Vol. 109 No. 59 Friday, May 18, 2018 50¢ plus tax

Students enjoy FLW\ÀHOGWULS Five local teens make suicide pact ... Page 2 By Katrina Elsken “She opened the door, and the bathroom looked like a crime scene. %RDWHUVXUJHG Okeechobee News An Okeechobee mother posted a tearful Our daughter tried to take her own life.” WRZDWFKRXWIRU video online Wednesday, warning others about a teen suicide pact, and asking all teenagers to — Mother of 15-year-old girl who was part of suicide pact manatees report it if one of their friends talks about taking ... Page 4 their own life. In the video, the mother tells the story about started out just like any other morning. The parents were alerted to their daughter’s a heartbreaking Mother’s Day: “Shortly after 10 a.m., we see a cop pull up 6XPPHUSURJUDP suicide attempt when an Okeechobee County “This weekend, my husband and I were put at our house. Sheriff’s Office (OCSO) deputy came to their into a situation that no parent should ever have “I go out there because my two big dogs are feeds kids house Sunday morning. OCSO had received a to go through,” she explains in the video. ... Page 13 call from another teen. “Sunday morning, Mother’s Day morning, See SUICIDE — Page 5 1RODNHZDWHU UHOHDVHGWR NASA to help FAU study algal blooms coast ... Page 14 By Katrina Elsken The data will be immediately available to researchers online. Okeechobee News The SeaPRISM device is about 2 feet long and about 8 to 10 inches 7RXUQDPHQWWR Algae is everywhere, and that’s a good thing because without it, wide. It will move with the sun so that the cameras can take clear pho- KRQRU1LN.D\OHU there would be no life on planet Earth. Algae is the base of the food tos of the sky and the water without glare. Usually a SeaPRISM is set up chain and produces about 75 percent of the oxygen in the atmosphere. to take photos every hour, but it can be programmed to take photos ... Page 18 Under certain conditions, algae grows rapidly, forming a bloom. more frequently. The device uses filters to take photos at different wave- Algal blooms are not always harmful, explained James M. Sullivan, lengths. Lake Levels Ph.D., a research professor with Florida Atlantic University. “Most of the The color of the water will help researchers map the algae content time, algal blooms are not harmful,” he said. Most often, algal blooms AGLAE 13.22 feet are beneficial to the ecosystem. See — Page 5 But under certain conditions, some kinds of algae produce toxins. Last Year: xx feet These are referred to as Harmful Algae Blooms, or HABs. What makes good algae go bad? 6SRQVRUHG%\ Researchers will have another tool to answer that question in June, thanks to NASA. Due to a cooperative effort by NASA, Florida Atlantic University’s 3RJH\·V)DPLO\5HVWDXUDQW Harbor Branch Oceanographic In- 63DUURWW$YH stitute and the South Florida Water  Management District, a SeaPRISM Source: South Florida Water device will be installed on a tower in Management District. Depth given Lake Okeechobee the week of June in feet above sea level 11. “We need to understand what See page 4 for information about causes HABs,” Dr. Sullivan said. how to contact this newspaper. HABs are a worldwide problem, he explained. The SeaPRISM is a solar-powered robotic device that will be installed Photo courtesy of NASA on an existing SFWMD tower near the middle of the lake, he said. A SeaPRISM takes photos of Photo courtesy of NASA/ the sky and water using a se- The SeaPRISM has a cell link so Joshua Stevens ries of different filters. that data collected goes directly to A satellite photo from NASA, taken on July 2, 2016, shows a NASA. massive algal bloom in Lake Okeechobee.

When it comes to major Board Certified • Over 36 Years Experience accidents in Okeechobee, this is NOT MY HoskLaw.com Located on 3rd Street 357-5800 FIRST RODEO. across from the courthouse Civil Trial 2 Okeechobee News May 18, 2018 North Elementary students enjoy a city field trip

Special to the Okeechobee News city clerk office assistant; Robin Brock, ad- Fourth-grade students from North Ele- ministration executive secretary; and Dow- mentary got an opportunity to learn about ling Watford, Okeechobee mayor. local government and history on Tuesday, The tour consisted of the participants vis- May 8, thanks to an Okeechobee Education- iting the finance, general services and city al Foundation mini-grant sponsored by Cen- clerk’s offices. The students got to talk with terState Bank. Through social studies cur- Maintenance Operator Marvin Roberts of riculum and a teacher-created Okeechobee the city Public Works Department, and got unit, the fourth-graders learned all about to see some of his equipment. They contin- Okeechobee before their field trip. ued their tour upstairs at city hall to meet As the students arrived on the morning the city administrator and tour the council of their trip, they were greeted by their tour chambers with Mayor Watford. Finally, the guides — Lane Gamiotea, city clerk; Meli- students toure the city fire station and city sa Jahner, deputy clerk; Jacob (J.J.) Smith, police department.

Special to the Okeechobee News North Elementary School students learned about the history of the Okeechobee City Council. Lane Gamiotea, the city clerk, showed students the meeting min- utes from years ago; they were typed on a typewriter.

Special to the Okeechobee News On May 8, fourth-grade students got a tour of local government and some stu- dents enjoyed lunch with Mayor Dowling Watford. GET READY FOR SUMMER Okeechobee Forecast Donate blood this May with The Big Red Bus bloodmobile will be in Okeechobee on the following dates in May. • Saturday, May 19, Walmart, 11 a.m. Today: Scattered thunder- - 4:30 p.m. storms in the morning, then • Sunday, May 20, Walmart, noon - mainly cloudy during the after- noon with thunderstorms like- 5:30 p.m. ly. High 83F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 80%. Tonight: Scattered thun- derstorms during the evening, then cloudy ALL YOU CAN EAT SALAD BAR skies overnight. Low 69F. Winds light and with your choice of variable. Chance of rain 40%. Grilled Salmon • Blackened Dolphin Extended Forecast Saturday: Thunderstorms likely. High ^ŽŵĞŽĨƚŚĞƐƵƌŐĞƌŝĞƐͬƉƌŽĐĞĚƵƌĞƐŽīĞƌĞĚĂƌĞ͗ Skewered Shrimp • Grilled Chicken Breast ͻ^ƚĞƌĞŽƚĂĐƟĐďƌĞĂƐƚďŝŽƉƐLJ;ŶŽŶͲƐƵƌŐŝĐĂůͿ 79F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of ͻ>ĂƉĂƌŽƐĐŽƉŝĐ'ĂůůďůĂĚĚĞƌŽƌƉƉĞŶĚŝdžZĞŵŽǀĂů rain 90%. ͻdŚLJƌŽŝĚĂŶĚWĂƌĂƚŚLJƌŽŝĚ^ƵƌŐĞƌŝĞƐ Saturday Night: Thunderstorms in the ͻ'ĂƐƚƌŽƐƚŽŵLJdƵďĞƐ evening, then variable clouds overnight with ͻĂŶĐĞƌ^ƵƌŐĞƌŝĞƐŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐĐŽůŽŶƌĞƐĞĐƟŽŶƐ 11am $ 99 ͻďƐĐĞƐƐͬĐLJƐƚĞdžĐŝƐŝŽŶƐ still a chance of showers. Low 68F. Winds ͻ͘͘͘ĂŶĚŵŽƌĞ to 3:30pm light and variable. Chance of rain 80%. 9 ĐĐĞƉƟŶŐEĞǁWĂƟĞŶƚƐ Sunday: Showers early then scattered thunderstorms developing later in the day. ŽĂƌĚĞƌƟĮĞĚ'ĞŶĞƌĂů^ƵƌŐĞŽŶ Hurry! High near 80F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Recognized as one of Offer good Chance of rain 60%. America’s top surgeons One coupon per table 105 NE 19th Drive • Okeechobee, FL 34972 May not be combined with from 5-18-18 Sunday Night: Scattered thunderstorms 863.623.4486 (voice) any other offers during the evening followed by occasional 863.623.4487 (fax) through 5-25-18 showers overnight. Low 68F. www.sainnovalsurgical.com May 18, 2018 Okeechobee News 3

