Fruiting Body “— — — — — — I’m searching. I’m searching. I’m trying to understand. Trying to give what I’ve lived to somebody else and I don’t know to whom, but I don’t want to keep what I lived.”

- Clarice Lispector for Maren Initially I was going to paint a series called Amanda’s Ears. These paintings would be of my friend A.H.’s ears drifting aimlessly through space. Just her ears, nothing else. And I’m not sure why. I may lie and say that it’s only because I like her. But I could be honest and admit that I do some things out of laziness and also show a lot of favoritism toward my friends. I had to postpone making that series, but I’m again not sure why. Instead, I made this series of ink-stained canvases of pears filled with mushrooms and bunny-dogs. I made a painting of a fountain. I made stools and made more paintings, this time of a vomiting figure with its boobs and dick in full upward extension.

I propose the question: how are pears, vomit, bunny-dogs, mushrooms, stools and fountains related? Fruiting body (disambiguation)

A fruiting body is a multicellular structure on which spore-producing structures, such as basidia or asci, are born.

Fruiting body may also refer to:

Fruiting body (), the aggregation of myxobacterial cells when nutrients are scarce Fruiting body (slime mold), the sorophore and sorus of a slime mold

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I really enjoy vomiting. It feels extraordinary. There’s nothing better than vomiting ones guts out when they really don’t feel good because chances are once the vomiting is over the bad feeling will be gone. Pain p much sucks. Feeling shitty sucks. Throwing up isn’t great or anything, but it feels great. It isn’t something being good, but it’s def something feeling good. What is a feeling? What is being?

I ate some magic mushrooms the other day. I walked through the park, stopping and staring intensely, deeply, at the early spring blooms—cherry blossom, lilac, peony, wisteria, tulip…

I burned my retinas on some azaleas that were red af. I also got a little freaked out by the weirder looking tulips… they were some ethereal hand bursting out of green limbs, with their pointed, curled and ruffled petals, having no apparent rhyme or reason to their pattern, having probably been infected with some sort of bacteria or …actually i think virus. There are various sources of input to the vomiting center:

The chemoreceptor trigger zone at the base of the fourth ventricle has numerous dopamine D2 receptors, serotonin 5-HT3 receptors, opioid receptors, acetylcholine receptors, and receptors for substance P. Stimulation of different receptors are involved in different pathways leading to emesis, in the final common pathway substance P appears involved.[4][5] The vestibular system, which sends information to the brain via cranial nerve VIII (vestibulocochlear nerve), plays a major role in motion sickness, and is rich in muscarinic receptors and histamine H1 receptors.[6][7] The cranial nerve X (vagus nerve) is activated when the pharynx is irritated, leading to a gag reflex. The vagal and enteric nervous system inputs transmit information regarding the state of the gastrointestinal system. Irritation of the GI mucosa by chemotherapy, radiation, distention, or acute infectious gastroenteritis activates the 5-HT3 receptors of these inputs. The CNS mediates vomiting that arises from psychiatric disorders and stress from higher brain centers.[8] The vomiting act encompasses three types of outputs initiated by the chemoreceptor trigger zone: Motor, parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), and sympathetic nervous system (SNS). They are as follows: 14th-century illustration of vomiting from the Casanatense Tacuinum Increased salivation to protect tooth enamel from stomach acids. Sanitatis (Excessive vomiting leads to dental erosion). This is part of the PNS output. The body takes a deep breath to avoid aspirating vomit. Retroperistalsis starts from the middle of the small intestine and sweeps up digestive tract contents into the stomach, through the relaxed pyloric sphincter. Intrathoracic pressure lowers (by inspiration against a closed glottis), coupled with an increase in abdominal pressure as the abdominal muscles contract, propels stomach contents into the esophagus as the lower esophageal sphincter relaxes. The stomach itself does not contract in the process of vomiting except for at the angular notch, nor is there any retroperistalsis in the esophagus. Vomiting is ordinarily preceded by retching. Vomiting also initiates an SNS response causing both sweating and increased heart rate. The neurotransmitters that regulate vomiting are poorly understood, but inhibitors of dopamine, histamine, and serotonin are all used to suppress vomiting, suggesting that these play a role in the initiation or maintenance of a vomiting cycle. Vasopressin and neurokinin may also participate.

