THE SLAKE TEST demonstrates a soil’s resilience to the breakdown of larger soil aggregates into smaller microaggregates when they are exposed to an extreme wetting event. WHAT YOU ARE SEEING: The slake test compares management effects on the stability of soil aggregates. More aggregate stability increases resistance to and a soil’s ability to maintain structure, and is better at providing water and air for plants and soil biota.  Unstable aggregates “slake” (melt) through the sieve and move to the bottom of the jar seen to the left.  Stable aggregates stay together and rest in the sieve seen to the right. POOR AGGREGATE STABILITY AND SLAKING result in fine, detached soil particles that settle into pores, cause surface sealing, reduced and plant available water which increases runoff, erosion and nutrient loss and minimizes resilience to extreme events. MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FACTORS AFFECTING Collamer Loam TO MINIMIZE SLAKING SLAKING One Field with TWO Contrasting Management Histories  Soil texture  Crop rotation  Organic Matter % Intensive cropping  Cover crops  Wetting rate Perennial sod Moldboard plow  Addition of organic amendments  Pore space and variety of size Grassed pasture Annual small grains  Residue and tillage management  Pressure of entrapped air High organic matter Low organic matter  No soil disturbance  Swelling of particles  Continuously covered soil Slaking Stable Aggregates happens with: happen with: • Low organic matter • High organic matter • Absence of biotic ‘glues’ to bind • Promotion of biotic activity that smaller aggregates and form and live, respire and die in the soil maintain larger aggregates. which produces biological The ‘melting’ of aggregates leads to: ‘glues’ binding soil particles. • Surface crusting, reduced Stable aggregates lead to: infiltration • Enhanced friability and • Surface compaction, limited water crumbliness and air movement through soil • Less dense, “lighter” soil Thus increasing: Thus improving: • Runoff • Workability of soil with less fuel • Erosion • Infiltration, drainage and • Nutrient loss Cloddy structure Mellow structure resistance to erosion • Resilience to extreme weather Slaked, smaller aggregates settle together, resulting in smaller For more information visit our website: pore spaces: • Pore volume reduced or contact us at [email protected] • Ability of plants to use water stored in pore spaces altered • Particles may end up in waterways and effect water quality