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IF IT HAS A BED ON THE BACK—WE’VE GOT IT! 4 OPINION Okeechobee News May 18, 2018 Watch for manatees on Memorial Day and every day By Patrick M. Rose Although Save the Manatee Club works cludes manatee deaths from boat collisions, zones and manatee sanctuaries, and al- Aquatic Biologist, Executive Director in almost all areas of manatee protection, which have been record-setting in recent though hundreds of thousands of acres of we focus on the prevention of manatee inju- years. Even though no boater would want Florida’s waterways are now protected, the Save the Manatee Club ries and deaths from human activity. This in- to intentionally harm a manatee, collisions majority of the manatee’s habitat remains with boats continue to be the single greatest unregulated. And habitat that is regulated Public Forum/Speak Out threat to manatees. Every day, many mana- suffers from a lack of enforcement for those tees come within an inch of losing their lives boaters who will not voluntarily slow their Speak Out comments can be shared that our buses could not get through streets from a collision with a boat’s hull and/or speed in important manatee waters. Cur- in several ways. Comments on local is- today to get our children home safely. That propeller, and still more manatees sustain rently, with over 1 million boats on Florida’s sues are welcome on the newspaper’s is a problem also.” – Elizabeth Santos non-lethal injuries from boat hits. waterways, we must rely heavily on boaters website at okeechobeenews.net, in • “The downpour started after school As we all become more informed about to voluntarily comply with speed zone laws the threats to the manatee’s long-term sur- the comments section following each buses had already picked up kids and were in the absence of a greater enforcement article. Or, you can mail or drop off vival, we can become better stewards. It presence for those careless boaters who on the way to school. It got worse as the is the boating community, especially, that written, anonymous or signed opinions endanger both manatees and their fellow morning progressed. It would have been plays a pivotal role in safeguarding mana- at the Okeechobee News office, 107 boaters. dangerous to send high school kids who tees and conserving and enhancing their S.W. 17th St. Suite D., Okeechobee, FL So, I call on all boaters to become advo- drive cars to school back out on the roads in aquatic habitat, which is why we produce 34974; or, email anonymous or signed cates for manatee and aquatic habitat con- Speak Out comments to Okeenews@ that heavy rain. The old high school is built and distribute numerous free boater re- sources. At savethemanatee.org/boatertips, servation, including the protection of both newszap.com. Thanks for participating in a low spot and the work they did on U.S. the quality and the quantity of our waters, in our discussion of local issues! 441 made the drainage worse. They need to you can find information on boating safety classes, speed zone maps and boating and because we all need clean, abundant water build a new school on higher ground.” – J. Editor’s note: Speak Out comments from angling guides. You can also get manatee to survive! Before going out on Florida’s wa- social media now include the social me- Zimpel protection tips and request our free boater terways, know your route and where mana- dia monikers of the posters. These posters • “School should have been canceled.” – banners, dock signs, decals, waterway tips tees are likely to be found, then stay alert and have already chosen to make their names Cheryl Hooper cards, posters and brochures. We have also keep a lookout for them. Obey posted speed and comments public by putting them on • “I wonder how many kids belly flopped produced some excellent videos to better zones, and call 1-888-404-FWCC (3922) to the internet. Those who submit comments in the water on purpose. I know I would inform boaters. They illustrate just how dan- report an injured or orphaned manatee. via email or mail still have the option of giv- have. LOL.” Jonathan Johnson gerous our waterways are for manatees — It will take all of us working together to ing their names or remaining anonymous. and humans, too. make the waters safer. Teachers’ pay Over the years, we have successfully ad- For additional free resources, visit savet- Flooding vocated for critically important boat speed hemanatee.org/freematerials. Monday’s heavy rainfall left Okeechobee Readers responded to Lisa Harwas’ let- High School students wading to class in ter to the editor about pay for teachers. AA meetings scheduled in Okeechobee County ankle-deep water. Online posters shared • “Teachers need more pay. People don’t these comments. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are regularly scheduled in the Okeechobee: understand that they are teaching our chil- • Monday through Friday: noon open meetings at First United Methodist Church. 200 • “Kids should have been sent home.” – dren and protecting our children from harm Rose Randazzo N.W. Second St.; • “Nobody was complaining we when if the problem arises in the case of an active • Monday, 6:30 a.m., closed meeting at Okeechobee Christian Church 3055 S.E. 18th Ter- had to walk through flooded halls when I shooter or bomb threat. So teachers need race (Wolff Road); was there in ’97. What’s up with the whin- more credit and pay than they get.” – Juanita • Monday at 6:30 p.m. open meeting at, Presbyterian Church, 312 N. Parrott; ing?” – Melisa Dawn Steen • Tuesday at 8 p.m. closed discussion meeting at Church of Our Saviour, 200 N.W. Third • “It’s just water.” – Judy Willis • “Do you have an estimate as to how St. • “Put on some waders and go to class.” much the proposed 2.7 percent salary in- • Wednesday at 8 p.m. closed men’s meeting at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 901 S.W. – Billy Young Sixth St.; and, crease would have cost the district for this • ”Just water. Back in my day, we would • Wednesday, at 7 p.m., a speakers meeting at Detox of South Florida, 608 N.E. Second have had a blast running around, playing in year? Just curious if the $1.2 million in un- Ave.; it.” – Lori Wilson-Rowe accounted-for funds would have covered • Thursday, noon, closed Step Study, at Okeechobee Christian Church, 3055 S.E. 18th • “Shoes aren’t as cheap as they used to these costs. I, too, find it troubling that there Terrace. be. I’m sure they don’t want to ruin them.” are questions around how these monies • Thursday at 8 p.m., Big Book meeting at Church of Our Saviour, 200 N.W. Third St.; – Manuel Dominguez were used by the district. It is my opinion • Thursday at 6 p.m., open women’s meeting at Church of Our Saviour, 200 N.W. Third St. • “Kids hardly want to go to school in the that an independent audit is warranted.” – • Friday at 8 p.m., speaker meeting at Church of Our Saviour 200 N.W. Third St.; first place. Having to walk around in soaking • Saturday at 7:30 p.m., closed meeting at Okeechobee Presbyterian Church, 312 N. Par- wet shoes and socks all day long just makes Chris Cobb • “Vote state legislators in who care rott; it that much worse.” – Melissa O’Conner • Sunday at 7:30 p.m., open meeting, Step Study, at Church of Our Saviour, 200 N.W. • “We need a new school. This is danger- about education. Make education your vot- Third St. ous to our children. We need not to forget ing issue.” – Scott Nichols

The Okeechobee News is published by Independent NewsMedia Inc, USA. Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspaper to pursue a mission of journalistic service to the citizens of the community. Since no dividends are SDLG WKH FRPSDQ\ LV DEOH WR WKULYH RQ SUR¿W margins below industry standards. All after- ÀRULGDQHZV]DSFRP tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent’s mission of journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the community’s deliberation of public issues.

Publisher/Editor: .DWULQD(OVNHQ Circulation Manager: &LQG\(FNHUW May 18, 2018 Okeechobee News 5

“She’s a great kid. She’s a beautiful kid. “The only sign we could have had was thing,” said the sheriff. “You can’t just tag SUICIDE “She’s great in school. She’s got such a one of these other kids standing up and say- somebody. wonderful future. ing something. “I try to stay active on social media,” Continued From Page 1 “It blindsided us. “All kids talk about running away, that’s Sheriff Stephen continued. “But I can’t be on “This morning on ‘Today,’ they just hap- one thing. But when they talk about killing there all the time.” pened to be talking about teen suicide and themselves, that’s another. He said a deputy was sent to the girl’s running out to my fence and he’s not scared. how the suicide rate is up, and they tell you home because many people no longer have He’s coming through my fence. Something “Stand up. Say something. the three signs to look for. There are no three “We are living a nightmare. land lines at home and cellphone numbers is wrong. signs to look for. “She was just laughing and smiling at us are not listed. In addition, he said, “we want- “I get there and I ask what’s wrong.” “Fifteen minutes before this cop was out 10 minutes before this. ed to make sure we had the right home.” The deputy asked some questions to con- at our house, me and my husband had just “My other daughter asked me this morn- The sheriff said he prides himself on firm this was the family he was looking for, been talking to our daughter, laughing with ing, ‘Mom, what do I say to my best friend?’ keeping OCSO involved in the schools and she continues. her, talking to her. She had two friends stay “I told her you have to tell people to the community and accessible to communi- “He says you need to check on your over the night before. She went into the speak out. ty members. He said he wants all communi- daughter.” bathroom and did not come out. “Save a life. Stop someone else from try- ty members to be comfortable calling OCSO She said they told the deputy their daugh- “People, talk to your kids. Tell them they ing to commit suicide. Save someone else. for help. ter was fine, and that she was inside the have to speak out. “Speak up. You have to speak up. “If they share information with us, maybe “Five kids had a pact to do this. “Our daughter is going to have to live we can save a life,” he said. house. But the deputy insisted they check “If a kid hears another kid say, they are Okeechobee County Superintendent of on her immediately. with what’s happened. She’s going to learn going to kill themselves, they have to speak from it. She’s going to get stronger. Schools Ken Kenworthy said the school dis- “My husband and I run into the house, up. They have to tell somebody so some- trict continues to take any potential threat to and we’re knocking on the bathroom door. “Hopefully, her story will save some thing can be done. lives.” oneself or others very seriously. We are asking our daughter, ‘(name), what’s “She filmed it on social media. “In cooperation with law enforcement, In a phone interview on Thursday, the wrong?” the mother continued. “She wanted this boy to see what she our crisis counselors have been commu- mother said after her wounds were treated, “Nothing, Mom, I’m fine. I’m using the was doing. nicating with students and their families to “He called (911) after she did it. her daughter was transferred to a medical conduct threat assessments and ensure that bathroom. facility that has specialists who treat juve- “(Name), what’s wrong? The cops are “We almost found our daughter dead. any student that needs help is referred for “Her arms are laid open so bad, we saw niles with mental health issues. assistance,” said Mr. Kenworthy. “If any per- here, something is wrong. “Physically, she is doing well,” she said. “So her dad is beating on the door. tendons and everything. son knows or hears of a student exhibiting “It took 12 stitches on the inside of each “Mentally, it will be a long road.” the signs of suicide, they should report their “She opens the door, and the bathroom arm, 18 staples on the outside of one and 12 Sheriff Noel Stephen said OCSO notified concern to any adult on any school campus looked like a crime scene. staples on the other. the parents of all the teens reportedly in- or contact law enforcement. “Our daughter tried to take her life, cuts “I keep going through my phases of sad, volved in the suicide pact. He said they got to “Signs of potential suicide include talking on both wrists and it’s horrible, horrible. depressed, scared, but I’m mad, too. the other parents in time, before any of the about wanting to die or kill oneself, exces- “There were no signs. There were no “I am full of rage. Something could have other teens attempted to harm themselves. sive sadness or moodiness, hopelessness, symptoms. There was nothing. been done. Somebody could have helped. “It’s scary,” said the sheriff. “There are sleep problems, giving away possessions “There was a pact with our child and four Somebody could have said something. God-awful things going through these kids’ or speaking as if you may never see them other children to kill themselves. We did not “I didn’t say I had a bad Mother’s Day be- minds.” again. For immediate concerns, call 911. For He said it was fortunate that someone know anything. We saw nothing. cause I didn’t get something. I had a Moth- additional help and resources, call 211. The who saw the girl harm herself via the social “We’re broken. er’s Day that will never get out of my mind. school district also employs a social worker “It broke her father. media video called immediately. Too often, that may be reached at 863-462-5000, exten- “I’m mad. I never thought suicide would “These kids don’t think about the after- he said, emergency officials aren’t notified. sion 298, to assist with referrals for mental come to my own house. math of what they will leave behind. He said tagging OCSO on a social media health counseling. Referrals may be made “It almost did. “Our baby just turned 15 two months post does not ensure quick response. If you by counselors at each school campus as “No parent should have to see their child ago. think someone is in danger, you should call well. Every person needs help every now like that. And it wasn’t superficial. It wasn’t a “There are no signs. 911, he stressed. and then. Let’s make sure no one goes un- cry for help. She was trying. “We had none. “When you see something, say some- noticed.”

