Women and Sport Oceania “a commission of ONOC”

ONOC General Assembly 14 March 2008 Nadi, Background

In 1997, as part of its Women and Sport Policy, the IOC established targets for women’s membership of NOC Executive Committees. These were for women to hold at least 10% of executive decision- making positions in NOC’s by December 2001, rising to at least 20% by December 2005. NOC Oceania Members ♦ Australia 3 ♦ NOC 1 ♦ NOC 3 ♦ NOC 4 ♦ Fiji NOC 3 ♦ NOC 2 ♦ Olympic Sports Federations of Oceania 2 elected 2 appointed ♦ Federated States of Micronesia NOC 1 ♦ GNOC 1 Exec. Member 3 Board of Directors ♦ 5 ♦ 1 ♦ Republic of ♦ New Zealand 3 ♦ 2 ♦ 4 ♦ Oceania Foundation 1

♦ TOTAL 12 NOC out of 17 NOC IN OCEANIA 34 Executive Board Members of NOC’s ♦ Plus OSFO and Oceania Foundation

2007 Activities & Highlights

♦ Commission at the Samoa Games opportunity for the Commission to recognize the role and participation of women at the games as the following: Athletes, Officials, Media, Chef De Mission (4 countries), Administrators and other partners of the games ♦ NOC’s programs throughout the year (Walk Event and other partner programs within the NOC ♦ Active presence of women in NOC board and activities at national level ♦ Maintaining the target and beyond 20% of women executive members with in NOC’s. 2007 partnerships…

♦ Athletes Commission ♦ RADO ♦ IOC/ONOC/UNAIDS/OSFO/ASC ♦ Oceania Foundation ♦ IWG – Sydney 2010 ♦ Michael Fennel, IOC Women & Sport ♦ Games - Participation of Women as Athletes and Officials and Results ♦ Key Agencies within Communities Development

♦ 2007 Commission Working Group ♦ IOC Women & Sport Conference (Jordan) ♦ Budget and Implementation of Plans 2008-2012 ♦ ANOC Meeting ♦ NOC With Commissions FIJI, RMI, COOK Islands, PNG, AUS, New Zealand, FSM, Palau ♦ Commission to Assist in Development of Commissions around the region ♦ Coordinating Programs with ONOC and other Partners around the Region ♦ Establishing and continuing networking and capacity of the commission and its members at regional games, Olympic Games and at regional/international conferences. Gender breakdown 2007 South final entries

♦ There was a slight drop in percentage of events available for women in 2007 over 2003, despite significant programs for the promotion of women in sport throughout the Pacific Region. There were 12 less events in 2007 available for women, compared to 2003. 33.7% of the events overall were specifically for women and 37.6% of the events overall could have had women representing them. Male Female TOTAL FEMALE% MALE% ♦ TOTAL 3443 1616 5059 31.94 68.06%

♦ The above numbers were derived from the Entry Database and subject to variance from the final actual numbers of people arriving. Furthermore these numbers include athletes and officials. Table 8 below provides an accurate average of Female competitors per Sport/Event. ♦ The numbers reflect to some degree the number of events available for women, however as in previous Games, the number entries for women are not comparable to those of the men even when available events are taken into consideration.

♦ SOURCE: Report on Participation and Performance at the XIII South Pacific Games by Brian Minnikin, ONOC


♦ Male 1297 Female 430 Total Officials 1727 75.10% 24.90% ♦ The number of officials who were female was well below even the ratio of athletes present. ♦ Other than Papua New Guinea and Samoa, the number of female athletes and officials entered in events was below that of the medal winning opportunities available. ♦ had the best gender ratio of 51% followed by PNG with 44%, an impressive turn around from previous Games. ♦ Countries entered on average, 26.5% of the events available to them, covering an average of 14 sports or 43% of available sports. Female athletes across all countries entered 23% of available events while male athletes were entered on average in 29.1% of available events. ♦ Women entered an average of 9 sports of the 27 available to them at the Games. Men entered 13 sports of the 31 available for them at the 2007 South Pacific Games. ♦ The selection of female officials also reflects numbers well below what would be expected even of the teams sizes selected for female athletes. There were 4 women holding a Chef De Mission of General Team Manager position out of 22 Countries.

♦ SOURCE: Report on Participation and Performance at the XIII South Pacific Games by Brian Minnikin, ONOC Medals Won by Gender at the Games Gold Silver Bronze %Medals Won overall 41 30 30 44% Tahiti 20 14 9 36% Samoa 13 13 16 34% Fiji 20 25 14 43% Papua New Guinea 19 16 18 56% Nauru 3 5 22% Palau 4 3 44% Fed States of Micronesia 0% Cook Islands 4 6 4 64% Tonga 1 5 1 26% American Samoa 1 2 1 18% 2 1 75% Wallis & Futuna 1 25% Vanuatu 2 1 2 42% Solomon Islands 4 3 27% Guam 1 1 22% Kiribati 0% Marshall Islands 0% Tuvalu 0% 1 50% Norfolk Island 0% Northern Marianas 0% Medals Won by Gender at the Games

♦ Tokelau, Cook Islands, PNG, and Niue were able to secure at more than half of their medals won through the women’s team.

♦ For New Caledonia, their women won 44% of their medals despite making up only 35% of their team. New Caledonia would have still finished third on medals won overall even if their men’s team had not come at all.

