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For AB An Independent Newspaper Under ^ame Ownership 4r Since f878

OH*. MM4NT UUMM f>ieu, Wml u IMOM vttM Hitter RED BANK, N. J.. TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, I960 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE VOLUME 82. NO. M Mtk* haO&tSuBMBufe. K7: aMtr IktUol Mutt I. in Irwin Re-elected Steel Contrac Freeholders Head FREEHOLD - JOKph C. Ir- win, Red Bank, mi re-elected, Inflation Talk, Hikes Council Acts director of the Monmouth County Board of Freeholder* at yester- day'i orgaaitatioa meeting. To Extend Mr. Irwin and Walton Sherman, Long Branch, who were restarted Nixon-MitchellStock to the board ia the November Industry Zone election were tworn in for new terms yesterday. Slate Defers Okay EATONTOWN-Boroufh Conn- H. Leroy Martin, < Kinp Hwy., Little Silver VP Prospect dl last night approved on lint Mlddletown, wu appointed to a' On Kariun School folding tad tent to the Planning three-yeir term u county engi- TRENTON - The state Dtvt> Board an ordinance Incressiag neer, replacing Leo McKee, Lte- ska el Local Gevenumat agala Doesn't Care' on Chances; the ilie of the Vgenerat buiineii craft, who retired the first of the actiM yesterday Is) and limited Industrial" zone along year after serving the county for aaBfoviag:the steaeaed S!,iesV Xt X tut oT the traffic circle. 43 yean. ' 000 bead kaue far a new Rari- Peace Cost Seen $1 Billion Mr. Martin hu served u as- tan Tewaabto Ugh eebeet The meuura widen the pro- WASHINGTON (AP)—The steel Ubor peace — ant too* and extends It to diesistant county engineer lor the Secretary WUIIam G. Cawar put five yean, and hu been bought for the next 2ft years *t a billion-dollar price east, according to Henry Saling, in the department eight' years. tsM The Register d borough attorney. Ha waa born in Red Bank, and "is still atodyis« tl —loosed today a flood of political conjecture and Mayor F. BUM Wee neppoin- formerly served on the State of stkred new misgivings over Inflation. ted Robert Hayet u building to- The stock of Vice President Richard M. Nixon specter. The appointment was TThhe boarbdd reappointei d Howard VUWOL0RS OMANU—Mn. Maria; Irwin holds the Bible ai County Clerk J. He said * state decMaa ea confirmed by council. W. Roberts, New Monmouth, as Ruiiell .Woolley, loft, swears in her husband, Joseph C. Irwin, right, for another term the hU and Secretary of Labor • The Miyor pnclaimed January county counsel >t a *>>*7 0( on the Monmouth County Board of Fraeholdors. Mr. Irwin and Walton Sherman,, James P. Mitchell, of Little ••Mireh of Dimei Month'Mn 15.000. The: Rsritea Otto Heads Silver, N. J., soared as a second from left, were seated as the Board reorginited for I960. Mr. Irwin again serai high Eatontown. NUM possible Republican ticket was nimed director. Jaa. IS. Council, heard a request from John L. Montgomery wu ap- Wllbeut Mate bea«ag appreval, New Term in Uie November election. WUIIam Flunery. manager of pointed Wetfare Coordinator for Suddenly illuminated by the Solfield Rldlag Stables, to use athe coming year, and wu desig' IKIUMi trailer as a resldense on rated representative of the free- Grand Jury political spotlight, Mitchell told the premises of the stables, which holden in all matten dealing FREEHOLD — Dale B. Otto, questioners "I don't know and Me In an Industrial xone. with the Stete Board of Child Fix Appointed Police Chief Little Silver, president of NewI don't care" whether the wage . The body Instructed Borough Welfare. At Least 25 Jersey Natural Gas: Co., was pact he announced yesterday en- Clerk, Andrew Backer to notify . William H. Duryea was rap? LITTLE SILVER - James W. named foreman of the January hsneed his chance of becoming potnted to a three-year term on the GOP'i vice presidential Mr. Flannery that such use of Fix was anointed police chief Die in Train term grand jury here yesterday. ; :; a trailer ia contrary to present the County Planning Board. Giersch, Falvo Start First lut night replacing Fred W. Zieg- William E, Miner, Avon, tales- lnee;-' •• sonlng regulations. The' following. committee ap- lar, who retired Dec. 31. man, was named deputy foreman. the stock market Myron kotlcky complained -topointments were announced by Formerly a sergeant, Fix wuWreck in Italy Other: memben of the grand aad effldals Issued bolder fere- council that "tone and tons of Director Irwia: Full Terms in Red Bank nsmed to the top post at the [ury picked before Superior Court caste of UN prosperity u the silt" h»d been deposited In the Finance and administration, Mr. governing body's 1960 organiza- . By Laelaao Ferrari fudge J. Edward Knight were: setttemeat, engineered secretly, portion of Husky Brook ftatruns Sherman; bighwaya, Mr. Irwin; RED BANK - Two council- brt to make Red Bank a better tion meeting. MONZA, Italy (AP) - A Jam- Mrs. Myrtle B. Abernethy, by the NtansWHItcheU team, through the Koticky: property, bridges, Abram D. Voorhees; pub- men wen sworn in lut night and town." . At the same time, John H med 10-car commuter train sped housewife, Spring Lake;.Thomas erased feara ef another econo- raising the bed of the brook. He lic wslf ire, Victor E. Grossingtr; two new appointments made at All other borough officers, Foster was advanced from ser- into a sharp curve today and theH. Barhim, plumbing contractor, my-crlppllag alrike by (he M9.- wu told the matter would be In-pubUe property, Earl L. Woolley; the I960 organization meeting of board and committee memben geant to captain, a newly created locomotive and five cars, hurtled9 Jessica PI., Monmouth Beach; 009 United Steelworken. vestigated. and: perks and recreation, all the Borough Council. were reappointed. ' post, and Walter B. Stearns wasfrom the rails into a tangle of Mrs. Janet S. Bell, housewife, 47 Steel Industry leaden forecast memben of the boards the pres- no "immediate" price booste to ident of the County Planning Peter W. Falvo and Frederic Council passed a resolution promoted from patrolman toser -wreckage.':.'.'' :••••'•'': Shadowbrook' Rd., Shrewsbury; E. Glersch Jr., wen seated for marking the death Friday of Dr. geant Some five houra later 29 dead William M. Biftwell, consulting crsnk up the wage-price spiral. Board, and the Planning Board But Chairman Roger M. Blough member assigned to parks and their first full terms. Samuel W, Hsusman, who served Ziegiar, .70, who In his 36 yean had been counted; the Tnnsport engineer, Colonial Tcrnce, Ocean Katz Quits B. Craig Layton, Oakland St,on the Board of Health many of service moved from patrolman Ministry announced, but It wuTownship; Arthur J, Crosson, y United Steles Steel Corp,, who yean. believed more bodies would be grocer, Bradley Beach. put the Ullion^oUar cost teg Oliver Presley, Long Branch >. Democratic candidate for as- to chief, was cited by the mayor on the agreement, uid It "could wu appointed to a one-year term sessor In November, wu ap- The resolution ssid Dr. Hsus- and council "for his outstandingfound. The ministry ssid about George G. Domes, auto dealer, Board Race 100 persou were injured. hardly be regarded aa noninfla- u fire marshal at a salary of pointed to the .Planning Board. man'a death "saddened Ms multi- service to the borough." Middletown Township; George D. tionary." KM. He filli the unerpired term of tude of friends" and praised him Cites Examtaatioa The accident occurred In dense Emmona, traffic manager, Asbur- e ho h M as a "faithful and devoted public fog about two miles north of the Park; William P. Forman, fir- There were no such misgivings In Highlands Mrs. Anna T. Hiker and Gen. ?• •?**?* J! i""*°«v*_ , . Mayor P. Paul Campi uld it George Vast Deuaen were reap- moved to New Shrewsbury. Mr. servant" for his yesn on the station ia this auto-racing capital mer, Howell Township; Karl L. in the union camp. USW Presi- WOHLANDS - Alvto G. Katx, Layton lost la November to in-Board of Health and the 40 yean took a state pollee chiefs' ex- Frantic contnetor, 9U Seventh pointed to three-year terms on y determine whether Hmilu dent David J. McDonald told a candidate for the local Board the Monmouth County-Health b A Fkl DD. he practiced medicine in Red St., U 'on. \ Beach: T"irencr peering stoelwockera^Buttolo, cumbent Assessor Fix. or Faster would gatjhe aa. H ^** *• •' ,ft —* _^fc.. _ A seak tiBt H • ^ T Board.' *•* ,-,, -* -1 -* * The Transport Ministry aaW an I. V.. laets*sht*ey-couty M hwrw Bight ha baa withdrawn from the ft Dr. Victor P. Siegel, 292 River pointniciit* Initial inVestlgaUon indicated the Ave., West Long Branch; Harold that "victory ii theirs." election race. Rd., who wai appointed to, re- "Both are Theodore F. Appteby and Wil- accident wu caused by the fail- A. Gelbhaus, technical writer, I A bead Mayed "Happy Days Mr. Katt-aaid then wu Rev* HVOM putor place Dr. Hiuiman in October, work, ability, ure of the engineer to observe aSllverten Avor. Littte Silver; Are Hera Agate" u McDoaald possibility he might move wu reappointed to a four-veer and law enforcement' training," I limit set for'Francis J. Goger, supervisor, 93 the mayor said. "It wss decided strode late a rally of tm •*- an»^»s# -aaamti) ^ B^UF^ avae • ae^ < term on the Health Board along the stretch where the derailment Linden Ave.. Middletown Town- lenlsts te iaferm them tke con- visible to run for the board Quito Exterminatiofi Commiulon. Housing Authority. He replaced with Dr. James W. Parker, Jr., that whoever'received the high- Wayne D. McMurray again wu Ensley M. White, Sr.. who had occurred. The train appeared to ship. tract Is a ee per coat better He also noted that his business who also was renamed to. a four- est mark on the examination due reporter—a passenger aboard Irvin Hushes, merchint, wageHud-beaeflt package than might interfere with Ms devoting &£££ resigned. . would get the Job." the Welfare Board, and Mrs. H year term, y -to be s°ln< ebout 45 miles an Asbury Park; Dr. Jerome S. the cempules' last offer. sufficient time to board metten. Mr. Layton wu appointed to Council formally approved the Also appointed, Iss night was hour. ' Lasky,' optometrist,4MEroadway, Darcy Scudder wu reappointed serve until Dec: 31, 1964. Rev. a new patrolman—James J. Fa- "We emerge from these nego- He owu and operates the High- to the. Library; Commission for fire officers for I960. Walter Eng- The engineer wu among those Long Branch; Thomsi MacFeely, tiations with the greatest con- tends Lumber Co. , Mr.' Hornberger will fill the un-land is chief;.Samuel Scalzo, first gen. Orchard PI. He will be onkilled, and his helper wu ser-merchant, Avon; Leonard S. Me-tract, the best condition!, the There are now six rema expired term of Mr. White, which deputy chief, and Harry Hopkins, probationary status for, a year, iously Injured. Gickin, executive, 34 Lincoln PI.,steelworken hive ever enjoyed," Miss Winona Darrah wu nds June 30,1963. the mayor said. : candidates for the board. pointed for one year u county second deputy chief. Freehold; Edwin R. Paraells. he procliimed. : ''••''' :..' The following Is the order of Mr. Giersch was appointed to John Warren,1 Jr., wu ap- A Isrg* crowd In the council purchasing , 39 Woods End advisory nurse. Mr. Irwia was chamben applauded after a letter Neither the nnk-and-filera nor the candldatu on the ballot: designated to represent the free- the council in'January,1MB, to pointed president of the council, Rd.; Mlddletown Township; Mrs.the public yet knew the precise . Valentino W. Bernbardt, Sam fill the nnexpired one-year term succeeding Mr. Giersch. wu read from the mayor sayingNab Juvenile Arlino H. Puji'.s, housewife, 23 contract terms. Their formal dis- holders ia the State Freeholder's of Harold Hurley. Mr. Falvo wu Zleglar wu leaving his post "with Ml Silberblatt. Alfred W, Mo-Association. James Woleott wu reappointed Ward Ave., Rumson; Mrs. Jean closure waited M some formali- tor, Stewart D. King, Luke J. appointed June 2, 1961, tore to- a six-year term on the Plan- the sentiments of a grateful com- K. Smith, housewife, '609 Pros- ties-ratification by Individual Mrs. Edith Ackerson and Charles T. Bruno. munity." For Fish Penta, and G.rLeeter Whltfiald. Alice Sprighorn. were' eppoiatod ning Board, and Dominic C. Pin. pect Ave,, Little Silver. companies and by the union's to five-year terms on the Board :,' , nnaMM Effort* gitore, building inspector, again Praises Chief William G. Stone, .radio engl Wege Policy Board. NO DECISION was named to a one-year term. Market Entry 47 Westside Ave., Red of Managen of Allenwood^Hoe- Mayor George A. Gray said the Councilman Charles W. Steph neer, The latter 171-maa body was HOIMDEL-The Board of Ad- piUl. incumbent ./Republican adminis- The council approved the reens- , who had held the police MIDDLETOWN - Police yes- Bank; Mrs. Genevieve Tstum, Juitment concluded hearings last newal of licenses for eight housewife, Holland Rd., Middle- scheduled te meet snd vote at The following were appointed tration pledged "our utmost ef- committee chairman position last terdiy arrested a' 14-year-old 2 p. m. here. foUowttg a 11:31 night on an application by theas an auxiliary committee to act owners, and renewed 2t taxi year, also praised the retiring Juvenile and are looking for wi-town Township; Mrs. Constance drivers' licenses. L. Tyne, housewife, 10 Sailer's p. m. session of the USW Ex- Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey in cooperation with the Depart- 1 chief. . other youth, age 18, in connec- ecutive Committee. to build and operate a service meat of Parks and Recreation; Fix hu been with the depart- tion with two entries into Roy's Way, Rumson, and Edwin A. Will 'Needle Weber, executive, Deal. Secretary Mitchell, Uredly des- staasa ia Holmdel Village. The Thomu L. McCUatock, Ji ment since. Jan. 9, I9S1 while Fish Market, Rt 36, Port Mon- cribing the put as the "most | ISGWira Te Student Hit Foster joined Jan. 2), 1951. mouth, over the New Year's easible and practical solution A vtfagt group •»*«»« towuhJp Htny B, Crook, Jt*ju4 Howtrt Council It Fix held the sergeant's rank week-end. INDEX that Ii possible ;at this time,': lUkmmm ttenriuM. K Stolm. since Nov. 22, 19S5. Foster was According to Pollee Chief Earl Mid there waa no what- Crossing Street elevated to that position Dec. 23, N. Hoyer, the Eut Keaniburg soever that the approvals would Necessary : SHREWSBURY - A student at 1857. boy hu been tuned over to be given. ' - inTLE SILVER - Retiring Red Bsnk Catholic High School Air Force Vetersn - juvenile Minorities. Hal Beyle JZZ Indict Ex-Fireman was injured lut night when he He ia charged with breaking Bridge ...:.... Unofficially It was learned the fowcltmaa Lewis R. Uwry Stearns became a police de- 30-month contract peckige JeUagly-er maybe aot so |ek> wu hit by a car at Sycamore partment member July 1,19S6. into the fish market Friday and Classified .ZJZ.Z Sunday nights and taking some amounts to about 40 cents an mjfy — served aetlee te theAve. and Broad St. Fagsn was graduated from Red Cemlea,..- hour, with fringe benefits effec- On Arson Charge sennJagMr hut alght that Salvatore D'Esposito, 14, 1111Bank Catholic High School. He lobster and smoked fWi. .TheCresswerd Pussle amount or value of the .fish tive st once and 7-cent hourly be wu aeaag to teep tabs ea Bangs Ave., Asbury Park, re- it in Air Force veterin. He and Editorials i wage boosts taking effect In late FREEHOLD - Domlate Mut-indicted on a charge of attempt- quired four stitches in his head his wife have a child. Before tak- taken his not been determined, laaey, 31, of HJ Usaardvule Rd., ing to unlawfully cbtali 960 snd late 1961. after in Riverview Hospital. He wuing on his new post, he workedthe chief said. Kitty KeBy ZZZZ 10 Belford, a former captain of thetram drug stores in Neptune admitted, and is in fairly good The chief ssid that police are The Industry gave up its de- Belford Eaglne Company, wu Towuhip and Spring Lake eorvMg sat yeara. Mr. for Seen Roebuck and Co., Red Obituaries .- - j • condition this morning.. Bank. looking for an accomplice, . S mand for the sole right to indicted bite yesterday on lia^leaa. had Ik* Police siid the boy wat en Duke" Evernham, Euclid Ave, tudb>TelevlsloiiZ!IZ change work rules, McDeaaM charge of anon. , George Neumeyer, M, of UNtea at I I perhaps the most Councilman Charles E. Fol It ing Broad St when he wu hit nh said the chief's present Esst Kesmburg, also on i gadal' had branded this a valea-bust* Assistant Prosecutor Joha A. Sunset Ave, Aaboiy Park, » by a car driven by Miss Sharon charge of breaking and entering Geerae Sekelsky I™! s lag device. The Issue will be Petillo charged that MuUaaey setcharaedwith obtarauig money un- yearly salary is $5,890, while He aaM be Fussell, 13, of 40 Woodland Dr.,Is planning to psy the csptain and contributing to the delin- .....U-IS studied by a joint committee— fire May 24 at 3:30 a. m. to andar fatoe pntaaaaaMeases.. Mr. Petillo Fair Haven. quency of a minor. , whose findings will eat be Mad- unoccupied bouse at 13th St and said Nsumeyer contracted Oct. to take aa mteraat m awalelaal »M» Stock Market .'. t attain as a eWsesj and tax- Police Chief Raymond Mass Salary for a sergeant is 15,382. Detective Lt. Joseph McCarthy lea, -: . ., > • Oceaaview Ave., Belford. Dam- • with Joseph F. Mattice to build H and Pstrblmin Robert Hoffman and Detective Roberta Letts in- Amy Viadeitllt - ...10 (See STEEL Pg; 3) age to the summer home of Mr. payer aad rm gcteg to aeeale The probationary patrolman will a cesspool on Hamilton Rd., New are investigating. vestigsted and Mrs. Henry Herdegen of Shrewsbury, and wu paid $M0 yaaHlfhWasqrthlaglsaMef receive $4,318 Newark, wu estinatad at $100. but never built the, cesspool. Hoe," lie MM the • MuUaaey waa eipeUed from the ' - GaaMe Charge ••- ' fire company u a result of the Joseph Galtopp, Sr., S7, of 1003 Mayer >. Faal Carnal, a Vote No Indictments charges.' ' :• • • Florence Ave., Union Beach, wu ; William H. Blake, »0, and An-indicted for keeping a gambling far Us service te the senega, thonyLodaU, 37, both of Newark resort at his residence. He wu ~ 4W^VaBSaV ^BftatSMaa aaVaumaa' ~ aaaal emmflmisasa^B^B In Boardwalk Raids and both employed u truck arrested after a raid by. police las lob," the saayer asM. "Aul IV-I FREEHOLD - Resort conces No cause for indictment was drivers by the Spector Freight June 11. found for the following: Harry System, were indicted for grand Bruno Vahlroos, 31, of I Chest' sioneires were cleared yesterday of gambling charges by the reKessel, 97-9!) Beachway, Keans- larceny. . • nut St., Haslet, wu Indicted on burg; Mahawash, Carr : They are charged with steal- a charge of taking six bags of tiring September seuion grand and~Beachway Avcs., Kcansburg; lag thru stove tops valued at fiberglass Insulation Sept, 21, val- Mft LtWfJT WWl • MfClnCAt# Jury. fcwf MS MfVKt It uMt iffttl* Alfred J. Viscount, 73 Beachway, SMt Oet S from the 0*1 Sales ued at U7.J0 and owaed by Fred- Shore amusement places had Kcsnsburg. • Co., U Herbert St. Red Bank. erick Rojek, M Lone Oak Rd., been raided during the summer All three were arrested Sept. According to the praaecutor Mlddletown Township. In a crackdown against gimbling, 20 on charges of maintaining a they delivered the merchandise Ralph J. Spaao, 20, of Brook- gambling resort after a Keans- •ad oa their way out picked uplyn, was Indicted on a charge Adopt Interim Resolution burg raid by state and county • box containing the stove tops. of armed robbery In Raritan BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor officials. David Stemberg, president, be- Towuhip June 12. The prosecutor, and Council of the Borough of No bills were nlso presented came suspicious and checked the charged that Spam stole a car t Rumson that the time and place for Thomas Barrett of B.M.S. truck, it wu '•• ' In Brooklyn and then robbed the for. the regular meeting! ol the FREEHOLD -The Board of Governing Body be and the sime Park; and Arthur Martell, pres- > : Caarpl Thriftway Service Station of 121Freeheldenadopted a temporary ident of the Fourth Ave, Amuse- Richard Dederian, M, of Mar- He wu apprehended by police ere hereby fixed u the second budget of f2,l«l,3M at yesterday's and fourth Thursdays of each andment Corp., 32 Bam St., Inter- ket St, MMdMown, wu Indicted on the New Jersey Turnpike. orguUatlon meeting. liken, Both were arrested July Frank J. Snyder, (2, of Middle every month, at the hour of on a charge of Of this total, Sl.T3t.SM Is for 1:30 o'clock P. M., at the Coun- 9 after raids by state officiate sale proceeds. Rd., Hatlet, wu Indicted oa operations and Uti.le) for debt and Asbury Park Police, chargH of Impairing the morals cil Chamber of Memorial Bor- president He was employed by Nick Sam- Nnrlce. ••••* ••'•'•'• .' ' • ou«h Hill, and that tho Clerk be David Psrkcr, of ara, proprietor of the Necchl of a minor, and carnal indecency Deferred charges and statutory Ocean Ave,, Asbury Park, who on-Sept 7 end 13 In Raritan and is hereby authorlied and di-was arrested July 24 end Zlmel •awing Center In the Atlantic expenditure! ire budgeted at HO,- rected to publish notlcn thereof Superama, New Shrewsbury. Nov. Township. According to the pro- 2M and capitsl Improvements a Resnick, proprietor of Palace secutor, the alleged offenses in- TOPMAN —James W.FU, second from right, Little Sliver's new police ehlef; ec- The Red Bank Register for Amusements, Lake Ave,, Asbury II, IMS, he sold a sewing machine I«2M one publication. and kept the money, the prosecu- volved four boys of 11 and U The board set the first and ceptt badge from retiring Chief Fred W. Zlogler. Fix w«i formerly sergeent. John Park, arrested July 27, were not' tor charged. years of age. third Wednesdays of every month ALBERT A, KERR, JR, indicted by the grand Jury on H. roller, ' wai advanced from sergeant to captain while Patrolman Waltir I. charges of maintaining gambling Dorothy C. Devlne, 41, of UK Weston L. Compton, 3S, of Mst 2 p, m, for regular meetings r Borough Clerk AracJflAve.; Point Pleasant, wu (See GRAND JURY Pg. J) the Hill of Records. Stoerni, ' , was, promoted to sirgeant. —Advertisement rcsorti. ' . I •t yy-.v.., mmmm "AidPlan Is Proposed Promise Action TRENTON. (AP) - Robert MRS. MABEL MOBLLER Morris, Point Pleasant, a candi- In Anti-Jewish JO EGAN .date for the Republican U. S. l-ITAOL HAVBf-Mrs. Beanon LONG BRANCH - Mrs. Maori |Seaate nomination, yeiterday pro- Bt^EaaVM. of n Mapla Ave.. Perry Moeller. 71, of MS Bttti posed a three-point program to Outbreaks «M Sunday la MoamMth Med- ftC, died in Monmouth M«dic«l benefit commuters. ANoeutfed Pnas - ical Center, after a tag UIMK. Center Sunday after a ihort ill Mr. Morris, in a statement ii 1 She mi tbat wife of Ttomaa Rob- Aroused officials, ia America ued here, propoaed: and abroad ,oday swig'.it to com* art Egan. She wu bom in Brooklyn. Mrs 1. Changing the federal income MoeUerwu active In politic* in bat continuing anti-Semitism ia . Mrs. E|U '«w bora ta Long tax law to allow commutation the form of painted swastikas and Branch, daughter at Joha A. andKearay, when she had Uved M cost above! 1120 a year to be Ellttbeth Feeay Conaor at thia ear* before .moving to long deducted as a business expense. hate slogans. Branch..::.' -".V:V- - v 2. A court attack on the con Jewish shop* were defaced ia England. Swastika! were acrawU Suvlving are a eon, Henry C StltUllonuiiiatitutionality ionf Nenew York'iunis inui-i—- w — fivltyShe CsAoHwu ae eatnbe Churchr a. f. th, ,e ..Na. -Moeller of Gardena, Calif. come tax on New Jersey resi- ed on waU* in Italy. Weat Ger- farviviag li Chfces^l*b h»i^ Mrs. Marie VanOiren dent*. 'man diplomatt received threat*. and pareati era three sons, °? „ r"™0 i;. four grand' 3. Creation of a general trans- and Jew-baiting alogani appear. Thomas Patrick. John MlchaelchildrenlrhlMr" , 'and three great-grand- portatioa authority by the Mate ed in Auatralia u the outburst children. •••.,..:. Legislature to overate aad mod-went into its 13th day. and Michael JamesEgan. all at Envoys from West Germany. home; a daughter, Marian Ann The John D. Crane and Sons ernlze present transit facilities —• -.- -- f . -.^--fc, Egaa. at home; five sisters, Mn. Funeral* Home, Kenny, ie in totaild a jet airport In where _the aniMewi* outbreak. charge of. arrangements.' .' Burlington County. first flared on Christmis Eve, as- Safratora MusMaadaf Mtntowa; sured other nstions that Chancel, Mrs. George Kelblepp of Spots- UADY POt HJflNUS—No aow (aees ara teen fc All lin.up of H.. Sea Iright larwgh Cawieil. aeea«e of rar Pay Somethiag lor Konrad Adenauer's govern- wood; Mrs. D. Paoluccl and WIIXIAM SAUNDERS "Virtually everyone must pay ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-Wil electiam. Starting naw termi wara .Mayor 'Themes Farrall, Couneilwoman Mlldrad N. Anderson and Councilman ment will take drastic action. Mrs; wniiam Saatera, both ell something to get to work,"- Mr. Meanwhile, a left-wing minor- this fttee and MM. Daniel nm Sauadert, South St., died Sam L. Diggle. left,to right .ara Councilman Walter .L Johnson, Mn. Andarsoa, Mr. Oigglo, Attarney A. Hanry Morris said, "but if the expense yeiterday on hla (7th birthday ity group In Israel called on the Yak* of WappsUo, Iowa: four Giordano, Mayor Farrall, Clerk-Troaiurer Clarence Stave HI and Councilmen John S. Farwnan, Jahn A. Ca,rltan and U more than $10 a month it|30,000 Jews remaining ia West arattsti, Jams and Joseph Con- She Atlantic Hlghlandi Nuning commences to become a real bur- nome. Noils Jecobitn. Mr. Jacobien ii'council president. Germany to migrate to Israel. iw. both of tMa place; Robert dee and the amount over thia New York authorities reinforced of.MWdletowa and Ed- Born In Virginia, he wm a basic/expense should be allowed tired gardener. uarde around synagogues follow- win Conaor af Rwnion. aa a deduction." ing a" Wsek-end of swastika tht Rosary will be recited ia Mr. Saunden it lurvived by He auggested a, special com- ill wile, Mrs. Mary Warwick ' rW Jersey! Fab smearing, hut more anti-Jewish the Aadersoa Funeral Home, Red and *«a*anaMy e*M saday, ta- mittee of the state's leading con- incidents were reported. Bank, tomorrow night-at SaUnder:, aad a litter, Mrt. El- stitutional lawyers to be set u; len Procter of Washington, D. C P0H - Mat .'.WMMMRgft ,;ippa^.-. ••• Swastikas were found painted •'dock.' to conduct a court test of theo|n the doors of a public achool The funeral will be held dey'aaar'«Ktiw^laaigbtBte New York State income tax on ': na (uaeral will be Thursday morrow at 2 p. m. in St. Paul' in Queens Borough and a broken •at t a. m."Ham the funeral home Maa|al|aWiiaii - '- :••':•/•;'•• ,'•.••.••••••.. gogue in Wat Hempstead. Sut tion and taxation without repre- Donald E. Hlckay will otter a in White Ridge Cemetery. Eaton- Meek Island te Cape May: Brooklyn boys were adjudged ju- Mgh requiem man at 11 o'clock. sentation." town, under the direction of Pet- lastly weitarly winds IMS venile delinquents for breaking Burial will be ta Mt. Olivet Cem ten Funeral Home. Proposal 'Meager* windows New Year's Eve and •.pJk, bxtoaiaf to 1MI Mr. Morris called recent Ni Sunday in a Hebrew school and PETER L. PEASE today and aUftiag te York proposals to ease the tana'nearby synagogue. '-' , WIIXIAM B. RANDOLPH burden on commuters "meager" OCAU, Fla.-Peter L. Pease, aertawast JMI m-pi. this al- '. KBANnURG - WUliam B. but said they should be accepted. si. of this place died here Dec. realaf. Narthwest He accused the Port of New NEW SERVICE .Randolph, II, formerly of tWi "1. SEOUL (AP) - South Korea, fJaea, «od Sunday in the New wad* IMI m.aJk aTmlnlsh York Authority of refusing to help He waa a .former reaident asnewaal late tsabjbt or solve commutation problems. opened a commercial radio-tele- JerseyFiremen's Home. Boon- Oceanport, N. J. -tan. He wu bora hero. Hill Wadnaaaay. Fartly claady. Vis- "It is now threatening to build graph service to Hamburg: yes* Among Mi lurvivor* are a lit terday. This is IU first; auch di- wife wu the tola Lillian Wilaoa Ibility M ariles. > an airport on a site objectionable :cr, Mrs. William T. Ream the overwhelming majority ol net link with Europe. • Oceanport; two daughters i A member of the Keaniburg four nelces. Methodist Church, he wu an ex The funeral wu held in Ocala. empt fireman' with the Keani- Burial wu in Menominee. Wii burg Fire Co. He alio-wu member of the Junior Order of America Mechanics. •OVIININ*) IODY FOt 1W0—Thii it the Shrewsbury govorning body and borough Surviving ara a granddaughter, Schink, Devlin clerk, which reorganised Friday. Seated, left to right, ere councilman Jamet W. lly; Mrs. Blaiaa Kaad af East Keens- •orough Clerk Mrs. Ortrude C. Van Vliet; Mayor Bernard I. White, end Council* Your Social Security burg; 'a grandson, Norman Ran- dolph of West Keuttburg; andReceive New woman Mrs, Anna Jackson. Standing, left to right, are councilmen Kenneth L. Wal- two great-grendchUdren. : ker. Jr., John W. Vanlrunt, Edgar W. Hollo r, Jr., and William W. Curdt. The funeral will be held Thurs- day at 1 p. m. In the Bedl* Fu- Posts at Esso aarai Home,1 Koyportj with Rav. MIDDLETOWN - Two local H. H. McCoanaU of the Keen*, rcsldenti, Thomu J. Devlin, Steel Strike Number bun Methodlit Church ofBdat- Suffolk U, and Matthew n » Melrou Ter., have Ing. Burial wUI be In Green End Affects t Iftypoit* RaTIXER T. CHAMPS, SR. Stock Picture MAY BE WORTH LONG BRANCH - Keller T. NEW.YORK f/?> - The ''id 'Champs, Sr., 71, died yesterday market entersd ths ,'T v.i: !ix m the home of Ms eon, Keller ties" yesterday with a vigorous T Champs, Jr.. 18a) Uberty St. but short-lived celebration of the Mr. Champa waa bom In Ken. settlement agreement la the at*«l tacky, eon oJ the lata Robert and strike. ' Minnie Champs. Hs wu a m In turbulent early dealings the her oT the Georgetown, Ky., $1,000 TO YOU steels, motors and rails paced a Christian Church. broad advance aa huge blocks Survivtaf, besides his BOB with changed hands at prices marked whom ha tired. Is another son, up ai much *| five points or so William' Champa of Georgetown. for some of the leadipg steels. TOMORROW Ky., and fear daughters. Mrs. Minnie Clayborae of Lexington. The, first hour volume was I.- Ky., Mrs. Oeorgja GaUuhaw and 140,000 ahares and the ticker taoe Miss Mettle M. Champs, both of was ae much a* five minute* be- Georgetown, Ky., and Mn. Sa hind transactions during the 70- See the Journal-American die Whetely of Covington, Ky. minute period ol lateness. Profit-taking gradually took The Ftoek Funeral Home, Long over, however, and by the dose Branch, Is la charge of arrange- the big rally waa snot full of • meats. ' holes, although the overall mar- ket still remained moderately HAROLD R. ZEIGLER hiaher. LONG BRANCH - Harold R ben named to Vey post* in a newly-formed division of Esso Re- The industrials took a loss on Zelajer. SS. of 112 Garfield Ave. the day. Rails, which hive a lot died yeiterday ia Moomouth search and. Engineering Co. Improved System* to gain from steel carloadlngi, Medical Center. sturdily retained the better part Bora In Little Silver, he wu Mr. Devlin will be responsible for developing and installing Im- of their gains and were malnl) the MO of the late Frank and responsible for the market's gain. Sadie Zelgter. He wai a mem-proved •yitems for company-wide HAPfY DAY —Mrs. Margaret Maur, wife of « stool, file, mail and messenger service ! Steels, nlso remained well on the ber of Star of the Sea Catholic worker, throws her the air, n Pittsburgh after upside, some of the leaders re- Church. hearing about the steel dispute agreement. Mrt. Maur taining advances exceeding three Surviving are Mi wife. Mn. points. Mary Zeigler; three daughters, has more than one good reason to be happy. She's the Mn. Lillian Andolino, Mra. Lor- mother of 10 children. IAP Wirophotol NEW YORK (AP) - Yerter nine Flora and Mn. Joan Fish- day'* closing atocka:' er, all of thii place; seven grand- AW In* «0«l I-TE CM Slk 43' Mr. and Mrs. George Reganis, Adami El St>t Johni Man children, and a brother, Melvla Air Rtnuc u: Zeigler of Philadelphia. son, .this morning. Alltj laid Ka!l«r *A\ Allied CH A high requiem mast will be Meamouth Medical Center Alltel Btn offered Thursday at • a. m. ia Mr. tnd Mn. Edgar A. Brum Aim Chal the Star of the Sea Church by Alcoa UMlb CAM Riynvlew Hospital! field, Brookdsle Farm, Lincroft Am Alrlin UhVort c Rev. John Hwan. Burial will be ton, yesterday.. ' Am Brk ah UhVtl Ind Mr. and Mn. Daniel D. O'Con- Am Can Uh Val Ml In Mt. Olivet Cemetery, under Mr. and Mr*. Charlei Scott, Am Cyan • LOf Olau nelt, 1 Blossom La., West, Mid- Am MftFdy direction of the Woolley Fuaaral 211 Pearl St., Red Bank, daugh- Am Motora Home. dletown, son. yesterday. ter, this morning. Am Smelt Mr. and Mrs. George Kimball, Am Slit Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith, RD Am Ttt*Tel MISS FLORENCE RUCHANAN 34 Willow St., Port Monmouth, Am. Tob 3, Freehold, son, "this morning. Am Vlicoaa ,s? OCEAN GROVE - Miss Flor son, yesterday. Amp lnc «•« Mr. and.Mrs. John Romano, Anaconda ' 1% once 0. Buchanan, O, died la her Armco «tl TIK 4t Howard Ave., New Shrews- Armour * Co 34V home, in Mala St.. Saturday, Armil Ck 41Vt after a long illneai. bury, son, yesterday. Aim oil 13! Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy, AlchlMn SJV Mis* Buchuaa wu bom II Birchwood Ave., Keansburg, Mr. and Mrs. Paul de la Reus- At! Rrlln 41V New York City, and had Uved Anco Corp Utj son, yeiterday. sille have returned to St. Peters- Babcock * W » . there until moving to Ocean Mr. and Mra, Harold J. Danbur- g Beach, Fla., after,apending Bald Lima MK Grove II month* ago. Mattkew F. Scalak Ball * Oh 41>i No PIKIJM fo goiV«! Wo •ssoys fo wriftl cer, Brsdevelt-Holmdel Rd., the holidays with Mr.: Reussille'a 'Benitli Av T1H She retired 12 years ago as a Bclh Steel MH and for;standardising equipment Bradevelt, daughter, this morn- mother, Mrs. Anna do la Rues- Boelm Air ~31!4 achool teacher ia New York City. ing. •••;:"•••.••.•••. .'• ' ;, . .• illle of 3S Broad St. , Rordtn ' nil Miss Buchanan wu a member and materials used in these fields. Bon Warn 4TM Every day, Sunday through Friday, the Journal-American Bucj-Erla • aji of the Broadway Presbyterian His Esso enreer began in 193: Rudd Co . »H in the miin laboratories at Bay- Bulova r IT publishes a list of local Social Security numbers. The list Church, New York City. Rurl In« M Surviving are three way Refinery. He transferred to Caie, JI JIH ~ Research in ISM. SECURItHS Cater Trae SSH changes daily; The numbers are picked at random from John Buchanan of Fair Haven, (These bid and asked quoutions from local brokers do not Colaneie - STU Mra. vMargaret Sherwood, thia Navy veteran of World/War represent sctuil transactions. They nre a guld* to the range with- Chea a Oh • Chryilcr aa Ina those issued in this area. place, and Harry D. Toppiag of II, ho holda a bachelor's degree in which then securities could hsve been sold or bought at theClllei (ve Pulln ia chemistry from Seton Hall Uni- time of compilstion.) ' Colt Palm . Jackson Heights, N. Y. : Colum uas If your number appears you may win $1,000 or one of »The funeral will be tonight at venlty, Com! Itolv Mr. Schink has been - named Con Eilla S o'clock In the Ocun Grave Asbury Pk. Nat'l Cont Can R«rn Vrt many other cash prizes. , ; .'Memorial Home. Burial will be area supervisor In the new Com Mot divisian. In that role, he is re-Asbury Pk., Ocun Grove Corn Pil .lot *M1I»« ••••• * Mt. Kisco. N. Y. Allenhufst Nat'l Crown Kelt m. Ida Uft sponsible for the administration Cruo III Atlantic Hlghliadi Nat'l Ourtlu Wr MRS. BERTHA HAMUNS sad day-by-day operations of 142BdmarfWallNil'l DM * Hud: employee* located in the comCentra- l Jersey Bank ~ 1 14.* W ' •-«••••:?• taxid Security Numbers • ?ORT MONMOUTH -Mra. W j« Alr< -' pany's offices at Hersh Tower Farmera A Merchants irCtiem ••x 4ff, Naw Y«ric 44, N. Y. Bertha Haaklaa, II, died yesteW la Elisabeth and within the Bay'First Nat'l, Bradley Beach day in the home of her daugh- way Refinery, ..-...••> First 'NaM, Freehold ter. Mri. Robert HughH, US Wll- Keanaburg-Mlduleiown V?&M} To afford me and my family a better opportunity aaa Av*. She wu the widow of Mr. Schink also began his Esso Loos Branch Trust arliRR MS iWf CfVp^M i to win in the Journal-Amerirnn'i "Winning Social Jasaph H. Haakias. carur in 1137, having started MerchanU Trust rir»»tona u an accounting clerk. He has Mattwan Bank Security Numbers" here are our aumbere: • . Ban ia Headdan'i Comer To atnd you Social Security been with Esso Resesrch's pro- Monmouth County Nat'Natl Mrs. Mutual had lived with hsi People* Nat'l Keat "»V4 •umber to the Journal- diniajMar II years. cess resesrch dlvUlon Knee ISM People* Nat'l, Keypart Now Jersey Trust American. You may also '••hfMmf.mnMat is another WELL TITLED daughter, Mn. Mary E. Davis Sea Bright Nat'l Bead the number* of other af: .Osasasasrouth, Va.; seven HAVEN, Conn. (AP) - Etoctronici Assistance Corp* anembera of your family. ;• gmiieajinjta; : ana Ja greet' MyNoma uy two 12-yeir-old boys Electronics Associates IMPORTANT! At least hollowed out a 400-page book with Hanson VW-M a raxor blade and went on aHaydu Industries Onyhmmd < 50% of the numbers pub- Tks faasml will ba held Tfeun- ouir on » Adckati day la the Scott Fuaeral Home, shoplifting spree in downtown Laird k Co. line Mr I! lished will be drawn from lolferd, with Rav, A. 0. Magraw •tores, Monmouth Park .45 Ill Cinl 49 N, J. Nat, Can " tnt n,n ttcti IJI those submitted on coupons. ; ofjltha; Port, Moamouth Commun They stuffed small items into tnt llifv 4* | wry..... MIM Z#IW I e • i eftOft • * t fl • •. ;Hr Caurch offlclatiag. Burial will M Including .10 extra: (xx) 1.7 percent slock dlv, the hollow book, which was en•Plui stock dividend, (xxx) 2 percent stock div. 1958; tnt Nick b» ia fair View CsmiUry, titled "Crowded Hours," tnt -PApor ])(H I wilolworuT **< "Ex, dividend IT* in slock. ... Kit TtlATtl |lt I Vnul 141* r IN I •t" "t ^%4$fe*

