Haue a i,spz. :**.; :; J=;e1. r.E?rtr Fr.B .r saf e trip hor..e. -2--.i.':- : *-:-r :::--*r ;:r ;lr:* at all times.6e -.;..-: i : - =i;" :,-- 'srr-'1 the proper irs:ii'an;-; =-::"':-;:t-- --- ;, :u, rr=e any questinns eba;: :.:--- :i;a xfrL-?4xr r:- granx-on your han;-. j:; := ;,:;l- Fr ;,- your health-ccII ;, s:- .:.:':- -l;-r- :- -=f ; agent. You'll find ht.: \,.=--: - :;,e ;"t-:w pages. prolides .l:ur; IfA er-'e.; :--'i-- i;-isr O Productions ::.\.:e :1, P:.::t.: E-.p..::.;--. G'-----: :-f ; : : *-: :-; : : . *;-rr-; L-;. I :;' -- =-.: a -.;.=.:' l-'.-i -: :n- ?'= a:=.i:'-=:;- =t a 1:x Service ---'1= El"

All of us in the hope that Your visit todaY will be a happy and memorable one. Your enjoyment of this and future visits Insurance Company of North A==:-= i=..;:- is the first consideration of all World Headquarters. Pl''' = Disneylanders. As You exPlore , we suggest that you keep this guide with you. The information it contains has been PrePared to help make your visit as Pleasant an exPerience as Possible.

&t t2e Table of Sontents


General lnformation 2-3

The A-B-C's of Ticket Books . l

Guided Tour lnformation 4

Disneyland's Adventures , andAttractions ...:... 5-7

Map of Disneyland 8-g

Main Street, U.S.A. . ...10.11 Adventureland ...... 12-13

New 0rleans Square . . .14-15

Frontierland . .16.17

Fantasyland . .18.19

Tomorrowland ...... 20.21

Food and Refreshments ... . .22-24

Shops and Stores . . ..25-27

Your Entertainment Calendar .. .28-29

Free Shows and Exhibits 30

lndex ...... 31.33 BANKING SERVICE Eeneral lnforrmatiom The Bank of America, located across Town Square fromihe City Hatl, provides General information about Disneyland may be complete banking iacili. ties. The Bank is open obtained at City Hall on the left side of Town every day Disneyland ii open, Square including Saturdays, as you enter the Magic Kingdom, As you Sundays and holidays, 1b:00 explore the a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Park feel free to ask any employee for assistance. lnformation about other Southern California rec- LOST CHILDREN reational attractions and public transportation sched- ules may be obtained at Carefree Corner on Main Facilities for the care of lost children are maintained Street, U.S.A. Sponsored by lNA, this also is Disney- at the end of East Plaza Street off Main Street, U.S.A. land's official Guest Registration Center. The matron in charge will assist you.

LOST AND FOI,JND BABY STATION Lost and found facilities are maintained in the Global The Baby Station located Van Lines Building, next to Fire , is adjacent to the First Aid the Station on Town Center Square, Main Street, U.S.A. on East Plaza Street. Facilities are provided for changing infants, preparing formulas and warm" PUBLIC TELEPHONES !! ing bottles. Sorry, baby.sitting is not available. Public telephones are located throughout Disneyland. Ask any Disneylander for the location of the nearest STROLLERS AND WHEEL CHA,IRS one or refer to the area maps. Strollers and wheel chairs are available for your use in Disneyland. They can be obtained for nominal LOCKER SERVICE a rental at the right side of the area just inside the Faciiities for checking purchases and garments are Main Gate turnstlles. located in the Global Van Lines Building on Town Square, next to the Fire Station on Main Street, BANKAMERICARD U.S.A, Locker service also is provided at the bus stop Your Bankamericard is accepted In most Disneyland area just outside the Disneyland Main Entrance. shops, stores and restaurants. Lockers large enough for suitcases are located at the rear of Ken-L-Land (see PET CARE, below). FIRST AID POSTAGE STAMPS AND MAIL SERVIEE Registered nurses are on duty at alltimes in the First Aid Center, locate( at the end of East plaza Street, Stamps are available in vending ma'chines located in just each land, and at the Hallmark Communication off Main Street, U.S.A. An ambulance is avail. able in case of emergencies. Center on Main Street. Mail boxes for cards and let- ters are located throughout Disneyland. There is no United States Post Office within Disneyland. REST ROOMS A Rest rooms are located throughout Disneyland. PET CARE Refer to the various area maps in this guide for the nearest Disneyland's Ken-L-Land provides pleasant facilities one, or ask any Disneyland employee. for your pet while you enjoy the Magic Kingdom itself. You may leave your pet in an airy, individual enclo- WHEN I-EAVING DISNEYLAND . . . sure at a cost of 25 cents for the entire day. This you charge includes a choice of Ken-L Rations pet food. lf wish to return to Disneyland today, have your Ken-L-Land is located to the right of the Main Gate hand stamped at the Exit Gate before you leave Ticket Booths. the Park. Aduentures and Attractions the A-B-Gts etc. 0F otsilEYlAlto ilGl(ET B00Ks f=f,Icouponorl0r Disneyland Ticket Books are a most convenient way MAlil STREEI HoRSE CARS (Main Street) Board a horse{rawn trolley as it to enjoy the Magic Kingdom. Both the Big 1O and travels down the main street of 60 years ago. Deluxe 15 Ticket Books include admission to Disney- land and a selection of adventures and attractions HoRSEtESS CARRIAGE (Main Street) A trip down Main Street aboard a replica on an "A," "D" and "E" ticket basis. of America's classic autos.

