Food Preparation: an Instructional Package with Adaptations For
1 , DOCUIERT REMISE ED 156- 924 08 CE 017 471 . AUTHOR CtiOford4 Glinda B.; mud Others TITLE- ,Pood'Prepasatioh; An Instructionii Package with . Adaptations for Visually Impaired Individuals. INSTITRTI6N North' Dakota School for the Blind, brand Folks.; North Dakota Univ., grand Forks.= Spi.iNSAGENCY' Office of Eiducation CRHEN),"Nashingtone_D.C. PUB DATE 76 NOTE 144p.. EDES PRICE MF-$0.83 HC -$7.35 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Cooking Instriction; Currictlux Guides; *Ppodg Instruction; *Home Economics; anformation Soufces; Instructional Hatrials; Junior High:Schccl Students; *Mainstreaming; Teaching Techniguesi *Visuaq,ly Handicapped;. worksheets ABSTRACT This instructional package, developed for the' hose economics teacher of mainstreamed visually impaired students, /. provides food preparation lessdn plans appropriate for the junior high letel. 'First, teacher guidelines are given, including characteristics of tile'visually impaired, orienting such students to the classroom, orienting class meakers to the visually impaired, . suggestions for effective teaching, and sources of assistance for teachers such as reading material's, 'organizations, az.agencies. .,. Next, the food preparation unit objectiites and unit generalizatiams° are given, followed by six lesson plans. The topics of the lesskOls-. are kitchen_ appliances and equipment, kitchen, work areas, cleanlinetss in the kitchen, aeasuring techniques, practicing cooking skills.s.and outdoor, cooking. Bach lesson includes objectives and.generalizatiArs, a pre- and postteSt with an answer key, a list of learning activities (i.e. teacher lecture - demonstration, inf9rmation sheets designed for all students and some especially for. the blind,- worksheets and --:., worksheet keys, games)*- additional learning activities, suggested films, bookb, kits of other resources, and special notes to teg teacher for presenting,the lesson o the visually impaired students.
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