KIWANIS INSTALLATION — The Red Bank Kiwanis Club latt night installed its ; officers for I960. Dr. Sydney M. Kramer, third from left, receives th/a gavel at president from Neil A. Seotti, outgoing president. Other1 officers, left to right, are Edward A. Shkoda, treasurer; Henry A. Stevenson, Jr., first vice president; Charlet W. Johnson, second vice president, and Fred' M.King, secretary. : HSnVISTSMUT —Brig. S«n.ChafU*M..Baar, fourth from leftr met recently with key personnel of aroa ra- aarva units at Fort Monmouth. With Gen. Beer are, laft to right, Maj. French E. Hockoy, Rumson, commanding •fficer, Detachment 17, USAR Control Group IMobiliiation Deiigneels Lt. Col. John 0. Taylor, Elbaron, *taiff in- Denies Charge structor, 9250th Air Reserve Squadron; Col. Carl A. Borgaton, Little Silver, commanding officer, Detachment 25, USAR Control.Group (Mobilisation Deiignee); Brig. Gan. Joiaph E. Heinrich.Middletown, Detachment 25; Lt. Of Manslaughter Coll Charles E. Johnion, Allenhurit, commanding officer, 1323rd USAR Logistic Command (training), and Maj. Robert S. DeAdder, Shrawibury, rapreiantativa, 1155-1 ARSU, New Bruniwick C and G School. Gan. Baer gave In Knife Death • talk on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. ' , ',/.,, FREEHOLD - Sam Collins, 45, of Church La., -Middletown. pleaded not guilty yesterday be- Pick Weeden fore County Judge Elvin R. Sim- mill to a charge of manslaughter in the death Nov. 8 of Chester For Council Williams. 41. also of Church La.. Middletown. After Delay According to Assistant Proteci tor John A. Petljlo, the two nv FREEHOLD -It took ft had been drinking en the nighl ballots at last night't Boroui of Nov. 7, and during an argu Council organization meeting ment, Collins tltthed Williams oi confirm .the appointment the cheek with a pocket knife. Frank E. Weeden u councilm Williams then drove away and to fill one year of the two-year was found at 8 a. m. the next day unexpired term of resigned Coun- in front of the Collins house, Mr. cilman Harry Sagotsky. ' Petillo said. When police and •AMI SCOUT—Clifton Lewis, third from left, is congratulated by Donald Dutcher, M. Raymond McGowan was Dr. Marc Krohn arrived he wat scoutmaster of Troop 24, Fair Haven, after receiving Eagle Scout rank at Courtef. appointed borough attorney t< pronounced dead. the teventh year by, a 3-2' vote. Trial date hat been set for Jan Honor recently. Looking on ara the boy's parentt, Mr. and Mrt. Clifton Lewis, Kemp Mr. Weeden, a salesman for 18. Ave., Fair Haven. Other tcoutt advance d in rank during the ceremony war* Gary feed concern who said he it John S. Komen, 24, of 79 Pros- Outchar, star scout; David Brandt, Peter Brinkerheff, Francis Davit, Curtis Delano Republican, was appointed by pect Ave., Red Bank, pleaded and Japat Osborne, second clan, and William Burnt and. Walter Harrison, tender- 3-2 vote after confirmation wu not guilty to charges of unlawful delayed earlier in the meeting. use of dangerous weapons. foot. •.",••••• '•'•.'.,' •-'•••' • • ••• •:•'.•• After newly elected Counc At 3:08 a. m. Nov. 5, according men Thomas Crowley, Republi- to the prosecutor, Komen shot at Victor Levine, 59, of 9 Bay since 1952. He's a working vice can, and Leonard Conway, Demo- Mrs. Ernestine Williams, Thomp- Grand Jury Ave., Long Branch, was Indicted president for the first time In crat, were sworn in, Mayor Bar- son Hill Kd.. Middletown. with for bookmaking' between Feb. the history of the United States." ton Callahan, a Democrat, offer- (Continued) .22 caliber rifle from a bar on and March 3, 1959, at stores on Many of the Democrats com- ed Mr. Weeden't name tor the Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank. The Jones St., Shrewsbury, was in- Fifth Ave. and at 275 Broadway, menting contended that the ad- appointment. bullet hit the car fender. dicted on charges of lewdness o Ralph L. Huttenlock. 71, of 1013 ministration should have stepped Democratic Councilman Mich- At 5 a. m. of the tame day, June 6, July 15 and Aug. S 16th-Ave., Belmar, was indicted in long before this. They said ael J. Merola, who wu elected Mr. Petillo said, Komen shot at volving three teenage boys on charges of impairing the mor- a settlement could 'have been president of the council, offered NIWLY AftOINTiO Freehold- councilman Frank E. Weeden, right, Republican, ii Asher Tucker of Newark while Shrewsbury. als of a minor. Ho is accused reached much earlier with much absolution to defer the appoint- congratulated by Democratic Mayor Barton Callahan. Looking on, center, it newly he wu driving at the Neptune Richard O. Caldwell. 19, a sol of immoral acts with II and 12 less damage to the economy and ment until all other appointments traffic circle. dier stationed at Fort Hancock, year-old boys between June 15 loss of workers' wages. reappointed Borough Attorney M. Raymond McGowan, who ttartt hit teventh year in were made. Mr. Merola's resolu- Pleads Guilty was indicted oh a grand larceny and June 26. At the same time, they stood the petition. Both men were appointed at last night's Borough Council meeting by tion carried, supported by Coun- James V. Lobascio, 18, who charge. The prosecutor charged ready to pin on Nixon and cilrhen Crowley and Conway. 3-2 votes. Mayor Callahan began hit fourth term at the I960 organization meeting. lives at a rooming house at 141 that on Sept. 27 Caldwell visited Mitchell the blame for any In- Changed Vete Seely Ave., Keantburg, pleaded Samuel Poland, 309 Beers St. Steel flationary effects which may de- U when the whole appellate bench Two hours later, u the laat guilty to of narco- Keyport, and while'there stol velop from operation of the new Eatontown School Budget can hear the matter. •'} action of the meeting. Mayor tics. Heroin was .found at his two watches valued at $800 and (Continued) contract. . -•* Rabin said New Jersey•• author- Callahan resubmftted Mr. Weed- home Sept. 14, according to the buried them In the sand at Fort The union, won /stable pension There- were unconfirmed te- ; 1 ities had told, him" there would en's name,' and* Mr. Crowley prosecutor:. In his statement t«- Hancock..:./,:^,. ; :... .,V " ImRrovemeotmpwvemeoui and a limited port* ,, the.,' administration had Action, Hearing Dates' Set be ample time for Erickson to changed his .vote, giving Mr. bascto said he had bean "using John D. Perry, Snyder Rd., form of cott-pf-living wtge es- good reason to believe that ma- testify after Jan. 13 if the stay Weeden the appointment. it for 2(4 years." Freehold Township, was indicted calation! The companies will pay jor steel producers would post no The reappointment of Mr. Me EATONTOWN - The Board of year term. The order of names is lifted. He wu employed by a board' for allegedly making false state the whole cost of medical and general steel price Increases in Gowan was confirmed by thi Education last night scheduled of those running for the full three- walk concession operator. He will ments to obtain unemployment hospital insurance, previously 1960. Mitchell refused comment same line-up of votes. adoption of a tentative budge year term will be: L. J. Schaefer, be sentenced Jan. IS. checks toUling $262.50 between shared by workers and employ- on this, saying "That's for the Councilman Merola opposed next Monday and a public hear- Gregory Guarino, William Green- L. V. Anderson, 35, of 112S June, 1958, and February, 1959. ers. ' • '. industry, to Say." Special, Fire both Mr. Weeden, a former ing on the budget Jan. 25 at the wood and James K. Van Doren. Heck Ave., Neptune, pleaded not Irving Sacknowltz, 58, RD The companies swallowed this But, like Steefmaa Heath, Board 'of Education member, Margaret L. Vetter School. Polling Places guilty to a charge of embezzle- Howell. Township, was indicted package reluctantly, Mitchell he said be believed 'the cent.' and Mr. McGowan because they ment of property by an em- said he and Nixon, in perhaps panics "will not need to In- The budget will be available Polling place No. 1, for voters Pl on three charges of breaking and Police are Republicans. He proposed ployee. a dozen secret meetings over the crease steel prices immtdl- for public inspection at the board living in districts 2 and 1 will be entering.' Memorial School. Polling place the name of Mr. Sagotsky, According to Mr. Petillo, An- He is charged with taking pipe past month, won their assent by ately," although-as he anted aecretary's office in the Vetter -many faccers betides wages No. 2, for voters from Districts Appointed Democrat,' u attorney, derson took $330.50 worth of food- worth $230 Sept. 5; $114 cash and painting a "very realistic; picture school between its publication, can affeet tieel costs. 1 and 3, will be decided at the Mr. Merola pointed out thai stuffs from I. Rokeach, Howell a $1,500 cash register from La- of the alternative." • Jan. M, and the time of the pub- FAIR HAVEN— Mayor Rus- Blough in New York said US next school board meeting, Jan. Mr. Sagotsky had been a council- Township, where he waa em- Bove's Restaurant, Asbiiry Park, He listed the alternative: . lie hearing, it was announced. next school board meeting, Jan. sell H. Minton appointed the fol- Steel, the industry's wage and man for 10 years and the Demo ployed, between June and Sep- Sept. 8. He ytu arrested whil Another agooliing shutdown; ; The board decided to write to 11. > ' lowing special and fire police at price pace-setter, "proposes to cratic controlled council wu "do- tember. attempting to break into Joe' the prospect that a later set- the civic groups of the borough The board approved the use of Friday's reorganization meeting. continue the general level of its ing a disservice to the Democra- James Plumer, 43, of 19 First Market, Asbury Park, Sept. 8, tlement would be "at a high requesting permission for board an additional first grade class- They include: prices for the immediate .future." tic party" by not appointing Mr. I, and Herbert Blacknatl, 10 the prosecutor said. price"; or, action by Congress members to meet with them to room at the Post School at Fort Special police. Melvin Stout, And in Chicago, Chairman Jos- Monrpouth, because of increased Sagotsky. Holmes Ter., both Freehold, have Mr. Petillo said .that on Sept. forcing a setttemeat-"and In .'give them detailed information Frank Perry, Raymond T. Me- The other two Democratic been indicted for embezzling $392 presidential election year eph L. Block of Inland Steel, an- first grade enrollments in the Cur.~W.lter' F 0'^ 6.' he was observed loading a other major producer, said his on the new budget. Carl M. Vanderveer worth of foodstuffs from the you can conjure uo what would Vetter School. The superintendent nick with pipe on Rt. 35, and firm "has no present plans to The budget referendum and lenbake, James Flynn, Roy Nel- and Dewitt Lott, were appointed concern. be considered," the secretary election of school board members was authorized to hire a teacher son, and Jerry Kern. he pipe was recovered at 121' change its prices." • police chairman and assistant Dominic Trowaglini, 38, of Mid. ' for the new class, with approval Also, John Fix, Allen Sears, ksbury Ave., Asbury Park. , wilt take place Feb. 9. chairman, respectively. Mitchell last night virtually of the personnel committee. Arthur Davison, Thomas Carlock, Chester, Pa., pleaded not guilty Henry McGhee, ,28, of Rt. 9, Was Voted Dow> Engineer lillert the possibility that the ad- Oscar Becker, Lester Rooms, and to charges of embezzlement. reehold Township was indicted For the »ast two years the ministration will propose or sup- Ralph Johnson. Lawrence Adams was retp- The prosecutor charged that on or allegedly contributing to the Lame to Inspect Eatontown school budget has port stiffer federal laws to aver Fire ; police, Edward Porter, pointed for one year at borough Oct. 24, 19S8, while Trowaglini lelinquency of 16-year-old girl in been voted down at the regular Excuse Erickson strike emergencies In 'I960. Carl Burnside, James Butler, Wal- engineer and superintendent wu- employed by Samuel A. tabury Park on May 23. „ school elections. Superintendent Rauch, money Such legislation needs study ter Bennett, Mr. Mcllray, Mr. public works. wu embezzled Johnny Lee Hayes,'31, and Syl- Jetport Plan Site of Schools William W. Ranssay, rod calm deliberation "complete- In Adonis Trial Perry and William Tansey. Committees for the coming from the sale of a load of hay vester Almors, 32, both of Clarks- NEW VERNON (AP) - State •however, expressed optimism as Kw were announced by Mayor worth $373, and on Nov. 3. 1958, outside the political arena, HACKENSACK, N. J.. (AP) - Also Paul Wall, Peter Brokaw, burg, Millstone Township, were Senate President Wesley L. Lance to the outcome of the referendum allahan aa follows with chair from the proceeds from the sale lie told reporters, and this could scheduled an air inspection today Testimony may begin today in Joseph Cross, Harry Harvey, Wal- indicted for allegedly aiding and this year. man listed first: , >f hay valued at $2B3.SO. not be obtained in a presidential of the Great Swamp area In Mor- the payoff trial of Harold Adonis ter Morton, Mr. Stout. issisting a criminal. ' "We must provide information Finance, Mr. Vanderveer, Mr. election year. He declared his ris County proposed as a jet air- but one of the biggest of the big- Also, Randolph Cook, Edward According to the prosecutor . about the budget to the largest Lott and Mr. Merola; housing, belief the rest of the administra- port site. possible number cf voters," Mr. name witnesses won't be there. Cook, Werner Felsmann, Noel hey gave money and a ride to Mr. Crowley and Mr. Conway ion shares his view. Lance (R-Huntcrdon) said he Gambler Frank Erickson was James Stalfa. Egg Market Mile Clyde Ivory so he could Ramsay stressed. lealth and welfare, Conway and Nevertheless the mood and wanted to compare it with the temporarily excused from testify' itchhike to Florida after he had "Only a relatively small amount ilerola; light, Lott and Crowley; NEW YORK (AP)-(USDA)- lanner of the settlement an- Burlington County area suggested ing by, a court order yesterday lled a fellow worker, Asbury of the voting public attends the Five Teenagers ire, Vanderveer and Lott; prop- Wholesale egg offerings liberal. nouncement bristled with po- as an alternate site by Morris « New York City. Unlcy, on Aug. 30, 1958, on the budget hearing. This means that Held in Bombing rty, Lott, Vanderveer and Con- Demand quiet yesterday. Receipts litical Imptlcatloni. Mitchell County jetport opponents. Lance a large segment of the people is Earlier New York General Ses- lerbert Farm, Upper Freehold ay; streets, Crowley and Van 3 days) 33,400. lauded Nixon's role la the set- has already flown over the Bur- In virtual ignorance about the ions Court Judge Thomas Dic- NEWARK (AP) - Five youths 'ownship. lerveer, and water and sewer New York spot quotations fol- tlement almost effusively. lington location. budget. An Intelligent vote surely kens had ordered Erickson to were indicted today by the Es- low: , Ivory was picked up in Florida "Without the vice president we ilerola and Lott. 1959, and on May 14 . Lance urged speedy action by cannot result from this, proced- honor any request by New'Jersey sex County Grand Jury in. the Includes Mtdtretttra ould not have had a settle- was sentenced to 10 to 15 the federal government to grant ure." that he testify at the trial of bombing of a Negro church Mixed cobra — Extras (48-50 ment," he said. His influ- Sept. 21. ears in prison for second degree a requested $300,000 for prelim- A drawing for places on the Adonis, one-time aide of ex-Gov. Police said the church was s) '29-30'/j; extras medium 27< ence, his leadership and his urder. inary engineering studies by the ballot for school board elections Alfred E. Driscoll. __ Jhe teenagers were charged xunbed with explosives made 28; Standards large prestige were very significant." Burlington Planning Board. He put Joseph. Walco first, followed Erickson appealed the order with carrying a bomb and caus- [rom a toy chemistry set after checks 25-28. Ernest A. Adler, 23, of Cedar And in Augusta. Ga., President said he had noted Burlington had by Donald'Vaughn, for the one- :o New York Appellate Division ing an explosion at the True Way the landlord refused to rent the Whites - Extras (48-50 lbs) ,ve., Long Branch, was indicted Eisenhower and Press Secretary "many characteristic's (avorable year term. Arthur Boylan is run- ludge Benjamin Rabin who grant- Church of God in Jesus Christ, ore's cellar to the boys for a 29-32; extras medium 27-28. allegedly embezzling $1,081 ames C. Hagerty preserved an for a jet' airport which will not uncontested, for the two ed a temporary stay until Jan. ocated in a store at 174 12th St. ubhoute. Browns — Extras (48-50 lbs) orth of equipment from Elcc- maccustomed silence, as if de- be found elsewhere in New Jer- 30-31. ironies Associates, West ton? ibcrately to let the political sey." Include! Nearby ranch, where he was employed, imelight play on the Nixon- Fifteen church leaders yester- Whites - Top Quality (48-50 According to the prosecutor he itchell twosome. day joined to oppose the Port of lbs) 31-344; mediums 27-28; idmitted taking the material be- Hagerty commented that Els- New York Authority's plan' to smalls 25-26. tween June 1 and July 7 for ex- enhower wu "gratified," but construct a 200-million-dollar jet- Browns — Top Quality (48-50 perimental purposes, and for a he quickly put In another plug port near here to serve the New i) 3l'/,-33; mediums 27-28; i-fi set, He was arrested July for Nixon, whs la virtually con- York metropolitan area. The 15 malls after he had been slopped by ceded the GOP presidential representatives of seven, faiths guard at the plant July 7 and imallon. Said Hagerty: were opposed by a Morristown H>ki II • pmtlitMa Mbli to urn und with some of the material, "The President has always giv- minister, who criticized their la mmttfi eiuiirtta to mi rour '•nts. -AdvarllMmt nt. is charged. hlm Important chores, even stand as dictated by self-interest.

MARZ LOSU THI119 CHAIR — Democratic Mayor John Marx, Jr., Matawan Townihip, lott the "big chair" last ONI NIW PACI — With the exception ef Councilman Raymond E, Garrison, Jr., right, the makeup of Littla night at Republican! took over, naming Peter J. Waten at new mayor and State Sen. Richard R. Stout at attorney. Silver's governing body remalnt at latt year. The group had Its reorganiiation matting last night. They are, left Mr, Man hai been mayor a quarter of a century. The Dtmocrati controlled the committee for the pait 26 yean, to right, Councilman Douglas C, Wright, Charles E, Folio m, and Charlei W. Stepheni; Mayor P. Paul Campi.^nd Left to right, above, are Sen. Stout, Committeeman Man, Mayor Watari, Tawnihip Clark Mrt. Rote K, Wansal and, Councilman'Nation M. Ayen, Edward F. Torre, and Mr. Garrison. Mr, Terra wat named council pratidant. ' new SOP Commltteeman Sigmund V. Kowaliki. . ' :';*;;?;# > Discuss Works "I fee}Jle» that the nature of the opposition, being the ex- Jet Airport pression of self-interest. Is ethi- Qf Robert Frost NEW VERNON (AP) — JW- cally suspect and ought not te • church leaders joined today have the Hessian, of Christian fight a proposed ejuarter-bil- RUMSON - A return to the a mern^r of the National Insti tute of Arts and Letters, tbe Uoa-dellar Jet airport ia Morris pleasures of poetry is in store County: Their stand drew the ft* a combined' student and adult American Academy of Arts and Delta Chapter Letters, and the American Phil- criUdsra of a Morristowa ralnl- Mdisace at Rumson-Fair Haven He said their action was Regional Ugh School next Mon- osophical Society, as well as the Elect* Officers recipient of numerous print for dictated by self-interest. day, when the poems of Robert KEYPORT -At the recent his distinguished contributions to Rev. Dr. Williams L. Lancey Frost, consideres America'a most convocation of' Delta Chapter. literature. said athto Sunday service la the renowned Uviag poet, will be read Royal Arch Masons, held ia Ms- and discussed *y Dr. Willard Dr. Thorp will introduce his dis- MOfflHOWB MCtnOQUt CBUfCR 1 that he thought tt wss not "wife sonic Temple, the following offi- Thorp, chairman of the English cussion with companion between cers were elected and Installed: Mr. Frost and Edwin Arlington the competence of clergymen Department at Princeton Univer- Walter J. Beyer, high priest; Robinson, one of the greatest of gather and evaluate such facts sity. WitBam Schuk, king;,Ernest D. America.'* noets and a three-time d form such judgments." Dr. Thorp, one of our country's Cordt, scribe; Richard C.'Best, winner of (he Pulitzer Priie The pastors — Presbyteries, most distinguished littrary his* treasurer, and Charles Maurer, The reading will start at 8 p. m. Lutheran, Episcopal, Roman torians, will introduce a new PROMOTID — George J.losler, Jr., left, and 6. Robert Catholic, Baptist, Methodist and secretary. series of cultural presentations in the new auditorium of regional g high school. aon-denominational — Also, Joseph Toplass, captain to be offered at the regional Truax, Jr., have been named vice presidents b y IIrving of the host; Herbert C. Smith, Tickets are available at the elected officials of New Jersey achool for residents of the coun principal ofso journey; Alfred R. Curriculum Office of the achool Trust Co., New York City. Mr. Bodet lives at 103 lutton- head off the destruction of ty. • ••' :..v : "something very very precious" Eckmsa. Royal Arch captains, wood Dr., Fair Haven, and Mr. Truax lives it 15 Laurel One of the four editors of the and the "inversion of true John E. Phillips, grand muter three-volume "Literary History Ct., M!ddletown..Mr. Boslet poined Irving Trust Co. in values. of third veil; Mario A. Pelle- grino, grand master of second of the United States," the speak. Church Sets 1945. Ha is in landing and customer relations work. Mr. They' sent copies of their state- veil; Howard S. Creed Jr., mas- er conducts a course in "Main ment to Gov. Robert B. Meyner, Truax joined the bank in 1949. He heads tha western ter of first veil; William Deman, Currents of American Literature" state and federal legislators from tyler; George Henn, chaplain, at PrincetoK- Family Rite district in tha bank's national division. the county, and the Port of New and Robert RothwelL organist. PeHteer Priie ork Authority officials. Visiting for a week at the home Meeting with Rev. George S. His , Robert.Frost, hu Tomorrow of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tyrrell Knieriemaa Jr., in hia First won the Puliuer Priie for poetry SHREWSBURY - Rev. Anselm Ike, Khrushy 41 Ataboy Ct,, is their .nephew Presbyterian Church here, the IS four times, and is considered by Tommy Blinn, Bronx. Broburg, rector of Christ Epis- ministers and priests said: many to be America's.outstand- copal Church' has announced that Send Nptes ing candidate for the Nobel Priie a Family Eucharist Service to- Guests at the home of Mr. and "We the undersigned pastors la literature.; morrow at I p. m. in the church Mrs. R. A. Gage, 14 Gary Dr. have the very good fortune to The LITTLE HOUSE exercise our ministry in an area On March 24, 1950. thepoet's will'marwill k the beginning of the Of Peace New Monmouth, for Christmas where the living conditions oro- 75th birthday, the United SStates celebration of the Feast of the AUGUSTA, Ga, (AP) -Presi- dinner were Mr. and Mrs, H. H. ide/a way of life which is very 811 RIVER RdAD Senate unanimously adopted Epiphany, a Holy, day of the dent Eisenhower and Soviet Pre- Gage and daughter, Janet;- Ken- lose to ideal." resolution in his honor. Year of Salvation. mier Nikita S, Khrushchev neth Asterita, Jersey City; Mr. They said a ietport would ere- The citation read, "His poems This feast commemorates the hopes for peace and friendship and Mrs. L. S. Davis and son, ite a 15-mlle belt of undesirable .. .have helped to guide Anted, "showing of Christ to the Gentiles in an exchange of New Year's Leonard, Grant City, Staten Is- eal estate. That would drive 'can thought with humor and wi»i h i f h i men bear greetings, land, and Mra.-George Barone away current residents and bring <«tom. setting forth to our minds and Frank Barone, Point Pleas- ing gifts of incense, myrrh and Released yesterday by the through haphazard zoning chan- a reliable representation of our- ant. gold." White House, the message from ges a flood of people "who would selves and of all men..." The full message will be give the Russian leader was longer •ring with them all the undealr- Guests over the holidays at the His Pulitzer awards were tor by1 Father Broburg in a reading and more, flowery than Eisen. We aspects of crowded city liv- /"New Hampshire" (MM). "Col-of the gospel and a short sermon. bower's-briefer, more restrained home of Mr. and Mra. Joseph lected Poems" (1931), "A Furth- ChaHee Fund Sidoti, II Walnut Ave., were Mr. reply. The chairman of the As a result, they said, er Range" (1IS7). and "A Wit At the Epiphany Eucharist Sidoti's parents, Mr. and Mra. Supreme Soviet Presidium, K. E. thing very very precious" would ness Tree" (1M1). there will be a gold and jewel Ralph Sidoti, and daughter, Bel- Voroshilov, Joined in the Krush be killed because the communl In addition, his published vol la, of Islip, L. I. ' collection for the "Chalice Fund. chev message. ties would be uprooted and the umes include: "A Boy's Will,' Widespread attention his bee Let this New Year be the lives of its citizen* changed. "North of Boston." Mountain directed to the projec._._ t sponsored Visiting Lenore Gabriel, daugh< r year of a further inmprovement The pastors said their opposi- Interval," "W e a t-R u n n i n g by the Young PeoplePpl'1s Fellowship ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cosmos S. in the relations between our tion was based not on absorbing Brook," A Maaque of' Reason,i."" fofor icreating of a new gold,chalice Gabriel, 108 Statesir PI., last countries," said the Russian more persons with varied clau "Steeple Bush," "A Masque of to _be used with Christ Church' week were Mr, Gabriel's sister, greeting. ' backgrounds — something they Mercy," and "Complete Poems historic Queen Anne chalice a: Mis. Vincent Lelio, and daughter, of Robert Frost." This could .lead, it said, to Joann, of Newark. said already exists In their serving instruments at the Hoi; churches — but on so destroying A recipient of honorary degrees friendship and co-operation "for Eucharist celebrations. what present residents have that from many colleges and univer- the good of our nations, for the The Monmouth Surburban Club Gold Jewelry 'no one would enjoy it." sities. Mr. Frost hu taught and During the put' few weeks good of peace in the entire had its annual Christmas prog- lectured at many of the country's world." ressive party last week at th The clergymen asked that hu parishioners have been asked man as well u technical values outstanding educational tami- search their family, jewel boxes Eisenhower said in reply that members' homes. At Mrs. Mit- chell Reno's home they exchanged cc..»idered in picking a ietport MERRY MITES • HONG KONG IMPORTS tions. for gold jewelry, gold coins, he shared the hope for a further gifts and revealed secret pals. site. True progress' would sot YOLANDES # LA PATS Other Hoaers precious and semi-precious .stories improvement in Soviet-American come from the destruction of In addition to his Pulitzer no longer in use. relations. "prime residenlisl areas." they • IMP ORIGINALS awards and his honorary fellow The rector said another chalic Mr. and Mrs. Russell M. San- derson, 2S Mapiewood Dr., had concluded, ahipa, the poet has been a co- is needed to prepare the altar on Central MiildletoHii as guests for a few days ove Of the statement, Or. Lancey founder of the Bread Loaf School SdSundayy s wheh n several Eucharists MANY ITEMS AT COST AND BELOW . the holiday* Mrs".. Sanderson's had this to say: of English st Middlebury College, occur within a short span of time. Visiting Mr. «nd Mrs. Miqhael Lawless, 8 Miriam Pi;, for a week parents, Mr. ta'nd Mrs. Harold were Mrs. Lawless' parents, Mr. Dick, Waltham, Mass. and Mrs. Richard F. D'aivs, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Albert Madsen of Bronx. Guest for the week-end 30 Mapiewood Dr., New Mon- mouth, and children, Albert awl was Mr. Lawless' father, Peter nvBwT wi 1M Lawless of Jersey City. Mary Lou. last weekend visited Mrs. Madaen'a mother, Mra. Isa- Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, 122 ac Grey, and Mf. Madam's fa- Statesir PI., and children, Diane, ther, John" Madsen, Brooklyn. r-CUARAWAY! Tommy and Cindy, last week vis- ited Mr. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Smith, Washing- Sandbach ton Heights. N. Y.

