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OXNARD SCHOOL DISTRICT HOLDS ROBOTICS COMPETITION (805) 483-1008 CON MÁS DE 34 AÑOS SIRVIENDO A NUESTRA COMUNIDAD PleasePlease seesee pagepage B2B2 AÑOVida XXXV PERIÓDICO VIDA, JUNIO 07, DEL 2018 NUMERO 1790 Arrestada por MÁS DE 82 MUERTOS POR VOLCAN matar al novio El pasado 31 de mayo de 2018, por la muerte de Chad O’Melia. la policía detuvo a una mujer de O’Melia murió a causa de varias la ciudad de Thousand Oaks de 27 cuchilladas que recibió en la años, de edad, por el homicidio de madrugada del día de Memorial el día de Memorial Day. Day supuestamente a manos de su Bryn Spejcher fue arrestada novia Spejcher. Spejcher y O’Me- mientras se encontraba en re- lia habían estado involucrados cuperación en un hospital local Pase a la página A2 Conductor arrestado por asesinato en choque Un trabajador de los equipos de rescate de Guatemala ayuda a una niña en El Rodeo, Escuintla (Guatemala) , luego de la erupción Un residente de Fillmore fue tencionalmente aceleró su vehículo del volcán de Fuego, que ha dejado al menos 70 muertos, 46 heridos y más de 1.7 millones de personas afectadas. arrestado la noche del jueves por y choco por la parte trasera de otro asesinato luego de que la policía automóvil. Ese auto giró hasta los Al menos 82 personas falle- El portavoz de la Coordinadora la institución, que trabajaba en según el Instituto Nacional determino que el choque fatal se carriles contrarios hacia el este y cieron, 46 resultaron heridas y Nacional para la Reducción de una vivienda para planificar la de Sismología, Vulcanología, debió a un acto intencional. Eduardo fue golpeado por un camión. El con- 1.7 millones se vieron afecta- Desastres (Conred), David de evacuación. Meteorología e Hidrología Robles viajaba hacia el oeste en el ductor de ese vehículo fue declarado das por la erupción del volcán León, dio los últimos datos a la La ceniza que lanzó el coloso (Insivumeh), esta erupción, la autopista 126 en un sedán Honda muerto en el lugar de los hechos. El de Fuego de Guatemala, la más prensa y reconoció que uno de alcanzó los 10,000 metros de segunda en 2018 del volcán de gris la tarde del jueves cuando in- Pase a la página A2 violenta de los últimos años. los muertos es un empleado de altura sobre el nivel del mar y, Pase a la página A2 Escuelas ganan: Gobernador se decidirá entre demócrata Newsom y republicano Cox El demócrata Gavin Newsom y el delante del demócrata de origen latino hubiera competido por la misma base republicano John Cox se verán las Villaraigosa (11.5%). ideológica de votantes. caras en las elecciones a gobernador Cox tiene el respaldo público del La jornada electoral en California se de California en noviembre tras ser presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald vio afectada por un notable incidente los dos candidatos con más votos en Trump, quien publicó un mensaje en en el condado de Los Ángeles, donde Twitter asegurando que el republicano los nombres de 118,522 nombres de las primarias del estado, que se cele- Gavin Newsom, se muestra feliz y contento al ganar la primera ronda en la elección para gobernador. braron el martes y que dejaron fuera “marcaría una gran diferencia” como votantes quedaron fuera de las listas por al exalcalde de Los Ángeles Antonio gobernador. un error técnico. timiento de rechazo contra Trump al Secundarias de Oxnard es de $ 350 mil- de votos en cada carrera pasarán a las Villaraigosa. “Podemos continuar con el ‘statu Las autoridades californianas asegu- mostrar a la senadora como una repre- lones, la Medida B del Distrito Escolar elecciones generales de noviembre. Las proyecciones de los medios quo’, que es lo que Gavin Newsom raron que los afectados por este fallo sentante tibia y contemplativa ante las de Hueneme es de $ 34.2 millones y la Según los primeros resultados de con un 34 % escrutado dieron como representa con altos impuestos, personas pudieron depositar un voto provisional, polémicas políticas de la Casa Blanca. Medida C del Distrito Escolar Pleasant votación, la titular del Distrito 37, vencedor con el 34.5% a Newsom, sin hogar en las calles y mala gestión pero Villaraigosa, que como exalcalde Convertida en un foco de resistencia Valley es de $ 119 millones. Todos los Monique Limon, D-Santa Bárbara, vicegobernador de California desde de las escuelas, del suministro de agua de Los Ángeles tiene en esta ciudad a su frente a las medidas de Trump en temas distritos planean mejorar las instala- recibió el 83.5 por ciento de los votos, 2011 y alcalde de San Francisco y de los bosques, o podemos ir con un principal base de apoyo, exigió que las como inmigración o lucha contra el ciones de seguridad y envejecimiento encabezando a sus dos contendientes de 2004 a 2011, que partía como el hombre de negocios que tiene cuarenta urnas permanezcan abiertas en esta urbe cambio climático, California, la quinta con los bonos. demócratas Sofía Collin y David líder destacado de las encuestas y años de carrera entregando resultados de manera excepcional hasta el próximo economía del mundo, es un feudo de los La Medida A tuvo un 54.34 por ciento Norrdin. como el aspirante más sólido entre (...) con calidad, efi ciencia e integri- viernes 8 de junio. demócratas y en él se centran gran parte a favor del bono y un 45.66 por ciento Norrdin, un vendedor de Ventura, los demócratas para suceder a Jerry dad”, dijo Cox ante sus seguidores en Por otro lado, la senadora demócrata de sus esperanzas para darle la vuelta en opuesto al bono cuando se publicaron ocupó el segundo lugar con el 10 por Brown como gobernador de Cali- San Diego. Dianne Feinstein, que cumple 85 años noviembre a las mayorías republicanas los primeros resultados. La Medida B ciento de los votos, mientras que Col- fornia. Las primarias californianas se rigen este mes y que ocupa su cargo desde en la Cámara de Representantes y el tuvo un voto de 68.49 por ciento para lin, un administrador de la propiedad “Esta es solo la primera mitad del por un sistema en el que los aspirantes 1992, obtuvo la victoria con facilidad en Senado. aprobar y 31.51 por ciento en contra. La y tutor de Santa Bárbara, ocupó el calendario electoral, pero gracias de todos los partidos se enfrentan entre sus primarias con un 43.7% y se medirá Por otra parte a nivel local, los resul- Medida C tenía 54.74 por ciento a favor tercer lugar con el 6.5 por ciento de a ustedes el marcador al descanso sí, de manera que los dos más votados en noviembre al demócrata de ascen- tados electorales preliminares del con- y 45.26 por ciento en contra. los votos. parece muy prometedor y el equipo al pasan a los comicios decisivos de dencia latina Kevin de León (10.3%) o dado de Ventura publicados la noche del Las medidas requieren la aprobación Jacqui Irwin, D-Thousand Oaks, completo está ganando a lo grande”, noviembre. al republicano James Bradley (9.5 %), las votaciones arrojaron votos a favor de de al menos el 55 por ciento de los la titular del Distrito 44, recibió poco afi rmó un exultante Newsom ante sus Estas reglas dan lugar a situaciones quienes con el 36 % del voto escrutado las medidas de bonos escolares en los votantes para aprobar. más del 51 por ciento de los votos. simpatizantes congregados en San enrevesadas en las que, por ejemplo, todavía disputaban el segundo puesto distritos de Oxnard Union, Hueneme y Tres titulares lidera al contarse los La contendiente republicana Ronda Francisco. un demócrata como Newsom podía en la papeleta. Pleasant Valley. votos en las primarias para los escaños Baldwin-Kennedy, abogada de Oak La atención de la jornada estaba preferir que en segundo lugar quedara Aunque Feinstein es toda una fi gura Los resultados refl ejaron las boletas de la Asamblea estatal que representan Park, quedó en segundo lugar con más puesta en quién sería su rival para las un republicano como Cox, al que con de la política californiana desde hace dé- de voto por correo emitidas la noche del el condado de Ventura. Los residentes del 45 por ciento de los votos. elecciones del próximo 6 de noviem- facilidad podría derrotar en un estado cadas, De León es una estrella en alza de martes justo después de que las urnas del condado emiten sus votos el martes El demócrata Robert Zelinksy, un bre, un puesto con el que fi nalmente se de mayoría progresista como California, los demócratas en el estado dorado, está cerraran a las 8 p.m. en las elecciones en las primarias para los Distritos de quiropráctico de Oak Park, recibió hizo el empresario republicano John antes que un demócrata de su propio muy vinculado a la población hispana primarias de California. Asamblea 37, 38, 44 y 45. poco menos del 4 por ciento de los Cox (26.0%) al quedar claramente por partido como Villaraigosa, contra el que y pretende aprovechar el potente sen- La Medida A del Distrito de Escuelas Los dos candidatos con la mayoría votos. Página A2 PERIÓDICO VIDA 06-07-18

El Salvador, Salvador Sánchez, Conred. de rescate de las personas que es- le expresaron su solidaridad y le Aclaró que la evacuación no se tán atrapadas en sus comunidades. ofrecieron ayuda. realizó por la mañana y luego una Las autoridades advirtieron de Más de 82 muertos... Aparte de la ayuda de varios segunda erupción el martes, arro- que las lluvias son ahora la ame- países, Naciones Unidas expresó jando un mínimo de 82 muertos, naza no solo para la población, Viene de la página A1 su solidaridad con las familias porque el panorama de la erupción sino para las carreteras que están Fuego, es la mayor de los últimos de las víctimas y los afectados, no era tan fuerte, sino que fue ubicadas en los alrededores del años. Para crear más problemas además de manifestar su “dis- hasta en horas de la tarde cuando volcán, e hicieron un llamamiento el volcán hizo erupción también posición de apoyo” al Gobierno fueron alertados de la avalancha a los alcaldes para que verifi quen el martes. y a la sociedad para atender esta de fl ujo piroclástico. si el agua potable está o no con- Ante esta catástrofe, el Minis- emergencia. La ceniza que lanzó el volcán taminada. terio de Educación anunció la Es “importante redoblar los alcanzó hasta los departamentos El Gobierno, a través del Mi- suspensión de las clases en los esfuerzos y medidas para prevenir de Baja Verapaz (norte) y El Pro- nisterio de Desarrollo (Mides), departamentos de Chimaltenango, que otras poblaciones resulten greso (oriente). ha enviado asistencia humanitaria Escuintla y Sacatepéquez, que han afectadas”, dijeron las organiza- El Ejército desplazo a varias bri- para las poblaciones afectadas por sido declarados por la Coordina- ciones de la ONU en un comu- gadas para colaborar en la labores la erupción volcánica. dora Nacional de Desastres en nicado, en el que añadieron que alerta roja. ponen a disposición del Estado El Gobierno de Guatemala, guatemalteco “los mecanismos de atención humanitaria”. El aeropuerto internacional La Aurora permanece cerrado como medida de prevención debido a VIDA que la pista se llenó de ceniza. El ministro de Salud, Carlos Newspaper Daños que ocurrieron después de la erupción del Volcán de Soto, aseguró que todos los hospi- Fuego en Guatemala. P.O. BOX 427 tales están en alerta para atender a OXNARD, CA 93032 encabezado por su presidente entrar. los afectados por esta emergencia. Phone (805) 483-1008 Jimmy Morales, decidió decretar Hay un número indeterminado Medios de comunicación local Fax (805) 483-6233 el estado de calamidad en los tres de desaparecidos y 3,100 perso- han divulgado vídeos en los que se Lic. Manuel M. Muñoz departamentos para atender la nas han sido evacuadas, apuntó, observa a las personas atrapadas Publisher/Director emergencia, de la que el secretario al agregar que se continúan rea- por la avalancha incandescente Colaboradores: de la Conred, Sergio García, dio lizando las evaluaciones de los que bajó del cráter del cono, el Luis Hernández más detalles. daños causados por la erupción más activo de los 32 de Guate- mala. Carlos García Según explicó, entre los heridos del volcán de Fuego, de 3,763 se encuentran 12 niños, cuatro de metros de altura. La actividad también dejó tres Ross R. Olney ellos con quemaduras de tercer Toda Guatemala fue declarada tendidos eléctricos dañados y un Donna Davis grado, lo que obligó a las auto- en alerta anaranjada o de preven- puente, dijo el secretario de la Vida Newspaper is a total independent commu- ridades a su traslado al Hospital ción, mientras que los departa- nity newspaper published, by Vida Publications, Roosevelt, de la capital. mentos de Escuintla, Chimalte- every Thursday morning. Vida Newspaper is a legally adjudicated newspa- García dijo que la aldea El Ro- nango y Sacatepéquez, donde su per of general circulation for the City of Oxnard, deo, en el departamento sureño de ubica el volcán de Fuego, están the County of Ventura and the Judicial District of Escuintla, prácticamente quedó en alerta roja. SOLO PARA INTELIGENTES the Superior Court of Ventura County. Serving this community since September 1983. soterrada por la avalancha que El presidente Morales anunció SOPA DE LETRAS Reproduction or use without permission of descendió del cono volcánico que sus homólogos de México, 170 editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited. y que el panorama es “bastante Enrique Peña Nieto; Honduras, Derechos reservados. La reproducción parcial o delicado” porque la lava no deja Juan Orlando Hernández, y de total de este periódico esta prohibida. El Periódi- Acento co Vida, no se responsabiliza por los artículos o columnas publicadas en este periódico, siendo Arte responsabilidad total de su autor. Aticismo Vida Newspaper, assumes no responsibility for articles written by writers or columnists Barroquismo appearing in Vida Newspaper. El Periódico Vida, no se responsabiliza por Sospechosa de... Bohemia los anuncios o publicidad publicada en este Crónica periódico, ni se responsabiliza por la de la vera- Viene de la página A1 cidad de estos, siendo responsabilidad total del quitarse la vida después apuñalear Cuadro anunciante. Asi mismo se reserva el derecho de en una relación amorosa por un y quitarle la vida a su novio. corregir o privarse de publicar informacion que Décima afecta el contenido de la publicacion. tiempo considerable. Spejcher fue ingresada a la cár- Las opiniones vertidas son exclusivas de su Spejcher fue hospitalizada des- cel bajo los cargos de homicidio. Ensayo autor y no necesariamente refl ejan las opiniones de el día que ocurrió el homicidio de este periódico. Su fi anza se fi jó en $ 500,000. Europa Vida Newspaper, assumes no responsibility para recibir tratamiento por her- Spejcher compareció en el tribu- Lírica for representations, warranties or offers made idas internas que supuestamente nal para su lectura de cargos el 4 by individuals, companies, and entities in Metonimia publicity and paid advertisements appearing in ella se hizo con la intención de de junio de 2018. Vida Newspaper, and makes no representations Parábola regarding the veracity thereof. Vida Newspaper, Paris reserves the right to correct or refuse to publish information which could affect the content of Refrán this publication. Serranilla Conductor... Soleá Viene de la página A1 asesinato, y se encuentra recluido en Tema conductor del camión y el pasajero la cárcel de Ventura con una fi anza Treno /vida.newspaper de Robles resultaron heridos en el de $700,000. La autopista 126 se Yuxtaposición Visite nuestra página web en choque y luego fueron llevados a un cerró en ambas direcciones durante hospital local. varias horas el jueves, mientras que Busque las palabras de derecha a izquierda; de izquierda a derecha; arriba a abajo; de Robles fue arrestado por un cargo la policía llevó acabo las averigua- abajo hacia arriba y en forma diagonal. de asesinato y un cargo de intento de ciones en el lugar de los hechos. PERIÓDICO VIDA 06-07-18 Página A3

dores para mejorar la protección cualquier cargo no autorizado inmediato. El número de teléfono de la información personal en sus a su emisor de tarjeta inmedi- a llamar está generalmente en la La ciudad de Oxnard sufre sistemas de pago. atamente porque las reglas de parte posterior de la tarjeta de Lo que puede usted hacer: Los la red de tarjetas generalmente pago. Si su institución financiera clientes deben revisar cuidadosa- proveen que los tarjetahabientes requiere un informe de la policía, mente sus estados de cuenta no son responsables por cargos por favor diríjase a www.oxnard- robo de información de la tarjeta de pago y reportar no autorizados que se reportan de La Ciudad de Oxnard toma en tecnológica para determinar qué como una medida de precaución. serio la seguridad y protección sucedió y qué información pudo Qué información estaba involu- de la información confidencial haber sido afectada o robada. El crada: Hasta ahora, la compañía de sus clientes. La semana pasa- proveedor de la ciudad alertó a técnica contratada por la Ciudad da, la Ciudad fue alertada sobre la Ciudad de una vulnerabilidad estima que este incidente pudo cargos no autorizados en tarjetas de software que tenía el poten- afectar solamente a individuos de crédito usadas por los clientes cial de permitir a un individuo que utilizaron el sistema de pago para pagar sus facturas de servi- no autorizado a tener acceso a la de Click2Gov de la Ciudad para cios públicos. computadora utilizada para pro- hacer un pago de su cuenta de La siguiente información de- cesar transacciones con tarjetas utilidades de la ciudad de Oxnard scribe lo que sucedió, lo que la de crédito. entre el 26 de marzo y el 29 de Ciudad ha hecho en respuesta Los parches de seguridad mayo de 2018. El usuario no au- y pasos que los clientes pueden fueron aplicados por el proveedor torizado puede haber accedido a tomar para proteger su infor- de la Ciudad en un nuevo servidor información que incluía nombres mación: para eliminar la vulnerabilidad de clientes, número de tarjeta de Qué pasó: El 25 de mayo de con la idea de que el problema se pago y fechas de vencimiento. 2018, la ciudad recibió una lla- resolvió. El 29 de mayo de 2018, Los clientes que pagan facturas mada de una institución bancaria la compañía técnica de la Ciudad de servicios públicos por teléfono que informaba que algunos de informó sobre los controles de se- con el sistema de respuesta de sus sostenedores de la tarjeta de guridad adicionales que se requir- voz interactivo no se han visto crédito experimentaron compras ieron para asegurar que el sistema afectados, ya que es un sistema fraudulentas en sus cuentas y sea más seguro. La Ciudad apagó separado. éstas eran las mismas tarjetas el sistema inmediatamente para Lo que esta haciendo la Ciudad: usadas para pagar sus cuentas que estos controles de seguridad La Ciudad de Oxnard está traba- de la utilidad de Oxnard con la pudieran ser implementados. A jando para resolver este problema compañía Click2Gov (Superion) pesar de que la investigación del y ha tomado las medidas mencio- sistema de pago en línea. proveedor no pudo confirmar o nadas anteriormente. Para ayudar Tras el descubrimiento, la Ci- verificar específicamente el mét- a prevenir un incidente similar en udad informó inmediatamente odo exacto por el cual cualquier el futuro, la Ciudad está tomando de la cuestión al departamento dato de tarjeta de crédito podría medidas para mejorar sus proto- de policía y a oficiales de la Ci- haber sido comprometido, la Ciu- colos de seguridad existentes y udad, que contrató a una firma dad decidió notificar a los clientes está trabajando con sus provee- Página A4 PERIÓDICO VIDA 06-07-18

