I *

r-uicor" i HOfn> < z* 1 ;r 0D(/1(-" c \ u cr>f~ >i- next W > ^I\I David Engel 1$ In qu Historic 1^th-century house may Qur-editorial this week asks {_HOO 1 atffaper Milt singlffjfit be\ purchased for a permanent O n who will followM&Kirtg ** O7 7>l r in 'Plaid/ Page county office, Page B1. O> .. I-1 footsteps, Page 6. UJ< *OJ

TU/A CC^Tfrtfc PCMTQ Cavanna contr situation in doubt By Andrew i, Stewart Mmaging Editor. 'k&far. as'I'm concerned, I have a contract. The Board of Education fas* Voted Vm honoring my pan of it. They're not hon- NAACP meeting to void the five-year contract awarded The monthly membership to Superintendent of Schools Anthony oring their part off U.' . meeting of the Railway Branch Cavanna last year, leaving doubt u to — Anthony Cwanna of the NAACP win be Jan. 16 whether or not Cavanna actually ba* a contract. at 8 p.m. Board member Mario Kuryfckaaid aifnibcr whom he would not name, During its last public meeting, the The meeting will take place there was some'legal quesUon of the that thne is no intention to remove board made the decision to void thp at Second Baptist Church, 378 validity of Ate new contract* loat Were Cavfcnna, The board intends to negoti- contract in favor of the three-year deal E. Milton Ave. rescinded, hot any specific comment ate a new deal with the superinten- Cavanna signed in 1992 when be was The community is urged to on the issue W*s bpst left (o Board dent, he said- hired to replace Frank Brunette. That conn out and take part in the President Joseph Harwea and Board "I believe the direction the new contract had been scheduled toexpir e first meeting of the year, and to Attorney Harold ^tostrtek. Board of Education, is pursuing is June 30, but was, voided in 1993 so hear form the branch's newly they're looking to secure a contract Cavanna could be given ft five-year HartncCt cbij^m^ie. reached for elected president for the with Dr- Cffvanna through 1997," contract. That five-year contract was oommont beiioiE ^press time. 1995-96 tcnrS Helen F. Jenkins, Kowa! aaid There has been no men-' voided in 1994 so Cavanna could be State low hiqoires that contracts for tion or a superintendent search, but at given another five-year-contract at a tfic Saint time", W&en ftrcslted-Hst- - higher salary with an Increase ia some AdulFclasses and no ionger than five years neU lp tell him be would not beat the Joseph IHartnett benefits. Rahwav Adult Basic Educa- board has a resoJaflofctDat marilng. Harlnr.lt Jolfl hint IhC awarded to Cavanna, during the past tion Program now offers day 11 inust vote on whether to of • w— - • - • i—nF —»—•—.—it • i "»w ^w.^ r ^" —~ - • • • IIII » biif qoeilionefl why board " ing would be "business *s iisual," and evening classes. - ' sapenht0ndcni a-jjew contract members would vote to rescuid tlie Kowal said. contract without the intention to Basic Skills classes are held before AprUSQ. If toe foaatvote s to 1 on Monday and Wednesday *• .faie Wra toJw w ihe district offer a new cetfract «»»t&Srow in ' "HeaevermadeanynwniicotonH replace Cavanna. \ mornings, 9:30 a.nt to noon ' ibd (he ncj* one i» of any motions affecting Dr. Clytn- "None of this makes any sense at ^conoeor- «J^»*iB»Uf«W»«w» na^s contract,** Kowal ^i^ and Tuesday and Thursday contract," Cavanna aaid.' ' all,™ Kowal said "Put it any way you evenings, 7 to 9:45 p.m. English motions were probably « tfaitf, but I hope these guys aren't »ni> ttw nftrt of it. They're not honot- tnah i i Tuesday and Thursday mornings ing their ffitt of bv .- "if «q« ajuutpose w me u»i u»y -where the contracts W«e rtscjnded, SSWaJ. sa/d lie kalifo uo*ute of the Tbe»iiu(rtiooiscausingWmatotof passed? ne^«««f of ihe motkmi saidhehasbe«Jtoidbyaoe»rl)oard legality 6f the conteaclii itoat were * See PACT, Page 4 9:30 a.m. to noon and Tuesday ^contracts. and Tfetriday evening* 7 to 9:45 p^-G.B.D. is held oti Tuesday and Thursday evening* CoiemafT a^ius^d of anti- only. Citizens ask RegUtnQipn for these classes By Andrew 1- Stewart Cohea sa«i who is I'd be committing a sin,'' Cohen gaki, will be hekl .on Jan. 17 and 19, Managing fatter under a Cohen added that be jMfciipsct ftiat he did nptba.ve a-duofe tojespptidt o v from 9:3^ tp 11 a»nji for -day street as a CottBcifinaja classes, and Jaa 17 and 19, 7 "I fomid '%•'•• |a 9 p.Ta |or evening di&mit because »bW k. *>A£maa vbo W feKfet always «poutirl|r about racial preJUK in Room 201. drive along M«ortc« Avenue toge t dice and iMetwlivity — fhat's onfee: ' For more information, call to and from theiritorma>.««id Carl ns dtM hjfixfatsi made "*< U|a Wg *ords -^!but when the shoe's (908) 541-6384: Oft1 me other foot '&% 'Oh^whai fosen- Matigla, s£«t£itect w&rb^CT oa OFF an aq*5emttic fiomfnent^a&et a vote down.on ceftate ^vishstolidays for the street. . •' '• on an ordinance at n> begfiwiDg of i siUvUyr * he said . 1 don't believe tbia racism — and the conveaicfJcc cf Jewish,people, And it Jtoerned m«t delegates the meeting, the oratatqc* would whtch,bc is in favor of.'ito Uie practice fromall66of;thojrnT allow ihtf cojlnca to>^duTe meet- that's what it is, ndssa — has any Trash news place-inCity Hall/'Cohcirsaid. "Yoo of scheduling meetingr well after • of the CJtv'« the Rahway Oty CoUncil.raegtinCoUncilragig togs »fcw&3Q-p.r%ivim me. approve established working Jtotttt for ine —ViLjft Ui in 'Njfting m<« ttite g<* Rahway Review newsletter mail" Monday mgnt aemawiing JTJwTII convenience of toe general public. AveRUfl «iay a sponsored by'Counalman Cbe»ter ed to residences in Rahway 41-year-oW barrier that __ HI waspointiogofrffibat Iwas^ensi- Maurice Avenue a deadend street dead end street? Holmes. Cohen voted-to favor of the Cohmsaidhe alwayaatleadrcbun- mistakenly stated that the cil meetings which are aehedolM on tive add he just took it the wrong Departmenr of Public Works not be removed. ordktaace* which was o^^lrst reading. way," Ootenan^aaldi "For 47 years, I've Jived m VOWE SHOULD BE "After I voted, he just burst out Jewish holidays because it is hisobli- was handling calls on garbage ga.tioo^to do so, and it. isTiot right to The ordinance means that with A Maurice Avenue," Samual RasbJud HE AW CAM- loud saving, 'lipew Von wert going two-thirds majority, the council could collection, scrap and vegetative forego' obligations because of the waste pickup. told the coundL "I know every to vote like thai because you would schedule meetings fath e middle of the not come to Vote on a Jewish boli- holidays. Residents should not call crack in the sidewalk and every dip afternoon when roost people who day.' " Coben said. '1 consider it a "I would be^betraying my consti- Public,Works regarding any of in the road. bought here vicious aaU-Semitic ahack." tuents who voted for me and in fact See COHEN. Page 4 theratxfp. The story should because of the nV ilt thf T ^hw«*-0H»iy*rf» Pntwr- shoot next week, on Jan. io, "out ihc fought itj* he saidVMSafety and wel- rneetlng be attendedite•;^^Pebraury there was still activity around the set Pi Worts Dircc- al Home on West Milton Avenue last date was unexpectedly moved up, and tor Peter Ross said «now plows ana «? .- „.. :/ „„ street; there have always been a lot Pthe lastSd^^cOT*nVtoTcitysource vide security for the production. Rahway Division .of Parka ofi,kids on that street I'm not here garbage trucks have difficulty turn- The scene being fUmed was and Recreation announces that to ask you, I'm her to beg you: ing around at Mavirice Avenue's thfTFi PTfTft Still IJniMf pjg .Leave" the ^batrier 'aiooe.—-— 4f >Ki-f mi „..-- ,.«., "for'their winWybuth, adult and -- • Many who spoke felt that the See CIARK, Page 2 Rottingaround senior citizen* programs. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis for Rahway residents, only and must be done PAL to supplement in person Monday through Fri- day from 9 a.nv to 4 p.m. at the .Claude H. Reed Center, x recreation programs For more' information- on a By Andrew J. Stewart ' ' PROGRESS specific program, call the Recre- Managing Editor ation Office at 827-2045. Work has begun on forming a Police Athletic League for the city's youth which will augment the Department of Parks and Recreation's programs. A committee has been formed to set up the league and make the transition •Sound off' from some programs offered by the recreation department and those that will be Angry about a pothole that offered by the PAL. The idea for a PAL began when cultural diversity training rf fixed? Happy about was %st'suggested for city police officers and members of the community, pp Mayor James Kennedy said. _ . a program offered by the BBoardd HBmtmuf Let your migh- „ -"InitiallyJUhought this would.be igood npp"r"™i«y, when we talked about bora know by "sounding ofT on diversity training, as an alternative and to improve the relationship between lads and cops," Kennedy said. Such leagues have been very sUccessfu1 in other mun- the editorial page of this news- : paper through a telephone call icipalities asweli, he added. . to our offices. The PAL will bo separate from the recreation department, Recreation Super- Reader* interested in sharing intendent Ralph. Duhhamn said. ' . "Itwouldbeiuo^body/'-sudDurdumm,^^ then* opinions can call ) ning the league. -^ •• -.!*..—...,.,-..•: ...•.;•.. ,.ir.•„_-,.,...-:.«..:,>...:*.., 1^.^, m?mFB*cvnwttymfT The PAL will start out .offering just baseball, softbaU and boxing I?**"* ™ tbtfr msssage. They must «peak said. The baseball and softball leagues would^replaw,d^i«aTer^ypfrere*ey deaHy into the tape, be brttf, the city, while the boxing program would b^'swnething'fle*' ^^"r. and leave a name and tele^bone The Rafiway PAJ, is toth e process of being charterfdby tb^national PAL, ne number.'We'll accept initial for said. His role now is-as an advisor and toptriyide .-faiSfat $& now w "^ $uc^ publication, but we need a name rocivation ptosrSzns, OutiEbBnn MI id, •.••"•'. • ,"•• ^ -T? ^ > . .. •; • • • • for verification purposes. Thi ',' "It's an interesting 0meb^^^^if6undaiQ«©of ionvariing new and hope- Skaters take a (spi,sr..n. around th« gyro at Franklin School on the first day bf the 1995 number 'is available at all boors fully something that will greatly benefit Railway's 'tynfo," Dunh""11 U^- rogram. Skating Is held at the school on Saturday afternoons and of the day and night The PAL would be partially funded by the city, as the CYRC *»• K«mefy is under the cfii action of Teifl Roiky. Your voice should be heard. said. There is a tine item in the city's budget now for PAL funding, he aaid.



INSIDE THE REPORTER'S NO^IbbK has lew vision for Board considers budget consultant JtkeUUck people."; Rahway Progress By Jake UUck "These times we are in are 'We need to show the public that we are Staff Writer Board Secretary Anthony Rocco extremely difficult and tight finan- IrnrWately after >he was voted said that to his knowledge Rahway Editorial 6 With budget season approaching, cially," Hartaett said. For Task Force officers, no day on the job is typical ' conncil ppftsident earlier this mouth, ihere to listen, not to stifle. That is what the It rnay be time to call in a hired gun. • has never hired a budget consultant He went to pledge his support for Utters to the ecftor 6 KyBy MMark k DeraneTW>e ry actually been killed SalMionegaveapreviewofhow.dis- _ " .:?? J ^ #i.«lly been killed «eern« nanieJletaloMiixslettoiandiium.name, let alone the letters and nurn-- »««rf«-«,h.wonder what, «..„„!„„,il«,-t,iJvwas going through the, kitHis. -MAJLFMA^Uhideaway didn' t -.pan- -ou.t public meetings are ail about.' At loeir Tuesday night caucus'. before. '•'"• , the idea. "I don't think this is an Stair Writer. powfete, yet it ta.W cusstons between • Railway's law-. Obituaries a ben of a car W could contain officer's mind at the time, surely because the Task Force officers, led meeting the Board of Education Feb. 25 is the unofflcal date for option, I think this is critical for a For several months now I have But that statistic wit almost : making rnenijerB will be conducted.: •»*:•• — Sal Mione armed car thieves. the kinds of thoughts we hope never by Foley, Thomas Dubettf of Eli- discussed recruiting a. financial adopting the tentitive budget, Roc- public school system to survive. Sports 10 been meaning to write about my toppled by the close call of one of "We will have guidelines, not consultant to oversee budget hear- And It was Foleyl remember to have. . " zabeth, Daniel Baldwin of Hillside co said, March 30 is me unofficial Finances are the foundation. If you experiences riding along with the the Task Force's most dedicated rules," he; said at the time.. this spirit of responsiveness was Mione said be hopes.for a more ings this winter, with many mem- County news . B1 ; entertaining some oT the guys with Luckily,, the suspect failed to and Edward Sous* of Bloomfield, date to deliver budget figures to the don't have a strong financial found- Union/Essex Autotbeft Task Force. men.- , ' ' -"- . J '-;-" During ah .Interview this week, evident as Mione prefaced this week's cordial council, one that respects a bers saying the move could save stories of the previous night's release the safety from Foley's pte- pounced through the door. , \ printer for printing ballots, and the ation then your education program Entertainment B4 Each time I sat down to write, Any reporter who volunteer* to Mione elaborated on bow he will-run meeting. time and money. adventures. To listen fo these gays tol. After two attempts at pulling Foley and Dubeau found the sus- five-minute time period for speaking, unofflcal date for a public vote on can't survive," he said. though, I could never seem to ride along on their nightly; rounds this year's meetings, saving that when "This meeting. here is for you Carrara In Education B8 talk about wrestling with criminals, the bigger at point-blank range, two pect hidden under a pile of the oW and one that doesn't interrupt.- "I support bringing in a profes- the budget is April 18, he said, focus. I mean I saw so much that I should nave some degree of cour- it - comes to directing: dialogue, Board member Peter Kowal also spraying them with mace, cuffing shots filially did ring out — from tonight, the puWio. We Intend to hear Mione spoke of the need for coop- sional," board member Mario "There are a lot of reasons for Clashed B11 did not know where to begin. woman's clothes. The suspect did spoke in favor of hiring a age, a quality that usually presup- whether' it's; between council mem- the public and listen to'th e public Kurylak said. He said" using an bringing in a consultant," board them to benches, and hauling them Trooper Womack, who had not go quietly, though. He flaUed eration as a council and as a city consultant. I have written articles and editor- poses an absence of intelligence. bers or the public be will look to the tonight," be said. -expert makes sense given changes member Vincent Addqna said. Rental* B13 into Jail cells is the stuff that boys douNed-back to check on Foley. out at the police officers, Scratching above all else. Hartnelt asked Addona, who is ials about the bi-county team, but I Yes, I felt confident that everything niccessesof past presidents while try- As far as specific reform, Mione 'this year in state funding schemes like me were raised on. Yet this boy ' Womack missed hitting his Dubeau. Sousa fought him to the For one, theTnove could enhance Automotive B14 have not been able to clearly articu- was going to be fine (taring toy stint ing to^stay responsive to the shifting on the finance c^mmittcc.to speak has always managed to see the. dan- target, add the suspect fled into the said he will urge thb council to under- He sought thai cooperation during to schools and last year's "over- the professional image of the board, late my personal thoughts, perhaps with the -Tagfc Rwir etrmfc • floor, which seemed remarkable to with Rocco about retaining a cort- —""> lies bcneetlitiie fafcluaUun liu mill. "Kmc "la 8 ymleytlui ftum me since uie suspect iwii, an sultant before next Tuesday's How to reach us: because my personal thoughts were tha? small doubt, and from doubt "I will look to pick the good parts during caucus meetings so mat public hour of listening to a public opposed "We all have our areas of exper- of such heroics. later hunted down by police dogs. the public that they can't trust us," meeting. getting bumped around while rum- grows fear. > impressive height and weight of Jerry Coleman,.Chester Holmes Our offices ate located'at 1291 On "the other hand, I recognize No doubt they smelted his fear, one meetings can be devoted to hearing to the removal of a barrier on Maurice tise," Kurylak said of the board Addona said. Stuyveccant Avenue, Union, NJ. bling through the dismal streets of advantage over him. Finally, Bald- and Mike Esposito," Mione said of To further improve trie budget And fear is detectable. We that men like Foley, Joe Genna, citizens. To that end, Mione said he Avenue, yet another member of the • members. "I can't see why we Addona also said that the move 07083. We are open from 9 .. Newark and Irvington well after of the dogs bit him. I'd say be got' win rnaced the suspect, and it WAS process, Hartnett suggested involv- human animals can smell it just like former council presidents. . will also try to get municipal depart- public stepped forth to vent his wouldn't bring an expert in for could save taxpayers money. "It is am. to 5 p.m. every weekday. dark. . Keith Isaac, Robert Reiss and Joe off easy.' ' Foley who dragged the suspect, out • ing the school administration in the Call us at one of. the telephone dogs can. \ • Hines are just the type of men we Mione also pledged flexibility. ment heads to explain background at dissent. this." not to slight our professional staff, I would.also say that Foley got as lie bellowed like an enraged bearings this winter. _ - numbers llatod htA ; I*had heard many a police officer I don't know if my fear showed "I will take every day aa It cornea. It —Beawi- of education- President all need defending us from those otif Dili irfOni uKiwsil wu Dot dtsyi ^pJy "This woulcl open lip Tfie~pro- wSfn^B~lEaTTt~was adifferent as I was putting on my bullet-proof Is not going to be rote and routine. . '*We need to show the public that , Joseph Hartaett described this indi- Voice Mail: desperate enough to abandon It was greatly troubling to hear the "This gentleman has« listened to in spending, an expenditure of cess," he said. "Budget pressures world out there, and they were vest, but I do remember that Detec- respect for lire aid Umb. There will not be any surprises, but we are here to listen, not to sflflc. That vidual or firm as aa"an extra pair of Our main phone number, specific details of Foley'a ordeal — That's the last I saw qf the everyone else," Mtone said as the $7000 or $8,000 is not a lot to ask have become so intense that it is right You see, I teach at Rutgers tive Kevin Foley was one of the there will be an open forum here," is what the public, meetings are all eyes." . " • ''.'•';•• 908-686-7700 Is equipped with a Yet as valiant ai^ie volunteers the bad news we read daily became 1 {^year-old car thief. Next I audience grew restless. "I ask that you to get a little help," be said. difficult to get input from the staff." University in Newark and the very first Task Force officers to go out of Mione said. about," Mione said. A consultant would make the voice mail system*to bette r are, they are never completely safe too real even for me'. stepped through the house, still listen to bint" Superintendent of Schools A consequence- of this lack of same roads upon which I travel by his way to make me feel welcome serve our customers. During our since they invariably wind up vol- - But I was also led to think about filled with the pungent stench of budget process less ardurous, Hart- Anthony Cavanna said that there is input is the excessive need for regular business hours you wiH day are unspeakably forboding and and secure. •[..'. unteering more than just their time. another time I saw Foley and the mace, and into the backyard where nett said. "This woold help the currently $17,000 set aside for hir- budget tranfers later in the season, almost always have a reception- unfamiliar at. might. ... -Foley's the kind of asm every In Foley's case, he almost ran out of Task Forcej n action, when the out- the 84-year-woman was resting board, who are all part-time ing consultants. Hartnett said. ist answer your caB. During the Yet those were the streets where guy wants to have as asfrieaa. I time. • . . : Police on the heat permanently evening or when the office is come was much more favorable. after being badly shaken fromth e the Task Force patrolled in its rou- ,'hardJy know, him, yet Ifeel like I Last month Foley and State closed your call wBI be It was an afternoon in Septem- event. By Jake Ulick ing ways to implement -'1 revitaJiza- when there were officers every four or tine quest for stolen cars. And in the know him well since I have known Trooper Fred Womack pursued two answered by an automated ber. A plate on a plum-colored tion road map for downtown." five blocks,"'he said. Frank: said be Eighth grade honor roll announced articles I have read and written, guys like him all my life, and my SUIT Writer receptionist • stolen car suspects on foot, once Acura came back as stolen from Isaac and Baldwin comforted the much has been said about the life has been all the better for it. In 1978. a fixture of Rahway's Walking patrols are part of this thinks there would be less crime with they managed to bring the vehicle old woman as she dung to her dog. The following students in the Vanessa Ortli,, IValter Rafalko, Johnston, Ayeshia" Jones, Sbamecka To subscribe: matter-of-factness with which the Rochcllc Park and the-unmarked downtown simply walked off and road map, be said, because they the addition of more beat of fleers. I could tell-that the other men on the two men wercdriving to a halt She was still trembling and was eighth grade at Rahway Intermediate Christian'.Rarnirez, Mefissa Santiago, Jones, Krislcn Kelly, Latoya Kidd, The Progress is mailed to the members of the team dispense cars of the Task Force closed in drove away. ' ' improve the image of the downtown, Markey said that contrary to what the team liked Foley, top. He liked Now this sort of thing happens homes of subscribers for deliv- : from several directions upon the eventually taken to a hospital to School made'the honor roll for the Michael Servedio, Samuel Shipley, Slacy Kidd, DanieUe Kirby. justice. to joke and disliked the criminals The beat cop, once as much a part making the area feel friendlier id many residents think; incidents of ery every Thursday. One-year all the time, just another day on the vehicle in question. Before I knew have her heart checked. first marking period. Colleen W^sockl. Stephanie Lewis, Dcnesha Luck, The walls of Task Force head- plaguing bur county. Perhaps that's of the city as the train station or the safer. All of this serves to attract shop- crime are "very low" in downtown subscriptions, in Union County job for these guys, but when Foley what was really happening, the sus- Before she could be assisted Eighth grade Honor roll Kristin Marr, Laura Masy, Jamie are available for $15.00, two- quarters are decorated with clip- why the Union County Prosecutor's Post Office, gave way to the police pers, he said., Rahway. tackled the man he was chasing and pect had bailed out of the Acura and from her homo, Foley came into die High .honor roll Ismael Abdu Salaam, Jair Aquino, McGuire, IvanMojica.Gary Moore, year subscriptions for $26.00. pings from periodicals ranging all Office sent Foley to the Task Force. officer driving a patrol car as crime Mike Hartnett, owner of Hartnett Don Smart, a consultant for the their two bodies rolled down a hill- was on foot running through New- backyard to see how she was doing. a Ryan Barton, Corey Bcfhelli. Mary Jene' Mulligan, Deepa Noruthun, College and out-of-state «ub- - the way from the Summit Observer lighting stratrgirs. shifted-fcom-pro-- ^ ffi the wrrtffr r>f M ^ ^"44 • partnership-, concurred witbMarkey's He was ~ made for it. In fact, I -sidrin frvington, iralmott became I remeSfeTiinvrea^ng^oit'and Bropby, Michael CampaoeUiiu dor-" Kahlief Parker, Jaclyn Perrine, Matth- scriptions are available.-You ark backyards and hopping fences vention to the need for quicker Irving streetsv watches the patrols Bergen, Lorraine Berry, Jessica to The New York Times and Tune remember one member telling me Foley's last day on the job. safety assessment.- ew Petrusko, Thomas Petrusko. may subscribe by phone by call- with reckless abandon. touchihg,the woman's dog. Itook a response times, said Bob Markey, don Carson, Meaghan Copelandi Brbderick, Robert Burnett, Natalie magazine. And the positive adjec- that Foley never forgets a license : from his sidewalk window. He likes , Hpyntnwn li the mf. ing 1-90B-686-7700 ahd asking nirtilrf» -nf fh I foHph Criniaao, Xavier Croe, foe* Oorrales, Michael Cunp—tortey Arielle ' Ray, Andrew Reescb," - for the circulation department Tivcmung at these men are indeed plate number. cBMrman 6f the Rahway Center 'What he tees. Foley in the face, badly damaging Task Force members were right At the lime I remember feeling est part of the city. Yet the perception quellne Da Costa, Jocelyne Dolce, Daw~ n Cuzzo- , Joseph- . Czubowkz- , Nicol»• •-•«-e Scotti— , Dan- a Sides«••, -Kevin Please allow at least two weeks much deserved, for their duty, how- Partnership. , ' »"It's neat to see'an officer walking If that sounds like an uniihpress- bis eye, and with what little vision bf safety is the opposite. Perception of, Keith Fitzgerald, Danielle Fraley, Smith, Amy 'Sojka, Kale Surber, Dia- for processing your order. You . behind him. In less than a minute, glad that the Task Force had taken Markey.-wboisalsoaiocatfUaltor, down the street swinging his nigbt- Oliver paley, Robert De Reamer, Jen- ever blithely they play it off, is far ive skill, then you have never been safety is what affects people," besaid. y may charge your subscription to- Foley had at the time, he was look- the suspect forced his way into the another criminal off the street And Daniel Freer. "\. "'••' jolfer Decataldo, Michelle Dcfreese, na Taylor, Melanie Taylor, Constan- from routine. out in the dark attempting to read announced last week that p>Ucefbc*--^tic^ Hartnett said, "It's a classic Mastercard or VISA. Ing up into the barrel of his own borne of an elderly woman. He I remember thinking, these guys are Nicole Grablacboff, Bnten Hahn, Heather Ellis. Une Tsisunas, Shawn Tyler. On any given night, people can platesonmoviqgcars£rom3dtD50 patrols in downtown Rahway are image. He stops to talk to people. It Markey said that while foot patrols pushed the woman away from the all right. But now when I look at the Mikel Halsey, Doris Jones, Elaine Amy Games, Kevin Gameiro, Sha- Christopher Vacbe, Bibiana Villa- News Hems: die: suspects, innocent bystanders, feet away. In those circumstances, back. Actually, they nave been around does improve the look of the town." will not be a cure-all for the down- Somehow the suspect ;bad .taken front door and commanded her to picture, I just think, thank God Juswick, MeUssa Kraus, Malgorzata ron Goldner, Jason Goodpaster, Am- nueva, Bryan Wagstaff, Tonya Ward, News releases of general inter- police officers. The fact that no one it's bird enough to rernpniber your on a trial basil since September, he Another merchant jiving the foot town's problems, they can poatfwjess est must be In our office by Frl- fotey's weapon. One can only keep quiet and not toleave . Folev's all rffit. [ Kiu. Robert Lathmrw. ' CimiWcb Wilfrid. Erin Willis. Kanlsha ' aay ai 'noon to Da considered Christopner MacKay, Melissa Mai- Hollywood, HoangrDuag Huynh, Willis, Mcagan Wilner, Thomas Wit- for publication the following permanently bid. on safety, is Dennis Frank, owner of Rahway's UcJcMicbael Miller, Kerry Novalsny, Magdalena Jtmiolowski,^ Victoria tek, Mary Wynn, Catherine Wysocki. week. Pictures must be black • 'Dennis' Barber Shop on Main and, and white glossy prints. For further Information or to report a Clark councilmen support keeping Maurice Avenue a dead end nbllce presence 1 breaWn© new* story please call' (Continued from Page 1) irf'tbeJ>eatoop,"saki police are what we need to retnrn to5* be said.-Sverybodyteels more «JJS- 1-908-686-7700 and askfor th e man James Skobo, suggesting the lat- A letter dated Jan. 5 frornJbeRas- third option would be for the DOT to "We have not gotten a response Markey, Who acknowledged gut the Mahy who spoke knew of this con- Markey said the Rahway Oedjer news -department ter is a greater threat "On the Clark mussen Agency of Spmerset, a city approve the'barrier, thereby lifting frdm the DOT," Kennedy said bn fortable with more'ppuce pretence. I '• • it^alfocpatributed cern and systematically dismissed it, aidei we are also opposed toOpenin g insurer, reads, "It is our opinion that Rahway's liability. DOT approval. Partnership be^ha^^Jbew aee> greWuyfaBliabefeort'nr ' Letters to the editor: . saying, as one woman ,d!d, "If public this. Barrier,** Skobo added. the barricade should be removed. The The Progress provides an open works has to back up, big deal They forum for opinions and wel- Skobo lives oh Douglas Road in barricade remains unlit iml unmarked _only use it occasionally." comes letters.to the e*or. tet- Oak, which is off Maurice Avenue. causing ^hazardous confttton,;l| a ters should be typed double " ; Janusz said the other threat tothe * Oark Councilman feTu^d Yaru- jvehkle struck thial>MTgiiifecthe city, Donations sought for Madison spaced If p&ssTtfc, tnust be' '•' btrricri signed, and should be accom- - nv&e alfe^dge dBrjjsfg tbe*S»eting bf RahWa^couldTje "held liable." panled by an address'and day- 1on*ehalf of the residents of dark." Kennedy had three suggestions that tation dated 1974, The letter abates Elementary School fundraiser time phone number for verifica- He said the barrier should remain for be said would make (he barrier liable- tion. For longer submissions, Be that the barrier "may he illegal." Donations are being sought for the contributor and business that aided in safety reasons. . ' _ proof. ^.. . -,™.j » Gun8mithlng • Rod & Reel I._,— ,,..> our Guest is an occasional col- "Dlegal" means that if. someone Madison Elementary School Fun- this event. umn for readers on the Editorial Uve &Trozen B*it» SpecWized Hot Bluing * Video & Trap Rental accidently drove into the barrier, Rah- Following the meeting, Kennedy One of those would be fobth e draiser to be held March 3, at the All proceeds will benefit the Madi- page. Letters and Be our Guest township of Clark to construct it on American Legion, Post #5, on Maple Paint Batt Quna & Supplies • All Work Done On Premisoa columns must be in our office way could be sued. Mayor James said that while he is not for barrier son School Playground Fund. The (701 Ndrfli ^feod Avenue) by 9 ajn. Monday to be consid- Kennedy said after the meeting. removal per se, the threat of liability their side of the boundary. "It is on Avenue hi Rahway. fluid, established by the PTA in early WINTER HOURS Mbrv$at 104 • Sun. (Qona flshin') our side. Put it up on your side," be ered for publication that k "There is a liability;* Janusy said. simply be shrugged off. The PTA will be distributing, toal l 1993, will enable the school topurch- They are subject to editing for "But there is a liability every time' we ; about liability," be said." said. * mat attend, a brochure listing every ase playground, equipment. length and clarity. ' • leave the borne." "Cities get sued for hundreds of thou- Another would be for area residents To place a display ad: .Others dismissed the liability threat sands of dollars by people tripping to sign a waiver taking responsibility over, sidewalk*." in the event of a barrier-related suit A as well. MMHW 7 AM4-PM MT 7 AIM PM SUN 7 A»S PU New^ Expanded Display advertising for placement in the general news .section of Concern for "liability doesn't make And according to.Kennedy , City the Progress must be In our any sense when you open it up to Attorney Louis Rainone said the bar- For free ad a4vice call office by Monday at 5 p.m. for speeding cars," said Clark Council- rier may pose such a threat. 908-686-7700. :: publication that week. Advertising (908) 4W4S4 350 ST. GEORGE AVE. LINDEN for placement in the B section must be In our office by Monday at noon. An advertising rep- \\

