THE CONGRES IN SAINT-FÉLIX-LAURAGAIS 850 YEARS AFTER THE CATHAR CONFERENCE 1167 2017 number 4 THE CONGRES OF SAINT-FÉLIX-LAURAGAIS MAY 12-14, 2017 The spiritual mission of Nikètas of Constantinople ‘Give us today our supernatural bread’. The Bogomil and Cathar interpretation of the key phrase of the Lord’s Prayer Dick van Niekerk Awakening in the Holy Spirit pentagram Anne Baring Lectorium Rosicrucianum The Ideal of Brotherhood, the Core of the Gospel of the Cathars Eduard Berga The Way of the Cathars: a Hermetic Gnosis Pierre Gohar Bogomils, Cathars and the Universal White Brotherhood David Lorimer The forgotten Cathars of Mont Aimé A word of the Catholics of the Ariège with regard to the Cathar drama. Text spoken in the church of Montségur on Sunday, October 16, 2016 by Jean-Marc Eychenne Advocate of the heretics rehabilitates the Bogomils. Gottfried Arnold about the Witnesses of the Truth Teachings and inheritance of the Friend of God from the Oberland The Congres Jean Moncelon in Saint-Félix- Additional texts: ‘The true church of Christ resides in the heart of man’ PENTAGRAM 4-2017 PENTAGRAM Lauragais Initiation with the Bogomils An evening in Mostar. An Impression of a meeting with BOGOMIL PAPERS Pop Bogomil Peter Deunov: Master of Wisdom and Love THE cover 4-17 buiten-eng.indd 1 08-08-17 12:01 Uitgever Redactie-adres België Abonnementsprijs Rozekruis Pers Pentagram (vertegenwoordigd door Nederland: Maartensdijkseweg 1 dhr. H. van Hooreweghe) Per jaar € 30,– Redactie NL-3723 MC Bilthoven Lectorium Rosicrucianum v.z.w Losse nummers: € 7,95 Wendelijn van den Brul, Arwen Gerrits, e-mail:
[email protected] Lindenlei 12, B-9000 Gent Andere landen: per jaar € 40,– Hugo van Hooreweeghe, Peter Huijs e-mail: Proefabonnement (2 nummers): € 10,– (eindredactie), Frans Spakman, Anneke Abonnementenadministratie
[email protected] Stokman-Griever, Lex van den Brul.