El abogado asegura que tiene varios casos en los que el juez Niegan perdón a había prometido cerrar el caso en la próxima audiencia para que el proceso de petición siguiera su curso normal. Según los datos de TRAC, un indocumentados proyecto de análisis de datos de la Universidad de Syracuse, 657,411 casos esperan ser resueltos en las cortes desde marzo del 2018. California es el estado con más retrasos, con 123,818 casos. Las cortes de inmigración de Texas ocupan el segundo puesto, con 102,096 que esperan una decisión. Pero la acumulación de expe- Por: Kami Nando dientes sin resolver podría llegar a más de un millón si la orden de A LOS QUE LES GUSTA VIAJAR Sessions impacta a los 350,000 Abusadillos como zorrillos, no valla a pasarles un día de estos casos que fueron cerrados admin- que anden de vacaciones en algún lugar muy chirindongo y que istrativamente por los jueces, y se de repente algún baboso terrorista los ataque y hasta la vida les ordena la reapertura. puede costar. El problema es que ya no sabe uno ni de quien Al menos 180,000 de éstos cuidarse porque ha salido cada baboso matando gente por todas fueron cerrados durante el gobier- partes del mundo. Así que es mejor hay que quedarse en casa y no de Barack Obama, y la oficina cuidarse de todos. del Fiscal General está estudiando la posibilidad de reabrirlos. El Fiscal General, Jeff Sessions va en contra de los indocumentados que piden un perdón por La Asociación Nacional de ingresar ilegalmente al país y que están en proceso de arreglar su situación migratoria. A LOS QUE VIAJAN POR AVION Jueces de Inmigración envió Pónganse muy truchas cuando se suban a estos animalotes, porque Inmigrantes que esperaban tra- Sessions ha presionado a los tri- ahora no lo puede hacer”, señala. una carta al fiscal pidiendo que el otro día se callo otro y varias personas resultaron muertas. Úl- mitar un perdón por ingresar de bunales de inmigración para que “El mes pasado, el juez podía mantuviera la autoridad de cerrar timamente han ocurrido varios accidentes con estos animalotes. forma indocumentada al país son avancen los casos con celeridad, cerrar el caso y dejar que se sigui- casos a los tribunales, pero las Antes de subirse asegúrense de encomendarse a Diosito y hagan las nuevas víctimas colaterales de decisiones como quitarles la eran las peticiones frente al Servi- recomendaciones fueron desoídas. su testamento por si acaso. la decisión del Fiscal General, Jeff posibilidad de cerrar los casos cio de Inmigración y Ciudadanía “Esta es la razón por la que

Sessions, de impedir los cierres a los jueces está “complicando (USCIS), pero ahora tendrán que decimos que los tribunales de in- administrativos de los casos, nuestro trabajo en lugar de ayudar seguir en esa batalla legal que migración no deberían estar bajo advirtió la Asociación Nacional a que sea más justo y eficiente”. nosotros también vamos a dar”, presiones políticas y dependiendo ASÍ QUEDÓ DESPUÉS DE LA CIRUGÍA de Jueces de Inmigración (NAIJ). Otros de los grandes damnifi- apunta Romo. del ejecutivo”, sentenció Marks. La decisión de Sessions afectó cados por la decisión de Sessions de pleno a aquellos indocumen- son los menores no acompañados tados que están litigando en las que ingresaron al país en busca de cortes sus casos de deportación, protección. y tienen la posibilidad de ajustar Marks asegura que con frecuen- su estatus por una petición de un cia estos casos fueron cerrados familiar con ciudadanía estadoun- administrativamente cuando los idense. menores eran víctimas de abuso La jueza Dana Leigh Marks, o abandono de uno de sus padres. presidenta honoraria de NAIJ, Otra de las contradicciones del explicó que estos inmigrantes Fiscal General estaría en su deseo necesitan que un juez cierre sus expreso de avanzar rápidamente casos para que puedan favorecerse en los casos que involucran a del perdón conocido como Solic- delincuentes peligrosos. No ob- itud de Exención Provisional por stante, la nueva decisión hizo que Presencia Ilegal (I-601A). los jueces tengan que seguir y ocu- La exención, establecida duran- parse de casos de menor prioridad. te el gobierno de Barack Obama Aunque no se conoce un número en 2016, permite a los indocumen- exacto de cuántos inmigrantes tados que no están favorecidos podrían estar afectados por este por la sección 245i de la ley de nuevo obstáculo legal impuesto inmigración, que permite a cier- por la Administración Trump, tos inmigrantes indocumentados abogados especialistas en inmi- A LOS QUE CAMINAN tramitar su residencia permanente gración, como Fernando Romo, sin salir del país, pedir un perdón estiman que pueden ser miles. POR LA COMUNIDAD y así evitar la Ley de Castigo de Romo pone de ejemplo el caso Ándense con mucho cuidado, no valla a ser que se les atraviese 10 años. de un indocumentado, esposo de una ramona, y no me refiero a mi comadre Ramona, si no alguna “Para quienes están en corte, una ciudadana estadounidense, ramona de las muchas que hay en nuestra comunidad, debido a este beneficio (I-601A) solo está que fue arrestado en un retén y su que no podan los arboles como Dios manda. disponible si se cierra el caso ad- caso enviado ante una corte que ministrativamente. La pregunta se ocupa de inmigración. A LOS QUE DESPERDICIAN AGUA inmediata es qué va a pasar con “Tenía un caso sólido para que Es mejor que la crean y no se descuiden, no valla a ser que les pase estos inmigrantes tras la orden del su esposa sometiera la petición como el viejo refrán que dice: Camarón que se duerme amanece Fiscal”, recalcó Marks. y pedir el perdón, pero primero en coctel. Es cierto que este año ha llovido mucho como nos di- La jueza resalta que mientras el juez tiene que cerrar el caso y

jeron, pero dicen que aun tenemos escases de agua y que debemos 1686 N 6TH PL individual. The registrant commenced knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. subdivision of section 17920, where it ET SEQ., Business and Professions VCVN MAY 17, 24, 31, JUN 7, 2018 seguir cuidado el agua y además últimamente hasta esta carísima, PORT HUENEME, CA 93041 to transact business under the fictitious (B & P Code § 17913) expires 40 days after any change in the Code). PUBLISH: FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME COUNTY OF VENTURA business name or names listed above /s/ CHENSNIE LAWARENCE facts set forth in the statement pursuant VCVN MAY 17, 24, 31, JUN 7, 2018 STATEMENT FILE No. 20180430- por eso ya nomas me baño una vez por semana y eso aunque no Full Name of Registrant(s): on N/A. This statement was filed with NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- to section 17913 other than a change in FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 10007819-0 The following person(s) lo necesite jajajajajaaaa. V MARIA GUADALUPE the County Clerk of Ventura County vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious residence address or registered owner. STATEMENT FILE No. 20180430- is (are) doing business as: GARCIA RAMIREZ on May 07, 2018. name statement generally expires at A new fictitious business name must 10007815-0 The following person(s) (1) SAGE IN STAGES 1686 N 6TH PL By signing below, I declare that all the end of five years from the date on be filed before the expiration. The is (are) doing business as: (2) FAMILY BY PROXY PORT HUENEME, CA 93041 information in this statement is true which it was filed in the office of the filing of this statement does not itself (1) SAGE SERVICES, INC. (3) BRAIN INJURY HOMES A LOS QUE LES GUSTEN LOS TATUAJES I This business is conducted by an and correct. A registrant who declares county clerk, except, as provided in authorize the use in this state of a ficti- (2) SAGE, INC. (4) BANNER HOUSE FOR Como la gente que no tiene que hacer, no encuentra que inventar individual. The registrant commenced as true information, which he or she subdivision of section 17920, where it tious business name in violation of the (3) BRAIN INJURY HOMES TRAUMATIC BRAIN to transact business under the fictitious knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. expires 40 days after any change in the rights of another under Federal, State, (4) BANNER HOUSE FOR INJURY SURVIVORS que al fin siempre existe gente para todo. A un baboso se le ocurrió business name or names listed above (B & P Code § 17913) facts set forth in the statement pursuant or Common Law (see section 14411 TRAUMATIC BRAIN 44 DUVALI DR. D on N/A. This statement was filed with /s/ CLAUDIA ALVAREZ to section 17913 other than a change in ET SEQ., Business and Professions INJURY SURVIVORS VENTURA, CA 93003 inventar un tatuaje que habla, si, así como lo leyeron, ahora sacaron the County Clerk of Ventura County NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- residence address or registered owner. Code). PUBLISH: (5) SAGECARE, INC. COUNTY OF VENTURA unos tatuajes que usted les puede poner hasta 1 minuto de sonido on May 07, 2018. vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious A new fictitious business name must VCVN MAY 17, 24, 31, JUN 7, 2018 44 DUVALI DR. Full Name of Registrant(s): By signing below, I declare that all name statement generally expires at be filed before the expiration. The FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME VENTURA, CA 93003 SAGECARE ENTERPRISES, y solo lo puede tocar o leer un teléfono inteligente. A information in this statement is true the end of five years from the date on filing of this statement does not itself STATEMENT FILE No. 20180425- COUNTY OF VENTURA LLC. and correct. A registrant who declares which it was filed in the office of the authorize the use in this state of a ficti- 10007559-0 The following person(s) Full Name of Registrant(s): 44 DUVALI DR. as true information, which he or she county clerk, except, as provided in tious business name in violation of the is (are) doing business as: SERVICE TO ACHIEVE VENTURA, CA 93003 knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. subdivision of section 17920, where it rights of another under Federal, State, TRUE VISION WNDOW GROWTH AND EMPOWER, INC. This business is conducted by a Limit- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME filing of this statement does not itself NOREEN MURANO couple. The registrant commenced to (B & P Code § 17913) expires 40 days after any change in the or Common Law (see section 14411 CLEANING 44 DUVALI DR. ed Liability Company. The registrant STATEMENT FILE No. 20180502- authorize the use in this state of a ficti- PRESIDENT transact business under the fictitious /s/ MARIA GUADALUPE facts set forth in the statement pursuant ET SEQ., Business and Professions 1892 COLONIA PL. VENTURA, CA 93003 commenced to transact business under 10008008-0 The following person(s) tious business name in violation of the NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- business name or names listed above GARCIA RAMIREZ to section 17913 other than a change in Code). PUBLISH: CAMARILLO, CA 93010 This business is conducted by a Cor- the fictitious business name or names is (are) doing business as: rights of another under Federal, State, vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious on 5/10/18. This statement was filed NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- residence address or registered owner. VCVN MAY 17, 24, 31, JUN 7, 2018 COUNTY OF VENTURA poration. The registrant commenced listed above on N/A. This statement LA SALSA TACOS ¡YMAS! or Common Law (see section 14411 name statement generally expires at with the County Clerk of Ventura vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious A new fictitious business name must FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Full Name of Registrant(s): to transact business under the fictitious was filed with the County Clerk of 520 S M ST APT 4 ET SEQ., Business and Professions the end of five years from the date on County on May 10, 2018. name statement generally expires at be filed before the expiration. The STATEMENT FILE No. 20180514- JONATHAN STRIBLING business name or names listed above Ventura County on April 30, 2018. OXNARD, CA 93030 Code). PUBLISH: which it was filed in the office of the By signing below, I declare that all the end of five years from the date on filing of this statement does not itself 10008880-0 The following person(s) 1892 COLONIA PL. on N/A. This statement was filed with By signing below, I declare that all COUNTY OF VENTURA VCVN MAY 17, 24, 31, JUN 7, 2018 county clerk, except, as provided in information in this statement is true which it was filed in the office of the authorize the use in this state of a ficti- is (are) doing business as: CAMARILLO, CA 93010 the County Clerk of Ventura County information in this statement is true Full Name of Registrant(s): FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME subdivision of section 17920, where it and correct. A registrant who declares county clerk, except, as provided in tious business name in violation of the TREJO’S GARDENING This business is conducted by an on April 30, 2018. and correct. A registrant who declares ERNESTO FIERRO VARGAS STATEMENT FILE No. 20180507- expires 40 days after any change in the as true information, which he or she subdivision of section 17920, where it rights of another under Federal, State, SERVICE individual. The registrant commenced By signing below, I declare that all as true information, which he or she 520 S M ST APT 4 10008294-0 The following person(s) facts set forth in the statement pursuant knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. expires 40 days after any change in the or Common Law (see section 14411 110 HARDING AVE to transact business under the fictitious information in this statement is true knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. OXNARD, CA 93030 is (are) doing business as: to section 17913 other than a change in (B & P Code § 17913) facts set forth in the statement pursuant ET SEQ., Business and Professions OXNARD, CA 93030 business name or names listed above and correct. A registrant who declares (B & P Code § 17913) This business is conducted by an (1) WILDSCAPE residence address or registered owner. /s/ JOSE S. ESCAMILLA to section 17913 other than a change in Code). PUBLISH: COUNTY OF VENTURA on N/A. This statement was filed with as true information, which he or she /s/ SAGECARE ENTERPRISES, individual. The registrant commenced RESTORATION, INC. A new fictitious business name must NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- residence address or registered owner. VCVN MAY 17, 24, 31, JUN 7, 2018 Full Name of Registrant(s): the County Clerk of Ventura County knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. LLC. to transact business under the fictitious (2) URBAN GREENING be filed before the expiration. The vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious A new fictitious business name must FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME (1) JOSE L TREJO on April 25, 2018. (B & P Code § 17913) KERRY FIRMWALT business name or names listed above 2500 CHANNEL DRIVE filing of this statement does not itself name statement generally expires at be filed before the expiration. The STATEMENT FILE No. 20180511- 110 HARDING AVE By signing below, I declare that all /s/ SERVICE TO ACHIEVE CEO on N/A. This statement was filed with STE. A-1 authorize the use in this state of a ficti- the end of five years from the date on filing of this statement does not itself 10008773-0 The following person(s) OXNARD, CA 93030 information in this statement is true GROWTH AND EMPOWER, NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- the County Clerk of Ventura County VENTURA, CA 93003 tious business name in violation of the which it was filed in the office of the authorize the use in this state of a ficti- is (are) doing business as: (2) MARIA E. TREJO and correct. A registrant who declares INC. vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious on May 02, 2018. COUNTY OF VENTURA rights of another under Federal, State, county clerk, except, as provided in tious business name in violation of the CHESNIE LAWARENCE 110 HARDING AVE as true information, which he or she KERRY FIRMWALT name statement generally expires at By signing below, I declare that all Full Name of Registrant(s): or Common Law (see section 14411 subdivision of section 17920, where it rights of another under Federal, State, MARINE OXNARD, CA 93030 knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. PRESIDENT the end of five years from the date on information in this statement is true WILDSCAPE ET SEQ., Business and Professions expires 40 days after any change in the or Common Law (see section 14411 5796 FREEBIRD LANE This business is conducted by a married (B & P Code § 17913) NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- which it was filed in the office of the and correct. A registrant who declares RESTORATION, INC. Code). PUBLISH: facts set forth in the statement pursuant ET SEQ., Business and Professions UNIT 102 couple. The registrant commenced to /s/ JONATHAN STRIBLING vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious county clerk, except, as provided in as true information, which he or she 2500 CHANNEL DRIVE VCVN MAY 17, 24, 31, JUN 7, 2018 to section 17913 other than a change in Code). PUBLISH: OAK PARK, CA 91377 transact business under the fictitious NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- name statement generally expires at subdivision of section 17920, where it knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. STE. A-1 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME residence address or registered owner. VCVN MAY 17, 24, 31, JUN 7, 2018 COUNTY OF VENTURA business name or names listed above vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious the end of five years from the date on expires 40 days after any change in the (B & P Code § 17913) VENTURA, CA 93003 STATEMENT FILE No. 20180510- A new fictitious business name must FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Full Name of Registrant(s): on 1990. This statement was filed with name statement generally expires at which it was filed in the office of the facts set forth in the statement pursuant /s/ ERNESTO FIERRO This business is conducted by a Cor- 10008703-0 The following person(s) be filed before the expiration. The STATEMENT FILE No. 20180507- CHENSNIE LAWARENCE the County Clerk of Ventura County the end of five years from the date on county clerk, except, as provided in to section 17913 other than a change in VARGAS poration. The registrant commenced is (are) doing business as: filing of this statement does not itself 10008327-0 The following person(s) 5796 FREEBIRD LANE on May 14, 2018. which it was filed in the office of the subdivision of section 17920, where it residence address or registered owner. NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- to transact business under the fictitious WEICHERT REALTORS authorize the use in this state of a ficti- is (are) doing business as: UNIT 102 By signing below, I declare that all county clerk, except, as provided in expires 40 days after any change in the A new fictitious business name must vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious business name or names listed above SUPERIOR HOMES tious business name in violation of the HEAVENLY GREEN OAK PARK, CA 91377 information in this statement is true subdivision of section 17920, where it facts set forth in the statement pursuant be filed before the expiration. The name statement generally expires at on 4/17/2013. This statement was 120 MAGNOLIA AVE rights of another under Federal, State, CLEANING This business is conducted by an and correct. A registrant who declares expires 40 days after any change in the to section 17913 other than a change in filing of this statement does not itself the end of five years from the date on filed with the County Clerk of Ventura OXNARD, CA 93030 or Common Law (see section 14411 1300 SARATOGA AVE UNIT individual. The registrant commenced as true information, which he or she facts set forth in the statement pursuant residence address or registered owner. authorize the use in this state of a ficti- which it was filed in the office of the County on May 07, 2018. COUNTY OF VENTURA ET SEQ., Business and Professions 1508 to transact business under the fictitious knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. to section 17913 other than a change in A new fictitious business name must tious business name in violation of the county clerk, except, as provided in By signing below, I declare that all Full Name of Registrant(s): Code). PUBLISH: VENTURA, CA 93003 business name or names listed above (B & P Code § 17913) residence address or registered owner. be filed before the expiration. The rights of another under Federal, State, subdivision of section 17920, where it information in this statement is true (1) JOSE S. ESCAMILLA VCVN MAY 17, 24, 31, JUN 7, 2018 COUNTY OF VENTURA on 5/7/2018. This statement was filed /s/ JOSE L TREJO A new fictitious business name must filing of this statement does not itself or Common Law (see section 14411 expires 40 days after any change in the and correct. A registrant who declares 2307 HIDDEN VALLEY CT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Full Name of Registrant(s): with the County Clerk of Ventura NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- be filed before the expiration. The authorize the use in this state of a ficti- ET SEQ., Business and Professions facts set forth in the statement pursuant as true information, which he or she OXNARD, CA 93036 STATEMENT FILE No. 20180507- CLAUDIA ALVAREZ County on May 11, 2018. vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious filing of this statement does not itself tious business name in violation of the Code). PUBLISH: to section 17913 other than a change in knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. (2) MARIA ESCAMILLA 10008325-0 The following person(s) 1300 SARATOGA AVE UNIT By signing below, I declare that all name statement generally expires at authorize the use in this state of a ficti- rights of another under Federal, State, VCVN MAY 17, 24, 31, JUN 7, 2018 residence address or registered owner. (B & P Code § 17913) 2307 HIDDEN VALLEY CT is (are) doing business as: 1508 information in this statement is true the end of five years from the date on tious business name in violation of the or Common Law (see section 14411 A new fictitious business name must /s/ WILDSCAPE OXNARD, CA 93036 DELUXE MAID AND VENTURA, CA 93003 and correct. A registrant who declares which it was filed in the office of the rights of another under Federal, State, ET SEQ., Business and Professions be filed before the expiration. The RESTORATION, INC. This business is conducted by a married CLEANING SERVICES This business is conducted by an as true information, which he or she county clerk, except, as provided in or Common Law (see section 14411 Code). PUBLISH: VIDA PERIÓDICO VIDA 06-07-18 Página A5 Pandilleros culpables de usar bombas PLANTAS Y ARBOLES

