in 2008 and Tallinn in 2010 it was with great excitement all participants were looking forward to the World Sports Games in Varna.

Seniors in 3rd CSIT World Sports Games

by Palle Thomsen – CSIT Vice-President

ill we get an equally about culture and tourism. The spe- good week here! cific practice program was made by Will we meet old the member unions of the different friends again? Will countries. 50 – 60 people, coming we meet new inter- from Austria, Denmark, France, Westing people who love doing sports, Israel, Estonia, Belarus and Finland even though they are about to be well took part in the activities. advanced in years? After a fantastic The participants were seniors and week in Varna, we can only conclude their coaches, instructors and man- that all expectations were met! agers. The program was very various So for the third time we organized and all the activities were directed a program for the seniors. The objec- to recreation and socialization and tives of this meeting were practice not to competition and performance. and discovery of specific physical An exception from this could be the activities, exchanges of experiences, competitions in krolf and cross boc- exchange of knowledge and exchange cia, which was fought bravely – but

28 | CSITnews thankfully still with a smile and a lot of fun. The program contained 11 dif- ferent activities indoor and outdoor. The facilities and surroundings in Grand Hotel Varna were perfect for the activities and all participants en- joyed having an active week together with other active seniors from dif- ferent countries. The program was set up by the CSIT working group for seniors and with Anne – Lise Kooreman from ‘UISP Elderly´ as the coordinator and central person when running the program. As told earlier krolf was played. Krolf is a mix of krocket and golf and to play krolf we need a path, and to make small holes in the lawn around the hotel. The director of the hotel was not particularly fond of this – we could destroy the grass and hit the underground electricity - but with help from the staff holes were made and in the end of the week the director asked us if it was possible to leave the holes, hammers and balls in the hotel. We accepted and now krolf is an offer to the coming guests at Grand Hotel Varna. There is no doubt that the activities for seniors fit well in the World Sports Games. We will now use the time toward the next games to plan new activities to be on the program. The number of seniors is growing in all countries and the seniors like to have high quality in what they do. One of the major challenges will be to make the offer even better and to en- courage more seniors from more countries to participate. Those who do not participate will lose a unique oppor- tunity to participate in something very spe- cial in CSIT!.

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The 33rd Edition of the SPORTIADA Eilat/Israel October 1st – 5th, 2013

by Avigdor Dagon – International Department, HAPOEL - ISRAEL, Honorary Member, CSlT

rd The 33 SPORTIADA mazing 8.700 athletes, in Eilat was representing 200 com- characterized by panies and all active two special facts: members of the HAPOEL The exceptional Sport Association, the Abiggest one in Israel. number of partici- All these participants were hosted pants AND THE in 36 Hotels of different qualities from PRESENCe of 3 to 5 stars, a totaI of 4250 rooms. Harald BAuer. CSIT President Harald Bauer was given the opportunity to read about Eilat & the Israel General New Trade - Union, the HISTADROUT during his flight from the Ben Gourion Airport to Eilat and, upon his arrival, to meet the Mayor of Eilat, Mr. Meir Halevy, who informed him that his biggest ambition is to create in his city an in- ternational sport center, underlining that now, many of the sport facilities in the city are on an Olympic level like the Tennis courts and the mini- football “Begin” Hall.

