April 2, 1935. J. M. CROSS 1,996,674 TAMPERPROOF FOR DISTILLED LIQUORS Filed Feb. 2, 1934

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Patented Apr. 2, 1935 1996,674 PATENT OFFICE UNITED STATES1,996,674 CONTAINER FOR DISTILLED TAMPERPRooF LIQUORS Jack M. Cross, New York, N.Y., assignor to Con tinental Can Company, Inc., New York, N.Y., a corporation of New York Application February 2, 1934, serial No. 709,537 3 Claims. (CI. 206-46) The invention relates to new and useful in metal container to open the same is protected by provements in a tamper-proof container for dis the projecting neck of the inner container. In the drawing: . . . tilled liquors or the like. Efforts have been made - Figure 1 is a vertical sectionalinal view through a to produce a container for distilled liquors which 5 :5 cannot be tampered with, by providing a metal portion of the container embodying the improve for the container with a depending skirt ments. . ; , . . . . " which is secured to the neck of the container by Figure 2 is a view of the top of the container a bending or spinning operation, and providing before the seal is broken...... said skirt with a tearing strip which may be re Figure 3 is a view similar to Figure 2 but show ing the tearing strip removed from the outer 0 0 noved to give access to the contents of the con tainer. Closures of this type, however, can be container and exposing the neck and closure of removed by straightening the metal so as to re theFigure inner 4 container. is a cross-sectional . . . . view. . . . through-' ...... the. . lease it and, after the closure is removed, the con container on the line 4-4 of Figure 3. tents of the container may be withdrawn and Figure 5 is a view partly in section showing a. 5 changed, after which the same closure can be slightly modified form of container. . . . . re-attached to the container or a new closure can The invention has to do with a container for be supplied at little expense. Efforts have also distilled liquors or the like which is tamper-proof. been made to prevent, tampering with the con It includes an inrier container of the usual tents of a container for distilled liquors by en construction. Said glass container has a body 20 20 closing a glass container therefor in a metal con portion with a rounded shoulder at the top and tainer having ends seamed thereto, which metal a neckportion to which a closure is attached for container is of uniform cross-section throughout sealing the same. The container for the distilled. and is provided with a tearing strip adjacent one liquor also includes an outer metal container of the end seams. It is very easy to withdraw 25 25 the glass container from such a metal container having a body portion of uniform cross-section 'after it has been opened and substitute another conforming to the maximum cross-section of the therefor with an inferior grade of liquor and dis glass container. A closure end is seamed to the pense therefrom under the on the metal con lower end of this body portion and a closure end tainer. Such a metal container is also objection is seamed to the upper end of the body portion. able as the glass container can only be opened Said upper end terminates adjacent the lower 30 after removal or partial removal from the outer portion of the shoulder of the glass container metal container, and therefore the two contain and said upper closure end is shaped to conform ers cannot be permanently connected. Further to the shoulder of the glass container and the more, there is an Outstanding-raW. edge of metal neck portion thereof. Said portion of the metal 35 that is likely to injure the hands in opening the container housing the neck of the glass con 35 container. . . . . ". . . . . tainer is provided with a tearing strip having a ... An object of the present invention is to pro projecting tongue on which a key may be placed vide a container for distilled liquors which in O which may be grasped for rupturing the metal cludes an inner glass container and an outer metal along score lines at the sides of the tearing strip. Container which completely encloses said glass These score lines are formed in the metal adja 40 40 container and which is so shaped that when the cent the lower portion of the neck of the glass metal container is ruptured for giving access to container so that when the tearing strip is re the glass container within, the glass container moved and the released portion of the container and the metal container are still joined so that removed, the neck and closure of the glass con 45 they cannot be separated from one another. tainerReferring will be more exposed. in detail to the- drawing,- - - - - the A further object of the invention is to pro improved tamper-proof container includes an vide a container of the above type which is so inner glass container which may be of any de constructed that when said metal container is sired cross-section but which is preferably oval severed, the neck portion and the closure there in cross-section. The glass container is provided 50 50 for of the glass container is exposed so that the with a rounded shoulder 2 which terminates in glass-container may be opened and the contents a neck portion 3. This inner container as shown readily dispensed therefrom in the usual manner. in Figures 1 to 3 of the drawing is closed by a A still further object of the invention is to 4...having a sealing gasket 5 which provide a container of the above type wherein the The 55 55 raw edge of metal produced by rupturing the contacts with the lip of the glass container. 