ikT UaaiEhttB be. No aaefafcmlin’dowra THE SLAUKHTKjl I3^U..N ia ISkaMMsIraaattii, or Now York ■tat*. QAUbEKLUft&EBTHpiillN The laat legMaUire laaSr aa idhirt to or imt (he lafltwadn oa the tax rod. They iTHOBTiilillG TflEiyilMSPli ur SMEiWrrFflRn oashc to pay SB.UtlU.tMl) ayear more than .tLsnismi thiQr do and wonid H they pnid their Ee-«.« « ■hare, ilui (he railmade iwt up a bige E. E WUpflc Espitwl a a De- J. II. Yafee, of Kaeex townahi|i. wae WiMt noioora- Of tmc CoiMty The outponag of huntom from CHnton Was Ooveraar Phigree's Racap- flEht uKaiaet the people, employ a laiWP tauRht in hie boyhood that “dnager ooualy to the awthora coontlm aad tha Who Are Not loby aad foraieh tiMnN* who work in tbm lurkad io the older barrel", bat he never Offkff Receive. Upper Fnaiaeula promiim to b* htmvier They Kaow tiaa Taeaday Eveaiag. interen te with the neeeenary tnenne. bad it fo»eibl.r imprmaed upon Me mem­ than evor balotv, aad the game will have For ywaia ite been impo mibh* to Ret aay ory until laet week, when he experieaeed to oaSar from now oo. Liaaaam luive leRi^lation thmuRh in MirhiRan. that ie a moet exciting eacoantar writh an. inno ­ A WdBderfai Lack of AppUuue Very adverae to the intereete ol railrnade. Was ciMwtiif neanallT Wia Soau cent looking modi etomd in hie cefUr. Sberuind lugHUr Betc Ike »ea||::?4r" STJS The Their Don't think there ia any nnaatioa b«t ^^f!^|paiwtaa<»ee Tha cider with which it wae Ailed bad been Uy. Isooad by Coaaty taevk Haiilh: Thoa. IlofIcesNe. that the Athiawm bill wonid havep neerd hrii ntiag for a week or lea darn aad (Hlaon. aad Taylor Htoektoa. HL John*; at the epeenU eeanion. but for the iater- Mr. Yatm <*on<*iadad it woald be bmt to Krad HMchL Unary; dUaa W.Uoae, Bath. lernaeeoi MiehiRaii’a two nenatore, Mc- give it a vent, lie weat to Me cellar for CoaHort Raanay, fiaaaioonvillv, R. H. WkM Ifet Es* NM a Nawi WIM Ik .Miiian and Harrowa. 1 know what I that parpoee. and with a hammer ntraeli MuPhevaon. John L. Lyon. L. (I Jiaww, Toiaiy am talkiBR about whan I nuske that theplog a goml blow, aad wae nearly Maple KapMs; J. (J. Apthorp, DsWitt; F. etateroewL 1 am oae of thoae (eiiowa Mown oat ol ihecellarwith theexptoeion I). f*aiT, f^aton D. Joass. W. fl. Van- who behave in freedom, freedom of apeerh. whieli fallowed. < Hit came the plug Hurgrr, Maple Kapids; Coiaaibaa Wag ­ when ite the truth. Not only baimve ia fulkiaed "foet liehiad" by the apple Mice ner, Eurshn. William Webb (lean; The RcflMlas Were Depwlied Teiap- The CoroRcn do Hit Get Rldi la oae All VMcn SAn M t niwilir WIN Tke ae Was However Greeted WItk a Crowd* it lor m.vaeff, bat for other. Thatie why In the roRingehower which lollowed. Mr. noyd White, DeWitt; 4. W. Farkt^. 1 claim ite roy riRht. an well ae my priv> orarlly at Detralt. Yaiee managed Uinmeh hie |Mmt ol duty, Term. ed Homc . Victor; llert Taylor. lleWitt; IMhert iieRe to critiniaB Um* arte of Sean to re llr- aad with hie hand over the foainiag trm- Eureka: Arthur Harvey, Wm. Millen ami itarrowre. They had eecured |ieet within, he mlled luetily to hie wile Harvey luid A. W. Harvev Maplellapids; federal )oben (or two iroatorw. orobably Without iiardly the warning of an in- who had about conHnded that the Maple The qnealion ia often aokrd im to what Arthur J. Uitcheil. Ovid; Elnwv L. Mann, Next Tuesday the voters of Cliatoa II PiofTTN* liuUierH(l liimM^f Riven an a reward for -lervicwi rendered Mliuit Kflinger K. Whipple dnippeil «lead Uiver Hraioage Hill bad been eaetaiaed varioaa ixmaty olflcea are worth to the HeW’itt; Norman Cowles. Ht. Johns; H. J. county wrillgoto th** (rolls aad choose to Ktvf thf mattrr any tkonirht Ih> mtMt when railroad taxation wae up at tin* at tile Wayne Hotel in Hetroit laet Hun- by the enprentecourt,and aeteam dredge boldrm of thrtii. .\n tha men are to be f'aoe. Janies Fulton, lisstcr Tyler and state aad raunty oittcera. tuiTf* woDd*n*<| “whot tO** tmablr wn*' ’. regular i meiun. of them reeiRned day foren«MHi. h^ commenred o|ieratiuiie ia her Imae- wilier ted next Tnawday (or aenriy ail the E. R, Parr, Walter (iamble, James But­ Horprioiag as it mgy saeni. tbarc arc hie iederul job aad took hie neat ae a He wae eitting iiuietly talking witii ment. The (dug wan Anally foaad hy the imwitione laenlioned, the (|newtioa iw of ler, Cbas. Tamer aad Fred Schneider, lle«pok«>tu«rrnwdHi roomat .4IImmmi'« inaay who an* not (loated oo tlw law member at th<* «|ierial neenion. The Mime Inieineee twvpiaintaiiceM, when he giNid wile and wae (ilaced where it be unamtal iaterewt at tbiw tioM*. Maple llapids; Fred Smith, and Alvia C. relative to the mnnasr of votiOR. No Optra H o »*m* Tnvada.v tnrMiiaK. bn* •* tneoMUiv wae iMmted b.v onlv one vote wae Hiiddenly tnken with a |Miroxyem of longed, but not liefore a liberal amonnt The judge of iMobate rereivew a walary StapleH, Ht. Johns; Isaac Morgan, Earl man should lose his vote, bat many do it wan no Noch tt vat ion a« wnp tinrorrfMl ntid thin member, in tin* Imndn of .vour min and expired lw4ore un.vlbitig «*onld of th** fluid had twen wa«(eii. "In the of Sl.tftNi per year under u wtate law and Emery, Cbas. Tmulweil, Alliert .Naracon, evsry eiectioii by having the bsllota him twi> y«eWitt;M. J. thrown out. Balow are the full inatrur- know when* lie wae living, Init remeni- hnd ndled awn.v" aad the naaghty cider in each ofHce. The wheriff recetrew no oal- Npok«* at NrwtiMi Hail. Tbm- wnt miH*b agniuet it. He got hie job back afterth** Tyler, and Cbas. Atwell Hubbardston; tioBs as rhev upjiear at ths head of the iieeeioii c|oaem Howell, Duiilaiu; flow llathbuni. Oral; who is not |M*risctly sure that he is fa­ ioQM rtawiMH wm* offtml (or tIh* riiaaip* roUe. S’uur familim and children weri* family wen* hen*. Tlicy were given .Mm wIm> wtn* (li«ruaMnf( tin* proba* it mrefully befon* goioR into the booth Henator kIcMIllau line llftO.tNMI acreeof wiwi haetily iioUAetl. I tiiHee and hie fane eome^rhat bmieed and $l,5(Ni to AU.rSNi |ier vear. Heoidaw tbia (lagr, Ht. Johns; IVter Jeaoison. Hath; to vote : binraiiatw. lint witlM»ut aay rr^rraci* to land in the upper |ieainmiia of thie elate, Tile iiewe of Mr. \Vhip|de'e )lMtUi wiut I cot bv the (dug which ntroek him. He tae wlu'riff ia (wsid coahi per day for D. F. Aldrich, HknpardsviMe, (Flmo. H. laaUcaoas stamp a cruoa (X)iathe tlir why or wbrT»^orwi. tlw plain (act upon which he nayn no taxee. Ite tim- a very middmi ehock to hi* friende and I ban deeideil thathe will hereafter rrntoee tioardiag the prinoaera, which alone arm Cole. DeWitt; I.M<eik wtiuld be very clerk haw a mlary <4$7.'S)|wraanani paid talloHl off hand in I'harartpriMtii' Pinirn«i* dii biieinePM M|niin*, want ’em to |ia.v Harry Delmmartsr (hiary: OerarCaoe. ticket, make a croas io the square before their taxee He* eamc ne other |ieoplc. eigtied hie |ioeition ae Mii|ierint4*nlward Cos**, Hew; Oeo. W. eent whereatNiiite, ae ehe h*i*t heani the nams of the candidate for whom you •tyh*. and tiMtk a (all out of prrrytbiiMr Nothin' wrong about that, ie there? tlwStandanl Hamiw ConiiMinv anti tv-I ...... nil he mnkewoiit of th** job, forthiwiw ulwo Culp, DeWitt; Duane Babcock and John desire to vote, on the «>tlier lieket. in aiffii* (hat did not appear to iiear the Thfv*«* men inflnenc** in'*mliere of the leRi** tumnl. temptimrily to Ht Johm. n,.!of btm Tin* Ihiv - name le Hfeeottim*. The mc«ime fmm thatwourre K. Balicock. Henry; F. I). develand, Wheretwo or mors i.aiMli«lates are to O. K. mark. latiirc. (iiM*f**» the member in the dietrict had eerenil iigriciiitiiml implement put-‘ •''"*^* iw wNid to Im* Imni AHiNi to S4tNi fier year, Hhepardeville. (leo. H. IDierner. Ht. be xiecteil to the aam** office and you li••o|N•n• 1l hi» rpiiiarke by lauiichiui; where Senator .McMlIlnii ’e intercete iire j ente w'hich wi*n* engaging hie atteiitioti Mill Mt 0«ld. •Ml the olfle** iiM II whole (iriiigw a very com- Johns; Cbae. E. Wnm**, Ovid; J. I*. Ilnor desire tti vote for candidates on iff**reat into th<‘ war <|uip|MHwil *0 Miir at th«* iMKiuninit* H«* ’em. Tliey an* not rightly nfireeeoting i ritlier lien* or eieewhen* for tlieir man'u- in the wewtm narf oftIvidvillauc.known 1 Minither f.*e oflic.*, no toil .1. 1). I'nrk«*r, I.aingiibiirg. N. II. Newmau, sqnan* before the names of tbi* candidates •'onwiipnd w'lir a rvviral of tin* ••fMiit of the |ir«i|de l.ole of other nN-ii in Micki* i fie tarc liefon* long. Hie liealth for a few nw “the old mill wite.’' will em*r a new ary liemg j»Mgiie.l to it. It iw eatimatml DeWitt; WmIi*t Kesbv. Ovid; James (or whom you ilesiie to vote, on the th<* dark ai{«>e. riiouKht it would hnv«* gnu who will Im* honeet with you. If|in•. he brandeil ae a tliM caaiuty or liiNtrict you have aoini-| ' ifie work III iheiithiv TI * treawnrer re- Wot**rlown, do not desire to vote iiattvi for menilien* t»f the h*giela(ure. I'eivee $HIMI |ier y«*iirfor thermfMiiiaibility wortlilei^e lot. ami not worthy the liven "I.DST M”\N’S lane ." If you wish to vote for a caodidaUmot of .Anipnenii eoliiH*n«. Cuba wiie not a Can t k«v*|i track oi all of •‘tii, but I am ' w ‘. Ilf looking nfter the count.v'w <*awh and oo any ticket, write or place the name of '-oiiiitry when* Ilian •*oiild live and work eur«* of one thing, if .vou hnd fnirenneueeH rf : I iwtyingit out when the iN'caetomlemandM. such candidate on vour ticket opissiite He m-ivee it miiin II iiiiiiiiiiit ol (eew, but inthi'hoteiin Tin* nntir**t« rouhl not and cftnventione. they an* all nght, the i-g TAKE YOUR CHOICE. A Al'l’KAK the name of the offlet* Before leavioR |ieoph* would wH* that they wen*. , j liM »*ntin‘Miiiiiry will notruu mnchiilNive etand It and it wae not eiirpn»iiiK that IW THK WKfT*. •• tlie liooth fold the tmllot so that the .\nn*rn*nn Moidh'n* tmik en ’k and dinii. I am opiMt-eti to the pnwnt MVHtem of ptMMI. initials may be seen nn the ontsid** Th** qu*^tion of aitpiintm >«• much t«*r- caucm* an«l citnti*a tfiMMi ileal of inotn*y, but he lan ainl Miimiwe wae n*c-ived without I ^ and vote for them, without the slig^htest reg;ard for their politicB. j Hats <10 .*fatunlay, November o. at any ilemuiietratioii whaliHM'ver. In fac^ ti«ef>* ii* a (*ase til liMik alter and it is It ie not, ImwevjT, the *nily story shehns hml only doin* hi* duty by tin* eoldH*ni. * Iftcompetent men—the best men, who should win. ^ Mas. H. W. Holton ’s. lb* wan not entttleil to any e|Mnnl credit it wiutMi ipiiet III the riMini that a dnip- i (Mild (nr hy (»-*>•. Tiie Imlaan* of the written whicli lias won enthn«instic t*om- for what In* had arrompiinhi*d. Tin* ping |*iii i* KKPL'HLICAN. a|*|Miintivi* titH«**>rs n>i*»ivi* pav |ier day. lll•mdHl^oll. "Behind C|- N ohlk Hi'iinett ’s. K..r Hteertff— hers whudi (irove that "The l.eaveaworth )waiple’M money and it they wen* iwitMUMd. would be liuiiH*d if he nnietcd Hurrowe in ; Aii«| when a story is nn- Try a Imix of Sunflower Hoa(>. 5 cakes tlN*interi*etNof tlienoldierM." liethouirht Tin* (ttivemor wae (ollownl by-kiraiik IIYIIO.N V s«i| i.i; I.. lAMlgi* of lirtniit. who maihla idiort FIIAItl.F> K. ('flAl’IN nouiic*<*l (mm the (M*n of .tuna Katharioe for 10 cents, ami Chick'sis the only iilaes tin* |Niy of the private eobiier to email K*ir Treweurer— llstl HeMNl««l Is Cllstes 4'«»Mstv Over hat epiriti*d e|H *»>"» make serial stories s«> hmi known occavione wheri* it wae the rilAltl.E> Kll|i> Mrs. It I* Noni.K Bfknictt 's. .\W Ml'f'll H’OKK AW PIMWIIILK WILL ; ; WII.|.AItlM’ I.Y«».N. (•ent.iiiiti**. Tnewlav of last week serum- vsluaWe lor news|M»|iw us**. It is fuji of priviltiw who ma»te elirreee |>oNe|ble for for ('Irrnlt Uoiirt i'tt1c«*T»i itiuldu't do nothin' H>. ArrOMPl.lWHKO. OKlllUIK II MAILHIIAI.I IIHSI to thedisesM** at her homeoii (linlon ) iiiciile.it and exntemmt. The aairt Lengtk* Fori'ainnt.v .Sarreytir— •iveiiiie. at an esrlv hour yester-i I*’ **''r The without privatee” eaid the tJovernor. niKli r.VKHKTT liAVIH KlltKFATKP K In winter weight Dresstbsids. Ilemaant but he hail known many inMtanii*e when* Fur l■«lr^*llrnl— . diiy uioriiitig. H**r **niIn* fsiiiily were at j'’"**.'1'.**’'**'**®'* ’* ’*. ’** first chapter Wlir..|nien UtmuaHewl llte Mtalr Are For I'oniner** — and tin* niistery fniii tune to tins* a|i sale at Thk Mgat'ANTiLK Csi. priva'i*e had in*i*otn|iliehefl much with­ sAMri:i. A < i.irr her lM*«lsid** when the end came Kv *ti - Kviwrtwc KMlhwataiOlr Inlereal In JflH.N M III WITT, out othl*ere WM T IIAMKS thing |H»«***ible wns dole* to alleviHt** the (lareiitly Hears only In grow iitlttr For Kepmientwllve in the l.eai«lAiHre siifferitiK of the (wii*-nt. Hiid to bring' I N ohlk Bi'aNCTT’s. III the laet l•*lneiaturl*, eteike ol the ex* MirilAKI.** iHiYI.i: AMIKKM W III IIKKK iiIh*u I II rally but Mis. I’onn's age tnili |M-nfM* of le|tieiaiion. and clainieil that the ; iHl*-l iigiiiii-l n buttle wiihs«i sev**n* a j WILL IMIOTOliliAIMI IT. The (Jar* to buy -l«Mike is at hyiefative weweione wen* tiKi lout;. He Work on the siati* bicycle (mtii Imni i diM**ii-«* itii*l she (e*s>e«i out into the gn-*it St. .ItihiiM M«iuthwnrd is (wing (tuehed < John H icks . eaid that the |»*opieiniMhtl'lnili Jan-' ! Nohlk Bi'RNrrr’s. titiN* ol tin* letneiatiin* ie lHnr>*fy devotivl HM |Minwihie lieforc the Cold wenthrT Mete ! usry *Jii. IH.*|0 .\imI w hen lb y**arH of III winch will prevent further art ion until (lushing tiM Imni us wusliii*UMiiulfiut**ndent 9*{iNi WAM rawed ae a ixmtribntiou. to (liiiiit fmm Katoii lUiiiids tT wfsai for stale MWialor (ro.ii this ilistrict. Iisii fotme of ctiiirter enirralteil into a K'**>cral v**nrs nso, when they movwl to Ht. Johns bsiiks which In* will forwnnltothe (in>(s*r higlHT, at Tmk Mkkcantilk Co . not 1* 011(11 bn 11*11 whoiild Iw* willing ami tis* fiictoiy was buni* ’*l and on which the misioriiiiM* l«i bri*>ik his wnst Inst law, an mani of tin* etati’n have, and llien* was no insnranci*. It was nlwiiit .Mrs. C«inii wns a woman of sfroiig offliem. Iletoo* doing so he will havi’it lettiuK einii vitbiiree and citiee ae tN***fl n*ad.v to d*i eo. Tiik Nkwm ie in rw*«*ipt we*k. The n«v**d**nt wss muse«( by a Do not forget that a go ckatioH at (be rate oi 2U(I tier day aad never revived, bwaus** of tls* tinaiicial . tor s*mntiinal honors to an aiqMiintin»*nt th** thing for yonr dinner tnmotmw aad “I want to be honeet with you" eaid thi* SMS iitinll.v a woman of the horn**, ami (iiMce.1. Chick’s is tb*' only (ilao** you can get it. (tovt>mor, “ami will eav oi all thechar* I'oataiu from ten ceale to $1. If tin* coinpli«*fitinns which followe*!. I out from Ithaca. Tis* team which lie whs It was at that time tiuit Mr. Whipple i driving, wasasimii of sisntm colts, aisl her children were tauttht and gvivemnl terw t- the animal** at the swle of the nnid. there a member of tb** Congregati'Wial chur.'h hoaebiery and underwear at time iwmewary to do that I wouhl not lie . id the >ear the vrduroe will reach several Nohlk BonNKTr's. j thoueaiMl |ier dn.v. Thr* ofIlci*m hofie to sit ion at a big salary and (ius Imn I his'■ was tmnble in st.ire at oirne, aad when and the funeral serviors w**rr comloctivl Rtsgwsi KM Olsvss thronirh y i*t. The name iIiiiik in true of thi-aftsmoon bv Ilev. lsingfaaiinsMiMtt*d wide tire and other invtHitinns ns side tis'cnmage was overtnm* ’*i. ilev. Hvker All (be latest shndes at John ilicKa La4tss' W mpgsr* MaOe tm (iMler many memtiem who voted for the |iae* have **ut(t<*rent tniide «m Imiid at the bv Uev. W. .