February 25, 2021

Mr. Roger Goodell Commissioner 345 Park Avenue New York, NY 10154

Dear Commissioner Goodell:

We, the undersigned, are former employees of the Football Team, formerly known as the Washington . Today we are calling for the public release of the final investigation report prepared by the Wilkinson Stekloff law firm and for those responsible for the sexually hostile work environment and other abuse we experienced to be held fully accountable.

Each of us endured and/or witnessed a sexually hostile work environment, bullying, and other mistreatment carried out or condoned by owner and other executives of the WFT. Although we were scared of retaliation by Mr. Snyder, and remain scared of his intimidation tactics to this day, we came forward to provide evidence to the Wilkinson law firm, which was retained by the National Football League to investigate these allegations. We shared our experiences, often at great emotional cost, taking you at your word that the investigation would be conducted transparently and in good faith, and that the NFL would take appropriate steps in response.

Now that the investigation has been completed, we urge you to release, in its entirety, the report prepared by the Wilkinson law firm. At the time of our interviews, we were told by investigators that no names or identifying information would be used in the report. However, to the extent that is not accurate, we have no objection to you redacting any names and other identifying information of the witnesses who requested confidentiality. There must be accountability for the actions we believe are detailed in this report. But there cannot be accountability without transparency. And there cannot be healing for any of us without understanding the truth, which will provide confirmation that we are not alone, and that our allegations are supported by others.

We stand in solidarity with the hundreds of other women who experienced sexual harassment and abuse while working for the WFT, and will support them as they come forward to seek the justice they deserve. None of us will be silenced and we will continue to speak out until those who carried out and perpetuated the abuse at the WFT are held fully accountable. We are all watching to see what you do, and hope that you will take our concerns and our experiences to heart.


Emily Applegate Brad Baker Sarah Camhi Melanie Coburn Rachel Curtis Dominique Dupras Rachel Engleson Angela Granger Megan Imbert Alicia Klein Ana Nunez Melissa O’Hara Brittany Pareti Jaime Schneider Shannon Slate Cara Trotter Donald Wells

Jane Doe 1 (WFT, 2007-2009) Jane Doe 2 (WFT, 2013-2016) John Doe 1 (WFT, 2011-2014)