THE BIG 10 ticfet Book includes Admission to the oMNIBUS (Main Street) Ride to the entrance of the four "lands:' Park and a selection of attractions as shown below: on a double-decker bus.

FIRE ENGINE (Main Street) "Answer the alarm" in Disneyland's very own fire wagon.

SURREY (Main Steet) Travel down Main Street in an ele8ant "surrey with the fringe on top." IHE DETUXE 15 ticket Book includes Admission to the SLEEPING BEAUTY CASTTE () Park and a selection of attractions as shown below: See diorama scenes from the popular {effi walt Disney movie, "Sleeping Beauty," XING ARIHUR CARR0USEt (Fantasyland) A Ride to the land of fantasy on one of the .--\-- Carrousel's 72 prancing steeds. ...,:ffiJu 20,000 LEAGUES EXHIBIT () See the Iabulous years-ahead submarine and sets from the Walt 0isney movie.

lf you already have\ave purchased a General Admission ticket. coupon ot 25( or you wish to enjoyenio additional adventurcs inside the Park, f---tr y-ou .mqy_pqy a lo-Adventure or a ls-Adventure1s-Adventure Book at anyanv Central Ticket Booth inside the Patk. The l1-Adventure BookBooi MA|N STREET CTNEMA (Main Street) r*;: is $3,25.13,25 and the 7,-Adventure7,-Adventurc Book is $4.0054.00 forlor each puest.Euest Enjoy the greats of the silent scr( Refet to the area maps lor locations. ,e;il,i;; ij,iri:o6m;i oiiir't,iri riflr.t" [[*WS Prices subject to change without notice. M0T0R B0AT CRt ISE (Fantasyland) Guide your motorboat through treacherous rapids and tricky currents. Guided Tour Emfmrmatiun q The popular Guided Tour is especially recommended !iil.ijJ,if!.,1Jlfi,'i,fs13t:i'Ilst$L [Q1t for "first"time guests." Visitors are taken on an exciting tour of Disneyland by a charming Guide who ,'f,ilifr tells the fascinating story of the Magic Kingdom's ;H*:L{it+irrif i*J,fT|.{ia,i::, history and growth. The ffi Guided Tour includes admis- CASEY JR. CIRCUS TnAIN (Fantasyland) sion to Disneyland and a selection of six of the Park's The bright. Ray circus train who "knew popular attractions. he could." travels a scenic route.

