Appendix 1(b) – City Local Plan Consultation Responses from Organisations by Topic

Local Plan in General (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Architecture Brevity of plan and structure, giving prominence to design and conservation matters, are commended. +Design Arts and Business Suggests specific thought be given to culture when preparing the Plan and should feature through the plan sections. Scotland City Site Estates Proposals Map: include Osborne House at 1 - 5 Osbourne Terrace within designated Central Area. Commission for ECLP requires a race equality impact assessment. Racial Equality in Scotland Concern over inconsistencies e.g. urbanisation and care for the environment; discouraging car use and promoting Community Council shopping areas. Craiglockhart Word changes to ensure policy is not challenged. Community Centre Cramond Provide policy on light pollution, require applications for lighting proposals. Community Council Zoning areas for specific functions e.g. business/industrial use (other than open space) is not good for promoting diverse, interesting and sustainable city development. Concern regarding increasing use of developer contributions - applications granted for the wrong reasons. Clarify in Local Plan how to address public opinion, neighbour notification and consultation process. Cultural Partnership Include reference to cultural spaces and "spaces to learn and be inspired" alongside "places to live/work/shop". Include reference to attracting creative professionals, and the challenge of Edinburgh growing as a creative city. Falkirk Council No comment. Forth Ports plc Promote an alternative approach (to the Local Plan): designate Leith Waterfront as a "special planning area" in which city-wide policies would apply, but site-specific ones would not. Refer to the Waterfront Partnership in the plan. Grange Association Concern regarding shift in emphasis with presumption to permit development benefits developers too much. Plan must be flexible to adapt to changes in demographics. GVA Grimley Welcomes redesignation of the Seafield Road area as "white land". Health & Safety Suggests the inclusion of paragraph(s) explaining the Planning Authorities position with regard to handling notifiable Executive substances. An example is supplied. Suggests a presumption is made against significant developments (in particular high density developments) near major hazard installations and pipelines. Proposals Map: Show locations of the notifiable installations consistent with SPP1. Historic Scotland Concern that there is little cross referencing between heritage policies and other policies.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -i – Consultation Responses by Topic Local Plan in General (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Iain Gotts Regrets the omission of the Rural West into the ECLP. Associates Malcolm Fraser There is a nice balance between caution and encouragement; its aspirational tone is to be commended. Architects Mountgrange Caltongate should be identified as a Development Opportunity for a mix of uses. Caltongate Ltd NHS Lothian Endorse the importance of the enforcement of policies. Old Town Cross refer between policies. ECLP provides diluted version of the existing Local Plan and glosses over issues. As Community Council there is a presumption in planning legislation to allow development, it is more appropriate for policies to indicate where support will be given where it adheres to specific criteria. Add policies promoting community engagement/community planning. Requests that additional policies re sustainability and community facilities are drafted in consultation with community councils, the sustainability development unit and the community planning team, to ensure the policy development is an exemplar of good practice and community engagement. Queensferry and Policy wording is general, consider expressing policy as law courts with the use of precedents. District Community Council Royal Society for Concern raised with regard the timing of the SEA. Appropriate assessment required. the Protection of Birds Shawfair Support in general for the Local Plan as it stands, which will facilitate delivery of the Shawfair Master Plan proposals Developments in Midlothian. Smith Scott Mullan Policies need to be supported by a range of neighbourhood plans that provide details. Associates South Lanarkshire No comment. Council Southside Concern about building on floodplains in South East Wedge. Community Council Include Nicolson and St Patrick Squares as green space in the Proposals Map. Support for demolition of high rise blocks. Concern regarding property numbering. Stewart Milne Extend boundary to include area covered by Edinburgh West Local Plan. Holdings Stockbridge Define and rationalise community identities, and give new identities to newly developing Community Council destinations/stations/interchanges. Plan's vision lacks conviction - just a tool for development control. Public realm improvements appear arbitrary rather than planned as spaces with purpose.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -ii – Consultation Responses by Topic Local Plan in General (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) SWT Lothians Concern regarding impact of shoreline development on the SPAs. Transform Scotland Welcomes emphasis given to sustainable development and social inclusion throughout plan. University of The University has an Estates Strategy which covers the period 2005 - 2015, supports the Council's corporate Edinburgh strategies and welcomes preparation of city-wide local plan. Waterfront Plan fails to convey economic, especially tourism potential of Granton, and compares badly with previous draft West Edinburgh Edinburgh Local Plan.

Foreword (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) BL Developments Omit reference to Edinburgh Standards of Housing as having to be met for planning permission to be granted, as Ltd this is contrary to concept of the planning system is based on establishing material harm. Waterfront Re-word to state that 'Edinburgh Standards' may be a material consideration, but not one that 'must' be met if Edinburgh permission is to be granted.

Chapter 1 – Introduction (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Communities Reference should be made to Local Housing Strategy in paragraph 1.18. Scotland Currie Community Amend wording to strengthen policy. Council Forth Ports plc Clarify role of paragraphs 1.23 to 1.26. Highlight status of Leith Docks Development Framework as supplementary guidance. Royal Society for Requires reference to the Edinburgh LBAP. the Protection of Birds Scottish Enterprise Introduction and Strategy chapters should provide a more specific and ambitious vision for the city, drawing out Edinburgh and short and long term challenges, positioning capital in regional and international context. There should be a clearer Lothians emphasis and priority to commercial development in the city centre. Scottish Include in paragraph 1.12 the need for appropriate assessment as well as SEA. Environment Protection Agency Scottish Executive Include a small indicative map to show boundaries of this and related local plan areas. Development Re-word paragraph 1.5 for grammatical reasons. Department Planning Division Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -iii – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 1 – Introduction (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Re-word paragraph 1.9 to remove 'this that'. Scottish Natural Concern raised with regard the timing of the SEA. Heritage Waterfront SEA should have been prepared with draft Plan to comply with regulations. Edinburgh Include reference to flooding in paragraph 1.16. Include reference to Granton Harbour as an Area of Major Change in paragraph 1.21.