ests range from the biological and ALGAE physical mechanisms controlling New technology helps scientists study algal blooms the spatial-temporal dynamics of By Katrina Elsken Continued From Page 1 phytoplankton/zooplankton pop- satellites — on offshore structures such as lighthouses, oceanographic research stations and oil platforms. By ulations in the coastal oceans, Okeechobee News and the turbidity of the water. zeroing in on light reflected off the water, the SeaPRISM Harmful Algal Bloom (red tide) Scientists have been using satellites to track Harmful provides scientists with data about the conditions of Cyanobacteria (sometimes Algal Blooms (HABs) from space for nearly 30 years, but dynamics, bioluminescence in the the water. In addition, this data can be compared with called blue-green algae) has a new technology deployed by NASA could provide more ocean, and the development and ocean-color (or lake-color) data from Earth-observing unique color that the SeaPRISM use of optical and autonomous detailed data on the growth of algal blooms not only in can track, he explained. satellite instruments such as the Visible Infrared Imager sampling instrumentation and the ocean but also in Lake Okeechobee. NASA uses the SeaPRISM data and Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) on the Joint Polar Satellite analytical techniques needed to The new technology means those who follow HAB to calibrate satellites. Satellite pho- research have some new acronyms to learn. System’s Suomi NPP satellite. study these complex processes. PRISM tos can be distorted by the atmo- AERONET-OC is the worldwide Aerosol Robot- stands for Portable Remote Imaging Spec- troMeter. A SeaPrism instrument has specific filters and sphere, he said. The SeaPRISM Equipment he has devel- ic Network, an international federation of sun- and oped or co-developed includes a sky-scanning radiometer networks that includes hun- a scenario to measure the sea and sky radiance. cameras, which take photos of the According to the National Oceanographic and At- water and the sky, can be used for moored autonomous vertical pro- dreds of instruments worldwide. OC stands for ocean filer, a bathyphotometer, an in situ color. mospheric Administration (NOAA) website, the Sea- satellite “calibration validation,” “Ocean color” PRISM project is a federation of ground-based remote he said. hyperspectral spectrophotometer refers to the various hues that and an in situ holographic micro- ocean waters acquire in the presence of algae, bacteria, sensing networks established by NASA and PHOTONS While satellites take photos of (PHOtométrie pour le Traitement Opérationnel de Nor- Lake Okeechobee every few days, scope for 3-D characterization of plankton, sediments or other organic material. Satellites undisturbed particles in the ocean. can “see” these colors by measuring the wavelengths of malisation Satellitaire) and expanded by networks and the SeaPRISM will take photos collaborators from national agencies, institutes, univer- Dr. Sullivan earned his mas- light the Earth’s waters absorb and reflect, information hourly or even more often. that scientists can then use in several ways, including sities, individual scientists and partners. For more than Dr. Sullivan said Lake ter’s and doctorate in biological 25 years, the project has provided a long-term, contin- oceanography with specializations monitoring HABs, detecting the presence of phytoplank- Okeechobee was chosen for a Sea- ton and evaluating concentrations of organic carbon. uous and readily accessible public domain database of PRISM device because of its size. in phytoplankton physiology and For the data from Earth-observing satellites to be aerosol optical, microphysical and radiative properties “Lake Okeechbee is big enough to ecology, as well as bio-optics and accurate and credible, the influence of atmospheric for aerosol research and characterization, validation of be seen from a satellite,” he said. biophysics, from the University of characteristics on radiation measurements needs to be satellite retrievals, and synergism with other databases. Researchers hope the addition- Rhode Island Graduate School of accounted for (i.e., an “atmospheric correction”). One In 2016, Lake Erie became the first inland water body al data will help them understand Oceanography (URI-GSO). Prior way to do this is to validate satellite data by comparing it in the United States to have a SeaPRISM. the causes of toxic algal blooms. to joining Harbor Branch, he was to data from in-situ or ground-based sensors. The SeaPRISM scheduled to be installed on Lake He said Harbor Branch will also do research faculty at URI-GSO and AERONET-OC provides this validation through the in- Okeechobee in June will be the first on inland water in sampling on the lake. a senior oceanographer for WET stallation of photometers — devices that can detect the Florida and the second on inland water in the United Dr. Sullivan’s research inter- Labs Inc. wavelengths of light reflected by surface waters just like States. 6 Okeechobee News May 18, 2018 Community Events Reading Camp to be held Kindergarten registration open Ms. Kim at the Okeechobee County Li- The Okeechobee County School Board Brought 863.763.6461 brary, 206 S.W. 16th St., is excited to an- will conduct kindergarten registration at the nounce that the “Summer Reading Camp” following schools: to you Plumbing • AC will be every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. • Wednesday, May 9, Central Elementary June 20 Septic from Wednesday, through July 25. School – 863-462-5077 by: Camp is for ages 8 years old and under. If Lic#CAC053793 • Lic#CFC022585 • Friday, May 11, Everglades Elementary they have a sibling that is older, they may School – 863-462-5108 attend as well. Parents must attend! For in- Referral network to meet Historical Society to meet formation, call 863-763-3536. • Monday, May 14, South Elementary All Okeechobee businesswomen are in- The Okeechobee Historical Society will School – 863-462-5087 vited to attend the May meeting of the refer- meet Monday, May 21, at noon in the muse- Reading challenge at library • Wednesday, May 16, Seminole Ele- ral network Friday, May 18. We will meet at um, 1850 U.S. 98 N. mentary School – 863-462-5116 Cowboys Restaurant, 202 N.E. Seventh Ave., The Okeechobee Library, 206 S.W. • Friday, May 18, North Elementary at 11:30 a.m. Please bring flyers, business 16th St., will team up with Scholastic from School – 863-462-5100 Sept. 7 cards and a small exchange gift and tell the Legion host 5-card bingo now through , as students take the If your child will be 5 years old on or be- story of your success. For more information, American Legion Post #64, 501 S.E. Sec- pledge to read as many minutes as they can fore Sept. 1, 2018, you should begin gath- call Raye at 863-467-2557. ond St., will host five-card bingo on Monday, this summer! To join, simply call the library ering the following information required by at 863-763-3536 or come in to sign up with May 21, from 1 to 3 p.m. with lunch served law to enter public school: a librarian. Students will receive a pledge Legion will host dinner at 12:30 p.m. For information, call 863-763- certificate along with a username and pass- • Legal proof of birthdate On Friday, May 18, come and enjoy din- 5309. word. By logging reading minutes on the • Up-to-date immunization record ner at the American Legion, 501 S.E. Second Scholastic website, students can unlock • Health exam record that has been St. Everyone is welcome. Dinner will be fish, Collaborative Council to meet digital rewards and complete weekly read- completed by a physician since Sept. 1, 2017 shrimp or chicken and french fry baskets, for ing challenges online. Reading minutes will • Proof of residence (FPL statement; a $6 donation and the meal is served from 5 The Community Collaborative Council also count towards special summer prizes OUA statement, etc.) until 8 p.m. with music from 6 to 9 p.m. For of the Okeechobee County Shared Services and events at the library. Join the fun and Please contact the school your child will information, call 863-763-5309. Network will conduct their monthly meet- sign up today! attend to schedule an appointment for kin- ing on Tuesday, May 22, at 10 a.m. in the dergarten registration. If you do not know Memorial tourney for Kayler set Okeechobee County School Board board More Community Events can be found at which school your child should attend, con- room. The purpose of the meeting is to al- OkeechobeeNews.net in the Community tact the Student Services Office at 863-462- A memorial tournament for Nik Kay- section. ler will be held on Saturday, May 19, at the low the community to identify issues, col- 5000, extension 260. Okee-Tantie Park, 10430 State Road 78 W. laborate, and share information regarding The tournament will begin at safe light and services for children and their families. The run until 3 p.m. There will be giveaways, meeting is open to the public and everyone Obituaries drawings, a silent auction and more. To regis- is welcome to attend. For more information, ter or for information, call 863-163-2248 or go please call Erin Moore at 863-462-5000, ext. online to www.nikkaylertournament.com. Obituaries should be submitted to Loretta Smith, 90 257. the Okeechobee News by emailing [email protected]. Customers may OKEECHOBEE — Loretta Smith died May 13, Legion opens Sunday bingo Shrine Club hosts dinner also request photos and links to online 2018. She was born Oct. 22, 1927 at Medley, American Legion Post 64, 501 S.E. Sec- guestbooks. A link to the obituaries is The Okeechobee Shrine Club, 1855 S.W. Dorena Mississippi County, Miss., to Fred and ond St., will host Sunday night bingo on available at okeechobeenews.net. Lula Bevil. She married David Kiah Smith May 20, at 6:30 p.m. Doors open at 5 p.m. 53rd St., just off State Road 78, next to Fast Break, will hold a spaghetti dinner Tuesday, May 23, 1953 in Cairo, Ill. at the home of Mr. in the bingo area. All proceeds will benefit Herbert Harper, 84 Smith’s cousin. She taught school in Missis- the American Legion veterans’ programs. May 22, from 4 until 7 p.m. Your $8 dona- OKEECHOBEE — Herbert Harper passed sippi County Dorena and Hames Bayou Area The event is open to the public. tion includes your meal, dessert and choice for five years, and one year at Belmont. of coffee or tea. This event is open to the away peacefully Dec. 28, 2017. He was born May 5, 1933 in Douglas, Ga. For over 35 She was employed at Illinois Bell Telephone AYCE chicken dinner set public and all Shriners are welcome! All pro- for six months in 1953, and she and her ceeds benefit Shrine Club projects. For infor- years, he lived in Alaska where he owned a American Legion Post #64, 501 S.E. Sec- husband moved to St. Louis, where they mation on the activities of the Okeechobee roofing company, then he resided in Florida. ond St., will serve an all-you-can-eat grilled His hobbies were fishing, playing poker, lived and worked for almost eight years. She Shrine Club, contact the Shrine Club at 863- chicken dinner on Sunday, May 20, from 1 and shooting pool. was employed with the Tretolite Chemical to 7 p.m. For information, call 863-763-5309. 763-3378. He loved all of his family very much and will Company in Webster Groves and moved be greatly missed. to St. Ann, Miss., where she worked for the Mr. Harper is survived by two daughters, Vatterott Real Estate and Insurance Com- Wild Orchid walk set Summer play camp set pany. They moved to Sikeston in 1960 and The Okeechobee Orchid Club will be Summer play camp will be held from Kelly Harper and Shelia Sanford; son-in-law, Dennis Sanford; six grandchildren, Brandon purchased an insurance agency. In 1963, on the annual Wild Orchid walk on June 2. June 11 through July 27, Monday through Harper, Ryan Hight, Anthony D’Agostino, they moved to Charleston and worked with Anyone interested in joining, please attend Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Charleston Abstract Company and Insurance, May 21 Ashley D’Agostino, Mantis Harper, and the monthly meeting on Monday, , at Okeechobee Civic Center, 1750 U.S. 98 N., a family owned business. In 1974 she won the UF/IFAS Extension Office located at 458 Raven Harper; three great-grandchildren, for kids ages 5 to 13. Registration is from Sophia Nicolette Toledo, Alexa Sue Harper, her bid for the County Office of Circuit Clerk U.S. 98 in Okeechobee. The Garden Club May 31 and Recorder, which she held for sixteen will meet at 6 p.m. followed by the Orchid now through , Monday through Fri- Bentley James Harper; and many nieces and day, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Park and nephews. years. She retired and wrote Court Criminal Club at 7 p.m. Hope to see you there. For Minutes for Charleston Times for nearly information, contact Sue at 561-762-2788. Recreation Dept., 1718 N.W. Ninth Ave. For No services were held. information, call 863-763-6950. Those wishing to leave a message of con- seven years. dolence may sign the register book at, www. Her hobbies were bow hunting, golf, gar- Republican Party to meet OkeechobeeFuneralHome.com dening, crafts, and cooking. In the upcoming elections we’ll have Library will host programs All arrangements are entrusted to the She is survived by her sister, Mrs. Fred the opportunity to elect a new Okeechobee Each week, beginning June 1, the direction and care of the Buxton & Bass (Ruth) Dark, of Okeechobee; nephew, Fred County judge to replace retiring Judge Jerry Okeechobee Library, 206 S.W. 16th St., will Okeechobee Funeral Home, 400 North Par- Dean Dark; four great nieces; and one God Bryant. How will we know who to select? host a free program. From cooking to crafts rott Avenue, Okeechobee, Florida, 34972. Child. No local services will be held at this time. We will have the special privilege of hearing to giant games, every week will be a differ- from the candidates for this very import- Those wishing to leave a message of con- ent and fun experience. Be sure to check ant judicial position at the meeting of the Search obituaries dolence may sign the register book at, www. Republican Party of Okeechobee Monday, the summer calendar to see what programs OkeechobeeFuneralHome.com May 21, at 6:30 p.m. in the VIP Room at you’d like to attend. All events are free and nationally at All arrangements are entrusted to the Cowboys BBQ, 202 N.E. Seventh Ave. Come open to all ages. You must be registered to direction and care of the Buxton & Bass earlier to order some really great food. We attend. For details and to register, call 863- http://www.legacy.com Okeechobee Funeral Home, 400 North Par- look forward to seeing you there. 763-3536 or come in to sign up. rott Avenue, Okeechobee, Florida, 34972. May 18, 2018 Okeechobee News 7 Caterpillar stolen from construction company