lf you already have purchased a General Admis- ART 0F ANIMATI0N (Tomorrowland) sion ticket you may buy a Guided Tour Ticket at the Learn the fascinating story of the cartoonists' cralt: animation. ticket booth adjacent to "Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln." Tour tickets, minus Main .3. E(- Gate admission, k4(Fantasyland) MAD TEA PARTY lI.'15;z,a-t) are $3.00 for adults and $2.75 for children. Whirl and twirl in the Mad Hatter's I wildly spinning cups and saucers. ffi MINE TRAIN Rl0E (Frontierland) Take the Western Mine Train through Nature's Filcouponor3Sr Wonderland, Rainbow Caverns, and much more I0M0RR0WLAND (Tomorroryland) SANTA FE & DISNEYTAND RAITROAD JETS (Main Street, Frontierland,Tomorrowland, Pilot a high.flying jet to Disneyland's outer space. New 0rleans Square) 5<. Board one of five trains for a grand circle tour of the Magic Kingdom, and a journey MIKE FINK KEEt B0ATS (trontierland) journey through the Grand Canyon into the fantastic A backwood water to adventure Primeval World. on the Rivers of America. INDIAN WAR CAN0ES (Frontierland) RICHFIETD'S AUTOPIAS Row your own war canoe under the (Fantasyland ard Tomorrowland) guidance of a real lndian guide. Youngsters of all ages can navigate these modernistic freeways of the future. T0M SAWYER IStAND RAFTS (Frontierland) Explore Tom Sawyer lsland with its many SH00TING- cAttERlES (Frontiertand, caves and Fort Wilderness. Adventureland) Test your sharpshooiing skills at still and moving targets. c0up0n or adults 75r, children 65r

PACI( MULES (Frontierland) ..e-z- DUMB0 FLYINC ELEPHANTS (Fantasyland) rn-^u,#a See Nature's Wonderland from the Soar high over Fantasyland aboard the eE back of a sturdy pack mule. elephant with aerodynamic ears. Qe&1 r&s: ,UNGtE RIVER CRUISE (Adventureland) Travel through tropical jungles and exotic MR. ToAD'S WILD (Fantasyland) RIDE areas of the world on a jungle launch. A hilariously hair-raising automobile ride through old London. GREAT MOMET{TS WITH MR. LINCOLN presented Dy DOUGTAS ROCKET TO THE MOON UNcort{ sAvtNGs & LoAN ASSoC|AT|0N (Tomorrowland) (Main Street) Experience a flight to the moon as it Mr. Lincoln "comes to life" in this actually will be in a few short years. world-acclaimed attraction. Young people, up to 17 years old, receive a SN0W WHITE'S AoVENIURES (Fantasyland) complimentary ticket with their Travel through the Dark Forest to ihe Disneyland admission. Seven owarl's Diamond Mine. DISNEYTAND"ATWEG MONORAIT IRAI NS (Tomorrowland) AtICE lN W0N0ERtAN0 (Fantasyland) Circle above and around Disneyland on g@N Re-live the fantastic adventures of Alice the transportation system of rn her down-the.rabbit.hole world. tomorrow. MATTERHoRN B0BstEosffi (Tomorrowtrnd) +.t-f \\ c o v e r ed "' \-=-="\ 1,1','. S : lil * ?,r,'J tl ;.1 ! 3-,,' i--til coupon or EOr fl MARK TWAIN STEAMB0AT (Frontiertand) 5##ii#BiH"I3r'Lr'.,n,,(Adventureland) " 6-q/',4 Ride the gleaming sternwh'eeler as it :{J'r,Ee dl* travels around the Rlvers of America. fljfll!?;3',ifJi.'Jiti,#.n3;i.?fff.''o'' tffir

C0tUMBIA SAltlNG SHIP (Frontierland) (Tomorrowland) Sail the Rivers of America on a replica of Journey through "liquid space" on an the first American ship to girdle the globe. exciting undersea cruise to the North Pole See the maritime museum below decks. .III'S A SMATL WORLD'' sToRYBool( rAND cANAr Boars -'\,\ . r presented by BANX OF AMERICA (Fantasyland) iif#ll,{ffih,:l';,rri,,3r*r,'",.,., Join the happiest crew that ever W sailed around the world. ;[[*f,'. g,'il,?",fryJ',JfliJ;Iiiilltlf) Coming Soon! d X* PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN V4!t1p* new four-seat skvwav buckets. (New 0rleens Square) Sail through the wildest adventure FLYIt{G SAUCERS (Tomorrowland) that ever rocked the Spanish Main. Pilot your own flying saucer to It takes place in the Masic Kinsdom's thrills and fun. newest "land," and will be Disneyland's most spectacular adventure of all. F a t aF l.l.l B {- extr GRAND CANYON AND PRIMEVAL WORLD $H z__\ Lll UIU^- u-a <(, Qa *W MAIN EN-IRANCE al

