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DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT FOOD AND AGRICULTURE TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1999 TOWN AND COUNTRY (DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURE) (No2) ORDER 2013 Agenda for a meeting of the Planning Committee, 16th October 2017, 10.00am, in the Ground Floor Meeting Room of Murray House, Mount Havelock, Douglas 1. Introduction by the Chairman 2. Apologies for absence 3. Minutes To give consideration to the minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held on the 2nd October 2017. 4. Any matters arising 5. Delegated Decisions To note the decisions on those applications determined by the Director of Planning and Building Control, Head of Development Management or the Senior Planning Officers by the authority delegated to them by the Department under the appropriate legislation, for the period 26th September to 9th October 2017. 6. To consider and determine Planning Applications Schedule attached as Appendix One. 7. Appeals lodged To note any planning appeals lodged between the 26th September to 9th October 2017. 8. Site Visits To agree dates for site visits if necessary. 9. Any other business 10. Next meeting of the Planning Committee Set for October 30th 2017. 1 Appendix One PLANNING COMMITTEE Meeting, 16th October 2017 Schedule of planning applications Item 1 Variation of condition 2 of PA 15/00004/B Land Adjacent Industrial Estate Ballafletcher for the creation of a leisure/industrial Road Cronkbourne Douglas Isle Of Man development, to extend the period of approval for a further 2 years PA17/00936/B Recommendation : Permitted Item 2 Demolition of existing dwellings, garage Cliffside And End Cafe The Promenade Laxey and outbuildings and erection of four Isle Of Man IM4 7DD dwellings PA17/00006/B Recommendation : Permitted Item 3 Erection of a two storey building to Land Adjacent To Southern 100 Start provide motorcycling racing facilities Castletown By-Pass Castletown Isle Of Man PA17/00834/B Recommendation : Permitted Item 4 Additional use and conversion of retail 17 And 19 Malew Street Castletown Isle Of units to form two residential units for Man permanent and tourist use PA17/00330/B Recommendation : Refused Item 5 Additional use of existing office (class 2) 4 Christian Road Douglas Isle Of Man IM1 for education 2SD PA17/00558/C Recommendation : Permitted Item 6 Erection of a detached garage within Kenilworth House The Promenade Port St. existing rear yard Mary Isle Of Man IM9 5DB PA17/00745/B Recommendation : Permitted Item 7 Two storey extension to rear and side of Hazeldene 2 Ballaquinnea Cottages Braaid dwelling and creation of patio to rear Road Glen Vine Isle Of Man IM4 2AS PA17/00868/B Recommendation : Permitted 2 Item 8 Conversion and extension of existing store Building To Rear 80 Parliament Street / garage to provide residential living Ramsey Isle Of Man accommodation PA17/00873/B Recommendation : Permitted Item 9 Variation of condition 2 of PA 15/00636/A Former Howstrake Holiday Camp King for the approval in principle for the Edward Road Onchan Isle Of Man IM3 2JP erection of a dwelling, to extend the period of approval for a further 2 years PA17/00910/B Recommendation : Permitted Item 10 Alterations and extension to provide Farm House Ballamoar Farm Ramsey Road additional living accommodation Laxey Isle Of Man IM4 7PP PA17/00919/B Recommendation : Permitted Item 11 Conversion of existing building to a 10 West Quay Ramsey Isle Of Man IM8 1DW distillery, to include lifting and replacement of existing roof and PA17/00930/B alterations to the front elevation and Recommendation : Permitted installation of double doors Item 12 Erection of building containing public Public Conveniences Marathon Terrace conveniences to replace derelict Queens Promenade Douglas Isle Of Man IM2 underground toilet facilities 4NH PA17/00942/B Recommendation : Permitted 3 PLANNING AUTHORITY AGENDA FOR 16th October 2017 Item 1 Proposal : Variation of condition 2 of PA 15/00004/B for the creation of a leisure/industrial development, to extend the period of approval for a further 2 years Site Address : Land Adjacent Industrial Estate Ballafletcher Road Cronkbourne Douglas Isle Of Man Applicant : EfB (IoM) Ltd/Mr R Chatha Application No. : 17/00936/B- click to view Case Officer : Miss S E Corlett RECOMMENDATION: To APPROVE the application ______________________________________ Recommended Conditions and Notes for Approval C : Conditions for approval N : Notes (if any) attached to the conditions C 1. Approval of the details of design, external appearance of the building(s), internal layout, landscaping of the site (herein called 'the reserved matters') shall be obtained from the Planning Authority in writing before any development is commenced. Reason: to comply with the Town and Country Planning (Development Procedure)(No2) Order 2013. C 2. The application for approval of the reserved matters shall be made to the Planning