TOWN « COUNTRY SHOP Mr. and Mrs. Joseph X. Rice, Family Wins 93 Walnut Ave., and children, Joey, Peter and.Johnny, over the ON SALE holiday week-end visited Mrs. State Title Rice's mother, Mrs, Vera Byrne, EATONTOWN - A Register LIMITED TIME ONLY Hempstesd, L. I. picture of four generations of Republican women—taken in Sep- The Locust Wood Civic Associ< tember-has gained distinction for • Dresses • Suits ation will have Friday. the'Sandbach-family of Eaton- Jan. 22. At Buck Smiths. East town. "The group won the atate Keansburg, which' is open to title in a, Mother-Daughter con- • Jewelry members of the association and test sponsored by'the National their friends. Robert Flanagan is Federation of Republican Wom- chairman and Mrs, Anthony en - • • Mayo, vice chairman. - Mrs. Edith Lewis, Great-grand AT THE CLOSE OF lUSINESS, DECEHIIR 31, 1959 mother; Cora Wagner,.grandmo< Mr. and Mrs.- Frederick Whit ther; Mrs. Warren Sandbach, mo- Sophisticated Smartness ties, 2 Louise PI. j last week-end ther and her daughter, Janet, with Rural Rtlaxation entertained for Mrs. Whittles' four years old, were entered in • «i • mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Tecling, the contest through the Eaton- Harrison, and her brother and town Women's Republican Club. 12 Llndon Place sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Announcement* of the award Thomas Teeling, Newark. was made yesterday by Mrs. Har Directon ASSETS RED BANK ry H. Neuberger, Everett, presi Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lockwood, dent of the stale organization l new residents at 1 Louise PI, Sixty entries were submitted. RONALD W. ALLEN Locust Wood, entertained neigh- There are 208 clubs in the state. Caih and Due from Bank $ 4,180,764.34 Where the antique charm oj yesterday bors Thursday. < Mrs. Neuberger said there was President, Allen Bros., Inc. * the fashion oj tomorrow. only one other four-geiferation en. U. S. Sovarnmant Bonds 6,851,792.86 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Noon' try, but the club neglected tc an, 5 Heather La., Brigadoon Vil send in a picture of the family. THOMAS P. DOREMUS Municipal and Other Bonds ... 3,747,049.21 lage, and children, Daniel and Each of the '47 atate federa- Doremus, Russell, Fasano ft Maureen, last week-end vlsitied tions wilt submit entries for the Banking Houtt, Furnitura ' Mrs. Noonan's parents, Mr. and national title which will be de- Nicosia Mrs. Frank Aquadra, Cliffside cided March 31 in Washington, And Fiituni..: 310,426.49 Park. D. C. EDGAR N. McCLEES Mortcjagti „ ...'„ 3,543.256.53 Vice President and Secretary IIS IROADST. RED BANK I JO-DAY niCIHTATtON OUTLOOK Loaru and Discounts 5,933,449.04 Ofhtr AuaH I38.922.4t SEMI-ANNUAL KENNETH H. McQUEEN SHOE CLEARANCE . President TOTAL $24,705,660.95 RES. 17.95 , 24.95 JAMES S. PARKES Vice President, Lawes Coal' DRESS SHOES Co,, Inc. MADEMOISELLE • PALIZZIO 90 C. DONALD ENGLISH LIABILITIES * > 14 President, English Agendas REG. 12.95 • 14.95 Common Stock ..$ 420,000.00 | JO-OAT TIMMMTUM OUTIOOK J. B. RUE, JR. CAPEZIO . JOYCE • TAFSUNETTES Surplus -L...... 1,000,000.00 PrnMsatntcd Bank Dairy, Inei SHENANIGANS • NATURALIZE8, Undividod Profits .:... 451,122.1? •7.90 i.9O DAVID W. RUSSELL Unoamod Ditcountand -9 Preskknf. ioro Busts ' HI ontJ MisJ-Hl Haeli In Leather, Suede or Fabric. Othor LJabilitioi 250,096.63 President, RuaatU Olds«adUlac WlsJe selection of styles and colon. Sites 4-10— PretMent, Central Jtrsey , ••"• • 22.584.442.13 AAAA to I widths. , Mack tales Company REG. 9.95 • 12.95 ~~~ TOTAL $24,705,660.95 SPORT AND FLATS HARRY C. F. WORDEN Wordta Funeral Home JOYCE . CAPEZIO .OLD MAINE TROTTERS KNALJO • PATINOS

WIATHIR PORICAST MAP-Thau mapi baied an All-Day lankin« of Rtd tank's only Drivt-tn land! SIZE 4 • 10-AAAA TO B WIDTHS those supplied by tha U.S. Weather luraau show the precipitation ,'ind temperature outlook for tha neat 30 Member Federal'Reserve System / Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation HANDBAGS—>/3 OFF days. IAP W(rephoto Map)' ' - • tjl-f-a S»W ffst part* house at a s 1 ^ J f -r aSU^H^^ SU^h^u ^f ttgtM imaged by the cat- TTN aw* aMBInyBmTVa Ball^ W IWW fee hour committee under the LONG BRANCH -The Mon- better care and treatment, and Jersey, administered the sacra- chairmanship of Samuel J. Zie> As-promoting neat of ceafirmatJoa to aew com- me^ Couaty Mental Health additional community gl«r. sodstitt ckeed its INI for disturbed children asaafcaats Sunday moraiag at and adults." the Family Eucharist aervice in HitJth Fund took* Dec. 31 with • Assisting Mr. Thumroeu. gen- let Etfceepa! Church. * total had return of SM.W.SS. eral chairman, in the drive were: Isasg* Baayard. U his an Dr. Alton L. Lewis, preiident, Business and industry, I. Allen •no, said the church aeeda the Buttons commended Jottph, Thummess, Mohn, Elberon Park; specisl "willing heads aad nimbi* salads Aspury Park, general fund chair- sifts•" , Robert N. Raster, West perform fuac- A Problem man, workers ef the association's Looi Branch; special evenU, Mrs. board of directors, and local Paul Swiu, Middletown; Bell He urged astmtars of me con* chairmen lad werkera for achiev- ringer drive, Mrs. B. N. Croft- "dlaeovw the en- For Union ing this result. sky, West Allenhurst, and Mrs, tirely new world of napptaess and WASHINGTON (APMJaited •This represents our highest William EmmonvManesquan. si fc^^ klk " t #W Stedwofkere officials yesterday Municiapl chairmen were Hans who igHro their time aad efforts fund drive ,total to date," Dr. wondered what to do with Mt,- Lewis stated. "It refleeU both deBlecourt, Asbury Park; Mrs. to build a'bigger aad cleser-kait an increasing public awareneu Edward Nadotay, Avon; Miss church family." •. M "No" lapel buttons distri- ef the seriousness of mental ill- Dorothy Cronin, Belmar; Mrs. buted to union locato across the nesi, and the pubilc'i generosity David Bleemer, Bradley Beach; Rev. Assetm Brobarg, rector. cooalry. Mrs. Melvin Dow, Cliffwood in supporting our efforti to coun- also addressed the newly con- The flashy buttons were dis- teract the terrible human toll of Beach; Mrs. Leon Katz, Deal firmed aad assembled congregs mental illneu." Park; Alex Maron, Colonial Ter- tributed to USW locals in antici- (km. Ho said "Joialag the church pation of a Taft-Hartley secret "Yes. Mother, I'm starting to tidy up the livinq room race; -Seymour Burke, Farming- must bo coasiderad the begianing Dr. Lewis* reviewed some ol COUNCILMAN Frank J. Conway, right, • ballot on the employers' "last right now." ;• \; ;::,;":' , '" •' . '___ the programs through which the dale' ' ; Mrs. William J. Kraui, of a aew form of We." : Freehold.. Democrat, took, tha oath of office last ni«ht as the offer. . . association serves the needs of CammamieanU ef the parish he new high to heavy convention the mentally ill. "Our functions Mrs. Celina HogSn, Highlands; governing body organixed for I960. Hit running mate, said should aim to observe Holy President David J. McDonald and other union officials de- Luxury Tax bookings throughout the year and ae an aaacciatkw are many, and Donald Miller, Keyport; Elliot Alton D. Walling, was iworn in at a special cerommy Eucharist every week. to generally good weather during none,cat), take precedence over Katt, Long Branch; James P. .Newly confirmed were Arthur clared the companies' proposal Friday. Here, Borough Clerk Mrs. Adelaide I. Crammer unacceptable and a "No" vote Receipts High the summer months. . V another", Dr. Lewis commented. Van Schoick, Jr., Manaaquan; Charles Harry, Charles Joseph The three per cent tax ia levied "Alwsys .we must educate, Mrs. F. W. Millard,, Neptune reads tha oath ai Mayor Norman'Ji Curria looks on. Marsh, Mrs. J. Ellis Morrow, would haye freed the uatoa to strike Jan. ». ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - Col- on hotel rooms, amusements, cii- through every medium available. Township; Mrs. Morton Stern, Democrats control tho body S to I. Hernia Jacqueline Morrow, Mar- lectioaa of this resort's luxury and alcoholic beverages.1 Mrs., Albert Mattek tha Kathleen Baer aad Marie trattet "During the past year the as- Oakhurst; s "That'a a good question." tax for IMf totaled $I,7I7.4S7- Atlantic City ia the only munid sortition hasi. recruited aaddiUonai l Rarltan Township;; Mrs. Franklin Lsaoir DeAdder. said a USW spokesman when : the highest ia the 15-year history paltry In the state that has such volunteers to work with patients Hell, Ocew Crave; Samuel P. Pvt. Henderson Ends During this period Marines live Also. Susan Ruth Dales, Wsl asked about the disposal of the in hospitals, and to provide in- MeUger. 3d, Red Bank; Mrs. J. primarily In the field and take ter Edwin Deistf Usda AIke of the Uvy-Financ* Director eta.-: -•,•;,.:- .-. • . direct services for patients. We Cashiell, Robertiville. Marine Infantry Course part in bivouacs, marches and Fedorko. Joan Vaa Der Veer Jack O'Doaaell aanounced yes- Maybe we'll save them for terday. .- ••::•?•: ;;i'•;••:• •: ;• END VACATION have established a welfare Mrs. George Levinson, Roose- CAMPLEJEUNE". N. C. - muscle building exercises. Henry, Patricia Ann Jordan, fund. We have Initiated a reso- Marjorie Aaae King. Sasaa De- use in V/i years.'" The 1W total topped last HAZLET - Mr. and Mrs. Louis velt; Mrs. Robert Norton! Sea Marine Pvt. Sim T. Henderson This training, followed by two Is Costa, Jr.. and children. Louis cialiiatioa program for recovered Bright; Mrs. Leon Apgar, Sea borah Lombard, Gretchea Ana year's sum by 830,711 aad Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. weeks leave, completes the basic CHICAGO VISITOR $IU,77« higher than the previous and Gins Beth, II Bcdle Rd, ire- patients, and we have sought to Girt; Miss M. USala, Spring Morgan. K West Sunset Ave., Marine Corps training. Graduates McClellan, Ledyard Bruce Marih provide additional after-care serv- Lake; Mrs. E. J, Lawrence, Win and Eliubeth Madsaa. HIGHLANDS - hu been record II.MMI1 collected in IM7.turned Sunday from a two-week Red Bank, N. J., graduated Dec. are then assigned to specialist when Atlantic City celebrated Its vacation spent with Mrs. Costa's ices,' in addition to promoting im- amass*; Mrs. John Wruebel, schools or a permanent duty as- Also, Marie Angela Malony, received by friends here from proved legislation, supporting gov 24 from intensive four-week infan- centennial. • paftnts, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard West Allenhurst, and Mra. Leo try training course here. signment. Suiaa Pattsfsoa, Stavaa Grayaoa Michael Mahoney. who Is spend- centennial. ornmental agencies In providing Craig, 'West Long Branch. Smith, Maureta Mary Trahmaa ing the holidays ia Chicago. Mr" . O'Donne~" U attributed the Joans, St. Petersburg, Fla.

Man's suits and coats off 10% to 40% staritng Wa»Jnas*day:(«to«)

V l Reporter M * There is a litlte irch. It separates the lobby from tm If Mn a Coat as* Hoary Oat the dining room. I walked under it and on into the THOMAS BVINO BtOWN, ws-im big room with the old hardwood tables and beyond into the bar where the Flagg and Fisher paintings I. HOGAN.. Eflser M. HAROLD KELLY. hang and to the left where a shaded yellow light W. HAIRY nNNDHGTON, stares malevolently at some colored balls on green baize. r>Mt u ntttM •ie«m»»l» utM wk nvobiiMtta M a at MtM atwi This is The Lambs. There are few great men's clubs today. This is one. t Rt auk KMMir' mm w nmwlai fi»iimauMm«f trKfrapniou •rrora u It is in a small building designed by Mt will rwtat. alums etiart*. Oat ful « u uwunim n atleb IM irpoanswou mtm MnitlMrt «ui »IMM tan IMUEUWM lamlUtolr 1 m •«•» MM a*r mi. Stanford White, its granite shoulders TMi squeezed by the big buildings off Times ' CM mr Slf.«i I IMS. •' Square. It was organized in 1874 by N«I«II kr ata • tots a group of actors as ^ temple of senti- TUESDAY, JANUARY I, 1910 ment and respect for the men of the BISHOP theatre. . " In those days, and earlier, Charles Umb and his The Price Is Right sister held open house on Sunday. Actors who had nothing better to do, would say: ''Let's go to the Lambs." So the name of the club became The Lambs A wise man once defined the we pick the party and the party and, in 1904, enough money was in the treasury to ideal New Year's resolution as re- picks the man. build the clubhouse at 130 MT. 44th Street solving only to make no resolutions. The presidential elections of this On the ground floor are the doorman, a cloak- But as we enter a new decade, it November, of course, are but one room, a small waiting room for ladies, a big lobby, seems more than worthwhile to pro- aspect of the significant period that the cashier's desk, and an elevator. Beyond the arch pose one resolution of paramount lies ahead. New horizons are born is the dining room, big and square, a place famous almost daily, challenging mankind to for thick chops and welsh rarebit The bar and the importance, namely to take a more poolroom occupy the rest of the ground floor. Up- active role in the forthcoming na- adjust its thinking. And the race for stairs is a big reading room with deep leather chairs tional elections. ' space still leaves a myriad of un- and sort lights and paintings of former shepherds of Perhaps it would be laboring the solved problems in its flaming wake. the club.- Farther up are a modern theatre, a board of obvious to suggest that, in an age There are many who say that these directors room and, still farther up, about 25 rooms when conflicting ideologies have problems — ljjce nuclear disarma- for transient members. produced a state of tremulous ten- ment, the cold war and economic Any Lamb who .ever opened his mouth cannot be forgotten because Lambs are the world's greatest sion, we have an additional obliga- trade relations with the Iron Cur- THESE DAYS WILLIAM By GEORGE E. SOKOLSKY story tellers and, if a member never said anything tion to practice, not just pronounce, tain—are incapable of solutiou For memorable, the current members will think of some- our political faith. In line with a these people, the problems are in Politically the United States is now less flexible S. WHITE thing he should have said. A lot of members have deed unsolvable. walked under that arch: Mark Twain, John Drew, more dynamic approach to our na- than many countries in Europe. We are maturing into WASHINGTON - Gov. Nelson tional heritage is more understand- But perhaps the outstanding phe- a hide-bound, red-taped governmental system, under Rockefeller'! forced retirement James Montgomery Flagg, John Barrymore, Harrison ing of this faith. Wisdom, after all, nomenon of the 1950's was the re- as an upirant for the RepuMi Fisher, DeWolf Hopper, George M. Cohan, Booth Tark- which it is growing increasingly difficult to adjust to can presidential nomination hu ington, Robert L. Hague, John McGraw, John Golden, is the test of knowledge. ' turn of person-to-person diplomacy the requirements of the times. For instance, despite given the DemocratS'Occaslon for much public elation. But they Percy G. Williams, David Belasco, Thomas Meighan All this, we realize, borders on —paradoxical at a time when our the Herculean efforts of the two Hoov- have cause also for much pri< —so many. So many. the hackneyed. Fourth of July ora civilization was becoming more and er Commissions and numerous task vate concern. Once, the old actor Richard Carle came In to the The situation has been clari- forces of competent and experienced 1 tors have brought patriotism to the more complex; ironic because of the fied ia one sense, of course. The bar, ordered a drink for everyone, then stood back brink of cynicism. As political de-emphasis on the individual in our men, it has proved to be practically Democrats now know beyond and took his cane and knocked every drink over. He impossible to cut the waste out of gov-reasonable doubt that the Repub- apathy developed, the concept of rising international culture. Thus the was suspended for a year. Mr. Carle brooded for 12 ernment, to reduce duplication and tolican nominee will be Vice Pres- months at a bar next door to The Lambs .When the participation evolved into: the adage solution may lie not at the interna- ident Richard M. Nixon. But eliminate needless -personnel. Despite this clarification of the Demo- year was up, he came in, happy and buoyant, and of "send a dollar.)to the party of tional, national or ethnic level, but evidence of absolute necessity, little cratic problem does not neces- someone said: "Mr. Carle, why were you suspended?" your choice:" Glibly we have relaxed with the individual. progress hat been made to unify the sarily make it simpler, or even SOKOUKT easier. He said: "Merely for doing this" and he took his in the security of power government. In 1960, a dollar will not be military services which continue to True, there was widespread cane and knocked over every drink on the bar and, contend for preference and'where small Jealousies canDemocratic opinion that Rocke- In the best Madison Avenue style, enough. feller would be harder to beat before'he could be suspended, he went next door to imperil the United States.. . ' ' than Nixon. But this, after all, brood. When Eddie Foy Jr. was admitted to member- was never better than an iffy four to five per cent increase Admiral Hyman Rickover once put the same prob- ship, the shepherd said: "Why do you want to join this YOUR MONEY'S WORTH guess. Rockefeller's victory in industrial wage costs. Even lem pungently as it affects his specialty: New York in 1951 was extra- club, youngMah?" The young man smilet}. "I want to agSlrist the background of re- ordinary, so far as It went find my father's pool cue,"he said. cession In IMS, a tour per cent . .We had. and atili have, the utmost difficulty Again, however. New York is not Today, *he faces around theclub belong to Rus- boost In wage coats led to a onegetting the idea across that technological break- necessarily a reliable pattern of By SYLVIA PORTER per cent rise) in industrial prices. national thinking. Thomas' E. sell Patterson and Dan Healy and Walter Kiernan and That's a conservative bet for throughs can never be brought about by routine meth- An the* early moathi of UN would IM stupidity approaching Dewey for many years held that Frank Fay and Bob Dunn, OttosSogIow, Brandon Ty- I960. ods and protocol. The essence of all progress it a state in the palm of his hand. a good time lor you, the Amer- madness), all I've written above 3. Sales taxes are climbing, But twice he was defeated nat- nan, Bill Lengel, Billy Gaxton, Walter Greaza, Horace ican consumer, to buy thing* adds up to; are interest rates and mortgage shedding of preconceived Ideas and accustomed ways ionally in running for president McMahon, Don Anthony, Bert Wheeler and John Ham- you need and want for yourself, An affirmative'answer to thecosts. These add to the prices of doing things and a venturing Into the unknown -once, in IMS, against a sup-ilton, whose caricature of John Barrymore hangs mood- your home, your family, your question on whether this is a that you and I pay. where one is necessarily guided mom by intuition anaposed pushover, Harry S. Tru- builneii? good time for you to buy. The outlook, then? Not for ily beside the bar. Yes. PaMfin la Clear major price reduction and notimagination than by established rules and regulations. Basle Fact On a dining room wall is the original copy of the Why is the pattern tor clear for galloping inflation either. How else can anything new be created?' Victor Herbert's "Kiss Me Again." He, too, was a proba- for these months? In simplest The outlook it for a gentle the basic fact wa: s that that terms: but persistent advance in prices The "It always was done that way" notion can Rockefeller had iiever gone" to Lamb. Dwight Eisenhower was a member until he I. Happily, we are still In a be very costly in government as in private endeavor.bat in the big leagues. Nobody became President of the United States. Once, General as the year roils on. This is could really know how he would the tblld, broad upswing to new eco-good time for you to buy. nomic peaka-and in an upswing The sanction of habit is insufficient for a swiftly fare in a world series against Doolittle wandered through trying to find a washroom. of thit nature price cuts Just changing era. De Gaulle broke through that by thethe Democrats. If you could find Tokyo from a flattop," a surly mem- this year will don't happen. simple device of being stubborn and prima donnaish; He had never, really been ber snarled, "how come you can't find a washroom?" riw in coming The steel strike Interrupted the pushed hard. Mo one couM know KNOW YOUR- for him, it was: "My way or no way." At that moment, how he would stand up under The current shepherd, William Gaxton, has served FORTE* months. You'll business advance, but It didn't certainly see undermine it. Instead, It pushed GOVERNMENT France had no alternative. Today, France is again a the brutal pressures of a nation- longer in that office than any other man. From the much of the, activity that would wide campaign. Nixon's severest few worthwhile price reductioni. Prepared by N. J. Taxpayers powerful nation demanding an equal place in the front, anyone would recognize him as the great musi- About the best you can hope (or have taken place In 1MI into this critics must concede him this: Association, 143 E. State St., world. he can take it, aa he can dish cal comedy star, although from the back he now re- It relative overall liability in thefirst year of the new, decade; Trenton S, N. J. price level of the goods you and by to doing'the strike hu British flexibility is not so much in the structure it out. sembles Victor Moore. There are mementoes of great want—which would give you nio tended tomak* prices even firm- Moreover, the mere fact that triumphs on the walls and the laughter of today shakes Incentive to postpone buying in er tkar<;U*y: might otherwise CREDIT CARD of government as In the pragmatic philosophy which Rockefeller obediently got out of the hope you'll be the gainer on have hem.'- Auto prices are a is second nature with the British. If it works, Go the competition clearly brings them at a joke moves from lip to lip. With aa some bad-aa well as tome pos- prices. spectacular Illustration of mis. 000 (thatV three-quarters of It isn't all laughter. On the bulletin board are 2. The wage trend is Mill pow- ahead! is their motto. Their basic problems are never sibly good-news for the Demo- Prices are not tow. But right trillion dollars) "mortgage" hang crats. For it proves to the hilt notices of funerals stating that a bus will arrive at now It the traditional period for ffolly upward-end risiag wages Ing over America's future as political: they are financial. Their people live upon post-holiday clearances, flrsU* will put pressure oa prices at international trade which for three centuries, Great what had long been plain to all7 p. m. to pick up all Lambs who want to pay their result of Federal spending com- close political observers: the final respects to an old friend. If there weren't so many me-year promotions, White Sales, they always have In the years mitments, Uucle Sam's Budget Britain controlled. Two wars and some extraordinarily best secret weapon in the Re- etc. You can shop around, you of prosperity since World Wa Director Maurice H. Stans sug- stupid politics deprived Great Britain of its primary publicans' arsenal is that they good hearts around, a bus wouldn't be needed. can cut some corners'. It. gests, in effect, that it's time foi know how to maintain, and even The night that Joe E. Lewis was admitted to mem- ObvtOM EicetttM Wage Increases Americans to stiffen resistance tc position in the world of finance, shipping, Insurance to force, operating unity in And with the obvious exception The range in wage increases public squandering and join and the management of world currencies. For a short facing the common Democratic bership, he stood at the bar, asking hpw old this was «f autos for the obvious reason far I960 slresdy is emerging at taxpayers' New ,Year'e resold period, it looked as though Great Britain was desper-enemy. and that was, and shaking his head in disbelief. A the quantity of goods is ample. 18 to U cents an hour. A 18-tions on behalf of the nation's loudspeaker said: "Paging Dan Healy! Paging Dan For our era, quality It compar- cent-an-hour wage increase for welfare. ate and would, before long, become an unimportan Practical Unity atively high. Competition is Industry is i whole, "Purchas- Calling for "tough decisions in country, perhaps a dependent of the United States. When the professionals c Healy!" Mr. Healy is the. husband of Bopp-a-dopp sufficiently tough among domes- ing Week" figures, will mean a simply tell a man so powerful Helen Kane. the field of public policy," Suns Rockefeller that he must quietly tie businessmen to permit you proposes that we: That has not happened. With a skill that we migh to bargain cm lots of items. The drop out of contention, the pro- Lewis gulped his drink and said: "Migodl The flood of good-quality imports In- CAtMtCHAH .. stop regarding the well envy; the British have managed in the short period found practical unity of that place can't be "that old." . ' to our land Is giving the Ameri' ;ral government as a fountain between 1945-1957 to restore a dominant position in party cannot be argued. Cam- can consumer a pocketbook or special interests; world finance, to strengthen their currency and their paigns, of course, are won by "Just The Rat Will Be Sufficient, Senator1* break ".... put the national interest many factors. But not the least ahead of local or group interest; gold reserves, and to achieve an internal prosperity of these is the possession of dis- Actually, despite the monthly .. stop running up IOU's headlines about the climb In our not known before in this century. All British talents ciplined battalions of party fight which will come due when we ers. •" •.'•.•:" cort of living to record highs, must face up to other pressing were concentrated on the one objective of making prices of most THINGS you want needs; Great Britain's financial position strong. Of such practical unity the to buy didn't rise much In IMS. .. shed some of the heavj Democrats, as of now, have any. The great upward push on eon weight that the government Just as France; in its last election, recognized thething but. They have now got turner prices in recent years has to meet aa actual Nina, not a come in the srea of services. carrying; significance of the de Gaulle political revolution, so theoretical Rockefeller. And un- While* the consumer price Index '.... devote our means to in the last British election, the British people voted less they can draw together they ' as a whole is now about one and cresting real growth, aa contrast- for financial progress rather than personal benefits. are going to Have a dffflcu one half per cent higher thsn ed with the mere appearances time, indeed. a year ago, the cort of medical of growth; In the United States, the central issue at the mo- Already, some Democrats arc care Is more than four per cent .. regain the sense of mil assuming that because Nixon higher, of personal care almost sion that made ua great." ment is inflation. In a word, it is money, currency, and said to be "conservative" (ai three per cent higher, of trans- Speaking before representatives the relation of the price structure to the value of thein such mattera as civil rights portation more thsn three per of the New Jersey Taxpayers currency. All other are trifling compared to he Is surety aot) they must nom- cent higher. You don't have Association and - other citizen inate a New Deal type of liberal, much choice whether or not you groups at the annual meeting of that. The prolonged steel strike, the transportation No reality of the past eight years buy medical care when you need Tax Foundation recently, the bud-strike in New York, the perilous high cost of living, supports such a notion. The un- It, or transportation to snd from get director declared: the utter and shameless waste In Federal, state and alterable fact Is that the New your job or the corner grocery "The real Issue is whether we municipal government agencies, the slow-down In pro* Deal and the conditions making store. liave the determination needed to it necessary and successful arc develop the muscle of our econ- duction—all these are questions that arise from in- long dead. The tactics of yes- The price level, though, still flation. , terday's battles will not win ac Is in an upward trend. This la omy for the strenuous effort wi Unas on today's terrain, not galloping Inflation, This is must make to meet the Soviel • creeping pric«> rise or at Com. threat . .are we really willing, It would be expected that candidates who project Tnse Nattre tnlssloner of Labor Statistics a society, to discipline our themselves for the presidency would deal with infla- Nixon will give off an Impres- EwanClagut put It the other selves to make public decisions tion. They generally avoid It, fearing to step on thesion mainly of competence and day. this Is a "barely crawling" on the basil of choosing among strength. The Democratic nom- movement, "fairly close to sta priorities, . and choosing well? toes of one element among the voters or another. Adine- e will rarely need to do like- MUty." ,, .ire we capable of saying 'no' la! Stevenson, the perpetual Democratic candidate for wise. '; Nevertheless, whether you cal to the selfish preisurcs seeking the presidency, has suggested a program for the United The true nature of the struggli ft! a creep or a crawl, the 41 satisfaction from the Natlon'i States which, if carried out, could stimulate inflation has been set by the Republicans faction It upward, Unless you're wealth, at the expense of higher They are going to offer not anticipating > msjor business md more urgent needs? . , .arein the United States many hundredfold, making, I man of fresh idess, Rockefellei Stump In these/ months (which we ready to face up to the fact necessary not only to devalue our currency but probabu- t a matter oractlcal politician toa't In the, cards) or unless you that government has to itop ' bly to abandon It Stevenson, however, cannot be taken Nixon. The Democrats, to htvi Metk, Wi want to help force a slump by Ing on credit csrds, and must pa s chance, must run at least Hot sad Tunes HeraM BUI MsMddla el St. Lot* ftst-Mstatcli t going on a buying strike (which 6—Tuesday, Jan. 5, I960 its wsy?" seriously in the present state of ou/ affairs. good politician agaimt him. > for aba.) Little outer fMZUX To Install Ham Galdea, 'af1 entertained friend* Sets Forth Program party Saturday. Thayer GuesU were Mr. and Mrs. J. Th» ItesiMfi «UU«Mr !• MwMrM t mimft UTTLE SILVER - Mayor P. COMCU la alMUpeftifcaa. RUMSON — The Holy Name Michael Farrell. Mr. aad Mrs. wst« wmt% mtI Mitara Paul Cajaat last night laid batata "Far tha eecntofysar there ar iciety of Holy Cross and Holy Borough Couaril members a pro- matters It hs < osary Churches will install Col. EVBt HAPRN 10 YOU? -lylwltt cragram which ha aald ha^ph d hkT pudlagayearago,' >hn F. Thayer, U.S. Army, Ret., they weald Mlow durlag the yew.ha declared. "I am eeedneal, i president at a ceremony to be IKNI WAS PWVlHG tOO The proposals wen included tacharging each of the foUewia, inducted in Holy Cross Church the mayor's addre** at lutcommittees for posttfvt actJoa « I 3:30 p. m. Sunday, Jan. 10, cuose -eur i WAS TWINS night's toveraing body reorgan-thes' e matters." ' f Rev. Joseph A Sullivan, pas- TO KAP THE SAFETY St&NS Uation meetiag. k Library Fadltta ir and spiritual director of the OH YOUR Mayor Campi. a Democrat, is la regard to. buildings wiety. entering his aecoad-term. The ground*, th* mayor said ha waal Oner officers to be installed ad "completion of atepa w re Joseph A. Henderson, vice aary to make the library facUttk resident; Thomu F. Wheeler, Seal Mirror euurer; Robert Peterson, who He celled, too, for o''deBnlt is re-elected secretary, and plan of action for camplatioa. oho J. Eager, marshal). of other steps required la th A reception will be held tor Bursitis Can renovation of the bort — Oomlntck »ao1»ecl, •hirat from left, new Fair Havon (ire chief, r*- ose who have Joined the society hall ..." ••Ivea congratulations from his pr*dec«si*r, leraare! E. Rasenbarf.. With them ar*^ iriag the past year. They will Mayer Campi aald ha favor* ( officially received into the BB HsIpBd loft'icrifht, Rebert A. Undy, secaadl •ifiitant chief; Patrick M. Halleren, deputy iclety by Father Sullivan. Th* Unptoeott Park nr raeraattwi chief, «n*1 Wcherei E. ftrtigrew. fint aisWant chief. A fir* company parly was held mmonies will be concluded with lest nifjht. the Hfficera w*r* iworn iti at tha Mayer ana! Cawncil raori|anliatian enediction of the Most Blessed acrament, followed by * social Ha called for "progreastv meeting Friday. Meyor Russell H. Mintan cited Mr. Roienkwg for "awtatanding action" la, acquire waterfna i be held in Holy Cross School property "which hu reached th aorvic*" oVirinf/hls tenure.. •.'..-,,,_ " uditorlum. 1 contract stag* as of thla data. The society will hold its first la coaaactien with street*, th direction to follow through oa igulsr business meeting of th mayor said drainage condil of this type property ew year Tuesday, Jan. 12, 1:3 hava been encountering "aw developing it into adequate recre- , m., in Holy Cross auditorium. ddaya" and aa and la this on ation faculties, erseuoa of a suit- Dl. Thayer will announce the 1 dJtlM would eliminate "Breed *, able and aelf-eupporting marine iw committee chairmen and will grounds for mosquitoes" aa base, and coordination of Its ef- lacun the new administration's assist the natural drainage when forts with those' of neighboring Jlicles and program for the Q. Will jm ptetM mkt alani ever necessary for septic tanks. communities In order that proper lining year. itUifiti *nkUt-CJB. access and egress channels can A. Ml jointi am padded «iih Ha called also for "more sit be provided in adjacent water- Huid-flllcd sacs called burua cere attention to complaints c ways for the use Of Little Silver (siagohr-btiru). In the accom- rcaidanU" and "definite propcaal residents." '.- ' panying drawing the bunae of me knee joint bav* been drawn to cany out a long-range; tea The mayor said he hoped the to that they can be dearly teen. modernization program." flensing board "will see fit to Inflammation of a buna (bunitie) Mayor Campi aald a "annual take positive action oa a — is Often preceded by injury to tha proposal" wu neadad "for thplan" fortheborough. , joint. Lonf continued irritation modenlntion of the adalnistn may lead to depoeiti of travel-* Uon of the polk* department I Farther Grewth like calcium within the buna. the enactment of an effactt* He added: ' . Doctors are sometimes aUe topolice ordinance geared to stu Adoption of a master plan as break up tha deposits withobt (dating polk* morale." tha Hue print for farther growth much trouble. Injection! an abo ' thla borough will reduce the Home Improvement Sole! employed plot x-ray treatmeat He also aald there should b g In aome cases it may be mcetury "effective enforcement of all« afut aMMSflty fOT C4QlidCf*V to surgically open the buna and dlnances." Hen of toning variances and aho remove the depotiu. Heat, mat* Speaking to council, the mayo the all too frequent considera- aage, arid atntle stretching as pre* tion of such matters as stop-gap NASSAU VACATION - Mr. and Mn. Jehn C. lean and ecribtd by the doctor may be 1. Council representatives o enactments to eliminate non

Mn. URoy aaZ Betheny Rd., Hadet. wu the guest of her sis- Or *m-«w, Mn. Suolla Imttt, Di- .j-i-- m± UfaiJaaiani Jin ftm* riaakaW 04100 mi ya« «« ken k hi VMBBRBJ BJf*a WfBBJHWW^,

Mn. Jam*s~w7rd wiU enter- wear with astaemaaefj tale Tuesday evening bridg* club at her home. Broad St.

