r DENVERG^THOLIC Council V ote s Y es r sr REGISTER On Collegiality Issue Member of Audit Bureau of Circula/ions THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1964 DENVER, COLORADO VOL. LIX No. 7 (For another story see page 2) -U the same time, while af brought to 12 the number of the most significant is the one Vatican City — (.N'CWC) firming the divine origin of the amendments t(| the project that which states that the Collc.ge of — By an overwhelming ma­ Kpiscopate and of its intimald have been approved. In all there Bishops together with the Pope union with the Pope in the Col- are 29 amendments to be voted and never without him have full jority the .Second Vatican lege of Bishops, the Council Fa- on. teaching and ruiing power over Council voted to approve thers also affirmed by vote that Among the remaining ones, the Universal Church, the teaching that all Cath­ the College of Bishops has no , . , olic Bishops today are succes­ authority except with the Ro­ sors of the Apostles by divine man Pontiff, the successor of institution and that they, with St. Peter, as its head. the Pope as their head, make It affirmed that his power of up a college like that which primacy over all. both Bishops; was formed by St. Peter and and the faithful, remains intact. .•\postles. 1 Thus at the 85th general meet­ AT THE MEETING Sept. 22. ing of the .Second Vatican Coun­ eight votes were taken and eight cil, the work of the First Vati­ passed with tremendous major­ can Council, begun almost 100 ities. 'lyears ago. has been advanced These votes approved the significantly. changes in the third chapter of The first Vatican Council de­ the schema on the nature of the fined the infallibility of the Pope Church dealing specifically with hut was adjourned before the th(> place of the Bishtips within precise relation of the Bishops the Church and their relations among themselves and to the to each other and to the Pope. Pope was ever worked out. The voting at the 85th session

Police Guild Schedules Annual Communion Rites The second annual Communi­ THE OFFKERS OF tlm St. on and breakfa.st of the St. Mi­ ■ Michael's Guild are Officer chael's Police Guild will be William .Maddock of Guardian held Sunday, Sept. 27. The cere­ Angels parish, president; Offi­ mony is held each year on the cer Robert Woody of Our Lady Sunday closest to the Feast of of Ixiurdes parish, vice 'presi­ Neighbors From Around the World St. Michael, patron Of the police dent: Sgt. Arthur Cito of Holy Getting a first-hand report on the progress officers. Sept. 29. Trinity parish, treasurer, and op David M. Maloney of Denver; and Bishop of the Church in India are three I'.S. Bish Thomas Drury of San .Angelo, Tex. Bishop The Mass will be offen'd at I Officer Joseph Masciotro of ops at the Vatican Ecumenical Council, in­ Newell, in a note to the Rt. Rev. Monsignor 8 a.m., in St. Francis tie Sales' I Mount carmel parish, secre- cluding two members of the Rocky Mountain church. Police officers i will Itary. John ('a^anagh. editor of the "Register” sys­ march into the church prior (o' father Jones, as chaplain, area Hierarchy. .Archbishop Pius Kerketta of tem of newspapers, reports: “We are all Mass, which will be offered by acts as spiritual adviser to all Ranchi, India, spends some time- between pleased that things seem to be moving a the Rev, Raymond Jones, chap­ the policemen of the city. Council sessions with, from left. Bishop Hu­ little faster than in previous sessions." lain of the guild, for the inten­ bert M. Newell of Cheyenne, .Auxiliary Bish tions of all the police officers and their families. The St. Francis de Sales' At Church in Mead high school choir, under the direction of Mrs. Jo Noakes Lasham, will provide music for the occasion. Catechetical Center To Be Dedicated The n(?w catechetical center w ill be followed by a High Mass Frederick and .Mead religious' THE SIMPLE DIGNITY of And the Angels Weep THE PRINCIP.AL speaker at of Guardian Angels church, to be celebrated by the Re\. duties. the existing prairie Gothic An angel statue, dragged from its pedestal week, causing thousands of dollars worth of the breakfast, whichwill be:Mead, will be dedicated on Martin Arno, O.S.B., who ser\- church, one of (Colorado’s earli­ held in the Continental Denver I Wednesday afternoon. Sept. 30. ed as pastor for 17 years, The music for the Mass will beside the altar in Mother Cahrini shrine damage to the shrine and its installations. est. was followed in the new motel at 9;30 a.m., will be John at 5 o'clock by .-Archbishop The sermon at the Mass will be provided by St. Theresa's; center. Paneled entry doors chapel, seems to weep for the heartless thieves More pictures and story are on page 3. Fleming Kelly, former presi-'Urban .1 Vehr of Denver. be given by the Rev. Roy Fig- choir of Frederick. and window boxes for red who desecrated this holy place one night last dent of the Denver Catholic The Mead church is a mis- lino, pastor of St. Augustine's in geraniums are used to enrich Lawyers' guild. ision of St. Theresa's parish, Brighton. The •Catholics in ASSISTING THE AIR H the exterior and the interior is His topic will be "The Obliga-' ^nd is cared for by Mead were cured for by priests BISHOP j*i the dedication of brightly colored to give the tion of the Citizen to Police Of Bev. Francis Ilornung. fiom the parish in Brighton un- building a warm feeling. the centt^ will be Fatlier Hor- ficers." A graduate, of Yale; ’ Pttstoi'- ;lil 1922, when the Benedictine Mead lien-- some. 35 miles Shrine atT^eetz Stems Law school, Mr, kelly is 'a 7'^*’ dedication of the center:Fathers assumed charge of the nung and the Rev. Philip north of Denver in the heart of member of St. John the Evan-1 O’Boyle. O.S.B.. assistant pastor.: gelist’s parish and the Denver | the farming district. Guardian In addition to the parishion­ iSerra club. ■Angels is the parish church for From a Return to Faith ers in Mead, more than forty, Also invited to the breakfast Inside the Register 35 Cafholic families. clergymen and invited guests A near death-bed return to the fully conscious. On being sum-:cal center and social hall, was the other police chaplains In 1961, when Father Hornuni{ .\ first-of-its-kind joint retreat for Catholic, Protes­ are expected to attend. faith of an elderly man and the moned. Father Foxhoven heard dedicated. the city. Rabbi Joseph Gold- was appointed pastor of Fredv tant, and Jewish men to be held this weekend gratitude of his heirs have re- his eonfession on the kitchen' At that time, the parish; .After the Mass a dinner will erick ^ d Mead it was an as­ suited in completion of a newTioor and gave him the La.st marked its golden jubilee. The Macintosh, near Colorado Springs is attracting attention all be served for the clergy and outdoor shrine dedicated to Our Sacraments. He later lost con- church is erected on the site It is cu.stomary at this break- over the nation. Story on page 5. ■ inuted guests by the Altar and signment that was returning Lady of Grace at Sacred Heart sciousness anddied in a a hos- of the old Sacred Heart church, fast to honor the Man of the Rosary societv in the new par­ him to the site of his first mis­ parish, Peetz. pital. and can .seat 150 persons jYear. This placque will be giv- In an era of ‘adult’ motion pictures, there iS still ish hail. An Entertainment pro­ sion as a priest. Father Omer Foxhoven. pas- Heirs of the retired farmerj The parish's annual smorgas-en by Father Jones to a person room for films that children can see. Film pro­ gram will follow. As an as.sistant pastor of St. tor, described the unusual storyl reside in Canada. They, through bord will be held in the new selected by a committee of ducer Robert Kadnitz continues a ‘Register’ se­ The new parish center, elect­ in announcing com|)letion of the their lawyer, arranged to de-church hall Sunday, Sept. 27, policemen for outstanding John’s parish in Ixmgmont, he ries on children’s films, page 10. ed at a cost of $42,000. is locat­ $800 shrine, the fourth Marian fray the cost of erecting the from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wom-jpolice civic cooperation. The was charged with the care of ed south of the present church. shrine he has completed since shrine to Our Lady of Grace, en of the parish prepare theiname of the recipient for 1964 The Sisters of Loretto set an all-time record this Its cobalt blue roof and white the Mead parish, then attached his ordination. situated to the left of food. All friends of the Sacred will not be given until the time year — and their new education center in Little- siding match the church. to the Longntont parish between Felix Naviaux, a I'Ctired farm the church. Heart parish are Invited and of the breakfast. The master of ion was one of the major factors. Story on 1926 and 1928. At that time he er, for years had lived across' The base of the shrine is may \lsit in the new church'ceremonies will be Officer Joe postulant class, page 1: The center consists of two the street from the church, strengthened with Georgia mar- and the shrine. Martin. wings connected by a trick supeiTised the construction of Since the death of his wife al ble. Stones from the mountains floor entry. The larger wing on an addition to the Mead church. most two decades ago, he did form the side. The roof is made the south contains three class­ THE MEAD CHURCH was not attend church. of rock taken from mines in rooms to be used for catecheti­ originally built by Protestants AGED 80, HE LIVED alone '(.’ripple Creek and Victor. Life-. cal instructions. Each can ac­ in 1880 on a site two miles When not seen for two days byjsize, the stone statue was de commodate 36 pupils. These Parishioners in Golden Honor Retiring Pastor south of the community. his next door neighbor, who'signed by the Da Prato studios, three rooms can be opimed into was praying for his return to Chicago. Members of St. Joseph's par-;preciation on behalf of the par- in 1P37 he was assistant at St. Ihony'.s in .Iul('.sburg. one large hall to scat 150 per­ It was purchased for the Cath­ the: Church, the neighbor went' ish.Golden, held a farewell lishioners for all of Father War- Anthony's parish. Sterling; He was appointed pastor of sons. The smaller wing to the olics in the area in 1910 and to his house to inquire. ; F.ATIIER FOXHOVEN said;reception the past Sunday for wick's accomplishments in Gol- Blessed Sacrament. Denver; the Golden parish in Novem­ north houses the utilities, kit­ moved to its present location on She found him l.ving on tho'the shrine completes a parish: the Rev, .Andrew E. Warwick, den — among them a new bdse-, and administrator of St. .An- ber, 1951. chen, and an office library. New Year’s day of 1911. floor, the victim of a stroke, construction program. Last June who is retiring as pastor of the nient church built and dedicat-. For two days he had been in 1, the new $70,000 church, which parish because of ill health. , ed in 1960. , ! this condition, although he was includes an adjoining catcheti Archbishop Urban J. Vehr an-j Father Warwick was born in' nounced that the Rev. Richard Ironton. 0.. in 1900. .After his' Mcrslion. who was appointed ordination in 1927 as a member as.sistant pastor of the Golden of the Society of the Divine parish in .August, will assume Hospital Blessing Set $128 Added to St. Jude Burse Word, he spent nine years as the duties of administrator. treasurer of the Sacred Heart Distinguished out-of-state visitors and a cross sec­ Nine gifts in the past week! priesthood in sufficient num­ Father Warwick will go into •Mission house at Girard. Pa., added $128 to the St. Jude burse bers. retirement in San Antonio, Tex. and St. Francis Xavier’s school, tion of the civic! business and professional leaders of for the education of seminar­ Denver will be present at the blessing ceremonies of DONATIONS TO the sem­ AT THE RECEPTION in Fa near Kingston, Mass. ians studying to become priests the new Mercy hospital, Denver, at 3:.10 p.m.. Sept. 27. inary burse should b(' sent to (her Warwick’s honor, the St. He then became field secre­ in the Denver archdiocese. The ■Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will officiate. burse total now is $2,658.39. the Most Re\-erend Urban J, Joseph's parish society present­ tary for the Catholic University \ ’ehr. .\rchbishop of Denver. ed him with a burse. in Pekin in China. U. S. Secretary of Health, Ed- Donors include: Houston, ucation. and Welfare. .Ahthony -Mc-Nichols chairman Father Mershon gave a .short Tex., A.A.C., $5; VVIu'atridge. Clianeery office, 1536 Logan I J. Celebrezze is among the di.s- Vercy hospital fund-rais- farewell speech, expressing ap­ UPON COMING TO Colorado M.M.C., $8: and, from Denver, street, Denver, Colo 80203 tinguished personages who will committee, will introduce A Convert, $20; J.F.M., $50; be present He will bo the fea- si^^aker. Secretary K.B., $5; A Friend, $5: F F.F., tured speaker Celebrezze at the meeting after $5; R E. $25; and A.T.G., $5. Lowry Air Force Band of the dedication ceremony SacriKi Heart of Mary parish.' Rockies will play during the Sunday South Boulder^ made a pay-| T raining Institute Sessions day’s proceedings. Chaplains to the Archbishop nient of $55.45 on its parish; ..r-iw t- u . 1 a* the chapel blessing ceremony burse. THE NLM MERC A hospital ^ And a $5 contribution to the W stories high, features rosy Monsignon John P. Moran and Monsignor Matthew Smith me­ Planned for Tberesians beige brick and blue porcelain morial burse was given by enamel on lhe_ exterior walls, Anonymous, Denver. A one-day training institute conducted just for women in lopment of zealous and intelli­ and contains 3is beds. yionsignor William .M. The sum of $6,Q00 will estab­ for all new Theresians in the the Denver area,” she stress­ gent lay leaders as means to Completely automated, the Higgins, pastor of St. Philo- lish a seminary burse In perpe­ archdioce,se will be held this ed, "Members and prosiiective that goal through a wide va­ hospital facilities will provide in- niena's church, in whose parish tuity for the education of a stu­ Saturday, Sept. 26. at the members from all parts of the riety of apostolic activities. tensive care for patients, admin the hospital stands, dent for the priesthood. The Cherry Creek Inn, Denver, ac­ archdiocese are urged to par­ On the institute agenda will istrator Sister Mary Kieran told Deacons for the .Mass are the principal will be iniested and cording to Mrs. T. Rabcr Tay­ ticipate." be such topics as history , and The Denver Catholic Register Very Rev. Monsignor William J only the Interest used. lor. president of the Denver procedure of the Theresians. this week. Monahan, and the Rev. Thom- The future of the Cliureh de­ Thcrt'sians. THE THE^-SI.ANS are lay organizational methods, review "It is our philosophy to ;)Ut 3^ .McMahon, former chaplain pends upon a well • pi-epared The \'ery Rev Monsignor Hl- women dedicated to fostering of the constitution, suggested everything, as far as we can at the Mercy hospital, wiKid C. Voss of Pueblo, found­ Sisterhood vocations in their activities, monthly programs on the conveyor belt — every- Cathedral high school students er and national director of the homes and communities. The Theresian principles, lay Iwid- thing that is. but the patient. «-jii perform the minor offices Father Hamilton’s Theresians, and his staff will program encourages the deve­ ership. and future plans. she said "By furnishing supplies ip the sanctuary, and the music conduct the institute sessions. to personnel direct to the spot of the .Mass will be sung by Burse Is Given $5 THE OPENING session will where they need them, we'll the St Thomas seminary choir, be at 9'30 a m., and the insti­ CCD Workshop Scheduled free their time for patient jhe Rt. Rev Monsignor Wal- Two gifts totaling $5 have tute will conclude at 4 p.m. care.” ter J, Canavan will deliver the been given in the past week to There will be no registration The new chapel, to be dedi- sermon, the Father Raymond Hamilton fee. The only expense will Registration forms will be a\ailable in parishes of the arch­ cated today. Thursday. Sept. 24 memorial burse. They bring the cost of the luncheon. diocese within (he next week for the Confraternity of Christian by the .Archbishop, is just off the burse total to $1,050,64. Vll new Theresians in adult, Doctrine workshop to be held Friday. Oct. 16. and Saturday, the main entrance lobby. Donors are: From Denver. rxillegc, and high school units Ort. 17, at St. Francis de Sales parish, Denver. Walking patients, and others Hospital Tributo Anonymous. $3. and .A.T., $2 are encouragtHi to attend. Re­ "The workshop will deal with all phases of the CCD pro­ with doctor's permission, can use the chapel for Mass and New Furniture for Hospital Chapel Donations to the burse for the ligious and lay women who gram. It will bo a splendid opportunity (or any one interested in A special 28-page tabloid former assistant al the Cathe arc planning to establish new daily visits. "We have quite a Sister .Mary Peter, left, and Sbter Mary Martha, set tlw helping to spread the truth of Christ to learn about the CCD supplement in this issue pays . , . ^ , dral parish may bo sent to the units also will find the institute wheelchair clientele there on tribute to the new $8.5 million '’''**‘“8 of the Mercy hospHal’s new Chancery office. 1636 Ixigan valuable. Mrs. Taylor declared. and the wide variety of activities it sponsors," declared John Sundays,” Sister Kieran notes Mercy hospital. chapel by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr of Deaver, scheduled far street, Denver. Colo. 80203. "The institute is not N'ing Velenirk. who is in charge of preparation for the sessions. f o r m e r g o v ern o r Steph- ...... - - ,___ i - - 4 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 24.

t Poge 2 The Denver Catholic Register Thursday, Sept. 24, 1964 Cana Program 22 Postulants Enter Announced at New Loretto Center Twenty-two young women, in­ The building will be formally Catherine Mueller, daughter cluding 14 students from Denver dedicated by .Archbishop Urban of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Muel­ Air Academy Catholic high schools, and Lo­ J. Vehr of Denver late in Oc­ ler, 2225 Dahlia street. retto Heights college, entered tober. An open house for the The Cana Committee of Den-,third conference, “Love the postulancy of the Sisters of public is scheduled {or Sunday. Holy Family high schooi ver will begin a Cana program. Control,” on Nov. 1. Ted Loretto at the Loretto Educa­ Oct- 25. Mary Brennan, daughter of for married couples at the Air Lory Ix)thamer and Doctor Phil tion center, Littleton, in cere­ Mr. and .Mrs. Robert Brennan, Force academy, Colorado Clarke will be the lay speakers, monies Sept. 15. LORETTO HEIGHTS grad- 7630 W. 26th avenue; and Springs, at 4:45 p.m. Sunday, The fourth conference, "Par­ On the same day, 33 more uates entering the postulancy Pat Johnson, daughter of Mrs. Oct. 4. ent-Child Relationship,” to be postulants from the St. Louis were: Mary Coleman, 4028 Raleigh The program is designed to given on Nov. 11, will be pre­ and Southern provinces of the Mary McAuiiffe, daughter of street. give couples a deep insight into sented by the Rev. Francis Sy Sisters entered the Loretto no­ Judge and -Mrs. Gerald McAu­ their married lives and con­ rianey, pastor of St. Pius X’s vitiate in .Nerinx, Ky. iiffe, 310 Glencoe street; St. Mary’s academy sists of four conferences heid Sheila Dawson, daughter of parish, Aurora, and Major Rob­ The total of 55 young women Pamelo Solo, daughter of Mr. two weeks apart. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Daw­ ert Haight. made up the largest class of and Mrs. Paul Solo, 4500 S. son of Grand Junction; postulants in the 152-year his­ Jason street. EACH CONFERENCE is All conferences will be held Rosemary Hermes, daughter in the basement meeting room tory of the Sisters of Loretto, made up of talks by trained of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Hen of the cadet Catholic chapel at according to Sister Mary Flo­ t h e o t h e r YOUNG women speakers, priests, lay couples, mes of Sterling, Dl.; in the postulant class and the and doctors; a break period for the Air Force academy. | rence, Superior of the congre­ gation’s Western province. Barbara Gahnz, daughter of schools from which they came refreshments, and ample time Because the four conferences; Mr. and Mrs. Norman R. Gahnz included: for a question and answer pe­ are interdependent, couples are of Wausau, Wis.; and Mary Two graduates of Newman riod. urged to attend the complete AMONG THE POSTULANTS h i^ school. Sterling, IB., Erin series. Only those couples hav­ who entered the center in Uttle-I^^^''® The first conference, "The ton, headquarters for the West-lMr- f d Mrs, Clifford Thomp- Prindaville and Maureen Doyle. Sacrament of Marriage” will ing reservations for the first Lady of Fatima School Bloising conference will be admitted to em province, were five grad- Madison, N.J. Two graduates of St. Patrick’s be conducted by the Rev. Ger­ At the dedication of the new school of Our the Very Rev. Monsignor George Evans, arch­ high school, Kankakee, HI., Amy ald Phelan of Blessed Sacra­ the following three. uates of Loretto Heights college. Lady of Fatima Sunday, Sept. 20, are, left to diocesan vice chancellor, and the Rev. Daniel six graduates of Machebeuf GRADUATES OF DENVER Boule and Janet Rabideau; ment parish, Denver. Lay Catholic high schools among the RESERVATIONS MAY BE right. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, of Denver, Bolte, assistant priest at Our Lady of Fatima high school, two from Holy Two graduates of Loretto speakers will be Jean and new postulants included: made by contacting either Sgt. officiating prelate; the Rev. Francis J. Syri- parish. The Rev. Robert Syrianpsis pastor Family high school, and one Academy, El Paso, Tex., Pam- Clare Thome. Don Anderson, phone 472-0855,, , . c m u . elia Reeves and Mary Anne of the parish. from St. Mary’s academy. The discussion on "Husband- or CapUin Jack Anella, phone! «°»y> St. Pins X’s parish, Aurora; Machebeuf high school; Brillante; The 22 postulants are the first Wife Relationship," the topic 472-1102, both in Colorado Mary Margaret Murphy, One graduate of Bernalillo to enter the Western novitiate of the second conference on Springs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Catholic high school, Bernalillo, Specifically for Women at the education center. Oct. 18, will be led by the Rev. M. Murphy, 1915 Ivy street; N. Mex., Bernice Baca; and A $4 donation for the com­ The building was completed in Francis Bakewell, S.J. of Regis Paula Schneider, daughter of One graduate of Albuquerque college and George and Bonnie plete program is asked to help August, when a group of 18 nov­ Mr. and Mrs. Paul 0. Schneid­ high school, Albuquerque, N. Ivans. defray the committee’s ex­ Regis Plans Evening Workshop in Law ices came with their directors. penses. er, 2581 Krameria street; Mex., Juanita Lucero. Father also will conduct the Sisters Mary Karen and M. Ce­ Mary Ann Lynch, daughter of A special 10-week “Workshop neys Richard Schmidt, William be completed .Monday. Oct. 12, cily, to make the foundation. in law for women” will be con­ Cantwell, .Maurice T. Reidy, in Loyola hall at Regis college, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Lynch, ‘Hymns for America’ 3600 Kearney street; " fo r Better Cab Service" GENERAL SOUND ducted during the Regis college Leonard Carlin, William T. Diss, or by calling Mr. Bowen’s of- Composed by Priest evening session beginning Tues- David C. Little; Hank Perry, se- fice. News Deadlinel Mary Bundy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bundy, 460 Re­ t Brooklyn, N.Y. — Two 13. The class will meet curities consultant. Details of the workshop are Thd deadline for news stories vere street; "Hymns for America” have!®'^ consecutive Tuesdays contained in a ' brochure which and pictures to appear in the % o i u ‘ C a b ELECTRONICS CO. Patricia Seal, daughter of Mr. been composed by Father through Dec. 15 from 7-8:30 p.m. REGISTRATION F O R the may be obtained from Mr. Bow- "Denver Catholic Register" is SPECIALIZING IN SOUND and Mrs. Paul E. Seal, 1841 Ladislaus A. Budreckas. a' Judge David Brofman, Denver course, which has a $30 fee, may en’s office at the college. Monday at 5 p.m. MAin 3-7171 COMPONENTS Newport street; and •SALU •snvici priest of the Brooklyn Diocese. Manager of Safety Dan Hoff­ Father Budreckas describes man. and Leonard P. Plank, At Vatican Council ♦iNSTALLATiON the two hymns as suitable forjd^Puty district attorney, will be use either at religious services those serving as work- nCHNtCAl ADVICE or public non-sectarian func- shop lecturers suaviv a analysis Collegiality Vote Results Announced AT NO CHAIOI tions. They are written for four- part chorus of mixed or male ACCORDING TO Lloyd Bow 1452 So. Broadway 722-1861 voices. en, director of the Re^^ college Vatican City — Eight amend­ just as Christ willed that St.fhis power of primacy over all, evening session, the workshop ments on the role of Bishops in Peter and the other Apostlesjboth Bishops and faithful, re­ -- is designed to enable women to the Church were passed by made up one Apostolic College,] mains intact. Total votes, 2,205; ; recognize and protect their overwhelming majorities at the in the same way the Roman]“yes,” 2,114; "no," 90; null bal- l E I B A l A M , T e B OCKHOR 8 T G Co. ! rights in their day-to-day house- Vatican Council session Sept. 22. Pontiff and the Bishops as sue-] lots, 0. Ihold, business and professional The amendments and votes cessors of ,St. Peter and thej activities. cast Sept. 22 — the totals of other Apostles are joined to-! IN ADDITION to the votes The workshop will present in which are greater than the indi­ gether. Total votes, 2,243;, taken on Sept. 22, the results everyday language the legal vidual tallies because they do “yes,” 1,918; “no,” 322; null of two votes taken Sept. 21 on problems encountered by wom­ not include the “yes” votes ballots, 2. amendments three and four en and explain them in terms with reservations, which are not Eleventh amendment — That were announced. They were: of everyday experiences. supposed to be made on amend­ a person is raised to the epis- Third amendment — That the Topics' will include “Why See ments — are as follows: copacy by virtue of consecra­ mission of the Bishops endures until the end of tiihe. Total a Lawyer?” “How to Make a tion by members of the college Fifth amendment — ' That votes, 2,211; “yes,” 2,103; “no,” Will and How to Probate a and with communion with the Bishops are the successors of 106; null ballots. 1. I Will’; "Income Tax’’; “Stocks the Apostles by divine institu­ Roman Pontiff. Total votes, land Bonds"; “Rights and Du- tion. "Total votes, 2,448: “yes,” 2,213; 'Yes,” 1,898; “no,” 313; Fourth amendment — That !ties with Regard to Neighbors” ; 2,198: "no." 50: null ballots, 0. null ballots, 1. the mission of the Apostles is JOHN E. ZOOK GERARD R. “Reputations”: “How to Protect Twelfth amendment — T h a t the mission of the Bishops as |PA«TNER TeBOCKHORST, CPCU One’s Interests and Relation­ Sixth amendment — That the (i^p College of Bishops has n o ith a t of St. Peter is that of the (ytRTNER Episcopacy is a sacrament. To­ fOtKW(ntni'< tUCHAiVD C jU ^N A L CVj ships” : "What to Look for in authority except with the R o -| Popes. Total votes, 2,207; “yes,” I tal votes. 2,246: “yes,” 2,201; ! Making a Contract” ; Who man Pontiff, the successor of 2,091; “no,” 115; null ballots, 1 r.-. "no,” 44; null ballots, 1. HitMiAa/uiL 1897 Makes tbe Laws and Who En­ St. Peter, as its head, and that The Council session opened •»-ob4i 1130 PUBLIC SERVICE BLOO. forces Them.” Seventh amendment — That with a Mass celebrated by Arch­ Other lecturers will be attor- the fullness of the sacrament of bishop Maurice Roy of Quebec. Holy Orders is conferred The Gospel was enthroned by through Episcopal consecration. 40 Hours' Coadjutor Bishop Geraldo, Pel- Total votes, 2,240; "yes,” 2,117; landa of Ponta Grossa, Brazil. “no,” 123; null ballots, 0. Devotions Eighteen Bishops spoke, in­ cluding six Frenchmen. Debate I Eighth amendment — That ill SEPTEMBER 27. 1964 continued on the schema on the Episcopal consecration, togeth­ XIX SUNDAY AFTER pastoral duties of Bishops. er with the duty of sanctifying, PENTECOST It was announced that debate f -rs '1l: also confers the powers of teach­ Denver, Holy Rosary was to begin Sept. 23 on the ing and ruling, which by their Denver, St. Catherine’s declaration on religious liberty, nature can be exercised only in Denver, St. Philomena’s although one more speaker was union with the head of the col­ Denver, St. Rose of Lima's still scheduled to discuss the A MARRIAGE MANUAL FOR CATHOLICS is an IhiL TnatiLSioJuL lege and other Bishops. Total Aurora, St. Therese’s schema on Bishops. votes, 2,247; "yes,” 1,917; “no.” Castle Rock, St. Francis indispensable volume for the Catholic family, but ' DOWNTOWN—SIXTEENTH & WELTON of In general, the day’s debate 328; null ballots, 1. Assisi’s dealt with relations between! it is so comprehensive, so medically authoritative Ninth amendment — That Colorado Springs, Mt. St. Fran- priests and Bishops and called and timely, that non-Catholics, too, M 9 5 only Bishops through conferring cis-Franciscan Mother House for the use by Bishops of more! Holy Orders may assume new Cheyenne Wells, Sacred Heart scientific sociological knowledge, will find it invaluable...... members into the EpiseopallN.B. Missions marked with an to meet the great changes of' body. Total votes, 2,243; "yes,"| asterisk (*) may have 13 modern times, and for greater Big Annual Fall 2,085; "no,” 156; null ballots, 0.' Hours’ of Exposition of the cooperation and understanding Tenth amendment — That: Blessed Sacrament Instead of between Bishops and religious 40 Hours’. working in their dioceses. CLARKE'S CHURCH GOODS S U C K S U E 1633 Tremont Place 825-3789 STORE HOURS daily 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. MANSFIELD IS YO U R PHYSICAL Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Regular $17.95 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Home Owned Since 1902 SLACKS O N THE R IG H T R O AD SIO-SS O