♦ Their remains a clear discrepancy between the number of medal event available for women compared to men.

♦ This discrepancy is further enhanced by the reduced entries for women overall for most countries relative to the medal opportunities available.

♦ There is significantly less depth of performance across all sports and across the Region for women than there is for men.

♦ The selection of female officials also reflects numbers well below what would be expected even of the teams sizes selected for female athletes. There were 4 women holding a Chef De Mission of General Team Manager position out of 22 Countries 2008-2012 Vision To strengthen the role of women in sport and through sport - throughout Oceania utilising existing resources for new opportunities and improved results for the benefit of women and sport for all. Commission Working Group in Cairns – December 2007 STRATEGIES 1. To encourage and where possible provide education and training opportunities for women to further develop their skills in all areas of sport. 2. To establish an effective profile and communication network for women in the Oceania region. 3. To provide leadership to women in sport throughout the Oceania region and assist them in reaching their potential as decision makers, participants, coaches, officials and administrators. 4. To contribute to the IOC Women and Sport Dead Sea Plan of Action OUTPUTS

♦ Effective and Efficient Management and administration ♦ Equal Opportunities for participation in all aspect of regional games ♦ Women in Leadership positions throughout the region ♦ Contribute to advocacy and promotion of inclusion Key Result Area 1: Management and Administration

• Source & Develop Budget application for funding project officer • Job description & appoint project officer • Report Annually to ONOC • Update ONOC executive and NOC’s • Set up Commission Data Base • Develop Guidelines for establishment and management of NOC women and sports committees • Manage Website Key Results Area 2: Equal Opportunities for participation in all aspects of regional games

♦ Cooperation with Pacific Games (PGC) on Sports Programs ♦ Review PGC Charter for gender equity ♦ Promote at OSFO/ONOC/PGC for equal opportunities ♦ Negotiate with OSFO to offer incentives for OF’s promoting equal opportunity (ITTF & OTTF Incentive program) Key Result Area 3: Leadership positions throughout Oceania

♦ Regional Conference and workshop 1 every four years ♦ Encourage applications for leadership training: AISTS Management training in Lausanne, MEMOS, OSEP ♦ Encourage Mentoring Programs at NOC Level ♦ NOC’s to achieve 20% IOC target ♦ Promote attendance at ONOC, IOC FORUMS, ITTF Women & Sport in Tahiti 6TH July 2008 and IWG Meetings and Conferences ♦ To identify and promote leadership opportunities on boards within NOC’s, OF’s, Nf’s, and OC ♦ Recommend to ONOC – delegates to be both genders at meetings ♦ Commission Representative to ONOC AGM Key Result Area 4: Contribute to Advocacy and Promotion for Inclusion

♦ Each NOC to conduct Walk event to recognize women role in sports areas and the respective community ♦ Conduct breakfast forums at major sporting events for all interested personnel ♦ Update Website regularly and links with key organizations (ONOC, OSFO, IOC, IWG) ♦ Present to ONOC/OSFO Meetings ♦ Develop Criteria for Commission Awards and invite nominations ♦ Use Media opportunities to promote women and sport in oceania Commission at IOC Jordan Conference Debbie Watson AUS, IOC/Oceania Award Recipient

Oceania Members: Sophie (ASC), Robin (Tonga), Maata (KIR), Erica (AS), Nynette (SAM), Helen (AUS), Helen (Fencing), Veitu (PNG), Debbie (AUS), Baklai (Palau) Oceania and Jordan NOC

“I hope this meeting and through these dialogues and forums – it will help us Inspire Others to do Extraordinary Changes” HRH Prince Feisal bin Al Hussei, President, Jordan Olympic Committee Jordan Conference Theme Dead Sea – Plan of Action

♦ Seize upcoming Opportunities to Promote Gender Equality ♦ Governance ♦ Empowerment through Education and Development ♦ Women, Sport and the Media ♦ Women, Sport and the Millennium Development Goals MGD’s (UN) ♦ Commitment of Participants NOC’s Input and Responsibility ♦ Coordinate with your Women & Sports Commission - provide them contacts and update work of the commission and its activities ♦ Identify contact in your NOC for Women & Sports ♦ NOC’s support, input for participation and objectives development of Commission ♦ ONOC and ASP/ASC input and support ♦ Encourage NOC’s to have 2 nd Delegate to ONOC meetings a women from your NOC ♦ NOC to encourage women to participate in opportunities in sports development within NOC Who to Contact

Baklai Temengil: email: [email protected] Anita Blas email: [email protected] Helen Brownlee email: [email protected]

Rosie Blake, Cook Islands: [email protected] Susie Yee, Fiji: [email protected]

Website: oceaniasport.com or ONOC Office NEXT STEP…

♦ Implementation of Plan and Budget with Solidarity/ONOC ♦ Beijing Games – supporting our Athletes Commission and have a strong presence at the games and at the games village ♦ Tahiti – ITTF Women Forum 6 th July 2008 ♦ Congratulations to Tonga (Athletics/Shot Put), Guam (Wrestler), Samoa Golden Girl Weightlifter for their Female Athletes that have Qualified and all NOC’s that we have not mentioned ♦ 2009 OCEANIA WOMEN AND SPORT FORUM ♦ Congratulations to all NOC’s for their female officials, administrators and athletes at the games… ♦ GOOD LUCK! Support our Oceania Team & Good Luck in 2008 Olympic Games