Arxiv:1807.03867V2 [Physics.Class-Ph] 21 Feb 2019 Eetrve)Adohrtertcladcalculational Paper and Theoretical Other for Advantages

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Arxiv:1807.03867V2 [Physics.Class-Ph] 21 Feb 2019 Eetrve)Adohrtertcladcalculational Paper and Theoretical Other for Advantages Analytic formula for the Geometric Phase of an Asymmetric Top Nicholas A. Mecholsky∗ Vitreous State Laboratory The Catholic University of America Washington, DC 20064 (Dated: 1/21/2019) The motion of a handle spinning in space has an odd behavior. It seems to unexpectedly flip back and forth in a periodic manner as seen in a popular YouTube video.1 As an asymmetrical top, its motion is completely described by the Euler equations and the equations of motion have been known for more than a century. However, recent concepts of the geometric phase have allowed a new perspective on this classical problem. Here we explicitly use the equations of motion to find a closed form expression for total phase and hence the geometric phase of the force-free asymmetric top and explore some consequences of this formula with the particular example of the spinning handle for demonstration purposes. As one of the simplest dynamical systems, the asymmetric top should be a canonical example to explore the classical analog of Berry phase. PACS numbers: Keywords: geometric phase, Hannay angle, Berry phase, holonomy, Euler top, rigid body I. INTRODUCTION this is the asymmetric top in force-free motion in space. Some of the dynamic variables are periodic (like the an- gular momentum and angular velocity vectors). However The motion of spinning objects is ubiquitous. From a other variables (like the Euler angles) are not periodic. In seemingly mundane and classical motion, new myster- one cycle of the periodic variables, the system almost re- ies are still being debated and surprising features are turns to its original state except for the variables that are revealed.2–4 One important observation is the identifi- 5–7 not periodic. Typically this can be viewed as an angular cation of a Berry phase of rotating classical objects. difference from the initial state. This extra phase will be Geometric phases have become popular recently due to referred to as the ‘total phase’ in this paper. The total their applications to material properties (see Ref. (8) for phase is a combination of two parts. One is the dynamic a recent review) and other theoretical and calculational 9,10 part that depends on the time dynamics and the other is advantages. Examples have relied on Berry’s original 19 11 the geometric part, called the Hannay Angle, that is in- paper describing the quantum mechanical effect and dependent of time and hence ‘geometric’. Alternatively, relegating the classical version to the term ‘classical ana- we may consider a periodic system whose Hamiltonian is log’. The classical analog of Berry phase is the Han- forced to change slowly due to some external influence. nay angle and was developed in the mid 1980s by Han- 13,20 6,7 An example of this could be the Foucault pendulum. nay and others, inspired by Berry’s original work. The If the system is then returned to the original Hamilto- canonical example of the Hannay angle usually involves 12,13 nian, there is an extra phase due to this forcing. One Foucault’s pendulum. However, even in the force-free might call these two examples the ‘passive’ and ‘active’ spinning of a top, the Hannay angle is apparent, yet not cases. typically discussed in elementary treatments of the sub- In 1991, Richard Montgomery, and around the same ject. Evidently Jacobi was the first to write down the time, Mark Levi, published papers6,21 that derived a for- exact analytic expressions for the motion of the asym- mula for computing the total phase of rigid bodies metric top in the 19th century. In Landau and Lifshitz’s Mechanics,14 it was already appreciated that the motion 2ET ∆α = Ω, (1) of the top was not perfectly periodic in time. This was M − identified by Landau and Lifshitz when they stated “this where T is the period of the angular velocity vector in arXiv:1807.03867v2 [physics.class-ph] 21 Feb 2019 incommensurability has the result that the top does not space (here we compute it from Eq. (16)) and Ω is the at any time return to its original position.” (see Ref. (14), signed solid area swept out by the angular momentum 37, page 120) However, this observation was not inves- 2ET § vector. The dynamic part is the integrated an- tigated further in that text and the connection to the M Hannay angle was not included in their work which would 7 11 gle of the angular velocity projected onto the angular have predated the original