TWO poir $24 Barbara Zarlengo Gloria Joyal

PtrmaVient creased wools ond Two Marycrest Students Dacron-Wool fabrics in every new Voted to State Offices shade. Plain or pleated fronts. By highway and/or rail, Sizes 29 to 50 waist, regulars, Rio Grande has tha (Marycrest High School, Ifrom co-ordinating the work of Denver) units throughout the slate to longs and shorts. aquipmant, schtdulas serving as chairman for the and know-how to handia Two students from Marycrest Every imaginable shade to high school were elected to hold :Colorado State Junior Executive Board of Trustees. coordinate with fall sport coats your goods better. state offices in the Voice of Youth on Sept. 1?. Barbara Zar- Voice of Youth, whose purpose Embarrassed when it*s your turn and give double life I A. D. Cox, AssisUnt Trtffic Mtr.igtr, lengo. a senior, will execute the is to encourage leadership train­ ing through creative thinking, to suit coats. DENVER - m-SSSi, Eit. !65 office of state co-ordinator with for the car pool? Gloria Joyal, a junior, serving has functioned at Marycrest as secpeury. high school for almost five Perhaps it's time for a new car or a newer used car. Select one. BUY TWO AND SAVE MOREI years. Several students have If ready money is a problem, arrange to pay for it a month at • RAIL/ROAD served as state secretary-treas­ THE GIRLS WERE voted into urer for the 1963-64 year. She time with a low cost ANB Auto Loan. The dealer will handle it TOTAL TaANSPOaTATION office by delegates from units has aEo actively participated in through us if you ask him to, or you may prefer to see our Auto within and surrounding the Den­ TIMELY $25.00 HART SCHAFFNER & MARX speech and debate work and is Loan Department. Ed Boehm. Dave Guyton or Max Nelson. ver area. The elections followed presently vice-president of stu­ a brief and intense campaign dent council. They'll be happy to help you get your new car. After all, they PLATEAU SLACKS $2 7 .5 0 SLACKS conducted in Denver's United Gloria is currently holding the might be m your car pool someday. Fund building. office of secretary in the Mary- ’ 1 8 ^ Barbara, with the assistance I crest V-Y unit, served as sec- AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK !of officers from East and ‘retary of her class last year TWO pair $36 TWO pair $44 rtliiM iRtstinKil/M 17th and Stout 244-6911 ! high schools, and treasurer of her class in MCMBER P. O. I. e. ‘ will direct activities ranging fres'hman year. Thursday, Sept. 24, 1964 The Denver Catholic Register Page 3 Said Work of 'Sick' Mind Famed Shrine Vandalized The vandalism that made ferson (.ounly sheriffs office re­ the hoodlums damaged the me­ largely on the generosity of .Mother Cabrini one day over­ havoc of the shnne of .Mother ported that some promi.sin.g chanism that operated the donors who wished to express turned a large rock and a na­ Cabrini in .Mt. Vernon canyon leads are being followed up. 'hrine's $25,000 electric carillon their love of ,St. Francis Xavier tural spring began to flow, and the past week was the product The destruction at the shrine of bells. The large loud'peakers Cabrini through contributions of a sick mind, according to Dr. in the early hours of last Thurs­ higher on the slope were also for the nationally known pil­ has not ceased, even in sever­ Kdward Delehanty. Denver iieu- day marked the second time in destroyed. grim shrine. ^ est weather. ropsychiatrist. a little more than Ihree years sidewalk coin box embed­ Donations may he sent to the ,\ grotto like that of Lourdes Dr. Delehanty told the Den­ that vandals had ravaged the ded m concrete, to receive the Mother Cabrini Shrine commit­ was built over the spring in her site. offerings of pilgrims lo the ver Catholic Register that it ap­ tee. 4823 Federal boulevard. honor in 1947. and in 1959 an peared to him to be something The life-size statue of .-Xmer- shrine, was also subjected to Denver. 80221. strokes of the sledge hammer, enlarged chapel of L.vons sand­ more than the destructive es­ ica's first citizen Saint was The shrine was erected in until the handle broke, and the stone to accom'modate more capades of young people so toppled from its place above the, 1947. a year after Italian-born marauder flung the shattered than 100 persons, received the prevalent today. chapel altar and hurled over a Mother Cabrini was canonized, haft into a nearby garden plot. altar and statue of the Saint, In oiir ••permissive society," railing on to concrete pavement. on ground she had acquired in moved from the original grotto. he declared, vandalism in the Gardener Jimmie Capps dis-^ 1912 for a summer school and IN AND AROUND the small The .Missionary Sisters of the parks or on building sites grows covered the damage at 7 a.m .‘ home for orjvhans. chapel, near the parking lot. Sacred Heart, founded by Moth­ because earlier misdemeanors Thursday. Sept. LS. and called er Cabrini. conduct the summer are not punished by the parents. the authorities in Golden. damage was extensive. The tabernacle door was wrecked, WARNED THAT THERE was school for children from Queen Psychiatrists’ case-books re­ Sledge hammer blows had' statuary thrown to the ground, no water on the 900-acre site. of Heaven orphanage, Denver. flect the permissive state of our broken open the vault under the' vigil light fixtures kicked back people and our nation. Dr. Delc- floodlit Sacred Heart statue, a from the altar rail, and flowers hanty said. mountain landmark, and some scattered among the chapel It is widely considered, the $5 in coins was taken, according, seats. to John. H. Patton, caretaker,' phsyician added, 'that we are Receptacles for offerings were » CHURCH FURNISHINGS no longer responsible for our be­,who lives on the grounds. broken open, but the thieves havior. It is merely the result Hammer blows also chipped found them empty. of our reflexes and we have no pieces of the terracotta benches .Members of Jefferson County free-will. •’ located at 14 levels on the sleep .Sheriff’s office obtained finger­ • RELIGIOUS ARTICLES Wav of the Cross and Rosary prints on the scene for com­ I walk leading dow n to the chapel HOOUG.AMSM we have al­ parison with those on recoixi. and the spring which Mother ways had with us. It is not pe­ In the .Aug. 3-6. 1961. attack Cabrini found, and which never culiar to our generation, but in on the shrine, an estimated i freezes, even in the coldest the old days, the doctor said, we $1,500 damage was caused, weather. Complete Line of Religious Arfklcs for Church ond Home used to get paddled for it by an mostly lo statuary, glass vigil irate parent. Forcing heavy locked doors. lamps, stained glass windows, We do not have that kind of electric wiring and a commemo­ deterrent now, Dr. Delehanty ration plaque, bearing the A. P. WAGNER & CO. pointed out. names of contributors to the The smashing of statues with shrine. CHURCH GOODS a sledge hammer was more Fingerprints found at the than an escapade. ‘•\Ve don't scene were placed on file for know whether it was perpetrat­ further investigation, 606 14th St., Between California S Welton Frank .Merclli, president of Scene of Wanton Desecration ed by a man. a woman or a TA. 5-8331 child. We can't recon.struct the the shrine committee, said that From a position below the railed entrance which enraged thieves, thwarted in their criminal from the crime." the reconstruction and expansion of walk at Mother Cabrini shrine in Mt. Vernon nocturnal search for moncv in offertory psychiatrist said, adding that shrine facilities would depend Canyon. shrine commitU-e president Frank boxes, hurled the saint’s statue to the con vandalism at the shrine, m his opinion, was the work of a Mrrelli points to the deseerated cha|>el from Crete pavement last week. disordered mind or of a group of disordered minds.

.\S THE “REGISTER " went to press, the perpetrators of the vandalism at the shrine had not been apprehended, but the .lef-

First Saturday intensive care n u r s in g residence Club To Meet EXCELLENT CARE— EXCELLENT FOOD The first meeting of Our I ady of Fatima First Saturday elub Latin America will be held on Saturday. Oct. .3, at 12:10 p.m. in Holy Ghost Talk Set for St. church, 19tli and California streets. Thomas Oct. 16 Mass will be celebrated by The Rt. Hcv. Monsignor the .spiritual director, the \ ’ery James .\. Magncr will deliver’ Rev. Monsignor William Monag­ han and will be followed by a ; a lecture at .St. Thomas' seih- Holy Hour. inary Friday. Oct. 16, at 7:30 All laymen, in the greater 'p.m. on "Social Problems in Denver are cordially invited to Latin .America." All mcmivers Mark of Senseless Vandalism Mute Symbol of Loss take part in this special devo­ of the clergy in the archdiocese The shattered tabernacle door lies amongst .\ii empty reliquary, which had held the tion. 1 are invited to attend. other debris after the ferocious desecration relic of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, stands After the church ceremonies, ! The procurator, assi.stant of Mother Cabrini shrine chapel, on the night amidst broken fittings left by vandals who all those interested are invited I treasurer, and assistant secre- to attend a luncheon in the |tary of the Catholic University of Wednesday, Sept. 17. The statue of the caused extensive damage last week to the Denver Tea room. Reserva­ of .America in Washington, D.C., saint, toppled from its place above .the altar, Ml. Vernon .Mother Cabrini shrine. The relic, tions, however, for the lunch, Monsignor Magncr received his was flung over the railing near the entrance, venerated by thousands of pilgrims every should be made by Friday, Oct. doctorates in philosophy and to a concrete pavement below. The Blessed year, may have been stolen by the 12, by calling either John La- theology in Rome. Sacrament was not reserved in the chapel marauders, who broke open offertory boxes ITourette, 377-1062, or Mina Rei­ He also is a world traveler, For further information contact: Magdalene Gardens tabernacle. in a fruitless search for money. ser, 623-2067. manager of the C-atholic Uni­ It is the hope of .Monsignor versity of America press and 3131 S. Federal Blvd. 761-0260 Monaghan and Miss Lucille the Catholic Education press, Murphy. chairman. that a and has written several widely ‘‘Affiliated With St. Anthony Hospital" larger number of groups and read books on religion, civics, Father Boyle Will Open individuals take part in this i family life, and the culture of WE WELCOME YOUR INSPECTION-ANYTIME First Saturday devotion, this , .Mexico and other Latin Ameri- Regis College Lectures coming year. ■ can lands. h i i «

The Rev. Robert R. Boyle,,deliver the first in the college's ment. Yet all his plays are full S.J., associate professor of 1 fall series of Visiting Scholar of politics, and the difficult English at Regis college, wilL lectures Wednesday, Sept. 30. management of free human be­ Father Boyle will discuss the ings. Spend Only What Your Family I topic "Shakespeare, Democrat Father Boyle joined the facul-| j or Republican?" The lecture ty at Regis college in 1955, will be given in the Regis col­ shortly after receiving his lege ficldhouse lecture hall, Ph D. degree from Yale uni­ starting at 8 p.m. It is open to versity. He served as chairman the public without charge. of the Division of Humanities! and head of the Department of " Can Afford DURING THE PAST summer English from that time until Father Royle was in England going on leave of absence ear­ jfor Shakespearian studies and lier this year. I visited ,Stratford-on-.Avon. In FATHER BOYLE’S writings ! his lecture Father Boyle will appear frequently m magazines i explore the political types found and journals. In 1961 his book. ; in Shakespeare's plays, show- Metaphor in Hopkins, was pub­ j ing that the current political lished by the University ol I scene can be greatly illumin- North Carolina press. ; ated by this superb literary ai - I list. Be Extra Careful I Shakespeare was always in- Mr. Motorist. September is ; tensely intere.sted in |)olitics. In back-to-school month. That’s 110 history plays he probed why the State Patrol urges you Our more than 45 years as a recognized leader I deeply the inner workings of to drive extra carefully. Let’s the English form of govern­ keep children safe in traffic. Hcv. Dermot McMahon, O.F.M.' in funeral services, in Denver, is our guarantee (he love of Mary Recollection and dei'otioii to her Day Scheduled , has been charaeteristic of of your complete satisfaction. At Orphanage Catholics thru the ages A Time For Remembering — The Rev. Dermot McMahon. O.F.M., will conduct the annual day of recolliH’tion for mcmbei-s of the Franciscan Thiixi Order Sunday, Sept. 27. at St. Clara’s orphanage, 3800 W. 29th avenue Registration will begin at HI a.111., with the first conference al 10:30. Those attending arc asked to bring a box lunch. The AAON., Sisters will provide the bever­ ;ftouleviara Hlortuaries ages. N O V . 2 This is an opportunity for po­ tential members to come and Qiiality. beauty, dignity — a link get acquainted and realize the FEDERAL BLVD. AT SPEER 1091 so. COLORADO BLVD. at MISSISSIPPI merits of belonging lo the Third between this world and (hat beyond— Order. • GRAND 7-1625 •^SKYLINE 7-1238 icilhiii the financial reach of all Thiid Order Council members will meet in the SI. Elizabeth, School hall Friday evening. Sept. 25. The youth group will RICKSON meet with the regular memtx'rs CO. SPEER BLVD. AT 9th AVE ‘Denver s Catholic Mortuaries’ at the day of recollection of St. MEMORIAL 255-1785 Clara’s. £ Vincentian Charity Never Outdated' R E C a S T E R By Paul H. Hallett providence of the State leaves un­ NO SOCIAL encyclical ever de- touched, and of which it can in no way fc n M Um right and distribution of take account. Wherefore, there is al­ Here I Stand mivnte property more stronglv than ways wide scope for humane action by did the Mater et Maglftra of Pope private citizens and for Christian John XXIII. The late Pope did this charity. Finally, it is evident that in while fully recognklng that the value stimulating efforts relating to spiritual Just 'Taint So! of email property as a ledge against welfare, the work done by inmvidual ildciMee and (dd age Is no longer so men or by. private civic groups has By Frank Morriss the true liberal (no more than great as it once was, owing to various more value than what is done by pub­ THERE IS A'' deplorable and the true conservative) cannot want to restrict man’s liberty lystenu of lodal security. lic authorities.” unscholariy tendency of some commentators to link observ­ in areas where full right to As a corollary of the continued right ance of the moral law and reli­ choose exists. of private property, Pope John THE POPE MAY well have had the gious orthodoxy with specific stressed the indefeasible right and St. Vincent de Paul Society particular­ political proposals. Thus, for CHRISTIANS must have com­ duty of private charity, despite what ly in mind when he wrote those words. example. Father Dennis J. passion for their neighbors. But the State may do to aUeviate the We read of Medicare promising full Geaney, O.S.A., has managed to that doesn’t mean that a Chris­ wants of its citizens. He said; coverage for the sick, of Chrysler maintain that (ihrist specifically tian cannot oppose the Alliance **Altbough in our day the role as* agreements assuring the auto worker gives a stamp of approval to for Progress or any of the other signed the State and public bodies of 1400 a month on retirement at 60 the Alliance for Progress, tbe proposals of foreign aid on the Peace Corps, Medicare, and po­ grounds that they do not neces­ haa Increased more and more, it by (the depreciation of the dollar is not litical action in Mississippi by sarily show the best concern for no means follows that the social func- mentioned). And we think that all this visitors from above the Mason- our neighbors; or on the ticm of private ownership is ob* will make poverty obsolete. Dixon line. grounds that they do not ad­ sdescent, as some seem to think. For It wiU not. THERE WILL ALWAYS In a talk to the national Cur- vance the cause of freedom and social responsibility in this matter be in this fallen world a poverty of the sillo Conference at Michigan Justice; or on the grounds that derives its force from the very right pursfe, after the greatest precautions, State University, Father Geaney they may create worse evils of private property. and a much more widespread poverty is reported to ^v e said that the than they combat "Furthermore, it is quite clear that of the spirit. In helping to alleviate delegates should Interpret Christians must be willing to there always will be a wide range of both, and particularly me latter, the Chriri’s words thus: help others who cannot afford difficult sibiations, as well as hidden Vincentians* work wiU be needed until “I was hungry and you sup­ medical care. But there is no and grave needs, which the manifold the end of time. ported the Alliance for I n g ­ reascm at all that a Christian ress. cannot oppose — and oppose vigorously — any proposal that “I was thirsty and you worked dispenses aid without regard to lardzed Priest and Marriage to bring Peace Corps and Pa­ actual need and which threatens ■INCE M lfE wondsment ha* been reason given at that time was that by such pal Volunteers to teach Irriga­ to subvert the medical profes­ arovMtf by tbe news that a Frmeh priest, liberality tbe Church was bringing back to the tion methods. sion into socialistic regimenta­ who iMd baaa pam lttad to Uva as a layman, fold many a strayed soul. The same reason “I was sick and you wrote to tion. In fact, there are a good was ralaaaod from his vow of ehasti^ and could apply in the future. your Congressman about Medi­ many moral arguments why such a plan should he opposed. allewad to marry In the Church, it Is well Writing in the April, 1M3, issue of The care . . . Regardless, it is the utmost in­ to review briefly the history and possible Jurist, the publication of the Canon Law “I was in prison in the slav­ timidation of persons’ right to future of such cases. School of the Catholic University of America, ery and shackles of my skin, make up their minds in this In point of law, the Church may dispense John A. Abbo has some pertinent considera­ and you came to Mississippi to matter to suggest that Christ any cleric from all clerical obligations, in­ tions on this matter in his article, “The Prob­ visit me.” demands they vote one way or another. cluding that of celibacy. In point of fact, the lem of Lapsed Priets." CLEARLY Father Geaney is Church has very rarely dlspeuMd priests For the Church, he writes, the paramount intimating that a true Christian There are also a good many fram this law, and reluctantly (but without concern is not the inviolability of her merely supports each of these mea­ areas in regard to Justice for fiuch dlfflenlty) deacons and subdeacons. ecclesiastical laws but the salvation of indi­ sures (although he doesn’t say all men that are debatable be­ Wherever these dispensations have been giv- vidual souls and the spiritual welfare of the what to tell your Congressman yond that primary point dic­ tated by the natural law and •n, the cleric has been obliged to remain in Christian people as a whole. Both considera­ about Medicare, it is hardly likely be was advocating that it Christian charity. To suggest the lay state. tions could act toward a modification of pres­ be defeated.) that an must think and vote Nat to be eoofused wUb these dlspensa- ent Church legislation with regard to the pos­ FOH THB WORLD TO SEE alike in these measures that float tar the marriage of lapsed and laicised sibility of marriage for priests returned to Contrariwise, it follows from are debatable does harm to de­ what Father Geaney has said priests, are those that have been given in the th^ lay state. Whatever may be said of these Profiles and Perspectives mocracy and it also does harm that to oppose any or all of to the integrity of religious paat^'deoada to a handful of convert Protestant exceptional cases, the words of John XXIII these measures puts a person mtalltort to enter the priesthood while living in his address to the Roman Synod Jan. 26, faith and the moral law. Theo­ outside the pale of orthodoxy. logians and even more so shep­ In a marriage already contracted. 1M6, stand: This imposition upon Catho­ herds of souls should always be Tbe LtoO-year bistmy of obligatory celib­ “We are particularly grieved by those who Well-Deserved Recognition lics’ consciences of the burden vigilant that their own personal acy in flie Western Church has known few foolishly speak of the Catholic Church as to support certain measures, fervor or the way they may see (fl^nsations for the marriage of laicized wanting, or thinking it advisable, to renounce By Joseph P. Kiefer titude of forgotten ones who one light amid the darkness without making the distinctions certain issues does not betray priests, the most notable being those given what for many centuries has been, and still IN OUR NATIONAL CAP­ sacrificed their lives that of this vast wilderness was that any competent moral theo­ them into making public rulings ITOL in Washington there is America might be explored the Catholic Church logian should make, is at least that go beyond the line of good In UOl for French priests who had attempted is, one of the noblest and purest glories of and Christianized. marriage during the French Revolution. The her priesthood, ” — celibacy. a section dedicated to the as reprehensible as tbe coldness theology or their competence memory of those great pio­ The foundations of civiliza­ IT IS GOOD that our nation that may be in the heart of and authority. On the Home Scene neers, statesmen, and mili­ tion and culture in our earlier recognizes these three stal­ some Catholics toward social IT IS TRUE that there is the tary heroes who have helped days can be attributed in wart men of God and, in doing Justice. The Father Geaneys are danger of fostering inaction. make America great. great part to the heroic ef­ so, pays indirect tribute to trying to restrict Catholics' And it is true that the cautious Among the array of forts of our Catholic mission­ tbe countless others who right of choice in matters and prudent person can some­ The Church Belligerent statuary are depicted two aries and explorers For a helped lay the groundwork for where that right is clearly times use those virtues as mere priests who contributed much hundred years after a Cath­ the greatness that is now present. Their liberalism is, excuse for timidity or even ■y Jamas M. Ibea the novels of Evelyn Waugh Incurably romantic, he de­ to the beginnings of our coun­ olic discovered our land, the America’s. therefore, a mere pretense, for cowardice. But in matters of AN01VER COU) WAUGH are superb, and son Auberon plores the passing of bitter try — Father Jacques Mar­ conscience and decisions affect­ Is rnwR os, and the name of also is tbs author of two antagonism toward the quette, S.J., explorer and ing a person's salvation, the ab­ this geo is Auberen, Uke his novels, which I have not seen. Church, “I think there is far missionary, and Father Junl- Ponder and Print sence of a large measure of cool, cod tatber, Evelyn For this reuon, presumably, too little anti-Catholicism and pero Serra, O.S.F., who prudence is a frightening thing. Waugh, Auboron sosms to and bacause Auberon Is a would welcome another Coun­ brought the message of Christ The fact is, there has not yet look at Uta with the chil­ London newspaperman, Tbe ter-Reformation,” he in­ to the West Coast and founded been an American political cam­ ly, aristocratic snobbishneu Crttle uked him to slse up formed American Catholic a series of missions that to­ How Good Are paign (and I am including the which remaina a cherished the condition of the Church in readers. day have grown into some of present one) in which a Catho­ value of some Englishmen England. I hope It wont hap­ the largest cities in California. lic could not vote in good con­ and, more . surprisingly, of pen again. EVIDENTLY he views the science on either side. And I soma Anarieans as well. Church u a forever belea­ A THIRD PRIB8T, Father Good Intentions? don’t know of any major legis­ Just as b l| father not long guered minority, a militant Eusebius Kino, S.J., is about lative proposal where the same ago sneered at the modem company

!• IdffM tof Owr Rwadwrs part of the Church structure that to question It it to be dis­ loyal to the Church. Editor, the Register: Equally unconvincing are Dr. Hallett's comments in “Keep­ AMENI AMENI AMENI to Paul HaUett’s editorial “The ing Up With Events.” Perhaps a more humble and a more AASA Establishes ‘Religion’.’’ The great Cardinal James Gib­ Advise and Dissent objective assessment of tiie Catholic educational system and bons was opposed to federal aid to our parochial schools be­ Us products might disturb tbe complacency of those who feel cause it would muzzle our clergy. It is about time that we law and those of science tell us that this is time enough. • Promoflmg Am§0l9$ there is nothing like it anywhere in the world, i . . tp m up OR the Supteoia Court and the prayer decision, where Reduce the time from three to one hour, and millions Editor, the Register: Margaret Murphy, Greensboro, N. Car. the Catholic member took 44 pages to ex^ain why it is un­ more of the laity could communicate dally . . . In an effort to revive the grand old practice of reciting the lawful to mention the name of God to little children. Hugh A. Duggan, New Bedford,Mass. Angelus daily, which seems to have fallen into the discard • Ifvadbfo Baghmlmg Dead (AUy.) W. F. McDonnell, Washington, D.C. among the laity, we will be glad to send a free copy of a leaf­ Editor, the Regiiter: • Lfallxing AkwHom§ This is an answer to Teenager: Editor, the Register; let titled “Pray The Angelus,” to readers who send a stamped • Wh w IH w U f * f o r H m s F self-addressed envelope to: THE DEMONTFORT SOCIETY, Your answer to Columnist Frank Morriss sounds like my I was shocked to read the provision in the platform of Editor, the Regtster. 1209 W. 79th St., Chicago, 111. 60620. struggle for an education. I was reading James M. Shea’s *H>acks in the Ivy Cur­ the California Young Democrats calling for “legalizing abor­ As one who has been through It, FU say tUa; You’ll live through your struggle; you’ll appreciate your education more, tain.” I think, too, it is nice to see religious not only answer tions for any reasons, with the State providing a mandatory • Stamps JUd Mlsstoas counseling sen’ice.” Editor, the Register: and what’s very important you are not giving away your free­ the telephone in a human way, but also would like to see them dom to government control. live in more human surroundings. What could be more relax­ The entire Young Democrat platform, including the abor­ Just a little reminder to ask our friends please to continue tion provision, may be found on page .A3740 of the July 20, Look back in history. Most great men started from a bum­ ing after a long day in school to come back and relax just by their missionary work in helping us to spread God’s Kingdom ble beginning. Greatness comes from a bumble beginning. looking a t pleasant surroundings u d renewing your spirit for 1964, Congressional Record. It makes interesting reading. by sending us any cancelled stamps available. We accept all Tbe government wants to take over schools, medical care, life in a convent Wouldn’t you think It would help to make Maurice R. Franks, kinds — Domestic and Foreign. When cutting them please welfare. convent IBi men attractive to young girls, who. after an, Searcy, .Ark. leave 14 inch margin of paper around them in order to prevent How close to Communism do you get? Cant people do any­ them from being damaged. thing for themselves any more? You can’t have everything have bred la them ty birth to enjoy a homeUke life. • Ftalaf Ovt Irrort Mrs. ItohefI T han, I t P ad . Mina. All the stamps we receive are sold and the proceeds are given to you and stay free. If you want an education — work Editor, the Reglsten used to help support our missions in Brazil and Jamaica. for it, earn it. Concerning the appearance of Father Marius Nepper’s In return, we promise you a remembrance in our daily M. Gerhardt, Denver, Colo. # flwtta Ntavpt tonff photo la the Sept IS la m , nuy I point out two serious errors in Editor, the RagMsn prayer*. • fram^am tm Ckamga Mxiamals the account accompanying it; namely that: Please send all stamps to: Editor, the Register: . . . Three hours say the theologians you shaU fast (or ab­ (1) the 30-day retreat was conducted for the Sisters of St. Sister Marie Rose, O.S.F. stain) from food before going to Communion. This regulation Liberalism in reference to Holy Mother Church means the Joseph of the Maine Province; and, (2) the Congregation was St. Michael’s Stamp Bureau is as salutary as R is unscientific. One hour after taking food freedom to change the externals that, in tbe course of time, founded at Lyons. St. Elizabeth’s Motherhouse become too obscure and becloud tbe inner beauty of Holy the proepective communicant’s digestive and other organs The truth is that the 30day retreat was conducted for the Allegany, New York Mother Church. have sufficiently transfomed that food into the flesh and blood Sisters ot St. Joseph of the Fall River Province; and, the Con­ John Carberry, Jacksonville, HL for which it was originally ordained. ONE hour! Ih e natural gregation of the Sisters of S t Joseph originated at Le Pay (en • Missed Its Mark Velay, Haute Loire), France. The Register: Letters for the “Advise and Disseat” celaina from readers Another point which deserves correction is that Father If the purpose of a recent cartoon displayed on the front Rt. Rev. Matthew J. Smith, Ph.D. of the “Register” are most welcome. The editon reserve Ike Neppur w u formeriy rector of the faculty of philosophy at page of the Register was to promote a greater love or loyal­ Editor, Register System af CalheUe Newipapan right to edit these letters, and, where aeceasary beesase ef Vais; he la actually engaged in preaching retreats, and in de- ty to the Catholic School system in America, it certainly UlS-lMI lack of 9 MO, to m excerpto of the loager letters. Coatrlbu* votii^ himself to the interests of the Sisters of St Joseph. missed its mark by miles. H it implication teemed to be that ton are asked to keep their letten aa short as pewttia aa aa Sister Marie Emmanuel, S.S.J., Fall River, Mass. the Catholic school system is so i>erfect and such an essential to give more people the opportaaity to express m m

