Styple, William B., ed., Writing and Fighting the Civil War: Soldier Correspondence to the Sunday Mercury. Kearny, N.J.: Belle Grove Publishing Company, 2000.

Editorial on the war, northern advantages at the beginning, 15 Soldier correspondence, 15-16 Fire , 16 71st New York, rations, horses, 16 Guarding railroad, 16-17 8th New York, departure, 17 Annapolis, 17-18 11th New York, Fire Zouaves, Washington, 18-19 Ellsworth Zouaves, 11th New York, 19 12th New York, Washington, 19-20 Fire Zouaves, Alexandria, food, 20-21 Murder of Ellsworth, 21 71st New York, three months, uniforms, 21-22 Alexandria, Marshall House, Unionists, 22 Unionists, secessionists, 22-24 8th New York, Washington, slaughtering cattle in the woods, 24 Fire Zouaves, death, burial, 25 69th New York, Fort Corcoran, tents, heat, disease, Colonel Corcoran, food, 25-26 5th New York, Duryee’s Zouaves, Big Bethel, 26 71st New York, election in Maryland, secessionists in Virginia, 27 79th New York confidence, Confederate boasting, 27 8th New York, Lincoln, scouting parties, drill, 27-28 69th New York condition of the companies, 28-29 9th New York, fatigue duty, dress parade, chaplain, religious service, 29-30 10th New York, Fortress Monroe, letters, boxes, 30 1st , Falling Waters, 30-31 Fire Zouaves, Bull Run, 32-35 71st New York, Bull Run, 34-35, 38-39 2nd New York, Bull Run, 35-36 Black soldiers, 36 Lincoln’s Confederate brother-in-law, 36 79th New York, Bull Run, 36-38 3rd Connecticut, Bull Run, 39-40 Troops mutiny, McClellan and discipline, 41 1st New York, Rush Hawkins, Zouaves, mutiny, 41-42 Baseball, 42 14th New York, Brooklyn, Bull Run, 42-43 Mozart Regiment, 40th New York, rumors, suppressing rebellious newspapers, 44 Bravery of a Fire at Bull Run, 44-45 Coca leaves and strength in the army, 45 Meeting of wounded brothers, Bull Run, 45 Mozart Regiment, 40th New York, baseball, 45-46 Fire Zouaves, prisoners in Richmond, 46-47


Fourteenth Brooklyn, picket duty, supplies, 47-48 Hawkins’ Zouaves, 9th New York, Cape Hatteras, food, 48-49 14th New York, Brooklyn, Arlington, women visitors, 49 Blockade of the Potomac, Bailey’s Cross Roads, shooting, 50 Sutlers, 50-51 Shoddy, 51 14th New York, Brooklyn, Confederate destruction of property, 52 9th New York, sutler, 52-53 79th New York, skirmishing, changes in regiment, duty, arms, 53-54 55th New York, inspection, marching, 54-55 United States Chasseurs, 65th New York, Cochrane, Washington, camp life, solider pay, 56 McClellan troop review, 57 Hawkins Zouaves, health, 57 Correspondents temporarily arrest, 57 Decoration of merit, 57-58 Hawkins’ Zouaves, cold weather, dead, 58 First Fire Zouaves, 58 United States Chasseurs, band, baseball, 59 Hawkins Zouaves, 59-60 69th New York, patience, McClellan, disease, cold, 63 Mozart regiment, 40th New York, Irish-German conversation, 64-65 55th New York, flag presentation, 65 New Year’s, 65-66 8th New Jersey, treatment of volunteers in Maryland, 66 82nd New York, Maryland, winter quarters, 66-67 2nd Regiment, Fire Zouaves, flag, soldier pay, bakery, 67 1st Sharpshooters, Berdan, 67-68 2nd New York, accusations of laziness, 68 69th New York, alcohol, Meagher, prices, soldiers pay, 69-71 Fifth New Hampshire, Colonel Cross, 7` Third New York Light Battery, officers, guns, William E. Dodge, Theodore Roosevelt, 71 Fire Zouave, 72 38th New York, haystack fire, 73 Second Fire Zouaves, 73rd New York, Adams Express, 73 69th New York, using enlisted men as servants, 74 Cairo, gunboat, 74-75 First Five Zouaves, Merrimac, 75-76 Death of a corporal in 8th New York, 76 69th New York, Centreville, Manassas, 77 95th New York, food, sergeant, officers, morale, 77-78 1st New York, soldier death, 79 Theater, John Wilkes Booth, 79-80 32nd New York, Virginia, rebel property, 80 Mozart Regiment, 40th New York, Peninsula, Hampton, Va., 81 9th New York, Hawkins’ Zouaves, Roanoke Island, 81-82 40th New York, Mozart Regiment, picket near Yorktown, 82-83