\lien, fortaeriy (lastor of eaip* ot tbeae. It wae a eori of a dicker oiieiiiag ol next season to (dace gang** *d lines. He Inul recently sohi the wide tire I wns thrown in sarh a roaiiisr that bis at John Hioki pHlent.. re«Uixing a nice sum from its sale, whole weiaht came down on hw hand tbechnrch. Mrs. Conn's death is imbs*.t Rjrmw Hawley :uid trade epheme any way. < bw*tnetaiier men ail rdong tin* mate aad (losh it to n great loss. Isit the mewNiry of a n«dde ! cotn|deii«m ia a very shoti time. The Mr. Whiimle was an active, stirring with disaetmae resulis. This arrtdsnt. In his new ((oarterw o(>pfsiltc the oW Buy yoar mHs of NoMe Humett'a. artinKfor aaothrr member'e tall lor the woman will live as a (irrsetoas solace in i c*inlem(date«l liae will (laes thmiagh man. full of ersTgy and nosh. fUid his . almiwion thseve ol eieetion.oiNHw nowt staml, bii>s live (ronitrv **vrry wmk ligy You will fln«l an up to date liar in thia parpiNM* of (lettinir help on hie own. (iresetse was a riiliiable factor in any j unbirinnate, and Rev. Ilyker is rveeiving the miiHis of all who knew her. Tniie it iroee liilly half th** tiim* of tin ’ Iwn-ing and tb** wheeime«i of thie vi- in theyear and (mys the liiginvit market licfiartmiwit. taken up In getting through „ i ciioiy shoold contribute their mite to the community. He was a genial cnin|MU>- i much syraisiibv fr«Nn his friearls. (w-ici*. let it be known l•v*■rywhefe that fllNi.iHMi land at once Alwiat nae ion, hafiii.r nnd light Irearte*!, neviw aJ- i ______WELL BEHAVED the f4d Arm <4 Foerrh A IHuiiey has long (lennen for breakfaat. You nan gat it mass of M|Mv*ial l**gi.lati«m of this kind, lowing liusiness cares to defness him. ttsrriaa* lassasss. only at CaRX's. mi by th** time a*iieral Irgi-lation m third ot the rrrtists rsmmmeniled in ibe rince ts*ea dissolved and that I am iloieg ium I thomiighly of an optomisth* turn of The following marriage Ihwasss have TRAM ON rea**h***f ite »imc to go fawne Th«*m will chain have not as yet m»|Nind*«l, which WKRK THR IMITN TWIN busini'ws is* the o|>pusite side of thestreet mind. In hw home lie was kiiMi ium I ii(- ijeen graatwl ilnring the (smt wesk by Buy kid (lloves ol ns aad be sarr tbey Im*eubmit1i*d to the (leopl** thi-ImII tin* is iifotmlily line to negWet on the (lart of IIALL«»WR«N. from the i>ld stand. Hvmi.N Danlkt . are right. We guarantee them all. Naw I rept|*M*nis. fur it mi not bi4isTe«l nny lectionate, (>mviil I baii as u*aal nnd the Imi.vs will In* gir*«n its im(MirtMnce snd to ilo so at once, tlwve- lAnale Alvem. OrembsiMi...... IN tin m*Mt iisitnnces. A few signs s**re const it II til III ite iisi old, we have ont- U(> to II few months ngo haif iwtjo.red Rvim Vsli it MwekIsliMhe* gr<*wnit. tiisid imoosh in its dsy, bnt by doing their (lart towani tliis great I i»rl. .yt—Fsie* K Vssliiswken j written on (linlon avenue ston*wiisiows Fiasst selertion *4 dreas gmsls aad s|ilenditc. think ol lining buMis-ns today, in nio line, , (Ntins over hif rhsst (or n wmk or two Mse ilotlamt Hf. inks-...... fn on the (itan ol fllt.i ymrs ngo Michigan iv*fve«| nn invitation t.i rvmiribate nmi ' hinch* snd ri(Mng up c4 sidewalks «vas Nobi .k HDaNRTT'a ' and WHS iulvi«H*d by his fiunil.v to ivmsiilt llct. At—l^->s J Mosto** ■’er*. ftstk...... fX Forderimidc Milliserv at the lowest feet like (•iactiig something in Ihh* (an«l. for the most (mrt pimseit hy. Hsilowreen I- A gresl stale, edm-athmaJIv U(i with a (diysiriiwi, biitdiil iinS ihi so, thinking MIMi—l .\»t*H>s. Ilsik...... f•• mwh (mem go to Mas H. W lloi.TON'a. wpulsi Olswa nale eesd t *n •'•miM or m«»«v, l HL Johns Mirodny (•Tent stall's pr**4*«rre*I) to tne secreinry. VM. II isiVersS** 0»M...... »...I7 Hnllowe**n is tislav practtrally w.*at il Iskigh Valle> Coal. When you want rthmI, frsoh grt.pcrim Hbow h«il-l with the lailrtiaBs llesisike ; for hm father's things whirk sin* to .k alsiat his suits with the L. H A M.H Nor. 1—HnspHI TsrIor OrM...... 04 saeveamsg*! In Knmfie ironNres are go tn I'mnc's. Wretmi sf LIIU* Tt of themil- Rssi Mall M»lsrasy. i Ncofisn'l aad no (se*! has so desrribe*1 ae srril as Hewing Machiims. Csmugaa, fw«M»d. Thev are all beginner** nnd it BIWHI a y**ar for Bit years ium I $o,tNNl <4 JoMN llmca'. rrswt. Its n**(-eatirefy n d*4*vit tlmash. There will he a laatcnmi fisitbsll gaan* ' the «la«, i done. thick keefw Imlk Dlivss (stMlr nnd thev acquitted theiiswives mer (Mdlcy was in the .Northwestern heiwer-n the 1 Iwomo an at is mapo a* ibis Pnnfen dn*d at the hoate of ln*r father on (sseesssn tare nisliry as n brKlinnt Allies* • r tiffnaSs. ASissMi <»ar Rwr ante -atwealsy iam iluiagh, the *jtNi miles are exempt. jfor thesfatemrat that K K tNds, ofths L*«nsi*Hr stesat aatunlar svewiag fmm 'Bake vnar watch repairing to (wwnisr. Hhe is vevv exact*ag of her •U(N) iNskte Caste* fl Ml. Norembi r Ath. John Hrm . Iks a fact, yoa naa ’i bay s iHtkl mih* Ohls gas •'wgine works, of ImaaiaM, haa e**ns«tmaii**a. The fsni*nil ssrvir»s were Aixmnw'a. |Mi(siM, althoagh kind aad imtient. aad Pi (Ml t'ahs llaeket |M INI. K»td Tu-'-dsy aft**en«M*n at the hnas* Ucket .4 a rsilm-d in thai stale withoat vhnat rwmphtrd a ll.ing laarhiae. aad She littts f«»the show the *4het of tb«s pH INI Herrv Dh4i a**d llsptkit ehnreh cos d srhd hv Rev Flaaari hhiabets a» ell priess ia Dnadern's Kxieiainr Idaameat wUI «mrs firw* patting a|i a bnsd floi to sive 'f.m traieiwg. Miss Blank was assistwl by oornritk, mast prot*et 'em agatasi loss, wa'‘na the good pso gh to he oa the l«iok- fl INI ChiM'n Cwp 7ft** Alisa. Tne >hr*** e ed was Isien in Irham some patterns at Nnat-g llrsaw rbeaiwaiism. |wla nr hraiass, or taoMiy .Sllred MsMor. wh** ryaitereft Swo mlas. by lea-oo of any other msmber of»*»ur «ait (or the strange rvmlHvaaae. Iln- fftlNI Hske IH.h PH Tft. Jane 7th IHNU and cams with her rriawdwd by all di aagi-t« family rtding on that tHi**t. Ds g*it I** •hsthtsdly each warning is n«*r an*i«s. For lbirl> date, all *4 November. imrmts to Ht. Johan ahnat *ii . earn ago Ofths Am In U ■wg l»»sssaa (Hir aai si lot nt flae all w«wd impnrt- A nslN.ro mt N*ah rias* ravs go into theeostrnet, aad yoa a*gt* ynar ed saiti* at alroai % HnSr valae lth«Md*l the maehiae "get llightv" while and bad attmiled the (wil*llc aeh*siln This siasoa. We are showing Bar beat Tshh* tht t^hohsai I Or par tsinre. Hhe wwaa'wivertfvtiinrlag thepaa- prritv stvisa at altraefive (wh* * Hatardav, Uds w«wk, at Joan Hmaa. an ms and pay 'em $l(i, whwk lh*>v besft At NoaLg HonaaTTii in the air, it miahi veer this wav and yard. Tan MicncuaTiLR Co. a**til the taHiet i- nsh* ap There i- a lot URhioa the head of DeWitt tnsn-h*p tnmlefdHev. MlaashantiraH MveH ae**a- Jnaa HfORB. of red kwpsahoat the haalaila (}«»t tn ksee Is nasM a irtnhre r»'i ideats. la which swat they woahl he A grwid dank or mfn* ma he hnwaht istant Christian life, ami was^aae uf^t^ Hbredad Wheat Ri-ewit at rtHOK'a. MRn .vtiar nsiae every tint- yoa rkh*. uive Yoa •III appreeiats tin* kind ilksfy tn take a tamtite to Me. Old's tat- cheap at N* ai4i HanaaTTlL in«wit active wntkere...... ia the Jaalnr...... II. ~Y. At the Racket store. Mm. H. J. Joasn m*ri|iks wad make msrhe aad rn wsaaad eat Inv eaftwii. It is a**t (irnhubfs that P.U. Her ar a'lwf trial daring bar IHnwsi bm* ja*t feirivwl a hH *4 latmt style hata alotofoihw thiaaa. If yon Imy and anvnas wll get a tams awk hy walafclnR If yna waak kuimve amaiq' nogoalt tha was bring tbqwivid *4 the (rrlrlhym .4 at and Isafhrf*. I*tsaae call aad saaodar, Tbepbrnato bay > at pagforaMMM tka yoar gr upirty, ata't 'a Bnalrfnat l^*ad at fl •or Iks tMag, hawavar. Iwaaatlli adv. tMa weak. aadRttlMlma bffiareyaa b«y. Hi

---- THH ST. JOHNS NEWS, THURSDAY AFTEKN(K)N, NOVEMHER 3, 1H9K. MAPLE RAPIDS. DEWITT. ItK.M. ESTATK TR.VNSFEKS "TUtir—^ Dom NCI Momm to I T**u I.at4* K'lr W'eab. ■•ktfia Wom^mr Tni«l, kMt Com * Mra. Simeon Hewitt haa la*aa iiuite ill Aa SHOWN HV HKUIWTKM M>ltl.irs Kk«^ durtiiK tbe |NWt weak. H uk Ii tiibbaa|a>ut Sunday at Ilia home OMIISTHIS WKKK. JhdpH Make it /Cxjirimlre to Troilr •o m«o« TMmt TrwM M laaac Hewitt lumla a binumwa trip to in klatou lla|ada. Flint diiritiK the laiat weak. Mrw. Nnrtliwiiy. of Uaacroft. vialt**d at Kusen** I., IUils*rlMMi simI alfe |.« t Klunrhert. J. U. St4»ne’a last week. ) rack II MmIIIi ii S **f w S s •• •« Mr. and Mra. Norman I'iukoey ha%‘« simI w 1* 1, of « r i>r II «* tr. 't of see- t«*movad to a farm near Ithaca. Hr. Sluiinona nml family, of Uaarmft, IbMi U jasMd ’ viaiteil friends in town laat w«wk. J. C*. KIIhii et al. U> Jamest'sssler. laiMl I Baking .\ nuinlwT fr oil thia viriaity attandail «Ni ** S of II e •« Ilf section It, lllas- I the t'amival at (irand Itaiada. John Conklin ami fhas. iHtnnaml their liam H 00 CftUMET rOmiir K. W. I.yon, oar villaice artist, exiierta fiimiliea atnrtad Tuesday fort lie mirt hern ICtIwaril \. Hark**** ami will* to Au- I fiart of tbe state to spend tbe winter. lirew H, INirkis-<-Ilf tif s a '« tif to afawid the eomiiif; winter in Floroia. sCCUtMl W llw* tW ' Th** ehildmi of the M. K. Sunday The Hniverealiat Mite society will taeet Mary llayne t*i Kva K. Haym*. •• of I THE at the home of Mrs. Fmnia liable Thura- arhool bare ornanisnl a Junior I^smO***. c S of s e *4 t*f sectUtn 7 . lHi|>taln rw i» | tlay Ii. m., Novamber lotb. lacak* din ­ (I«o. Soule, of St. Johna, made a basi- Anas R. TiiMs. to Deo. M. Orrwiry. et | ner will beasrved,anda<*onlial invitation a)., s a 14 of s e *« of serlliNi <. \ Setor Sfe a# liras trip to the villaip* durinic th** |taat ia axlaadeil to all. I Jssle M. Hoaeii to Mllltaai T. Voor- week. Iwes. ja. of lot I*. Iiturk ti. llvM N* *a .Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Smith risited n 4a- Ilev. Illman. of Uay City, will praach Kalatn C. Hterriis et al. t«i M. K. TK EKELLBICE OF SYUIPOFFIIS CLINTON COUNTY._ tires at tiraud liapids dunuc the |iast lUiaiii at Mason ’s bell tin Tiiaatlay evaa- I'tiurrii of DrveiilMisli. laml on s e *« ink, Ntivembrr 22ml, five weeks fmm the of n e *4 of seeXPoi IA Dreeni*usl> Ml ei is due not onij to the orikiiutlit} ’ and RHCKET wtwk. last ineatinic, so aa to raeeive tlie lisaettt Kllta A. Saarsiliy .Vtlatr.) P* .\ilclbert aUnplicity of the ('••mbiiuiiiun, but also Uaus*ini I’ook, an aicnf |Moiieer, is ser­ "ears. 11 a % «»f n a <4 **f ii a *4 of scc- WESTPHALIA. of tbe imiuuliiclit iiiirhta. iously ill at his houH* •MiiitlM .\. Klel4> by the C’AurtiKMiA Fio Svkui* tNi, •wrured the luiirriiiip* of Mra. Mary t'onk- I***!. I" arres mi •• *« Tueaday laat liMikiUK up tlie lilt** e|QC will are many happy day** in iiew I^ivc. laml on ms-Doii IV. Illiurtiani AVVai in I onl profession, and the satisfaction attMui*^! tli**(«rnival at (Irami ltn|>is II. Iloa- \ Mary by lb*v. Win. Mi^wik . during the |Niat week. tniarlea Trentiwell haa (uirchHaatt the aril cl al. s a >4 of n a *4 cveepi a. aa it acts on the kklneys. liver ami and still more coming. We received a fine line of of •s’ciimi h>. la'ImiMHi ;i>i in bowels witIhHit irritatinir **r weukeii- MinuH a valoabh* rota*. That*** wliat Mra. .1. W. Hawitt haa retiirm*«l from Jothnm .\v»rill |im|ierty and has mov*vl .lohn t'mikliii. cl al. lo Mary <‘*>iikIin ioff them, and it *locs m>t irript* nor fancy China, very delicate and pretty; also a com ­ Hr. Watly ia aioc*- laat awk. Hi* liaa not an extemied viait with frieuda at He­ Ilia fiin>ily there. *• S of w *, of II a *4 of n i* *4 of s4s-. yiS fnuoti iiuttih- faTpetrator. rmit ami f trrhanl laike. Ibin’t lonr^t the aortal at .Mrs. Headle's limi IA Ih-Wlii *Vt naus 4*atc. In onier tokct its beneticial Fhirilla Amircas liv K«. to N’allian- effects, pleas** rentember the name of plete assortment of the l)eaiitiful Qreen and Qold .lohn SrhwnI ia movion in with Mn». Tile acholara of tb«* f'hristian Samlay on Thursday, November Hi, at Hi a. m. irl J. I'lark. has 14. IA IA is ami <* W thet ’ompany — M«N*k«*n* wh^n* h«* will work forcaahivnt arhiHil attioiileil a rally at Kun*kaf'hiiat> nnd refnemb**r the |ilrni<* dinner. ft. of lot Is. bik. •> iVW* IS) QlasAware. III* haf put ill **inht arrwa of wlaait. iau churrii on Sunday last, Mark Peoiietl. Fbarirs Trrmlwell. Fari Daiusha IVnm-ll ami alfc Ui l*hlll|i CALIFORNIA PIG SYRUP CO. Finery, .\lhert .NuntMin and Ik** .Moreau Harnliarl cl al.. a i>f s a *4 of sec­ Th** Sanfonl achool houa«>, Diatrict No. \ nunilier of our citixena wen* in St. tion JS, Itiiurhani tra* *■• atarteil for tb** north Tuesday to hunt SAN mAsrisoa. osl. Horn*- pmiy 4 pier** xln**s "•'ts in mern Mni'ii wtirkisx shin* IP t<* 42* :i, will oomnn««r** tha .ilat inat..providiiiK Johna on Tuesday eveniDK last |iayinK F.«ison II lr fr**ni 4" i«, Snnik tbiavaa brnk** into tin* irnat mill I'vrtis Vmiiijc Jr. ami alfe lo -lohn C**l*l l<* n Its* iiMutrtmrnt. Mrtt'i* nr Roy'" tlhivr* tir Mlltrn" lo Mra. Jainea .Sbernm, «if Portland. .Mich, NORTH VICTOR. l(ea*l. lots I. A l-iami 14. hlock I4ami Sundar iiitrht andaarumlawiilrhla»:omc- waa tlie Kueat of her dauKliter, Mra F. oilier laml. Haiii liin *n ^ Fnnsy I'hliin <’up" nn*l Hnurrr* .%!*• t*» 4(s-. iQK to .\uinMii Nockrr. Soma drnwarn W. Hedfarn. duriuit the (Mist week. Fnslerick S|as*rhrakcr ami alfc I** ! tl. I.. Uackwitii and .Mrs. J. (iibbnnlare .%Oc Hliiiirr I'nII" 4 I** UPr. wai>> found open. iaam* Hallock, of I-^tnainic. had th** John Miller s *, of s c *4 of section £!. j not «*a}4iyiair irond bcaltii at praaant. l4elaim*ii .m»> in | WELLS I'hlsa ltrm*l nmi Milk Mrl** tl.% t*> .'Ms*. liiilTnitta*Hl I'nII" 111. 1llnn*l IPr Mra. J. Tunkw and iNtn John, of llaal niialortnm* to has* a valuable hons* while Mra. i'hna. UennIsI*-**aiHut four days .lohn Miller lo I allMTinc Miller. *■ *, ImiirhIanI Suxnr nn*H'r*>*«Ni loiat.'M)*-. *iitlvnnlM**l M'nalt Tain* 1)7 , .'*. ’•, nml f’ity, liava law viaitiuK frnmda and rHn- vhutiuK in this vicinity the naat week. of sc *4 «»f n *• '4 ••f sc'ilon tt. I.clc . Friill rinir** All Slyl*>*i .*• t«» *Jf.r. tiriw ill thia Tkinity tm* imat two w«aka. laat week with lier children in (irniid amtn las *■• | .\ nuiiilier of hiintera left this vicinity Un pills. |.Mnrr I’nkr I'lntiHi vrr.v prrtty * 2.' • osirs* ’i'«*rycll hv .\ilmr. i<* Frank I Both Tubular and M'nsh Itonni" IH to 22r ■ITm*}- ratumad thia waak. on Monday laat for the north wikm Is. Walt«*rlMiuse. c ■, of n a *4 of ss*rUon I .*»is* Miaa I^ouia** iiibbani win* holm* lust • iraullr M nah ll<*nl" 11 lo 1 ."n* Win. Ilohr will r»*pair tin- upfar part of .\lKiut fifteen in all have aom* fniiii thia * 77 . Ihi|ilaln stta ei | Itfvornlril Iwiinim UP l*> H4<-. week, blit baa kiine in Owoaao to aasiat Tile made and re­ Drniillr I'ii*I*IIiik I’nii" •** I** III**. hia buildina nnd arrauiT' it into a hall. township. lllraui V. Msiot«*r aiMl alf** lo .\mlrca Klirhni Ml«lr l.