1,996,674 inner glass container is housed within a metal close to the neck of the container and SO posi container which consists of a body portion 6 tioned that the person opening the container or having an end closure T attached to the lower handling the same is not likely to be injured end thereof by a seam 8. The body portion and through contact with this raw edge of the metal. the end are preferably attached by a double Seam The metal container described above is com produced by an interfolding of flanges on the pleted except for the attaching of the bottom body member and end closure, so as to make a closure end. The inner glass container, after it tight joint. The body portion is of uniform cross is filled and sealed, is placed in the metal con section and is dimensioned and shaped to con tainer and then the lower closure end is secured 0 form to the maximum croSS-Section of the glass to the body portion by seaming. This completes 10 container . . . . the package. Inasmuch as the glass container The upper end of the body portion terminates extends all the way from the upper closure end 9 adjacent the lower portion of the shoulder: 2, to the lower closure end l, it would not be practi that is, where said shoulder joins the body por cal to sever the metal of the body portion adja 5, tion of the glass container. Secured to the upper cent the lower double 'seam, change the contents end of the body portion 6 is an upper end closure of the glass container and then re-insert the glass 15 9 which is secured to the body portion by a sini container and close the metal container by re lar double seam ?o. This end closure 9 is curved flanging and attaching a new end thereto, as this to conform to the shoulder of the glass container would shorten the metal container and leave in 20 and the metal container is preferably dimen Sufficient room for the glass container. It will be sioned so that when the bottom of the glass apparent, therefore, that a container for dis 20 container rests on the lower end closure 1, this tilled liquors has been provided wherein it is upper end closure 9 will contact with the shoul practically impossible to gain access to and ex der 2 of the glass container. This will prevent change the contents for an inferior grade-of liguor any endwise movement of the glass container in without there being visible evidence of such the metal container. tampering with the package. 25 Attached to this end portion 9 is a cylindrical portion which conforms to the neck portion In Figure 5 of the drawing there is shaya a of the glass container and extends above the slightly modified form of construction wherein 30 the glass container neck 3 is longer and is pro same. This cylindrical portion f f is secured to vided with an annular groove 20. After the glass 30 the closure end 9 by a seam 2 formed by an container is inserted in the metal container, the interfolding of the metal parts. The outer end. cylindrical portion f in the region of the annular of the cylindrical portion is closed by an end groove is beaded inwardly so as to lock the con disk 3 which is secured to the cylindrical por tainers together. The lower end is then seamed tion by a seam 4. This cylindrical portion if onto the body portion of the metal container. is preferably formed from a flat blank which is This will prevent the severing of the body portion bent into cylindrical shape and the side edges of the container adjacent the lower-seam and the thereof are joined by a seam 5. This seam is Withdrawing of the inner glass container and of the usual type for forming the bodies of cans the substituting of another therefor and then and consists of interfolded sections or lapped Subsequently reclosing the lower end of the con sections which are secured so as to provide a per tainer. It is obvious that other ways may be used d) manent connection between the parts. While in for interlocking the glass container with the metal the flat, the body portion of the cylindrical mem container. So that it cannot be removed, even by bert is scored along the lines 6 and T. This removing the lower end of said metal container. 45 forms a tearing strip 18 between the score lines, Otherwise the structure shown in Figure 5 is and the blank from which this cylindrical-portion similar to that shown in Figures 1 to 4 and de f is made has a projecting tongue f 9 in alignment Scribed above. w with the tearing strip. The score line G is ad- . It is obvious that minor changes in:the shaping jacent the seam? 2 so that when a key is applied of the and the details of the construc 50 to the tongue and the tearing strip removed, tion used may be made without departing from substantially the entire neckportion of the inner the spirit of the invention asset forthin the ap glass container will be exposed and access may pended claims. It is essential, however, that the be readily had to the screw cap 5 for removing metal container which encloses the inner:glass the same. . . -- container shall have its parts secured by seam 55 After the metal has been ruptured, the neck ing, or in Some way: So as to produce a perma portion and closure of the inner glass container nent structure wherein the parts cannot be readily are exposed as noted, but the inner glass con Separated, and also that the containers shall be tainer cannot be removed from the outer metal So constructed that they cannot be separated closure because it is completely housed between after the Outer metal container has been opened. 