Shiloh, 2nd Iowa, 83-85 25th New York, Yorktown, 86 Berdan’s Sharpshooters, Yorktown, guns, 86-87 David Hunter, 87 69th New York, Yorktown, 87-88 Mozart Regiment, 40th New York, marching toward Richmond, 88 2nd Fire Zouaves, West Point, Va, Williamsburg, 89-90 95th New York, Aquia Creek, wealthy Virginians, 90 38th New York, taken prisoner at Bull Run, Richmond, tobacco factory, prison, hospital, 91 38th New York, en route for Richmond, Williamsburg, the wounded, 93-94 5th New York, Duryee’ Zouaves, artillery, Yorktown evacuation, 94-95 66th New York, Bottom’s Bridge, pushing onto Richmond, Sumner, McClellan, funeral for Confederate captain, 95-96 1st Long Island, 67th New York, Cold Harbor, 96-97 25th New York, Gaines’s Mill, Hanover Courthouse, 97-98 Gaines’s Mill, Porter, 98-99 66th New York, Fair Oaks, Seven Pines, Meagher, Irish Brigade, 99-100 69th New York, Fair Oaks, 101 31st New York, Chickahominy, pickets, 101 1st Long Island, Fair Oaks, 102 71st New York, Fair Oaks, 102-4 40th New York, Mozart Regiment, Seven Pines, 104-5 Five miles from Richmond, mud, roads, rain, McClellan, pickets, 105-6 2nd Fire Zouaves, skirmish, 106 Seven Days, 107 4th New York, Suffolk, killing a sheep, slave girl, 107, 109-10 Confederates and northern invasion, Robert Toombs, John Hunt Morgan, 108 Fortress Monroe, McClellan, morale, 108-9 Frigate Sabine, New London, 110-11 2nd Fire Zouaves, depleted regiment, 111 McClellan and need for reinforcements, prisoners, hospital steward, 111-12 9th New York, Warrenton, dress parade, 112-13 Washing clothes, horse, 113 12th New York, Harpers Ferry, soldier suffering, rumors, destruction of government property, religious service, 113-14 Northern blacks ready to fight, soldiers, 114-15 57th New York, Harrison’s Landing, reconnaissance, 115 12th New York, Harpers Ferry, troop review, women soldiers, 116 71st New York, detachment, Camp Coles, foraging, treacherous locals, dress parage, 116-17 36th New York, near Yorktown, evacuation and retreat, 117-18 31st New York, Alexandria, McClellan and Pope, 118 Camp Parole, Annapolis, 119 McClellan and the administration, possible Lincoln resignation, 119-21 2nd Fire Zouaves, steamship Vanderbilt, Second Bull run, 121 Camp Sangster, Annapolis, paroled prisoners of New England and Middle States, 121 McClellan, 121-22


14th New York, Brooklyn, Fredericksburg, sharpshooters, Second Bull Run, McDowell, McClellan, 122-24 Antietam, 124 New York recruiting office, 125 Ebenezer Hospital, Washington, letters, McClellan, 125-27 51st New York, Antietam, 127-28 4th New York, 1st Scott Life Guard, Antietam, Harpers Ferry, 128-30 9rh New York, condition of the regiment, nears Sharpsburg, 130-31 13th New York, Philadelphia hospitals, 131 40th New York, Mozart regiment, depletion, fortifications, work on Peninsula, Sevens Days, 131-32 14th New York, Harewood hospital, 133 12th New York, Ebenezer Church Hospital, nurses, theft, 133-34 36th New York, Potomac, pontoon bridge, funeral, 135-36 Removal of McClellan, 136 2nd Fire Zouaves, tobacco, 137-38 4th New York, Rappahannock, Fredericksburg, 138-39 Convent hospital, 139-40 19th New York, Key West, 140 36th New York, camp, robbing sutlers, 140-41 51st New York, soldier pay, snow, Falmouth, Fredericksburg, 141-42 12th New York, Fredericksburg, Butterfield, McClellan, 342-43 36th New York, Fredericksburg, 143 79th New York, Fredericksburg, 143-44 55th New York, Fredericksburg, 144-45 25th New York, Fredericksburg, 145 12th New York, Fredericksburg, 146-48 2nd New York, Fredericksburg, 148-49 9th New York, 149-50 2nd Fire Zouaves, Fredericksburg, morale, 150-51 Military situation at beginning of 1863, 155 Gunboat Lockwood, slaves, 156 79th New York, camp near