Juae Uviaa. Norm* Larsen. I oliulagi DeHvery aad laatafla-# Robert Cromey. aad Vamoa Lew- la Stulta. aU student* of Marietta • Trifle mterrl * Callage, Marietta, Ohio have ra- e Triple ThV ActlMt tuned to their studies after apaadtag the holidays with their wWw Wwl w^eVywvfMvV • w laT n»ywWwW*T *w*j^pTe)f I TVw (WE SELL At ADVERTISED PUKES) Mr. aad Mrs. Viaceat Apple. ' sugtj aaklaSaVdaMa) aVa\alam4*sniagiam\Jsn\a\j1 AAU antl gate, MvMoa St., spent Christ- •HT BWVSr ^ WIVw/HIIUM ca*H,y| First National lank B«MiDa/wHh Mrs. AppiegaU's WMW'PHBW MC tMff* Maf* Md "SO SALESMEN! NO COMMISSIONS!" FreatiaM/New Jersey Mr*. MeMlle RoMnson, Rosalie AtUwaot Park. Mrs. Mahal Wolf, Farm- I aa laureate! la • check-loea ktgdale, |.. I, was a weeaxnd Wide-Track widens tha stance, not •f eMtjatlani"mai! me camplet* lafarMttM iaeMaf visiter at the Applegste home, ' "flr*t-aad«oly" applieatioa aeceaairy. tha car. With the widest track of any •:* Miss Mary I the ear, Pontlac fives you better stability, hoUdaydy a witih he herr parent*, Mr. Nama .^••.••i Mr...... „ .nd .way, accur.ta control. and Mra. Edward Lockwosd, Blltabeth St. Miss Lockwood Is a Addreis .... college senior. / SH VOU» IOCAI AU1HOHIZID fONTIAC OfAtf* Mrs; > Mae Boyce, Broad St., RASSAS MOTHERS ent Christmas Day and the 39S BROAD ST., RED IANK, ,N. J. mm^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt week-end with her brothtMn-law ••••••#•••••••••••< ?/ '' %''t\!&$ NO mi After 80 Years L. BRIEGS & SONS Perth Amboy's Oldest and Finest Clothiers & Furnishers GOING

WHh dramatic saddemss, the family of BRIE6S announces Its dedsbn to retire from business. TMs is uMxpeded IK^S Grille many thoiis- aafeof ttteir customers devoted tothe warn hospttaKty of this W^earoU store. Founded by Louis Briegs in 18», Ws business has been in conthuoos operation and under the personal supervision of the BRIE6S family. Patronized by the fine famines of this area, the reputarioi of this store spread to distant states. For 80 years BfdEGS has proudly catered to the best dressed men of this area... grandfathers, fathers and sons, never compromising with quality or with good taste in fashion, featuring work) famous names in Men's Wear. WHWBDAY MORHW6, JAN. 6ft, STARTW6 at 9:38 our doors open for this great adveifuren retaiBng... Wednesday BRIEGS continues the complete mqmfdanon of their entire andhed inventory, consisting of fine nafiowly advertised brands of men's apparel... Loads of men's dothmg, furnishings, sportswear and rainwear. Everything must go before the doors dose for the last time. Every article bears the original price tag. Reductions are startling. There are no restrictions, no exceptions. M n« newb anfvri M aiid whtw sM Wfl MY€f TOTQCt. MEN'S Suits, Topcoats, Overcoats Sportswear, Furnishings Up To