Chapter 2 – Strategy (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Central Edinburgh Plan requires stronger vision - propose underpass for vehicles along Princes' St to regenerate city retailing and New Town environmental improvements. Association Cockburn Plan should include an explicit 'shared space' policy. Association Include reference to the residential character of city centre in first sentence of paragraph 2.8. Re-word last sentence in first paragraph to read: 'Edinburgh has attributes that enhanced, will continue to support its successful role in the European context'. The strategy does not address climate change issues in an Edinburgh context, such as possible effect of sea level rises in relation to waterfront developments. Communities Mention should be made in paragraph 2.8 of residential uses in city centre. Scotland Consortium of Objects to lack of reference to possible effects of climate change in Strategy and Chapter 5. Local Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Cramond The vision should be more realistic. Association Currie Community Concern that there is no mention of how affordable housing is to be provided across the city. Council Concern that extension of green network is associated with new development (paragraph 2.12). Concern that there is no mention of implication of global climate change on waterfront development. Gyle Shopping Emphasise the importance of town and major centres - not just City Centres - in paragraph 2.8. Centre General Partner Limited Hallam Land Specific reference should be made to the allocation of greenfield and Green Belt sites under Chapter 7 in paragraph Management 2.6.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -iv – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 2 – Strategy (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) The key features of the vision should be set out in a separate para. Historic Scotland Include reference to the historic environment in paragraph 2.4. Merchiston Castle Include statement on positive action to preserve and enhance greenspace. School Royal Society for Concern regarding impact to SPA/international wildlife designations. Recommends removal of proposed island at the Protection of Granton and cruise liner terminal. Birds Scottish Recognise potential adverse impacts of waterfront developments and give greater emphasise to modal shift aims in Environment paragraph 2.9. Protection Agency Re-word paragraph 2.4, bullet 4 to read 'pollution levels need to be maintained at levels below the prescribed EU threshold values that have been set to protect human health'. Scottish Executive Make reference to the Edinburgh Park etc core development area, as defined in ELSP, and relate also to West Development Edinburgh Planning Framework. Department Planning Division UNITE Group Plc Refer to student housing accommodation as part of the mix of house types (paragraph 2.10). University of Paragraph 2.4 definition of sustainable development should include additional bullet relating to working flexibly with Edinburgh different organisations in key economic sectors to keep abreast of development needs and opportunities

Chapter 3 – Areas of Major Change (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Areas of Major Change – General Comments Forth Ports plc Replace references to "urban design framework" with "development framework". Hart Estates A reassessment of the Areas of Major Change should be carried out and be open to public scrutiny for first time. Hunters Hall Objects to any plans to site new Hearts Supporters Club at junction of Greendykes Road and Niddrie House Housing Co-Op Ltd Avenue. Mactaggart & A reassessment of the Areas of Major Change should be carried out and be open to public scrutiny for first time. Mickel Teague Amend paragraph 3.2 bullet 3 to refer to community facilities to meet "local" needs. Developments Ltd Waterfront Leith Waterfront and Granton Waterfront should be dealt with as a single Area of Major Change, reflecting the Edinburgh integrated vision of the original Llewelyn-Davies master plan. Areas of Major Change - Omissions Changeworks Reinforce role of urban design frameworks in promoting sustainable building design. Suggest consideration of CHP a requirement at the design stage of all medium to large scale developments.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -v – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 3 – Areas of Major Change (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Cramond Make available with the ECLP the Masterplans for the AMC. Community Council NHS Lothian Include reference to the increased population numbers in addition to housing figures to ensure the city can meet changing population needs for health services. Portobello Include waterfront from Kings Road, Portobello to Leith as an additional area for major change, with focus on Community Council residential and leisure activities. Scottish Enterprise City Centre, particularly Princes Street, should be identified as an Area of Major Change. Edinburgh and Lothians Proposal AMC 1b – Leith Docks ADM Milling Ltd Amend bullet points under Leith Waterfront to include provision whereby future development should not compromise (Chancelot Mills) existing businesses, in order to protect Chancelot Mills from inappropriate adjacent development which could compromise its future operation. Currie Community Concern that port activities are to cease in the foreseeable future (paragraph 3.5). Council More links to port activities and heritage required. Forth Ports plc Amend paragraph 3.7, bullet 2 to state that sites for up to five new primary schools are reserved "subject to detailed analysis of education need at regular intervals as the development progresses". Amend paragraph 3.6 to refer to alternatives to the tram as ways of achieving significant improvement to public transport accessibility to the area. Amend paragraph 3.7, bullet 9 to refer to an international cruise liner terminal with capacity for the current