By Matteo Tullio the complainant who informed him that the Caterpillar had been parked and did not erpillar was not outfitted with a global po- Okeechobee News sometime between Friday, May 11, at 9 a.m. see it there. The complainant then called sition system (GPS) tracker. The report also An excavator was reportedly stolen from and 4:30 a.m. on May 14, someone appar- the employees, who supposedly stated it noted that the lot where the equipment was a construction company this past weekend. ently stole a 2017 yellow Caterpillar 305 Mini had been parked by the dumpster Friday kept is an open field without a gate or cam- According to an incident report by Dep- Excavator E-2, with an estimated value of when they left work. When he returned to eras in the area. Due to the amount of rain, uty Joseph Hall, at 3:37 p.m. on May 14, he $58,564, from Concept Construction and Okeechobee from Jacksonville, the com- no tire tracks or other evidence were found. responded to the entrance of Lock 7, located Demolition LLC. plainant drove by the work site and report- Dispatch reportedly entered the Caterpillar in the 100 block of State Road 78 West, in The complainant reportedly said that edly confirmed it had been stolen. into the Florida Crime Information Center regard to a theft complaint. while on his way to Jacksonville that morn- The report concluded by stating that the and the National Crime Information Center Upon his arrival, Deputy Hall met with ing at 4:30 a.m., he drove by the lot where complainant informed Deputy Hall the Cat- databases as stolen property. ‘Operation Beer Buy’ finds stores in compliance

By OCSO These compliance checks are done periodi- to purchase alcohol at any of the stores. I at 4993 U.S. 441 South, Fast Break located Okeechobee News cally to make sure that merchants who sell would like to thank the stores and their staff at 1505 State Road 78 West, Circle K located alcohol check for identification if there is any for following the beverage laws and helping at 237 U.S. 98 North and Sunoco located at The Okeechobee County Sheriff’s Office chance the buyer is underage. the Sheriff’s Office stop underage drinking.” 3093 U.S. 98 North. recently conducted “Operation Beer Buy.” Sheriff Noel Stephen said: “The Okeecho- The stores that were checked are as fol- None of the stores that were checked Alcohol compliance checks were con- bee County Sheriff’s Office conducted an lows: RaceTrac located at 1586 State Road sold alcohol to the underage person. OCSO ducted at random establishments, where an operation to purchase alcohol using a mi- 70 East, Town Star located at 4000 State would like to express our gratitude to all of underage person was sent into stores with nor. During the operation, each store was Road 710, Shell Gas Station located at 3609 those stores for their compliance with the instructions to attempt to purchase alcohol. randomly selected. The minor was unable U.S. 441 Southeast, BP Gas Station located law. OCSO will continue to conduct these Arrest Report operations from time to time.

The following individuals were ar- 15 by Deputy Sgt. Aric Majere on a DOC felony abuse. His bond was set at $30,000. rested on felony or driving under warrant charging her with violation of proba- • Joseph Immanuel Chamberlain, 27, the influence (DUI) charges by the tion - theft of state funds (more than $20,000 Northeast 15th Avenue, Okeechobee, was ar- Okeechobee County Sheriff’s Office but less than $100,000). She is being held rested May 16 by Deputy Tyler Ott on a DOC NEW SUMMER (OCSO), the Okeechobee City Police De- without bond. felony warrant charging him with violation of partment (OCPD), the Florida Highway • Anton Clark, 36, West 10th Street, Riviera probation - burglary of a conveyance and vio- HOURS Patrol (FHP), the Florida Fish and Wild- Beach, was arrested May 16 by Deputy Tyler lation of probation - grand theft. His bond was life Conservation Commission (FWC) or Ott on a Palm Beach County felony warrant set at $5,000. starting Memorial Day the Department of Corrections (DOC). charging him with failure to appear - felony • Brent James Havens, 35, Northwest 63rd • Isaac Adam-Kade Dickinson, 20, South- battery. He is being held without bond. east 67th Way, Okeechobee, was arrested May • Shawnee Lynn Hills, 45, Southeast 86th Terrace, Okeechobee, was arrested May 17 by CLOSED 14 by Deputy Tyler Ott on an Okeechobee Boulevard, Okeechobee, was arrested May Deputy Joel Lacerte on a felony charge of driv- County felony warrant charging him with 16 by Deputy Ryane Ammons on a felony ing while license revoked (habitual offender). lewd or lascivious conduct. His bond was set charge of possession of a controlled sub- His bond was set at $500. Mondays at $15,000. stance (methamphetamine) without a valid This column lists arrests and not convic- 11AM - 9PM • Leonel Ruiz, 26, Northwest Second prescription and a misdemeanor charge of tions, unless otherwise stated. Anyone listed Street, Okeechobee, was arrested May 15 by possession of drug paraphernalia. Her bond here who is later found innocent or has had Deputy Steven Pollock on a felony charge was set at $3,000. the charges against them dropped is wel- Tuesday-Saturday of false imprisonment and a misdemeanor • Shaun Anthony Tedford, 34, U.S. 441 come to inform this newspaper. The infor- charge of resisting officer without violence. Southeast, Okeechobee, was arrested May mation will be confirmed and printed. His bond was set at $17,500. 16 by Deputy Robert Gonzalez on a felony • Tristan Jacob Haire, 17, Pine Valley Lane, charge of fleeing or attempting to elude a law Jacksonville, was arrested May 15 by Depu- enforcement officer with siren and lights ac- ty Sergeant Aric Majere on an Okeechobee tivated and a misdemeanor charge of driving County felony warrant charging him with bat- a motor vehicle without a valid driver license. tery on detention or commitment facility staff His bond was set at $6,000. or a juvenile probation officer. His bond was • Ryan Jacoby Jenkins-Smith, 25, North- set at $5,000. west 32nd Avenue, Okeechobee, was arrest- • Georgann Denise Hewitt, Northwest ed May 16 by Detective Corporal Ted Van De- 30th Avenue, Okeechobee, was arrested May man on a felony charge of aggravated child

Round Horse Hay Bales $63 Walpole Feed & Supply Co. Hwy 98 N. Okeechobee 763-6905 8 Okeechobee News May 18, 2018 Boating accident statistics ATTENTION: show life jackets save lives PARENTS! Special to the Okeechobee News fatalities. A total of 67 people lost their lives With the release of the 2017 Boating Ac- last year in boating accidents. Falls over- board have been the leading type of fatal cident Statistical Report, the Florida Fish and accident since 2003, with drowning as the Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) leading cause of death. encourages boaters to focus on simple, ef- The top 10 counties in Florida with the fective steps that make boating safer. most boating accidents in 2017 were Oka- “For 2017, the leading contributor to loosa, Duval, Hillsborough, Pinellas, Palm boating accidents was the operator’s inat- Beach, Collier, Lee, Broward, Miami-Dade tention or failure to maintain a proper look- and Monroe. out. It is critical for operators to be diligent in Eighty-one percent of these victims were observing and being aware of what is going not wearing a life jacket. Today’s boaters on around them,” said Lt. Seth Wagner from can choose from several models of light and the FWC’s Boating and Waterways Section. comfortable inflatable belt-pack or over-the- In 2017, 261 boating accidents involved shoulder life jackets that can be worn while collisions and 38 percent of all collisions fishing or enjoying the sun. Boating accident statistics support an important message: were due to inattention or the operator fail- “Life Jackets Save Lives.” ing to maintain a proper lookout. The FWC is responsible for reviewing, an- “It’s important that while out relaxing and alyzing and compiling boating accident data enjoying Florida’s beautiful waters, boaters for the state. Its statistical report details boat- remember to be safe,” Lt. Wagner said. ing accidents and their causes. The theme of Florida had 766 boating accidents in accident-related messages from FWC staff 2017, 52 more accidents than in 2016. How- is clear: Officers want to help keep Florida’s ever, there was no change in the number of beautiful waterways a safe place to boat.

The Okeechobee News will be publishing a special tribute to the OHS 2018 Seniors. Special to the Okeechobee News/FWC The Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission reminds everyone to wear life jackets while boating. This commerative keepsake will be Church Directory published in the Wednesday, May 23 edition.