Thursday, Sept. 24, 1964 The Denver Catholic Register Page 5 Registorials Interfaith Retreat Hailed Talk by ^Ex-Priesf Inquiries have been pouring ganizers of the retreat did not “Perhaps,” he added, “the the goal of Christian unity is to in from all parts of the U.S. expect the discussions to center sessions will help to re m o v e be achieved,” Dr. Hollis re­ expressing interest in the novel on the theological or dogmatic /f of the suspicions and called. interfaith retreat at Camp La- aspects of the different beliefs. have long “ He spoke of the obstacles in No Ecumenical Aid Foret near Colorado Springs, “What the men will be concen-1 that the way of reunion and the pa­ according to Dr. Harvey Hollis. trating on will be the applica- poisoned attempts at coopera­ By Paul H. HallcU turned against the Church. tience that is needed-to over­ exeuctive secretary of the Den- tion of the theology to practical Some North Denver Catho­ We hope tm t those who die tion between the men of differ­ come these obstacles, the pa­ ver Area Council of Churvhes. conduct." ent beliefs.” tience necessary to get to the lic women have told me of a in that stJt^ are mercifully I The retreat, scheduled for ------— — The idea for the retreat. Dr. end of the long road we still lecture given last week in a very few. 1 this weekend, will bring to- Hollis reported, arose after a have before us.” Lutheran church of their , vi­ Dr E. Boyd Barrett, who I gether 180 men from Catholic, talk given by Auxiliary Bishop cinity. The lecture was de­ was by far the most talented I Protestant, and Jewish congre- Discussions on the possibility Registration David M. Maloney the past livered by an “ex-priest," Dr. of these men, and who re­ I gations in the area. of arranging meetings between P. J. Doesyck. turned to the Church in 1948. year to the United Church Men. Catholics, Protestants, and The women attended the' told me that he never knew UNDER THE LE.ADERSHIP “Bishop Maloney stressed the Jews grew out of the Bishop’s lecture, which packed the one of them who really lo.?t of prominent clergymen and Remains Open necessity for free, honest con­ talk. Dr. .Hollis r-aid, and the re­ church, and reported on it. his faith, and that most of laymen of each group, the men versations between representa­ treat next weekend is the first The speaker had been liber­ them, like- himself. Dr. Bar­ will discuss “The Layman and tives of different Churches if result. ally advertised in Denver se­ rett should know, for he haj His Place in Society.” At Loretto cular papers. rehabilitated many of them, Registration will begin at 8 Registration is still open return to the Church. a.m. Saturday, Sept. 26, and the „ THIS MAN. according to Those who do accept (he sessions will close with a djn- college, Denver, my informants, did not de­ "shelter” of some organiza­ ner at noon on Sunday. **1 Saturday morning classes; part from any of the crudi­ tion in the business of spread­ “The retreat will give the for elementary and high school i ties familiar in this kind of ing anti-Catholic propaganda men an opportunity for frank teachers. i talk. He aroused laughter pay dearly for whatever ben­ discussions on the practical ap-j One class, "Linguistic Back- when he called Masses said efits they receive. for souls in purgatory "fire- .Some weeks ago I received ' plication of their faith to mod- ground for the Teacher of Eng- ern problems,” Dr. Hollis de- lish.” is conducted from 9 to insurance.” a mimeographed pamphlet Here's Where We’re Going He sent shivers through the called P.p.A.U. — Unwept. dared. 10:30 a.m.. and the other, “nie audience when he spoke of Unhonored, Unsung, by a Pointing to her home island, above, is Eleanor Lizo, who “We hope to provide an at- Use of Scripture in Teaching the nuns being imprisoned and Rev. W. E. R. O'Gorman, works for the Propagation of the Faith in the Phillipines. With I mosphere where they can air Sacraments.” from 10:30 to given a diet of bread and who lives in California. The the Rev. Stanislaus Bernard Chang, of Sien-Hsien, Hopei prov­ I their differences with no holds 11:50 a.m. Both classes carry barred. two semester hours of credit. water. He seems even to complaint of this man was ince, China, who is to cross the Pacific to Formosa, after a 12 “But we believe sincerely that xhe registrar’s office will be have aroused incredulity in that the POAU had not dealt year stint in a large Puerto Rican parish in New Jersey. jthey will discover that the open from 8 to 10:30 a.m. Sat- at least one auditor when he fairly with him on a lecture She visited the “Register” plant to see how best the Catholic spoke of a priest in Nebras­ things they have in common farlurdav. Sept. 26. to accept en- tour of various Protestant press of her homeland could be made more effective. She is ka as being "shipped” to Ca­ churches in California for outweight their differences.” rollments in the two classes, col­ nada to a "prison” there. which it had booked him. frequent contributor to newspapers in the main islands of the lege officials announced. Philippine republic. DR. HOLLIS said that the or- He deplored the fact that the Since O’Gorman lists him­ The English course is an anal­ Religious Articles and Church Supplies FBI has never "investigated” self as the author of two ysis of the elaborate set of pat­ New Testaments ...... -_65c A up convents. books, one of which is A terns involved in the structure This routine has not chang­ Priest Speaks Ills Mind, it is of .American English, with a Student Bible ______$3.95 ed, except in accidentals, possible that he may himself Visitors From Pacific practical application of this since 1878, when an organiza­ be one of the “ex-priests” in background to the teaching of Attn: Altar Societies tion named Christ’s Mission the same boat as Dr. this subject in grade and high T ib tm K li V*llt, Albt a SurpIkM was established with a view Doesyck. I invite anyone who schools. Sister Philomena, Ph. LARGE SHIPMENT OF PICTURES to exploiting priests who takes these lectures seriously Tour 'Register' Plant D., teaches the course. St. JolHi X tlw Crou, Last Supptr by Dill, Xc. had left the priesthood. These to read this pamphlet The course on teaching the men were sent around to va­ By Christopher Hernon The priest left .Slianghai on have many devotions in the (W.E.R. O’Gorman, P.O. Box Sacraments explores the Bibli- rious Protestant churches to 1053, Glendale 5, Calif., 25 Two visitors to the Register!the last American boat to de-' Philippines, but here devotion'.., harifomnnH nf rhnrr-h Hn™ give the public what their cents) to see what may lie plantant in Denver last week part before the Chinese Com-:is jess pietistic than in the 1^^^^ employers thought the public behind them. brought with them the salt mumsts took the city, but in wei-instructed areas of the Biblical images, per- wanted to hear, or at any freshness of the wide Pacific. Hong Kong he was forced to world. and narratives found ef- rate what their employers IT IS PAINFUL TO record Eleanor C. Lizo, a 1956 grad­ wait four and a half months for STORE HOURS: wanted the public to hear. BOR,\ IN TYPIC.AL “coconut fective in religion classes. Con- that a Lutheran church has uate of St. Scholastica's, Mani­ a visa to proceed to Indonesia. country” at San Pablo pro- ducting the course is Sister Monday Thru Friday — 9 to 5:00 During the first 70 years of given a forum to this unfor­ la, and the Rev. Stanislaus Ber­ The Bishop later sent Father Vince, P.I., Eleanor Lizo went its operation, the Mission Frances Mary. M.A. , SATURDAY 9 TO 4 P.M. tunate man, whoever he may nard Chang, ordained in China Chang to Spain to study Span­ to Manila at the age of 9 and claims to have “rehabilitat­ Since the classes will hold be, who thus has sought to in 1948, found many marvels ish and sociology. He obtained waaJhurt by shrapnel during the ed” some 700 of these priests. their first meeting on Saturday, recirculate ancient and ridi­ here. his S.T.L. degree from Sala­ assault that liberated the is­ But its organ, the Christian those who wish to enroll In the culous charges against the Father Chang was born in manca university, and was land from the Japanese. 1120 Broadway 534-8233 Heritage, for March. 1958, 9 a.m. course should register at Catholic Church. Sien - Hsien, Hopei province, studying for his doctorate when The children knew of the de­ listed only 22 ex-priests and 8 a.m., college officials advised. 1 have known two Lutheran China, was educated there, and invited by Bishop McNulty of bauchery that took place dur­ ex-monks! ministers in Denver who ordained by Bishop Francis Paterson, N.J. to work among ing the occupation by the Jap­ How many “ex - priests” would have been horrified at Xavier Chao, S.J. the Spanish - speaking ■ people anese, and Eleanor recalls see- j who go on these lecture tours such an association, and the The Bishop was taken by the in the diocese, in January 1954. ing dead bodies floating down! are really such it is difficult Lutheran churches in gener­ Communists when they took A year ago. Cardinal Thom­ the rivers. to determine. There is reason al have been noted for a over the mainland and little has as Tien, S.V.D. appointed Fath­ Now the country is develop­ to believe that many of these sound conservatism. Some of since been heard of him, er Chang his representative in ing in a normal manner, she j who are given that equivocal them have been leaders in the United States, to raise funds said, as it must, to keep up' and dubious name never saw the ecumenical movement. FATHER ^ CHANG was sent, for his archdiocese in Taipei. with the times. I canonicals. The day of the "ex-priest” soon after ordination, to the Father Chang, who has nev­ She said that Colorado was on the evangelical circuit Aurora university in Shanghai, er visited Formosa, is now on a land of laughter, sunshine, THERE ARE, unfortunate­ ought certainly to have pass­ and was then invited by an In­ his way there for a study tour, and smiles. ly, some priests who have ed in the ecumenical atmos­ donesian Bishop to work among preparing himself for his new gtme off the deep end and phere of today. the Chinese in bis diocese. “1 don’t know which impress-; task. He will eventually return es me more, the natural won- ‘ to America via Europe. ders with which God has so He founded the Parish of Our bountifully blessed this nation Denver Nun Appointed Co-Chairman Lady of Providence mission in or the man-made wonders that New Jersey and worked for 12 are to be found everywhere.” years among the Spanish speak­ Miss lizo said that Cardinal ing there. For Mission Secretariat Meeting Ruffino Santos in Manila hopes to set up a Catholic radio sta­ I MISS LIZO, who gather- Washington, D.C. — Sister Sister Daniel Miriam is voca-|challenged as seriously as it is,ed data on the Register School tion soon, and perhaps to ex­ pand the existing Catholic week­ Daniel Miriam Flaherty, tion director for the Sisters of challenged today,” stat- of Journalism for adaptation to ed the Rev Frederick A. Mc­ ly newspaper into a daily. daughter of Mrs. Daniel Fla­ Charity of Cincinnati with of­ the press needs of her own Guire, C.M., executive secre­ country, visited Los .Angeles, ON THEIR EXPERIENCES! fices at the motherhousc in Mt. herty of Denver, has been sel­ tary of the Secretariat. “Our Denver, Pittsburgh, Chicago, in teaching the faith, both Fath-| ected as co-chairman for the St. Joseph, 0. She also serves world is being swayed by a Washington, D.C. and Bishop er Chang and Miss Lizo were in ; women vocation directors’ sec­ as general chairman of the whole gamut of new insights Sheen’s office in New York, to agreement about the threat that i tion of the 15th annual Mission Archdiocesan Vocation Endeav­ and perspectives. It is precise­ study procedures used here for faces the Church. Secretariat meeting scheduled ly in this changed world that or in Cincinnati and is a mem­ the Propagation of the Faith. “The true battle going on in here Sept. 28-30. Christ must live through His She said she was not just a ber of the national advisory the world today,” Father: Sister Daniel Miriam is the Church, that the Church must personal tourist, but also an en­ Chang said, “is the fight, not board for Theresians. .Sster of the Rev. Daniel J. carry out its mission to man­ voy from the Manila Pontifical between ideologies or political Flaherty, associate business More than 1,000 missioners kind.” Mission Societies. systems, but between belief in manager of the Register system will attend the three-day Mis­ Most impressed by the sys­ God, and his rejectiorr in athe­ of newspapers. sion Secretariat meetings at tem, organization and effi ism - between God and no-God. the Shoreham hotel. Following ciency “considering how vast “The more I live in this coun­ "REAPPRAISAL: Prelude to the opening afternoon session the country is” she feels that try, the more I realize what a Change” Is the theme for the of Sept. 28, Mass will be cele­ America is a country always wonderful world we have, but Secretariat meeting, using the brated at St. Thomas the Apos “on the go” unlike the slower we can’t enjoy it fully, because Biblical text from Eccles. tie church and the Worldmis- paced Pacific Islands. of the struggle between the peo­ Overwhelmed by the univer Three: 7 — “A time to read sion Award will be presented ple of God and those who deny and a time to sew.” The mis­ to an outstanding lay person. sal kindness of IJnited States! Him.” sionary challenges of the day, citizens, their warmth and kin-! with a review of current prob­ ‘IT WOULD BE HARD to cerity, she found the hurried ^ lems and how to meet them, I conceive of a time in history life very strenuous for a stran | News Deadline! will be spotlighted. when the ‘status quo’ has been ger, whisked along high speed freeways, or carried in air-! The deadline for news stories; planes to remote destinations a»d pictures to appear in the The Denver Catholic Register in a matter of hours. i “Denver Catholic Register” Is “Americans have a very hon- ■ Monday at 5 p.b. Items re- President ...... Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr. D.D. est approach toward life.” she ceived after that time will not Editor and Business M anager...... Rt. Rev. John B. Cavanagh said. “The .American people be published until the following Associate Business Manager ...... Rev. Daniel J. Flaherty are just lovable, and I am ter-1 week. i Managing Editor ...... Miles F. Porter I ribly impressed by the simpli-! Associate Editors ..Linus M. Riordan, Paul H. Hallett. Clement I city and quality of Catholicism i J, Zecha, James R. Walsh, and David R. Millon. here. News Editor ...... Edward Smith ^ “It seems to be based morel Production Manager ...... Robert W. Lynch intellectual grasp of the! Advertising Director ...... John J. Muihhy Circulation Director ...... Julia M. Boggs

Published Weekly by THE CATHOUC PRteSS SOCIETY. (Inc.) 938 Bannock Street, Denver, Colo. 80304 Telephone, 815-1145 P. 0. Box 1620 Page 6 The Denver Catholic Register Thursr^ay, Sept. 24, 1964 IllilUllll ^^rcLLidliop^d ^uitd

The first general meeting of Queen of Heaven cii'cle Sept. | li#eel‘ to WOMEN the guild will be held on 30. Miraculous Medal and St. 0 Wednesday. Oct. 7. at 8 p.m. in Philothea circles will meet . ^ Oscar .Malo hall, Denver. The Sept. 28 to discuss merging the president. Margaret Hogan, wiU two circles. introduce the council members, Christ the King circle will and plans for the new guild meet Oct. 1 in .Alice Vitry’s Denver Alumnae of Kansas College year will be outlines. Two rep­ home. resentatives from each circle .Ann Kitto is the October hos­ are expected to attend and a tess for Mystical Rose circle.' To Entertain School's N e w President games party will follow the business meeting. The Denver chapter of thc| President and Mrs. Zader.i alumnae members in the Den- Information on the statue of; Mt. St. Scholastica Alumnae (accompanied by Benedictine '■f'' area, the Holy Family, given to the] association will entertain ^yrji gnd her com- guild by Archbishop Vehr, will] newly appointed president o f |'''“ ' ‘ XHE COMMITTEE in charge be mailed this week to mem-| Mt St Scholastica college, be concluding a n , arrangements includes .Mrs, hers. I Atchison, Kans., on the evening extended tour of alumnae c^ap- , ;^icCallin. Mrs, ..\rthur The Friends of Carmel will; of Monday; Oct. 5th. ters in the southwest and Cali- Howard D. work on Monday, Sept. 28, at 8 fornia. For the first time in the his­ Olson. p.m. at 301 S. Sherman. Den­ tory of the college, which cele­ A subscription dinner preced­ ReseiTations for the evening ver. Help is urgently needed on brated its centennial last year, ed by a social hour will be held may be made bv calling 377- that evening to finish this a layman has assumed the post at the Denver Athletic club by 60.39. year's work. of college president in the per­ Holy Innocents circle will son of Dr. Gustave C. Zader. meet in the home of Catherine Rosary Guild Plans Reuter on Sept. 24. Corrollf To Mark Holy Trinity circle will meet 25lh Anniversary in -Marie Williams’ home on Sept, 30. Friday, Sept. 25, is Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Carroll j Corporate Communion Tickets for Movie Benefit meeting night for three circles: 1 Morning Star, at Helen Thaler’s will celebrate their 25th' The Most Important wedding anniversary by attend-] The ninth annual corporate Lord Church. Broomfield, is- Oct. 21 will be a big night for Cathedral ceeds from this premiere will add to facilities I home; Theresa Mahoney will in g a Mass in their honor on I Communion of our Lady of the [spiritual director of the guild. i high school. Denver. On that evening the of the high school's new library and for I entertain St.. Thomas -More Cir- Saturday, Sept. 26, at 10 a.m.,;Rosary Guild of the Federal| Ro.sary guild is compos-' premiere of “>Iary Poppins," the new Halt Dis­ equipment for the stage area of the Malo cle at Eileen''Conroy's home, CAKE in Holy Family church, Denver. I Women Workers, Denver, wilLcj gf Catholic women employ ney mo\ie starring Dick Van Dyke and Ju­ theater. Tickets for premiere are reserved and Sancta Maria circle will in your life for the ed by the Federal government, lie Andrews will he held at the ,-Vladdin the­ meet in Cecilia CheckaTs home. .4 recplion .111 b. held l.l.r|b« b-W ' mS' and may be obtained by calling Mrs. Leusch- most important occasion to th«' dly in St. .loseph's bad.!O n " '" . « 'be ».1S a.m. Ma». retired workers and former ater. Seated between Mrs. Hilliam M. Leaiisch- ner, I)E 3-8169 or Mr. Badger, FR. 7-8579. Virginia Koontz will entertain! Golden. I After the Mass the group will employes. ner and Mrs. Halter C. Badger, co-chairman All friends and alumni of Cathedral high are Wedding Cakes -Ibreakfast at the Albany hotel All are urged to attend thi.s of the “Poppins" premiere, is Sister Jean intited to assist in making the premiere a suc­ at 10:30 a.m. Mrs. John J. A Specialty once a year function. Patrice, principal of Cathedral high school, cess. Dr. James P. Gray Fiore, guest speaker, is the ex­ who gate out the first tickets to he sold. Pro laundry ecutive director of the speak­ o pto m etrI st ers’ service of the United Na- Eyes Examined dry cleaning jtions and is also director of the American Association for the Visual Care "Where the charm of United Nations. Colorado Springs DCCW Contact Lenses neicness is restored" BAKERY RESERVATIONS for the 213 Colo. Bldg. Member of: breakfast may be made by con­ 1615 Calif. Phone RA 2-2859 tacting Mrs. Mary Carr, presi­ Holds Coffee at El Pomar Home of Fine Pastries * National Institute of For Appointment Call: dent, 244-6265; Mrs. Eleanor Na­ 4 STORES TO SERVE YOU Dry Cleaning gel, secretary, 424-7618; Miss The board of directors of the diocesan Council, who in turn^drella: Holy Family A. and R 825-8883 M So. Broodwoy Teresa Mahoney, treasurer, ISSO Colo. Blvd. MIO L Ird Avt. Colorado Springs District Coun­ are affiliated with the National;m ,-s. John J. Sheehan; Catho-i U4> So. Colo. Blvd. • American Institute of 388-5289; or Mrs. Eileen Corny, cil of Catholic Women enjoyed Council of Catholic Women lie Daughters Holy Family Laundering 777-9238. a “get acquainted coffee” re­ who will convene at the nation ■ ■ ■ ■ I Court, Mrs. Monico Martinez; TTie Rev. George L. Weibel, cently in the summer garden al convention at Washington. Our Lady of Guadalupe La­ 6TH AVE. pastor of the Nativity of Our of El Pomar Retreat house, D C., Nov. 11 - 14. Plans were, dies’ sodality. Mrs. Mary Lo­ call ma 3-4281 for the Colorado Springs. made to send a delegate & OLIVER'S pez: Our Lady of the Woods .A. convenience of pick up Mrs. Raymond Nixon, presi­ WaU and R.. Woodland Park, Mrs. MARION dent. presided. All Catholic wo­ FOLLOWING are the Presi­ Meat Market and delivery in Denver to CARPETS men’s organizations of the par­ D. J. Canty Jr.; Holy Trinity Wall dents of affiliates of the Colo­ A. and R., Mrs. John F. Pear­ and all suburbs. MRS. CHARLES L. ishes in Colorado Springs and rado Springs council: “Serving Denver Since 1923 With Quality Meats” Room Size FLIERL, the former Beverly the surrounding areas are af­ son: El Pomar Retreat League, St. Mary's PTA, Mrs. Wil­ and Smaller RUGS Ann Wright, is the daughter filiated with the council, num­ Miss Eileen Sweeney: Catholic CHOICE STEAKS - ROASTS q r d e r THE Largast aalactlons In tha City liam Q. Haney; St, Mary’s nurses, Mrs. George Salamon: LAUNDERERS of Mrs. Clarence W. Wright bering 24 in all. Our Lady of of Denver. Bridegroom is the Good Council sodality. Ent .Air Guild, Mrs. Harold Gilbert; Catholic Daughters Court St. Fresh Poultry Fish AND Furniture K rhouse " " ” Sacred Heart PT.A, .Mrs. Ralph Mary’s, Mrs. A. .A. Saidy; US- son of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Force Base, is a recent affili­ f Profauloflil M«at Cuttan to Sarva You CLEANERS Om k Mofldiy ind W«ln«d»y E. Barbari; Sacred Heart Al­ Evtnlngi TUI t:M P.M. H. Flicrl of Englewood. ate. Its representative, Mrs. .AFA Ladies’ sodality, Mrs, H. Phono 733-itH 111! I . Ava. Phon« MA. 3-4281 Double-ring ceremony was Leo Farrell, was present. tar and Rosary; Mi.ss Eleanor J, Besterveit: Our Lady of Vic­ McGrady; Our Lady of Perpe­ 2500 CURTIS E.M.W. performed in St. Elizabeth’s Members of the board of di­ tory ladies’ sodality, Mrs. Ma­ a a ■ a a tual Help .A and R., .Manitou a reputation maintained where cash talks church, Denver, recently. A rectors are .Monsignor Robert bel Shea; SI. Anthony of 2141 So. Broadway reception was held at Lake- F. Hoffman, spiritual director: Springs. .Mrs. .Adele Unzicker; Padua A. and R., Hugo. Mrs. since 1905 Sllerman 4-2754 wood Country club. Following presidents or their representa­ Divine Redeemer PT.A, Mrs. Gordon N. Bortger; St. Jo­ a trip to Nevada and Californ­ tives of each affiliated group, Paul M. Martin: Divine Re­ seph’s A. and R., Deer , ia, the eimplo will reside in the chairmen of council <-om- deemer Women's club, Mrs. Jo­ Mrs. Bob Zeurcher: Our Lady THERE'S STILL TIME Denver. mittees. officers of the council, seph Kearn.s; St. Paul's IT.A. of Grace ladies’ .sodality. Fort and the director to the Denver Mrs. .1 S. .Addington; Carson, Mrs. Conrad Bath; and' TO HAVE YOUR CLOTHES Paramount Club Arehdiocesan Council of Calho- St. Paul's A. and R.. Mrs. Our Lady of Good Council sod-' QUALITY DRY CLlANiD lic Women. William Calvert: C'oipus Chris- ality, Ent Air Force Base, Mrs.i Achtung! The Catholic Paramount club Nine Districts of the Arch-/* guild, .Mrs. William Calan- Louis Dominquez. AND EXPERTLY PRESSED will hold a dance in the DAV diocese form the Denver .Arch-i Attenti! Hall, 12‘25 Broadway, at 8:15 FOR THE WEEKEND. p.m. Friday, Sept. 25. "JAel TLamn yoiL QatL 'J m uJl Pozor! Cards will be available for Our Lady of Bell those who wish to play. Re­ Communion En Avant, Marche! freshments will be served. Price O ne HOUR is 75 cents. Breakfast Set iAIto! Membership is open to all Breakfast chairmen .Alice single Catholics, widows, and O’Neill and Martha Holton have “m m in m : Stanna! widowers 40 or over. Guests arc announced that the 12th annual THE MOST IN DRY CLEANIN9 weienme Commtinion breakfast for mem- Berlitz Gives You A Command of Any Language! i/bers of Our Lady of the Bell There is a One Hour Martinizing near you The day of recollection origi­ will be held at Pinehurst Coun­ nally planned for Sunday, Sept. Check the Yellow Pages for Nearest Ixication try Club. Denver, on Sunday, 27. will not be held. Berlitz Oct. 25. Mass will be celebrated by the Rev. Joseph M. O’Malley at 9 SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES DRY CLEANING a.m. in Notre Dame church, AND LAUNDRY Denver, and breakfast will fol­ drive-in... Special courses and tuition for industry low at 10 a.m. Guest speaker HILTON OFFICE BLDG. 292-4030 at this event will be Sister Pa­ r A s c A i i i : tricia Jean, faculty member of Tliat’s the informal, convenient Loretto Heights college. way to bank. Bring the Those interested in obtaining tickets for this breakfast at youngsters and pets along. $2..50 p

Safeway style trim, whole or any size cut, bone-in. U.S. Choice Beef Rump Roast Grade Beef.

