Adapted from and the Newborn Signs of Labor by: Penny Simkin, P.T.; Janet Whaley, R.N., B.S.M.; and Ann Keppler, R.N., M.N.

Category Signs Comments Possible signs of labor. Backache. Vague, low, nagging; may Different, less defined than posture- These may or may not be cause restlessness related backache from prolonged standing early signs of labor; time or sitting; may be caused by early will tell. contractions Menstrual-like cramps. May be May be intermittent or continuous; may be accompanied by discomfort in thighs associated with prostaglandin action and early contractions Soft bowel movements. May be May be related to increase in circulating accompanied by intestinal cramps or prostaglandins, which ripen (soften and digestive upset thin) your cervix Nesting urge. An unusual burst of Think of this extra energy as a sign that energy resulting in great activity and a you will have strength and stamina to desire to complete preparations for baby handle labor; try to curb exhausting activity Preliminary signs of labor. . Passage of blood-tinged Associated with thinning (effacement) and These are signs of mucus from vagina; pink or red early opening (dilation) of cervix; may progress, but are still occur days before other signs or not until associated with very early progressing labor contractions have labor or pre-labor. begun; continues through labor Leaking of from the Sometimes stops when membranes seal vagina. Caused by a small release of or continues on and off for hours or days; membranes (ROM); leaking of bag of may hasten softening of the cervix waters Non-progressing contractions. Tend to Accomplish softening and thinning stay about the same length, strength, (effacement) of cervix, although most and frequency; pre-labor contractions dilation does not occur until you have that may last for a short time or continue positive signs for hours before they go away (Braxton-Hicks contractions) Positive signs of labor. Progressing contractions. Become Dilate cervix; are not reduced by mother's These are the clearest longer, stronger, and closer together activity and will not subside because of a signs of true labor. with time; are usually described as change in activity "painful" or "very strong" and are felt in the abdomen, back, or both Gush of amniotic fluid from the vagina. Often accompanied or followed by Caused by a large release of progressing contractions membranes (ROM)

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