IilF(lRMATI(lN AilD ASSISTAI{CE FREE SH(IWS ATID EXHIBITS O Disneyland City Hall @ Wrrtitru Music Hall @ tnn Carefree Corner @ Swift's Market House and susar corner ADvEr{ruREs AilD ATrRAcnoNs : 9q I () Upjohn Pharmacy @ Santa Fe & @ Eastman Kodak Exhibit EI 0mnibus SH0PS AilD ST0RES @ Horseless Carriage @ Souvenir Stands E] Nain Street Horse Cars @ Wonderland Music Shop EI Surrey @ nro Hatter Shop lYlorlenlq with Mr. Lincoln E Great ;}5 Emoorium presented by Lincoln Savings & llz Loan Association @ Magic Shop E Fire Engine @ Touacco Shop Main Street Cinema @ @ Jewelry Store E Penny Arcade $ Crystal Arcade SERVICES @ Uain Street Gifts Strollers and Wheel Chairs @ @ eook and Candte Shop @ Bank of America y"l* @ Gtobars Storage Lockers and 9 :':vvjt Lost and Found qP Art lesllval (D gaby Station @ Hallmark Communication @ first Aid and Lost Children Center t000 AND REFRESHMEilTS @ Camera Shop IE Train Depot Snack Bar @ timex Watches lE Hitts Bros. Coffee House @ Silhouette Studio E 8:l,li:'i[e cream Parror 9:n'':t]:' uanoy Palace Et Sunkist Citrus House $i' TEIEPH0IIES E CotF eUIDfD ToUR GARDEN 11 ADVENTURES AND ATTRACTIONS SHOPS AND STORES I United Air Lines Enchanted Q AdventurelandBazaar Tiki Room Q tiri't Tropical Traders E Big Game Safari Shooting Gallery @ Adventureland Traders @ Jungle River Cruise @

TELEPH0NES F()()D AND RETRESHMENTS :: I Tatritian Terrace A REST Ro()Ms I Sunkist, "l Presume" * TICKET B(l(tTHS E Aunt Jemima's Kitchen

13 ISffir:SY +DR[btsttr$T S,A{ry,AIFBW


E Santa Fe & Disnevtand 0ne.0f-A-Kind Shop Railroad Q $ Le Gourmet @ Pirates ofthe Caribbean Latite's (coming soon) Q Silver Shop cristat d'orleans FO(,D AI{D REFRESHMENTS Q @ Utte. Antoinette,s I The Blue Bayou Restaurant Parfumerie I The Creole Cafe @ Le Forgeron I The French Market @ PortraitArtist @ Candy Carts @ Flower Stail @ Hatstrop

!! rs.rpxonss A RESTRO(IMS

l4 15 ADVENTURES AND ATTRACTIONS SHOPS AND STORES [] Shooting Gallery @ Frontier Trading Post @ Mark Twain Steamboat @ Pendelton Woolen Mills Store @ Columbia Sailing Ship @ Mine Train Ride @ Oavy Crockett Arcade Mexican Village @ Pack Mules Jemrocks Tom @ Sawyer lsland Rafts Frontierland Hats I Mike Fink Keel Boats Frontler Print Shop Bon e kra ft E Columbia Museum Souvenir Stand E] tndian War Canoes tndian Trading post @ Santa Fe & Disneyland @ Railroad FREE SH()WS AND EXHIBITS

Pepsi-Cola Golden F(,(}D AND REFRESHMENTS @ Horseshoe Revue III Casa de Fritos @ Indian Viilage @ Pepsi.Cola Golden Horseshoe !I TELEPHOI{ES I llt 0aks Tavern A REST RO(IMS .i @ Natt srrop * TtcKET B()0THS T @ Cone Shop lE Aunt Jemima's Kitchen l[ lndian Village @ fort Wilderness Snack Bar -:-\ J-/o)l

t7 ffiwlasy/an/


[] Sleeping Beauty Casfle lE Welch's Grape Juice Bar E Peter Pan Ftight lft Character Food Stands E Xing Arthur Carrousel IE Chicken of the Sea E] Snow White's Adventures Pirate Ship Restaurant @ Mad Tea Party Fantasyland Theatre @ SHOPS AND STORES I Dumbo Flying Elephants @ nrts and Crafts E to Tomorrowland @ Castle Candy Shoppe E] Casey Jr. Circus Train @tinferOell Toy Store @ "lt's a Small World" presented by @ Merlin's Magic Shop Bank of America @ uaa Hatte, E Storybook Land Canal Boats @ Souvenir Stands tr Motor Boat Cruise tr Alice in Wonderland :! TETEPHONES @ Mr. Toad's Wild Ride A REST R(l(lMS