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PAGE 4— THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1995 - RAHWAY PROGRESS "'-T;'>• ••'••{ '.'"•;**. •"•- J ^^ to be honored concert >.f--'-''-^'':,"yyy--'-;:S'^?y\W7? '.i'^-VV---' '• • '•:t:-'--' The Railway Rev. Martin Luther general chairman of the Rahw»y gresSman Donald Payne, and state King Jr. Committee will sponspr a MLK Committee, there will be no Senator Raymond J. Lcsniak have concert Friday at 7 p.m. by the New charge for admission to the concert been, invited to. attend as honorary Civic • • •:••;••; jr •;;•;• y ^fd^i^ttjdl Wednesday, Friday er, Spbtswood, Springfield'!«nd Jersey Women's Day Community The 700th individual who attends the kod Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. All Union. • -:- • ••r^'f:' grand- marshals. The wreath-laying Cakndar •••' • Choir, at the Union County Aits Cen- Friday evening concert will be ceremony at the park will begin at 10 public servico departments will be r The board of trustees meets ter, 1601 Irving St." awarded with a surprise door prize. a.m. Jan. 12 to Jan. J8 * available for service during Xhose the third Tuesday of every raOttthy The New Jersey Women's Day The public is asked and urged to , Tuesday, Jan. l\ — The Board i except during the surrrrnet, at Spjtt Community Cfaqir is an all-female attend this fifth year celebration in of Education win hold its public- choir consisting of voices from more "Keeping the Dream Alive." • "Regardless of the weather, we meeting in the cafeteria of the Inter- fycyctxng than 30 church choirs throughout must march," said Robertson. "I'm mediate School, kiinePlaoe, at The new schedule of 60 hours fe'S Union, Essex and Middlesex counties Jan. 16, a procession and sure you all. remembered that Rev. 7;30 p.m .--•;/ ,• •' . per week brings Rahway to the Information and is under the direction of Allston- wreath-laying ceremony honoring King inarched no matter what the More. meeting information can average for public libraries in' like Shepard Gospel Art Music Works. King will start in front of the Union weather conditions were. It was dur- be obtained-fcom the City Clerk at communities. Previously, the Music . is provided by Organist/ County Arts Center at 9:30 a.m. and ing a planned march in Memphis, 827-2100 and the scbooj board sec-. library had opened at 10 ajn. each Director. Charita C. Allston, Music proceed along Irving Street to the Tenn., for garbage workers that he rotary at 396-1010! day. The last time ibe. library was Director Linda K. Shepard, pianiBt Rev. Martin Lutber King Jr. Memor- was assassinated. Please join these Safety f open 60 hours a week was in 1982. Fm> tb» mU to tfw According to John J. Kobcrtson, streets. U.S. Sen. Bill Bradley, Con- heroes of our nation." •••, 'Hre safety ."••• • through Saturday. • A working smoke detector dou- library parking lot. Mail will be bles your chances of surviving a picked up at 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., p. fire.- '• ' '• ••::'• •.. Monday through Friday, and at 1 p.m. Saturday. . Residents can recycle used motor Pact is still valid, says Cavanna • Practice a borne escape plan oil without cost at the firebouse 4 (Continued fromJPage 1)_ minimum, five-year maximum con- ganization meeting last April after frequently with your family. Saturdays from 8:30 am to 4 pan. Magic Chef :—• Numbai v> call:;. * ~~ r-A-reciprocal borrowing -frog-.._ Replacing Cavanna would be a tract lajyTHHTo^'verV at the Time, a Hartnctt"and board members Vincent nun has been set up so that library There is a five-gallon limit per visit " 30" GAS SELF CtEAN mistake, he added. member of the Kearny Board of Edu- Addono, Theresa Mikajlo and Edward In order to improve the quality of No anti-Breeze will be accepted. For life and the appearance of the city> patrons in good standing, upon pre- *» cation had a lawsuit pending against Henderson were sworn in, and voted sentation of their library card, may more information, call 827-2155 or ' "Not only would it be disastrous, it that boartTwhich claimed the practice for his termination, 'along with residents can report unsightly con- 827-2159. . •::':'••: RANGE ditions to the appropriate municipal borrow books from any of the parti- would be a disappointment," he said. was a violation of the law. Kurylak. cipating libraries. Courtesy cards Cavanna's new contract caused a authority. To report conditions: When the contracts were awarded, He was replaced by Fitzpatrick, are no longer given to anyone Utehivay Qpoti ALMOND then-Board Attorney Alan Schnirman board controversy at the lime because who was an attorney for the city's • Illegal dumping: police, 827-2200; working or going to school in a dif- oftfieWeefcf*' > #3422 said the process of awarding a new of the Icgal^ questions and the content Housing Authority during the time ferent town from the one in which five-ycat contract each year was legal of the deal itself. SchnirmariiWas ulti- Hartnett was the city business • Littered street or public lot: "As far as Fm concerned, I have they live. You must have a card a contract. I'm honoring my part of *397 and not a violation of the three-year mately fired during the board's reor- administrator. Department of Public Works, 827-2060; from your home library to take it. They're riot honoring their part advantage of this service. CALpRIC ' ' •• Littered private property: of it." "••' . • Cohen misread statement, Coleman says Board of Health. 827-2085; •..'.-." — Anthony Cavanna OVER THE RANGE • Improper garbage or recycling The public libraries which parti- ~ "^Superintendent of Schools cipate in this agreement are: Berke- (Continued from Page 1) . ic," Coleman said. He added that he blow-out issue, I'd like to attend a disposal: recycling coordinator at on the Board of Education's deci- ley Heights; Carteret, Clark, Cran- would want to comment on tM issues has always been in favor of pushing press conference and debate this posi- DPW, 827-2159; sion to.void the five-year contract MICROWAVE bury, Cranford, Dunellen, Edison, are at work, Coleman said. For exam- the council's meeting times back to 8 tion," Coleman said. » Abandoned/inoperative vehi- Cavanna signedjast year andenfor- Elizabeth, Fanwood, Garwood, ple, the municipal budget could be p.m. on certain Jewish holidays. cle: DPW, 827-2159; ce the contract he signed in 1992, Highland Park', Hillside, James- OVEN STANDARD- passed during a special ihceting at 2 "We've made those allowances in This was not the first ti • Ringing house or car alarm: which expires June 30. . burg, • KenilWorth, Linden, Metu- ;CA«ftCHY~ p.m., he said. the past and I've been in favor of that has made offensive comments, Cohen police', 827.-2200; chen, Middlesex, Milltown, Mourt- #MWT445' #5243 "I don't think that's right," Cole- then," he said. said. In particular, he cited the way •' Zoning problems: Building man said. The meeting tirnesshonld- Coleman* said °hetiid~not~ consider Coleman prorsouTlces tBe XVoro! "July1." epuitnciil, 827^2087. --•>——— Brunswick, North Brunswick, Old be scheduled when the public cart the situation a major issue, but would Coleman places strong emphasis on Bridge, Perth Amboy, Piscataway, attend in all instances, he added. debate his position with Cohen any the first syllable in'the word, which Library ~> Plainfield, Plainsboro, Rahway, Your club or organization's news "If we do it for a religious group, time if that is what he wants. makes it sound like "Jew-lie," Cohen PREMIER 20" tyw ' Roselle, Roselle Park,. Scotch can be listed in the paper without estinghouse we should do it for the general publ- "If be wants to make this a big, said. r The library will be open Mon- Plains,' South Amboy, South Bruns- charge by calling the offices of the day, Tuesday and Thursday, 9 a.m. .wick. South Plainfield, South Riv- Progress at 686-7700, Ext 322. GAS DRYER GAS RANGE Library hosts Literacy Library Day program LARGE 17 FT. The public is invited to the first lit- outreach effort to all citizens who information oryolunteerihg may con- .CAPAcrry FROST eracy Library Day at the Rahway need help in Union County," said Christmas trees to be collected by city DPW tact Laurie Glinka, Union County's #4490 FREE 4CAR1Q0W • Public Library, 1175 St. Georges Karen M. Paardccamp, a member of Christmas trees will be collected in Volunteer coordinator, at the LVA of garage on Hart Street, where they will free of charge to any city resident #MRT17 • Ave., on Jan. 21 from 10 a.m. to 2 the LVA board of directors in Union Union County office (908) 925-7755. January on the first collection day of be grounded into wood chips for For more information, call p.m. County. "We hope the public will feel She is available Tuesdays from 9 a.m. the week from Jan. 9'to Jan. 18. Resi- mulch. The wood chips are available 827-2159. Sponsored by the Literacy Volun- comfortable in a library Betting to get to 250 p.m. and Wednesdays and Fri- dents are. advised to remove all. orna- teers of America-Union County Affil- help from this worthwhile program." days from 6. to 9 pjn. ments and tinsel and not to place the iate, , volunteer staff will personally The volunteer staff will explain trees in a plastic bag. Trees usually meet with potential tutors interested how to complete a Volunteer Intake collected on Jan. 16 will be collected TSARLUCCl PRODUCE in attciul^galiacrca^ SrEti^ljsh on.Jan. 17 due to tt* Rev. Martin^ Vw%KpH0r f^^fcSjKlififc 1 flit j^^JH Hliy' ^R^H^^^^^BF'''*^ ^SS^I fl^BflHBH^DK IB^^^I ^BfiS ^BI^H ^^^^^^^^IB^^B ^^B^^BB^Br ^^BBZ ^^^^^^b^^^al^v cBgBKaWEB)! 8^^^flB!ffi»9£!S vStfllSBHBGGR HIBBH IH^DHIIBBHHH BHB9 ^BH^3 as a Second-' lar^uage wrkshop? They will alsQ.meet on a confidential id ie'll? Telephone sibilitics of Literacy Volunteer tutors. 1-800-564-8911. Ttie itross will be collected by the basis with potential adult students "Volunteers are also always needed city and delivered to (he Public Works Coupon Good 1/12-1/18/B5 ctyacABo Who need help in learning how to read to help in tutoring other adults in ESL .—S?LlL!2L2i!r-iYifI.cSJf ta*J>rk** • Og«n 6 day* iwMk SAM S PM' or need to learn English as a second and .basic reading," Paardecamp :/v •'*"?• language. added. "We are always looking.for w "The program, which will be held funds as we are a volunteer BANANAS" iLB^" once a month at .routing libraries organization." PUBLIC NOTICE r throughout Union County, is a major Anybody interested in additional JHCTNEY"""" ""—'" •k-'^j-y ••'•--: -

•• \ Let The Bible Speak ROBINSON'S BRANCH RESERVOIR JUNKIST 1 Pet 4:11 ' . CLARK TOWNSHIP V» Bit* ciMrty tMchM that th. Otodpte* (ft* Winter is the time for toe-skating, but j » dorit skats -on our kWMa) of Christ «m caltod CtwMiam (ONLY) reservoir. .It just fen't iafe. . ,: •• •W at Arttoch (AcU 11:26). Prtar Mid that If any- 1 We are asking parents to warn thejrchildreh to stay away from the OM «uttara aa a ChritiUn (JUST), Christian* te» : resetvwr property, ho^matter how invifinfl the Iwmay look. j w ^^^^ ^^^v ^^^v ^^^v ^^^^P ^^^H ^^^V •BHB liOT V _^ Mm not b* AshaiMd, t>ut M him oloiity Ood In thto .' .-'."; -.'. 'S . ntim (SIMPLY) ChitotUn (1 P*. 4:16). ark) skatipg Sre preWbHadand violators will be.subject l#1 IDAHO* - tly Mands, consider caratuBy: 5lbs7 $1 .OO Th. TEACHINGS Of JESUS CHRIST dOM NOT malw won* a W:r •-... Lulhsran, IMhodlst Monran Ptwbyt^sn ate tUny plJ2i «»f»rat»on. Middlesex Water Company RBEE DEUVEflY^OiSCOWfrSOFFERED ',*>'•••'••• •" .•"-<•**••'''^W^W* : r;»: mJ.,,,, 1500 Ronson Road; lsean,r'r4J>08830 m tti'X

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PAOftS — THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 199S — RAHWAY PROGRESS •' ''. «r P,10» - WOflflAU. NEWSPAPERS - THURSDAV, JANUARY 12, «05 - PAGE 7 Identify and organize important records letters to the- editor When it comes to financial record- evade tax, the IRS,can come after you which you may need in"tne Juture to keeping;' people 'getferalty fall Into Money at any time.. - '- support your cost basis in the evejit two categories — those who still have there are certain tax documents you sell these items. the first check tbeytver wrote and ^Management you should bold on to indefinitely. Make sure yon have copies of all are no longer ,lhpse who would be hud pressed to One is form $606, the form you are Rahway Progress current liferauto, health and homeow- David Worrall ' locate lost month's xredit card state- reqpited to Ate when yon make rk»r> ners' insurance policies. It's » good To the Editor Published Woekty Since 1990 Publisher went If you fall into thtfiauef categ- ntttiOD forma concerning all purch- deductible contribution* to your Indi- idea to keep old policies for several The voters sent a loud and powerful message on Nov. 8: End "business as • ory, the New. Jersey Society of Certi- vidual Retirement Account You usual" in Washington- and stop wasting our tax"dollaiK. ON THE MATS— The Divi- ases and salcsof securities and mataal years after the expiration date in case Raymond Worrall fial Public Accountants often the fot- funds. For tax purposes, you'll need to should keep copies of Ponnp606imtfl For that reason, I have decided not todistribut e "free" copies or the 1995 Published By sion of Parfe and Recrea- a delayed daim is filed. Executive Editor lowing advice to help you* identify and know what you paid for an invest- all your IRA ton* are withdrawn in CPAs recoimpend that important United States Capitol Historical Society Calendar. Fir frombeing free., this usu- Worrall pommunlty Newspapers, Inc. • tion's Youth wrestlers get organize important records. ally unsolicited goodwill gesture costs the American taxpayer more than $2 1291 Stuyvesant Avanu« ment; 'what you sold it tor,wha t order ioVeiHy what jpart of your with- documents that are valuable or diffi- Tom Canavan ready to grappa on the first Records and receipts for improve- million annually. Union. N.J. O7OS3 _ dividends you received and which drawal wait funded with after-tax cult to replace — like birth certifl- Editor in Chief day of practice. There-are ments you've made to your home can r As one of the 10 members recently appointed to the House Transition Team, I • were reinvested, and any brokerage money.- - .catcs, securities, passports a"nd deeds three separate leagues and be valuable tax saving documents. have come to'recognize that if lawmakers are serious about reducing the budget (908) 686-7700 Andrew J. Stewart - commission you paid. Trying to Keep receipts of purchases until — be stored in a fireproof family safe the coaches are Harry deficit and the $4.4 trillion national debt, the place to starj Is with the activities Managing Editor The cost of Improvements that reconstruct that information yean you've compared them to your or in a safe deposit box. Alto, you Page, Tony Garay, Joe of the Congress itself. ©Worrall Community Newspapers, Inc. • Wysocki^ John -Kleslor, enhance the value of your home — liter can be time consuming. •monthly credit card statements. If any should keep copies., of these same 1995 All Righto Reservud -Mcftas a new roof., kitchen renova- T VnAttl tUnt XJnfi ami /\tl Peter Worrall nnwl/1 Pitt/. •and •Vtotor >"'«»Jendats, I bnUmu uons or. landscaping — can be added from the due date of your returnt o the statements a (pwmonths longer. If Jt's generally not a good idea to store that with the House Budget Committee preparing to cut hundreds of billions of exclusive property of Worratl Community Newspap- Nicasio. to your home's purchase price to your Credit underreportcd income on expires. concerned, the key is to set up a The Society requires a check for $4.95, plus shipping and handling, to be mailed Discussion best left ij&pcelcd checks, receipts, and photo-, your tax return by more than 25 per- Keep all cash machine receipts recordkeeplng system that works, for to them at 200' Maryland Ave., NE, Washington, DC, 20002. They can be $$phf or a videotape of jewelry, fur- ' cent, it tHen bas six years to audit your until the transactions have been prop- you and that you can regularly reached at (202) 543-8919. nUure, collectibles, or other major return. For these reasons, CPJ^s erly credited to or debited from your maintain. • As the 104th session of Congress moves forward,'please feel free to contact during conferences purchases. Should you have to, file an . recommend that you retain your tax account.'For canceled checks and :" i -.. • ' ••*' ' . me with your concerns and suggestions. Sal Mione is the city's new council president, and he insurance claim in the event of dam- returns and supporting documents for bank statements, you 'can generally Money Management is a weekly Best wishes fpr a nappy, healthy and prosperous year. has begun to talk about changing the way the council age, loss'pr theft, youil need these six years. Be aware that if you fait to follow the six-year tax return rule,- column on personal finance distri- • ' • Bob Franks Radio and - TV have sunk to the gutter documents to substantiate their value. file a tax return, or if you file a false or except for documents that - record buted by the New Jersey Society of Member of Congress operates. Specifically, Mione wants to have discussion of , Investors need to keep trade confir- If \ve're not careful, radio and tele- tic," as it was described, and couples, fraudulent return with the intent to purchases such as stock or real estate, Certified Public Accountants. all agenda items conducted during the City Council's pre- gentleman/female caller. Actually, * ' • meeting conference and none during the actual public vision talk shows are liable to go the men and women, men and. men, who gives a damn? way of the Hula Hoop. ,. As I women and women co-habited; all meeting. • The important stories are given As a young boy, listening to radio under the guise of trendy sit-coms. sfion shrift with about 15 seconds of Postal 'S Cancellation a^ Thanks for the help Mione said this is the purpose of a conference meeting, — television bid not been invented Television in thd meanwhile, not to -t. See It airtime and 10 minutes of some trivial To the Editor. yet — programming was limited to be outdone, went the limit with the mimuia about the biggest cauliflower When millions of American veter- • The issue of, "comfort women" other races." ' to discuss the upcoming agenda and answer all questions We have been truly overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of the peo- music, comedy hours' such as Jack appearance of Oprah, Geraldo and ever grown in Kansas. ansread the news that U.S. Postal Ser-. where more than. 200,000 Korean, • Former intelligence ofllcer.Shin- in preparation of a vote. To handle it in this manner, By Norman Rauscher ple, especially in Clark, linden and Rosellc. My children and I have had every Benny, Fred Allen.Edgar Bergen and- Donahue, who became past-masters ,,Perhaps we can't blame radio or vice decision to cancel the stamp, Be Our Chinese, Filipino and Taiwanese taro Uno, boasting of beheading more Mione feels, will eliminate the grandstanding in front of kind of support imaginable from family, friends, neighbors and strangers. We Charley McCarthy, Burns & Allen of the tasteless, lurid and the in-your- television-for this state of affairs; the which was designed to commemorate than 40 prisoners and torturing untold was limited to drama, a new Jack Ben- women were carried off to the battlef- the publfc and press that often delays the voting process and mystery programs like "Sherlock face type of programming which people who watch these programs are the end of World WarH with the cap- Guest have had support when we ourselves were unaware that we needed it. ny Show, Ed Sullivan, real, HVb con-' ronl brothels between 1938 and 1945. t nurnbers_of others,.sutted^'^ejjijj: »!L during the regular public meetings. Holmes," -."the Shadow," JUJcL.".Tie- demonstrates that our society- is-ist- a thc-villams.- Forsome reasdn; we are'" - tiorf- ih«rp*be!aim»?d ^AtomHBombr- A 4^M>ecatise^-tfcfrix^ certs from Carnegie Hall and some- "tr Sneak attack W Pearl Harbor for the sake of our country." " Green Hornet." There were even crossroads. fascinated t>y trivia, violence, gossip, Hasten\ War's End, August. 1945" it hard time for my sons and me easier tobear . • '•)'';" We support MiOne's push for more efficient govern- thing new called inc. Six O'Clock where thousands of our- servicemen • There is another/ Sbozo Tomina- . I truly want to .thank everyone m ihg hntmm n some westerns like "The Lone Ran- To listen to Oprah, Geraldo" and celebrities anfl ^nyth'Pg was a rial blow to all of us, but egpe- written i 1 ment. The purpose of a conference meeting js_tojdiscuss .News, complete jyith-tuch-innovative gSj tucp a ypuug J HJTBITPSC iriibxi lu Pays." Once "Donahue is something akin .to listen- dally "foir those who: suffered the sideling bad and good features of it —- JoAnn L Hamilton arid clarifylterns"thatw31 be considered for a vote during terms as anchormen, spoftscasters, of sleaze. For bur nation, the more • In April 1942, overtaking the ,, China, recalled that his "trial of cour- in a while, there would be special pro- ing to the most private, confidential cruelties from the Imperial Japanese otherwise, the future Japanese and Clark weathercasters, etc. It was all inno- base something is, the more eager we Bataan Peninsula, they icaptured age" was to decapitate Chinese a regular meeting. The regular meeting should serve two ductions of such classics as "David and innermost secrets imaginable. It's forces. American generations will not know cent and provocative since for the first are to Ks(en to or view it. '. 600,000 American and Filipino pris- captives." purposes — public comment and voting by the council. Copperfield," a play by Shakespeare nothing to see Geraldo inter»ewing a It was unbelieveable this cancella- The true facts in order to acquire time, moving pictures came into your I suppose it's too much to hope for oners and marched them 70 miles These examples of brutality con- or an original script by Orson Welles, , prostitute'and asking the most inti- tion was prompted by the U.S. gov- necessary knowledge how to avoid Council members should know where they stand on an living room and you could actually that our lastes in things melodramatic without food, water or rest. Mow than front us with the evidence that there is especially-" his most famous radio mate details of the profession, or ernment so that we don't disturb the these mistake hi the future. agenda item before they enter council chambers the night see real movies without leaving your take a turn forjbe better. I'm not say- 100,000 of them (Bed This was no needfor us to be apologetic toward work "The Invaders from Mars" in Opsah asking a man if he'still beats his sensitivity of the Japanese people, Unfortunately.-in the confines of sound off of the meeting. . . home. Programming reflected the ing we should return to the so-called 10.18 — •"• » wife ui Duimhue BSUHU B'Ulvuiuctl gu6d old dkys,' wnenever they were, "TETTEuTarHcieH , a is lmpoSBSSnlSBSSno eoum- The German government paid its OOpc i uuiig 111 li> lt SilftfeSbnsunrung and • An ofganlza2on known as Unit 4 .The programming was family fare. . times. We lived in an innocent and • woman why she and her husband their mistreatment of minions of inno- erate ail" the atrocities committed \>y 731 was esfafbUsotol by ttw-Japaoese lhft-lfiiipwuttt The or look away when there is any vio- more efficient foi the council. However, if a council Dialogue was tasteful; humor was naive time, and we seemed, to be called it quits and gets the answer that cent people in Asia, including allied the imperial Japanese'forces fjrom to 'Conduct' experiments i£^>sc^cflb- p^g fedb me same. member has a concern about a particular item during the anything but blue;' plays were not happy. ; he-was fooling around with another lence on the screen., The Victorian and American servicemen.. It appears 1931 through 1945. But a few will Ifs a laonge one, ~ loglcal warfare. Using ChiBeseV and TJtese an, historical:/a«si: rmcaltog at^t apikbole oo Lake Avenue to Oaitij«*eeiiM)de's and week between the conference session and the regular filled with double entendres; plots — However, out of the blue, a new woman with the husband shooting Age has been gone for nearly a ben- that the sensitivies of these victims suffice to give us a picture of magni- Allied prisoners as guinea pigs to thh e eancellstfoltf n of the CQmmcnx>ia- tury, and that's all to the good, the many of them corny — were well- kind of radio and television emerged. ' back that he caught his wife fooling doesn't matter anymore because for tude of these crimes. Let Of begin with" gather -data on, soch diseases as dve stamp was an affront to our living Rotundo'* Ltaubrs, wWcS tf Oskrfdge Road. 1T» a tog^one meeting,, that council member should be able to-air that Victorian Age was-hypocritical, since Aim constructed and music reflected the Radio, beamed the. forum for .angry around with another than. All. good, the sake -of the' peace process and following facts: . " Buboaic Plague, syphilis, typhoid and arid deceued veterans. -'• concern before voting on it No rule dealing with the dis- it pitted class against class, and wealth limes. Don't forget we were still in a men and women; drama became wholesome stuff. -•' ^~" .good trade relations, all committed • In 1931, invasion of CWna proper various fevers. Yosbio Taraura, « against poverty* :* • • '';;r;; *_ cussion of-city issues should be absolute. .. . Depression, and music was the bar- raunchier and raunchier, • violence Even the television news programs atrocities sboud be forgotten. with brutal episode of "Raping of member of Unit 731, was askedif be Jo«ph Tm»h handles p^Wfc increased, and now a 'popular show We the veterans of World War U While debate tefore the vote and grandstanding during ometer that measured the public's are filled nightly with-three kinds of «, _ • „ D«, «,«w . i Nanking" where thousands Were had any pity for the victims, beneplled relations forUnlonTos t 2433 of the No food distribution this mood and morale. has to have at least 10 people die by -"•^ f, a—*-Mj JSSH ££&<. are convinced mar history should be* murdered. tfone at all... We disparaged all Veterans of Foreign Wan, Theft television made its debut and being blown up, shot or impaled. Dia- •"•jJla^i^ "^.f;??*. a *Mn mate &a»i*MM, month to Rahv^ay home for thte; fkjsvik years, programming logue became mqrs and more "i .- celeferiQB is breaking up jwith his/her -? c&ntmunfir^ .f}.3'«''-*•'* ^ good quotes, the public meeting is not the time or place. If Roselle Knights raising funds for Krakowiecki's surgery "^ 'nr<;» •!' .the publicatnd the press want to find put why council There will be no food distribution tnefuturedatesof distribution at this members vote the way they do, they should attend the The Roselle Knights of Columbus The Roselle Council of the frater- residentf is suffering from hepatitis C. Knights of Columbus, 112 W. First for Esterbrook Avenue partteJpsnts at t^. , , conference meetings and hear the discussion. 4 Council 3946 has Joined with the nal organization, of which Krako- She is one of thousands of Americans Ave., Roselle. All donations are tqx the-Rahway SenicfCitfzefl'tBnilding If you have any questions, please Mione's initiative should be supported. The public' letters to the editor Friends of Susan to raise funds' for the wiecki's husband, Leo, is a past • awaiting liver transplants. All funds deductible. in the Department of Argticnlture ^^ 827-2172, afier Feb. 1." impending transplant surgery of Grand Knight, is selling individual raised and any donations will help Toe Krakowiecki family is con- Food Distribution Program, for the council meetings should be a forum for the people of Rah- Scotch' Plains resident Susan tickets for the dinner at $7 for adults defray the cost of the complex surgery cerned with supporting -organ and" month of January. 1995. way to air their concerns and opinions about the measures metal detectors and they were mostly negative. However, two students didfefe) •awl pert-cpu'atmi tme. C»«j afttt— p mid S3 JO fm Uilhltt J uuiu 12. hM- rood distnoiMion «»u resume oo « jo pjace a cbssBied ad call that some son of increase was needed. If not to stop violence, than to keep order The Knights are organizing several insurance; costs to the Krakowiecki d f ti i VJ- votiz on them. Ail council discussion Thanks tn8 Toy Fair ested people can call Past Grand the donation of their organs or tissue cpu&ly dbttiterttoo schedule in irgoo.564-8911by3pjn.TBe8dny. -and deter students from acting in a disruptive manner. fund-raising efforts including an family are expected to be near upon death can get more information and questioning should be; handled before the items are To the Editor: Knight Rich' Banasiak at (908) 1995. buHhtte if no infcjrmauonion Senior Class Woe President John Johnson Jr. suggested a student summit, upcoming roast beef dinner to be held $100,000. by calling the Sharing Network at placed on the agenda. ; • Recently a Toy Fair was held at the Progressive Baptist Church at 1085 Main 862-5560 or the Roselle Council after consisting at Other Union County schools' student leaders. This would be held Jan. 22 from noon to 5 p.nx at the Lin- 8 pirn, at (908) 241-3946. ". Those who wish to donate to the 800-SHARE-W or the United Net- • :.\ St. We, the members, wish to thank alP*wh6 contributed to this event. at RahWay High School I backed Johnson up and recommended the Rahway den Knights Hall. 118 N. Park Ave., rand can do so directly by sending Organ Sharing at Kennedy Jewelers, Cliff Hardware, Jay Oee Furniture, Holiday Sales, F.J. High School students actually be in charge of running this summit. The summit ' Linden. • •• • ' • -:". ••• •'.:• Krakowiecki, 50, a former Roselle checks to: K of C #3946 — SK Fund, Who's next? Newmeycr Lumber Co., Community' Camera, Breza Bus Service, A & M will look'at problems in other schools, and students will see how other discuss Industrial Supply, Rahway Fashion Fabrics, C.K.J. Service-Clarence Bartlett "/ have a dream that one. day this nation will rise up, both sides "positive and negative at local schools and what can be done to make Bell Mitsubishi, Rahway Lumber, OJC. Cleaners, A & Z Automotive, Donato wrong things right. . live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these Florist, B. & G. Automotive. This was just one Of a series of meetings that have taken place following a •truths to be self-evident, that all men are created And a very special thanks to: Jones Funeral Home - Jim Jones, owner; Station few incidents at the high school. Because of the pfforts of students, parents, equal' " ?}•.. Cab - Tony & Connie Mae: Phyllis Salagem/Watchung; The Rahway Savings school officials and board members, things are changing for the better at Sah- — Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., quoting the'Declara- Institution; Kmart; Pathmark of Woodbridge; Back and Neck Care Center - way High School and will continue to do so as long as people continu»to sup- tion of Independence, at the 1963 march on Washington. Mack C. Ziemtek; McDonald's of Rahway - Aissa Mazalla; Oil, Chemical and port their children and school officials. * ''•"•' Atomic Workers of America; AFL-CIO Local 8-575. . •'. . ' Joseph Stulpin Saturday marks, what would have been the 66th birth- We thank you all again. Grade 12. Our Qualified And Well-Equipped day of civil rights activist Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. . » Deacon Bernard M. Redd • Student Government Association President • Service Department Will Be Happy King represents what is sorely lacking in the United RahWay Rahway States today: a true role model, someone willing to stand To Service Your Ford, Regardless up for his or her principles and beliefs regardless of the Some awards overlooked Let residents keep more earnings *. -»_ > njti . OfWhoraYrtii hazards. Rather than patting the people who oppressed To the Editor: . . s IV IOC BUHHi A few weeks ago? I introduced legislation to offer New Jerseyans a property Here are three dubious awards overlooked by Andrew Stewart in his column him and his people on the defensive. King held out his tax deduction on their-state income tax returns similar to the one former Gov. of dubious awards. hand in peace. He knew that words age the mpstppwerful 35 fiakAarifMUlifliBBiflfUiklS^QlrIB every nhirltnn tinrff thai wu Nwy-J-BHpVgm • weapons anrf he'chose his careiullyl lie knew^people '• The "Don't Conftse MeWim the Facts^^lrJ^gogfTerWayoT Jhrl KcrF ncdy, who slated the incinerator is a dead issue. Since when? •have asked their state lawmakers-to lighten their tax burden, and they've sent legislators to Trenton who are up to the task. shouldn't be judged by the color of their skinj they should • The "Yes, I Chopped Down the Cherry Tree" award goes to UCUA rep- be judged by their character. . resentative Bryan Christiansen, for his truthful statement during an incinerator This past year. Governor Whitman spearheaded the drive to cut taxes by Sadly, no one has picked up where King1 left off. toiir when he stated that he will not remove the automobile lireSlrbm (he waste ' reducing Uw rtate Income tax by 15 percent effective Jan.-1 .-Undoubtedly, low- stream — note tires are not allowed to be burned at the Rahway facility. er taxes and smarter spending on the part of state government is the direction in Today's young people idolize athletes, musicians and which we Deed to lead New Jersey if we are to continue to creak jobs and actors. Celebrities are often credited with having intelli- • And last but not least, the Ted Baxter Award for Spinelessness in Journal- ism. This award is presented to Worrall reporter Andrew Stewart for his dubi- stimulate economic growth. Of course, cutting taxes also will provide the tax QUALITY CARE gence they do not possess and values they do not uphold. relief that w many New Jerseyans want and need. 5 ous awards column goofing on celebrities, instead of people he might actually Where The Quality Continues " Many only reflect what the audiences think they are, have to face. The bill I am proposing would allow homeowners to deduct up to $10,000 in which has little basis in reality. When these false heroes Writers should write about what they know, but I guess their boss wouldn't property taxes and a tenant to deduct 18 percent of rent payments on their annu- pay for blank space, hence Mr. Stewart's mindless column. al state tax. Senate Republicans recognize that citizens throughout the state are fall from grace, they leave a trail of bitter followers and feeling the heavy burden of taxes, both state and local. My proposal is part of a disillusioned children. The presenters arc respectively: Vincent Lehotsky broad effort on the part of Republican legislative leaders and Governor Whit- The time is ripe for a true leader to emerge from the Linden man to provide relief to the state's citizens. 170 Rt. 22 East, Springfield, NJ crowd — someone who truly believes that one person • Madelyn Hoffman Moreover, this proposal won't come at the expense of municipal aid. We , .Photo Coarttiy of St John UM Apostle School with a mission can make a difference and who is willing Flanders know tax reductions can be achieved by cutting government waste, streamlining First-graders at St» John the Apostle School in Clark gather on the stage for the annual first-grade play 'The Littlest to put their career or life on the line. A true leader is a Kerri A. Blanchard the bureaucracy and taking steps to ensure efficiency and economy at the state Angei.' and local levels.. 201-467-6244 Rahway - person who does something because he truly believes it is I have long been a supporter of the idea that state government should work right and who will not let anything stand in his way. with New Jersey's cities and towns to keep a lid on property taxes. That is why King's dream was — is — for all people of all colors, Students address violence the Senate voted to roll back $28 million in existing state mandates and change of all.kindstoJive together in peace and brotherhood. The T«J the Editor: .._- .._... - the cjtlaingjrystemof hiading arbitration whid^uddlesinunkipalitjea with tre- difficulty of living up to King's dream should not lessen In recent months, students at Rahway High School have become concerned mendously high costs. about growing questions of safety and student behavior. On Nov. 23. student Much has been accomplished during,' the past few years in the way of lower & SERVICE .our desire to strive for it, but increase it "We do these leaders, along with board members, and school officials met to discuss these taxes. The sales tax bas been lowered, income taxes have been reduced by 15 things not because they are eajsy, but because they are percent, and tax credits have been approved to encourage business growth and - issues. ELECTRICIAN FENCING FLOORS HELP WANTED PLUMBING ROOFING SERVICES OFFERED TREE EXPERTS hard," said John F. Kennedy. Students from all classes and ethnic backgrounds were represented by 15expansion. But still more needs to be done. My property tax deduction proposal is just one option we plan to consider in the fight against high taxes. _ • student leaders. Students expressed their ideas, complaints and even "fears." TOM'S NEW-WAY MASTER PLUMBER ^WE^STOP.LEAKS! Ham*yHelper The students and board members also discussed solutions to these problems. All of these proposals are real tax cuts — not •hell games — designed to No Job Too Small CLARK BUILDERS, INC. ^ "What is the liberty of the press?... / hold it return real savings to the taxpayers. There is no cost shifting involved with any FLOOR SERVICE Avon Service FENCING * •CampJtta Roof Stripping Board members presented recent changes in board policy to the students and WE DO IT All! Carpet Cleaning FOTI'S of the plans. Each was crafted to complement rather than compete with one Sp«cMsn ft Rtpairs to be impracticable? and from this I infer that received valuable feedback concerning the feelings of the students whom these Residenh'al-Cbmmercial, ALL TYPES Floor Waxing Wunriblng 4 Itoating Ginger and Art / another. The governor and the Legislature share the same objective on this issue A BEAUTIFUL JOB FkR & Stole policies will affect . Evening Hours NEW & REPAIR floor Refinishing BESJDEHTW.-COMMERCIW. its security, whateyerfine declaration maybe — let'New Jersey residents keep more of their earnings to spend or invest Our Bleaching-Staining 908-355-3206^ • Sw*» Cttmt amounts One of the changes discussed, and welcomed by students and administration, FOR FUN & PROFIT : Free Estimates NO JOB TOO SMALL Custom Colors ' JOBHNG-ALTERATIOHS • bnurad • : • •.- >••••%: •• inserted in any constitution respecting it, must was increased and more strict punishment for acts of vandalism, insubordina- cooperative effort and common goal will ensure that whichever combination of For 25 Yen License #7417 Polyurathan* 'NO JOBTOO SMALL' . Low Winter Rates tion, violence toward students and teachers, and for illegal infractions. Also (ax breaks are finally enacted into law, it is the people of New Jersey woo will FREE ESfrMATES $$$ Fufy Insured Fn* Estmatas altogether depend on public opinion." NJ.Uc.No. 010760 welcomed was some sort of increased security. benefit. \ 908*354-4169 FREE FHONE ESTIMATES CALL* 486-3431 CALL: Call Toll Free 908-381-5145 —Alexander Hamilton The students expressed their attitudes toward large scale security forces and • ' Sen. Donald DiFrancesco FRANK 201-676-4813 1-800-662-2292 STATE UC #3867 ' R-Union 761-5427 1-800r794-LEAK (5325)