You are welcome to come visit and enjoy the traditional worship and THE GATHERING music. A Church of Restoration Parents, if you’d like to reserve ad Come and share in the word of space, the deadline is God May 18, 2018 Free Will Baptist Ch inity urch Tr Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday Worship 11:00 am Come As You Are Sunday Bible Study 6:00 pm Sunday 10:30 AM Please call Wednesday Bible Study 6:00 pm Children’s Church & Nursery Provided Pastor: Thomas Dees Growth Groups 863.763.3134 Meet Throughout the Week 1840 NE 39th Blvd. (Cemetery Rd) or email Okeechobee, Florida 34972 1735 SW 24th Ave • 357-4418 Telephone: 863-763-4962 www.thegatheringchurch.us [email protected] May 18, 2018 Okeechobee News 9 10 Okeechobee News May 18, 2018 Real Estate Directory

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~ GREAT FOR COMMUTERS! 3 Bd/ 2 ba DWMH. Beautiful curb ~ Remarkable lake access home, 3 Bd/ 2 Ba/oversized garage. appeal. 1539 Sf under air - 1972 TLA. Front deck, back screened Family room. Chef or Baker’s kitchen with long granite counters, Here! porch with hot tub. TWO GARAGES. 20x25 AND 20x30 for your cathedral cabinets, soft close and pull out lowers. 2344 Sf under air boat. Double storage shed. Metal roof and NEW 2017 A/C. - 3838 TLA. 15x27 Screened Lanai. Open patio. Hurricane Shutters. Water softener, irrigation, grand oaks. 13 Fruit Trees with drip Mature fruit trees. MLS#212261 irrigation. Fenced with gate. This is an AMAZING $299,000 Call Lori (863) 634-1457 PROPERTY! MLS#212566 PRISTINE 3/2/2 CBS HOME Concrete walkway. French 863.763.3134 $159,000 Call Lori (863) 634-1457 doors lead to a screened in patio porch w/access from master bdrm. Pass through window from inside home to patio. The kitchen is beautifully lit with recessed light- [email protected] ~Our Priorities are simple..They’re Yours! ing. There is a large walk-in pantry, and laundry room. Master bath has 2 vanities, soaking tub, stand up show- Lori Mixon (863)634-1457 er, private toilet rm, and his and hers closets. MLS# Lic. Real Estate Broker [email protected] 211932 $242,500 Call Kari Berger at 863-227-0339

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$850 PER MONTH VTXDUHIHHWRISURIHVVLRQDORI¿FHVSDFHIRUUHQWLQSULPH ORFDWLRQ Please call Vicki for more information or to schedule a showing. 2002-H: Taylor Creek 5BD/3BA on a beautiful lake 1016-H: IN THE CITY Freshly painted 2BD/1BA access lot, balcony overlooks the water. 3,226 Total Sq Ft/2,358 Frame Construction home. 1,148 Total Sq Ft/760 XQGHUDLUVSDFLRXVRSHQFRQFHSWZIDPLO\UP ¿UHSODFH under air. Great location close to everything! Screened back porch with fenced back yard, seawall and boat Vicki Anderson, Lic. RE Broker MLS # 212339 $75,000 dock. $265,000 MLS # 212118 863.634.4106 1200 S. Parrott Ave. • Office: 863-763-2104 Visit our website to view more listings | www.Century21okeechobee.com | [email protected]

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Here! NE SECTION~ 4bed/2bath 1973 manufactured home on 1 acre, fully fenced. 2,830 sq feet under roof, Wood burning fire place. Spacious laundry/utility w/ new dryer in 2018. Encl Fl room runs length of home, screened patio, attached 2 car carport, above ground pool installed 2016, new pump in 2017. Septic pumped in 2018, New well pump in 2015, metal roof in 2008. Detached 512 sq ft work shop w/ carport overhang. Offered at $99,000 Call Julia Parker at 863-801-3489 863.763.3134 L-1790: Kissimmee River Estates - Rental Income Property - Two turn-key furnished homes [email protected] plus 1000 sf work shop. The fi rst home, a CBS 3/1, Julia Parker has been remodeled. The second home, 3/2 MH, has two living areas, separate dining room and an en-suite master bath. Both have alarm systems. 863.801.3489 | Office: 863.763.6000 $160,000 Call Dallon 863-697-213 Are you a local realtor looking to maximize your reach to potential clients? Feature your best properties in this weekly real estate directory. Contact 863.763.3134 to discuss advertising today! May 18, 2018 Okeechobee News 11

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ANCIENT OAKS 55+ Community. Active Lifestyle- Clubhouse-Pool- You name it for activities! 1 Bed could be 2 & 1 Bath. Located on Lake Freida with a beautiful back porch to sip your morning coff ee or aft ernoon delight! Carport has a ramp that could easily be moved and enough room for 2 cars, Huge side patio.2 porches. Located on a large lot with privacy! Also a Lifetime Roof! MLS 212607 $59,000 Call Jody Carter 863-634-1285

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863.763.3134 [email protected] 12 Okeechobee News May 18, 2018 May 18, 2018 Okeechobee News 13 We Love Highlands Hammock hosts celebrations to Care! Special to the Okeechobee News ing and authoritative paintings of dinosaurs, to noon, children may begin working on an Family-Owned & Operated, mammoths and the early humans of ancient activity. OHCF has been International Museum Day Earth. Mr. Knight had an enormous impact on Following the opening, Ranger Laura will Providing Rehab & Residential Care to museum paleontology and changed how mu- be available from noon to 1 p.m. to provide Okeechobee & the SEBRING — One of the gems of Highlands seums exhibited their collections of fossils. He assistance with activities. Children who com- Surrounding Communities Hammock State Park is the State of Florida created the murals for the American Museum plete the program will receive the booklet, a  Since 1984 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Muse- of Natural History in New York and the Field certificate, membership card and passport. Five-Star Rated um. On Saturday, May 19, museum docents Okeechobee Museum in Chicago. One of the most promi- The passport may then be used to work on • Rehab, Physical, will be offering tours throughout the day in nent WPA artists, he completed the 1942 mu- additional Junior Ranger activities within Flor- Occupational, Speech Health Care conjunction with International Museum Day, & Out-Patient Therapy ral of saber-toothed cats and mastodons for ida state parks. The program is recommended which is officially May 18. Two special speaker • Long-Term Nursing Facility the Sebring Post Office, which now hangs in for youngsters between the ages of 7 and 12. Care Available 24/7 programs are scheduled to mark this celebra- the Sebring Public Library. Mr. Schmidt, who Younger children will need assistance from a • Secure Dementia and 1646 U.S. tion. Former Park Ranger and CCC Museum is a Roosevelt scholar, has conducted exten- Alzheimer’s parent. Memory-Care Wing Curator Darrel Smith will reflect on the life of sive research on the Civilian Conservation Highway 441 For more information about the Junior • Delicious Meals North a CCC recruit in his living history presentation, Corps and the Works Project Administration, • Fun & Stimulating “The Best of Times, Worst of Times.” two of the most successful programs initiated Ranger program, visit www.floridastateparks. Activities 863-763-2226 Mr. Smith’s narrative captures the hard- by Franklin D. Roosevelt to counter unem- org/things-to-do/junior-ranger. Kids To Parks scrabble times of the 1930s and the renew- ployment during the Depression. Day was initiated by the National Park Trust al of hope that came from working in the This program will be from 11 a.m. to noon for the purpose of creating stewards for to- corps. Mr. Smith, who enjoyed an eight-year and will be shown a second time at 1 p.m. on morrow. Young people and their families are friendship with CCC alumnus Velmar Mack, the museum stage. extended a special invitation to explore park brings the Great Depression to life and honors trails, visit the Civilian Conservation Corps Mr. Mack and the legacy of our “CCC Boys” Kids To Parks Day Museum and develop stewardship through who built Highlands Hammock and parks Children and families may celebrate Kids the Junior Ranger program. The program will throughout America. Join the “CCC Man” and To Parks Day on May 19 at Highlands Ham- begin at 11 a.m. on Saturday morning, May 19, discover the hardships and high points of liv- mock State Park and join thousands of young and conclude around 1 p.m. Those planning ing hand-to-mouth in those “another day, an- people all across the country in supporting to attend are advised that they must arrive by other dollar” times of a young corpsman circa the preservation of parks and the stewardship 11 a.m. Park entry fees of $6 per vehicle (up 1936, when working in the Civilian Conserva- of conservation lands. Ranger Laura McMul- to eight people) and $4 per single-occupant tion Corps became “a vacation from poverty.” len will introduce the Junior Ranger program vehicle apply. Advance registration is request- This presentation will be from 10 a.m. to and guide children and parents through a ed. Sign up by calling the Ranger Station at 11 a.m. on the CCC Museum stage. booklet presenting a series of core areas in- 863-386-6094 or replying via email to laura. CCC Museum Curator David Schmidt will cluding recreation, natural resources, cultur- [email protected].fl.us. All programs are present a program on Charles R. Knight, the al resources and service. Families will meet free. great American wildlife artist who became outdoors in proximity to the CCC Museum. Highlands Hammock is located at 5931 internationally famous for his groundbreak- After the program introduction from 11 a.m. Hammock Road in Sebring. Schools offer summer meals for children The Okeechobee County School District p.m. Monday through Friday, from May 30 to day through Friday, from June 11 to July 27. will sponsor free meals at numerous sum- July 20 in the school cafeteria. Children not All children not enrolled in the camp must mer “BreakSpots” during May, June, July enrolled in summer school programs must leave the park after each meal. and August. Breakfast and/or lunch will be leave the campus after each meal. • The Parks & Recreation Summer Camp, provided to all children 18 or younger at the which meets at the Okeechobee Civic Cen- following sites: • Okeechobee High School, 2800 U.S. 441 N., will serve breakfast from 8:30 to 9:30 ter, U.S. 98 N., will serve breakfast from 8 to • Seminole Elementary School, 2690 9 a.m. and lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 N.W. 42nd Ave., will serve breakfast from a.m. and lunch from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, from June 11 7:30 until 8:30 a.m. and lunch from 10:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, from May 30 to to July 27. All children not enrolled in the a.m. until 12:30 p.m., Monday through Fri- August in the school cafeteria. Children not day, from May 30 to June 28 in the school camp must leave the park after each meal. enrolled in summer school programs must • Okeechobee Storm Cheer & Dance cafeteria. Children not enrolled in summer leave the campus after each meal. school programs must leave the campus af- Camp, which meets at 3328 S.W. 18th St., ter each meal. • Chaka Stars Summer Camp, which will serve lunch from 11:30 a.m. to noon • Yearling Middle School, 925 N.W. 23rd meets at Douglas Park, 812 N.E. 16th Ave., Monday through Friday from June 11 to Lane, will serve breakfast from 8:30 to 9:30 will serve breakfast from 8 to 9 a.m. and June 15. All children not enrolled in the a.m. and lunch from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Mon- camp must leave the building after the meal.


