Covered Plant Species Inventory of Preserve Sysem Acquisitions, East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy

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Covered Plant Species Inventory of Preserve Sysem Acquisitions, East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy COVERED PLANT SPECIES INVENTORY OF PRESERVE SYSTEM ACQUISITIONS, EAST CONTRA COSTA COUNTY HABITAT CONSERVANCY, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA DECEMBER 2012 Prepared for Prepared By 832 Escobar Street Martinez, California 94553 651 Pine Street Martinez, CA 94553 Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS- Section 1. Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1 Section 2. Study Methods ................................................................................................ 6 2.1. Data Resources ............................................................................................................. 6 2.2. Survey Methodology ...................................................................................................... 7 Section 3. Environmental Setting ................................................................................... 14 3.1. Setting .......................................................................................................................... 14 Section 4. Survey Findings ............................................................................................. 17 4.1. Covered Plant Population Assessments ...................................................................... 18 4.2. Non-Covered Rare Plant Occurrences ........................................................................ 45 Section 5. Summary and Recommendations ................................................................. 57 5.1. Summary ...................................................................................................................... 57 5.2. Recommendations ....................................................................................................... 57 Section 6. References .................................................................................................... 61 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Covered and No-Take Plant Species of the HCP/NCCP ................................................ 3 Table 2. High Priority Acquisition Properties Surveyed in 2011 and 2012 .................................... 8 Table 3. Habitat Requirements of Survey Targets ........................................................................ 9 Table 4. Herbaria Specimen Collection Dates and Correspondence of Survey Timing ............. 12 Table 5. Acquisition Properties by Zone ..................................................................................... 14 Table 6. Number of Covered Species Populations Recorded by Acquisition (2012) .................. 18 Table 7. Covered Plant Species Populations Recorded on the Affinito Property ....................... 18 Table 8. Covered Plant Species Populations Recorded on the Lentzner Property .................... 22 Table 9. Covered Plant Species Populations Recorded on the Thomas Kreigor Property ......... 28 Table 10. Covered Plant Species Populations Recorded on the Chaparral Springs Property ......................................................................................................... 34 Table 11. Covered Plant Species Populations Recorded on the Moss Rock Property ............... 38 Table 12. Covered Plant Species Populations Recorded on the Vaquero Farms Central Property ......................................................................................................... 41 Table 13. Number of Non-Covered Rare Plant Populations Recorded by Acquisition (2012) ............................................................................................................ 45 Table 14. Location of Contra Costa Manzanita within Preserves ............................................... 46 Table 15. Locations of Crownscale within Preserves. ................................................................ 48 Table 16. Locations of Small-Flowered Morning Glory within Preserves. ................................... 50 Table 17. Location of serpentine bedstraw within Preserves. ..................................................... 52 Table 18. Location of Sylvan Microseris within Preserves. ......................................................... 54 Table 19. Summary of Biological Goals Met Based on 2011 and 2012 Surveys. ....................... 57 Table 20. Covered Plant Species Populations with Low Population Numbers. .......................... 58 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Preserve Acquisitions Surveyed in 2012 ....................................................................... 2 Figure 2. Covered Plant Species of Affinito ................................................................................ 19 Figure 3. Covered Plant Species of Lentzner ............................................................................. 23 Figure 4. Covered Plant Species of Thomas Kreigor .................................................................. 29 Figure 5. Covered Plant Species of Chaparral Springs .............................................................. 35 2012 Covered Plant Species Inventory ii East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy, Contra Costa County, California Table of Contents Figure 6. Covered Plant Species of Moss Rock ......................................................................... 39 Figure 7. Covered Species of Vaquero Farms Central ............................................................... 42 Figure 8. Contra Costa Manzanita Location ............................................................................... 47 Figure 9. Crownscale Locations .................................................................................................. 49 Figure 10. Small-Flowered Morning Glory Locations .................................................................. 51 Figure 11. Serpentine Bedstraw Locations ................................................................................. 53 Figure 12. Sylvan Microseris Locations ...................................................................................... 55 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A CNDDB Field Forms ................................................................................... 63 2012 Covered Plant Species Inventory iii East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy, Contra Costa County, California Section 1 Introduction Section 1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to present the results of surveys conducted in 2012 for select covered1 and no-take2 plant species on East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy (Conservancy) preserve system acquisitions (Figure 1). This report includes a description of the methods used; an assessment of population health based on HCP/NCCP reporting requirements for all populations observed; recommendations for management; and photographs. The Conservancy is the implementing entity of the East Contra Costa Habitat Conservation Plan/Natural Community Conservation Plan, referred to herein as the “HCP” or “Plan” (Jones & Stokes 2006). The purpose of this Plan is to protect and enhance ecological diversity and function within the rapidly urbanizing region of eastern Contra Costa County. To that end, the Plan describes how to avoid, minimize, and mitigate, to the maximum extent practicable, impacts on covered species and their habitats, wetlands, and other sensitive communities while allowing for the growth of selected regions of the County. The Plan also describes the responsibilities associated with operating and maintaining the new preserves created to mitigate for the anticipated impacts. The Plan includes conservation measures to protect 11 covered and 6 no-take plant species (Table 1). During the course of these studies four covered plant species were observed within acquisition properties: San Joaquin spearscale (Atriplex joaquinana), big tarplant (Blepharizonia plumosa), Diablo helianthella (Helianthella castanea), and Mount Diablo fairy lantern (Calochortus pulchellus). In addition, non- covered plant species including Contra Costa manzanita (Arctostaphylos manzanita subsp. laevigata CRPR3 1B.2), crownscale (Atriplex coronata var. coronata; CRPR 4.2), small-flowered morning glory (Convolvulus simulans CRPR 4.2), serpentine bedstraw (Galium andrewsii subsp. gatense CRPR 4.2), and sylvan microseris (Microseris sylvatica CRPR 4.2) were also observed within acquisition properties. 1 Covered Species are plants proposed for coverage for which the plan provides for their conservation and management, and for which take authorization may be required during the term of the HCP/NCCP. 2 No-take species are plants for which take is not authorized under the Natural Community Conservation Plan Act. 3 CRPR = California Rare Plant Rank which is formerly known as CNPS List. 2012 Covered Plant Species Inventory 1 East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy, Contra Costa County, California Section 1 Introduction Figure 1. Preserve Acquisitions Surveyed in 2012 >>> INSERT FIGURE HERE <<< 2012 Covered Plant Species Inventory 2 East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy, Contra Costa County, California Section 1 Introduction Table 1. Covered and No-Take Plant Species of the HCP/NCCP SPECIES NAME COMMON NAME COVERED SPECIES Arctostaphylos auriculata Mount Diablo manzanita Atriplex depressa brittlescale Atriplex joaquinana San Joaquin spearscale Blepharizonia plumosa big tarplant California macrophylla round-leaved filaree Calochortus pulchellus Mount Diablo fairy lantern Delphinium recurvatum recurved larkspur Helianthella castanea Diablo helianthella Hesperolinon breweri Brewer’s dwarf flax Madia radiata showy madia Navarretia nigelliformis
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