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.' v •"* ,' "* ^••.'/"V", • r: •.*; • .'• PAGE 8 - THURSDAY, JANUARY 12. 1995 - WOBftA^. HEWSPAPEBS 9,iS# / _ NJ Concern \vjjl"jtiiftg the The tier ; Flood of Cla* I ^engagement of be* outdoors to the dau^bUfc'.Ntncy ft«ee Kirk, toJ . By Lisa Ann BoUtto \ barriers to mobility but the mental (mayor of theCfty Staff-Writer I with the program once it gets onder • t of EtoabWfa, aoo of Mrs. Jean ftjjj. Florence Dzledzlc Co, r^b^ ^^ reliringin Ann Pintozel; four sisters, Alice barriers-to full participation." way. Anna &. Ruslgnuolo In an effort to acquaint physically wa$»drBlilabetb and the lakeMr.< ., 03, of Rahway, Gaianle, Stella Palltto, Jenjiie acora New. Jersey Concern > seeking Volunteers are not required to bay« Surviving an a daughter, Nancy Anna S. Ruste&la 76, of Rah- challenged residents with the wooden Fraak&llwi**. Miss Kkk also is the fortnedy otrindan, dfctd Dae. 4.in hey' and'Nettfe Targllon. rdne grandchil- input from the physically challenged any educatknal background OJJ daughtar of the t%*fc Bdwarf F. FMU, five grandchildren, nine great- Muhlenberg of nature, New Jersey-Cancan is dren and three great-grandchildren. commanityln toe formative stages of dal talents. In addition^, tjt grandchildren and a ?gre»figreafc launching an educational course with Boot id BrtJoUyn, Mrs. Dftiefele the i*qce»*JJenttc^ said it is primar- challenged teJpers, c*t& grandchild. j '••7-•••;'•• their needs in mind. ily geared towardTBose with physical proiottjoaals can vofonW j £a*s Kbit, Jwho gndaated item , way-10 y*a» igo. lived in Elizabeth before moving to Linden resident Beatrice Bemzott, disabilities -but the program will on the planning panel ii RabJwy 37yeat» ago. SKe had been James Constantino director of New Jersey Concern, an BatOn Hijh School, atttod*d Union ' SurriWnriw a too, Walter; two Anna Maler include individuals who are mentally cles. Hoars wiU be ^ Gnity College and ttwYofttlni - an ajsembler for the former Scientific James T. ConstanUne, 71, of Qark environmental group that provides brothers, William Sr. and Joseph Anna Maier, t7. of FnilUpsburg, challenged Weather permitting, oat* availability of the Component Co., Elizabeth. Mrs. died Jaa 7 in Rahway Hospital county children with a hands-on edu- vttwy. She is an executive attittant Hetty,, a lister, Beatrice Sheridan, door activities will be at Piles Creek volunteers. to^gejfau'pwtnerofiniaVwtiik**' , formerly of Rahway,diedJan.,6jn the Rusignuolo was a member of the Rath cational experience, said the project and two grandchildren. Lopatcong Care Center, PhUlfetbarg, / Born in Mayfield, Pa., Mr^. Con- and surrounding wetlands — which ad«*pryflrratB New Vdrt City. 251*71 way Seu> Citizens. was initiated because there are very are oil sites that-are handicapped Born in Rahwiy, M^. Maler Surviving are two daughters, Joan ttantine moved to Clark many yean "Thi*!* an opportunity rt>rth»vW- * •*! a volunteer with literacy VoJ*' •go. He was a plumber with the Plum- few program* in the county geared accessible. . - moved to Phi%burg flve>ear*agoT Bechtle and Carol Bctut two step- untecrs to overcome the : bers Union Local 2*. Newark, for 40 toward the handicapped that provide During the enmnvf a L iww.int Calogero Schrrabba Sfi» was co-owner "" *-" any inierocuon WILD UK outdoors. ; ,— oeiore reuring in ii«*V. Mr. "cruise" is being planned that begins to open new hbriaoo*,- fe _ jSciarrabba,96.0f&Paav band, Pred, of the Radio Taxi Service; eUa; • sister. Ethel Miller,, nine "This is a tremendous challenge for Constantine served in the Army dur- at the Arthur Kill and ends at the Bemzott said that wfaife'New fcug, formerly qf Qfeabetb. and Rah- Rahway, for 35 yean before retiring grandchildren and 11. great- us," Bemzott said. "There is a tre-' tidrnih way,-dtedr$BL J m,Bay*nore Com- n«ny yeimr ago. '•<, - '.; ing World War 11 and with the Navy Statue of Liberty. Bemzott noted that Jersey Concern is reaching obtlb indi- •^•^aa»^j^^"T^ajjBajjafjBijjjjBjjBjjjjjBjjj| t k grandchildren. mendous need. They arc kept out of so munity Hospital, HohW ~ • Reserve from 1954 until 1962. it will be a learning experience vidual volunteers,. it bu already ;*le*cy R.'-Kfric Surviving an two daughter*, Jfanet much and it's a shame to not be of pn^adQimlj^iUc^iCea^CoI . Surviving are his wife* Dorii J.; because the members will be observ- enlisted the aid of a Union County Bom In Italy, Mr. SdanrabbalfMd Kaston and Mary Hand;*.brother, Beulah O. Chrlstel T plugged into nature." lege of New Jersey, UrW He has a t adminlstratloa and It a mem- v four daughters-, Jo Anne Cataline, ing the wildlife and ri vetpaflerosdur- - Boy Scout Troop, jyfaicfa lyq ' in Elfeabeth before movii George Hatpador, four grandchildren "It has been brought "to our atten- **^^^^^^^p^^^^^^^w^^^^^^^^^B"^^^^^a^^^^Bs^^^a^^"B^r^^a^^^B^^B0w^^a^a^a^^^ pha Alpha. way He was1 employed* ana a great-granddliild- O. OhriateL Aportk School lived in RoseUe before moving to lywoman Maureen Ogden> more "There is a spiritual hunger iuRah- Rahway since 1836. loiti 159lh year, Bessie Phillips; three sisters. Maxilee, -_.w.^, auo#suivh(ed by sevmri nephewi. Rahway in 1986. She-worked for Rjrwaj vraa from V» SUUJVAN FUNERAL S; i°l nrl^rfi^* ^^ ^%$«fe* w^t outside the portable pianetariurfl cherished legislative goals was way and ourjob is tofee d spiritually the" parish "bopea to »ach out to Shirley Ann and Lorraine, and five !P-EhiP?««n?iloni,on !,he c^stellatoos to begin. The planetarium Js a program Equipco, Union, as a clerk before HOW, flojoitB. A Funsral Mass Was hald In .news clips e(pk and Co a d fltairfed recently with the enactment . ^nwy people." «ald the Rev. David younger families through CananV grandchildren. the Church of Awumptloo. RotMl* P»k. Inter- -. £?JK?niT^ Ji 2 was presented by Karen Mdrray. ArrangemeriS• retiring in 1971. Eadier..Mr*. Seaman mem St. Gertrude Cemetery. Cotenla. of a bill she sponsored to strengthen Canan, who will be installed as the leaden>V" ' for the presentation were made by St John's science teacher Mary Ann Davlfe^ < was employed with Midas Muffler, state efforts to help preterve New 18th rector of St Paul's Episcopal Before coming to Rahway Canan Roselle Park. neighbor, your daughter, your Jersey's rich history. .v Church, bving Street v& Elm Announcemeiit Snowman contest worked with troublBttyouths and fam- Surviving are two sons, William Joseph V. Rugglero student" Legiilatioo introduced- by Ogden, Avenue, Rahway, Jan. 25 lit 7 p.m. The' Division of Parks" and Recrea- Clear paths aid mall ilies in the inner cfty of Pittsburgh, and George; a daughter, Roberta, five Joaeph V. Ruggiero Sr., 83. of The scholarship program, open to R-Union, to create a 27-member Task The Right Rev. Joe Monte Dost, policy tion is sponsoring a snowman contest In an effort to reduce the high inci- •erved u the Youth Ministries coonfi- grandchildren and three great- Clark, formerlyo r Hillside, died Jaa women between the ages of 17 and 24 Soccer signups held tomorrow Force on Newjeraey "History was. bishop.of toe Episcopal DiooMe_af this winter. dence-of injuries to tetter id On Saturday, the Rahway Yonth •-graadchiidren. ft h\ ta thiIn »c MfriftiaMmridlNtn Nwainog H-Home;— Couples arc-encouraged to ngTiecTlntolaw 6y Ciov. Oiristine * N^W JSaejvSm prefide at the Celeb-'" 1 During any snowfall in the winter, years old, is the preliminary to the to slips, trips and falls 14 may pick np a'registration (bim •nd then aawdate rector at JJe TbV PlairiBeld: their engagement and wedding p, ps falls dui^ Incle Soccer Association will hold spring girls-only division in the Midget and Whitman in December*. radon of New Mintitry, "a joyous aer- a snowman may be built and a picture Miss New Jersey Pageant and ulti- during the week at the center and mail tma Cblircn, Whtomarsh, where be Bom in Altoonm Pa.. Mr. Rueeiero announcements to the lifestyle editor. ment weatBeB r conditions, enstomer 1995 soccer registration at the Claude Vtflft nf trsirioi icriplMfi and fnaya." . i .. !••• i nmiMl| irNVtv UV aatcly-ttMhe Atiantio~€ity-eoapeti- -Jnninr Blair. ftiviaiaaa. These divi • it to the peat ufliue box. Ogrit* said, "titm Jeney wu a lW»n&"flu^He7or 40 years before nuu6uricements should be typed, submitted to QK"Recn£fiorI~OniceT" cooperation in clearing abdjj^mger Reed Cuter, 1670 Irving St, between The Rev. Dotglu Freer, rector of the COBCeCir*^ on yDo[h,outrMch, and Anthony R: Jutes— tion in September. ' • sions are girls bora between Aug. I. Rahway soccer also will offer, an pivotal state during the Revolution putoraj cam.. moving to Clark. 10 years ago. He bad doubled spaced or legibly handwritten The deadline for submitting pictures sanding (he stairway or paUivimy tothe 9 am and 1 p.m. Episcopal Church of the Holy Com- Anthony R. Jak«, 65. of Clark died This year's program will oe held in 1986 and July 31,' 1990. "Early'BW Special" on its annual and Has been- a leader hi sdentific been a machinist for Tenney Engi- and no longer than one page. All is April 1. All pictures become the mail receptacle will be sincerely Rahway and Winfield residents forter in Rahway, win stag the litany, Jan. 4 in his home. January at Arthur L. Johnson Region- • The older divisions— Aug. 1,1970 summer camp held the week; of Aug. achievement and cultural change for He and his wife, Anne and their two neers,Union,fcr 25 yean before retir- property of the Recreation Division. appreciated by the Post QBIce. bora between Aug. 1,1979. and July a special respoiuive pnyer. The Rev. Born in Hazelton, ft* Mr. Jules announcements should have a day- al High School in Clark. to July 31, 1982 -—will play in the 21-25. Between Jan, 1 and Feb. 28, the pan 200 yean. Sadly, New Jersey children, Elizabeth aftd ChristophBr, ing 15 years ago. Mr. Ruggicro wu a A prize will be awarded for the best Continued cooperation pti^a nat- 31,1990, are eligible to sign up for the Anne Ritehloga; speaker and organiz- lived in Clark for 30 years. He was a time phone number for verilcation or Girls will be judged on interview, recreation Inter-County league camp will be $75. After Match 1, (he hu lagged behind neighboring states have found Si; l»aulfs to be "a loving, mftmber of the Rahway Senior snowman. Entrants must include their ter will certainty assist thtffcostal ser- first time. Rahway Youth Soccer will Ing patior of a new Epiacopal church nilroad engineer with ConraiL Kear- if questions arise. Y poise, fitness, evening wear and against other local towns, this gives in recognizing the quality and quanti- 1 name, address and telephone number cost will go up to $91* ' caring, generous congregation.' ny, formerly the Lebjgfa Valley Rail. Citizens. Information requested for engage- talent vice in keeping the mail oiufier oh bis accept Winfield youths in the above the older players-better ' in Pennsylvania will * ' grim competition throughout theHyear. ' Your abilities can earn extra In- hjstorical artifacts that exist hexel'lte 1 guests will con* from New Eligibility requirements include- WhenaskedofbiiimnKidiategoals ,mpnths ago. Mr; Jules iorved In the two sons. JOMOQ Jr. and John; two name and; town, college name, town ered. An unsafe pathway to: I arid $15 for additional players in-the Those who cannot get to the Qaude task force will evaluate New Jersey Jeraey, Pennsylvania,'Long bland, either living, working full time or come. Advertise them with a classi- for St PauTt Cburcb, Canan said, ArmydurlngtheKortanWar.Hewas daughten,;Serlh Kowalsky and Mary md degree, name of employer and Pageant to be held receptacle will result in dte same family. historical resources and make recom- and Onto, it was announced. going to school in Union County. Reed Center either tonxmSoiw'or Jan. fied ad by caHirig4-$00-564-891J. "W« want to feed that apWttail Jam-- *pesldeWoftbeBroibtthdodofLoco- town where located, job title and tide Do you know Miss America? delivery. mendations fof then- preservation and "What we celebrate at misjervke There is no entry fee. gw. Rtght now we an dreaming "of" mottve BngttWn, NeHotk Division, date of marriage. ,'^S^.- '•-:,.; ~ According to Susan Dougherty, enhancement" Is not David Canan's miniitry Bbt the This year's winner will receive a ways of doing that by ttaltingthelove^ and a charter member of the Clark executive director of the Miss Union Life siippprl classes offered ^y Rahway Hospital work of our entire parish family, past, $500 scholarship and the right Co rep. A subscription to your newspaper ^proposing the commtosioning of ' of Jesus Christ real in very specific Bkt Lodge 1585. Mr. Jules was a County Scholarship Pageant, *Miss resent the county at the slate finalsi n kecjpis your college student close to a 27-member task force, the legisla- present, amd future*^ said the new ways here in Rahway." Rahway Hospital is accepting registration, for Basic care problems, instructor level and renewal courses,- rector. member of the Secular Franciscan America could be yodr next door May. For 'further details, call the hometown activities. Call tkn it designed tp bring together a life Support classes which are scheduled for, the early part Pre-registration is required for all BLS courses and .Order Fraternity of St. Anthony Padua worship calendar director at (908) 382-0910 daring the 908-686-7753 for a special college of 1995. wide range of disciplines and sensibil- hi Scotch Plains. -• .-. space is limited. The public isinwted to attend the hospi- ities into the wMc of the panel. Voting Attention churches and social clubs > - business hours of 8 a.m. tp 4 ,pjn. rate. The hospital offers a wide tapge oi BLS courses, Clark library tal's Education Department a*499-6193 to obtain tche- members of the.panel will include; This newspaper encouraget congregations, temples, social and civic organi- Surviving are bis wife, Dolores; a including adj^and pcdiatrjehcarts^iwCJEftlp^bealthi.^ dlii^ zations to inform the editors about jscbeduleji eventa and activities. Releases son, David; a daughter, Joya Olae, and ASSEMBLIES OF,GOD two members ttpm the Senate ,m4( TRONIC Attembly Mftttaetitiag each political'- -ahouldM typed,.doufcto-spaced, and rochide a phone auxaberuwhere a four grandchildren. Irvingioo, • trustees elect party, cqmmissioaers from the rasentalive may be reached during the day.- »-w • -v MgraUg WenMp SmJw 11A^ Sao- M, PwtwSchedute for Mutet. Sa^day Bit. Department of Environmental Protec- 5.30 pjn., Sunday 7-J0«jn., 10:00 tm., 11:30 new officers tion, Departmentof Education, and a ajn. and 12:45 p.m. (Spaniih}: Wetkdiyi: Monday to VMty; 7K» ajn., 8.-00 ajn., Ii00 During the reorganization meeting variety of. division directors involved flooa Sanmlayi: 8:00 a.m:, IIOO noon. Holy- of (be board of trustees of the dark hr either archives management, his- CONGREGATIONAL dayc five 7:30 pun. Holydiy: 7XX> *JH, 9:00 Public Library Jan. 4, the following aja., 12:00 bom. Mfracnkmt Medal NSjveaa: toric preservation, Ubrasy administr*- CHURCH 1240 .ainhn ATO., M6ndjQr>foUowing die 12:00 nooo Mn and at officers were elected for 1995: tkn and travel and kmdsm. ' 3734SS3 Sunday: ftOO AMCboir 7:15 pja, SacrameM .of PtnaBce President, president, Sybil Kappy. secretary. Chiropractors ADWRTI5E YOUR PROFESSION ine^papei alao will«onsut Qf 12 Mm. private citizens wi$ either apeciallied Diana Marcantonio; treasurer, Martin HQT&. All copy cttpya omit be made in Zam. •••..•' 0t. John Klriakatls FOR ONLY $20.00 PER WEEK crederjUalr|r^peafic otgamzatkna] wrkini and received ty Womll Coonifeilty Meetings of the board of trustees Htodache Sufferers Wanted lej^ship' in the area of"Wstodcal N«mpape»NoLaur0ian 12:00 Nodti, Fridayi frotessional office providing non^nyasiva, preservation., . will be held at 7:30 pm in the Ayen W0 AM Fo^id Bapfiy. Pleate addrett changn to; V/S «9iW«rvaHvv cars. Frea consultation and Ogden noted that a fundamental Room of the library op the following imtinalfon-worth $150; in wrvicos. . Derodiy O. aspect of tbeJegtiUtioo b to support Wnrralj Community Newip«per« dates: Jan. 25, Feb. 22, March 29. aB fb* ttetaHs 908-964^331. ' 1 042 Salwn Rd, Union. . ' and lmpn>ve tbe^atate'i effocto to edu- 1291 SttyVMant Ave. -^^ LUTHERAN^ P.O. Box 3109 c»|s> students a«"we)l as adult citizens REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH 134 Ureon, NJ: 07083 ajwttt'New Jeney's rich and vibrant history. ... ; Visit Your task-force can- SLEEPLESS IN SPRINGFIELD putfoosard specific ldeaaand{ n4nn Worship Sairi> lookiritffor AriflJ^ DofeS the'rrigic AA Slept, Prf- knewiedge and copKiposness of the ftlpk, A* *yi i pjiu,/UUU» This Kate's bistay, amoog aU New Jeney- exist? White male, self employed, 3^, 5'8* bvinfkm (£frx 9 Ttid Tbodayi Weekend an%itmake« tbioveall taskpf histor- 155 lbs, who loves sports, cooking & the. ca AjJnl 15tfi b Aknost Here. ical p«esema.that much •aster." I? beach. Lookingfor an ANnieth^fs attractive, sweet & kind Hearted, with a zest for life and ite-wcommeiKiMfa «bmU a detallad report toth e Legla- sharing it with the rightguy. Wu^ and gwerDor'^aHT^i:

to preserve New Jeraey*a history. Advertise YbtuMTax Service Every Pleasant starts TtoTtry^me' FREE fines" Beginning January 19, 1995 ^nd Appearing training of your own, by calling For three weeks in December, the Every Thursday Through April 13th. SHARE THE JOY Union, Maplewood, Orange and Essex County - $23.00 per week (minimum 4 weeks) at Ft. Jackson Birth announonwnts will appear every Thursday in the Linden Bloomfield offices of Worrall Community 1-800-382-1746 Leader Roselto Spectator, Rahway Progress and the Clark Union County - $18,00 per week (minimum 4 weeks) Army National Guard Pvt Tanisha Eagle. Just fill out the form below, and mail it to: Newspapers opened their doors to Both Counties - $36.00 per week (minimum 4 weeks) I S. Pleasant hu entered basic training collect donations of clothing to benefit at Fort Jackson, Colombia, S.C. STORK CLUB During the eight weeks of training 1291 Stuyvwant Ave., P.O. Box 3109 the homeless. Thanks to the employees the soldiers will study the Army mis- Union, NJ. 07083 and subscribers of Worrall Community ACTUAL size sion, and will receive instruction in YOUR ANNOUNCEMENT WILL APPEAR Newspapers, the 1994 Holiday Clothing OF drill and ceremonies, weapons, map FREE OF CHARGE, OUR GIFT TO YOU reading, tactka, military courtesy, Drive was a tremendous success! DIRECTORY AD It's all automated and simple. You don't have I military justice, first aid, Army his- to speak to anyone. One phone call will set up , By the deadline of Wednesday, tory and traditions aod special traio- -pound, ing ia human relations, u your FREE voiqe greeting and FREE printed -udpunce son/daughter (rmrtijsdl December 21st, each office was Deadline: Thursdays by 4 p.m. tistbedaogbterof Rudolph and measured -i- was . bbi^n t l overflowing with donations and we were ^. ._ in Hospital to Mr. and able to contribute over 300 bags and If you would like your tax services catawsy, and Margaret C Pleasant of Clad; Street. Rahway. ' Be ready to. write down your mailbox number - of ito*n\ ?i He/«h© joins a (brotherf boxes of clothing to residents and to appear iri this directory She is a 1992 graduate of JPlscata- or sifter, or brothers ane»/o^«r8ter») i affiliates of the Isaiah House, a way H^k SohooL • and access code when you call. Call Classified At ' •' . •* • • .-•.• '• Mrs , the former homeless shelter and clothing We warrtyburneve» Retrieve your messages FRE| once & week, _, is the daughter of Mr. distribution center in East Orange. f- -and Mrs. . .-»• of- -. 201-763-9414 Yow organizadoo shoukTbt get- ai 1-800-382-17467or listen to them mpre . (town). HerhusbarrtfTa~* Thank you again for your concern ting mt publicity to dtMrywand we \ ' the son pf Mr. and Mrs. . of (town) would Ifte ID he|p; We have a poMic- often by calling 1-900-786-2400. Maternal flreat-grandpaVents are about your communities and ity handbook which explan* bow to of .{town)' subscribing to Worrail Community yourFo ten yoor story. We would like to _. Paternal greatstrtndparent* are Newspapers: Vpur best source for publicize your cnb, dsvco, sports, (of town). IfM community information. Designedfor both Rotary and TouchTcneJahones. ••'•••:) tat a pfcmw or story, let us know. •••••'•. - Available 24 hoursa day. Must 6e ilor ®rto (jail. \