Authority before the expiration of two years from the date of this permission. Reason: for the avoidance of doubt. C 3. The development to which this permission relates shall begin within 4 years of the date of this permission of within two years of the final approval of the reserved matters, whichever is the latter. Reason: to comply with Article 14 of the Town and Country Planning(Development Procedure)(No 2) Order 2013. C 4. This approval relates to the creation of a mixed use development providing warehousing, officers/retail accommodation and leisure facilities including service road and car parking as shown in drawing numbers 1699.01.P01, 1699.01.P02, 1699.01.P03 and 1699.01.P04 date stamped 31st August, 2017. Reason: for the avoidance of doubt. C 5. The plans and particulars submitted in accordance with Condition 2 above shall include: 1. a Design Statement; 2. a Green Travel Plan; 3. details of cycle shelters; and 4 4. a detailed Transport Assessment, which should include, but not limited to, both a detailed parking and junction assessment. Reason: for the avoidance of doubt. C 6. The buildings shall not be used until the vehicular and pedestrian means of access have been constructed in accordance with the approved plans, and those means of access shall thereafter be kept available at all times for their respective purposes. Reason: for the avoidance of doubt. C 7. The buildings shall not be used until the car parking and manoeuvring areas have been provided in accordance with the approved plans, and those areas shall thereafter be kept available at all times for their respective purposes. Reason: for the avoidance of doubt. C 8. The goods to be sold within the trade counter/showroom/retail shop area must be restricted to alcohol, soft drinks, tobacco, bar type snacks and confectionery in conjunction with the office and warehouse unit associated therewith. Reason: for the avoidance of doubt. C 9. The retail unit may not be brought into operation until such time as the warehouse and offices associated therewith are in use. Reason: for the avoidance of doubt. ______________________________________________________________ Interested Person Status – Additional Persons It is recommended that the following persons should not be given Interested Person Status as they are not considered to have sufficient interest in the subject matter of the application to take part in any subsequent proceedings and are not mentioned in Article 6(4): MyWay, who are not close enough to the site to be considered to be directly affected by the development. A company who put forward a similar case, IOM Enterprises, was not afforded interested person status in the case of 15/00004/B. _____________________________________________________________ Planning Officer’s Report THIS APPLICATION IS REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMITTEE DUE TO THE PLANNING HISTORY OF THE SITE THE SITE 1.1 The site is a parcel of land which lies to the north of Ballafletcher Road. The site has a frontage to the road of 125m and stretches northwards away from the road by between 71m and 130m. To the west of the site is land which is part of a sports facility with rugby, cricket and football pitches and amenities: to the east is existing industrial/commercial development 5 in the form of Mannin Media's premises (who specialise in printing, signage, advertising and web design): to the north are the sports pitches and an HGV testing roadway. 1.2 Access to the site is currently from the existing estate road which serves Mannin Media and a number of other premises within the Ballafletcher Industrial Estate. 1.3 The site slopes downward from north to south and upward from east to west. THE PROPOSAL 2.1 Proposed is the variation of one of the conditions of an approval in principle for the creation of a leisure/industrial development on the site to extend the period within which the reserved matters application must be submitted, for a further two years. The applicant explains that the additional time is requested in order to provide additional opportunity to design the details of the scheme. They comment that whilst approval was granted for an extension of time in September, 2015, there was a legal challenge to this decision which was not resolved until December, 2016. That approval required that the reserved matters application was to be received by 2nd September, 2017. This has provided inadequate time in which the fully detailed scheme could be prepared. PLANNING HISTORY 3.1 The application to which this current application refers is 15/00004/A which itself was an application to vary the time condition attached to an earlier application, 11/01290/A which approved the principle of a mixed use development to provide industrial/warehousing, office/retail accommodation and leisure facilities including service road and car parking (discharging siting and means of access) on this site. 3.2 11/01290/A proposed the layout of the site to accommodate a pub/restaurant (630 sq.