30 | CSITnews Following the meeting with the Mayor of Eilat, who • Mr. Valentin Illine - President of “ATOM-SPORT”/ offered to our distinguished honorary guest, Mr. Bauer, Russia; a book relating the heroic story of Eilat, an ancient port • Mr. Nikolay SOKOlOV - Representative of the Russian from the king Salomon’s period called Etzion Gaver but Nuclear Trade Union. remained deserted for many centuries, till the refund- A Mini-Football 5 team from “ATOM-SPORT” even par- ing of the State of Israel in 1948, our President assisted ticipated in the SPORTIADA Tournament, on a bilateral to the Opening Ceremony, with the participation of typical exchange basis. lsraeli singers, in the “Sport Hotel” garden. Thousands of All of them enjoyed a guided excursion to Jerusalem spectators appreciated this ceremony with tempestuous And the Dead Sea, the same day Mr. Harald Bauer had to applauses. leave Eilat, back to Austria. Next day, Mr. Harald Bauer had the opportunity to follow A very special musical event called “Lea’s Song” - de- the technical explanations given by the HAPOEL’s General voted to the memory of the SPORTIADA’ Sport Director’s Director & CSIT’s VicePresident, Mr. Yoram Arnstein, who passed wife whose given name was lea - closed the took him to few competitions: Sailing, Netball, Basketball, SPORTIADA 2013. Mini Football 5 & the Tennis courts. Mr. Bauer seemed The CSlT can “ exploit” the capacity of HAPOEL to weil to be well impressed by the intense activity and the good organize big – even international sport events. facilities level. A top moment of his stay in Eilat: the meeting between The teams which participated: the Chairman of the Israel General Trade-Unions, Mr. 1 Mini Football 5 157 teams, youngsters Ofer Eini, a very strong Israeli political personality and 2 42 teams, elders Mr. Harald Bauer, in front of many journalists and photo- 3 Basketball 126 teams, elders graphs who “immortalized” this moment. Mr. Eini prom- 4 24 teams, elders ised Mr. Bauer to intervene to the ITUC (the International 5 32 teams, women Trade-Unions Confederation) in order to encourage the af- 6 Volleyball 16 teams filiated Unions to cooperate and join the CSIT. An exchange 7 Netball (women) 52 teams of souvenirs closed this meeting. 8 Football 11 15 teams rd The 33 Edition of the SPORTIADA was really a big and 9 Tennis 188 participants impressive event, promoted by Mr. Bauer’s presence. 10 Table Tennis 42 teams I take this opportunity to point out the presence of 11 Chess 140 participants few other personalities from abroad who, invited by 12 Swimming 327 participants our Director General, Mr. Yoram Arnstein, honored the 13 Sailing 171 participants SPORTIADA with their presence. They were: 14 Backgammon 168 participants • Mr. Yves Richard (and spouse) - President of the AFSTB/ 15 Bike 165 participants Belgium; 16 Shooting 170 participants • Mr. Gorges Mojescik (and spouse) - President of FFST/ 17 Running – 10 km 100 participants France;

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AUTO-arbitration, not only in soccer 7 a-side

by Antoine Aubry – FSGT

No referee? to facilitate the implementation of Everybody is auto-arbitration. More often an “off- side”, a bigger penalty area and most referee! important: no tackling. And they had success. “When we execute this, 90 uto-arbitration % of the issues disappear”, says an has become more insider. “If a player thinks that he has and more popular been fouled, the foul is committed in soccer 7 a-side, the moment he claims it. If the other which is actually players do not agree, a pause will be Athe most important activity in ordered to find a consensus because terms of adherents inside the “auto” means “by myself “– and it FSGT, and has now turned into does not mean that in soccer 7 a-side one of its showcases. An in- there is no umpire at all, but there are novation, the FSGT was able 14”, as points out Philippe Couvidou, to put forward in its history, national responsible in the federal and which does not only exist Commission soccer 7-a side. And in soccer 7 a-side but also in when the problem cannot be solved? hiking, volleyball, tennis and “It can be solved nearly all the time”, table tennis. Let´s look more says a player. “We come to play, if you detailed at a practice to ref- are discussing 5 minutes concerning eree, more or less assumed, a throw-in, you are losing 5 minutes even in some competitions to play, and nobody wants this”, he of the CSIT … explains. Soccer 7 a-side without referee (more than 25000 In table tennis members) has more and this system is more become a showcase working quite for auto-arbitration inside the FSGT. successful There are lots of discussions and Nevertheless soccer is not the only since 10 years discipline where this system is ap- articles about AUTO-arbitration: plied. In tennis, table tennis, hiking The mentality exists also in tennis A full page in the French journal or even volleyball the same system where auto-arbitration is done most “Le Monde”, a former player in the is used, assumed or not (and more of the time. “It is a tradition. Every French national team as sponta- or less successful depending on the player is responsible for his field. It is neous ambassador, interest coming players or responsible persons). not a speciality of FSGT, it is common from the sector of school sports (PE) Soccer 7-a side, a pioneer in this do- in most of the matches of the FFT and shown in two of its magazines… main, had to make several modifica- (French tennis federation)”, points out tions to classic soccer rules in order Danielle Gozin, CFA Tennis. “If there is