1 *

•—•*- «-k 7 • 7 . Uji£j?£r""gaai JT



-A.- ,' 't .-•

Last Week FRIDAY, Jan. 6 can'tbe Boys' Basketball Gov. Livingston 60. Roselle Qath. 51 WORRALL COMMUNfTY NEWSPAPERS THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, New Providence 72, Oratory 51 SECTION B Dayton 37, Johnson 30 Campbell, Wilson and Johnson each help: Indians it Girls' Basketball the fourth quarter before Rahway put despite the lack of playing time on Patrick MpAneny added AJght. , Dayton 43, Johnson 44 By Michael ZJegler for winning, but just keep playing Sammit, it was able to handle the Freeholders considering it away from the five throw line. The Playing well following the Union Gov, Livingston 74, Roselle Catb. 2 Staff Writer hard and we'll eventually pull one Ice skating Indians were 4-of-7 from the line press and committed minimal Catholic game was a big concern for Hillside 64, Roselle 18 .» " Rahway's boys' basketball team out" ' • down the stretch to earn the victory. turnovers. Pendergrast. The ttilltopperi, he «ald, Summit 53, Rahway 35 improved its record to 6-2 last Satur- Rahway's Intensity, on the other historic home purchase , .Foul trouble and the Hilltoppert' Although Summit has yet to out- available at Wrestling showed very little effort but tumetfft Lv2 Ijeailna QfateBool Dj flimii P. Cmi score anyone — its omy official win ' around against a very athletic team!" 1 ui cuiiuroi and fierilagc uiatrit, saiu Linden 44, Irvington 30. trying to bounce back from a disap- according to Patela — attributing the By Tom Omayan 1 Staff Writer 0- the county will seek state Green Acres Rahway 55, Elizabeth 9 was over Shabazz who had .to forfeit "Our ability to bounce back was the pointing " effort against Union Boys Basketball close game to it. The Indian's game F^lltor In Chief The Bdkrd^f Chosen Freeholders Wannanco because of an ineligible player — most important part of the Rahway .funds to defray purchasing costs. Ber- Catholic. " intensity may be at a level needed to is considering a purchase of the SATURDAY, Jan. 7 inexperience allowed Rahway to pull Pendergrast and his players are start- game," Pendergrast said. "We outre- nier said a Green Acres application Wannanco Ice Skating Center, a Boys' Basketball Despite the 11-pointmargaiiv Rah- ahead. Senior tri-captain Jamie Allen, beat the Hilltoppers, he added, but it The- Oxford American Diction- Andrew Hampton Horaestead-St. would necessitate additional apprai- iftciuty of the Union County Division way was unable to put Summit away ing to play with confidence. The bounded them on the offensive glass Rahway 55, Summit 44 Summit's only senior and best offen- has got to pick up if they expect to ary defines reaction as "the occur- John's Parsonage in Elizabeth from sals' of the property and delay any of Parks and Recreation, is available with its full and half court teams' scoring, Pendergrast said, is in the first half and were more agres- bfrflt bctlcr nnd 'nyrr ffiTtpffrifnrad ,1.'. Pll-rnKath ttlcfj-a-iVnl Rvn^ -purchase date. lor jjtuung uy titc puUlic six, uuys & Roselte 66, Hillside 60 -*v© player, foaled-out with three starting to become more balanced as ~ jOHTtffl ,pcr until the end of the game. The loss competition. County Chief of Parks and Recrea- week. Bayley-EUard 67, Johnson 36 minutes to play arid his team trailing players gain confidence and Allen is iod of the opposite..." • Michael Yesenko of Union, presi- drops the HHltoppers record to t-6. tion Daniel Bemier said tile depart- Girls' Basketball by four points. With their leader and welcoming the improvement dent of the Union County Historical "I am pleased so many people have 1 "They turned our I think of the word reaction when Linden 73, East Side 58 Sophomore guard Louis Campbell go-to man on the bench , the Hilltop- ment is recommending the purchase been utilizing this marvelous park \ "He has been willing to dish the I think of the actions of'two govern- Society', said the house was built in Wrestling led the Indians with 13 points as pers' scoring dwindled. of the historic house arid its'4-acre lot facility in Union County," said Free- ' ball to his teammates," he said of press into a control ing bodjles in Union County during 1696 for Andrew Hampton, a tailor by senior forwards Desmond Wilson and Rahway (5-2) on Pearl Street and the Elizabeth holder Edwin Force. "In spite of the Central 48, Roselle Cath. 12 "Once again our Inexperience got Allen. "With teams keying on him, the last two weeks regardingth e trade who oversaw highways and Johnny Johnson each poured in 12 press, not one to get River. - ... ' mild weather we experienced in Dayton 72, Roselle Cath. 6 the best of us," Summit coach Macky the other players oh the floor are get- Joint Meeting of Essex and Union roads in the county. At- that time, Ice Hockey and controlled the boards in the sec- Bemier said the county,pays the December, hundreds came out and Pendergrast said. "When Jamie fouled ting off good shots, which are starting points out of, most of Counties. Within that time period, Essex County included modem-day ond half. (H) Rahway 52, Crataford 48 foundation about $23,000 annually By Mitton MUK enjoyed this winter sport Ice skating Summit 3, Montclair-Kimberiey 2 out, our scoring and rebounding to drop for them." (H) Rahway 61, Scotch Plains 59 the Hillside Township Committee Essex .arid Union counties. "Although we lead the whole way," the game/* for renting the bouse as.office space The Board of Freeholders Is considering the purchase is wetl-suited for all members of the dropped off! They made mostof their The increased balance kept the (A) Union Catholic 55, Rahway 50 and the Roselle Park Borough Hampton and his wife, Lady Mar- of the Andrew Hampton Hofriestead-St. John's Parson- MONDAY, Jan. 9 Rahway .coach John Patela said, r— John Patela for the Office of Cultural and Heritage ( family and is a great way to exercise." free throws which opened the lead Hilltoppcrs close Saturday as junior - (A) North 13th Street Tech. 73, Rab- Council "reacted" to the controver- garet Commin, emigrated from Scot- age in Elizabeth, i Boys' Basketball "Summit did a nice job forcing us to Affairs. . . ' Gencrat skatmg sessions are held* up." •, •-. tri-captain and guard David Rofoff way 66. sy that has been occurring within land via Long Island in 1688, Yescnk- Linden 64, Good Counsel '60 shoot from the outside and really Rahway coach •. The office wiH be moving out of • Tuesdays, 9 30 a,m. to 12'30 p m Railway's press, in the past, has lead the team with 13 points, nine the sewerage authority.' o said. He was a friend of Thomas Emrriott family, and in 1750: to Rev. Ocnova, who had joined them as part- Girls' Basketball made it more of a half court game than (A) Rahway 74, University 43 the house by Jan. 31. On an interim • Wednesdays, 9-30 a.m. to 12.30 been effective in opening up a game Bradbury Chandler, a minister at St. "• owner, remodeled the house into a Hillside 72, Roselle Cath. 47 from behind the three-point arc. Allen (A) Rahway, Keamy In Roselle Park, on reorganiza- basis, it. will be housed at the United Clark,, grandfather of Declaration of we would have liked." and forcing its opponents into com- John's Episcopal Church on Broad p m. and 3-30 to 5.30 pjtn. scored 12 points before fouling out (A) Rahway 55, Summit 44 . Independence signer Abraham Clark, three-apartment building, Yesenko £'• Metuchcn 46, Mother Seton 25 Summit stayed in the game late into sive on defense. I keep telling the tion, day, the councilman who had Jersey Bank building purchased as the • Thursdays, 9*30 a.m. to 12 30 mitting turnovers. Last Saturday, and junior forward and tri-captain for whom the- township is named. Street, who married Jane Emntott, said team that there is no magic formula Jan. 10 Shabazz served as the Joint Meeting rep- future site of a juvenile detention' pm. TUESDAY, Jan. 10 Yesenko said. ''•••*. :'.'.• '..'. The Kean family's BUzabethtown resentatfve last year voted, against center. Hampton also administered the • Fridays, 9.30 a m. to 12:30 p m, Boys' Basketball The house became a-parsonage for Historical Foundation bought the the appointment that seated somc- Bemier said the county nearly estate of Dr. William Robinson, part 3 30 to 5.30 p m, 6 to 8 p.m., a family 1 Summit at Kcamy , Su John's in 1765, when a new wing jffogerty^^hlch wasjut cm^he JJjj- • tiii£i HJ ' into' an agttxis u^i it i wi ih^rlifi ~ .of .which-^remains- »-historic-silc4n. 7 session; and~'8:3G"To"iO'30 p-.nt — Roselle at Immaculata was added,' T'- '*"'•"! ' ""•""' ~'• toric American Bttildmgs Survey in Gregory Kinloch was replacedb y foundation several years ago topurch- Clark today, Yesenko said • Saturdays, 10*30 asm ;o 12:30 Johnson at Gov. Livingston The parsonage was remodeled • 1940, in I960, he said The founds.- iblican Bob Milici when the ase the house for $290,000 and also: "People woy rnanv pats in those p.ny, 1 to 3 p.m.: and 8:30 to 1Q.3Q XJirts Basket bull , in the Iflth wnniryyis a sohool lion .feawrwj—the ••honsp'to ' i» ti(3p took' control of Roselle Park take over two other historic buildings, days," Yesenko said. Keamy at Summit and mission house in 1817 and as an 1870-1920 period look. government on Jan. 1. the Belcher-Ogden Mansion and the He said lbs house's cornerstone Sundays, 10.3Q a.m. to U3D- Immaculata at Roselle expanded mission house in the 1870s, 'ItJaa very lovely place," Yesenko • In Hillside, the Township Com- NathatuefBunneh' House A deal this includes the narries of both Andrew Yesenke said. , p m.; 1 to 3 pin; 3:30 to 5:30 p m.; Gov. Livingston at Johnson ready to tangle said. mittee passed a long-winded resol- year would likely Include only the and Margaret Hampton, whkh is and 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Ice Hockey In, 1902, an Italian immigrant fami- H« said the periodical ArchjjDcture ution Tuesday night which petitions parsonage house at a lesser cost, he unique since wjveYuames were rare- For the family session, no one Cranford at Summit, 8:30 ly, Pasquale Oirolamo and his wjf^ m Hew Jersey once described the Union wrestlers visit Rawhay Joint Meeting to look at its business said. ly included on marks of ownership. Carmeto Tavormina, acquired (be under 17 will be admitted without an 1 house as "light and gracefiil, with an YESTERDAY practices to reduce the cost of its Susan Coen, director of die offfce The house later passed to the property., tn 1953, -tt widow. Rose overall feelinp of fefinwnmf." .adult. Dj Jilti PiB imhriad lm> Dwlwlutl ut 115, Dm Boys' BiiiKJTFall tt VWDic If Girls' Basketball Sports .Editor Zuenn at 130, Jody Seltzer at 135, audit of its financial records and $4 for adults, $3 for children age 17 Mark Kennedy at 152 add Jason Als- Linden at Mount SL Dominic, 4 Coming off one of Its most success- develop a budget for this year based and updfcj; and $3^0 for seriior citi- tons at. 189. . Caldwell at Summit, 4 ful seasons ever, the Union High on the "actual needs" of the sewer- Lions Club treats s with holiday gifts zen* age iim it'f{B,la off to a 5-2 jtaflTM Uounty Jrjepftotdcf t^hfllrgrol Liflfla The Warinfcrtco Ice Skating Center The last three matches between 112. The junior won frwfppaoy, D( Gioyanm, who helped past out the is located off TfflWipSBHf 'AHhamti in Reaction. Union and Rahway have produced UCT, District 10 and Region 3 titles gifts. said he was "glad tharrc*rfje#.Jieip Watjttanco Park, JRoselle, Park This Week At I've written before, therd's a some excellent wrestling. Union beat last year en route.to a superb 29-2, in some small way, which Iknow. power struggle going on at'Joint Also"acting as SantVs helpers were entrances are located on St. Georgos **•»- J^* record. He reached the sute tburna- made bur patients and reaidenls. hap- Rahway 39-21 In Union on Jan. 17, Moetjnj, and Democratic forces Freeholder Vice Chairman Ed Force Avenue, Thompson Avenue and TODAY . FH. Ftuxo rrient quarterfinals at Atlantic'GHy 1992; Rahway bested Union 32-28 in have- bftn trying to maneuver \o and Freeholders Walter McLeod and py. All you had to do was look at the Thb4 Avenue. For more information, Wrestling and had 15 pins last ywur, repeating as THE BATTLE OF UNION—Tomorrow night's wrestling match between Union and Rah- Rahway on Jan. 15, 1993 and Union oust Ejpcjitive Director Michael Linda-Lee. K^lht, smile$ on their faces," « " "^ 298-7850 for a recorded Boys' Basketball way should prove to be every much a battle as it was last year when Dan Zuena and defeated Rahway 41-26 in Union Jast UCT aid Distriist Wtiia&a£% Blinker and replace, him wtth an "The ttons Club- of New message. Snvder at X Union tnnle a A.'i.OR \i\rirvt\i • '- - • •'- .'--":-• Lu-Duikdui appointee ot tneir own, By ifto way, Summit at Cranford, 4 entertainment was provided for the many things for oiir people! here ai fWe took,:» beating oh Friday, but I'm not even^*yjng allegedly any- Girls' Basketball wrestling OK, but be will have to do a patients, residents, their friends and bounced back nicely on Saturday," more', because even some Demo- Rurmells, but it always seems td be Ice Hockey veteran Union head wrestling coach better job; Fm not overly concerned." famjlies and RunnehV staff by Pat- something special at Christmas-time, Loan crats are willin^to go off the record Dee Kings of Rhythm. Brick Memorial at Summit, 3:30 Cougar soccer school opens next week Al Lilley said. . Joe Collins, a junior, has three wins Union lost its first match of the sea- at 119 and junior Al Mermini; who "We have 345- patients and resi- Freeholder Kelly echoed all the TOMORROW I believe no ope ever expected son at home to Watchung Conference didn't wrestle last year, managed two dents who received gifts this holiday comments, and added that "the Lions program Boys' Basketball The Cougar Winter Soccer School Olympic Softball team bead coach that Joint Meeting would become foe Keamy 44-21 last Friday. The wins in his first five matches at ,126.' season from the Lions Club of New Club and the Volunteer Guild do more Dayton at Roselle, 4 for children ages 6 and older will be' Ratyh .Raymond and Yvette Girouard the political hotbed it Js—given all Farmers beat a 5-0 Roselle Park team Bertolckti, a jomor, began the week Providence-Berkeley Heights, and the than give OUt grfts. They give their Johnson at Roselle Cath., 7 ndd at Kean College campuses, in sports scene rif Southwest Louisiana and Linda the-media attention it has received weighed 50-28. Saturday night in non-with only one dual-meet loss and a hospital's Volunteer Guild members," time,' and that's not easy during the Freeholder Chairman Linda DIGlovanttthefps Rurinells Girls' Basketball Union and Hillside beginning Jan. 20. Wjells. of Arizona State. during the last month — and now conference action in Roselle Park. 5-2 record at 134. Zuena, also a said Di Giovanfii. holidays, when everyone has so much Hospital resident Ida Johnson unwrap her Christmas The Assembly Commerce and Reg- Roselle at Dayton, 4 Those intersted in participating call Additional information regarding that ue-potitical shenanigans have junior. Dashed second in the Parsip- to do." gift ulatory Professions Committee Johnson at Rotelle Cath. 4 Tony.Ocbriinenko at 908-527-2936. hnft clinics may be obtained by writ- Rahway crushed Elizabeth 55-9 in been exposed, opposing forces are Freeholder Vice Chairman Force pany Tournament and has seven wins approved legislation last week to Wrestling Classic Owl Wins 'titfihe diaches Clinic at P.O. Box Elizabeth last Friday. Union owns a trying to strike back as hard as they _ and five pins at 142.; ; • . establish a student-loan redemption Linden at Plainfield, 4 For tfte second consecutive year, 570, BrieifciNJ. 08730 or by calling' 46-21 win over the Minutemen that can. candidates for baseball and Softball took place Jan. 4 in Elizabeth. Francesca, who won the Ou (stand- • program for pharmacists who work in Ice Hockey Union County College's men's and The attempt to remove Brmker . positions. ing Wrestler, award at this year's Par- underserved areas. Summit at CJ3.A., 4 women's basketball teams won the "If we continue to improve we'll be was prevented during the Decen> Bassano cited for work with disabled Those who pass a state exam will sippany_Tournament, began the week Assemblyman Neil, Cohen, D-: Johnson at West Essex, 7 championships of the Owl Classic a good team," Lilley said. "We're'not ber session of Joint Meeting, when The Are of New Jersey, formerly known as the Associationfor Retarded Citi- moving the legislation forward so that trie issue could ultimately be decided by qualify to officiate high school varsity Open Gym In Rahway unbeaten at 151 with a 5-0 mark. He's Union, is the sponsor of the measure, played on Dec. 28 and 29 at home. there yet." one of its members had the action zens, recently named Senator C. Louis Bassano Legislator of the Year for his •the state's vo.ters in the form of an Elecuon Day referendum. SATURDAY, Jan. 14 baseball and Softball games. For , The Rahway Division of Parks and been slowed by a twisted ankle. A Coach Kevin Duggan's Owls Union finished 12-2 last year and postponed until* committee of the leadership in fighting for increased funding and services for the developmcntal- A-2236. applications write to: David R. Klein, The Bassano proposal, which gained final legislative approval in the fall, was • Boys' Basketball nipped Middlesex County College, Recreation will be sponsoring an won Parsippany Tournament, Union junior, Francesca has won District 10 iy disabled. • • • : • 11' member communities could supported by an overwhelming majority of voters on Nov. 8, 1994, thereby The bill, cosponsored by Assemb- Scotch Plains at Linden 37 Bryant Ave., Bloomfield, 07003 "Open Oym" for residents ages 18 titles as a freshman at 130 and sopho- 67-66, in the.men's title game. Hill- County Tournament, District 10 study a possible contract for Brink- . Bassano received the award based on.a career-long commitment to the deve- clearing the way for the state to issue $160 million in bonds, the proceeds of lyman Jeff MorarV,R-Ocean, would before Feb. '3. and elder, out of high school at Rah- rtore at 140. His two-year record Summit at Union, 2 side's Rashaan Bamer hit two free lopmentally disabled that culminated in his sponsorship of a $160 million bond create a "Pharmacist Losn S.sdcsy- Softball Clinics In A.C ci^jvn4,. vr» turn = with its which will goto the Divisionof DsvciuprhcTiiai Disabilities fnr.w»c;Hrauiai ihrow» ac the ena to win the game. way Intermediate School Gymnasium ence championships. prior/to this season was ia^sajY.v^d bjr&v Tweia OSTTOV. o^1954 io expafia the avaliabiiity of tea? The 22rid annual Be the Best You recommendations. pi acemeniprograms. • . . : • . . uon Program'* within the state Office ^cp Kline Place. ^ dcntlfti nfiH^ing fry thp. tnrw. than A tw\ f ^.:i:~- . r : . . ... f . Iinden^^cotch JPlajris, 2 .Jathj.gpnBn's t only M IUM uuuiuuluut Unit rt Fred Perry's Lady Owls defeated ~ Openings are limited and registra- win was the North Jersey, Section 2, "160 and two at 151, filling to"fo r "The passage of the bond act will eventually bring to an end the nearly inter- Bassano stressed that he had to employ this politically-risky strategy in order Jan. 19-21 at the Trump Regency in passed the resolution Tuesday, just would provide a method for qualified Wrestling Essex (Maryland) Community Col- tion is on a first come, first served Group 4 crown, falling to Randolph Francesca. Seltzer finished fourth at minable wait experienced by those families with developmentally disabled' to help the cause of the bond issue "because at least one fourth of the 4,000 Atlantic City and the 22nd annual Be time for that committee meeting pharmacy students to redeem a por- Johnson at Central, 1 lege, 70-48 in the finals. Linden's basis. A proof of residency is for the second straight year in the 160 in the Parsippany Tournament. children who are desperately struggling to provide the constant care and atten- developmentally disabled whose families are considered so desperate for resi- tion of their student-loan expenses for the Best You Are Softball Coaches yesterday. Winter Track Raqia Johnson, led th e way in that required. '.-,. • final. ..Uaioala. only losses last year .Jim tocse.indiyjduali .need whilc^ying to maintain a home and livelihood," dential placement are.in danger of harm orscirioas regression Often ;hr.y. {••);/.;.. each-year-of-scrvieo-Hhcy- -provide Camc-wit! take place Jan. 19>2I at the Senior "Chris"• ATrneno5 "recorded ""The Mi fotai'Mcqing~«-*che* State Relays game as well as against Rockland Registration is accepted at the were early at Cranford 35-33 and late Bassano noted. 4 • involve an adult with severe disabilities being cared for by an eidcr.ly parent duled to meet Jan. 19 at 4 p.m. in 1 pharmaceutical work in an under-. Sheraton Inn in Cherry Hill. Claude H. Reed Center, Monday victories against Kearny and Roselle with limited resources. As the saying goes, desperate times require desperate (NY) Community College in the at home to Randolph 39-28. Maplewood Town Hall. We're not . The bond legislation, which provides $160 /billion in funding to be utilized served New Jersey community. MONDAY, Jan. 16 Baseball instructors include former through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Park at 160 and brother Steve has won measures; Iknew that the cause was one that any^sute lawmaker with a heart opener. Union was led last year by Dave sure if those recommendations will exclusively for services to reduce the community residential waiting list, The maximum loan redemption Boys' Basketball Major League All-Stars Reggie Smith The 10-week program will begin five matches at 172 and one at 185. could not possibly ignore." ' ' . Bubnowski at 103, Greg Francesca at be. presented, but it should be an appeared to have little chance of becoming a reality as late as June 1994 during would be 15 percent for one full year Johnson at Chatham, 4 Umpires Needed of the Dodgers and Bob Boone of the Thursday, Jan. 19 and will be held Steve has done a tremendous job after 140, Ron Bubnowski at 145, Frank interesting session. the Legislature's combative budgetary process. But with fale of the governor's Tijc Arc of New Jersey represents more than 5,800 members and member- of service, 20 percent for a second full Ice Hockey The New Jersey State Baseball . Phillies. eachThursdayfrom7:45 to9:45p.m. coming back from the serious auto- Giordano at 160 and Jayson Washing- I'm sure we'll see more of the budget hanging in the balance, BasSano decided tc-TwId his potential vote in families in New Jersey. The organization consists of 20 chapters devoted to year, and 40 percent for a fourth full Summit at Bayonne, 3:15 Umpires Association is accepting For more information please con- mobile accident he was in back in support of the administration's budget "hostage" until, he received assurances Softball instructors include USA ton at heavyweight. Others who had 'reaction" played out there. various education, medical, respite, intervention, family training and employ- year. The total redemption of student tact the recreation office at 827-2045. September of 1993. from Governor Whitman and legislative leaders that they would commit to solid years for the Fanners last season ment programs. loans may not exceed $70,000: iubscribe Today,.,"Yonr Best Source For Community Information" "Your Best Source For Community Information" WORRALLGOMMmsilTYlsrEWSPAPERS. INC. WORRAI I rnn/iMMMiTV MCWCDA DPPQ

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B2 - THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1995 - WORRAU. NEWSPAPERS WORRAU. NEWSPAPERS -THURSDAY, JANUARY ii 1685 - B3 COUNTY NEWS nec3ed to mtornW^Eijglish'speaking Counseling is topic i includetheEimlenRe^»atonE)epart- Through Grief. These lectures began The lectures will be held at St. Regisiration will be at The door and adults hi UnionCounty.Smdents can ''Counseling ^ Arfdicwd p^ ^ment, the Arc of Union; CJcntai^, the Jan. 11 Mid will continue weekly Paul's Episcopal Church on East ample parking will be available. For Ieam technique^ (6t teaching adults County college releases of students served and Family in U» Group Setting" will City of Suairrni's Recpation Depart- through Feb. 15. beginning at 7:30 Broad Street in Westfield. They arc more information, call <908) SATURDAY JANUARY 2t».1W4 , be. the topic of » seminar on Jan. 20 by how to read, write and speak English. ment and the YMCAs in -Scotch .p.m Union County College in 1993-94 student-cortducted birthday parties on Jersey. The college and the university .sive landscaping and .seeding the area The college also developed addi- free and non-denominational. 486-0700 or (908) 654-3711. Snow dat« January 2tth the National Council on AIcoBolism No "prior, teaching isxperience fe Plains and' 'F(vc Points in Cfnion." will offer jointly health professions between the Nomahegan Building, tional articulation agreements with 1 served 25,761 individuals in its cre- each pajtapus and dedication of new EVENT: flea Maijw.L '• .••••.-. necessary.- •'; 'j ; • ... • In addition to the.prbgjams funded programs leading to a joint associate Science Building and the Commons. and Drug Dependence of Union dits, noncredit and community ser- ' facilities. Caldwell College, Caldwell, St. PLACE: Redeemer Lutheran Church, For more infortna'tioii and (o regis- by the grpnt, thebounty's schedule, in arts degree. . . ' At the Elizabeth campus, the elevators 134 Prospect Avo.; Irvlngton. ;{ ,, County Inc. aHts office at 300 North vices offerings at its campuses in "It has been my privilege and plea- Peter's College, Jersey City, Kean ter, at!H9e8)^25'T755) df wrije'to: includes fishing derbies, a barn.dancc sure over the last year to servo as host Another major accomplishment were renovated ,§uid modernized, College of New Jersey, Union, and TIME: SAM to 3PM. '-•• HV, Avenue East in Westfield. Is A Cranford, Elizabeth, Kainfield and PRICE: Tables available fof-$1B.OO,ca« Literacy Volunteeip of Union County, and swirhmfaig. A bimoftthly listihg of Under a National Science Founda- Taught by James O'Connell, a Scotch Plains and at off-campus of the college's 60th anniversary was the establishment-of the Jobs/Port Fairleigh Dickinson University in ' 201-372-0084 or 201-763-3281. 'Hot 926 N. Wood Ave>; Linden; 07036. upcoming activities is aTailable free ' tion Grant, the college installed a licensed psychologist m private prac- locations. celebrations," said Thomas H. Brown, Educational Institute to provide) edu- Rutherford, all in New Jersey, and lunch available. Items (or sale: clothes, of charge by calling the- Division of, gateway to Internet, the fiber'optics books, records; hounewarps, jeWalry, tice in \ienichenj the course is $45 in Grant received . According to the college's annual UCC president. "Our 60th anniver- cational and training services for Mount Aloysius College, Cresson, Parks and Recreation at >(9O8) SSine superhighway system, provided cus- etc. • • ' The Union.County Board of Cho- report issued last week, the college sary year was made special by the workers at Port Newark/Port Eli- PaJ; Tuskegoe Institute, Tuskegec, advances, $50 at the door. 527-4900. • ORGANIZATION: Redeemer Lutheran sen.Freeholders have announced that' in WorraU Community Newspapers served 6,071 full-time and 8J599 part- cementing of ties with two of Union zabeth. This is a joint project of Union tomized training/or faculty and staff A]», and Widener University, Chester, Church To ftfglstcr, call NCADD of Union' time students in Degree programs, County^ largest corporations, Merck County College, Essex County Col- to use the system and published and Pa. b Counfy at <90S) i33-88l0. " the county's Division of Parks and Stewards named February 9, 1995 * distributed a booklet, Recreation is the recipient of a grant and 10,991 in continuing education, & Company and' Schering-Plough lege and the Port Authority' of New The Two Plus Two Tech Prep Con- Coutee; offered for CPR . The Rutgers Cooperative Extension Corporation. These companies made York and New Jersey.- . '. "UCC:Navigating the Internet" The ' from the .New Jersey Department* of j noncredit offerings, including stu- sortium was expanded to include 11 of Union. County 4 H Program It's easy to do! !fl t\\ Acne-JDlahevslq/, Health and;Safe- fVirnmnnitV Affairs WhtchwHI Urtriw- lu me Carol .Compose Jr' / - -wrantaior, announces that the write recreational activities especially wi-ivuijvcu uiiu uic TOiiowing^ people Union County Police Academy, 'laboratories in the Elizabeth campus. xlesigncd and awarded contracts total- thc-art automated library system, pro-. tions for articulation in professional weeks) for , _v , atid Eastern Union County Chapter of the have completed training to be" 4-H your message. The synergistic merger of academic ing $3 mitfion for an addition to the viding access to library holdings, and County and ju£<$30.00 torboBt Your; for people With disabilities. the Industry Business Institute, nursing, office systems technology, notice must be In our Madtewood Americm fted Cross"wHI conduct an Master 1V6e Stewards: Ida Breitbart and corporate resources is the comer- campus center building at the Cran- other.serviccs from all college person- The $9,000 Recreational Oppprfyn- Make it fanny, Elizabeth sent the largest number mechanical engineering technology, office (463 Valley Street) by4:30 PJM-* instructor course in "CPR for the Pro- and Robert Markey of Rahway, Bes* stone of an employed and productive ford campus to provide state-of-the- al computers and from home-based on Monday for publfcawn the-follow^ ities for Individuals with Disabilities dramatic, or of students to Union County College electro-mechanical technology,-com- fessional Rescuer with,an optional Chambers of, Summit, Jeanne Lind- T-Bone: Ros«$ ars red, violets are community. Our corporate partners art fitness center, dance studio, and computers. • . puter science/date processing,, ing Thursday. Adverflsemeftt ffiaV' grant will supplement the county's blue, I know you love me. And I in 1993-94,4,068. Union County Col- also be placetf-at 170 «*o«ana Ftoad,, basic level CPR and first aid instruc- quist and Minna. Sherling of Linden. write a poem. ."- arc an jncr^^inoly vi^ rpfrtprtnmg.nl classrooms. J. ^During the year, the college- raised ongoing efforts in this regard. Prog- lova yog top'Nancy ; To Mom and Dad. With great lege enrolled 1,773 suidcius .from . account—Uau—processing, and .-.To-heoomo 4-H Maataf Tree 6te» At the Cranford campus,- the col- 52.219,857 in private gifts and contri- rams being planned for 1995 include a parants like ymrguysrwrebukfhT Union, 1,695 from Plainficld, 1,618 in our growth and in the continued marketing. Stuyvosant Ave'., Union. For mpre The course runs a total of five days ward, one needs to complete a lose. WIA/A e lovl>t**eA IIMIyo1u n^twithL al-.11l ou_..^r lege also renovated and modernized butions, and county, state and federal information call 763-941-1. crafts, golf, post-stroke'exercise clas- 20 WORDS from Linden, 1,354 from Cranford, fulfillment of our mission." •Other major accomplishments — all weekends — or about 30 hours. "20-hoiir course in arboriculture and hearts. Hugs and Kisses. r and 1,246 from Wcstficld. A major, accomplishment during the chemistry laboratories to serve . grants and contracts. It also received a include-awarded $6,068,524 to 2,550 ses, volleyball and square dancing. The cost ranges from $175 io $265. Funds will also be used by thepffice pledge 30. hours of volunteer time to OF LOVE L A highlight of the 1993-94 year the year was the establishment of a about 1,000 students taking introduc- grant of $913,000 from the New students in federal, state and institu- V To a great teaml Pat, Joyce, Gale The deadline, for registration is April teaching youth about snade trees and Happy Valentine's Day to the best tory to advanced chemistry courses; Jersey Sports and Exposition Authori- of Cultural and Heritage Affairs to Paula, Stacle and Pia. Happy was 'the observance of the 60th Regional Health Education Center at tional financial assistance; imple- 8. The instructor certification is rec- their care. • $700 .family a girl could have. Skeeter ' replaced a protion of the roof of the Call the editors. present a conference titled, "Arts Valentine's Day To You All anniversary of the college's founding the Scotch Plains Campus utilizing • ty and a special appropriation of $1.3 mented long range plan to provide a ognized nationally by all American" _For more information, call James / on Oct. 16; 1933. The activities the Health Technologies Building in Nomahegan Building, which was million from the New Jersey Legisla- computer in every faculty office and Ever want to talk about something Across the Ages: The .' Year of "Coach" Red Cross chapters. Access." The focus of the conference mchnadowioz, 4-H Agent, at (908) included a gala concert and auction, a cooperation with the University of opened in 1959, and designed and ture from the addition to the campus retaihed excellent financial condition you think should be in the paper? For more informaiion, call (908) will be on'encouraging senior adult 654-9854. dinner-dance, lectures, concerts, Medicine and Dentistry of New constructed a courtyard with exten- center. per audit report of Ernst & Young. Know something that might make a Valentine Hiove Lihe:5 Easy Order Blank good story? Do you know someone 353-2500 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. involvement in recreational artistic Lectures presented • ... weekdays or leave a nanic and com- activities. who might be the subject of an inter- The Center for Hope Hospice is esting feature? Do you know of a plete address with the answering ser- "Union County has a long-standing Women for Women offers workshops vice after-hours at the same phone offering a series of lectures for sports story we don't? commitment to providing recreational bereaved adults titled, Journey- Bill transfers costs Women for Women of Union ipulation and criticism', reduce anxie- number. • opportunities to all county residents, cr"—Feb. 2; snow date Feb. 9. As an If the answer to any or all of the County Inc.,'has added three new ty, increase self-esteem and present a said Freeholder Edwin Force, liaison entire generation of women approach- above is yes, call the editors at Volunteers sought eight-week programs to its support positive self. to the Parks and Recreation Advisory THE WORLD OP CARDS from county to state es menopause, many arc already 686-7700. Literacy Volunteers of Union * COMICS COWVBimoWS groups which start on Jan. 16 or Jan. "Coping With Separation and Board. "While our goal 4s to have all * A bill sponsored by Assemblyman Monroe Jay Lustbader, R-Union, experiencing discomfort and stress. . General or spot news: Chris Gatto, County will hold a tutor-training 8UNDAT JAM. 15, 1BSS 17, at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall of Divorce'' — Mondays beginning Jan. our programs accessible to all mem- 10 AM-4 P.M. that will transfer Judicial and Probation employees from county payrolls Women can find out how they can managing editor. workshop for new volunteers to teach Wcstfield Presbyterian.. _Q»KCh._140. 16. A support group fpr.separated and "manage your own menopause" and bers of the public, we recognize that Admission: *2.00 to the state payroll; and consequently yield significant .savings for taxpay- Sports news: Jim Parachlnl, sports' English as a Second Language. The . BrtngThla AJltorSOt OFF Mountain Avc, Westfield. The prog- divorced women and those comlemp- enhance the quality of their life. there are members of our community ers in Essex and Union, has been signed into law by the Governor editor. six-session workshop will be held on Admission. One Per Customer Print one word per space. Whitman. rams -are as follows: lating these decisions. The group will Saturday mornings starting Jan. 21 who need or desire activities designed "Comic Book*, Sport Have A ion Sport* Otm "The intention of the measure is two7old.lt will address such issues as —Wcstficld: "A New SelMmige''— ~tn5cnss~ iossY~TcjectTon^~~gTrnrj anger -=--'I-Gatr'^-Rehncr-I Don't Have- through March 4 Irom 9:30 a:m. to ^Specially "fui pp llli spcct3lp " - love linex onIy~$X0Q~ Tuesdays beginning Jan. 17. For those and loneliness. TimcM!"— March 2. Leisure is often • Collectible* Si More" • Pension Benefits, and Collective Bargaining with no strings attached 12:30 p.m. needs. This grant will enable us to • HOLIDAY INN SPRINGFIELD • Heart. ~ who are ready to address issues of Leadership Training — A training difficult for women to incorporate PUBUC NOTICE relief," said Lustbader. The sessions will be held at the offer these activities." • . (304 KT. 32 WEST) « Your Valentine Love line Can - small heart add $1,00 • self-esteem, self-care, weight man- program for those who have been in a into their lives. In a world filled with NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION New.Providence Library, 377 Elk- "Joining us in this effort in 1995 are . The bill, A-2381, establishing "The Judicial Employees Unification PURSUANT TO RS 39 1OA-1 m CALL TJ • 908-968-3886 . 'm have a heart. You can choose Act," implements the constitutional amendment approved by state voters agement and life style. Body/mind support group and demonstrated lead- work, commitments and fatigue, they United American Lien Si'Recovery Corp wood Ave., .New Providence. many local recreation departments DIRECTlOfJS-Hollri.iylnn 304Route sometimes prevent themselves from wlli sail the following autos to highest bidder •22 We»t. Springfield, NJ 07081 • in November 1992, which called for the assumption of certain court- connection will be addressed. ership qualities. Participants will subject to any liens; 15% BUYER PREM Volunteers aged 18 and" older are and YMCAs.," noted County Manager from 3 different size hearts. The - medium heart add $2.00 • Ieam about group dynamics and how joyfully playing and embracing the Cash or Cashier Check; any persons Inter- •Garden State Parkway Northbound: • related costs and functions, presently bomc by the counties, by the state Book Discussion Group. Call ested ph (305) 947-7922. Ann M. B.araa "Cooperating agencies #al cut 140. follow tlgn. for !We 42 We»t« one you choose will be placed at. 232.-5787 Tor further infra-ma Firm to facilitate a pmnn f*n1l *7T?.S787 in- life around them. If they feel guilty CiU fc nATC • Garden Siale fi"^—««*—»i-4 »- : p.m., 1421 OakTros Rd.. Isoiln.NJ 0SB30 transfer be passed on to the taxpayers. •• • • "Women Who Love Too Much"— rcgistcr. when they relax, this is an opportunity LOT 699 1988 Mercedes 2 dr. vln»: "*" - large heart add $^.w Lj Tuesdays beginning Jan. .17. A self- to enjoy an evening "play shop" of WDBEA5008JA777981 NJ Turnpike Northbound: Off at exit 1 l.j» The counterpart of this bill, S-1548, was introduced in the state Senate Roselle Park: Community United Uenor: JV Custom Car, 512 Pennsylva- Follow (j^> N as above. « _ . check the box for the size heart you want and enclose fun exploring and have the time of nia Ave.. Elizabeth.'NJ by Senate President Donald DiFrancesco, and Senator William Gormley. • help group for women whose relation- Methodist Church, Chestnut Street, A.M. ELECTRONIC SERVICE IP 'Turnpike Southbound: Offal 14. Follow your life. The leader is Laraine Cox LICENSED a. BONDED the total amount along with your message * According to the Administration Office of th6 Courts, total statewide ships with men up .to now have been Roselle Park. "Systematic Training AUCTIONEERS APPRAISERS . SERVICE ON ALL BRANDS OF: Home il weeL • • usually destructive. Bring a,copy of Reedy. . U3766 WorraU Community Newspapers, " Deadline Thursday, February 2,4 pm savings from the implementation of this act will reach $106 million by For Effective Parenting" —beginning January .6, 12, 1995 (Fee: *18.90) TV • VCR • STEREO * MICROWAVE OVEN 1996, and continue to rise. "Women Who Love Too Much" by Jan 18. STEP is designed to help Please find $ • .- •—_ enclosed, or charge to this credit card Robin Norwood. • • parents learn new parenting skiliis and The same satieties Show that Essex County will save $1-5.8 million for ; the next-fiscal year. Union County will save S9.2million in its 1996 fiscal Single Parenting — Mondays techniques. Participants work FOH FREE JP/O/C LZUvisa (check one) • MasterCard beginning Jan. 16. Single parents piay Pnsant$At budget. Also, according to the administrative office of the courts, Essex together in small support groups to Niimhar will transfer 1,087 employees to the state, and Union will transfer:5b6. a key fblc in family stability. The' discuss common concerns. The fee is THE WESTW00D' ' Lustbader said, "This new law has balanced thc-intercsts-of govern'-.: development .of jhe iieed^gf^paVents. waived, jf unable to pay.; , t .^. , _438 North Ave., Garwood, N.J. 908-629-0439 201-282-0496! Expiration Date v ; ment employees, the judiciary, and the taxpayers., . .. ^ • •[. _ and chjidoen wiil be addressed. |n rhe Community Education Monthfy Signature ; ; ;v;; ;—: „,,, , „,,. • The Whitman administration has said that it'wiH bfe able-ttf cover the? Buppdrt^rpup,,participants will learn Workshops, Wcstfield: fA Nevy., "SffOWCSSE OF SANDS" costs, of the transfer, without negatively impacting the overall state new parenting skills and techniques Year's Renewal: Letting Go of Ihe Uond»y, jtnurr 16, 1995 • 7:30 ju^ •BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCI ''mm^'^mein9lam.-5p;W.)if#ehavetiquestion. -•. IZE Name, budget, through other cost-saving measures. by sharing with^ other single parents. Old, Restoring Your Self-Image" — DOOR P" "SHOWCASE OF DJ'S" "In introducing this bill, I wanted to ensure that Essex and Union coun- "Building Self Esteem—Mondays today. This program will be an ofrer- Wednesday, Junury 18, 1996 • 730 pjn. THEATRE Address. view and preparation for the "New ties, and other counties, would be relieved of an inequitable burden, beginning. Jan. 16. Interactive experi- Top EnUrUlnment • RMaonaU* Price* • Specialty Acts • Fully Insured City. .State which should more fairly be assumed by state government," expalined ence in .a trusting environment group Self-image Group" starting on Jan. Wedding* • Bar/Bat Mttrvshs • Any Occasion • Karaoke Available Phone Number, Lustbader. will help participants to communicate 17. Leader will be Dorothy Van Dyke. For reservations or adStkmal thowcase dales call (201) 492-0928 or (90S) 789-0808 B •••••••••••••••••••••••a) directly and openly, respond to man- "Menopause and The Baby Boom- B mall to: Valentino Lov& Unoa worrall Community Newspapers, inc. A nYelf fotrndoGtloiT to baUet P.O. Box 15* Montclair Kim'berley Academy Maplewood, New Jersey 07040 201 Valley Road, Montclair For Dcpehdable, Professional & Courteous Service- We'll send a postcard notifying that special person that Tickets: $Ellli $551 1 their Valentine message will appear Feb. 9th. Love one's "«"" SUPER STRETCH LIMOUSINES • LUXURY SEDA.NS 201-744-1717 Their address —-———— • • - NEW MODELS AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES Sponsored by tie Arts Cound of the Essex Area City _ -State Zip. Salute to Local • AIRPORTS • WEDDINGS • PROMS i • NIGHT OUT • SHOWS • ATLANTIC CITY AAWI-t. UJV1 AND ALL OCCASIONS Business fi Industry 24 HOUR SERVICE • COMPETITIVE RATES : _«:/-' ,'-;5i*- • ' • .- --., _ iJbVg.t. CORPORATE ACCOUNTS WELCOME .r. Martin Luther King, Jr. had a vision in which freedom would I ring true for every citizen. Please )dln us in salntlng this great' An Easy Way To Get An 'American on the anniversary of hit birth. Exciting New Landscaped Look! Speedy Car Wash outshines g 541 ROUTE 22 WEST, HILLSIDE 5 _, the at and K-SftlJ^JSW 908-687-7771 8. STONE PRODUCTS TIPPING is NOT PERMlTTm •BBBBBBBBBBBBBPBBBBBBBH 681 Morrfa Trnpkn Springfleld NURSERY STOCK 201-376-3385 It's located in an industrial area Wash offers,firee, self-service mat MAPLEWOOD NURSERiES on Lehigh Avenue — not exactly washing equipment, something the kind of place you might expect many other car washes dispense 160 Springfield Avenue to find a car wash; but somehow the only for an extra charge. Speedy WINTER HOURS PETER PAUL & CORCORAN Springfield 201-376-7698 Speedy Car" Wash has managed to also offers coin-operated, self- OPEN 7 DAYS Attorneys at Law do quite nicely over the past 20 service vacuum cleaners. Phones 1 Cleveland PI., Springfleld years. ' Rooney always keeps his equip- 8 AM - 6 PM 201-467-5888 "The thing that's been interesting ment up to date, replacing washing Participate Here is that there's no other commerce equipment as part. of an ongoing for the SUCCESS of your on the street," said owner Gene commitment to giving the best SPEEDY GAR WASH Rooney, "but there are people who wash for the money. Personalized Hand Detailing TONY'S SERVICE STATION BUSINESS & COMMERCIAL go far out of their way to come to "There's no equipment in the 1859 Morris Avc, Union us." ' world that will do an absolutely On Every Car Washed 908-687-1449 - Concern According to Rooney, who has perfect wash," he explained, operated the business for the past 100% BRUSHLESS adding, however, that a little extra (Soft-Cloth System) CALL TODAY TO BE 20 years, the customer receives the effort can produce a superior best possible service at a reasonable service. Gentle Touch IN THIS DIRECTORY price.. At Speedy Car Wash, Rooney's K'o Scratches or Swirls THE UNION CENTER During winter months, Speedy employees take time to wash off Gleaming Whitewalls, Connections singles maetingflace i6 NATIONAL BANK 908r«686r7700 ext 340 "Car Wash completely removes road excess dirt from every vehicle MSrris XvKTTOBSr ~ 908-688-9500 ask for Dorothy Gorlin salt from vehicles. before it even enters the conveyor Union accessible to both TouchTone and ROTARY callers. At Speedy Car Wash, an exterior — and the workers must greet each Specializing in wash goes for about $2 less than the customer courteously because it is Dear Business Owner, . You'll get a FREE 3O.yrard print ad, FREE voice greeting, • additions & average car wash, a competitive their job to do so. This Salute to our Business & Industry review offers you and FREE message retrieval one time per week. price in a business where customers quality work: new constructions When the car wash is not operat- the opportunity to advertise your business on a bl- Thatmakes it really easy for yon to make Connections. UNION TOWNSHIP PBA can be charged $7. simply for an ing, Rooney is still busy keeping all monthlyJjMfcr at a special rate. It also provides a chance LOCAL 69 RESIDENTIAL • general wiring & lighting exterior wash, not to mention equipment in working order. Place.>ow,HfeConnec(ion^,adri^t now by calling: 981 Catdwell Art, Union COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL amenities such as hot wax. for your {Miriness to be featured In a review, telling our 908-686-07* • small & large repairs "We've really done a lot of main- readers what your business offers in an article form, with Rooney, though, at his i totally tenance on our equipment," he said. 1-800-382-1746 « new & old work "brushless" operation," provides "I think that our assemblage of a photo, on a rotating basis. 24 hours a day electnic,tnc~ more than just a lower price, while equipment is superior to most other Grouping businesses together is a positive way of show* • update services providing personalized service in car washes in the area." ing the diversity of goods & services which can only be of 908-276-3687 * recessed lighting what can be a very impersonal, high During winter months, Speedy value to you. volume business. Car Wash is open seven day* a Call Dorothy Gorlin at WorraU Newspapers today at • • ^ • •. • •'.•-•"••• : .'••.- ••• •••• .„' - • JOSEPH PUERARI Prerident • 110 v smoke detectors In addition, the Speedy Car week from 8 a.nt to 8 pjit 90JW86-7700, exU 340 to reserve your space. Connections ij accessible 14 hours a day and is available to . THESE COMMUNITY MINDED BUSINESSES AND ORGANEATICMrS HAVE SPONSORED THIS MESSAGE FitUy Insured 'License 07837-A TouchToneand rotary dial callers. You must be J 8 or older to call.