Siete de los ocho pandilleros acusados de atacar con bombas molotov han admitido su culpabilidad. Dos pandilleros latinos se de- bilidad. clararon culpables de varios El supuesto líder de la banda, cargos de crimen organizado, Carlos “Rider” Hernández, quién violación a los derechos civiles y habría ordenado el ataque, enfren- crímenes de odio tras atacar con tará un juicio aparte. bombas molotov viviendas de Saucedo, de 24 años, y Gari- familias afroamericanas en Los bay, de 25, serán sentenciados el Ángeles. próximo 29 de octubre y enfrentan Josue Garibay, alias “El Malo”, penas de hasta 30 años de cárcel. y José Saucedo, alias ‘Moe”, La Fiscalía argumentó que junto con otros seis miembros de detrás del ataque habría estado la pandilla Big Hazard, lanzaron la Mafia Mexicana, una de las el pasado 11 de mayo las bombas agrupaciones más peligrosa en el contra cuatro apartamentos para Estado Dorado y cuya influencia obligar a los inquilinos a abando- se extiende a Florida, Arizona y nar sus viviendas en un barrio de Texas. mayoría latina. “Estos acusados han admitido Entre las víctimas de los pan- que su objetivo era expulsar a los dilleros había varios niños y afroamericanos de esta vivienda. mujeres que estaban durmiendo. Esto simplemente no será tolera- En el acuerdo de culpabilidad do, y tomaremos todos los pasos presentado ante la jueza de Dis- necesarios para proteger los dere- trito Christina A. Snyder, Saucedo chos civiles de cada persona que y Garibay admitieron que realiza- vive en el país”, agregó Hanna. ron el atentado debido a la raza de los ocupantes y con la intención de obligarlos a abandonar sus residencias, en el sector de Boyle CHISTE Heights. Primer acto: “Fue un milagro que nadie re- Sale un calzón roto. sultó herido en estos ataques de segundo acto: motivación racial”, dijo el fiscal Sale un calzón roto. federal de California Nicola T. tercer acto: Hanna. Sale un calzón roto. Siete de los ocho pandilleros Cómo se llamo la obra: El pedo acusados han admitido su culpa- asesino. Página A6 PERIÓDICO VIDA 06-07-18

chismes ha perdonado a sus primas Gil es víctima de las autoridades en Ayala y Abigail Rivera, hijas de la república mexicana. Durante una Lupillo Rivera, quienes acusaron intentrevista Giovanni Medina co- a través de sus redes sociales a la mentó que el actor Julián Gil resultó Chiquis, de haberse acostado con afectado por la relación que Marjorie Esteban Loaiza, el entonces esposo de Sousa presuntamente mantiene de . La cantante dijo en con el candidato a la Presidencia, entrevista: “Yo las perdono, sin que Ricardo Anaya. “Está el caso de ellas me pidan perdón; sé que lo que Julian Gil, que está pareciendo un EL PELÓN SALIÓ BESUCÓN PERDONA A SUS PRIMAS dijeron es fuerte, pero yo no guardo tráfi co de infl uencias terrible (…) rencor en mi corazón. Soy una mu- pido que la señora Marjorie de Sou- jer que no le gusta pelear, soy muy sa que no conozco y respeto, aclare tranquila, pero las perdono con todo a la opinión pública cómo, cuándo gusto”. Acerca del divorcio de su tío y por qué está recibiendo apoyo Lupillo Rivera y Mayeli, Chiquis del candidato Ricardo Anaya” dijo Rivera opinó: “Es una lástima, yo le Medina, quien agregó: “yo no me mandé un mensaje a mi tío para darle atrevería a decir algo así sin tener mi apoyo y él me lo agradeció; siem- pruebas de por medio”. Si les digo pre una separación es de lamentarse. que estas tistanederas pasa hasta en Mi mamá y Mayeli sí se llevaban las mejores familias, asi que si pasa bien”, dijo la cantante. en la de usted, no se fi je y vera que Por su parte Giovanni Medina, ex ni se nota jajajaja... pareja de Ninel Conde, quien man- Es tocho por ésta, nos vemos la tiene una lucha en contra de la actriz semana próxima con más chismes La se pasó de buena perdonando a las hijas Ninel Conde por la custodia de su de las estrellas y uno que otro baboso de Lupillo Rivera. hijo Emmanuel, explicó que Julián estrellado.

Lupillo Rivera besó a una fan que no lo esperaba. LANZA FUERTES ACUSACIONES AHORA INTERCAMBIAN AMOR

Giovanni Medina en problemas con Ninel Conde por el chiquillo.

le han llovido pero criticas y malos aración han rodeado últimamente Shakira y Piqué después de agarrarse a leñazos se calman. comentarios, es al pelón Lupillo Ri- a Shakira y a Piqué, pero hasta el vera, y es que no es para menos, ya momento han sido solo eso, rumores. que el otro día se le ocurrió besar en Por lo pronto, la colombiana estará LE PEGARON LOS INTESTINOS la boca de lengüita y muy apasiona- varios meses de gira presentándose damente a una de sus fans que se le en Europa, Latinoamérica y Estados ocurrió treparse al escenario donde Unidos. Su debut en Hamburgo el cantaba el pelón. Dicen los que vi- pasado fi n de semana fue todo un eron que se le pego como quijote a la éxito, donde asistieron más de 20 pobre fan que no se recuperaba de la mil personas. sorpresa al verse besada de tal forma. El rey del rock Enrique Guzmán Por su parte Lupillo dijo: “Puedo be- dicen los que lo vieron que se las vio sar a quien me de mi regalada gana”: negras, ya que a sus 75 años de vida, Así que ya saben chavalonas no se se recupera de una cirugía de intes- le acerquen al pelón ni de chiste, no tino a la que fue sometido el sábado valla a ser que se le antoje plantarles pasado, y se recupera satisfactoria- un beso. mente. El cantante fue intervenido en La buenota de Shakira anda más una clínica de la Ciudad de México, contenta que una burra en primavera, en donde le reconectaron el intestino, ya que dio inició triunfante su gira y según el reporte médico, Enrique se ‘El Dorado’, con un concierto cele- encuentra en buen estado esperando Enrique Guzmán se recupera de tremenda operación. brado en Alemania, donde dicen las lo den de alta. Enrique participa en malas lenguas que después del show, el show ‘Juntos Por Última Vez’, sirena me ensarto en altamar. Así que recibió un mensaje de su marido en el que comparte el escenario con Por "El Tiburon" Mata cuídense porque ahí les voy, que me Gerard Piqué. A través de Instagram, Angélica María, Alberto Vázquez y ¡Qué ondón Ramón! Qué cotorreo cae y me pesco hasta a dos o tres de el futbolista le envió un video donde César Costa, y su próxima present- se traen, qué patín bombín o ¡qué un solo garrotazo. le dice: “¡Te lo mereces tanto! ¡Te ación está programada para el 11 de cocha pacha! ¿Ya están listos para la Bueno camagadas, ya luego les amo!”, ella respondió muy emocio- agosto en el Auditorio Nacional. temporada de verano? Yo ya me estoy contaré como me fue en la temporada nada: “Yo también a Ti!!! ¡Gracias La que ahora anda haciendo hasta preparando para la playita, poniendo de pesca. Por lo pronto, les cuento por ayudarme a superar estos meses milagros, ya que se pasa de buena es mi aleta bien puntiaguda para ver qué que dicen los atarantados que al que difíciles!”. Muchos rumores de sep- la Chiquis Rivera ya que según los AVISOS CLASIFICADOS TRABAJOS VENTAS CASAS AUTOS USTED PUEDE PONER SU ANUNCIO AQUÍ ES FÁCIL, ECONÓMICO Y MUY EFICAZ 483-1008 AUTOS AUTOS AUTOS SERVICIOS SE VENDE SE VENDE SE VENDE GENERAL CLEAN-UP FORD F150 NISSAN TITAN LEXUS CS300 GARDENING Yard, Sprinklers repairs, installa- tion, fake grass installation, concrete work, tree trimming, tree remov- al and tree plant. Stump grinding, fence painting. Marin Landscape for Nissan Titan del año 2006. V8 more info: 390-7822 or visit automática de 4 puertas, en muy buenas condiciones, Aire acondi- Lexus CS300 del año 2003. Co- cionado, eléctrica. La vendo por rre bonito, a toda prueba cálelo. Ford F150 del año 2002. Bonita, $7,200 o mejor oferta. Para más Bonito, buenísimo y baratísimo, 4 puertas, automática. Corre ex- información puede llamar a cual- vale como $6,500. Lo vendo por celente manéjela. Baratísima, me quier hora al: (805) 816-5329. $3,750. Para más información SERVICIOS regreso a México. La vendo por #0712 puede llamar al (805) 775-9884. $3,950. Para más información puede llamar al (805) 775-9884 o PLOMERO al 816-7781. #0726 SERVICIOS Se hacen trabajos de plomería, SERVICIOS destapado de drenajes, limpiamos SERVICIOS SERVICIOS muy bien, si se necesita cortamos JARDINERO tubos o usamos agua a presión. SERVICIO DE SERVICIOS DISPONIBLE SE CORTAN También detectamos fugas de JARDINERO YO ECHO Servicios de jardinería con más de ARBOLES agua. Arreglamos o cambiamos YO SOY JARDINERO llaves de agua. Cambiamos Se ofrece servicio de Limpieza gen- CEMENTO 20 años de experiencia. Podamos Se cortan arboles de todos tipos y eral, yarda, reparación e instalación Yo ofrezco mis servicios como árboles, cortamos pasto y ofrece- calentadores de agua (boilers), Yo ofrezco mis servicios, echo jardinero. Hago buen trabajo de todos tamaños. Buenos precios también reemplazamos tazas de rociadores, instalación de sácate cemento, lizo o estampado, con mos servicio de jardinería comple- y hacemos muy buen trabajo. Para de baño. Nuestros trabajos artifi cial, trabajo de concreto, podar y a precios módicos. Para más to. También instalamos sistemas de color o al natural. Hago buen más información llamarme al 487- están garantizados. Para más árboles, remover y plantar árbo- trabajo y a bajos precios y con información llamarme al 487- irrigación. Trabajo bueno, bonito y 7641 o al celular 827-2444. 7641 o al celular 827-2444. información y presupuestos les molienda muñón y pintar cer- mucha calidad. Tambien hago barato. Para más información co- gratis llamar al 890-8931. cas. Llame a Marin Landscape al bardas de bloque de cemento. muníquese con Gilberto Ramírez PONGA aquí su anuncio. 390-7822 o visite Para más información llamarme llamando al (805) 814-5133. #DE 0212-0430 al 487-7641 o al celular 827-2444. #0419 LLAME AL 483-1008 PERIÓDICO VIDA 06-07-18 Página A7 Cambios al hacer Carlos Villagrán entierra a “Kiko” llamadas telefónicas el tiempo no”. do, envidioso y grosero con sus Para asegurar un suministro con- Uno de los personajes de esta amigos pero con un gran corazón tinuo de números de teléfono, se conocida serie cómica mexicana cuando la ocasión lo amerita. añadirá el nuevo código de área que fue emitida en Televisa entre Pese a que la serie se dejó de 820 al área cubierta por el 805. Este 1971 y 1980 es “Kiko”, quien grabar, Villagrán ha seguido proceso se conoce como código representa un niño vestido de encarnando al personaje en difer- sobrepuesto. ¡Ahora y desde el 2 de marinero de nueve años, mima- entes eventos y espectáculos. junio, tienes que hacer tus llamadas locales de una forma diferente o no podrás comunicarte o hacer tus llamadas locales! ¿Qué es un código sobrepuesto? Un código sobrepuesto es la adición de otro código de área (820) a la misma región geográfica que ya tiene un código área existente (805). El código sobrepuesto no requiere Kiko que los clientes cambien su código que actualmente se marcan con siete cheques, materiales de publicidad, de área actual, pero sí obliga a que dígitos deberán marcarse usando 1 + sitios web, información de contacto El actor y humorista mexicano marquen “1” seguido del código de código de área + número de teléfono. y tarjetas de identificación personal Carlos Villagrán anunció que área y el número de teléfono de siete ¿Cuándo comenzó el cambio? o de mascotas para asegurarte de que dejará de interpretar este año al dígitos en cada llamada, incluidas Desde el pasado 2 de junio de esté incluido el 1 + código de área personaje “Kiko”, un niño de la las llamadas realizadas dentro del 2018, tienes que usar el nuevo mét- en el número de teléfono. célebre serie televisiva “El Cha- mismo código de área. odo de marcación que se acaba de ¿Qué quedó igual? vo”, que Villagrán ha encarnado ¿Quiénes son afectados? describir para todas las llamadas, • Tu número de teléfono no cambi- durante los últimos 48 años. Todos los que tengan un código de incluso para las llamadas locales. ará, incluido el código de área actual. “Ya siento que debo retirarme área 805 fueron y son afectados. El A partir de esta fecha, si no usas el • El precio de la llamada, el área de por respeto al público y a mí mis- código de área 805 cubre la mayor nuevo procedimiento de marcación, cobertura y otras tarifas y servicios mo”, dijo en declaraciones el actor tus llamadas no se completarán y una parte de los Condados de San Luis no cambiarán debido al cambio. de 74 años, quien expresó que ya grabación te indicará que cuelgues • Lo que actualmente es una lla- Obispo, Santa Barbara y Ventura es momento de “colgar los tenis y vuelvas a marcar usando el nuevo mada local se mantendrá como tal así como pequeñas áreas de los (zapatillas) de ‘Kiko’ y colgarlos Condados de Monterey y Kern. Las procedimiento. independientemente de la cantidad Comenzando el 30 de junio de de dígitos marcados. por la edad que tengo”. ciudades cubiertas por el código de El actor sostuvo entre risas que área 805 incluyen Arroyo Grande, 2018, a las nuevas líneas de teléfono • Podrás continuar marcando solo su “peor enemigo” es “un niño Atascadero, Buellton, Camarillo, o servicios del área 805 se les asig- tres dígitos para comunicarte con el que sale en televisión que soy yo Carpinteria, Fillmore, Goleta, Gro- narán números con el nuevo código 911 así como con el 211, 311, 411, ver Beach, Guadalupe, Lompoc, de área 820. 511, 611, 711 y 811. pero con 48 años menos”, y para- Moorpark, Morro Bay, Ojai, Oxnard, ¿Qué debes hacer? fraseó al cantante Juan Gabriel al Paso Robles, Pismo Beach, Port Además de cambiar el proced- sostener que “Dios perdona pero Hueneme, San Luis Obispo, Santa imiento de marcación, será necesario Barbara, Santa Maria, Santa Paula, que vuelvas a programar todos los Simi Valley, Solvang, Thousand servicios, equipos de marcación au- Oaks y Ventura. El nuevo código tomática u otro tipo de equipos que de área 820 cubrirá la misma área estén programados para marcar un geográfica que cubre actualmente el número de 7 dígitos para que usen el código de área 805 existente. nuevo procedimiento de marcación. ¿En qué consistirá el nuevo pro- Algunos ejemplos son los sistemas cedimiento de marcación? de salvamento y dispositivos de Para realizar llamadas desde un monitoreo médico, PBX, máquinas teléfono fijo, el nuevo procedimiento de fax, números de conexión a Inter- de marcación requiere que todo net, puertas y sistemas de alarma de aquel que llame con un código de seguridad, marcadores rápidos, ser- área 805 u 820 marque 1 + código vicio de transferencia de llamadas, de área + número de teléfono. Esto servicios de correo de voz, etc. Tam- significa que todas las llamadas bién debes verificar tus artículos de realizadas en el código de área 805 oficina y personales membretados,

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATE- Business and Professions Code). PUBLISH: correct. A registrant who declares as true in- MENT FILE No. 20180515-10008924-0 The VCVN MAY 17, 24, 31, JUN 7, 2018 formation which he or she knows to be false, following person(s) is (are) doing business as: FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATE- is guilty of a crime. (B & P Code § 17913) WORLD ONLINE PLACE MENT FILE No. 20180516-10009020-0 The /s/ JOSE LIBORIO GUZMAN 1937 MEADOW BROOK COURT following person(s) is (are) doing business as: REYES THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 (1) DB ELECTRICAL SOLU- NOTICE - In accordance with subdivision COUNTY OF VENTURA TIONS (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name Full Name of Registrant(s): (2) SALON VON SHAE statement generally expires at the end of DARLY RENDON 592 KITTY ST. five years from the date on which it was filed 1937 MEADOW BROOK CT NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320 in the office of the county clerk, except, as THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 COUNTY OF VENTURA provided in subdivision of section 17920, This business is conducted by an individual. Full Name of Registrant(s): where it expires 40 days after any change in The registrant commenced to transact busi- TRINITY SOLUTIONS the facts set forth in the statement pursuant ness under the fictitious business name or OF SO CAL, INC. to section 17913 other than a change in names listed above on N/A. This statement 592 KITTY ST. residence address or registered owner. A was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320 new fictitious business name must be filed County on May 15, 2018. This business is conducted by a Corporation. before the expiration. The filing of this By signing below, I declare that all informa- The registrant commenced to transact busi- statement does not itself authorize the use tion in this statement is true and correct. A ness under the fictitious business name or in this state of a fictitious business name registrant who declares as true information, names listed above on N/A. This statement in violation of the rights of another under which he or she knows to be false, is guilty was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura Federal, State, or Common Law (see section of a crime. (B & P Code § 17913) County on May 16, 2018. 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions /s/ DARLY RENDON By signing below, I declare that all informa- Code). PUBLISHED: NOTICE - In accordance with subdivision tion in this statement is true and correct. A VCVN MAY 17, 24, 31, JUN 7, 2018 (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name registrant who declares as true information, STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT statement generally expires at the end of which he or she knows to be false, is guilty OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS five years from the date on which it was filed of a crime. (B & P Code § 17913) NAME File No. 20180516-10009019- in the office of the county clerk, except, as /s/ TRINITY SOLUTIONS OF 0 provided in subdivision of section 17920, SO CAL, INC THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) where it expires 40 days after any change in DOUG BIASI HAS(HAVE) ABANDONED USE TO the facts set forth in the statement pursuant PRESIDENT THE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME: to section 17913 other than a change in NOTICE - In accordance with subdivision DB ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS residence address or registered owner. A new (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name 434 TUOLUMNE AVE fictitious business name must be filed before statement generally expires at the end of UNIT 202 the expiration. The filing of this statement five years from the date on which it was filed THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91360 does not itself authorize the use in this state in the office of the county clerk, except, as The date on which the fictitious busi- of a fictitious business name in violation of provided in subdivision of section 17920, ness name being abandoned was filed: the rights of another under Federal, State, or where it expires 40 days after any change in 2/5/2018. The file number to the - ficti Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., the facts set forth in the statement pursuant tious business name being abandoned: Business and Professions Code). PUBLISH: to section 17913 other than a change in 20180205100020620-0. The county where VCVN MAY 17, 24, 31, JUN 7, 2018 residence address or registered owner. A new the fictitious business name was filed: FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATE- fictitious business name must be filed before VENTURA COUNTY. MENT FILE No. 20180515-10009005-0 The the expiration. The filing of this statement Full Name and Residence of Registrant(s): following person(s) is (are) doing business as: does not itself authorize the use in this state (1) DOUG BIASI WHOLE PROMOS of a fictitious business name in violation of 434 TUOLUMNE UNIT 202 1075 LOMA DR. SPACE 58 the rights of another under Federal, State, or THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91360 OJAI, CA 93023 Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., (2) MOSHE YACOBI COUNTY OF VENTURA Business and Professions Code). PUBLISH: 434 TUOLUMNE UNIT 202 Full Name of Registrant(s): VCVN MAY 17, 24, 31, JUN 7, 2018 THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91360 KIM M. CLOUSER STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH 1075 LOMA DR. SPACE 58 OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS THE COUNTY CLERK OF VENTURA OJAI, CA 93023 NAME File No. 20180515-10009007- COUNTY ON MAY 16, 2018. This business is conducted by an individual. 0 This business is conducted by a joint venture. The registrant commenced to transact busi- THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) By signing below, I declare that all informa- ness under the fictitious business name or HAS(HAVE) ABANDONED USE TO tion in this statement is true and correct. A names listed above on N/A. This statement THE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME: registrant who declares as true information was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura CHIVAS MARKET which he or she knows to be false, is guilty County on May 15, 2018. 3728 SAVIERS RD of a crime. (B & P Code § 17913) By signing below, I declare that all informa- OXNARD, CA 93033 /s/ DOUG BIASI tion in this statement is true and correct. A The date on which the fictitious busi- DOUG DIASI registrant who declares as true information, ness name being abandoned was filed: OWNER which he or she knows to be false, is guilty 02/26/2018. The file number to the fictitious NOTICE - In accordance with subdivision of a crime. (B & P Code § 17913) business name being abandoned: 20180226- (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name /s/ KIM M. CLOUSER 100035190-0. The county where the ficti- statement generally expires at the end of NOTICE - In accordance with subdivision tious business name was filed:VENTURA five years from the date on which it was filed (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name COUNTY. in the office of the county clerk, except, as statement generally expires at the end of Full Name and Residence of Registrant(s): provided in subdivision of section 17920, five years from the date on which it was filed (1) JOSE LIBORIO where it expires 40 days after any change in in the office of the county clerk, except, as GUZMAN REYES the facts set forth in the statement pursuant provided in subdivision of section 17920, 148 W GUAVA ST to section 17913 other than a change in where it expires 40 days after any change in OXNARD, CA 93033 residence address or registered owner. A the facts set forth in the statement pursuant (2) JUANA GASLA DE GUZMAN new fictitious business name must be filed to section 17913 other than a change in 148 W GUAVA ST before the expiration. The filing of this residence address or registered owner. A new OXNARD, CA 93033 statement does not itself authorize the use fictitious business name must be filed before THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH in this state of a fictitious business name the expiration. The filing of this statement THE COUNTY CLERK OF VENTURA in violation of the rights of another under does not itself authorize the use in this state COUNTY ON MAY 15, 2018. Federal, State, or Common Law (see section of a fictitious business name in violation of This business is conducted by an married 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions the rights of another under Federal, State, or couple. By signing below, I declare that Code). PUBLISHED: Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., all information in this statement is true and VCVN MAY 17, 24, 31, JUN 7, 2018 Página A8 PERIÓDICO VIDA 06-07-18

