TiiiHUNE, JULY 24, 1910. B \u25a0NEW-iOKiv DAILY fcITNDAY,

HOUSEBOATING AT NEW ROCHELLE. BREAKING AWAY AllAbout the Icebojc. College Women Seek Ways Many Makes, of Are the Virtues of the Modern Escape from Teaching. but Carelessness Neutralizes Them. There seems to be a great desire anujnz x "With *uch a variety of well de^tmed re- Ifresh air. but not in a draft or where college women to break away from the frigerator* as may now be found in the winds can reach it jprofession of teaching. The Barnard gradu- r-hepa. the ir.o6>m housewife certainly has Do not let the drain pipe connect with ates, under the direction of Mrs. Henry no MeaM for letting her supplies spoil on waste ptp<:S that lead finally to the sewer Wise Miller, are struggling with the prob- In her h-mds in even the hottest of the dog There may be danger from sewer gas lem, and the Wellesley graduating ctast dar* th«* city a pan to catch the drippings is to this year appointed a committee to inquire >tn'ng th*- most novel of there up-to-date be preferred, in spite of the bother. In lrto the professional intentions of the drain ciai* e( this organization an ar- ports styles plants moist enough to grow beautifully. pointment tior^ come in all of and sizes. bureau was organ's*^ .r..,°r .i^ very litt'e refrig- the refrigerator, An** there are convenient The pan under if there direction of Miss Laura Dial GUI, for. erators that can be used in sickrooms. is one, should be of goodly proportions, merly dean of Barnard College, it3purpose A.nong most ordinary carefully reg- to the notable of house anJ should be washed and being steer college women Olfja .jot —not pipe refrigerators is the circular one with re- ularly merely rinsed. The drain wish to teach into other professions, ami with wire Tilvlng shelves and an ice compartment should also be. cleaned the long experience has shown that there is a large That can be lifted out of the refrigerator pipe brush that comes especially for the field for such work. •md cleaned whenever desirable. In fact- purpose. Arefrigerator cannot be kept suf- The first st»p of thi3 appointment can be This, ficiently clean without it. After washing bureaa •.he whole interior taken out. was to send out a circular letter to t^e of *»vir?=*. is a convenience, as it means out a refrigerator wipe it till perfectly five women's colleges in New England, every drop set- that a thorough cleaning of particle dry Not a of moisture should re- ting forth the purpose of the bureau of tn* surface hi possible. main. offering its services to any of the prospec- the linings now used in the up-to- Airing When it is filled care should be taken tive graduates who might wish to avo*d refrigerator, the glazed porcelain and da:* that the Ice Is not dropped into the refrig- the traditional rut. Of the 250 who an- appeal a neat house- baK«.d enamel ones to eiatoi. as is the frequent habit of rough ice- jswered the circular larger proportion easy the mire, not only because tney are to men. It should be gently placed in it A still wished to teach. cleacj. because being snow white they but suburban housekeeper recently had a new "This calling seems to them and every spot and stain, thus Riving her BABIES IN CLOVER t&etr shOK' and excellent refrigerator ruined in this families a more sheltered life." explains remove before they be- war*.ing to them way. A piece of ice weighing twenty or Miss Gill, "and the demand is organized, breeding place for germs. dropped \u25a0. 'mo i fifty pounds fluntr or in the ice a?« unhappily Is very far from being galvanized iron and zinc lln- the T.. >se with compartment every day for a summer will case in other lines of work. Besides, lr».r= do not show the need of cleaning so Little Tenement Folk Are the ruin the best refrigerator ever made. Even position of teacher is freely offered them. j*vmptly perhaps, but they have their ad- damp- if only a crack in the lining forms while other positions open to them very re- they are just as whole- woodwork, v»ntaeeF. because ness will penf-trnte to the mould Guests of Mrs. Aldrich. iluctantly. For instance. 