largest vessels. Amend paragraph 3.5 to clarify that port activities will not cease in the foreseeable future, and that the docks will shift to a "City Port" role, with increased leisure and passenger use. Amend paragraph 3.7, bullet 5 to refer specifically to an extension to Ocean Terminal and more localised shopping provision elsewhere. Refer to timeframe of 30 years from the receipt of outline planning permission. Amend paragraph 3.7, bullet 3 to state that high quality business development between Ocean Terminal and Victoria Quay is supported "as part of a mixed use development". Amend paragraph 3.6 to also refer to area as retail destination with high quality residential content. George Wimpey State that a number of specific sites already have planning consent for residential development. City (Ocean Drive site) Leith Central LDDF should look beyond the Dock boundaries, greater integration between new and old communities required. Community Council Locate new facilities outwith the Docklands, e.g., at . Reference in paragraph 3.9 should state Leith as a whole. More family housing is essential and should be built in next phase.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -vi – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 3 – Areas of Major Change (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Ocean Points Land at Ocean Drive should be identified for residential purposes rather than being part of the strategic business Development centre. Limited Scottish Natural Proposed site for cruise liner terminal - further detail and 'appropriate assessment' required in view of possible effect Heritage on Forth SPA. Proposed route of coastal path west of Martello Tower should be set back from sea wall. Transform Scotland Include proposals for traffic management in central Leith in advance of new road construction in paragraph 3.7, penultimate bullet. Travis Perkins plc Amend paragraph 3.2 bullet 3 to refer to community facilities to meet "local" needs. Add new paragraph to Policy AMC: "Urban Design Frameworks contain sufficient flexibility to enable change to be accommodated to market conditions, without undermining the overall objectives." Proposal AMC 1c – Salamander Place Leith Rules Golf Retain 2nd hole and 3rd tee within redevelopment of bottling plan site. Society Teague Insert following text after reference to Salamander Place: "(in the absence of an existing urban design framework, Developments Ltd comprehensive delivery of AMC1c will be achieved through the planning application process with a supporting masterplan to cover the entire AMC1c boundary)". Proposal AMC 2 – Granton Waterfront Cramond Establish biodiversity corridors to connect parks to other areas of green belt. The 'network of open spaces' must Community Council extend to commercial and residential developments. Forth Ports plc Amend paragraph 3.11 to refer to two supermarkets. NEAR Requests further consideration be given to impact of two new primary schools at Granton Waterfront on existing schools in the area. Requests further consideration be given to impact of two new local centres at Granton Waterfront on existing shopping centres in the area. Asks for clarification regarding affordable housing provision at Granton Waterfront. Important to ensure suitable sites are identified for small business use at Granton Waterfront. Would encourage the development of a better mix of housing at Granton Waterfront. Requests that consideration be given to a consultants' study on integration of new development with existing communities. Scottish Executive In paragraph 3.10, insert after Waterfront Edinburgh in parenthesis: A partnership between City of Edinburgh Development Council and Scottish Enterprise Edinburgh and Lothians. Clarify that Caroline Park House is in private ownership. Department Planning Division Waterfront Target housing figure is incorrect Edinburgh Granton Area of Major Change does not accord with L-D master plan, in which Gypsy Brae (Green Belt site) was approved for development.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -vii – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 3 – Areas of Major Change (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Proposal AMC 3 - Craigmillar EDI Group Paragraphs 3.13 and 3.14 should be re-worded to provide a more positive statement of aspirations, to state that the local neighbourhood centre will be 'new', not rebuilt, and to refer to other key points from the Urban Design Framework, such as the design Forestry Opportunity for woodland planting to be incorporated and enhanced with development. Commission Scotland Hunters Hall Objects to housing allocations on Hunters Hall Park. Housing Co-Op Ltd Royal Society for Reword to include biodiversity/LBAP objectives the Protection of Birds Scottish Natural Show route proposed for Niddrie Burn restoration on Proposals Map. Heritage Transform Scotland Add reference to Edinburgh South Suburban Railway and its potential benefits. University of Little should be included in section heading, and reference made to new Medical School and Centre for Edinburgh Biomedical Research, and possibly also tram line 3. Re-title Craigmillar, Little France and South East Wedge and include reference to Little France developments (RI, University Medical School and Centre for Biomedical research) as an additional bullet in 3.14 Proposal AMC 4 - Fountainbridge Gorgie Dalry Re-word paragraph 3.16, bullet 4, from "Enhancement of Dalry Community Park" to "Enlargement and substantial Partnership developer contribution to community plans for improvement of Dalry Community Park". Royal Society for Re-word to include biodiversity/LBAP objectives the Protection of Birds Scottish and Refer simply to the Fountainbridge Development Brief, provide better balanced resume of brief contents, with less Newcastle emphasis on school. Tollcross Concern about the inclusion of Gilmore Place and Earl Grey Street as these areas are already established and Community Council recently developed.