iM ium wA :A V&jjataja^^ ^T: C]\:'^I.^^:C\.

B4 -J THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1MS - WOBRALL NEWSPAPERS t if ARTS & ENTERTAINMEI WOBRALJ. NEWSPAPERS - THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1895 - SS ARTS GEMINI -f > the imitation of Sullivan mumbling may seem frustrating at first, you'll you will be able to really enjoy your- will go a long way. Try not to put and effort. This will ceruumyget you ftsel good about it law on. News of a aggravating, especially if you're • the 1950s and 1960s arc rejuvenating tOVIGW fanuary 15-21 noticed in the workplace. A romantic «elf. Accept unusual social invitations tasks off Until the last minute as they "...a rilly big shew..." to a dozen birth or engagement will be a pleas- may lake longer than you expect. A working towards long-term .goals.' and entertaining audiences at the Pap- weekend is «ln store. ». a new romance is what you desire. But remember, what you sacrifice Scnor Wcnces' Johnnies, and the \W£r March 21/April 20 ant surprise, ignore gotsip; especial- creative endeavor turns out a lot bet- Financial success will only come to now will pay off doubly in the year er Mill Playhouse in Millburn, as four Pancho hcad.in the boa "to To Jo Gijo, Jld saying, "what comes around, ly if it's in the workpnee.' those who are serious about saving. ter than you'd ever imagined. young men harmonize favorites in a their original New York roles — ;aa>tmd,* applies this week. So CANCER-June 22/July 22 to come. Wedding bells will be ring- to tumbling acts, balancing dishes, Art excellent week foe success. If you ing this year. A dose family member concert-like .show called "Forever Sparky; played by Jonathan Brody, ""'" "pofitaneous tide al bay LIBRA-Sept 23/Oct 23 CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 everything that made up the'Ed Sulli- fore you act. Plan out a ire involves In any type of scientific PISCES - Feb 19/Mareh 20 may decide totie the knot and Plaid." It's an enjoyable treat toihosc Jinx, played by Roy Chicas, Smudge, van Show. work, you could make a major break- A happy week overall. You'll realize An unexpected expense may set your An unreliable friend does something . you'll probably be asked to take bre;|»king on -a major that life is good. Your work schedule finances back this week. You may of us who grew up with that kind of played by David Engcl and Frankie, ,-nyiseiydu could etid up through', while .Cancers in creative else to disappoint you. You'll realize part in the ceremony. You'll feel played by. Robert Lambert — to the The musical continuity. and vocal fields will be able to pat innovative "may be a bit more hectic than usual, have to make some sacrifices if you ' that there are somcjpeople you just honored by such a request. If single, music and a special new treat to the .:r~gd extra work: Travel arrange- but you'll find great satisfaction' in wish to balance your budget A chance ' audience arc their talents, their simpl- and musical arrangements are cre- m?Wsaeed careful attention. ideas into action. Romance is look- cannot count on. Good news from an the best months for new romance young who arc hearing it all for the your creative pursuits. There are many meeting with an old flame reminds unexpected source brightens the lat- icity, their ailments and their foibles. dited to the late James Raitt. Much ing good, too. Make sure you show are June and July. However, lasting first time. • loved ones how you feel. happy and romantic moments to be you of the past. A feeling of nostalgia ter part of the week for you. If a credit is duo to the marvelous lighting JAIJIKJS.-. Aprfl 21/May 21 • enjoyed this weekend. Your partner love is most likely found in the fall. Surrounded by a medley of such One young man suffers from bloody will warm your heart. A good time to change of scene is what you desire, New friendships are al*o likely with by Neil Peter Jampolis and Janc'-Rcis- Tune will-be a_yaluable commodity may have a special surprise for you. ' catch up on correspondence. splendid music as "Three Coins in a noses, another has asthma — but this week.iJse it well.,Although you LEO-July23/August23 now's the time to take a trip. Lcos and Scorpios. man, wiih Debra Stein in charge of . Alwiys.strivetp.lje your best • Fountain." "Love Is n Mann. when all four get together, everything Stay way front-large investments f Splcndorcd Thing," and "Catch a is lorgolten in their earnest effort to ^ievisicm a(tdrctai(,youI probably the week to make any type of finan- SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 entertain. sound design, and Lora K. Powell as wwil gjet a chance for such luxuries. Your intensity and drive will get you Falling Star," warbled by four versa- OotxTjicws M\ oome from ah unex- cial dealings, instead, focus your ' stage manager. energies on the simple things tolife . exactly .vyhaf you want this week. tile, extremely talented young men, And cntcnain, they do. Before pected, source; You will learn some- After all, hard work is no stranger to The most gratifying part of the thing new 6n hriday. Share quiet moments with family the production was cleverly written, long, in a theater decorated with plaid and friends. •- you. Problem* may arise in B roman- directed and choreographed by Stuart colors, they give forth an extravagan- show is when the foursome'receive a tic relationship. Patience will be Ross. It comes to Jhe, Paper JMill za of music as thcyjhug_ their four gift .package of their pi aid. jackets. needed in this area. A good week to And then they ically Uu yorne brgTirhe directly from its lengthy four-year microphones. Even the ushers wear enter contests and play louerles. harmonizing — reaching their goal — Make the time for exercise.- off-Broadway run. It also was staged plaid bowiics — accompanied by a ' becoming famous. , in 30 major cities across the- world. tuxedoed pianist, who also is the mus- DINER AND RESTAURANT Most unusual is the story line ic director, David Gursky, donning a They arc saddened by the fact that By Pla Wilson which concerns four innocent young pair of plaid sneakers, and Andy they must now return to their heaven- RECIPE The mysteries of the Orient have DOUBLE DRAGON men who, like thousands of other Eulau, bass player. One nould hear ly endeavors, but to the minds of their •Forever Plaid1 harrrionizers, from left, David Engel, Robert Lambert, Jonathan Brody unfolded before American eyes for young men of that pcriqa1, formed a many in the audience singing along to audiences in the siory and the theater, and Roy Chicas, play a 1950s musical group in the concert-like show at the Paper Mill With Fresh-Squeezed Juice end Coffee OF THE WEEK hundreds of years. From the discov- Mysteries of the Orient have unfolded. "guy group" and tried to emulate the "Anniversary Song," "Dream Along they arc "Forever Plaid." Playhouse, Millburn. The production, which has added another performance on Jan. 31 Starting a f 1.99- ery of silk to exotic spices, Asian' COMPLIMENTS OF countries have provided a mother- jukebox sounds of the Ames Brothers, With Me," "Gotta Be This Or That," The audience is placated, however, at 8 p.m., will run through Feb 5 EARLY Bf THE GARDEN RESTAURANT lode of cultural phenomena. One of The.Four Coins, the Four Lads, the "Heart and Soul," "Lady of Spain," by reminiscence, envisioning and the first cultural exchanges between Four Freshmen and the Four Aces. "Magic Moments," "Moments to remembering the innocent decade PREPARED BY countries is often recipies. These four, whctall themselves Fore- Remember" and "Rags to Riches." 'before rock V roll took over. And MASTER CHEF 8PIRO Chinese food has become assimi- ver Plaid, maintaining full-time jobs There also is audience participa- where else, we ask, are we going to lated into the ethnic melting pot of and singing their hearts out at wed- tion, some really fun moments, and an hear "Love Is a Many-Splcndored Vereen set Concert scheduled outstanding Calipso scene where the this country, and the phnCse "get- dings, Bar Miuvahs, church func- Thing" sung with quite such vitality The Weslficld Symphony will Open 24 Hours • 7 Days A Week boys entertain in a medley of songs The symphony is offering a spring ting- some Chinese" is almost as • lions, supermarket openings, and'so and harmony ever again? resume its 1994-95 "Season of Favo- and comedy such as "Matilda" and for college mini-subscription, to include the all- 1079 Rt. 22 East • Mountainside American as getting a piece of on, Finally get their big break. On their rites" Jan. 28 with an all Beethoven "Kingston Market." Also outstanding "An Evening with Ben Verecn' Bccthovcn concert, an all strings GARLIC SHRIMP mom's apple pie. At the Double way in to pick up their beloved plaid program at -Wcstficld High School, program March f,, and a concert per- (908)233-1098 1 axe the production numbers accom- will be held at Kean College of Dragon, Jocated...at...J23flL";Mairis_ jackets, their "plaidmobile' is struck Rahway Avenue and Dorian Road. panied by "Papa Loves Mambo," Show gone New Jersey in "Union as the "actor formance of "La Bohcme"orrAprn8." Ave. in Union, a person can satisfy. by a school bus filled with Catholic "Pcrfidia," "Sixteen Tons," "Tempta- and dancer "showcases his artistry" The concert will feature a guest Prices stan at S51. . .. a sweet tooth with an almond coo- school girls and nuns on, their way to "Restless Heart," the country music 1 lb. of Shrimp 16 to 25 iTonT*' *|Sh" Boom' (Life Could Be a Feb. 9. Tlic program, which is t>art appearance by the Jroica Trio, who. The Wcstficld Symphony is a prn- GRAND OPENING sec The" Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show -originally scheduled for-Febr} fi- 1/25 ciip ol white wine - trie or calm an empty stuttim.1i' wtlli Dream)'," and "Undecided." The of the collcge/s Cultural Arts series, will perform the solo parts in the fcssional orchestra serving northern Show. And the quartet of young men at Union County Arts Center, Rah- any one of 181 dishes. marvelous imitation of Johnhy Ray's will be held in the Wilkins Theater "Triple" Concerto. Music director and central New Jersey with concert oregano. thyme, lemon arc killed. way, has been canceled, it was Appetizers range from four types "Cry,", and the rendition of "Sing to announced. . at 8 p.m. Brad Kcimach will conduct the presentations and educational, prog- Juice 3 tjbls. olive oil of egg rolls to cold! sesame noodles. orchestra in the Concerto and also in rams. The symphony has been named In the opening scenes, they are seen Me, Mr. C," a tribute to Perry Como, Ticket holders, are requested to call Vereen,' who starred in the Marinade shrimp in Seafood lovers can take advantage- can really tear a theater-goer's heart the "Overture to King Stephen" and a "distinguished arts organization" for in the shadows-of the Paper Mill stage * the Arts Center box office at (908) Broadway hit, "Jelly's Last Jam," of the fried seafood platter for two. out. the Symphony No. 4. The concert will 1994-95 by the New Jersey Slate above Ingredients arrange explaining that "by a twist of heaven- 499-8226 for refund information. will be featured in a dramatic re- DRAGON The wonton soup, which is very begin at 8 p.m., and Kcimach will Council on the Arts. in shallow baking dish. Popular, is Wfllt-Tnarfp Rm-wrf m'n- ly fate, and expanding holes in the • The Arts Center is offering two rrrr^tinn nf hie l'/^n ^"""tt'flc rolo "o/.one layer," they 'have been sent TUie fcaTsTrow stopper — opuoas in addition to cash refunds. from television's "Roots." uncr a prc-cunccri laiK at / p.m. Sprinkle top of shrimp, ing hot, the soup has a smooth con- back to earth for one night only to do and what a whopper it is — is the They arc an exchange for tickets to The Eroica Trio includes pianist Correction policy with bread crumbs, papri- sistency, is not.too salty and has Plaids' interpretation of the Ed Sulli- Drawing on the "personal odys- plenty of dumplings. the show. So', they invite the audience the Doug Stone/Tim Gillis concert on Erifca Nickrchz, violinist Adela Pena It is the policy of this newspaper ka, drizzled tbla. of olive oil. van Show, which was the most popu- scy of his recovery from a near fatal and cellist Sara SaM'Ambrogio. The hot and sour soup lives up to to their one big effort. April 28 or an exchange for an Arts to correct all significant errqrs'ljjat lar Sunday night television show in ruck accident," Vcrccn will share a 6ake at 350 until shrimp is its name and is for the brave of Center gift certificate. Tickets fpr the Eroica Trio's are brought to the editor's attention. LUNCH What endears these average young the history of the 1950s and early message about "overcoming done, heart or tongue. Thick with bean Ginger Brady, the Arts Center box appearance with the Wcstfield Sym- If you believe that we have made men — all of whom are re-creating 1960s. It hits the audience with a adversity." BUFFET DAILY curd and other staples, this soap is office manager, can be contacted. phony are' available from the sym- such an error,' please write TTorn Serve with Garlic Bread He has performed on the Broad- phony office ar(908) 232-9400. The & Chilled White-Wine! iin open invitation to an adventur- way stage, the concert circuit and* Canavan, editor, 1291 Stuyvisant ous companion. price is $21 with discounts to $18 for Ave^Union, 07083, or cUl bJnifat I'OR ' Pboto By MJltoo MIOi the small screen of television: Vcr- \ A31 of the capable chefs at the 3enior Y Choral Group to statge senior citizens and $12 for students. 0P weekdays.'-beforo'' j-p'on.- Workers take a moment from working at the Double ccn's pcr.Corrnanqe wj]{ include live > Double Dragon dine-in or take-out Dragon. The senior Y Choral Group will be in by 11 a.m. and sign-up for lunch, For additional information, one can music, dancc(-dramatic jnterprcta- >yil'.i,|A!lll" ft'^ij' '-'.i^JtkpV restaurant put their hearts into-and ' directed in concert by Molly Serbin which will be served at 11:30. A call Myrna Friedman at (908)' Instructions for preparing 'ion, as well as dialogue with th'e r v r th6ir relations "behind• arrjr'dish on Jan'. 31 at noon at the YM-YWHA meatball and spaghetti luncheon will- 289-8112. '•' ''•'' •": • Be&' Smith, Edft#^ *'~ ^ l this Recipe will be given by of Union County, 501 Green Larie, audience. they serve! ''"•'-.' be served for a fee of Si.50. No prior The YM-YWHA of Union County ©Worrell Community Nowapapori Inc. 19S4 All Rights Reserved' '•''"•[.• our Chef this coming Union. One item listed on the seafood reservations for The concert arc neces- is n beneficiary agency of the Jewish For further information, one can Organizations submitting releases to the entertainment section MONDAY at 3 p.m. at 1- menu is of superior quality. The the side and added at (he patron's which is an even bigger bargain. There will be no charge for the con- sary and sign-in for lunch is on the. Federation of Central New Jersey and contact the box office at (908) can mail copy to 1291 Stuyvcsant Ave., P.O. Box 3109, Union, I ''I. AC!-. YOUI i C )l \\ )l i ] ["',Y shrimp with cashew nuts is loaded discretion — that is delicious when If you're looking for some of the cert and the public is invited to come same day. United Way, 527-2337. New Jersey, 07083. ";,;•; Th» Qurd*n Restaurant Wli. !. i M. RL Al A' VJ\ li N Y< j with an abundance of nicely-sized mixed with the rice. Succulent best Chinese food in the area. Doit- 943 Magic Ave. shrimp, -water chestnuts, cashew shrimp litter the dish and can be a ble Dragon fits' the bill. A* person nuts, mushrooms and snow peas, all surprise to the mouth when found can make his or her fortune there — cr-\ TEL: (908) 688-5770 OR 688-5980 Union. N.J. Q7O83 in a aeiighuui sauce. 1230"MORm'S ^E.^iJtilOi^iiEVJ JERSEY (908) 558-0101 cookie. t« TAURANP Mushrporh egg foo young serves The prices at the Double Dragon if you have a Rtctp* are more than reasonable and better UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP Specializing inEUROPEAN-INTERNATldNALCOOmGSuchAs: as a wonderful complement to the This column b intended to (Hat you would Wa than competitive. A special lunch • WIENER SCHNITZEL . STUFFED CABBAGE • CHICKEN CSV to — publUhml shrimp fried rice. The omelette Inform oar readers about dining „ Casual & Affordable Dining • Serving Lunch & Dinner menu is available Monday through • SWEDISH MEATBALL8 , poxATO PIER00IE3 • CHICBH MLAJ03B plMM call packed - with mushrooms comes opportunities in the area. OPEN 6 DAYS • FRESH ROASTO) TURKEY , poiATO PAKCAKE8 • HUNQAHIAH OOOLAflH The Qanltn Restaurant with a gravy — which can be put to Saturday, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. AUTHENTfC .MEATDOHPUNQB . BEEF BRI8KK I BEEF 9TR0OAB0FF MON. THRU FRI. 11:30 TO 9:30 • EOROPEAW STOB PORK CHOPS 7 a SAT. 4:30-9:30 -„ u-ipP*! cRays Week (or BraaMasI & Lunch „, 986 ^ Op«n Wad. Umj Sat. 5 to 8 PM and Sun. 3 to 7 PM (or Dinner SUN. PRIVATE ROOM AVAILABLE 'ST. GEORGE AVE. ••• . .; Bring Your Own Wk* TAVERN & RESTAURANT WO I< KALI. COM M U N ITY YOUR HOST:. (NEXT TO DRUG FAIR CENTER) 29 NORTH UNION AVE., CRANFORD • 908-272-6336 JOE FENTON & TONY TEftANTINO RAHWAY NCWSP/VPI^KS FORMERLY WITH 381-3233 UNCLE MIKE'S - SUMMIT Take out orders OPEN 7 DAYS Now Has available , 10 PM J Will feature a Special Section J 199 SHERIDAN AVE RQSELLE 11:30 AM To SPECIAL OF THE MONTH f w 908-241-4544 if/ • "RESTAURANTS FOR THE 90 S * The Beef "OSSO BUCCO' J ON JANUARY 26TH J (Braised Veal Shank) Introducing We have added beef to our menu ^ To hayeyeur Restaui^nt ffigh Ljohted in our.+ ; PRIME * Progress ^95, Plfease caU FLORENCE LENAZ * 1 I For Cbmipiete Details. / _:? ft IB...... (90a) 686-7700" EXJ^T J New Steakhouse & Tavern NY. STRIP Your Restaurant Will Appearing Salad Bar UNCII • I MN.NI-K ( (>C K i AH S tf if) 24 Oz. Sirloin Steak BROILED Dancing nnci Live Entertainment • • T-BONE.. gV ^ft i Corned 12 Bteabeth Oatttf/}Summit • Cocktails $10.95 with mushrooms MAC,II AVI . r\IO\, \.|. 'Ji!S-: 24 Oz. Delmonico Steak Includes: Soup, Salad. Early Bird Specials 3- 6PM Baked Potato. Vegetable f*************** Gourmet Specials $10.95 Beef

Cappuccino • Espresso Fresh Swordfish & Lobster fek\ -y- GRAND OWNING Casual Attire • No Reservations SANDWICH . Every Thursday Open Sun. thru Thurs 6 A.M., to Midnight Major Credit Cards Accepted Party Room Available Thursday All you Can Eat In Person The Exciting J Fri & Sat 6 A.M.-3 P.M. T The Fabulous "TED O'CONNELL" ^ JULIAN' -Friday fitSaturda y SteakT Ask about our intimate dinner OPEN MCrj -ffil ELVIS Buyl fie \ Starting: "Ronnie Lee Steele' Equal or IMMT vakM FRSE B*m™pKML'tPj£jom.ihnt Fri« ENTERING 649 CHESTNUT STREET, UNION 908-686-9875 • 964-8696

_i v B6 — THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1995 — WORRALL NEWSPAPERS \ CROSSWORD PUZZLE ENTER WORRAU. NEWSPAPERS -..THURSDAY. JANUARY 12, 1MS - B7 She devotes life to helping pe Byv BeRena SmitSmithh '• ^^^^~^—— ^^ ,• > • *^ mmmmmmm meriting my plan by contacting com- relations, advertising tofl^t--^—B Lifestyle Edftor .**, panies and multi-media radio stations to be trained and iraplWttiatt^their Roslyn Curry 'of Union, stager, —t the Network Television, the Com- training through the production of this songwriter^ humanitarian, who feds concert. ,. „ • that religion has played a.majorroki in munity Calendars of ABC, CBS, her life, is devoting alwge portion of NBC and channels 11 and 5. They "Our foundation will have a. single her life to helping other people. fl^niTtlJTHi wiiie it. i will iing 1L Ami ISO, !>lUU"fltJ * called The Random Act of Kindness "•"Wfce!^ ul! iliv^THTm^ie lounaauon is WithMhe GHR hair removal pro- / properly administered, the electrolytic will develop the distribution, the . to benefit all of humanity because we cess, women'and men can enjoy the reaction permanently destroys the Kair Foundation. "Its goal," she explained, marketing, the packaging, the arc one humanity." benefit of permanent hair removal. root and prevents rcgrowth of the ' "is to provide necessary gifts such as promotion. ' Info Trac. a health inforniaUon sys- clothing, shoes, sneakers or educa- Curry's own education is impress- tem which provides the user access to without the use of needles. "GHR hair." • ' - . ' . tional supplies to. Single Parent ive; She graduated magna cum laude "Furthermore," she added, "I will more than 150 journals, magazines offers the only permanent, needle-free The GHR device also uses electri- Households. This goal is being from Rutgers University, where she make- a public appeal to anyone inter- and pamphlets, is now available to.. . -fern of electrolysis," said Bina Roff- cal current, bur no nmile A tweezer *•• achieved through the kind donation of RosfyTTCurry received a bachcToTbTarts degree in ested irTTfee instruction and" ^ visitors of Union HospitaF's Medical man, owner of New Jersey Center for is used to grasp the hair that has been broadcast time by WMTR AM, business administration marketing implementation of their knowledge in 'Librarj'. • Permanent Hair Removal in Union, softened and conditioned, using GHR ' * ' CLUES ACROSS CLUES DOWN • busy writing music for producers in a tangible art form — which is the VVQCD and WHQT radio stations.' speciality, and completed an Essex Ihfo:Trac is specifically designed to "When "most people hear the word treatment procedures-to make it less ' I. Small anchor 1. Stcalcrs Right now, the foundation volunteers New' York. • County College Gospel Seminar. She concert." speed and ease the information and . "electrolysis," they think of needles, resistant to the flow of current, Roff- . • 4. Affluent 2. Settled are working hard to raise $6,000' for "Even my mother, Mary Curry, • trained in theater arts at Rutgers and The musician-writer explained that' resource gathering process, With the Permanent hair removal is traditional- man said. ' , ' 8. Outstrip 3. Female name the scholarship fund." who is known for writing music, is a in television, movies and commer- "we will use the training facilities in • touch of a button, the user can instant- • ly done with needle electrolysis, a "Electrical current is applied 9. Unsuccessful 4. Murder (slang) writer for my foundation. She. writes cials from the Adult School of Maple- Newark — whatevcr's available. And ly access volumes of information on a technique that-employs a fine needle through the tweezer," Roffman said. ' " 10. News .*i. Constellation Monoccros Curry said that "since my best wood. Curry has written pop, jazz, particular subject or topic. inserted into hair follicle," Roffman "The current then travels down the for the Building Bloxx Music." the public libraries have offered their' sa !2. Mountain n3'ni(>hs 6. Develop friend, Barbara Pompcy, was killed in- rhythm and blues, raggac, rap, gospel facilities, both in Newark and Union. By simply entering a topic, Info "*- interior shaft to Ihe root; which is per- 13. Between 7. Just making it (2 words) a car crash in December 1993,1 have Curry has been "graced with the and country music, and she not only I'm glad that there is a place for this," Trac immediately begins to search for. ."Electrical' current is passed manently decomposed while the ' 14. Boston airport I 1. Wise men broadened my interaction with people kind donations of Geraldo Rivera^ writes, she types, has computer soft- Curry declared. "They charge some- a match. Once a match is found, the mtrmw through the needle and directed tow- client rests or naps. 15. Wrestler's victory 14. These islands must be sheltered even more by establishing a nonprofit Andrew Lofton of All Be GrovirT ware knowledge, sews, paints, does thing, but it's worth it." * computer then lists various informa- All of Union Hospltarstmployees of the Month from the past year gathered for a • ard the hair root, or bulb. The applica- New Jersey Center for Permanent • • 16. Relative 15. Fortune-teller organization. Actually," she admitted, Productions in Philadelphia, and Noel business consulting and teaches. She tion regarding the entry. It will pro- .. luncheon in thejr honor, at which the hospital's Employee of the YeaV was tion • of current sets off a chemical Hair Removal is located at the Mill- • • IS. Superficial 17. Ms. Jong "I was inspired by Oprah .Winfrey's S. Morgal, a poet and humanitarian haS performed professionally from Curry admitted that she', too, is vide lists of- articles, books, and announced. From left are Otto Monaco of Union, Kelly Quinn of Old Bridde Sha- reaction with the body fluid and forms bum Mall, 2933 Vauxhall Road, Suite •' 20: Abigail 19. Performed in a theatre suggestion to America to perform a right activist for global causes. When Atlantic City, the Metropolitan Opera "writing songs for Building Bloxx rplatcd materials on the topic. Much ron Varenkamp of Roselle Park, Employee of the Year Raquel Antunex of hiowell, ' lye around the needle, which decom- 10, Union. The telephone number is ! ' 22. Contort 21. When put on, it ends the matter random' act of kindness'— that was I started this organization," she Co. to local New York -and New Inc., a music production company in like a card catalog, it will-givc a brief Stephanie Pasciak of Union, Patricia Sutherland of Union and Michael Otchy of Eli- ' jtoses the tissue it touches'. When (908) 688-8224. • 23. Burned zabeth. ^Not Pictured are Gregory Miller of Newark and Gloria Desones of • her challenge to- America. I have recalled, "I decided on who would Jersey churches. Brooklyn. I'm writing Kwanzaa' description, and provide the name of 24. Prevent always helped people and I wanted a receive charity and I wanted to focus songs, which is an African heritage Elizabeth. • . • • • ..•••• Now, she is completely involved in the author, the date it was written and Jcgacy to my life. Now, my legacy is on people who were striving in educa- celebration that follows Christmas. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: Jbfit-fnundiiiion. "Our kindness is free name, of jhc. .publication in .which, it the foundation and my "musical" tion. In order to contribute to life, I And for the foundation",T^Tcorilact-' appeared. Appointments made at health center Passing time talent." wanted those people who had exper- to everyone. We just want to be a ing Tito Puente to participate m the ACROSS "Info Trac is an extremely valuable The Central New Jersey Medical Dr. Chiu-Man Poorl has joined the imccd the disadvantages,—So-,—h- global, diverse nonprofit organize- musj( 1 production of nnft r>f ihp Jersey, graudating in 1993. He did his ;. Draft ^k-Qn-ho«ri 8. Matte 9. Pungent tOrErectcd"12; Hafts' Hon. I'm planning," Ciirry'saicI, "to ~~ tool'for aiiyunc conducting researcTT Group aiuic staff ot the Pediatrics Department. , —Curry, who lasrpcfformed on I3cc." • decided it should be single parent songs and to- raise money. Also, residency at Beth Prime Care, Beth l3.Sad 14: Flair 15. War 17. Chant 19. Nuptial 21.Parvenu 23. Allot have a benefit concert as a fund raiser, on a particular subject," said Union ments to the Union HeallhCare Ccn: Poon, who is board certified in 10, 1994 at the Meadowlands Con- households. Danielle Pompey, the sister of my Israel Medical Center in Newark. 24. Dressing gowns * ' ventioa Center in Secaucus for the and we're pursuing a grant from the Hospital Medical Librarian Doris ter, located at 2401 Morris Ave., in pediatrics, will bring more than 15 HIP Health Plan of New Jersey is- friend, Barbara, who was killed in an Eaton. "The time-saving abilities of Union. years of medical experience to HIP KISSNIAS Holiday Expo and Stars of "So," she smiled, "I wrote a busi- New Jersey Arts Cooncil and the gov- the state's largest not-for-profit health auto accident, is the director and crea- this system are a tremendous help in Dr. Kerry Kilkenny has joined the ', Health Plan of New Jersey members. DOWN Tomorrow Talent Showcase, said that ness plan, then registered it with the ernor's office to provide the estimated maintenance organization with 16- tive consultant of the video-which we speeding-up the process of gathering • staff of the Internal Medioine Depart- I. Damsels 2. Aniseed 3. Treat 4. Opp 5. Bencher 6. Amend 7. Dotes , "I had asked God for the blessing to official offices of the state that would $60,000 expense heeded." health care facilities. More than II. Drain 14. Fetters 15. Whitlow 16. Relates 17. Cupid 18 Aerie will submit to the television networks. information. Info Trac provides pages ment Kilkenny brings three years of Poon, a native of Hong Kong, gra- sing this year, since my last perfor- allow me to give charity and solicit Curry explained that "I'm going to 171,000 enrolled members receive 20. Prang 22. Urn ' . "I made a promise to God that I'm Of information i A A trfttninp* nnH riinirwi pmwipnri* nr going to help people. And" she said Norwalk Hospital in Connecticut to petition in Harlem in 1993.1 had been and New York. And I began imple- people who have, an interest in public researching- periodicals the easy part Kong's Faculty of Medicine in 1978. associated medical offices throughout .determinedly, "I will." .'- of gathering information." • HIP Health Plan of New Jersey He did his internship at Queen Mary- . New Jersey and at Plan facilities in The system is updated on a monthly members'. . Queen Elizabeth Hospital in. Hong, Union, Mountainside, Jersey • City, basis in order to provide the most cur- Kilkenny graduated from the-Uni- Kong from 1978 to 1982, then served Paramus, Union City, Somerset, Pis- rent information. Info Trac is easy to versity of Medicine and Dentistry of as Govemnient Medical Officer for cataway, 'Now Brunswick, Edison, use, it has been designed to ease the New Jersey in 1991 and did her Queen Elizabeth Hospital. In. 1990, Hamilton, Princeton, Lawrencevillc, anxiety of those who do not use com- internship and residency at Norwalk Poon enrolled in the University of : Sewcll, Cherry Hill, Medford and % puters on a regular basis by providing" Hospital. • • Medicine and Dentistry of New Voorhces. step-by-step directions; The Medicil Library is not just for- doctors, nurses and hospital staff, it is--- |alsooperi to all. Area residents may Blood drive set for Kean College iwethe-library and-its-resourccs-any-- ..Faculty, staff* students, alumniand .upc.oming_Valcniina!s Day. xelebta-_ Former Union Hospital employee of the month Sha- time, whether it be to find information friends of Kean College are invited to licms as participants will be thanked They are also encouraged to eat prior -ronrVarenkamp-TDlaces a time capsule in the wall of Laboratory granted accreditation or facts on a particular topic or to just participate in a. campus-wide blood "from one heart to another for being a to donating* Some form-of ID is the- hospital lobby. Two'capsules were buried, each Union Hospital's laboratory has gases, microbiology, serolbgy, and Director of Diagnostic Services Tina stop in and read a book or magazine. drive on Feb. 8 from 10 a.m. to 3:30 blood.donor." The first 100 eligible required. Donors who are 17 must containing various items which were contributed by been granted a two-year accreditation clinical toxicology/therapeutic drug Ilaor •Library hours' are Monday through p.m. in the'Main Lounge of the Col- donors will receive a personalized have signed parental permission. , departments throughout the hospital.' The burying of by the Commission on Laboratory monitoring. "It is a great honor that for the sec- Friday from 9-a.m. to 5 p.m. lege's Douga(l Hall. photo mug courtesy of Schering- For more information, contact the capsule marked the final event held in honor of Accreditation of the College of The commission found that those ond time in a row, the laboratory has Just Because You The library offers a variety of ser-' Pre-registration will be held in tte— Plough Pharmaceuticals'. • Susan F. Gordon, blood drive chair- Union ^Hospital's 50th anniversary. The capsule will American Pathologisls. areas have met the standards for had a virtually flawless CAP accrcdi- lobby^ of the, college's Student Sponsored bv New Jp.rstm remain buried until May 14, 2044. U vices, including a reference Rervirp The CAP amulii UiHiiiuCu ia:ion survey," said Union Hospital online literature searches and interli- Activities/Bookstore building on Feb. Services, a non-profit agency, and its ' Office of -College Relations, at several laboratory services including excellence of the department's ser- Executive Vice President Patricia brary loans. The library's journal col- land 2 from 11:30 a.m to 2 p.m. parent corporation,-the New York 527-2371. hcmatol6gy, coagulation, cliriical che- vices under the supervision of the Polansky. "To have this' kind of lection covers all aspects of medicine Walk-ins are also welcome the day of Blood Center, NJBS supplies blood to mistry, urinalysis, pathology, histolo- le laboratory's Medical Director Dr. survey required a daily vigilance and rime ueip as well as nursing and allied health. the' drive. 74 hospitals-in the state. Do you suffer from a STEVEN A. EISENSTAT, D.O. gy, blood banking, arterial blood Santosh Raina and Administrative high level pf professional acumen." There is -also a newly established . This year's drive will coincide with All donors must weigh a minimum Bereavement Center which contains DIABETIC periodicals regarding death and dying and how to deal with the scope of FOOT ULCER? Doesn't Mean You're Seniors offered pamphlet Hf" emotions and situations involved. VITAMIN FACTORY The New Jersey Health Products directory for senior citizens was first To learn more about the library or Urtibn Hospital podiatristsMchaet • Council is offering a revised public . published, more than 500,000 copies the Info Trac system, call 851-7234, and Joe) lamer, DPM of the Lemer 201 Rt, 22, Hillside, NJ 07205 - (2011926-2946 service pamphlet titled ."A New have been distributed. The directory . Podiatry Group in Kenltworth are Ready For Jersey Directory for Senior Citizens." has large type for increased legibility. seeking volunteers to participate In Editorial deadlines The updated editi6n lists more than - The directory is available upon a clinlca} research study to promote Celestial Seasoning Sleepy Timf Tilt healing of diabetic foot ulcers. 10% OFF (Blackberry or Mandarin) Reg, $e.15~J.._ $469 Following are deadlines for riews: 100 telephone numbers, including request. Copies may be obtained by 440 CHESTNUT ST, UNION • 908^884845' Church, club and social - Friday toll-free numberrs, that provide a writing'to the New Jersey Health Pro- The doctors are testing a treatment Traditional Medicinal Weightless Tea 16s ALL DIETMAX noon.' ' €- ' direct link for senior citizens to state, ducts CounciCp.O. Box 3789, Union, which may aid In Increasing vital cells (Various Flavors) Reg. $2.99 ; .._.._ „.., A Nursing Home. to allow accelerated healing of these Essex Journal - Friday noon. county and private agencies. -These .NJ 07083. "' uteeratlons. All fees for accepted PRODUCTS Bearito Cheddar Puffs 4 oz. 7Q • Mo5Hnajor insurance (Assorted Flavors) 3 oz. Beg. $355 , *4t!' ** (OR LARGE PATIENT. , plans accepted m ^» ^^ «•» mm> ^am «•• ^H M INTERPRETATION BY BOARD Desert Essence Tea Tree Oil Mouthwash est/ta 15% OFF ICERTIFIED RADIOLOGISTS 4 oz. Reg. $350 >^*t» Write for our free brochure RICOLA EXPERTISE IN LOW FIELD MRI FREE CONSULTATION Panda Licorice or Raspberry Chews 7 oz. (--' -" i See what your new TRIF, • nose -wtil look tl Pw»Energy «. 5729 KMF OHve/AIoeSoapTeoTb.7 ' prior to surgery H«g. 99.95 „ » _ .,„ •Children & Adults fn Cream $539 TwinLab Metabollft 120. • Improve your LOSE THOSE PODNDS SELF IMAGE w ^ •Surgical Orthodontics Rog $21 5 KliKP FIT, STAY HEALTHY AIL YEAR LONG $1279 Nway Sarsaparilla Root 100. •FuncticmalAppliahces Reg. $7.49 $519 ' Personalized and group programs to THEVILIAGE satisfy all you natfitlfc»nialand( dietary riee Everyday is sale day^t the Vitamin Factory... • Nutritional Guidance • Eating Disorders AT MEDBRIDGE • Permanent • Cholestrbl \.W\i SlW.liRVl Everything priced ju4.a cut above wholesale! Dietary Success • Hypertension 1180 Route 22 West • Overcoming Binging • Diabetes A. R. BERGAMO^ M.D., DIRECTOR EVENINGS AVAIUBLE Mountainside, NJ 07092 • 908-654-0020 \» Stress Reduction • Meal Planning - 230 SHERMAN AVENUE (nattoMowtUtinsldtHdfpUaD •8PEC.UC.#247Q .^^.iSK^^'ISSfJJ^JJif™ conununily. © 1988 Manor HeallhCare Corp. REE GLEU RlDCEf NtW JtkSBY-07028- STORE HOURS: Mon. & Thurs. 19-6; Tues.f Wed, & Fri. 10-4 230 W. JERSEY STn-£ClZABETH (908^) 352-0444 iiAkiiii HOSPITAL i 346 SOUTH AVE,. FANW0OD. NJ. 07023 2004 MORRJS AVE., UNION (908) 688-4330