'I a very and do not cost so much, and Mme. follow, have some or rot will and the place will not good bank teller now on my Economy that with proper treat- books, but so knows be safe from disease germs. Peter didn't lock like anything in the far sought in refrigerator should not require Ihave vain for a house thit ment a A refrigerator should be well packed with world but a large, round hole, a crater with will give her a chance." stains It is a careless much removing of ice After it ha* once become chilled it is a rim of red. wrinkled skin and a scant To girls who tipping things over. you those reru«"» to abandon person who is always much easier to keep It so. A 10-cent piece growth of fuzz at one edge. And when teaching, Miss essential to Gill sugests the fullest pos- As absolute cleanliness is the of ice every other day is much more eco- not looking at Petc-r he impressed you waste- were sible equipment for th profession. proper keeping of food, a removable piece every day. steady, wailing She nomical than a 5-Ont as as a noi?e. a noise that points that a course and trap in fact, a out at Teachers Col- ripe are an excellent. one big solid piece of ice will last longer went one's heart. There really was more be taken to lege, at Chicago, Columbia or New York sasMiry. feature, as each ran than two pieces half its size A 10-cent white crib of Peter, hidden under a little University will make a $300 vut and washed by itself There should be much, a difference of block will also make a refrigerator Just spread; more, but not for Peter is ;a year salary from the very ac wood on the inside of the refrigerator, block, the in their start. . twice as cold as a 5-cent and this poor little marasmus baby, and when OZONE AND FUN the Jeurte Fille. ;This advice, «he says, has many for damp wood is likelyto rot. Avoida re- longer in Go&/n>s for been In cold will last The strainer shouid nurse lifts him he is lighter her arms cases very gratefully accepted. frigerator that has a deep ice compart- be constantly kept over the water outlet baby in the next opens than the two weeks' old During the last four months 1.2C0 college ment reaching to the bottom if It inside the refrigerator to prevent the es- crib. Have Evolved a Style girls have talked personally with Miss Gill, irorn the top. If it opens from the side ca,pe of cold through the waste pipe. It is Calder, seemed to The Houseboat Supplies Both French Dressmakers The nurse. Miss Alice ; either at her little office in Boylston street k all right, but such a compartment the habit of taking out of and although two is wel! to form take the crying quite calmly, at colleges top cannot be cleaned Youthful Mother Cannot Wear. or the she visited early in the opening from the putting in to the refrigerator all that has red craters above two other crib at Minimum Rates. Which Her unless has long other spring. Most of these fMi were in except with difficulty, one to out go in at any one time, so emitting yells. When a made retvei third. There still come or spreads were also A saved the lives of the "Blue July 13. it was of was a college, and had been at *«-me. A bread ice compartment, reaching that the door will not be opened oftener wasn't dan- houseboat Paris. others home for startled visitor asked if there Mouse" company. least, that's what the have been more changes in millinery the a period and awakened but across the top part of the absolutely necessary, spring on At i t has beei ricl in fetes foi had Just to the not down than is a ger their breaking something in their summer, . . week last ten days than in gowns. Hat brims • of say. when torrid \u25a0 - fact they to clean be idea! members Last \u0084 ; charities, and that needed work to fill their refrlcerator. Ifeasier To the door is a good thing. her and went I benefit I the \ 11i- are growing softer in outline, crowns are glass little insides she shook head weather was approaching and the players _ lives. had tried teaching, a refrigerator should have doors. Some housewives wrap the ice in some- making Ethel. ... girig a chance to be more lower, high Still others and right on with her task of in popular piece were beginning to .. growing although the effect is 1 unsatisfactory. of the this ant to be In the had found it This last One can then inspect the contents thing before It is put in the refrigerator, of the cuoii! than they are ar,<] owing- to the massing of very class aged three— the belle establishment- think wistfully of mountains and seas and li?ht Miss Gill found the most refrigerator without letting in hot air by this prevents the ice from chilling the \u25a0••. smart world. The performance Velvet and difficult to deal but neat for the evening meal. woods, the sad news was broken to them Marigny light trimming on th» crown. with, opening the door. therefore an extrava- said, siven. on Friday at the Thfiatre but she tried to direct the attention refrigerator, and is "It won't them," she calmly. that they would be required to the felt hat? are already appearing. These I the up-to-date refrigerators however, to a hurt tread for the benefit ot" the -'Aiguille Francsise" j of those who consulted her to something Some of gance If one wants, keep know, a really sick baby doesn't play materials of course, only