Fredericksburg, boxes, alcohol, generals, toasts, 156-57 51st New York, furloughs, chaplain, 157-58 12th New York, camp near Stafford Courthouse, Burnside troops review, soldier pay, 158-59 42nd New York, Fredericksburg, 159 12th New York, Mud March, 159-60 36th New York, picket duty, quarters, 160 9th New York, Belle Plain, Mud March, McClellan, Rosecrans, 160-61 Black soldiers legislation, 161-62 79th New York, Burnside Mud March, 162 12th New York, snow, Hooker, wood, food, 162-64 4th New York Cavalry, soldier pay, food, 164 6th New York, Wilson’s Zouaves, New Orleans, discipline, 164-65 Steam R. R. Cuyler, Mobile, 165 99th New York, Fortress Monroe, 165


99th New York, Fortress Monroe, German ship, soldier pay, 165-66 9th New York, Fletcher’s Chapel, Hooker, furloughs, disease, hospital, much exposure, 166-67 51st New York, Newport News, food, 167 10th New York, National Zouaves, Falmouth, winter quarters, 167-68 62nd New York, Falmouth, soldier pay, 168 1st New York Cavalry, soldier pay, skirmish with Confederate cavalry, 168-69 Lincoln as dictator, 169 10th New York, National Zouaves, Hooker, bread, provost guard, valentine, 169-70 31st New York, snow, Washington’s Birthday, Emancipation Proclamation, 170-71 79th New York, Ninth Corps, Newport News, 171 63rd New York, Irish brigade, Falmouth, Hooker, 171-72 107th New York, many officer resignations, 172 38th New York, Stoneman’s Siding, marriage in a New Jersey regiment, 172 Meagher’s Brigade, St. Patrick’s Day, 173 14th New York, Belle Plain, mules, furloughs, Army of the Potomac morale, 173-74 12th New York, camp near Falmouth, man killed in horse accident, horse accidents, deaths, 174 5th New York, Duryee’s Zouaves, enlistments and recruits, 175 Soldier’s prayer, 176 82nd New York, politics, 176 Alfred Sully, 177 Preparations for Army of the Potomac movement, 177 Warnings to bad soldiers, 177-78 9th New Jersey, improving morale, virtuous men, local women, religion, washing day, 178 5th New York, Duryee’s Zouaves, consolidation of two-year regiments, singing, boxes, 178-79 67th New York, near White Oak Church, picket duty, preparations for movement, balloon, 179- 80 12th New York, Lincoln, troop review, Hooker, Meade, 180 14th New York, Camp Reynolds, division reviewed by Hooker, mules, 180-81 19th New York, Kay West, alcohol, brandy and gin, 181 U.S. Steamer Stars and Strikes, St. Mark’s Florida, British consuls, 181-82 12th New York, Falmouth, birth in 118th , strength of regiment, 182-83 31st New York, review of troops, Lincoln, Hooker, McClellan, 183 Port Royal, Charleston Expedition, 183-84 1st New York Mounted Rifles, Libby Prison, George Pickett, Petersburg, Confederate money, Suffolk, 184-85 Sixth Corps, Brooks’ Division, ammunition, soldier pay, slaves, 185-86 14th New York, corps badges, detailed men and Belle Plain, 186-87 Shaler’s Brigade, near Fredericksburg, pontoons, crossing the Rappahannock, 187-88 2nd Fire Zouaves, Chancellorsville, 188 12th New York, Chancellorsville, 188 Suffolk, siege, 188 Marriage in camp, Washington, 189-90 Hospital department, Alexandria, 190 36th New York, White Oak Church, Chancellorsville, 190-91 Third Division, Sixth Corps, White Oak Church, review by Sedgwick, 191-92 Citizen making money and did not care who won, 192


