TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT AIRWORTHINESS FLIGHT JULY 2008 F AST 42 AIRBUS TECHNICAL MAGAZINE FAST 42 26 FAST 42 BLUE- OPERATIONS - by any landings on ice by airliner, the first than by ship. The flights are the first to scientists more quickly comfort and in greater regularly to and from Antarctica, transporting An Jetliner (ACJ) Corporate Airbus is now flying Airbus ACJ to Antarctica AIRBUS ACJ TO ANTARCTICA Blue-ice runway in Antarctica. Studd explains operation of the aircraft Garry highlighting the versatility of the family. Captain ACJ Family is now flying on every continent, any aircraft, and mean that the Airbus Airbus operations Executive & Private Executive & Private Aviation Product Marketing Director Airbus Customer Affairs David VELUPILLAI 0 Celsius. – 20° the daytime, it rarely drops below Celsius. But it is summer and, in belowtemperatures falling – 60° and indeed it is, with winter one of the coldest places on Earth, We think of the Antarctic as being and paradoxes of the Antarctic. land, and it highlights the contrasts blue-ice runway where they will colder temperature on the Wilkins hours? The reason is to have a Why not during more civilised be-cause of the midnight sun. the night - albeit in daylight, means a landing in the middle of over four and a half hours, so it to Antarctica. The flight takes just Jetliner (ACJ)Airbus Corporate research scientists in ’ Studd is preparing to fly of a group , and Captain Garry It is approaching midnight in Operations 6 °7°80° 70° 0° C a sey Wilkins on an ice-runway? aircraft to Antarctica and landing So what’s it like taking an Airbus pilots. world’s most experienced Antarctic years, and is probably one of the the Antarctic for more than 31 about seven, has been involved in polar explorer since the age of Studd has wanted to be a Garry places. beautiful and most unspoiled world’s coldest, loneliest, most in its ice, and it is one of the the world’s fresh water is locked up is impressive. Some 80 per cent of matters. Much about the Antarctic that course, the ice on surface where there is only ice – but it is, of that – unlike the underneath Arctic, the runway, and solid ground about 2,500 feet of ice underneath coefficient of friction. There are runway will have a better surface atures are lower means that the ice Landing at night when the temper- Perth McMurdo BLUE-ICE RUNWAY OPERATIONS - Hob Christchurch a Sydney rt  AIRBUS ACJ TO ANTARCTICA in the southern polar region. a day of sunlight in summer the Earth’s tilt means 24 hours Midnight sun: 27 FAST 42 26 FAST 42 BLUE-ICE RUNWAY OPERATIONS - by any landings on ice by airliner, the first than by ship. The flights are the first to Antarctica scientists more quickly comfort and in greater regularly to and from Antarctica, transporting An Jetliner (ACJ) Corporate Airbus is now flying Airbus ACJ to Antarctica AIRBUS ACJ TO ANTARCTICA Blue-ice runway in Antarctica. Studd explains operation of the aircraft Garry highlighting the versatility of the family. Captain ACJ Family is now flying on every continent, any aircraft, and mean that the Airbus Airbus operations Executive & Private Executive & Private Aviation Product Marketing Director Airbus Customer Affairs David VELUPILLAI 0 Celsius. – 20° the daytime, it rarely drops below Celsius. But it is summer and, in belowtemperatures falling – 60° and indeed it is, with winter one of the coldest places on Earth, We think of the Antarctic as being and paradoxes of the Antarctic. land, and it highlights the contrasts blue-ice runway where they will colder temperature on the Wilkins hours? The reason is to have a Why not during more civilised be-cause of the midnight sun. the night - albeit in daylight, means a landing in the middle of over four and a half hours, so it to Antarctica. The flight takes just Jetliner (ACJ)Airbus Corporate research scientists in Skytraders’ Studd is preparing to fly of a group Australia, and Captain Garry It is approaching midnight in Operations 6 °7°80° 70° 0° C a sey Wilkins on an ice-runway? aircraft to Antarctica and landing So what’s it like taking an Airbus pilots. world’s most experienced Antarctic years, and is probably one of the the Antarctic for more than 31 about seven, has been involved in polar explorer since the age of Studd has wanted to be a Garry places. beautiful and most unspoiled world’s coldest, loneliest, most in its ice, and it is one of the the world’s fresh water is locked up is impressive. Some 80 per cent of matters. Much about the Antarctic that course, the ice on surface where there is only ice – but it is, of