Nationally Famous •uiLDme wCUl p lOO^OriMtaiFabrk Linturious SPECIAL t Wod FORSAU WhHe SPORT Quality Cashmere HMd SAU HOURS SUITS COATS SUITS SLACKS *&Thn« Pri. SHIRTS COATS OrlflMly 1111.00 IIASI 9* w»^W - ' '. OrltwilY SIMS III.M t:30iJLtffl9pjn. •*•*. $99IMMH ' L SatoPrlc* n* dm* cairml bttt » «WMI flMM Mi citon to nrt Th# MUM S MWCw IM* Man «Ml IMIKI hi dur. Offctr Dtyi Wt *N« St«tral ctUir ttykf, prae* \m nykt tit iMta Mntd u* tfomttllemttlle wwotlt. •MMlvtJI Mill* •I MM. mrw wtvral. fcnwi, Ucilly •)! itoM, limits AUUUHM «ttm*l tmtrt fan Mjjrtjtor wd MMS M M 40. ItMtara, (utility. Oily why* (Iwy lut i I CloM«tt». M. TERMS OF SALE: Iteouit of tht txtrtmt reductions, thtrt eon bt NO CHARGES • NO C.O.D.'s • NO ALTERATIONS Established 1880 L. BRIEGS & SONS SMITH at KING ST., PERTH AMBOY Section Two RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, JANUARY 5. 1960 7c PER COPY $150,000 Hike GOP Take* Over ForKeyport Schools Waters Is Mayor, KEYPORT - An approximate Sen. Stout, Attorney increase of $150,000 in the 19(041 Probe Theft school budget HU recommended MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - Har- pledged that he would work with at a meeting of the new "axniv. Of Parts Store mony wu the keynote at the or- he other two committeemen "a* ers Group and the Board of Edu- ganiutiM meeting ol the Town- a team for the benefit of the cation in the Central School last SHREWSBURY - Red Bank ship Committee last .night, u night. Auto Part* Co, » Newman Republicans took control of the waters thanked Mr. The proposed increase, if ap- Springs Rd.. was robbed of II governing body for the tint time Man and lauded him tor his proved, will make the budget for sometime over the New Year* in M yean. service to the municipality. the 196041 school year an esti- week-end, police said this mom- Republican Peter J. Waters, u ing. mated $882,750. insurance executive, wu named Mr. Man voted with the two Entry was gained by breaking mayor by unanimous vote. Dr Louis I Prager, board pub-a window in an overhead door in Republicans on all major ap- lic relations chairman, stated the He wu nominated by the lone pointments for IN0. the rear of the store. The money Democrat left on the committee, Increase is "based on needs " was taken from a cash register. Highlight of the appototmento The proposed incruse will cov- John Man. Jr, who hu been _u the naming of State Sen. Police said Lloyd Habey, the mayor here for the past 25 yun er higher operating costs, estim- owner, is checking to see If any Richard R. Stout of the law firm ated u up 1J to 20 per cent, stock was stolen. The robbery MO lANK'S •OVRNINt ROOT-Red aUnk lorough Council roorganliod lest night. 'Seated, loft to right, ire Republican Slgmund V. Kowal- of Stout and O'Hagan, Allenhurst, expansion and remodeling of the was discovered yesterday mom- John Iryen, borough dork; Councilman John Warm, Jr., naw council president; Mayor George A. Gray; Council- ski wu sworn in for a three- u township attorney replacing science department and for the year term Esn W Karkus, Keyport. ^ ing. man Harry Melchow, and Samuel Cfrotenuto, borough attorney. Standing, loft to right, aro Councilman Thomas hiring of 10 new teachers, plus Chief Raymond Mass and Sgt Mr. Man brought applause Mr. Stout wlU be assisted by salary increments James Fedorko are investigating. F. Oakley, Pater W. Falvo, Frederic €. Glorsh, Jr., and Everett C. laynton. from the large audience when he his associate, William J. O'Ha- "What you don't do this year gan, Jr. will be double trouble next year' Both men attended the meet- declared Or Prager Mayor Sees Waterfront New Jersey News Briefs ing last night Other Items Beecher To Head Other appointments were. Items not included in the pro- POINT PLEASANT (AP)-The of embmling IU,O0l while head Joseph J. Seaman and Co, posed budget that were pointed Key to Key forts Future Monmouth County medical exam- teller at the Union Center Na Perth Amboy. auditor. Pauline out u needing immediate atten- Inert office said today an au- tkwal Bank. VS. Judge Mendon Township PlannersK. Behr, treasurer; Karl F. tion were repair of furnaces and KEYPORT - Mayor N ice; Mr. Hansen, public welfare. topsy showed drowning caused Morrill d dI Heuser, engineer, Dr. Francis remodeling of the locker rooms J. Currie last night told dttuna Mr. Gnfham again was named the death of Harold Magnusson, W. Hohnan. Keyport, township MIDDLETOWN - Evan R He replaces William Thomas physician. Frank Devino, build- In the high'school,">and the paint- attending the Borough Council council president W, of .Point Pleasant Beach NEW BRUNSWICK (AP)- Beecher wu named chairman who declined reappolntment. . ing of the metal fence and grand organization meeting that the fu- Also taking their oath last night Magntisson's body was found ing inspector, replacing Homer A , Coaaty Grand of the Planning Board at its or A member of the board since Matteeoo, and Eileen N Kelly, Stands at' the athletic field. ture of Keyport hlngu oa devel- wen three new Fire Department yesterday floatins In the water sanitation meeting last night off Baltimore St. in an area of 1H7, Mr Beecher had served u account clerk. Or. Prager stated "The prob- opment of the borough's Ideal officers: Arthur Collins, chief. t Ol fir a : lems of the Board of Education waterfront facilities." George Leone', first assistant, and commercial fishing docks. He had vice chairman for the past year Also, William E. Hyer. build- man. Attorneys yesterday asked and a tialf He is an engineer ing maintenance worker. Luther <• are nottheproblemsofthatgroup "In the past 2J years," ho aakL J. Peters Collins, second assist- signed aboard a drag fishing ves- Judge Morrill to reduce the sen- rnor the members serving on that 'our waterfront hu bam allowed ant sel, the Anna, on Saturday. Police MlMy. 1W pmi Jtfy Former mayor Frank F. Blals- A. Foster, magistrate. Ernest E. •i chNto at *nty tence because Kate is over (0 dell wu named vice chairman Hodgson, public works' superin- ! body in any given year, but are to become" dormant and hazard- Hie new council approved believed Magnusson may have yean old and Ms wife is 111 and : the collective problems developed ous." these nominations by the, mayor fallen overboard while the boat taaAas latt «ack Mat*. HMI« He wu appointed to a six-year tendent, and James Wilkinson, wu docked during the night. ware as tranie msiinea M mo hu no means of support. Katt, term on the planning group Fri- Jr, Jesse M. Hummer, Conrad ' over the yean. > ' "It is this couocU'a hope," bo Edward W. Currie, attorney, yaw. Tae flgan, of West Orange, was sentenced day, replacing Mr. Thomu. "The school problems that ex- added, "that "in ,}19|0 we can Nathan Llpman, auditor,,Made- MagnusaMhad worked* for years J. Tllton, Michael G. Wagner, 1 to Lewisburg, Pa, Federal Re- The board took under advise- ist today-. : .'are in part your take steps to revitalize our bar-llao Hulsart, clerk to the magi- aboard trawlers and draggen Henderson Causby and Carmelo • fault and.mine, because we have borf- a move that will' permit strates Caroline Walling, library along the East coast. track crash at formatory Nov. 7. ment a letter from Community Pizsi, road and water depart- wtek that UDed 12, wu tko 1?.?' L1^' »«t employees. permitted continued compromise the, economy ,cl the boroggtTto trustee; Dr. George A Rooney, NEWARK (AP)-Police township master ptannen, reject- to develop in our school system flourish." Pfenning Board; Harold A. Sten- Ugbest coaaty total •> tao Police department appoint- eck, Zoning Board of Adjust- EAST PATERSON (AP) - forced their way late a roam ing a proposal to rewne 50MM menu were. Adolph Meant, We have declined to participate Earlier in his address, the may- fUled with steam yesterday aad acres off the Garden State Park- i and have refused to publicly ex- or had cited the record of his ment, William E. Krtckser, Park- Know the old Joke about what chief; J. Edgar Wilkinson, cap- a bus driver does on Ms holi- tikHAeul A saawaalii mmmJtm arfuWt«Ms> way for light Industry. tain; Ralph E. Wallace, lieuten- : press our opinions to help educa- adminlstntion, ,etating he tin- tag Authority, Joseph Piney and NEWARK (AP) - An Essex npiM • swraiui (jaws •^•ujjfjf tion ' cerely Dr. Dane. Welfare Board!' and day? Answer He takes a bus County Grand; Jury la Investigat- Economic Group ant, and John R. Kinnane, Fran- "In analyzing, and preparing shown, him.ei*his colleagues In WiU|am C. Laraberton, Beard of ride. Wek it was no Joke yester- ing two. excess line Insurance It, wu prsfuacal dead m The proposal had been sug- cis P. Cherney and James G. • our new budget we are trying to the last Health. i , ' day, the fourth day of a bus companies In the wake of "claims a*ianv ••anavaa eva^a^BawBBi V^S»BVJS^B*B onifeVB gested by the'Economlc Develop- Hoyt, patrolmen. ! prepare tor the future, which in strike here About 20 strlkln| bus that some such firms >wen in- peilee worked an hoar to re- KawalsU On Beard Among the achlevematu men- Council meetings again drivers took their own can along MM9 MS MMtBMf • 1^)9 ttMM ment Commisiion.' the Borough of'•Keyport will, see Honed by Mayor Currie wu the setjfor the second aad fourth! solvent or non-existent The Jury The ana la question is bounded Mr. Kowalaki wu named to their usual bus routes and picked wu sworn in yesterday and was fraM a^tttva aad MC water continued over-burdened sys? dissolution of the Sewer Author- Mondays of each month at S up any regular passengers by Middletowa Uncroft Rd, the the Planning Board, u the Town- terns ity, which, he'termed "grossly p. in. told by Superior Court Judge Al- beater exhausted aD the oxy- Navy.nilroad tracks, the Park- ship Committee's representative. "The problem, of facilities, an- extravagant and'inefficient." recognised and dropped them ... exander P.-Waugh that it would gen ta his room. #teaant la and Frederick G. Wauel wu re- at points where other transporta- the buDdtag at ISO. Oraage way and Nutswamp Rd. ticipated enrollment and the need -1 citae. Gates bo given evidence oa two separ- In rejecting the proposal, the appointed, for a four-year term tion wu available. About 12,000 ate matters Involving the firms Are. had noticed the aallway Harry J. Gelst wu appointed of advanced .educational construe; -The mayor said'that under his Board Picks Bergen and Passalc County com- planning flrm^noted that an in- tion was presented* to-us 10 years The companies an, the Witting- ap wita taa UUCK vni|v dustrial area in "that kwaitloo itho Welfare Board for two administration, long needed muters who use the bus lines had ton-Hall, Ltd. and Excess Enter caned the paUee. ago and'aa far back>u>1925 when strut would, create'a traffic, problem yean and Oiga Tears for one we> aa-cnisenB, commies to • - - - •stsasv be. l^«aae*,M!taU Mspsr- year; Samuel w. fmm yesterday. '-pm our schools a compromise. suraneo g d, ataKdntadjtotho/ 1 " " to Public ness day since the strike began sloner , aid Insurance Commit* IkW araa*ia about^ two" miles from mission for a five-year tern.' water facilities reconstructed, New Year's Day. The Intercity Charles R. Howtll said : ,«jlt is therefore the desire of and policce protectioprotec n reinforcedd. In Highlands hundreds of policy holders were Rt' 35. thus ell roads in the in- Special police named were: Sworn into office at last night's HIGHLANDS - The Board of Transit Co and Public Service insured with Insolvent or non-ex- dustrial area would have to be John McGiaty, William H. And- a P,ublic Relations Committee Education last night, after a ,through,.the taxpayers group, to session'" was new Councilman Consolidated Transport Co. add- istent excess line companies Ex- FBI Charges widened and resurfaced to handle rews, Frank V. Czamedd, An- convey our school problems to Frank J. Conway. Mr. Conway lengthy executive session, ap-ed extra buses to handle the cess line firms insure high fin trucking thony Delia Pletro, Earl Dennis, r pointed Mrs. Josephine Griffith load. Other travelen wen able or accident risks. This, the firm added, would Robert H. Fletcher, Letter F. the public. The problems will con was elected to council last No- as vice principal tinue to increase, regardless of vember in a Democratic land- to uu the Erie or Susquehanna Phone Call be a costly project Gerhard, Jr., George F. Haut- whether Raritan Township builds slide which also re-elected Alton The board acted on the recom- railroads. ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - A The board also received a draft mam. Robert W Hayes, Joseph a high school and its students D. Walling to the body. mendation of Joseph R. Tis- record attendance of nearly S,- of a special business zone or- Lauro, Marie Mtkmey, Fiorendo < leave our high school. Mr. Walling took his oath of corals, principal. •ELVTOERTTAP) - Tao ON' buyers was. expected Violation dinance ''covering a four-street Sigiamondl, Samuel L. Gumbs, The post carries an additional today at the Atlantic City china NEWARK-Patrlck Henry Me area in Leonardo George M. Gumbs, Kenneth R. "The improvements in the sci- office last Friday in his hospit- $H0. In salary. ence and language departments al room in Monmouth Medical WIHH CMMy CMUMHWir and glass show, the China, Glass Naman, 32, of 89 Jackson St The new tone, B-S, would lim Schneider, Louis Grimald! and Mr. Tlscornia uld lie had con. auy receive thofar first salary and Pottery Association predict- Freehold, was arrested last, night business of a marine nature Fannie Pastore. will be SO per cent reimbursed Center.-He was stricken last No- sldtred members of die staff with under... the National Defense vember and had been on the rakw la M years-mat b If ed. The exhibition features near- by the FBI and charged with such u motels, hotels, boat re- Partial List J nun senlority-but they had de- **— awailallii' ly M0 lines of merchandise by making threatening interstate Pair shops, and ules of boats Education Act. critical'list two weeks, Haw gMnOTPS Mr. Kowalski said that a few clined the post ••••nMBo , ITklaw* US' firms displaying - goods to telephone calls, a violation of the and supplies. "It is a challenge and the duty Latest reports have Mr. Wal- Mrs. Griffith handles the class more special policemen will bo of the public ... to weigh each ling well on the road to recovery, CaaneM last night tatreaneefa buyen from retail stores. The fedenl extortion statute. 4-Stnet Ana added to the list in the near fu- for retarded children In the propsaal to raise no salary of week-long show Is closed to the William G. Simon, special item of our budget against the and he li expected to be released school. The area in question is Mar- ture. total needs, and to remember that from the hospital the auyer from UN to UN;• public. The event moved hen agent in charge of, the Nfcwark The committee voted to hold The board also discussed teach- last year after 71 yean in Pitts- office .of the FBI, uid McNa- dean Blvd., Atlantic, Concord and If the needs are not met this The council now has a M Dem- en salaries for next yaar-but Clearwater Aves. its regular meetings the first year, they will be substantially ocratic majority with Henri J. from IM to fIN a year. Ike burgh. man was arrested by a special and third Mondays of each made no comment on them after pabMe bearing la schsdalsd for agent of the FBI and «tate The section Is close to the state greater next year." Hansen the oily Republican. Mr. the conference. marina in Leonardo. month, at I p m in Township Conway replaces A. Maltiand Jan. It NEWARK (AP)-US. Judge Troopers Allen Merken and An Hall The proposed budget includes In other matters, Mr. Tiscomla thony Scalione. Members of the The draft wu referred to the funds for a physical education in- Walling, Republican, who did not Mendon Morrill hu denied re- Township Committee Vhlch is Four governing body standing reported that several windows in NEWARK (APV-Attorneys for duction of a six-year prison term Freehold Police Department also structor for the elementary sys- the school ware broken the night participated in the investigation, now studying the proposed new committees were' createdi 'with tem and additional playground Seymour Sweigman. today asked being served Cy SamuM (Big toning ordinance. chairmen named u follows: of Dec. 3*7 Ho said someone for a new trial of embetslement Sue) Kate In the bribing of a which led to McNsmara's arrest facilities and equipment for the Named aa committee chairmen threw snowballs and stones at at Ms home. The board secretary wu di Police and public safety. Mr. new Central School. last night were: John J. Dan*, Charges 'against Mm. Sweigman Juror In the income tax evasion reeled to write Mr. Thomas a Kowalski; finance and water de- . the windows/ . was found guilty Isst November trial of Abner (Longie) Zwill According to Mr. Simon. Me- The Board of Education last finance; Robert J. Strong, police On the following night, be uld, Namara is charged in a federal letter expressing the board's ap- partment, Mr. Waters;. atreela year,' following voter defeat of its and public safety; E. Dalian Ore- the school was broken into, sev- complaint filed before U.S. Com-preciation for his "outstanding and roads, Mr. Kowalski, and budget, could not make these rec- ham, fin; Mr. Walling, puollc eral teachen desks opened, but missioner David Goldstein at As- service" on the group. recreation, health and charities, reational facilities available. works; Mr. Conway, public aerv- nothing taken. Campi's Appointments Get bury Park with making threaten- A member of the body since Mr. Waters. He said that both incidents were ing telephone calls from New Its inception in 1954, he served The' mayor'asked Mr, Marx to reported to the police. York City to a Freehold resident u its chairman for five years. serve u a member on all four, Newspaper Stories Forced It wu noted that tJie present Approval Except for One In November, 1809. He declined reappointment to Mr. Man indicated that be Insurance en the school doss not McNamara, a Monmouth, Coun- the board for personal and busi would. . cover vandalism.', ••; • LITTLE SILVER -^Hsirmony- Mr. Stephens wen re-elected In ty native, is single and unem- neu reasons. (See WATERS pg. It) Kervick Action—Erdman The board directed Mr. Tb> except in one instahce-wu the November. Mr. Garrison; It' a ployed at the time of his arrest. ^lkih order of last night's Mayor and newcomer and fills the seal va- He baa been employed as a sea- TRENTON (AP) -Republican ties by atate officials "an vandalism insurance, Council njorganiuUoii meeting. cated by Lewis R. Lowry. who man in the past. I adjourned until Mon- All of the appointments except retired. Karp, Ex-District Judge. State Carl Erdman to light ud eliminated." McNamara was held in the Kervick said he quit "to when the the one of'borough auditor-sub- These appointments were made Monmouth County Jail, pending says SUte Treasurer John A. school budget la expected to be mitted by Mayor P. Paul Campl. by Mayor Campi: K it on the ufe aide" a hearing before Commissioner Kervick wu forced by newspaper Erdman commented: Introduced. a Democrat, went through •with Borough'engineer, Otis R. Sea- Goldstein in Asbiiry Park today. To Become Assembly Clerk disclosure to quit profitable side the solid approvapp l of ell-RepubU man; borough attorney, the firm ' The Safe Side il of Roberta, Pillsbury and Car- TRENTON (AP) - Maurice R SUte Sen: William E. Otzard activities. "If he wanted to play oa the can council. Karp, Clifton, a former district (R-Somerset) was given two new The GOP Chairman said Ker When' Mayoy r Cemppi moved ton; chief borough fiscal officer, safe side, why'dld he wait to do Calvin R. Rowe: street super* Kridel'g Judge, will be clerk of the IMS committee .chairmanships. He ^ a:Democrat, saw no con' it until embarrassed by newt- coafirmattot n or the name of Her- Assembly when It starts Its set takes Jones' place at the head fllct of interest in consulting work bert A. Carusoe, who lives hen Intends*. Orlando P. Warden and for urban renewal projects or a paper articles? Ha should have Rights Asked borough librarian and director of sion next Tuesday. • of the Federal and Interstate Re- done to from the beginning. And in Red Bank, To Stay Open Karp will take over the $7,500- lations Committee and replaces million-dollar shore resort pro- oMl ft* !•*»!> of m liGOad. welfare, Mn. Harriet Bellpn. motion. • "• if he really uw no conflict in Special OtHeen a-year poet from Harry Dudkin, Sen. Robert C. Crane (R-Unlon) these consulting deals, why It he In Schools Councilman Douglu C. Wright Newark, he disclosed wh u chairman of the Committee en But Erdman uid the Legisla- promptly advanced the Joseph I. Also, special offlcen, Warren Two Nights 1 deciding to get out?" FREEHOLD - A debaU on M. Herbert, Albert J. Ketrnan, men questioned him yesterday. Ini'irutlons, Public Health and ture should see that such activl- lumen and Co. firm, Perth Am- Welfare. Kervick wu a director of aehool fire inspections wu held toy, and It met with unanimous Richard D. Tetley, George A. RED BANK - Kridel's, 2 A Pasuie County man wits Ocean County development form, at last night's Borough Council approval. Qulmby. Mn. Marat Croft, and Broad St., yesterday said if will slated for the post u the result Sen. Wayne Dumont Jr. (R- American Land Investment Corp., meeting before an audience of David D. Benton; building In- Join with other Red Bank mer- of a recent deal among Decmo- Warren) will take Ouard's place Boy Struck along with US. Sen. Harrison more than half of the 110 mem- arNBMaf spector, Robert T. Maver; Board chants and stay open until * cratlc Assembly delegations from aa chairman of the Committee A. Williams (D-NJ) of Weslfleld. bars of the Fire Department. The firm of Stevens, Fluhr, of Health, Bernard Kaplan and p. m. on Wednesday, beginning E»«ex. Hudson, Puuic and Union on Public Safety, Defense and Williams hu uld he doesn't plan Newly sworn in Councilman and Stoecklein, A«bury Park, had Alfred E. Pound, and Board of tomorrow. counties. Veterans Affairs. ' By Auto to end his association with It. nwmu Crowley quesUooed Fin been borough auditor. • • Adjustment. Edward C. Stokes, But Steinbach's, 121 Broad St,, They; also agreed on election Head Committee Erdman uld, "Sen. Williams' Chief Kenneth Foster as to who Mayor Campl uM Mr. Carusoe will remain closed. of Assemblyman Maurice F, Sen. Wesley L. Lance (RHunt- M1DDLETOWN - Charles hu a "nputttioB" of being on The following council commit' Diehl, 5, of IN 12th St., Belford, casual attitude towards use of authorised Mm to releua stole- tees were named: Bernard Nalelson, manager of Brady of Hudson u speaker, Le- erdon), outgoing Senate president, hU name by these land promoters meats on his policy of school call whenever he (a wanted by Kridel's, uld, "We've been ob- Roy J.. D'Aloia of Essex as ma- will head the Committee on State, escaped injury this morning a governlag body. Finance and bonds. Mr. Wright, when he wu struck by a car on does not apeak well for him fln Inspections. Mr. Stephens, and Mr. Folsom serving the tnffie both on the ority luder and Mn. Mildred County and Municipal Govern- Leonardvillo Rd., just below the either: Chief Foster uld be acted after "I've heard some fins things Roads and Sanitation, Mr. Gar. nights we were cloud and the Barry Hughes of Union aa as- ment In place of Sen. Albert Me Bayvlew.School. baiag advised by the Boonton about him," Mr. Campl said. rlson, Mr. Tom, and Mr. Wright Wednesday nights since thanks- sistant majority leader. Cay (R-Burlfngton), who wu de- The GOP leader called again Fin Department that a Magis- "In addition he Is. the auditor Fire and Water, Mr. Folsom, giving when we wen open, Senate Prealdent-elect George feated for re-election. According to police, the boy re-on Democratic Gov, Robert B. trates Court had ruled local for Red Bank, Highlands, and We'n convinced now that the ceived a "glancing" blow on the Eatontown," Mr, Garrison, and Mr, Stephens. B, Harper (R-Suuex) announced The other committee chairman- Meynar to tell which insurance tin departments have no author- Police, Councilman Nelson M. people do want the second night ils selections for chairmen of ships, which are no change from right thigh. He continued on to brokers are given The Soaman firm Is retained school, police said. . " ' Ity to inspect public schools. That Avers, Mr. Folsom, and Mr, opening." Senste committees. this year: . for state-pieced casualty msur- uriMUction rests with the state by many other area municipal Torre, Mr. Natelson uld the ston The most important nssignment, Agrlculture-W. Steclman Math- The driver of the car was Dr. Department of Education. Itlea and sirvu for many beards ould not open until I; 30 Mon- of education In thecouaty." Public. Buildings and'Grounds, chairman of the powerful appro- Is (R-Ocean), Carleton M^ Saunders, superin- Kervick quit Aneriean Land Mr. Foster uld he n. Mr. Torn, Mr. Avars, and Mr. day through Saturday, In order priations Committee, went to Sen. Business Affairs-Frank S. Far- tendent of schools In Atlantic Mi ttatemeat to notify ththe pub- In other business, Councilman Garrison, to adjust the working houn of Walter H. Jones (R-Bergen). Har- ley (RAtlantic). Highlands. He of the situation. He huu sines Edward F. Torn wu appointed Its employees. president of the council. Ho re- Council wld continue to meet per disclosed lut week he In- Education-Crane. Police said that the DUM led chure which Identified hhim at a been requested by the borough on the second and fourth Tuos- Nurty all member stores of tended to name Jones, Highways-Richard R, Stout and another boy darted across membarofMeyner'seabiatt. and the regional boarboardds of ed- ilaees Councilman Charles E. Folaom; of each month starting at the Rod Bank Retail Trade Board (R-Monmouth), the street in front of the car. Dr. Erdmaa said, "If those moves ucation to continue to Inspect p. m. began staying open Wednesday The post Is usually the step- Ubor^harles W. Sandman Saunders swerved to miss the aro the beginning of a house-1the schools and make' record- Oath of Offlee sThe following deposltorlts were nights Sept, 2, ping stone to Senate majority 1 (R-CapeMay). child and the fender of his or cleaning campaign by Gov, May. raendatloae The oath of office wu taken approved—Monmouth County Na- Frederick Schlosser, msnager leader the following year, Jones Revision and Amendment tf brushed the boy. ner, then we are in for a busy The matter was resolved when by Mayor Csmpt and Council- tional Bank, Little Silver office, of Steinbach's, said the slorohss succeeds Sen, Thomas J. Hillary Laws-Dumont. year. The way business Is con- council passed *a resolution to men Charlti W, Stephens and and Merchants Trust Co,, Red 'not changed the former decl- (R-Morris) who becomes chair- Special Investigations Commit- • Tin imiMtr'i clMilllid »d ptiti ducted by the Democrats has ask the. Legislature to give fin Raymond E. Garrison, It was Bank. Ion" not to open Wednesday man of the Judiciary Committee tee-tFarley, l«ft a lot of unanswired ques- departments authority to inspect administered by Borough Clark A temporary, operstlng budget nights, but added, "We still have at part of hio Job as majority "•'»"»«• whin Juw;«nd NWI tions," The Assembly committee chair, nubile schools, , ' Fred \,, Ayers, The.mayor and of 141,320 was adopted an open mind," leader. men have not been announced, | • -• t Red Bank Woman' Slates Jan. 15 Meeting RED BANK - The Woman's Club will start it* UN meeting program Jan. U when a repre- Training for NewiMemberi Christmas sentative of the N. J. BeU Tele- phone Co. wiU speak on "Your RED BANK -A five-week Voice Is You." training course ia toeitl eervice ETIQUETTE Party Held HMtessea for tea, to be served etarts tomorrow (or 11 aew men- • RED BANK-Studentt of Rich- prior to the meeting, will be Mrs. ben of Iha Junior Service League ards' School of Beauty Culture Joseph C Sand, Mn. Edwin L. at Red Bank. AMY VANDERBILT wen entertained by the instruc- Savldge, Mn. Jayne SMrmveiss Included in ttw icbedule la a tors at a Chriatmu party tsst and Mrs. Arthur J. White. lecture series to be given by ex "DEAR. MISS VANDERBILT: u aatsly. They week in the school building, IS Also, prior to the meetiai, pert* on varioua aspect* of wel- a wedding consultant, I am . Ml Wlf Ml a St: mamben of the Board of Trus- fire work in Monmouth County, irery familiar with your book, to advance el the wiling Maslc' was furnished by the tees, will hold a cake sale. •i well aa visits to. aome of thewhich I follow closely. However, Tottecns of Fords. Final meeting details will be agencies aad ustitutions aided by would like to point, out that .)areoeattve Attending were Mr. and Mncomplete. d when the trustees league volunteers aad funds. ither books sometimes differ In toadraaoaof the laac Jack SaafUippo. Mr. and Mnmee. t ia the club house Monday. • - Brienag ietsiea vsrious points that you have Noel Pacheco. Mr. and Mn. Ray. The Boerd of Dirccton meet Tomorrow's briefing session by made either in your column or carter then that nets the rtak mond Rlfenburg. Miss Mary Tuesday. your own book. I would like at the Montagna; Michael Melia, Miss league officers opens a year of Lynn Perlmutttr aad Gary provisional membership for Mrs. point some of these out end Club mamben, who will enter ask you the reasons for aome of Spanick, all Xeyport Samuel B. Boynton, Locust: Wh. JUS y qp by ChaHei R. Vyjl- the Vogue Pattern Sewing Con- David C. Meeaehu, Little Silver; your rulings. "DEAR MISS VANDERBILT: JUST liH "itlny stale ondHfcKen oejulpment, Also, Mn. Ana Hustard, Miss test, will meet in the club house Mrs. Richard J. Doelger, Jr., You aay in your book about wad- son of the Rao* lank loptltt Church, is flWoa aomo uso by, left to rfohf. Llasio Do. Phyliss Burger, Joseph Picka- 1. One book of etiquette ia diag Uvitations, 'Do it right, or dilla. Miie Sally Dellapietro. Bert Tuesday afternoon to make ar- Oceanport; Mrs. F. Don Chapin, my library asys that one aever Loaeh, daughter of Dr. and Mn. ternard Doloach, UHlo Si(vor. and UaJr lulmar, raagements for participation in and Mrs. Porter Hoagland. Jr.,ends a wedding invitation toan ydon't do it a! au7 Can you give Monies, Miss Shirley Van Note, me an idea of bow much it would daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Jamas lulmor, Jr.; Middletown, The table far tha'two. and Frank MeHugh, all Keens- this nationwide event both Rumaon; Mrs. WUliam E. member of the groom's family Fund raising events for Jaa- Cozens, New Shrewsbury; Mn to the bride's atteadaate. cost per laviution for MO invi. year-oldi in the church's nursery department wasconitruetad hy Mr. Wilson from burg. tttions dose tight-engnved on Also, vary include a theater luncheon Richard Hurt, Jd, Naveslak; Mn.You have written that these in- scraps of plywood and formica sat on I •.Inch wrought, iron' loss.' Mr. and Mn. Bottino, neater party in New York City Frederic Bear, and Mn. Rovitationn s may be cent to these finest quality paper?-T. D.. Leonardoai^^^pvaajsa aa^Fe -, t£*m&9&; Mila^Rsvaaass v Bonnia^^atevaaa vsse »Ballard aAJh , Brookllne, Man." Middletowa; Mr. and Mn. Daniel £«• * aid M. Emmons. both Red Bank; people. Why? rFnret as chairman. Mrs. Robert J. McCredie. Fair "J. The aama book gives as a I have ebaeked Into tor yea Walling. Belford; Miss Barbara A bus' . to take member* and anal fart that torJ M kwitattote Leys and Richard Kula, High- Haven, anJ d Mn. Thomas A. Meform of addreas for a wedding their guests to the city, wiU Manas, '->Shrew»bury. isvitation going to a couple end saw the ea-River Plaza Resident Is lands. leave the club house at • a. m. their of-age daughter as follows: grave* plate, lack*** 1M re- Also, Mrs. Evelyn Macadan, Mrs. George T. Barnard, Jr. Drafted by Provisional Chair- Mr. aad Mn. John Morton Doe (spllaa cards aad the aoceo- Rumson; Joseph Ellison, South la chairman of a dessert card aery plate, the cost weald be Amboy: Mr. and Mrs. Edward man Mrs. G. William Moore, Lit Miss Elisabeth Doe Slnowiti, Fords, and Miss Tarry party to be held in the club tie Silver, the program is con- It also states that in the same lilt er about N cents per la-A Builder in Many Ways louie Jan. 25. centrated on the league-sponsored vitatisa. Yea must add to this Gettls. and Delbert Flynn, household an adult son arid the necessary first-class pest-' Red lank. Uienture Meeting activities to which' each new mem dsughter.msy be lumped togeth- RED BANK—Play with a pur-decide to scale the scaled-down can Baptist Assembly In Green Dr. Robert E. Pike, professor ber will give 100 hours of volun er in one invitation as follows: age-Ill. •. ; :•,'.;• .'. pose and a man with a purpose models. Lake. Wis. of modern languages at Mon- leer service during the year. Miss.Elizabeth Doe Tliis cast (aad ia seme areas have combined to make an ideal- The cooking range is guaranteed Mn. Wilson attended the labor- mouth College, will speak at the On Jan. 13, the group will hear Mr. Gordon Rose Doe II te .tower for eaatvaleat ejeal- ly equipped nursery for the Bap-for live-action use and a atory school there. She Is super- Literature Department meeting Mrs. Julia Throckmortoo, ad- Ity) Is se miner In eemparisea tist Church, Maple Ave, : ' •. "In your book you aay that foil for th e: little mesten of mim-intendent of the Middler Depart- Jan, 21. minUtntor of Riverview Hospi- thia,should never' be done, that with me total cost af a Bret- Thomas R. Wilson, JS Alexan- ic. .. • -. v : "'- -,'' ment (third: and fourth gndas) Presented He will tell stories gathered tal; Mrs: Mary R; Fader, direc- adults in the family to be in- m weddiag, that then sbeuld der Dr., River Plaza, a church The long unit is used as a di-in the Red Bank church and ia tor of the Tuberculosis Preven- never be any coasldsratlaa ef HIGHLANDS -A ChrUtmi while he worked as a- lumber- vited to a weddiag must receive member, has designed a mini- vider for "interest areas." . state children's chairman for thepageant was presented Sunday jack in Maine and discuss Ms torlum, Fanhingdale.'' aad Mn. separate. Invitations. Why? ature kitchen and other furniture On the back of the unit is a New Jersey Baptist Convention, newest book. "Spiked Boots.',' Herbert Ltaley, representing' the dajaaiy to the vary by Mrs. Raymond Young's and Children's Piychlatrie Center. "3, There eeems to be a great to please the most discriminating curtain and thia area of the room :'-'' Great Importance . Miss Barbara VaaName'a Sun The Welfare Department will disparity of opinion on how long Uttle kitchen malda-and boys is a dolls' bedroom complete with bold a meeting Jan. 21 from II League officers elated to apeak far law wsStag Mr. Wilson said he tua seen two rugged meple-stained doll a. m. to 4 p. m. Memben at- at the session are Mrs. Dorman advance of a wedding Invite- People do leek i u ahould be. sent. You say the boyy s ggive the glrla competi- beds. •",•.. •'•,-• ment by the Christian James J. English, vicar, read tending will bring a sandwich McFaddin. Jr.. Oceanport. chair- four weeks, and I find some j to aee tioi n In thhe kitchekith n hhe ere* The. unit - has bill-bearing ess- the Bible. lunch; nan of the Thrift Shop; Mrs. books aay two.-Mrs. W. W. H. um • ivr JFMM ated° for the' church'a .nursery ters for easy moving.. importance to provide the first Writing Contest . Francis Taylor, Rumson, chair- experiences of a child going to Taking ' part > were Robert Washington,. D. C." da savo weddiag la- department of Christian Educ* Ittdok Mr. Wilson about a week : Vaughan in the role of Joseph Club memben will participate man of, community arts; Mrs; tsdsakaSy, of. ceane; the vltatleas. They must be ia per- ion.'' ' •• •.•.•..'•.•.•..• to construct this unit. ihiirch as Weil, as to help' himShirley Ann Rugg. M Dl in a creative writing contest, un- Moore,, milk .fund chairman, and rajmaen of the greeai's fam- MCI Haiti FMpW *n infMflaf Attend Nursery, , Aid of. Wife der the chairmanship of Mrs. Mrs.' James Young,; Jr., Fair ily and tWmimbsn of the uwitatieas Two and three-yeer-old children A unit eight-feet long with sink, for the church' and loyalty to it Haven,* welfare chairman. 1 angels, aad'Thomas Abrams George W. Frederick. Desdline that depart attend the nursery , made avail- stove and refrigerator for thethrough the yean; John Abrams, Kerry Matthews, for entries is Feb. 1. •• Tears fisted from the accepted f yp able Sundays during the time three-year-olds.was designed by Mlsa Donn, . a Swney_,. until her Cind0y. Wililams„, Karen GreenJI- - The aMnc'riccn Home* Civics Toun of Marlboro State Hospi- ef ce«m, saeaJd: aet be no> for aacb laipertaat Rev. John F. Crouthamel, patior, Mr. Wilson when the nursery edu- marriage this week-end has been melr, Louis' Leeser and William and Legislation and Garden De- tal and the Arthur Brisbane Child conducu the morning services. cation prbgnm was set up three Treatment Center are set for Jan. titted' aeMy la dda way. Hew director of Christian Education in Foster. Uttle travelers.' partments will not meet this ever, I ttol treaa •> auU 'anil A great many mothers might yean ago with the aid of his wife, the church for two yean. ' The children received gifts. JO. On Jan. 22, a three-hour class fram" '. • ' — to k^jiJ ' 'm§ "DEAR MISS VANDERBILT: look with envy at the well-built Mary;.'wno waa then chairman of Under teacher'a guidance, the wilt be given st the league's brides that the greeai's grsaawordedd ? ' . > ted.into a: counte'rtbpj' The sink' large wooden blocks'. < :*harmoniously, together- For > theA Big One for Husband ef the Monmouth County Organi- seadtayltotleaa to tfaoejecpbp, "I would like a very smsilcer spigots are the "real thing"'but •Building is a. hobby for Mr. Jnttoa of Social Service; Mrs. other couple'a house soon. Ilike . •nm'My.';*ltb -aa\ cathead mony- In the chapel, of the with no running water. Wilson.'This miniature equipment riing of stewardship-end" play I' am a disgusted husband. I these, people. Do you think I John Miller, a member.of the ehert^aatoV^reJa/ «*•! bride's. church (we ei- both'Protestants) : Rumwn, Sea Bright and Fair. Ha- This doesn't bother work is replacing the time'spent with a purpose, married a girl in August, 1952, jmould writs and tell -them I 1 Mr*ti» «. receptloji jnjwr new Wt. They gayly turn them on and For the kobnyiaMt la a oantil- aad veo.Nursing Association; Mrs. the hobby lived withI'-her'--::ea!y three dent like changiag parnen or are beia« seaL'. (N eew " IS!"•*;%•* »;P*P?e. Men anaadd useus* theiWr Imaginations ttoo over .,10 yean, ago. button tos church!need. weeks. She left, saying she wasjuitgo and try to cop> with my ^*»e Veaier,'case worker, Fam- ° l*m\ >• — . - *m*M.**.m\l*mi^**. * !_ * * ' U^ 1 m* mm.m*mm*Z*mxi\ *m.^ *m. ^ ' ils appropriate..^under the. elf; fju m whenver He Is occupied ai'an engineer Mr^MraVWUson-liayebeim nomeslck. I convinced her that feellngi?-p. H. ind Children's Service of Mon- hi tratiavy e»avtrt«tlM cumiUncei?. Should we Include in«; with the Army Signal Equipment memben ofthe church since 1M11 ' mouth County, and George Bar- Asai AsMi oaslM '|g. tfaaaV* ITJIMIMJI she ahould-give our marriage an- Dear P JI.: Ge, aay ••*• WH mmmw WUI* tal'(ljl1aTC IMIII 'at hornet, cards ta-the'announce- Balld fer Tets Support' Agency at' Fort Mon- teii' administrator. Moamoutli when they moved hero from West other chance. Again she left so lag aad have a geed Cme, Mlavltanana fat tbje rea- ments, .since 'we are moving'in- "When you .build for these mouth's Coles Area. Virginia. , I never asked her back. I am Medical Center. to a'new home? tots," Mr. .Wilson commented; Their' eon, Thomas, is ia the Where en earth.did.yeii get the ; He became interested in build- lucky if -I see': her'at 'all or even Mas that liwaswnagtodaisce ; :' |fft "The man pi 'Jou really have to build -it ing'the nursery-equipment, for the freshman class at the Univenity hear, from her. She is how. 33 .: Jack Welnhelmer, County pro- .JkJMi|e Is "Sdghiy tothakaL irry ia a retired ~ ruggedl"' Often as not .'theychurc. h when he wasafthe Amer-lof West Virginia. WIU aafljFMM MK jWatf.MaUVtMT bation [officer' and.Assemblyman aid I am Myean old. She'.was If yea persist ia tiria Vletarlaa la wriUag my eeasmas ai'mo Guard commander. Should.he, an only child^-i come from:''a Alfred ,N. Beadlestda will be - aad la wrWag al ef or Is It customary for him, to attitadeV year bitabaad .will speaken at the buffet-supper giv- Prix* Pair Make It in a Day blgfsmlly. eventually go daadag withett tbe.'eaiejlieaa,beek,ea,:l.t, .the -titio in, civilian life? en for: new members and their ': .^jf^Wft "\w**fwl*d- .every (Such, as en. the wedding eii- Legion Unit Last year I went to her home yea. husband* Feb. J at the league nouricerhents, the mailbox in town-to see her.' As usual her etaleiHoat with aaoa ontnaritlee mother said, "My- daughter is club houae itf Rumson. an the aestoas of. large tasa- front of the house end iso forth:) Send your problem to Kitty Closing session will be Feb. It. He - is presently 'employed' as Has Meeting Printed Pattern staying here." If I,got work there, we'd, have to live with her.Kelly.. Enclose, a' atomped^aslf- when theipravisloeala are.slated r lain on .a private' yacht HIGHLANDS — Mrs. Stephen addressed envelope, and address to take a written examination Would that have any bearing on H. F»Uer; 87 Washington Ave., mother: and I don't" want that.' g gatatleaMv Could I. get my marriage, an her care of the Red Bank Reg- based on the course. • •- I .asa"'eaasa>sd>w.tfcosO mat. whether or not he would use his recently entertained memben of ister. •Thls.will be followed by indh a retired officer of the the Past Presidents Club of the hul|ed or would I have-to go ten by;. IM^ weddiag'• * through ,the. divorce courts? I Musi Interview's with,Mrs. Johi selera: and by .the 'largest USCG.? tallies: Auxiliary"of Twinljght J. Bell; Fair Haven; placement Ppit, American Legion. ' .can't fo'od like.this. 'I am not afaetaren ef sUtieaefy for "At the wedding we will each in love with anyone else. .People, chairman, scheduling each pro- ddtag brrltatteatt ds aad^ have one attendant. Would it be A Chriitmas Jwrty and reveal- Piano Program ; yistonal'e activities for the year aeaacemeali. to an ad acceptable for my three children ing of secret'pals.'Wts held fol- used to ask' where my wife was> eoawtsto' atmaMat (hat' atii -ages"!. 7 and Sfito be'there? lowing a brief meeting. • I ahvaya had to tell » lie and it ^ITT^ .'i^^*v^^* ^,*e*wi»• eavaa'^ They said they would like toat - New. secret'pals were chosen sad. Now I tell the Features Party alrate widllsg swltaMana>awM truth.-Dis'gusted. mo* * ; (iifl» were exchanged. ' RED BANK-Student! Of Mrs. be aoat to ef-age sees sad How do I sign my name af- ' 'Mrs: Cora DesBiena' received Dear DIsgaatod: Obvteasly dsaighten ta,a famMV. that the ter riiy second marriage?' My the specialsaward.' • . - Constance G: Brown attended a 'farina.-yaa:.have;' are Yea aad'slM'nilgbt'.stin'.aaye a Christmas party recently In her Entertained auceeauHe'to h'FM maiden name was Doris M. Mn. Claudia France. .128 High, Jones. At present I sign myself land Ave., will entertain the group studio at 152 River St. - ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-Mn, It yea could break taeepen. Raymond Young, 7-Bsyside Dr.. ' Waaaaaammml ian^taattamU Doris. M. Barnett. The name of Jab; -25. . • • ;;,:..•. Taking part in the piano prb- the man I will'marry is James , Attending were Mrs. Elizabeth Make, one, last' effort!. .-Hew entertained members of the Epis- ge'eat as lanen' aa fear, w'seb, about aseetiag her at a Mead's gram were Claude Brown, Craig copal Youth Fellowship group of la ea>aRee ae that they wW Dawsbn.-p. M. B.VMiiml, FIs." Hellker, president; Mrs.- Andrew. Fertal, Wilma Jean Bland, Rick- Yaw aiattstr may aaad year Homisk, Mrs. Harry E. Beyer, beees for a real talk—away St. Andrew's. Foiscopal Church ..- .. . f .. ey Ferial, Barbara KOehler, Con- . ar yea aad Mrs. France, Mn. Henrietta Kin- from MaasaT It's warn the last her.home. • -V try. If that falls, mea seek a nie, and' Susan' Forrwt. Wllllsm Attending were Miss Mary Fto ... , «ay make liey; Mrs. DesBiens and Mn; Fal- Ptak, Paulette Murphy sind Rich- laaSa akan^a^aaaaaajajajsjaaaaaia^ a^BHaataar ^k^^b^a' :; lawyer's advice. ' ' ; • by. Miss Elia Jensen: Miss Mar ler; '- •- •• '. •••-.•"-••' ." ard HoUmaan. the Mexsbn, Ronald Creigh'ton; Set Election may ceasalt my bosk aa the Mrs. Hubbard. Stiles and Mn proper terms ia bath cases Stella Jones. were guests. Dear Kitty Kelly: .The group also, sang Christ- Pmiglas Finlay. and James Fer Last summer I got very friend- nandet. • ...•.'.. •'.; •'. •.. , • either at tap etatieaen er at mas carols and axchsnged gifts. Of OHicvrs yaur library er baeksten. ly with one of the most popular Also, Richard Gsrvfy, Josei girls in my school. I liked her Kelly, Franklin Patterson, Robert KEYPORT-The next meet Yes, you may have a recep- tion la your home aad yea may Buser Gets a lot. She asked me to all up Schwed. and Frederick Veorhees, Ing of the Lincoln Hose Auxillarj her boy friend and aik him if he Jd.' • • .' will be held Jan. M. Election iaclwJe "at name" cards la yaur aaneaacsmsnte.: still liked her. (He hadn't called SNEIMAfTS Also attending were Rev. JaL. officen will take ptace. Agent Post her up for about two weeks.) I J. Engliah. vicar of St. Andrew The Christmu dinner wax iielc la social ate year aew bus- LINCROFT - Roy J. Buser, bead wid be known u com- did. Since, then she's hardly Church, and Mr. and Mrs. Re' lait week in Shore Point Inn IS Manor Parkway, has been ap- spoken to me. I sUD'like her mood Young. Hatlet. mander, hat aboard his Skip be pointed as agent for State Farm will be kaewa as eaptam. The aad went to be friends egaln. Attending wen Mn. AUyn Lee, Insurance Co.' How should I to about It?-Used. Mn. Irvla Miculka. Mn. Stan- ag Mr. Buser, had been, an agenl Dear Used: Year aam-os- ley Ferry, Mn. Clifford Martin. carry the lafermadaa: with the Metropolitan Life Imur Playhouse Cenunaader Jamaa Dowsaa phme Is aady ebesaa. la me Mn. Willlim Lehman, aad Mn ance Co., Red Bank. Man let etben paB their owe Curtains Joseph Colloias Jr. UaHsd Sates Ceaet Gaard, A.gnduate of the Life Under retired • Ks cat of the fire. A Pick* Abo Mn. Albert Hill, Mn. La- wrlten Training Course, Mr. waa uses yea la ae Drtptriwi ray States, Mn. Francos Hill, I always taeammaad mat la Vi\«i as oil paintings! Be anBuser is also active in the Lin- a caw ef romarrlage after al- at at, T Mn. Russell Troves. Mn. Ar- artist with a needle, and "paint" croft first aid squad and Is a Sltpeevfrt first Show Ihur Preetage, Mn. Raymond vercs that aay cnUdrea at the member of the choir of New MIDDLETOWN - The Wagon Price, Mn. Casmlr Cieclerski. arevieaa marriage aet wltosse this handsome pair. Shrewsbury Reformed Church. Dear Kitty Ketty Btdiprcadt wheel Playhouse will stage lu Mn. Chsrles Kinfaher, Mn, Os- Mr, Buser lives here vith his We are a young couple 13 yean they may attead the reception. Easy l-to-inch cross stitch! old, married It yean and have flrstpUy, "The Seven Year Itch, gMd Thorns, and Mn. Chcstsi Choose brown, green, orange wife Helen and their two chit tfnths early In March at its theater, Williams. I have been advised by child dren. They have been residents hirtrvel of fashion and sewing never danced with anyone but tones to bring glowing color to each ether. This past summer renovated barn off Rt, IS gaMsaee ceaaselen mat ssUag of Lincroft five yean. -" ease! Sew this slimming style in Vtnttian Blind* Chestnut Ave. INFANT CHRISTENED yeang calMrea te witness the a room. Pattern 971: two I x 21- we met three couples whom we William Corlo, Middletown remarriage ef ettasr aareat inch transfers; color chart. lets thaa a day - it'a designed •aw against last Saturday. Be- Township High School teacher MIDDLETOWN - Gail Patrice wMIs the other parent la sUD Steel Output to flatter the shorter, fuller fig- fon I could think of aaymlag to Flannery, Infant daughter of M alive Is patting tea much of a Send thirty-five cents (coins) tay. we wen dancing and chang- tnd the playhouse director, and ure. Smart in silk or cotton. tryouts will be held Thursday "' Mn. Joiia Flaanery, etrala aa their emetteas. Their for thia pattern'— add S cents Seen Slipping. ing partaen. This didn't aet well PI., wu baptiiad last aartietoaltoa la the paraly ee- Printed Patten INS: Half with me. I waated to write a Friday betweea T:N and 10: J for. each pattern for lst-class p. m^ln^nom M of Mlddl at St, Jamas Catholic elal aeaeeta ef the ncspttea, "thank you" letter to our boston town township High School. Church, Red Beak. Rev. Charles nailing. Send to The Red Bank auction Is scheduled to slip a bi telling her I had a nice time un- Anderson officiated. A privato msllbex carries Register, Needlecraft Dept., P.O.this week, the American Iron 2 the follewtaum.; ^ ba- by's paternal grandparsnis Mr. £2 Laura Wheeler Needlecraft 2 •-* "tglater. l^tor. Dapt. m ClIANID cent of capacity compared with West ltmtt, New York II, N.Y. ;,.::] . UNO UTB and Mn. Michael Flannery; Mho- aaay bo aaad toslaad of ay ready NOW! Crammed with last week's H.J per cent Print plainly name, address with SUDIURY, Onl, (AP) - Ji H Irene aad Mario Flannery, Mr. .•xciHni, umisust, poN" da-The operating rate this week •IMn*' WilO., CCMWWW • 1111 INI and Mn, Edwird Olson, Miss Yaw Mdal staiann h aewt Is bssed on IMO's annual ca- tone, else and style number, blrtndsy New Year's Dey, gsvCarol Flanmry, Miss Lucille Or- Deris J. (Jeaes) Dawsea, «y Igni toj crochet, knit, MW, empacity of I4I,97O,97» tons while CAUSH 7-2100 his Idsaa sboiii toil life yes icchowskt, Jersey City; Mr, Deris M. (your ascend baptis- jrolder, quill, weave — fashions that of last week was based on JUST OUTt Big, aew last terdsy, Said Smart! "I sm Mrs, Raymond Nleritedt _. mal name) Dawsea, Meet lome furnishings, toyi gifts 1959'a snnusl capacity of 147,133,- Spring and Summer Pattern Cat- almost eoaslantty, sometimes MM, Raymond and Billy, Roselle wamsa prefer the use ef the >atar hits. In the book FREE 870 torn, alog In vivid, full-color, Over IN the middle of the nlrhl '•;• Park, and Gall Patrice's brothen name as - 1 quilt pettemi. Hurry, send A month ago production totaled imirt styles... all aim... all drink MytalM I cu get mymd sliten, Kevin, Jackie, Joan name for Its greater idrntlfl 2,732,000 tons and a year ago occssloni, Send aowl. Only M LION'S hands on." and Donns. cstlon. ti cents for your copy. 2,013,000 lam, cents. I 44.7* WHtTI IT. SINCE If IS Mt IANR m Weedier •' MM- (2> Love of Life •:M-(I) FeUx and Friends I1:1S— (I) Movie Shows to Watch (I) Truth or Consequen- (7) Little Rascals (4) Jack Paar ces -i' (?) Movie (ll)Popeye asked to appear on a network (7) Restless Gua (II) Sports and Weather TONIGHT (II) Record Wagon TV show. Julie London and Jack- (I) Movie 1I:M-(H) Mnvie *N-NBC- Mr. and Mrs. North cessful Broadway stage- play, (4) It Could Ba You (U) Quick Draw McGraw compelling story of crime and su- (7) Evening Prayer "The Man.".Thelma Ritter, a vet- (5) Cartoons • (IS) Robin Hood pernatural punishment. An' es- (7) Love That Bob •:4t- (4) Weather « l:ea- (4) Consult Dr. Brothers eran of all entertainment me- 1:1»- (4) lJth Hour caped murderer invades' an. al- (II) English 12 *s4l-(4)News diums, portrays a widow who : (I) News and Weather most deserted ghost town'. A wid- 12:45-(1) Guiding Light u; (7) News takes a psychopathic killer into 1:4J- (4) News: Sermonette ow suspects nothing sinister, but Is*- (2) News 7:M-(2) World News her home. Audie Murphy plays I:M- (t) News her small son, who takes refute (I) Joyce Brothers the criminal. New series has been (4) Phil Silvers S:«-(I) Give Ua This Day in his treehouse, triggers some (5) Cartoons •. - • , (I) Scotland Yard one of the few bright spots this strange goings on. Sally Brophy <7> Music Bingo •v (7) Union Pacific: WEIME9DAY MORNING season. and Frank Overton co-ftar. About (11) Fun At One . (I) Terrytoons %:U- (4) Sermonette the closest thing to "Twilight (IS) Movie l:M-NBC-(Ch. 4)-Fibber Me (ll>Newi Mf-(4) Continental Zone"bnTV. 1:4*- (2) Buna and Alien (II) Highway Patrol Gee amtMe-lly-An episode called l:2S-(4)News CUuroom "The Working Girls" finds that 7:45—(2) Local Newi - FANCY MEETING YOU 1:2*- (2) At The World Tumi «:«- (t) Previews familiar situation where the 7:M-(2) Weather •:2t- (I) Give Us This Day (4) Dial 4 (II) News "girls" (Molly and Hazel) go to STILLWATERt Okie. (AP) — (5) Movie •:2J- (I) News work, while the "boys" (Fibber Peter Scheck, Oklahoma. State 7: IS- (2) News •:W- (2) Sunrise Semester (7) Ray Miltond 7:29-OD Weather and Roy) do the household chores. University exchange student from (4) Continental loono and Oiono taker in "Journey to the Confer of (I) Film Drama 7:lt- (2) Grand Jury It's all about an economy wave Germany,' and. Abe Hesser, uni- Classroom (II) Growing In Spanish (4) Laramie i the Earth" storting Wednesday, Jan. 6th at the Carlton that hits the families when Mol- versity student union director, 7:H-(2)News > I:}*—(11) Newa (5) Racket Squad Theatre and thei Eatontown Drive-In. ly unveils an expensive new coat. were talking at a Rotary Club , (4) Today ; 2:1*- (I) For Better or Worse (7) Sugarfoot Too many "familiar situations" dinner. V ' / • 7:2*- (7) Morning Prayer (4) Queen for A Day (I) Movie havh e hurh t an otherwishi e good ef f- Where is your homo in Ger- 1HIMANINTHI000 SUIT 7:M- (7) Early Bird Cartoons — Art t Camay will portray a - (7) Day In Court (11) Flight TV Review fort here. many?" asked Hesser. Scheck Meek bank taller wh» revtlte ' (I) Film Drama (ll)Newsbeat 7:H-(I) Preview; Call To replied it was Stuttgart. • . •iM-CBS-CCh. 2)-Red Sket- aflalnai conformity whan clad (11) Empire. 7:SS—(IS) Weather Prayer "I have been there — over the t:M-(i)News In • maaquarada party cottums, (U) Movie I:K- (2) Dennis O'Keefe that is, as a bombardier much to tha diatraaa ef hit fam- £2*- (I) House Party (I) Sherlock Holmes (5) Encyclopaedia The Sporting Life Kaddidiehop^rirthTchlef^Iic during the war." Hesser said. . lly, In "Tha Man In tha Oat'"! (4) Thin Man (II) Public Defender Britannic* "Quite interesting." answered Suit" Tha play will ba catareut . (7) Gale Storm (II) Play of the Week (7) Little Rascals jockey. Clem (Red) has the sta- By CYNTHIA LOWRY ion set up in his uncle's coun-Scheck..."! was in the anti-air- Friday, Jan. • on tha NtC-TV (I) Film Drama 8:14- (2) Dobie Gillis 8:1*—(2) News I Natwork'a "Art Camay Maw." NEW YORK (AP)-The har- ry store, and when. Clem plays craft gunnery forces assigned to (11) Basic Russian (4) Fibber McGee and •:15- (2) CapUin Kangaroo ried television industry, pain- FoundationHead a certain record 3,000' times he is Stuttgart." I:*- (1) Millionaire Molly ftlf- (S) Sandy Becker fully upgrading its output in (4) Young Dr. Maione (5) City Assignment (7) Betilah effort to simmer down its critics, MOVIE TIMETABLE (J) Treasure (7) Wyatt Earp •:M— (2) Topper now haa re-discovered sports. To Speak Here (7) Beat The Clock (4) Movie RED BANK (II) Whirlpool. It may seem to those of RED BANK-Leonard E. Reed, WALTER READE THEATRES (I) Strange Stories fiW- (2) Tightrope ' (7) Personal Theater CarMen-Beloved" Infidel 2:15, who are not dedicated sports president and founder of the (11) Movie (4) Arthur Murray >:Sf-(2) Our Min Bnoka 7:15, 9:35. watchers that there is plenty ol Foundation for Economic Free-. I:*-(2) Verdict Is Yours . (7) Romance of Life (ft) Wrestling ' coverag- e in that area right now',• dom, will be the speaker at a EATONTOWN (4) From These RooU •iSMU) Exploring (7) Riflemen At least, that certainly is true graduation dinner Thursday of (I) Racket Squad (I)'Movie Drive-In-The Wreck of. the Mathematics during baseball season and ovei the Economic Discussion Group; (7) Who Do You Trust? (11) Colonel Flack Miry Deare 7:05,10:50: Girl's M-.W- (I) On the Go the last couple of week-ends, sponsored by the Red Bank Com- (I) Movie till- (2) Red Skeltoh SH Town 9:10. (4) Dough Re Mi when it was practically impos- munity. Chamber of Commerce. (II) Curtain Time (4) Startime (7) Memory Line ATLANTIC HIGHUNDS , sible to tune in on anything ex 4:H-(2) Brighter Day (7) Philip Marlowe IlilMU) Our World Neighbors cept a large mound of young Atlantic—Best of Everything CARLTON TONITi UTONTOWH TONITI (4) House On High Street (11) Deadline M:lf-(!) December Bride men piled up on a football. 7:00,9:18. G. Pack • D. Kerr a-«a> _•. Tsf- ... am .an (5) Douglas Fairbanks ItiOt- (2) Garry Moore (4) Treasure Hunt However, sports events have fvraCw MWy VMTv LONG BRANCH (7) American Bandstand (7) Alcoa Presenb (7) Star Playhouse certain advantages. In the first "MLOVIP INHDIL" "WIH'S TOWN" (H) State Trooper Baronet—Love Is My Profes- (II) Amos'N'Andy M:4MM) Science Around You place, intellectuals never rap TV (II) Newibeat sion 3:30, 7:00, 10:20; Girls (It) Richard Willis 11:45- (I) News and Weather sports coverage. In fact, th< M:M- (4) Mike Hammer Town 2:00, 8:50. 4:1J— (J) Secret Storm 11:51-(I) Lobney Tunes most dedicated amateur criti Starts Tomorrow, at 4:2*-(2) Edge of Night (7) Keep Talking II:M-(2)1.Love Lucy usually puzzles his listener when ASBURY PARK (4) Split Personality (I) Movie ,(4) Price Is Right he first condemns television pro- 20th CENTUBT-i Maytalr-Li'l Abner 2:45, 7:15, -•'-,- (S) Mr. District Attorney (II) To Be Announced (7) Time For Fun grams and then explains tha 9:30. : (II) Abbott and Costello (II) Mike Wallace (11) Reading Workshop 1 actually, the only thing he eve: JGS YOU THE MOST St. James—Journey to the Cen- (II) Junior Town 11: H- (I) News (It) Ding pong School watches is a (ports event. AMAZING OF ALL ter of the Earth 2:12,7:12, 9:39. J:*- (2) Life of RUey (4) News 11:M- (2) Top Dollar, In the second place, sports lyrlc-Sap'phire 7:00, 9:00. (4) Movie (J) Movie (4) Concentration events are rarely if ever men- (J) Big Beat (7) News (I) Romper Room tioned by those critics who de- There are more telephones in (I) Jet Jackson (11) News (7) I Married Joan cry the violence and fights in Chicago than there are on the (U) Boio The Clown (II) Dance Party (II) Our Number Syatea the westerns and private-eye se- entire continent of Africa. (II) Dance Party II: It- (2) Weather and Sports H) News ries. And finally, sports events (4) Weather (II) Physical Culture usually get big audiences, a situ- ation riot common among the so RADIO called "informational" show which are also looming large-in WABC Tf WOR 711 network plans this' season. WCBS IN WPAT Audience Gain TV Leonard E. Reed WHTG 1411 WRCA WNEW ,;•'. 112* WQXR With HAL, A recent spot check of.aud in-New- York City dtirin Mr: Reed;s topic, will be, y; *• '•'^•;AViri«ioo»V.; r'''"'- a w<^-ert*d d lglr*told WiWithh Uto Ut- o"Ethics ol CapitaUatn." «tw,- SSaMay «kn»sk FrMay •lion t'nilarick'a yised football games showed a The dinner-will be held; at won 60 per; cent increase iri audience p. m. in the Molly Pitcher Hotel WHTO Fifteen MlnuU Nawa wacA Hello, Maurice size. The time is normally 'filled Thrc* GU«IISM The discussion group met for 11 WOR Nawas Jlohohn ;S«ot;S«ott with programs of higher intel- 1 W'HCA' fta'jtti i lt't'.». . NNatwota Sports; 1 .weeks at 7:30a, iri. every Mon ••. Tiriit - lectual' content. day. ' '»•.,'. tana—wotanawon ThThaa u ^r * HOLLYWOOD - "Call up Mau big over here, Maurice. What do It seems curious to this viewer Mr. Reed is the author of books . • WCOOldunrWCOOl . KOH rice Chevalier," his press agent you think of him?" s that sports events' should be ex- Monitor and articles on economic sub- anae—-M'Hta icoooty- Ag»»t said to me yesterday; and quick- "There is no doubt of it. Heempt from the usual carping ject's. He gave six lectures teWABWCSC» IMaa.Traiituick sbwud, eiie—won UcCullou'gh * Eliot er than you can say, "Bon Ami," WOTS) NM stmti During the holiday season _ that she collapsed after a per-make-believe film .fights —th Headdcns Corners Ptli»« Muilo WMA columnist'gets' to the point where formance in France, recently/ victims bleed real blood,, for on WOn ,Naw«s r. Bubiman Holiday guests of Mr. and.Mrs, , wnc» N.w» . WCBS Nawi. VaiiVoornia he- will do almost anything for "Yes. that i$ true, but she isthing. SllS—WCBS JUM'erkim WOO New§, Lyla Van a little conversation he can .turn out of the hospital now. Edith is Christan Segua, 12 Walnut St • WO* .Cwlton Fradericka WStCA Newu Bob, Wilioa 1 were Mr. arid Mrs. Charles •WABC .Clalr- Hutchina into a column. No one has time working .and living too hard." . What about all the flagrant SiSO—WCM Young Dr. Malona WCBS Stirliiht .Saluta to talk to him. Including his wife. Furhman of Natick, Mass. WMTB> Nawa. Kalaxlns WOn -McCullowK. * EJIol "But what about you, Maurice? plugs on Sunday's "What's My l,4S—WCM Baclhd Hn. Burton WMA. Kay llaatharton There is shopping to be donYou have done some working and Line?" including those for a SSiSO—WABC Tha'.Wbrld ot and cards to mail, and the kids living, but you are going strong Broadway, show which had closed Miss Sarah Moore, Cooper Rd., aggwane sFramd Rofcbitu 8ho« Tomorrow spent the holiday week-end visit- jBcBS Right To .HjpphiM. are home from school. By NeWnow at 71." some time before the videotaped • ' W*TO.'Headlines. Muale Year's Day he is ready to in- "Ah! But I have never been show was broadcast? 'And on the ing friends in Albany, N. Y. WOV' Nawii Let.Smltb m3$r& terview the milkman or the rub-completely craiEE, You must plug-banning CBS, too Al- •W»e» N.w.1 Ed H«lih» WOn Long John Mrs. Samuel - Thomas, Cooper l|S—>WOn G»laii Draka WMA Nawa Report! bish collector on the state of TVdraw the line." fred Hitchcock sneaked over a WCM Jutt Entarttlnmtul HOnNINO NOOnASM in Ceylon. "And you have drawn it?" re-run on his program—bu! a Rd., is vacationing in Florida. 'Allo! Yes, yes, this is Mau- Is He Retiring pretty good one, first shown last Albert Perry, who is with the FiftMn mlnuta nawa rice Chevalier. Who is this?" "For me the line has been May, , The Jan. H "Bat Mas- 1 wico U. S. Army in Germany, is spend- E^ i "Hal Humphrey. I write a TVdrawn years ago, my friend. Yes, tenon" plot was borrowed from WOn ing a furlough with his parents, Nawi; column." years ago. Ah! You laugh', but i real-life .episode in the life of WMTO Haadlhwa, Hail* John Gambling Mr, and Mrs. Patsy Perri, Rt, is true!" Leland Stanford, involving a huge WOn Nawa: Lyla Van Happy New Year 35. • wneikNawji Bob Hnrnua "Of course, of course, Happy "You're not thinking of retlr bet on whether all of a racing p.^oa?bN. ing?1? horse's hooves were ever off the Frank Johnson, Harvard St. Mirtha BountrM ' WABC Nawi, Al Unman New Year!" has returned home from Man JUlI WHTO Htadllnaa; Waka up "Why should I retire whea ground. And the Jan. 17 "Mav- to Mmic "Happy New Year to you, too, things go so beautifully? I americk" is based on the "Romeo mouth .Medical Center, where he , ,. WCM Nawai Jtck Starling Maucice. I understand you are ndcrwent surgery, , Show coming to New York to do afeeling beautifully. I should walk and Juliet" plot. Who says tele- WOn Nawa on my knees for thanks, I amvision is having trouble develop Haye ' WMA Naw»: BUI CulUn CBS-Revlon special like the one Robert. Clark, Cooper Rd., has WHTO Clwin* Stock au»—WOn Dorothy and Dlok Belafonte did." feeling so beautifully!" Ing-new material? Report; muitc eiai—WABC Nawi! Al Lohman eturned home from a trip to WOn Mewti.John Wingata BBeWABt C Al Lohman "Yes, that is true. It is on the Novel Situation roy, Ala,, where he visited his Plus Stcond Hit at Eotontewn WStCA Nawii Wayria Howll WHTO Ma«i, Ralailng idea of doing songs — three big ABC will try a novel situation- mother, Mrs. A. L. Park. '" MUlIo medleys and then other medleys Plan Study «ltt—WOn R.d"o Naw fork WCBS Jack Starllu Show comedy on family life next fall: CLIFTON WEBB - JANE WYMAN in WOB Dorothy and Dlek In between. It will be on your air Modern dialogue in a pre-historic Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley Norris, ! atw«»o N BieO—WABC Braakfait Club February eelevONI But on tape. Martia Block WCBS Nawa: Arthur Of Home sehing—and all done with car- Cooper Rd., and son spent Christ "HOLIDAY FOR LOVERS" a«d The tape is better, more human, ' N#wiI rnii Oodfrar toons. (Any resemblance to mas at Olean, N. Y., with Mr. WHTO Haadllnaas Strictly can be exactly as naturALL current newspaper comic strip Norris' parents. • Saw" Jota Sertt i for Woman WMaVJlm to«a Shaw 1 and without the flaw. The live Sale Fees will probably be coincidental.) Radio Ntw York WOB Nawa; Oalan Oraka WMA Nawi, Bill Cullta ia too much for everybodEE." CAMDEN (AP) - U. S. RepAn. d also in preparation is an- •!M—WABC N.W. eise—WHTO Nawi. Balazlns , Christmas guests of Gen. and "Maurice, did you know that William T. Cahill (RNJ) another series preoccupied with the -• ' MINIM Mule ' Mrs. Joseph Hcinrich, Cooper*-WABC P.t.r and Mary , Belatonte did his show with no nounced yeaterday he will move same theme: "Split Level," all Rd., were Miss Clara Heinrich WCBt Nawa about suburban living and its i Martha Wrlahl middle commercials?" for a Congressional atudy of the of Washington, D. C. and Carl HUD OVIR WHTO Haadlinai. Muila practice of charging extra fees conformal joys and terrors. "Not Is that possible? Then I Heinrich of Andover, Ohio. LAST TIMES TON1TE 2ND lit) WIIK .'•• wieVagrS^'-SS. P rtl for home mortgage loans. a,eS-WAS)e Marlln liock WMA Nawi " ' hope for me, too, they do this. Orson Bean < is Joey Bishop's lT My Traa Story They should never disturb an Rep. Cahill aald he is taking "LOVI IS MY AMONG * ^= 1 Howard Coi.11 . lent—WAM Martin Block permanent replacement on "Keep NOT SO FUNNY important,show in the middle." the action because of a report "alking" . . . Jerome Thor, who WOn Martha Daaa* SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - • PROFUSION" THE II BEST lets*—WAM Martin Block Maka Important Shews by a state Legislative Commis- hasn't been aeen much since he Hill baonard sion which last week criticiied People have a right not to be Mm "OIRL'S TOWN" OF THE YEAR Nawi, Hanry WHTO Nawa, Ralailns "Speaking of Important shows, was the first corresnondent of the practice but said only Con- molested by practical jokers. N. Y. NEWS Glarfitona Maurice, the Folies Bergere open- the, old and no good "Foreign .WAM Arthur Van Hal Intarflawai Maitka gress could end it. Intrigue" series, is the star of So ruled Municipal Judge ai4S—WAB* Bu«lnaa«, N«wa ed in Las Vegas this week, Are James M. McDonnel in fining WON Uirell Thomaa WMA you in favor of exporting such Rep. Cahill said he will intro- new adventure series, "Rogue Staffs Tomorrow 8port«..Stan U Traa Story duce a bill in Congress tomor- For Hire,'.' which CBS Films will Howard H, Marg $28.50 for squirt- WnCA Threa "tar Eitra llSO—WCM Nawai HouHOIIiM Parly shows to America? ing a blue liquid on Beth L, tlOO—WABC Edward F. Msrran WHTO. Haadllnaanaas MailMailo "Now this Folies Bergere you row, The bill would bun charg itart shooting th's month NIW MYSTMY-WIIIUIII Wen Neitii Amoa '« Andy Nawa, P. Roblnton ing of "points" to people selling 'layhouse 90 will make its deMiller- . M'Q'M anaanu •••••• WOn Fulton Uwli : • WMA Nawat Radio Ttaatai speak of I have not seen, but if "It was just a practical Joke," WnC* Nawn Art Ford Jilla-won McCaaaa al Roma it is really good, and done beau homes. Rep. Cahill said he hopes but as a floatiriR CBS special on f iSt—'W*no L«t'a Traval 10—4VAM Martla Black, Mala argued Marg, explaining the liq- tlfully like it is done here, then the House Banking and Currency Tuesday, Feb. 9. when "To the AUC GUINNESS wan filid»ton«; Na»< BalltT* BallroSB uid is harmless and evaporates Fred nohblnn Hhow Carrr Moora ' I say yes. Such things bring Cornmtttee will study the prac- Sound of Trumpets" will pre- without leaving a stain. Aiidj Otimth! B«nn r France nearer to America, you tice, empt Red Skelton and the Gar • Allan i Bob * Sal But Judge McDonnel dismissed Nawi, GabrUl know what I mean?" A "point" Is a charge of one per ry Moore show, The second •ITTi DAVIS WMA Lastt,* Bowma -n . he , holding, "Practl- tloatar "I think I do, Maurice. The cent of a mortgage by the lensho- w will be on Wednesday, M TM CatMtatt — WMA Nawi, Morn* Radio Tkaatar,, :al jokes can be obnoxious to IM Punny lldi Up' closer, the better, eh? You roue, der against the seller. Points are Feb. 24, Reginald Rose's "Cruel C*'lt9» rrtdarltlg usually charged in FHA and VADay," which will take over the Nawal !;B=8«8 fisIdaar atack lUport you!" "I do not understand." insured mortgages where the in- me usually reserved fo<- "The "Skip It, Maurice. It was only terest rate is limited by' law. rtilllnnnlre." "Men Into Soaco" Maatfttlailr a bad Joke. Tell me, how do you The Legislative Commission, ind "I've Got a Secret." Sounds ranar "Uh ABNBB" fell about all of these entertainer's headed by Assemblyman David I. Ike a secret weapon to give who cone here from the Contin- Stepacoff (D-Middlesex), said iarry Moore a vacation, ent'billing themselves aa 'Thsome e mortgago lender" charged New Maurice Chevalier'?' aa high as II points. They said Recommended tonight: Star- that a person selling a modett lime, NBC 9:30-10:30 p, m.- "Yes, tha) Is true, but this has home could be charged more than been going on for W years, It is 'The Man," with Audle Murphy 11,000 above normal settlement very flattering, you see.',' >laylng a psychotic killer. costs because of thepoint sys .. "What do you think-will there km, BOSS OF HIMSEIF ever be another Maurice Cheva- Rep, Cahill called the practice IIIMCHUCA CITV, Aril, (AP) lier?" Nefarious" and said the Bank- — Thi City Council promoted Ahl That is a good one, butng and Currency Commlttco David F, Corn from patrolman I am not the one to say, am I?"should seek to find who Is «• o chief of police. CAU.SH lafsMW Getting •!• ' iponslble for charging the extra ON THE MOW AND He's the only policeman In Yves Montand it getting very fees, ,own. Bean Jack Mara Threatens Suit So. California ASSOCATED PRESS ASSOCUTED PRESS gam? California's "Coachable" Bears NEW YORK (AP)-Who said He conceded that he had come claimed by two dubs, but boti: are off and winging again in col- there's not going to be a pro to some sort of verbal agreement have indicated they're sticking By Hy Cunningham lege basketball today after need- football war? with the Rams, but later changed with the AFL. Floyd is claimed ing only 4S hours to get solid The rumblings reached the his mind. He added that he hadby Baltimore of the NFL and revenge-against the Southern Cal- shooting stage today when the Houston of the AFL and Robin- TOE OLDEST DERBY IN AMERICA WILL LIVE placed'a check from the Rams, ( ifornia team that snapped their New York Giants and Los Ange- uncashed, in the bank until he son by Detroit of the NFL and AGAIN — On the afternoon of June 7, *1864, a bay25-game winning streak. les Rams of the National Foot- made up his mind. Cannon said Dallas of the AFL. eolt by the name of Norfolk ran away and hid from a Beaten, C5-S7, Saturday night ball League threatened to take he chose to cast his lot with the Just a month ago, bigwigs of, by the Trojans, the Bears came legal steps to keep their holds on Oilers because Houston is only both the NFL and AFL smoked field of 12, thus winning the Jersey Derby, the very back with a decisive 6W5 victory two All-Americaa — fullback 300 miles from his home in Baton the peace pipe and disclaimed first Derby ever run in America. From that early be- at the nme Los Angelet .court Charlie Flowers of Mississippi Rouge, La. any intention of getting involved last night and did it breezing de- halfback Billy Cannon of General Manager Pete Rozel of in a costly salary war. The last ginning the word Derby has taken on an odd signifi- spite the loss of (-It ace Darrall Louisiana State. battle was between the All-Amer- Imhoff for 1J minutes because of the Rams said the club has a cance (and money) until today it is the best known Flowers announced yesterday ica Conference and the NFL be- i cut mouth. ' written agreement with Cannon word in thoroughbred racing. that he had signed with the Los"and we intend to enforce it.". tween 1946 and 1949. It wound up. So gripping was the touted C«l Th« Jersey Derby will be revived at Garden Angeles chargers of the newly Both All America tackle Don with the AAC folding and Cleve- bear-hug defense that Southern formed American Football Lea land and San Francisco entering Cil, upped to 10th ranking na- Flody of Texas Christian and State lark May SO, INO, bringing to life again one gue. • ••.••-'•;• Johnny Robinson, a halfback and the NFL. i j of the most romantic and colorful periods of Ameri- tionalljMifter its Saturday shock- --"Wrmrwra legal contract with er, managed only six field goals Flowers and will take steps nec- can history. The Jersey Derby will be run at a mile in the first half and hit only 32 essary to enforce that contract,' beau JOB ------.*AI«I M«W and a furlong and, will be strictly for three year- per cent of its shots for the gsme. thundred Jack Mara, president of olds, as is any Derby, and will be run at equal "One thing about these kids," the Giants. Coach Peter Newell says of Cal's Mara was the second NFL own weights of 121 pounds. defending NCAA champs, "they're er who threatened to take hi Under a Round Robin setup, the first four horses coachable—they learn quickly and case to the courts. they adapt quickly." under the wire in the Garden State are automatically Only last week, the Rams com- Cal's victory came in the sec- plsined that All-America Cannon eligible for the Jersey Derby, while the first four in ond game of a Los Angeles double ran out on a contract and threat- the Derby automatically qualify for the Trenton Handi header, which opened with UC- ened to go to court to enforce it. WITH LA's 55-M squeaker over Wash- Cannon admitted in Honolulu we NEW cap. ington, Stanford chipped in with last night, where he is to appear vomtc SCHWENKER RECEIVES HONORS - Carl a West Coast shocker, snapping TUMINAL LIAVI — Wake Forest'i Dave Budd grabs in the Hula Bowl, that he .ha< KMCKS, twice-beaten Oregon State's the ball—and the arm—of G. B. Imwallt of Holy Cross signed a three-year contract with Schwenker, 288 Spring St, end on the Lehigti Uni- nine-game win streak, 43-38, during the Dixie cage tourney in Raleigh, N. C., with the Houston Oilers of the AFL versity football team this past season, was named Fifth-ranked Utah (11-1) open- to the All-Chemical, All-American Football Honor ed its Skyline. Conference Cam ^•Itt Foratt the winner in (hit one. The loss was tha 0/ Be/us Roll by the American Chemical Society's publica- paign with a 78-62'.victory over first of the saaion for Holy Cross. ' CL Loop Montsna;' - sixlh:rsnked Ohio State AIAMED tion "Chemical and Engineering News/" (8-2); with soph-Jerry Lucas,scor- COACH. Schwenker, a junior end, is a chemical engineering ing, 30 points and/grabbing 23 re- Seeking Aid •!•!«i'j'• '*_:.iS J tl: _i_'li_'*i.iiltiii tilt Water Sports Exhibition major. He was a defensive' standout for tjfe ;f-~f™!"'- bounds;. foiited ninth-ranked Illl- jhqis,-»7i7j; btfta big, ten opener, From Congress? u well as catching four passes, for 43 yards, iind eigHth-rated Wake Forest (S(*r to six On Navesink Saturday .WASHINGTON (AP,} - T.op pf- j ILA *A^ H9 a\aYatfl' A iiKSiAds: < CjtfliittfAfltT '" '**~ .ticiais .ofbaseball's prdpdsetl third XOm Mill UI Ifllva, flgnVS.i9^nWV,lll Some ..people, think they're rnijoV league .meet today' with gridder on Red Bank High Sc :raiy.:'ey really aren't. Sen. Kenneth Keating (R-NY) i •tta^bieft: : lts'.'a group called the Mon-. wjiat.'niay be: this .first sfip 'td mouth Ice' Breakers; and it will .ward., asitiiig .Congress to' help.; the. be' these, people with piolar bear .infantilesfgue-get on;,its .feet. blood giving' a'Water Sports Ex- . Founder: Willism,Shea, of the the magazine .editorsnoteji;. that'.jpji Kibitiori >ff: Monmouifi jEgtat'Giub': Continental Xeague described the •nd chemistry, are -rip •\6\i%^Tf.s. .T[~" :situ'rd?y,,iUrting at'npon. meeting as an ''informal, talk de- 3 A Wriety of. eyents.ia.fe-;slated signed learn,. Sen.. Keating's colleges Mid' univ'er%te:^ ^ r th|,first:|*iblu'qh^tt(e- I'ce tnoiights onth'e matter'of base- ire chemistry and chemical, engineering m relakera.'.. J3eorge • Blajr, well ttiiilaifjd>e Contjjiental League;" .- waterjskierr fmfrom; S ' Hp>veyer, in "announcing th< : bury will '-g|Ye"asfciina,.sfciing meeting" "for,, .(.ft a.' m, ,,EST) FOR ^ ion to -JdilJhi' b brandd, '"hew. nil Kea'tiAg's! ,of[i'c.e. noted ...Vtli'ai the needle to settle down f.blf,. League: F/esident". Branch'Rickey anjl'.^h'ea.reportedly haveaecid- ram In the; Shore Conference 'K aiid B d Jdbff.NebriiskajST^Mandbkii. ed'j,tha't timt-'ha's' come to seek ^fifii !^iiW|llt'U^ ma' State whlpped.Miwouri, 51f ••"•'• "from --'-- "'-