foundations, in the com- "You boards through the summer. The was patronage Ducht-'pse are. jmore satisfactory toward which they have pockets that stand ice piece of ice a long time, as often happens might and under the of the the that lies on them is very could very cry." too popular. No one knows what .;-. tided an out- and rrimmin? work going partment to hold fools that must be where ice is difficult to cry for liph" airy. bringing out ! while on with the teaching. in remote districts "But what makes these babies so? have happened some one hadrft been ... trt-es and Midsummer is the ice. This is a good idea, as it it carefully in if of-doors progran r the green i For instance, she said to a girl near obtain, it is well to wrap not well trained," said the a fn ".v wirie brimmf-.l leshom hats trimmed who had exposed "They're inspired to say: "We'll have a houseboat but c mtinued lNa orld, all foods within but usually break- Then there will be no forgetting of items Curiously, costumes, even and from the extra money thus earned floor of the home of Mrs. Richard It was Pierre Lorillard who introduced •> ited and signed by few tailored take ing the pitcher and the dish on which it guesswork and no unnecessary de- ond and programme: more yourself and no street, tne \u25a0 most elaborate, at lessons in this work. Mean- West 74th iseboating into America as recreation. .\u25a0 ary rhe are worn afternoon perforations Aldrich. at No. 317 a : artistic and lite , falls. Use a shelf with large pendence on the bills of unscrupulous ice- hospital this function?. Every thins seems to be a gown time, re-engage as a teacher of Bagfsst in. home she has turned into a He did it on a grand scale, with a boat 1 bought. I or of stout wire. These will permit a full Some wise housekeepers keep weights alls ' wrap, : that high school you men. for little sick children whose moth- that was a marvel of luxury in I 1 stable covered by a ions: and there is in- that wants for an- summer \u25a0 of air. and there will be no the refrigerator So that every pifn-e \u25a0 ng girls charge wraps. Many other year!" circulation beside go work. boat for horses, carriages and stablemen 0 were In finite variety in the of these . out to \u25a0 danger of accidents. can be weighed before their eyes. The item ers . . ammes, and way That's one "Ethel always has to be fixed up for to boot. But the beauty of houseboating is have the Japanese suggestion in the kind of transition. Quite a These trifles, which in the long run are in cash sometimes saved by this means is all w.>r,. g( pretty an-i suit- back, the number of supper." said nurse, tying a pink bow that almost any old tub will do to have of sleeves? and the loose fulness women are making the clerical anything but trifles, are not often thought reckoning the 1. .- jeunes Riles. Gowns worn by worth mutely im- in, just so it contains the abl< for of which is generally fastened in with a transition by the utilization of the long- a refrigerator. Of course, foods into a refrigerator to the blond locks, while Ethel a good time of when buying Never put warm her shining necessaries of living will l;eep afloat. womei . below thai windi brings !half belt of some trimming. Black Liberty ) summer recess for professional likely get a re- Tbey not plored the visitor to observe and ' advance- it is not that one can for the sake of cooling them off. woman, enibonj tan iow so youthful in cut that satin surah are popular materials, and ment. They will good points, new shoes. "She's a true Ethel New York is said to contain more enthusi- and learn typewriting and frigerator with all of these only waste ice. but cause moisture Chem- any It seems difl t to resei vi any mode that is generally a trimming of a con- stenography summer, having mjst should Is." this point the nurse dropped Ethel asts on houseboats to-day than other there this take a minor but one can no doubt get one icals and aU foods that have an odor At shall belong ( lusively to the young girl. trasttng may the the conversation, and went precipitate- .American city. But then, New York is a I color. The decoration be business place the next and finally learn of them. also be excluded Sometimes it is essen- and ; : : .-•'...