165th New York, New Orleans, Sherman, Grierson, Confederates, 192-93 Vicksburg, Grant, red tape, 193 15th New York, Fredericksburg, Copperheads at home, pontoons, 193-94 U.S. Gunboat, Tohoma, Tampa Bay, 194 14th New York Independent Battery, Belle Plain, clothing, reenlistment, 194-95 U.S. Steamboat, Kanawha, Mobile, 195 Military situation, incompetence of Hooker, McClellan, 195-96 36th New York, Fairfax Courthouse, operations along Rappahannock, 196 14th New York, Leesburg, marching, bathing, 196-97 Navel items, capture of Confederate ram Atlanta, 197 Gettysburg, 198 23rd New York, Harrisburg, 198-99 139th New York, march near Richmond, Dix, 199 19th New York, Port Hudson, 199-200 New York regiments at Port Hudson, 200-1 51st New York, Haynes’s Bluff near Vicksburg, passage through Kentucky, Steamer, 201 90th, New York, Port Hudson, 202-3 Draft riots, 202-3 14th New York, near Antietam, Gettysburg, 203-4 Tyranny in Army, Monarchy, compelling soldiers to cheer for Emancipation Proclamation, 204- 5 59th New York, near Bloomfield, Va., Gettysburg, condition of regiment, 205 14th New York, Rappahannock Station, marching, Gettysburg, 205-7 2nd Fire Zouaves, Gettysburg campaign, 207-8 118th Illinois, Big Black River, Vicksburg campaign, 208-10 Invalid Corps, 2nd New York, 210 139th New York, Williamsburg, fever. Confederate women, black soldiers, 211 99th New York, Fort Rodman, quarters, food, 211-12 Army of the Potomac, Warrenton Junctions, railroad, 212 Woman soldiers, Gettysburg, 213 Grant and Sherman and tobacco, 213 40th New York, reduced numbers, Sulphur Springs, religious service, 213-14 9th New York, Williamsport, bread, Parole camp, Annapolis, treatment by Confederates, escape of Army of , 214-15 Lincoln and habeas corpus, Seward, 216 Camp Parole, exchange rumors, Annapolis, 216-17 2nd Fire Zouaves, near Culpeper, Va. Rapidan, Sickles, 217-18 40th New York, soldier pay, near Culpeper, division review, 218 2nd USCT, Port Hudson, 219 40th New York, near Fairfax Station, Bristoe Station, 219-20 14th New York, Bristoe Station, 220-21 158th New York, Moorhead City, North Carolina, inspection of muskets, alcohol, soldier pay, 231-32 14th New York, near Brandy Station, repairing railroad, Kelly’s Ford, Berdan’s sharpshooters, 222 Achievements of Grant, Vicksburg, Chattanooga, 223


Confederate treatment of prisoners, 223 Independent Battalion, Morris Island, Sumter, artillery fire digs up the dead, 223-24 Mine Run, Meade, does administration really mean to put down rebellion?, 234 Independent battalion, Morris Island, artillery fire, casualties, Sumter, 224-25 Contrast between the North and South, Congress, Lincoln message, Confederates, 225-26 14th New York, Rappahannock, Confederate destruction of railroad, Mine Run, 226-27 71st New York, Brandy Station, winter quarters, 227 7th Regiment, Corps D’Afrique, Port Hudson, 227-28 39th New York, Stephensburg, Va., praises Sixth Corps, food, 238 2nd Five Zouaves, Brandy Station, wants McClellan back, marching, 228-29 Independent Battalion, Lost Children, Morris Island, winter quarters, Weehawken, Charleston, 229-30 71st New York, reenlistment, Christmas, 230 41st New York, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, reenlistment, regiment to return to New York, 230 146th New York, Bealton Station, guarding railroad, keeping two-year soldiers in three-year regiments, 231 Independent Battalion, Lost Children, Charleston, Morris Island, submarine, artillery fire, 235-36 71st New York, Excelsior Brigade, Iron Brigade furlough, 236-37 51st New York, return home, food, 237 Independent Battalion, Lost Children, Hilton Head, regimental consolidation, Morris Island, heat and storms, 237-38 95th New York, Culpeper, drill, theater, 238 Soldier pay, black soldiers, 238-39 14th New York, Culpeper, Minstrels, 239 Presidential election, Lincoln, Chase, Frémont, McClellan, 239-40 2nd New Jersey Cavalry, Jackson, Tennessee, guerillas, Christmas, destruction, 240 132nd New York, New Bern, clash with Confederates, Neuse Bridge, 240-41 71st New York, Excelsior Brigade, Brandy Station, false alarm about a Georgia brigade, division review, young women, 241-42 5th New York Cavalry, Stevensburgh, Va., scouting, winter quarters, theater, Kilpatrick, 242 47th New York, Olustee, 242-43 16th New York Artillery, Fort Keyes, Gloucester Point, few officers, bakery, Irish, idleness, 244 146th