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V ' I: . Dones wins scholarship ioM Watchung Cooperative Sctiodt LaDanse offers fitness classes for young athl6tic school kids has a play class for toddlers to Chicago dance center While contusions, sprains, tears and participatinnarHfcin«n«og i!«n' competitive-sports»nr.«.,;ii». , such physicals ate mandatory in pro-, Mary Dones, a student and assistant teacher at All That fracture*" may be common among pro- The Watchung. Cooperative Pre- Children will have free.piay oppor- fessiond jtMetes, such Injuries are fessional sports and can be very help- «chool,^71 ML Hebron Road, Mont- tunities to explore the giant block cor- Dance, recently woAa dance scholarship to the Gus Gior- to suit the needs of •ful in prognosticating potential prob- occurring with alarming faqiteniiy in clair, announces the formation of an ner,: experiment with the water table, dano Dance Center in Chicago, 111., during a jazz dance Another new year is upon us, and sales pitches, no contracts, and conve- weights, rubber bands,- and youth Sports, As school children across additional Creative" Play Class for 2'/> pound nails oh the workbench, solve audition sponsored by Star Power Workshop in Hasbrouk that means making more newyjar's nient hours. The school offers courses isometrics. the coijntry start another yearof active "Th6ie exams enable the physician intra- and ititamitTr^t »rwsrtc =~--—- —I J • puzzles and create bnc-ftf-q-k|nd art •Off.U>vU TUT; pieces. The youngster's natural She will be attending the school in September and will concerned parents can't help but won- nesses of each youngster and to deter- The class will meet on Wednesdays If your resolution is. to become combines low impact cardiovascular requiring a fitness program that der if; their children will make it mine the presence of any pre-existing1 exuberance is always' an asset during be studying with the King of Jazz, Gus Giordano, with and Thursdays from 12:30-2:30 p.m. more fitness minded, don't quit before easreisc and toning to work on Ihosc doesn't overtax the body. It offers car- • through the season injury-free. • condition, says Dr. Rozbruch. During group. songs, dances, marches and hopes of becoming a member of the renowned Gus Gior- Lead teacher and director Mona Buc- you begin. Being physically fit is a difficult areas such as the abdomen, diovascular workout through the use the season, this information will help ceri cites increased parent interest as pretend play. dano Dance Company. While countless injuries are~avoidel the physician monitor the player's goal that can be achieved painlessly buttocks, thighs and hips. . - of isometrics, yoga and gentle stretch- each year due to rule changes in youth the reason for expanding the school's Giordano has taught around the world and has organ- physical condition and help the team's •; For more information, call without spending a lot of.your hard Step-N-Stretch I utilizes bench ing and limbering techniques. Nutri- sports and better equipment, statistics offerings in tills age group. 783-4535. ized thc,popular_Jj&zJ3.ance .World Congress. 1 snnw that it earned money; but thai means finding stepping "tbr~an~lnvlg-orating • low tion is an uijpui tiuit laciui to uwiimlij" Dones is a member of the All That Dance dancers, a in hospital emergency rooms ,,_ a fitness program designed to fityour , impact aerobic workout and adds overall body fitnes and it is strongly injury. national and international show team. She has performed for sports-related injuries, Another 8 stretching, limbering, and toning .recommended that anyone embarking Dr. Rozbruch notes that in screening on the East Coast, in Las Vegas, in the opening ceremo- needs. million youngsters are seen by family Concorde sees boom in hair Industry exercises for' an ovcral fitness work- in a fitness program consult their physicians /or sprains, cuts, abrasions the football team of one New York Despite the depressed condition of the economy, the future looks besuiifu! nies of the 1994 Goodwill Games in St. Petersburg, Russi- Everywhere we turn today, we're City school, out of 25 players, only 10 but for the beginner, physician about proper nutrition and and other minor complaints. at the Concorde School of Hair Design. That's because business is booming a, and will be performing this summer at several cities in reminded to cat more nutritiously and percent had a perfect exam. A prelimi- • exercise right for them. 1 in the field or cosmetology. Hair styling and design is listed among the 50 Italy. exercise regularly. In today's hectic '' Stcp-N-Stretch His offered to those The American Academy of nary analysis found one player with a with prior exercise experience who Orthopaedic Surgeons maintains there torn knee ligament, many with weak ' futest-growing professions in America by the Government Bureau of Statis- She has won several state and national championships. lifestyle, that's often easier said than To help you begin 1995 on abetter want to increase their cardiovascular are marked differences in coordination, tfapezius muscles, one with a leg- tic*, and the Concorde School in Bloomfield — with a- branch school in She is directed by Michele Selvanto-Kowalski. done. road to fitnes, LaDanse will offer a strength and stamina between a youth WarttmaMt — it selling the pace. ' . workout adding more strenuous exer- length discrepancy and one with scol- Wendy Henderson, a former student and now teacher at New Year's special — 10 classes for and' an.adult. In.young athletes, bone- iosis. Having detected these conditions The LaDanse School of Performing cises to improve their stamina. Concorde is the only authorized member school of the Pivot Point of All That Dance in Elizabeth, recently became a member Arts and Fitness Center makes choos- S25. All classes are lijnited in size so tendon-muscle units, growth areas prior to participation, correctrve mea- North Jersey. Pivot Point is a national organization with an international within bones, and ligaments experi- of the 1995 NBA New Jersey Nets "Jersey Girls" dance ing an exercise program that's right enroll now to ensure your place in the sures were taken to help minimize reputation for innovative curriculum *nd techniques in hair and beauty The Body Shop is a great overall ence uneven growth patterns, leaving injury during the play. learn. . • fitness course of your choice. For a training. ' for you, easier by offering more prog- body sculpturing and fitness program them susceptible to injury. During In addition to getting pre-season Henderson attended an open audition with 104 girls and rams at reasonable rates, in a smaller, combining bench stepping, stretching schedule of classes and further infor- growth spurts of younger children, prognoses, Dr. Rozbruch prescribes A complete curriculum of hair styling and design, facial and skin care, became one of the 21 members to be chosen at the Mca- Mary Dones friendlier atmosphere with no hard and toning through the use of hand mation, call (908) 862T6887. muscles may be temporarily shorter 'other preventative techniques,' such as manicure skills, and business management and preparation for state licens- dowlands. She is a former All That Dance dancer and has Dance dancers in several cities throughout Italy this sum- than- the bones they are attached to, learning appropriate playing tech- They're the new words for the wise. "Mommy track," ing is administered by Concortle's a^ard-winning staff of professional performed on the East Coast and in Las Vegas, winning making muscles tight and strains and niques, wearing protective equipment, .trainers. ^ mer. She instructs acro-gymnastics, jazz and tap while tears possible. ' ' "diss," "tiramisu," and "virtual reality," are just a sam- several state and national championships. attending college. She is directed under Michele Sclvanto- proper conditioning, such as flexibility But far beyond practical experience in the latest technology and trends, exercises, and warming up before a pling of the. new.words and meanings found in the She.was asked to perform with ihe 1994-95 All That Kowalskd. PC ED promises high learning level ~Dr. Jacob Rozbruch, chief of the curriculum focuses on the individual student's self-realization and ful- orthopaedic surgery at New .York's- game and cooling down afterward. 1995 editions of Merrtem-Webster's Collegiate Diction- The PC ED Philosophy and Mission: classrooms. From the moment stu- To accommodate varying sche- fillment, and the acquisition of people skills. These are the keys to anx.suc-. Beth'Israel MedicaTCeriter North Dr. Rozbrach also cautions that'if a ary, 10th edition.- ideal-for high school and college stu- cessful career. Anyone can achieve a high level of dents enter our newest training center dules, PC ED-offers both day and Division, says that the most frequent ' youngster feels pain, it generally indi- dents, the new copyright of this 1,600-page reference Cosmetology is no longer a field for the young exclusively. In a shrinking computer competence given the prop- in Cranford, they encounter the charm : cates sornethingiswrong. Don't ignore evening classes. Comprehensive man Injuries he sees in young athletes are book provides an up-to-date 'vocabulary that covers a jnh markw, mnro and more experitneed WOCIMW trt making *oar«erefl«ng« - "ofa'Victorlanh'bmeT Our five years of it. Take him 6r her to a physician, ln r g husiness-pmfessioRy er learning ehvIronrnehTTOur^oaT is" uals and~3ata disks are used during (in descending order): 1) ankle sprains broad range of current curricula. Thes,e new words are and pursuing their futures in the field of hairstyling. They are attracted by ihe to deliver the highest quality training training in a relaxed, hands-on envi- our coursts and also serve as invalu- and fractures,'2) finger and wrist the meantime, treat the injury with rest, ice. compression and elevation (RICE). drawn from Merriam-Webster's citation file, which now creative challenge, flexible hours and the lucrative? potential of both full- and in a comfortable educational setting at ronment has proven successful. able reference tool after the class is sprains and fractures, 3) knee cap bruises and dislocations, 4) collarbone For a free brochure on steps young numbers more than 14Yi million, and is considered by part-time positions. • seek Berkeley Colleges jor success the most affordable- price. completed. , How PC ED Can Help You: fractures and separations, 5) shoulder athletes can take to avoid, reduce and many to be'the largest in the world. Check local book- The lull curriculum cin be completed in 10 months. Financial assistance There is one sure way to get a ted to putting students in the work fessional wardrobe in school and Learning Computers the PC ED Way: Additionally, we can tailor courses sprains and dislocations, 6) cartilage treat sports-related injuries, write to stores for the dictionary. and payment programs are available to qualified applicants. New classes Young Athlete, P.O. 205, 103 Godwin head start on success. Choose a force — working in positions with are better prepared for the job PC ED is a high tech, yet friendly, At PC ED, we bridge the gap to your specific needs or to those of tears of the knee and.7) back sprains. begin the first of each month. market. To reduce the frequency and seri- Ave.. Midland Park, NJ' 07434; business profession. better pay and advancement computer education firm. From presi- between complicated users' manuals your organization. Such customized F"1 DF ~J.A .!.„ .1 f h iii JQ n. -appc lOlMjej-utia kupi.Bimll uti mm eouwes' can be ewwlmiied HI yum ing, dynamic, rewarding and "In fact, when we compared vari- dents get personal faculty instruc- dent to msiruciors, an rv- cu associ- dents. Our introductory, intermediate facility or at PC ED sites in Clifton, Rozbruch, a specialist in athletic ates are professionals dedicated to trauma aigt consulting physician for demanding. Success in this world is ous colleges and programs, we tion. Convenient scheduling pro- and advanced level courses provide Cranford and Edison. ensuring our students master the skills the athletic teams of several New York Now that you have no accident- It takes education, found Berkeley College offers a vides courses during the day, even- students with practical, statc-of-ihc- For more information on how PC City schools, suggests pre-season; motivation and skills. number of unique advantages not they have come to learn. s'ALL THAT DANCE" ing or on weekends. Associate art training. Our classes explore the ED can help you or for. a schedule of assessment physicals for every student Many students come to PC ED learn how to use it. Whether you're interested in found at other institutions. Each of degree-programs can be completed use of software as it relates to the pro- classes, call (908) 276-8866 or (201) viewing the computer as an obstacle e Professional Studio For Quality Dance Education starting a whole new career or just their classes includes a foundation in as little as 18 months while shor- fessional needs of our students. EDUCATE. instead of an effective tool. Our per- improving your computer skills, in business altitudes and ethics. ter, more intensified programs can Cornerstone Counceling sonalized teaching methodology and r-REGISTER NOW- you can get "on-the-job" training in That extra edge seems to produce a be completed in three to 12 months. offers career inventory today's modern classroom. significant success difference in, relaxed learning environment make PC Ed,- Personal Computer Education Ji > v Cornerstone Counseling.^Center *MW YEAR FITNESS PROGRAM* "Businesses no- Iongerhavt' the1-' " their'aluwinf,"-Pace saidy-~ ' -' • Berk)e\c£y. rias7f5ve cajnpuses, in tlic difference. Our students leaye PC Westfield School of Dance : ; : 1 Ncwi York juyt- New Jersey with ED'with the skills'ahdeonfidchee fo~ lc« Jspleased to annDJincfliii^oiJt*.-.. 'S e is sioxi ' Begin, s V Courses in Wlndo^.WordErbcessing. Spreadsheet. budget to train employees so they' The college also.eriForces a bnst- mg a career interest inventory to high look for applicants with career spe- ness dress code that provides slu- locations in , White use the computer with proficiency and Januiadry 1 <3tli : Database. Graphics and more ,, Plains, Woodbridge, Waldwick and comfort. school and college students as well as cific skills," said Maria Pace, .dents with basic business dress working adults. The goal of the-iriveri- V Day and evening classes West Patcrson. To find out more, Why Choose PC ED? Low Impact Aerobics * Steps * Hand Weights * Target Toning executive vice president of Berke- skills right from the start. So stu- tory is to help students or adults learn V Introductory thru Advanced courses call 800-446-5400, Ext. NE6. PC ED promises no boring instruc- ley Colleges. "Berkeley is commit- dents actually start building a pro- about themselves, their job choices V Small classes - one computer per student tors, no mindless repetition, no stark and their careers. /*WP HOP CLASSES*-- ; V User-friendly training manuals When You Want To Get Serious About the Arts... . This inventory will help audents or . V Competitive Pricing . f , adults explore what occupations they With "KoKo" from New York City V Three convenient locations - Clifton, Cranford. Edison MOB HUNTING? RAHWAY ADULT BASIC are best suited for. If they have, V 6n-site training available BALLET •JAZZ • TAP • ACROBATICS fl1r*af1v rrtftftft nn mmrtq 8 Week Session^ Begins January 14th V All oowrooo otato oppfwed fa? Ceniinuing Pruflaaluu occupation, ittnay support their ideas POINTE • ACTING • BALLROOM Education (CPE) credit v •WANT A GQLLEGE or suggest other possibilities. If they are uncertain about what,occupation DEGREE BUT DON'T VOICE • FITNESS • MUSICAL THEATRIC *FLAfflNCO CLASSES* to fallow, the inventory will give (Children & Adults) HAVE A MAJOR? Beginner Thru Professional them a precise group of occupations With "Maya deSilva Chafe" from the American to explore. Spanish Dance Theater New York City . PC Ed WORRY NO MORE! CLASSES For convenience, Cornerstone IP E R S O N A L C O M PUT ER EDUCATIONl HOME OF THE WESTFIELD DANCE COMPANY CounselinJ has arranged for ' the inventory to be either aelf- For Schedule & Prices Please Call (908) 353-4118 33 South Ave. West, Cranford, NJ 07016 • • Take the Career Interest Test. admintetered in the student's own Clu*i*> vSixe Limited - Rvgintcr Now!! 908-276-8866 or 201-EDUCATE • Find out what careers are best for you. 402 Boulevard • Westfield, New Jersey home or administered in a group set- Basic Skills, GED, 908-789-3011 . ting at a desjgnated testing location. 505 - 5.1 Z Morris Avenue, Elizabeth (next, to Uitc Aid) Locations in Ciyion, Cratrford and Edtson • Send for the test today. English as a Second Language The inventory, only^ttkef 35-45 minutes to complete. Once students • You will.receive at least 10 potential careers NOW DAY & EVENING have taken the career interest inven- tory, they will receive a comprehen- that are right for you. SESSIONS sive 10-12 page report. i FEATHERBED LANE SCHOOL! This tests being offered at special SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE (25. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: ESTABLISHED introductory price of $£5. Register Jan. 17 and 19 If you have airy questions or require I Have A Call 541-6384 1953 further information, call 669-1115 or =SOO-314-TEST (B37S) for more mioriiiaiiuu write Conersiohe Counseling Center CORNERSTONE COUNSELING CENTER Inc., 47 Park Ave;, West t>range 47 PARK AVENUE, WEST ORANGE. NJ At Montclair dance school People ask me how I can affojjiifee Fast, Effective, Affordable Since 1966,- the Montclair Academy of Dance has offered qual- depends on me, and I Concorde ity training in ballet, tap, jazz, stretch and piano. Director Sharon Baker They have 60 high quarfty osa speak Spanish, I found Celebrating Our 42nd Year! concentrates on ballet. affordable programs that are . Luther Fontaine, a well known tap a career BARBAkA A. FARIA- Dir. of Admin. BA in and modemdincer who has starred on myself and my family. , f rench or Italian Broadway and in film, provides tap Elementary Education State Cert. Deaf & Hard instruction. Beginner, intermediate Don't you have a good reason to go You can, too! of Hearing State Cert. Early Childhood • and advanced private piano is given by conservatory trained pianists Rim- Call UCC now & by spring Thomas FARIA - Dir. of Education BA in ma Altshul and Laura Berezovsky. Don't wait for success S to find you. Create it — Elementary Education MA in Admin. Jazz and stretch classes are given by with a career Lorrain Salerno. for 199 in cosmetology / hair styling Supervision State Certified Guidance. Baker feels wrongly about properly Acquire basic skills In your new language or advance your existing skills Classes forming monthly in: Approved by NJ Dept. of Education educating tire young dancer and has SorinaSe in one of our beginning or Intermediate groups. Cosmetology I Hair Styling developed progrtmi of Crwtive . • One great price r- inpinrVs tuition r • Learn practical speaking skills. - wiQtliCUj iii^ A Certified Facility, andan-. , "MsmB«lI, «8e» 3*, PwBiltet, tget • for 24 (45-minute) lessons, book • Native-fluent instructors. and fees. Intermediate /Advanced Studies Educational & Creative Environment 5-6, fottoductko to Ballet, age 7, «nd .Easy, conversational approach. Ballet, ages 8 did up. • Groups meet twice a week. , ENROLL TODAY FOR - NURSERY SCHOOL .F^endlv.relaxedgroupsof^ A BRIGHTER TOMORROW Advanced levels of ballet end pouv In northern New Jersey call Ages 2 1/2 - 6 Half & Full Day Sessions , to art available for ttudentiwiihtag to Regular and Intensive English (ESL) Group courses also available. 2fJl«680-0099 - KINDERGARDEN — continue their mining. All billet cli*- ' ' • Price based on minimum class size of 6 persons. set ire conducted with piano icconv; la .central New Jertty call thi-u 6th grade Full Day Sessions For gnmps of 5. price fa$245 . For groups of 3-4. price is $365. • paniment. CWIdreoln W6itlVe; Bttdve- 20b918«0505 •SUMMERDAYCAMP ment are able to enjoy

WHAT A WAY TO MEET! Sill Call I •900"7O©"28400 ($1.99/min.) to respono1 to these ads. Touch-tone or rotary phones. You must be 18 or older.