19 ADVENTURES AND ATTRACTI(}NS SHOPS AND STORES E] 20,000 Leagues Exhibit @ Fun Fotos E Rrt ot Animation @ Hobbies, ' Souvenirs and Hats @ Tomorrowland Jets Tomorrowland Art Corner @ nicntietA Autopias @ @ Caricatures E St


[fl Space Bar A REST R()(lMS [p Yacht Bar * TICKET B(l(lTHS

20 2t Food am Refreshments ADVENTURETAND Sunkist,"l Presume" Disneyland has a large variety of restaurants and Featuring fresh orange juice, lemonade, donuts, cof- refreshment centers. You will discover a menu to fee and jungle juleps. please every palate and pocketbook in Disneyland. Tahitian Terrace - Waitress Service Price Range: 35 cents to 93.75. MAII{ SIREET, U.S.A. Luncheon and Dinner: Hot Polynesian specialties, exotic salads, teriyaki steaks, desserts, coolers and Garnation lce Cream Parlor children's specialties. Salads, hot dogs, hamburgers and beverages, Spe- cializing in sodas and fancy sundaes, NEW ORtEAilS SOUARE Carnation Plaza Gardens The BIue Bayou Restaurant- Waitress Service Salads, sandwiches, hot dogs, hamburgers and bev- Price Range: Luncheon, $1.75 to $2.25; Dinner, $1.95 to erages. Featuring sodas, sundaes, malts and ice $3.50. A la carte: 40 cents to $1.75. cream cones. Featuring complete Table d'Hote Luncheons and Dinners, including salad, hot entree, home-baked Coke Refreshment Gorner French Bread, and beverage. A la cade specials all day. Children's menus. Featuring Coca-Cola, wrapped sandwiches and chips. The Greole Gafe- Waitress Seruice iiUs Bros. Coffee House and Garden Price Range: 25 cents to $1.25. Featuring beverages, sandwiches and light snacks. Featuring coffees of the world, espresso included; French pastries; fabulous sandwiches, and ice cream Plaza lnn parlor delicacies of yore. Price Range: Breakfast, 35 cents to $1.50; Luncheon, 95 cents to $2.25; Dinner, 95 cents to $2.75. The French Market Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner: Buffet a la grand carte, Price Range: 50 cents to salad specialties, hot sandwiches, hot entrees, roast 91.75. Louisiana Fried Chicken, barbecued chicken, roast beef, chopped sirloin steak, French pas- beef and ham sandwiches and entrees, tries, cream pies, layer cakes and children's plates. sea food specialties, salads, desserts, beverages; children's menus. Plaza Pavilion FR(lI{IIERI.AIID Price Range: 95 cents to $1.50. Luncheon and Dinner: A la carte salads, choice hot Aunt Jemima's Kitchen entrees, hot sandwiches, special desserts and chil- Price Range: 45 cents to dren's plates. 91.75. Breakfast All Day: Pancakes, waffles, ham, bacon, sausage, eggs and beverages, Sunkist Citrus House Featuring fresh orange juice, lemonade, orange Casa de Fritos cheese cake, lemon tarts and frozen juice bars. Price Range; 10 cents to $1.50. Train Depot Snack Bar Featuring Mexican food specialties, combination plates, enchiladas, Hot dogs, popcorn and beverages. tamales, Fritos, chips, chili and beverages.

22 23 Tobacco Shop-Tobaccos and smoking accessories from around the world. FR(}I{TIERtAND Davy Wonderland Music Shop-Listening pleasure for every taste, Crockett Arcade-lncludes the MEXICAN SHOP; FR0N- including favorites from Disney films. TIERLAND HATS; JEMR0CKS, disptaying unusuat lewelry; the FRONTIER PRINT SH0P, with custom head-lined newspapers ADVENTURETAI{D and stationery; a BONEKRAFT SHOP, featuring jewelery carved of bone, ivory and rare woods; and a S0UVENIR STAND. Adventureland Bazaar-Rare products and gifts from all over the world in a jungle atmosphere. lncludes GUATEMALAN Frontier Trading Post-Western items, lndian apparel and gifts. WEAVERS, LEE BR0S. and MAGTC CARPET BAZAAR. lndian Trading Post-A re.creation of an lndian store featuring authentic lndian gifts. Adventureland lraders-South Sea lsland apparel in a colorful assortment. Pendleton Woolen Mills Store - A complete selection of woolen Tiki's Tropical Traders-Hats, souvenirs. fabrics and fashions for men, women and chlldren.