Chapter 4 – Design Principles for New Development (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Design Principles for New Development – General Comments Architecture Car park design (Policy Tra 4 in draft) should be dealt with in this chapter (as has been done for shopfront design). +Design Scotland

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -viii – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 4 – Design Principles for New Development (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Expand paragraph 4.3 to deal with other design quality factors, and shorten paragraph 4.3 (4.4?) which is largely promotional. Provide a more comprehensive explanation of the design process in paragraph 4.10 - 4.12, explain who is expected to do what, the responsibilities of the private sector to deliver public assets, deal properly with design quality issues and use appropriated design processes. Place policies Des 4 and 5 ahead of Des 3. BL Developments Amend paragraph 4.6 to clarify which is the key requirement: "making most efficient use of previously developed Ltd land" or "standards for open space and amenity provision". Changeworks Create separate policy on sustainable design principles, including implications for climate change. Strengthen the description by replacing 'promoting' with "expecting the highest possible standard in new development". Refer to ESSB as a separate policy. Include requirement for sustainability assessments accompanying planning applications - e.g. sustainability checklist and energy performance appraisals. Include standards for refurbishment and amend title to reflect this. Change wording to emphasise delivery of sustainable design principles in all development and that planning permission would not be granted if it does not meet the Edinburgh Standards for Sustainable Buildings, and must demonstrate that they have been taken on board. Craiglockhart Purpose and meaning unclear in paragraph 4.6. Community Centre Cramond Must be strict control of shop frontages shop advertising Association Provide a simple standard of what is "high quality sustainable environment" Aims should be simpler. Asks "what is the special character of the city"? Cramond Re-instate an architectural department with a director of the same grade as the planning director. Community Council Do not use precedent as an excuse for poor decisions. Currie Community Clarify definitions in text or make reference to sections of the Development Quality Handbook. Council Hart Estates This section is aspirational and lacks specification as to what constitutes good design and layout. Henderson Global Amend paragraph 4.7 to refer to need for public sector funding bodies to prioritise infrastructure proposals at Leith Investments Docks and Granton. Mactaggart & This section is aspirational and lacks specification as to what constitutes good design and layout. Mickel Old Town Make policies more precise or provide design criteria in policies throughout the plan allowing specific criteria to be Community Council related to the type or location of development proposals. Scottish Paragraph 4.6 is welcome in that it shows that the Council is aware of the growing problem of high density housing Environment upon congestion and air quality. Protection Agency Scottish Executive Refer in paragraph 1 to SPP 1 and to Designing Places. Development Paragraph 4.4, first sentence is unnecessarily cumbersome, particularly use of 'immutable'. Department Paragraph 4.10, after expertise, refer to Architecture +Design Scotland. Planning Division Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -ix – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 4 – Design Principles for New Development (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Paragraph 4.17 make reference to PAN 76 New Residential Streets. Paragraph 4.26 re-word to state 'after many years of careful management of development and initiatives..' University of Extend reference to Quartermile in paragraph 4.4 to include Potterrow scheme - suggestion. Edinburgh Design Principles for New Development – Omissions Architecture Provide a policy which encourages creative, contemporary building design in appropriate locations, departing from +Design Scotland existing policies in exceptional cases. British Waterways Introduce a canals policy, supporting and identifying canal related developments as detailed in the Union Canal Scotland Moorings Study and the emerging Lowland Canals Mooring Study; with explicit reference to delivery mechanisms for cross-funding of canal related facilities. Cockburn Additional policy sought - requiring proposals to demonstrate impact on historical ownership patterns, and Association discouraging increases in scale of development over historical precedents in WHS and conservation areas. Consortium of Local Suggest amendment to 1st objective and additional objective relating to relationship between development and the Voluntary environment. Organisations in Colinton East Suffolk Park The Plan provides significantly less guidance than CELP on several matters: building heights, infill development, Proprietors new development in villa areas and corner sites. Association Forth Ports plc Add reference at paragraph 4.7 to infrastructure provision as a priority in facilitating the waterfront developments. Henderson Global Greater degree of cross-referencing with national design guidance required Investments Performance Retail Require greater degree of cross-referencing with national design guidance. Limited Partnership Queensferry and Give greater protection to strategic views with a Strategic Viewing Corridors policy. District Community Council Royal Society for Mention in policy the wider sustainability outcomes of good design e.g. need for travel, solar gain, energy use. the Protection of Add policies establishing presumption against new development in areas prone to flooding, and ensure Birds development does not exacerbate risk of flooding. Refer to use of grey water and sewage disposal and treatment in the plan. Policy Des 1 – Design Quality and Context BL Developments Amend to support applications which have a well thought out design statement. Ltd Cockburn Amend policy to require that 'proposals for good new development should demonstrate through clear scaled graphic Association analysis. ' etc.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -x – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 4 – Design Principles for New Development (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Consortium of Local Suggest amendment to policy wording. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Craigmillar Park Wording overly subjective and therefore biased towards developers. Paragraph 4.12 should refer to "site briefs". Association Currie Community Strengthen policy by omitting reference to conservation areas. Council Note that when consulting with communities, community of place may be different from affected community. Clarify how "prominent and sensitive" are defined in paragraph 4.10. Edinburgh World Policy should be re-phrased to emphasise importance of understanding the historic context, and criterion c) should Heritage make reference to the recent high buildings study and its concept of 'sky space'. Henderson Global Wording insufficiently precise and likely to involve excessive subjectivity. Investments Historic Scotland Refer to Scheduled Ancient Monuments in criterion b). Homes for Scotland Re-write to make tone of policy more positive. Performance Retail Likely to involve excessive subjectivity and is insufficiently precise. Limited Partnership Queensferry and More detailed policies required regarding aesthetic quality of new development. Clarify paragraph 4.15 - new District Community developments should not complement existing (weak) townscapes, but aim to raise the quality. Council Smith Scott Mullan Concern that wording requires new developments to be of a similar style to its surroundings - instead suggests Associates specific reference to e.g. scale. Design statements should be required on all applications regardless of size. Policy Des 2 – Co-ordinated Development BL Developments Amend to be realistic in the way sites are allowed to come forward independently if they do not prejudice Ltd surrounding area and provided the form part of a wider sub-area plan. Currie Community Note difficulties in discerning piecemeal development. Council Gyle Shopping Set out criteria for when an urban design framework or master plan is needed in paragraph 4.11. Centre General Partner Limited Henderson Global Should be re-worded to provide further precision and clarity. Investments Performance Retail Should be re-worded to provide further precision and clarity. Limited Partnership Smith Scott Mullan Use of one regeneration site should not compromise the use of a neighbouring site. Associates Teague Insert "Where appropriate" at start of policy. Developments Ltd

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xi – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 4 – Design Principles for New Development (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Travis Perkins plc Amend policy to presume against piecemeal development only "where appropriate". UNITE Group Plc Re-word to provide greater clarity and precision. University of Should make reference to briefs etc. already approved, with relevant areas identified on Proposals Map Edinburgh Re-word to include reference to approved briefs, design frameworks and master plans, to enhance their status. Show these sites and areas also on the Proposals Map. Policy Des 3 – Development Design BL Developments Amend policy to be more positive towards quality developments. Ltd Changeworks Provide policy requiring percentage of on-site renewable energy generation and a clear carbon reduction policy. Add in paragraph 4.15 attention to be paid to solar gain and air tightness. Consortium of Local Suggest amendment to policy wording. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Cramond Further define criterion a) with regard to scale, massing, position on site and materials. Community Council b) Refer such matters to proposed architectural department. d) Delete "materially" to ensure privacy, outlook and sunlight are given highest importance. e) Include provision for biodiversity corridor. Currie Community Word change - add "inter alia" after "having regard" to allow more flexibility, and add "existing and new" in criterion Council d) to ensure new developments relate well to earlier construction. Consider that energy efficiency is better related to construction regulations. Duddingston House Clarify or omit reference to "immediate outlook", to avoid confusion with "view". Properties Forth Ports plc Reduce number of criteria and omit statement in criterion g that active frontages promote community security. Grange Association Energy efficiency standards must be set as an example to the rest of Scotland. Historic Scotland Add criteria relating to the special characteristics of conservation areas. Lothian and Recommends that all buildings achieve Secured By Design status. Borders Police Malcolm Fraser Concern that all development might be argued to have 'a materially detrimental effect on the amenity of its Architects neighbours' in criterion d). NHS Lothian Supports policy and suggests the inclusion of a criterion that prioritises pedestrian movement over vehicle movement. Queensferry and Clarify "acceptable model forms" as it implies uniform and restrictive assumption. Add criteria that new buildings be District Community minimally attractive and interesting, and allow for the refusal of applications based on precedent of refusal for Council similarly poor proposal Scottish Expand policy to deal with flood risk issues, promote SUDS and the protection of the water environment, encourage Environment the use of renewable energy technologies. Protection Agency Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xii – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 4 – Design Principles for New Development (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Expand bullet three to refer to waste minimisation and sustainable waste management during construction phases of development. Policy Des 4 – Layout Design Cockburn Plan should include a policy on 'shared space' which makes it clear that all spaces should be designed primarily for Association people/pedestrians, functioning as communal sitting rooms. Consortium of Local Suggest amendment to policy wording and to supporting text on "home zones". Voluntary Organisations in Colinton CTC Right-to-Ride Include an additional criterion relating to the provision and design of cycle parking, which should be close to main entrances, secure and under cover. (see also comment on Policy Tra 4). Forth Ports plc Omit general requirement for perimeter block arrangements as overly prescriptive and subject to changing ideas about design. Homes for Scotland Supports the principle that designs should no longer be dominated by roads standards in paragraph 4.17. NHS Lothian Suggests inclusion of a criterion that makes explicit a hierarchy of movement: walking, cycling, public transport, cars, lorries. Supports further introduction of home zones in paragraph 4.17. Scottish Expand policy to deal with SUDS issues and energy efficiency techniques such as orientation. Environment Protection Agency Smith Scott Mullan Concern that criterion e) which prioritises perimeter blocks over other layouts seems to preclude squares and Associates specific site orientation issues. Southside Support for community courtyards as extensions of stair partnerships. Community Council Encourage development of 'home zones' in new developments as well as existing streets. Spokes Include reference to cycle parking. Transform Scotland Amend policy to make reference to cycle parking. Insert additional criterion requiring new development to incorporate 'home zone' principles, in particular, low speeds etc. UNITE Group Plc No guarantee that perimeter block development will remain fashionable over lifetime of the plan. Policy Des 5 – Public Realm Consortium of Local Suggest amendment to policy wording. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Forth Ports plc Amend criterion c to provide greater detail on public realm contributions. Grange Association Stronger requirement for tree planting and other landscaping is required. Henderson Global Elaborate on "in the vicinity of development" to ensure clarity. Investments