°,RbKeV(fc}) .crushed Bucknell; trunks,1.-' -••:Mbt FltfdVst dfVbb'd iaf'd^ffl'e^rpgnven do?, a, 93-75;.' in non-, Calhoun Smith; 'Mid; II ... <••; • &'on

m djisntay Md^it wilt be, taken

IpUajm^HaebYero'KRu'mson'; 3"'r';.^.Pram Saltors ;•;.'' . TEANECK ,-.t-'iiitersecjiqhI 11 iAylir|ign:appejrsia!m( If the|;ri!;er.fstay's,-,wide:.rdiSen i t.,n to.tretch.tleast.notter •program of th iBy Saturld'afei'Bptf fKofoeii. iKSy}i «?eei;^>.-:5V;, W- ' "•'• -^ •i*)'rt4wjllfvorg'f|niie /a )race.>.,-::'*'•• r—1 ••-•:•• wiU'wiUaemonstrstf:iUu;aemonstrstf:iU''u3efulhiei3 i RTSv^ for. theiipbrtsman cralt TOP WORKMANSHIP , snd Bill R.tekio of Sp : "•''•" '^--•-'^'''and;;iinboards ,'will' Id;Xii'1rl ill' ut of winter mothballs, whichitddk^overisecohdi'.in'ah ex- AT LOW-LOW PRICES • >••% ganie, but he- managed tofget into:the:i SAME DAY DELIVERY .liWb/overrm^ls^laiPk^ •tisTr: .-. .*•'"•"'••••""w"-:i* ALUMINUM COMBINATION Papa Brqkaw, ' ,wajg-gltMd to'&WsastwWjrSyr ^ <'-r •LINCROFT ;^- Chnstian Brp- ; ; thrhoWay. HI. pride and ^ . 'tliers 'Academy? freshman • biiket- HANO HINGE • FULL 1" THICK but uw Umlted service Decause of his arm Injury. 'son;* : • ;•".'y '• . • y ' * •*." bill1 team'trpunced Cardinal Spell- Vincent Lombardi, son of Mr. and Mrs.' Vineent msn,':4tf20;; in" a' contest played Oscar Robertson; doesn't figure 'T*effinra}^aien\^pn/tte*eas lart-tliursdajr; I • T. Lombardi, former Fair Hav.en residents, made the cd«t/,wiirbe arrayed against the Dividson and Webster were, the to Have' any difficulty' overcom- : Wisconsin Catholic High. School All-State team this ing Wicliita (tn'ursday) ind ".inyad.efs"'; ,",w!» have neyer bfr big guns, for CBA scoring .IS and past" grid season. Young Vinny played last year with Tiilsa (Saturday) on the road; ' ore competed in this section I lS'JpoiiitsSJpiiit,, respectivelyepey. McCnr-r SIZIS addition (6. tHe;te»neck'king; Phil Red Bank Catholic. Papa Vinny is head coach and There's' one real 'oddity in the mick topped 'the Spellman quin- UP TO 3*1x7*1 list of top 20 teams'. Kentucky adelphja's ten ptincan: the east tet scoring with-17 markers,' two' 34 general manager for the Green Bay Packers. He also isn't in the select group. That's erh ihikior champion, Jim Lacy coming from the charity lane. Is the "Coach-of-the-Year" in the pro football league. almost as rare as a snowfall at North Bellmore, L. I. and out door monarch Fred Clifton, Pat At half ,time Christian Brothers URGI SIUCTION the equator. Adolph Rupp's Acadmey held a 40-10 advantage, Dick Wackar, coach of the Glassboro State Col- shooters were 13th a week ago. erson, more than 30 other lead' lege basketball squad, is a former gridder for Middle- But when Georgia Tech, then foots will be seen. CBA lost a 43-30 decision to Sti WOODEN STORM SASH Rose of Belmar last week at the rated 10th and now sixth, handed Sy Kaback, wealthy New Yor town Township' High School Ronnie Truex, son Purple Rose's court. AND WOOD COMIINATION DOORS Kentucky .its fourth defeat of theCity sports car owner and drivei of Athletic Director Arnie Truex of Middletown is season the Wildcats plummeted who has been chaufteuring a Bri Verga and Hla'tky fired in 13 student at Glassboro and is on the freshman cage team. out of the rankings. tish-engined midget car of !«tand 12 points respectively for the MIASURI AND SfOP IN KR ISTIMATI The top 10, based on 10 points on the outdoor circuit, is in thwinners. Croddick was the only'] eager in double figures for CBA for a first place vote, 9 for sec-field. LOW COST with 10 markers. ond etc. (First place votes and Six events concluding in th WEATHER PROTECTION won-Iost records through Satur- At the half the Purple Roses 35-iap sweepstakes will begin YOU SAVE MONEY ON day, Jan. 2, in parentheses). 8:30 p. m. had waltzed off to a 25-10 lead. IU) Nyfllmw <«> FUEL BILLS AND YOU 1. Cincinnati (190) (104) ...1,686 o r r n r rl n.hon I « MlMcCormlck s : IT I MAKE YOUR HOME FAR 2. California (11) (9-1) 1,343 4 4 1! scamon I ] STORM Croitdlck MORE COMFORTABLE 3. W. Virginia (12) (10-1) .1.140 Cage Slate Cnllihnn 3 3 SFallon 3 1 7 1 15 Bnm-drn WITH • 4. Bradley (8-1) 89 TONIGHT 4 « I'McNully 8II \ 5. Utah (10-1) p II 0 l>Ab!)«!t STORM WINDOWS 840 n i «! Long Brawn, at Manasauan. Sivttr " AND WINDOWS 6. Georgia Tech (2) (91) 615 SI. Mary's (EHx.) at St. Rast McRlhlnny I) It It! 7. Ohio State (7-2) 574 Banfisld 3 (1 «! DOORS! Central Regional at Brkk Twp, I. Wake Forest (7-2) 278 IS S <« • STOP DRAFTS AND Red Bank Catholic at Red Rank 9. Illinois (7-1) 257 SAVE HEAT IN WINTER ID. Southern Calif. (8-3) . 245 Atlantic Highlands al Hoffman. Paint Pleasant at Sewthen Rig. rtavidion r r - . . . KEEPS INSECTS The second ten: Indiana; St. Rlclllina D * Smith Ntptuae at MiMefswa Twp. Wtb.ler Illnlky OUT IN SUMMER. Louis; Texas AtM; Miami, CmMIck .. . l**ront Pla.; Detroit; Villanova; Utah Ktyparl at Lakewood. 3 10 VtT(» LOOK INTO THIS TODAY Freehold Reg. al Asbury Park. . . . YOU'LL BE CLAD State: Western Kentucky: North Chrintoph*r n Camoaft Shts «• to f» y. I. Carolina, and (tie) Iowa and To- THURSDAY Binllfl.l 0 n 01 Olivary YOU DID! B»vlrr 0 ~ (> Rtnk ledo, Allaatic Highlaada vs. Malawu Mctiinin'ir • • o! Duimt ON DAY DIUVIRY BrodtrlBrodtrlck (I o maidsril at CwvenllN Hall. ON I CHANNIL TILTS Ohio State and Utah FRIDAY 11 i 301 Laag Rranch al FrtthaM Rtg. Cage Meeting Set Guest Teama In ECACMMdtetMra Twp. al Maaai ONE HUNDRED DIFFERENT NEW YORK (APWNilo State Asbury Park at Red Bank For Shrewsbury Youths and Utah will be Uw guest teams SHREWSBURY-Locsl boys of SIZES IN STOCK at the 1*0 ECAC Holiday Basket TOMS River al WaB Twp. high Khool age, interested In TUm-TIlT F1CTURI NAMI ball Festival in Madison Square nsaa at Ktypwt. forming a basketball league, Garden. Asa Bushntll, ECAC Point Pleasant al Central Reg. have been requeued to attend a commissioner, made t he an SMUWM RtgtaMl al Rriek Twp. WH NIA ANf mnttSIMNT-lill Spiviy, former meeting tomorrow night in the nouncement yesterday at the grammar school at 7 o'clock,. weekly meeting of the New York beihetsMN AlUAinarlsa from Kentucky, !i at the phont p. m.) The meeting will be held in the basketball writers. In ••rtlffler* befere flight to Cinelnnad, In a lawsuit SATURDAY ym of the Fern Ross annex with Ohio Stale, currently 7-2 (or theRed Bank Catholic vi. Malawaa Robert Morse, the director, in BLAISDEU LUMBER CO. fllia* In Clnclnnitl, tht »v«n-feot eager ailtad $120,000 season, boasts 1-9 Jerry Lucas, at Ceavenliwi Hall. charge, dameiti and a ptrmmtnr Injunction aoalniT th* Nation- Utah (10-1) will present «-9 Bill Mr, Morse hopes to form four SEHUIE AND QUALITY SINCE 1910 at laska«hall AiiecUtlan and its praiidtnt, Maurice McOlll. Plmllco racetrack in Baltimore teams. •;:.'.: |AP Wlrephetpl Cincinnati won the 1959 Festi- wss built in 1870 and renovated Joseph Clayton wilt assist the | IS SO. IRIDGE AVE. RED IANK val, concluded lilt week. n 1997, director, Seort i. Orange Stnight Boxer AUURY PARK - The Snore v Area YMCA Sea Shark*, com- poted of several swimmers la Is "Athlete of the Year** the Red Bank area, defeated Ml. luu oalaail 2111,, Nell attttrM, Orange YMCA, 66-52, Saturday. CaaaM Draw* Sapffft Id TomilnT o »4 Al.Ala K«uK o3U 3U99, ASSOCIATED PRESS w Vinci RomanoR "2 210,'JohJ n aaraa nSO 201I1 The Shore team took seven Jtofai'o auk Mrtr* 50 Phil Brala SIC, Oena Tooaoli 2U, first and six seconds. The Sharks Billy Cannon, Louisiana SUie'i CnMfl Brokers 2T Word«r»l,B4 17 « Charlie Conerly, the New York M1M Fwrlrw ««; Mih game—Aid .. Jamei 1 u 21 >,' 17!: the Newark Boys' Club. The win- in ait many days, and their third Ued Press poll. Rogtt J«; Low »»m«—Jolin DeFalco li Giants' quarterback, and Nellie ftumson Presbyterian 21 ning time was 1:00.9, Skip's against Syracuse, in as many Johansson, a 27-year-old Swede, INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES Red Bank. Methodist 2 21 18 time was 1:01. * Fox, the American League'* Most Trinity Episcopal 20 19 nights at' the Rhode Island Audi- von by a substantial margin H. Kull , St. Jamei 2 . IS !.0 Local Resull Valuable Player as the Chicago. A. Hotel _ 39 183.19 Shrewsbury Presbyterian — 18 eorrentlno, second. Time 39. :hampionship for 'the ,second ies herb drew eight votet. H. Even Graham 193, Loll Jullano It*, Joan 13 a ll-M Yard backstroke — Rich- travel-weary Celtics who arcitraight year. Johansson had 120 v E. shurta Maine 119, Dot OrlmM 188, Dill Pope ard Weaver, third. Tims 25. • Johansson will receive the Fra- D. Acem 1M, 1'mma Barbalo 1U-H0, Helen Bn- 11 * 12 BreaititroJw — Hitch Hall, weakened by injuries. rotes of the 288 votes from sports ternal Order of. Eagles-Frederick L. Lotlto ney .T» 117.177. Kiy Hack 171. DoRumaont , Time 35.1 . Jim Loscutoff is in St. Eliza writers and sportscasters. Unitas Johnson 177, Andrea DeLuca 177, Ann 13 ft H breskstroke — Uerml* Wll C. Miller Memorial Trophy at a V. Romano Burrows ltJ, Barbara Burrui 17111, FranFra. son, second; John Ekdahl, Kumson, beth's Hospital and will be ex- K. nickels cec s JJIcholJJIhl i 17B17B, Doris Zerr 178178, Helein third. Time 2T.7. amined by a neuro-surgeon be- dinner In Milwaukee shortly. V. Lonjcoy A 17» 11 a 13-W Yarl bulterfiy — Ricky It was the second time. in the cause of severe back and leg B. Kariele Bteuman. second. Tline 25. history of the poll, which dates Johansson's dramatic victory . F. Trma BtVSHOlE - 13 a 1440 Yard butterfly — Vlnce pains. E. Grob i. gorrenllno, second; JacU Wrlcht, third. back to 1931, that a boxer had was the most surprising to the »I. Bchmldt Time 28.5.- Eagle-eyed Bill Sharrnan prob- boxing world since,Max Schmel- R. Hembllnf 13 * 1< — loo freestyle — Skip won it. Joe Louis was the only E. Thaler .„ Berry, first. Time l:02.T. ably will not dress because of irevious fighter to take it. Heing knocked out Joe' Louis in 1936. W. Farrinfton 11 at 12 fraeatyla relay — Won by a sprained Achilles tendon. The handaome European cham- O. Ounther ...- Roty'a Jim Betrdsley, Bill Sorrentlno, Perr on in 1935; Last year's winner P.. ciambroo* Conner'! Hot.l Qleaaon, Rumaon, cid Barry Anton. Neither Loscutoff nor Sharman pionwas a 5 to 1 underdog 0. Ktannert Loort'a Bar — 31 !> SOUIlm« 1:40.3. •-• was Herb Elliott, the Australian against Patterson. 1. Talailco Atlantic Hlfhluds Rte. . • 13 aV 14 medley relay — Won by played last night as the Celtics miler who had broken the four- A. DePaitl Ridtewood inn . Sharks m a dlsqualtncallon. snapped a three- game losing R. Quacken BacliitsdV. ..-. 3* 10 and under medley relay — Won minute barrier 10 times. Although subsequent investiga- It. DeNifrta Buddie's Bar .. . by Ashley Bell, Fair Haven; BUI Wau- streak in defeating the Syra- tions of the promotion tuned up 1. Kattoccl* «0O Seriw—Joa BaJom M-222-1 ten, Allenhurst; Kunney WlnOeld, Lit- cuse Nationals, 127-120. The loss K. Lukar B- tle Silver and Bob Sinncilt,. rtumaon. many sticky problems, never was V. * " aw Club-John Muia 203, Aisle Time 57.7. also ended a Syracuse winning there any shadow thrown upon c. Drlnlmater 239. atan Urblnt J15-SS1. Dlvlni — Won by Bill Sorrentlno; Joe Baloih 232, Bill llcCsb. 222. aecond, Vlnce Borrcnllno. 15.35 points. streak of three. Redl Replaces the fight itself. Johanason roomed deorie Cole SW, Don Bauer 213. Tony The game was close—tied to 'tremendous popularity In the Caiabfeie Bellezra 211, Tom WalKer 210, Lou A. Trena .. Papa -.'02, Dick resit 200. times—until the fourth periot Rudy Stitch For United States as well as at home/ p. Hancock Central Jersey when K. C. Jones and Tom Hein V. Arnone .. MfMlAY MOHT MIXED DOUBLE* He is due back Jan. 10 to see it U. Isaac — W I. THE START —World figure skating champion Carol sohn hooped successive baskets he can straighten out details for E. Blakeley Frcddlea Ptaerla - M .10 Tennis Schedule for a 110-105 lead and the Nats Chicago Bout W. Michael Haynor Iron Works .... 23 IS Heist is shown,about to begin a practicing figure. No- his proposed rematch with Pat- • • - • • / . never again could catch up. J. Acerra, ar, Jim crovtrs Kcyport R*c... 23 is rRKENOLD KKOIONAI. H. 8, terson in June. ., ' c. Jonea Strikes A- Spares __ Mli "' tice the position of her hands and «rms and also how Boston ased only eight players. CHICAGO (AP)-Stefan Red a. ttao Colonial Lid Insurance 17 22 Aprt. 21—Prlneenton—Home Johansson's victory-marked the N. RomaiiD —. Giuliani Contrutlni Co. KM MiMa. y .3—Red Bank H. a.-Away her kntes ar« flexed. Six scored in double figures. of Passaic, N. J, has been Suburban Quit iervlce . 15 May t-RM Bank Cathollc-Away named to replace fourth ranked first time that two foreign ath- Sycamore Lanei ... 13 Mar 10-MlddWwn Townsrilp-Homs Bill Russell, also top man letes had won the poll on suc- team thres ganu—CoVnuil May 12-A.bur, Park-Horat (This is the second of three everything' her mother ever the. game, had 32, Heinsohn 20 welterweight boxer Rudy Stitch Llfa Iniuranct 9,89; 1 I team tame May 17—Runtson—Away in a 10-round bout tomorrow cessive yean. nora Oatus BETJ BANK UGH SCHOOL Even after a figure skater at- miter Gunder Haegg in 1W. 501; IJlfh- Gami-Bob Plell STs Rlftt Apr. 87—RumKn—Away By PIERRE BRUNET tains perfection she must main- 11. Stitch, of Louisville, failed to (jama-Csnon Oattls ll». May 2—Lak.wood—Horn. jass a physical examination'yes- 200 Club-^Catl Mil 224, Tom OatMa- y 3—Pre.hola-Home Noted Figure Skating Coach tain it with continuous practice. The Nats had four men i: til SOT. 'Jerry Louoon. ins.' May «VMIddl«town Township—Avar It means getting up at 6:30 in thedouble figures. Dolph ha terday because of a cataract 01 May 10—Prlnutor^-Away • i Written for AP Newsfeatures "WHILE YOU WAIT" TvV I.E.tQCE May 11—Neputne-Away morning -for praclice^as Carol 26, George Yardley. 21, Dick' Bar his left eye, • , w May 17—Aibury Park—Horn* Any boy or girl who can skate Heiss does before attending nett 19 and Hal Greer 17. Redl'Kas won 26 bouts, 18 by. '• Oats . 27 May 18-Red Bank Cathollc-Homa Qaiiuccl's Paatry.:..—. 2f 1* .VSBURV rABK'H. 8. ' on' ice can become a figure skater. ciasses at New York University: In other games tonight the.Min kayo's, lost 4 arid had 1 draw. He Jeffries Klylhf "A" . 2« IS In the summer she arises, at 4:30 Hldileii Bropk Orudlnt 2514 mApri . 2tVRed Bank Cathollc^-Away If your youngster has the. physical neapolis Lakers meet the'Philu will" race undefeated Carl 'Hub- Lavola Labs.', tnc..,- 2J .» May 3— Princeton—Homt • for prw.tice.then.-attenas'-Michi- delphia Warriors and.the Detro' bard ofiPfiiladelphia, who''has U Tiek-Toclt.-Cleaners 21 20 May •—Neptune—Aaray, requirements and good' reflexes Masnolla.-Inn .... 22 2» May »~Lai.wootf-=Honi. gan.State Uniwrsity to make up festbris.piay'theNew YorkKriick »Tns-.'anil'.2-'dfaws;.- . .'• "' ' Thompson 'Alum. • •- - 21... .21 May lOV-Rumaon-^Horae • you -can't; start •him-'out. too soon! ci^its'lpst"inthe«!iiiter :W.lcli»tunk-Oarai«-.::™-...-..- .1» 23' •aay^u-rPr'eehiild-Away, .- .- -.' erbpekers, in'-a, .doiibfejieader: it SOO^Bar-. • • - . 15 *»7May 17—Red/Bank H. H.-Kiiy. . .. practice, must,^pme second MadironSqua^X(arleni Marlboro'Auto'ivrreckers ."„. '.13!J .28'! May J^siidsllelown To»7isljjp>;rlprae- The\age- of 6vor 7 is.:the:best Y, by " start- vpick{;McGujje^ former Knid MWIPON IWfltaW-Wlriilbw Cleaning .:. '12 > 30- titimem ' to'-startstatt a', childc:: BuV th'e EST: •' 200- Glub-Eufene Taper 23B. cfiiia.mustcfiiiamust- like iit.t . HHee. canno cannott :b :b«« star-'and \neivfcoacK.- qf^Detrofi 'Apr. -27^Red-%Bank. H,i fi—Iloi'iie'.%.''.. : •Stil'chjs'?manageri .Bud' Bruiier, pS1h)ia::-,,:.'-!VV-V^ ^:-^" makes' His/New^Y^fe-^etjutV >/' !Rodger^ lElectrlclans.UKalSlI/. ;pfr'rj,;i}BowUiig;aWl*ly'. bllcatlohiif are''ji*;rt-3^ ^jT&ljasrjfjijj^^yj^-smusi helps'fefr^meftclous'l^i^bteause: a figure skater performs''to. music. -Asbufy^Park^Aa'ay-.-,;'-.;-,„. ; ;;j.;vjtt \vik4hafyisy ih;, C LINCROFT-Christiah Broth Heissi ; the foiir^time world cham- Shi~ito'ih^i^Tto ers^ /Academy.-s- 'fast .grbwiri y,cton^: , p : ;;^ ii//''k^i pion. Her, mMhcr;;to^. her: all ;:;terf;on^ fa- 'chiltl'S' ability in NimwrT SUy.rajfFretliolil'-Home highlighted with its first annua pVerfihe .^oridv.-Xt^l2^G«^oridvXt^l2^G«rpr l R'as other sports lielps, too. For in- field day held on the spacious •sa;'j?erryg^th'v'/MdK;j?rg^v/.Ki;M v stance, Carol Heiss plays tennis, school grounds .herein' and her rnoth'er: took her to SwitZ: works oiit. occasionally on paral- M^ , g YORK (AP)' ^'. : erlandifbrSthe'i'wo^^^ lel /bars' 'in ,ajgyinV-''water,.skis During the past .cross c games resulted in the Little Silver ; Jak V j>q and divis: She would .like to skiseason, CBA runners fared, wei ydumActiyitjes Basktbsli' in meets throughout New Jer- he fourth? atralght^ week in y;;X , f^tvVlS,Vihey.\wenti-:-:ti».. Cortina} on snow arid do more'swimming till nomiitf'rblt u top tcorer in ."mover the sey and New York, 'the; team — - ..- ^ .•• .;«-'.•_•-•. "Ursisaa*1' •"•" Italy, anil in the 19M Olympics but thase two sports do not - mix Clfiih4bdBaff witfi •flgure^sliating?- Proper- diet her -first and eight hours!sleep are other top condition due to its trainih; .••.^famWrlaft^has ;the best- ,*• enrau'iiter fof'.'.thV on its own cross country course ; world tide,:Her devoted mother requisites.. .-. gimt average.;/. ._• sp^rke^!:tj(ep^^!:j(.j'jVHite. tean wit|ii The freshmen basketball tea r passed away that fall but she had Now, if you think you and your ' •••>fr»;A;^«^-i-Bia»y«#«4li poirit'sV'wSile. Pace' led 'th'e 'Scarle opened its season last week..;: liyed;tbsee;Kcr daughter become child can go through all (his, ^e^itlpitfTnartwrs;^-; •' V " world champion. Carol, now 19tomorrow we will talk about Field day results: In, they'.'X" gamejScariet edged ;; Senior Cross Country — Won- (d^willbe 20; on.;Jan.-M); is sjtajtiiig;?; •• ;:;"' Martin'.-Grotty, 2. Joscjih Hjltoii, White,'51-48.;Horliclierpac*dthe Oeorge ;81ieelian, .4. Dtinls Oermunu, ! Perils Hahn,: «..-'Stanley Piine. -.' It,;.'1 howeyer., ha winners' with (IS' pdinU with scbr- . jJiinlor . Croaa ."Coiinlry -- Won 1 Artliiir; DcFJazto' 2. Douglas JIcEihli 1,;in;points In ney,.i..Krank Ciinper, >. John Knliiiii ; fpr..a'36.«Va'yerage. The 5. liary Rtovcr, 6. Stephen Kerbs- yg Senior Gross Country llclav ~ Woi twrnineii',' iU. ^leader, byv total by Gary Schleiikiir, rcrry Broderlch . TJie' committee voted ••: to, pieti Joseph Hylton, Wllllsm lisMilaon, Join A" .(III Wklla Stctanskl. . .'• tion the Public Utilities Cbmmls- Ebfv BAI*K >W'; Examination o..r: r «rlay« Uslra • •' '.«;.a s'iqn to orijer automatic gates in- for th>ee bortogjiOpatrolrnen will Junior Cross Country llelay; —,-Wi by Frank Cooper, Btcpheh Kerljs.W.t 1 ' o'-Vt ; stil^|vat ';the yCiiffwopil;;eiittwopd ',Ave Ave; be?helbeheld J'13ht ^30; in.. Oolvllle,; O_ary.7«, Artliur uB« .Hqrlsciier 7 I'.IS1 _.., m.; Freder:aon' s 0 lft Rush " MaylSFreeholdAway railroad '.crossing, "as; a'result of Senior SSC^Relay: rr •'-teonari May. 20-^Prlncefciw-Hdme V "•' rKieiit;1' fatal: :i©8dMt','tneijsi Baulrr, William -'-.'Davidson', John-Sle ; fans'ltl.-f-.niclianl 'Pijifm: •;••..,-.;:•-•. :..:.; . O'O 0 Mrlnutter'. >ulVorrs ' ' lice; committee chairrnah^ said The: Hawk tee'hM 909 points in llty 23 Wklla>'"B" '•3lT«am. • • » •-,"•; It was announced that'Roy S: / There. were; ^applications = for comes''E|gin Baylor of Minnetpo- 1 ; .; o r f ... - May. »-Fln«lt Matthews has-been named .chair- 'thy^sts'-'heSsaiil .'''''''''""••' ••;>•;' • -.Iis"-. withv 855\ points'' in* 3i-' games 7 -ill .'Home. Courts tor Plai'filta toi be .de ; ; )Manl*y, • 1 O 51N. Hov'o 1 O terriilhfii by'tdss of L'Cbln, *". man of the'newJV.'created:Harbor ' Hie .exanis were schcdu.jed;bcc; ,'iqr. a"'27.6 ". avejrage. rtade!mer"''3 O $1 Runff 1 0 ion .Perlmutter 0 0• .1'Brownll0 .orasso a i n CommissiririV.withiSteven-RjWas- 22, but,;'\vere cancclcd'-because ' ''Syracuse*bolph'.Schr.yes, ninth : 'Pacrirkee r .T'9 OHlto -'! R-: " •.'•Br.lle • r l 2 ko as secre.ta'ry-treasuYer; of, the heavy snowfall'. , In the scoring list with 743 points'Wedel 0 (Richardson 2 2 f 0-2! Hart DO Barge Future May-Be Dissolved •Mr. Bayritp'n'recqrnniended'-that and » 21.8 average, clicked on 22 council .hire the three additional * of. 23 tree throws during the week. 11 ID Mayor Water's' stated las patrolmen, rafter an outbreak; of JoJeilli'IIyUnn:, •', .,••::•• .. ,;. . That boosted his leading-.foul Still in Doubt month" that lie will do' "every- •'Junior'Potato IUc« — Won by Joli arnieil holdups, in the area, and Kohmj; J/.-Arthur- Ue -Failo, 3. Oar. •hooting average to .90S pei thing legally possible" to dissolve Fasano Wins TRENTOri — The fate of thethe commission, formed before a manhunt in Red Bank, There cent on 249 of 275. Fair Haven River Rats' 111-foot are 32 men in the police .depart the GOP took control of the com Pro Ba«kotliall Other departmental leadera in- NJHS Chess houseboat remains in doubt. mittee. ment. Of this riurpber. 16 are • \/l»ra!««" " .Vlatrtry: cluded: patrolmen. Kenneth H. Creveling, director Mr. Waters, in his inaugural Field goat shooting—Sam Jones, of the state Department of Con- f.'aMera Olvlslaa VfrenlJErid >/:Coi»lir» address, said: ,W; I. Prt. O.K. Boston, .501. Championship servation and Economic Develop- FINED $35 "We nave many problems fac- __ . Sm"ZZZ.".Z~it li '.«n v/, Rebounds-Chamberlain, Phila ment, this morning said the prob- RUMSON - Magistrate Wil- ing us in the coming year. I !<>raru«r .- ill IS Jill *>.<, delphia, 2S.4 per. game, EAST ORANGE — Raymond lem had been briefly discussed liam I. Riker last night fined New Votk 14 11 .:«• II would like to comment on sev- M>Mera IMvliiiin ' Assists—Bob Cousy, Boston, 9.6 Fasano, a Red Bank Catholic yesterday at a meeting of the Gene N. Ciroalo, 36 Fifth St., W I. Pilli.H, High School freshman, won the eral of them. Highlands, KSS and suspended his81. l«uil -....- 31 W .HIM 1960 1 per game. Bureau of Navigation of the State in si .:i».i s N. J. High School Chess champ- ZonlBg Ordinance driver's license for 30 days on Team acoring- Boston, 4,502 Planning Council, but no decision MiMraiNiii* — n :.m n ionship last week in a tourna- reached. "1. We must first of ail by aa charge' of speeding 65 miles I'laclMatl _ II » .!» I) points. concerted effort provide our »n hour in a 20-mile an hour Vealcrday'a Krmlla ment held tt the Independent "I understand." Mr. Creveling 1o»lo« in. "t rtirttw IWI township- with a good compre- zone Dec. 19. Richard S. Fahne Tmlay'i Nrknlulx Chess Club here, said, "that it's entirely possible hensive zoning ordinance which stock, Oyster Bay Dr., Rumson aimlN v«. I'klladrlskia Boston Players Fasano won over 34 entrants that the .River-Rats won't use al Ar»- York Brake & Front will have the effect of making a paid a S20 fine to the violation; Irlrrtl at •»»• Vurk representing It schools. He wonthe barge next year." Hrc(nc.d«y'« Si-hrillll* well balanced community. The clerk on a charge of careless five, lost none but had twoNeither Walter M. Isbrandsten, uwlnnaff v». .Veil Vorti al End Service Challenging draws. preservation of property value by driving. ••fcilaa>l|iMa commodore, nor Paul White, the Ml. II < r 1. Impact Front Brake I.A election. $ 00 condition as best we can within • MB A70.1S from 10th to eljcth with C point*. The ballot positions will bo Inthe limitation of our budget. 20 MACK TUUmi this order: Montreal's Jacques Plante re- "4, We must revitalize our rec- Tw««di 'Mi/s l«x end r*cew«bl« Hrt iff, Three year terms-Mrs. Esther ^ Cashmere mains the leading goalie, al- MIDWKHT reatlon department We In- though he yielded IS goals in Rlnear, Roy S, Matthews, m<». i n MMHK a tend to take advantage of the • Beuclt * Stripei three games and aaw his goals- Joseph F. Smith, Mrs, Hilda C, free service "provided by Ihe • Mtlton against average slip to z.M. Tomasello, John P. Kane and State Bureau of Recreation ..." Ombres Stop In Today I Detroit'* Terry Sawchuk la second Mrs, Ethel Boyle, Two year terms • W«ffl»w*avt with W. • „ ' - -Daniel F, I, Heaney and Floyd NEW DORMITORY , rllle SI > Maplt Avt. at Whift St., Rtd lank OmltMM R, Brown. MADISON (AP) - Drew Uni- • REEK ENTRANTS versity will get $575,000 to build RED IANK CLOTHING SH 7-1700 KEYPORT-The Little League JUH Mil* M TRAILER HOMES MOM a dormitory for 121 women stu 11000 AitMiry Avt. Aibwy Perk PR 14700 basketball call-out li scheduled iiK*:.: NlMMtl 41 SACRAMENTO, Cal'f. (API - denti at the Morris County cam MANUFACTURING CO. for Saturday at 12:30 p. m, In Slate registration figures show pus, The Community Facilities Ill W. MONT IT. 112,315 trailer homos. in Ciui- Administration announced approv- RID IANK f'rtlfOfit HEADQUARTERS the High School. O»M • •, m. H • p. m. The Little League Is sponsored sisfr fornla — ll,33t in Lot Angeles al of the loan yeiterday In Wash- SH 7>4«M by tht Youth Athletic Leajue, miitmtH."***M. Ik'auMMlfaB Hlala all County alone, ington, • a, ortfaa tm* M H-7mOf. Um. i, 1*0