*iinp** IPS*. in .tlliaon ’a jmMry store. .1 lliiriis, cl al.. 4"sij. n|s. on «• 'i i»f • irnnllr Ntrit Kriilra P to :i.1r Thia will la* vary proHtabla for Mr. Itohr, Horn, to Mr. and .Mrs. Lithan f'arr, of in* ■« of sccllmi |s, flatli *4*1 (ii | Very iirrlty wntrr Hrl** 2' I** 71 s* Iia tin* hall wili la* a auitabla place for Siiuth Faiat ICaaex, flctolirr 20, a son. .\ pumpkin fiie a«a-ial will la* IMil at the paired by Kimball .* 4lnmlHr«l I'nkr I'lstr t.V Drniillr Hhih I'sita 2P. nml 4.*" church next Fritlay **v*»uiuk, November .lames .\ Itakcr ami aih-to Janies 1-^ Drsiiltr • hitmltrr" 2^ tialla. l•>dK'' ’‘ , ol s c Omtior lllrhr- I Or. amil iinkiiown. Ith. Pmcead** for church work. ■4 of s«s’iimi it. uriii am** ei J & Love, successor Frtil* IHslw** nil •lM*rrl|*ll**ii l( ll***l Hprrn*l», Tinware Imni .\t*w York uini bunad liiat Sunday afteniiMiii. Therbild .siM-|aini I'o.. |mri of lot .1. hhick l.^. i*Hn truDilnlly any «<• have thr tin* n*f their deimrl* Isaa*'F i‘ri>ssman liV .\*inir.. lo Mary iin* for SidiH ’.v f’**nter. A aariirMe jiarty win* tnren Fltm*r Post Hart, a *4 of *• •- of hha-k .H, Ih-Wll’l 4 V* ! Address C. L. Kimhall, linmlkrrrhlrfii. Il**lh l.inllrs' itml M'r art! Tin I'ltiia, |irr ilot l.V p**lativea ware .lohn Ulnaaioi* and wife, of iirtilii' t'ollnn* nn*l I'ufli*. .\rrktl**" lirnry rrtlnarhs*k 4. I MVhntrr Ornt'" Fnitry H**«**Mi ltrrn*l I'nna 4 It* 7 r We an* ill pai'aipt of the newa of the western atatea, have retiirn***! to their |(r**aent. llroan's suh. ,,111 |nt -.I,** «*i. Johns. s in , iiiiUTiiiio** of .fiMa*|»h Wiehar to Miaa Shirt* Mlih iir wllh*»iii «*sfT»ai»i€i Tillir* nkr Tins Hr, horn** near Fulton f’**nter. U**v. Martin ami wife, nf ilriil. wen* in l{<*l>t.i ’. WisHlaortli ami wlf**Pi Frc«l llnlidt, ami .\dniph Mundt to Anna Wisslaortii. s 11; n, of hik *• M." an*l Ihr •**iunrr * .ikr Tilt" 5* Wiaiar. The tirat niiineii iri*ntietiian and -Marri***!. Tuiirwley evenina f>ctola*r Victor last Weilneailay. i ictober 2dlh. lot 10, lihM'k 10. Ovlil. fl.iri an*l otin-r DrttI"’ t’mlrrwrrtr. prr aiUit IlH t«> 711 * Tr** Krill a 1*1 l<* 47 r i-oiishh-raihtiis. ly. I* latter lady an*childran of llatirx Wialiar. 27 . Ii.v llev. f'haa. linratow at th**nwi- and attended the iiublM* imctiiiK oi the lnt*ll*>- rn*lrr«r#ir, |M*r "Ull :i." I**'.Kit*. <‘i*vrri**l Hrrn«l llnlarra .'SI to 4*** formerly of thia rillaice. lloth imrtiea lience of the bride ill this villiur*-. Hiirry W. II. M.aia’iety. ■(••v. F. M.t’*>ddinkton Kiis*'ii«‘ l{ols-rtsf IIm* a ', of II a ‘4 of n c 4 of , Iforthern Nichiiraii, Ohio and llom —To Mra. .1. I*. Ilertrani, aifirl. atiiiitliHiint was <|elive*re«l ton ipmmI kav** a abort atntt*m«uit TlH*.Hti*rr «iny en'tiiiiK last b\ Hon. H. H. .\itkt*n. all Southern Points. us ir vou can. Fnday. pliinen*a«y to any *irKnnixation. tieo. Liter, w*, t*f m* 4 **f M*rlitin 34. Inwti (Nrrrt ('*innrrtlnsB nt OwnmHi Jniirtlnn and Tiiwslay waa .Ml Saints *lay with serv- of Flint. Jones and l.l.ucih* P |..rTiH. Hratlahaw. Yours for Trade, )f*ea as usual. III! account of the t'hriaiiaii conlerenc** Mias Minnie Uennistee sank a ***110. Miss •Minnie Uenrdalee pnwi, itf aw>4ttf>rrlidia \V<*liatrr P* {.miiurl M'rtairr, laml III town last We, Rllr> I 00 Inrflrrl .Vnrrinlirr .'irti, I HP.'*. vice Mra. Mnrtiu n*nd her |Nt|aT. tin* I UOIND NDKTH -Lv. ■>nr»«*l. John Fn*und has built a new M|M*e|. limry V. i'niirr rl al.. P* Jolin I*. .Vini., I<*( 3, l*liM*k IIS. vdlaorttf Si. J.jtlia I 00 UOIND NOirrH—I.V. OnniMd. brought into town ami *Iis|nis *s| of at | (mmeers of this roiinty, )lie«| yeaterdai tink lilin^t a tim** for *|uiet «*ominiinion. Proprietor. fair |iri«w. !nt her hoin** in this villiun* at theH|p*)>f \ii.lili H. I'a.trrI ami wifr p, M'illiain <*isa A. M...... aad ...... AiAO P. M anil «*onaidrmtioti lrdo aad Haniel MiiiiniiiK and .loseph Th»*len ar»* ***l*** hml lived in tlM***«iuiity This waa shown liy tie* history ofilavout Villaxr Ilf "t, J<4ia. JOU nu vllMnuthrrn I’nlnta, th** ap|Miiut* ’nt in its (*fini|NH«i- of Hi. Joint. ti4on ui ' veha-1** in which he waa ridiiiK and which tion. Air. .Martin then set forth th** vnim* Kohrri S. MaiMrii ami wifr lo ('alritt Mias Kvn Fr)*iin Wm. Mr. ami Mra. .1. 11. Fil*l**w and Mr. ami tann*. M’h**ti th** fraanii'nla wen* pick*a| SOUTH OLIVE. Maatll, ItK 7 , l*l«*rk I. Vanlirttarti'. ail. Mra F. II. I.yf>n, of St. Johna, fitt**nf .rrlPtn 1, laKli in (1.1*1 Nick .Shafer ia n*fMiri*'d t«» la- aletidily witlioiit any brok**n iNines .laek*Miii rev*enily. latwnaltllv ami « ', **f 'wH *tf ^**4 **f •mproviiiK. TIh* nature of th** woiin*l la •rrOtiti &. iHiplaiii. ami r 13 arrr- *>f Mra. Itudd ftotii Uound l.akc viailnl at <*iich aa t*> Ink** a loiia fini** to liitv** full EAGLE. •w 4 **f **f -aWiitNI S3. I>ftt>lttili. J. ii. Urinka n>ccntly. fl.tu ami **(nrr **oM«i*lrrali*>na. use of th**fool airnin. Mr. and Mra. John l*ar|s*nter. nf Uiirrv' Catlirrisr J, |Vp|4r p* J**., S, Tnrkrr. Mra .lii«-ob Y«aiker has n ‘tuiti*a| to her Mr ami Mrs. \Vm. llav an* viaitina lot 7 , Itltwk 3. Hur., hv llrrrivrr, :* will su|a*rintend th** work and has a flue diatrict laat Mondiiv. no mon* <-aa** of Mrs. .Vlark Hill iantonon la*iiiktreal*-«| 1*1 John I'. Vrrma. lot 3. I>l«wk IIS. refiutation. lor camafous affect utn. H**r many \ ilia«r *>r St. John* .vn on ! scarlet fever hiivinu br*ik**n *iiil. J. (’. Flynn ami wifr n ai. I** K<*t*rrt S. YOU WANT A FIRST CLASS lri*iii|a wiali for her sfssaly racoverv, Mra. Ida MH'ninib ami Mrs. .\liiia Maiklmi, laml *Nt n*>iA *>f arrIitNi 3A Suth*’rlmi*l. of Hitnby, attended the aid .Scott, th** Ihre** year old a**n of W. S. Kilry ion f hit .**, Mn* John Hrav*matittt ami Miaa Kilt** fall on him last w«s*k. lie received bIk Xi. Maitir KapH). 160 *n j a sever** **Ut lietwt*en tin* i^ea that re. the homes which contain a Garland. Call and see oiii Garland Steel Ranges, J**nnH* Partiow viaiteil (inind Ua|Nf let. 4a««*tl*lna--N«»Mietl(nes 33. Mapir Kap«*l« I 00 i Ms 1*1 Fwimi I ,|t iIh* same tim**. Married, at the raatdem*** of S. S. Iley. lila J. Hashnm, iiohia in liaW’itt Octobei If), Mra. Mary ll’aaipitxl ohi aaviim, ami a true one j Mrs. Kitcane Itall will entertain the laml «in aartion IA Watrrtdl iiieti hy tbetr works." «f «»»•• M. K. .hiiich Ilev. F. H. Way offiriatinfc. The happy part nf l«i(* I amt 3. Mnek 1, Vllteor nf j The pnbli*' have iieefi ini|Miae<| ii|Kin a*» Novenilier 4. Tm^* will SI. JnlNia I ID t WE wish to call your attention ■-*itt|>ie hav«* kom* to their home in Haalrl Hnwr Pil'liariaa Howr. at, nl ; inanr times bv uuarrapbuia ciaiiiis iiiimI** ! *•!•*» la* a wicial at the ewme idan* r nday Oceana manty amifi the liast wiafiea of ■w*4 nfnwH *4 aarlltNi II, (Mlvr MO on { to COLB’S HOT BLAST for coal, for aeillidi inmne of pmtit. they hnik for I the Nilea cemeferv so tlwir many tripaifa. Hwuaaiis Krrsrr ami wllr Pi Hrbsrea J. | aomethinic more aubatantial, tbev aak '"^^y* Fverylwwly invilait to atten«l the Plarr, part t*f thr aa*4 of •w'4 *4 aor- for ilesda. The little .*om|uemr haa -«**•*♦»» tf'MHin to the a.K*tal. IPm B. tmrn nl (Ivid SM 00 * the heater that is revolutionizing WACOUSTA. Mary Prrrin, a«Mir. *4 si. Pt Hiixl* Wai- ••arned tlw rsfiutntioti made in Michimtii : nciur' a j ami rl al., a't *4 na*« smi ar*, nf aa'4t4 the Soft Coal burning stoves of (UmI no im|Hiater <*00 steal It Kmni 1 BENGAL, *4 nw k nf arelPwi 3A IMplain SMO on ; TIh* M, F churrli is Iwink |»H|n*red and north to a4inth. fmm iviat to •t. Ill J*>)ui I'nffoMin ami wifr In Hbrr K. Pati- ref Mi rail. nisoliNi. laml nttni, *4 awM *4 arrtlon the countr\'. .AlsoGOLB ’SORIG­ ill every city town amt hatnici in the Tlien* ia iiiiirti *'*impiainl of tlie Heaamn 13. RiP*v 330 to I state. |M<«»|4e stand ready to testify to fly in the amwinir wh«*at. Waller l-MslfNi is derkiiik at Haaiell Ktlwanl Hrnwn ami wifr p* J»ati I'. ' A I’only ’a. Arrw. PHAItlnrk IR. VllUo*- nt St INAL AIR TK'.HT HEATER FOR merit, firatilnde lor fimbirt hmairht Mr. ami Mn*. Wm. frampton Imve John* I on to I h«aiaan*is of homes hrinip* •*mtiiiali** Ifone to their new home in Meroata tj. L. Tayhir ia buildink a new WOOD. Bven heat day and nt«>iriutva ami words of praise the like of ffiunty. shop on hia |4ar*'. whirii lias mit Iaam evinnlled in rntwleni |,eniy Po|H* was at home Monday on Miaa l.•wtla Uiiririi* Tyler Hill aad Mn* iWe aa*t lakaaowatnry rtwaiaatlaai. The (|««r SOUTH RILEY. make them popular. . . . Itw prearrlke*! the tdUa Wir lae wklHi liaTe John Vaatieiaoii. of Uenaal aad 11. M. .lare WeroMte mi faalij faia*iaa. TkHr aae T**mpfe. of Hn| 4ain, were vMtora at Mrs. Hearv FrrHer ia bniMink • newebiekea j Also Beckwith’s GENUINB Round Oak tiawaii eMwlaatett tha artr atM Imai mr Steward ’s Monday. rn.fmtmm r*nap. ••r the rhaaaiatlsai aad tbe ea*l nt tbe kMaey trnaMas. It t«*ob hat a taw hniaa to aeroai- Mms IMh* Snyilar ha* kom* to lailieinc laiab tbb* end aad I tart that I owe llr. Pnaa NORTHWEST DUPLAIN. to work in tbe milk fartnry. aa avanaatlaa (tabi nl aralltmla Inr rresriib- laa aarb a vataaMs raawdy. I bava tahaa The foar-monthwoMchiMol Oran Stev- u nasal r**aew** ta rarnaiaisadtan tbb* wadt- I . fi. t’artrr was horn** over Sunday. •me is quite ikek with intfaaimatioaof tbe iSoa FI IT**"* rlaa to a aaaibar nf »frtanda I alwafs .Sehool rfoaed laat Hnluntny for a two howvte. haap a bni nC tbaaa p4m tin baa*t to tbai TWyalrarrilpra DhtraHfroai DyipopBA abawM I laba a aavaea rwbt

be aaiifitiaed by hia owvi «'(.drav..ra. aa well Brni.NHss D ikhctokv . aa by good lin k—and lie liad mi diiid to leave miiVELiii'.s rrKES"'">“ It to! And Ilia wile * _ Am>ll.NKYK. How temleHy ahe had earewaed him at **Than yo«i won't OMiry nw. Mrcolhcart ?** MOKTltN M |MM»I.1M lasaa. ••arral* |ii»aaloa .Monthly Viaita. The mall iiateoed. hia liaiMlaome fare turn ­ |•n(••fa. ami taakr roilmloaa. Ail kwalaaaa you to-alay." lie heatd lirr aay. in that ex­ New Universal Atlas of the World. pr«.aiitlly mail arraralfHy allaaUad t4.. ing white, aa if carved in atoae. quisite voice of hera. "if he had not taken ovar natrHar'a aho* at Su. il (‘liatua ’*ttBrr4>«i with you ia only another name my advice. He teok it. and yam nre the !•. araaar, HI J<>liaa. MtrklaaB. for —" suit." The Naps Alone Cost $50,000.00 and Three Years' Time to Produce. ILKt J. «r«N»l»M(;rr, Jaatlrr u( titm "hloney.” ibr girl interrupted, with that The younger man looked ramnd. He mw R 1‘tmrr I'arrlul atlaalkta Btrm tu all lovely light laugh again. "1 know it, fie- the Iwauiiful nxima. tlie brilliant crowd. Hie rf^iiariliias. Oliirr ovar AIIU«> b'« Jawatarjr lard. and drapnte mr fur it if you will. If flashing of luantiesa gema, the |irt-i.i-M This Atlas contains entirely new Maps of every State of the United »lurv. von liad liern hrwught up in |Mivriiy, if you beauty of the woman who Bpoke, lie heard IIWIN il. L.%'<»K. .Atturavy at Law. Mt. liad wantrti fnM'ka. and pretty »huea, and the mu'ic ruBug aad falling lu the dnttanre States and of every country of the world. E Jokaa. tlanrea. anti pleaBurr* of every kiml -and. aod breathed the delicate sarenta of rarest oh! thouaaiidB of thing* that you miililii't ^ K. HMITIf. .Vltiiraa.v at I.awr, Ht. Jokaa bloesoin* Mirk, rfllrfitvar lirtlara* llaAaar. get —thru yiHi, loo, wttiihl M'^II Hut-t-eM with Again he mw the wurd "suceetai" written an M. a very lug \l. anti t all it Xl< tiry! You ^erywlicre-' lOKawaa that he, a iteginner, a The Complete Work Embraces: would. I know you wtHild." aiie entlml, Itil- .XirsirTKAfllHlW. novice, c-ottld iievaw hope to emulate. Sud ­ lerly. denly tlie worn fare ol the inaaier met hi, <»*4. Pages of artistically colored diagrams relating to imports, exports, pop ­ Ma. IIM. IMIIIUK. Trarkar of IMaao. Ur> The tnaii .lehiil hravily Kale wa. indeed ryes. "I Me the result," he said, quietly.— aau. ViM-al \lualr aatl llariaaultllaa'a llardwara. ho|ielul a> It liKiktti .1 oiitiit timi- .igo. .eenitti aadiy dull ami Miinlirr now, and why? He WOMAN ANll TRAMP. lo7 I*ages of colored maps. I»HYKI(’IA.S«. iwuar of tlial lovely lacc that waa titmrd K. II. II. iMIl’.kIK. I’hyatrlan aa«l War* away from him ao |ielulanlly. iMH-auae of the 9K Pages of illustrated history and biography. Ka<>n. ont<-<* ovar IIub I'm Urua Htura, mocking wurda lliat fell like little atroke* of DHI. JokOB, Mlrb. Tlia light dione from the large kitalien wig* a whip arroas hia loving heart. .Vud while dow and cast a glow of hosfiitabie c-omfort AK%' P. HAl’KNk, m. it. ttmrr uvar he thought, the mueit in the tkataaee ceaeed arroas the dark rood. Tbe tramp wandered 121) Portraits and biographies of eminent sUitesmen, sobiiers, a'lnd xvriters .Noltk* linrnail** •lorr .Hi. Jiika». iMhrr M VI t«> 11 a. m. anti lu 5 p. m. 1 ila aolt throbbing, the tiaiu-e waa over and aimleawly along until he retuhed the liouar he bati liad hia answer, he auppoaed. Then- wa, an ap|ieiiung sight at the end of An Index naming and locating every city, x’illagc, post office, railxvay and M. PtntT M. II. I'byalrlan.HumatiBami lie woulti aay one inorr thing before they this raiuhow ol hope when he follownl it. • .Sittarr I'uhlir. iiflirr tirar Mm. If. IV. ST. JOHNS, Hotel St. Johns. partetl. lie determinetl. Midiienly; be would express station in the , besides gix ’ing the latest official SIi>iltt»u’a Milllaar} Biitia. .Ntt 14 *1iait>B Aaa- He looked tlimugh the window and mw a aar ItawlilaBO’fftrnar I.HiBBtBji and Kixlnant have at any rale a dear uudermtanding with A^P of girl, rating aliout a large table, census complete. HI, .IttbBB, Mlrb. Saturday, Nov. I9th. the woBMUi be loved eo madly. And after lliev arerr laughing oa tbe remain, of what that, then the venture —to the right or to the inuai hava lieen a large meal gradually A And Retan House, uvu), Fri­ He put out hi, liand to atay her aa ahe with vegeiahles out of the garden that lay Size of book when closed, ll^x 14t‘ 'j inches. arary m^rrunou wonld have naeti. "I want to aak you one in the black nfiadow to the left of tbe liouM. thing more, ” he aaid, ao gently that her wan- m. .1 W. IMIkLAHII. M. II.. I'byatrtaa day, Nov. 18. .\t one end of the table atoaid a roast of beef Hlegantlv bound in Half Morocco. Sold for $(>.00 at retail. anti ^urKattn. .Ht. Jtibna, Mlrb OAra dentu: attention waa fixed on him <>nco only liall eaten. At tbe other aide was s Doaar Htala Hank. more. •Hleof young lamb. "If 1 went into the Ivuaineae —my father‘a Hie women talked and ate, and thetramp r.\r»Kiif.\KKitn. Tha .Moat HiioiH‘' worth of goods purchased. (Two for 50 cents, four for $1.00, etc.) which >t>u .|ieak •«> highly, what then?" cat'" he asked, ■tmking hi, griuled haanl HT.JoIIN h. Mil’ll., Hanrii'nl Mkiii. .Hhe lurtietl tit him witii a new light *)wirk ami leering at the women. Tlie sight of him • ing in iier l•eautllul eye* Had bIic i*in brought the meal to a nuddaii end. .Mo,l of When you have secured 300 of these bring them to TRAVIS & kV.*t :t I'KIt t’KXT I.NTI:HK. ht o.\ UK I iiucred at la«l ev-n tiling, i-terx hoiie, the women *hneka*tl BAKER'S Drug Store and you will receive a copy of the Atlas from first POHITH .i.VII l.(».i.