Sagitario. Tu Acuario. Los Piscis. Querer corazón sigue los sentimientos del salir por la noche dictámenes de tus ser humano son a celebrar algo deseos intelec- tan sumamente importante puede tuales. Te gusta variables que convertirse en un experimentar una conexión más nunca se saben qué dirección motivo de disputa. Conocer a más mental que física, algo que puede van a tomar. En el amor es personas y establecer nuevas pautas perjudicarte en gran medida. Esta complicado poder establecer una de actuación en pareja será algo bien tener cosas en común con línea, quieres trazar un plan mae- para lo que puede que no estés tu pareja, pero no siempre hay stro que te guíe y haga que todo preparado. Demasiado acostumb- HORÓSCOPOS que buscar todo tipo de coinci- lo que recibes de esa persona rado al nosotros y poco al yo, tener Aries. Tener la de principios de mes. Vuelve a que se aparte de esta forma de dencias. Plantéate si realmente sea siempre igual. En realidad, que presentarte como una persona plena seguridad empezar un ciclo que esta vez de- ver el amor, te parecerá que está lo que necesitas es un compañero estás evitando que las emociones individual puede hasta llegar a de que la persona bería no cerrarse antes de tiempo. fuera de lugar. Es complicado de aventuras o un amante en toda aumenten. Poner obstáculos di- incomodarte. que tienes al lado Tu misión debe ser encontrar la entenderte, porque parece que la regla que te haga disfrutar. rectamente frente a ti. Dinero y trabajo. Gastar e ingre- siente auténtica manera de guardar más de lo que realidad no se corresponde con la Dinero y trabajo. Estás en un Dinero y trabajo. Estás en un sar, con estos dos verbos vas a tener devoción por ti, es algo que no gastas. Sólo así conseguirás la imagen mental que tu tienes de momento de tu existencia en el momento personal en el que los que hacer malabares. Juega con todo el mundo puede decir. Con- tranquilidad necesaria para llevar una pareja ideal. que puede que le hayas visto la cambios de ciclo son una buena cada uno de ellos hasta obtener el seguirás esa paz de volver a casa a cabo cualquier plan que lleves Dinero y trabajo. Eres alguien gracia a ahorrar algo de dinero. opción. Para el aventurero Ac- resultado que quieres. Si no eres o conectar el móvil sabiendo que en mente. que vive permanentemente sabi- Comprobar como las cuentas van uario un poco de vidilla en este capaz de verlos como acciones su- hay alguien que está esperándote. endo lo que tiene entre manos. creciendo a medida que avanza el aspecto le ayudará a verlo todo peditadas a cierta refl exión vas a es- Estará allí para hacerte sentir úni- Cáncer. Parece Es imposible que te dejes nada, tiempo es algo que esperas ver y desde otra perspectiva. No temas tablecer pautas de comportamiento co y quererte con todo su corazón. que vuelves a ser así que cuidado, porque si hay disfrutar cada mes. Empezarás por abrir más de una puerta, solo erróneas. Es imposible ingresar sin Puedes disfrutarlo y sentirte cómo la persona que algún desajuste con lo que ganas y el principio siendo consciente de con todas las opciones posibles, gastar, ni gastar sin ingresar. Es el si fueras el ser más especial del eras antes de la in- percibes, enseguida vas a notarlo. la importancia de este acto que se podrás escoger la mejor. ying y el yang que se genera, éste planeta. clusión de la luna Aunque tengas que pasar toda la va repitiendo una y otra vez, será pasará más inadvertido. Dinero y trabajo. Es un buen llena. Ha llegado el momento de mañana en administración o en el maravilloso. momento para invertir tu dinero y perdonar y olvidar, gracias a este banco vas a saber dónde estuvo el ponerlo a salvo. Tan pronto como ciclo viejas heridas sentimentales error, en temas de dinero contigo Capricornio. En llega a tus manos debes empezar del pasado se van a cerrar por mejor no bromear. el amor hay pocos a distribuirlo de la mejor forma completo. Lo que parecía im- elementos capac- posible. Eres fuego y haces que posible pueda suceder, que por Libra. Parece es de hacernos todo se queme, en algún momento fi n le digas adiós a alguien que ha que la parte más vibrar de igual deberás tener el control directo de permanecido demasiado tiempo sexual de tu cuer- manera que un poco de sexo. El tu economía y es entonces cuando en tu vida. Abrázate a ese ser que po será la encar- cuerpo se equilibra y la mente se podrías correr un mayor peligro. tienes delante con todo tu corazón. gada de hacerte centra en el presente. La energía Será mejor que encuentres un Dinero y trabajo. Tu trabajo está pequeños recordatorios. A medida que se libera es tan grande que buen asesor que te oriente. siendo una forma de vida muy que pasa el tiempo el deseo puede puede hacer que todo cambie. exigente. Llevas días enfrentán- bajar, algo que no te puedes per- Los seres humanos aumentamos Tauro. Tienes dote a él y eso se nota. Empiezas mitir. Para mantener la pasión hay nuestra capacidad de amar a me- tantas ganas de la semana con una desgana que que realizar una serie de pautas dida que avanza el tiempo y las que tu relación puede ser terrible. La actitud que diarias que te permitan recordar relaciones, el roce hace el cariño. de pareja salga demuestras no es la más adecua- lo importante que es el amor y Dinero y trabajo. Cuando en- bien que a veces da para poder conseguir lo que el contacto físico, no subestimes cuentras en el trabajo algún sueles pasarte de frenada. Puedes quieres. Cuanto peor te sientes algo que es tan necesario. pequeño obstáculo, puedes hacer llegar hasta agobiar, esperando más errores cometes y eso puede Dinero y trabajo. Recibirás un que se mueva siguiendo la direc- obtener la respuesta que quieres repercutir notablemente en tu fu- pequeño extra bastante intere- ción de tus mismas intenciones. escuchar. No hace falta que pre- turo, no inspiras confi anza. sante. Una inyección de dinero En ningún caso vas a estar dis- guntes las cosas una y mil veces, que te permitirá continuar vivien- puesto a cambiar tu forma de simplemente has de ser capaz de Leo. Un Leo en- do tu sueño. Trabajar de algo que trabajar. Las personas debemos escuchar lo que te dice tu corazón. amorado puede te gusta no lo puede decir todo el adaptarnos a todo lo que sucede Las palabras se las puede llevar el parecer otra per- mundo, has llegado a ese punto en a nuestro alrededor. Por tu parte viento, pero las acciones siempre sona distinta. el que de verdad sientes que estás necesitarás ser mucho más fl exible formarán parte del recuerdo. Atrás quedan en el camino correcto. Después de con todo lo hagas Dinero y trabajo. Tu fuente de aquellos instintos que suelen muchas vueltas llegarás de nuevo ingresos estará totalmente desbor- aparecer cuando estás en pleno al punto de origen, ese nuevo dada. Vas a sentir cómo aumenta proceso, quieres poseer y sentir inicio con el cuentakilómetros a de un modo increíble, oirás el que esa persona forma parte de ti. punto. ruido del agua antes incluso de Una vez te aseguras la presa ya que haya llegado hasta ti. Puede estás totalmente convencido de lo Escorpión. La que recibas un puesto importante que vas a tener entre tus manos. belleza es algo o tengas un nivel de estabilidad Llega el momento de seguir en que te apasionará. superior al esperado por estas la misma línea y no dispersar tu Te enamoras de fechas. Eres lo que siempre has atención. las personas por deseado y, además, cobras muy Dinero y trabajo. En el trabajo esa vibración que te transmiten, bien por todo lo que haces. vas a disponer del sufi ciente tiem- pero también por ese aspecto po libre para emprender el camino que te entra directamente por los Géminis. Poder que estabas deseando que llegará. ojos. Sentirás que formas parte de amar con los ojos Puede que te enfrentes a uno de tus un mundo repleto de elementos abiertos es algo cargos intermedios en un intento increíbles, todas tus fantasías po- que siempre has de ascender a toda velocidad. Los drían coincidir en una persona. El deseado hacer. cambios no siempre llegan a la equilibrio entre belleza e interés se Siempre hay un momento de velocidad que queremos, simple- puede dar, aprovéchalo. desconfi anza en el que los cier- mente se manifi estan cuando es Dinero y trabajo. Tener que de- ras, tienes miedo a lo que puede el momento, sin prisas Leo, sin sprenderte de parte de tu dinero venir, como si te dirigieras a toda prisas. no puede afectarte tanto. Si le velocidad hacía un túnel. La ver- dices adiós es porque realmente dad es que no tienes motivos para Virgo. Tu visión puedes permitírtelo. Ha llegado pensar que las cosas cambian y particular del la ocasión perfecta para descubrir se transforman en algo oscuro y amor es algo que todas tus cuentas. No estás tan mal aburrido. Te relajarás y sentirás forma parte de tu como creías, al contrario, el dinero que esos miedos se esfuman. vida y de la cual fl uye en tu vida, llega y crece de Dinero y trabajo. Las preocupa- no te vas a separar del todo hasta una forma exponencial. Aunque ciones referentes al dinero desapa- que tengas a tu lado a la persona pagues más, es porque realmente recerán cuando veas que tu cuenta que quieres, pero solo de la forma puedes hacerlo. corriente ha vuelto a los niveles que tú quieres. Cualquier baremo SERVING VIDA OUR COMMUNITY SECTIONSECTION FOR OVER 34 YEARS BB IN OUR COMMUNITY (805) 483-1008 VIDA NEWSPAPER 06-07-18 PAGE B1 LifeThe City of Oxnard takes seri- unauthorized individual to gain payment card number, and expi- ously the security and protection access to the computer used to ration dates. of its customers’ confidential process credit card transactions. Customers who pay utility bills Oxnard suffers information. Last week, the city Security patches were applied over the phone with the interac- was alerted about unauthorized by the city’s vendor on a new tive voice response system are not charges on credit cards used by server to eliminate the vulnera- impacted since that is a separate customers to pay their utility bills. bility with the thought that the system. The following information issue was resolved. On May 29, What Has Been Done: The data breach outlines what happened, what 2018, the city’s vendor informed City of Oxnard is working to the city has done in response the city of additional security address this issue and has taken and steps customers can take to controls that were required to the actions noted above. To help protect their information: secure the system. The city shut prevent a similar incident in the What Happened: On May 25, down the system immediately future, the city is taking steps 2018, the city received a call from so these security controls could to enhance its existing security a banking institution advising that be implemented. Even though protocols and is working with its some of their credit card holders the vendor’s investigation could vendors to improve protection experienced fraudulent purchases not specifi cally confi rm or verify of personal information in its on their accounts and these were the exact method by which any payment systems. the same cards used to pay their credit card data could have been What You Can Do: Customers Oxnard utility bills with its Click- compromised, the city decided to should review their payment card 2Gov (Superion) online payment notify customers as a precaution. account statements closely and system. What Information Was In- report any unauthorized charges Upon discovery, the city im- volved: So far, the city’s vendor to their card issuer immediately mediately reported the issue to estimates that this incident may because card-network rules gen- the Police Department and the affect only individuals who used erally provide that cardholders city’s vendor, which engaged a the city’s Click2Gov payment are not responsible for unautho- third-party forensic fi rm to deter- system to make a payment of rized charges that are reported mine what happened and what in- their City of Oxnard utility bill promptly. The phone number to formation may have been affect- between March 26 and May 29, call is usually on the back of the ed. The city’s vendor alerted the 2018. The unauthorized user payment card. If your fi nancial in- Credit card holders experienced fraudulent purchases on their accounts that were used to pay for city to a software vulnerability may have accessed information stitution requires a police report, their Oxnard utility bills. that had the potential to allow an that included customer names, please go to

