Penelope Leach | 9780375712036 | | | | | Your Baby and Child From Birth to Age Five 1st edition PDF Book

This book is not yet featured on Listopia. The one caveat is that I've bought this book twice now, and each time the binding fell apart quickly, and long before it saw great use. It can be very scary when your kid is sick, but this book totally demystifies illness and makes it normal and not quite so frightening. With another on the way I will have to break it out again for sure. Jun 29, Lesli rated it it was amazing. This book is supported by the American Academy of , which means it is authoritative, thorough, and follows current guidelines. It contains very detailed descriptions of your child's development from birth to 5 years old, including extensive chapters on various problems, issues, sicknesses, and developmental challenges. The photographs — and they are photographs, not digital or hollow stock images, are vivid, expressive, and candid, but also functional and straightforward. This book rocks. I really like this book. Dec 05, Dinah Williams rated it it was amazing. Another indispensible part of my library Basic, untrendy, up-to-date answers without too many opinions. Charles MacPherson. I like the way the topics It is an indispensable reference book for . Book Description Paperback. Lists with This Book. Sears who is so pro bed that one feels guilty for having a crib , Leach says, "Start the way you mean to go on. Jill Lekovic, M. View all copies of this ISBN edition:. The book is pragmatic and down-to-business. There are tons of descriptive illustrations that are very helpful as well. Hands down the best book on baby care. Frank Meyer and Chris Pegula. Showing The Bottom Line for Baby. Definitely recommend this for parents. Published by Knopf. Seller Inventory think Publisher: Knopf , Open Preview See a Problem? See all books by Penelope Leach. Knopf, Softcover. Book Description Knopf. It is basic and maybe a little bit traditional, but it's a great basic reference book. The publisher needs to beef up the binding. It structures the advice by age brackets and gives the concise background on those issues for the specific age. Jenny McCarthy. I loved it so much my kids are old now that I would even consider Penelope a great name for a kid! About Steven P. Get A Copy. It is a book for parents that want to check or get a quick advice about behaviour and healthy concerns of their kids. I like this book very much: it's rational, written with a comforting tone that lets a first- time know that really, everything will be just fine. She describes, in easy-to-follow stages from birth through starting school, how children develop: what they are doing, experiencing, and feeling. The one I like this book very much: it's rational, written with a comforting tone that lets a first-time parent know that really, everything will be just fine. Along with "What to Expect the 1st Year," I think it's one of the best baby books out there. Knopf, Inc. I actually did an analysis of this book for one of my classes and the reading level is much higher than what is recommended for most literature that we give out to the public. Condition: new. Your Baby and Child From Birth to Age Five 1st edition Writer

The Baby Signing Bible. Knopf, Hardcover. Best of all it was free for joining the Publix Baby Club. It is great specially for the first years as it gives a nice details of milestones that we have to look for. This is my "Baby Bible" as Taylor calls it--my go to book for a quick answer or a quick chapter read of the months my baby's in. Aug 23, Emily rated it it was amazing. It is full of all sorts of helpful info about everything. This book is strictly looking at the development of a child and great for consulting when you want advice on skills and health, it does not cover lefestyle choices like sleeping or wearing your baby, etc. With this new, revised edition, Leach has updated her information and approach to reflect new findings in the field of , and to respond to the changing needs of today's . Stay in Touch Sign up. Add to Cart. Stewart and Oberlin Road Peds! Emily Winfield Martin. Newsweeksays that it is not only one of the best parenting books, but also "by far the most pleasurable to read. There have been times when I worried about my daughter. This book was my absolute bible as a nervous young mother! She describes, in easy-to-follow stages from birth through starting school, how children develop: what they are doing, experiencing, and feeling. Most everything she says is so sensible and logical. This book helped me learn how to dress a squirmy child, taught me about common childhood illnesses, feeding, and developmental milestones. It is not as month specific as other books such as what to expect during your baby first year buy I like it a lot. Book Description Knopf, Available from:. This well-thumbed book our household go-to guide for all things baby. Bethan Janine. Friend Reviews. Colorful and expressive photos display infant, childhood, and toddler behavior. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. That being said, it is still a great resource to have on hand, especially Part 2. Original Title. I gave This is hands down my favorite baby book. Part 1 of the book provides detailed information on what to expect from your child at each stage of development, while Part 2 provides a list of illnesses and medical conditions and basic information on how to respond. Return to Book Page. Sort order. New Softcover Quantity Available: 1. Other Popular Editions of the Same Title. I borrowed this from the library but ended up asking for it as a registry gift so we have it as a reference, and I've already used it several times. Your Baby and Child From Birth to Age Five 1st edition Reviews