60 the closure ends 7 and 9. The glass containerit Having thus-described the invention, what I self can only be removed from the body portion claiyan-as-new and-desire to secure by:IGetters. Rat of the metal container by a rupturing of the ent, is: - metal so that it can not be re-used. It will not 1. A tamper-proof container for: distilled lig be possible to refill the container and seal the uOr's comprising an inner glass container, having 65 same without there being clear evidence that the a shoulder and a neckportion, a closure for seal original package has been tampered with. The ing Said glass-container, an outer metal container will be firmly held from move completely enclosing said:glass container and the ment in the metal container and protected there ‘closure-therefor, and having a body portion con by. The glass container may, therefore, be made. forming in CFOSS-Section to the maximum-cross 70 of light weight and of uncolored glass. Neither Section of the glass-container and terminating ad is it necessary to apply a label to the glass con jacent the lower portion of said shoulder, a co 0. tainer as the permanently attached metal con Sure end Seamed to the lower-end of said body, por tainer may be labeled or decorated as desired. tion, and a closure end seamed to the upper end Furthermore, when the tearing strip is removed, 75 of Said body portion, said-upper closure end being the raw edge of the etal which is left exposed is shaped to conform to the shoulder-on-the glass 5 1,996,674 3 container and having a projecting closed cylindri end of the neckportion of the glass container so cal portion adapted to receive and house the neck that when the metal is ruptured and the upper portion of the glass container and the closure part of the cylindrical portion removed, the neck therefor, said projecting portion being provided portion of the glass container and the cloSure 5 With Score lines disposed at a distance below the therefor will be exposed. - upper end of the neck portion of the glass con 3. A tamper-proof container for distilled liq 5 tainer aind forming a tearing strip which may be uors comprising an inner glass container having used for rupturing the metal of said outer con a shoulder and a neckportion, a closure for seal tainer for uncovering and exposing the neck por ing said glass container, an outer metal container 0 tion of the glass container and the closure there completely enclosing said glass container and the 10 for. closure therefor and having a body portion con 2. A tamper-proof container for distilled liq forming in cross-section to the maximum cross luors comprising an inner glass container having a section of the glass container and terminating ad shoulder and a neckportion, a closure for sealing jacent the lower portion of said shoulder, a clo Said glass container, an Outer metal container sure end seamed to the lower end of said body por completely enclosing said glass container and the tion, and a closure end seamed to the upper end of closure therefor and having a body portion con Said body portion, said upper closure end being forming in cross-section to the maximum croSS shaped to conform to the shoulder on the glass Section of the glass container and terminating ad container and having a projecting closed cylindri jacent the lower portion of said shoulder, a clo cal portion adapted to receive and house the neck 20 sure end seamed to the lower end of said body por portion of the glass container and the closure tion, and a closure end seamed to the upper-end therefor, said projecting portion being provided of said body portion, said upper closure end being With score lines disposed at a distance below the shaped to conform to the shoulder on the glass upper end of the neck portion of the glass con container, a cylindrical portion seamed to said tainer and forming a tearing strip which may be end closure and extending beyond the closure for used for rupturing the metal of said outer con said glass container, a disk Seamed to the outer tainer for uncovering and exposing the neck por end of said cylindrical portion for closing the tion of the glass container and the closure there same, said cylindrical portion having score lines for, said neck portion of the glass container and formed therein setting off a tearing strip between said projecting portion of the closure end having the score lines which is provided with a project interengaging parts for permanently attaching ing tongue adapted to receive a key for the rup said inner and outer containers together. turing of the metal along the score lines, said score lines being disposed a distance below the upper JACKM. CROSS.