THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. Ardmore, Monday, October 7, 1907.

Here is a chance to get all the GENTS FURNISHING GOODS you will need for several months at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, at W. I I. BYRD & COMPANY'S. We have entirely too many Gent's Furnishing Goods, and to move them quickly we will on Thursday, Friday and Saturday n OFFERS THEM AT THE FOLLOWING EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES

Boston Hats Men's Fine Umbrellas Two-Piec- e Underwear Regular 25c Boston Garter, this sale.. 15c All ?3.oo Hats go in this sale at.... $2.00 All go at greatly reduced prices. 53.50 two-piec- e , this sale $2.50 All 2.00 1 Iats go in this sale at.... 1.50 3.00 two-piec- e suits, this sale 2.00 Earl a Wilson's Pure Linen Shirts WorK Shirts 2.50 two-piec- e suits, this sale 1.75 Suspenders two-piec- e this All ILarl it Wilson pure linen shirts, Regular prices 75c and 50c, all go at.. .35 2.00 suits, sale 1.50 regular price $350, this sale. ... $2.50 75c Suspenders at 50 1.50 two-piec- e suits, this sale 1.00 50c Suspenders at 35 NecRwear 1. 00 two-piec- e suits, chis sale 75 25c Suspender at 15 Union Underwear All 75c neckwear at 50 Caps $7.00 Union Suits go in this sale at $4.50 Men's Half All 50c neckwear at 35 $1.50 caps go at $1.00 6.00 Union Suits go in this sale at 3.50 All regular 50c hose go at 35 All 25c neckwear at 15 1. 00 caps go at 70 n r n 5.00 Union Suits go in this sale at: ).UU Three pair for ji.oo. 75 caps go at 50 . .1.... Coon Q it..:..wiuuu oiiimc: ill li 1 in n.uu,t.. at 2.50 All 25c hose go at Corliss, Co's. Collars .50 caps go at 30 Union Suits go in this gale at 2.00 Regular 15c collars, this sale ..10 2.50 Suit Cases Woolen Shirts 1 50 Union Suits go in this sale at 1.00 and Grips All go prices in this sale. J2.50 Woolen Shlrti go at JI.9S at greatly reduced Knox Hats J. 0O Wooltm Shirts go t 1.50 All Knox Derbies at $3.00 1.60 Woolen Shirts go at 1.00 Shirts Men's WorK Gloves $5.00 1.00 WooUn Knox Silk regular price Shirts ro at 71 Any shirt in the house Buck gloves, this sale 1.45 Operas, $10.00 $2.00 $1.50 $2.00 this sale 6 00 Men's Fine Gloves Any 1.50 shirt in the house 1.10 1.50 Buck gloves, this sale 95 iJ.Oo Kid and Moco gloves, this sale $1.45 1.80 Kid and Moco glovss, this sale 9$ Any 1. 00 shirt in the house 75 1 .00 gloves go at 70 $8.00 Dunlap Silk Hats 5.00 2.00 Kid and lloco glov,lhls salt) 70


$ V-- t - &c ic &c & tffc tffc g $& &k fcfc sc-

ed a .itlon ainoiiK naval men nnd ttio licet, anil who Incidentally had sent by Henry M. Chamberlain, tho COMMERCIAL PRINTING. "FIGHTING BOB" K 1V1 rimieiit ofllclals. taken something of a part lu naval WAR TALK London corresjioiiili-nt- : Nowadays no one knows so little -- begun to nbout printing to poor Only the pcTiillar position of KI5ht-Iiik' melees himself. "Diropo has take keen ns overlook YOUR ATTENTION Hob," It Is said, saves him from Officers say that he did not follow and spectacular Interest In tho send- work. tin- - of Pac-Ill- HI c.iurt-iiKirtla- Instructions. He rati battle tac ing tho American lleet to tho 'lal reprimand m perhaps, Perhaps your Is called to tho now board- proos-e- d printing bills should DIDN'T OBEY If othi-- nfUco- - tics according to the battle Ideas of STIRS MANILA They see nothing in tho ing liouso W. miiiiu treated bo lower perhaps higher. Your at thu Mrs. the boanl orders as did Hobby I). Kvans, and not of the naval demonstration but tho A. Pritlu residence, lilO A IJvnis printing should bo "right." And If It i il naval board. And In vigor- movj against Japan, and V. ho would have been called Is, street N. live- your bills nro apt to bo, too. iilmi for an explanation. Hut li'ithhiK ous letters ho protested against tbo they will await Its outcome with ORDERS DV NAVAL DOARD SAID THE PHILIPPINES HEAR Some printing hasn't an ounce ot Day boarders accepted at b".