NOTICE OF PUBLIC will televise and broadcast If you challenge this mat- CASE NUMBER: be heard and must appear at the PERSONS: petition should not be granted. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE name changes described above weeks prior to the date set for HEARING the meeting at which the ter in court, you may be 56-2018-00512724-CU-PT-VTA hearing to show cause why the THE COURT FINDS that If no written objection is timely FOR CHANGE OF NAME must file a written objection hearing in a newspaper of general The Oxnard City Coun- public hearing will be limited to raising only TO ALL INTERESTED petition should not be granted. Petitioner(s): ELLIE ESCAIP filed, the court may grant the CASE NUMBER: that includes the reasons for the circulation, printed in the County cil will conduct a public conducted. For further those issues that were PERSONS: If no written objection is timely has/have fi led a petition with the petition without a hearing. 56-2018-00512386-CU-PT-VTA objection at least two court days of Ventura. hearing to consider the fol- information, contact the raised at this public hear- THE COURT FINDS that filed, the court may grant the clerk of this court for a decree A copy of this Order to Show TO ALL INTERESTED before the matter is scheduled to Filed: MAY 29, 2018 lowing matter on Tuesday, City Clerk’s Offi ce, 300 ing or in written corre- Petitioner(s): CHRISTOPHER petition without a hearing. changing the applicant’s name Cause shall be published at least PERSONS: be heard and must appear at the Dated: MAY 29, 2018 June 19, 2018 at 6:00 p.m., W. Third Street, 4th Floor, spondence delivered to STEPHEN BOMBELA has/ A copy of this Order to Show from (a): AMBROSE STEVEN once a week for four successive THE COURT FINDS that hearing to show cause why the /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT or as soon thereafter as the Oxnard CA 93030 at (805) the City Clerk at or before have filed a petition with the Cause shall be published at least BURNAUGH TACKMAN to weeks prior to the date set for Petitioner(s): COURT petition should not be granted. MICHAEL D. PLANET matter may be heard, in the 385-7803. the hearing. clerk of this court for a decree once a week for four successive AMBROSE STEVEN hearing in a newspaper of general WILLIAMS & CHARLENE If no written objection is timely Ventura Superior Court Council Chambers, 305 W. Michelle Ascencion, City Beginning at 6:00 p.m., changing the applicant’s name weeks prior to the date set for ESCAIP-BURNAUGH circulation, printed in the County WILLIAMS has/have filed a filed, the court may grant the Executive Offi cer and Clerk Third Street, Oxnard: Clerk Channel 10 will televise from (a): hearing in a newspaper of general THE COURT ORDERS that all of Ventura. petition with the clerk of this petition without a hearing. By: ALBERT VILLEGAS JR. Adopt a resolution dis- Published: and broadcast the meeting CHRISTOPHER STEPHEN circulation, printed in the County persons interested in this matter Filed: MAY 18, 2018 court for a decree changing the A copy of this Order to Show Deputy Clerk solving two (2) Landscape VCVN JUNE 07, 2018 at which the public hearing BOMBELA to of Ventura. appear before this court to show Dated: applicant’s name from (a): Cause shall be published at least Published: Maintenance Districts and will be conducted. For CHRISTOPHER STEPHEN Filed: JUN 05 2018 cause, if any, why the petition /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT NOELLE WILLIAMS to once a week for four successive VCVN JUN 7, 14, 21, 28, 2018 proposes to cease the levy further information, con- LARA Dated: JUN 05 2018 for change of name should not MICHAEL D. PLANET NOELLE CHARLENE and collection of assess- LEGAL NOTICE tact the City Clerk’s Of- THE COURT ORDERS that all /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT be granted on: Ventura Superior Court WILLIAMS ment in those Districts. CITY OF OXNARD fi ce, 300 W. Third Street, persons interested in this matter MICHAEL D. PLANET 7-11-18, at 8:30 a.m. in Depart- Executive Offi cer and Clerk THE COURT ORDERS that all At the public hearing you SUMMARY OF 4th Floor, Oxnard CA appear before this court to show Ventura Superior Court ment 20, located at: SUPERIOR By: JOAN FOSTER persons interested in this matter may appear and be heard ORDINANCE NO. 2942 93030 at (805) 385-7803. cause, if any, why the petition Executive Offi cer and Clerk COURT OF CALIFORNIA, Deputy Clerk appear before this court to show or you may write to the TAKE NOTICE that at Michelle Ascencion, City for change of name should not By: ELIZABETH MULLER County of Ventura, 800 S. Vic- Published: cause, if any, why the petition Read City Clerk's Offi ce at 300 its Regular Meeting of Clerk be granted on: Deputy Clerk toria Ave., Ventura, CA 93009. VCVN MAY 31, JUN 7, 14, 21, 2018 for change of name should not West Third Street, 4th June 5, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. Published: 7/30/2018, at 8:30 a.m. in Published: Any person objecting to the be granted on: Department 42, located at: VIDA Floor, Oxnard, California, in the Council Chambers VCVN JUNE 07, 2018 VCVN JUN 7, 14, 21, 28, 2018 name changes described above SUPERIOR COURT JUL 10 2018, at 8:30 a.m. in 93030, in support of or in of Oxnard City Hall, 305 SUPERIOR COURT OF CAL- must file a written objection OF CALIFORNIA, Department 40, located at: IFORNIA, County of Ventura, opposition to this matter. W. Third Street, Oxnard, SUPERIOR COURT SUPERIOR COURT that includes the reasons for the COUNTY OF VENTURA SUPERIOR COURT OF CAL- 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura, Newspaper If you plan to attend the California, the Oxnard OF CALIFORNIA, OF CALIFORNIA, objection at least two court days IN THE MATTER OF THE IFORNIA, County of Ventura, CA 93009. hearing, staff suggests City Council considered COUNTY OF VENTURA COUNTY OF VENTURA before the matter is scheduled to APPLICATION OF: 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura, Any person objecting to the that you contact the City and adopted Ordinance IN THE MATTER OF THE IN THE MATTER OF THE be heard and must appear at the COURT WILLIAMS & CA 93009. name changes described above is free Clerk's Office at (805) No. 2941 entitled: ORDI- APPLICATION OF: APPLICATION OF: hearing to show cause why the CHARLENE WILLIAMS Any person objecting to the must file a written objection 385-7803 the Thursday NANCE OF THE CITY COURT WILLIAMS & DIANA MENDEZ that includes the reasons for the prior to the scheduled date COUNCIL OF THE CITY CHARLENE WILLIAMS CHANDLER objection at least two court days to confi rm that the hearing OF OXNARD, CALI- ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE before the matter is scheduled to has not been rescheduled. FORNIA, AMENDING FOR CHANGE OF NAME FOR CHANGE OF NAME be heard and must appear at the If you challenge this mat- CHAPTER 6 OF THE CASE NUMBER: CASE NUMBER: hearing to show cause why the ter in court, you may be OXNARD CITY CODE 56-2018-00512386-CU-PT-VTA 56-2018-00512232-CU-PT-VTA petition should not be granted. limited to raising only TO IMPOSE A PROHI- TO ALL INTERESTED TO ALL INTERESTED those issues that were BITION ON UNFAIR If no written objection is timely PERSONS: PERSONS: filed, the court may grant the raised at this public hear- PRICING FOLLOWING THE COURT FINDS that THE COURT FINDS that ing or in written corre- THE DECLARATION OF petition without a hearing. Petitioner(s): DIANA MENDEZ Petitioner(s): COURT Order to Show spondence delivered to A STATE OF EMERGEN- WILLIAMS & CHARLENE A copy of this CHANDLER has/have fi led a Cause shall be published at least the City Clerk at or before CY, LOCAL EMERGEN- WILLIAMS has/have filed a petition with the clerk of this once a week for four successive the hearing. CY OR STATE OF WAR petition with the clerk of this court for a decree changing the weeks prior to the date set for Beginning at 6:00 p.m., EMERGENCY AMEND- court for a decree changing the applicant’s name from (a): hearing in a newspaper of general Channel 10 will televise ING SPEED LIMITS. applicant’s name from (a): DIANA MENDEZ circulation, printed in the County and broadcast the meeting Ordinance No. 2942 was NOELLE WILLIAMS to CHANDLER to DIANA at which the public hearing adopted by the follow- NOELLE CHARLENE of Ventura. ANDRADE MENDEZ will be conducted. For ing vote: AYES: Coun- WILLIAMS Filed: JUN 04 2018 THE COURT ORDERS that all Dated: JUN 04 2018 further information, con- cilmembers MacDonald, THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT tact the City Clerk’s Of- Madrigal, Perello, Mayor persons interested in this matter appear before this court to show MICHAEL D. PLANET fi ce, 300 W. Third Street, Pro Tem Ramirez, Mayor appear before this court to show cause, if any, why the petition Ventura Superior Court 4th Floor, Oxnard CA Flynn. cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not Executive Offi cer and Clerk 93030 at (805) 385-7803. A certified copy of the for change of name should not be granted on: By: ELIZABETH MULLER Michelle Ascencion, full text of the ordinance be granted on: 7-12-18, at 8:30 a.m. in Depart- Deputy Clerk City Clerk is available for viewing in JUL 10 2018, at 8:30 a.m. in ment 42, located at: SUPERIOR Published: the City Clerk’s offi ce at Department 40, located at: Published: COURT OF CALIFORNIA, VCVN JUNE 07, 2018 300 W. Third Street, 4th VCVN JUN 7, 14, 21, 28, 2018 County of Ventura, 800 S. Vic- SUPERIOR COURT OF CAL- SUPERIOR COURT Floor, Oxnard. IFORNIA, County of Ventura, toria Ave., Ventura, CA 93009. ATTEST: OF CALIFORNIA, Any person objecting to the NOTICE OF PUBLIC 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura, COUNTY OF VENTURA HEARING Michelle Ascencion, CA 93009. name changes described above IN THE MATTER OF THE must file a written objection The Oxnard City Coun- CMC, City Clerk, Any person objecting to the APPLICATION OF: that includes the reasons for the cil will conduct a public (805) 385-7803. name changes described above JOANNA V. DELLA GATTA objection at least two court days hearing to consider the Published: must file a written objection AND ROBERT ALLEN before the matter is scheduled to following matter on Tues- VCVN JUNE 07, 2018 that includes the reasons for the PAULSON be heard and must appear at the day, June 19, 2018, at 6:00 objection at least two court days ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE hearing to show cause why the p.m., or as soon thereafter before the matter is scheduled to FOR CHANGE OF NAME petition should not be granted. as the matter may be heard, NOTICE OF PUBLIC be heard and must appear at the CASE NUMBER: If no written objection is timely in the Council Chambers, HEARING hearing to show cause why the 56-2018-00512872-CU-PT-VTA filed, the court may grant the 305 W. Third Street, Ox- The Oxnard City Coun- petition should not be granted. TO ALL INTERESTED petition without a hearing. nard: Adopt a resolution cil will conduct a public If no written objection is timely PERSONS: A copy of this Order to Show for FY 2018-2019 fi xing hearing to consider the fol- filed, the court may grant the THE COURT FINDS that Cause shall be published at least assessments for the Water- lowing matter on Tuesday, petition without a hearing. Petitioner(s): JOANNA V. once a week for four successive way Maintenance District. June 19, 2018 at 6:00 p.m., A copy of this Order to Show DELLA GATTA AND weeks prior to the date set for At the public hearing you or as soon thereafter as the Cause shall be published at least ROBERT ALLEN PAULSON hearing in a newspaper of general may appear and be heard matter may be heard, in the once a week for four successive has/have filed a petition with circulation, printed in the County or you may write to the Council Chambers, 305 W. weeks prior to the date set for the clerk of this court for a of Ventura. City Clerk’s Offi ce at 300 Third Street, Oxnard: hearing in a newspaper of general decree changing the applicant’s Filed: MAY 24, 2018 West Third Street, 4th Adopt a resolution fi xing circulation, printed in the County name from (a): SKY ALLEN Dated: MAY 24, 2018 Floor, Oxnard, California, the special assessments of Ventura. PAULSON to SKYY ALLEN /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT 93030, in support of or in in the Mandalay Beach Filed: MAY 29, 2018 PAULSON MICHAEL D. PLANET opposition to this matter. If Maintenance District for Dated: MAY 29, 2018 THE COURT ORDERS that all Ventura Superior Court you plan to attend the hear- FY 2018-2019. /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT persons interested in this matter Executive Offi cer and Clerk ing, staff suggests that you At the public hearing you MICHAEL D. PLANET appear before this court to show By: SUSANNE LEON contact the City Clerk’s may appear and be heard Ventura Superior Court cause, if any, why the petition Deputy Clerk Offi ce at (805) 385-7803 or you may write to the Executive Offi cer and Clerk for change of name should not Published: the Thursday prior to the City Clerk's Offi ce at 300 By: ALBERT VILLEGAS JR. be granted on: scheduled date to confi rm West Third Street, 4th Deputy Clerk VCVN MAY 31, JUN 7, 14, 21, 2018 08-02-2018, at 8:30 a.m. in SUPERIOR COURT that the hearing has not Floor, Oxnard, California, Published: Department 20, located at: OF CALIFORNIA, been rescheduled. If you 93030, in support of or in VCVN JUN 7, 14, 21, 28, 2018 SUPERIOR COURT OF CAL- COUNTY OF VENTURA challenge this matter in opposition to this matter. SUPERIOR COURT IFORNIA, County of Ventura, IN THE MATTER OF THE court, you may be limited If you plan to attend the OF CALIFORNIA, 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura, APPLICATION OF: to raising only those issues hearing, staff suggests COUNTY OF VENTURA CA 93009. ELLIE ESCAIP that were raised at this that you contact the City IN THE MATTER OF THE Any person objecting to the ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE public hearing or in writ- Clerk's Office at (805) APPLICATION OF: name changes described above FOR CHANGE OF NAME ten correspondence deliv- 385-7803 the Thursday CHRISTOPHER STEPHEN must file a written objection CASE NUMBER: ered to the City Clerk at or prior to the scheduled date BOMBELA that includes the reasons for the before hearing. Beginning to confi rm that the hearing ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE 56-2018-00510368-CU-PT-VTA objection at least two court days TO ALL INTERESTED at 6:00 p.m., Channel 10 has not been rescheduled. FOR CHANGE OF NAME before the matter is scheduled to Published VCVN: 06/07/18 Page B2 VIDA NEWSPAPER 06-07-18

A total of 10 students in grades 3-5 competed in Oxnard School District the Oxnard School District’s fi rst-ever District Robotics Competition held on Wednesday, holds robotics competition May 30 at Mari- na West School in Oxnard. Teams from McKinna, Emile Ritchen, Har- rington, Chris- ta McAuliffe, and Marina West schools participat- Vivienne Nuñez, a student at Emilie Ritchen School, does coding for her “Dash” robot. ed in the compe- tition that challenged students to develop coding for their own “Dash” team robot to maneuver through designated areas on an obstacle course designed on a grid mat that included a ball and a set of bowling pins. “To me the competition is exciting as well as a really good opportunity for students to code robotics,” said Raymond Ibay, one of the coordinators of the event as well as a site technician at Marina

Photos by: Letitia Austin, MBA West School. “This competition is a good platform for the students Abigail London and Mariah Lopez, students from Marina West School, were awarded rst to move on to coding in middle Raymond Ibay, one of the coordinators of the District Robotics place in OSD’s rst District Robotics Competition. (In the center is Raymond Ibay, one of the school.” Competition answers questions from Emilie Ritchen School coordinators of the District Robotics Competition). Each team had two opportu- students, Isabella Wedemeyer and Vivienne Nuñez.

nities to fi nish the obstacle course that was randomly assigned to them. On the fi rst round, teams had 20 minutes to set up their coding and on the second round, the teams had 10 minutes to revise their coding with hopes of getting their “Dash” to the fi nish line. All teams were scored using a points system. Abigail London and Mariah Lopez, students from Marina West School, were awarded fi rst place and students Isabella Wedemeyer and Vivienne Nuñezthe from Emilie Ritchen School were awarded second place.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The City of Oxnard Public Works Department, is seek- ing proposals from qualifi ed consultants to provide Outreach and Design for La Colonia Green Alleys Proj- ect. The intention of the project is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by greening alleyways, while providing safe routes for travel between residences, workplaces, commercial centers, and schools. Proposals are due on June 28, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. A copy of the requirements and specifi cations may be obtained from the City of Oxnard website at or at the Purchas- ing Offi ce located at 300 W. Third Street, Oxnard, CA 93030. Any inquiries regarding this notice should be directed to Patricia Garcia, Buyer, at (805) 385-7538 or email at [email protected]. Published VCVN: 06/07/18

SUPERIOR COURT FOR CHANGE OF NAME OF CALIFORNIA, CASE NUMBER: COUNTY OF VENTURA 56-2018-00511798-CU-PT-VTA IN THE MATTER OF THE TO ALL INTERESTED APPLICATION OF: PERSONS: AARON ANTHONY THE COURT FINDS that WHITLEY Petitioner(s): AMATHYST ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE MAGDA ARTEAGA has/have FOR CHANGE OF NAME fi led a petition with the clerk of CASE NUMBER: this court for a decree changing 56-2018-00511655-CU-PT-VTA the applicant’s name from (a): TO ALL INTERESTED AMATHYST MAGDA PERSONS: ARTEAGA to YASHADDI THE COURT FINDS that MAGDAFLOR ARTEAGA Petitioner(s): AARON THE COURT ORDERS that all ANTHONY WHITLEY has/ persons interested in this matter have filed a petition with the appear before this court to show clerk of this court for a decree cause, if any, why the petition changing the applicant’s name for change of name should not from (a): AARON ANTHONY be granted on: WHITLEY to AARON ANTHONY 7-6-18, at 8:30 a.m. in Depart- BUENROSTRO-WHITLEY ment 41, located at: SUPERIOR THE COURT ORDERS that all COURT OF CALIFORNIA, persons interested in this matter County of Ventura, 800 S. Vic- appear before this court to show toria Ave., Ventura, CA 93009. cause, if any, why the petition Any person objecting to the for change of name should not name changes described above be granted on: must file a written objection 7-12-18, at 8:30 a.m. in Depart- that includes the reasons for the ment 20, located at: SUPERIOR objection at least two court days COURT OF CALIFORNIA, before the matter is scheduled to County of Ventura, 800 S. Vic- be heard and must appear at the toria Ave., Ventura, CA 93009. hearing to show cause why the Any person objecting to the petition should not be granted. name changes described above If no written objection is timely must file a written objection filed, the court may grant the that includes the reasons for the petition without a hearing. objection at least two court days A copy of this Order to Show before the matter is scheduled to Cause shall be published at least be heard and must appear at the once a week for four successive hearing to show cause why the weeks prior to the date set for petition should not be granted. hearing in a newspaper of general If no written objection is timely circulation, printed in the County filed, the court may grant the of Ventura. petition without a hearing. Filed: MAY 16, 2018 A copy of this Order to Show Dated: MAY 16, 2018 Cause shall be published at least /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT once a week for four successive MICHAEL D. PLANET weeks prior to the date set for Ventura Superior Court hearing in a newspaper of general Executive Offi cer and Clerk circulation, printed in the County By: SUSANNE LEON of Ventura. Deputy Clerk Filed: MAY 14 2018 Published: Dated: MAY 14 2018 VCVN MAY 24, 31, JUN 7, 14, 2018 /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT MICHAEL D. PLANET Ventura Superior Court Executive Offi cer and Clerk Every By: JOAN FOSTER Deputy Clerk Published: Thursday VCVN MAY 31, JUN 7, 14, 21, 2018 read SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF VENTURA VIDA IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF: Newspaper AMATHYST MAGDA ARTEAGA Published VCVN: 6/07/18 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE is free VIDA NEWSPAPER 06-07-18 Page B3 League to hold their annual meeting and luncheon The League of Women Voters of choice of coffee, iced tea, water electricity to consumers at com- Ventura County (LWVVC), a non- and come with Champagne Cake petitive prices and with greater partisan political organization will for dessert. Menu options are Class local control of how electricity be holding their Annual Meeting Cobb Salad with rolls and butter, is produced. Linda Hillman and and Luncheon on Saturday, June Veggie Sandwich with pasta side Don Dame will provide an update 16 in the Ventanas Room at the salad, (vegans should request no on current central coast and state- Courtyard by Marriott Oxnard, cheese, no mayo), Santa Fe Chick- wide trends in CCE. Linda is an 600 E. Esplanade Drive, Oxnard, en Wrap with pasta side salad. attorney and CPA whose career CA 93036. Cost of the luncheon is $30 and includes federal and local public This is a great opportunity for attendees must send their check service including accounting, law prospective members to learn payable to LWV VC with menu and operational management as about the League and for current choice no later than June 9 to PO well as private sector financial RIVERA has/have filed a peti- members to connect with fellow Box 6786, Ventura, CA 93006. You management. Don spent nearly SUPERIOR COURT circulation, printed in the County THE COURT ORDERS that all MICHAEL D. PLANET OF CALIFORNIA, tion with the clerk of this court persons interested in this matter Ventura Superior Court may attend the meeting and listen 40 years working in the natural for a decree changing the appli- of Ventura. members, colleagues, and friends. COUNTY OF VENTURA Filed: MAY 09, 2018 appear before this court to show Executive Officer and Clerk IN THE MATTER OF THE cant’s name from (a): cause, if any, why the petition By: ALBERT VILLEGAS JR. The day’s agenda includes: Cof- to the speakers without purchasing gas, electricity and water utility DESTINY RIVERA to Dated: MAY 09, 2018 APPLICATION OF: /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT for change of name should not Deputy Clerk fee/Tea/Pastries from 9:30 AM to lunch. During the luncheon service, industries. He currently consults ROBERTO MAHDI NAJMI DESTINY YSON MICHAEL D. PLANET be granted on: Published: ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE THE COURT ORDERS that all 10:00 AM; Annual Meeting from our guest speaker presentation will on direct access, community choice Ventura Superior Court JUN 12 2018, at 8:30 a.m. in VCVN MAY 17, 24, 31, JUN 7, 2018 FOR CHANGE OF NAME persons interested in this matter Executive Officer and Clerk Department 43, located at: SUPERIOR COURT 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM; and Lun- be on Community Choice Energy. power assessment and governance CASE NUMBER: appear before this court to show By: ELIZABETH MULLER SUPERIOR COURT OF CAL- OF CALIFORNIA, 56-2018-00511886-CU-PT-VTA cause, if any, why the petition cheon from 12:45 PM to 1:30 PM. Community Choice Energy matters with cities and counties Deputy Clerk IFORNIA, County of Ventura, COUNTY OF VENTURA TO ALL INTERESTED for change of name should not 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura, IN THE MATTER OF THE All lunches are served with (CCE) is a new way to get cleaner throughout California. be granted on: Published: PERSONS: VCVN MAY 17, 24, 31, JUN 7, 2018 CA 93009. APPLICATION OF: 7/2/2018 8:30 a.m Depart- THE COURT FINDS that , at . in SUPERIOR COURT Any person objecting to the CHRISTIE LETICIA ment 41 TORRES Petitioner(s): ROBERTO , located at: SUPERIOR OF CALIFORNIA, name changes described above be granted on: Cause shall be published at least IN THE MATTER OF THE appear before this court to show filed, the court may grant the ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE MAHDI NAJMI has/have filed COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF VENTURA must file a written objection 6-29-18, at 8:30 a.m. in Depart- once a week for four successive APPLICATION OF: cause, if any, why the petition petition without a hearing. FOR CHANGE OF NAME a petition with the clerk of this County of Ventura, 800 S. Vic- IN THE MATTER OF THE that includes the reasons for the ment 40, located at: SUPERIOR weeks prior to the date set for NICOLE THANH NONG for change of name should not A copy of this Order to Show CASE NUMBER: court for a decree changing the toria Ave., Ventura, CA 93009. APPLICATION OF: objection at least two court days COURT OF CALIFORNIA, hearing in a newspaper of general ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be granted on: Cause shall be published at least applicant’s name from (a): Any person objecting to the DONNA LEE EVERTON before the matter is scheduled to 56-2018-00511577-CU-PT-VTA County of Ventura, 800 S. Vic- circulation, printed in the County FOR CHANGE OF NAME 6-29-18, at 8:30 a.m. in Depart- once a week for four successive ROBERTO MAHDI NAJMI name changes described above ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be heard and must appear at the TO ALL INTERESTED toria Ave., Ventura, CA 93009. of Ventura. CASE NUMBER: ment 20, located at: SUPERIOR weeks prior to the date set for to ROBERTO NAVARRETE must file a written objection FOR CHANGE OF NAME hearing to show cause why the PERSONS: Any person objecting to the Filed: MAY 11, 2018 56-2018-00511672-CU-PT-VTA COURT OF CALIFORNIA, hearing in a newspaper of general CHAVEZ (b): BRYAN MAHDI that includes the reasons for the CASE NUMBER: petition should not be granted. THE COURT FINDS that name changes described above Dated: MAY 11, 2018 TO ALL INTERESTED County of Ventura, 800 S. Vic- circulation, printed in the County CAMACHO to BRYAN objection at least two court days 56-2018-00510771-CU-PT-VTA If no written objection is timely Petitioner(s): CHRISTIE must file a written objection /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT PERSONS: toria Ave., Ventura, CA 93009. of Ventura. NAVARRETE CAMACHO before the matter is scheduled to TO ALL INTERESTED filed, the court may grant the LETICIA TORRES has/have that includes the reasons for the MICHAEL D. PLANET THE COURT FINDS that Any person objecting to the Filed: MAY 14, 2018 THE COURT ORDERS that all be heard and must appear at the PERSONS: petition without a hearing. filed a petition with the clerk of objection at least two court days Ventura Superior Court Petitioner(s): NICOLE THANH name changes described above Dated: MAY 14, 2018 persons interested in this matter hearing to show cause why the THE COURT FINDS that A copy of this Order to Show this court for a decree changing before the matter is scheduled to Executive Officer and Clerk NONG has/have filed a petition must file a written objection /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT appear before this court to show petition should not be granted. Petitioner(s): DONNA LEE Cause shall be published at least the applicant’s name from (a): be heard and must appear at the By: JOAN FOSTER with the clerk of this court for that includes the reasons for the MICHAEL D. PLANET CHRISTIE LETICIA nities to finish the obstacle course thatcause, if any, why the petition If no written objection is timely EVERTON has/have filed a once a week for four successive hearing to show cause why the Deputy Clerk a decree changing the appli- objection at least two court days Ventura Superior Court TORRES to CHRISTIE for change of name should not filed, the court may grant the petition with the clerk of this weeks prior to the date set for petition should not be granted. Published: cant’s name from (a): NICOLE before the matter is scheduled to Executive Officer and Clerk was randomly assigned to them. On the LETICIA CONTRERAS THE be granted on: petition without a hearing. court for a decree changing the hearing in a newspaper of general If no written objection is timely VCVN MAY 17, 24, 31, JUN 7, 2018 THANH NONG to NICOLE be heard and must appear at the By: SUSANNE LEON COURT ORDERS that all per- first round, teams had 20 minutes to set7/3/2018 , at 8:30 a.m. in Depart- A copy of this Order to Show applicant’s name from (a): circulation, printed in the County filed, the court may grant the SUPERIOR COURT THANH TURLA hearing to show cause why the Deputy Clerk ment 42, located at: SUPERIOR Cause shall be published at least SYMPHONY MARY JEAN of Ventura. sons interested in this matter petition without a hearing. OF CALIFORNIA, THE COURT ORDERS that all petition should not be granted. Published: up their coding and on the second round,COURT OF CALIFORNIA, once a week for four successive DEL ALTO-GUTIERREZ to Filed: APR 25, 2018 appear before this court to show A copy of this Order to Show COUNTY OF VENTURA persons interested in this matter If no written objection is timely VCVN MAY 17, 24, 31, JUN 7, 2018 the teams had 10 minutes to revise their County of Ventura, 800 S. Vic- weeks prior to the date set for SYMPHONY MARY JEAN Dated: APR 25, 2018 cause, if any, why the petition toria Ave., Ventura, CA 93009. hearing in a newspaper of general DEL ALTO /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT for change of name should not coding with hopes of getting their “Dash”Any person objecting to the name changes described above to the finish line. All teams were scoredmust file a written objection using a points system. that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days Abigail London and Mariah Lopez,before the matter is scheduled to students from Marina West School, were be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the awarded first place and students Isabellapetition should not be granted. Wedemeyer and Vivienne Nuñezthe fromIf no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the Emilie Ritchen School were awardedpetition without a hearing. second place. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing in a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the County of Ventura. Filed: MAY 18, 2018 Dated: MAY 18, 2018 /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT MICHAEL D. PLANET Ventura Superior Court Executive Officer and Clerk By: ELIZABETH MULLER Deputy Clerk Published: VCVN MAY 24, 31, JUN 7, 14, 2018 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF VENTURA IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF: JOSE ABRAHAN CEME FERNANDEZ ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 56-2018-00511596-CU-PT-VTA TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: THE COURT FINDS that Petitioner(s): JOSE ABRAHAN CEME FERNANDEZ has/have filed a petition with the clerk of this court for a decree changing the applicant’s name from (a): JOSE ABRAHAN CEME FERNANDEZ to JOSE ABRAHAM CEME THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted on: JUN 26 2018, at 8:30 a.m. in Department 40, located at: SUPERIOR COURT OF CAL- IFORNIA, County of Ventura, 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura, CA 93009. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing in a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the County of Ventura. Filed: MAY 11, 2018 Dated: MAY 11, 2018 /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT MICHAEL D. PLANET Ventura Superior Court Executive Officer and Clerk By: ALBERT VILLEGAS JR. Deputy Clerk Published: VCVN MAY 24, 31, JUN 7, 14, 2018