Real Roast, creamy Peanut Butter or chunky. Honey E m p re ss

Tender, Sweet Corn Locally grown. We Give Gold Bond $lanip.% SAFEWA

We reserve the right to limit quantities. None sold to dealers. Prices good in Denver and Suburbs thru Sat., Sept. 26, 1964. p p p

Study Group to Hear Tlvursday, Sept. 24, 1964 Thi Dertv^' Catholic Register Page 7 Fr. John Shaughnessy Co/o. Springs The }{cv. .(ohn Shau;;hne"y C.M., will be (be i4uest speaker Parish Guild at the fiist fall meetins; of the Catholie Women's Study tjroup. Sponsors Tea The luncheon-meetin" wiU be The Corpus Christi Guild held in the Denver Dry' Goods of Corpus Christi parish, tearoom, downtown, at 1 p.m Colorado Springs, sponsored on Thursday. Oct. I. its second annual “Meet th.e Father Shauimes.s,'. assistant Faculty Tea’’ recently in this pastor at Most Precious Blood school hall. parish. Denver, is a Vincentian priest. Parents of students enrolled in Corpus Christi School at­ tended and were introduced to members of the school's teaching staff of eight Fran­ ciscan Sisters and four la^ teachers. Mrs. George Weege was chairman. She was assisted by Mrs. William Calandrella, Coronado Auxiliary Officers Mrs. Joseph Hotard, and Mrs. John Victory. Knights of Columbus Cornado Council 3268, Sferra, assistant hostess; bottom royt, (iracc Ladies Auxiliary, inslalied new officers re­ Fagan, recording secretary; Josephine Ser- cently. Top row, left to right, are Angie ravo, president; Marjorie Seubcrl, vice presi­ Croce, hostess; Marie Guiles, corresponding dent; and Ann Domenico, treasurer. secretary; Sue McNulty, historian; Betty

Press Club Sets Luncheon Meeting First Woman Auditor Mrs. Joseph Emerson Smith will speak at a luncheon meet­ Rev. John Shaughnessy, C.M. ing of the Colorado Catholic Catholic Prelate Women’s Press club to be held Appointed by Pope at the Denver Dry Goods Tea Sees Methodist room Saturday, Sept. 26, at 1 Vatican City — (NC) — Pope worked through .\fonsignor Gio­ Consecrated American Legion Child W elfare Drawing p.m. Reservations for members Paul VI disclosed the name of vanni Battista Montini of the New York — Roman the award on .Nov. 14 in the background and friends may be made with the first woman auditor to be Papai Secretariat of State—now Cathniic prelate has attended The four youngsters in the foreground Mrs. Nellie Moffitt, EA 2-0575, authorized to attend the Coun­ Pope Paul VI — to develop the the consecration of a .Method­ from St. Clara's orphanage, Denver, gave a (from left) are Dick Witherali, Bili Chis­ on or before Sept. 24. cil’s sessions as Marie Louise movement on an international ist Bishop for the first time in hig assist last year to members of Leyden- holm. . John Volk, Leland Day. and Jim Monnet, president of the Inter­ level. Its first international con­ the history of the Methodist Chiles-Wickersham Post 1, .American Legion, .McConaty, all members and officers of the ... national Movement for the Apos- gress was held in 1958 at Church. The consecration of ffngagad in the iK)st’s annuai C'hiid Weifare program post. Information may be obtained at the tolate Among Independent So­ Lourdes. Bishop John Wesley Shungu of awards drawing. The .American Legion post Legion Memorial building, 1370 Broadway, Your heart is a camen, of torts, bul our cial Circles. the Congo at Muiungwishi was orotejsfonal portrait ctmtra *'rtmombers‘* Hie engagement of Rose Ma-, In 1963 the Secretariat of State is currently conducting its second annual Denver, or by calling 825-6955. exactiy tht look, the tmila, and th« pose. The Pope made the disclosure approved the statutes of the new attended by .-\rchbiskop James Let us help keep the child with you always. rie Somma to James M. W alk^ F. Gornelis of Elizaheth\ille. 815,000 Child M'elfare program. Preparing for Cali today for your appotntmsnL has been announced by the fu­ after the Sunday Mass he cele­ intern at ional organiza­ ture bride’s parents, Mr. and brated Sept. 20 in St. Peter’s in tion, which goes by French title, PORTRAITS BY Mrs. John J. Somma of Denver. the presence of delegates of the Mouvement International pour South Carolina Parish The bride-elect is a graduate of movement, which is a form of I’Apostolat des Milieux Sociaux Schools Integrated HAL GOULD the apostolate among non-work­ Independents. Arvada high school. Her fiance Students Being Given Charleston, S. Car. — ing women. is at present serving in naval “Quiet dignity” marked the communications training in Pen­ Miss Monnet is the sister of integration of Catholic schools sacola, Fla. A Chri.stmas wed­ Jean Monnet, one of the fathers! Engagement in six South Carolina cities ding is' planned. of the European unity move-' Course in Philosophy this month, officials reported ment. And Wedding here, similar to that which 'v lililltlllllllHl'|imHi:'i;' iimililil"IIlbi'"'iillilili“‘m>"h|lliHd!h '1, ,' An introduction to philo.sophy, .Mind" by Dr. Thomas Neill, sis, the students have religious highlighted integration of Ladiaf, MISS MONNET WAS borni Rules Listed including a glance at Commu- and Dr. John Tracy Ellis’ 'His- education three times and two Charleston parochial schools Plaasal Sept. 25, 1902, at Cognac ini Persons desiring wedding nr nism, is being given by priests tory of American Catholicism.’’ sessions of introduction to phil­ last year. southwestern France. At Cognac] engagement announeements of the Denver archdiocese to Because college courses are osophy, taught by seven arch­ Seventy-six Negro students Ever wonder why your she started the movement of in the “Denver Catholic Reg­ students at Cathedral, .Mache-.so specialized, the committee diocesan prie.sts. are now attending formerly name is misspelled when It Catholic independent youth ister’’ are urged to consider beuf, St. Francis dc Sales, and I considers that the new religion white schools in Columbia, The House of ^ appears In print? One of the which was organijed on the pat­ I main reasons Is that the cor- the following policy before St. .Mary’s, Colorado Springs, course will leave the students THIS M ILL BE one of the i f c e n v i I le, Spartanburg, tern of the Young Catholic submitting material. high schools. better prepared to meet the dif- 1 respondent who sent In a Worker movement. It brought first opportunities ever pre-i The Rev. Lawrence St. Peter, ferent viewpoints they will en Cheraw. Enrollment figures Photography news Item or picture did not together young people of profes­ • Engagement announce­ chairman of the high school re- counter on leaving high sch o o l, sented to high school .studentsj ^^ow an increase of 500 slu- type the information, but sional, middle class or aristo­ ments are published. Only 2815 E. 2nd Avi. (Dttroil) As many teaching aids as to learn what Communism! dents to an all-time high of wrote it out in ionghand. cratic backgrounds and spread pertinent information is used ligious education committee, Deciphering persons’ long- throughout France. in the brief-form style. Photos said last week that the program possible will be used, including means in its essence, the Rev. I 10,080. 333-3279 hand writing is a chore and submitted wiil be reduced to will serve as a preparation for taped talk, and film strips, ^ Cathedral par-'*= ^ more often than not names In 1941 she turned over the a one-half column. the students’ future encounter some already shown in senior and sentences have to be leadership of the movement to • Wedding announcements whether in tertiary education, classes. deleted because of illegible younger people and founded the also use the brief style, with or in professional or commer­ Father St. I’eter hopes that The ramificalion;,- of dialee- Independent Catholic Action handwriting. the bride’s picture appearing cial spheres. the program will be expanded tie materialism, as taught by 2 ) ,uncing. movement, with the support of AH copy should be typed, in one column. Principal text used is ",\n In to other high schools next year, „i.j,ei,an Bishop Jean-Bapti.ste Megnin of Because the newspaper Is double spaced, with wide troduetion to Philosoptiy" by and thal it will become a per THE LESSONS THAT Angouleme and , later of Cardi­ published weekly, it is impos­ Daniel Sullivan. S..1.; others > manent part of Hie curriculum, i basis, and . , as . pul into effect'by, margins on both sides. nal Achille Lienart of Lille. This Please avoid single-spaced sible to publish all the en­ !are “Makers of the Modern' On a five>-class-pei-woek ba- Conimum.sts in power, are al-; LAST A LIFETIME movement centered at gather­ gagement and wedding an­ ready noted in social studies, j typing- Your copy will re­ ing together adults of the same nouncements the week the New Poise, New ceive first-hand attention if economics, geography, history | social origin for apostolic work. material is submitted. These Confidence, New Grace the above requirements are and sociology, Father Rae add­ are published as soon as pos­ Awareness of Music followed. IN 1949 MISS MONNET sible in order of their arrival. ed, but the ' philosophy" of .ilr The old style of publishing Communism has not hitherto and Art long, detailed accounts of a been touched upon in a regular Call for Information wedding or engagement has high school course. • wwen been abandoned owing to pro­ 714 South Ptori duction costs and lack of SCHOOL OF DANCE ARTS space. The staff requests the fRESH • BEAUTIFin. 722-1206 Our ALL NEW right to rewrite any or all ma­ FLOWERS E«ll and Chrltt- terial submitted to conform F A S T O etlV ERY m a i Lina It to the present style. PHONB A CHAROI ready to help you When possible, wedding or and your organL engagement photos are re­ THE latlon make high­ turned when proper identifi­ SHOP er protlti. cation Is given on the back of 757-7611 ALBUMS, OIBTS, 0REETINO photo. CARDS, STATIONERY Pertonal Servka Before submitting such ma­ WAY IMS Oaylord SI., Denver 3M-1IS7 terial, persons are urged to SHOP-RITE read and observe the style of the announcements as they ' A Complete Community appear in this edition. Shopping Service Combining Engaged MRS. JOHN J. LEARY, the Mr. and Mrs. Frank .A. COOMER JEWELRY SHOP-RITE SUPER MKT. Strong, Jr,, of Wheatridge, have former Janet Celine EJliott, is Learn To ‘Know Hie Fee’ 419 Empire Bldg.— 430 16th Competitive Prices — MorValue Stamps the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. announced the engagement of Edward A. Elliott, Denver. their daughter, Sherran Lenore, The Rev. John 0. Rae, of Immaculate Conception Cathedral Phone 244-5501 ------• ------The bridegroom is the son of to James Edmund Webster.-'Jr., staff, Denver, discusses with the Rev. Lawrence St. Peter, Mrs. Margaret Leary of son of Mrs. Edith G. Hartman. left, chairman of the archdiocesan high schools department of Brockton. Mass., and John J. Hie bride-elect attended Colo­ religion teaching, some vital differences between the demo­ SHOP-RITE Leary, sr., of New Haven, rado State university and at cratic way of life and the social thinking of Karl Marx. This Conn. Ceremony was per­ present is employed by the year a series of talks on Communism is being included in the FLORAL & GARDEN SHOP formed recently in All Saints’ Mountain States Telephone religion course at four arehdiocesan high schools. The intro­ church, Denver. The couple, Company. Her fiance has re­ Gevdening Needs duction to philosophy contained in the course aims at prepar­ BACK TO SCHOOL who .spent last year as volun­ cently completed his military Flowers & Gifts for All Occasions teer lay missioners in New service with the U.S. Navy. A ing students for life, and to meet the many viewpoints they Mexico, will reside in Duluth, Nov. 7 wedding is planned. will encounter in later vears. BARGAINS IN Minn. News Deadline! SHOP-RITE BAKERY ACROSONIC PIANOS HUNT CLEANERS Fresh Breads — Cakes — Pastries COMPLETE LAUNDRY & The deadline for news stories Grocery ...... 388-4661 And now is the right time to ALTERATION SERVICE and pictures to appear in the start lessons. . . now when SffV.Cinq St i.Amr. - bt TDcrrsC'* "Denver Catholic Register” is FME DEIIVKY .And v.'-’ 't th. Kino your child Is bKk at school A .Monday at 5 p.m. Items re­ East 23rd Ave. at Dexttr BaUwin-bullt piano, too, is just ] HOUR SERVICE ON CLEANING Perfect Anniversanr Gifts 7:0I E Ith AVE 1$5 ceived after that time will not right for learning to play. It's be published until the following BOB and MARJ WEBER the piano that makes music re­ week. warding, and turns daily prK- tice into pleasant moments. Start your child on the Acro- sonic or Howard... the exqui­ site pianos created by the same FALL SPECIAL craftsmen who build the famous Baldwin Grand. See our excep­ Pow w ow tional back-to-school values in Permanent Wave Acrosonic and Howard pianos Long Distance makes ... choose your style and finish tor wonderful family for your FRIEND, . . . and your own easy terms. leunions. So get FREE RELATIVE or N EIG H B O R the family together and visit with a Ju«t make an appoinlnirnt fur a Permanent Ka>c al HOLLY* favorite relative this ^001) BLAllY (.OLLLOK. Pa» the rreular minimum price tvening. Only Long and whomever )»ou bring miI) receive a Permanent Y(ave FREE! RENT A PIANO! Distance keeps you in let all hands try before you touch so personally. or: TRY ONE OF OUR C A U FOR AN APPOINTMENT buy. Our rental plan will bring Try it and see. a Baldwin-built piano right into Getting Ready EXCLUSIVE HAIR STYLES your living room for u little as 810.00 a month. The Ladies' .Auxiliary of Knights of Columbus Council 539. Demer. will sponsor the annual Card Party on Saturday, Oct. Shampoo and Set — ’ 1*^ BALDWIN MOUNTAIN 17, al 12:30 p.m. in the K. of C. hall. 1555 Grant street. Denier. Shown looking al a few of the many gifts to be offered are. H air Gut ...... 75*" PIANO & ORGAN CO. • T A T S a left to right. Atrs. Alildred McNult), chairman of the eicni: AM. 6-3237 1623 CA LIFO R N IA ST. TBLBPHONK 0 Mrs. Carol)n Olivas, Mrs. Barbara Caldwell, and .Mrs. Lena CALL FOR APPOINTMENT tS5« C«wt Ptaco ( m 1 M Sl.l Phone 222-97B1 Boedingbeimer. .A sandwich and dessert luncheon will be served 9:30 A.M. to 4 P.M. PARK ACROSS STREET for 75 cents a ticket each and may be lH>ught from the niem Open Monday ’Ul 8:M P.M. ben. or at the door. i p p

Pag« 8 The Denver Catholic Recfister Thursday, Sept. 24, 1964 School Open House Held at Boulder Night Sacred Heart School Has Enrollment of 650 (Sacred Heart Parish, Boulder) AT THE FIRST meeting of| The new principal, who taught'aides; Martha McGarvin and Loretta Manka', .Mick and Dor- Slated W illi o l The school year In Sacred the parish Horae and Schooi asJthe past two years in Pontiac,‘Margaret Ryan, Great Books; othy Sutak, Jim and Kathleen Heart parish, Boulder, began sociaton, the 450 parents at-IIll., spoke on "Parent-Teacher Mary Dame, health; and Ter- Spear, and Vincer^l and .Mar­ (St. Vincent de Paul's Parish, Denver) with an open house Sept. 6 for tending were introduced to the;Cooperation.” ry and Nancy Gallagher and guerite I.ally. P u n c h parents and children to meet the pastor the Rev. Edward Vol-| Dick and Elizabeth Stacey, pub- The next meeting will be held ' The first "Back to School teachers and tour the new Imer, O.S.B.; the assistant __ ♦. “City. Oct. 5. , Night” for St. Vincent de Paul’s school addition. Couples on the hospitality The high school religion class-'FT.\ will be held Wednesday, B y W m ltw K r m i Sacrwl Heart school has 650 O.S.B., and the Rev. ” are Chuck and Na es are held at Sacred Heart'Sept. 30, at 8 p.m. in the cafe- Dunils tnroUed this vear. iPeters, O.S.B.; and the .school dine Stengel, chairmen; Lou and parish on Tue.sdays at /:30 p.m.'teria. SaIntM I Hava Known „ faculty and as.sociation officers. sponsored by the parish.^ The Ahar and Rosary society Saints have always been few and far between. How The faculty includes 10 Sisters PICTURES OF THE school many time,s have you met a person and been tremend­ held an ice cream social in con­ and eight lay teachers: Sister children will be taken Sept. 29. NEW OFFICERS OF the HSA ously impressed with his or her character only to find nection with the open house. Ann Margaret, principal; Sis­ Two changes have been an­ are George and Mary McCad- that time proved you wrong. ters John Agnes and Matricia, don, presidents; Stan and Don­ nounced in the faculty. Sister grade one; Sister Mary Felicity Marie Eileen is the new third And yet there are in this world-j in Lii Abner. There was never na Beyer, vice presidents; John the solitary stars — the saints, a time they weren’t poor, that and Mrs. Helen Cartin, grade and Emma Martinez, secretary- grade teach^ and Sister Marie two; Mmes. Josephine Hefley Loretto is I® first grade teach­ I feel that I've known three. All at least one of the family wasn’t treasurers; and Clyde and Dor­ are women. Two are still living, seriously ill, that her husband and Jean Rice, Grade three; othy Babcock, head room cou­ er. Sister Mary Margaret Frances This will be about the one who wasn’t just on the verge of get- ple, and Russ and Ann Shaffer, Religious articles have been is dead. I hope 1 can put the ting a promotion that never ma­ and Mrs. Bette Goulette, grade tenth century project. added to the gift items that the four; Sister Mary Michaelyn words together right because terialized. Nothing ever went Heading committees for the PT.A is selling every Sunday in this type of writing is not ex­ right; everything always went and Sharon Kaylor, grade five; the vestibule of the gym af­ Sister Mary Christopher and year will be Margaret Ryan, actly my cup of tea. But last wrong — from things that were ter the masses. night I was visiting my mother, Geraldine Larsen, grade six; uniforms; Charlotte Leinweber trivial to things that were im­ Sister Mary Conradine, Sister The physical fitness class for and we were talking about her portant. Mary Patrice, David Deming, and Betty Hillyer, teacher women will begin on Monday, friend Mary. I was fortunate and Mrs. Alice Large, grades Sept. 20 at 7;43 p.m. in the enough to know her very well. BUT M.ARY was a saint, a 14- seven and eight; and Sister ‘Montessori’ TV Topic gym. Mary was Irish. I hate to ad­ carat one, so she took it all in Mary Maura, music. In Colorado Springs mit it, but this race has man­ her stride. She was too honest "RACE AND POLITICS ” will aged in some way to corner and sincere to be a ridiculous "Montessori: A New Look be studied and discussed this about 90 per cent of the personal Pollyanna and go around saying JOHNSON SrORAGf S MOVING CO. at Learning", which ex­ year by the members of the charm that exists in this world. everything was sweetness and amines the theories of the Christian Family movement, And Mary had more than her light. Things' were horrible, they Italian Catholic educator i All previous members or cou- share of the 90 per cent. couldn’t be worse — and Mary Maria .Montessori. will be ! pies who would like to join this told everybody just that. But to ' group, should call Mr. and Mrs. MOVING . presented on the "Lamp Un­ First Test is Easy SHE WAS from a small town her it was all funny, a great to .My Feet" program Sun­ R. C. Lowrey at 733-1521. , in the southwest. My mother big joke. And her sense of hu­ Shipping day. Sept. 27. at 8 a.m.. on (ietting a healthy start on the school year Is .May Lynne met her at school and they be­ mor wasn’t a sometime thing. • Foreign Service Via KKTV. Channel II. Colorado DIgrazi, right, a student at Loretto Heights college, Denver, Navar Gambia came friends. After graduation, It was always with her. Springs. as she receives a tuberculin skin test from Mrs. June Hanover, State Patrol records show that Mary went home and married Sea or Air a banker. Unfortunately he She laughed and she charmed The discussion centers on school health nurse. I.ooking on is Sister .Ann Maureen, dean the instinct to gamble is the the application of the .Montes­ cause for a high percentage of wa.sn’t the president of the bank the world. Everyone was her DIAL 722-31855 of students at the college. The Denver and Tri County Tuber­ sori methods in .\merican fatal traffic accidents. The only or even the .-vice president. It friend. Adversity, bad luck and il| M r«r UNITED VAN LINES schools. Dr. George Crolhers culosis association conducted the testing program for all the way to win is never take a took him years to be promoted misfortune were always with is host. students and staff members at the college. chance. from assistant teller to teller. her. But this great gift of God — He was a great good man. but this • charm and humor — saw he was not clever or shrewd. He her through, even to the bitter thought the word deal applied end when my mother and I only to card games. called on her in the hospital and So from the first Mary and she informed us that she had her husband were faced with cancer. There was still that monumental financial problems. wonderful humor in her voice, Imagine the salary of an assist­ and you just knew that nothing ant teller in the depression. .And — not even the final calamity by this time there were five chit of death by cancer — could ever dren and another on the way.: change Mary s outlook. They ended up with 13. She was a true ‘‘untouch­ I wish there were a happy able.” She seemed like the ending to this story about Mary. most human of human beings. But the happy ending will have But she was really never of to be written in heaven — as this world. She was a saint. I’m sure it alheady has been, She knew where she was go­ in letters of flowing gold. While ing and the way to get there. on earth, trouble plagued Mary And the slings and arrows of and her family like the rain outrageous fortune never cloud that follows Joe Frbstch touched her at all. Christ the King Pastor Reception of Welcome Set For Fr. Donald McH/lahon

(Christ the King Parish, Sept. 25. The Rosary will be Denver) recited in the church at 1:30 A reception to welcome Fa­ p.m. The meeting will follow in ther Donald McMahon as the the parish hall. new pastor of Christ the King Mrs. Harold Lowrey, pro­ parish, Denver, will be given gram chairman, will Introduce by the parish organizations on the heads of committees for the Sunday, Sept. 27, from 2 to 4 year. p.m. in the parish hall. Mrs. Edwin Williams will Members of the parish groups speak on the history of the par­ — the Altar and Rosary society, ish, and Father McMahon will the Parent Teachers associa­ greet the members. A social tion, the Legion of Mary, the hour will follow the meeting. St. Vincent de Paul society and the Ushers club — have made AN ADULT INQUIRY class plans for the reception. All into the Catholic faith will be adult members of the parish started by Father Martin Mc­ are invited. Nulty, assistant pastor, on Tues­ day, Sept. 29, at 7:30 p.m. in PASTORS OF neighboring the meeting room in the base­ parishes have been askfed to the ment of the church. reception. All non-Catholics are Invited In the receiving line with Fa­ to attend. The course will be ther McMahon will be his moth­ of special value to those con­ er, Mrs. Louis McMahon, Mrs. templating a mixed marriage Gerard Smith, Altar and Rosary in the future. Catholics wishing society president; Mrs. Ken­ a refresher course in the faith neth Carter, PTA president; arc most welcome. Mrs. Everett Nord, Legion of Students attending public Mary president; Mr. Gerard schools in grades, one through Smith, St. Vincent de Paul eight are urged to attend clas­ society president; and Mr. Jo­ ses in religion every Sunday seph McConaty, head of the morning from 9 to 10 o’clock. Ushers club. Public high school students in Refreshments will be served. grades nine through 12 are asked to attend classes in THE FIRST FALL MEET­ religion on Monday evenings ING of the Altar and Rosary from 7:30 to 8:30 in classrooms society will be held on Friday, at Christ the King school.

‘/Miroef* of Fatima’ on TV CHECK YOUR BOOKLET! “Miracle of Fatima,” the Warner Bros, color film about IN ADDITION TO THESE FANTASTIC SAVINGS ON three shepherd children who see a visiou in a field and tell the THIS BEAUTIFUL STEMWARE, YOU GET COUPONS amazing things the vision prophesied, will be the ‘THovte •( QOOD FOR GIANT SAVINGS ON QUAUTY ADVER^ the Week” on KBTA’, Channel 9, Denver, at I p.m. Satarday, TISED FOOD ITEMS! YOU SAVE A TOTAL OF THIRTY. Sept. 26. The film was made in 1952 and stars GUbert Roland, Five DOLURS! FIRST COUPON GOOD THIS WEEK! Angela Clark, and Sherry Jackson. Shown is a dramatic tceae aa the children experience the viaioa. WSP*’ ' W,J>t Thursday, Sept. 24, 1964 The Denver Catholic Register Page 9 ^ %1T Widow and Widowers Club Plans Meeting At St. Louis’ School (.Ml Saints’ Parish, Denver) will attend classes from The Widow and Widowers 9 to 10 a.m. on Saturdays. Junior Great Books Program To Start Discussion club of .■Ml Saints' As will those children who are Parish will meet Monday, Sept. bussed from Jacob Schmitt (St. Louis Parish, Englewood) i Monday Oct. 5, and for the 6th be obtained from Mrs. Kay Col­ ■2S. at 8 p.m. in the parish hall. school. The bus will be at the I The Junior Great Books pro- and 7th grades, immediately leton, 756-7121. .\nyone interested in joining pickup spot at 8:30 a m. ^gram for St. Louis’ school will after school Tuesday, Oct. 6. Members of the parish are this group should contact Vir­ hold its first discussion meeting' Orientation meetings were asked to set aside Sunday, Oct. Those children in the area for the eighth grade at 7 p.m. held Sept. 21 for the parents 18, to attend the annual PTA- ginia Taylor. 934-6896. bounded by Florida, Federal. and Sept. 22 for the students. sponsored and spa­ The St. Jerome CCD Discus­ Evans and Stuart will attend ghetti dinner. sion club will hold its first fall from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Parks Dept. LEADERS APPOINTED by Anyone interested in ezchanf- meeting Oct. 4 at 8 p.m. at The children who attend Col­ the chairman, Mrs. Grace Kar­ ing or obtaining school uni­ the Robert Langans. lege View and Scenic View will Offers Dance lin, are Mrs. Francis Woods and forms for St. Louis school is also come at this time. The bus Mrs. Patricia Thompson with asked to please call Mrs. Frost .WYONE I.NTERESTED in will pick up Scenic View chil­ Instructions Mrs. Rita Kukral as substitute, 935-1306. joining a discussion club or dren at 10 a.m. sharp. Tuesday The Denver Department of sixth grade; Mrs. Ruth Durlin starting one of their own should night the grades 7 and 8 will with Mrs. Kathryn Wakefield THE PARISH MEN’S club contact Bob or Marlene Lan- attend from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30. Parks and Recreation an­ and Mrs. Vivian Hamburg, and Holy Name society ill gan. (CCD discussion clubs co- Those who have questions nounces the opening of the 21st seventh grade; and. Mr. and hold a quarterly meeting Mon­ chairmen. 936-3019). should call 935-9437. season of service to dance in­ struction and enjoyment in the Mrs, Thomas Fitzpatrick, day, Sept. 28, at 8 p.m. in the .\ll children who live within Choir practice will resume on the area bounded by Evans. following locations: eighth grade. Other substitutes parish center. An interesting Tuesday evenings under the di­ will be Mrs. Elizabeth Camp­ program will be offered and re­ Federal. Dartmouth and Stuart rection of James Noone. MONDAYS (Beginning Sept. 21) — ballroom dance instruc­ bell and Mrs. Karlin. freshments will be served. tion: Morey Junior high school. .An organizational meeting for Women of the parish interest­ THE PT.A will meet Oct. 8 Two Graduates 840 E. 14th avenue, 7:30 p.m., all parents interested in Blue ed in forming circles within the at 7:30 p.m. in the school hall. Ernie Miller, instructor; Birds and Camp Fire Girls will Altar and Rosary society are Of St. Mary's TUESDAYS (Beginning Sept. be held Thursday, Sept. 24, in asked to call Mrs. Juan Davila, the eighth grade classroom at 22) — beginning square dance 757-0257, or Mrs. E.P. Worth- 7 p.m. Further information may man, 756-1803. Enter Religious instruction: Aaron Gove Junior high school, 1325 Colorado blvd., Beginning their preparations 7:30 p.m.. Larry Berridge. in- for the religious life this month For The Finest Cleaning .structor; and Godsman school, are Pamela Solo and Mary Lou­ And Repairing ise Cullinan. graduates of St. 2120 W. .Arkansas ave., 7:30 Mary’s academy. Cherry Hills. p.m.. Jim Mason, caller: ORIENTAL and DOMESTIC RUGS Pamela, daughter of Mr. and WEDNESDAYS (Beginning Mrs. Paul A. Solo of St. Mary’s Sept. 23) — beginning square NEW RUGS ond CARPETS parish. Littleton, entered the dance instruction: DouU School. postulancy of the Sisters of Lo- 2520 S. Utica street, 7:30 p.m. retto at the new Loretto Heights Jim Halfacre, instructor; Education center near Denver, FRIDAYS (Beginning Sept. She was the .shepherdess of the 25) — intermediate square academy’s senior class the past dance instruction: Pitts School, 2630 E. 3rd ' 333-8840 or 321«61 year, an honor given to a girl 3500 S. Glencoe street, 7:30 Also Wall to Wall Cleaning in the Home who has completed 12 years at p.m., Jim Mason, instructor. M St. Mary's. Mary Lou, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cullinan of St. James’ parish. Denver, en­ Young Theresians Receive Charter tered the novitiate of the Sis­ Brother Barnaby The Rev. Frank G. Morfcld, pastor of Cure tional office; the Sisters, and women mem­ ters of St. Joseph in St. Louis. Mo. Pfstd d’Ars, Denver, shares the Joy of Sister Mary bers of the adult Theresian unit at Cure d'Ars. Her brother. Brother Stewart Patrick, C.PP.S., moderator, Diane Botl, Begun last December with Janet Paprotki, ALL-CHANNEL Brvan. F.S.C . is stationed at i St. John's president, and Virginia Siegle, executive sec­ they proved their generous fidelity to the con St. Michael s college, Santa Fe, retary of the Theresians of America, at the stitution of the Theresians. Original members N. Mex. Marv Lou attended St. ! PTA Slates grant of an officiai charter to the parochial were; Diane Bott, Janet Paprockl. Karin James grade school. high school unit of the Theresians. The 18th Hunker, Kathleen Belfiore, Theresa Guzman, approved unit, they received the charter at a Debbie Stoole, Gloria Joyal, Kathleen Smith, Meeting parish banquet Sunday, Sept. 13. where mem­ Amalia Dowell, Carol Kelley, Mary Ann Turn­ (St. John the Evangelist’s i bers acted as hostesses to Mrs. T. Raher Tay­ er, Karen Fahlsledt, Schyleen Qualls, Mary Parish, Denver) j lor, northern Colorado director of the move Belfiore, Cecelia Guzman, Sandra Joyal, The first fall meeting of St.] Karen Dowell. ment, Mrs. Nancy Menderick from the na John the Evangelist Parent Teacher association, to be held Sundav, Sept. 27 at 2:30 p.m. in ALL YOUIRS the school gymnasium, will be Counseling Is in Full Swing addressed by Brother Barnaby .Solomon. F.S.C. assistant prin­ IN THIS MAGNIFICENT cipal and guidance director at Mullen high school, on high HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER At Cathedral High School school scholarship possibilities.