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xiii – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 4 – Design Principles for New Development (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Homes for Scotland Paragraph 4.18: Require Council to set a strategy for the public realm of which individual developments should then contribute cumulatively to achieving. Merchiston Castle Include statement reflecting cost burden of private open space. School Performance Retail Criterion c) should be elaborated on with more specific reference than "in the vicinity of the development". Limited Partnership Smith Scott Mullan Include street furniture hierarchy. Associates Transport Initiatives Refer to the role to be played by the development/delivery of the tram as an opportunity to take a fresh look at traffic Edinburgh (general management/priorities, and to act as a catalyst in changing the character of the public realm. response) Make explicit that policy will impact on and influence road design and traffic management. UNITE Group Plc Reference to contributions needs to be clearer. Policy inconsistent and should ensure good future maintenance and that streets and other public spaces will normally be adopted by the Council. Policy Des 6 – Urban Edge Development Architecture Provide more explanation for criterion a). +Design Scotland Boyack Homes Objects to negative wording of the policy but supports intent. Consortium of Local Suggest amendment to policy wording. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton EDI Group Supporting text implies that a 50 metres structural landscaping strip will be required around developments abutting the Green Belt. Re-wording sought that reduces emphasis on need for landscaping at the urban edge. Forestry Paragraph 4.25: Suggest the planting at 50m depth should be taken as a general rule and that planting should be Commission integral to development and the wider countryside for setting, not as a screen. Scotland Homes for Scotland Paragraph 4.24: Reinforce the edge of current Green Belt (e.g. by 50 metre tree planting) will limit the options to reconfigure the Green Belt in the future. Liberton Concern about criterion a), as it is considered that no significant development could conserve or enhance the Association landscape setting of the city. Smith Scott Mullan Include reference to green belt development that could enhance local built environment. Associates Waterfront Requirement for 50 metres of landscaping and planting on urban edge with Green Belt is excessive, and would Edinburgh impact adversely on L-D master plan area. Policy Des 7 – Waterfront Development British Waterways Amend paragraph. 4.25 to state that Union Canal is a Scheduled Ancient Monument and BWS have statutory Scotland obligations that may prevent access to the Union Canal.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xiv – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 4 – Design Principles for New Development (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Explicitly recognise canal network as q recreational, environmental and economic asset that can support regeneration. Amend paragraph 4.27 to state that canal connects east and west coast of Scotland and extends to Bowling in West Dunbartonshire. Amend wording to include overlooking/natural surveillance criteria. Consortium of Local Objects on grounds of impact on rural character or watercourses. Reference should be made to flood prevention. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Currie Community Use Policy E13 (b) of 1993 South West Edinburgh Local Plan as basis for protecting landscape quality of Council watercourses. Include more provision for flood control/prevention/mitigation. Policy implies that development will be permitted along all watercourses - change to preclude development where tranquil character would be adversely affected. Transfer of flood risk onto public footpaths is unacceptable. Forth Ports plc Amend criterion b) to require proposals which maintain or provide "where possible and practical" public access to the water's edge. Great King Street Opposes tall buildings along the waterfronts. Association Historic Scotland Strengthen the reference to 'attractive frontage' to take account of the changing character of the Union Canal. Scottish and Re-word criteria b) and d) to state that Council will use its planning and acquisition powers to ensure access and Newcastle that there is a planning context. Policy is seen as too aspirational, concerns relate to Fountainbridge Brewery site and proposals. Scottish Natural Re-word policy title - 'Waterside' instead of 'Waterfront'. Include protection of landscape setting afforded by Heritage watercourses. Waterfront Amend to include reference to the boardwalk project Communities Project Waterfront Para 4.25 makes no mention of the significance of the Firth of Forth setting. Edinburgh Policy Des 8 – Tall Buildings Architecture Consider impact at ground level in terms of active frontages and car parking, and rooftop plant housing. +Design Scotland BL Developments Amend to include the tall buildings policy, so that it can be subject to examination at inquiry. Ltd BT Group Re-word policy to take account of height of existing buildings on a site to be redeveloped; these are part of context. Consortium of Local Objects to criterion a). Voluntary Organisations in

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xv – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 4 – Design Principles for New Development (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Colinton

Craigmillar Park Wording overly subjective and therefore biased towards developers Association Edinburgh World Policy should refer to recent high buildings study. Heritage Grange Association Restrict upward development is required to maintain views. Henderson Global Need further clarity in terms of preferred locations for taller buildings. Investments Old Town Within identified zones on proposals map must also adhere to SPG on High Buildings Study. Community Council Royal Society for Include other environmental issues surrounding tall buildings, not just aesthetics, in particular inhibitory effect of tall the Protection of buildings on SPA interests. Birds Smith Scott Mullan Removal of "landmark" as a tall building does not have to have this function. Include mention of relative heights. Associates UNITE Group Plc Add further clarity in terms of preferred locations for tall buildings. Waterfront Policy is negative in approach. Edinburgh Policy Des 9 – Alterations and Extensions Consortium of Local Suggest amendment to policy wording. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Craiglockhart Strengthen wording re privacy/loss of natural light. Community Centre Cramond Delete unreasonable - too subjective. Community Council Define 'detrimental', and give examples of neighbourhood amenity and character. Include reference to significant garden areas forming part of biodiversity corridors. Malcolm Fraser Criterion a) - concern with reliance placed on 'compatibility'; there is an additional need for extensions to display Architects integrity. Policy Des 10 - Shopfronts Smith Scott Mullan Make more specific - some alterations are worthy of retention. Associates