SUPERIOR COURT APPLICATION OF: TO ALL INTERESTED This business is conducted by Copart- subdivision of section 17920, where it OF CALIFORNIA, NAZANIN ALIBANAIE PERSONS: ners. The registrant commenced to expires 40 days after any change in the COUNTY OF VENTURA ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE THE COURT FINDS that transact business under the fi ctitious facts set forth in the statement pursuant IN THE MATTER OF THE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Petitioner(s): MARYAM business name or names listed above to section 17913 other than a change in APPLICATION OF: CASE NUMBER: MAJIDI AND HAMID on 5-3-2018. This statement was fi led residence address or registered owner. MISTY CERRIDWEN 56-2018-00511665-CU-PT-VTA BANAEI has/have fi led a peti- with the County Clerk of Ventura A new fi ctitious business name must MACNEILL TO ALL INTERESTED tion with the clerk of this court County on May 31, 2018. be fi led before the expiration. The ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE PERSONS: for a decree changing the appli- By signing below, I declare that all fi ling of this statement does not itself FOR CHANGE OF NAME THE COURT FINDS that cant’s name from (a): ARYA information in this statement is true authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- CASE NUMBER: Petitioner(s): NAZANIN ALIBANAIE to A R Y A and correct. A registrant who declares tious business name in violation of the 56-2018-00511702-CU-PT-VTA as true information, which he or she rights of another under Federal, State, ALIBANAIE has/have fi led a BANAEI knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. or Common Law (see section 14411 TO ALL INTERESTED petition with the clerk of this THE COURT ORDERS that all (B & P Code § 17913) ET SEQ., Business and Professions PERSONS: court for a decree changing persons interested in this matter /s/ JEFFREY WAYNE Code). PUBLISH: THE COURT FINDS that the applicant’s name from (a): appear before this court to show FERGUSON VCVN JUN 7, 14, 21, 28, 2018 Petitioner(s): MISTY NAZANIN ALIBANAIE to cause, if any, why the petition NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME CERRIDWEN MACNEILL NAZANIN BANAEI for change of name should not vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious STATEMENT FILE No. 20180529- has/have fi led a petition with the THE COURT ORDERS that all be granted on: name statement generally expires at 10009835-0 The following person(s) clerk of this court for a decree persons interested in this matter 7-16-18, at 8:30 a.m. in Depart- the end of fi ve years from the date on is (are) doing business as: changing the applicant’s name appear before this court to show ment 40, located at: SUPERIOR which it was fi led in the offi ce of the G & A CLEANING from (a): MISTY cause, if any, why the petition COURT OF CALIFORNIA, county clerk, except, as provided in SERVICE CERRIDWEN MACNEILL to for change of name should not County of Ventura, 800 S. Vic- subdivision of section 17920, where it 1010 HULL PLACE #2 ERIS MIST SIGYN be granted on: toria Ave., Ventura, CA 93009. expires 40 days after any change in the OXNARD, CA 93030 THE COURT ORDERS that all 7-16-18, at 8:30 a.m. in Depart- Any person objecting to the facts set forth in the statement pursuant COUNTY OF VENTURA persons interested in this matter ment 21, located at: SUPERIOR name changes described above to section 17913 other than a change in Full Name of Registrant(s): appear before this court to show COURT OF CALIFORNIA, must file a written objection residence address or registered owner. GEORGINA JANETH cause, if any, why the petition County of Ventura, 800 S. Vic- that includes the reasons for the A new fi ctitious business name must HIPOLITO for change of name should not be fi led before the expiration. The 1010 HULL PLACE #2 toria Ave., Ventura, CA 93009. objection at least two court days fi ling of this statement does not itself OXNARD, CA 93030 be granted on: Any person objecting to the before the matter is scheduled to authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- This business is conducted by an 6-27-18, at 8:30 a.m. in Depart- name changes described above be heard and must appear at the tious business name in violation of the individual. The registrant commenced ment 43, located at: SUPERIOR must file a written objection hearing to show cause why the rights of another under Federal, State, to transact business under the fi ctitious COURT OF CALIFORNIA, that includes the reasons for the petition should not be granted. or Common Law (see section 14411 business name or names listed above County of Ventura, 800 S. Vic- objection at least two court days If no written objection is timely ET SEQ., Business and Professions on N/A. This statement was fi led with toria Ave., Ventura, CA 93009. before the matter is scheduled to filed, the court may grant the Code). PUBLISH: the County Clerk of Ventura County Any person objecting to the be heard and must appear at the petition without a hearing. VCVN JUN 7, 14, 21, 28, 2018 on May 29, 2018. name changes described above hearing to show cause why the A copy of this Order to Show FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME By signing below, I declare that all must file a written objection petition should not be granted. Cause shall be published at least STATEMENT FILE No. 20180523- information in this statement is true that includes the reasons for the If no written objection is timely once a week for four successive 10009514-0 The following person(s) and correct. A registrant who declares objection at least two court days filed, the court may grant the weeks prior to the date set for is (are) doing business as: as true information, which he or she before the matter is scheduled to petition without a hearing. hearing in a newspaper of general MAMA CAROL’S KITCHEN knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. be heard and must appear at the A copy of this Order to Show circulation, printed in the County 470 MARIPOSA DRIVE (B & P Code § 17913) hearing to show cause why the Cause shall be published at least of Ventura. CAMARILLO, CA 93012 /s/ GEORGINA HIPOLITO COUNTY OF VENTURA NOTICE - petition should not be granted. once a week for four successive Filed: MAY 14, 2018 In accordance with subdi- Full Name of Registrant(s): vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious If no written objection is timely weeks prior to the date set for Dated: MAY 14, 2018 filed, the court may grant the (1) CAROL MALDONADO name statement generally expires at hearing in a newspaper of general /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT 470 MARIPOSA DRIVE the end of fi ve years from the date on petition without a hearing. circulation, printed in the County MICHAEL D. PLANET CAMARILLO, CA 93012 which it was fi led in the offi ce of the A copy of this Order to Show of Ventura. Ventura Superior Court (2) JOE MALDONADO county clerk, except, as provided in Cause shall be published at least Filed: MAY 14, 2018 Executive Offi cer and Clerk 470 MARIPOSA DRIVE subdivision of section 17920, where it once a week for four successive Dated: MAY 14, 2018 By: SUSANNE LEON CAMARILLO, CA 93012 expires 40 days after any change in the weeks prior to the date set for /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT Deputy Clerk This business is conducted by a married facts set forth in the statement pursuant hearing in a newspaper of general MICHAEL D. PLANET Published: couple. The registrant commenced to to section 17913 other than a change in circulation, printed in the County Ventura Superior Court VCVN MAY 17, 24, 31, JUN 7, 2018 transact business under the fi ctitious residence address or registered owner. of Ventura. Executive Offi cer and Clerk business name or names listed above A new fi ctitious business name must Filed: MAY 15, 2018 By: SUSANNE LEON FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME on N/A. This statement was fi led with be fi led before the expiration. The Dated: MAY 15, 2018 Deputy Clerk STATEMENT FILE No. 20180531- the County Clerk of Ventura County fi ling of this statement does not itself /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT Published: 10009954-0 The following person(s) on May 23, 2018. authorize the use in this state of a fi cti- MICHAEL D. PLANET VCVN MAY 17, 24, 31, JUN 7, 2018 is (are) doing business as: By signing below, I declare that all tious business name in violation of the Ventura Superior Court SUPERIOR COURT R.J.P. INSTALLERS information in this statement is true rights of another under Federal, State, Executive Offi cer and Clerk OF CALIFORNIA, 1730 IRONBARK CT. and correct. A registrant who declares or Common Law (see section 14411 By: JOAN FOSTER OXNARD, CA 93030 as true information, which he or she ET SEQ., Business and Professions COUNTY OF VENTURA COUNTY OF VENTURA Deputy Clerk knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. Code). PUBLISH: IN THE MATTER OF THE Full Name of Registrant(s): (B & P Code § 17913) VCVN JUN 7, 14, 21, 28, 2018 Published: APPLICATION OF: (1) RONALD J. PADILLA /s/ CAROL MALDONADO VCVN MAY 17, 24, 31, JUN 7, 2018 MARYAM MAJIDI AND 1730 IRONBARK CT. NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- HAMID BANAEI OXNARD, CA 93030 vision (a) of Section 17920, a fi ctitious SUPERIOR COURT ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE (2) JEFFREY WAYNE name statement generally expires at VIDA OF CALIFORNIA, FOR CHANGE OF NAME FERGUSON the end of fi ve years from the date on COUNTY OF VENTURA CASE NUMBER: 1730 IRONBARK COURT which it was fi led in the offi ce of the Newspaper Published VCVN: 06/07/18 IN THE MATTER OF THE 56-2018-00511661-CU-PT-VTA OXNARD, CA 93030 county clerk, except, as provided in

Published VCVN: 6/07/18 Published VCVN: 6/07/18 PERIÓDICO VIDA 06-07-18 Página B5