HELP CLERICAL/ PART Time- Full Time, Union SECRETARY- PARTTIms'tor bo»y accounting WOMEN SEEKING MEN County print shop noods a responsible person office In Short Hit*, mutt be profidem with WANT FUN MALE... PHYSICALLY FIT GAL PROFESSIONAL GUY HONEST TRADESMAN... GERMAN WOMAN WANTED HEY COYS- WANTED for front desk, light typing and'-print-shop LETS GET TOGETHER Attractive, full figured white fe- Attractive, single black female.' Divorced white male, age 36. Divorced white Christian male. I'm Single white male, age 36. Enjoy i ror amaM Iriendiy West 6range general 25 year old male. Seekli INDEX practioo firm. Good secretarial skills required. 19 year old, african american fe- male. Have brown hair and brawn Seeking a financially secure man Love music, books, dining out and a non smoker-and non drinker. SECRETARY. BUSY doctor's «ffico. Union nf nr>y tara, mhn lilinn thn InnVlfra ACCOUNTING COORDINATOR/ male. Havo light skin eves. Loqkjprj fnr a whl'fl "ia'° iriyiu i~u—< - „ IO modi a cute, trim to ities, music, movies, baseball, etc. Ing and acting. Want someone to 1-HELP WANTED CLERICAL Fox resume to 201-3254131 or phone Mr. Confer. Answer telephones, typing, scheduling age 20 to 25, who has a good taking walks along the beach in white female, age 26 'to 46. BOX patfte woman. Want someone ap- ADMIWSTOATOfl Sotiechnaf at 201-325-2411. appointments. Good communication skills, Drown eyes. Looking for an afri- Looking for a german woman, Jor get together with, party with, be- Hollywood Memorial Park company of Union,- 8:30. «m - Sri 5 pm sense of humor and isn't afraid of the summer, and enjoys the, finer 12922 proximately 40 years young. En- 2-ANNOUNeEMENTS flexible hours. Fax resume to 908-688-7766. can american mate age 23 to 25, a lasting relationship; perhaps come friends, hang out, and what- NJ, Is seeking e highly mo0va»d Individual to We have a position avaJlaWA tor a General a relationship. BOX 36741 things in life. Want someone who Joy dancing, hiking-tennis, cud- 3-MISCELLANEOUS LEGAL SECRETARY SECRETARY. LEGAL experience helpful but who enjoys partying, likes the LETS MEET SOMETIME leading to marriage some day. ever happens...happensll BOX oversee accounting, and financial functions. Clerk io work full lima In our conveniently is sincere and honest for a rela- dling and-sharing fun.things. Organization, computer and people skills a Maplewood Attorney, Boutique Civil Litigation- riotamuit. WordPerfect5.1.Maplewood office. movies and dining out... BOX ARTICULATE TEACHER If you would like to meet some- BOX 11302 . • 11319 4-PETS ' mu$L Aeoounfoa or•*—•-•-"-1-- —•—" located Union office. The selected Individual Pi Practice seeks Experienced SeefBtaiY.wmd ..^-U-«A. /B3.-3oeff •— ' tionship. BOX 36530 Would like a long term relation- mst Acoouning O bw ~i»B-l»-f«eporniMe (a cterteal duties lnauffi «teno skSlsT 10-25 flexible hours/ 13026 Stunning, intelligent, independent, one tall, dark, and handsome, Uegiiw pmwaw. !>aa/y/l»Mfa n oowfl ship, BOX 36778 HAVE EYES OF BLUE.. LIKE MANY THINGS....--i tiling, fceroxlng, light typing, and switchboard week. ' negotiable. Send resume to: PARTTIME SOUND INTERESTING... company. Plea** send rwume to John We)- WANT SECURE MAN financially secure Christian, afri- who Is financially secure, energet- yWnra9rSe8Wn9 ' aSTa"STn-n " ""5rffi*iTSS pound Gay white male. relief, No experience necessary, li you have a can-americart female. Enjoy -com- - Smgfe bla* female. 1EnJoy rlahc:' tCTTGmaritJcat heart, loves to "ROMANTIC AT HEART... 6-SERVICES OFFERED ihont, Piwtldam, Hottywood C*mrttty. 1621 , pleasing personality and enjoy working with SUBURBAN CABLEVISION 20 year qld, professional woman. gle or divorced, attractive white Looking to meet another Gay Stuyvennt AV«MM, Union, NJ 07083. Please Hiring Attorney edy clubs, jazz, exercising, ttavel, Ing, photography, reading, waWng', travel...please respond to my ad. people, please forward resume of brief letter Currently has part timo trtemaAeBng sales I'm athletic. Enjoy'traveling, fine Intelligent, loving,, professional female, who strongly believes in male, age 18 to 20. Want some- 7-BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES no call». • ' describing - your background to: William J. position available between 12 noon and 4 pm, theater and concerts. Seeks a and lots of hugs and kisses. Look- BOX 36842 . P.O. Box 946, Orange, NJ 07050 dining and the theater. Looking for single white male, age 34. Look- family values and Is not afraid of one for friendship, good times and 8-RENTAL \ .' ACTRESSES, DANCERS, ihowgjris, M/F Wishart, Personnel Manager at; Monday thru Friday. You win receive an hourly an emotionally se'cure, single Christian gentleman age 35 to 45, ing for a man, who enjoys ro- SOMETHING LONG TERM ing for someone who is. also fun having her own opinions... BOX >more... BOX 36693 eight r»*#d. Start at .Si,0ave- excellent communications professional, drug and alcohol- give and receive love. BOX 36536 BROWN-EYED GUY non-alcoholic night club. 608-931-&K0. gree. BOX 13011 • . Looking for a female age 18 to city, spending time together and lO^AUTOMOnVE THE GRAVER Masters degn>» In library sdonoe required. skills and some sate experience please call Mr. free for a monogamous relation- HONEST GENTLEMAN 5'11", .175 pound Italian male, age WANT SOMEONE SINCERE 30, who wants to have fun, enjoys more. Want someone for a long ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT. Part' full NJLA rates alter exam. Contact Director, Rah- Kopeckl at 908-851-8883 between 1pm and LOVE THEATERS ship. BOX 36467 term relationship... BOX 11391 SJngle whltea.Mpan male, age 29. 28. Looking for a guy age 18 to. time. Small non wnsMng office In Union has COMPANY way Public Library, 1175 SL Georges Avenue, 5pm. EOE WF. . ' Single white female, in my early College educated, divorced white life and knows what she wants UNION COUNTY opening. Require* good computer, organiza- 2700 Route 22 EaU Rahway, NJ 07065. Have black hair arid brown eyes. 25, to have good limes with.!. SUMMER JOBS. Coordinators are needed to . TALL & FULL FIGURED female, in my 40's. Looking for a out oi life..'. BOX 36845 tion and'adminisuWweskUla. Knowledge of Union, NJ 07083 20's. I'm a 5'2" brunette. Seeking WHERE WILL WE GO... I'm very friendly and sensitive. BOX 11272 . ' Union Leader • Springfield Leader supervise summer foreign exchange student 41 year old, white female. Enjoy gentleman in his 40's to early 50's, Windows helpful, Flexible hours. Call a gentleman; age 20 to 30, who is ALSO A MUSICIAN Single white male, age 29. Look- Looking for a single white female, 008-668-3222. ' Equal Opportunity Employer LOSERS NEEDED cultural/ educational programs in your own movies, sports, and dining out. who is fun-loving, and would like RING MY BELL Clark Eagle •.KeriUworth Leader communltias. Work July or August. Motivation kind, generous, sincere and edu- 5'9", 178 pound male. Enjoy the ing for a sincere white female, age age 25 to 29. Want someone for Looking for a tall, white male age to- enjoy a relationship with this. 20 year old male. Love quiet eve- Agent All Areas COCKTAIL WAITRESS/ waiter ang plna pie IVe lost 2£ pounds in 34 days. 100% naiurall needed; no prior experience necessary. A cated. Love to do many things. outdoors, sports, quiet romantic 25 to 32, wfco enjoys rock music, good times, friendship and more.., Mountainside Echo • Roselle Spectator maker for Friday/ Saturday evenings, 100% guaranteed I A)so Thigh Cream, original' 39 'to 50, who is sincere. Want down to earth lady. BOX 36538 nings at home, dancing, and food. wonderful experience. Good pay I Send resume Want spmeone with similar quali- dinners, music, etc. Looking to honest conversation and having a BOX 11312 9p.m.-2a.m. for club in Union. Experionco formula. We hav* HI DMrUMJtoni Wanted! or letter of interest to International Education someone for a friendship or rela- Looking for a man age 16 to 30. Hillside Leader • Roselle Park Leader necessary. Call 908-688-OOOS. ' ties... BOX 115B5 GERMAN/IRISH GAL meet someone who ls"feeling a good time. Let's get together and AVON $ SALES Forum, 249 Leswing Drive, Brick, NJ 08723. tlonship... BOX 36766 see where the day takes us! BOX ATTRACTIVE ITALIAN.. Race is unimportant, but prefer a Linden Leader • Rahway Progress CaS 24 houra forInformatio n 1-800-25%DIET(3438) ENJOY MANY THINGS: Single white female, age 40, who little lonesome, truthful, honest, COMPUTER DATA enty. Steady Work. Re- SWITCHBOARD 11392 ' ' 35 year old, divorced white male. black male... BOX 36669 • spond in writing to P.O. Box 38, Maplewood. NJ Educated, single Jewish female, 7LUCKYMAN? has a 17 year-old daughter. Inter- sincere, compassionate, fun lov- Seeking a single or divorced white Summit Observer • Elizabeth Gazette . MEDICAL SECRETARIES. (Two). Unlpn- MEDICAL PAGE NO CASUAL ENCOUNTERS 1-800-545-8390 07040. . • - age 38. Non smoker and non reli- Single black female, age 18. ests include: the beach, fishing,' ing... BOX 36867 YOU NAME IT... female, who Is attractive and pe- CLASSIFIED RATES BusY-lntamlst'&office. Parr time, experienced. OPERATOR Looking for a single black male 47 year old, single Bi white male. EKG, vena puncture, x-ray, typing, computer Summit Medical Group Is.currently..seeking a. gious. I'm financially independent, the country, the outdoors, music, WANT A COMPANION Single white -male is seeking a tite. Want someone age 27 to 37, ASSEMBLE ARTS, crafts, toys, Jewelry, wood Communications; Coordinator I'm trim, attractive and, healthy. If literate. Fax resume MfcBSd-zZBa.. —. -- •• PCOplnkrt9r- intelligent, caring and refined. age 18 to 23, who would like to go dancing, etc. Call, if this sounds caring, loving fun female, who who Is sensitive, romantic and 20 words or less $14,00 per Insertion items, typing, *0tfiQH,;ibmpuMt .KKsaJinm. 67 year old, single white male. you are a BI white male age 35 to •Wowo a small, Wr/ay"WKisibTifm tooWrTj'' per week evenings, weekends and holidays. Seeking a trim, single white male out to movies and dinner... BOX like you. BOX 16109 knows how to have fun. Want to "JioWih:yout spare Dme. Great pay. Free Flexible schedule, accuracy, reliability and Would like to meet a sincere wom- passionate... BOX 11318 Additional-!© words or less ..:r,$4:0d;per "insertion details can 1-800-632-8007..24 hours, (fee). for an energetic, self-motivatod individual to MEDICAL SECRETARY age 40 to 53, who is a non smok- 36556 55, who has sImtlarquaRtles, and •direct Incoming calls, (axes, deliveries and attention to detail^a must. K interested please FRIENDLY GAL an, who enjoys simple things In T 2 Positions Available BE CUTEANO HONEST. looking for a discreet, sincere Display Rates...... $22.00 per column inch visitors to our feam mnr"tf re N Irieai rarrft - er for a fong term relationship. PRETTY NEW HERE... Friendly, mature, widowed female. ship,.to hopefully lead to some- life. Want someone around the Divorced white male. Enjoy dining friendship; leading to a possible' j!d have good verbil communication Insurance claim adjuster. Experience in com- SUMMIT BOX 11.604 5'8\ brunette with brown eyes. thing more serious- BOX 11398 Seeking a male age 60 to 70. same age, who would like com- out, quiet timaa at home, movies, -*rstaflonstilp,:;gafl.~BOX3g57B~ skills, be outgoing and cordial. Computer skills puters'a musL References a must' Fufi time. MEDICAL GROUP Looking Jor_p_gppjejn my area., Blind Box Number $12.00 per insertion are a plus. This Is a Ml time position in a casual, VARIETY OF MUSIC... Want someone-tof—companion— panlon5hlp...~8QX 36885 AE etc. Looking for a petite, white -Local office of national organization two full Health benefits Included. Fiorhnm ParkAJmon. 120.Summit Avenue who like the movies, the beach, Ship... BOX 36504 ON THE LOOKOUT time career minded persons willing to work friendly .environment. Please fax resume to 21 year old female. Looking IRISH GAL WANTED Tall, dark and handsome, single lady age 35 to 45, who is a non Fran Nlemiec at 908-771-O330- or mail to her . 201^377^4112 Summ)l,N,l skiing and pretty much anything. 30 year old Italian.male, looking hard. We offer training, earn whUe you learn, for a guy, who likes to be ac- WANT A REAL MAN... Single white male professional, professional male, age 35. Look- smoker... BOX 36690 choice of locations, potential firU year earnings attention at Capital Access, 430 Mountain TEACHERS PART time- High School, exper- tive, but also likes to stay Want a professional male, age 25 ing for someone to spend quality for a guy age 18.to 28. Prefer In excess of $30,000. . . Avenue. Murray Wf, NJ 07334. . NANNIES. LIVE-IN only. Good poiftlon avaii- iencedandcerflfied Math and English for SAT 33 year old, mother oi two.'Stand age 39. Love to read, go to plays, SEEK SPECIAL PERSON ESSEX COUNTY home and watch a movie.-.; to 30... BOX 36701 time with. Want someone who en- someone mediterranean, euro- Call Mr. Emma at 201-762-6600 aWe In NJ for experienced caregfvers. Salaries course In Union and Essex countres. 5'2" tall and weigh 106 pounds. dine out and classical music' 33 year old male, with brown hair pean, or puerto rlcan. BOX :$2SO-$400 per week. Futry screened tamiftas 1.800-762-8378. '•-•.•; : BOX 12972 VERY UNPREDICTABLE.. Looking for that special someone. Looking for a nice Irish girt, for a joy movies, dinners, traveling and News-Record of Maplewood & South Orange ,•• DENTAL ASSISTANT andnupport group. America'* Nannlea Atlantic City- BOX 36767 • and blue eyes. Like dancing, mov- 16373 LIKE LONG RIDES 18 year old blonde with blue eyes. Want someone who is romantic, a long term relationship; perhaps ies, bowling, outdoor activities,: West Qfflngft'C!rrrr>Ti|cle •'EJapf. MARKETING Looking for a male, age 18 to 25. gentleman, and not afraid to give leading to marriage... BOX 11444 I KNOW WHATJ WANT- NANNY NEEMD.Maplewood.Uve in or out 2 Divorced african american fe- NICE SUNDAY DRIVI TRUCK PARTS Responsible, pleasant,.energetic, person. Ex- • Corumi your own dostlny . Wantsomeone. j°r a fun relation- I ilR£^L 47 year old, single white Gay boys..3M / 5 years .old. Energetic, creative. male, age 39. I'm edu.catad., rroiesslonai male would" like, to ing fora passionate, spontaneous Orange Transcript •The Glen Ridge Paper perlence preferred. Please .call: ....-• Na Bmlt to earnings. You, contcoi your hourly ship... &Uk 36625 "" G05D4IEARTE6 MAN male. I consider myself attractive, Long established company Jii Elizabeth seek- Onver's Botnw requtrad. Oafl 20i-762-T6()2.. ;ana 'financially secure." Look- MUST BE VERY SECURE. . share nice, romantic times wjttian lady, age 25 to 35. Want some-' wage'. Growing company looking for agressiVe, 38 year old, single male. Enjoy masculine, trim and healthy. Don't Nutley Journal • Belleville Post ing an Individual for pans counter,. Some 908^5277 PART TIMEr Office WbrkW, secretariat and: sslf-motlvaled personnel. Requirements: ing for someone who is sin- WANT MAN WITH CLASS attractive lady. I'm good looking, one for friendship and a possible i •• i • i _ ..**•'* . Classy, african-american beauty. music, bowling, football, baseball, smoke, use drugs, or drink heavi- knowledge of fcu* part* .ne$wa/y. .Paid accounts position, 20 noun per week: Call Strong and dear, speaking voicfr. We train. cere, honest and genuine. Mature, sensitive, african-ameri- workout, stay in good shape and long term relationship,. BOX Irvington Herald • Vallsburg Leader hospitafeatton, paid vacation; holidays. Salary ORIVERrQTR.tractor/trailer. ;32oanW fnile r Looking for a long term relation- walks in the park, etc. Looking for ly. Looking for a Gay white pro-. after 3pm, 908-241t6794.. \ ' , • :• ! . 908-289-2225, Want a long term-relationship. like to have fun... BOX 11369" 11281 ..'••••• ' based on experience .car Automolfte Safety ' guaranteed with 5 years OTR experience, out - can widow. Seeking a financially ship, with a professional, widowed a full figured, single white female . Inc., 908-351-7S00; ask tor Savroi, Ask for Joe or Ed Monday-Friday, lOarn-epm BOX 12977 fesslonal male, age 35 to 55. The Independent Press of Bloqmfield . pHast8. Gresnbenefiu, Vetvty Wmto assigned •••PART-TIME OFFICE he^> tor small Mourrtaln- secure, widowed or divorced male or divorced male. Want someone : age 25 to 45, who is drug and EDUCATED GENTLEMAN • • , LIKE MOVIES.. Want someone for discreet, sin- •ftacrtors. TSLT-8OQ.527.9g88,':•;•.-..• .. ' side cornpany. Thursday 1 iam-2pm, possible TELEMARKETING ' -\'.'I .••.'•".'• .•/-•• A DREAM COME TRUE... age 55 to 65. Looking for love, age 55 to 70, who is financially disease-free. BOX 36797 ; AVON -A BEALfflFUL Jc*l£errtExtfa*». addiUonal.time in future. 908-233-B777. • • Educated nubian widow,'50-plus,. Single black female. Looking fora cere, caring frlendshlp.i.leadlng to Work your own hours fprFutj and Profit. To sell. DRIVER. RESPONSIBtE. driver' tc- do light, respect and companionship-.- secure and in good condition. CLASSIFIED RATES' SUBURBAN CABLEVISION 19 year old, gorgeous female. A WONDERFUL GUY .. Enjoy dancing, gardening,, the- single black male, age 19 to 25. a possible rrionogompus relation- In any area, Call Toff Free 1.800-862-2292. tocat driving in company van'and ioffl* office PART TIMP caihter. F.lexlbl* hours. Union BOX 11235 1 Currently has part time telemarketing sales Have light skin and dark brown Race is unimportant! MusJ be a aters,, sometimes just hanging Want someone who is nice, warm, ship. BOX 36545 • . 20 words or less $14.00 per insertion woric Flexible. hoars. Call 201*467-8330, OTa..CaH.Ccfia at Metro Difugs, 687-aiOO. . position available between 12 noon and 4 pm. Single white male, age 26. Look- 9a;m.-5p,m.. Ask for ScbB. ' .: • '•.-, ... eyes. Looking for a handsome MAYBE SOMETHING MORE non smoker... BOX 36464 out, and quiet times at home. kind-hearted and likes to go out to Additional 10 words or less ...... $4.00 per Insertion PAfff-TlME. data entry.'Ternpqcary Job, ap- Monday thru Friday. You wW receive an hourly • ing for a single white female, age THE BOY NEXT DOOR... ' black male, age 23 to 25. Want 20 year old female with blonde ARE YOU INTERESTED.. Looking fora divorced or widowed the movies... BOX 36666.- wags and commission with tha opportunity to 21 to 26. Enjoy sports and out- 2,7.yeat.oJ0 guy, with .an adven- Display Rates,.'.•i..,.$2y.00j>er column inch • Increaw your Income Uihxiflh'^ monthly' bdn- someone who enjoys partying, hair and brown eyes. Looking (or gentleman age-60 lp 65|who is :«^ . ; ~i _^ •,. >. — ,_ jjj-g'-^-^jjj/. .Black female, a^e.SSV Looking for doors. Want someone who enjoys, turous, spirit. Have Irght browns ...does your ad h ....jf^WlnB'i •US63. tf you have excetent-ccriwunlcations movies and dining out... BOX a good looking, single guy for "financially and emotionaly se- MEN SftKISG MEM ' can crea) Ad-l skills and eome«afa oxpdriencopleatsffcal) Mr. a caring, loving relationship. If you smiling and having fun.. BOX hair ancfblue eyes. Looking fo'r? ... , . . /fhWriswiin-. 12979^ . friendship and maybe something cure. Want someone with the Blind Box Number $12.00 per insertion This Type size ioamlng to clrtve a Irtwk tor peoptovvho.have Kopeckiat 908-i55ir88S3 beftveert 1pm and are interested in meeting 36799 . DONT BE SHY.. another guy age 21 to 35, who PART TIME- Medical pffiot assistant, flexible more... BOX 36576 me...please respond! BOX 36480 same interests... BOX 11371 verifiable wer.the road-experienc*. After com-. PLUS SIZE FEMALE LIKE TO HAVE FUN 28 year old, Bi white male. Have is masculine, witty, intelligent, pietina the required training, you^can earn an ~ hours, fight typing necessary/people person. brown hair and blue eyes. I'm BEST BUT Pteawhcall a>i-&>4-:igS8...... : •'. YOUR AD could appear hem tora s little as 23 year o/d, hispanic woman. I'm ENJOY SOME COMPANY.. Good looking, single white profes- BEST FRIEND & LOVER and honest. Want someone who 12 Point J14J30 per week. Cart fqr monj details. Our MEN SEEKING WOMEN available for afternoon or evening year,, plus «ompr«hen»W' berwtfu. Calt 5'6" and 210 pounds. Looking for Young white senior lady. Would sional male. I work out, so I'm in 24 yea/ old male, Enjoy movies, has a passion for life. BOX CLASSIFIED COMBINATION RATES PASTRYCHEF/baker;Experienc9d persofi for friendly dastifted department would be. happy get togetners. Looking for a white .i^0Q.2JB-HUrrfi EOG. SubJ»« to drug upscale bakery in Mapte«oodVHaoe.Po8lBvo, tqi helo;Veu. Can ,1,-800-564-fflJ.1. •. } a dark skinned, black male, age SCHOOL TEACHER... music and sports. Looking for a • nmaii .• ' .' -. .._ .-••-.••• like to meet a kind, compassion- good shape. Enjoy dinner, mov- 36487 screen. • productive, InvenSv*. Appy 17S Maplewood 23 to 28. Want someone for- single white female, age 23 to 30. male, younger than me, who is Ad appears In all 22 newspapers : 14 Point : ate senior gentleman, for friendly Male in my 50's. Enjoy sports and ies, dancing, going out • to Awehoe, Maptawodo', 1t&m&.•"' \ r .TEtEMAHKETINO friendship and possible committ- music. Looking for someone age Want someone for a long term re- good looking and knows it! BOX WOMEN SEEKING WOMEN DRIVERS. WE promise topa y and detivsrt relationship. If you like day trips, clubs...you name it! Let's go out -- 20 words or less $20.00 per Insertion ORT/ shortnaul; Home weekly (shathaul), Guard ment. Enjoy movies, dining out, 45 to 55, who likes life, is sincere, lationship. BOX 36721 11556 ith sales experience, vaslc'computer movies, quiet evenings and din- and, have fun. BOX 36811 OR JUST FRIENDSHIP.. Additional 10 words or less....$6.00 per inserHor pracOceiooWnaforlntefllgeTiiouiBo- quiet evenings alone... BOX honest and has a sense of humor. onuj™«W8 and vibrant personality to worKAi ing out...give me a call! BOX ARE YOU ALIVE... NO ONE NIGHT STANDS. assigned trucks...... person,expeiienceaiAis.WilSneto 12980 BOX 13013 DIVORCED ITALIAN GUY Display Hates...... $42.00 per column inch Motor Carriers 1 train. Ca)IKaroline; «l,201-762-9204. : " our West Oraftge offtee fyTonday. rfmi Frfday 36586 25»yearokJ, Gay whlttfrnale. Have between 9AM-5PM; Excellent .starting wage 32 year old, Italian male. I'm 6'1" someone who is still vate. If you are interested In hav- TMSNQ5 HAWfcN WILL MAKE YOU WHOLE NO CONCEEDED PEOPLE. alive and has some life in them. brown hair and green eyes. Look- ing a good time...please respond. V Contract Rates Availabje • POSTAL JOBS. Start %\\A\l hour. For exam plus bonus program. Can 1-600-762-0029 Ext. and weigh 160 pounds. Looking and appBcation IntormatiorT call 219-769-8301 19 year old female. Looking for a I'm a supervisor working with the 23 year old male. Have jet black for an attractive female age 25 to Want someone who is vibrant, en- ing for a male to hang out with BOX 11558 . DRIVER(s) eH. NJ517; 9AM-9PM. Sunday- Friday. male, age 19 to 27. Want some- hair and dark brown eyes. Look-' joys life, and Is over 25 and under and get to .know. Want a relation- TEXAS REFINERY corporation needs person handicapped. Looking for a pro- 35, to go out with and possibly WANT A FRIENDLY GAL now in your area regardless of training. Writs one who knows how' to have a ing to meet a young lady age.18 80. I'm 33 years old, college edu- shlp... BOX-12^9. DEADLINES 24 Point With van, for overnight newspaper POSTAL JOBS. Start $12XW hour plus bene- fessional, single white male, age have a close relationship... BOX Single female, age 23. Looking for fits. For exam and application information call KIN. HoiMtiris, Box 711, Fort Worth, TX 78101. good time, just to be a good friend 34 to 40, who is mentally, finan- to 25. Want someone who isrtalk- cated, intelligent and fun... BOX Add impact by using larger type • ask our deliveries once a week to local post 11423 t y. . BOY^EXT DOOR TYPE a female, age 19 to 30. Maybe we Business Directory 4 p\nr. Thursday Classified "Representative for the type you 219-794-0010 Bet. NJ i30,flAM to 11PM, 7 or possibly a have long term rela- offices and stores. NO COLLEC- ; cially and-physically secure. Want ative, sincere and has a good 11323 Gay white male, age 34. Have can start out as friends, and from would like for your ad. days. .;..-.. •/ •. -,, :•"•.-••'•• "• tionship... BOX 11150 ALL KINDS OF MUSIC. Display - Space reservation 5 p.m. Friday TIONS, NO SUNDAY PAPERS.; TREECLIMBER someone who loves life and sense of humor. Non smokers GOOD LOOKING MALE blonde hair and brown eyes. there work something out... BOX For low cost people-to-people advertising get RECEPTIONIST (SWrTCHBOARD), y«a;<>per- only please... BOX13032 . 58 year old white gentleman. En- Into the Classified Pages. Call 1-800-564-8911. BROWN-EYED GIRL laughter. Must be a non smoker. Intelligent and honest .male. En- Looking tq meet a black or his- 36824 Ad «opy 12 Noon Monday^ . ate a busy multi Bn» system. High school Must be experienced in ad phases of tree care. joy opera, classical music, music Call Mark Cornwall Must have valid NJ driver's license. 6ood pay 5'8" blonde in my early 30's. Inter- BOX 11190 BE MY VALENTINE! panic male, for friendship and/or BABYSITTER, PART Tln». To care for my diploma and 3-5 years experienco required. of the 40's and 50's, country joys life and have likes to have, CALL ANYTIME... In Coluinn 3 p.m. Tuesday 908-686-4400 extension 308. v . ' and benefits. In Maplewood area. Call: ested in a white maie. age 30 to pbesibJy more. Age isn't impor- newborn in my Maplewood home. Monday- 908-686-7700, ext 305. LIVE IN UNION COUNTY Dream giving nice, cute, petite western, golf, and travel: Looking fun. Would like to share a strong Loriely Bi white female. Seek- Friday, 8:30am-1pm. References, english 40. Want someone who would like tant! BOX 12931 White female, age 60. Looking for single white female age 22 to 37. for ajady age 48 to 58... BOX friendship and quiet times with a ing another Bi white female, age - speaking, non-smoker. 201-762-5335. EARN MONEY reading books! $30,000/ year RETAIL SALES; 201-762-5221 to try different things... BOX income potential. Details. 1-805-962-6000 Ext. an elderly gentleman to take Small gift containing nice, cute 36720 - nice woman. Want someone one -.-"•-SOMETHING NEW 20 to 30. Want to meet others CLASSIFIED ADVERHSING DEPARTMENT HOURS 36849 ' V-2301. CwAlSMA, leading retailer of ladies largeiize walks. Wanf someone for -com- single white male age 33 for Val- who is intelligent and attractive. Single white male, in my 20's. who are lonely like me... BOX WHEN REPLYING apparel, has opening for experiencso sales YOUR AO could appear here for as little as ENJOY THE COMPANY.. $14.00 per wa«k. CaU for more details. Our ACTIVE LIFESTYLE.. panionship, age 55 to 65- BOX entine's Day. Let's make reality! BOX 11332 Looking for a possible relationship 36777 Monday through Friday 9:0p AM. - 5:00 P.M. . EARN THOUSANDS prooessing mail at home. person, pan tone/full tme In Its Union location. TO A Send .self addressed stamped envelope: Post Call Audrey: . . . friendly Classified Department would be happy Petite, youthful african princess. 11221 BOX 13045 Single black male, age 33. I'm to help you. Can 1-800-564-891 v WANT A NON SMOKER.. with someone curious. Want SENSITIVE PERSON... UNION COUNTY Office Box B296, Parslppany. NJ 07054. I'm independent, open minded, very athletic, spiritually and finan- Additional Phone Hours LETS GETAQUAINTED. SOMETHING DIFFERENT Non smoking 46 year old, di- someone who has never done this 23 year old, single white Bi fe- CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER .908-851-2900 VP TO f 1,000 weekly stuffing envelopes your flexible, humorous and affection- cially secure, and always keep a EARN UP to $700 weekly. No experience. Own 64 year old, widowed white fe- 25 year old, scorpio male. Would vorced hispanic male. I'm finan- before... BOX 36S40 male. I weigh 122 pounds, have hours; Part time or full time. Process mortgage location. Easy-work, excellent pay, part time/' ate. Seeking a single male age 45 positive attitude and outlook on Monday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Tuesday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. please address envelope to: SALES. FLIU time/ part time. I need bHinjrual. fun time. For free details send SASE: P.O. Box male. Would like to meet a sin- like something different. Whether cially secure with no dependents. long, dark brown hair and green refunds. 1-800-833-.g730. people who speak Spanish, French, German. to 60. who is healthy and well life. Looking for an Intelligent and REALIZED WHO I AM... 500-KT, Uma, PA 19037. ':.• i cere gentleman who enjoys the an african american or asian fe- Love sports, bowling, travel, din: eyes. Looking for the same, age EASY WORKI Excellent payl Assemble pro- Japanese, Korean, Kalian, Philippine, Russian, groomed. Prefer a social drinker respectful, young lady... BOX I'm a single male. Looking for an simple things in life. Want some- male. Looking to start the new year ing, etc. If you are a non smoker, 21 to 35, for friendship and possi- ducts at home. Call toll free 1-800-467-5566 etc to help expand my buslnesslocally."nation- and a non smoker, for a serious 36784 attractive Gay male, age 18 to 25. BOX NUMBER --- ally and internationally. Part dme $400-$1000/ one age 60 to 72, who would like off in a different way...hopefully a with your weight proportioned to bly more... BOX 36730 ExL flS06.... L .f • ;_ -;.. -- J WAJTER/WAJmESS relationship. BOX 36817 I heed someone to show me a CALL newspapers month.THJB lirhfli jiSDtkjuoow/niomh:>rom better wayl BOX 13050 SINCERITY A PLUS.. your helght..:call. BOX 36708 companionship... BOX 11223 Hood iime... BOX 5684b your home or olGo*. WSI train. Sail Oava at Luncheon position" available tor fine di- HONEST FEMALE Semi-sophisticated, single white SEEKING A 5LONDP GAL P.O. Box 150 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES 201-509-9798. , : ' WANT CARING MAN... MUST HAVE VALUES ROMANTIC AT HEART... FULL TIME and ON CALL Wrt THaartay Ihru Hiring, Sinnle whits f&Tiaie. Enjoy ainirig •Tiols, age 50. Low mileage, .... WHITE MALE WANTED Looking for an 18 year' old blonde,- Maplewood, NJ 07040 15 year oid maie. Seeking a white or Single male, age 35rtoofong for for a long term relationship. Want Snera 3PM. ouCwalks, movies, talks, just.get- bb year oia, black female: Enjoy good condition. Looking for a Looking for an over weight white ^CRETERBTFOOD service company In linden Maplewood. Retirees welcome. Part One help, hispanic female, age 18 to 21. Want someone I cansper|dsometjmg r lenced Housekeepers » support our quality ting to know somebody. I'm inter- dln|ng out, movies, long rides, bin- woman who is younger U«n n». mt** '~w*}wr^7 r2»4a long term relationship, BOX 11595 oriented, fun-loving, and easy go- Your responsibffiiies will Include dally cleaning mysejc Looking for a relalion- someone who would want to do someone who is affectionate, a a black male for some fun times. SECRETARY. Bi-Lingual (Spanish^ Law of- , WflUJUEEi-CCWSERVAXJON Jobt^Q«m» things to benefit the both of us. NO HEAD GAMES ing... BOX 11292 SPORTS PARTNERS/FRIENDS and floor maintenance. Must bftWjllirifl.la.wofk. ship... BOX 36795 non drinker and a non smoker. Want someone straight acting and CLASSIFIED^POLIGIES CARPENTER snttw and weekends: Pribrfnusolneplng ex- '•florT»Wlte7lt"oWJf^^1*"R«efflpM and wardens, secuVityi rnaihtenance, etc. No exper- organized person. WordPerfect skills pre- ience necessary. Now hiring. For information BOX 36458 Male with black hair and blue BOX 36786 STARTING THINGS SLOW caring, for a long term relation- (Not for oouptes seeking...) MaTdenform, Inc. located in Bayonne, MJ, perience within a hospital or nursing home a HUGS AND KISSES... eyes. Enjoy dancing, swimming, your id wltt not ba accepted. adverQslhg is payable iin advance. seeks an experienced carpenter able to fabri- plus. We offer a competitive salary and benefits ferred, Pleasant Maplewood office. call 219-794-0010, extension 7946, 9A.M. to* VERY AMBITIOUS.. Single white Christian-mate." rm shlp... BOX36879 201-763-4500. ; 11P.M.. 7 davs. . Single.white .female, age 35. I'm dining, movies, and more. Look- WANT A SLIM WOMAN. cate wood products with little supervision. package. NO PHONE CALLS. Applications 46 year old female. Non smoker very sincere, passionate and kind. WHAT A GAL!! We accept Visa and MasterCard. You may also mall Qualified candidates will have 5 to 10 years easy going .arid honest. Looking ing for a one-to-one relationship. I roller blade and play alot of ten- COME HOME TO ME... accepted Friday, January 13,10AM-1RM only: Play alot of basketball and run five 31 year old, single white female. carpentry experience and a high school • . UNION HOSPITAL Automotive for a single white male, age 28 to and slightly full figured. Seeking a Want a female age 25 to 35. Must nis. Seeking a reasonably attrac- Gay white male, age 38. Look- your ad with payment (check or money order) to us, tall, black Christian male, age 45 times a week. Looking for a genu- Looking for a single white'male diploma. 1000 Galloping Hll Road 43. Want someone who is honest, be a non smoker, social drinker tive single or divorced female, Ing for a Gay white male, age We offer a comprehensive wage and benefits Union, NJ 07083 inely, nice person for a serious age 27 to 40, for friendship. If you or come Into one of our offices to place your ad. romantic, likes to laugh, and en- to 58, who is a non smoker. Want who is also active. I'm a young 40 18 to 30, 5'6" to 5'10", 120 to package including material, pension and a 1612 okay... BOX 11567 relationship. Want someone with like the Yankees, Devils, HAS STRAUSS, a Imadmr joys many things. Would like a someone for friendship and hope- year old, part-time dad. Age is not 165 pounds...please call! BOX 401 (k) savings plan. Equal Opportunity Employer AUTO BEST FRIEND/MORE... the same qualities I have. BOX Giants...I'm your gal. I have a very Offices where ads can be placed in person: Interested candidates should send thoir re- In ttf automotive long term relationship. BOX fully a possibleslong term relation- important! BOX 11403 11386 50 year pld, divorced white Chris- 11299 funny sense of humor, so If I'm sume or tettof outlining qualifications to: HOULIHANS/LtVINQSTON HasA Job for you- 36804 ship. BOX 36522 • Human Resources Good work environment, good benefits, full/ aftermarkot, has tian male. I'm sensitive, caring DIAL MY NUMBER... LIKE TO HAVE FUNI . ENJOY LONG RIDES... the one you're looking for...call! pan time, waiter/ waitress. Call for an appoint- TECHNICIANS ELDERLY MAN WANTED.. TRUE LOVE AWAITS... BOX 36765 and affectionate. Have varied in- 31 year old male. Trying to meet Single professional male, age 26. 23 year old, single Gay black Maidenform, Inc. ment. 201-992-0455. ' - potltlont available ion Single white female, age 60. Divorced white male, with dark terests. Looking for a sincere, sin- single women, age 25 to 40. Like male. Looking for a friendship/re- 154 Avenue E Looking for an elderly man, age Like movies, music, and romantic NEW TO THE AREA... 1291 Stuyvesant Avenue HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. FuO time, livo-ln. hair and eyes. I'm romantic, sin- gle or divorced white Christian fe- swimming, sports, the arts, etc. lationship, with another Gay black No children. Please call 201-992-9850. 55 to 65. Want someone for com- evenings. Looking for a single fe- College student, age 23. Looking Bayonne, NJ 07002 cere and hardworking. Seeking a male age 40 to 50, for friendship, Want a well built female, who Is male. Enjoy cooking, dining in and Union, N.J. LET'S EVALUATE panionship and a relationship. male, who wants to be treated for some new friends, male or fe- FAX # 201-436-9^22 HOUSEKEEPER/ COMPANION. Per Diem. slim, petite female who is looking fun times and possible long term aggressive and has a sense of out, movies, reading and more... YOUR PRESENT JOB. BOX 36780 for true love... BOX 11599 with respect and likes having fun I male. Hope to hear from you EOE MF/D/V For handicapped middle-age woman. Call relationship. BOX 11549 humor. BOX 36771 BOX 11301 BOX 11416 Essex County 201-376-0220 Monday- Friday. 9AM-5PM. soon. BOX 36704 CHILD CARE. To care for children In Irvington ARE YOU: 463 Valley Street home Provide own transportation. Recent LAW ENFORCEMENT Jobs. No experience • E3m!ng competitive wages? references required. Non-smoker. necessary. Now Hiring. 03. Customs, Offic- Maplewood, N;J. 201-375-5671,24 hours Or 201^3754724 after ert. Etc... Formformatfcsn: 219-7W-0010. Ex- • Gelling company, security? any personal advertisements which 7pjn. tension 3154, 8AM-11PM. 7 days. • Enjoying room for promotion? •d, your phone bill will rttlect a chaije _eceiYinga Cgp hib p 1287 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday \ 17£L.ScotlaJQd-Road -— • Improving your talents that will be a blueprint to success with company Orange, N.J. sponsored and factory training? 40-WORD • Being reimbursed for continued education? • MfcSSAGE RETRIEVAL ADVERTISING SALES FREE PRINTED AD rncc GREETING FREE •Earning ASE certification bonus? . ONCE A WEEK Our retail advertising department is looking for outside If you answered "No* to any of these questions... and are presently an A or 6 Respond to a ad by calling: 266 Uberty Street • Technician with your own tools, then it's time to evaluate RiS Strauss., Call 1-800-382-1746 to place your ad 24 hrs. a day Bloomfleld, N.J. _ sales representatives for Union and Essex counties. (Please have your voice greeting written down before you call) • ' """ ••" , -*r. Positions involve selling and servicing a variety of. MEET WITH OHM 09 OIM *f » To place your Connections ad, call 1-800-382-1746 to record your FREE voice greeting. Be ready to write down your mailbox Adjufitmente: We make every fflbrt to avoid mistakes In yoor number and access code when you call. 1-900-786-2400 businesses in existing territories. Advertising experience 385 ROUTE 22 WEST • MlLLSIPE $1.99 per minute. TouchTone or rotary phones. You mtist be 18 or older. classified advertisement Please ch«± your ad each One it I It's all automated and simple. You don'l have to speak to anyone. One phone call sets up your voice greeting and your printed helpful, but if you have the right stuff, we'll train. If unable to attend, send your resume to our corporate headquarters at: appears, should an error occur please notify the classified »A Brkfc Pbm( RA, Sooth Wver, HI 08982. ad. Your ad will-appear for at least 4 weeks. ' After listening to the simple instructions enter the mailbox number of ihe ads you want to access or browse all department within seven days of publication. WonaD Community Dependable transportation Is a must. We offer salary plus, randomly. • ' . Record your voice greeting by midnight on Wednesday for your ad to appear in next weeks edition of Connections. Newspapers. Inc. shall aatjbc tebte far errors or omissions In commissions and full benefit*package. Please call to You may place an ad in one of our dating categories or our sports partners/friends category. You'U hear a greeting with [he Connections ad and the person behind the greeting. any advertisement for which it may be responsible, beyond the arrange an Interview. ; . When recording your greeting, remember to give a complete description of yourself and the type o/ person and relationship vou Voice greetings are added to the system every 24 hours. So you can browse through the new advertiser greeting before the a»tofacUial8pacecKxupledbyitemmirtildierrororcTOlsslons seek. A thorough, honest greeting will produce the best results. Connections ads appear in the newspaper. • occured. We can not be held liable for failure. Cor any cause, to WORRALL COMMjdNITY NEWSPAPERS You can retrieve your messages free of charge once a week. You may retrieve messages more than once a week by calline the insert an ad. Worrell Community Newspapers. Inc. reswts the 900 number. There is a charge of $ 1.99 per minute. Listen togreeting s of people that interest you. If you like, leave your response. That person will hear your message when right to reject, revise or redasslfy any advertisement at anytime. 908-686-7700 they call in. b

