A conversation with Sir Martin Sweeting Martin Sir with conversation A Solar Probe Plus: Unlocking the Sun’s mysteries Sun’s the Unlocking Plus: Probe Solar 2011 supersonics in BOOM new A supersonics February A PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS FC_r4_Aerospace_FEB2011.pdf 1/20/11 4:43:39 PM 2 AEROSPACE AMERICA FEBRUARY 2011 K Y M C CY MY CM CMY 10-0527 With NEW representatives, NEW goals, and NEW priorities in Washington, D.C., taking part in the 2011 Congressional Visits Day Program is more important than ever. Come to D.C., and share your passion for aerospace. Let your representatives hear how vital our community is to our national and economic security, and take an active role in helping shape the future of that community. On Wednesday, 16 March, AIAA members will share their passion about aerospace issues on Capitol Hill. Join us as we meet with legislators to discuss the importance of science, engineering, and technology to our national security and prosperity. AIAA Congressional Visits Day 2011 To register for AIAA Congressional Visits Day 2011 please visit www.aiaa.org/events/cvd, or contact Duane Hyland at
[email protected] or 703.264.7558 toc.FEB2011.qxd:AA Template 1/14/11 2:11 PM Page 1 Page 7 February 2011 DEPARTMENTS EDITORIAL 3 Beyond biofuels. INTERNATIONAL BEAT 4 Workforce problems threaten European Single Sky. ASIA UPDATE 7 Slow, slow, quick-quick, slow. Page 10 WASHINGTON WATCH 10 Old struggles and new faces. CONVERSATIONS 14 With Sir Martin Sweeting. Page 18 GREEN ENGINEERING 18 Paraffin-fueled rockets: Let’s light this candle.