New York, Warrenton Junction, wasteland, 244-45 40th New York, Fort Schuyler, reconnaissance, 245 47th New York, Palatka, Florida, Jacksonville, slaves, 245-46 9th New York, Culpeper, brigade drill, scare about enemy approach, 246 17th New York, Cairo, eastern troops better disciplined, reviews movements in regiment, Forrest, Mississippi, Sherman, 246-47 Metropolitan Fair, sword contest, Grant, McClellan, 247-48 14th New York, Culpeper, minstrels, civilian arrested for inducting men to desert, 248 120th New York, near Brandy Station, Meade, Sickles, Third Corps, Second Corps, 249 40th New York, Brandy Station, soldier pay, food, quarters, sutler, chopping wood, shanties, expectations of no fighting, 249-50 117th New York, Deveraux Station, Va., Orange & Alexandria Railroad, roads in bad condition, wagon masters captured, soldier pay, Confederate prisoners, 251 First U.S. Chasseurs, Johnson Island, guarding Confederate prisoners, 251-52


4th New York, Excelsior Brigade, Second Corps, 252 16th New York Heavy Artillery, Gloucester Point, Grant, McClellan, bands, dress parade, 252- 53 4th New York Heavy Artillery, Brandy Station, grumbling about going into field, Grant vs. McClellan sword contest, 253 Grant vs. McClellan sword contest, 253-54 14th Brooklyn Regiment, Culpeper, expects a move, roads drying, mustering out question, reorganization, 254-55 40th New York, Brandy Station, death of chaplain, corps review, court martial, 255 Women recruits, 255-56 162nd New York, Grand Ecore, Louisiana, Mansfield, Pleasant Hill, Red River campaign, 256 1st U.S. Chasseurs, Brandy Station, soldier death, 256-57 132nd New York, New Bern, skirmish with Confederates, lieutenant who was courting a schoolteacher was captured, Confederate ram, 257 Overland campaign in Virginia, 257-58 170th New York, Kettle Run, Va., Overland campaign, scouting, 259 162nd New York, Alexandria, La., Banks, Cane River, 260 Steamer Grand Gulf, pursuing blockade runner, 260-61 17th New York, Decatur, Ala., protests treatment in New York newspapers, 261-62 1st Battalion, 12th New York Infantry, Carver Hospital, wounded soldiers, Overland campaign, 262 47th New York, death of a lieutenant, 263 81st York, Bermuda Hundred, Spotsylvania, 263-64 56th New York, Beaufort, S.C., 264 Protest against Lincoln nomination, 264-65 Funeral of Lt., 6th New York Heavy Artillery, 265-66 162nd New York, Morganza, La., burning houses in Alexandria, guerrillas, 266 165th New York, Morganza, 266-67 12th U.S. Infantry, Petersburg, clothes, water, morale, picket firing, soldier pay, 267 48th New York, City Point, crossing Chickahominy, pontoons, plantations, Lincoln visit, 268 Lincoln and Early raid toward Washington, 268-69 95th New York, overland campaign, 269 146th New York, Petersburg, fighting, Sanitary Commission, 270 25th New York Cavalry, Washington, Early raid toward Washington, 270-71 16th New York Volunteer Artillery, Fort Magruder, troop review, flag presentation, Williamsburg, picket duty, food prices, reports Confederate cavalry in force, 271-72 107th New York, Petersburg, Spotsylvania, assault at Petersburg, heat and morality among wounded, 272-73 U.S. Bark Fernandina, St. Catherine’s Sound, Ga., 273-74 3rd Battalion, 5th New York Artillery, Maryland Heights, Lew Wallace, 274 84th New York, near Arlington, Va., 274-75 Old Soldier, left City Point, soldier pay, 275 3rd New York, near Petersburg, constantly under fire, Sanitary Commission, vegetables, tobacco, 275-76 146th New York, Petersburg, Petersburg suffering, soldier pay, vegetables, 276 Camp near Frederick, Maryland, hard marching, false alarm, 276-77