\u25a0> olved the northeast corner of the room. water-surrounded city, and the spots where popular sailor collar and turn-up cuffs in the methods of teaching commercial sub- Last, but not least, it is best not to that foods with an odor be placed ly to styl< gown so simple that it can silk, tial Mamie, occupant of the northeast crib, an Ideal summer may be spent in a house- a of suit blue or green or it may consist of jects. At the end of time they will buy a refrigerator that is larger than •where there 1? ice. Ifthey must fco in. r'Jt the ; with such that from her nap rather cross boat an legrl :: in its neighborhood. Up . bright rose or blue embroidery outlining be worth 1200 a year more than they are packed covered, compartment by had awakened \u25a0 beqoine actually needed. A small one well them, well in a Rochelle, instance, elegan I t cannot '. the two points of the decolletage. a large one may a while and didn't care who knew it. near New for condi- now. Of the undergraduates and graduates with Ice is far colder than themselves. Fish be kept for 0 . .. Transparent wraps, a thin stuff as soothed, the nurse brought in milk tions fcr . ous< boating are almost perfect, such : who have not yet tried their wings SO per only half full. In a refrigerator without imparting its Mamie lace, bread and fruit for the 5 o'clock sup- and many arc tlio persons who take ad- c it v '.a silk crepe, net or mousseline de soie over a col- cent needed only a little They re- Aft«r having once purchased a good re- odor to other foods. If it is wrapped care- and material, advice. ' while the oldest little girl, a sweet vantage of them. One of the most charm- with a dull surface in a rather ored liningas thin as the original quired to be told were frigerator, see that Justice is done it by fully with waxrd paper. Yolks, of fgK* per, j what the chances nine, went about tying bibs ing house-boats there is the Sylvia, for the . >yes were l"ii.^, represent the popular summer idea in out- in their taking proper care of it. The best re- covered, so as to prevent drying. faced child of j preferred lines and how to prepare SbaaM be didn't need Bowers and has a i of-door garments. Nothing is more modish by milk, they odors, on the younger children. They owner, a woman, loves and the . ln< luding t!.t- . i for the work. Only about 10 per cent need- frigerator can be ruined ill-treatment. Pinter and as absorb boat, than black embroidered or not, as one cellar, foods, any summoning to supper, though they had flourishing garden In the stern of her like fo I net. ed help in finding place. r»o not let it stand in b damp or should be kept from other in a com- ;wishes, silk, a These were breakfast, plenty of lunch- where she spends much time cultivating her some of these making the fulness over the over moire in one of the helped on a basis, any .lamp place, as the woodwork will partment by themselves. Butter especially had a bounteous ( business a certain per- in the middle of pinks and verbenas and nasturtiums. of th( sle< 1 : \u25a0 Ist, and modish shades of green, blue or petunia. warp and gradually make it impossible to completely covered. Vegetables eon and something to eat tops ' centage of their first year's salary beiny should be \u25a0 fact, had already It goes without saying that a houseboat all f;!lli:.uInto .: of mous- E. M. 1 close the door tight. Thus the warm air be carefully washed and freed from the afternoon. In Ethel black asked as compensation. should piece and had it may cost almost anything one may choose seline de sol '<\u25a0'\u25a0 >Hed on one side with entering will melt the ice. Itshould also half dead leaves Or anything that might appropriated a of bread Some of the unusua: place*? that Miss away grace wasn't or bo able to cost, a rather \u25a0 s- irl was fulled at the FREE TO WOMEN. stand level and where there is plenty of possibly taint the atmosphere. taken from her because make Li but Gill has secured include those of a real 51,000. For waist, and ;-: absolutely straight At the weekly entertainment fif the | yet. spacious one can be built for fell folds. estate agent and an go said dining only trimming "art cultivator." to At last the nurse bowed over the little this sum it can be equipped with The was v band about tho Young Women's Christian Association schools, Stuff, school to-morrow evening Miss between the art museum and the bent above their bowls of milk. room, kitchen, bathroom and two or three hem made of the shirred intu three summer heads Vesey will give negro and South- and by means of photographs and casts tOay* afinnie C inspire J~ome of the XOorld ern sketches. All women and girls will be a love of art in the souls of the welcome. 1 school children. ' The girl who spends the summer visiting this high figure the men will buy from the cAddles, has a very difficult time to keep her frocks i boys, not neeeesarilj' at 10 or 15 royal Iand Mrs. Russell were put out of the and her underclothes always fresh and in cents each ball* that have been found and HOUSEHOLDS chamber. They lay three nights at my readiness, Her the lingerie of guests is but . which are new in each Instance. Often ILady Stafford's, but are now returned younger rarely done by the house laundress, no i these boys are the caddies' broth- again to their wonted waiting." Henry matter how well they are known. In very \u25a0 ers. At all events, the lads have a pool The?