that – unlike the underneath Arctic, the runway, and solid ground about 2,500 feet of ice underneath coefficient of friction. There are runway will have a better surface atures are lower means that the ice Landing at night when the temper- Perth McMurdo BLUE-ICE RUNWAY OPERATIONS - Hob Christchurch a Sydney rt  AIRBUS ACJ TO ANTARCTICA in the southern polar region. a day of sunlight in summer the Earth’s tilt means 24 hours Midnight sun: 27 FAST 42 28 FAST 42 BLUE-ICE RUNWAY OPERATIONS - note PAPI lights on the left of runway Approach to the , gravity when landing on ice to ACJ’sthe Airbus restrict centre-of- tinues Studd, ‘so we deliberately con- at the end of landing roll,’ the aircraft around to turn try ‘The challenge comes when you with this wind. allowed its centreline to be aligned made before the runway was built, get. Meteorological measurements, knots wind is typically what you by the wind and, at Wilkins, a 30 that is kept surface clear of snow simply means a runway ‘Blue-ice’ ing. before they will commit to a land- ficient of around 0.20 or better, looking for a runway friction coef- practice, the Airbus ACJ pilots are In land, and if not we around.’ turn to us by radio – if it is okay we runway before we land and reports ficient every 500 metres along the measures the friction coef- ground He continues – ‘The team on the (point its nose into wind)’. ercock’ the wholeto ‘weath- aircraft trying strong winds, when there is risk of craft on the ground, especially in eral control and handling the air- way - our biggest challenge is lat- worse than landing on a wet run- braking action is only slightly and stopping are not a problem – Studd says: ‘The landing Garry AIRBUS ACJ TO ANTARCTICA Landing on the Wilkins runway $25 a gallon.’ costlyit very – perhaps as much to the Wilkins runway would make spill. And thirdly, fuel transporting risk of contamination from a fuel refuelling means that there is no valuable to scientists – so avoiding place – one of the reasons it is so much a pristine, unspoiled very Studd. ‘Secondly, the Antarctic is comments is no nearby alternate,’ tant when you recognize that there Australia, which is pretty impor- always around and fly turn back to good enough for a landing, we can means that if the weather is not several benefits. ‘First, important it without refuelling, which brings back and to Antarctica ACJAirbus tanks allows Skytraders to fly its in these The extra fuel carried mizes the remaining cargo space. opening cargo doors, which maxi- appreciates the aircraft’s outward- room for a maximum of six – and (ACTs) in its cargo-hold – there is with four additional centre tanks Skytraders operates its Airbus ACJ 50 knots.’ runway in winds of up to about on the blue-ice turn a 180 degree the ice and also assist us to make optimize the bearing strength of weight on all three landing gear to keep a better distribution of ble to get them back the labora- the flights began, it was not possi- down in about 24 hours so, until out of the ice. The isotope breaks metre long ice cores that are drilled ments of an isotope buried in 1,000 researcher that makes measure- entists. He cites the example of one also of direct benefit to some sci- The rapid flight time is research.’ freeing one up is helpful for marine than a ship, saysrun Studd, ‘and Airbus ACJ also costs less a day to points out Studd. ‘The the ice,’ or four weeks if you get stuck in base at Casey, but it can take three to go by to the ship from conditions, it takes about ten days from the region. ‘Under the best entists and their equipment to tion in the time it takes to get sci- the big benefit it brings is a reduc- and Division, Australian Antarctic the Antarctic on behalf of the It operates the flights to and from weight for the job.’ make it great long range and modest size Studd, and the Airbus ACJ’s very for the mission,”no-return says ed an aircraft without a point-of- its Antarctic operations. ‘We want- before choosing the Airbus ACJ for craft ranging from small to large Skytraders looked at a range of air- plants and animals. glaciology and work involving pheric measurements, geology, many other fields – such as atmos- Other Antarctic research covers unique insight into the Earth’s past. special and ago, making it a very cores dates from a million years search. Some of the ice in these in time for meaningful re- tory uwyfloe On the way Runway flyover BLUE-ICE RUNWAY OPERATIONS - AIRBUS ACJ TO ANTARCTICA 29 FAST 42 28 FAST 42 BLUE-ICE RUNWAY OPERATIONS - note PAPI lights on the left of runway Approach to the Wilkins runway, gravity when landing on ice to ACJ’sthe Airbus restrict centre-of- tinues Studd, ‘so we deliberately con- at the end of landing roll,’ the aircraft around to turn try ‘The challenge comes when you with this wind. allowed its centreline to be aligned made before the runway was built, get. Meteorological measurements, knots wind is typically what you by the wind and, at Wilkins, a 30 that is kept surface clear of snow simply means a runway ‘Blue-ice’ ing. before they will commit to a land- ficient of around 0.20 or better, looking for a runway friction coef- practice, the Airbus ACJ pilots are In land, and if not we around.’ turn to us by radio – if it is okay we runway before we land and reports ficient every 500 metres along the measures the friction coef- ground He continues – ‘The team on the (point its nose into wind)’. ercock’ the wholeto ‘weath- aircraft trying strong winds, when there is risk of craft on the ground, especially in eral control and handling the air- way - our biggest challenge is lat- worse than landing on a wet run- braking action is only slightly and stopping are not a problem – Studd says: ‘The landing Garry AIRBUS ACJ TO ANTARCTICA Landing on the Wilkins runway $25 a gallon.’ costlyit very – perhaps as much to the Wilkins runway would make spill. And thirdly, fuel transporting risk of contamination from a fuel refuelling means that there is no valuable to scientists – so avoiding place – one of the reasons it is so much a pristine, unspoiled very Studd. ‘Secondly, the Antarctic is comments is no nearby alternate,’ tant when you recognize that there Australia, which is pretty impor- always around and fly turn back to good enough for a landing, we can means that if the weather is not several benefits. ‘First, important it without refuelling, which brings back and to Antarctica ACJAirbus tanks allows Skytraders to fly its in these The extra fuel carried mizes the remaining cargo space. opening cargo doors, which maxi- appreciates the aircraft’s outward- room for a maximum of six – and (ACTs) in its cargo-hold – there is with four additional centre tanks Skytraders operates its Airbus ACJ 50 knots.’ runway in winds of up to about on the blue-ice turn a 180 degree the ice and also assist us to make optimize the bearing strength of weight on all three landing gear to keep a better distribution of ble to get them back the labora- the flights began, it was not possi- down in about 24 hours so, until out of the ice. The isotope breaks metre long ice cores that are drilled ments of an isotope buried in 1,000 researcher that makes measure- entists. He cites the example of one also of direct benefit to some sci- The rapid flight time is research.’ freeing one up is helpful for marine than a ship, saysrun Studd, ‘and Airbus ACJ also costs less a day to points out Studd. ‘The the ice,’ or four weeks if you get stuck in base at Casey, but it can take three to go by to the ship from Hobart conditions, it takes about ten days from the region. ‘Under the best entists and their equipment to tion in the time it takes to get sci- the big benefit it brings is a reduc- and Division, Australian Antarctic the Antarctic on behalf of the It operates the flights to and from weight for the job.’ make it great long range and modest size Studd, and the Airbus ACJ’s very for the mission,”no-return says ed an aircraft without a point-of- its Antarctic operations. ‘We want- before choosing the Airbus ACJ for craft ranging from small to large Skytraders looked at a range of air- plants and animals. glaciology and work involving pheric measurements, geology, many other fields – such as atmos- Other Antarctic research covers unique insight into the Earth’s past. special and ago, making it a very cores dates from a million years search. Some of the ice in these in time for meaningful re- tory uwyfloe On the way Runway flyover BLUE-ICE RUNWAY OPERATIONS - AIRBUS ACJ TO ANTARCTICA 29 FAST 42 30 FAST 42 BLUE-ICE RUNWAY OPERATIONS - ACJ is that it fully certificated one of the benefits Airbus a full publicoperation – transport in Hobart , as and are run The Antarctic flights leave from Casey, about 60 kilometres away). main Australian research base is at shelter at the Wilkins runway (the accommodated in the emergency 40 or so persons that can be however, which is well within the around 20-25 passengers, ly carry my. Flights to the Antarctic typical- in business class, and 54 econo- airline-style layout, with 28 seats Airbus ACJ features an Skytraders’ easily be flown quickly. out very thing needs replacing, then it can and, if equipment breaks or some- gency evacuation flights possible a