Phases The vomiting act has two phases. In the retching phase, the abdominal muscles undergo a few rounds of coordinated contractions together with the diaphragm and the muscles used in respiratory inspiration. For this reason, an individual may confuse this phase with an episode of violent hiccups. In this retching phase, nothing has yet been expelled. In the next phase, also termed the expulsive phase, intense pressure is formed in the stomach brought about by enormous shifts in both the diaphragm and the abdomen. These shifts are, in essence, vigorous contractions of these muscles that last for extended periods of time - much longer than a normal period of muscular contraction. The pressure is then suddenly released when the upper esophageal sphincter relaxes resulting in the expulsion of gastric contents. Individuals who do not regularly exercise their abdominal muscles may experience pain in those muscles for a few days. The relief of pressure and the release of endorphins into the bloodstream after the expulsion causes the vomiter to feel better. The next day I had a bad headache and vomited.

Afterward, I felt better. I felt “new”.

Emesis, puking, barfing, throwing up.

Illumination of a dog eating its own vomit.

Vomit in the form of a toad.

Stream of vomiting.

The myxobacteria ("slime bacteria") are a group of bacteria that Myxobacteria predominantly live in the soil and feed on insoluble organic substances. The myxobacteria have very large genomes, relative to other bacteria, e.g. 9–10 million nucleotides except for Anaeromyxobacter[1] and Vulgatibacter ( One of the myxobacteria, Minicystis rosea ( ore/CP016211.1), has the largest bacterial genome with over 16 million nucleotides. The second largest is another myxobacteria Sorangium cellulosum.[2][3] Myxobacteria are included among the delta group of , a large taxon of Gram-negative forms.

Myxobacteria can move by gliding. They typically travel in swarms (also known as wolf packs), containing many cells kept together by intercellular molecular signals. Individuals benefit from aggregation as it allows Myxococcus xanthus accumulation of the extracellular enzymes that are used to digest food; this Scientific classification in turn increases feeding efficiency. Myxobacteria produce a number of biomedically and industrially useful chemicals, such as antibiotics, and Kingdom: Bacteria [4] export those chemicals outside the cell. Phylum: Proteobacteria Class: Contents Order: Myxococcales

Life cycle Clinical use References External links

Life cycle

When nutrients are scarce, myxobacterial cells aggregate into fruiting bodies (not to be confused with those in fungi), a process long-thought to be mediated by chemotaxis but now considered to be a function of a form of contact-mediated signaling.[5][6] These fruiting bodies can take different shapes and colors, depending on the species. Within the fruiting bodies, cells begin as rod-shaped vegetative cells, and develop into rounded myxospores with thick cell walls. These myxospores, analogous to spores in other organisms, are more likely to survive until nutrients are more plentiful. The fruiting process is thought to benefit myxobacteria by ensuring that cell growth is resumed with a group (swarm) of myxobacteria, rather than as isolated cells. Similar life cycles have developed among certain amoebae, called cellular slime molds.

At a molecular level, initiation of fruiting body development in Myxococcus xanthus is regulated by Pxr sRNA.[7][8] Myxobacteria such as Myxococcus xanthus and are used as model organisms for the study of development.

Clinical use

Metabolites secreted by Sorangium cellulosum known as epothilones have been noted to have antineoplastic activity. This has led to the development of analogs which mimic its activity. One such analog, known as Ixabepilone is a U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved chemotherapy agent for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer.[9]

Myxobacteria are also known to produce Gephyronic acid, an inhibitor of eukaryotic protein synthesis and a potential agent for cancer chemotherapy.[10]

Various myxobacterial species as sketched by Roland Thaxter in 1892: Chondromyces crocatus (figs. 1–11), Stigmatella aurantiaca (figs. 12–19 and 25-28), Melittangium lichenicola (figs. 20–23), Archangium gephyra (fig. 24), Myxococcus coralloides (figs. 29-33), Polyangium vitellinum (figs. 34-36), and Myxococcus fulvus (figs. 37- 41). Thaxter was the first taxonomist to recognize the bacterial nature of the myxobacteria. Previously, they had been misclassified as members of the fungi imperfecti.