/ Hare Not Always Radi- VIIIappears to have found his courtiers warm weather two change* a day are j and divide the profit.". Boys not related to rather more than he could manage on one and sell balls, are ated and necessary, and if fxeffise is taken more j caddies, who find Sweetness Light. occasion, for we hear of his reminding six- caddies the privilege than that. Golf in summer is hardest of all :charged by the for of teen of the gentlemen of his household of coming link* this purpose. The Th organisation of the household .of on white clothes, for every course has on the for the "sober and temperate order that h!S stated his own expe- Kins? George and Queen Mary is bringing j either natural or artificial water hazards ! golfer further that in highness would have use to his hlJjs> a an old forth a crop of interesting anecdotes ot | them Into which even the most expert send ; rience he never had caddy lose ness's chamber of presence and the only the court life in bygone days. Peace and pood their l.alls. and between this part of the golf ball, but that newest and j Queen's." and often on willdo not seem to have flourished greatly t sport, the -and in the bunkers, and the , best would disappear, these of ladles have changed away a royal courts, according to the reminis- Th*> duties court dust or dew in the "rough." the hem Of the fair green. ifhe turned his head Iconsiderably al- cences collected by in these latter days. and. a pique pets hopelessly bedraggled after the hall had stuck the ground. He "The Lakes' Field." j skirt s> Worcester, ' though sufficiently arduous still, must b« round, and to the j has watched caddies approach ihe head Lortl writing of the court of look in only part of a the less trying in times past. Take, for go. ;caddy and tell the number of bails they Aline of Denmark. Queen of James I.re- than tub it must as well as the petticoat instance, the dressing of the in for- resorts, have found and name a price, the head marks that the "malice and plotting" j Queen under it In all summer even the j mer days. read caddy shaking his head, high." among were so great. ; We how the Bedchamber most humble villages, laundreses are at a I "too" To the maids of honor Lady passed boy* get thought envy took the "shift" first and then than teeth," »he j meet the and the balls the head that he that had "tied an in- ! premium, "scarcer a hen's it to the Bedchamber Woman, who put It farmers will tell one, and the talent finally '\u25a0 caddy goes out quite late to play a few visible snake about their necks to sting does; " on list Queen. When her majesty washed found year at a fair price will prove holes, and then his bargaining. From each other to death one herself the ewer and basin were brought careless and exorbitant the next. One girl him and even from their own caddies golf- Sometimes, it must be admitted, the ex- in by the Pa re of the Back Stairs, and the who makes many visits takes with her a j ers will buy these balls, thus putting a pre- ample set to the court ladles by their royal | Bedchamber Woman poured the water out small hamper trunk that she sends home j mium on dishonesty. The only remedy Is to mistresses was none of the b**st. Queen | 1 while the Bedchamber Lady looked on. just before the end of each house party, j revert to a rule at One time common to Elizabeth was notorious for her violent When the Queen was ready to put her \u25a0with all things to be washed and pressed :many links, which J* that any ball found temper, an.l her ladies had a bad time or shoe: on neither the Bedchamber Woman In it. and this Is expressed on from her ;by a caddy on a round becomes the proper- it. "The Queen hath of late." wrote Row- j ' ty of the golfer he is caddylng for. \Vhyte nci the Bedchamber Lady could assist her. home to Urn ami house that she la to ko to. land "used the fair Mrs. Bridges j but the Page of the Back Stairs was agaia She laughingly «iy& that her arrival with I with words and blows of an"-, and she . called In and he officiated. luggage h formidable to her frleuds, but ! it is- the only solution she- h-i-- found to this ; WHEN THE BABY CRIES perplexing jirciLU-rn. - Heaith and "Beauty Use f;-:":!;^1 adage that porse*sion is It Is Trying to Speak, and Parents nine points of th* law la v. »;&".] one to keep Should Try to Understand. in mind when a division of worldly goods Summer is a trying time for the com- vigorous pretest against treating ha«= to be n?ade in 1 family. In such a case A th-* plexion, not so much because of climatic The antl-ki?slns leagues may find aid la baby "as if he were an unmitigated fool" there Is likely to 1* v feeling against dis- conditions as because of the life an unexpected quarter. If rest the is entered by habits of the of mantling ihe old horn?, and the person 10 Florence Hull \Vinterburn in that are naturally adopted that season. world follows Paris - the July number of at in the fashion of rous- wh<-!.. .