0ne-()f-A-Kind Shop-Exacting customers will find choice an- Arts and Crafts-Features a unique selection of clocks and tiques, reproductions, and other unique gifts gathered from other imports. all parts of the world. Castle Candy Shoppe -A variety of unusuat candies. Le Gourmet-Unusual cooking and serving accessories avail- Mad Hatter-Hats of every size, shape and color. able for purchase, along with a selection of exotic foods and featuring spices by Spice lslands. Mtrlin's Magic Shop-A medieval setting for a large selection of magic supplies and tricks. laffite's Silver Shop-A silversmith creates works of art on Souvenir the spot, surrounded by forge, molds and other tools of his Stands-Four outdoor stores with a selection of trade. He also makes minor repairs. Disneyland souvenirs.

Tinkerbell Toy Store-Toys for children of all ages, Cristal d'0rleans-An artisan provides onthe-spot services to his guests, by making special glass objects or placing items of personal value, such as rings and class pins, in bottles. T(lM(lRR(lWLAilD Caricatures-Have your caricature made in minutes. MIIe. Antoinette's Parfumerie-A complete line of select per- fumes, and the services of a perfumer to blend unique Fun Fotos-A location specializing in novelty photos. fragrances. Hobbies and Souvenirs-An outdoor stand with model kits and other hobby material. Le Forgeron-Shoppers can choose among metal flowers and rare stained glass artifacts, made order. to Mad Hatter-Colorful and unusual Disneyland hats. ,,cels,, Flower Stall (in the Grand Courtyard)-Artificial flowers made Iomorrowland Art Gorner-0riginal cartoon from Disney from a number of unusual materials not always found in this movies, and other Disney character merchandise. type of merchandise.

26 27 The Pepsi-Cola Golden Horseshoe Revue is per- formed five times daily in its own "saloon" in Frontierland. Show times are 1:00, 2:30, 4:00, 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. Frontierland-The "Old West" comes Band performs for !ndian Village, The popular 16-piece Disneyland ceremonial dancing twice each your enjoyment daily, as follows: alive during authentic hour: Tuesday through Saturday, 10:00 a'm. to 8:00 p,m.; Sunday and Monday, 12:00 Noon to 8:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m.-l1:15 a.m. Main Street Parade and Town Square Concert. On a Bicycle Built for Four, the Dapper Dans enter- p.m. 11 :30 a.m.-I2:10 P.m. March through Adventure- tain throughout Disneyland, 1:30 to 8:30 land and Tomorrowland and concert aboard the Mark Living Mermaids from Mythical Times can be seen Twain. daily in the Submarine Lagoon, 11:00 a.m.'5:45 p.m. 12:45 p.m.-l:45 p.m. Daily concert at Plaza Gar" Tahitian Terrace, Adventureland-The Royal Tahi' dens. tians bring South Seas dancing and musical enter- 5:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Main Street Parade and Re- tainment to diners: Monday through Thursday, on treat CeremonY. the hour, from 5:00 to 11:00 p.m.; Friday and Satur- day, on the hour, from 6:00 p.m. to 12 Midnight. groups ln addition, the following special musical Treat aboard Marx Twain is Park at the times and places A Variety Musical the entertain throughout the New Orleans, Tues' noted: provided by the Young Men from daythrough Sunday,5l0O p.m. to 12:15 a.m.

2:45 p.m..3:30 p.m. Keystone Kops- The Clara Ward Singers sing out their spirited spirit' Town Square uals at Pepsi-Cola's Golden Horseshoe on the hour, Plaza Hub Monday through Thursday, 8:00 to 11:00 p.m., and p.m. 12:00 Midnight. Polka Band- Friday and Saturday, 9:00 to Douglas Rocket display, 20,000 Leagues Fantasy ln The Sky, a spectacular fireworks Matterhorn Bobsleds every night, all summer, 9:00 P.m' Fantasyland SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENTS Strawhatters- Something for everybody is offered at the 20,000 Rivers of America Leagues Exhibit Monday through Wednesday: 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Keystone Kops- Plaza Hub Hootenanny-Monday, continuous, 8:OO to 11:00 Town Square p.m. Polka Band- 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 p.m. Douglas Rocket Humdinger-Tuesday, 20,000 Leagues to Matterhorn Bobsleds Gountry and Western Night-Wednesday, 8:00 Fantasyland 11:00 p.m. Strawhatters- Rivers of America