(Cathedral High School, HEADING THE NEW pro­ B r o t h e r ba rn a by holds DISNEYLAND WILL invade degrees from St. Michael’s col­ Denver) gram is Rev. Richard Hanifen. Cathedral, as Bluejays turn into .Members of the .staff Include lege, Santa Fe, N. Mex.; St. producers and characters of the Mary's college, San Antonio, Mrs. Anne Bix'imer, Pat Falk,! Counseling at Cathedral high Tex.; and Louisiana State uni­ BY school is in full swing, with a Mr. Gary Petri, Sister Cath-. famous Disney movies fni Pamela Solo RCAVIGTOR versity. Baton Rouge. La. He erine Pierre, Sister Rose The-| "Howdy Day," annual Welcome staff of eight members and a was principal of Kirwin high new counseling classroom-libra-' rese, the Rev. Roger Millison,' to freshmen in the school. This school, Galveston, Tex., from ry. I and the Rev. Leonard Urban. year seniors will have the 1954-59. The program includes college | The counseling room library chance to direct their freshman The annual pantry shower for counseling, college testing, jobi is stocked with books dealing brothers or sisters in a stage the Sisters of the parish will placement for seniors, and per­ with college choices, job train­ production. Costumed as Disney also be featured at the meeting. sonal guidance for those seeking ing, and other phases of counsel­ characters, freshmen will be All parishioners are asked to assistance. I ing. asked to entertain the seniors contribute canned goods or cash. at an assembly Friday, Sept. 25. A dance will follow the festiv­ MRS. CHARLES Van Buskirk, ities at Oscar Malo Hall Friday [president, will outline plans for Denver Teacher, Student night at 7:30. ! the coming year at a brief PTA [business meeting, where .Mrs. THE STUDENT COUNCIL [Patrick McMahon, will report as Join Bites sponsored a faculty tea and [chairman of the "My Fair attended a faculty meeting, Lady" premiere. Mrs. George A Denver teacher and one of ton’.s' crossing of the Delaware, i Sept. 21. Hunt a,sics anyone who has Gold her students are among those [Independence hall in Philadel­j Members of the council gave Bond stamps to bring them to the meeting, to help in obtain­ participating this week in the phia, and other historic points a resume of the background, history, functions, objectives, ing an overhead projector for annual related to George Washington, and principles of the Student Mary Louise Cullinan 'the school. after receiving the highest hon­ the Father of Our Country. A Council. or granted by Freedom Founda­ special program on our Ameri­ tion at Valley Forge, Pa. can heritage is being conducted There was also a discussion for them at Freedoms Founda­ between students and teachers Th« STOCKHOLM They are Sister M. Erme- Mark 10 $«rlM H9 mtn, student, at St. Clara’s Or­ phanage school. ! EACH OF THE awarded I schools was selected from hun- A TOTAL OF 98 students and jdreds of nominations in the teachers, representing 49 Foundation’s Awards program, COMPARE IT AGAINST ALL OTHERS! schools from throughout the na­ , /. and evaluated by a distin­ tion are taking part in the pil­ guished independent Awards grimage. This mastercrafted Danish styled lowljoy ushers in a bright new era In home jury composed of state Supreme Their school^ received the Court jurists and heads of vet­ entertainment foryou and your family. Up front is viewing pleasure unlimited, awards for activities that build erans, patriotic and service club IS Y O U R a better understanding of the organizations. the unsurpassed natural color of Mark 10 Color Television. Improved 25,000* freedoms and responsibilities of Freedoms Foundation at Val­ PHYSICAL each individual In the country. volt (factory adjusted) Color Chassis features a remarkable new Automatic ley Forge is a nonprofit, non­ The pilgrimage is a tour of DISTRIBUTION political, nonsectarian awards Color Purifier that "cancels" magnetic distortions. And powerful New Vista historic sights notable In the es­ organization which annually SYSTEM tablishment of the nation. VHP and UHF Tuners pull in pictures sharp and clear. honors through awards indivi­ The schools are also present­ duals, organizations, and schools O N THE ed the Foundation’s George for their work in helping to RIGHT TRACK Washington Honor Medal. bring about a better understand­ COLOR TV PRICES $QQQ95 The student-teacher teams are ing and deeper appreciation of visiting the Capitol building, the American Way of Life, The Mount Vernon, the Brandywine chairman of the Foundation's w ould you be a steady listener? Own START AT O U U battlefield, the Valley Forge en­ board is General Dwight D. I MOM rsu n campment, the site of Washing- Eisenhower. You bet you would, and you'd be a believer! Your money would say, "Get the MOST from your savings from a place with a perfect safety record over the years. Find a convenient place with A-1 safety, high earnings, immediate availability and most important, where your dividends are protected! This is important in case you need your money in By rail and/or highway, a hurry.” Rio Grande has the equipment, schedules "The place you can find these things-and many other I special savings is Midland Federal Savings and Loan. Aslc and know-howto handle your goods better. about the Dollar Defender; Midland's exclusive dividend protector.” JO i Jl. A. D. Cox, Assislint Traffic Managtr, DENVER . 2T2-5533. E,t. ?6S "The word for today is...Move your money to Midland!” FREE PARKING ^ierGremSe _ Midland makes it easyl 1321 LINCOLN RAIL/ROAD BY STAH CAPITOL TOTAL TRANSPORTATION f^idlandmuM, MUSIC CO.

s a v i n g s 6 LOAN ASSN. 244*4556 Xot fling But po«'i'0«n »lJTWIIISTt« UMWOOq i;n t citwa 7X11 Itw. 1»J5 Fruudeui MIgrImagm 221 M4I 42MMI 2JH M 7 The Finest Denver's St. Clara’s Orphanage School “Y’alley Forge Pil­ zur Dcxvn wasiizE zuu noowot «ne(utc«M SM2 SO.M LIM . M L Since 1900 grimage” team. Sister M. Ermellnda and Verona Koman meet DiimUilfiriiilWistini lii/lliM n 74iN 7I»«U 7 1332 BROADWAY iU Senator Gordon Allott in Washington D.C. Page 10 The Denver Catholic Register Thursday, Sept. 24, 1964 ^ Top Talent Highlights Victory Hall Does Disney Have Children Spectacular Ice Follies Nuns Topic By Mark Brannan ice in both his solo and duct Movie Market ^Sewed Up"? Denver audiences «ill be numbers still arc a marxel. among the first to see the new His versatility and charm arc Of TV Show edition of Shipstads and John­ exemplified (o lop adxantage (Following is the seconrl of gral pari of today's audt- and his feats on ice become Work and training of the a five-part series on "The e n c e " son's "Ice Foliie> of 1965” more breathtaking with each Victory Noll sisters will be Children’s Film — Us Impor­ -Robert R. Hadnitz when it comes to the Denver edition. featured in a 30-minute TV tance and Necessity” by pro­ Coliseum Wedne-sday. Sept. .'10. through Sunday, Oct. 4. program, ".All in a Day's ducer Robert B. Radnitz, who HOH .tl.WY of us when The first-rate show aDo in­ Work.” to be seen on KLZ- believes there is "no substi­ presenting an idea for a film The new show opened two cludes the skilled Huiigariaii, TV, Channel 7, Denver, Satur­ tute for content” in a motion have run up against the slii- weeks ago in Los ,\ngcles and Istvan Szcncs. as' well as Lee day. Sept. 26. 1:15 to 1:45 p.m. picture” and argnes that the holcth; "It sounds interest­ Denver will he the firrt city Carroll, the Denton Twins. film should not merely sur- ing, but IS it entertaining? on its nine-month tour. The Wall and Dova. the Kermond "All in a Day's Work” de­ thinking film planning that facely entertain, but that it Don't forget we're dealing Ice Follies is the most spec­ Bi'others. and the beautiful tails Ihe formation of a Sis­ hides under that banner — should creatively stimulate with an entertainment medi­ tacularly produced and talent- pair ice-dancing of the Schill­ ter's training and her work in are legion. the imagination of children um." filled of all the ice shows, ings. The graceful chorus line the home missions. The pro­ What do we mean by en­ gram gives answers to such and families.) I submit that no other word a family >how !t is hard of the Ice Folliettes is again a is in more dire need of re­ tertainment (financially I questions as: "Why are there speaking)? Simply this — to heat. The new edition car- highlight of the show in a “Children should not be examination in our industry ■i' whirling, fleet-footed finale. Sisters?” "How do Sisters will the film we plan to make ries the long-proven popular train?" and "Where do Sis­ thought of only in terms of than that word "entertain­ specials. Vet. variations on The Ice Follies is a show not ment". The sins that are com- attract an audience large ters work?" tomorrow's audience. They enough and commensurate the standard themes have to be missed. mited in that name! The cov­ been briglitened with new The work of the Victory Noll can and should be an inte­ with the cost of our film — ering up of sloppy, tired, un- scenery and costumes and an Sisters is well known through­ one sufficiently large enough out Colorado. Mother house of 5 3 4 -7 9 1 8 so that we may make a pro­ array of the most talented young skaters on ice. the Sisters is in Huntington, fit? Without the audience no Ind. profit is made, and, therefore, JhiL JtotllL fioO lfL it stands to reason that to­ RKTIARI) DWYER, the outstanding male ice skating (M*n«g*mint of Eithor and Frink Fong) day what we call "entertain­ i FAST DAY ment’ (artistically speak­ |)erformer in the U.S. today, Ninth Avenue at Speer Blvd. ing) is not the same thing headlines a cast that includes o FAVORITE . . COMPLETE ORIENTAL STAFF that our audience has in mind Olympic champion Donald FINEST CHINESE AND when it thinks of the word. Jackson. German figure skat­ o FISHERMAN'S AMERICAN FOODS if wc are in truth ".show­ ing star Ina Bauer, the popu­ men" (another convenient lar Beattys, and long-time PLATTER . . A Bilufiful Linlirn Lighttd Dining Room In tht Vitirini of Foroign Wars Homa word) then it behooves us to comic Mr. Frick. John t. Stawarf Post No. 1 find out why our show is dy­ •fill Shipstad is the only Opan fo tha Public I I a.m. to 10:30 p.m.— Sat., till 11:30 a m. ing on the midway. In a med­ second generation skating star (Cloitd Tuttdayi) y ium which prides itself on in the new Follies. The beau­ keeping in touch with its pub­ Scene From ‘Julius Caesar’ tiful and expert skater is the lic, in being attuned to its daughter of Roy Shipstad. a pulse, I feel we have failed. Marlon Brando as Marc .Antony in a scene from the co-founder and co-producer, M (i-M motion picture production of .Shakespeare’s "Julius No one doubts the fact that and Bess Erhardt. Both fa­ Richard Dwyer a certain segment of the pub­ Caesar." which will be presented in an exclusive engagement ther and mother were famed BINGO SUPPLIES lic wants to see blood, sex. at the Ogdon theater, Denver, beginning Wednesday, Nnx. I. Ice Follies stars years ago. feeble comedy, and the mo­ The special run marks the 400th annixersary of the Bard's birth She gets her biggest break to j TRAVELING MEN Complete Line of Bingo mentarily exploitable film. and will offer high school and college youths in the area an date in the new show. There will always be this ( 5tay at the Supplies and Equipment opportunity to see the highly acelaimed produetion. Dwyer's partner is Dorothy- group, but when the large ann Nelson, who begins her BINGO GAMES SUPPLY CO. bulk of films are made for third year with the show. i ARGONAUT HOTEL this group, it stands to rea­ Dwyer's brilliant technique on JAMES S. (JIMMY) HOFSETZ Community Concert To Open ! FOR SPECIAL RESERVATIONS FOR son that we will lose the more BRIDGE PARTIES, DANCES AND Located between Curtis and discriminating viewer, and { DINNERS Champa on 11th St. what is even worse, wc con­ Series With Richard Tucker ‘Hour of St. Francis’ S PHONE 423 310) Across from St. Elizabeth’s Church dition the viewer who might The "Hour of St. Francis” I Beautiful Ballrooms Private Dining Rooms ”22 Years Experience” possibly want to see bettor The fourth annual general Tucker. .Metropolitan Onera will be seen Sunday. Sept. 17, for Information or catalog films — condition him to ac­ subscription offering for lim­ Company tenor. Pianist Leon at llli.ift a.ni. on KRDO-TV, Write or Call cept this kind of banal film ited membership in the Com­ Fleishcr will be presented m ( hannel 13. Colorado Springs. 1047 EItvinlli Striat Bui. Pinna: 2SS 0076 Steaks... out of this World Dtnvir, Colorado— Rat. Phoni; 034 6050 making. This “conditioning” munity Concert As.sociation of concert on Nov. 12. Ruth 00104 leads us to the wall. Denver is now opened in the Page's Chicago Opera Ballet Surroundings ... very much “in”. We are losing the more dis­ metropolitan Denver area. company, is scheduled ,Ian. criminating audience, and we .A non-profit organization, 2ft. are not instilling in the audi­ the association brings to Den­ American born soprano ence a desire for better films. ver a series of nptable con­ .Margaret Tyncs. noted for in­ Well, where do you start? cert artists, ensembles, and terpretation of Ihe title roles cottli’n’ dance attractions at a phe­ of the operas Salome and in Denverl I BELIE'VE you start with nomenally low price to the ■Aida, will appear Feb. 7. Vic­ A restaurant which would make a dyed-in-the-u ool children. A child will look at individual subscriber. tor Babin and Szymon Gold­ Manbaitaaitt tsuanderl most anything you present to The season will open Oct. berg will give a violin-piano TRY OUR 14 with a concert by Richard concert Feb. 17. The Hague him on the screen. Therefore, 1196 Grant 222-8611 it behooves us to present him Philharmonic under the di­ with exciting visual fare — rection of Willem Van Olterloo ALL-AMERICAN! fare that will stimulate his will close the season March l.i. imagination creatively — Information and .season tick­ films that will make him find ets can be obtained by writ­ a continuous source of enjoy­ ing to the Community Con­ ment in the motion picluic — cert .\ssneiation. Room Pill, films that will instill in him First .National Bank Building, ih lA N J J E Il "the movie habit.” Denver. Colo. (S0202). It is a shocking indictment ^ I N N ^ today that in our industry Family Theater there is not one single mo­ DENVER PHONE 222-4198 tion picture company, with Paul Picerni. well-known the exception of Disney, that television and movie charac­ KLZ Radio to Air ter actor, will star in I'nder • 100H PURE UEF HAMIUROER has a definite planned slate Hospital Address of films initially aimed at an Fire on Father Patrick Pey­ • crisp OOIDEN FRENCH FRIES audience of children. ton's Family Theater Sun­ The keynote address of .An­ • CREAMY OIMASHIONB) SHAM The answer that most of us day, Sept. 27. at 9 p.m on thony J. Celebrezze, t.S . Sec­ have received when ap­ Leon Fleisher KOSl Radio. Denver. retary of Health, Education, proaching major studios or and Welfare, at the dedication releasing companies with ihe of the new Mercy Hospital, idea of programming a slate * A Classification I Denver, will be re-broadcast of children’s films runs some­ By Legion of Decency by KLZ Radio, Denver, on thing like this: "Sorry, Dis­ MOVIES Sunday. Sept. 27, 9:30 to 10 Mountain Dining . . . Tl« tolfbtf food in town... fotK ney has that market sewed p.m. He will be introduced by MT mnk», to«h Yom ond #»• Following are classifications of motion pictures by tbe Legion of Decency COLORADO'S Most Exciting Mountain Restaurant. Ameri­ hm »Y will Ik* dMng at Me- up." for motion pictures currently playing m Denver area first-run, neighborhood, and Stephen L. R. Mc.N'ichols, gen­ can and European Cuisine, Selected Wines. Cocktails in Dnnokfi, Evnrytking W to itwrtitYB dnve-in theaters as well as those appearing on television in both the Denver and eral chairman of the hospital's Colorado Springs area. Daily listings must be checked for time, place, and TV the JESTER LOUNGE, or simply relax in the FIRESIDE (aoMtn Archwf ... ipotItiWy dngn. Com* in ony THIS REMARK to me is fund-raising campaign. The LOUNGE and watch the ever changing sunsets upon the timn for a tr*ot in food V fua the height of foolishness. It station. Ratings of movies on TV are checked against listings found in "TV ot prkti Am pUoM you. Guide" magazine. Classifications are: A-1, family; A-2, adults and adolescents; ceremony will take place Sun­ Colorado Rockies, while RALPH EVANS plays your fav­ is analogous to the hypotheti­ A-3. adults only; A-4, adults only, with reservations; B, morally objectionable in orite songs and melodies at the Piano. part for all; C. condemned. (Compiled by Tom Officer) day afternoon, at which time cal situation of someone (let KI-Z Radio will tape the ad­ 20 Miles Southwest of Denver on U.S. 285,at Conifer us call him Mr. General Current Movies A-1; Finger ot Guilt. A-l. Return of Frontiersman, A-l. dress for the later broadcast OPEN 5 P.M— SUNDAY 12 NOON-CLOSED MONDAYS Motors) who goes to the bank African Lion, A -l; Becket, A-3; Be­ FRIDAY. OCT. 2 time. YOUR HOSTS . . . CLARENCE AND GLADYS KUNZ to secure a loan on the mak­ hold a Pale Horsa, A-T; Big Parade Shockproof, B; Rulers of Sea, A-1; of Comedy, A-1; Bittersweet, A-2; Brig- Bride by Mistake, A-2; Bright Eyes, ing of a car, only to be told adoon, A-1; Caddy, A-1; Chocolate Sol­ A -l; Always Leave Them Laughing, B; by the bank: "Sorry. Ford dier, A-2; David and Lisa, A-2; Fire­ Br>de Goes Wild. A-2,- Walking My DENVER AUDITORIUM THEATRE makes cars.” fly, A-1; Girl of Golden West, A-I; Baby Back Home, B; Toward Ihe Un­ Great Waltz. A-2; Horror of It Alt, known, A -l; Guns Don't Argue, A-2; 7 Days Only— 9 Performances c omi s A-2; House Is Not Home, B; How West M D III Or in our own area of op­ Master of Ballantrae, A-1; Man From Was Won, A-1; Jungle Cat, A-1; Last Dakota. A-2. WED., SEPT. 30 thru TUES., OCT. 4— 8:30 eration. it is as foolish as har­ Man on Earth, A-2; Living Desc^, ALAMEDA CENTER 4215 W. C O L F A X boring the thought that only- A-1; Lord Of Flies, A-2; Maytime, A-2; Matinees: Sat., Oct. 3, and Sun., Oct. 4— 2$30 AAerry Widow, A-2; Naughty Marietta. Slagf (iiiidc EAST COLFAX & one studio can make motion A-2; Nothing But Best, A-4; Perri, A-1; Here's Love: Family pictures. Yes. It is just that Ouo Vadls, A-1; Rosa Marie, A-1; Se­ Ice Follies: Family Smash Broadway Musical! foolish. This kind of situation duced and Abandoned, A-3; Student Taste of Honey; Objectionable Pr1nc9, A-1; Sweethearts, A-1; Unsink- Company of 75 should be of direct concern able Molly Brown, A-2; Visit, A-4; to our industry, but in spite Witchcraft, A-2; Woman of Straw, A-3; STUART OSTROW Presents of all the occasional an­ Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, B. nouncements by industry .\eighborhood. Drive-In NEWS JOHN PAYNE ^ LISA KIRK BREWED WITH leaders, nothing is done about Bikini Beach, A-3; Carpetbaggers, B; the situation. 'This do-nothing Chalk Garden, A-2; Donovan's Reef. attitude regarding children's A-2; Dr. No, B; Ensign Fviver, A-2; Fall of Roman Empire, A -l; Flight first, fiSt, frcQuer.l. accur- LAURENCE NAISMITH From Ashiya, A-3; Flipper's New Ad­ films, this laissei-falre re­ ale , , . with the largest news PURE ROCKY venture, A-1; For Those Who Think pose, hurts us both artistical­ Young, A-3; Good Neighbor Sam. A-2; staff In the West, and with 75 ly and financially. Great Escape, A-1; Hard Day's Night, correspondents throughout the A-1; Hud, A-3; I'd Rather Be Rich, (To Be Continued) Rocky Moon tarn and High flams A-2; Island of Blue Dolphins, A-1; j i e R e s i Q > 5 Killers, A-3; Lilies of Field, A-l; Long states. KOA gets you complete, Ships, B; Man's Favorite Sport?, A-3; fast coverage of international, Pork Tenderloin Dinners Cookbook Is Topic Mamie, A-3; Moon-Spinners, A-1; New With Rolls. Honey Interns, B; Night of Iguana, A-4; North national, regona/. and kxal news. For ‘Christophers’ to Alaska, A-1; Patsy, A-1; Pink Pan­ French Fries $4 24 The Joy of Cooking, the ther, A-3; Pocketful of Miracles. A-2; and Sauce ...... I Oue Vadis. A -l; Ride Wild SuH, A-1; t elas.sic cookbook, will be re­ Sponsored by Robin and Seven Hoods, A-2; Shot tn Radio News viewed on the Christophers' Dark, B; 7th Dawn, B; 433 Squadron, Family Economy Tub 7:45 a.m. First Federal A-3; Thin Red Line, A-3; Viva Las Savings 4 From 12 I’cs. $ 0 4 9 program by librarian Eleanor Vegas, B; What a Way to Co, B; Wild Sunday Loan Smith of Brooklyn on Sun­ and Wonderful, A-1; World of Henry CHICKEN ...... C, Oiient, A-2; Zulu, A-3. Association day, Sept. 27. at 10:15 a.m., Economy Tub 0-Shrimp on KOA-TA’, Channel 4, Den­ On Tele\ision ver. and KO.A.A-TV. Channel IS $ 1 9 8 SATURDAY. SEPT. 24 Oeiel AearkaY great radie itetiew SHRIMP ...... I Carnival of Souls, B; Inferno, A-2; 5, Colorado Springs, Father DELIVERIES TO SOUTH AND Secret File-Hoilywood. B; Tail Men, B. James G. Keller, M.M.. is SOUTHEAST DENVER ONLY Miracle of Fatima, A-l; Desert Fury, KO host. A-2; His Majesty O'Keefe. A-2; 12 An­ DINVin SERVICE TILL 10 P.M. The latest Broadway success gry AAen, A-1; Never Say Die, B; Force ef Evil, A-2; Horrors of Black Mu­ CALL NOW 388-2755 by MEREDITH WILLSON seum, B. ISO KC/S0.0M WATTS .Author of THE MUSIC MAN SUNDAY, SEPT. 27 Locat*<3 l?tti Ave SftooO'ng Center Cocnpot«r of THE UNSINKABLE MOLLY BROWN Conqueror of Maracaibo, B. O S S., 12th and Clayton Sfrtots H E A R ; A-1; Anatomy of Psycho, B; Some Like i It Hot, B; Virginia. A-2; Vikings, A-3: Big Hangover, A-2. Entire New York MONDAY, SEPT 21 A » LEARN j Untamed Breed. A-2, Virginia, A2. ENROLL NOW and Cairo Road, A-2. Odongo. A-2. Sun Com pany and Comes Up. A-1. Wings of Eagles. A-1: FOR Lightning Strikes Twice. A-2; Back On KOA Rodin I From Eternity, A-2; On Island With Accordion Lessons Production! You, A-l PRICES: E.e.: Orch. $6.50: M.iz, $5.50: B4I. $4.50, $3.50, $2.50 TUESDAY. SEPT 2t 10:2B Eicry Sumlay eiening Sunny Side ot Street. A-1 Lightning irS FUN OreS. $5.50 Mtzi. $4.50: B41. $3.50 $2.50 $2.00 Oiicstkms on religion sub- Strikes T w i^ , A-2; Gang's All Here. A-2; Three for Show, B; Lady of Trop- TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT milted by the radio audi • Low Rental Plan i ks< A-2; Devil's Hand, B; Green-Eyed THE DENVER DRY GOODS COM PANY - ence answered on the arch BtOfsdc, A-2; Too Hot to Handle. A-1; • Insfruettons in Your Heme (4fh Hoof, Dowmowr Store) t:30 to S:15 Deily ALfiio S-3M2 diocesan broadcast. All About Eve. B. • Eipert Teachirtg A B4>oklet on Catholic WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 30 ana Vaughar's Vusic Center In Cherry Creek Snoppirtg Center; Stutz OItve Thundertioof, A-2; Green-Eyed Blonde, Write to: Drug, 7010 E. CoHax, Friendly Drug, 5660 W. Alameda Ave.; Ben Veidkamp's Chnrrh available free of A-2; 14 Fathoms Deep, A-1 At the La^es-de Fiaw#-5. inc. m LaKPstde Snopo'pg Cwiter; Car'&on's For Musk. cost to all inquiries. Circus. A-2; Career. A-3; Lured. A-2; JOE MACK'S 5747 S Gs’’uc Aoodie^n L'tTieTor'. V-oS'C Cenle*’, inc.. in Thornton Shoppirtg Kiss Before Dying, B. Jet Over At­ C'p-ter Travel A Qay, me , i670 W Coifa*; Englewood Men's S»ore in lantic A-2. MUSIC CENTER En;*ewood Rxk-ey V.s>c Co n Lakewood; Ber Veidkamp's Westland WRITE TO THURSDAY. OCT I p‘D*ers. i"<.. " Aes? <*r>d Sr-oDc •'g Cer>r, Miucresi Appliance, 4374 Wads- Penitontiary, A-2; Lured. A-2; Easy P. O. Box 19145 wor*n; Go'Se'’ S’ate Bank in Go den; Bloomfield Bank tn Broomfiekl and in Ask and Learn, Station Living, A-2; irs Big Country, A-1. .BouWer ai the Biue Jay .n Base Var Shopping Center and Holiday. On The, KOA, Denver goim, Passage tt Marsaille, A-2; Throe Men Denver, Colorado Milt 1159 13tn St»’ee» Vau orders with ,cVck or morvey order and STAMPED, SELP-ADORESSED e n v e l o p e to Hugh Hooks Entertainments, P. 0 Bo* Colorado in White, A-1; Private Lift of Henry " 80219 VMI, C; Tennessee Champ. B; King 5005. Denver Colorado 80217 MUCHs HOOKS ENTERTAINMENTS, Local Management ef Rearing '20s, A-3; Rulers of Sea, Lr^ton Every Sunday al };3t pm. to Joe Mjck's RM k Pr(jgr«n IM On Ysur Dill For the Listener Globeville Thursday, Sept. 24, 1964 The Denver Catholic Register Page 11 Albums Re-Cbanneled for Stereo Bake Sale The recording of selections this can be found in four al­ son, Jack Cassidy, Bibi Oster- from Broadway musical come­ bums, originally recorded in wald. Holly Harris, and Stan­ Is Planned dies has been a particular en­ the late 1940s as monophonic ley Prager. deavor of Columbia Records recordings, that now can be In On Vonr Toes, the origi­ (St. Joseph’s Parish, N o ^ Dwivei l\Ieu)s under Goddard Lieberson’s di­ classified as stereo albums. nal “Slaughter on 10th Ave­ Globe viile) rection. This company is rep­ Babes in Anns contains the nue” is the highlight. But this resented with one of the most complete score of the original 1936 show has a barrelful of The PTA of St. Joseph’s par­ complete and versatile cata­ 1937 Rodgers and Hart pro­ top-drawer Rodgers and Hart ish, Globeville, will have a logs of musical shows, both duction and features Mary tunes ably sung by Mr. Cas­ breakfast and bake sale after pa.st and present Martin, Jack Cassidy, and sidy, Miss Nelson, Laurel all .Masses Sunday, Sept. 27. Adult Doctrine Course In recent years, with the Mardi Bayne. Roberta, com­ Shelby, and Ray Hyson. Children Vill ^ g in wearing advent of stereophony, all of posed by Jerome Kem, has all uniforms Oct. 1. the company’s show albums the music of the 1933 produc­ COLLECTORS of musical Mrs. Dallas Nelson, PT.A Begins at St. Anthony's have been produced in the tion together with supple­ comedy recordings should president has announced the fol- now-accepted sound spectrum. mental songs from the 193S have a field day with these lowing chairmen for the school On Rorfie Shew year: (St. Anthony of Padua’s Parish, Sisters in a series of 32 classes.i Fathers Daniel Flaherty and Before stereo entered the RKO movie version. Joan albums. The new stereo proc­ Carol Chaoning will trace field, however, Columbia had Roberts, the original Okla­ ess is exciting and interesting Historian Mrs. .Andrew Denver) , Gerard Cusack, assistants, will Kowaiczyk;’ hospitality, Mrs. comprehensive adult course STARTING THIS WEEK, the rotate the Monday night classes many noteworthy albums homa star who rarely per­ to hear. Lehman Engel con­ her career in the theater on Joe Hanley; c n x , Mrs. Vin- Catholic doctrine, designed sessions are held every Monday with the pastor, who started the “Sunday Spectrum,” a new pressed in the monophonic or forms these days, is excellent ducts the orchestra in all four cent Zamprelli; civil defense, non-Catholics and Cath- and Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in course last Monday. weekly one-hour exploration high fidelity process. Because in the company of Jack Cas­ recordings. Mrs Lawrence Kowaiczyk;> under ----- way at St. An-the . .. front . . . classroom .,------of .Lthe The School Sisters of St. Fran- of the living arts, which will these albums contained a de­ sidy, Kaye Ballard, Stephen safety, Mrs. .Art Hndak; public- (hony of Padua's church in school, at S. .Newton street and cis, who staff the parish school, be heard Sunday, Sept. 27, 7-8 Douglass, and Portia Nelson. finitive performance with southwest Denver, W. Ohio avenue. The pastor. Fa- will provide supplementary reli­ p.m., on KFNL-FM Radio, singers who are either no Rodgers and Hart’s The ity, Mrs. John Bogaez; room I mothers, Mrs. Jake Mari; and Interested individuals will be (her Robert E. Kekeisen, has is- gious education on Wednesday Denver. John Daly will be longer available or are dead, Boys From Syracuse and On TV Series Gold Bond chairman; Stanlev instructed by the three priests sued an invitation to all to at- nights under the direction of Sis­ host. Miss Channing will dis­ Your Toes are the two oth­ the company has come up Flott ' °( parish and by two of the tend. ter M. Alvina, principal. cuss her roles In “Lend An with a successful experiment er electronically rechan­ To Begin When the priest’s topic on Ear,” “Gentlemen Prefer The parishioners are asked to in their electronically re-chan- neled stereo albums that Monday night, for example, is Blondes,” and the current neled for stereo process. round out a pleasant listen­ “Freedom and Authority in help the PTA when redeeming their Gold Bond stamp books.. “Confession,” the Sisters will in­ “Hello, Dolly.” THE ORIGINAL mono ing experience. the Church,” a three-part series on the CBS-TV “Look The covers have a cash value CF/m To Hold Orientation struct the class on Wednesday phonic master has been put Boys From Syracuse, orig­ Up and Live” program will towards the purchase of more; night that week on the practical throtigh a peculiar stereo inally presented in 1938, made begin Sunday, Sept. 27, with cabinets and school supplies i procedure of going to confes­ process that results in from- into a Universal film in 1940, “Conscience a n d the needed for the classrboms. The| For Couples Sept. 27 sion: including discussion of the j Anyone Can Play the mono-to-stereo disc that em­ and revived only recently off- Church.” covers may be given to any of examination of conscience. bodies all the elements of Broadway, is given a spirited In Denver the program will the Sisters or any PTA mem (St. Anne’s Parish, Arvada) olic action into daily family 'NEW PUYER PIANO! stereo sound. An example of performance by Portia Nel­ be seen at 8:30 a.m. on KLZ- her. The Christian Family move- life, THE NEW PLAN will give ment of St. Anne’s parish, Ar­ High school religion classes the priests an opportunity to otrnh'iUilWIMlIRillKm.'mWi TV, Channel 7. In Colorado Springs, It will be televised vada, will sponsor an orienta­ will be held at 7 p.m each deal strictly with matters of at 9:39 a.m. on KKTV, Chan­ Lady of Fatima tion meeting for all married Monday in the parish school. Scripture, dogmatic theology, Crest Theater Has Tickets nel 11. couples at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Teaching the classes will be and moral theology. In the Sis­ In "Conscience of the To Hold Annual Sept. 27, in the church library. Sister Georgina,^ ninth grade; ters’ pha^e of the course will For 'Hamlet' on Sept. 24 Sister Anna Maria, 10th grade; be instruction in the use of the Church,” the first program, THE DISCUSSION at the historical conflicts between Dinner, Dance Sister Mary Nicholas, 11th and Missal, Rosary, and other sac- In last week’s edition It was erroneously reported that I meeting will center on the pur­ 12th grade girls; and Father ramentals, as well as the show­ . seats were sold out to the March of Dimes benefit showing at! Church authority and individ­ pose and incentive of the CFM, ual conscience are examined (Out Lady of Fatima Parish, Daniel Connor, assistant pastor, ing of excellent films on the the Crest theater, Denver, of the Theatrofilm Electronoriston | which is a group to bring Cath- I in dramatized incidents from Lakewood) 11th and 12th grade boys. Mass, the life of Christ, and ^ production of John Gielgud’s production of Shakespeare’s I The Knights of Columbus will other Biblical and ecclesiastical the lives of the Apostles Pet­ The Festival Dinner Dance, I “Hamlet”. The report was based on an unconfirmed source.! er and Paul, St. Catherine of Polluck Dinner sponsor a series of movies for subjects. 1 Acordlng to John Roberts of Wolfberg Theaters, opera-i thO iggest event of the year in children of the area on Sundays It is hoped that the wide Siena, Joan of Arc, Dante, OSr Lady of Fatima parish, will At St.' Dominic’s 1 tors of the Crest theater, tickets were available and have been I Sir Thomas More, John at 1 p.m. Admission is 25 cents. scope of topics to be covered in be held on Saturday, Oct. 3, at (St Dominic’s Parish, Denver) Henry Newman, and Isaac THE REV. WILLIAM RYAN, the 32-lesson course will give on sale at both the Crest and Paramount theaters. Choice [ the Capri Motor Hotel. The Christian Family Move­ Hecker, who founded the assistant pastor, will conduct prospective converts a more I seats are still available for the Thursday matinee and evening i Tickets at 310 per couple, ment members in St. Domi- the new series of lectures on complete knowledge of the Cath­ showings. Seats to the production also can be obtained at the I Paulist Fathers. Host for the series is James which includes a steak dinner inic’s parish will hold a potluck Catholic doctrine each Monday olic faith than has been possible i regularly advertised prices. and dancing, may be purchased supper on Sept. 26 at 7 p.m. in and Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the previously. I f O’Gara, managing editor of Commonweal magazine. after Sunday Masses or by call­ the church auditorium, for pros­ parish library. After the conclusion of the Money raised by the March of Dimes benefit will be used ; ing the ticket committee. pective new members. course, following the year’s end, 1321 Uasela for patient aid care of birth defects, polio, the Salk Institute Religion instmetioD classes Young married couples are a new course will start along Parish Slates the same lines. Those who mSKOADWAT^OLMSSI In California, and reascarch grants by the National Founda- Parish Plans for children attending the public especially asked to attend. The schools started Monday, Sept. dinner will be followed by a missed classes in the first se­ : tion — March of Dimes. Religion Class 20. Classes are held Monday and demonstration meeting. Its Annual ries can make them up in the ’ Knu'mnwmwnmK Tuesday afternoons and eve­ Interested couples may call new course. For Parents nings and Saturday mornings. Mrs. John Hammond at 433- Food Shower (Guardian Angels’ Parish) Any women in thh parish who 3855, or Mrs. Jack Anthony at (Sts. Peter and Paul’s are interested in joining or form­ 433-3236. Parish, Wheatridge) RIDGE VILLAGE J'. On Saturdays from 9:30 to --tA iJi .-.i-".... ,s. 10:30 a.m. there will be religion ing a circle are asked to contact Members of the ’Third Order The annual pantry shower for LAUNDRY classes for parents of children Mrs. Nick Domenico, 233-4980 of St. Dominic are to receive the Sisters in Sts. Peter and Paul’s parish will be held next W. 38TH AT BENTON i ] \ attending the CCD classes in for further information. New Communion in the 7:30 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 27, after each of 4 2 4 -9 8 5 7 Guardian Angels’ Parish. These members are needed in day or Mass on Sunday, Sept. 27. The the Masses. Mrs. Angela Stew­ IN RIDGE VILLAGE SHOPCING ■ I- ■ classes are held to enable par­ night bridge circles and in ro­ meeting will be held at 3 p.m. CENTER 1 sary making circles. that same day in the church. art, president of the PTA re­ ents to discuss the best way of quests that all foodstuffs, house­ SELF-SERVICE helping their children in religion hold items, or cash donations be instructions. : brought to the school gymnas- OR WE DO lf..10cLB. |ium. RUG WASHING.20cLB. THE CCD HIGH SCHOOL of St. Bernadette's Parish All adult parishioners are in- religion classes are being held ■ vited to attend the meeting at RUG DYEING...50cLB. THE Monday, at 7 p.m. in the school. 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 25, of the (ANY SIZE) The inquiry classes will be Ham Dinner Set Oct. 4 ;Key and Sword society, the or- MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS held each Thursday at 7:30 p.m. (St. Bernadette’s Parish, from members of the society o r| S^nizatlon that conducts all par- (FINISHED) . . . 23c Lakewood) the ticket chairman, Mrs. Don- Ish business. THE CCD INSTRUrnON Plans are nearing completion aid Plouff, 237-9006, at $1.50 for The entertainment at this| DRY CLEANING classes for children attending for the annual parish ham din­ adults and 75 cents for children. meeting will be a men’s fashion FEATHER PILLOWS public schools is held on Satur­ ner, sponsored by St. Berna­ Featured as dessert will be show. New members of the par­ CLEANED, STERILIZED, day from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. dette’s Altar and Rosary so­ cherry and apple pie, prepared ish are especially urged to at-1 NEW TICKING .. . $2.00 The games party sponsored by ciety, to be held Oct. 4. by the women of the parish. tend. the Men’s club is held every Choir practice for the mem­ Friday at 8 p.m. ■nCKETS MAY be obUined bers of the adult choir will be held this evening Thursday, LOOKING FOR RINGS? ANNUAL Sept. 24, at 7:30 o’clock. Denver's Finest OFFICIAL St. Catherine's Women HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES in CATHOLIC religion are held at the school Selections Plan Business Meeting on Mondays at 7 p.m. All stu­ DIRECTORY dents in the 9th through 12th Diamonds - Birthstones (St. Catherine’s Parish, Catherine’s parish, will be the grades should attend. Remount Speckilisti Denver) guest speaker. And Telephone Guide St. Catherine’s Altar and Ro­ The first meeting of the sea­ — OF THE — sary society will meet Tuesday, son for Cub Pack 155 will St. Patrick's RYAN'S JEWELRY Sept. 29, beginning with the rec­ be held Friday, Sept. 25, at 7:30 Laktsida Shopping Cantar itation of the Rosary in the p.m. in the cafeteria. School Enrolls Phona 477-3123 Archdiocese of Denver church at 1:30 p.m. Each boy must be accompani­ ed by a parent. 359 Students — WILL BE — ’THE BUSINESS meeting will follow, with Mrs. J. Frey, pres­ (8L Patrick’s Parii'i, Denver) ident, presiding. Plans for the A HOT DOG luncheon will be A total of 359 pupils enrolled REMODELING fall card party to be held ’Tues­ served to the school children this year in St. Patrick’s school, Published October 22,1964 day, Oct. 20, will be made at Tuesday, Sept. 29. Mrs. J. Di- an increase of 45 over last year. this meeting. Matteo, chairman, and her com­ A “Get-Acquainted” tea was Members who wish to donate mittee will be in the cafeteria held Sunday afternoon by the KITCHEN SPECIALISTS trading stamps, which help to­ at 10:15 a.m. All other volun­ PTA with a large group in at­ WHAT'S IN THE DIRECTORY? luting .1 ward the card party, are asked teers are requested to be in the tendance. A welcome talk was to bring them to this meeting. cafeteria at 11:15 a.m. given by Mrs. L. St. Germain, CIRBO CONST. CO. • All pastors, assistants. Michael Amman, a Papal PTA president, and the pastor. • All Catholic school principals. Volunteer and a member of St. Sacred Heart Program Father Theodore Haas. 4 7 7 -2 7 3 6 “Wine, God, and the Chris­ Plans were announced at the • All Superiors of Catholic Convents, hospitals, col­ 4405 W. 43RD AT TENNYSON tian” will be discussed by the PTA meeting for a membership leges, high schools, and institutions. Dr. K«vm Gleason Rev. Eugene P. Murphy, di­ drive and the annual award. • Detailed information on every parish and mission Optometrist rector of the Sacred Heart This year a color ’TV let, a OVER 16 YRS. IN DENVER AREA Program, on the program’i fishing car, and a camera will in the Archdiocese — addresses, time of Masses, HArriton 3-1179 current series on Sunday, be given away. rectory ond convent phone numbers. UM W. 38th Ava. Sept 27, 7:45 a.m., on KBTV, The school lunch program is Wheat Ridga, Colo. Channel 9, Denver. In Colo­ under way. ’The first week 250 No rnoHor what you’re looking for... you’ll find it in this rado Springs, the same day, were being served each day. on KKTV, Channel 11, at Catechism classes for the PAUL’S FINE MEATS fifth edition of th# official directory of the Archdiocoso of 19:30 a.m., the Rev. Gene children attending public school NORTH Jakubek, S.J., will speak on will begin Sunday after the 9 "Where Wheatridge M eofs" Denver. “Worship in One’s Own Way.” a.m. Mass in the school. DENVER Cutting Only USDA Choice Holy Family Parish Lists Steer Beef — Aged to Perfection OPTICAL We Make Our Own DIRECTORY DEPARTMENT Dispensing Opticians ITAUAN SAUSAGE — GERMAN SAUSAGE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER CCD Officers, Chairmen DeWATNE INGRAM CORNED BEEF ORDIR P.O. Box 1620 (Holy Family Parish, cation chairman; Ken Koch Free Delivery Denver 1, Colorado 4022 Tennyson Street Denver) | vice chairman; Genevieve Kue- <> ster, secretar>--treasurer; Mrs. i 3855 Wadsworth 424-1445 GRand 7-5759 At a meeting last week 1964- TODAY Please send ...... copy Icopies) of THE 65 officers and committee chair­ Rosalie Gifford, chairman of;o “Wf onrr ui-p-f stamps’* elementary school education; CATHOLIC DIRECTORY for the Archdiocese men of the Holy Family parish (Confraternity of Christian Doc­ Mrs. Helen Gnstott, chairman,! of Denver for 1964-65 to: $ 2 ^ trine program were ratified. Fishers (Legion of Mary); Mrs.i Steve Daniel, chairman, Help-i ers; Fred Weisner, chairman,! Postpaid THEY INCLUDE Henry Pohs, See us in our new lo c a tio n - (Name) chairman and high school edu- Discussion clubs; Mrs. Larryi BROTHERS Pratt, chairman. Parent educa­ JANITOR tor; .M Ware, chairman, Apos-; (.Address) ties of Good Will; Art Ham­ s n v i a mond, chairman. Committee for 5280 W. 38th at Ames Rug and UpiwUtary Decency. Convenient parking at the door (City) (Zone) Shampooing The RL Rev. Monsignor For-i Please Find Enclosed S...... Complafa Hovta rest H. Allen started the pro-j Kodak Color Processing Claoning gram eight years ago and has; Check □ M.O. □ Cash □ served as director ever since. I Floor Woxing and He hopes to expand its activity I Polithing and influence with the addition! Walls ond Windows •YimUmStrMSUS’ of more workers. Help is espe-; DON’S Washad dally needed in the Religious! D O A T DELA Y... ONLY A LIMITED SUPPLY Education departments. Expert • Dependable 455-4323 lam ed 3030 HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES are CAMERAS - GIFTS AVAILABLE VIA MAIL ORDER CM Ut Wt arw held each Tuesday at 7 p.m., 5280 W. 38th Ave. Ph: 421-5991 MM W. «ak AW. and grade school classes are held on Saturdays at 8:45 a.m.