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME LLC is (are) doing business as: which it was filed in the office of the COUNTY OF VENTURA on 5/9/2018. This statement was filed to transact business under the fictitious as true information, which he or she the end of five years from the date on be filed before the expiration. The STATEMENT FILE No. 20180521- MATTHEW WILKERSON SCALE RIDERS county clerk, except, as provided in Full Name of Registrant(s): with the County Clerk of Ventura business name or names listed above knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. which it was filed in the office of the filing of this statement does not itself 10009404-0 The following person(s) PARTNER/ MEMBER 3440 NAPLES DR. subdivision of section 17920, where it WISHTOYO FOUNDATION County on May 09, 2018. on N/A. This statement was filed with (B & P Code § 17913) county clerk, except, as provided in authorize the use in this state of a ficti- is (are) doing business as: NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- OXNARD, CA 93035 expires 40 days after any change in the 11182 AZAHAR STREET By signing below, I declare that all the County Clerk of Ventura County /s/ MANUEL DE JESUS subdivision of section 17920, where it tious business name in violation of the BLACK DIAMOND CNC vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious COUNTY OF VENTURA facts set forth in the statement pursuant VENTURA, CA 93004 information in this statement is true on May 14, 2018. SAUCEDO GARCIA expires 40 days after any change in the rights of another under Federal, State, 2225 FIRST ST #103 name statement generally expires at Full Name of Registrant(s): to section 17913 other than a change in This business is conducted by a Cor- and correct. A registrant who declares By signing below, I declare that all NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- facts set forth in the statement pursuant or Common Law (see section 14411 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 the end of five years from the date on EDGAR VERGARA residence address or registered owner. poration. The registrant commenced as true information, which he or she information in this statement is true vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious to section 17913 other than a change in ET SEQ., Business and Professions COUNTY OF VENTURA which it was filed in the office of the 3440 NAPLES DR. A new fictitious business name must to transact business under the fictitious knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. and correct. A registrant who declares name statement generally expires at residence address or registered owner. Code). PUBLISH: Full Name of Registrant(s): county clerk, except, as provided in OXNARD, CA 93035 be filed before the expiration. The business name or names listed above on (B & P Code § 17913) as true information, which he or she the end of five years from the date on A new fictitious business name must VCVN MAY 31, JUN 7, 14, 21, 2018 BWE MANUFACTURING, subdivision of section 17920, where it This business is conducted by an filing of this statement does not itself 1) 11/2015 2) 2001 . This statement /s/ FREDRICK WILLIAM knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. which it was filed in the office of the be filed before the expiration. The FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME LLC expires 40 days after any change in the individual. The registrant commenced authorize the use in this state of a ficti- was filed with the County Clerk of BAUM (B & P Code § 17913) county clerk, except, as provided in filing of this statement does not itself STATEMENT FILE No. 20180508- 2225 FIRST ST #103 facts set forth in the statement pursuant to transact business under the fictitious tious business name in violation of the Ventura County on May 23, 2018. NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- /s/ WILHELMINA SAN subdivision of section 17920, where it authorize the use in this state of a ficti- 10008491-0 The following person(s) SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 to section 17913 other than a change in business name or names listed above rights of another under Federal, State, By signing below, I declare that all vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious PEDRO AVENA expires 40 days after any change in the tious business name in violation of the is (are) doing business as: This business is conducted by a Limit- residence address or registered owner. on N/A. This statement was filed with or Common Law (see section 14411 information in this statement is true name statement generally expires at NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- facts set forth in the statement pursuant rights of another under Federal, State, STEPHENS SALES ed Liability Company. The registrant A new fictitious business name must the County Clerk of Ventura County ET SEQ., Business and Professions and correct. A registrant who declares the end of five years from the date on vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious to section 17913 other than a change in or Common Law (see section 14411 AND MARKETING commenced to transact business under be filed before the expiration. The on May 30, 2018. Code). PUBLISH: as true information, which he or she which it was filed in the office of the name statement generally expires at residence address or registered owner. ET SEQ., Business and Professions 901 JUNEBERRY PL the fictitious business name or names filing of this statement does not itself By signing below, I declare that all VCVN JUN 7, 14, 21, 28, 2018 knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. county clerk, except, as provided in the end of five years from the date on A new fictitious business name must Code). PUBLISH: OXNARD, CA 93036 listed above on 05/21/2018. This state- authorize the use in this state of a ficti- information in this statement is true FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME (B & P Code § 17913) subdivision of section 17920, where it which it was filed in the office of the be filed before the expiration. The VCVN MAY 31, JUN 7, 14, 21, 2018 COUNTY OF VENTURA ment was filed with the County Clerk tious business name in violation of the and correct. A registrant who declares STATEMENT FILE No. 20180523- /s/ WISHTOYO FOUNDATION expires 40 days after any change in the county clerk, except, as provided in filing of this statement does not itself FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Full Name of Registrant(s): of Ventura County on May 21, 2018. rights of another under Federal, State, as true information, which he or she 10009506-0 The following person(s) MATI WAILA facts set forth in the statement pursuant subdivision of section 17920, where it authorize the use in this state of a ficti- STATEMENT FILE No. 20180524- (1) TERRY STEPHENS By signing below, I declare that all or Common Law (see section 14411 knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. is (are) doing business as: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR to section 17913 other than a change in expires 40 days after any change in the tious business name in violation of the 10009656-0 The following person(s) 901 JUNEBERRY PL information in this statement is true ET SEQ., Business and Professions (B & P Code § 17913) (1) WISHTOYO CHUMASH NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- residence address or registered owner. facts set forth in the statement pursuant rights of another under Federal, State, is (are) doing business as: OXNARD, CA 93036 and correct. A registrant who declares Code). PUBLISH: /s/ EDGAR VERGARA FOUNDATION vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious A new fictitious business name must to section 17913 other than a change in or Common Law (see section 14411 MALO (2) ZACHARY STEPHENS as true information, which he or she VCVN JUN 7, 14, 21, 28, 2018 NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- (2) VENTURA name statement generally expires at be filed before the expiration. The residence address or registered owner. ET SEQ., Business and Professions 331 FOREST PARK 901 JUNEBERRY PL knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious COASTKEEPER the end of five years from the date on filing of this statement does not itself A new fictitious business name must Code). PUBLISH: BOULEVARD OXNARD, CA 93036 (B & P Code § 17913) STATEMENT FILE No. 20180530- name statement generally expires at 11182 AZAHAR STREET which it was filed in the office of the authorize the use in this state of a ficti- be filed before the expiration. The VCVN MAY 31, JUN 7, 14, 21, 2018 OXNARD, CA 93036 This business is conducted by copart- /s/ BWE MANUFACTURING, 10009921-0 The following person(s) the end of five years from the date on VENTURA, CA 93004 county clerk, except, as provided in tious business name in violation of the filing of this statement does not itself FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME COUNTY OF VENTURA ners. The registrant commenced to subdivision of section 17920, where it rights of another under Federal, State, authorize the use in this state of a ficti- STATEMENT FILE No. 20180503- Full Name of Registrant(s): transact business under the fictitious expires 40 days after any change in the or Common Law (see section 14411 tious business name in violation of the 10008125-0 The following person(s) MARK ANTHONY business name or names listed above facts set forth in the statement pursuant ET SEQ., Business and Professions rights of another under Federal, State, is (are) doing business as: DELGADO on 5/8/2018. This statement was filed to section 17913 other than a change in Code). PUBLISH: or Common Law (see section 14411 HENRY JANITORIAL 331 FOREST PARK with the County Clerk of Ventura residence address or registered owner. VCVN JUN 7, 14, 21, 28, 2018 ET SEQ., Business and Professions SERVICE BOULEVARD County on May 08, 2018. A new fictitious business name must FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Code). PUBLISH: 910 TEAKWOOD ST OXNARD, CA 93036 By signing below, I declare that all be filed before the expiration. The STATEMENT FILE No. 20180604- VCVN JUN 7, 14, 21, 28, 2018 OXNARD, CA 93033 This business is conducted by an information in this statement is true filing of this statement does not itself 100010152-0 The following person(s) COUNTY OF VENTURA individual. The registrant commenced and correct. A registrant who declares authorize the use in this state of a ficti- is (are) doing business as: FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Full Name of Registrant(s): to transact business under the fictitious as true information, which he or she tious business name in violation of the ARBOL DE VIDA STATEMENT FILE No. 20180523- ENRIQUE JIMENEZ business name or names listed above knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. rights of another under Federal, State, TIENDA NATURISTA 10009530-0 The following person(s) 910 TEAKWOOD ST on 5/21/2018. This statement was (B & P Code § 17913) or Common Law (see section 14411 1910 HOBBARD ST is (are) doing business as: OXNARD, CA 93033 filed with the County Clerk of Ventura /s/ TERRY STEPHENS ET SEQ., Business and Professions SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 FOOTHILL PAINTING This business is conducted by an County on May 24, 2018. NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- Code). PUBLISH: COUNTY OF VENTURA 4910 SAN JUAN AV individual. The registrant commenced By signing below, I declare that all vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious VCVN JUN 7, 14, 21, 28, 2018 Full Name of Registrant(s): OXNARD, CA 93033 to transact business under the fictitious information in this statement is true name statement generally expires at FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME (1) ROSA ISELA COUNTY OF VENTURA business name or names listed above and correct. A registrant who declares the end of five years from the date on STATEMENT FILE No. 20180604- ANGULO ELENES Full Name of Registrant(s): on 02/13/2013. This statement was as true information, which he or she which it was filed in the office of the 10010165-0 The following person(s) 3139 SOUTH C ST MAURICIO ROMERO filed with the County Clerk of Ventura knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. county clerk, except, as provided in is (are) doing business as: OXNARD, CA 93033 CORTEZ County on May 03, 2018. (B & P Code § 17913) subdivision of section 17920, where it CALIFORNIA REALTY (2) ANGEL BARRÓN 4910 SAN JUAN AV By signing below, I declare that all /s/ MARK ANTHONY expires 40 days after any change in the 2038 HERRON COURT FUERTE OXNARD, CA 93033 information in this statement is true DELGADO facts set forth in the statement pursuant CAMARILLO, CA 93010 461 W. CHANNEL ISLANDS This business is conducted by an and correct. A registrant who declares NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- to section 17913 other than a change in COUNTY OF VENTURA BLVD. # B individual. The registrant commenced as true information, which he or she vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious residence address or registered owner. Full Name of Registrant(s): OXNARD, CA 93033 to transact business under the fictitious knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. name statement generally expires at A new fictitious business name must JANE RAMSEY HAND This business is conducted by a business name or names listed above (B & P Code § 17913) the end of five years from the date on be filed before the expiration. The 2038 HERRON CT General Partnership. The registrant on N/A. This statement was filed with /s/ ENRIQUE JIMENEZ which it was filed in the office of the filing of this statement does not itself CAMARILLO, CA 93010 commenced to transact business under the County Clerk of Ventura County NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- county clerk, except, as provided in authorize the use in this state of a ficti- This business is conducted by an the fictitious business name or names on May 23, 2018. vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious subdivision of section 17920, where it tious business name in violation of the individual. The registrant commenced listed above on N/A. This statement By signing below, I declare that all name statement generally expires at expires 40 days after any change in the rights of another under Federal, State, to transact business under the fictitious was filed with the County Clerk of information in this statement is true the end of five years from the date on facts set forth in the statement pursuant or Common Law (see section 14411 business name or names listed above Ventura County on June 04, 2018. and correct. A registrant who declares which it was filed in the office of the to section 17913 other than a change in ET SEQ., Business and Professions on 8/8/2013. This statement was filed By signing below, I declare that all as true information, which he or she county clerk, except, as provided in residence address or registered owner. Code). PUBLISH: with the County Clerk of Ventura information in this statement is true knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. subdivision of section 17920, where it A new fictitious business name must VCVN MAY 31, JUN 7, 14, 21, 2018 County on June 04, 2018. and correct. A registrant who declares (B & P Code § 17913) expires 40 days after any change in the be filed before the expiration. The FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME By signing below, I declare that all as true information, which he or she /s/ MAURICIO ROMERO facts set forth in the statement pursuant filing of this statement does not itself STATEMENT FILE No. 20180510- information in this statement is true knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. CORTEZ to section 17913 other than a change in authorize the use in this state of a ficti- 10008674-0 The following person(s) and correct. A registrant who declares (B & P Code § 17913) NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- residence address or registered owner. tious business name in violation of the is (are) doing business as: as true information, which he or she /s/ ROSA ISELA ANGULO vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious A new fictitious business name must rights of another under Federal, State, 805 HOSE & HYDRAULICS knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. ELENES name statement generally expires at be filed before the expiration. The or Common Law (see section 14411 627 S “B” ST (B & P Code § 17913) NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- the end of five years from the date on filing of this statement does not itself ET SEQ., Business and Professions OXNARD, CA 93030 /s/ JANE RAMSEY HAND vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious which it was filed in the office of the authorize the use in this state of a ficti- Code). PUBLISH: COUNTY OF VENTURA NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- name statement generally expires at county clerk, except, as provided in tious business name in violation of the VCVN MAY 31, JUN 7, 14, 21, 2018 Full Name of Registrant(s): vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious the end of five years from the date on subdivision of section 17920, where it rights of another under Federal, State, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME JULIAN BARRERA name statement generally expires at which it was filed in the office of the expires 40 days after any change in the or Common Law (see section 14411 STATEMENT FILE No. 20180508- 627 S. “B” ST the end of five years from the date on county clerk, except, as provided in facts set forth in the statement pursuant ET SEQ., Business and Professions 10008428-0 The following person(s) OXNARD, CA 93030 which it was filed in the office of the subdivision of section 17920, where it to section 17913 other than a change in Code). PUBLISH: is (are) doing business as: This business is conducted by an county clerk, except, as provided in expires 40 days after any change in the residence address or registered owner. VCVN MAY 31, JUN 7, 14, 21, 2018 LTL PRODUCE TRUCKING individual. The registrant commenced subdivision of section 17920, where it facts set forth in the statement pursuant A new fictitious business name must FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 336 DORIS AVE. to transact business under the fictitious expires 40 days after any change in the to section 17913 other than a change in be filed before the expiration. The STATEMENT FILE No. 20180509- OXNARD, CA 93030 business name or names listed above facts set forth in the statement pursuant residence address or registered owner. filing of this statement does not itself 10008613-0 The following person(s) COUNTY OF VENTURA on N/A. This statement was filed with to section 17913 other than a change in A new fictitious business name must authorize the use in this state of a ficti- is (are) doing business as: Full Name of Registrant(s): the County Clerk of Ventura County residence address or registered owner. be filed before the expiration. The tious business name in violation of the RAINBOW CRYSTAL JOHN HALE on May 10, 2018. A new fictitious business name must filing of this statement does not itself rights of another under Federal, State, SUNCATCHERS 336 DORIS AVE By signing below, I declare that all be filed before the expiration. The authorize the use in this state of a ficti- or Common Law (see section 14411 1001 NIGHTINGALE OXNARD, CA 93030 information in this statement is true filing of this statement does not itself tious business name in violation of the ET SEQ., Business and Professions PLACE This business is conducted by an and correct. A registrant who declares authorize the use in this state of a ficti- rights of another under Federal, State, Code). PUBLISH: OXNARD, CA 93036 individual. The registrant commenced as true information, which he or she tious business name in violation of the or Common Law (see section 14411 VCVN MAY 31, JUN 7, 14, 21, 2018 COUNTY OF VENTURA to transact business under the fictitious knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. rights of another under Federal, State, ET SEQ., Business and Professions FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Full Name of Registrant(s): business name or names listed above (B & P Code § 17913) or Common Law (see section 14411 Code). PUBLISH: STATEMENT FILE No. 20180515- BARBARA JEAN on N/A 5/8/18. This statement was /s/ JULIAN BARRERA ET SEQ., Business and Professions VCVN JUN 7, 14, 21, 28, 2018 10009010-0 The following person(s) SKOGQUIST filed with the County Clerk of Ventura NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- Code). PUBLISH: FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME is (are) doing business as: 1001 NIGHTINGALE PLACE County on May 08, 2018. vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious VCVN JUN 7, 14, 21, 28, 2018 STATEMENT FILE No. 20180514- CITICUTS OXNARD, CA 93036 By signing below, I declare that all name statement generally expires at FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 10008846-0 The following person(s) 5245 MISSION OAKS BLVD This business is conducted by an information in this statement is true the end of five years from the date on STATEMENT FILE No. 20180509- is (are) doing business as: CAMARILLO, CA 93012 individual. The registrant commenced and correct. A registrant who declares which it was filed in the office of the 10008579-0 The following person(s) (1) SAN VICENTE CARE COUNTY OF VENTURA to transact business under the fictitious as true information, which he or she county clerk, except, as provided in is (are) doing business as: SERVICES Full Name of Registrant(s): business name or names listed above knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. subdivision of section 17920, where it BAUM CUSTOM (2) SUPREME CARE MANUEL DE JESUS on 05/08/2018. This statement was (B & P Code § 17913) expires 40 days after any change in the WOODWORKING SERVICES SAUCEDO GARCIA filed with the County Clerk of Ventura /s/ JOHN HALE facts set forth in the statement pursuant AND DESIGN 4409 GOLF COURSE DRIVE 600 PALM DR County on May 09, 2018. NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- to section 17913 other than a change in 1101 KIPLIG PL. WESTLAKE VILLAGE, OXNARD, CA 93030 By signing below, I declare that all vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious residence address or registered owner. OXNARD, CA 93033 CA 91362 This business is conducted by an information in this statement is true name statement generally expires at A new fictitious business name must COUNTY OF VENTURA COUNTY OF VENTURA individual. The registrant commenced and correct. A registrant who declares the end of five years from the date on be filed before the expiration. The Full Name of Registrant(s): Full Name of Registrant(s): to transact business under the fictitious as true information, which he or she which it was filed in the office of the filing of this statement does not itself FREDRICK WILLIAM BAUM WILHELMINA SAN PEDRO business name or names listed above knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. county clerk, except, as provided in authorize the use in this state of a ficti- 1101 KIPLING PL. AVENA on N/A. This statement was filed with (B & P Code § 17913) subdivision of section 17920, where it tious business name in violation of the OXNARD, CA 93033 4409 GOLF COURSE DRIVE the County Clerk of Ventura County /s/ BARBARA JEAN expires 40 days after any change in the rights of another under Federal, State, This business is conducted by an WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA on May 15, 2018. SKOGQUIST facts set forth in the statement pursuant or Common Law (see section 14411 individual. The registrant commenced 91362 By signing below, I declare that all NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- to section 17913 other than a change in ET SEQ., Business and Professions to transact business under the fictitious This business is conducted by an information in this statement is true vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious residence address or registered owner. Code). PUBLISH: business name or names listed above individual. The registrant commenced and correct. A registrant who declares name statement generally expires at A new fictitious business name must VCVN MAY 31, JUN 7, 14, 21, 2018

Published VCVN: 6/07/18 Published VCVN Date: 6/07/18 Página B6 PERIÓDICO VIDA 06-07-18

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME county clerk, except, as provided in Continued from page B6 STATEMENT FILE No. 20180508- subdivision of section 17920, where it 10008470-0 The following person(s) expires 40 days after any change in the is (are) doing business as: facts set forth in the statement pursuant TELLING & MACALLER to section 17913 other than a change in INSURANCE SERVICES residence address or registered owner. 5301 C MISSION OAKS A new fictitious business name must BLVD. be filed before the expiration. The CAMARILLO, CA 93012 filing of this statement does not itself COUNTY OF VENTURA authorize the use in this state of a ficti- Full Name of Registrant(s): tious business name in violation of the (1) KATHLEEN MACALLER rights of another under Federal, State, 12509 SPRING CREEK RD or Common Law (see section 14411 MOORPARK, CA 93021 ET SEQ., Business and Professions (2) ANN TELLING Code). PUBLISH: 1962 BERKSHIRE DR. VCVN MAY 31, JUN 7, 14, 21, 2018 THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME This business is conducted by a STATEMENT FILE No. 20180504- General Partnership. The registrant 10008242-0 The following person(s) commenced to transact business under is (are) doing business as: the fictitious business name or names ABARROTES MARTINEZ listed above on N/A. This statement 1023 S VENTURA RD was filed with the County Clerk of OXNARD, CA 93030 Ventura County on May 08, 2018. COUNTY OF VENTURA By signing below, I declare that all Full Name of Registrant(s): information in this statement is true (1) LEONILA MARTINEZ and correct. A registrant who declares 2400 SOUTH K STREET as true information, which he or she OXNARD, CA 93033 knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. (2) JULIA MARTINEZ (B & P Code § 17913) 1621 KELP STREET /s/ KATHLEEN MACALLER OXNARD, CA 93035 NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- This business is conducted by Copart- vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious ners. The registrant commenced to name statement generally expires at transact business under the fictitious the end of five years from the date on business name or names listed above which it was filed in the office of the on N/A. This statement was filed with county clerk, except, as provided in the County Clerk of Ventura County subdivision of section 17920, where it on May 04, 2018. expires 40 days after any change in the By signing below, I declare that all facts set forth in the statement pursuant information in this statement is true to section 17913 other than a change in and correct. A registrant who declares residence address or registered owner. as true information, which he or she A new fictitious business name must knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. be filed before the expiration. The (B & P Code § 17913) filing of this statement does not itself /s/ LEONILA MARTINEZ authorize the use in this state of a ficti- NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- tious business name in violation of the vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious rights of another under Federal, State, name statement generally expires at or Common Law (see section 14411 the end of five years from the date on ET SEQ., Business and Professions which it was filed in the office of the Code). PUBLISH: county clerk, except, as provided in VCVN MAY 31, JUN 7, 14, 21, 2018 subdivision of section 17920, where it FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME expires 40 days after any change in the STATEMENT FILE No. 20180503- facts set forth in the statement pursuant 10008146-0 The following person(s) to section 17913 other than a change in is (are) doing business as: residence address or registered owner. JOAN B FOY A new fictitious business name must CONSULTING SERVICE be filed before the expiration. The 579 WILSHIRE PL filing of this statement does not itself NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320 authorize the use in this state of a ficti- COUNTY OF VENTURA tious business name in violation of the Full Name of Registrant(s): rights of another under Federal, State, (1) JOAN B FOY or Common Law (see section 14411 579 WILSHIRE PLACE ET SEQ., Business and Professions NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320 Code). PUBLISH: (2) DAVID N FOY VCVN MAY 31, JUN 7, 14, 21, 2018 579 WILSHIRE PLACE NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME This business is conducted by a married STATEMENT FILE No. 20180517- couple. The registrant commenced to 10009092-0 The following person(s) transact business under the fictitious is (are) doing business as: business name or names listed above RAMOS TRANSPORT INC on 04/15/2013. This statement was 2450 TRINITY PLACE filed with the County Clerk of Ventura OXNARD, CA 93033 County on May 03, 2018. COUNTY OF VENTURA By signing below, I declare that all Full Name of Registrant(s): information in this statement is true RAMOS TRANSPORT INC and correct. A registrant who declares 2450 TRINITY PLACE as true information, which he or she OXNARD, CA 93033 knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. This business is conducted by a Cor- (B & P Code § 17913) poration. The registrant commenced /s/ JOAN B FOY to transact business under the fictitious NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- business name or names listed above vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious on N/A. This statement was filed with name statement generally expires at the County Clerk of Ventura County the end of five years from the date on on May 17, 2018. which it was filed in the office of the By signing below, I declare that all county clerk, except, as provided in information in this statement is true subdivision of section 17920, where it and correct. A registrant who declares expires 40 days after any change in the as true information, which he or she facts set forth in the statement pursuant knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. to section 17913 other than a change in (B & P Code § 17913) residence address or registered owner. /s/ RAMOS TRANSPORT INC A new fictitious business name must CRECENCIO MAGANA be filed before the expiration. The RAMOS filing of this statement does not itself PRESIDENT authorize the use in this state of a ficti- NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- tious business name in violation of the vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious rights of another under Federal, State, name statement generally expires at or Common Law (see section 14411 the end of five years from the date on ET SEQ., Business and Professions which it was filed in the office of the Code). PUBLISH: county clerk, except, as provided in VCVN MAY 31, JUN 7, 14, 21, 2018 subdivision of section 17920, where it FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME expires 40 days after any change in the STATEMENT FILE No. 20180524- facts set forth in the statement pursuant 10009660-0 The following person(s) to section 17913 other than a change in is (are) doing business as: residence address or registered owner. SPIRITUAL GYFTS A new fictitious business name must 671 WAVERLY CT. be filed before the expiration. The OXNARD, CA 93030 filing of this statement does not itself COUNTY OF VENTURA authorize the use in this state of a ficti- Full Name of Registrant(s): tious business name in violation of the THE JMH STORE rights of another under Federal, State, 671 WAVERLY CT or Common Law (see section 14411 OXNARD, CA 93030 ET SEQ., Business and Professions This business is conducted by a Cor- Code). PUBLISH: poration. The registrant commenced VCVN MAY 24, 31, JUN 7, 14, 2018 to transact business under the fictitious FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME business name or names listed above STATEMENT FILE No. 20180517- on 12/12/2017. This statement was 10009122-0 The following person(s) filed with the County Clerk of Ventura is (are) doing business as: County on May 24, 2018. TRICO WELDING By signing below, I declare that all 564 JORDAN AVENUE information in this statement is true VENTURA, CA 93001 and correct. A registrant who declares COUNTY OF VENTURA as true information, which he or she Full Name of Registrant(s): knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. ANTONIO G FIGUREIDA (B & P Code § 17913) 564 JORDAN AVENUE /s/ THE JMH STORE VENTURA, CA 93001 JAMES HERRERA This business is conducted by an PRESIDENT individual. The registrant commenced NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- to transact business under the fictitious vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious business name or names listed above name statement generally expires at on N/A. This statement was filed with the end of five years from the date on the County Clerk of Ventura County which it was filed in the office of the on May 17, 2018. county clerk, except, as provided in By signing below, I declare that all subdivision of section 17920, where it information in this statement is true expires 40 days after any change in the and correct. A registrant who declares facts set forth in the statement pursuant as true information, which he or she to section 17913 other than a change in knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. residence address or registered owner. (B & P Code § 17913) A new fictitious business name must /s/ ANTONIO G FIGUREIDA be filed before the expiration. The NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- filing of this statement does not itself vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious authorize the use in this state of a ficti- name statement generally expires at tious business name in violation of the the end of five years from the date on rights of another under Federal, State, which it was filed in the office of the or Common Law (see section 14411 county clerk, except, as provided in ET SEQ., Business and Professions subdivision of section 17920, where it Code). PUBLISH: expires 40 days after any change in the VCVN MAY 31, JUN 7, 14, 21, 2018 facts set forth in the statement pursuant FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME to section 17913 other than a change in STATEMENT FILE No. 20180523- residence address or registered owner. 10009532-0 The following person(s) A new fictitious business name must is (are) doing business as: be filed before the expiration. The PACIFIC MARKET filing of this statement does not itself 3585 TELEGRAPH RD. authorize the use in this state of a ficti- SUITE A tious business name in violation of the VENTURA, CA 93003 rights of another under Federal, State, COUNTY OF VENTURA or Common Law (see section 14411 Full Name of Registrant(s): ET SEQ., Business and Professions MEHRI HORABADI Code). PUBLISH: 2316 CALLE RISCOSO VCVN MAY 24, 31, JUN 7, 14, 2018 THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 This business is conducted by an individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious Every business name or names listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on May 23, 2018. Thursday By signing below, I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares read as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. (B & P Code § 17913) VIDA /s/ MEHRI HORABADI NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious Newspaper name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the is free Please see page B7 PERIÓDICO VIDA 06-07-18 Página B7