SEASON  Hurricane Panels IS NEAR  Storm Shutters  Awnings

Lic# OCSL 1583-01 (863)(863) 634-7442634-7442 INSURED 14 Okeechobee News May 18, 2018 Flow to coastal estuaries is local basin runoff By Katrina Elsken local basin runoff. The flow on Wednesday 3A North (north of Interstate 75 and west Management District (SFWMD) opened the INI Florida was 3,337 cfs. The releases were gravity of U.S. 27), prompting the Florida Fish and gates of the S-193 navigation lock at Taylor flow. Freshwater flowing east through the St. Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) Creek to assist with flood control north of Total inflows into the lake on Tuesday to reopen the area. In April, the area was Lake Okeechobee. As a result of this oper- Lucie Canal this week is from local runoff. were 3,588 cfs or about 1.9 billion gallons a On Tuesday, water was flowing through the closed due to low water levels. The dry con- ation, the lock will be closed to boat traffic day. One inch on Lake Okeechobee equals ditions increased the threat of vehicle-ignit- until further notice. St. Lucie lock at 1,196 cubic feet per second 12 billion gallons of water. (cfs). This freshwater flow is from the local ed wildfires in the area. An algal bloom was reported at the Pa- There was no outflow from the lake. On Water Conservation Area 3A North within hokee Marina on May 9. The Florida Depart- basin. On Wednesday, the flow had less- Wednesday, inflows were 3,570 cfs. ened to 405 cfs. the Everglades WMA complex is once again ment of Environmental Protection sampled The runoff from heavy rainfall earlier this accessible by vehicle, airboat, all-terrain ve- the bloom and found no toxins. No water has been released from Lake week pushed the lake level back over 13 Okeechobee, which was at 13.2 feet on hicle and other public access, pursuant to Algal blooms were also reported on the feet. One week ago, the lake was at 12.91 ft. area rules. Caloosahatchee River at the Franklin Locks Tuesday and 13.22 on Wednesday. South of the lake, recent rains have been The runoff from the rains also resulted in on April 23, and at the Alva boat ramps on Likewise to the west, no water from beneficial to the Everglades. the lake has been released to the Caloosa- Recent rains have raised water levels in the closing of the Taylor Creek Lock to boat April 18. In both cases, FDEP took samples hatchee River at Moore Haven. The freshwa- the portion of the Everglades and Francis S. traffic. On May 14, the South Florida Water and found no toxins. ter flow of 3,577 cfs on Tuesday was from Taylor Wildlife Management Area known as Seniors age 55+ receive pay for volunteering Stormwater runoff can be hazardous Special to the Okeechobee News volunteers age 55 and over who can serve a Experience the joy of being a Foster minimum of 15 hours a week or more. You Special to the Okeechobee News have open cuts or sores exposed to the Grandparent Volunteer and receive a tax- don’t need formal experience as you’ll re- ceive pre-service training. We offer a tax-free The Florida Department of Health cau- floodwater, keep them as clean as possible free hourly stipend for providing assistance hourly stipend, meal allowance and holiday tions residents to avoid direct contact with by washing them with soap and disinfected to young children in the elementary school or boiled then cooled water. Apply antibiot- pay, time off pay and reimbursement for floodwaters and stormwater runoff. classrooms. ic cream to reduce the risk of infection. If a transportation to help cover the costs of vol- Floodwater may contain fecal matter wound or sore develops redness, swelling or As a Foster Grandparent Volunteer, you’ll unteering. In order to be enrolled you must from sewage systems and septic tanks, agri- drainage, see a physician. help Okeechobee children in grades K-3 meet the requirements. Call today to learn cultural and industrial waste and other bac- Do not allow children to play in flood- develop the academic and life skills that more! teria. water. They can be exposed to water con- are critical to their development and future Orientation training is being scheduled! Basic hygiene is very important after a taminated with fecal matter. Do not allow successes. Sharing your time and experi- Contact Sara Humphries, program director, storm leaves an area flooded. Always wash children to play with toys that have been in ence can help children learn to read, devel- at the Area Agency on Aging at 561-684-5885, your hands with soap and water after help- floodwater until the toys have been disin- op their math skills, enable friendships that ext. 59236, or visit www.YourADRC.org ing in cleanup activities and after handling fected. Use 1/4 cup of bleach in 1 gallon of promote inclusiveness as well as supporting Funding comes from the Okeechobee items contaminated by floodwater. If you water to disinfect toys and other items. children who are at risk. Children’s Services Council and the Corpo- This Senior Corps program is open to ration for National and Community Service. Class of 1999 raising money for scholarships A Class of 1999 Scholarships page has been set up on GoFundMe.com/. The page states: “Here we are ... 20 years after walking across the stage in the OHS gym to receive our high school diploma. It’s time for us to give back — to thank our community for taking care of us, remember the friends we walked alongside of but lost (863) 763-6742 along the way, and give our support to a brighter future for the students graduating OHS in 2019. Your donation will go toward scholarships that will be given to OHS seniors.” www.emorywalker.com 208 SW 5th Avenue, Okeechobee, FL 34974 Okeechobee’s Longest-Established Lennox Dealer Since 1975 Great American Gun Show Big Weekend Event, Buy-Sell-Trade


Regular maintenance keeps your home Okeechobee, FL comfort system running smoothly. May 19-20, 2018 Call for a checkup today. Okeechobee KOA Convention Center GET UP TO UP TO 72 MONTHS 4276 Hwy 441 South, Okeechobee, FL 34974 $1,700 OR 0% INTEREST 20% OFF FINANCINGX $1.00 OFF Admission 12 and under FREE with adult admission IN REBATES* CHECKUP.** with purchase of a Lennox® home comfort system.

Saturday 9-5 Sunday 10-4 Vendors Call 865-453-0074 CAC057219 Offer expires 6/15/2018. *On a qualifying system purchase. Lennox system rebate offers range from $150 to $1,700. Some restrictions apply. One offer available per qualifying purchase. See your local Lennox dealer or www.lennox.com for details. **Valid through 05/30/2018. See your local dealer for details. XFinancing available to well qualified buyers on approved credit at a 0% APR for 72 months, with equal monthly payments. No down payment required. You may prepay your account at any time without penalty. Financing is subject CCW Classes at 10am and 2pm. Only $49. to credit requirements and satisfactory completion of finance documents. Any finance terms advertised are estimates only. Normal late charges apply. See your Truth in Lending Disclosures for more information. For more information please call 561-214-5115 © 2018 Lennox Industries Inc. Lennox Dealers are independently owned and operated businesses. May 18, 2018 Okeechobee News 15

Employment - Employment - Employment - Employment - Employment - Employment - Full Time Full Time Full Time Full Time Part Time Part Time

Hendryyy County BOCC is seekingg Now Hiring applicationspp for a full-time Residential www.cityofokeechobee.com Auctions Buildinggp Inspector. Applicationspp must Air Conditioners be received at the Human Resources TEMPORARY PART-TIME Department,p, 640 South Main Street, MAINTENANCE OPERATOR(S) AUCTION LaBelle,,pj, FL 33935. A complete job USED A/C UNITS Every Friday & ppgosting and appli ppcation forms are Deadline is Wed., May 30, 2018, 4:30 PM. FOR SALE Saturday nights at 5:30 available on the Hendryyyy County website See website for Job Description and Appli- Good Condition, many 917 SW Park St. at ZZZKHQGU\ÀDQHW\ . cation packet, or in person at City Hall, City sizes and types (Behind Eli’s Western Wear) Accountant II available. Hendryyy County is a VP, ,/, EEO/AA, DFWP &OHUN¶V2I¿FH6(UG$YH2NHHFKREHH)/ Quality Consignments employerpy and pparticipates p in E-Verify. y 34974, 863-763-3372 ext. 9814. Successful 467-1545 Accepted. FDOH-Okeechobee County. M-F, 8-5. Ac- Individuals needing assistance in the candidates are required to pass a background Quality A/C & Heating Watford Auction counts Payable professional level accounting application pprocess should contact the VFUHHQLQJDQGDSK\VLFDO 10% BP H[SHULHQFHUHTXLUHG([FHOOHQWEHQH¿WV Countyy Human Resources EEO/ADA/GINA/VP/DFWP 863-697-8906 State health insurance and FRS retirement. department at 863-675-5352 AU1843 AB1583 Submit application to: KWWSVMREVP\ÀRULGDFRPMRES M \ M  OKEECHOBEE-ACCOUNTANT-II-64001764 Employment - We Buy Estates BEAUTIFUL, NEWLY Antiques, Collectibles, Full Time REMODELED, 2BDRM Household, Tools, EEO/AA/VP Employer Okeechobee Christian ON LARGE LOT, Jewelry and etc. SCREEN ROOM, Call 863-697-8906 Academy is seeking a highly motivated, Business COVERED CONCRETE Glades County B.O.C.C. professional certified Opportunities PATIO, SHED & CAR- EXCELLENT BENEFITS, HEALTH CARE teacher who promotes PORT OVERLOOKING AND STATE RETIREMENT rigor, excellence, and NOTICE PRIVATE LAKE $875.00/ Christian values in the MO. PLUS SEC. 863- Full Time Job Openingspg Senior Community Health area of high school Independent Newspa- 467-2784 County Manager Nursing Supervisor math for the 2018-2019 pers will never accept Planning & Development Director school year. A willing- any advertisement Commercial Equipment Operator I ness to enhance the ex- that is illegal or consid- Property &RGH(QIRUFHPHQW2I¿FHU The registered nurse 12-month position isting team atmosphere ered fraudulent. In all supervises school health and school based while maintaining an cases of questionable TREASURE ISLAND Please visit www.myglades.comyg to view job dental sealant program for the FDOH attitude of ambition is value, such as prom- 2100SQ. FT. METAL UHTXLUHPHQWVDQGTXDOL¿FDWLRQV 2NHHFKREHH&RXQW\([FHOOHQWEHQH¿WV6WDWH a must. Applications ises of guaranteed BUILDING 2 ROLL Garage/ SUBMIT APPLICATION TO: KHDOWKLQVXUDQFHDQG)56UHWLUHPHQW may be acquired in the income from work-at- UP DOORS BEHIND Yard Sales Gabrielle Ibietatorremendia Submit application to: https://jobs.myp //j y- Okeechobee Christian home programs - if it LAKESIDE CARWASH. Human Resources Director ÀRULGDFRPMRE2.((&+2%((6(1,25&20M  - Academy office, located sounds too good to $1,000/MO. YEARLY YARD SALE- 2105 198 6TH Street 081,7<+($/7+1856,1*6839 at 701 S. Parrott Ave. be true, chances are LEASE, FIRST-LAST+ SE 31ST STREET, P.O. Box 1527 )/ Okeechobee, FL. Call that it is. If you have SEC. CALL TAB 863- SATURDAY 5/19, Moore Haven, Fl 33471 the office with questions questions or doubts 610-1027 8AM-2PM MEN & (863) 946-6009 F (863) 946-2290 EEO/AA/VP Employer (863) 763-3072. about any ad on these WOMENS CLOTHES, pages, we advise that SHOES, PURSES, MISC Glades County is an Equal Opportunity before responding or HOUSEHOLD ITEMS, Employer and is a drug-free workplace. sending money ahead BOAT LIFT MOTOR & Veteran’s Preference will be given Reading a newspaper helps of time, you check GEAR PLATE. inaccordance with with the Better Busi- Condos/Town- Florida Statutes 295.07. you plan your time wisely. ness Bureau at 772- houses - Rent 878-2010 for previous complaints. TAYOLR CREEK Employment - No wonder newspaper Employment - CONDOS 1BD/1BA, Full Time Part Time Some 800 and 900 PARTIALLY FURNISHED readers enjoy life more! telephone numbers $700.00/MO. MUST Employment - SUMMER JOB FOR may require an extra PASS BACKGROUND Full Time NOW HIRING YOUNG HORSEMAN charge, as well as long CHECK AND BE AP- DRIVERS Riding Stallion and distance toll costs. PROVED BY THE CON- CDL DRIVERS-CLASS A READING A other ranch work. We will do our best DO BOARD 1ST, LAST & BUFORD BAIT Must have DOT to alert our reader of NEWSPAPER Mon. & Thurs. 8 a.m. SECURITY REQUIRED IS LOOKING FOR medical, drug free, to 12 p.m. and Sat. these charges in the CALL 561-352-4243 MOTIVATED clean driving history & MAKES YOU A 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. ads, but occasionally INDIVIDUAL TO tanker endorsement. MORE INFORMED Fort Drum area. we may not be aware Houses - Rent DELIVER BAIT & Call M-F (863)467-9800 863-467-5377 of the charges. There- TACKLE IN SOUTH AND INTERESTING fore, if you call a num- OKEECHOBEE - CENTRAL FL. PERSON. ber out of your area, FOR RENT 1BD/1BA MUST HAVE CLEAN use caution. HOUSE, LAZY 7, $500/ DRIVING RECORD N o wonder newspaper MO. PLUS UTILITIES, CONTACT HERBERT readers are more popular! NO PETS CALL 772-626- 615-210-2555 7678 16 Okeechobee News May 18, 2018