\H MOVKY O.v; A CONSULTATIONS AND EXAMI- rveiy .imhiiitiii at Iter Irel "I ain't go ’n ’ to do nai liarm,” he >aid. "I IMCoVKh IU».\I»h’.V.NI> ItKAI. KH- ”*rbrii, ’' .nr aaiJ. lltT \ttiie t,‘tiilrr With only meant liad you any via-tuais?" lot sent in by Rand, .McNally & Co. TIONS FREE TO ALL. Ireiiiig .iiid her M>it r>( !iil> druuping aitove Ilv till, lime the y<>uugr«i of tbegrouf) had TATKHKI ritITY. tile htillialil i>r*. "then I *huuld mi> litt rusha-al out of the rotvnt anal starteal u|t,tatrn. more," aiid her t lirmhird intii alienee kLilKIIT J. itAt.IttVI.V. I'raaltlani. The riMi iiotldled together at a cairner of tbe Dr. Walker Will not Treat Any Ualess and her wliiir hamU piayed nrn-ttu«l> with tabla- • i, i'lIWKI.L. Vlt^l'raaWanf. St. Johns, nichigan. liir violet* .It the Um.iii of iier lielieale "Xou get out of hrre!"ianeai the boldest 1* K. WAl.HtVOItTil. Tranauaar There is a i^sibllitv of a Care gown of Ihi-tii, "We don't want any tramp, H. L. KENDRICK. Dry (ioods. L. VAUCONSANT, (irocerirs-Suftar excepted "Milt } fill w oiiai love me, atiii Itefievc in me. around Yttugelout'" m> ^>vr?" he iirEetl. hei voiee ■traineti with That bravery fait aamtoge into the rest of CLARK & MULSE, Clothinc. SPAULDING & CO.. Hardware. THE Aod WUl So iofonn Too. MBBittiiale lovt . ill* h.ind* t!at>|iing her,. tlie part). ItW'iil \o(i love me. d.rung, mil you let me "X r», you get out of here!” called an* CLARK 6t nULSE BROS. Bootsand Shoea. E. L HULL. Furniture and Undartakinjc. |io|te .ig.tin ' w dl you, lUrliiig : -tell nir, tell otiier. "X\ t-'vr got nothing foi you!" TRAVIS & BAKER. DruRH, Bookn and Wall PORTER & E.HMONS. Jewetern. State Bank of St. Johns. roe now “ .\iitl the Mitt wait/ inu,u mar and • hrii-keal a ihmt. Saittn there waa not a fell ag.iiii, and the air wa, laden tvilh the wtmiiii in the lot who had not joineai in the Paper. J. L. HAMILTON. Photoftrapher. of St. Jobns. NicbuiraD. Examination by Retlection. went of ami in itolr<-|H'. a* .Xlaigurrite iMinilMriiiiM'iit, which was plainly growing BOUCHER & PETSCH. .lillineiy. the iteaiiviful liriil in a ..ii| liri lovt i too hot foi till- intnuier. He looked liack JOHN PFLEOHAR. Game and Poultry in COMMHHCIAL AND SAVINCiS. lly Iba- laleat M-tentlllc rrtwarrbee iMilh hy iittl n.iw approaching the houna* a little man A. A. CHICK. CiroceHe9>5uKBr excepted. season. Fresh. Salt and Smoked *leats. Impnivetl liiainiinaHilB anil inelhiHl, tbe The nfiow fell t*iil- « kingdom ol b.id a rake tn ill* hand. Itelween him anal I^OXE----The 300 Coupons may be obtained at the above places any Capital paid in $50,000.00 tbr tirvan or iNirt, aA-<-ia,l ami many ervM-i and |»earl In-nlc one ol ihegn-atest the CM lit*! group of wnmeti in*)*ie there atlaeaiwB anti rompilcalion, w bleb have of it, many fair huun»« tlierr wa* revelry, and rti'glii li.ivc Itceii trouble .Hn the tramp cast time before Sept. 1, i8qq . Ask for them at once. bereiolore proveal mitat olMtilaale to the ripida of mlvcn von-e,, and the ring of t tiiial liMik of lievperalioii at the table, ihiw tuneful laughter. (Jc-criid. iIhI lieat a lelrcat. He was utter- MjRTEk K. PERRIN. President. tbe MtHitcnl l*rt> tr,,lott yieiil like inagb- uni|a>r ^ bh> skill anti «yeiemalk irealinaeil. Tbe ‘ Ihu of the iantl'n ut-heat men riiiertaiaeii I. vatr<|rj*>iitl He iii*4p|irareai t|uickly out 0. W. MUNGER. Vice President. fliM-tor t, i-ntlowaNl with the wiiniierfOl gift ; til, gueal, and fesatanl them rigiit royslly, so I ; I lie *iivti h oi iigiil ;n front of the Checks Only With Cash Purchases. J. W. RTZGERALD. Cashier, of tieing ahie to )lliurntitie wllboilt t|iie,lioii- I that tbev nfaike incre.i*ingly well oi liim and kilt.icti .iiitl wa* ••Mill laMt in the dark. A, R. A. BEERE. Teller. lag. anil will ilatK-rllie wiib iht- grralmi at'* | of hi, mteriainmeiit ..nd of the lieauty of ...... ••* l.c iiad If It I lie ili.or tile girl whti Be sure to ask for Atlas Checks. Don't miss this great oppor ­ cuiary your arbe, anti pain> whatever lo*i Ki* |>eerlea« wife! •'.III larMii* lo thrrr|it.ncrl It ailv (Imaiip iann aanrtt'Tiim now- nr tiarr*! td'iHime liadinagc around. lo ►••IIM- ■■<1. > ll" a. iv4<4| on favtiniliU- laniia, and avarT w ; away unaitteil. Tbe uterrbant minglee with l■•li•lMlllg iiri to my door. XX'idi now I’d kept right oa; . . The husband heard tin silver npple of "I It w i»* In IC, kite livgali, "and foiiHMlatioii fXlftidatl foiiaiatnnt with j the -rIl-n while seeking rHW at hi. I.aml. I he might have ovrriakm him after all." •aff liitnkiiiu;. .Hiiimnor ftiiHlilit^ for | a*kt*i ■ * .Hhr Icanrii out of thr wagon and lonkral and hunalretls jtre rnrevl every year I H i * Ill'.l left, ikiDi: •'ollai'iiona of nil kind«i. ihougiita, the old menioni** that lie had .X||-* .Xinelia,” tine of the liaak with an r\|irrs«ion of regret that waa striven to lay by, .•* i chdii lay. by it* liear Wiiiiii'ti *.v, • lllahral Masaaiata Unllway. Hheumallsiii I'uietl —Mr t'bas. Mnlllty, i And all ot a sutlib n tie fell very wearv and I ill. Ini.i*: It.t* .lililt • **1-11 III a III::il mail Thr higliral mountain tail Way tn Kumpr, Too Much I one of tbe uiMil reaperlasl ritlseas In Ibis trb ^ tircal—liiral of the 'igiil* ami the *a-ent ol tlie na'i'.l, *•'•-•1 ii.ttl .>tit.iti who {•.•t ft>i leading to tbr top of thr tiuriirrgrat in riBily says I wivs taken with lot itilppe ' great iiaiiks of rt»*<-* iimi In* wife iisd or !t/\'t*l ? It-111!-.iiija’t ' hi' 11 lit* t •twill. .'•ill- •%*• Switxriland. siliutral Iwlwrrn thr Matter lllRhCTO«5: laal winter. StMin alter Ubeitinallsin set In. i I aflectiBg my whtile sysirni. .My sHfferIngs ' derrtl the skillful rioi>*: to arrange -Urevl of III I'lai L. .11 II iirt w Hill* itall Wa*|>arti-i| ill horn ami .Monta Hom, is alMiut t-omplriril u. W. Munrer. Jesse Sullivan, ; at lime, were invensc anti in a sbtirt time I ^ the music, and the taic*. ami the i-mwil, ami the irHi.llf It was itrgna in IWW .\ tram t an takr 110 bail iieeoine sa, rmarlaleal that I wa, a mere ! be slipiieai away iihih-i•• ••! in )ii*t|iiici • mly "W III! •mi liit-rr « - u tl.ilil|i ll•l••■■" -i.r Geo. F. Marvin. James Rlcturdson, skeleton, anal only by the abl of rrtitrbe, I ItaMriigris two mile* aliovr sea Irrrl. Thr J. H. (UirWt, C. S. Allison. ' coubl I iiKiVc an'uncl at all I Iraik law, ' and sat there .vwliilc '••ilreatn •i*r* ‘<1. uitlioiil a iiat'c <•! i-vi ill iiKht. |«nwrr I* tiiriiishaNl hv the water whit-h fl.iw, Porter K. Perrin, ' than three tBttnib, treatment of Dr. Walka^rj He had gone mb' lite l•n-llle•* lli.il n had "NV hat i>. ii '.la* a tiMiii|t III •••nit- mill iny from a glai irr, ami i*. thrrrinrr, rmisi aliun* Wind. J. H. Fctlewa, J. W. Fitzrergid. ntcBael Spitzley, who ct>mpleta*ly rctorral me to Uealth. heartily disliked toi XtacgUi-ritc and it kill I' Il X\ m-rt- Is ill* lii.U dant .n *ntnmrr whi ii mi>*t nmlttl Geo. w. Emmons. Mr, Tht>mas t'rotty aiiMi give iratimony. ' had provetl a *uctt'** ii in. baii'l- ■■l.iiiii- •Imwii till n.,iil tiiH.iril (■iii*«tri," That is what it takes to run a itreat Hbesavs Dr. Walker ,ara*t| my ille. Three 1 .tn*'«rli et. Ilnik he iiaii pu-asni lirr 1 • areful examination Dr Walker loltl me I Ml tniM'li .'nee. In hul given ll|> *•• liillch for (Ilia givi- mr a lanit-rii and tin- nno I,*! noh'a*« w oiiM have mnsulrrrai lia*i no ranrer. but my tl-ouWe, wawr rhronlc :; ha-t srtke. that t . t-rv •cn*c hatl lM-<*n t iirioii* Tlir lanlrm wa* a lantMr in a (la.* gloltr. it a di*/ratr lo do anr it.rfu' work toina!;ra S. W. IHHHIIIW t m. ; liastrioDiioileiial I'alarrh, aaMMM-tate .\fier treating wllli Dr. W alker i .Anti In* |,1 I'liex wen- laid away out of thr van! intolhr nniil. Thr lantrrn K.ugland. tbr ortopu, ha* taken thru plaa-r. Aermotor I lor one month I hnve not liaten mi well for VI l> *alrl\ .iiMl *!-• reltv --Ibe *li |r* Ml would *wiinii III hrr baml, alinoat thr oniv hit of (’unstable Holme*, while liathiiig iii Kil i ra>ar,. lulht in thr lamiM-a|ir lint it w.i* laoviiig : Mr. litHt lintfbei say. After taking a i>avi I hinlM-tl IV lib a<> inui n v i.-n ami (ler dysarl. on Ihr IriMi ttiaal, wa, wimtl by oar Is .s() popular xvhcrcx’cr it is used. It is : murae of three months treatment ol l>r. i •evi'i.ini*' nIIV nil)-* at<-wn iniw ami rrav rariillv. wbirh tw innl it, trniat-lr, around In* arm. I Walker I feel like i^w man. My Imari aatl j ,.g | n,.,.. ’Thrrr vra. a Iramt* at my kitrhrn, Mr. XX'ith the aitl ot another |,»ln-rman hr sur so |)crtectly ad justed, with its roller licar- L'NDERTAKER.S. Btomarh hail tronfkieti me lerrlhlv lor a loag | Itrowii,” ahr aaial. stoiqiing in Imnt of a I ***** ’"^* “**"• i'v»»rk lot tuiw—Ml murhliiialminetaihini, rmlgal in fra*ring hirosrlf from the Iwaat. injzs and other modem improve ­ I Hr. W alker haHpetl me fight along. j piaiLXa un vvhirh a man \ra, mtting. "and I want to tinil out w liat light hr had to lontr .None, |MWhn|w. feel more grnlrfiil lo the : ttoelatr Ihnn tlate, Mre J. II. tieaal,. oftivhl. thrrr” ments that it just moves ripht Mm Mtv, ’’I wish eraWT |MMtr snlBrer might ; ne .Amen t Thr man iiad wrn *4HnadMNlv {ta** a lew RBHAINEII HEALTH. nifim An HAmi DH u. BXI I know the giMial 1 have reeHveat urnler Irr. ; na'riaM la monirnts liHorr, and it was a roti,i tamdiar along at the “slightest provo ­ f!RST DOOR EAST OF FOWLER A BALL Walker-, tgmtment ami prv.gl Irom my ex* larav, a baby iiguri to him. who knrw rvrrvliol) in tbr " peelemt ■ There are inaay In iiyld ami vl* . k' i I h nu I it. vdlogr. .Ha> tbr lantrrn startrd on it, wa> rially who know btiw mlnernble I bnee lieea ilock is a Qrmtlfyias Lfgtfegra to Mr*. Ptnlfe cation. ” There arc many points I aaflering with n ca»mpllrntb»n ol ilteenm, again. .Hrvrral tinir* .hr mrt trtrnal,, and >ummrr held ham Fro m Happy Wobmu . which iweiiietl to rrahil all nwdlcai akill until I thrv gavr tliat Mimr rrimrt. Kvrry oar of k Iroanaltel Dr. Walker. .Now I frei liken .A' Ithat never to ) ‘ lea'tmcd about xvindmills, 106 WALKER ST. EAST. ai«ereat |•erw>n. I feel grateful to theilor- Iblunm,, a tnrni iiatl •wrn a •iraiigr man walking towanl I tor ami oher tht, leatimoatal vr>laatarlly for fluwrr that Cbrairr Thry agirrvi in tlir Mi|i|NtMtiaMi ••1 f>m. Yam My IMh** and it is my business to explain I the lieaetll of all rheoalr aafiherr, ’’ Ivteeer bads, a that hi- wa, iIm tramp Mr,. H. W . Iluae. ad Dvtal. rareal of t-aiareh [night witbavat "llaii what t|i> you want of him. .XI im them to the farmers of Clinton ' of theataimarb of fifteen yearn niamilag a iwrmon .Xmriianrarlv rvriv onr of thrtii askrd, Mra. B. XVouLMiaRK. •’t. .lobpe. XHcb iwtthout a lien* REMEMBER DATE OF VISIT. 1 leilictinn, a for thrv Liirw Itrr grntlrnrM of rharaa-lrr, MilU, Neb.. wHtgg: and surrounding counties. I will anti •■•liar kintwiiig it* lirmnrM a, wril had Mr,. W. H. Ktiger, rureal of eaaa-er of the- prayer witlMot "D eah Mr *. Hxkiiam :—I anve ny breaisl. Ithe warn a great ,wMrer. an .\men an idra wiiat might hr thr rra^vn of tbr par* life to yawr Vrifrtable rutpogaal. Tbu not drive up to your front door Mr. I haul*, J. Prenton rnml itf eaiarrh of, There never Mill. f I the stomaeb aaat MaMWl iHitamatag. aav, he i wa, a husband "Hr o«mr to mv kitilim." wa* tbr rr- ikwtnnv agld 1 haal caamnpUoo mad woaM aaii In* In bla fatrmer I'oaallllain again . anrlhv of the name, who did not aspire a|s>ni< ibrv all got "I want to mw wbo br Bothinir could bn down for an. My pulling axvny at a 2.') cent cigar, lor f/l.iHMi. lo be the fathcT ami tbe grandfather of I, ami liml nut wbv hr ilarnl in a*nmr. Na*. healthy, capabia c.iiidren m hamt down oMnstruhtiaii had ataippnd and tbgjr Mr,. W', M'— niter tielag itarrea tor ten thank >1* 11, I tan gri along -.11 right li> my* aaid ni.T blood waa tumiair to watnr. 1 i/ and xvith a silk tile and a Florists... Tatar, eay, lie rareal me. W’e miw bare ^ hi, name aad the fortune arenmulated hy Miit ■ . two lllllerbtMrea. Hwflire to Miy oar borne the sareat of ht, htrrw, from generattam to 'n*rri ‘hr *larlral on down lUr rvkad. Thr had aeveiml dontora. Thny all aaid 1 U a bappy one. generatiam. Then- never wa» a arife it to could not Hvn. 1 began the uae of Lydln “boiled ” shirt on insist that hear that iraMe title, wha* did not wndi to pursuit liad lastrai tot mart Ihsn a milr hlpNepay lorNtsi lawPlTety i-nreat hy a re* will'll -III' it*a*i ail II t| Ila I Mamt iial.ug in a K. PInkham'n VegetnbU f'aMapound, ' awat aeteallgr tihwnrerv . arear womankiaxid’s mamt ghwions crown, C. F. KNAPP the sceptre of ahilherhaMxl ThonMiid* liugvv Hr hail sa-vi: liii**4ini •Iraiigri aad it helped me right away; mrnaaa i 1 know it all, .'ind that you are Tmnltfeeatme akin tifaeatw,. nm-b n, eraema, ' of areddeal coapten. ntherwitw happy, fall "Hr wfinii'l 4 hliotlrrd la*rt ahradofynu. retumeal aatl I have gaineai in weight. F. W. KNAPP ^ Hall Klva*am. Krretpetaa, etc., .urresMallr I short uf wedlaick', greatci happtnem hr Mis* Xinrlia," mihI thr inari.wlKt iiaal sio|*pa,l I havubatter henlth than I have had for entirely ignorant of the nidimentnry Inxvs of Irealeal. ataat iq«ea>tal trealmeal for wa>ak I caaae they are childleiwt In raajoritir nma aaat women ami l|■•waae, of the aerroa, I ki.s wagon, irtMt-b to lirr vrxation, for sbr yeura. It ia wawiderfnl what your Uoaw •y,te«ti .III rarahle ram, gnarnateetl. of cmwa. this is because the wife, throngn rralixral tlial rvrrv roommi rtwanl that Ibr nntural philosophy, hut I should like to sit down Igaawaite* |t|ird anti waa ioitking tlowu tbr «1 hen house” and go over the subject xvith you, I oa limb. I not fail to accomplish its parpast II is road I batl to sitia up to kaw|i frt*ari ran Mlee Idia t’raae cared ad bmarhlal iroaMei Dr Pteecc's Havortte Piescriptkm II acta mug him down, ami a* I did I brard him my: Mim. Uao. logAcu. point for point. You xvill Icnm something, 1 Court directle on the alelicate oegoa, ctmcerasd I nad long iltneaer. ’(lolly, if thrrr ain't thr onr with tbr Ian* IflOh Belle Bt., Alton. HI., writas: aad laahea them strong, bealthv, vignraas trrn fnilowiii’ aw yrt!' Hr wa, tbr ma*at Mlee It. II. cared of female weahaeaw after virile aad elaoiir It allay, laflammatimi, think, and I, xvcll, I might show you the advisa ­ house. hetag treated hy many mtteaf phyelrtaa. heal, ulcerattam. aonthaV pain aad tone, srarrvi man I rrrr mw. Him br Martral to *' Before I began to tube ytmr Vege­ Dr. Walker ■atrrenhiHy treat, all iffaeam, the ahaltered aeree. It its for wifehawd run X •!