V. •-• I


B12 — THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 199S - UNION COUffTYVflDE CUSSIRED UNION COUNTYWIDE CLASSJRED'— THURSDAY^JANUARV J2, 1995 — B13 EMPLOYMENT WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE CONTRACTOR PLUMBING PRINTING ROORNG . • TILE TREE EXPERTS CERTIFIED RELIABLE Ueimt Health Aide, ^STAteiSAlE POLISH GENERAL Contractor. AvaUtbW tor Exterior/ BLEIWEtS • PRiNtlNG EVERUST ROORNG CO. . WOOD,STACK •asks position caring for *td«dy or tick. Any- 120 Highland Avenue, Montclalr all kinds ofjooe. Interior end exterior palrrtng, NEW-WAY FLOOR SERVICE HOLLYWOOD Fully in- RESIDENTIAL AND CQIkftCRCIAL CERAMIC TILE INSTALLER time. Ejcosllertt reference*. Own transportation. ; Friday, Saturday. 9AM-4PM INSTRUCTIONS carpentry. We work and masonry. OnVtways. guaranteed. Free PLUMBING & HEATING For A Bid On All Specializing in. shingle, tear oils and 1 pty TREE SERVICE 201-763-2624 after 6pm, v oeUngs and replapement windows and ntort. C*p«ClMnlna »M MM* t»«Jngt)«*m.. tmdtd «nd wrvlced. Your Printing NMdt • rubber; exterior carpentry,- slate shingle flat, New and Repairs LOCAL TREE COMPANY Snowdate Sunday - - D /Remodering/CleMi (GSP to exit 151 Waicfwng Avenue, left on CaH 420-8427. LANDSCAPING .Publication prinUns Spanish- tile repairs. • • R ALL TYPES THEE WORK HONEST WOMAN looking to doan houjes and StUrttng •Btthiodm t MdMn nmotfrtm , too Bo « Small *FR£E ESTIMATES offices. Reasonable. 7 days • week. Call' .Upper Mountain to Edgewcod » Highland). GUITAR AND B«ss lesson*. BJort guhar & Custom Cola* Pctoirtthane . REASONABLE flATEd a specialty FREE ESTIMATES ' FULLY.INSURED Outstanding furnishings and decorative Items Music Shop. 223S Morris Avenue., LWon . All workmanship guaranteed. I dolt.all , ' • •SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT 808-686-6580. FREE PHONE ESTIMATES HOUSE PAINTING Fully Insured end Bonded . *IMMED!ATE SERVICE including: Louis XVI styled bronze mounted (Across from AAMCO transmission). i rturrblrg Ucft* m?6 RolorcrtcGS availablo. Corner operalod. JOE MEGNA 908-687-1325. See Buttrms and Service Haple Composition •INSURED *FREE WOOD CHIPS HOUSEKEEPERS. NANNIES., riurses aides mahogany chairs (6) and table. 10flllt mounte d PATERNO PAVING IHTERIOR AND eCTEBIOR • Visa/Mastercard* acoepted . 908-964-6081 available. Uve I(V out Women aff nationalise*. chairs, beautiful gilt 3 piece parlor suite, excep- Directory. . . ' •-• - • . • .-'•• •• -. 201-676-4813 % 463.Valley Street — __ -^ 2W-429-2987 908-276-5752 Licensed/ bonded: Aurora Agency, 540 Broad- Driveway* » Parking" Lot* tional MARQUETRY PIECES, Including: PIANO, ORGAN, accordion tswonsln your ,908.688-7415 way, lortp Branch. 908-222-3369. marble top secretaire abanani, marble top • . 'Coat Sating home by VteZtorrwrtt. MA. 39. yam experi- 'Concrete Sidewalk Roar of News-Reoord I breaXfrontf cabinets/ tables, George III style ence. 908-862-8878. '/<.-: ' . . GARAGE DOORS FOTIS PLUMBING and Heating, blaster Plum-- ROOFING CONTRACTOR DENICOLO TILE CONTRACTORS TYPESETTING POLISH AGENCY spedaHzing In elderly and satimvood sideboard, inlaid mahogany break- 'All Type Ourbingt bar. ROTldefflW.CorrmreW. JobWr^, Almra- Mon., Tues., Wed. & Fi*. fl sick care. Housekeepers, dairy housedeanors. 'Paving Blocks GARAGE DOORS- Instated, repairs and tionj. "No job too smaA." Ptumbing license- Thursday' and older tf Certified In 1 pty rubber roofing front, outstanding Napolitean style tulipwcod •Flat rooflno-rapairs Established 1835 COMPUTERIZED Live in/ out Excellent references and expert- cabinet with porcelain (SEVRES?) Inserts, SUCCESSFUL MATH TUTOR FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED service, electric operators a radio controls #3867. Call -806-466-3431 > by appdntment. ence. Call 908-862-0289. IMTERIdn'f»AlhrrERS,Paln! sprayino, wall- Shingles, ro-rool-t«orolf Imari low tables and other fine furniture, art OVER 25 YEARS-TEACHING STEVEN'S OVERHEAD DOOR. Kltcrwnt, Bathroom*/ Repair*, Oouting, TYPiSETTING 908-245-6162 908-241-3827 908-241-O748 pepor rerrtfavBl, taxtured csjllnes, polyurellian- . ••;• 762-0303 ' Rool inspections A maintenance. POLISH WOMAN with good references, own Modems, king size and other bedroom furni- High SctwoVCoHeoa Ing, RMsbnabl* prtoti. No job too small. JOSEPH MCGADEY All work guaranteed Til* Fl&on, Tub EnelMUfM, 9how»r»tall» No Job too big or too small transportation, looking for housedeaning. Full ture. Mexican furniture, French bronze mantle Ajge&ra 1 through Calculus Senior discbunts. 908-48B-7826. • Fr«e Fully Insured Free Estimates dock (circa 1900), Sevres plates, Russian Free Estimates ' Fully Insured or part time-After 2PM call 201 -373-0694 loavo ^RESULTS PRODUCED ELECTRICIANS GUTTERS/LEADERS estimaM*.-- ..-•.-. PLUMBER BUSINESS CARD FACTORY 908-322-4637 No job too small or too large Camera Work .** messaaa. .porcelain partial tea service, French silver No job too smalll Veloxes water kettle and tray, crystal, china, Satsuma. SATs A Specialty AB8Y ELECTRIC. All types. Commerlce) and GUTTERS-LEADERS" AINTING & 1799A Springfield Ave. Maplewood, PORTUGUESE LADY lookingtor house s and porcelain. Wedgwood, early Chinese rugs residential work, security lighting, service up- SEWER CLEANING-SERVICE . WE STOP LEAKS! 908-686-5550 . Negatives olfices to clean. Own transportation. (sold by bid). Paintings by listed artists Includ- 908-68S-6550 grade renovation. Small jobs weteome License UNDERGROUND DRAINS ma & SON " Lfeenj* No. 8013 . NJ. 07040 908-353-7343. ing: Ardre Beronneau, Loon Detroy, J. Gener- «10347; Insured. W8-810-6313. « ' cleaned. flushed, CONTRACTING •201-763-6934, Fax 201*762-0111 CLARK tMC- Maple Composition ate, Schwartz Abrys, Claude Venard, Charles •replaced. - Comnwclal 908-354.6470 as Card " ' - ' "' - P.O. DOM 000S, Union, MJ PORTUGUESE-WOMAN lookingtor house - * " \\ T. Hai t A < S ¥i Forms; BdoSs, 4 Gbtor FrTriBho, Ryers, 463 Valley St. 3TIMATES 8rocfiures. Raffle-Tictt&ts: T-Shfoa. Eta •floof Stripping ft Repairs • sconces and chandeliers. Prints, rattan, 50's if It's electric we do It! Aft dgbrie jMgderi **m aboVel FUiV tf«URED EAST COAST Tile M Bathroom' Installations. Own .transportation. English speaking. Please Fumrture, fireplace equipment, washer, dryer, Concrete •Flat Roofing & Slate Maplewood call Anna or leave messaoe 669-3765. New Installations or repairs Aiptwlt Ceramic, Marble, Slate, Granite. Tile Repairs. refrigerator, household items. EXCEPTIONAL Lta*1 Pavers; Decorative CALL: tENNY TUFANO •Gutters & Leaders • Rear ol News-Record Bldg. Reasonable prices DryWaUt MAX $R,& PAUL Serving Union & MlddiM»x Counties No job too small. Kitchens, Foyers. Jacuzzi's. RESPONSIBLE WOMAN looking tor offices SALE., Recommendations available Mark Me(*e,.20i-22W9€5 RESUMES Mon., Tues., Wed. 4 Frl. 9AM-5PM OFFERED V>BiJ 9O8--273-6025 Far 29 Years ; • 964-7472. Free Estimates. Fully Insured. Thursday and btner D'mas and houses to dean. Rofwenoes. Own trans- MARY WOOD 201-783-2942 'License «115OO Fully insured SCHOENWALDER Fully Insured - Froe Estimates . portation. Call 201-374-2305. Resumes by appointment Call Frank at HOME IMPROVEMENTS Ray Rlcctara YOUR AD couW appear herefor a s llnle M NJ. Lie. No. 010760 YOUR AD could appear hero for as little as ir. EXCELLENT CONOmON Must sell-off whito BUSINESS SERVICE $14.00 per wwk. Call for more details. Our $14.00 ger week. C8jHtor_mw9_ details. Qu'_ sofa, cherry wood futon (full), Maria 201-378-5986 , friendly da»1fa • . UNION. 4 ROOM_apartment._$85D month. 5 i DIAL-A-BIBLE FENCING 9O8.2i1.3adQ Hillside. PM 00177 . DECKS IRVINQTON, UPPER. 2% and three room Distance Moving BL'OOMFIELD. Luncheonette/ dall wltft Lotto, Ice if rented. For a!! douii's, can Chestnut kitchen privileges, parking, near transportation. apartments near transportation. Bevator build- $495 monthly plus 1 months security', utilitioa GARAGE SALE •KITCHENS \ •ATTICS Spotless, heavy traveled area. Counter and Realty, Broker. 908-688-1680. Gethesmanp Gardens. Mausoleums. Office: ALL TYPES GENERAL REPAIRS,carpentry, painting, wall- CALL 906488-7768 table serving, 15 seat capacity. Good lease, Ing,, heat/ hot water supplied. 1% months included.' 201-762-4642. 1500 Stuyvesant Ave., Union. HILLSIDE. NEW items $2.00 each. New papering, plastering, leaders, gutters, win- owner retiring. Asking price is negotiable. Call security required. $465-525. 201-746-6261. UNION/SPRINGFIELD line. Available Immedi- REAL " - 908-S64-6356 •BATHROOMS .BASEMENTS SCHAEFER MOVING- Reliable, Same low 908-688-4300 • sweats, turtlenecks and more. 164 Hillside REMODELED. NEW AND REPAIR dows, doors, roofing. All expertly done. No Job after Bpm 201-458-0938. . ately-In 2 family. Spacious 6 rooms, 3.bed- HOUSE TO SHARE Wo are offering a free Five Lesson Video Series Avenue, Hillside. 201-923-2052. too small Free estimate*, FuHy Insured. Please rates 7 days. 2 .hour minimum. Insured. Free KENILWOHTH. 2 BEDROOMS, largo modem rooms, v/, baths, eat-inkitcr*h 2nd floor, on FOUR GRAVES in Hollywood Memorial Park, No job too small or too large. carl B08-352-367Q. •• . -. .• . . Estimates. Owner Operated. License r on How To Understand The Bible. Also a Iree NO JOB TOO SMALL BUSINESSMAN. OR builder, becorne steel- kitchen, laundry room, living room. Excellent bus route. gara'geV $1,050 plus utilities. WESTORANGE. Looking lor mature female to ESTATE Union. Part of estate of Helen C. Gartz. Bible Correspondence Course with no obliga- NUTLEY, 118 PASSAIC Avenuo, Landra PM00561. Anvtime. 908-964-1218. building dealer. Potential profits from sales; ' location. $800 monthly plus VA months oec- fl6fl-277-<»n.-'.' ••'• .... Reasonable. Call 908-899-3702 evenings. tions, or Private Bible Study at your conveni- MAT2A- PROFESSIONAL Carpenter. All' FREE ESTIMATES • share lovely furnlshod homo. No smokers/pets. ."All nul Mtatii. adverrlsltf htraln Is Apartments, 3B. Friday and Saturday, January Home Improvements, Repairs, Kitchen Ca- PIGNATCTGENERAV Contractors/ Tree Ser- options; construction. Beat Utah lumber costs', ority,. 908-241-3594.. . - . - $525 Including unities. Referencas' 'requited.: c ence, free for the askina. vice. Belgian block, oortcrelo, asphalt, ma-* ' subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, 13th and 14th, .TOam^tpm. Dining room set, binet Refacing. No Job Too Small. Free esti- CALL: 201-761-5427 factory direct-'from nation*'manufacturer. UNION- TWO bedrooms, bath',, living room, 201-669-3431. • . • . . household items. Everything must gol No early sonry, railroad ties, lot clearing, dry LINDEN. 6 ROOM apartment. 2 bedrooms, which makM It lll»g«l to advertls* any . mates. Call 1-600-307-2728. DO-IT-YOURSELF IDEAS Some areas takerr.:303r7594200. ext; 2100.' living room/ dining room combination, «atin largo, eat in kitchen. Call 908^66-6440. LIVE PSYCHIC. Call #1 Psychic line. birdsl Some collectibles. wall.emergency tree service. "Residential/ com-,. WEST ORANGE. 3'bedroom Colonial to Bhare preference, limitation, or discrimination 1-900-388-2828 Ext 18. 24 hours a day. 18+. merclal; free estimates, insured. READER SERVICE OF THIS NEWSPAPER kitchen. $700 per month, water supplied. Call based on raca, color, religion, MX, handi- MATZA- PROVISIONAL Carpenter. All 908-862-3059. UNION. WE offer this lovely 5 room apartment. with owner. $600 per month, ubliues included. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Touch tone. Only $3.95/ minute. BCS. 1239 Home imprcveBBits, Repairs, Kitchen Ca- FINANCING """"'" 908-887-7674. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES 2nd floor. Available immediately. Fee after Immediate occupancy. Call Larry at cap, familial status, or national origin, or Howells Road, Bayshore. NY. WANTED TO BUY binet Refacing, No Job Too Small. Freo esti- CASH NOW for receiving payments on annuit- MILLBURN. ONE bedroom apartment, $775 rental. Call Fountain •Realty, Realtor, 201-731-5436., Intention to nuKt-.-any such prtl«renc«, IRVINGTON, BY Owner, 2 Family plus 3 rooms ELIZABETH. FOR sale. house, llmHitlon, or discrimination. mates. Call 1-800-307-2728. ies, structured settlements, JUA's or state plus security. Available immediately. Conve- 908-964-3143: ' in attic, walkout basement plus driveway PSYCHIC READINGS by Mrs. Hart. Tells past, QUALITY family and 2 family, Best otfer. IdWd "We will not knowingly accept any ad- $120X00. 201-372-2655. Preferably call after present, future. Gryes advice on all problems. ALL ANTIQUES lottery payments. R&P Capital Resources, Inc., nient location. Heat, ^of water, parking in- SPACE FOR RENT "~** 35Q.TbeodoreFremdAvenue.Ryo,NY 10580, , cgmbirwd/Call-pete, WEST ORANGE, t bedroom in lovely garden. vertlslng lor rMl estate whjch Is In violation Spm». • •. \ . . .'..-. -. ..••..•. • Helps reunilo the asperated: Call ... .'•::. WANTED ...; ,.;. cluded. 90a27qS6S¥W»O?W 1 of the law. Art pVnwa* ari boreby Informed 201-507-5691 • CARPETING Can 1-600-338-5815; .,,'.-. • apartrfceriMocatBidw South VaUey Road Off Dining. Rooms, Bedrooms. Oriental Rugs, HOME IMPROVEMENTS atreetoarking.Walkingdisanii^wdllireinspor- ' Union Avenue). Strong idmrrie/cial ar0a,:i that ajj dwellings'-aavertisoti are, availablo PARSIPPANY, BY Owner. Spacipus 4 bed- TELL SOMEONE HOW MUCH YOU CAREI Paintings, Sterling, Porcelin Figures. Crystal, Don Antonelll FREE DEBT consolidation. Immediate relief! heat and hot water, near trains and buses. tat'on. Laundry faa'fities. $595 •monthly plus" proximaiely 700 square feet.Display window, on *n «qM«I opportunity basis."' • ' room, 2'/, ba!h;cenier hall colonial with central Run a Valentine Greeting ad. Old and Interesting Hems, Etc. Too many debts? Overdue bills? Reduce We Install ceramic tiles, carpet and vinyl. Available February 1st. 2 family house. $525 utilities. No foe. By appointment: drop ceiling, roH-down security ^Joor, half Bath. air. two-car garagq, vinyl siding, modern See ad in this newspaper. 908-272-7216 ROYAL LINOLEUM & RUG CO. monthly payments 30%-50%. Eliminate inter- Indoor And outdoor painting. . per month. Call 608-241-5872. 201-325-7331. - $600. For information/ appointment. kitchen, move-in condition, many amenitieB. est. Stop collection callers. Restore credit. Drop ceilings, bathroom and RENTAL 201-266-1300. 1-600-622-2550, after S:OOpffl. BUStNESS FOR SALE "*' $269,900, 201-884-1570. WEST ORANGE. 3 room apartrhent- 1 bed- CLASSIC ANTIQUES Famous Brand Carpets NCOS, nonprofit. 1-800-955-0412. . basement remodeling. GRdQeRY.-.CONVgNIENCE, candy store. ' Armstrong • Mohawk • Amtlco room, heat included. Third floor, $595 per UNION 1700 or 2700 SQUARE feet. WEST ORANGE. Charming Colonial, large lot, LOST & FOUND * ANY LIONEL, American Flyer, *•* and other PARENTS OF higri:school juniors. Act nowl month. Call 201-736-9010.. Showroom/ retail/ light manufacturing/ ware^ One person operation. Nice location near bus fireplace, family room, garage, many updates. Uanntngton • Congoleum - Tarkett FREE ESTIMATES FULLY WSURED Sell Your stop, school, city hall. Union. Reasonable price. FOUND: PUPPY', German Shepherd mix. ap- trains. Collector pays highest cash prices. FREE INSTALLATION • Have Floor Sizes Millions In free college scholarship money Is ifMl Mtati «dv»rtl»»d herein In house. 1324-26 Stuyvosant Avenuo. -Call Must see lo appreciate. $149,900. After 6PM 1-600-464-4871. 201-635-2058. available if you apply now. Call 609-859-2480 «ub|#cl to tht Federal Fair Housing Act, YOUR AD could appear here for as little as 908-687-2277. • .;. • Can 908-851-8544. ... : 201-669-1498. proximately -10 weeks old. Vicinity Chestnut Ready For FREE ESTIMATE. Shop at home. vrtiMh frakas n Illagal to advettlt* any Street, between Colonial Avenue and Chestnut • for free Information. 20T-761-0102 Home ^400 par week. Call forttiorB' dejails. Our Tavern. 908-964-1038. 908-688-7363. CAMERAS WANTED. CoBoclor pays highest Irtentiiy dussified department wouidl >happy rfjMM, color, religion, HI, handt- to helo you. Call 1 -800-564-8911. 908-964-7661. ' . cap;, f«mltl«I «t«lu«, or national origin, or IN UNION COUNTY Intintlonlomik* any such praftrano*, CLASSIFIEDS Just moved COLLECTOR BUYS vintage. Toys, trains, CARPET CLEANING WE BUY FUN WITH FELT , limitation, or dlsorlmmitlon. pedal cars, soda machines and signs, juke With this iS-pw instruction booklet, you can use CONDOS WRENT boxae, character watches, etc. 908-996-3716, BEAM WAY. Carpet and upholstery cleaning. "We will not knowingly aceapt any ad- fell lo decorate an array of homeholil items. Full- vtrtWng for rtal ettate which I* In vlotatlon CALL 1-800-564-8911 in? weekdays, Steve. • Residential and commercial. Stain removal, sue traceable patirrns. ttep-byslep directions and ROSELLE PARK. 2-bedroomj. 2nd floor end MORTGAGES ol tha law. AH ptrabnt ara hereby Informed MISCELLANEOUS) deodorizer, dries fast, stain guard protection, diaorams guide you in making any of the following 10 PLACE TOUR ClASSIfllDAD unit. Heat/ hot water included. Near NYC V Recycling-Industrial Accounts Serviced non-toxic oriental rug specialist. Free esti- Joph Financial Services projects: Dutch lolt collection (pictured), decofated thst aU dMntlllngs advMtlmM ar* •vtllibto transportation. Available February '95. Call mates. 201-376-3635. plastic pots: bookends. wasleoaikilt: a desk sei: oh an •qua.l opportunity btslt." 908-298-8425. I can help MAX WEINSTEIN SONS, INC. holiday.candy dishes: plicemats. elc 34 projects Call Phil in all A complete mileiials lisl is included. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE HONEST WEIGHTS-BEST PRICES. RICHARD G. McGEGHAN iif Always Buying Scrap Metals 201-678-8505 you out! 113 NEWSPAPERS REACHING over 1.8 mil- i lion roadersl You/ classified ad can be included 2426 Morrte Ave,{near Burnet) Union Residential & Commercial FLOORS 8md •htck to: D IHH40 Fun wilh Fell 1575 in SCAN- New Jersey's Statewide Classified Daily e-5/Saiurday, 8-12 MWH'Ci

Source One Mtge Svcs>Grnfrd.~aM-«7o-4«s7 aoo Jorsey Bk,Ridgefield Pk •o«-»a2-o«ti 32s «Oa 3.00 9.348.63 3.00^.14 7.50 2.50 9.51 M

Tho map at left Valley National Bank, Wayne wo-5s«-4ioor 450 N/P N/P N/P9.00 0.00 9.119.38 0.00 9.47 N shows tho county from pars to jobs B.68 3.00 9.488.38 3.00 9.10 distribution of \^ioh Mortgage, 6adar Knolls; ioi-Mo-i7jo >w 7.50 2.00 8,21 K dallies and weeklies' W«st Essex Savings Bank, SLA 2OI-57»-7OBO 370 8.83 1.00 8.748.28 2,00 8.59N/P N/P N/P in the NJPA You're leading it! 9.50 Q.00».5fi 4.25 i.5ae.asR SCAN program New Uttwn, New bath nMReNew Udian, New (A)1 Yr Aim (8)30 Yr Jumbo (C)8/1 Arm (0,15 Yr Bl-w^k)y- Mcrtyge liiutmtlnn e—uni— M1LLBURN AVE 1-800-564-8911 1-600-564-8911 nohMHyfartypognptilo M^mfcdbyth«l»o

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COUWTYWIPE J- THURSDAY, 12, 1996 - B1S »* Domestics lead AAA Autofest AUTO FOR SALE — AUTO FOR SALE f^' AUTO FOR SALE AUTO PARTS/REPAIR Domestic-made vehicles i ia»' da helps consumers narrow their choices 1Bea.CADft.LAC ELDORADO Roadittr. Red 1991 HONOA PRELUDE SI. S-speid, 140 . 1988 OLDSMO6ILE CUTLASS Clera. Auto- RICHIE'S AUTO Parts, Hillside. Open 7 days, tauter, 388 endr*. or«*t thape. Atklno. horsepower, sunroof. anti-lock brakes,-air. matic, «)rr power everything, cruise. AWfM foreign and domestic parts, extensive selec- Chevrolet Cavaiier, Dodge Intrepid: before vuirjijg new-car dealers," said t2apo. 9oa^a»f42a a eo»aaft7i82 AWFM cassette, 47K mites. Wall maintained, cassette, excellent Interior/ exterior.' 102K tion. H we don't have It, well get It! Call and OtdsmoWleAurora donUnate the- •• Rick town, assistant vice president of winter ready. 201-761-4068. miles, $2,200. 201-763-1073. evenings/ 908-686-2322. , 1089 CHRV81HR UEBARON, 2 door coupe, weekends. ; ••••:• top lOplcks in the American Automo- automotive services for.the Florham air oonoWortno, powtr wlndowi, «xc*Hlotlt .1686 HONDA CIVIC, 4 door, automatic, front eandWoa 78,000 nUlM, atkino 93,700.. Cafl wheel drive, air, power brakes/ steering, rear 1985 PEUGEOT 60% TURBO. 6 speed, All bile A»«edation's 1995 annual rank- : AUTO WANTED •Park based Club, : an^flt 201.7S1-870B. ,:•'• • , •• dSfoager, radial tires, 82K. $3500. options. Dealer maintained. Very good running. ing of new vehicles, according to the $1600 or best offer. Call 201-763-2803. The 1995 AAA AutoTcst reviews 1085 CHRYSLER FIFTH AWfiUO. 4 door, 8 201-751-5345. ABLE PAYS TOP $$$ IN CASH AAA New Jersey Automobile Club. 128 vehicles, representing all price cftndtr, alr-oandiilorMr. AMf M cas*ett8. Ex- 1963 INFINITI J30. Blue, loaded; telephone, 1980 PONTIAC FIREBIRD;,Excetlom condi- For All 4 Wheel DrivM AAA AutoTeat — the motoring ranges arid most popular models of oallcnt cootflttoft, ort« o*n«f. 60,000 rnllw. compact disc, superb sound, suri/titt roof, tion. Runs good. 90,000 miles. Automatic, • $3,750, ndpatlaMt. 908-964-09»8. 34.000 mttos, $23,200 or lake over lease. console, power steering/ windows. Needs body [ Automotive CAR3, TRUCKS end VANS federation's annual guide to new cars cars, trucks, minivans and sport utility 201-228-4418. work. Best offer. 908-355-0589. — selected six models from the 1985 DODGE CARAVAN. 6 »peed, dean In vehicles. Each two-page review and out, itereo ca»Mt». $2500 or bMt offer. 1992 JEEP CHEROKEE 4x4. Loaded. Must 1984 TOYOTA CELICA. 5 speed, excellent United States, two from Sweden and includes photographs and casy-to- Call 672-0748. 6oo to appreciate. Excellent condition, Power running condition, new brakes, AM/FM cas- FREE PICK UP 7 DAYS •' uteerlng/ brakes, automatic, AM/FM cassette, sette, 97,000 miles. Asking 1,950. one each from Germany and Japan for rcad tables that point out vehicle 1992 DODGE SHADOW convertible. • Red/ '95 Aurora — awesome example of bold domestic engineerinq Call 908-964-7211. _^ 201-761-7730. 1-800-953-9328 its top 10 list- strengths and weaknesses. black top., 5-tOMd, power windows/ bmkec/ Aurora iss more than jusiust another between 17017001an0 and 5605600m0 rpmm , flrrihiliflexibili- AurorAn mma waw.ic s plannenlnnrvHd an«nHd engi».n: - »_^^K»,.~:< •;.«* inn r-muni—••——^M i n •.« • A^ steering, air, 40,000, runs great, $7300/ negotl- 1989 NISSAN 240SX. 68.0Q0 miles. 5-spoed, , 1987 > TOYOTA MR2. Mint condition. Red. • The Cavalier replaces Dodge's 5-speed, sunroof,- spoiler, air, aluminum new vehicle for Oldsmobile. Aurora is ty for quick passing maneuvers is-also neered to feel and be as safe and sec- The book also contains advice on able. Baa 008-964-1176. • alrconditionlng, payer steering, power brakes, \ 908-688-2044 Neon as the best new-car model under selecting a new car arid information AWFM Cassette. Excellent condition. Must wheels, leather Interior, 38K miles. One owner. the first product that reflects the in the Aurora's portfolio. Estimated ure as any vehiclo on the road. The 10S9 DODGE SHADOW. 4 door, air condl- sell. 908-647-8065. $4,800.201-761-1222. ' $12,000, and the Aurora weighs in for (orwd, power siserlnoy brakes, sunroof, AM/ WANTED: COLLECTOR Car. Please descibo changes the division is undertaking EPA mileage ratings are 17 mpg in on safety, test driving, negotiating the honestly with financial request. Call foundation for Aurora's extensive FM stereo, front wheel drive, 84,000 miles. 1088 NISSAN SENTRA XE Sport Coupe- 1989 TOYOTA CELICA ST, red coupe, 5 the second year as an 'alternative' to 201-783-2610. r not only in the produc' itself but also city driving and 24 mpg on the high- • safety systems is a very robust body • best deil, auto maintenance, warran- $2,200. goeeejem'' Auiomatic. front wheel drive, power steering, speed, air-conditioning, cassetu, sunroof, 62K,. imnrirte „„,! 1.^... tile nnrT foiforeign l ml smt VMN.-Wfriis, air-condition, auto- $4395. 201-669-1003. 201-783-4282 3JI.WE PAY TOP LX)LLAH$$$ practices. Aurora represents the from paying any gas guzzler tax. fee! of the door latching tells the cus- Only one Japanese model- Lexus AAA AutoTest is available through made, speed control, power brakes/ steering, GS 300 - is included on the 1995 top book stores and participating AAA AMfM cassette, TV. VCR, bed. 24K. Asking 1992 NISSAN SENTHA XE. Red, 2-RKF»BBSVWEElS' PIUS Saddle Leather, Only 30,875 miles, Sale [ til. r-del, console, buckets, am/Im stereo LTD Pko, 6 Cyl, Aulo Tr«n», Air Cond, P/Mnor», repossession, charge-offs, judgments, or just bad credit — T30JL • PLUS MUCH MORE • STK. «222 • VW «SU0?M8 • «RP ».17O • V Price $15,495. VIN #PG111176. tape, alum, writs.. Loaded! Only 28,016 P/Antonn., Tint Gbn, ANVTM, P/Wbdowi. SI*- I2cfei HntK. 1 si no. w» J $300 nt tf. dep. dm al toeiwttor . S3000 easfi a MUCH MORE • STK «25 < VW ISE02I746; USflP S2.I30 U mo do«J end r m * SMO utefc • SW.c^jrsl sfei domjiBl.Tal.iil.aisa • S7, Ouis«, Cosjoflo, FAX: (908) 686-1573 WORRALL CLASSIFIEDS Red. 6 Cyt, 12,475 rntes. VIN #Mi798723. Tit, P/locks. Rear Dof, Warranty Avallabto, •92 FORD TAURUS GL SDN Financing Available. 17.000 rrtlei. Stock (T2M9 P.O. BOX 158 3.8 V6, Auto, Air Cond, PS, PB, Full Power •12,995 •22,995 What have you got to lose? Except bad credit... FOREVER. BRAND NEW Int., Console, U. 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