week or two. It also makes emer- demand, but would be able to spare two that travel by ship would to afford to devote the month or scientists – who might not be able make research more accessible to also flights ACJ Airbus Skytraders’ AIRBUS ACJ TO ANTARCTICA years to build, and is the largest including Sydney. It took four dards as other Australian airports, to the same high stan- certificated The blue-ice runway at Wilkins is during the rest of it. an average of about one trip a week equipment to and from the site, most need for getting people and end of the season, when there is the three trips a week and at the start Airbus ACJ typically does two or experience to date, Skytraders’ additional requirements. Based on engine Operations), but with some are like ETOPS (Extended Twin- Time Diversion Operations, which are flown under 180 min Extended the flights from nearbyfar airports, the routing takes the Airbus ACJ October to early-March. Because which typically from end- runs during the Antarctic summer, (AOC).Certificate They are flown company’s own Air Operator for such operations – under the (the powerAPU and the ground on the ground for an engine start there are at least two sources of air descent, for example, to ensure that at top-of- Unit (APU) is started on board. The PowerAuxiliary world, it also flies with an engineer jet operators around the corporate in good working order. Like other ting to landings when everything is well maintained and only commit- the risk, by keeping the aircraft traders works actively to minimize Sky- serviceable on the ground. the risk of an aircraft becoming un- lar Antarctic flights is, of course, One of the big challenges regu- Runway,’ says Studd. first landing at our very Wilkins Baud,Pierre who was with us on Vice President Flight Division the Antarctic, and that of retired the life and soul of our operation in pilot John Quinnell, who has been flights, especially that of Airbus from for these pioneering Airbus much appreciated the support very 2008. ‘Werity (CASA) in January lia’s Civil Aviation Safety Autho- tions were by certificated Austra- on 9th December, and full opera- lowed by a first landing at Wilkins longer established. This was fol- are much largerthe facilities and base in McMurdo Sound, where 19th November 2007, at the US ACJ landing in the Antarctic on Skytraders made its first Airbus with some limitations. can still be used for landings, albeit the blue-ice runway underneath troyed by a blizzard. Fortuna-tely, can easilyand the surface be des- ing action, is a constant challenge, ed snow, which offers better brak- of compact- maintaining a surface other conditions. Crea-ting and bumps above height and a certain – including no tralian airports standards required of other Aus- has to meet the same stringent It comprises levelled blue-ice, and metres long and 100 wide. feet, the Wilkins runway is 4,000 tres inland, and at a height of 2,500 lian territory. Situated 70 kilome- aerodrome in certificated Austra- the landing’, adds Studd. typically use medium autobrake for fully managed ap-proach and will better’, explains Studd. ‘We fly a runway friction coefficient is 0.2 or GPS navigation and if the ‘primary’ than 5 knots of cross-wind, we have ‘We will only land if there is less final phases. provide the final guidance in Approach Path Indicators (PAPI) the push of a button’. Precision on ACJ – everything goes to ‘true’ easy in the transition is very Airbus south’, says Studd, ‘and making the navigation below a latitude of 60° or grid-based ‘We operate in ‘true’ magnetic. rather than the bearings are ‘true’ when flying into Wilkins, and all of System (GPS) approach is used An established Global Positioning ited visibility.’ cloud-base and, sometimes, unlim- occur even when there is a high known as whiteout, which can exacerbated by a phenomenon them’, points out Studd. ‘This is are, and how high you are above hard to judge how away far things tion in the landscape, making it defini- gers is the lack of surface one of the biggest dan- ther terms, mit to a landing’, he adds. ‘In wea- 10 kilometres, before we will com- more, and a visibility of at least for a cloud base of 2,000 feet or we‘In practical terms, are looking bad.’very ally either very, good, very or very, in the Antarctic the weather is usu- weather is good’, says Studd, ‘and adds. ‘We tend to go only when the he and people help each other,’ special place, Antarctic is a very says Studd. ‘The a way to fix it,’ might take time, but we would find ‘It unserviceable on the ground? pens, and the aircraft becomes But what happens if the