L Page 12 The Denver Catholic Register Thursday, Sept. 24, 1964 Development Director All 10 DPL Grid Teams in Action Sunday At Regis College Named Appointrhent of Eldon D. St Joseph Eyes Another Upset White,7hite, 39, of Denver,E as direc­ tor of development at Regis college has been announced by the Very Rev. Richard F. Ryan, In Parok Headliner With Mullen S.J., president of Regis. I For the past four years Mr. ST.WDINGS 1 p.m. opener and Holy Family ing against St. Francis’ 229. But i White has served ^s associate School— Pci. PIS. OP is pitted against Mt. Carmel in that Bulldog tenacity, combined director of development and SI. M iry'j . 0 1.000 )f 0 the 3 p.m. tilt. with a bushel of Warrior mis­ alumni fund director at the Uni- St. Joseph's 0 1.000 S3 t iversity of Denver. Regis t 1.000 3S I Rounding out the slate, St. takes, produced the triumph. Mullen 0 1.000 II 0 Mary’s will host Annunciation .AT REGIS HE will direct the Annvncialion 1 I .SCO to 35 Annunciation clamped a tight t college’s over-all development Holy Family I I .SOO 10 41 at 2 p.m. in Colorado Springs. vise on Cathedral from start to Machebeiri .000 0 7 In last week’s action, St. Jo­ j program, which since its begin- SI. Francis .000 7 14 finish, limiting the Jays to just 'ning in 1957 has provided over Cathedral .000 4 3S seph pushed its mark to 2-0 with 87 yards total offense, and cap- Ml. Carmel .000 0 71 a 14-7 upset of St. Francis, Re­ $1,750,000 to meet needs in the iitalizcd on the losers' soft un­ major areas oF capital improve­ The St. Joseph Bulldogs, who gis bowed into loop play with a derbelly for its victory. 35-0 romp over Holy Family, St. ments, scholarships, instruction­ have made a habit the past Regis and St. .Mary’s had far al aids, and faculty salaries. Mary’s waltzed past Mt. Car­ couple of years of winning a few too many guns for Holy Family .A native of Boston, Mass., mel, 32-0, and Annunciation games that they really and Mt. Carmel, respectively, White was graduated from Bos­ stung Cathedral, 14-6. shouldn’t, will try to continue and quickly settled the issue. ton Technical high school. He the practice this Sunday (Sept. .So St. Joseph and St. Mary’s Regis relied on its strong pass­ received a bachelor of science 27). They'll meet .Mullen in what boa.st 2-0 marks and Regis and degree from Boston university appears to be the spotlight con­ Mullen arc 1-0 to round out the ing game for two thirds of it^ in 1950. Eldon D. White test in Parok football play. ranks of unbeatens. 219 yards and held the Tiger^ to 53 yards. St. Mary’s produced PREVIOUS to joining the Un­ This will mark the first week- ST. JOSEPH, under new all of its 247 yards on the iversity of Denver, White served COMPLETE ena m wmcti all 10 DPL mem­ coach Ken Polo, managed only ground and limited the Eagles as executive secretary of the bers are taking part in league Colorado Petroleum committee PROTECTION 81 yards by rushing and pass­ to .54. competition. and with the public relations de­ FOR partment of General Motors. THE THE SUNDAY schedule at Mullen stadium has Machebeuf 3 New Coaches Named CATHOLIC FAMILY vs. Cathedral at 1 p.m. and Council 4844 • LIFE • Mullen vs. St. Joseph at 3. At To Staff at St. A^ory's H.S. To Hold Annual • HEALTH - ACCIDENT • Regis stadium the Raiders will • HOSPITALIZATION • tangle with St. Francis in the Colorado Springs — St. Mary’sjbaseball. Ilis teaching assign- Dance Saturday high school has announced ap-|ment also is in biology and sci- KNIGHTS pointment of three new coaches ence. The fifth annual banquet and of dance of Southwest Denver to its staff for 1964-65. * Charles (Al) Book has been COLUMBUS INSURANCE Robert Spencer, a native of named an assistant in football Council 4844. Knights of Colum-- Denver and a 1963 graduate of and basketball. A 1964 graduate bus, will take place on Satur­ THOMAS Colorado State college, has been of Colorado State college, he is day, Sept. 26. at the Hackney appointed head baseball coach from Rush, Colo. He is teaching House, 4595 S. J. NOLAN S a n t a F'e 15S5 Grant St. 'and assistant football mentor, mechanical drawing and social Offict: ! working primarily with the sciences, drive, Den­ I2S-7MB ends. He joined the St. Mary’s Appointments were announced SI. Joseph Runner Bulldogged ver. RES. T h e buffet- 355*4«4S faculty last year and teaches by Father Loo Kennedy, St. John Garcia, hard-rushing SI. Joseph biology and science Mary’s athletic director. battle of statistics but turned alert play and style banquet Joseph Leigh, 1963 graduate back, is about to he brought down on a drii- St. Francis miscues into a 14-7 triumph Sun­ will begin at of Hiram college and a native ing tackle by Con Honeker (19) of St. Francis, day at Mullen stadium in Denver Parochial 7 p.m. and the of East Liverpool, Ohio, will as­ with an unidentified Warrior applying pressure league competition. dance, to the WATCH// sist in both football (line) and Regis College from behind Garcia. The Bulldogs lost the music of the Eric Ross 1 US G R O W / Trio, will be­ CYO gin at 9 p.m. Fr. O-Mlllty Soccer Team Regis Graduate The principal speaker at the Activities On Premiere dinner will -be the Rev. Joseph ^ NOW WM M. O’Malley, Catholic chaplain |( OVER JL . Judge Philip Gilliam of the Sets JO Games Of TV Panel of the Federal Correctional In­ Denver Juvenile court will be A 10-game schedule for the stitution. the guest speaker at the Regis college soccer team has Leo Boyle former Regis high During the dinner the council meeting of the Notre Dame- been announced by Mick Pahl, student and state coordinator of members will present their F o r All Saints CYO, at 7:30 p.m. director of athletics. t m A the Voice of Youth recently ap­ “Knight of the Year” award. 2,840 i Sunday, Sept. 27, in the Notre The card includes six Rocky peared on the KLZ-TV program .Also, three certificates of merit * Ipsuronce Dame parish hall. Interested Mountain Intercollegiate Soccer with Gov. John will be awarded by the council CARS SOLDI adults as well as CYO mem­ to knights for outstanding work league contests. BE.ST OFFENSIVE STR.ATEGA’ in the Denver Parochial Love and bers are invited. Admission on behalf of the council during SIncR March 1, 1963 * Surety Bonds Regis won two and lost five league to date would seem to be to give the other team the ball. other area stu­ will be 25 cents. . dents. Current the past year. The names of in its first intercollegiate soccer Of the 27 touchdown^ scored by the winning teams in the ED TYNAN'S CALI competition last year. The club, critical plan­ those receiving awards will be first two weeks of league play, 13 have come as a direct result announced at the banquet. COMPLETE RENOVATION AND coached by Metodej Andel, op­ ning for the S o a LC o Paul T. McGrady REPAIR SERVICE ens this year’s schedule with a of the other team having possession of the pigskin. Several other future of high­ ALL AUTO Body game at Lowry Field Sept. 22. tallies have had more distant relationships with fumbles, inter­ er education in TRY CHRYSLER VAN SCHAACK & CO. & Paint Service The remajnder of the ceptions and kicks. the state was PLYMOUTH 624 17th Street 101* CHEROKEE schedule: St. Mary’s is going strong on the punt return. The Pirates ob­ discussed. DENVER, CDLORADO While at IN< . PHONE 2444M1 viously are working on blocking to form an alley for their man Phone 297-5636 Sept. 27 — at University of Rcgi.s. high, J>aU)jyJL EDWARD RUPj Owr>er Wyoming; Oct. 2 — at Univer­ when tlie other team punts. The Colorado Sprin,'>s team beat Boyle w a s lm soyii NEW sity of Denver; Oct. 11 — Uni­ Machebeuf in its opener on 72-yard return, then worked the same president of the school’s unit of 1964 VALIANT versity of Colorado at Regis; play twice last Sunday for 71 and 49 yards, the National Forensic league Fiesta Di.shes • Open Stock Gifts - Hardware - Paint Oct. 17 — at Colorado college; St. Joseph, always a scrambling team to make up for its and a debater. Oct. 25 — at Colorado Mines; Glass • Toys m u m s RAMBUR, INC lacks of size and numbers, has turned four enemy miscues into This fall he enrolled in St. $1,795 Oct. 31 — Thornton Athletic Club Pipe Threading DELIVERED DENVER Michael’s college in the Univer­ Window Shades - Key at Regis; Nov. 7 — Air Force TDs. The Bulldogs have made a touchdown out of a blocked Compittt Stitt A Strvkt sity of Toronto. While in Duplicating Authorized Rambler and Nash Sales & Service junior varsity at Regis; Nov. punt in each game and have added scores on an interception re­ Toronto he has been asked by 14 — Colorado Mines at Regis; turn and a recovered fumble. Open Friday Evenings an interested group to establish 5225 E. COLFAX Nov. 22 — Colorado State uni­ 32 Broadway 733-2940 Expert Mechanical Work — All Makes Regis used the interception route for three of its five touch- a Voice of Youth unit in that '/'(•I, versity at Regis. league’s leading scorer. area. 2030 S. University ' 744-2781 Regis will be playing it.s home Mullen pounced on a fumble in the Cathedral end zone two games on new facilities built on weeks ago for six points. Campus a year ago. The field is O ft ‘V o ic e oF Y o u t h ’ DRIVE IN LIQUORS located near the Regis Field- Complete selection of Wines, Liquors and Beer HOLY FAMILA' broke its long victory drouth two Sundays house. .Michaela Cassidy of St. Open 9 A.M. to 12 IMidnight back by converting an interception and a fumble into touchdowns. SnCUS-LfllULOR Mary’s academy, Denver, and 4090 E. MIsstuIppI 756 7534 Parok Elevens If this keeps up, a defensive specialist could wind up as the Barbara Zarlengo of Mary- Herry McCarthy 1543 LARIMER ST.-8 3 0 1 7 t h S T . league’s leading scorer. crest high school, Denver, will utii ti-.nn'.r,'..., .. 'b Colorsdo Spi'ings. Defeat 2 More H.AIL, H.ARRIORS: St. Iran- ^ participate with other area high school students in a tele­ CIS high school has changed itsj vised discussion of the Tria­ AWARD Non-Loop Foes nickname again. Now it’s thei' . . . non in Colorado Springs on Machebeuf and Mullen Warriors. The name certainly' DID YOU HEAR about the the Voice of Youth program, stepped out of Denver Parochial isn’t as distinctive as Gremlins: fellow who was all thumbs and Sunday, Sept. 27, 9 a.m., KLZ- PLAQUES league territory last weekend or the prc-World War II Fran- yet insisted on becoming a TV, Channel 7, Denver. I H o m em a k er ’S j and came back with impressive salians. bowler? triumphs against non-league But the student body has been First he tried a ball that was I Department B f lO N 2 t T A B L ’ETS , J . V „ ' clamoring for a change. Many too small for his thumb and COMPLETE CAR SERVICE The Buffs handed Yuma a 13-. students didn’t know the brought down a chunk of plaster TUNE-UP • CARBURETOR i Patronize These Reliable and Friendly Firms ** j I derivation of Gremlins. .And. it from the ceiling. Then he tried AU10. TRANS. neighborhood rival Sheridan Your Cor Preblom Our SptcMIty one that was too loose and £XPERT TELEVISION REPAIR dropped it on his toe. Z s Parok elevens wound Z nfker'’''^' - The next ball went into the ONEIDA GARAGE THE BEER THAT up their non-league play with a „ ' ___, gutter to the right and the fourth Bill Kirk 1400 OntItfA I23-)SS5 5-1 mark against non-league op- *^e\eral position. That’s probably the s“SSesled names were screened toss into the gutter to the left. I Please Patronize Bacon & Schramm MADE MILWAUKEE finest such record ever chalked ® faculty conimltlee, the Finally, on the fifth roll he man­ Your REGISTER Composition Roofing ■ aged to knock over one pin. It’s up by DPL teams. students voted for Warriors ov Advertisers and Tile Roofing ■ FAMOUS Previously. Mullen had topped ee other nominations such as F'eelin,g that he had made Good-Looking Mapleton, 41-0; St. Francis ^ ’a'«''ers. Falcons. Eagles. Rap some progress, he turned to the Mention Roof Repairing spanked Limon, 32-14; St. 'ors. Tigers, Cougars, Panthers bowling lanes manager and in­ THE REGISTER 4020 Brighton Blvd. Mary’s edged Cheyenne Moun-;*oho ice liockey scene. DL Qufihtu I'lumhing for the car pool? oti. It — AssumpMvn vs. SI. josvpn and BVU will face-off four limes •P «Mr«iSieg ture^ *f It LiiKPln part. Spcrtd Htprl vs. Lpyolp . 1,;,. Specializing m twm Mrttra twtW at City par*. season. H thE Peril,ps it's time for a new car or a newer used car.' Select one. CHURCH, and Heating Repairs LIGHTWEIGHTS PICKING’EM; Regis over St. ESriMAlIvS AurHoma If ready money is a problem, arrange to pay for it a month at a Oti. 7 — Assumptian vs. LayMa ai u - ■ INSTITUTIONAL, UAUK FOR City parte SI. Jasaph vs. Satrap Heart r ran^is — Warriors can be time with a low cost A N 6 Auto Loan. The dealer will handle it al Uncain part. tough if they stop making boo- MAINTENANCE eUARANTffO oci. H — nssumpnan vs, satrau naan w T SLATTERY SCRVICE ON through us if you ask him to, or you may prefer to see ouY Auto al Curtis part, Layala vs. St. Josapli yoos. Hol> Eamils o\cr Mt. Car­ AIL MAKfS at Crty part. mel — Gotta score to win, and EQUIPMENT Loan Depailmenf. Ed Boehm, Dave Guyton or Max Nelson. Oci. 71 ~ Auumption vs. St. Jnsaph m KsaorriA. cowanx. cautmA at Lincoln part, SacraP Hsart vs, Ley^a f-Iagles haven t found key: A i C O M ^ Y u HouascvKi Th e y jl be happy to help you get youi new car. Alter all, they at City pirk. .Machebeuf over Cathedral — SUPPLIES I’luinbing and Healing DIAL SU 1-4494 might be in youi car pool someday. I ^ IT , Buffs are tougher on defense; FREE CONSULTATION SERVICE N®WS D ® Q dlino! Mullen over St. Joseph — B'oll CALL Contractors AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK The deadline for news stories dogs can't keep playing over, DUMONT 181 VALLEJO ST. 17th and Stout 244S911 and pictures to appear in the,their heads every we^; St. 744-6311 “Denver Catholic Register” is .Marx’s over .Annunciation — SALES CO. . JOHN J. CONNOR, Prtsidpnt Mil tG. KalAmAth M e M H C R P. O. I. C. SALES FRANK W A Tfit, Prot J .Mondhy at 5 p.m. .Pirates make Cards walk plank 1741 Blafea St. ST4-JI7S Robprt F. Connor. Vico PruiPpnf ENGINEERING W W W W w w w w w w w ^ w w w