« maiiin't rait-b bun mw. Hr table Compound I wraa a greet anAerer bility of having n xvindmill on the place. ItealaliiiK (itantn ititd Irnttfcihg of the Kye. Kar, Thnaal. I.iiap,. aad ail i aad atadherhoaMl It qaiekerta aad vitalise, startrd towanl tbr wawnl, X'uw’d Iwtlrrgrt from womb trouble. Meneeo would ap­ • rhroair. petvate aad aeeron, tfhiraae, nad | tbe diatiaetiv feratatae orgaaistn It haa IB and ilnvr Iwa-k tn tbr iumar with mr " pear two and three Uame In a memth, Just bear in mind if you please, that I llaakMa a aperialt.v. defoemithw. aa tfraaalated IJala, Drainea,. j ishea the maladie, arf the eipertaat month, XX’iib a waitfal look obr gianrrd ainwn tbr I'm as f^ea. IHarharge of He- f^ra. ffriHi* aad auihea baby’s iatrodaetwa to the world -niT**-g am to he ao week I could not I bmtuito for fuaemln Mid wad* ehllla, faroafe 11* 0011, ifadtre itdg aeehi Ke- , Idna-fc mid. If br wrr** mnning and kaal will be Just as happy and good natured if rer Wore, ami I'lree,. Hiighl’a IMneame Rhea* - easy aad alatasat poioleoa It tasate, the rraliy gnwa taaward tbr woo4i thrrr waa etoad. I could oelther sleep tie eot. aud itiiiMi fttmiabed am nbairf no* nmttam, all dteeanea of the Ktdaev, amt ' little aew-comrfa health aad noariahtasat litllr o|i|wrtuait) of brr overtaking biro. looked ao hodly my friemla hardly we don ’t deal as If I take your ordes for a Bladder. Ilaart, Wtomaeh ami Mmvaiaa INa- j in plenty It I* the beat sapparttee taak tfee at reaamaaMe prieaa. Hhr loadird at tbr laatrm aad Ihra Imrk al knew MW. eaaee! I'horea IM. %'ltaa Daarei, tollepay j far narstag mothers car load. That's my nature. Try It and •ta, tleaeeal DehMIty, Mrrwlala. Mlln INeataaea. Mr* Jen ate park, of Mandiall. Spahaae Co tbo road. Hat dw riiadwvl into tbr buggy, ** 1 took dootor'n amdlefam but did not anal all dhmwe, due ta* hawf hfatawl. ahe* reetal Wmh write, ’* I sm gtad to ictl nt the gawd |Nit ifewn Ibr laatrni aad saaootbod oat brr dorlve mueh boaeflt from It. My drug* Cut Flowers reoah, of year great wwdtcfm. Dr Pterre a wbitr hair. glot govu am oae of yoar Utilo booko, Pstortte Prtw I Isfloa I wm ' "I ih> hair to mw, that iraaHi," dw mu I. ■^1 wMI sire rial alleatkra Ut ill msdfeaw in ranaawi It glw* ( aad oftor reading It I derided to try Always rmmm aad In r. • other phyntetaae hare mmf aw hahv »• D "Tbr idoa atf bla danag to roaw ta my daar! failed ta* rare immr lhaa I Lydia B. Plakham'a Vegetable Com* fVraton, nppl.vtag Ibr treat meat wUlpfeaae • of haahh That haw iwt bap|waad far loa yoara. That on Hand. hrtag ftmia oae to loar oaaeea ad arfae. heet tiaw I waa la tbr kilcboa aad dida't barn ta paaad. 1 fml Him a aew pereaa. 1 pa„eif ta the aiatratas iierfkiied.hse aaalytda. la cama of eamMlgaUan Dr. FferraHi waair my draagUi raaaiag altor tbr ama. would got give your Caimpeaad for all (jaeeiloa htaaha tmol t*a appllrattaai. Ha* Pfeaaam Ifelfela MtomM h» uaad aa an 1 Hand it op la aaatbor way, ibaagb. If Ii the doetom* amdleiae la tlwwagM. 1 riaae •tmap Mr raMy. rhame aaaide to one a^uhcl to the "l*avorlfe PrvarrtgUon." llllll i Mini. i boaa daylight, tbo 1,1*4 bav* waibafl C. F. and F. W. KNAPP. the doctor can adarrm Ibay ara axirmaaly Mnmla. parfeetly W.C.WALKIUI M. D.. Now tpck bM I'd a aooHabaa tbah Bax TB. Dctralt, Mich iMdlaiarr ui imi- t------* THE ST. JOHNS NEWS, THURSDAY AFTBBNOON, .NOVEMBER 3, 1898.

IttSTlB/C Uidrtll. Tli» ol tW nflair Mij 1 HE SPEED OP A SHIP THE CYCLONE. ItCWO* pabUokMl MlaUw tlwil ** wli*« th« odtewn* Mm Dayton •d Highland Ptwli had A GOeX) ULSTER ICut wiad of tlH* matter, at laat mu- Maw This i%*»«arrlitl aaU Oealvsm> Jnot ewgagad a imw cook. Tka adilMaw ■. M. rtTaAintALii. ruMLiaMKm. MCTHODB BV WHICH ITS KNOTS PEN ll«a .Sir Kars Is Parnsaa. laMit aa «irdrr wa* iwaad"—to rr* of ths hattaMi * With thia hold plaggad. . “What ia yuan gamer* ai I *** “ *^1 waa iMVautu aamHiBd tW tbra* rpbat«| MaaBaalawi awat aa mt tUm L.watWl •11 ilM vamal with water; thsM jimtm Uf Mall. IliiiaafMnBitati «*tb • •<»**»• aa®***^! to I taahaaaat. amt tha plug and watch. Thoahia4nAM “Lag-omtB ma'am," mkl th^enU* 0»B TBAB------J»i o« 1inotbOT- a mm of Uaau. uud I rash of water 4mm alldlroctioMtossoad iM. ficMv ImiL svnrfAf ■X MONTHN ..... How do you uacartuin tha ipsad of tba bula aod a turbolaat effort to got awlaimai tha lafiF W WMBK MONTHS tribicd b jiBl fliepralKttQii ...... HaMi aad iianaitMa that would uppal I uMiV’itu quaatioB traquantly ad- tbroagh. Titan tha water surface above thabawm. “What a paenltormHnal 1 tub Hawa wlU wralMaUr raaaOraaU aa»-' thaai. If a law ol the nafftaadara wara ■ad to Miaal nan, and an rxplana- bagias to sink and swirl, tha partiolaa aavar haawl it bafiomto my Ufa. la that ******^1121^^^**^ a^rfwVaaaiV^*** ' oot ahot, it wiMlid ba oaly baoaaaatba' I lion will tbarafora probably ba ol Iniar- grailnally cirrliog aroaod asMl aroond n nteknama or wwa it gi van yon whan you imd the slofiiB by Ml to many ruadtrt Tbara arr ^aaanil «B«l rushiug. ever faatar. toward tha ^*ltT*my real mM'* mM “Lag- la faPy wialaaad to 4o tab aad nraMnauuMaa wHirauiad axtrnordiMry j cunmoMuat and moa au- aid chMng wMi of winter. ' itlaa. tta mmtrnimim mim ol 'er At last there is actoaliy a hoi* wovhniaaahlii la aaar. tiiafi^. , ai«U batnc by th« o»a of the *'la||.'* '•I'um (Uruagh tha canter, around oorto." ‘‘I've gone by Uallfgiy Ilia* ’ I a* Wa Mgbaaa uuain> • Whitt did tba water to the tub la whirl* **Haw to tha world dkl* JOB ooma to ButtouoM of thoK Muud Bva aWaat tw, Iba asrallaat aaralaa ______ffca l>aa .Nataa. Ila cirtalatloa fc» not wiad of tbe inalter, at the laat umi -; lORShim tha lina and iba luarks •.ugrishly nmr tha rtm. bnt with town itr* wwa aahad. baaa Mtayy* l^^aabaittpH«»u Hat la aiway* meat aa order waa iaaaed *oa|»e«diniC j Iba IcRpbip is a piara of wood about n and wore violani rapidity toward “My aathor gal It ont of A aoval." you, turn up ths dnp oot** draaa pnra**c lor the |»®BBl«'’ In other half aa inch thirk aad ttaapad ilka a n« middle until It mabas d o wn ward aid “Lnyoorta." ■> fjoadranl, with a piaca of laad let iii tniriUgh tba bottom. Now, if ttaatsoatar Mml Dayton Itoally gffHd ha to Iv, aid you am defy the thowoa T novkmhku a. imw. wonW, the military aaliotH) in the | round tba rirrular «d|re to naka it float wt-rr Air. yon woald ha watching a little write Ik. Afta aMwh hard woth tha I UaitMf HtaMw amy sarraudasud to mu-1 parpandieularly in the water. It is tionit cyclone tnraad npaida down, for thaalt owna of tha mana wroia ooi ta n doct Md suow Md be axil* iah war iiaa with a piara of banting. Prom stinusphara haotaos from all dtraetiosis. In Itee Dnris. at the po d s tha banting it meaanred 47 feet 3 pushing aod iwiatiDg and pouring np A ballboy at one of tba big hotels had tioaa for a f<»Batitution«l reriaion were demonstrated that in all the higher he. a bteWK. roic virtues of the eoldier the .tmencau inchaf. aad tbe line markeii hare with ararri until it has fallen into a ragolar a qaeor eapwianon tbe otbar night and (Maated by the peopt**. In 1Hti2 the a pieca of laatbar. Thao another 47 fact has not yat entirely reeovared hia pao- Htiaeii lakes tirat raak; but iu tbe lower •pinning atonud a L-ommon crater. iinaatiun wae again eubmitted, when it 3 iorban in mcasurad off aod marked The oyclosw, onea formed, mshas faminanl anog froid. “It waaaboot 1 virtuM of otiedieniv, submtsaioii nod wii- lueaitred ao eaial^ maHirity from ao Miiall with two knou, then another apace sway from tha tropics toward the pole, o'oloek in de mornin,'' he mid. “an 1 n total rote that it was eonsideml that liugaaas to be usr«l simfily aa a t«M>l ia the mme length, and marked with aad begins tts career of desrroettoo. was de only bell bop in de oflloe when ih ^ ^ ill tha peoph* did not aare for a n>vision and the hands of ii superior, be needs hanf three knots, aad ao on as far ns wvaa bmising, wrecking and stoking thr die call oomw from de fort' floor. Wall, uo atpion was taken in the matter, liar- training to bring him to the scratch, it kaots. Halfway batween each batch of Incklem ships which bappra to ba in I went up an knoaked, an de man bo knots one single knot is made Tbs log mya, 'Ooom in.' iag thane years, bowerer, many ninend- is a serious qiiesHoa wliaf her or not you its path. Mora aad more of tba sor- wiimtR VLATmm. Has is theo randy for nse. mnoding atmospbero is drawn into tba “I opened de door, an da room was nstaWANTgOO QLOTMaSO Caprrlahu MN. by Han. Hsastnar a Meta. aseta hare been submitted, luiuiy of can make of the fiwa, imlvfienilent, in- tefligent man of this onaatry a soldier of Ths spBce between tbe knots is fonnd whirl natil tha storm often covar a au pitch dark. *I want yon to mail die lek- wbieh hare curried from tbe simple little mie of three anm: tor, ' da man mye from de corner whore tin- reaulatiun type. This war has not area ncmly I.dBO miles in diamatar. The couatifution requires that nt least As 3,000 seconds (Dumber of seconds in Somettmm it flings itself upon onr At­ I knowed de table wao, 'bnt wall a settle«l this i|u«etioo. fur tlie thing has uaea in Id years a proiMwition for a iirni- so boor), 28 seconds (length of aond- lantic uonat and tears fiarrely tbrongh mtoate,* mya ho. 'till 1 write de ad* seal rerieion shall be submittetl to tin- not Iswn trml. The further qoesliou ie. glsesj, 0,080 fsst (numliar of fest in s forests, fields and dtim. Than again it dram' Dan J heard de pan a-ocratahiD. is the so Mh r of the old type iirreiisarv. WILSON & SON people, but the sentiment of tberolersof nsaticnl milej; length of line required sweeps away across tha broad ocean and an be myo. 'Here y' are.' Bat 1 conkl the state in the |iast seems t€» have lieen iu onler t€» carry on war sucoeesiully** —which works not to 4? feet 3 inches. iaobes Itmlf upon tbe roasts of Enropa. not aee nothtn at all. 1 wae ocaiad, 1 To nse the log four parsooa sre re­ tall yon. * Where are yon. milter?’ laya to amend from time to time as any spei*- •Once in awhile it so adroitly aroids The Kansas City 8tur sees the coming quired —two men to bold tbe reel on tbe lead that we never know it has 1 aort ai faintlike. Than be iaiigha aod lal ased became manifest, rather than t<» power in fmlities. It says. .Make the which tbe line ie wound ; tbe qosrter- jwssed until ships coma in torn and mys, 'Ob. 1 (ergot !' au ocanea to de hareagfweral rsriaion. It apfiewrstobe msster, to bold the gisM. and the mid ­ door in de light on givea me de letter. iiide|iefideat vote the terror of iximipt broken. —8t. Nicholas. ELK(T1().N .NOTK’E* dreoit court oomroiaaionfnt. two uoron- gaaerally ooat'i'dad that there nr»* stime “It wna pitch dark. I tell yon —bteek jioliticB. If the ih^oMirratk' |mrty be- shipmen of the vrstrb, to hssvc the log. ' vTs and a rvHinty surreyor. Yon arwaleo poiote which coulddoubtlesslieiroproved Tbe Isst named pots the peg flrmly in ns dat hat ot yonni —on when 1 went comee the refuge of elertioii eriMiks and BACKBONE OF OUR NATION. I hereby notified that at said **ti«tioB there at this dav, but if a radical reviaioii, rais- . ___ the logship and then gsthsrs three or down stairs 1 studied an studied why Htatkok .MiaiuiAN.i I will he submitted to the (leuplofbe (|tMs* state oftlcrrs'saiarww.• * . . . etc., were U*. .be jurv■ brokers... and train rolrben* turn it four coils of hoe in his baml. suffirient TIte Brain Passer of Oar Caaatrr de mug shonld be seltiii dare witbont Ors-ici; Ol thi: HecBRTaiit OK Htatk . i I tioii of th** gaaaral reviaiou of the couoti- down. If the refinblicnii imrty shows a » jq admit of tbe logabip being thrown i'asaoo Fraai flir Karsas. I^axoi.vo, .4uk . 'i7, 1HDH. , tution of this state, in uceordanoe wiU> submitted it would lie likely to meet de tainin on de 'leetrtoa. 1 didn't find oot a tendency to misuse its |H>«ver tliniw it well clear of tha ship. He ask*. “Clmr "It is troiu the farm and the connirr till 1 ssw him next day, an den what To Till; Shkkii 'K ok thi; t’nrNTY ni* Fuji * isertiou two of artid*- twraty tbrrecjf, faat aod thus the work of t tie eon vent ion orerboani. few dosee ofthiss«irt of glnos. qoartcrmMicr?" districts that the great brain power of d'ye t’ink —de mng waa blind. “—Mew TMX: I and Act No. 7 of the Public .Acts of th* wroold be nullitied. > **xtni Illusion of 1N9ft. iiiedH'ine will rnire the most maligniint “Clmr glass. ■ir!“ comas tba reply, the (niuatry has ^mne. is cooiiog today Orleans Times-Democtat. Sue—You lire hsveby iintitled thut at There is need of ar- uminendmeot topn*- A. K. Du .x .n , (■as** of tmd |H>liiios. nod overbonni go tb« logsbipand lim*. and mast come in tbe fiitnre. “ writes the graernl **tection to be held in thi* Sheriff of Hinton f'oiiaty, Mi«*h. raut the Isgialatun a|ietiding so much the real rapidly revolving. i*rrsantly Eda-ard Bok in The Ladles* IfomeJonr Wbea ai.aa» l.aateaU state. (Ml the Tueodny sucreeding theflm^ time otrer local legtsfntioii . Krery session Iljr .An Admirer. tba middy faals the piece of bnutiog nal “Instead of deprecating rmintry Divide anything up into pain aod Moii(lay of November next, th** Killowiag yon magnify iL A certain wlae man thare is a scrap o»*er from two tti a doieii T«* Thi. M:ws pawing thmugii his baud, and ha gives life and saying tiuit ‘to live in the conn- ofl1(*»*rH are to be **iected, vix.: tba order. “Turn. “ Tbe quartermaster try means tu live nut of the world.' in took this way to give his wife an idm .\ governor, lieuteniiiit gns'ernur, sre- loeal bills and both fiartiestuthe contne TIm* 'crtllrf aOrii !•> Mr Ksrii of bow moch fil.OOO ia. She had no r>*tary of stnt**, state trenanrer, nuditor veraj flock to l.ansing Ui hav** a lieanng Hn* many iluiiltralrs I nsrti turns the ginas and watches tha wnd lelligent people know that the free, on Why Not while ooe “rceler" bolds tba real well trammeled life of the couutrv untiuea- idm of money. Her pnrehaaes were l(eiM*ral, attorney general, suiienntand- baloretbecommitteetm municipal wrpor- Encli sf-rlk th** |Ni|M-r lirtaht .tad rlmr ent of public loatnirtioa and commia- over bis bend, so ns to give tha line fair lionably give* broader view. The hu­ euormona It happened one day that S*' Aik‘tthy, rhsrrfBl, all liurre tha nmraa* knot, flnding a single one with aarnest eye* from nature tip to na oonaaoted to tbe parchdm. What else ••ducation in plar*- of hJioe K. Johnson, Solid Gold DUunead Rloffs for...... i.jfi Snrh must Its imtrona plalid.i sm- before the legisiatiira. This is ail wrong. ciom to bis band Than the line is haul­ tore's Ood. To speak of ‘the ignorance ooold a datifnJ, affectionate hnahand ap|N>inted to All vuuanry; ai*M) a rsfire- Ifidf Roffers* Trtppie Teas per set i.7S No lutlnii doss ths tsiltor s|nm *<- do? But he tiled this method of edooat* sratative in congriw* for the eighth (xm- *1%? Detroit Tnbuw on this pomt j Bsrii nrssV'a |ta|isr to itrrfmrs ed in. and four knou appear, which of the rural eegteatv' is to stamp oneself • day hairiM>Brtti1kc.ScthTboam.s tlgoify that the ship is gotng four and as Ai: igtiorumn* not tbe csiontry peu tag hie wife coaaeniiag the g nat pteoe greswionai district of this state, to which Clotk...... —...... j.oa obnsrves: l Whateverof others la aald your county (tefiingn, nle*i a senator (or a half koou through tbe water. Tha pie There la a sonudne*. of core and of the ring. He inatrocted bis banker Gold filled. 10 year rUtog bow ‘*Tbere is never % setiei<»n ol the lewisln- Surely Thi: .N'rwa ia far ahead tbe nin**teentli senatorial district of thm MIO* K )erk of the line draws the peg from the an intelligraca tn me bsu^k country of tn send her tbe fil.uOO iu small picoee Glasses...... i.