1. Thomas, Sara H.; Wagner, Ryan D.; Arakaki, Adrian K.; Skolnick, Jeffrey; Kirby, John R.; Shimkets, Lawrence J.; Sanford, Robert A.; Löffler, Frank E. (2008-05-07). "The mosaic genome of Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans strain 2CP-C suggests an aerobic common ancestor to the delta-proteobacteria" ( /PMC2330069). PLoS One. 3 (5): e2103. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002103 ( .0002103). ISSN 1932-6203 ( PMC 2330069 ( pmc/articles/PMC2330069)​ . PMID 18461135 ( 2. Schneiker S, et al. (2007). "Complete genome sequence of the myxobacterium Sorangium cellulosum". Nature Biotechnology. 25 (11): 1281–1289. doi:10.1038/nbt1354 ( PMID 17965706 (http s:// 3. Miriam Land, Loren Hauser, Se-Ran Jun, Intawat Nookaew, Michael R. Leuze, Tae-Hyuk Ahn, Tatiana Karpinets, Ole Lund, Guruprased Kora, Trudy Wassenaar, Suresh Poudel, David W. Ussery (2015). "Insights from 20 years of bacterial genome sequencing" ( (PDF). Functional & Integrative Genomics. 15 (2): 141–161. doi:10.1007/s10142-015-0433-4 ( 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 + 256….. It might seem kind of empty-headed to count pears filled with mushrooms and bunny-dogs, but it actually helps with all the nausea.

Fountains are something that I often think about. They are fecund. They are the structural embodiment of the source of life as a beautiful image of the source of water. Manmade fountains are found in gardens, homes, public buildings such as schools, malls or museums, along roadsides, and are there for the purpose to soothe, hydrate, and heal.

I have a particular place in my heart for fountains made in the form of people and animals peeing in public.

Stories of the Fountain of Youth have circulated throughout various cultures. Early Renaissance painter Lucas Cranach depicts this fantastical fountain as a rectangular pool to which men bring their old and wrinkly women. When the women cross the pool, their saggy bodies are sloughed off and they are once again young and nimble, squishy, sexy things. Important to be noted on this painting is the idea that it’s women who keep men young. Following that Detail from logic (if living forever actually interests you, cause I hope that when we die The Garden that’s it for life!), it’s just the women who need to be made young again and of Earthly not the men because so long as women keep themselves young, the men will Delights by Hieronymus just stay young by proxy… i.e. the men don’t really have to do anything but Bosch dunk their women in a pool and wait for the magic to happen. lol. big big big eye roll.