worst hap- land’, says Studd. tion until we are sure that we can changes to the aircraft configura- unit). ‘We also tend to avoid BLUE-ICE RUNWAY OPERATIONS -  AIRBUS ACJ TO ANTARCTICA is used in the polar regions. on a true or grid reference based and navigation closeerratically to the poles, compasses behave Magnetic True VS magnetic: 31 FAST 42 30 FAST 42 BLUE-ICE RUNWAY OPERATIONS - ACJ is that it fully certificated one of the benefits Airbus a full publicoperation – transport in Hobart Tasmania, as and are run The Antarctic flights leave from Casey, about 60 kilometres away). main Australian research base is at shelter at the Wilkins runway (the accommodated in the emergency 40 or so persons that can be however, which is well within the around 20-25 passengers, ly carry my. Flights to the Antarctic typical- in business class, and 54 econo- airline-style layout, with 28 seats Airbus ACJ features an Skytraders’ easily be flown quickly. out very thing needs replacing, then it can and, if equipment breaks or some- gency evacuation flights possible a week or two. It also makes emer- demand, but would be able to spare two that travel by ship would to afford to devote the month or scientists – who might not be able make research more accessible to also flights ACJ Airbus Skytraders’ AIRBUS ACJ TO ANTARCTICA years to build, and is the largest including Sydney. It took four dards as other Australian airports, to the same high stan- certificated The blue-ice runway at Wilkins is during the rest of it. an average of about one trip a week equipment to and from the site, most need for getting people and end of the season, when there is the three trips a week and at the start Airbus ACJ typically does two or experience to date, Skytraders’ additional requirements. Based on engine Operations), but with some are like ETOPS (Extended Twin- Time Diversion Operations, which are flown under 180 min Extended the flights from nearbyfar airports, the routing takes the Airbus ACJ October to early-March. Because which typically from end- runs during the Antarctic summer, (AOC).Certificate They are flown company’s own Air Operator for such operations – under the (the powerAPU and the ground on the ground for an engine start there are at least two sources of air descent, for example, to ensure that at top-of- Unit (APU) is started on board. The PowerAuxiliary world, it also flies with an engineer jet operators around the corporate in good working order. Like other ting to landings when everything is well maintained and only commit- the risk, by keeping the aircraft traders works actively to minimize Sky- serviceable on the ground. the risk of an aircraft becoming un- lar Antarctic flights is, of course, One of the big challenges regu- Runway,’ says Studd. first landing at our very Wilkins Baud,Pierre who was with us on Vice President Flight Division the Antarctic, and that of retired the life and soul of our operation in pilot John Quinnell, who has been flights, especially that of Airbus from for these pioneering Airbus much appreciated the support very 2008. ‘Werity (CASA) in January lia’s Civil Aviation Safety Autho- tions were by certificated Austra- on 9th December, and full opera- lowed by a first landing at Wilkins longer established. This was fol- are much largerthe facilities and base in McMurdo Sound, where 19th November 2007, at the US ACJ landing in the Antarctic on Skytraders made its first Airbus with some limitations. can still be used for landings, albeit the blue-ice runway underneath troyed by a blizzard. Fortunately, can easilyand the surface be des- ing action, is a constant challenge, ed snow, which offers better brak- of compact- maintaining a surface other conditions. Creating and bumps above height and a certain – including no tralian airports standards required of other Aus- has to meet the same stringent It comprises levelled blue-ice, and metres long and 100 wide. feet, the Wilkins runway is 4,000 tres inland, and at a height of 2,500 lian territory. Situated 70 kilome- aerodrome in certificated Austra- the landing’, adds Studd. typically use medium autobrake for fully managed approach and will better’, explains Studd. ‘We fly a runway friction coefficient is 0.2 or GPS navigation and if the ‘primary’ than 5 knots of cross-wind, we have ‘We will only land if there is less final phases. provide the final guidance in Approach Path Indicators (PAPI) the push of a button’. Precision on ACJ – everything goes to ‘true’ easy in the transition is very Airbus south’, says Studd, ‘and making the navigation below a latitude of 60° or grid-based ‘We operate in ‘true’ magnetic. rather than the bearings are ‘true’ when flying into Wilkins, and all of System (GPS) approach is used An established Global Positioning ited visibility.’ cloud-base and, sometimes, unlim- occur even when there is a high known as whiteout, which can exacerbated by a phenomenon them’, points out Studd. ‘This is are, and how high you are above hard to judge how away far things tion in the landscape, making it defini- gers is the lack of surface one of the biggest dan- ther terms, mit to a landing’, he adds. ‘In wea- 10 kilometres, before we will com- more, and a visibility of at least for a cloud base of 2,000 feet or we‘In practical terms, are looking bad.’very ally either very, good, very or very, in the Antarctic the weather is usu- weather is good’, says Studd, ‘and adds. ‘We tend to go only when the he and people help each other,’ special place, Antarctic is a very says Studd. ‘The a way to fix it,’ might take time, but we would find ‘It unserviceable on the ground? pens, and the aircraft becomes But what happens if the worst hap- land’, says Studd. tion until we are sure that we can changes to the aircraft configura- unit). ‘We also tend to avoid BLUE-ICE RUNWAY OPERATIONS -  AIRBUS ACJ TO ANTARCTICA is used in the polar regions. on a true or grid reference based and navigation closeerratically to the poles, compasses behave Magnetic True VS magnetic: 31 FAST 42 32 FAST 42 BLUE-ICE RUNWAY OPERATIONS - takeoff. also the setting that we will use for of any trapped ice and snow and is tion, which allows easier detection configura- and flaps in the ‘1 + F’ After landing, we leave the slats day operations’, points out Studd. not enough to affectbut our day-to- 12-15 metres a year, significant, that its threshold moves at about culiarities of the Wilkins runway is ‘Ice is dynamic, and one of the pe- landing. and preparing the runway for each weather and for clearing reporting, full time staff are responsible for or they would blow away. Eight each aircraft arrival and departure, canes, which have to be put out for marked by canvas markers on The edges of the runway are avoid skidding’, he adds. use of the nosewheel steering to ‘Once on the ground, we minimize AIRBUS ACJ TO ANTARCTICA Skytraders Airbus ACJ - until the and it is back to Australia for the check, then we the engines start time to leave, we do a wing anti-ice plus’, he adds. ‘When it is a further ACJ’s are engines and the ground good clearance between the Airbus and,face in such conditions, the with snow blowing along the sur- he adds. ‘We are sometimes faced tendant that makes a crew of five’, With the engineer and a flight at- on the ice. slipping and falling as one of us being incapacitated by for the unexpected,reserve such says Studd, ‘which gives us some operate with three pilots on board’, a bit longer’, points out Studd. ‘We ing 50 knots, however, things take Celsius and blow- ‘When it is –20° but the APU is kept running. which the engines are shut down one and a half to two hours, during equipment. This usually takes about unload and reload passengers usually stays just long enough to Once the Airbus ACJ has landed, it fleet’, he concludes. and we are glad to have it in our the most hostile places on Earth, reliability in operations to one of demonstrated its versatility and ‘The Airbus ACJ has more than ACJ operations’, says Studd. already achieved with our Airbus pleased with whatvery we have 300-400 hours a season, and are ‘We’re expecting to fly about done many flights of this kind. for charter, and that it has already kind in Australia that it is available that the aircraft is first of its ACJ, however. Studd points out use of the Airbus of Skytraders’ part The Antarctic flights are only one reliability’, says Studd. sons, and achieved 100 per cent back twice for weatherturned rea- we flew a total of 12 flights, son next mission’. ‘During the past sea-   top-of-the-line in corporate jets, top-of-the-line in corporate it has established itself as the new and a richer specification, built-in airstairs takeoff performance, high-thrust engines for good range, in the cargo-hold for intercontinental extra fuel-tanks by the customer, Featuring a VIP or other cabin chosen Jetliner (ACJ). called the derivative Airbus Corporate with the launch of an A319 way, the market in a more comprehensive it entered it was not until 1997 that but to time since its early days, jet versions of its aircraft from time corporate Airbus has created ‘Airbus A territorial claims. have Australia, including although several countries, 9,250 feet high. and even the is some are