§a tore daring which less than 1.al>t.. Oct Jl’. lat*a penuteo, dimm, quarters, iu came the slat**; als«ia repreoentative iu the state logship. which now floats on its flat Ibis nstlon of ours that people who live U'gisAaturv lor tb*< repree*ntMtiv«* district Wm. Rogers nipple plate Kalres loeal maaaorrs are not dumped into tbe •ids a^ is easily hauled in When a in riiies and think themselves wise money, bagful after bagful, dhc never and Forks per set...... 2JS MIOO Meward PIOS. comptriaMiK your i*oanty. hoppers. Committees ore weighted down ■hip la going over lour knots, a 14 rec- never oospert. We can talk all we like baii such au iden nf fil.OOO hefnre. You ar* ‘ also b«*rehv iiotiHed that at The renders of this jmper wiins*|>l*tiMU 1847 Rogers Bros.' Knives aad When tbe mooer was piled before her, said eiertion ther«* will le* subinitt***! to with work that could not be intelligently to learn that then* is at least one drei d- ood glam is used, the speed lieing doable of ‘Mjotal revnlutionf' ami kindled evils Forks per set...... j.rs it alarmed her. Tbe {^ce of the ring till* |ieo|»|*- th** (jiiestion of the gen«*rtil re- conoiderrvi by tbe miMt diligi-nt applica­ ed dise,i<«-that scieiMe has iieen fiiile to that shown by the knots on lb« hue that are supposed to threaten ibis nn Ladles* I4k. 20 year filled case viMoii of tliei-fiustitutioii of thie state in cure III all its stages, and that is calarrii. Another metbiMl in nae in tbe patent tiou When they do threaten nor insti- went up a hundredfold, and waa cem- with Elgin works...... ii.oo tion. The interest of the memliers is cen­ orcordaiM'e with Section two of .trtide Mall's Catarrh t’ure is the only (Hstuivc log. This is altogatber macbaiiical and tutinus. tbe danger signal will nut come ■ldsMv*«l Mt (MICH an extrnvagance which tered in thmr local bills, for them- are tw**f*ty (lH*r*<«if, aad .4cl Xo, 7 of the Ladles' I4k, JS year (tiled case enn* known to tbo iii'-’ficnl fraternity, consists of n long cylinder with clock from the back country. Sneh thoughts »be nf bar emu (iptinii altandooed.- with Elgin works...... 12.00 considered the teat of the memliers efttri- I'llhlic .tcih f-'xtm Seesiou of IMWK. rntiirrh ts*ing a constiiniiouui disease. work iDSldo it and four flu» on tbe cut are Ihihi and fe«l amid the foul atmos ­ Nsev Orleans Times-Demncnt. Ladles* I4k. 24 year case with i s euey, tuid if he lannot bring alKiiit the Ill tvwtiiiKMiy ab«*r**if. I hav** heivunto se(|iiinv« a c«tnstiiiiiioiial t rent ment, side It is towed aiteniof the ship by a phere of tbe cities In tbe clear couo set my liantl ami attixid tliegreut wvU of jeweled Elgin works ...... u.oo MaH's Calairh ( ure is taken intcriially enactment oi a law givitig the townsliip line made fast to a swivel in tbe head try air of tbe farm nothing threatens AAAA*»4AAhaNhA4aAhAAAAa tlieStat** of Mitfliignii. at lral election to In * hehl in this aad are oonstaolly verified when near iowkl legislation, excejii under an emer- liairM Family l*illsan*tbc las*t. day." writes .Mary B Mullett of tbe state (Ml Tuesday, XoTs*mb**r H, Ihdh , k land by cross bearing* —that Ia tbe Porter Emmons genrv, and the emergency must exist eb*-- famous pianist in The Ladies' Home ther»- will le* elerted a memlier of the bmnogsof two well known poinU are wh«r«-than in th«‘mind of the legislntor .%ti liti|M>n«nt llim-retM-e. .lournal "He beliavm that most stn- n.j. a. sdHTs lloanl of Kegriiis of the CniT(*rNity in taken, aod tbe position so obtained is dents make tha mistake of overpraetto- place of (l**oru* ‘ .4. Farr, who was ap- who intriNloos* tbef hill. With the lugis- To make it ap|iHrentt«ithousands who marked on tba chart, tbe time of obsar- IMiiiited to Nil a varnnev i*iiuaed hy tl^ mg. When tie came to this country (he latnre relieved of the work that should think th**me*4v*w ill, that they an* not vatioo being noted and tbe reading on n-etgoation of Clmrlee If. Hockley, whose first lime, be was practicing au hour a properly lie |ierform* ’d by hoanisof siqier- ntt1ictc4| with iiiiv (liseiMe, but that the tbe patent Ing. After au interval has term of ofli*'»* wonid hare expired l»w-*-iii. Hurrah!! svst«*m simply ne»sls cliwnsiiig, is tobniig day For two years after his returi. to UVER Iier.'tl. ItNi:i. lioors ami city councils the sessions elapseti tha position of tha ship is again •-•mifort horn** to their heerts,asa t-ostive (lermauy be practiced two boars a day taken by cross bearings, when (he .\lso there Will lie i-hvled a nM ‘iiib**r of woatd Is- short**neii ami th*- state could i-oiidition IS •>nsily «*ured by using Symp During tbe next two veers he averaged AMO lie- Itoani of lteir*'Uts of the I'liivereity in straight line joining the two places on t-nmroand theservmw of a lietter daes of of Figs. Miiniilactun <1 by the California lour hours daily, aod after that, until Itteee of H**iir.T S. Dean, who was ii|»- Mere we are .■\c:ain tbe cbsrt will show tbe direction of the men. lieneral legislation would rective Fig ftter laws." To finish ners is s psient log yam. set my hand and affixed tie- great se«il oi Synip will cnr»* it. other mistake of young piaoitci is that BALM the.State ot Michigan, at (.aiieiug, th*- Hits seetns to Is* the prion|ial evil js-r- ss told by an old messmate 1 give it in they use too much force In procticing da.v and year flrst alsire written. mitted by tts* conatlttition. hut if tis- Mives are n t«*rrible torment to the lit­ bfs own words: “ When in tha Crocodile tle fotks. and to oomeolfter onas. F^isily One should play just bard enongb to Sis the **PmRLBSS REMEDY** far W \SMINOTO.V (lAKIlNKa, 5C Cigar (Mople want aixNivention to thomughlv to tba Rad sm. just after taking tha keep tba fingers and wnsu from getting Secretary of Slate. cared. Ihian's i Mntment never fails In ­ rsading one night at 6 o'clock, tbe ring affmmn of the Livar» Kidocye overhaul that document they will have stant relief, (lermanent cure, tt any •tiff. One is not aiming for artistic re­ qnartennmter reported. ‘Shark taken The Best Cigar Ever Made aa opportunity to say so In a few (lays. drag stor*-, .Ki (•eats. sults as oae it in cooeert playing It is tbs patent lug, sirt' 1 gotwooiber one Okkn -r os nil: SHKniKKl tbe fingurs which need coosmat prao- over St oaoe At 0*30 next morning wa OK WlJXTOX CorsTi, Mkh. ( Fur Sale by all D*vi ml Trw|M**il !.•». among our soldiem. .temnnts have one shut Katr la a come from nearly every (wm|i nfth«-de- thiswin perfect tiealUi lawseae. any price ia jast I3J 7*10 mtim “—Navy aod Army fashionable luxury of Areas Volaatarr 5>AVE Nmlllwa HaMsrv Ii-mim IK* 1 j»«hI wf f Iww • Aaoer of miss on the |iart ol the private Illastratad assoriatlOM were formed, the members Oovernor, Aeretary of S*aie, Slate williugiy (laid providing any hope ia held ^ Y our Fuel Treasurer, .\uditor tieneial, tttornev ! vr. saMlers, aad umasaaaaily thie bae ont to them. Thie eoaldes iiaprinri|il*d whereof bound themselves oot to uae ’ui* wilb g*4«l**ii •l•*r>•ln•li••l••i ami amounted to opsn reheliion. Thestmoge nod unermpnlone charlatnae to prey up­ hair powder In a similar wav tbe Ft u«’iig THE ROCH­ structHsns. ami CommiMHoiHr of the triipn-Ml **•» , nlKvl wi*b a Imiaiwt ESTER st.ive |isi»*t on tkwr w*^iiaee to euah an extent oe The town of Oroton Vt . Is terror- abolltiooim boood themselves not to Htate lasnd (Hlln ■ also a in«*mti**r of the ;ekliilat. 1*1 nmlttiM*!*^. wi*iMl**r- part of it is. says n writer in theHumlay FAOlATOfl wi-'h ita Itad by hoodlnras A srerat orgAoisa- use any tagar whose prodnctioo involved State* Ibaird of F^liN*alion in |4mi** of ; fnl in r*iibi»*-». •Mn*v*4****e in vnri**t\ ni«l .funs Tribune, that instead of slamfang can tinlv be imagined. When coneniting ii*t» ciittys TriH>t a iihyewian in thie all imiairtant matter tioa bm baao formed, known ns “The the employment of oegre slaves — Notes Kugvm \. Wils**n, wh**e** t*-mi ol otfirv* ' iiml n|ib*ttilt*l wnb It tlM>*t«.iiHi trald he the (laticnte first cvmsMlera- and tjoertee will ••X|Hre lKv**ii*leT * ’11*1, IHPM. mImi w«iu*b*ii>, ilbMttiiiiiiK Iu lonii**!** in Dirty Dooaa. “ whom sola porpom is to inmget iiil»ws»-iy h«»l. ntMtary roathods fonaerfy in vigcue. the tion to make thorough inquiry into the a mewtiet of th** State liowtii ol (■^Imrs- vm ImI** niMi priM.iiiv-ttir** iI**- iii parpatmta onlawful aad sbamafol thna roaking Oaeatow fitness of the practitioner t«» whom th**y mSMi’s Urmmt itmrOmm. tbMi int4M**eof l-Jiae F J*ihi*e*(ii,iqi|M**iit- trii«*li<»n*>. ails lint ag*'«* ami mM*Mivrv*«M aothonties have tem|Mirised with the deads Damaaa of tba actloaa of them nr fnniace dothrwfirk intend or ivMitemiilata entrusting their ed to nil vneaiK*y. also a inesitbi*r of the I the Minny lami. Tmpical frnita. FliMvha spirit of mutiny as if the thing amounteif thoga msuiy wosaan aaaart (hay dare not These le ao immense garden in China of Two. cnee. Dr.Ottmno. of th** llrm«»f Drs. II. H. that embraces an area of 50.000 square H«*ard of Uegmts of the I'nivemity in ■ wiiHw.exqiiiwit b*antain**etc.,«*tc. “//**•• to nothing more than a strike of work- bo on tba atroat m tha evaatag —Bs pinee of fleorge A. Karr, who was a|>- A C«»., Mnskegnn, Miehignn. is |ieealiaHy mtIm. It IS all mmdow land aad is ■qSo laveallna oi recesU in minti th* nlUifttturm arr rhtiinrti." fitted and adapt^ to practise in the pro isiinted to fill a vnreacy (wnsed hy ma- Thia rnsMwrvat*iry (Wi whv»*fn, a Imps- fillad with lahas poods aad .'aaals ysavs willdaso atarb lav ignntion of Cbarl*s H. Iliseliiey, wlnti- US laat, swab lUseeaadhMt noa ia Imand *n hset I oi bgwi, aad ardmass aad tediooe bar's hoaaa, a grant maay bn him Hitla tbe crop has tieea known to net at high lUmrd of Kegesits of the Feiv*r»iiy iu tH*nt; hoi* liren vmi**! by m«ir** |ie«q*ie im ba tha aorsK. At ('amp Hamilton ia years nt experiaaeagninvd In the heat hne- Kiln thought. m fil.OOO an acte. plare of Henr> S. Ihaui. who wa* aiqM*int- the ima«b-ansi nas*'*! at by m«iTv* |i»»oph» Kaataahy, the snldlwi bad baaon n so i^tsda In both the ness nod old wortsla. “Mamma. “ she mid. “tha storkmust ed to fill a TM* OSH'T s|isvs itsssl aaS IHsr Ibat dvestlfal diatriri of this state, to which thiervinaty 7 a. m. to 0 p. m. tine day oaly. Con- ■Hssase. If they base tbis rvStaMs resasriy at ifrvwi 11 an*l nndsr .*1 *vsitn. will Is*- IBOMi IniHaan aad Itftii New York, ssi- mitatioa free and atriatlv eonlMstitial. tec ciaaa jreur bioad asui Isaaa it rlma. b> hebiaga , also a retwTswaitalive in )the Mimog ap tba lasy Itvar aad artnng all tss baad. Il Is saM hv all dra uaSsis lav aSr. Jobn W. Snyder. ! charged Will le* at 8t, Jidim* Tmvdav smshI latt) a eosMpIraky to (fott baaiisam slate Isgisl atnre. (or the refHveentntive pantwB from tha hadjr. Hsgia taday to ; .Nnvraibev *t. at the fi. T. depnt from f» OMill aalil lha ubaoxkMta order ism re- Dr. Walkar'a osuit s dt ia Ht Jobas ha*Mh psiapiaa, bask. Matdsaa. hloshhaads. Dr HaVs nMWb Nvnsa >• ths bras ws4|. district rosnprnaag this enuaty , also the a. m. tn D p. m. .At ttvid Moudgy Nov- , rWe Kie save tbroal, laryag(tb^ naSaay

If you waat to nave laiiaay ivNwalt the Marraatlb odr. tbb waak. ■Virr MK’HHJA.N A. Max Rargar apaai Haadny aad the aiaikjbairv or MAmaa MAai.g 10 THE NEWS IN BRIEF. Amt of tha weak in Detroit. Hb mother CAIMIC COMrtMMUK. wmm Mm. M. Rnrgrr, returned with him and will apeud tbe wtaker ^Ht.^Jubpa. .A spabal from FortJaad. Draaoa. Moo* cbky. aoid : ’Sboraa A. Hksal and fJaueai , *TVaitror tke ’SlOldaa Fanarr'* datfa t|BiTiivkt» t kbP lialled i•m$b»f•l |iar. A» Mlaal'a ooenpauy bam petitiaaad tba Hk of Paine'o Compomd # file Phili • 1>. L. Hunt BBBbgev'kB IWtkgBi IhiiiwnbUi. 'IMwaAgy I'aital Htataaooort to bedmbMwd bank- R.M Hwinart wMiaOwimmlWtarday, bbwbnhkr let, by Nev. J. U. lakea, HMi mpt and tobadbebaraadfrooiall iadobt- Fmd Ketakrr vbitad in IVMBa|Bt> 4kp, rdaena. Tba annata an givoa fa tbe petb tkrtf'B. Mkrrill aad Mhw Hattie .A. Jneob, tum am BI5U,UIIU aad tba IktoiNtiaB. W. C. 1 U. C. Stork, ol Oir i*pMt SniHiny both of llai^l. •411 jiOO. ’ During to tbt fart tbat (iou. K. H. Wilnow nMkde a bnainann trip to .A. H^. fomie riy at Jokwo, did m in Ht. JukM. Mm. H. M. Sfciaaar, who ban bean fbtroit Ttnaday. great deal of bn«iasaa in tbe weal, it wan ' vbibBg ndatlrea iu Ht. Johan Jor tbe QnnrtiM Hentory b aaricMMljr ill witb ('okmei .Andomoa. ol kbnax. wan ia thonght by auuiy here that tha item t jpbiid brar. paot naewa waaba. mtumed to bar iNMao telarrad to him. hut tha IlMroit Htwai Ht. Jokaa,.Ttimdior. 4 in llntmlt yeaterday. Hbe waa aeroni* naya ba b no*, mlatad to hia, ulTbough Frauk TnlMitin** apmt .Hnndao with Mr. add Mm. J. W. Follanl apmt poabd hr her dangbter, Mm. F. T. bb people oatl tbe graadparawta of the friMMlaia O vm I. Rntitiit (iaorge \. Htavf both o«ne fwwn < Tubbdny In Uacrolt. Uranoh, whti will vbit tbam, aad at Ann R. M. Winatou nuulr a biiainraa trifi to tbe oaaM part of Heotlaad. aad*iB faMt, If you vraai toMTo uiuany cupoBiMt the .Arbor for two waaba. lirod within oix or aavaa miba of oaill : (WM, MoaS ny. Mamaatib odv. tbb wwiik a. Jaepy .Aikan waa aknwiag ua thwatraaba other. Wbea Mr. Htoel waa ia Portfagpl Jaaoa K. Niebob, of {.anainK. wm in be oltap got bitom inteadad for tbwotber ' Mbn Ina Ixiannor in rkatina ralativea yaaleaday two arall darelopad rad ripa HhA tirtading aome from tha lattam St. Jolrnn Muadnv. in ShefNknbvflla fbb wank. etmwhirriea gtown oat dotNw in Ua Ibdiaii'f* They triad to mtabibb iwMae Kd. Hnnr, of lioaall. apantHuuday with rMattoaobip, but without aaranaa, tba Ifaoaard (lapp. of Ownanu, nfiaut Tuoa- imteh. Tmc .Nrws waa unable to tvNi latatiraa in Ht. JokiM. tract fur a buobei to be tMivmd oaxt ^ day with Ht. Jukaa fibada. ___ . __, .. . ..__ ___ Uatrolt Htaal waa kmaoriy ia — I weak, nltauogh Mr. .Aikao itaid "tkare WANT COLUMN. i lira. Chaa. I'aar, of Orkl, b viaitinft bar Miaa l.illb .Albartaon, of I'bmaniaa b oat want tba ainailarity of niuaai dansbtnr, lira. H. Heotnay. were ulbem.” oaoae auma ttonfaaioa. WANTKIt—alttutooa m la the gueat of Mba .Ncita darter. *'aroUn«* II. Fray, of Flair, haa lawti Hoaurary titba or prattxee romeehaap aoMMolwMtiwvrarUltMaaUkiMlIjr. I.uqain* Mm. (^*ban. Waltcra b viidting Iter at Tnfc .Vgwa ■Usm*. Ii*. .\rtbor Font, of Owoano. aprot SuntJay nwo.'aanatom, iodgea or tbuae holding cuTMT uf Omb aiMl fyniMemorr atrarCa Imwb liaad araon, of Ann .Arlerr, afiant W AN uMaaaivgD iwr Tag vAxm It. It: ->4Hri lar maaral boaar wurk. Bannbtrr for n conpb «)l warka. * Win. Riehin«»iid wan in Iat Tna Niaara oMa^ tiraud llaptda the timt of the waak. Mm. L. Vaaconaaut b apaudiux tbr to it or not. church varloua Haiata am i-omwamiw- HOQMITU ltC.NT ta KaaMiaavUIr. tUMbaa. arr nMinratbl . ty prrarni Hrmlwit in Ht. Johna Moaday uftrraoou, .Mm. J. .Albartaon. of Oakley, vbitad aidewalkorin thagntter for half u block past aad rnwat tlgya aad aobmnly com- •taimwatr to w. II. CaalW. NwH both woya from the poat office. It givaa memoratea them. The church aa3ra in Mba IbUa Hhrfdon b afimdinie u ooupb ieiatir«w in Hi. John* the Amt ol tke her creed obe bolbvaa * ‘io the couNwuaioii Burnt ca LX iH promptly aaawrrrtl. galek the aidawolk an untidy appanmnoe and and rattabtir aarvW. On* ur two prmoaa of wnaka witb mlatiraa in Alaia. week. of oainta'' aad ia oae of her bymaa obe makaa onaanmoary work for thooe who M‘ k, tear .tor ta ur liwai tralaa. Kxrrlbat *niar« will be an iitietion on November practbally aprmnea tbe awmaiog of .ill dray aarriw rradr at all ♦Imm Trbpbuar .Mm. Frank M’ordmi vbftrd rHatiaw* in bnve to cbaii op the litter. Haiat’a day wban aba aiage ‘*.ipg»b aad TBaBtrrl. BawAaitdAV. Owooao, tbr lattnr yinrt of laat awdib irithat the reaideace of Wm. I. I'amaain living aainta aad dnad. Hat oae com- Oreaobaah. Don't get big handed, young man, the mnnion make; .All join in Chnat tkalr FflK HA1.K.