Army of the Tennessee, near Atlanta, McPherson killed, casualties, 277-78 65th NewYork, near Bolivar Heights, Fort Stevens, still favors McClellan, 278 16th New York, near Atlanta, crossed the Chattahoochee, 279-80 48th New York, Foster’s Plantation, near Bermuda Hundred, Crater, 280 68th New York, East Bridge, Ala., guerillas, execution of two white and one black Unionist, 280-81 170th New York, near Petersburg, explosion at City Point, 281-82 95th New York, near Petersburg, Mine, McClellan and Democratic nomination, 282 Grant and alcohol, 282 48th New York, Deep Bottom, 283 Harewood Hospital, Washington, 283 45th New York, Nashville, dog, 283-94 56th New York Port Royal Ferry, picket duty, prisoner exchange, 284 Death of correspondents, 284 13th New York Cavalry, near Fort Buffalo, scouting, Mosby, Annandale, peace talk, 285 17th New York, Atlanta, illness, trenches, Atlanta campaign, Decatur, 285-87 3rd New York, Petersburg trenches, reduced regiment, 287-88 95th, New York, Yellow House, Weldon Railroad, 288 40th New York, Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, heat, McClellan nomination, 288-89 48th New York, near Petersburg, Chicago convention, Copperheads, McClellan, 289 Andersonville prisoners, martyrs to Lincoln administration, 289-92 65th New York, Berryville, Va., review of troops by Upton, Mosby, 292-93 Sunday Mercury correspondent killed, 293 73rd New York, near Petersburg, 2nd Fire Zouaves, earthworks, Fort Hell, picket duty, McClellan vs. Lincoln, Danville Road, 293-94 48th New York, near Petersburg, reenlistment, troops returning home, soldier pay, 294-95 3rd, New York, Petersburg, fever and ague, mortar fire; recruits, deserters, McClellan, 295 77th New York, Elmira, guarding prisoners, 295, 297 65th New York, near Harrisonburg, Va., Opequon, Winchester, Sheridan, 296 5th Regiment Heavy Artillery, coal supply, McClellan nomination, 296-97 How the soldiers and sailors are to be prevented from voting, 297 51st New York, near Poplar Grove Church, little said about presidential election, 297-98 65th New York, near Middletown, Va., Sheridan, health and pay, 298 25th New York Cavalry, Pleasant Valley, Maryland, 1864 Valley campaign, Custer, 298-99 16th New York Artillery, before Richmond, Kautz, suppression of Mac vote, Lincoln, slaves, 300-2 Harewood Hospital, Washington, cemetery, election, 300-1 61st New York, before Petersburg, picket firing, Southside railroad, 302 5th New York Cavalry, Camp near Strasburg, 1864 Valley campaign, artillery, Cedar Creek 303- 4 65th New York, 90th New York, near Middletown, Chasseurs, Cedar Creek, casualties, 304-5 Advice to Lincoln, peace, 305 Northern prisons for Confederates, Elmira, hatred, 305-6 61st New York, in the field, Virginia, winter quarters, review by General Miles, 306-7 Albermarle Sound Blockading Squadron, 307


132nd New York, Bachelor’s Creek, N.C. near New Bern, runaway slaves, Yellow Fever, soldier pay, 307-8 61st New York, Camp in the Field, officers, artillery fire, picket firing, 308-9 2nd Fire Zouaves, Fort Sedgwick near Petersburg, siege, Thanksgiving dinner, 309 61st New York, picket duty, deserters, 309-10 61st New York, near Southside Railroad, Hatcher’s Run, Rebel yells, 310-11 56th New York, Morris Island, artillery fire, 311 61st New York, near Southside Railroad, deserters, executions, reinforcements, 311-12 Harewood Hospital, Washington, 315-16 5th New York (Duryee’s) near Warren Station, winter quarters, General Warren, alcohol for officers, 316 City Point correspondence, flag raising, barracks, refugees, intelligence on Confederates, food, 316-17 16th New York Heavy Artillery, Williamsburg, telegraph lines, blockade, 317 65th New York, Petersburg, inspection, picket duty, 317-18 12th U.S. Infantry, Elmira, overland campaign, Petersburg mine, picket firing, 318-19 2nd New York Heavy Artillery, desertions, fraternization, 319 5th New York (Duryee’s), near Weldon Railroad, line, works, alcohol, 319-20 United States Frigate Malvern, off Fort Fisher, blockade runners, General Terry, 