more than 14,000 feet high, Parts of the ice cap place. dry is a very Antarctica locked up in its ice cap, so much of the world’s freshwater has for a land that Paradoxically, twice the size of Australia. and about put together, States the whole of Canada and United square kilometres - more than Antarctica comprises some 13 million ‘Antarctica in brief’ C BLUE-ICE RUNWAY OPERATIONS - J Family’ Nobody owns Antarctica to fly ‘non-stop to the world’. as well the range and space, want even more comfort that for customers to the A380, the A350 and all the way up ranging from the A330/A340 through It is complemented by VIP widebodies and governments. companies clients, from private and continues to win new business $5.5 billion since its inception, worth more than than 100 sales, has won more and A320 Prestige, ACJ comprises the A318 Elite, now which Family, The Airbus ACJ than traditional business jets. delivering more comfort and space Antarctic Division. Antarctica on behalf of the Australian are also used for flights within by Skytraders with skis – and operated Turboprop CASA 212s - equipped and Davis. Mawson Casey, at bases, and runs three scientific research to Antarctica – just over 40 per cent Australia has the largest claim and peaceful purposes. non-commercial for scientific, ensures the future of Antarctica currently which the Antarctic Treaty, to Some 45 countries are signatories AIRBUS ACJ TO ANTARCTICA 33 FAST 42 32 FAST 42 BLUE-ICE RUNWAY OPERATIONS - takeoff. also the setting that we will use for of any trapped ice and snow and is tion, which allows easier detection configura- and flaps in the ‘1 + F’ After landing, we leave the slats day operations’, points out Studd. not enough to affectbut our day-to- 12-15 metres a year, significant, that its threshold moves at about culiarities of the Wilkins runway is ‘Ice is dynamic, and one of the pe- landing. and preparing the runway for each weather and for clearing reporting, full time staff are responsible for or they would blow away. Eight each aircraft arrival and departure, canes, which have to be put out for marked by canvas markers on The edges of the runway are avoid skidding’, he adds. use of the nosewheel steering to ‘Once on the ground, we minimize AIRBUS ACJ TO ANTARCTICA Skytraders Airbus ACJ - until the and it is back to Australia for the check, then we the engines start time to leave, we do a wing anti-ice plus’, he adds. ‘When it is a further ACJ’s are engines and the ground good clearance between the Airbus and,face in such conditions, the with snow blowing along the sur- he adds. ‘We are sometimes faced tendant that makes a crew of five’, With the engineer and a flight at- on the ice. slipping and falling as one of us being incapacitated by for the unexpected,reserve such says Studd, ‘which gives us some operate with three pilots on board’, a bit longer’, points out Studd. ‘We ing 50 knots, however, things take Celsius and blow- ‘When it is –20° but the APU is kept running. which the engines are shut down one and a half to two hours, during equipment. This usually takes about unload and reload passengers usually stays just long enough to Once the Airbus ACJ has landed, it fleet’, he concludes. and we are glad to have it in our the most hostile places on Earth, reliability in operations to one of demonstrated its versatility and ‘The Airbus ACJ has more than ACJ operations’, says Studd. already achieved with our Airbus pleased with whatvery we have 300-400 hours a season, and are ‘We’re expecting to fly about done many flights of this kind. for charter, and that it has already kind in Australia that it is available that the aircraft is first of its ACJ, however. Studd points out use of the Airbus of Skytraders’ part The Antarctic flights are only one reliability’, says Studd. sons, and achieved 100 per cent back twice for weatherturned rea- we flew a total of 12 flights, son next mission’. ‘During the past sea-   top-of-the-line in corporate jets, top-of-the-line in corporate it has established itself as the new and a richer specification, built-in airstairs takeoff performance, high-thrust engines for good range, in the cargo-hold for intercontinental extra fuel-tanks by the customer, Featuring a VIP or other cabin chosen Jetliner (ACJ). called the derivative Airbus Corporate with the launch of an A319 way, the market in a more comprehensive it entered it was not until 1997 that but to time since its early days, jet versions of its aircraft from time corporate Airbus has created ‘Airbus A territorial claims. have Australia, including although several countries, 9,250 feet