>-A War tburunati nrrd TuU<>ba«l Rom. to Mr. and Mra. Waltrrfiryflblda iblaaiHira.iolkOB. Mlrblwaa. Ka<|alrr of M.u,M. I>. Hubbard, Ht. world «MT—tta (Hat4>B Avaaar or •Ma •trmt day evening, where he hoN aaeure«l a at Ht. Johna Kpbeopnl iSiureh by a celt*, ladWa* Mt baail Mack kid borr. I*l«aar rr> Mr. aad Mm. W. W. Hinloaaon afirat may uionm for u time, but the world. lioaition. ^ bleaa you. ahe will never elip it tvjg, and bratioa of the huly eomoniaion at h . .SO. tvm to Ncara .HBcr or Mr*. IMb Hkan, Honday with tbrlattir'a laotbrr in (iainm. and at Ht. Mnrva Cnthotic chun-h at Bbrrkn. Mba Minnie Drake, of Ovid, wue the Mm. W. K. Soatbanl aad Mm. L. <1. theNun will riae and eat tbe day after Iii::tO. HTUViat HAl.K.—Two wtMMl bcallaw giHMt of Mim .Minnb Htapbenaoii the Hml •tAivmi. Knttalrr at Tai. Nawa obcr. llaFtw vbitrd frbnda in Ovid, Saturday. yourdentb. It b well lor yon 10 atop Mleainaa waa B*i*l. 0 of the week. and take into eonaiderutfoo joat how lit* W.k!tTKD. at oacr. Wm. (TIrh payn raab Mba .Ida Kriary, of loub, b Mfimdiair The tiraogv Judd Fnrmar m^m: Tlie for arroad-baa*! atoraa aad araaia aoata at Mr. liiid Mm. 0. .Archer and daughter tie yon amonnt to and what a tiny little appb crop ol the United atalea b amalbr oaaa. AUo haya rawa. copper, ilar. lead aad Uh* wrak with brr abtrr. Mm. Kd. FmnrII. than it liaa been boce reliabb atatbtba robber. Faioa A RIrbmoad Murk. Jtwoie. are viaitiiiK reiotivm in HuniiMl apet*k you nrein thegnvitrtmgiomemtiua Mra. Itartba Milbrlrft for Youiifpitnwn, thb wfwk. and liuath* of the ani%*eraM. have lietoi oniiccted. The total aupfiiy KUK MAl.Kat a iMUiraIn, huaar aatl lul. ■ w . . • >. __, . fnim the iHOHcrofi of the IJiiittal Htatm titwk 15/0, HI. Jitkaa. For fMirtlrularr rail i Ubio, Monday, to viait rrtativra itboiil u .A. II. Italliuger, of I..auaing. la a|(end ­ The poatolHce department will antiior- b 27,70O.OtMi lawreb. compared with ••a J. a*. Mtiarrald at tbr Htatr Haah of Ht. * month Ji>ha> nionin. ing u tw«i waake vucitthin with hie |»ar- lie poetmaatem nt oil money order otficea aonietbing over Itl.tNMI.ilOii laatyearand 7iMNM>.(NMi in tbe rerord-bmakiag cro|i FOK half fir rsrbaawT for (arm near HI. .Andrew (iraafter. <»f .St. Johna. hua had enta in St. Johna. . iu the mnaller iJaceM to mmtMhtti«Hi to peoalfwiera. The iiiagni(k**nl building at tb* i*oriier ' in health by over-work, or what iaworae, 54 Per Day Sore mloalftu. Do .Tf»u ' Tiomp «»ver Snnday. profier fertilixation by iaaoeta. Waat honorable, ateady rmpbiyntetil 'tbe .Mr». It. M. .Steel returtml Friday ev#Ht- Kvery iwmier ntrriea on nior*- or Itva* ol Elighteentli and .Arrh atreeta, Fhiladel over-worry, have bam raatorad toporbet rear rtfaad. at kimm I waaea. at yoar fiwn Foarch'a orrbeatra will (ila.v for the nuaH* or tff travel? it ao aenfi lor f>ar whole. inK from 11 intinth*M viait with frienda in c>>rrwifMindear«‘ and then* b no guoil l*hui, ba monanienl that tall* what n health by Faia«*’a oalery componud, that aale priee Hat aail partieiilara. We farnlah flmt annual daiiriiig |iurty of the WihmI- KVEm great charity b th«* Wumnn'M Chriatinn ' haat of tmak rHerracfa Ataeriraii Tea t'o.. < imaha. reoeoii why be aliould not have printetl ita reconI in tb* Fbiladelphia home baa Hetrult. MIrb. 44Hm7l men Camp, at Muir, next week. been duplieatad in avery large city iu the The Miaeee Kdith tind MinnioWiiahhuni atatiunery. Have a iient lettiT head, Itev. i.4(vrJoy will pretu-b it( tbr llaagwl .t(wMM*iatioa ol He* tjuaker Cil.v. Mra. O. F. Morrboii and Mi>. J. .M. «iri»|*end ihe winter oitii oAi'-eand you wig la* anrpriaed nt the for tke lienetitot other women command* liuadredth of tha baxrty bliwaiag* that FMenty. and Fontbr. Tbr l.a(Hee‘•M(rlrl.v the t',.ugr>Wiill«iiial hia daughter, Alra. C. K. Kinipp. el»eH|*f»e*w* ailh w hw-h It enn lie fiimiaFe«i rharrb will aiert wlib .Ufa. Ilani arxi Ta«w- Ha* higheat rrnpert and admiration. IHiblic iaatitutioaa Jiave opeaiy oerordad Mba I..UII Truvia. wh«i la atteitdiliR the^ (Injr aftrraoou V«»v. H. to Fnine'acebry •■oai|M>aad. .Mm. S. It. Diiholl left for .Ann .Art>ur to y! Ht. Joba* rbairb In all oilier inatitutiona oi thb kind M. \. t'.. a|>e«t .Sunday with her piirenta | will aervr «apper tr<>M .A::m l<( a ai't-lxrk. more attention i* given every yanr to The widaapread uae of Fatwe’* nbry yantrrduy to afieml the rematnthT ol the I ttMaall l*r. lAoiaer Wtitt* Meallli( Way Ur near St. Jfdiua. j Tbumdav .Ntivatabrr lo. at lhrb«(mr«»l Mr. rompi'Bnd. iu the moat iiiti*iligent, oare- weak wtih twr •iuughkar. Mb* WiaifrwJ. Fimwa- • aa*l Mr*. I.. H Ball. . .. tenrhiag tb* Inw* ol iKoltb and nght liv­ Mm. 11..S. laabel npeat tbe latter |Mrl ! Theotllicted abonkl remaxiiber that Dr.i It 1*^*0 m*’lH*'* ing, ithyaimlly aa well a* morally. Th** fui home*, and among tlie moat l liinpiliHiil Mamed, ib*iobar .‘It, bv AVillurd C. an* i* IB* 11, / lb a Aa mL, . i ^ P*** H*!® I H f M f" I % « HoiTf* b, >«I mN liTr 1 41 ll. tS the weak with Iter dauifhter l.ulu, in "•L* wiftlker. (if Delruit. tha aunvawuui W*****^ r«(r a library. .\ll are r<(r,e((ther cbrgvmeti aad trackere. .Anoiling, iierv- I'ity, Friday, by ttreaerifuie illni ol her 1 towoahifi. Oihat lo ••Vh>ek IpKarii All are t-Krtlially atrong and w(>ll toother* naeding exactly retiaoii MO iiiuiiy jthyak-iuna (ail to enn* In* lt<*l. ooa man or woman tlmb it mon* ditHcult mm, John Shaffer. Mm. JoaridiTunimrtlof lioweil. mother chrouk* dwaaa**« i* largely line to lack of l«( in* hopeful anil ch«**rfal nnd good than the name kind of invignmtion andtonfng Mlae Mary Hunt retiimetl the i„n..r !«»<"'. II. Hall, arrivetl lu St. .Tnhiia ia*t (•laa-iul preparation anil cxpettence. Mere I* a f'lmarr. a well one. up that Faine ’* cebry eompouml giiT*. imrr of the wwSk from an extendeo I evening for II vi*it with that aeiitletiiuii Tb*' bu*y liM'ul practitioaer haa but little II. D. Lockwood of lAlue. Kiui.. wiuita lntim(*of grent meatal ntrain, when tiiiH* iMuolly to to thb iniwl ditfi- Writing tti the WellaA: Uichanbon Com- with reinlivea. in Chicngti. I ami family lao ^ wife, and iNing a llnii la*lbver in iirint- i(Hny, who an* the jinipnetor* of ib* other refiiedie* oalv nieddk* aud iniiddb, i cult t-luae of diaetftaaa. Therefontore uy inaktw known hb ibaina* in the .Mr*. .S. .\l FInwniHii, who htp* fieeti Fain«*’a «e|ery comjiouml feed* tb* hard- Hoirt. .McFiirloae. of I'hieogo, ia a|a-iei> *ja*;iaJ reaearrit. inveatigution !^*** I ** following notice ; “.A gnoii girl wnnteil moMt wonilerful nMitedba (or tie run* |n ‘rieii«v Dr. Walk'-r ha* uttaiui*! ingn couple of wir-ka with hi* fNinute viaiting r>*iativ<-n in l•atte*tla •-tiuiity tor f‘»r *» wih* i iMii •J.’Y ycra old llte hare and ot deia^toMw that arbe from the ini* |ire*«eil nerve*. iiiatkabk* *u«-e*wH m the treatment of the pnat two monih*, n*turiHri home blueeirv* 1 am worth iu reiibatap* aiarut paimient of the ll•*rvltiiiate uniw*»ailM>r Trnib among tb* meinlier* of the \\*. C. .A., *aya pr**v(<«itabie. IVkiae'* (wiery cnmfainnd b •Him** out w**ll. A‘ou lire wbe to go to Miaa Kth**! Smith, whti hoe le*eii vinit* hour* !i a. m. to Ti p lu. .S. .Ylexiuiiler. of Deogal, living two 1 ItoVejoy, ol till* fity. that *'Tho(M> who hai'e l(Heii taking it f«**l univerwnlly prencrihed by medical men to tbe iieat artiat Arat and naenrh atnge of ing reiativfw in St. John* fur four wi*eka, inik*«(w»uth and Ibn** went of St. Johna. gnaitly l**neHted, und •baire to (-((ntinm* *tup the progiTw* of •Ibonbr*, due to the prfNHHe* ia mode right y«tn may lie returmal to her home in Hint, Satiinlay. ! Marrieit at tie* honieot .\l .Aielrun, in I alter towee I'apeea. near the I). D. ehurrii, will nell at jdiblk' ••»»nAdenf ol happy rcanlta lor ymir I St. John*. AloieJav evemugby lt«*v. Love- The mper. famiiiar in caper *aoce unctioa ail biad* 01 lami iin|*lementa. tb* uae ol it.” So iniuiy women run down (NHir bhHid and badly iiouriNheii oervaa. ((tirtrait. Mr*. C. .A. I.'tinffae, whuhnala*en viaiting bonaw, cow*. nl«** ‘|i, liuga. •'hk’iien*. aad joy, Chii*. r. V.inithiiikeualiyu. ol ItriHik* aud lined alau a* u Kambh for oaloda. la reintivea in St. John*, for a few wetSco, JoH huahet* o(<*orii on llieeui. Thunwljiy, TNI- * lyu, .New York, t*fHlivea. cially as iioopareiU, ami the next larger nerveil the but coon mtch whk h Floyd having Dr. Thoma* ’ Kleetk- Oil in tb* Fontmr retiimeil home flie hitter |Ntit aa Burtinc*. Tbe next larger iu French Dllrkee mode recentI.T, aa tb* laat i**ue and will reniore Hie Imk Iv (on balthy, hoim* jiiHt wlieii it b ll•*■l|ell. ('nre* croup, 1 havermted ahop. eomer of • Mkland i a***k The liat of advertbe«l fetter* ia a* oapera are oapaciuea, and the largeat Hava. "The St. Jobua Near* leib of h vigoniii* eowditinn. It exerrioc* h •tiiii- hrob liurii*. cul*. wounil* ol erer.v iMirt. and Highain atraet*. and op* leHl up u : (olioa* J. W llilliker, Harry AlH/uiaion. 11MH1 killed nenr that town which weighwl CiMi|a*r Shop whece | hai’e all kind* •(■ T fl. Kiiiaht, of Miiriette, whoaieoni.j napntee, while tbe next to the largeat iilaliiig effect overtb* orgunnol ‘ligiwtion i i E're.*maii Slater. Wm C. Snnderaon, Wm aad tbe largeat of Spanioh uaprra are 17 ’, lb* '.All •'fMine* cvidentl.v ‘don't (Muieil hb wife'a rtHiiain- tn St. John* lor liMik alike out that way.”' and HMeoiiilation, ntrengthen* the a|>|M‘ Tu.vlor, Fred YA**4eh. ami Ch*ia Williama known reapectivaly aa capotaa No. 1 WDiBI IN DOUBT ponnoramu burial laat w(*ek, returm-d to hi* home tite, brighten* lb* eye, mid imparl* lb* j Ta«* »»>rr*ai( WaaftM**. Irraa*. Barrels For Sale. and No. $. Tbe omalloat oapara are the ro*y bliNiiii III lieaith to theclieek. Frin* ■•rn* ■aa(ii*l(»i»Bi.iafra«u »i—r Saturvlay night C. J. YA'illelt and wif,-, ol I'aaadena. Fell FrwM* * l.wOOer. *•(»• •! wviMirM. maet deairable and bring tbe moat moo* ( .’(Ue mid $1 H bittb. .\*k your ggi*t Oa* ^Tkar ••lorn_ aaaiia** I nliM( nt tend pmui|itly to nil Coo|aH-iigi* f'alifomia, atopjoal over night with Mr. D.v lalliiiK from a ladder in bln wimmI Mr. oiMlMra C Feierxdi and .Mr*. ey. Krenoh uapera oall for more lor it. laaWtoftl wamaakeMlMaa. I and Mr*. F E' Murdoch tbb w«**k, while houoe. Heo. Waldron iinite *eren4y in. T»lii*iai**• ■( *1•# armaaaraaa, aiMl ku*/ Hu Itn (airing. .Al. .Smalley, »if KiU’mer. .N. V.. wcr«* gneat* Spanioh. Capon are imported aimoel kaaaa owaaOjr l*( WBMM-n aaaba .on their wn.v to th(*ir old liome at St. jured lib laaek and broiaeil himeeif. .No of Mr. and Mra. .A. tt Hunt the hitter' wholly in bulk iu kaga of 16 or 10 jpd* iiermuneiit troubk*i*antici|Niled, but .Mr. The Mn|>b l(n|(Mb Dmimtcli rei**nHy i l1oop*Poles Wanted. Will |g>ab, Mich. II. JMrt III the week. Jam and barrelo of aboat 40 gallorn lu Waldron b •'ontlaed to hb home. He eebhmleil it* *iUth birthday. Tb* imja^ > Pay Highest Cash Price. Shiii’I Shaffer won the three mih* race brine or vinegar. A few uepara ore im* wo* Imdiv n IimIhni U|( and the hrukaw are umbr Mr. Daniiinl i* grenlly imjiroved. , •AOr. WUlUaai* IwHaa PM* Uobl. Smith of tie* l(olK*rt Sniith, ' •juite faxinful. • AtSauaaai will cure Ulled. at the fair ground Sat onlay liutt, lieatiug ported in giaao. hot they are moally pat aud •* giving tb- Iieat M*rvicr the town' I I F^lUarUtoa^Hbrutoa aad ItaiiiwiItabUm Frtntiiig Compnny, l.aiiaiiig, wii* in np iu thb country. Capara grow on a ■ ■ HwFtle*. Itaanoftwibataaiara. EUlgiir llie** by u trifle. Harry E'itxgerold ■OwaaaaVawr Maw ala Wita Oaaaaraaa ever had. ■ ^_aitaya tba licbianatoaee.aaxa E. P. DEAL, St. Johna .Monday. Mr. Smith nimb , haah.—Now York Sun. ■ A jE?****m. Kitrm lafttaat ra> ’ amii the bail mib rnee. It took three OBaOf Oaiaaitlc, awrc caaaiiaaitaw farever I lial Dr. ^lilaaai'ladiaaPtlaOiat- Thi: .Niiwa a plenaout mil. , Ma.ba If C. & C tali.draeriaiftrvteaq awaay. St. Johns, Mich. I baal* to decide it. . " maatlapfwBareofar Pia*.aadlicb- laa nf lb* prirai# parta Rverr bai la Mr. and .Mra. H. Knight, who have warraaieri. Hv droov****. by mall ea iw- Indigestion AreYoUiBC 4a cema aad •l.aa. mniJiiH barit (tfiending the paai neveo week* witb , Nf. Joan*. Micb.. iirt. rr. H nCO.. !•••**. ctevaiaSTlJOr ; their dniigliler, .Mra. E'. K. .Albertaoii, Mt W Baa I red...... 04 C. E«. A'anriiekb. St. John*, IHcbigun. Dyspeptia. uraoat whMr. AT THE BUSY LITTLE WfflTE STORE. ' for their home in Armatning. HI.. Tiiea- UOfW...... I day evening. Oaoa -----...... a.A ml !••• Mew Car* fwr Iwaigeatloa Clovrr Wnad... .0 " •4 to EaslyTired? •A Drown IJty man got mad at the* •«mI Mervowwa ItypapHe. TlNMdkv aawi $1 AO Any Kind of a Cold Weather Outfit Bra ------— .-n •or 0/1 GfandlfunldiailvajiSifsteni I adit ur of the Hmwn City Danner iiad liroke'a Dyrfieptia Can* and nerve Re- Mack wbea I..., ...... 40 JMk that all your Arrival aad drparlare aftraHmat Mt. You Want. (•(rdered the jaxper atopped (lyrthwith.atnrer, a writ apriag at lib, i« (mwrtag in­ uvaarta'a Al mwat ooMba fkoMi your Jnbae. In eUert May 111. IMVM. J He forgot to jaxy •ni the naper kept on to thowoaad* of bime* to-ila.v . Ntnhhom Did you wvar think of WBara(((Mn laavr. ArHve f’ow*. mlicb...... $5^1 00 w ma iMI Od. Have* a Maebegoa fin 47am tA 17pm jeomiag. He look oue and wrote on in- « H«ea that have bottled all other wmedawHw l>(W* tatted tier ewi...... M UA la Btl oo tliakf yield to the eflinic.T of thb marvefon* A«**r* tailed, *w t...... $0 .'ai« M lai lA.'nrpm fIS.M pm ! aulting meaaoge ocmaa it and aaat it . Hua* peerwt...... $*4 '•OOgin lo ild.Haveaaiatfrmidla(ef7 fttpwi taSAam Felts treatment. ium I |(ermaneat cure* are Nbeea...... $9 ooMBa imi b. or your nanraa; lid. Mavea a Maekegoe *A A m am* 11 44kaai baak. He wnaarnwted by the pont-ofRe* *vitahie rewulte from ita mw. IjftBtaa your aliunanh la Mixed to lid. Hpd* tlU‘J.A am. *4 SO p a OMOt dlgoot what aftaranraa. iiutkorilie* nnd will oaawer for bb littb E'nr iwtk> by Travi* and Dokea. wanLaafti.K eiMMMv’ic ftan rai rr wftaaxT Del . raaada * enai IM *JA am 17 AU pm violotkHi of rulwi to tbe grand jury. .A b(ok on Stomach ium I .Nerve troiihb*...... ------lAmin D m., rbtrago vtaOwmad 119 04 ptw 1A .vjr I their avmptowie ami ewre*. will be given ...... 10 V you otrwugtb DM.. I'aaaada a eaal tS 17 pm 110 47 aai .A farmer aee.r Royal Hok plaiitad lli ; DM,. l'aa(ula A eaat *11 4*v pm *A AM am fine for the aaking at abive tnemlioBed ...... 