Education Director Named Thursday, Sept. 24, 1964 The Denver Catholic Register Page 13 Bako Salo Sol (St. Anthony Padua Parish At St. Joseph's Hospital News, Denver) .A fall bake sale will be held Sister Mary .Andrew, admin-1 He spent 10 weeks at Peter after all the .Masses this Sun­ jistrator of St. Joseph’s hospital, Bent Brigham hospital in Bos­ day, Sep. 27, in the St. An­ announces the appointment of ton studying renal disease and thony of Padua parish hall. .Marion Edward McDowell, the actual operation of the arti­ This is being s|)onsorcd by the M.D., as director of medical ed­ ficial kidney. Altar and Rosary society. Par­ ucation. ishioners are asked to bring DR. McDOWELL is a Fellow baked goods to the hall on Sat­ DR. McDOWELL was born in of the American College of Phy­ urday from 3 to 6 p.m. . i921 at Torrington, Wyo. He is sicians and a member of the THE AN.NUAL membership ; married to the former Peggy .American Federation of Clinical drive for the Altar and Rosary 'Costin and has two children, Research. .At the present time Society will be held on Sunday, Kathleen, 17, and Bruce, 15. he is commanding officer of the Oct. 4. A membership tea will He was graduated from the; United States .Army Research be bold in the afternoon at University of Wyoming in 1942 and Nutrition laboratory at Fitz- 2:30 o’clock. The monthly meet­ and received his Doctor of Med-i simons General hospital. .At one ing also will be held on that icine degree at the University time he conducted an intern-res­ day. of Rochester School of Medicine ident program in the Army. A spaghetti dinner will he in 1945. He interned at the Uni­ held on Sunday, Oct. 11, from versity of Rochester School of 1 to 7 p.m. in the parish hall. .Medicine and completed his res­ Our Lady of Fatima circle is idency in internal medicine at sponsoring this dinner. Mr. the Strong .Memorial hospital, and Mrs. Thomas LaBarbara receiving his certification by the will make the spaghetti and .American Board of Internal meat balls. Medicine in 1953, The games parlies are being held every Friday in 'the parish Secular Colleges hall starting at 7:30 p.m. THE RETREAT at El Pomar retreat house for the women of Gain Catholics the parish will be held Oct. 16- New York — More than 80 Class Ring Ceremony Gift for Famous Alumnus 118. Reservations can be made per cent of U.S. Catholic col-j with Virginia Montana, the With the prayer, “Our Father in heaven, silver or the ring “once crude and ba.se mater­ lege and university students will j Notre Dame university alumnus William E. Miller, in chairman. through the instrument of your priest You ials but now hammered into beauty symbol­ be on secular campuses during j Dcn\er to speak as the Republican Vice Presidential nominee, • ' hless and thus set aside these class rings for ized the need of mortification and humility," the next 20 years and the num-j expresses his thanks to Jim Hilger, Denver Notre Dame club I a sacred purpose, may each who wears them Father Ling urged the 1965 graduation class ber of priests serving them on a i president (behind him), and other alumni after being presented Your Parish ! be likewise blessed and marked as set aside to let the unending band of the ring remind fi fulltime basis will have in-1 a silver bowl during his recent trip to Denver. This inscription : for a sacred purpose . . Father Richard them of their unending fidelity to God and His was on the bowl; “To William E. Miller in appreciation of his creased ten-fold to meet their 1 Service Station ; Ling blessed the rings of the 59 seniors at law and the importance of their Christian 1 efforts to preserve our American heritage. Denver Notre Dame example. needs. j St. Mary's academy. The blessing of the rings club, 1964." Congressman .Allller was graduated in the class took place after the Mass of the Holy Spirit Father Ling is shown blessing the rings Those were the major points i of 1934. offered by Father Ling, the faculty, and high of the senior class officers, from left, Susan of an article, “Catholics in High-1 Workshop school students at All .Souls’ church. Stewart, Kathy Foley, Peggy McDonald, Pam­ er Education; The Next 201 Spoakor Reminding the seniors that the gold and ela Harmer, and Karen Kehm. Hiddfn Hazard Years" written by two Jeeuit . Noted writer and speaker theology students and published; Traffic dangers arc not al- but have some hidden hazard, on the teaching of religion, ways plainly visible. Serious ac- The good driver thinks ahead The Rev. .Alfred McBride, in the Sept. 19 issue of the Jes-i cidents occur on streets and of his driving at. all times, says 0. Praem., is to conduct a uits’ America magazine. I roads that SEEM to be safe, the State Patrdl. workshop on Tuesday, Sept. ST. JO H N ’S 29, in Denver, for archdioce­ san clergy, as part of the in­ training program for priests CURE d'ARS PARISH “ Howdy" teaching religion in the pa­ E. 37ND a DAHLIA ST. rochial high schools. SUNDAY MASSES Bob's Place Father McBride studied 6 00 - 7:30 - 9:00 - 10:30 - and 12 Noon 300 So. Colo. Blvd. No Evening Mass catechctics at the “Lumen COWTOWN. Vitae” center ;n Belgium, and CONFESSIONS SATURDAY 4:00 & 7:30 COLO. became novice master of St. 3050 Dahlia St. 322-1119 CocUty to Meet Itwo tickets for the Notre Dame- school from 7 to 8 p.m. Norbert Praemonstratensian Air Force Academy football ST PATRICK’S (St. Catherine’s Parish, I The religious inquiry class for abbey, De Pere, Wise. He will game plus $25 for expenses, and adults. Catholic and non-Catho- speak at St. Thomas semi­ Commerce City) !$25 cash. St. Catherine's Altar and Ros-I lic, will meet in the high school nary, Machebeuf high school ARROW ary society. Commerce City,| The following committee building Tuesdays and Thurs­ and Loretto Heights college will hold its first fall meeting chairmen have been appointed days at 8 p.m. while in Denver. TOLVE LIQUORS SERVICE Sept. 24, beginning with Rosary Leonard .A. Tangncy Members of the parish who Dahlia Shopping Center — 3360 Dahlia STATION and Benediction at 7:30 pmm. I President of the Altar and Ros- would like to help carry out the Free Delivery — EA. 2-5977 DRIVE IN WITH CONFIDENCE Officers will be elected, and, ary society, to serve this year: work of the Confraternity of TUNE UP A BRAKE SERVICE Holy Name Parish M (K FLORA JANICE M ( KEY U1 E. Otila Av*. (S. Ufilv. and OMa) • W « « • ^


Page 14 The Denver Catholic Register Thursday, Sept. 24, 1964 Mullen High Goals Mabel Catherine Fouhy Told to Parents (.Mullen High School, Denver) Dies; Charities Worker .A get acquainted tea was held Sept. 20 in the gvm for the par- Mabel Catherine Fouhv. a de- MRS. FOUHY IS survived by u u , , , , , • , . cuts of the Mullen high school Pray for Them voted , worker for numerous a daughter. Mrs. Hal A. Thomp- students charities, died Sept. 7 in Den- son, Denver; a son. Tom S. Har- ver. She was 92. ' rington. , Pa.; and faculty and officers of the men and women’s clubs Interment Ft. Logan National Father Lawrence St. Peter by three grandchildren, 17 Abeyta, Henry, 2940 W, church, Sept. 21. Interment Mt. acted as hosts and hostesses. Holden. Requiem Mass, St. Olivet. Olinger mortuaries. cemetery. Trevino mortuaries. celebrated a Requiem Mass at- great-grandchildren, and many tended by members of the fam- nieces and nephews. Cajetan’s church, Sept. 23. Inter­ Felton, Daniel Lee, son of Mr. Porter, Edward .A., 950 Field IN THE ABSENCE of Brother ment Mt. Olivet. Trevino mor­ and Mrs. Larry Felton. 5310 street, Lakewood. Requiem ily in St. John the Evangelist's ■ ------I church Sept. 10. Burial was ini : Adrian, principal, who was ill. tuaries. Nolan, Arvada. Mass of the High Mass, St. Bernadette’s Brother Barnaby introduced the Bahlay, Andrew, 696 S. Jersey Angels, Our Lady of Grace church. Sept. 19. Interment Mt. ;.Mt. Olivet. Howard mortuaries; Reddish-Attends handled arrangements. ! faculty, officers, and Mrs. John street. Requiem High Mass, church. Sept. 19. Interment Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mortuaries. i Baker, scholarship chairman. Christ the King church. Sept. Olivet. Boulevard mortuaries. Romero, Eugene A., 2302 MRS. FOUHY WAS born Oct. j Legion Convention 19. Interment Mt. Olivet. Boule­ Glshpert, Joyce E., 2898 S. Curtis street. Requiem Mass, 18. 1872. in Houghton. .Mich, She' Marshall M. Reddish served i vard mortuaries. i Ingalls Way. Funeral services Sacred Heart church, Sept. 21. received her early education in as representative of the de-ir,„_„^u*. P'^Sram. Brother Benavidez, Richard, 960 King and interment Indianapolis, Interment Ft. Logan National the Wichita. Kans., school sys- partment of Colorado on thei,_p,, nf'thp^!v>ifn*Hino^nf m n street. Requiem Mass, Pres­ Ind. Bullock mortuary. cemetery. Trevino mortuaries. tem. Americanism Convention com- i ° J entation of Our Lady church. Hanaen, Frank L., 327 Albion Schlueter, Claire B., 10290 W. and Timothy J. Harring mittee during the recent «th,fj grotheroTho^teal^^^ Sept. 18. Interment Mt. Olivet. street. Requiem Mass, Cathe­ 18th place. Requiem Mass. Our ton were married in Kansas in national convention of Ihei school Nickels-Hill mortuary. dral of the Immaculate Concep­ Lady of Fatima church, Sept 1889. She was widowed early. -American Legion in Dallas, „ , She was married to William J. Tex. Hf spoke on scholarships and Billinger, Peter C., Brighton. tion, Sept. 18. 22. interment Mt. Olivet. Requiem Mass, St. Augustine’s Jordan, Mary Josephine, 231 Sena, Domitilla M., 2473 Fouhv in St. Francis de Saies’ This convention committee Mullen, as t col- church. Sept. 23. Interment at j Hooker. Requiem High Mass, Ames, Edgewater. Requiem , church. Denver, in 1913. H e p re - con-sidered a large number of could" ceded her in death in 1925. H e resolutions which deal with the odP the students obtain scho- Brighton. Rice mortuary, Brigh­ ! Presentation church. Sept. 19. Mass, St. Mary Magdalene’s ton. 'Interment Mt. Olivet. Boule- church, Sept. 19. Interment Mt. was an engineer for Continental programs of Boys Nation, the :oii National Oratorical Contest. Bryan, Herbert W., 244 S. ;ard mortuaries. Olivet. Howard mortuaries. ' Klupa, Adaline, 8771 Norwich. ' Mrs. Fouhv was well-known-American Legion baseball, 'he JEFRESHME^^^^^ Zuni. Requiem High Mass, St. Sturtz, Eugene A., 1468 S. Francis de Sales’ church. Sept. ' Requiem Mass, Holy Trinity for her charitable works She ■•^‘’’crican Legion education and . ^^howing the program. Clay street. Requiem High S, . "''■"'“-hipW.P, .nd coun. «. 19. Interment Mt. Olivet. church. Sept. 17. Mass, St. Rose of Lima’s Malsy, Hermine, 2514 Cham­ rter-subversive activities. Canzona, Ann Marie, 4875 church. Sept. 19. Interment at icred Heart Aid society, an or- pa. Requiem Mass, St. Berna­ Hooker. Requiem High Mass, Clinton. la. Boulevard mor­ ganization that included manyi St. Catherine’s church, Sept. 21. dette’s church. Sept. 17. Inter­ tuaries. : Denver charities. Howard mortuaries. ment Mt. Olivet. , She lived at 1564 Franklin Swalde, Angelo J., 4001 Zuni| Cordillo, Charles A., 4761 Eliz­ Martinez, James A., 1236 W. They’re Still Smiling street. abeth street. Requiem Mass, 10th avenue. Requiem Mass, St. street. Requiem High .Mass, Mt. Qreeley Qolden Our Lady of Grace church. Cajetan’s , church. Sept. 22. In­ Carmel church. Sept. 22. Inter-; Sister .Mary Berenice, vice principal of the high school of ment Mt. Olivet. Boulevard Sept. 22. Howard mortuaries. terment Ft. Logan National St. .Mary’s academy, welcomes Joan and Denise E’oley the cemetery. Trevino mortuaries. mortuaries. j LEGAL NOTICE Daggs, Frank W., 1937 first full day of school. .Sept. II. Joan, a St. Mary’s academy Eudora street. Requiem High Martinez, Manuel M., 2303 Theisen, Margaret Mary,: WOODS MORTUARY grade school graduate, will continue her education at St. Mary’s IN TH E COUNTY COURT Adamson Mortuary Paul Robert Smith Mass, Blessed Sacrament Arapahoe. Requiem Mass, 4551 Utica street. Requiem Highj serving families of every faith and In and tor tht City and County of Dtnvtr as a freshman this year. Like all St. Mary’s freshmen she will means tor over 50 years. Sacred Heart church. Sept. 19. Mass, Holy Family church,' and Staff of Colorado 24 Ilnur Anihulanre Service Howard mortuaries. Sept. 21.1 Interment Mt. Olivet. take religion, English, algebra, and world history. No. P-258M Greeley, ('olorad modem fKilities and egutfMnent The seventy-six (76) freshmen students carry additional NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT JACQ UES' Obncina, Marko, 1782 W. Ken­ Olinger mortuaries. fcstafe of AGNACE WATTS, also known H. Ross Adarttson Retd Rf Adamson nih Washington St. CR 9-4S7S tucky avenue. Requiem High Zancanella, Cecilia, 1043 courses in one of three groups: One takes French and Latin: as AGNACE, B. WATTS, and AGNACE Phone 1636 9lh Avf. at 5th St. OoMen, Cotorode BICKNELL McCORMICK WAT IS, Df- BROS. Mass, St. Francis de Sales' Santa Fe drive. Requiem High a second takes either French and speech or Latin and speech; ceasfd. No. P-25806. church. Sept. 23. Interment Mt. .Mass, Mt. Carmel church. Sept. I Notice is hereby given that I have filed a third lakes art and speech and will pick up their language my final report in the County Court of Olivet. Olinger mortuaries. 23. Interment Mt. Olivet. requirements their third and fourth year. the City and County of Denver, Colorado, Oxford, Ross R., 3450 Cook Olinger mortuaries. and that any person desiring to object Denise, a second grade student, hopes to follow in her to the same shall tile written obiection street. Requiem High Mass, sister's footsteps into high school at St. Mary’s. In addition with the said court on or before October Our Lady of Grace church. 6. 1V64. Fort Collins to the basic second grade studies, Denise lakes French and Andrew Wysowateky Sept. 21. Interment Mt. Olivet. G. L. Zurcher Administrator Boulevard mortuaries. ballet. The enrollment at St, .Mary’s academy is 460 students, Ernest F. Gaylord Requiem Held 190 in the grade school and 270 in the high school, an increase Attorney ♦or the estate Pacheco, Diega, 2632 Califor­ 741 Equitable Bldg., Denver 2, Colo. nia. Requiem High Mass. of 60 students over last vear. AM 6-0661 SHINN NORTHERN In Stratton I. (Published in the Qenver Catholic Sacred Heart church. Sept. 18. Reg sier) Requiem High Mass was First Publication: September 3, 1964 P H A R M A a "Noiihtrn Colorado't sung in St. Charles’ church. l.ast Publication: September 24, 1964 “ Your Parish Drug Store" Stratton, Sept. 14, for G. Lee Louisiana Bishop Looking IN THE COUNTY COURT Leading Department Store'' Zucher, a longtime member of in and for the City and County of Denver • Free Delivery Service JERRY BREEN and State of Cotorodo the parish. Mr. Zurcher was No. P-34714 • Charge Accounts Florist 72. NOTICE TO CREDITORS L. C. GRIFFIN, OWNER 12700 W . 44th Av*. For Council Fireworks' Estate of ANNA M. HASKIN, Deceased. «4-7«04 — O P iN DAILY 1521 Champa Pallbearers were William No. P-34714 You Are Always Biythe-Goodrich 0n( block Efit of Mt. Olivtt 2654131 Sterns, Daniel McCormick, - All persons having claims against the Baton Rouge, I,a. — (NC) — ligious liberty, and the question above named estate are required to file Welcome At Shinn's Mortuary Louis Leoffler, James McCor-Bishop Robert E. Tracy has of relations with Jcw.s. Northern lintel Bldg. Ambulance Service %...... mick, Jr.. James Leoffler. and said he is “looking forward to on?r b^forfmeVh Jack W. Goodrich Julius Brock. fireworks” because this session t h e p r e l .4TE AL.SO com barreo”'^ ** HU 2-1035 — IIU 2-1036 HU. 2-3208 of the Second Vatican Council niented on what he* called “the Andrew wysowateky SWIGERT BROS. MR. ZURCHER was borniwill get down to highly explo- m o o d” of thp n s hipr;irfhv ‘ Administrator - * inuuu 01 int U.o. nierdrcnj, (Published m the Denver Catholic June 27, 1892, in Pierce county. sive issues. ’.saying that the first session was Register) Neb. He had been a resident The Bishop of Baton Rouge, g “period of uncertainty” but ’<>• OPTOMETRISTS Last Publication: October 6, 1964 of the Stratton community in a dispatch to the ( athollc second found the Bishop:. since 1920. He was a retired Commentator, Baton Rouge s, making themselves heard in an IN TH E COUNTY COURT Devoted To Your Complete Vision Coro rancher. and fur tht City and County of Otnver Colorado Springs C-atholic newspaper, and to the effective way. and Staff of Colorado Georgia Bulletin of the Atlanta: it, o. Probatt No. P-31712 He was a veteran of World ,7^. .. , Of the first session he said. archdiocese, said the controver- NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT OPTICIANS War I. U S. Bishops tended to see K cu -M n the matter of the estate of MARY j sial issues include the world col- „ 7 7 /.;,” 7,7 ” ■ . ‘. . ' g GARGAN a r g a n c o o p e r , siw known I H. W. SWIGERT Jr„ O.D. RICHARD YARROW MR. ZUR('HER is survived legiality of the Bishop.s,BishoD.s rere- . ... ^ m MARY a r y g G. c o o p e r , D «»a «-d . REALTY learned about in Chureh history Estate of Mbry Gargan cooper, also I H. W. ODIL, O.D, FRED SMALDONE by his wife, Jennie; four daugh- classes. 'assemblies to be ^ cooper, Deceased. ters, Helen Sienski and Julia Darrell Skelton MAY INSURANCE I'lewed with awe from afar. Notice is hereby given that I have filed. CO. Ann Suvada, both of Denver; making infallible pronounce- /I'?®* county court of' 1550 California St. 534.5819 Ro.semary Cox, Westminster; . , , the City and County of Denver, State of 725 NO. TEJON I Elected Kiwanis iments. fulminating anathemas, I Colorado, and that any person desiring to and Rita Vinduska. Stratton, a land on the whole verv formida- written Phone 633-7731 Colorado Springs tui 1. * A 1 I obiection with the said Court on or be- brother, Rex Zurcher, Stratton; Division Leader ble an\- way you chose to look October i», hm. and a sister, Irene McCormick, New lieutenant governor of , at them Justin Gargan Executor of said Estate i Stratton. Division three of the Rocky To find one S self directly m- (PuNished in the Denver Catholic | Mountain district, Kiwanis In­ volved in such an hi.stoical set- ,, PHIL LONG, INC. . First Publication: Seotember 10. 1944 Electrical Sister Stationed ternational. is Darrell J. Skel­ ling was rather unsettling to say Last Publication: October 1, 1964 Construction Co. ton. a member of Our Lady of the least at first," he wrote. NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION • Estlmatfs The following described articles will be • Strvkt Cans fse Fatima parish, Lakewood. The second session was quite • Modemlutten • Raasanablc Here Eight Years , , . . pnver Catooiic Kiowa and Te)on Streets ' .sociated w ith qm>Stions which will most great--First P--Oliratlnn: September to. 1964 I the First Na­ ly affect the life of the Church pmai Pubikation: October i, 1944____ tional Bank 4Df for many years to come." IN THE COUNTY COURT Zeclia A Adams Boulder and In Mnd for ttit City tnd County of Ooovor SHEARER HARDWARE tnd Stott of Colorode 1 CONOCO SIRVICi STATION This is it.. . our annual Sale of the First Na­ No. P-32446 2329 East Plotle j Largest Selection in the I tional Bank of NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT : Denver. He ,EsMtt of EILEEN M. ROGERS. 0« ME. 2-7288 Sales . . . with big savings on I Rocky Mountain Area I joined the No *» 32446 ▼ i American Na­ Notice is hereby givtrt that I have filedffl I1 M )1 OKADO I’.nilMiS Nevada Av*. at Cache ta Peurtra (1 mile L of M t. Olivet) mv fma* report in t v County Court ot I I I tional Bank in »»icKael Callalia* i ihe C'tv and County of Denver. Colorado, "Denver” depenclable merch­ Charles McFadden \ ; 1963. He and his wife. Ann, are ano that arty parson desiring to object to : Stanley Hall t v same shall file written obiection with ■ the parents of a son and daugh- t v said court on or before October ?o, ‘‘Colorado Springs’ Finest and Most Modem” HA. 4-4477 . ter. 1964 andise . . . at all 4 "Denvers" s/ Virkcent A Rnoers Executor Jack Levine (Thp Cam iSnrtua^ Attornev for tv estate . . . Downtown, Cherry Creek, 1507 .Mile High C*nter, 1700 Broadway Matnbtr by imrita«4a ^ National Selected Morticians Denver. ColOrMo |so known as Elizabeth Paveka, Deceased. No P-J2671 i Notice is hereby given that I have filed I bargains galor... on ready-to- For Funerals my final report in the County Court of € t v City and County of Denver. Cotorodo. eixj that any person desiring to oWect to Chief Squire t v same shall file written obiedton with IAMBLER Hoadquortors wear, home needs . . . many *V said court on or before October 22. 1964 Park Chapal Park Avenue Chapel Earl Meis. son of .Mr. ami Jessie L. Clinton - - i - “ items throughout our stores. W m I 46th and Tennyson East 17th and AAorion Mrs. .Vdolpb Meis of 980 Executrix Lowell blvd., will be installed Bnrr.artJ E Engler ot ontfoiica of eorkoloy Pork at Pork Avenue Attsmev fo' tv estate as Chief Squire of the Colum­ 434 Maiestic BKJg. 433-4425 232-1851 Denver, Colorado 80202 bian Squires in the council 536^ 539 clubhouse. 1555 Grant (Published In the Denver Catholic street. .All Knights of Colum­ Register) . First Publication- Snptember 17, 1964 bus are in\itod. {Last Publication: October IS. 1764 A TTiu'scfay, Sept. 24, 1964 The Denver Catholic Register Page 15 What They Are Saying Priest Barks judgement that membership by| that the John Birch Society de- to, an informed Roman Catho-, Basically, the John Birch Sen working for the betterment of cil, John Birch Society, Letter am is one more heartening At Birch Bile Catholics in the John Birch So-, mands, “espousal of certain doc- lie confession.” In brief, the ciety is a voluntary association| the world community of nations, to The Advocate, Nbwark, N.J symbol of the warm ecumeni­ ciety is forbidden and that the‘trines, both implicit and expli- John is charged of .Americans to combat collC-i Beyond the issue of Catholics Hey, Nennyl cal relations which have devel­ Editor: Blue Book of the John Birch; cit, which are, at the very least, with heresy or quasi-heresy, tivism. and especially under its as iU members, the John Birch oped over the last decade in The author or authors of The Society is a forbidden book. He incompatible with and, in some iNothing could be further fromi better known names, Sociaism Society urges all of its non-Cath- Editor: our community. No one mis­ "Question Box” express their or they argue from the premise instances, in open contradiction the truth. and Communism. .And these vol­ olic members to conform to •As a nonpartisan, I am non­ takes the sincerity which accom­ unteers are periodically cau- their religious beliefs so as to plussed by all these discussions panies the Cardinal’s good wish­ ! tioned never to follow apt sug­ bring to their temporal actions regarding the number of non- es for the success of the “Cru­ gestion under the John Birch’ a spiritual goodness which will Catholic children who attend sade,” in which he is joined by Society’s program if tint sug- enhance their actions as mem­ non-tax-supported schools. I be­ all religious men of goodwill. MARKET PLACE RENTING*HIRING , gestion is contrary to the reli­ bers with morality, integrity and come confused when 1 read fig­ ures enumerating the non-white, This does not suggest, howev­ OF MILLIONS BUYING'SELLING gious beliefs and the conscience high purpose. er, that Catholics will wish to ■ W A N T A D S of the indi'vidual. . non-red, and non-black students This is not heresy, any more attending nonsegregated nonpri­ participate actively in the rally In plain and simjle English, than is the exhortation for Boy vate and nonpublic schools. — only that they rejoice in the the John Birch Sockty urges its Scouts to work for God and When I hear of the nonviolent, opportunities provided for fellow Phone 825-1145 Today to Place Your Clasiified Ad in the Register — Ask for the Classified Department Catholic members h be faithful country or for American Le- noncooperative techniques being Christians who are conscientious to the Church’s precepts and gionaires to work for God and used by New York’s noncon­ ■followers of the Protestant evan­ teachings — nrj. to disavow country or for school children formists so as to proclaim non- gelical tradition. In this spirit New Classified Ad Deadline . . . them. And this jicludes the en­ to pledge their allegiance to a compliance with tlie nonrestric- we wish Dr. Graham and his tire gamut of teachings from Republic, under God. tive combination of nonresiden- follower! every success. — (The N O W —Tuesday at 5 p.m. catechism to eicycllcals. The John Birch Society simply tial students in nonsectarian Pilot, Boston) In its literature the John urges its members to bring their nonparish schools, I find it dif­ Only Want Ads reeeiv»*d by phone or mail before 5 P.M. Tuesday can be puhiished in the current week’s paper Pootnotas Birch Society emphasizes, as do religious fervor and faith to bear ficult to remain noncoramital: upon their work to stem the May nonassertiveness be non­ The Uses of the Vernacular: the teachingt of the Church, the tide of collectivism which threat­ recurring! Letter to Cincinnati In explaining the new English HELP WANTED— FEMALE SITUATIONS WANTED 12 MISC. FOR SALE 44 TRUCKS FOR SALE 60 integrity of the individual, his ens the God-given integrity of Catholic Telegraph from Dick ritual, one diocese has an­ FEMALE No more battery trouble for the life of blessed rote in family and com­ the individual, the blessings of Biow). nounce that it will allow Catho­ AA»«..e. ^fii your car wlfh VX-4. Unconditionally Mountain Parish Mature woman will care for Infant or gygranteed Only $3.00. CARLIN, 1534 munity Ufe, and his reliance family life, and the true broth- lics to be baptized, anointed. . . child In my honre. )466 So. Ogden. 722- Walcemal Needs 1137. W. 34th, Denver. WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE upon G«d’s Providence. The erhooid of society — (Rev. Fran­ and buried in a language they cis E. Fenton, Bridgeport, Cardinal Cushing’s warm wel­ will understand. — (Catholic Re­ HOUSEKEEPER Wanted child care In my home. ^e»t- Drapes and a pair of upholstered chain. “OUR PRESENT STOCK" John Birch Society urges the mlnster area. 7321 Canosa Court. 424- China cabinets, smalt table and chair. individual to be a good citizen. Conn., Member, National Coun­ come to Evangelist Billy Grah­ view, Baltimore) Must Have Own Transporta­ 5234. 322 4640. 14 New 1964 GMC tion. Write c/o The Register Freezer — 13 cu. ft. chest type, almost From to 2 Tons new Left hand door refrigerator. Mis­ Box L-7 938 Bannock FURNISHED ROOMS Alto 35 used Commercial, at cellaneous children's clothes. Infant to 3 FOR RENT 20 years sizes. Call 355-6289. Your Lakewood GMC Franchised Oeaiai HELP WANTED FEMALE Furnished rooms for rent, private and double. Business women, students, work­ FURNITURE FOR SALE 47 Your Parish Real Estate Guide Exp«rl#n<») lypitti, itmo*. o«lce ing girls. Franciscan Sisters, St. Rose CLEMES M OTOR CO. Conveniently located with-ln. 1964 WHITE «ri rweurd lmm»dl*f#lv for /omporory Excellent condition, will sacrifice for 5555 West Colfax Av«. oftict work. few blocks of the downtown business 3— All Sauls 16 41— SI*. Potor A Pmml district. 623^11. $10.00 cash. 825-SOeo. 1 V, MANPOWER^ INC. 23 yrt. at the same locatloa (Ore««woo4 yillofu) (WbooIrMfa) Kg 4-72IS 1SS4 CaUfomla SINGER CONSOLE / BOARDING R O O M I N G Complete machine in 4 drawer Walnut I e x e c u t iv e HOME AGED 2 2 ’ cabinet. First $20.00 takes it. i OUTSTANDING HOME MA 3-1566 AUTG PARTS 64A This luxJry home has iust been llste We specialize In Northwest Oenvtr. PAULA INC. FRAME— full finished basement. 1 car kitchen, large fenced yard with DENVER, COLORADO. Arvada, lakewnod and Wheatridge Raal P.O. BOX 1915 garage. Wall to wall carpet— fenced yard ir Estate Prompt, courteous saies^ *ervica. DENVER, COLORADO — FHA appraised. 517,500. KEN, 751-0303 ! u Vi income property. 3346 Jay. 238- Cook wanted for convent. 2 nwals dally. Your local realtor tor 20 years. lA K h Live In. Cell 322-M79. STACKHOUSE k EALTY or 355-0579. 1538 3535 W. Mth Ave. OR. M47I BOOKS FOR SALE 82 40 HELP WANTED BrUunnlca. 54 tdlMon. Orutt Beoki et ttM PAR-MAC REALTY i 41— Sis. Peter A Pawl SEWING MACHINES 40 Wuitem World. NBWI E ld i Mt (300.00 T s: MALE a FEMALE 7A The West's Ttachcri award. Call aftur 7:00 PM. or (Wheotrldf#) SINOIR SLANT NEEDLE bafore 1:00 4.M. waakdayi or all day 6— Bienod Sacramaiit Assume small monthly payments Sundays. The Number by the Parish Heading Over Each 244*6450 Larges,f 1932 FAIRFAX 4 bedroom brick, 2 baths, family i Ad it the Key to its Ideation on the .Map. size kitchen. Livingroom with MISC. FOR SALE 44 BY OWNER ' CAB Seidetion 3 btdroom brick. 7 itery Cdlenlal. Csr-i fireplace, drapes and carpeted. For Sale, combination TV, radio, racord pettd throughout, remodtltd kitehon. 1'/5| 29— SI. Prancit da Salas 36— St. Uwis playar. Like new. Admiral cabinet, Finished rec. room, laundry bttlu, finlihod rec. room. Patio. Garage. I (Inflowaad) DRIVERS $100.00. 455*2494. Priced from OUR HOME & INCOME room, office. Covered patio, 3 St. Pater A Paul school uniformi 7, 10, 335 WASHINGTON. Nice 2 bdrm. home double garage and close to Yellow Cab needs and has 12, reasonable. I want St. Phil's uniforms CALL NOW OWNER LEAVING TOWN with 2 smell rental units In bsmt. $11,- sizes I & 10. 381 3664. SOUTHERN HILLS schools. Phone 422-6035. immediate openings for 100 333-0691 950. JOE RAY, 744-2184 or 297-5433. full time and 125 part time Girls Pep Club sweater and skirt. WANT 3370 E. FLORA PL. Brick home with Machebeuf. Size 9 to 10. Nine dollars. 4 i Blaasod Sacramant 3 large bedrooms, living room with fire* 43 St. BhllemeiMi drivers. If you are between 364*3646. place, diningroom, covered patio, best-; COLONIAL 2.STORY VanSchaack&Co. ment has finished rec. room. Attached the ages of 21 and 55 years Georgous formal and semi-formal for $ 1 8 9 5 BIOI BIOI — HUGEI I I double 2 car garage, fenced yard. St. LARGE FAMILY? Homt Comings or Proms. Like new. 275 Univ. Blvd. REALTOR 277.57H Mary's school bus stop at cdmtr. of age, and have a good Reatoneble, call after 6 P.M. 433*7529, 2044 BELLAIRE ADS 4 bqarooms, 3 firaplacas, 3 baths, 2 sun- / •65 STEELE knowledge of the city and a size 7 to 9. 39— St. Francis da Salas 756-5360 Delivered in Denver VOfbs. Largo saptratt dining room, liv- Large Bungalow on corner lot ha* living- good safety record, also if SINOIR DIAL ''A" STITCH ingroom with box beamed celling. Den room, diningroom, lun, music and break­ on main floor, finished basement with OPEN SUN. 2-4 Zigzags, monograms, darns, mends and 37— St. Mary’s (LitHeteM) fast room*. Large kitchen. 3 larM bed­ you want year round income wine cellar. 2 car garage with servants Older 2 story brick home. Large living room* and 1 small bedroom, full bath, makes buttonholes. Sews on buttons end qutrttrs above. Lots of living and priced from a pleasant outdoor type makes many fancy decorative stitches, G E T . ^ room, dining room ( kitchen on 1st floor. $400 DOWN - $100 Par Mo. all on main fleer. Wall te wall carpeting. jt In the 20'a. BOB STEVENS, 38S-0037. 3 bdrms. ( new bath on 2nd floor. job. Apply personnel office— all without buying attachments. Assume m ______You carf own and enjoy a family room Full finished semi-basement wtth 4 bed- 3 payments of $4.01 or $7.50 cash. TA 5* Only S1I.500. Ask for LBN SCHACK, 277- kitchen. Newly carpeted living room* 2 reams, iterege, furnace and large laundry 5080. f t P R I I U N G L. C. Fulenwider, Inc. 5000, res. 333-2112. large bedrooms. 1 bath and 1 car roams. 4« batt& Hot water heat, 330 w guaranteed. 5040 E. 11th Ave. at Fairfax rina Free aillmetei rate*. Henry (ewlekl, 427-^1 39— St. Pramis de Seles 44 ft* Rote ef Uimi SHAFFER’S RUBBISH L1NOIJ5UM AND 507 E. Alameda / SH 44»00 Built-In electric kitchen, 2 bath*, excal- REMOVAL lant condition. Carpeting and drape*, 37— ft. Mery*s t i i j : s e r v ic e , in c . TRASH HAULING NEAR CHURCH AND SCHOOL COMMERCIAL AND R G patio. Reaaonably pricad. Will sell FHA (LHHeteN) Call «SI-t774 tot AfPOINTMINT Free Eillm alet- HOME AND INCOME RESIDENTIAL <' Ouewteed milai'etlon TRASH HAULING Immaiulple 3 badrabm brick. Full ' ’35ee Lipen (treat 45S-7nx > NEW ROOFfc^BPAIRS Any Place m Metropolitan Danvtr Why pay rent? Own this cute 2 bedroom REA.SONABLE RATES JelNi LeOuerdte All Work/(ju,„nfeed " ^ADVANCE REALTY brick home. 2 car garage* fireplace* plus $18,500 ba*amaiH, afams dean and windawt, K. Terms — R ,,* Estimate* Day or Night CaMa EA. 2*3558 3 room apartment. Will sell or trade for Immecvlate 3 beUroam brtcR. Rlectrlg drapa*. laauilfalhf landaeapad. Cen- AL. 5-3310 T V 544t5 388-6389 2430 High Street smaller home in good location. TOM range *n4 oven In Itmlly kltdten. Perm, vaalanl la tbafpln t cantar*. ichael* Mtmbar of our of Grace P«rl*h ERES* GR 7-4328. el blnlngroom. wall to wall ce*pet enS BEAUTY SALON HEATING 14— Meet Prociawe Bleed drape*. Pull baiement, attacheR garage. and but llna. f a c a lt^ naighbarbaed. STUCCO REPAIRS TREE SERVICE A perk like yerd. Unetetructad meun- A**uma law Inlaratl laan. Na cla*lng Now opened tor business at 1547 Paorla DUNKLEE REALTY, CO. laln view. To *ee 355 W. PtAKVIEW ia«ta and $97.00 par aw. lariy pa*- LA VEDA'S BEAUTY SALON. 35441551 MIL! HI Teat iiavici 2309 SO. JACKSON REALTOR call JENNIE B. NAU. Exparlancdd optralori. Open by appoint, Tree* - Ihrubi - Bvtrgreen* Trimmed, BY OWNER. 3 btdroom brick. IM bath*, 534-5171 •ae«ian. ment. Evtnings. Plastering, Stucco Removed.' Heavy power 'ewlpmont, Lie living room with fireplact, " L " shape ^'Member of 81. Therete Perish" FOLEY HEATING mon. Free MARK I, REALTY Intured. EkperleneM dining room. 17 ft. kitchen, den. M 31— St. James yiwdOiH de Bavl eetlmete*. 223451A finished paneled basement. Rec. room 3754M1 BRICK WORK and/ Waterproofing with wet bar, 1 bedroom, bath, study UPHOLSTERERS and -fruit ctllar. Reol covarad patio, BEAUTIFUL MONTCUIR 37— ft. Mery’s Chimneys • Steps - Porches Zs/year* Experience Ntor Church 8 School WE FIX encloaed breeiway, 2 car attached ga- 3 bdrms., nice kitchen with eating space, (Lltrietee) 'Tuck Pointing Re.Upiiol*tirlne bit • rolldble Arm. raga with working space. separate dining* tile bath 8* bsmt. $17*500. 9 3 4 -9 4 0 8 year* experlanco-Termt-T e Attractive home with 2 fire­ Repairing Smoky Fireplaces NATIONAL UFHOLrriRV 7M-4455 JOE RAY, home 744-2182 or office 297- 40 Years of Know How 314$ Court FL lO-ISTl S433. (11 OL) FIREPLACE FOR WINTER places, 2 car garage, patio, Call Mr. McLean, 333-2839 (NO CURE — N O PAY) Broclam Bleed 3rd. & 4th bedroom in full TV SERVICE-APPLIANCES HAPPY HOMES ARfEA NEED HEAT? BUILDERS 4 CONTRACTORS 2 STORY COLONIAL VonSchoack&Co. Immeculete 3 bedroom name. BtiUt-ln finished basement. 1555 So. kitchen, lull betemenl with finlaheg bad- CALL TA-S-S107 "Sight and Suiiiid Our Spn i.illt" 4 bBdroomi. 20 ft. electric kitchen. Main m univ. Rlvd. REALTOR 377.5Ne Columbine. 756-2530 floor family room. (Fireplace) Full base* reem, 3 place bath, 11x30 rec. ream. ment, bretttwty to double garage. Only Carport, club hov*e M heck yard. U. BUILDING and CONTRACTING 31— it. James 44 I ft* Viwiewt de feel AL'S APPLIANCES 8 yeort old. tl9,9S0. Vacant. MRS. HOYT, AAery* *choel bu* dap an comer. All Far Any Remedeling In Your HOME REMODELING 7S6-2764. thl* tor only I15JM. Sales .(nd Servicf all makes Heme— InsMt er Out— 1211 so. COLUMBINE Commerce City’s Brick, 4 bedrooms. 2 ^ bsths, St. Mary's school bus stop or comer BAUMAN REAin from Ihi* 3 bedroom home. Built-In Vi BLOCK TO ST. VINCENT’S Fine TV and Appliance Service CALL MR. McLEAN 2SX-hop*. No. McLEAN MBMBBR ¥ ST. MARY'S FARIIH ONE DOLLAR SPECIAL 2 bdrms., family room. Attached ga­ Rvengelist 5 bu* ling. Price, $18,500. CURTAIN CLEANERS CONSTRUCTION & rage. Beautifully landscaped. , 3818 So. Broadway 719-0541 HOME IMPROVEMENT To Introduce You to the Register Classified Section I 1124 so. UNIVERSITY FRANCIS I ACE CUR IAIN Ct EANERS. 5 BDRMS. — $21,750 Reol Volue Here. Older 3 bedroom CURTAINS, CROCHETED TABLE $11,250 I CO. 3 7 i-^ . Mary’s (UfHelea) brick home. Diningroom, lorge CLOTHS, DRAPERIES, BLANKETS. VNWWWWWVWWW FOR $1.00 YOU GET 20 WORDS OR LESS 2 story, 3 bedrooms, bath, 2nd floof. SPREADS. LINENS CLEANED BY LAT­ SCHROEDER & WEAVER 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch* bath 1st kitchen, bo*ement, 2 cor garage. V, EST m e t h o d s , h a n d p r e s s e d o n l y . TO BUY, SEU OR SWAP l34-n73 floor. Full seperatf dining room. Speci­ LIVABLE I ENJGYABLS block to St. Vincent * *chool. Price 1357 KAIAMATH. TA. MS27. HOME REPAIR ous modem kitchen. Full beaement has big family room, 2nd flrtplece. A1 con­ 3 bedmern brkk ranch. IM bath*, large $12,900 — with GOOD TERMS. DECORATING HOME REPAIRS 36 ft. Catherine dition throughout. Double garage. W family kitchen with utility. Enloyable This offer good for Ckmifiod Section only. block to St. John's. i living room carpeted and dripad. LhriWa DELTA REAL ESTAn, IN C • Home Repair* p Painting | Extra nict 3-bedroom brick home. 4* 331 aeyten REALTOR 377-353S Pelnttng I. Oecoreling, speetillilno In o Carpentry 1 L. W. ARCHER, CO. 388-0427''’'"''^ ™*"*'*^ flrepiect. Puii be**r^ reeMenflei work. Cell tnytime. 2 5 5 .^ Does not apply to Real Estate Display with 3 or more bedroom*, t with ftra- a Ceolneiwork a Fetch PleatarSng piece tile both. Carpets ond dropts placa. Rec. room with garden level ELECTRIC WIRING J, M. ailKHMAN Advertising. included, full bosement, 2*cor go- 33— fl. John the window*. Frent driv* Into a two car "the Handymen" attached garagt. Newly planted tret* In Tbd flniM Hdtdo bdrt ddMrva All Work Guaranteed rage, on 2 lovely lots. Call MtS. I v a e 9 e l i s t no volts, rtmodtiing. rtpeirs. C«il eny 3511 eixnre SI. EA| },jtx front yard and fenced back yard. Call to be remembered wlwn yeu ere time. BM 6-0161. FfMY. 433*0562. MARGARET HAILES, 777-1755. dletiibwtlnf yevr petrenefe In Jim Dwyer Electric FILL IN COUPON 1 WORD PER BOX IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ibe diTferedi llnet ef bvttnee*. LINEN SERVICE CULLEN REALTY GAHS & CO. REALTORS OUHERS OWNER MUST SACRIFICE WESTERN 4334351 44m at a t y 435-4177 This 12 year old 3 bedroom brkk home. 7n-i3M TOWEL SUPPLY Cin, Full finished basement plus all appli­ 36— ft. Cfrtheriee’s ances. Double garage and covered petk. 39— at. BdriiMc 1710 Sa B rM w iy 733-5591 735 Josephine is now priced at $20.95(1 Oottars, Spouts Call KEN EGAN, 322-6708. PAINTING FGR SALE BY GWNER NO DOWN GI We (pectakn m Getter end 6 BEDROOM HOME Spent Geelecement. 3 bedroom brick home. Hanha^od floors MOORE REALTY dettera Cnaaed and Pekmne INSIDE and OUT. 377 Saaar ilxd. 7334511 2233 W. 3Mi AVE. Gapelred. mate*. Call 744-I475. John O'O throughout. kk finished b«$emenl. Thoroughly ExperleiKen. covered $creened-in pftlo. F#f>c*d v»rd 33— St. Jehn the I Large family home on 3 - (R-3) Dependeble. Guaranteed PAINTING A DECORAT with bMutitutly matured shrubbery. ilots. Fenced. Double garage. From drive. Near church, school* but Eveefelist 1 Patio. and thopping. For Inlormetlon call. 433- Anwrkm Roofing PAPEKING-STBAMIN STACKHOUSE (REALTOR) Our Nrsondhud TEXTURING- 759 DETROIT ShM t M otoi Co. Interior A ExUtrior CLIP $1.00 TO IT A N D M AIL TO BY OWNER. 3 bedrooms, living room 477-1678 wurTfw OTPi num ui PAINTING The firms listed here wtth fireplace* separate dining room, "AR Wert eperpoeer ' Qassified Actverlising, The Register finished basement has targe rec. room CR 4-84M 3159 Dowaing deserve to be remembered with fireplace. '4th bedroom and addition­ After 5 Gm. IU TGIU MOUNTAIN EMPIRB Box 1620, Denver 1, Colo., or phoi3e H In to KE. 4-4205 when vou are distributini al bath. 2 car garage* summer house s e i ' L l I Member ol All SouN' PerUh OeCORATORS I ar$d fireplace on back lawn. For appoint­ »» 1744 ’'VllTS your patronage in the ment to view, call ferent lines of business. M91f Page 16 The Denver Catholic Register Thursday, Sept. 24, 19*4 St. Philomena's M en Plan sSeiy'fo^aeive New Schedule for Year Communion Together