Uw torn* flay to to leai tkt J* "" *• North-South vulnerable b), the NCAA Championships at m iack of dubs from tbt South hand. NOKTH Dallas March 24-28. After that WITH WM F08 JUJTA • J 10 9 4 2 West must play flic queen, since FEW MINUTES V I 10 5 the Eii stars will compete in the Column the first trick locates that card National AAU tests March SI • K76 in his hand. Declarer does not April 1. By ALFRED MEINWOLD 4>KI0 HIST EAST raff this card in dummy; ii A<7 * 6 3 US. Masters Teas* VKQ32 f 174 lie discards a small. diamond f roni dummy. "If you behave yourself and en • Q 10 « 49542 jp til yoiir spinach," my mother *Q9 J3 4AI«4 Now South needs the rest of the wed to tell me. "til your finesses SOUTH tricks, and he will surely get • AKQS them. If West returns a heart or trill work." I must htvetoft some V A9 6 spinach on a fiate somewhere c • A I 3 a diamond,, he gives declarer a other, because my finesses some- • J 7 2 free finesse, and if West returns Jimes lose. This is no cause for Stalk Wen North East a club, dummy discards a heart despair; there are ways of get- I * Pass 2 A Pats while South ruffs. ting along even when the cards 3 NT Pass 4 4 All Put Opening lead — #3 It pays to give a trick to an op- are badly placed, ponent if he must promptly give West opened the three of clubs, you two tricks in exchange. For- MICKEY MOUSE By WALT DISNEY and South finessed dummy's 10. tunes have been built on this This worked, for East won with back on the heart finesse, and he principle. was down one when this lost. THIS.ISSOlSi'TOBE VOU VSCCH&tSS the ace. The rest of the finesses DAILY QUESTION LET ME TUNE UP YOUR A REAL HEALTH PZlNK! A NEW WAV Game was Unbeatable were off-side. As dealer you have bid one UTT'S 5EE...SP1NACH, It was a bad day for finessing, BEGIITEIIFM UN CaRHPMO!CrTM\CK East returned a heart, and spade, and your partner has re- AteMftVST South played low as a finesse. but the game contract was actu- sponded one NT. The opponents CHILI PEPPERS ally unbeatable. Then were too Want your cash register to West won with the queen of piuM), and it is once more up to ...-THAT hearts and led a club to dummy's many finesses for one player to play t tune of extra profits? Put SHOULJ? you. You have: Spades A k q 5, me to work making sales today, VO IT! king. Declarer drew two rounds take; South should have allowed Hearts A t f, Diamonds A 3 J, and all .thru the year. I'm 0. of trumps and then went after somebody else to take one for Clubs J 7 2. What do you say? Howie Hustles, the Register •very finesse in sight. him. Answer: Bid two NT. This Classified Ad more and more His first step was to lead a dia- Delcircr was on the right track smart business firms use daily shorn about II or 19 points. With mond to the king and return a when he ducked the first round lo make more sales. Dial SH diamond for a finesse of the jack. of hearts and later drew two 20 points you would raise to three 14010 today for facts on how I West won with the queen of dia- rounds of trumps. But then he NT. can help you sell more. monds and got out ssfely with a should leave the hearts and dia- diamond. Now South had to fall monds alone. Ceean CROSSWORD PUZZLE ' For Tuesday, January I ACROSS S-Praftnbl? lKquali 4-Rlvtr la SECRET AGENT X9 By MEL GRAFF 4-S?uth 8lbtrlt - ' Ptasant—For You*«nd Amtrlcu S-LaiTt ainn Mlmall l •• Yours; • •This is a negative sort 7-Encounttr»d r NEEMTWTMW t-Oontalntr S-MadiclnU 3 of day, but aot seriously so if veuu. »CKr\ / win. ami wuicek 11-Ftrlod of 1 (OMT KNOW V HIM\ 110kP KM BOX WHKK «jJ( «0MBOl,UT5 tin* throb jrouil keep yow penpeetive and It-Artlat't •Una S-MudaU I Au-»jouT>euL*»T fS uer,>N6(L7 V«NT BMP Hi T M-QuMo's kick •enssofbaUnee. Work for mu- T3M J'Tl'H mat adnattge iatittd of eHng- 1 Mfil — lag to selfish aims. Yo» can ttrn a ciitie Into a booster if you Kcent friewnmess aid eo-opert- tioa. The money picture is not

f* M-Brotkirrf •S-Han's J»cob , nleknui* Patt... On Jsn. 5.1914, the Future... A decade from now St-Burojma Il-Cnay Ford Motor Company an- open-air food markets may not (eoUo«.) nouneed a plan to double the be limited to California and aim. rent wage scale; thus inaugu- ilar climates. Open-front stores rating a basic $5 daily minimum may have strong air currents to wage. At the same time, the take the place of walls. Shoppers workday was reduced from nine will walk through this invisible marbMa n-A state to eight hours. "wall." NUBBIN By JIM BVR1VETT and GEORGE CRANDALL Tha Day Under Your Sign AMIS (lam Mm* II to AM 1*1 UMA {Up*. UH OtJ. *?| WB5 Lmk kitkmhl Mikn M» A nciilm ^v. Kit mriiiac vanned, bntflr •» *. VaiWIiitin! aMMng fiiMd. K«a wring.

*ury V VON'T CWCH AW OUT &j£2k ^^tWT INTjWT

Md TMH fit > Kkl mpMM. M'l. Mtkt a auggenm in tuca a w.iy ttut d •-;--,-:-•;,f,;,,"-y"r,.-1"!it • • «•»" think: lh«r ItowM tt it Item-

UO IJalr II to An*. Ill a u AQUARIUS (JM. II to Ft*. l»| Uatipwwd taiimait la likdr. Aanat k fact tat fact dm inxpiriciict it a t> «w aT^ Jf*w» . .fitoufMt iiHl ts pititnti VlllftO|A.t.»toStal.]» . nset..^.JS (Fab. M M M*rcMtrcmO» W|l i Onanualt; dannt ajMjii knack tt ft* Ya» mn mfe tl» a lam mm;Onanualt jam kn; dannt Mt Inalark m(tr knac ill k tt na






7 ^.