Public Notice Public Notice Dissolution of Dissolution of Marriage/Divorc Marriage/Divorc INVITATION TO BID NO. PW 02-00-05-18 OKEECHOBEE CITY HALL DOOR REPLACEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRR- CUIT, IN AND FOR OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: 2016DR308 Mandatory Pre-Bid: May 23, 2018, 3:00 PM Division: Domestic Relations Opening Date and Time: June 6, 2018, 3:00 PM Kathrine Vinson, The City of Okeechobee, Florida is currently soliciting bids to provide construcc- Petitioner, tion services needed to replace five (5) existing exterior doors and one (1) dou- and ble exterior door with side lights and transom at City Hall located at 55 SE 3rd Christopher Zeh, Avenue, Okeechobee, FL 34974. Respondent, Sealed bids must be received within the General Services Department NOTICE OF ACTION FOR at City Hall, 55 SE 3rd Avenue, Rm 101, Okeechobee, FL 349744, no FAMILY CASES WITH MINOR CHILDREN later than 3:00 PM EST on or before Wednesday,y, June 6, , 2018. All responses received by the deadline will be opened and recorded in the presence TO: Christopher Zeh of one or more witnesses within the Council Chambers, Rm 200, at the address Last Know Address: 503 NW 11th Ave., Okeechobee, FL listed above. Any bids received after the above noted date and time will not be opened or considered. Facsimile or emailed bids will not be accepted. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Domestic Relations has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written dee- A MANDATORY Pre-Bid Meetingg will be held on Wednesday,y, May y 23, , fenses, if any, to it on Kathrine Vinson, whose address is 7814 NW 93rd Ct., 2018 at 3:00 PM ESTT in the Council Chambers,,, Rm 200,, at the address Okeechobee, FL, on or before May 30th, 2018, and file the original with the clerk listed above. Bidders MUSTT attend this meeting in order to submit for this bid. of this Court at 312 NW 3rd St., Okeechobee, FL, before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered Product specifications are available in the Bid Packets that may be obtained against you for the relief demanded in the petition. from the General Services Department at City Hall during normal office hours, {If applicable, insert the legal description of real property, a specific description Mon-Fri, 8 AM-4:30 PM, except holidays, or by contacting Patty Burnette, 863- of personal property, and the name of the county in Florida where the property 763-3372 x 9820, or via email at [email protected]. A $25.00 is located} non-refundable deposit per set of documents is required, made payable to the Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are City of Okeechobee (checks & cash only accepted). Questions concerning the available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office. You may review scope of work are to be directed to Public Works Director David Allen, 863-763- these documents upon request. 9790, or [email protected]. NOTE: Bonding Requirements You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s office notified of your Apply to this Bid Opportunity. current address. (You may file Designation of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form Submittals must be within a sealed envelopep and contain two ()(2)) clearlyy 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or e-mailed to identified originalsg()py, and one (1) copy of the bid,, with the outside of the envelope the addresses on record at the clerk’s office. clearly labeled “BID NO. PW 02-00-05-18 OKEECHOBEE CITY HALL WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, DOOR REPLACEMENT,,, 6-6-18, 3:00 PM”” with the submitting Company requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and informa- Name and Return Address. Bids may be mailed, hand delivered, and/or express tion. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or mailed to the address listed above. Firms properly registered in the State of striking of pleadings. Florida are encouraged to submit their bid for consideration. Dated: May 4th, 2018. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT It is the sole responsibility of the Bidder to deliver personally or by mail, their bid By: Deputy Clerk to the General Services Department on or before the closing hour and date for 260446 ON 5/4,11,18,25/2018 the receipt of bids as noted above. This solicitation does not commit the City of Okeechobee to award any con- tracts, to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a response to this bid, or to contract for any services. The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive informalities and to accept or reject all or part of any bid, as they may deem to be in the best interests of the City of Okeechobee. Responss- es to this bid, upon receipt by the General Services Department, will become public records subject to provisions of Florida Statute Chapter 119 Florida Public Records Law. EEO/ADA/GINA/VP/DFWP Lots - Sale Autos Wanted By: Mayor Dowling R. Watford, Jr. on May 13, 2018 262155 ON 5/13,16,18/2018 LAKE ACCESS AAA Auto Analysis- All Taylor Creek Isles makes, all price ranges. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 8th Lot from We buy cars, trucks, Taylor Creek and motorcycles. 2018TD742 Water, Sewage, Established 1981. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ZACHARY MICHAEL GAZZAA the hold- Electric. Beautiful 772-260-9707 er of the following certificate has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued Trees. Good Seawall. thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Culvert. 2524 SE 30th $52,500. Certificate No: 1572 Year of Issuance: June-01-2015 561-253-8700, Description of Property: LOT C OF TRACT 23 E 1/2 OF W 1/2 OF N 1/2 jeffcopper@ OF N 1/2 OF TRACT 23 34 34S 34E copperconsulting.net 1-34-34-33-0A00-00023-C000 Said property being in the County of Okeechobee, State of Florida Fictitious Name Name in which assessed: DANTON LEONARD TRUSTEE THE DANTON LEONARD TRUST NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law the property dee- NAME LAW scribed in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at the Okeechobee County Judicial Center, Jury Assembly Room, 312 NW 3rd Street, Okeechobee, Mobile Homes - Notice is hereby given that Florida 10:00 A.M., on the 19th day of July, 2018. the undersigned pursuant to SUBJECT TO CURRENT TAXES Rent the “Fictitious Name Statue” SHARON ROBERTSON, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER will register with Florida De- Okeechobee County, Florida FOR RENT MOBILE /s/ Frances Conner HOME COMPLETELY partment of State, Division Deputy Clerkk FURNISHED $800.00 RI &RUSRUDWLRQV WKH ¿FWLWLRXV NOTICE REGARDING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990; In MONTHLY INCLUDES name, to wit; accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing a special ELECTRIC AND WATER, About Time Taxi accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Court Admin- istration no later that seven days prior to the proceeding at 250 NW Country NO PETS. 1ST, LAST & Under which we expect to en- Club Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986, 1.772.807.4370 within two working $500.00 DEPOSIT CALL gage in business at: days of your receipt of this notice. IF YOU ARE HEARING IMPAIRED CALL 3983 US Hwy 441 SE lot4 1.800.955.8771; IF YOU ARE VOICE IMPAIRED CALL 1.800.955.8770. 916-504-1186 258013 ON 4/27;5/4,11,18/2018 Okeechobee, Fl. 34974 In the City of Okeechobee/ County Okeechobee, Florida. LEGAL NOTICE That the parties interested in A public auction of stored personal property from Okeechobee Store-N- said business enterprise are: Lock to be conducted at the following locations in Okeechobee, FL: WEST Sherry Stevens – 2701 Hwy 70 West; NORTH – 3050 SW 3rd Terrace. The auction will be held to pay unpaid storage fees (pursuant to the Florida statutes, Section Dated at Okeechobee, 83.806). Public Auction to be held on June 2, 2018 beginning at 9:00AM at Okeechobee County, Florida the WEST location and we will then proceed to the NORTH location. All payy- this 15th day of May 2018 ments must be made in full, CASH ONLY, by the date/time of auction. FOR RENT WEEKLY, MONTHLY OR LONG By: Sherry Stevens WEST TERM, 2BD/1.5BA SHAKIRA MAYS, Unit # 1-9 JACQUELINE SUMMERSS, Unit #’s 9-11 & 7-50 IN ANCIENT OAKS 262876 ON 5/18/2018 NATASHA THOMPSON, Unit # 7-51 $250.00 WEEKLY RATE STEPHANIE PERKINS, Unit # 8-22 TONEKA ROBERTS, Unit # 6-25 CALL 954-242-7612 Time to clean out the will be closed Monday, May 28 MANUEL FRANCO-GUZMAN,, Unit # 8-39 attic, basement and/or MOBILE HOME’S garage? Advertise your NORTH 3BD/2BA & 2BD/2BA KORVETTE BILLIE, Unit # N0166 yard sale in the classi- STARTING AT $625.00. 263090 ON 5/18,25/2018 fieds and make your for Memorial Day MO. PLUS SECURITY, clean up a breeze! 1YR LEASE, NO PETS CALL 863-7634031 View obituaries from Your new car could be Deadline for the Wednesday, May 30 edition in today’s paper. Have the past month at you looked for it? Display Advertising...... 3 p.m. Friday, May 25 http://www.legacy.com Join all the people who say, “I sold it in the Have a Safe Holiday! classifieds.” May 18, 2018 Okeechobee News 17 SFWMD declares Water Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis Reuse Week May 13-19 ACROSS 3 Mario game 32 Needle source 41 Android 1 R&B Foods racers 33 Valuable developer brand since 4 Online particles 43 Volcanic rock Special to the Okeechobee News some areas, such as Orange, Polk and Os- 2014 discussion 34 Proctor’s 45 Superior MARATHON — The South Florida Water ceola counties, as well as the lower west 5 Potential venue warning 46 Tribute maker Management District (SFWMD) Governing coast, close to 100 percent of the wastewa- diamond winner 5 Storms of the 35 Wine-and-fruit 47 Apply to Board on Thursday, May 10, declared May ter generated is reused while the treatment 15 Old Testament ’90s beverage 51 Course with 13-19 as Water Reuse Week in Florida. The and reuse of wastewater in the Florida Keys book 6 Alençon’s 36 Barons many angles, resolution urges local governments, utilities continues to increase. 16 Far from perfect department 38 Bernini’s genre briefly and businesses to implement water reuse In the Florida Keys, SFWMD assisted the 17 Prepare for a 7 Fourth-largest 39 Coat, in a way 52 Something to fill programs to help protect the future water Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA), meal moon of 40 Develop over 54 Hero in a virtual supply of 8.1 million South Florida residents. the sole provider of potable water for the 18 Bakery aisle Uranus time, as an idea reality film trilogy As part of the annual recognition of Wa- Florida Keys, in funding the installation of offerings 8 Range ter Reuse Week, SFWMD Governing Board several miles of water reuse pipelines in the 19 Burpee product protectors ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: 9 Physicist Mach member Clarke Harlow passed the ceremo- Hawks Cay Village and Resort on Duck Key. 21 Place to build nial purple jacket, an honor bestowed on 10 Diamond Duck Key is a small island community lo- 22 Get together one Governing Board member each year to birthstone mo. cated at approximately Mile Marker 60 along 23 D-Day transport recognize their support for water reuse, to 11 Surprise with a the Overseas Highway. The Duck Key Waste- 24 Indicator of SFWMD Governing Board Chairman Federi- visit water Treatment Facility provides reclaimed co Fernandez. stress: Abbr. 12 Antique shop water to the Hawks Cay Resort and Village. “This Governing Board firmly believes 25 1997 furniture item that water reuse is a cornerstone of our re- The facility was upgraded to provide addi- Hawke/Thurman 13 Vents gion’s water supply strategy,” said Mr. Fer- tional treatment, and with financial support sci-fi film 14 Get cozy nandez. “With the successes of water reuse from the SFWMD, a reclaimed-water pipe- 28 Cell terminal 20 “I want to learn” on full display around South Florida, agen- line was installed to bring reclaimed water 29 Hummingbird’s 26 Ocean cies, utilities and citizens should be encour- to approximately 100 residences for irriga- pair? turbulence aged to reuse and conserve as much water tion. 30 Guzzle 27 It borders It. as possible.” Other major projects to increase water 32 Kudos 28 French battle Water reclamation facilities in our com- reuse that received grants from the SFWMD 33 Old, fading ad site in WWI munities receive wastewater from homes Governing Board include the Toho Water on a building 31 “Little modified and businesses, treating it until it achieves Authority, which provides about 26 million 35 Jazz dance Pon-Pon” in a high quality standards. Next this water is gallons of reclaimed water per day for irri- 37 “Aaugh!” 1964 hit [email protected] 02/06/16 sent through purple pipes for irrigation gation and aquifer recharge in Osceola and 38 Avoid, as an of residential lots, golf courses and other Polk counties. Additional reuse project loca- issue green space, industrial uses, groundwater 41 Crystal of recharge and other beneficial purposes. The tions include the City of Cape Coral, which SFWMD Governing Board continues to part- reuses over 25 million gallons of reclaimed country ner with utilities to expand their water reuse water and excess stormwater for irrigation 42 Poisonous plant capabilities. in the city, and the City of Pompano Beach in the The amount of water reuse district-wide for an expanding reuse system, which cur- nightshade has increased dramatically from approxi- rently reuses 2.4 million gallons per day for family mately 100 million gallons per day in 1994 irrigation in the city and adjoining coastal 44 How some data to 275 million gallons per day in 2016. In communities. is backed up 45 Low-fat meat source FHP: ‘Buckle up every time’ 48 Busters 49 Psalm words TALLAHASSEE — The Florida Highway half of our Florida sheriffs, I proudly endorse 50 Plan Z? Patrol (FHP) joins law enforcement and this Florida Department of Highway Safety 53 Most elementary highway safety partners in participating in and Motor Vehicles initiative,” stated Sher- level the national “Click It or Ticket” campaign iff Mike Adkinson, president of the Florida 55 Cyan relative May 14 through June 3. During the cam- Sheriffs Association. 56 Putty base paign, drivers will see increased education During your travels, no matter where they 57 Crave, with “for” and enforcement on buckling up to help take you, follow these safety tips to help you 58 Newark motorists avoid serious injury and death. and your family Arrive Alive: neighbor “FHP is committed to raising awareness • Buckle up, every time. A seat belt is 59 Nantes noodle? and educating the public. Not wearing a seat your vehicle’s best safety feature. Set the ex- belt is deadly,” said Colonel Gene S. Spauld- ample. ing, director of the Florida Highway Patrol. • Make sure your rear-seat passengers DOWN 1 Agitated state “FHP will continue to collaborate with our are also buckled. They are more likely to By Barry C. Silk law enforcement partners to ensure every- injure themselves and other passengers in a 2 Mixture ©2016 Tribune Content Agency, LLC 02/06/16 one’s safety on Florida’s roadways.” In 2017, crash if not buckled up. more than 600 people who chose not to • Seat belts plus air bags provide the wear their seat belt were killed in a vehicle greatest protection for adults; however, air crash. FHP reminds everyone that Florida bags are not a substitute for seat belts. Contact a sales law requires the use of seat belts by drivers • Obey all speed limits. Traffic conges- and passengers in the front seat and all chil- tion and construction zones may require representative dren under the age of 18 in the front or back driving more slowly. seat of a motor vehicle. • Drive sober. One drink is one too many. today: “Our Florida sheriffs are committed to • Don’t drive distracted: Anything that protecting and ensuring the safety of the takes your full attention off the road, even citizens that we proudly serve. The ‘Click it for a second, could be deadly. 863.763.3134 or Ticket’ initiative is an outstanding way or • Use caution when driving around bi- The place to be and be seen! [email protected] reminding our citizens to protect those they cycles or large commercial vehicles, and al- love by insisting they wear seat belts. On be- ways look twice for motorcycles. 18 Okeechobee News May 18, 2018 Memorial tournament to honor the late Nik Kayler 2018 Grad Night