29 Free Shows ano Exhibits ln addition to the many Disneyland adventures and attractions, you will enioy visiting the outstanding Erut}H}I free shows and exhibits sponsored by many nation- companies for your enloyment. ally-famous "A" CouponAttractions ...... 5 Bazaft ...12,26 MAIN U.S.A. Adventureland . SIREEI, AdventuretandTraders . ..12,26 Eastman Kodak Exhibit-Free photo information and Aliceinwonderland...... 6, 18 per' ArtFestival .....10,25 assistance and minor camera adjustments are Artof Animation ...... 5,2O formed free of charge. ArtsandCraftsShop .....1A,27 AuntJemima'sKitchen ...... 16,23 INA's Carefree Corner- Disneyland's Official lnfor- "B"CouponAttractions ...... 5 mation and Registration Center. Sign the guest book Babystation .....3,10 and then pick up your complimentary copy of the BankAmericard .....,3 Declaration of lndependence when you leave Disney- Bankingservices ...... 3, lO Bell Telephone System Exhibit . . . . .20, 30 land. BlueBayouRestaurant,The ...... 14,23 Book and Candle Shop . . .10, 25 Swift's Market House-The General Store of Grand- CatendarofEvents ...... 28,29 father's Day, complete to package goods and a party CameraShop ....10,25 Candycarts ...... 14 line wall telephone. G & H Sugar Corner features old CandyPalace ....70,25 fashioned penny candy as well as unique colored Caricatures ...... 20,27 sugar crystals. CarnationlceCreamParlor ...... 1O,22 Carnation Plaza Gardens . .10,22 Upiohn Pharmacy-An accurate re'creation of an casa de Fritos .L6'23 1890 era drug store. Be sure to pick up your free Casey Jr. Circus Train . . . . .5, l8 Unicap vitamins while visiting. CastleCandyShop ...... 14,27 "C" CouponAttractions ...... 6 Wurlitzer Music Hall See a complete display of C&HSugar ....10,30 - Character Food Stands . . .LA,24 pianos and organs and enjoy thedaily organ concerts. ChemstrandExhibit...... 20,30 Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship . . . .lA,24 FR(}NTIERTAND ChinaShop ....10,25 .....5, 10 Revue way-out' Cinema, MainStreet Pepsi-Cola Golden Horseshoe - A CityHall ...... 2, 10 West variety show which has delighted millions of CokeRefreshmentCorner ...... 10,22 Disneyland guests with its singing, dancing and ColumbiaSailingShipand Museum ...... 6, 16 entertainment. ComingAttractions ...... 7 comedy Coneshop .....76,24 CreoleCafe,The .....14,23 T()M()RR(}WTAND ... Cristal d'Orleans ...... 14,26 Bell Telephone System Exhibit-The Bell System's Crystal Arcade . . .10, 25 guests "D"CouponAttractions ...... 6,7 "Circarama" display takes on a tour through DavyCrockettArcade . ...16,27 "America the Beautiful" via a 360 degree motion Disneycharacters...... 29 picture. DisneylandBand...... 24 DouglasRockettotheMoon ...... 6,20 Monsanto Home of the Future-This "years ahead" Dumbo Flying Elephants . . .5, 18 home shows how science will shape the dwelling of "E"CouponAttractions ...... 7 Eastman Kodak Exhibit . . .10,30 tomorrow with the use of plastics. Emporium ,.....10,25 Monsanto Hall of Chemistry-Chemistry's contribu' EnchantedTiki Room .....7,12 life are shown in this exhibit. FantasylandTheatre ...... 5,18 tions to tomorrow's Fire Engine . ... .5,10 Also includes Chemstrand's exhibit of fashions and FirstAid ...... 3, 10 fabrics. 31 Flight Circle .. ..20 PackMules ...... 