32 | CSITnews an issue concerning a point, we repeat but not at any price.” A statement seems to be “difficult to adopt this the ball. I cannot remember any major which is valid for tennis and table system”. And the solution? Simple difficulties”. An example for the good tennis. “Even if most of the matches and complicated at the same time: practice of auto-arbitration in tennis: are played without a referee, he often change the rules, simplify them as for the 3rd CSIT World Sports Games in arrives when playing ability is higher 7-a side and provide a fundamental Varna in June. Franck Santos, bronze or during the finals. And we should training. In this discipline, the players medal winner, has “not observed any not forget the cheaters, who are “a coming from traditional soccer are incident” during the games he played minority”, says Gilbert Elles, but they constantly supervised and accom- or assisted. A system which has exist however. panied during their acclimatisation. never been contested due to the good “Soccer 7-a side without referee is not behaviour of the players. Same thing “Challenge and auto-arbitration the same activit y as traditional soccer, happens in table tennis. “For many could be combined very well what you so we have to progress in little steps”, years there was an official referee at can perceive particularly in our disci- explains Alexandre Caribone. “Alert every match”, explains Gilbert Elles, pline”, responds a player of 7-a side, the newly arrived, sensitize them and responsible of CFA, “but now we try division of Seine-Saint-Denis, “in our give explanations to the fundamen- to do auto-arbitration since almost 10 district you can observe matches talists… I have many friends who play years and it works quite well.” between “rival” cities, challenging basket-ball and they think that it is matches, and there has never been impossible to adopt auto-arbitration Missing any conflict last season”. Alexandre in their sport. But back in time many challenge – Caribone, division of Bouches-du- soccer players said the same…” Now a problem? Rhône, has the same opinion. you are aware! “Two years ago we have wel- But for some, lack of staff is the comed the final of 7-a side reason for the missing referee. and everything turned out This is true for volley-ball and in very well. Two high-class particular for the division of City of teams, showing an exam- Paris. Officially all matches have to ple of responsibility, had have either a referee or a person of no disagreements at all. the home team who acts as umpire. They have given a good ex- But approximately 50 % of the 4x4 ample and proved that this matches are played in auto-arbitra- system is even applicable tion due to lack of officials. “If there is in a deciding match.“ And an issue, they do negotiate!”, explains the cheaters? A team may Jean Gruez, member of the volleyball refuse the game – without commission of FSGT 75, responsible any consequence for the for referees. But for him it is out of result of the champion- the question to shift to this system ship – if they think the op- for two raisons. First raison is the ponent is not too keen on ignorance of rules. “Every year, there fair-play. is a change in match-deciding rules. So the players do not know any more Many fundamental rules of this sport.” And soccer the second? The challenge, which players also exists in popular sport disci- said the plines… He mentions: “Every point in same… a match may be deciding. We could imagine volley-ball without a referee Auto-arbitration is but then it would not be challeng- certainly possible but ing any more. Some do not have the under certain conditions. reflex or the willing to announce the David Chevau, division of fault, etc. FSGT is leisure competition City of Paris, thinks that and this works when it is structured, in other popular sport especially in terms of arbitration disciplines like handball and rules. Without a challenge it will or basketball with a lot become discouraging if I play to win, of physical contacts it

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A.I.C.S. organized THE “VERDE-AZZURRO” EVENT IN CERVIA by Andrea Cecinelli – AICS The town of Cervia was the Capital of Sport AT the end of Summer with the traditional “Verde-Azzurro” event, organized by A.I.C.S. which awards the Italian Champion Titles of Volleyball, Beach Volley, Basketball, 5 a side football, Athletics, bocce and Burraco Cards Game.

ll this in addition to Only a few Kms away, in the nearby shows, events and meet- Misano Adriatico, the 37th edition of ings of various types. italian artistic skating competition Over 4000 Athletes, was held. coaches and supporters Here the competitions involved all Atook part in this historic sport event, age categories from the beginners to now of great importance to Italian the senior dance competitors in the Sportsmen and Sportswomen. artistic, solo Dance and in line Skating The sport facilities of Cervia and categories. Milano Marittima hosted the national A vast program which included A.I.C.S. Championships of Basketball, about 70 competitions, all open free beach volley, volleyball, 5 a side football, of charge to the public. athletics and Burraco Cards Game.

Inatel Foundation heads the Commission of Sports, Work and Leisure of the Olympic Committee of PortugaL by Álvaro Carneiro – INATEL

The Commission of Sports, Work and Leisure of the Olympic Committee of Portugal took office, on 16 September, at the headquarters of the Olympic Committee of Portugal (OCP), in Lisbon. The Board Member of INATEL Foundation, Mr. Álvaro de Sousa Carneiro, was unanimously elected President of the Commission. Four other personalities of recognized merit and experience in the area of Sports also integrate the Comission, namely Mr. Bruno Barracosa (Federação Académica de Desporto Universitário), Mr. José Alfredo Lopes (Empresas de Serviços Desportivos), Mr. Mário Teixeira de Sousa (Educação Física e Desporto Militar) and Mr. João Carlos Alexandre (Confederação Portuguesa das Colectividades de Cultura, Recreio e Desporto). The Commission of Sports, Work and Leisure of the OCP aims at the promotion of the practice of sports for and by all - children, teenagers, adults, seniors and people with special needs, along with the implementation and development of the practice of sports at working places and during leisure times. It is the tenth Advisory Commission of the Olympic Committee of Portugal and its role will be to support and advise the Executive Commission of the OCP, thus contributing to the fulfillment of OCP’s mission, goals and aims. Therefore, the Commission now elected will contribute to promote the programs, the values and the fundamental principles of the Olympic Movement.




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