<- ho :-< in l«-it as his or her fhare 'The American Baby." The rigors of winter are just as bad as the in;,' the lips till they are ruddier the "We aspume," she says, "that the than probably fee;? v.'.on- strongly than any one when heat •! summer, but people do not expose rsiddiest cherry lips full baby cries he needs to With in such «lse. T.us has resulted many times and oft be hushed. Just as themselves to chill winds ail day lons as kissing Is obviously impossible. the noise he were a sort of auto- bloom in the failure tit 7 . "irjJt* t!:*m SO bullied silence. It seems as if so much to and of ?«-:)»lrr:ent might give baby — the smoke cinders rail- Such ail very well theory. we credit for a little sense; \u25a0 \u25a0— is in way trains. The moral cf all this is that If The lectures on the danger Si overeating but doth one who has yielded to his note of trouble may mem something good hread milk" she sleeping rooms, and an upper deck with i the it ever For this and rows of cords. The \u25a0•!:.. was finished by the care of the complexion la ever to te to which the public treated of get Lack his and chattels? Seldom, after all." an awning cover, being a has been ?oo\omen to 1"' of rites which zealous There are lenely women whom is to Ignore a.'l pfaaflHaM* take all be- learned to be an?ry, cither through seeing •Dood boys aa' dirle" Borne are rented by parties of friends, who faljlng into a bodice bell of bit* English '• beaut] seekers will no more omit even "assMthtag on a tray seems less desolate longinsfc .-. riy at or.c«. Ereti lending furni- sign* of ill temper in others, or through "For Jesus' sake, amen.' * finished M::-s go to town every day for.b They embroidery. The whole gown was hung under the most unfavorable 'circumstances than 1 properly spread me-al to whic?» ture if 0 :Hk. for DBSSM '*.':.< \u25a0»r.i7iodatf<• Ic-an that !.!>\u25a0•. dread and ural impult-es. Suffering has its charac- Then the spoons began to clatter. and can do it easily for from $3 to $10 a lish embroidery, which showed through jtroali. the vain one?, too, not a few. who dread r««cnt a teristic *.?f>t<\ and 'here Is the sharp cry Anybody who is taken out to spend most week apiece, which is certainly cheap i,,. thin stuff. The big of pink hat velvet had humanity constantly running F;outn:J3 above everything and there of i»ain, varying from th« full, loud cry of the day in is likely to so much ozone up.ii fun. an capote i'oor is tote Man Riverside Park be inside of white embroidere.l > ' money A prominent golfer Bh lares 1. at the ad- new dangers. Now It is the juxtaposition are poor \u25a0!•\u25a0--. wa hate to spend of colic to the terrible, *harp. sudden shriek hungry. muslin; var.c-d price of golf balis is ruining the and the whole top was veiled with of Imitation tortoise shell combs with hair on when they want other things- indicating brain trouble. Catching, breath- Back in his crib, Peter, having oeen Cod, gold-es-nbroickred food Stands of int rwdoies and »\u25a0> discouraging whits tulle. tonic against which we are warned. The hats, gloves, or so less cries, accompanied with a flushed face ceased from troubling for awhi'e and lay AN EASTERN SALAD. books theatre tickets— the who tre. not wealthy. At 75 This costume, simple as was, sev- alcohol in the tonic has an affinity for much more. To these various members tellers and hurried breathing, indicate some trou- with the cave.is closed and it. had all ajjii.or ball game a QUftoua DOn- An eccentric Eastern aaiad consists new something combs, starving brigade any cents for m. the becomes ble of the lungs. Whimpering and 6f eral features. The absolute simplicity in the it appears, and so of the reference to fretful- derlng look on his face, the old, old face pineapple celery, \>.iih of «o«tly If balls MB lost, and with bills *x ness suggest and dressed may- the gown was one, the veiled ha,, was great is the warmth of the meeting that the danger of overeating is an Intestinal disorders." of the mara.srr.ii6 baby. oiiaaise, on incitMMftf and aexved lettuce^ 1 another, while the fact that at midsummer singed hair is likely to be the result. to continuance in evildolng. BBjjjJM