This is the book that helped me figure out what kind of mother I wanted to be and taught me to always be on the side of my children, give them the benefit of the doubt, protect them, never to ridicule them, talk over them or for them, and let them make their own decisions within safe boundaries. Heather Shumaker. I recommend this to parents who are "readers". Did I mention it was free? Error rating book. Tina Payne Bryson. It is not month-to-month like some other baby reference books I've seen stages covered are longer periods but I think this makes it more useful in actually watching your baby during those stages and anticipating milestones. Leach born Penelope Jane Balchin is a British who writes extensively on parenting issues from a child development perspective. Your One-Year-Old. Friend Reviews. The Bottom Line for Baby. I thought it was a helpful book - though a bit dated in some thing lol But I was a new mom and I bought this as soon as I was done with his app. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. I reference this book quite often. About Penelope Leach. Well researched, well written and sensitive to both parents' and children's needs in the task of growing up together. Leach describes in easy-to-follow stages, from birth through starting school what is happening to your child, what he or she is doing, experiencing and feeling. My mum bought this book when she fell pregnant with me, and gave me her copy when I fell pregnant at only 19 with my own daughter. Mar 20, Rebekah rated it it was amazing. My child is only a year old, but my sense is that the most useful part of the book is the first year. Of course the book was later passed on to someone who needed it more than we did, and I would strongly recommend this very sensible and practical guide to actual and prospective parents today. Jul 15, Pam Brown rated it it was amazing Shelves: relationships. Paperback , Revised Edition , pages. It is an indispensable reference book for parents. This is an excellent book to reference. Definitely recommend this for parents. That's more because there's so much change during this time than anything else. About Steven P. Best gift we got! Read it Forward Read it first. A long time ago but yes, good book! I read this book literally to bits, and the cherished pieces of it are up on a high shelf. It also has a little section about what kinds of toys and activities are good for your child, which is something most other books do not provide. Mar 26, Ashley rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: New parents. With her common-sense, child-positive approach, Leach carefully dispels negative parenting attitudes, and teaches readers how to stop, listen, and learn from their children. We first saw this book on the bookshelf of our pediatrician's office. Thank you Penelope Leach. We asked all for new parent r I really like this book. Magical Beginnings, Enchanted Lives. Richard Eyre and Linda Eyre. Newsweek says that it is not only one of the best parenting books, but also "by far the most pleasurable to read. However, that also makes it very western-specific. Lists with This Book. Aug 20, Heather Kelly rated it really liked it. Self Help. I am eternally grateful to the greater universe for helping me find this book, which helped lead me on the path I've followed to attatchment parenting and being educated, gentle, and intelligent about raising my own children now. This is probably the review I'd leave for any baby development book because of my personality. To ask other readers questions about Your Baby and Child , please sign up.

Your Baby and Child From Birth to Age Five 1st edition Read Online

May 09, Traci rated it it was amazing. And since I had never handled a live baby before I had my twins, it was an invaluable source of how-to. My survival guide for tiny humans and new parents. I reference this book of the night to answer those small parenting fears: Does my child talk less than other kids? New Softcover Quantity Available: 1. The Wonderful Baby You Are. More Details Finally finished this book. Suggested by our pediatrician. Other Editions I was hesitant to start this book, only because it is massive and I assumed it would be dry material and would prevent me from reading books I would ordinarily otherwise read. Get It Together! Quotes from Your Baby and Child. Jan 18, Jenny rated it it was amazing. Enlarge cover. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. It was eye-opening for me at the time, as the parenting methods that had been used around me never seemed "right" and I finally had a book to resort to when I had questions about them. Also available from:. Of all the baby books I have read, this one is my favorite. Bombarded with countless well meaning 'do-gooders' and 'advice-givers'.