(St. Philomena’s Parish, f o l l o w im ; t h e M.\SS, a M. Pohl. C.SS.R., and the Rev. (Sacred Heart Parish, Denver) bership drive from Sept. 28 to Denver) buffet .supper will be served. .\f- Edward Nugent. C.SS.R., will be The .Altar Sodality of Sacred Oct. 9. T«e St. Philomena Holy Name ter a short meeting concerning continued next week for the men Heart Parish will receive Com­ The Room Mother circle will Mens club is initiating a new of the parish. The .Masses will munion corporately Sunday. the business of the Men's club meet Oct. 5 in Sodality hall at scheoile and program for its be at 6. 6:45. and 7:30 a.m. Sept. 27. in 1110-7:30 a m. Mass. 7:30 p.m. Hostessds are Rose meetiigs this year to make the a well-known speaker will be Evening services will be at 7:30 There will be breakfast and Lopez. Mrs. \V. Baca and Mrs. session; more interesting and featured. o’clock. a business meeting, the first of C. Hernandez. more vtal for men of the par- Father Owen J. McHugh, the season, in hall below church Members of the school facul­ ish. chaplain of .Mercy hospital, will .A series of lectures in Cath­ immediately after Mass. Offi­ ty are Sister Jean Elizabeth, On Suniay, Oct. 11. all men address the first four sessions, olic doctrine will be given by cers will be elected. superior and eighth grade: Sis­ of the pa-ish will convene iiiiThe meeting will conclude at Father Leonard Urban begin­ ter Ellen Rita, and Sister Ann the new sihool hall for Mass iT^O p.ra. .\ll men of the parish ning Tuesday, Oct. 6, in the rec­ THE PTA will hold its mem- Paul seventh grade; Betty and Corporite Communion at 5 16 years of age or older are tory conference room. Washington, si.xth grade; Sister p.m. Subsetpent meetings will urged, to participate: The classes will be held on Cathrine Regina, fifth grade; be held on Voly Name Sunday Tuesdays and Fridays for 10 Fleming Sets Sister Ann Martin, fourth and every three npnths on Jan. 10. THE REDE.MPTORIST Mis- weeks from 7:30 to 8:15 p.m. fifth grades; Sister Helen Seton, April 11, and July 11. sion given by the Rev. Joseph Anyone interested — Catholic or Final Plans fourth grade; non-Catholic — is invited to at­ Sister Nora William and Fern tend. For Festival Dent, third grade; Sister Marie Forty Hours' Devotions The Couples Bowling league Virginia and Mrs, Rose Marie will be held every Wednesday (St. Peter’s Parish, Fleming) Dudley, second grade; Sister at 8 p.m. in the Mile-Hi Bowl­ Final plans for the annual fall Fran'ces Eleanor and Sister Ann ing center. 1675 Pennsylvania festival, which will be held Oct. Frederick, first grade. SeheJuled at Leadville street. Interested couples who 4, were completed by St. Peter’s '(.Annunciation Parish, .Monday evening. Sept. 21, in want to bowl should contact First Meeting Leadville)^ the school hall. The three new ■Mrs. George Pugh, 322-2905. or .Altar and Rosary society, Flem­ The annual Forty Fours De­ members of the faculty were .Martin Jepkes. 333-5322. ing. which met this week- in the (St. Theresc’s Parish, .Aurora) Mrs. James R. McCoy, chair­ votions will begin in Annun­ introduced. Plans were outlin­ parish ball. /The new officers of St. ciation church. Leadville; on ed for the group’s activities for man of the bridge marathon, .A chicken /dinner will be Therese .Altar and Rosary so­ Citizens’ Day of SI. Jamas’ Saturday evening, Sept. 26. the coming year. has asked all interested players served from 0:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. ciety will preside at the first They will close at 7:33 p.m. A “Vocation Plaque" is on to contact her at 333-9455 for During the afternoon there will meeting of the fall season on Taking part in Citizens’ day ceremonies at Marie, Gerald Dennie, and Sister Rosiat Monday. order and will be installed on more information on the wom­ be various entertainment includ­ en’s afternoon, evening, and Sept. 24 in the school basement St. James’ school, Denver, are Cub Scouts of Marie. After the Cub Scouts presented the The Rev. Michael Cair. of the wall of the sanctuary up­ ing games, cake walk, fancy evening mixed bridge groups. following recitation of the Ros­ Pack 96 and members of the school faculty. colors, the 650 pupils attending sang the “Star the Congregation ol Holy Ghost on its arrival. The Rev. James work booth and other games. Fathers, near Glenwood B. Hamblin, pastor, has pro­ The groups meet once a month At the close of the afternoon, ary at 7:45 p.m. The boys folding the flag are, from left, Ray Spangled Banner.’’ The ceremonies were held Springs, will be speaker at all posed this plaque, that those and the charge is SI per person. the main award w;jll be held Gerken, Richard Taylor, David Zalewski, and Sept. 20. .An interesting program is evening services, and will give boys and girls from this parish This’ is a fund-raising • project with valuable presentations be­ planned and refreshments will Mark Wolfgang. Looking on are Sister Donata the sermons at all the Masses who have given their lives to for the school. ing offered. Every one is invited be served. on Sunday, .Sept. 27. religion in past years, may be to attend and bring friends. The new officers are: St. James’ Parish FATHER CARR was a mis­ honored by having their names THE FIRST PTA meeting of Father James Purfield led the President. .Norma Dorn; vice sionary in Kilimanjaro, Africa, placed upon it. the school year will be held group in recitation of the Ro­ president, K a/ Westerman; rec­ for 14 years; he is now voca­ PARISHIONERS have been Monday, Sept. 28. ,at 1:15 p.m. sary at the meeting, at which ording secretary, Mary Minson; Young Theresians Receive Charter tion director for the Holy Ghost asked to help provide Father in the new school hall. Mrs. Jack Kohnen. president, corresponding secretary, Lola Fathers. with any names of former Mrs. John Nemmers. program presided. ^ Wallace: treasurer, Evelyn (St. James’ Parish, Denver) der Canyon. Fathers leading the ^ should call Ethel Hickey at 322- members of the parish who chairman, will introduce the At the close of the session a Carelli; ways and means, Joan The Young Theresians of St Scouts on the hike and camp-10187. St. Mary’s PTA held its fhtst have become eithe. priests or faculty. Father Urban will be food shower was given for Fa­ Price; auditor, Pat Greene; James' parish received their out were Jo.seph Watkins and I The dues are $1 per couple meeting for the school ye» Sisters. the guest speaker. ther Purfield. and historian, Lucille Maurello. charter from the national Thc- Robert Pois.son. per game played. Couples will resians organization in ceremon­ The St. James’ couple bridge,be starting in October, playing ies held Sept. 12. group is looking for men mem-[with one other couple each The Very Rev. Monsignor El- bers. Those who wish to join: month through April. wood C. Voss of Pueblo, nation­ al director of the Theresians, encouraged the girls to be faith­ Cure d'Ars School Faculty ful to their commitment. Assignments Are Announced HE SAID, “Like the ambitious |(Cure d’Ars Parish, Denver) : Helen Lane; safety, Maurice pioneers who made of America Faculty members at Cure IDuhaime; program, Uene Gar- a dream as well as a country, d’Ars school for the coming idell; publicity, Naomi Zinns; our Catholic lay women and school year are as follows: jbook rental, Cordie Plymell and girls are pioneers who make of Grade one. Sister Cyril and Regina Hastings; symphony, the Sisterhood a dream as well Mrs. Frances Dwyer: grade 2, Jan Daley; as an apostolate.’’ Sister Margaret Ann and Mrs. Teachers aide representative, Virginia Siegle, executive sec­ Marcela Edwards; Grade Grace Horvat; CPTL represen­ retary of the Theresiank, pre­ three. Sister Rita Charles and tative, Jean Mangione; head sented the charter and Paula Mrs. Joan Hagan; Grade four. room mother, upper division, Hutman, president of the St. Sister Judine and Mrs. Ann Jenny Wagner; head room James’ unit, accepted it. Habas, substituting for Mrs, mother, lower division, Ann Ruby Walsh; Vestal; cafeteria aide chair­ Present as honorary guests man, Colleen Mayerle; Christ­ were Mrs. T. Raber Taylor, di­ Grade five, Harriet Noter- mann; Grade five and six, Sis- mas party. Flora Tolve; First rector of the young Theresians Communion, Mary Hogan; pan­ in Colorado, and Mrs. Kenneth iter Joseph Ann; Grade six, Bar- Ibara Hale; Grade seven, Mrs. try shower, Thelma Daniluk; Cavins. president of the adult odds and ends, Mary Lou group. I Margaret Burrow and David j Paradis; Grade eight. Sister M. Growney: Junior Great Books. In November, 1963. 12 high Patrick. Isabelle Turner; and food pro­ school girls, under the leader­ Ray Johnson will teach music gram, Helen Noah. ship of Sister Charles Marie as and choir, and Glen Corrigan is moderator, became the first the new grade school coach. REGISTRATION FOR the young Theresian unit in Denver. CCD religious instruction The girls pledged themselves THE FOLLOWING have vol­ classes for students in public to make a weekly holy hour and unteered to serve as PTA offi­{schools will be held again next to pray daily for an increase of cers and chairmen; Sunday in the school lobby, vocations to all Sisterhoods in President, A. Maesel Yele- after the Masses beginning with the United States. nick; vice president, Trudy Ha­ the 7:30 a.m. Mass. ley; secretary-treasurer, Helen THE PEGASUS PATROL of McCloskey; and historian, Ce­ Boy Scout Troop 96 camped ov­ line Henderson; Brighton Parish ernight last weekend in the Boul­ Health, Ellen Kelley and Unit Plans Tea (St. Augustine’s Parish, Brighton) The first meeting of the fall for Past Presidents’ club in St. Augustine’s parish, Brighton, was held Sept. 18 with a lunch­ eon. Those present were Father Roy Figlino, pastor, and Mmes. John Donofrio, Harry Gerdom, Antone Heit, Adams Kreutzer, Karl Stols, L. C. Bremkamp, Convenience Melda Harms, Frank Nies, Fred Starbuck, George Mancini. Mary Mancini, Joseph La- Marca, and Carolyn Baldwin. Now—besides the many other conveniences of Plans were made to bold a “Get-Acquainted” tea on Sun­ your personal CENTRAL Checking Account— day, Sept. 27, in the church basement from 2 till 4 p.m. All c e n t r a l h a s t h e m o s t p e r s o n a l women of the parish are in­ vited. CONVENIENCE OF ALL FOR YOU-the On Oct. 2-4 the Altar and Rosary Society will have a booth at the Knights of Columbus exclusive newJTHECK-PURSE...a high fashion bazaar, where homemade can­ dy, popcorn balls, etc. will be billfold and checkbook combined! Check-Purse Cub Rocrwilars sold. Proudly displaying the flag of (hib Scout Pack 263, St. . . hap a place for everything—and it’s so smart- Mary’s parish, Littleton, at a meeting to recruit new members lu I 1. the pack cubmaster, Jim Woytassek Along to vouch f o r ^ ThrATsumStion ^ A i f p l l n - looking in distinctive petit-point fabric design fun of being a member of the pack, which won an honor ribbon ^ Acquainted Tea” at the Scoutarama last spring, arc, from left, Sean McKenna, on Sunday, Sept. 27, from 1 to in lopg-lasting vinyl — your choice of 6 striking Mike RIpp, and Nick Jarman. 13 p.m. in the school gym. coloi j. Stop in at Central to choose yours... plus Pack A another for a wonderful gift! Only $1.95 each. Plans Renewal VISIT YO U R Of Activities CATHOLIC LIBRARY Ct(c(Ji.-p[W4e (only at Central) in (St. M arj’s Parish, Littleton)r: The beginning of the school • Azure • Ebony Jade year marks the renewal of ac­ ALL PARISHES WELCOME . . . tivities for Cub Scout Pack 263 • Bone • Coral • Lilac of St. Mary’s parish, Littleton. The first pack meeting of the OPEN 11 AM. TO 3 P.M. season will be held on Tuesday, CLOSED MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS Sept. 29. at 7:30 p.m. in St. OPEN SUNDAY 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M. Mary’s school hall. I Your A concentrated membership personal _ A FULL-SERVICE 4i _ j F ’ BANK T r drive is under way. Any boy Free lirowsing checkbook from eight years of age to Hi years of age is eligible to join. Membership Fee $1 Per Year ... Last year the pack consisted of 6 dens of 60 boys. .All parents and boys inter­ .\cccss to thousands of dollars ested in joining or in further in­ formation may attend the pack Of (Catholic Literature K meeting. Sept. 29. Information may be obtained from Bill Jar­ MEMBER: man, 794-55'21 or Pat Coy. 794- 625 19th St. Next to Holy Ghost Church ro.i.c. OO. 2869. FEOERAl RESERVE SYSTEM 15TH ANO APAPAMOE ST OCNVtP COLOPAOO 00217