Continued from page B6 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME facts set forth in the statement pursuant STATEMENT FILE No. 20180430- to section 17913 other than a change in 10007808-0 The following person(s) residence address or registered owner. is (are) doing business as: A new fictitious business name must J & J BROTHERS be filed before the expiration. The TRANSPORT, INC. filing of this statement does not itself 1901 LINCOLN COURT authorize the use in this state of a ficti- OXNARD, CA 93033 tious business name in violation of the COUNTY OF VENTURA rights of another under Federal, State, Full Name of Registrant(s): or Common Law (see section 14411 J & J BROTHERS ET SEQ., Business and Professions TRANSPORT, INC Code). PUBLISH: 1901 LINCOLN COURT VCVN MAY 24, 31, JUN 7, 14, 2018 OXNARD, CA 93033 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME This business is conducted by a Cor- STATEMENT FILE No. 20180514- poration. The registrant commenced 10008857-0 The following person(s) to transact business under the fictitious is (are) doing business as: business name or names listed above RAINBOW SOBER LIVING on 8/15/2013. This statement was 1164 N A STREET filed with the County Clerk of Ventura OXNARD, CA 93030 County on April 30, 2018. COUNTY OF VENTURA By signing below, I declare that all Full Name of Registrant(s): information in this statement is true ROSANNA M DAVIS and correct. A registrant who declares 445 VINE PLACE as true information, which he or she OXNARD, CA 93033 knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. This business is conducted by an (B & P Code § 17913) individual. The registrant commenced /s/ J & J BROTHERS to transact business under the fictitious TRANSPORT, INC business name or names listed above JOSE ZAVALA on N/A. This statement was filed with PRESIDENT the County Clerk of Ventura County NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- on May 14, 2018. vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious By signing below, I declare that all name statement generally expires at information in this statement is true the end of five years from the date on and correct. A registrant who declares which it was filed in the office of the as true information, which he or she county clerk, except, as provided in knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. subdivision of section 17920, where it (B & P Code § 17913) expires 40 days after any change in the /s/ ROSANNA M DAVIS facts set forth in the statement pursuant NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- to section 17913 other than a change in vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious residence address or registered owner. name statement generally expires at A new fictitious business name must the end of five years from the date on be filed before the expiration. The which it was filed in the office of the filing of this statement does not itself county clerk, except, as provided in authorize the use in this state of a ficti- subdivision of section 17920, where it tious business name in violation of the expires 40 days after any change in the rights of another under Federal, State, facts set forth in the statement pursuant or Common Law (see section 14411 to section 17913 other than a change in ET SEQ., Business and Professions residence address or registered owner. Code). PUBLISH: A new fictitious business name must VCVN MAY 24, 31, JUN 7, 14, 2018 be filed before the expiration. The FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME filing of this statement does not itself STATEMENT FILE No. 20180517- authorize the use in this state of a ficti- 10009105-0 The following person(s) tious business name in violation of the is (are) doing business as: rights of another under Federal, State, PHOENIX HOUSE or Common Law (see section 14411 1206 WINFORD AVE ET SEQ., Business and Professions VENTURA, CA 93004 Code). PUBLISH: COUNTY OF VENTURA VCVN MAY 24, 31, JUN 7, 14, 2018 Full Name of Registrant(s): FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME (1) DAVID NOWLIN STATEMENT FILE No. 20180508- 1206 WINFORD AVE 10008447-0 The following person(s) VENTURA, CA 93004 is (are) doing business as: (2) APRIL GAINES NOWLIN OP ENTERPRISES 1206 WINFORD AVE 1231 BOOSEY RD VENTURA, CA 93004 SANTA PAULA, CA 93060 This business is conducted by a married COUNTY OF VENTURA couple. The registrant commenced to Full Name of Registrant(s): transact business under the fictitious (1) ROBERT WALTER POOLE business name or names listed above 1231 BOOSEY RD on 5-17-18. This statement was filed SANTA PAULA, CA 93060 with the County Clerk of Ventura (2) JEANNE ORCUTT County on May 17, 2018. 1231 BOOSEY RD By signing below, I declare that all SANTA PAULA, CA 93060 information in this statement is true This business is conducted by a and correct. A registrant who declares General Partnership. The registrant as true information, which he or she commenced to transact business under knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. the fictitious business name or names (B & P Code § 17913) listed above on N/A. This statement /s/ DAVID NOWLIN was filed with the County Clerk of NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- Ventura County on May 08, 2018. vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious By signing below, I declare that all name statement generally expires at information in this statement is true the end of five years from the date on and correct. A registrant who declares which it was filed in the office of the as true information, which he or she county clerk, except, as provided in knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. subdivision of section 17920, where it (B & P Code § 17913) expires 40 days after any change in the /s/ ROBERT WALTER POOLE facts set forth in the statement pursuant NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- to section 17913 other than a change in vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious residence address or registered owner. name statement generally expires at A new fictitious business name must the end of five years from the date on be filed before the expiration. The which it was filed in the office of the filing of this statement does not itself county clerk, except, as provided in authorize the use in this state of a ficti- subdivision of section 17920, where it tious business name in violation of the expires 40 days after any change in the rights of another under Federal, State, facts set forth in the statement pursuant or Common Law (see section 14411 to section 17913 other than a change in ET SEQ., Business and Professions residence address or registered owner. Code). PUBLISH: A new fictitious business name must VCVN MAY 24, 31, JUN 7, 14, 2018 be filed before the expiration. The FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME filing of this statement does not itself STATEMENT FILE No. 20180518- authorize the use in this state of a ficti- 10009229-0 The following person(s) tious business name in violation of the is (are) doing business as: rights of another under Federal, State, LIFE’S A CLICK or Common Law (see section 14411 PHOTOGRAPHY ET SEQ., Business and Professions 1701 EVANGELINE PLACE Code). PUBLISH: OXNARD, CA 93030 VCVN MAY 24, 31, JUN 7, 14, 2018 COUNTY OF VENTURA FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Full Name of Registrant(s): STATEMENT FILE No. 20180426- CARLOS DOMINGUEZ 10007672-0 The following person(s) 1701 EVANGELINE PLACE is (are) doing business as: OXNARD, CA 93030 GREEN ACRESS This business is conducted by an LANDSCAPING individual. The registrant commenced 901 W OLIVE ST to transact business under the fictitious OXNARD, CA 93033 business name or names listed above COUNTY OF VENTURA on N/A. This statement was filed with Full Name of Registrant(s): the County Clerk of Ventura County (1) SAMUEL RAMIREZ on May 18, 2018. RAMIREZ By signing below, I declare that all 901 W OLIVE ST information in this statement is true OXNARD, CA 93033 and correct. A registrant who declares (2) MAURI JIMENEZ as true information, which he or she 901 W OLIVE ST knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. OXNARD, CA 93033 (B & P Code § 17913) This business is conducted by a married /s/ CARLOS DOMINGUEZ couple. The registrant commenced to NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- transact business under the fictitious vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious business name or names listed above name statement generally expires at on N/A. This statement was filed with the end of five years from the date on the County Clerk of Ventura County which it was filed in the office of the on April 26, 2018. county clerk, except, as provided in By signing below, I declare that all subdivision of section 17920, where it information in this statement is true expires 40 days after any change in the and correct. A registrant who declares facts set forth in the statement pursuant as true information, which he or she to section 17913 other than a change in knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. residence address or registered owner. (B & P Code § 17913) A new fictitious business name must /s/ SAMUEL RAMIREZ be filed before the expiration. The RAMIREZ filing of this statement does not itself NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- authorize the use in this state of a ficti- vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious tious business name in violation of the name statement generally expires at rights of another under Federal, State, the end of five years from the date on or Common Law (see section 14411 which it was filed in the office of the ET SEQ., Business and Professions county clerk, except, as provided in Code). PUBLISH: subdivision of section 17920, where it VCVN MAY 24, 31, JUN 7, 14, 2018 expires 40 days after any change in the FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME facts set forth in the statement pursuant STATEMENT FILE No. 20180514- to section 17913 other than a change in 10008855-0 The following person(s) residence address or registered owner. is (are) doing business as: A new fictitious business name must THE REDWOODS be filed before the expiration. The SOBER LIVING filing of this statement does not itself 1406 REDWOOD STREET authorize the use in this state of a ficti- OXNARD, CA 93033 tious business name in violation of the COUNTY OF VENTURA rights of another under Federal, State, Full Name of Registrant(s): or Common Law (see section 14411 ROSANNA M DAVIS ET SEQ., Business and Professions 445 VINE PLACE Code). PUBLISH: OXNARD, CA 93033 VCVN MAY 24, 31, JUN 7, 14, 2018 This business is conducted by an individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with Every the County Clerk of Ventura County on May 14, 2018. By signing below, I declare that all information in this statement is true Thursday and correct. A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. read (B & P Code § 17913) /s/ ROSANNA M DAVIS NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- VIDA vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on Newspaper which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it is free Please see page B8 expires 40 days after any change in the Página B8 PERIÓDICO VIDA 06-07-18

Continued from page B7 name statement generally expires at information in this statement is true the end of five years from the date on and correct. A registrant who declares which it was filed in the office of the as true information, which he or she county clerk, except, as provided in knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. subdivision of section 17920, where it (B & P Code § 17913) expires 40 days after any change in the /s/ RICHARD ALAN DOSS facts set forth in the statement pursuant NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- to section 17913 other than a change in vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious residence address or registered owner. name statement generally expires at A new fictitious business name must the end of five years from the date on be filed before the expiration. The which it was filed in the office of the filing of this statement does not itself county clerk, except, as provided in authorize the use in this state of a ficti- subdivision of section 17920, where it tious business name in violation of the expires 40 days after any change in the rights of another under Federal, State, facts set forth in the statement pursuant or Common Law (see section 14411 to section 17913 other than a change in ET SEQ., Business and Professions residence address or registered owner. Code). PUBLISH: A new fictitious business name must VCVN MAY 24, 31, JUN 7, 14, 2018 be filed before the expiration. The FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME filing of this statement does not itself STATEMENT FILE No. 20180514- authorize the use in this state of a ficti- 10008859-0 The following person(s) tious business name in violation of the is (are) doing business as: rights of another under Federal, State, PEPE’S CAR WASH or Common Law (see section 14411 325 MAGNOLIA AVE ET SEQ., Business and Professions OXNARD, CA 93030 Code). PUBLISH: COUNTY OF VENTURA VCVN MAY 24, 31, JUN 7, 14, 2018 Full Name of Registrant(s): FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME PEDRO RAMOS LEMUS STATEMENT FILE No. 20180522- 325 MAGNOLIA AVE 10009432-0 The following person(s) OXNARD, CA 93030 is (are) doing business as: This business is conducted by an (1) ANDERSON LANE & individual. The registrant commenced ASSOCIATES to transact business under the fictitious (2) ANDERSON LANE AND business name or names listed above ASSOCIATES on 5/14/2018. This statement was 731 TWIN PEAKS AVENUE filed with the County Clerk of Ventura SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 County on May 14, 2018. COUNTY OF VENTURA By signing below, I declare that all Full Name of Registrant(s): information in this statement is true DA VINCI PROCESS,LLC and correct. A registrant who declares 731 TWIN PEAKS AVENUE as true information, which he or she SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. This business is conducted by a Limit- (B & P Code § 17913) ed Liability Company. The registrant /s/ PEDRO RAMOS LEMUS commenced to transact business under NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- the fictitious business name or names vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious listed above on N/A. This statement name statement generally expires at was filed with the County Clerk of the end of five years from the date on Ventura County on May 22, 2018. which it was filed in the office of the By signing below, I declare that all county clerk, except, as provided in information in this statement is true subdivision of section 17920, where it and correct. A registrant who declares expires 40 days after any change in the as true information, which he or she facts set forth in the statement pursuant knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. to section 17913 other than a change in (B & P Code § 17913) residence address or registered owner. /s/ DA VINCI PROCESS,LLC A new fictitious business name must SHARI BOWLES GIBBONS be filed before the expiration. The MANAGER filing of this statement does not itself NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- authorize the use in this state of a ficti- vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious tious business name in violation of the name statement generally expires at rights of another under Federal, State, the end of five years from the date on or Common Law (see section 14411 which it was filed in the office of the ET SEQ., Business and Professions county clerk, except, as provided in Code). PUBLISH: subdivision of section 17920, where it VCVN MAY 24, 31, JUN 7, 14, 2018 expires 40 days after any change in the FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME facts set forth in the statement pursuant STATEMENT FILE No. 20180426- to section 17913 other than a change in 10007586-0 The following person(s) residence address or registered owner. is (are) doing business as: A new fictitious business name must PRO NAIL SPA be filed before the expiration. The 1673 ROYAL AVE filing of this statement does not itself SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 authorize the use in this state of a ficti- COUNTY OF VENTURA tious business name in violation of the Full Name of Registrant(s): rights of another under Federal, State, DUONGHA THI LIEU or Common Law (see section 14411 7055 ETIWANDA AVE ET SEQ., Business and Professions APT 101 Code). PUBLISH: RESEDA, CA 91335 VCVN MAY 24, 31, JUN 7, 14, 2018 This business is conducted by an FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME individual. The registrant commenced STATEMENT FILE No. 20180515- to transact business under the fictitious 10008958-0 The following person(s) business name or names listed above is (are) doing business as: on N/A. This statement was filed with STARESPY the County Clerk of Ventura County 1730 S VICTORIA AVE on April 26, 2018. UNIT B By signing below, I declare that all VENTURA, CA 93003 information in this statement is true COUNTY OF VENTURA and correct. A registrant who declares Full Name of Registrant(s): as true information, which he or she ESTRELLA ESPINOZA knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. 234 E DOLLIE STREET (B & P Code § 17913) OXNARD, CA 93033 /s/ DUONGHA THI LIEU This business is conducted by an NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- individual. The registrant commenced vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious to transact business under the fictitious name statement generally expires at business name or names listed above the end of five years from the date on on N/A. This statement was filed with which it was filed in the office of the the County Clerk of Ventura County county clerk, except, as provided in on May 15, 2018. subdivision of section 17920, where it By signing below, I declare that all expires 40 days after any change in the information in this statement is true facts set forth in the statement pursuant and correct. A registrant who declares to section 17913 other than a change in as true information, which he or she residence address or registered owner. knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. A new fictitious business name must (B & P Code § 17913) be filed before the expiration. The /s/ ESTRELLA ESPINOZA filing of this statement does not itself NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- authorize the use in this state of a ficti- vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious tious business name in violation of the name statement generally expires at rights of another under Federal, State, the end of five years from the date on or Common Law (see section 14411 which it was filed in the office of the ET SEQ., Business and Professions county clerk, except, as provided in Code). PUBLISH: subdivision of section 17920, where it VCVN MAY 24, 31, JUN 7, 14, 2018 expires 40 days after any change in the FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME facts set forth in the statement pursuant STATEMENT FILE No. 20180509- to section 17913 other than a change in 10008540-0 The following person(s) residence address or registered owner. is (are) doing business as: A new fictitious business name must SHARP ESTATE SALES be filed before the expiration. The 3014 N OXNARD BV filing of this statement does not itself OXNARD, CA 93036 authorize the use in this state of a ficti- COUNTY OF VENTURA tious business name in violation of the Full Name of Registrant(s): rights of another under Federal, State, NICHOLAS FILOSO or Common Law (see section 14411 3014 OXNARD BV ET SEQ., Business and Professions OXNARD, CA 93036 Code). PUBLISH: This business is conducted by an VCVN MAY 24, 31, JUN 7, 14, 2018 individual. The registrant commenced FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME to transact business under the fictitious STATEMENT FILE No. 20180509- business name or names listed above 10008572-0 The following person(s) on N/A. This statement was filed with is (are) doing business as: the County Clerk of Ventura County LE’S “O” NAILS on May 09, 2018. 3301 E MAIN ST By signing below, I declare that all VENTURA, CA 93003 information in this statement is true COUNTY OF VENTURA and correct. A registrant who declares Full Name of Registrant(s): as true information, which he or she (1) HUY N LE knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. 1071 ONEIDA CT (B & P Code § 17913) OXNARD, CA 93030 /s/ NICHOLAS FILOSO (2) MAY DANG NICHOLAS FILOSO 2111 HERMOSA WAY NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- OXNARD, CA 93036 vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious This business is conducted by Copart- name statement generally expires at ners. The registrant commenced to the end of five years from the date on transact business under the fictitious which it was filed in the office of the business name or names listed above on county clerk, except, as provided in 5/8/18. This statement was filed with subdivision of section 17920, where it the County Clerk of Ventura County expires 40 days after any change in the on May 09, 2018. facts set forth in the statement pursuant By signing below, I declare that all to section 17913 other than a change in information in this statement is true residence address or registered owner. and correct. A registrant who declares A new fictitious business name must as true information, which he or she be filed before the expiration. The knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. filing of this statement does not itself (B & P Code § 17913) authorize the use in this state of a ficti- /s/ HUY N LE tious business name in violation of the NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- rights of another under Federal, State, vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious or Common Law (see section 14411 name statement generally expires at ET SEQ., Business and Professions the end of five years from the date on Code). PUBLISH: which it was filed in the office of the VCVN MAY 24, 31, JUN 7, 14, 2018 county clerk, except, as provided in FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME subdivision of section 17920, where it STATEMENT FILE No. 20180522- expires 40 days after any change in the 10009458-0 The following person(s) facts set forth in the statement pursuant is (are) doing business as: to section 17913 other than a change in (1) RICHARD DOSS residence address or registered owner. CONSTRUCTION A new fictitious business name must SERVICE be filed before the expiration. The (2) DOSS CONSTRUCTIION filing of this statement does not itself 2316 CHANNEL DR UNIT E authorize the use in this state of a ficti- VENTURA, CA 93003 tious business name in violation of the COUNTY OF VENTURA rights of another under Federal, State, Full Name of Registrant(s): or Common Law (see section 14411 RICHARD ALAN DOSS ET SEQ., Business and Professions 42 SHAMROCK DR Code). PUBLISH: Published VCVN Date: 6/07/18 VENTURA, CA 93003 VCVN MAY 17, 24, 31, JUN 7, 2018 This business is conducted by an FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME COUNTY OF VENTURA to transact business under the fictitious and correct. A registrant who declares individual. The registrant commenced STATEMENT FILE No. 20180521- Full Name of Registrant(s): business name or names listed above as true information, which he or she to transact business under the fictitious 10009355-0 The following person(s) DAVID O VILLA MORA on N/A. This statement was filed with knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. business name or names listed above VIDA is (are) doing business as: 1911 NORMA ST the County Clerk of Ventura County (B & P Code § 17913) on 1) 1989 2) N/A. This statement was VILLAS TRUCKING OXNARD, CA 93036 on May 21, 2018. /s/ DAVID O VILLA MORA filed with the County Clerk of Ventura 1911 NORMA ST This business is conducted by an By signing below, I declare that all NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- County on May 22, 2018. Newspaper OXNARD, CA 93036 individual. The registrant commenced information in this statement is true vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious By signing below, I declare that all