Specialty Courses

Altitude Diver ($100): Diving above 1000 feet requires some special procedures. The PADI Altitude Diver Specialty course familiarizes you with the rules and procedures necessary for , including how to use the Recreational Dive Planner at altitude.

Boat Diver ($100): The PADI Boat Diver Specialty course familiarizes you with the various ways you stow gear, enter and exit the water, use surface lines and more, depending upon the type of boat and the location.

Deep Diver ($185): The Deep Diver Specialty course offers you the opportunity of a lifetime - going deep to see things others can only dream about. In this course you will experience what it’s like to dive beyond 60 feet. Down there, it’s different. It takes additional training.

Drysuit Diver ($175): Wanna stay warm and toasty on a dive? Then stay out of the water. What? Stay out of the water? Yes! Unlike a , a seals you off from the outside water. In the PADI Dry Suit Diver Specialty course, you’ll learn how to use a dry suit. And that keeps you warm! Even in very cold water.

Diver Propulsion Vehicle Diver ($120): DPV’s offer a thrilling way to see a lot of underwater territory in a brief amount of time. They scoot you through the water without kicking.

Equipment Specialist ($85): Want to know about how your dive gear works? Then the PADI Equipment Specialist course is for you. This course familiarizes you with the operation and maintenance of your dive equipment. The more you know about how your gear works, the more comfortable you are with it, the more performance you get from it and the better you can care for it.

Ice Diver ($199): If the spirit of adventure and unusual, challenging diving appeals to you, try diving under the ice. opens a new and different view of familiar dive sites. During the PADI Ice Diver course, you dive with a PADI Professional in one of the most extreme adventure specialties offers. If you like fun, people and a challenge, you’ll love the PADI Ice Diver Specialty course.

Multilevel Diver ($100): Do you want to maximize your dive times? (Of course). Want to get the most out of your and The WheelTM? (Naturally). Then the PADI Multilevel Diver Specialty course is for you.

Night ($199): As the sun sets, you don your dive gear, slip on your mask and bite down on your regulator. A deep breath and you step off the boat – into the underwater night. Although you’ve seen this many times before, this time you drop into a whole new world and it come to life under the glow of your . The adventure, thrill and excitement of can be yours when you complete your PADI Night Diver Specialty course. You learn about night , equipment and navigation. You practice these on three night dives, plus introduce yourself to the whole new cast of critters that comes out after the sun goes down.

Enriched Air – ($150): Welcome to one of PADI’s most popular specialties – the PADI Enriched Air Diver course. Diving with enriched air nitrox lets you safely extend your no stop time beyond the no limits for air. Diving with enriched air means more time underwater – but you need to be certified as an Enriched Air Diver to get enriched air fills.

Peak Performance ($100): Float effortlessly, drifting over reefs. Be you want to be, with ultimate buoyancy control, able to hover close to the bottom and examine underwater organisms without touching them. Buoyancy skills separate the good divers from the great divers. In the Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty course, you will learn to how to precisely yourself for optimum control, poise and balance. You learn to ascend and descend so effortlessly, it seems like you only think about it and it happens. By mastering streamlining, you move through the water cleanly, efficiently and gracefully. You swim near fragile environments without harm to them or yourself.

Search & Recovery ($225): Spend time around water (as a diver, how can you avoid it?) and sooner or later, you come across someone who lost something underwater. If you’re looking for the challenge and excitement – along with doing your good deed for the day – the PADI Search and Recovery Diver Specialty course is for you. It gives you the skills you need to find what’s been lost, and how to get it to the surface.

UW Navigation ($175): Be the diver everyone wants to follow and make your sense of direction legendary with the PADI Underwater Navigator Specialty course. When everyone’s buzzing about a reef or checking out a wreck, they’re having a great time – until it’s time to go. Then they turn to you, because as a PADI Underwater Navigator, you know the way back to the boat.

UW Photography ($160): Freeze time with an underwater camera and you tell a story that even non-divers can understand. Not only that, but you have a record and log of your adventures – more than the memories. Reliving a dive is as simple as looking at a photograph.

Wreck ($225): You drift down and pass through a window into the past. As you near the bottom, a recognizable shape begins to form. First, you see a straight line, then a round window. Next, a ship materializes in front of you. As you look at the wreck, the past and the present meet.