320-21 65th New York, before Petersburg, equipment, Fort Fisher, deserters, commissions, guard mounting, morale, 321-22 1st Lincoln Cavalry, Camp Averill, Mosby, 323 51st New York, before Petersburg, not much happening, picket truce, 323 25th U.S. Cavalry, Camp Russell, cavalry review, northern women, southern women, pipe smoking, 324 14th New York Heavy Artillery, regiment raised by fraud, picket fraternization, trade, 324 65th New York, before Petersburg, marching orders, picket firing, soldier wedding of a Virginia woman, 324-25 56th New York, Coosawhatchie Station, SC, along Charleston & Savannah railroad, foraging, poor whites; tobacco, 325-26 61st New York, in the field, creating a camp, 326 56th New York, Coosawhatchie Battery, SC, foraging, plantation, mail, 326-27 65th New York, Before Petersburg, Boydton Road, peace prospects, Southside Railroad, 327-28 139th New York near Fort Burnham, Va., swindling officers, rations, quartermaster, 328 2nd New York Fire Zouaves, Camp Yellow House, Confederates expect to evacuate Richmond, Hatcher’s Run, 328-29 176th New York, Savannah, bands, fatigue parties, grave digging, 329-30 61st New York, in the field, Va., quiet, picket and fatigue duty, northern newspapers, 330 65th New York, before Petersburg, rumors of Confederate evacuation, enthusiasm for success of Sherman and Schofield, Confederate deserters, 330-31 51st New York before Petersburg, celebration of capture of Wilmington, tobacco, 331 2nd New York Heavy Artillery, near Hatcher’s Run, soldier returned to duty by incompetent surgeon died, evacuation of Charleston, dog, 331-32 5th Heavy Artillery, New Bern, 332-33 46th New York, front of Petersburg, picket along Appomattox, Confederate deserters, soldier pay, wood, 333


133rd New York, Winchester, Va., orders, active campaign, women insulted, 333-34 25th New York Cavalry, Winchester, Sheridan, Valley, 334-37 47th New York, near Wilmington, hospitals, released Union prisoners, 337 65th New York, before Petersburg, fort, soldier pay, hotel for veterans along railroad, 337-38 120th New York, Hatcher’s Run, deserters, execution, furlough, 338 61st New York, in the field, Va., Hatcher’s Run, 338-39 2nd New York Fire Zouaves, Hatcher’s Run, 339-40 65th New York before Petersburg, Meade, camp banquet, fall of Goldsboro, 340-41 8th New York Heavy Artillery, Hatcher’s Run, vengeance, 341 46th New York, front of Petersburg, breakthrough, 341-42 City Point, Grant, Petersburg breakthrough, 342-43 47th New York, Payson’s Station, Goldsboro, 343 17th New York, Goldsboro, foraging, Bentonville, 344-45 Lincoln assassination, 345-46 25th New Cavalry, Berlin, Maryland, Camp Seeley, Booth, 346 City Point, Lincoln assassination, 346-47 51st New York, Farmville, Va., Petersburg, 347-48 2nd Ohio Cavalry, Petersburg, Appomattox campaign, 348-49 61st New York, near Burkesville, Va., Lincoln assassination, 349-50 133rd New York, Lincoln assassination, railroad journey to Washington, 350 16th New York Heavy Artillery, City Point, Lincoln, 350-51 City Point, reduction of the army, black soldiers, accidental shooting, 351-52 47th New York, Near Raleigh, newspapers, going home, 352-53 13th New York Cavalry, Camp Relief, Washington, Sheridan, Mosby, 353 65th New York, Nottoway Courthouse, whites, former slaves, 253 City Point, iron, repairing railroads, 254 Return of soldiers to their homes, 254-55 158th New York, Petersburg and Appomattox campaign, 355 14th New York, Washington, 355-56 Army correspondence, 356 6th New York, Hancock’s Corps, 356-57 192nd New York, bounty, deserters, 357-58 90th Battalion, Washington, 358 40th New York, return to New York, near Bailey’s Cross Roads, 358 Confederate prisoner’s experience, Old Capitol Prison, 358-59 40th New York, departure for home, 359-60 65th New York, Hall’s Hill, Arlington, mustering out, 360