high. and even the South Pole is some are more than 14,000 feet high, Parts of the ice cap place. dry is a very Antarctica locked up in its ice cap, so much of the world’s freshwater has for a land that Paradoxically, twice the size of Australia. and about put together, States the whole of Canada and United square kilometres - more than Antarctica comprises some 13 million ‘Antarctica in brief’ C BLUE-ICE RUNWAY OPERATIONS - J Family’ Nobody owns Antarctica to fly ‘non-stop to the world’. as well the range and space, want even more comfort that for customers to the A380, the A350 and all the way up ranging from the A330/A340 through It is complemented by VIP widebodies and governments. companies clients, from private and continues to win new business $5.5 billion since its inception, worth more than than 100 sales, has won more and A320 Prestige, ACJ comprises the A318 Elite, now which Family, The Airbus ACJ than traditional business jets. delivering more comfort and space Antarctic Division. Antarctica on behalf of the Australian are also used for flights within by Skytraders with skis – and operated Turboprop CASA 212s - equipped and Davis. Mawson Casey, at bases, and runs three scientific research to Antarctica – just over 40 per cent Australia has the largest claim and peaceful purposes. non-commercial for scientific, ensures the future of Antarctica currently which the Antarctic Treaty, to Some 45 countries are signatories AIRBUS ACJ TO ANTARCTICA 33 FAST 42 BLUE-ICE RUNWAY OPERATIONS - AIRBUS ACJ TO ANTARCTICA FUEL SYSTEM WATER MANAGEMENT - PART II

Garry Studd Fuel system has wanted to be a polar explorer since he was seven years old and, CAPTAIN GARRY STUDD ACCEPTS first landings on an ice-runway by when he was just 16, led an AIRBUS AWARD ON BEHALF water management any Airbus aircraft, and the first expedition to Spitzbergen, within OF SKYTRADERS - AIRBUS ACJ FORUM operations on the continent by an the arctic circle. He originally IN PARIS, 2ND APRIL 2008 Airbus Corporate Jetliner. attempted to qualify as a doctor, The award was presented by Charles Part II but became a pilot instead Captain Garry Studd, Skytraders’ Champion, Airbus EVP Customer when this did not work out. Deputy Chief Pilot (centre), accepts Services (left) with Antoine He began flying in Antarctica the Airbus award for Skytraders’ Vieillard (right), Airbus VP A320 pioneering of the first flights to In the good old days in 1977, where he was Chief Pilot Family and CJ/VIP Programme the Antarctic by any airliner, the within Customer Services. refuelling aircraft was for the , not as organized and flying Twin Otters, until 1984. efficient as it is today, He has continued his involvement with the consequent with Antarctic flight operations higher probability of for various organizations to date. water or contamination His passion was development in fuel. flying and, from 1984-1988, he ran the flight test department However, aircraft in of Decca Navigator in the UK those days flew far (later Racal Avionics and THALES). less hours and distance From 1990 he was Chief Pilot and fuel tanks were of a major UK executive easier to drain and jet charter company and latterly clean. The advances in ran his own company specialising aircraft operations in training Falcon 900 business jet since these days have pilots and, for part of this time, brought new issues in he also flew Falcons for a private aircraft fuel and customer. solutions for them as In 2004, Garry went to Australia described in the article to become Deputy Chief Pilot for Skytraders. on page 21. He has flown some 17,000 hours, of which about 6,000 CONTACT DETAILS are in the Antarctic. David VELUPILLAI His interests include skiing Product Marketing Director and woodworking. Executive & Private Aviation Airbus Customer Affairs Tel: +33 (0)5 67 19 18 32 Fax: +33 (0)5 61 93 45 15 [email protected] Conclusion

Antarctica, once the preserve with careful preparation and operation of polar explorers, is now regularly helping to ensure safety in challenging accessible to scientists through regular surroundings. flights by the Airbus ACJ, helping us The Airbus ACJ’s ability to handle to understand more about our planet. a wide range of climatic conditions means Conscious of the need to preserve that it takes these demanding operations this pristine wilderness for generations in its stride, highlighting once again to come, the flights are made the versatility and operational flexibility in an environmentally responsible way, of the modern Airbus family. FAST 42 FAST FAST 42 FAST

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