14*1 1 r. Mllml to llwnaao 14 AO pan tlOUA am acitw to tobacro the jiaat aeaaoa, aad dntgetore. D* ailfoitnvnng atatement I Hitwaa...... RAatAo IRxrept Maaday 'Dally. Mlee^mi aad ToWhowll Mavi oaierii -> ToIbiaeaaacr Uaaae ner iva...... "ArnaA I exparta to realiie abiut pl.UHu (mm hia Haaae aaad |Mrkr*l ...... —...... <10(00 patiarrar aervlee. lai(fr<((a*t((ia(M>b aad MerreiriHiMe* I wMi to WBavaaiaa. ijcroji. Hb aammai haa intereatavl other fw»*»aiaired |irake**Dc*aae*bi'arc aad .Serve WbiiBldar aiaobed jmr lb...... A , llealorer Abeal 5lo yeMfe '-■n> I baaaa t«i be l.*rd...... 10* A I in 47 am. traia have parlor car in Uraad tannera io Oakland criwnt.v, and i-oankl- irtiahlMl wllb my •t••aM»ri•. ll gradanlly Apple* per Im...... VimTA I Bapld*.extra rbaroe ’4.« real*. grew wxrw*. even aaitertreeimeal.aaUltl k*- Dried applm per Ih...... 0404 7 m* p. m. irala ha* Parlor HaWM rmr *«. Overshoes. erabb of the weod may be gmwn thafe raawdldlralt to eal aay kiadoftovMl witb mm- ...... emio tar bad Detroit to llraad llavra. kxira fort. Fortbepael Aveyrata Ibarr braaaMr Fo tal((**.._...... to of OMl.Xduar OU wtih Efarpo- abargi 9&r. naxt eeaooa. To bacao baa heea raiaed rrry Hill* hHid toog eaoagb lo dlgwai II. ■ wfiiiiaei»me llimeime per HM ______af aftarani xa. la limited i|uantitba in < tvid tuwaahip *«»m daMap tbi* Itmr bare I *a|orrd id**t> *;•*!'?•Ha ^ ______91 10 pAwaphilaa TBa oUla Um moat W« me«t all pricas and do our best to go IMrtbed A BA a m. train Ba* parlor rmr to D m ' jhyJ. II. High, aad ia a aobali way in oagboailarewllrralgbt. aadaaaiUlvbatr F«r^e« * of aUlbodniuto Bxtra rParwe Mr. FaHmaa parlar rar heraobUgeilaobUged tulearemylulewramy brdHrd la roaaanaiairoaamiaiai a9 of w*awr»»ier SI t ama tba tagrpofHum. Tort»#i«(rotMertlag witb alarwar 1^ One Better. other jMirtioaa of < 'liaUm couiity. my atomaab fftadamr* trwaala* Mybowbw Hay rioMiiby.... (be Baat and York. ••rr very maebrataxad.aaMlobedaefidaUam- Hay mixed...... A 17 a. m. train ba* awrior car to IleteaUl Ij ladkmtkma are favorahb for aanthor malHta uf tbe mambraaeol (be MHaadaae. I Rtraw baled ..... fbr Um Bxtra rbarw* tbr. I'aHnxa* *leeper tlMroM JtiHt ^)car ffi mind thnt no one Bcilu the some (quality waa treatadbv pbyaUd aaa. aad iHevI aewHy to Taeaatu. WaapraidBa Rrldaa. BafRHtk. * large acraage of whaat, aad m«adlagNag thb every kieiwa remed y raawmmeadad for my Ki.i.ftvroiw. TTn ■: :ui*. PblladMpbla aad !«rrw Yt^. — chenper thnn wc do. . ■ iroaMaa wllbau laeOagbaaedl, aad aaaally now Im Um j fall la moat of thb larrtlorr boa I'Mrbmw dreaaed peIT m --- . 11 4A |(. m. train Ba* Ibmanb itay parlar imaw wn a«(i even temporary leMai iHi tkahib «gJaii rblrbaaallre...... I iiuiufaaai < eara aad alarpi r Wladanr to Maapemalaa Tarbaya draaaed pei lb. I lire aa throi Bridge. RaBalo. New Yorb aad Rnatna Raeawax per Hi...... woaa throaia, fbr A M a, m. aad 19 iv m. frame maaaet . wwalher koa bmugkt tha mirfaar mwn I *»** ? dv*a*p■ tmi>« Miffentiic. M»ny iiavp for rvn reporting or telegrapblnc, which was vniniy rrii««f fnmi thi* tliMiblinK divoa***. aiHl aiv u»«4lny W(»rM' off Uian that where In a rolebrated speech ho AN ALL ALIKI SILO. declared. "We bavo burned our boata •vt>r. HiKMiinntum i» m diM***!). ‘Ths I'vm (MoMe. niMi Swift'« StMvitir i» tliottniy <^ur«, aud destroyed our bridges." be must Aa (tnia >Nirw»rr'« Mea ttt tlie Heat Wer Now that warm sientber has again MU*** it i» the(Milj retiit^tj which can have liren horrified tu read. “We have Id IlMlId la a Kara. ' come, the row stnblea may recaive at­ Vnirh niU’h dt***|Ha*-«t«*U diM*a»e«. burnetl our lioots and destroyed our % We wfwild not pot in any f tention. and be prepared more cffei-- A few ycwnaiP' I wm uken with :nteaiM' breeches." The nnte«t phrase "Time Is twry llheiiaiail>iu. whirii Iwcam* m tatriiM ti(ai of t ith(*r tmek or sinn«f were we to tlvely for future occupancy. New aUi- on our slile" was rendered In one re­ mat I wM fur week* uii«t4r |« walk. 1 irtad iinild 111 a bam.'' rays John (rould iu bioa will be built by many torment, and port as "Tim is on our side." •ereral ftmaunral phral* SETTING DUT PEACH TREES. Ohio Farmer. Wo liave none under our In Bucb 'coaea cure should be taken to rlan» and touk ihalr traaV "We are very proud of our trees." two silos, built y< urs ago. In the ronaider all thlnga In the plans. The ■lenl failhfttlli’. bat waa said Mr. Gladstone once lo a party of Tew UmmI Vwetettea- PreemwItapM AjfwtiM* Iwni we would itiaki* a iii|iMn> silo, put old Ideas uf what a cow atable ahould unaUe Ic get Iba altshV excursionists front Loncashlre. "and the Hswle C'wlllac Hsek. be are now being regarded with auapi- <>atrrll*f. In tact, mjreoa. are therefore getting anxious, as the I Many piMieh trees will he set out lit the girths tai round and round, spacing ^ dllloa aaemet) to grow cion. Tbe old atyle rN>w stable was beech has already shown symptoms of tbt* spriuM. so n Tew kafcgesticjus may a Jilllo iiion> us they approach(n I theto|i. w«>rw, the diaaaaaapread now be in t ; noeording to The Farm Jnnrual. it it popular methoda wna and la lo have It 1 fr«ai NoTrmbar to Mareh trees." "Why. then," roareil a lAn- a|sirt. iHit nsiug mure townnl and at in tbe barn, riinulng along one aide of 1 latlTerrtt agony. I triad cashlre lad. "do you cut ’em down as not worth while to select over ten vari* the IsdUMn. Level tin* ground on tlo* f , \ mail) jiairnt medlrlnea, ' eties, and here ia a ftoial frimd I iVclded to try bertn. Chair's Cboioc. Ward's laite. was a mow of hay reaching fivim the t. a. H. Befor«‘ allowing mr to taka II. bow< we may restore health hy letting In air above, ton nest a font, spacing a little f.'rawfani's Latte, thilwayand IJIlyeau’s. ground iii.want for twenty-live or thir­ •aer. wy guardian, who wa« a rhrmUt. aaa* and light. As a gotid Lllieral, rnii will* r earn time until above the (•en­ lyarti iha remedy, and iir>»n«*uneed It free of mnning •*arly to late. Following are ty feet. This shut off all possibility of puiaah or laerrury I fell mueb teller alter ought to understand that." lAticashlre I r>ti>e. “tUDttMtiuus truiu tb« authority al* ter, where they can be mncii farther taking two l•i•ule•. that I continued the rem- ret up a roar of delight, and the dis ­ apart light on tbe two sides. Usually the edr.and In twunmniha I wa»curetleomplelely. ; ready ({noted: The cure wa» (ermanenl. for I ha»e neaeralnea comforted interrogator came In for Make th<' silo distinctly indris-ndent only light possible was at tbe end of (ret the grnnud ready in April and had a touch of Kheumaiiaiti ihough many many a fleer fmm his companions. of liani aud walla Lap the ends of the the barn, over the great doors, and tbe Uateaesnueetl to damn an«l cold weather. plant ',fU feet apart <«ch way. lasik Kig*Noa M. Tirrgu., Mr. Cladstone dearly loted a Joke, girth and spike them well and then rat Window consisted of a single transom >711 PourelUtn .\\eiiuc. I'hitadt-lphla. ibarp for the .San Jose scale; receive no even at his own expense, and he pos ­ a short lioani aud nail acnsis tb(< cor ­ a foot high and seven feet long, more Don'tMiffcr loiigfrwith Ulieumdtikin. trees that do not come with a rluati bill sessed roiislderalile mimetic (lowers, ners. as shown in the cut. Cut it ont iu or leas. In light days when the sun Throw aewii* your oila and I ini men U, u of health. Fig. 1 shows where to cot the crew-ent form —a little—and when you was shining a twilight reigned in the thoy can not renrh yoiir troiililc. Don't lie was once guilty of an amusing bull tree off after planting. Horn the part ceil up your silo side np right round harn. but on dark days the cattle were 9i|e«rini«*nt witii doctora —tiieir ^taah in H cieltafe on the question of disestab ­ ent off as eztra precaution aRamst scale Thc man (Ni this enwspioce and make a "mnnd shut In In a gloomy prison. When uid mercury w ill mid to your diaahil* lishment. Dilating on the hold held and whitewash the stump. Some cut comer'' withont any break or angle work was lo lie done the doora had tn ity and cumpletci) destroy your diKM- on the affertiuns of the (leople by the Uh* tre«* off near the gnmud, just abova who wants Fig. I shows how the comer is put to ­ tiun. ___ f'hiirrh of Kngland. he said: "When when* bndded, claiming that they can be opened to give sufficient light. gether: Fig. 'J shows the creaceut shapod an Kngilshman wants to get married, form a better bead that way. Such was the row stable of the past. to whom does he go? To the (larlsh After the bod shoota up SO inchae nip I and such la largely the row stable of can get it anyw^iere. It is as pop ­ iSS^BIood priest. When he wants his child liap- oot the center, which will forc«( unt half . today. It la built on the general pur­ It is as •rill cun* |M*rf* ‘ctiy and iiemiancntly. It ig ftiiamnicrul nurely vciretable, and llxed, to whom dons lie go? Tu the pose principle. It was handy, there la ular as sunshine and almost as .*ontain« n«i {Mitaah. mcmiry, or other parish priest. When be wants to get no doubt about that. Hay. cow and 'nincral. Iknik* tnaibtl free by Swift buried, to whom does he go?" The manure were all together In close prox ­ universaL It satisfies that dry taste 'ipociflc Co., iltlantd. (»a. liniise answered with a roar of laugh­ imity. and If the */.iw kicked the milker ter. In which Mr. (Sladstone himself there was a general mlx-iip. The cow'a joined, adding. ".\s I was contrasting . stable of the future will be a very dlf- in the mouth better than anything th> Kiigilsh ('hurrh with the Irish, a J ferent affair. In the flrat place there bull is |ierha|is excusable. " will be light. The stable should not else, and you can buy a lai^er piece PIMPLES On one iMtasiun two gentlemen, in- be oo hunt that ail poaslbilltics of light wife lMi4 plMirlew t»H liorgarr, but vlieii as guests at a table where Mr. of Battk Ax for lOc. dian of any she aas uaen taking i AX’AUKTs aau ihajr must lie set aside on account of vast hate all dlaappaarod I bad baen iruublad (tiadstone was exfiected. made u w.tger packs of hay. It is better to so build w.th roaatipaiKNi tor soaie time but after tak other kind of high grade quality. lag the nrsi Caecaret 1 bare bad no imuhle that they would start a conversation that the atable will have sunlight on w.ik ibte alimeat. tVe cannot spraic io<- high* on a subject alNuit which even Mr. at least two sides. Many are now be­ ly of <'anearets ' Kaai> Wahtmas /'/C2 PemeiRber ilM MOaUamaatown Are.. Philadelphia Pu (tiadstone would know nothing. To F/C.f ing so constructed that the rows prao- accumplish this end they read up an ■4 tlcally stand in a house of their own canov ancient magazine article on some unfa ­ jrrr pla .vt «i». wru. ronnKD head , i ; connected at one end with the l»am, wkei/oH Duy CATHAimC miliar subject connected with (’hinese a dozen timnches. making the kin«l of a MMivKit or A utr.o. I where are their foo*l supplies. This manufactures. When the favorable head wanted. Fig. 3 shows the tree brace, flse gissi (ieorgin pine to ceil gives room for light In abundani-e, and with and flisiniig not nvi-r liiree iiicluMi opiKirtunlty cume the topic was started, witii pnqg'rly formetl hood. with light comes dryness to the floors The ground shnnld not bo croppetl. in width. .Make your ‘'luunholes'' and the two conspirators watched with and standing places of the cows. hot lie kept cnltivateii like tlie com uii* small, door fasiiinn. witboat hinges, and amusement the growing Interest in the It Is true that such a building will not f.ubjea»aii* ralaianie INiieni TsMe Uonn Ik warm enough at small expense, and It •e*n, .Neter *'rken Weaken or (.011- Mk im ik turned into gnashing of ti'eth tu speak sh«mld be pmiml off every spring to a side at a time, and drop it lack into a is much healthier. Health and clean ­ Tlir 4'riv-hrwied M|*r-lallMt- ol iKo aAiii-rlraii M*-een re.idlng an aiticie I wrote in the I'unaco, llabii and small stiaie, (Hit into the silo a font siderations can lie sacrifleed to these. ------Magazine kome thirty or forty The Son Jaae Meole. STEEL HOTEL, St Johns Mich., aud up (HI the sides, and on the outside years ago It is said that tb« Hon Jnoe scale is ooTcr th«‘ sill completely. iJraw the Folorado Creameries and Cheese Fac- Friday, November 4, 1898. very cluMly allinl to the oommuu oys- soli from tlH’ center of the -ilo up (Hi to lories. There arc nearly Ds» public ni( li:i'(<.\(t K S.A I.F.—lirfault iiavliic Ih-tii DT -hell tairk binse. which it moetti. the crtiietit :uid pound down and make ( * iiia.lrlii Ihr (-ftudilloiti. id acrrlalu inort creameries .md chc(>iw> factories in Col ­ aas. mn(|r lo larkiH.n \ . I'rrdra and Ann hies. Meehan'■ linuthly explains, bow the Isittoni quite kettle -iwisil. fully a orado, iieaides a number of skimr*'ng .\ I’rrdrw, hu wHr, lo John II l‘allrli. ever, that the oyster shell scalu in- font below the sills at the center. Do daird iircmd'rr do. !•(•(.'. and rrc«»rdr.l stations run as auxiliaries to the larg ­ lniiuar> 4. 1 ••“«:. In Ihr oNc- (d th.-Kraikirr creosea by eggs and gtvea us bat one unt cement the bottom unless you fear er plants. The butter and cheeae trade uf litt'.lK ol ciltiioit rounty .Mh-h.. In lllirr d.*. brniMl a yi«r. It winters m on egg roo- rats •oniing up from below. A clay Merchant Tailor, of (nortgagrr, on nsKc lit, upon « liH-h mort . of Colorado amounts to l.’i.oiMi.ooo an ­ illtiou, lint the Mon Jns*t scale brings aasr thrrr t« iioa clalinr.! to lardur liy ( Irlllr.d flcMir for a silo is inrfcrable liy far if nually and it Is to Im» regretted that forth Its yoong alive and makt>n several . Ihr I rrmr I hr re if. a I thrdair oi ihi* noth-r. there is no dougcr of surface water get ­ considerable of this money Is paid for (iriii.-||.al anal Inlrrrai, Ihr -uni of brrsMis H ytwr. Tht* young iuale» of the Opposite “Th»* Steel”. kd.ltMi •’Ht. and no -uli or iir.M-rr.llOK at law ting under. for bull butler made in Chicago. A hntlna l•rrn Inktiluird to m-.orr Ihr.lrol lost brntsl die, hut thu females live Wlienever your siio gi*ts to decaying new creamery in Power* county made .\11 the •Mk'iirrd !•> -aid mortgaio-. or anv |•arttllrf>■ tbmngh the winter and commence again on the walls, then will be time to pu(H*r of. anil thr |M>«rr ol -atr in raid tnortvaac a re|Kirt which will serve very well as conialiM-.l hadna l•r.•on•r (.iirratlrr. Ihrrr- to bring forth yonng in the Mar follow ­ liiu> and double ceil, and Ibeii yon will lorr, li,« \lrt«ir 7 lli. .\ P at •iitr o'l-lcH-k a mouth the young (Nimmencw breeding, silo, ami Ton cannot join wissl and year l.oi|i».24k (lounda of milk were re- In Ihr aflrra.Min, at Ihr wr«i fFont d«H.r of llx-I pmdaetton is con- stone together and make u No. 1 job cel veil, for which the creamery paid iTInion rounty. Michigan, aalii rouri hoiiar ttnuons the whole season. Lime wash, li,46e.4D in semi-monthly (wiyments. l•r|||g the |darr lor holding Ihr clrrnlf rourt withont mure work and (-iwt titan to for-aid •‘oiinl.v. Ihr uiidrmtKiird will-HI at esptM'ially with a little kenuM ini added, mu the woMii-n walls to the foonda- The out (lilt was 4S.oon pounds of good Receiver ’s |