gB^aaaaaaaa^-4L* THE RYATTS By CAL ALLEY REVEREND By BILL OMMU£1> GO STRAIGHT AHEAD TO THE JUNCTION AMP THEN TURN RIGHT FOR A0OUT JOSH f "- MIL tfMHt PPi MNf ^^HI BaVBaftNBS m^^a ^tBatwHr MIDKAL •r tmfitt dwpi . ASSOCIATE Mt tidt dm* to • SS MEMOS the b*Md trappad to the right tkUm M600 side of the heart will be able toScout District SALES MANAGERS Via \» ^F^ ^^vaf ear ^r^^vqp^BFV^VW w MU flow out through the valve. Im< N Dtyi CtMteaUf HOUSES FOB RENT mediate medical treatment ii nec- Slates Events You might uve the life of aessary. While the person it being BELECTIUN OF ItEHTAU - akin diver merely by turning M«U and Fcmalt ' - ' unhiniaded. Imnedl. Telcaer Acncy. him on hii left tide. Month 1. Call or dial ror ) Skin and scuba (Seir-ConUined RARITAN TOWNSHIP - Meet-: EVENINGS * P.M. TO M5 P.M.. SATURDAY MOLMOBL V1LLAUB VICINITY M*ll •Isht-raoa Engllan Colonial bouee re- Underwater Breathinj Appar- iagi and activities to be held dur4. cently ramodcioo. Four boaroom*. twoatui) diving, it enjoyed by mil- ing January for icouters of thaj t:ll A.M. TO ftilS f.M. porchei. utility room, two talhav **w- dir nan. Bv*ry convenience«anience,. *•**- lions of peraoru throughout the Chingsrora District, mmaaM BtABUNI %mr. M. Ouy Ithn board radiation oil heatt, attacheattached two- world. They all know, or should Council 3oy Scouta of Amertea.f L : have been announced by Jame* ~ - • cijuairisa> OISHJI*' ' MERCHANDISING EXPERIENCE PREFFERRED. know, that it ii • potentially dan- •>•? a. *L Oay kkn ralBnaw art* mat tew dar* MM* IHRB9VIBURT—Thnahbadraom ranch, gerous sport* Flynn, district commliiloner. llvtoi room, kitchen,- bath, *:eellar. A meeting of the district* com-i EXECUTIVE CAPABILITIES REQUIRED. rga lot. 1110 month. M Trafford at Call Classified—SH 1-0010 or OS 1*525 til Center Agency. KB HIM. If a scuba diver holds hii mittee will be held Thursday S IBAUTIFUL five-room bouM complete- ireath as he comes up to the *ur< . m, in St. John's Methodist; Cult on prim* UMpBoaei art toll-free to 01 I-0U8 trot* to* ly redecorated, yew round with bath- face he is likely to have serious taken to the doctor or the de- iwm| •laUona: LOweU «, COIfax «. KBanaDuri I. WHIIney *. ig beach privilege*. HI MMl. . Ihurch Education Buildijig; South Calle on private ttlepbonti an iilMraa to tH 1-tOlO from IM compression chamber Mi head FURNIIHIU HOUSaVFOR COUPLE, trouble. Hii lungs expand like a Aain St., Hailet.\ : ' ;> fj following itatlone: ATlattle 1 CAaltai 3 ui I.Lfterty :. BAMBERGER'S rubber balloon. If he happen! toshould be kept low M it will help HUblaad* 3. Otbeiw t III It* Bri«bl & anttaUdyalde 1 Inunedlale occupancy. HO per month. prevent air from entering the The meeting is foi Institutional :all HI 3.U04 , come from a great depth and representatives and members of HOLMDEL - THREE-ROOM H0U8E, blood veueli in the brain. : MONMOUTH 12x30 living room, atell ihower, ipa- riset rapidly the grape-like cells the district committee. iloua groundi. private pood. WH <-4M8. of which the lung ii composed ANNOUNCHIINTS IMM.OYMIHT EATONTOWN CIRCLE 4EWLY DECORATED five-room bun. are likely to rupture. LOST AND FOUND galow. Full .baiemcnt and gmge. SOLVES HIS PROBLEM The monthly round table meet- HELP WANTED-FEMALE mmedltte occupancy. Call AT Mill, ing will be held Monday at t LOST — Man's large, lllver ring. Apply I ». m. t» I p. m. Monday Uirouih Thunday. ED BANK—New Cape Cod, two be- Air then gets into the circula< ATLANTA (AP) — An airline Cameo atone. Reward. LADIES WANTED to work la laundry. raomi, unfurnlahed, ratrlgeraior and tion and into the right side of reported a passenger came up p. m, in St. Mary'a; Epiieopal IH 1-243. 10 a. m. tn a a. m. laturiiay waihor Included. Immtdlate occupan- Ihurch Hill, EaM Front St., Key- Eaperioncc not neceaiary. Permanent cy. Larga lot. Call BH HIM. • the heart. With each beat of thewith a tasty answer when told ear-round work. Apply Donald'! Laun his luggage exceeded the weight port. Activities'will begin at 7:30, TWO BBDROOM Colonial houaa In heart the air is churned into the PUBLIC NOTICES dry, 4| Harloo at.. Kid Bank. IH I Country Club Batata*. S14O monthly. limit by eight ounces. mi Tht meetini U for unit 1 020J. PWHICHANDISI THREE BEDROOM Cape) CoC*d houte blood which becomes • foaming : The man opened his suitcase,leaden, commltteemen and den* EXPERT PIANO TUNING MftVCHANMM In Shrawibury. 1180. Otherra* |U" t and ; Call mats, This prevents the blood took out a two-foot roll of it-mothers, i. •'':'• •:' •,';' -'' ; IH 1*755 or 8H WOMAN to cook and da light FOR SALE FOR SALE ut>. Weart-Nenwth Alette;iy., IW, W, work every flunday from" S to a. Front It., Red Bank. from leaving the heart, the re- lami, sliced' off half a pound, A meeting of the commission. Call BH i.«3M attar 1:8* » •. COMPLETE KITCHEN SET-UP—fF sult can be a purplish discolors' and ate It before boarding the tr'a itaff will be held Jan. » TRAVEL • TRANSPORTATION WILL TRAIN WOKEN (or attady. good double link, cabinet*. Mgiauri alie- at r p. m. In the horn*'of Mr. paying pocitione. Apply Mar CM** HAMMOND trie Hov*, automatic, double over,, FURNISHED ROOM tion of the akin due to the lack plane. ..-„•• ,:' .... • '• . . FLORIDA BOUND — January MO. •re 4- Launderart, Myrtle Av*., Long Youngatown naaa eahlnt* la". St', JO": Fiynn. Ravine Dr.. Matawan. j Hav* amply two-ton truck. Will Iran*. Branch. ORGAN STUDIO wall cabinet* 1H3S, StaM. 34a*, Law lEATBD ROOMS avanoMuns ai pan furniture, ale. Bennett KB Man. auean comer. All excellent cmdttioa. fl> we*My; KlaJtlaMa1 r Haul. .. etewHag Taawttey . - • HAT-CHECK OIRL. laauMMd, l*t- of ASBURVPARK Call after I p. m. oa fcetttt, - Mt; HUhlanda, p- --- rvauc NOTICE Air exptorer bowling tourna- erencei. Apply la "•— Notice la hereby given to the legal voter. #ot tha.acbooj Dlalrlet, of 1the and 10 p. m. —- •alu - lentaa — laitrucuoo tram piANoa *» rat riad **t o*- URNIIHEl ttumeon-Falr Haven Regional High School. ln,,JI»-CJufW *l MowuUi am MENTAL PLAM ON ALL M0UBU fora yejut pure**** II yaur efiK I* kitchen. ar couple, ment, for district explorers and Hitaurant, ~ Call IK 1 State of New Jeraey. that a pu»rio haarlns will ba held^^ High school, AUTOMOItVI Branch. 0>M daw til 1p.m. sax *t» 1:30 p.m.adaptable. Full allowanc* ol aU rent* .?'*Jhl their fathers, will be held Satur- on aurchai*. Chale* at S make*. 13 VERT COMFORTABLE BED4UTTING "ilV o.dRuS,^ ASrW^»^au«>^£» AUTOS AND TRUCKS COOK-QENSBAL houaeworlur. Eipen. Ooekaau ATe.-Malo It. Aibury Park itylee. Tuning Piano Co.. U MauMUtB room with board If dealred. for the purpu* of adopting Ihe following budget for the achool yea day at 3:30 p. m. in the Keyport- •need fond of children, tin In. awn St.. Red Bink. complete budget will be available for eiamlnttlon by the public at room. bath. TV. Reference*. SH Mitt. PR 5-9309 IH 14111 ' Matawaa Recraatioa Catar. Post TWO-BURNEWOBURNER white enamel kUkUekoekon Ihe SecretarVa ofllw in the High Behool lUdge BaadJR«||"on N J be STATION WAQONI . TWO IINGLB ROOMS. Furnlaheit, prl Iween the hoVi of « 00 A M and 1 00 P M ,*ach ichool day In IM, Keyport, wUl be tht test COOKHOUSEWORKER (or two adttlli. •tovete , buburnaa coa ll or woowoodd , 818111. 0101vata bath, private entrance. Newly 1167 ctvyiler Wlnd»r m-pusengcr Mutt ba tiparlencad cock and da 1-1391. 'anuary 4. 1910 until Tueidiy January 13 IMO (or supper. A soouting film will 1*57 Plymouth custom ais-paaaengar .-„•-. lecorated. IH 7-H1I after 8 p. in. COUNTY ORGAN & ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA tateM BEATRICE WBBB Secretary 1IM Ford Country > Squlr* nlne-p*Mon- *** *' edition complete eat wit " ' FURNIIHED ROOMS- Parking, kit. • «er. • • MSSM*** chen prlylleiee. Men only. 187 Ma- Rumeon Fair Haven Regional SECRETARY— Part-time. Mttl__ t PIANO COMPANY vo electric heatart. Biei pla Ave. IH 7-MM. Tht district inchtdta Raritan abonaand aid do same flit ion. never uaad. Call IH 1 Dated: January I 1910 Township, Kayport, Mattwan, Maurice Schwartz md iineral dutlll for Rafi^n.d Authorized CONN ORGAN Dealer MAPI.E DESK AND CHAW. Alea, nil SCHOOL flee, lend reaunu 10 "H. I."- Bu *u. Vint our Mudlo-iliowrcom. Sea andand pad, H15. Both la eicillen Matawu Towwhlp. Holmdtl Red Bank, N. J. hoar tbe beauty of the CONN OROAN. condition. RU 1-33U. Township, Keansburg, Union & Sons GENERAL orFICB WORKER know, Ttaia eonvlneo younall that you can RIAL HTATI MR SAU Beard al EdaraUaa af. Have. Beglaaal High Rcbael IMW.From.St; Ret Sink play la U Bunutei. 31" Inquire Beart, jVtorganvUle and Roberts- ledia of ahorthud, to: voik traeUaf — TV. HOUSES FOR SALE • •-•:•..:•• all7-0717 company. LOg-HOO.: . •wy. M BH t-W» HIMloMwa Btuoa Jo" IM» IIM-** I9M4I *Ule. - ^ 1M1 Ford two-door cuatomUM V-». BOOKKEEPER. WANTED for ladle* tan tu a f, m. aicept Baturday Uctaal) automatic trammlaaloa. Radio, neat- coat nanututarar. Plv* day ' KENMOItE FVLUr autamuto* waiher. T iu m e ENROLLMENTS ar, good tlrei, *m IH 1-447I., Md lalary. neoUaat Vorkuta co mrnnuxEM,r -.ADDDfuV sH *5Sir " •* •r ceodltlon. BERG Mt ona.apaly la Mnon. DeOeeaar* Pi auk**, new or wed. Ouaranlaad. jealdent Average Dally Bnnrilnaat _. I I Central Middletown lona, uTttUn AT*.. Bad Bank. Buy term*, "Buy *m warn thw tot U(4" RCA TELEVISION, VETERANS Add: ADE of Tuition MMltM •01 148 7m." Law ai Vk Serplco'e. 101 Moa ing eondllkra. (18.' Vmttai Mr. Md Mn. Charlet mouth St. N«t lo theater. SH 7-OtM> ' ... '. IH 7»tt •NO' SOURCES OF REVENTJE IIM4S iiou, 101 Walnut Ave, Shore* 1N3 Chevrolet, twuloor sedan. Radio WOOD — , atova dry alnk, marble top U CURRENT ;EXPESBES ifftfi. and heater. Motor good, body fair, $16i30i0 Full f rice ) (Vital) crest, for a week were Mn Noss' (MO. IH Mia • •—•»• HELI»WANTE1>-MALE truly luiury home. One loot an Appropriation Balance brother-in-law and alster, Mr. and IM9 RENAULT DAUPHINS ;Cnam DINIHO ROOK furniture. Mahogany you'll buy it. Immaculate apllt level Local Tax Levy . color, while wall tlrei. low nueai*. MANUFACTURER of fine aolld braea table, chain, buffet, china cktaat. nth three bednomi, IH bathi, iciince State Aid • — Mrs. Joseph Rohan of Brooklyn. m condition Make oiler LO S-J343 tt kitchen with built-in oven and range, Federal Aid . WANTED IMMEDIATELY dining ana, reereilloa room, Utindry 1SU HUDSON HORNET, hydnnatlc. . Rad Bank. ^J&£SriJ\t&*' Tuition Mr. and Mn. John Campbell, two new tlrei, completely ovtrhaultd. ssr* WURUniKR CHORD OROAN-UMd room, Utached garaie. combination Price aiM. 1H 1-34H. Eight youns *MB U Mart Immediately WRINOERINOER TYPE waahar. . Parfeet on* month, walnut flnlrt wHk beach, aluminum itorm laah; on a M acn EXPBNM IS Walnut Avt., bave Mn. Camp- la Hrnml seed piylni Joei. Is- condition, 125.' . complete InBtruotlono, 1818. County Or- complKily landaeapat lot muni gin, Hwy S8, Mldalelown Snap*. Open CAPITAL OUTLAY bell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. eelliot work emdltlMi, bonm, medical mill I Wednaaday and Friday. SH 7- NON VET $*0 DOWN Appropriation Batanc* plan aid athtr company beniflti pro.DBoTH CONSOLE TV aet. I3J, older dtftiet Clint, of Bronx, u gueita model, need! adjuitlng. 54t Ocaanport L0C'(B)TTOTALy CAPITAL OUTLAY™ at their homt far a week. 1113 VOLKIWAOISN—Eieaiunt, eoodl- vidM. N* - MHrttac* ' **c«*ary. W* Ave., Aparlmirita, Ocaanport Monmouth County Offlct tlon MM). ;,. . I Y- «*M0-H» DEBT SERVICE will trah jtw,.' In your bam*; »7 OuaranWed replace •I MOM02 KB MSM manta J» par cent dlieount,..Naatuaa I . Appropriation Balance _ ~ »7 7IT.I Ul _.. Bilach Mectronlca. nt T-NPi Local. Taa Levy . -. Mr. and Mn. Fred Hanler. 41 I*W STUDEBAKER—Champion, four- Salary M Mart. 1101 per week. Call TV. THE BERG AGENCY Hate Aid (17(1.00 door. Body in good condition. Raaio pericnntl diptrtmint,. SH I-UM. ORIENTAL mj David Ter. and daughters, Marie and heater, 1428. IH T-4373. £2"'- hook ngaj SK l> "Pwaweimd Service" ;S1WM«4I 1MHS.M Ut Ann and Joan, wart guafta for a MM. '•^\ OSborne M000 W* FORD euatam t«*docr. Radio, IM A HURRYr |t.n COM wave We TOTAL REVENUE-ALL ACCOUNTS . 9tfl7tilf 8H.4M.0* week at cot home of Mn. Has- heater, good Urea, IM. Can be ameeani •XPBR1BUC1D IERVICB nation at _Halrdre*aen, M Monmouth St, BadWATER toFTBrinco A liuontng Rl. N Madlelown. N. J. after 4:30 or weakanda, 9M Eiebaige tendent or. mechanic. Can baton Bank. No appointment aocanaty. aervic*. Ne Hutpraent to buy. ; Dally 9.1 - . aat. aua. » • rttlleeti'. Actual Appropriation Balance " sler's litter, Mn. Mta Dwyer. Plaea. Long Branch. N. J-. a. m. U SW4. . contraeta, Free trial. Servleoft, PR July 1, 1IM. Currant Bapenee Balwitei Broouyn, ana wniat toaro vuitea «wt |T*.M wtt|iaaeruiea lef ISO. Two B4Bd. Fairmont Bt. Wanimnoa. - and Revenue! Include Repair and He 1 waeka old. SH T-40H Bornllin. FAMILY HOMB In the center cf Rid placement Balance! and Rtvanaaa which Mr. Hssiler ! brothwHn>law and CONTOUR CHAIR complete with VI- Bank. Euellant location. Recaption were eeparalely etatejd In prior advaitlie- TRACTORS TWO STAINLEM gTBBL bear dlepen- .brator. witn Black trim, (MO. room, big living room, dining room, •Uteri, Mr. and Mn. John War- TV REPAIRMAN - Full or Call RU MMl after I p. m. m 1 CBO FOR REBUILT oravely tractor eera: deep freeae; electric rani*. rood kitchen, powder room, five bed- "" ' , APPROPRIATIONS nock, Mr. and Mn. Gary, Wheel- HI S-1141. KNOTTY PINE PAMEUHO *nly IS torn: lw»car garagi. Aaking Ul. CURRENT 1XPBNIE ar and Mr. aad Mn. Baney Dt DOUBLE MAPLE BED — Like new. ccitu per board ft. oillvered. R« Italy mattreia and aprlng. Bank Lumber Co., I Wall St, Red ADMINISTRATION Anai^ all of Brooklyn. ^r"Rrtte UCENSED FIREMAN—Pamlllar wit' Hnfc. SH HIM. , . I2IMIM laundry equipment. Only man Tht Dewsfra Aqency Balance •••••'•— — -~ .---— 11MW hla eiperlence . need npply. Call CA UDAVINO STATE muat aell reaaonabla. Make M a« araBlabi* aaklt to uaa Contracted Sorvlcei . _____ 1,4MI1 TkO..BjaJMlV!!aKUHOwi M tfll FWt All Other EipenMI _ —L . -__^ - <;s:s IBS Mr. and MirKobwt MeCee, of S4W.00 ^ awa u.iai» n. HI 3-1141. working (aadtllani wm w* engiwarlni • LOVELY APPEARANCE trer. U acr* OPERATION Kevin, who will visit with them Iboratoxatoxy workni |tk_ tap Ijrada en- Many appealing Balance ..'.^ -«»...-„..»».»«. - - — -~_-» . «. 11,441.84 21.S9O.M Heat .J ~ - - 3.10*72 •.700.0(1 until the end of the week, • •IMMEDIATE DELIVERY LOVBLY SECLUDED UX-ROOM nouH Utllitlea M . —~ I.K4.BI io.doo.fn 10,100,1 INC., Lewie Bt and . locattd on river bank In New sarewa- •usiNns Noneis Buppllei H...n.m..w...... _..-.....»»«.ww.»«.. 1.124.93 3,129.1 Ealontown, N, J. LI 3-WOO. bury. Ideal for party that warm com- All Other Eipentei . . 106,00 John Flannery, 117 Sutetlr PI., and only $291. plete privacy. Recently redecorated In- I TRBB WORK, CAO trn naWIUOBRATIOh KAM - Muat ae MAINTENANCE had a birthday lut Wedaesday Replacement (Purchaie) of Eaulpmant 4,115,93 7,500,00 20,380.00 and celebrated with his toni, Kev- 3R for three complets) rooms of foiaraia5rva"PBr appointment » All Other Eipeneee 2,511.70 I.00O.O0 7,00000 ELECTRONIC BNOINEBRI with at FIXBD CHARGES in and Jackie. They visited Mr. MMrs to ~ - Call BH leaat ahx yean ciparlenea In circuitry. UTTLB IILVER - Unuluilly lltrac- Employee Retirement, C'ootrlbullon 2,70O,On FtantMiya office and bad lunch Oil MUvanr, Inc.. •anticl«rvl( * * BRAND NEW FURNITURE live colonial araldit big tree*. Large Insurance and Judgmcnte . , 7,300.00 wrens*I . Herbert St. Red) Bank. living room with fireplace., dining EXPENDITURE! TO OTHER BIlTRICTa and went eJghtseelas in New York ?5!jrviasntiUg8 • S-pc. Modern Living Room Group room with bar wladow. Attractive IUNDRY ACCOUNTS , . . HOYAK-Oeneral afgn. truck lettering MBAIDREMENTI CO'a new onglnaar kitchen, three bedroome, two bathe, POOD SERVICES lot little noaey. W yeara eipcrtenca. Ing laboratory, devoted primarily to • S-pc. Lovely Bedroom Outfit ecrtened po/ch and banmint. Aik- lilariee m<4 ,.; it l 3,300,00 3.50O.M 4,000.00 It N. Bridge Are.^^^___^. Red Bant _ Product!. or wrlti developmen1 t of Induttrlal electronic STUDENT BOOT ACTIVITIES ALL TXPEa BU1LDINO C0N8TRUC- R^E" INTI CO. • S-pc. Dinette, Plus Accewortet • . ' 4,400.00 H.riOO.OO 8.40O.M Mr. and Mrs. Stsniey Scott, tion. Addltloni, rnaionary, canentor INC.. Lewie It and Mapla Ave. Salarlea „ - „ „...... ,,.._..„.,..,„. Eatontown, N, J. U H90O. The Dowstra Aq«n 1,019.10 lo.otw.oii East Roosevelt Clr., RivtrPisxa, work. RAYMOND O. BOECKBU AT 1- and • lovely (A) TOTAL CURRENT tiXPENBES .11>,9».7« 418,370.00 410,110. MAN TO WORK on bom farm win and daughter, Judy, over the hoN C * C BUtLOERI brood mam and colla. Mtut havi CAPITAL OUTLAY reference. WH MTU. RECONDITIONED REFRIGERATOR AT LINCROFT — Three-bedroom ruch. Bltea ...«-.._w.«.^_..-,.w, «.„.««„..„.; - . 1.000.M (days visited Mrs. Soott'tpireou, •aaeuilxlng in aluminum aldhig Hue EQUlpment ,. 75,500.00 1,409.0 aarspleta building eervlce and rtraodeh MEN-Fart-tliac, Jt-M to work la priv- BrunBruntt , cheery kltehcn, til* bath, at- n Mr. and Mrs. Thoiriaa, Whalen, Ing. CO 41471 or CO 41137. NO EXTRA CHARGE tached garagerage, ffulu l cellar, partially fin (B) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY . 75.8OO.00 3.400.00 ate homei, cleaning and waning. lined ofTfully llandecapea d lot Located Camden. While there they vis- •UARANTEED TELEVIIION aentaiag Houra adjuatable. IS hour* weekly, ave- dead-enddd d itreit l near K. Leo'a DEBT SERVICE ited Mr. and Mn. Edward Igot _wlt»Ui two kovra from your call. AT • t34.8O lo UK Muat have en chool Convenient to abopplng. Oarden Principal - , „...„.„.„ ..«..,..™.w f 70,000.00 ?S,MO.OO B.090.00 . full time Job to apply. Some ful Slate Parkway. Can SH 7-3NI afllr 8:30 Intercut , „_ .« 83,010 M n.131.00 3*,3M.M and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geiger time poeitioni open. ORango S-8115 a FIELD FURNITURE (C) TOTAL DBBT SERVICE . 912I,OIO,*I 102.723.00 1:4.391.00 *m»mj*~gttSA£An. BH 1-4 ter 1 p. m. - and children of Woodlynne. , 7-11Eut Front Street TWO TEAR old apllt level. Four bed TOTALS (lum of A to Cine.) ...... 94897*3857" IBTISBT 817.411.00 PAINTER OBCORATOR and paperMAL- E AOB «H0 for atoek and clean- roomi, eicellent condition. lnin*dl< ing. Pery'i, it While It, Red t* poeaeMton. CO 4-JI7L ' lourlor and eiicnar, 25 ank. Keyport, N. J. CURRENT orER'ATINO APPROPRIATION BALANCES JUNE JO, MM. Scott MacNeil. son of Mr. and not), uaum* five per cent monnge, A CURRENT KXPBNtB . ..- ._...™ I «,l»34: ; ., PORTERWANTEO-PartllraePORTERWANTEOPartllrae, HeadHeady CO 4-3020 , no ckMlng fee. Young, iplli.tavot: B CAPITAL OUTLAY ..._„. —.... •»."•••» ' Mn. Neil. MacNeil. Ill Sutesir poiltpoiltlonl . muat have reference! anand Thr** bednomi, 114 bairn, recreation C DEBT BERVICE ;.:—. 30,1*8.88 PI., and Michael Brown, ion of driven llcanie. Apply In penon. ~ room. Full paeement, attached serage. TOTAL BALANCES JUNE V. 1959 . — Servlc* Suppll** YMko, » Broad It.. Rad Bank. OPEN: Ihunday ud Friday 'lil 1:00 P. M •ntal payment till per month. IH 7- Mr. and Mrs. Micahel Brown, 131 > Mittnon Ave., Albury Park, for Mnpt home aervlca or frea checkup lltaday thru Saturday 'Ul 0:00 P. IH, TOTAL EXPENUITUREI AND DALANCEI .... W1I.753.J5 SUttUr PI., lut week visited your Bicclrolm, call PR mm. OAKHURST-7>4 room apllt. Aluminum with Scott's relatives. Mr. and HELP WANTED Hall Itorma. itrigF, cedar elding, WO iq. ft. No hrokere. tlB.SwO, CA 1-7*44. > IMPROVEMIiNT AVTHOMIATIOM Mn; Arthur Janes/ Brooklyn. DENTAL tacJuittuur and tram**, cellent opportuany. M**t aav* i WANTED " lablUhed I yean. Mailmum legal lav- SITUATIONS WANTED, Vaed furniture. aiitMuci. etc. FRIED- IUPROVEHENT AUTHORIZATION EXPENDITUftll: lige aaiured. can for appoflitment. MAN OALU0UBI, PR 44143. FURNISHID ATHRTMBNTS - Marjorle Trovato, 01 11JU BUILDINO8 .....~ •:. :•'••"•• • '••" BABYirrriMo, at yaw Mate at • o. a coma - STAMPS - Top price*..";!nlcal;y ilecorated, modern bath e:. EQUIPMENT . .; ';.'. •'. ;..';»i Or llHil houaekaatlna. 11tower1 . Ideal location with keautiru TOTAL IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATION •••.Oa.'Thuriflay: .January !(/ l*M:at •n Meat .'•' • paid lor «Md. aid currency, coin* "vie""w sandy Hock, ona two-room *m OOMMERCIAI. PROPERTY EXPENDITURES I *)2,««6.B< 9 a. m.. rwiti::uii at purile-auction tkm*. *dd nous aid cerruponilenca. two three-room, all year round, all WOMAN WANT* dir work, Tueaday. UNEXPENDED IMPROVEMENT AUTHORISATIONS . I 118,411.44 on behilf of the netcoaet Finance Co. IMPtOYMINT EMM apayueeie. MonaMuta wamp» utllitlea. HI 3-1)41. FAIR HAVEN - Itora far ul* 1.100 at 11 Broad It... R*4 Bank,' N. I. mm Thunday, Friday. Pleaae Call IH Coin*. tlTMenmouth st SH I-OIJ*. M4 Cadillac Coupe Serial No. 84 4J3- 1-853). THREE-ROOM fumWiad ipartraenl, ••qq. ft floor epict. In Man of ihoiv TOTA!L EXPENDITURES AND BNDINO BALANCE ... HELP WANTED-FEMALB adulla preferred, a* peu- IIS cathe- pining center, Large puking lot. lultl - 1371 for default In a Conditional Balea EXPBRJENOBD SOOKKBEPER-Oen. iblblble ffor any type buuneaebuuneae . Phone IU Jan. t ' -. . ' Contract made by William Oreenhow. OUNTAIN girl want- eral Moton training clHlrai par laid car rgay ha Men at auarinual •d apply In .Jean Howard John' lime poaltlon I le t:IS. five dayi. Call luto lalee, Highway S8. Neptune, New aoaa Route SJ. Iflddlatown. ; III MM! before I P. m. lanay, By KEN REYNOLDS 1. M. RHODBS; •XPIROCNCCD IHIRT OPERATOR! RELIABLE WOMAN wlahti to Uke PITS AND UVUTOCK QUICKIES needed at once. Apply in perton, care of children In har home. II FIVB ROOM duplei garden apan- REAL ESTATE WANTED Auctioneer. Maple Ave, BH T-MH. Will Board. moni. Newly decorated. Avaliebl* Ian. I . »,n year round employment, vaeetiona. holl- ADORABLE BLACK MINIATURE new. IH Mela dayi with pay. Leon'i Laundry, Wnlle . Mm. AKC. Cill after a p. m. UBLPI We aat* *ud a* many proper H., Rad Bank. •reek—dayi, all diy weakanda. CA »•UNrURNUHBJUNUHED Oaruaragi e apanrneni, tin thai we wam more good iwing* NOTICK or Threee roome, automalle hwl, aaragi. Call u* now lor prompt prolMeionai LEOAL IECRETARY for Red Bink SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE 1720, Bulimileua couple. Lean. RU 1-OtK On Thuraday. January 14, 1940, at law office. Write "L.B." Boi til. Mrvlce. WalMr Md Walker, Real Ea 0:30 a. m. I will aell al public auc- Had Bank atatlnf aga and auallflca- PHARMACIST - 1 *r 4 fay! a week. BOXER PUPS -- Three month! old. NEW TWO FAMILY houM In Long tion on helialf of Iho Beacoaat Finance AKC regletired. Decked and cropped.. Branch on or about February I, Fire Miry alfle Co. at II Broad St.. Itcd Bunk, N. J, CO 4-1379. IH 7-41TI. r floor, three-bedroom flvo-raoaa apart- 0K0 S4-lll asmt fsvanssR one 1B5T Chevrolet ledan Belalr, Sir- •BCRETARY MEDICAL AIMTANT ment MM Recend floor iwo-bMrtam lei No. VC57T, 201330 for Default In a for doctor'! olflce, luta ate. quaHN- OIL BURNER Service aad Imtallallon. PUPPIEB — Oermin ihepherd, el|M Twenty yeira eiperlenea In all typeawceka old. four-roam aparlmMt lie*. Oarag* In- rATERrrtONT PROPBRTT-BHWKn ^ndltlonsl lalei Contract made by Batlou, eipertence, ralerancee, aalary - AT 1-ONO-Ji cluded. Call CA I-im.. - Water Witch and Highland* brldi Lloyd II. ThomnBon. Bald car may lie amcted to "lecrelary"• Boa Ml, Red of h.mni CA »-»ni en ahrewirmry River;' AR. aatte £ aeen et M«pl« Motnre, 250 WootlOrlrlie REQISTBRBD AKC DACHSHUND PUP- UNrUrUtUHID MODERN four-room Blliabeth Av*., EllMbeth. EL 84M9. Avenue, Highland Pork, N. J. pita, black, and Un, aleo red. Re*. a*artmrat, haal and.bat. water *ui 100 CANDLERI eiptrlenteil or In- aonable, Dayi KB I-43O7, nlihla KB Piled. Mo per month. Yearly rent*!. J. M, r.UODM, •iperleneed, alaady work, own Irani- Auctioneer. antatlon needed. LO f-1033. HNANCIAL Available February I. CA 31MT BIMM* riiBMo Noncr, lUStNESI OPPORTUNITIES MINIATURE POODLE!, ellver. AKC, ATTRACTIVBand clean two room, An Ordinance entitled "AN ORDI Jan, 6> f BLDEKLY COMPANION-HOUIEKEEP- mile and liraele. Nine weem. furnUMd apannunt. Bed-living room, NANCE ACCEPTING ALL OP Til . ar. lnUrtMni oppirlunlly for widow AREA KNOWN AS EVEROnBE NOTICB . or retired Mr wo. write "Bloerly," Boi BEAUTY BALON — Lrcatail In Aebur Wormed and Inooullted. Ol 1-3213. kitchen, TV, car apace.. Convenient. Park builntia. dlatrlct. Oolng but Alio. one room apartment prival* cook' UHIVR AND HOLY TRKB I.ANK I MIlPISttlOH COUHTOF ' 111. Red Bank. : A-t MIUULETOWN KENNELa THE BOROUOH OP RUMSON, NEW CIMNCr.KV IIIVIMON ne». Rhon fully equlfipen. ll,5» lull Let! of mlicd pupa, wormed anil Inocu- JBRSIT" wi* Introduced by the May- NOUIEKEBPEIl wanted. Comlorlable price. Will arranie flnanelm If necte latlil, 18 up, Hwy M. 08 I-3II1. MONMIIIITH COVNTV ' room. Car* < of two ichool chtldrer •ary. Wrlle for further detain to: FOUR ROOM beautifully fwnlehed or and Council *f in* Borouih ol Hum- OIM1KKT S(>, M 11111 Relerencee required, lalary good, an,. aaarlrnent. Private anlranct, arlval eon an December 10, 1959 and on IH Civil Action •Benuiy lalon," Boi 111, Red Bank, DALMATIAN COACH PUPI — t\»t'nttnT Full klleden, ill uumtn. CA * MKlHr 29, 19*9 wi| finally adopted will ba dlicuaaed. Ill 1-2010 or IE 2- brril' femalei 120. malee MO. CA0787. « Tfl AeUKNT MM before 8 p. rn. 1-1871, ind approvid by the Mayor. OF OnDBfl Kofi PUBLICATION- MAJOR OIL COMPANY ALBERT A. KKHB, JR., LABORATORY TECHNICIAN ORBAT OANE-Male, fawn, AKC, II AVAILABLE NOW—Pour-rooea * MATRIMONIAL Opening In rneltl llnlihlng laborttory. Hu modern two-bay lervlce etatlon month*, heweerokan. Show proapect, mem, Ihrewebury. All utilltla*"fur Berouih Clerk. ROSH KOItDANRKY. nl,n> knoorn aa •one aipailtncenecetiary, Anilytlea available for leau In Rad Bank. Et- Uml Id amill ehllilren. Reaion lor mined, luitibi* for adulti. call SH Peter Ctnmail, lOflH KAllDANB, Plaintiff, aiklng conilllona Nunenui emrloyea mini for Rock and eoulpmtnt, RBD BANK vle»Hy, Three-roem fur *o' Loulii Kiirilnnalty, alio known al OACHIHUNO PUPPIBI, three month!, mil Kertlnne benelltl. Apply Hannn-Van Winkle- CALL Ml 3-0IW lit. 1 Manday Hireugh 1 M tMR TOWNMUf OF MOLMUKI. IN Munnlng Co., Cliurch It.. Malawin, long hair, champion elred, AKC, IMF. CIMMW llf M4IMNIIIJTN. lly virtue of nn Order of the In. Frldey 1130 to I p, nt, wormed, Inoeuleted, IteaaonaDIt, IH •WIN-ROO-^VgBtMJrM unfernliheu apanmen perlor Court or New Jeraey, Chancnr? DOMBITIC WORKER - Five full naye moderat* tariff, beet addrm. For •rm or HEW ICRIEV, )lvlnlon mmlo on Hie tnth ilny nr ho. I in Red Bank on but line, Qood 1 ceinber, 10,19, in a civil action wherein, •alary, Mint be under 35. have r«f- NOTI0B OF ADOPTION OP OI1DI- toa* KorilniiKliy. iilno known m Hone I arancei. IH I-WM bitwaen 6:30-7 If NANCE ON FINAL PABSAQB. Canlane. la the Mnlntlff mil you ir* : poeiioK. iNtnuenoN TW9 LAHOB ROOMS, UIMJtUl, Mil AN ORD1NANCB APPROI'HIATINO RIAL HTAT1 POR MNT bui Iranaponatlon, Hoy I TUB IUM OF IH,IO00a FIIOMTIIE he ilcfiMiilnnt, yuu nre hori^hy ruiiMI.'i'tl DENTAL AHIITANT, prcvloua eiptr BLECTRONICl TECHNICIAN! M DB< In* eA?ITAI-JMPRpVBMBNT>ITAL IMPROVEMENT_ ACCOUNT lo anawcr tho coinplnlnt nf the plain- lenco not tiflceeeiry. Car neceieiry.. MAND-Allend ana night a week or APARTMENTS rtffl. I THE CONITHUCTION or A Iff on or tiefnro tho 11th iliy of Write "DentW," Bo» til, Red Bink, be'"'** JJJJil ««"!an«elin pa_u> FOUR ROOMS-Unfuralehed. AMU al (IB BAY OARAOB ON PltOMCIl- February, IWO, tiy eervlng in Rnawcf APARTMENTS-1, 1 and CreM'e U«uor Store, tt NeniiTWdi OWNBD BY TUB TOWNSHIP OK nn Hernnrtl I>, Kiirailo, Kmiulre, ulBln- •BNERAL HOUIBWORKER full-time Tonmouth Rtdlo I A.e,, Red Bank or SH Iff'i attorney, wlioa* adclrm Ii 711 year-round poalilon, Comfortible 14 Cookmsn An, ilattlaon Av*mii, Aaburf Park. New iwam and bath. MUM like children, 1 ereey, and In default thereof auch Pond ailiry, Call aft*r 1:30 IW HW ANY AOB ' PL UMO TWIN IUBI "APARTntBirTS three mllintnt ahull lie rinnr-rrd iinlnit raami. boat doe*, elivilor, Hi* mppllid. 'on «R th* courl ilull think eiiultihl* If plil Pfogreia. IH 1-HT1 palkt aa riveriver, in»H i-im i-aam anil )uit, You ahall file your anawnr rURNUHBD APARTMENT - Thru md moot ol atrvlce In niinllcile with rooma, Murtlin, It Third Ave.. AlTHRU-ROO< OM fumlMed •panimrit PURLIC NOTIOR Ii hiriby |lv«n Me Clerk of th« Aiifierlor court, Ital* lanllc Ilimianila aa A Inmri AHUM, Tmntnn, New Jemy, In WOMAN care for chllilren MHCHANMU bathbth , jirlviljirlvi e entrirwe, etnlrally l Hint at i uicelliia ol Mil Timiahl|i iicconlnncn with tun rulci ol civil Lire In. tmNUIIEDTHIlKMnooM ipirlminl. cairn, NO mmonlli incluriti ullllMi. • Comnililei of tin Towmhip of llolmdel |>reic!tlc« nntl pruvailure. 08 I-MM FORIALB All ullllllea. lleililentlel dlatrlct. BH In tlm Count/ ol Monmaulh held DP- 1-8330. cernbir 30, 19A9 Ihe ibov* rirrilnince I'll! ol laid Rcllnn la to oh> NUIItlil AIDHi-Anpl)' In mrion be TURKS-ROOM DNrutlNIIIIED apart WII ailo|il>il on final I>IMI*. lain a Judgment of dlvorci bitwifa twren T mil n, Mrooktfals Nurilni TIIIIKK-IIOOM KUIINIBHBIJ Anarl mnnt, bitli, prlvata enlranet, can "Left have thit exttrminator In fhi RagliUr Want Adi Dm mill plHlnLKI anil you, mint, Prlvati intran«>, Adulla. Naar irally Ificiltif, H8 inonlh, hill, DltHI llolindfl, N. J, Ditidl Deciinlitr II, 1IW. Mom», Hwy 31, Il.tUI, Decimtier II, !•«». bui, IH I-IMT or LI 34377. water Included, ill 7-4814, look at your h*ad —you know how afraid I am of HKHNAIID D, KAdAllOi •OMAN ll««r> Bank, 111 I4II4, Jin, I «.H Deo, 18—33....3*—Jan, I HIM , 7 jpyjjs P

Kins NEW YORK (AP)~How are you coning with Weapon Ban TUCMK/Aris, (AT) - Mn *.««•,»» ,.«v » . l»to bioloelcal warfare u~..,~- —"-»---—,«.. >» *u... your New Year's resolutions? MOSCOW (AP) - Pravda yes- to WOrk brTproblems related to ary to 30 East Mate .ft., Mar Aln Lonoate. 8, tad to wltl terday quoted a Columbia Uni- life and peaceful pursuits. said the office would be located 4row,traa a fietdraw eoatet Forgotten 'em already? Good. It's probably better to versity zoologist as calling for in Ne^York. Dunn said that« 31JW MwSJ" »«£ atoaMttfnettlntfceleiwhl] get them out of your system early and get back to your -..—...II.. h. «...^i n>r. mer National Freehold pawing ttaas^haraU-ihoBter. an early ban on nuclear weapons. essentiaily he was quoted cor- normal mixed-up. way of living as soon as possible; The Soviet Communist Party rectly, and that his, comments *-°- Many psychiatrists say it is.a good newspaper said Dr. Leslie C. had been sought by the library BUILDER FINED ff» for intercultural studies as part thing to make New Year's.resolutions. Dunn had told a New York cor- TRENTON (AP) - The SUte of a New Year's exchange of Bdard of Architects today an- I'm not so sure it always is. I'd like to respondent in an interview that greetings among scientists. nounced it hu fined builder read a few of the resolutions that'psy- he looked forward to the time I understand that several sci Charles C. Drechsler of Dunellen chiatrists write down on their memo when science and its fniits would enlists were asked to offer their $$00 for preparing plans for four cease to be used for destructive comment* about their hopes," he homes in Greenbrook Township pads for themselves this time of year. purposes. said. without a state license. They probably read about as fol lows: ' Must get i firmer grip on my Id. VETERANS HONORED — Members of Middletown's offi- BOYLE -v. if, been getting out of hand lately;" cial family honorad retiring township Committeemen "Get new and more cheerful cover for my Walttr J. Bills, left, end Frank F. Blaisdoil, center, for couch. The present one is so dull it depresses even ^peaaraaa Sand than winging by their many years of sarvice. Both received wriit watches me." mail. Wa era always da* and disk sets. Making tho presentation it Township "Resolve to quit letting my mind wander while lighted to hava you coma Committaaman J. Crawford Compton. Mr. Bills served Mrs. Zlich tells me her fancied troubles. After all Into our office, but if, for en the governing body since 1946, and Mr. Blaisdell she pays me $50 an hour to listen to her." any raaion, you can't since 1947. Find out why my dog is showing unmistakable como In, mail your sav- signs of schizophrenia. Is It his fault? Is it mine? b ings <•' y°ur P«ymMf«en limb Falls, it my wife's? It is my theory that psychiatrists, like ordinary your mortgage) to us. Wo NOTICE! Delays Train mortals, make a fundamental error in making New will supply you with fraa AS OF JAN. 6 , RED BANK - High winds Year's resolutions. They do it at the wrong time. envelopes rain and. a dead tree limb com The right time to resolve to correct your method THE SPECIAL bined to delay four trains on the New York and Long Branch of living is at the end of a restful summer vacation. INTRODUCTORY Railroad Sunday at about 7: Then the sky is smiling, birds yodel in joy from every OFFER WILL IE bough, and you yourself feel at your best. 'The 12-inch thick limb fell it DISCONTINUED! the Hance and Davis grain and Then if you pause in your pleasure and note a coal yard, 28 Shrewsbury Ave; few flyspecks in your character, you might resolve to When it fell, the limb carried get rid of your more outstanding bad habits—and real- THI wires across both tracks and the grade crossing. ly do something about it afterward. You have the Riehard Sxtfeoa Street Department crews clear strength to. ed the area in half an hour, John Bqt not on New Year's Day. Exhausted by un- GaKtty Larkin, superintendent, said. II Mamfk St., Telephone and signal service wonted good will, drained of energy, you magnify your of the railroad between Red Bank defects.'You see yourself as a depraved monster— Ml 7-1114 SH MI7I and Middletown was restored few hours later. which you probably aren't, any more than your neigh- bor is. You overlook the virtues you really have. You SANDIER ft WORTH have a conviction you are so bad the only proper place for you Is the nearest JauY And if the police ar- rested everybody who felt that way on New Year'* morning, there'd be 75 million Americans behind bars by nightfall. Buy carpeting So what do you do? You are overcome by a de- sire for an Impossible righteousness. You make high resolves to change yourself from a comfortable hu. man Jalopy to a Rolls-Royce over night You make vows that would numb a four-star angel to perform. Berkshire And what happens? You write down this long Us now...for biggest of good resolutions, and put it away in a drawer. Nex April, when it is time to figure out your income tax, Seamless Nylace Hose you will go through the drawer again. You will find the list It will be raining outside. You will read the list, and find that you have failed to carry out single one of your forgotten good resolu- tions. And you will feel blue for days. Why? Because originally you rode off in all direc- tions at once. You tried to change yourself in too Too and garter runt ara a thing of the past baeauta of Borlnhira'i Nylaea many impossible ways at once. It took you perhaps Top and To* Ring. Beautiful Seamless Laca Math with reinforced heel and half a lifetime or more' to become the imperfect but bill-paying being you were. And in a single day you toe. In Tint (beige), Twinkle (taupe). Sim i'/i toll. wanted to become a spotless cherub. You can't do it Heaven, as the poet wrote, is not gained in a single Ikftt's a vary feed reason why buying your carpeting in January pays off. bound. You have to change yourself gradually—that Basically It's this—pro-holiday buying is always at a peak, and it takes is, if you want to live to see the improvement yourself. STElSBACirS HOSIERY, Street Floor and Asbury Park extraordinary values to tempt shoppou to buy after Christmas. To do it If you want to make a better building of yourself, you we muit eut our normal profit margins mere drastically in January than at must do it brick by brick. •ny other time. We've dona just that for this sale! These are carpetings from our regular top quality stock—not carpeting brought in specially for For example,, a dose Mend of mine—he Is mar- this tale. ried to ny wife—adopted this year only these reso- lutions: THfSE OUTSTANDING MOADLOOMS SOLD IN SEASON 1. Dont use snuff. . 2. Avoid betting on Inside straights in poker FOR $10.95 ... WE'RE OFFERING THEM ALL AT games. ' •-,. • , , / ' •/' ONE LOW JANUARY CLEARANCE FRICE1 3. No matter what Congress does, don't watte money on congratulatory telegrams. Stick to com- plaining postcards. 4. Quit leaping up In crowded buses to give a seat to tired lady shoppers half your age. 5. No matter how many Girl Scouts beat on your Semi'Annual door selling cookies, never buy more than one box at onetime. . Come the dawn of 1961, this fellow may not be a of Women's greatly finer human being. But he will be sure of one thing: When he makes a resolve, he is a man. of his word. He will have kept faith with himself in 1960. Shoes by anyone dying before Jan. 25 Traffic Safety from an accident In -1959. The bright spot was'that based Reaction Mixed on each' 100 million miles trav- eled, the death rate was 3.0, the TRENTON (AP) - New .Jer- lowest in New Jersey history. sey's traffic safety campaign e^ Last year the rate was 3.2. New tcred the new year with mixed Jersey remains third best among notices. states in this category. 100% NYLON 70% WOOL 100% ACRILAN Despite a mandatory license re- STON1NGTON BASE vocation program for flagrant LONDON (AP) - Sir Vivian TWIST 30% NYLON TWEED speeders and stepped-up truck en- Fuchs, British Antarctic explor- forcement,, the state had four er, is to lead a party which will Yea kaew aytoa's npvta. TWEED An amulngly lew price more highway deaths than in re-establish the Stonington base flea for leaf mar! We (or this miraculous stew 1958. he set up in the Antarctic in 1950. turaatM Urii carpeting, The Ideal mixture far lent, fabric-made possible by a The total was 738, the stale Fuchs (lew to Amsterdam yes- la writta* far 7 years. esl lift, best wear. And the purchase of an entire lot Traffic Safety Bureau. said yes terday on the first leg pi his trip warm,. distinctive tweedy of discontinued quality di- terday. This could be increased lo Hie South Polar continent. Celeri: laasahtaed, A». patten goes wtU with ev- rect from (he msnuhctun ery decor . . . minimises er. Colors: Nutria Tweed, Red Cross Shoes Rote leiae, Aeua, Gold, •oil and crush. Cetera: Pebble Beige Tweed, Rose Regularly 12.9S to 14.95 Suaflower GeU, Aqua Surf, Belie Tweed, Black and 9.99 •trace Greta. U* aae* If JumaWni We** • Tones, White Tweed, and GoMcn Whtal-TeaM, Pepper and Wheat Tweed. 12' and IS' •alt IT and irwMthe. Caressa, Mannequin MOM for HOME SHOPPING Regularly 12.95 to 14.95 8.99 Our nu will brlag samites to your home, will •Mauve and Hllmale... without eMIfatloa. IUDGET TERMS Red Cross Cobbies, SANDLER & WORTH Town & Country, «Ot/« 35, UTONTOWN TMfFIC CIRCLE and Golo liberty 2-2200 A LADY TAKIS OVil—Stata S«n. Klchard R. Stout, Regularly 10 98 to 12,95 7.99 HOURS: Man., Wti, Fri., 11:00 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. right, Ocean Townthtp attorney, admlnlstan the oath of Turn, Thun., Sat, 9:30 a. m. to 5:30 j>. m. office to Mrs. Lois Mansflald, now township cltrk who SWNHACH'S WOMEN'S SHOES, Strtet Floor and Aibury Park Ptkaf tar**: RO«H ||, Sa»l*€fUM; Route 4, Porormrs succeeds George W. Schutlar, as Mayor Jamtt J. Gar. rlty looks en.