work by Hannay and Berry. momentum vector. The geometric part is a fraction of Geometric phases (Hannay angles) are not typically a unit sphere swept out by the path of the angular mo- discussed in undergraduate courses. The basic features mentum vector in the body frame (using the right hand and calculations can be seen in several references.5,7,15–18 rule to assign a sign). The geometric phases of several real-world examples are Even though much work has been done in this area calculated in Ref. (15). As a simple example, consider a in the past few decades (see for example Ref. 22), the classical system that has periodic motion. An example of connection and explicit formula for the total phase of an 2 asymmetric top was never published. Part of the goal inertia is given by of this paper is to take the last step and cast the exact expressions for the motion of the asymmetric top in the 5 2 3 3 l2w + l1 framework of the total phase. A closed form expression a = (3a) for the total phase will be presented and explored. We use q 2p√l1 + l2 the example of the T-shaped handle (seen flipping around 5 2 2 2 2 4 3 2l1l2 (3l2w +2l2 +2w )+ l1w + l2 on the International Space Station in a recent YouTube b = (3b) 1 2 video ) to demonstrate some of these expressions, how- q p 2 (l1 + l2) ever the formulas are valid for a general asymmetric top. 1 5 p In some ways, this is the most elementary example of c = w, (3c) total phase available in classical physics. Even in this 2r3 simple system, a wide variety of questions and lines of shown superimposed in Fig. 1. Although this is correct investigation are possible. To that end, an exploration 1 and some observations of the formula are in order. for all l1, l2, and w, here we wish l1 large enough with respect to l2 (and w small enough) so that a>b>c. The paper begins by reviewing the dynamics of the It will turn out that the only important parameters asymmetric top. The angular velocity and Euler angles for the description of the body are those that determine are determined as functions of time. From these expres- the direction that the moment of inertia points in the sions, the total phase is determined directly and com- moment of inertia space (the polar and azimuthal angles pared to Montgomery’s formula. Finally, some observa- relative to the I1, I2, and I3 axes). Thus the absolute tions about the total phase are made and some conclu- magnitude of the vector of the eigenvalues of the mo- sions are discussed. ment of inertia is not important. We will find it useful to use a moment of inertia that is parameterized by two variables, b and c, the semi-axes of a solid ellipsoid. The third semi-axis of this ellipsoid is determined such that II. DYNAMICS AND TOTAL PHASE As an example for visualization, and without loss of generality, we may use a T-shaped handle to explore our dynamics such as the dynamics seen in the video.1 For any three physical moments of inertia there is a corre- sponding T-shaped handle and thus we are losing no gen- erality. Consider a handle of uniform density and unit mass with a cross piece of length l1, a shaft of length l2, and a square cross-sectional width of w (Fig. 1). The total moments of inertia can be computed using the parallel axis theorem with individual square prisms. This will give a moment of inertia tensor with diagonal elements 2 2 2 2 4 3 6l1l2w +2l1w + l2w (6l1 + w)+ l2 +4l1l2 I1 = 2 (2a) 12 (l1 + l2) 2 3 (l1 +2l2) w + l1 I2 = (2b) FIG. 1: Two equivalent rigid bodies. A T-shaped han- 12 (l1 + l2) dle (green) with l1 = 8, l2 = 4, and w = 1 and the I3 = equivalent solid ellipsoid that has the identical principal mo- 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 ments of inertia given by Eqs. (3), with semi-axes (a,b,c) = l1l2 l1 +5w +4l2 + l1 l1 + w + l2w (6l1 + w)+ l2 2 , (4.23281, 3.07318, 0.645497). The ellipsoid is shrunk by 1/4 12 (l1 + l2) for presentation. (2c) where the coordinate axes have been chosen to have a diagonal moment of inertia tensor. An ellipsoid (with 1 Otherwise a relabeling of a, b, and c is needed so that the mo- semi-axes lengths a, b, and c) with the same moment of ments of inertia are correctly ordered. 3 the moment of inertia vector (composed from the eigen- reference (determined by the principle moments of inertia values) has unit magnitude. The moment of inertia for I1 < I2 < I3 in a right handed coordinate system), the this particular choice is given by, initial angular velocity is given by 2 2 ω I1 = b + c (4a) 0 = (ω01,ω02,ω03). (9) 1 2 4 2 2 4 2 We will show below that the total phase will not depend I2 = b + 2 3b 2b c 3c + c (4b) 2 − − − − on the magnitude of ω0.
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