-c- board's orders, but his protests wero OF ly ImiKitlenco. Tho situation appears lis beii done In Ktnns's cam salesmanship TO HAVE DEEN DISREGARDED. SECRET PREPARATIONS. to nothing beyond In It. . SO per week. ol his uniiuestloned blll y .ml of no avail, llo was told to follow them to Involve to til 111 by Secretary. a quarrel botween tho United the i iibllc's deep nffecttou for bin,. orders sent the States No printing Is sometimes a shado Ktcu then, It Is said, the admiral and Japan, and It cannot be said to- Miss Mattie Bash, The reHrled dellaucu of orders better than poor printing. workeil out his own th"ory lu connec- day that Kuropcan public sentln.ont Admiral Evans, According to Reports, happened v. lieu the North Atlantic Proprietor. tion with tbo board's orders. Dispatches and Editorials In the New Inclines to either side." Did Not Take Kindly to Having lleet wiw practlelni; a few weeks nRO. Wherever any printed thing of Admiral Dowry Is chairman of the York Sun Take a Gloomy View of Washington, Oct. C Official Wash- "Fossils" Tell Him What to 1'or nt least slv mouths previous lo youre travels. It UBPHESENTS YOU generil naval board. He declined to the President's Plan for the ington doos not look with alarm upon Tho Do In Dattle Practice. that time the Reneral naval board and your business. You cannot afford Commercial club of Ardmoro disc-Hi'- So, too, did Hear Trip to the Pacific. tho utterances of tho Now York Sun had wcrked arduously preparing the affair. to bo careless about ANY PAHT ot has taken steps to secure- n social Admiral (,oodticli. commandant of the regarding tho Japancso situation. It agent plans for the practice. When finished your printing. of the bureau of plant Indus- llrooklyn navy yard, who was chlc.iy Is iioluted out that tho hostility of try to among they were sent to the secretary of work thy farmers of this Washington, I). C. Oct. rospoiiaiblo for the technic tho newspapers to tho administra- Hrlng your printing section, advising the navy, who sent Uiem to "I'IkM .Manila, Oct. C The people of Man- lo us. them as to the host lloli" Kvans is at outs with thu goner-a- l order which Uvans did not follow. tion's policy Is woll known. If you nro too busy to come, phono methods to pursue, tho varieties to Iuk Hob." When Admiral Kwins ila wero deeply agluitod today by Lesser officers, conversant with wo your office, naval board In Washington, ac- read the plans ho Is said to have us nnd will come to raise and tho quality of soil which the situation, fear that "I'lghtlng tho publication of a dispatch from No homo Is so pleasant, regardless THK AHDMOHK1TK. will support crops. cording to reports hero Frlc-tlo- throw u up his hands. Navy men said certain Hob" may, by reason of the affair, tho Hongkong News agency that a of tho comforts that money will buy exists between tho admiral and today that bo nave vent In h!s usual as wheu tho entire family Is In per be ri lleved of hlscomatid of tho big great tliu bureau officers. Ilu' lins dlsre-Karile- frank and hearty soadoK stylo to cer sensation has 1hoii created In feet health. A bottle of Orlno laxa- lleet In Its cruise to the Pacific. This St) ' A YA-- A V A tlielr orders and run UiIiiks tain sentiments roiuvrnlui; the un tbo United States by tho Now York tive Fruit Syrup costs conts. It Is not regarded as prolMblo, however. will euro every inomber of tho family In Ids own way, they complain. 1 lio wisdom of "old fossils" lu Washing Sun's declaration that tho real ob- of constitution, sick heacacho or T II I trouble, coinliiK as It does Hie ton ject of tho projected visit or Ameri- oil being alolwed lo give How's This? stomach trouble. Hoffman Drug Co. evo of tliu cruise of Hear Admiral In bow fight can battle ships and cruisers to tho nnd City Drug Store. d-- lo battles to h man Dollars d We offer nne Hundred Pacific Is war Kvan's Heel to the l'acllle lias r.vis. who was right on the spot" with for an ense of Catarrh that can with Japan and that not be cured ly Hall's Catarrh Cure. Secretary Taft's mission Is designed Fire Caused Him to Move. RFETTO J CHUNKY CO., Toledo. O. to conceal naval preparations. llndly damaged but not out of bus- We. the undersigned, have known New York, Oct. C Tho Now York iness, Kor tho present I will bo at .1. ("ic-iie- oars The Incomparable HEM0VES I'. for the past fifteen Sun tho City Klsh Markelj (159. SugarWafer .....I l.i.H.ii-.