By Richard Marion Besides the fishing tournament itself, the Celebration Okeechobee News memorial will also raise funds for the Kayler May 25 at Skate and Play After fisherman Nik Kayler tragically family by holding a raffle, silent auction and passed away in an accident during a Fish- a 50/50 drawing. ing League Worldwide (FLW) tournament The tournament is scheduled to start Generously Sponsored by Seminole Tribe of Florida on Jan. 5, a candlelight vigil was held at C. at safe light in the morning, with the raffle Scott Driver Park in memory of the loving and other events beginning at 1 p.m. and a husband and father. weigh-in at 3 p.m. Okeechobee Fishing Headquarters own- BBQ pork sandwiches will also be avail- er Mike Krause, who knew Nik through his able starting at 1 p.m. All the food and prizes How can you help? business, saw something at the vigil that have been donated to the memorial. motivated him to put together a memorial “One of the things we have in the silent tournament in honor of the late fisherman. auction is a three-day, two-night stay for four “Nik would come into my store to shop people at Big Pine Key donated by Gambler To DONATE FUNDS, please make your and we had fished a few tournaments to- Lures,” said Mr. Krause. “You’ll get to show gether,” Mr. Krause explained. “When I up to a private house and do all the fishing tax-deductible check payable to Our Village saw his daughter walk across the pavilion you want down in the Florida Keys. We’ll at Scott Driver during the candlelight vigil, I also have a three-day, two-night stay at Ro- Okeechobee (EIN:47-3944280). Checks can knew I had to do something. There was just land Martin Marina, which includes a guided be mailed to CenterState Bank, Attn: Tabitha something telling me I had to do something, fishing trip and all your bait as well as sup- and the only thing I could think to do was to per and breakfast.” Trent at 2100 South Parrott Ave., Okeechobee, put together a tournament.” Some of the raffle prizes are rods, reels, Mr. Krause, along with John Tavano and tackle, televisions, children’s toys and more. FL 34974. Please write “GRAD NITE 2018” in Breezy McMillan, immediately got to work Reel Fishing Charities has donated $1,000 on pulling together resources for the me- for a Big Bass Award, and Gray Taxidermy the memo line of your check. morial tournament and fundraiser, which is will donate a free bass mount for the biggest scheduled to take place on Saturday, May 19. For questions about donations, contact Tabitha Trent “The community support has been fish in the tournament. amazing,” said Mr. Krause. “A lot of great do- Mr. Krause is hopeful the weather will at 863.763.5573 or nations to help raise money for Nik’s daugh- cooperate, with the rain holding off until email her at [email protected] ter and wife. We’re expecting somewhere later in the evening. Even so, the raffles and between 100 to 150 boats. Hopefully there auctions will take place under the pavilion will be more than that, but that’s what we’re at Okee-Tantie, and the Okeechobee Coun- expecting so far.” ty Sheriff’s Office will be bringing one of To DONATE PRIZES and other items to give First place in the tournament will take its tents to help keep people dry if any rain away, please contact Magi Cable at home $2,500 based on 100 boats compet- comes during the tournament. ing, with second winning $1,250 and third “It’s shaping up to be very good,” Mr. [email protected] $1,000. Fifty percent of the entry fees will Krause concluded. “And it’s all about Nik’s be donated to the family of Nik Kayler, with wife, Kelly, and her little girl. It’s all about the other half paid to the participating field. them.” To VOLUNTEER your time, please contact Leah Suarez. Email her at [email protected] Volunteers are needed for everything from setup to cleanup, hosting games, serving food, and security.

To DONATE FOOD, please contact Samantha Durrance by email at [email protected] SPONSOR LEVEL DONATION Valedictorian Level $1,000 Scholar Level $750 – $500 Honors Level $250 Friend of Grad Night $100 Proud Parents $25

Grad Night Sponsored by:

Okeechobee News/Richard Marion Nik Kayler’s brother, Philip Kayler (center right), and Nik’s wife, Kelly Kayler (center left), embrace at the candlelight vigil held on Jan. 10 at C. Scott Driver Park. Okeechobee Fishing Headquarters owner Mike Krause was inspired to start the Nik Kayler Memorial Tournament after attending the vigil. May 18, 2018 Okeechobee News 19 20 Okeechobee News May 18, 2018