7,16 Flying Saucers . 6,20 PendfetonWoolenMillsStore . ....16,27 Flower Market . to, 25 Pepsi-Cola Golden Horseshoe Revue . 16,24,29,30 Flower Stalls .14, 26 Perfumer...... 74,26 Fort Snack Bar . t6, 24 Pet Care Facilities . .2, to French Market, The .74,23 Peter Pan Flight . . ..6, l8 Frontier Trading Post .76,27 Pirates of the Caribbean . . . Fun .,..'7 Fotos ...20,27 Plazalnn... .70, 22 GlassBlowers .... to, L4,25 Plaza Pavilion .10, 22 Global Van Lines' Lockers and Lost & Found . .2, 10 PortraitArtist ...... 14 Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln .....7,70 Postage Stamps ....2 Guatemalan Weavers ....72,26 Primeval World ..7,9 Guided Tours .. . ..4, 10 Print Shop 16,26 Hallmark Communications Cent"i ...... 1o,25 Rafts, Tom Sawyer lsland .....7,76 Hat Shop .,.....14 Rest Rooms . .3 (see area maps) Hills Bros. Coffee House and Garden . . . .LO,22 Richfield Autopias .....6,20 Hobbies and Souvenirs . . . .20,27 Rockettothe Moon ...... 6,20 Horse Cars .....5,10 Santa Fe & Disneyland Railroai . .7, to,14,L6, t8 Horseless Carriage .....5, 10 ShootingGalleries .....6, 12,L6 Hou rs ...... 29 ShopsandStores. ....25,26,27 INA Carefree Corner .2,10,30 ShowsandExhiblts...... 30 lndian Trading Post . . . .76,27 SilhouetteStudio...... 10,25 lndian Village ....16,24 Silversmith ...... 14,26 lndian War Canoes . ...7,t6 Skyways ...... G,18,20 lnformation, General ...... 2,3 SleepingBeautyCasile .....5,19 "lt's a Small World" . . . .7,14 Snow White's Adventures . . .6, lB JewelryStore ...... 10,25 Souvenir Stands . (see area maps) Jungle River Cruise .....7,L2 SpaceBar ...... 20,24 Ken.L-Land .....2,70 Spice lslands ....14,26 King Arthur Carrousel .....5,13 StainedGlass ....L4,26 Laffite's Silver Shop . . . .74,26 StorybookLand...... 6,18 Lee Bros . . .12,26 Strollers ...... 3,10 Le Forgeron ...14,26 SubmarineVoyage...... 7,2O Le Gourmet . . ...74,26 SunkistCitrusHouse. ....70,22 Locker Service ....2, 10 Sunkist, "l Presume" .....12,23 Lost and Found ....2,LO Surrey. ..,...... 5,10 Lost Children ....3, 10 Swift'sMarketHouse. ....10,30 Mad Hatter . . .to,la,20,25,27 Swiss Family Treehouse . . . .5, 12 Mad Tea Party ...... 5,18 Tahitian Terrace . ..72,23 Mlle. Antoinette's Parfumerie . . .14,26 Telephones 2 (see area maps) Magic Carpet Bazaar ...... 12,26 Ticket Books 4 (see area maps) Magic Shops .to,74,25.27 Tiki's Tropica I Traders ...12,26 Mail Service... , Tinkerbell Toy Store . . . . .18,27 Main Street Gifts ...... 10,25 TimexWatches ...... 70,25 ...... 16,24 Tobacco Shop , . . . .to,26 Mark Twain Steamboat ...... 6, 16 Tom Sawyer lsland Rafts . . . .7,76 Matterhorn Bobsleds ...... 7,21 Tomorrowland Art Corner . . .20,27 Mike Fink Boats Keel ...... 6, 16 TomorrowlandJets ...... 6,20 Mine Train Ride ...... 7,16 Train Depot Snack Bar ...... to,22 Monorail Trains ...... 7,20 Treehouse, Swiss Family ....5,t2 Monsanto Hall of Chemistry ...... 20,30 20,000 Leagues Exhibit 5,20 Monsanto Home of the Future . . . .20,30 Upjohn Pharmacy ...... 10,30 Motor Boat Cruise ...... 5,18 Welch's Grape Juice Bar . .t4,24 Mr. Toad's Wild Ride .. . .6,18 Wheel Chairs ...3,10 Oaks Tavern . . . .L6,24 Wonderland Music Shop . .lo,26 Omnibus .,...5,10 WurlitzerMusic Hall . -. -. . . r0,30 One-Of-A-Kind Shop ...... 14,26 Yacht Bar . .78,24