'June 25, 1939

(Acme photo.) Frau Elizabeth von Schleicher

By Kurt G. W. Ludecke chief assassins undoubtedly (Adapted from the book 41 I Knew Hitler." have not confided compro- Copyright: 1937: Kurt G. W. Ludecke.) 's Day of Terror m i sing and incriminating HE BLOODY Saturday of June 30, data to paper. Hitler alone knows both sides 1934, will go down in history as the of the story. When he, Hermann Goering, Tmost baleful chapter of 's Five Years Ago Paul , , and life. Developments leading up to the blood write their memoirs purge are entangled in a hopeless snarl of Ttfi'iO/iin'is/ Years next Saturday the world their explanations of the massacre will all lies, intrigues, and contradictions; it is still JVUCWiJlXA* wag S(unne

ficiaries of his rights. The archives of the Gestapo or other agencies * Addressing S. A. and S. S. leader», Hitler declared: 44 I will crush brutally and ruthlessly every will be careful not to offer unfavorable documentary evidence. The attempt to overthrow the present order. Whoever rises in opposition to the Nationalist-Socialist state will be hit hard, wherever he is."

(Acme photo.) (Acme photo.) (Acme photo.) (Associated Press photo.) (Acme photo.) (Acme photo.) (Associated Press photo.) Gen. Kurt von Schleicher Dr. Gustav von Kahr Dr. Eric Klausener Karl Ernst Gen. Capt. Ernst Roehm