Directorate B SG-B-2 Document Management and Archives Policy

LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 12TH meeting of the European Archives Group, 30 May 2012 Copenhagen, Denmark

AT MADERTHANER Wolfgang Generaldirektor, Österreichisches Staatsarchiv BE VELLE Karel National Archivist, Archives générales du Royaume BG IVANOV, Martin Executive Secretary, Agency CZ LINHARTOVA Lenka Head of the 1st department, Archives Administration and Records Management, Ministry of the Interior DE HOLMANN Michael Präsident des Bundesarchivs MENNE-HARITZ Angelika Vize-Präsident des Bundesarchivs / EURBICA DK HELLUM Asbjørn Director General, Rigsarkivet – Co-chair EE JULLINEN Toivo of Estonia EL MINOTOS Marietta Dr. Director General, State Archives of Greece IE McGEE Francês Keeper, National Archives of Ireland ES ENSENAT CALDERÓN Luis Ramon Jefe de Servicio de Cooperación Internacional, Archivos Estatales IT BARRERA Giulia Direzione generale per gli archivi CY PARPARINOU Effi State Archivist HADJOULLI Kyriaki State Archives Officer LT KRAUJELIS Ramojus Office of the Chief Archivist of Lithuania LV SPRUDZA Mara National Archives of Latvia HR IVANOVIC Jozo Deputy Director, LEMIC Vlatka, Head of Information and Communication Department, Croatian State Archives HU SZATUSCEK Zoltan Deputy Director - Magyar Országos Levéltár (National Archives of Hungary) MT FARRUGIA Charles J. National Archives Malta NL BERENDSE Martin Algemeen Rijksarchivaris, National Archief BOS-ROPS Yvonne DE BRUIN Gerrit Nationaal Archief PL BERSKA Barbara Deputy Director, Polish State Archives

Commission européenne/Europese Commissie, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË - Tel. +32 22991111

PT LACERDA Silvestre Director General, Direcção-Geral de Arquivos RO DOBRINCU Dorin Director General, Arhivele Naţionale ale Romaniei SI KOSIR Matevz Director, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia SK SPANKOVÁ Mária Deputy Director, Ministry of the Interior, Archives Department FI NUORTEVA Jussi Director General, National Archives of Finland SE JORDELL Björn Director General, Riksarkivet HERMODSSON Anna-Karin Deputy Director General, Riksarkivet UK MITCHELL Laura Deputy Keeper of the Records of Scotland EP PAUN Alexandra Centre archivistique et documentaire (CARDOC) CM STECKO Malgorzata Head of Unit, Central Archives of the Council WEYSSOW Michel Central Archives of the Council COM HANDLEY Peter Secretariat General - co-chair EAG SCHRAM Jef Secretariat-General – secretariat EAG KAEFER Hatto OIB - Historical Archives Service


BE VERACHTEN Lucie National Archives of Belgium; Chair of the DLM Forum Foundation


FR LEMOINE Hervé Directeur des Archives de France LU KIRPS Josee Directeur général, Archives nationales de Luxembourg CoJ HACKSPIEL Sabine Head of Unit, Recherche et Documentation CoA MOGGIA Gilberto Secretariat of the Court of Auditors - Library