- . liltn iwti'ferlK-- hnnnrnhlo. in Its Issuo of Jliono September Have good stock of gcxids oa hand. In all Imiiluoss transactions nnd finan- 30, contained an editorial JMLW Ind ispensable all cially able to carry out any obllga- - on what It considers folly of send- JOK 11ASTINK. i at social thu Ml IH tlfin iim.lii liv tils Hrin. Wnlilhiir. Kill ing the fu notions where it is de When the blood Is pure anil hti:t!iy tlieskin wi I Ik soft, smooth and American lleet to tho Pacific FSfrBM fr K-- nnu & Jnrvln, Wholesale Druggists, Goes Into River. I' V. i- 1 l ocean. It frim i'"ptions. but when bee mcs itifielcd with some un Toledo. Ohio. ridicules tho Idea that It Is sired to give ton to the I . Clinton, Okla., Oct. 5. Wcrk train althyl' r the tllcct is shown lv erujitions, boils mitl ptmples. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter a politic..! move and says President collation. or : No. 312 on tho Krcslo utucr lisn ;urin-- and annov int; .sin dtscise. The .s'in is provided will nnlly. acting directly upon the blood Hoosovolt doos not a In road went s need lleet countli J and glands wlu. h art as a dr.mia-- e svsU-i- to rid the both and mucous surfaces of the system. the through tho brldgo Into tho Wichita Approved by the o impurities.sthrough Pacific for Its weight with Uio the pvrspii.ih.'ii that is constantly passing thiougi Testimonials sent free. Price cents Hepubllcau river near hero at 3 o'clock this qual-- , 1'iese d-- national convention. Tho particular for little tubes. There arc other gl.ui Is that pour out on the skin an o:i per bottle. Fold by all druggists, morning. Knlnyer Hlggs escaped by substance t i keep it soft and pliable. When blood Take Hall's Pamlly Pills for editorial continues: ity reasons only. the becomes filled will Jumping Into tho river. Fireman Hluo hunii rs nnd acids these are thrown oil through pores llo (President Hoosovolt) needs it the and glands, new-mad- e j was pinioned englnoand Fresh as burning asvl irrit itin the skin and ilrvin-- ui the ii.iinnil nils Hint because ho moans that this country botween tho not and went have only Aetie, luemn, Salt Klu inn. etc., but such dry, scaly skin A change In your manner of living shall go lo war. Well, go to war tender down with tho train, pastryipackcdintins nflectious ns ' Tetter. I's ) ami kindred troubles. The treatment of skin tuny put change In your pocket. wo his body being recovered nt noon. ' mini (kuititloi unall. and as cheerfully of convenient size. troubles with salvis, washes, lotions, etc. is not nlon r the ri-l- line Tmr, The engine, caboose and several cars such relieves and Mitliusiastlcnlly as heart of man Saves trvatuieut souieof the iUhuig anl disci ifort and aids in keep-inj- j nro submerged In the quicksand, Tho time, trouble and s'iiu clear, but it does not n u ll the real can e of tlte could wish: but the people want to th' trouble, winch bridge had boon weakened by tho1 labor, and brings a new nre humors in the blood, and it can therefore have nv real It cspoclal. first what tho casus belli Is I Sold In tint edict on ly good these skin affections. S. S. S.. ft gentle for w recent heavy rains lu this section. delight to all acting and pi feet blood purifier, is Gas or Gas. !de!i lit botwecn this country nnd f h all good dtattrt that are the best and quickest treatment. It goes but was not considered daugorous. I down into the blood and removes ollne Cook, lai-at- They want to know whether, 10 and 25 emu 6crved with the humors, fiery acids nnd poisons from the circulation, cools it.' the lug Ranges: if my oxli-t- . It Is not appropriately td blood, and by sending a fresh stream of nourishing bb . d to Tako DoWltt's l.lttlo Karly Hlsers the skin to penn.nicntly cures skin diseases of every character, S. S S. is made entirely Paint It on. referable tho HiiRue conference, If Pills. Sold by W. II. Frame. d-- iQOSE'WfitES of health producing roots, herbs and ami Pitvys rutli Indeed It Is not ouch as may bo I barks, is an absolutely safe rcme ly J'lt-- i ii 10 min for young or old. S. 8. S. cures Itcsema, Acne, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Pso. ulti. bait with adequately by tho simple When a man tells you that ho KANSAS CITY, U.S. A. riasis, ami all other disngreeable an ', unsightly eruptions of the skin. Special exorcise of common sense. prefers his old plpo to a good cigar book on Skin Diseases anil anv medical advice i'e.iired furnished free to all Tor sale by Noblo Iiros. and W. M. Tho Sun this morning prints tho there Is 110 reason why you should who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA. HHlls. following cablegram from bellovoromrrrhim.