Lucas Cranach’s painting The Fountain of Youth. from The Monument and the Fountain Dictionary: Disease, Death and Dying One day, after I’d grown very tired of two groups of domesticated pears, the soft-fleshed eating so many kiwis, I started to eat lots European Pyrus communis and the crisp-fleshed of pears. For awhile I was eating pears Asiatic pears, principally P. pyrifolia (P. serotina). The every day. I’d put a pear in my Baggu pear has continually been a common fruit in the West bag printed with bunnies holding donuts a s w e l l a n d i s and walk to my studio. When it’s really considered part of the hot, I don’t really want to eat anything except fresh cultural heritage of fruit. Like I said… for awhile I was eating kiwis, and Europe. In fact, in then I moved onto pears. I have a Bosch pear in my present day Spain fruit bowl at home right now. The other night at the there is a juvenile bar, instead of drinking (which expression, Esto es I really wasn’t in the mood to “La Pera” (this is the do), I ate an extra ripe red pear), when referring Bartlett pear and people t o a p a r t i c u l a r l y thought that was especially w o n d e r f u l o r cool. This pear in particular enjoyable situation or was so juicy that it dripped all e x p e r i e n c e . T h e over me and the floor and precise origin of the caused my hands and face to be European pear is still a little sticky. unknown but it has been with us since Jules Janick writes on the prehistoric times and origins of the fruit in his essay dried slices have T h e P e a r i n H i s t o r y , been unearthed in Literature, Popular Culture, Swiss cave dwellings and Art: of the Ice Age. In Asia, the culture of “The name pear, from the Anglo Saxon pere p e a r g o e s b a c k or peru hu, is derived from Latin pera or pira; 2500–3000 years and thus, poire in French, peer in Dutch, paere in Danish, has been chronicled paron in Swedish and pera in Spanish and in Chinese writings Italian. The German and Danish name is Birne but it is (Shi Jing) from at also derived from the Latin with merely a consonant least 1200 years ago. substitution of b for p. The Greek name for wild pear is P e a r w a s l o n g acras; cultivated pear is apios. Plutarch (50–120) c o n s i d e r e d a explains the derivation of the Greek names for pear. In delicacy for the his Greek Questions he asks why boys of the Argives, wealthy along with playing at a certain festival, are called Ballachrades the peach and apricot. A famous book Tsee Ming Yau (ballo, I throw, achras, a wild pear). His answer is Su, written by Chia Shi-yi in the 6th century because their ancestors were nourished on wild pears. summarizes pear growing in the previous 1500 year The name apion derives from Apia, the earlier name of period (Shen, 1980). Although seed of pear was found the Peloponnesus. The Chinese word for wild pear is as early as the year 200–300 in Japan, the earliest lee and the cultivated form is li. The Japanese word for written records are a chapter published in 720 from pear is nashi. Nihon-shoki (Japanese Book of Records). In 1860 by The origin and early history of pear is well the end of the Edo period (1603–1867), more than 150 described in The Pears of cultivars had been recorded and pear was widely New York by Hedrick planted. During the Edo period, pears were commonly (1921) and this review found on the corners of properties to ward off draws heavily on this great misfortune. The Northeastern corner was considered compilation. The genus the Devil’s quarter where the demon would enter and P y r u s , n a t i v e t o t h e thus gates were avoided there. However, when a gate Northern Hemisphere of was necessary, a pear tree was planted as a talisman. the Old World, consists of The basis for the pear as a charm to ward off evil is about 20 species of which that Nashi the Japanese word for pear sounds like the half are found in Europe, word meaning “does not exist” although the Kanji North Africa, and Asia characters for the two terms are different. While minor; and half in Asia. illustrations of pear are rare in Japan, the pear flower is These have given rise to found on the crest of an old dynasty (Lee) in Korea.” The first stools we made with our father were for the purpose of having a little seat in our canoe. My sister and I had each a personalized stool. We placed these in the middle of the canoe and sat there, maybe munching on some snacks in our life jackets, while our parents did the rowing.

Other stools that our father made for us were simple step stools so that we could reach the sink to brush our teeth.

One day, years later as an adult, I asked my father to make a stool together. This time we used an old cutting board for the seat. Lacerated by years of use, the cutting board had split in two and so was determined useless as a cutting board, but sufficiently useful as a stool seat, once it was nailed back together. I drew on the stool - two figures sleeping, one on each side of the break in the cutting board - and my father stamped it with his name.

Stool as a noun has a few meanings: 1. a seat without a back or arms, typically resting on three or four legs or on a single pedestal. ◦ short for footstool. 2. a piece of feces. 3. a root or stump of a tree or plant from which shoots spring.

Another interesting alignment is the toadstool. I enjoy thinking about mushrooms as stools for toads. That makes me really happy. CONCLUSION

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1. Mr. Blue - The Fleetwoods 2. You Don’t Care - The Techniques 3. El Muchacho de los Ojos Tristes - Jeanette 4. Ballad of the Spirits - Emahoy Tsegué-Maryam Guèbrou 5. If It Makes You Happy - Sheryl Crow 6. Your Dream - Kim Jung Mi 7. It’s Raining - Kim Jung Mi 8. Hand In My Pocket - Alanis Morrisette 9. Ode to My Family - Cranberries 10. My Favorite Mistake - Sheryl Crow 11. Love - Lana del Rey 12. Evening Breeze - Emahoy Tsegué-Maryam Guèbrou 13. Song of the Sea - Emahoy Tsegué-Maryam Guèbrou 14. The Moon Represents My Heart - Teresa Teng 15. After Laughter - Wendy Rene 16. Ignition (Remix) - R. Kelley

B 2018