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xvi – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 5 – Caring for the Environment (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Caring for the Environment – General Comments Consortium of Local Suggests 3 tier approach to growth of the city including identifying special areas of extra protection. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Cramond Require planting of suitable trees and shrubs in applications, and more protection of garden ground from extensions Community Council and infill development is required. Edinburgh and Integrate green wildlife corridors into design of new developments, to allow for safe movement of badger Lothians Badger populations. Group Historic Scotland Concern about the absence of a policy commitment to the World Heritage Site. Ministry of Defence Objects to AGLV, open space - green corridor and Local Nature Conservation site designations at Dreghorn polo and Defence fields. Estates Do not include site in Colinton Conservation Area or designate as a Local Nature Conservation Site. Old Town Include policy with general sustainability criteria to apply to all development proposals. Community Council Royal Society for Note in paragraph 5.4 and 5.5 that EIA may result in refusal of planning permission. the Protection of Birds Caring for the Environment – Omissions Cockburn Mention should be made of National Scenic Area designations for the Pentland Hills. Association Policy required discouraging façade retention other than in the most exceptional circumstances. Consortium of Local Objects to non-inclusion of Dreghorn Polo fields and Covenanters Wood in Colinton Conservation Area. Detailed Voluntary supporting information provided. Organisations in Objects to non-inclusion of Dreghorn Polo fields and Covenanters Wood in the green belt. Colinton Corstorphine Designate Corstorphine Hill Green Belt land as Local Nature Conservation Site or Local Nature Reserve. Community Council Craigmillar Park Consider inclusion of west side of Mayfield Road in the Craigmillar Park Conservation Area. Association Objects to the non-inclusion of the following Central Edinburgh Local Plan policies - CD4, CD5, CD11, CD15 & CD16. Need a policy to protect "corner sites" in Conservation Areas. Edinburgh World Include a policy for the World Heritage Site, setting out presumption in favour of preservation of Site and its setting, Heritage not allowing proposals which would adversely affect the character, appearance, setting or views into or out of the Site, requiring app

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xvii – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 5 – Caring for the Environment (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Friends of the Include Agassiz Rock SSSI in the Proposals Map. Hermitage of Braid and Blackford Hill Friends of the Request for the listing of the Victorian bridges and tunnels including the Coltbridge Viaduct. Urban Include the council-owned land adjacent to South Groathill Ave into the Local Nature Conservation Site/Roseburn Wildlife Corridor Corridor. Henderson Global The World Heritage Site should be distinct from other historic gardens and landscapes and be covered by a specific Investments policy. Historic Scotland Advises that the supporting text (paragraphs 5.7-5.9) makes reference to the National Guidance which applies to the protection of the historic environment. Queensferry and Additional policy suggested - Listed Buildings - Enabling Development - to secure long term future of heritage District Community assets. Council Scottish Provide additional policy protecting species and habitats identified as priorities in LBAP. Environment Protection Agency Scottish Executive Include a list of conservation areas in an additional annex. Development Department Planning Division Standard Life Define for clarity individual conservation area boundaries in the Proposals Map. Teague Show Designated and Proposed Conservation Areas differently on Proposal Map, explain different categories in Developments Ltd written statement, show boundaries of different CAs on Proposals Map, and clearly source further documentation on CAs. Tollcross Include World Heritage Site on Proposals Map and protect with policy. Community Council Transform Scotland Climate change issues (the most important issue for sustainability) should be addressed directly, with an additional objective - to reduce city-wide greenhouse emissions - and related policy. Travis Perkins plc Show Designated and Proposed Conservation Areas differently on Proposal Map, explain different categories in written statement, show boundaries of different CAs on Proposals Map, and clearly source further documentation on CAs. Policy Env 1 – Listed Buildings - Demolition Changeworks Strengthen policy to limit demolition. Policy Env 2 – Listed Buildings - Setting Cockburn Policy should be extended to include protection of historic plot widths. Association

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xviii – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 5 – Caring for the Environment (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Cramond Ensure appropriate design that complements Listed Building. Community Council Hart Estates Wording should be modified to reflect section 59 of the Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas (Scotland) Act 1997. Historic Scotland Advise strengthening policy by referring to the immediate and wider setting of listed buildings. Liberton Strengthen policy to extend setting of the house. Association Mactaggart & Wording should be modified to reflect section 59 of the Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas (Scotland) Act Mickel 1997. Merchiston Castle Adopt wording in section 59 of the Listed Buildings and Conservation (Scotland) Act 1997. School Policy Env 3 – Listed Buildings - Alterations Consortium of Local Suggests amendment to policy wording. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Historic Scotland Recommend the policy also takes into account character. Policy Env 4 – Conservation Areas - Demolition Craigmillar Park Objects on grounds that wording too broad and open to subjective interpretation Association Currie Community Concern that "benefits" include financial gains. Council Grange Association Change emphasis of policy to state that demolition or new development is not allowed unless it complies with criteria, suggest reintroduction of Central Edinburgh Local Plan policies CDs 4,5,11,15 & 16 . Historic Scotland Recommend provision for the demonstration of the viability of new proposals and the securing of their implementation by appropriate planning condition before demolition. Advise that this policy seek to ensure that proposals will preserve and enhance the appearance of the conservation area. The Blacket Concern that policies covering Conservation Areas are not as detailed and rigorous as previous Central Local Plan Association policies. Concern re implementation of above policies. Waverley Park Concern that policies covering Conservation Areas are not as detailed and rigorous as previous Central Local Plan Amenity policies. Concern re implementation of above policies. Association Policy Env 5 – Conservation Areas – New Development Changeworks Include reference to Edinburgh Standards for Sustainable Buildings.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xix – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 5 – Caring for the Environment (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Cockburn Concern that conservation policies may be insufficiently robust (detailed?) compared to those in Central Edinburgh Association Local Plan. Policy should be re-worded to say that new development abutting a conservation area will only be allowed if not detrimental to its character and setting. Consortium of Local Objects to policy wording as not sufficiently comprehensive or robust. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Craiglockhart Include in Proposals Map the individual Conservation Area boundaries. Community Centre Craigmillar Park Objects on grounds that wording too broad and open to subjective interpretation. Particularly concerned that there is Association no specific policy on infill development. Cramond Reverse policy emphasis with stating "No development will be permitted…" Community Council Currie Community Include reference to consultation with community council/amenity organisations. Council Grange Association Revise older Conservation Character Appraisals to bring up to standard of the newer ones. Hart Estates Wording of policy and paragraphs 5.10 and 5.11 should be modified to reflect wording of relevant Act. Land Securities Clarify what is meant or required by the term impact assessment in criterion d) of policy. Trillium Mactaggart & Wording of policy and paragraphs 5.10 and 5.11 should be modified to reflect wording of relevant Act. Mickel Merchiston Castle Refer to 'South Lakeland' test - recognising that preservation or enhancement applies to development, and is not in School itself otherwise relevant. Adjust par 5.10 and 5.11 to recognise dynamic nature of the concept of conservation. Miller Homes Ltd. Amend the Morton Mains Conservation Area boundary to accord with that shown in the adopted South West Edinburgh Local Plan. Policy Env 6 – Scheduled Ancient Monuments Cockburn Policy should be expanded to require the creation of relevant settings for scheduled Ancient Monuments and by Association interpreting historic features. Friends of the Concern regarding recreation uses (Hogmanay fireworks) near the Scheduled Ancient Monument on Blackford Hill. Hermitage of Braid and Blackford Hill Waterfront Refer to maritime archaeology in paragraph 5.13. Edinburgh Policy Env 8 – Historic Gardens and Landscapes Drum Estate Requests a review of the designed landscape at Drum Estate Historic Scotland Advises that the word 'historic' be removed from title and policy. Land Securities Supports policy on historic gardens with appendix listing these.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xx – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 5 – Caring for the Environment (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Trillium South East Wishes to reserve position pending discussions with SNH and Historic Scotland. Edinburgh Development Company Policy Env 9 – Green Belt Boyack Homes Objects to purposes of green belt set out in paragraph 5.15 and wording of policy ENV9. Cockburn Policy and associated text should be re-worded to reflect recent government guidance through SPP 21 and to give Association greater protection to Areas of Great Landscape Value. Consortium of Local Objects to policy wording because it does not reflect SPP21. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Currie Community Defend proposed Green Belt boundaries especially outwith the Bypass. Council Dalrymple Trust Existing houses and proposals with planning permission for development to east of Newcraighall should be and EDI Group Ltd excluded from the green belt. Fairmilehead Provide full protection to the Green Belt and strictly enforce policy. Community Council Federation of Include allotments as an acceptable outdoor recreational use. Edinburgh & District Allotments & Gardens Association Hart Estates The wording must be altered to comply with SPP21 Iain Gotts Review green belt boundary through local plan process. Associates Liberton Trust Designate Gun Emplacements (disused) at Alnwickhill "Brownfield". Mactaggart & The wording must be altered to comply with SPP21 Mickel Miller Homes Ltd. Delete the site at Winton from the green belt. Persimmon Homes Objects to designated green belt and wording of Policy Env 9 and requests a green belt review to ensure compliance with the structure plan and SPP21. Portobello Avoid Green Belt loss with the development of towns outside such as Dalkeith and Leith. Community Council Ravelstane Ltd Remove Green Belt designation from Ravelston Quarry site.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xxi – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 5 – Caring for the Environment (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Scottish Enterprise Re-word to take account of SPP 21 Green Belts. Edinburgh and Lothians Scottish Executive Paragraph 5.18 - clarify which Department of the Scottish Executive and what issues are raised. Development Department Re-word 'outdoor recreation' to read 'countryside recreation' in accordance with ELSP. Planning Division Scottish Natural Initiate a strategic plan for development and conservation in the Green Belt. Heritage South Castle Proposes two further options for the green belt boundary at Brunstane. Properties Ltd Taylor Woodrow Objects to the boundaries of the green belt - these are neither long term or defensible. Developments Policy Env 10 – Landscape Quality Blackhall Proposals Map issue - Ravelston Park, woods and quarry and Mary Erskine's School grounds should be included in Community the Corstorphine Hill Area of Great Landscape Value. Association Boyack Homes Objects to negative wording of the policy. Consortium of Local Objects to policy wording as it gives inadequate protection to AGLVs. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Craiglockhart Refer to Water of Leith in paragraph 5.19. Community Centre Currie Community Protect visual amenity - presumption against aerials and masts on hill tops. Council Waterfront Area east of Birnie Rocks shown as Area of Great Landscape Value. Edinburgh Policy Env 11 - Trees Cockburn Policy should include a reference to the need to plant more trees to mitigate climate change. Association Consortium of Local Supports policy but should also encourage tree planting to mitigate effects of climate change. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Craiglockhart Amend wording in paragraph 5.20. Community Centre Cramond Place preservation orders on tree belts as well as individual trees.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xxii – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 5 – Caring for the Environment (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Community Council Edinburgh World Policy should make reference to the tree canopy. Heritage Grange Association Stronger protection and enforcement of removal or pruning of trees in conservation areas is required. Suggest use of secondary category under TPO. Policy Env 12 – Sites of International and National Importance Consortium of Local Suggests amendment to policy wording. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Forth Ports plc Amend to permit developments with a damaging impact on the special nature conservation interest of a site to either be justified by reasons sufficient to outweigh that interest, or suitably mitigated. The draft's wording currently requires both justification and mitigation. Royal Society for Re-word to provide stronger protection to sites of international and national importance. the Protection of Birds Mention of Forth Islands SPA, which includes Inchmickery, in paragraph 5.22. Scottish Policies Env 12 and 13 should include additional criteria: there is no suitable alternative site for the development Environment and the public interest outweighs the nature conservation value of the site. Protection Agency Scottish Natural Distinguish between internationally and nationally important sites, and provide additional criteria for sites of Heritage international importance: that there are no alternative solutions; that there are over-riding economic and social reasons for allowing develop Policy Env 13 – Local Nature Conservation Sites Blackhall Proposals Map issue - nature conservation value of former quarry face at Maidencraig Crescent and Council-owned Community land adjacent to South Groathill Avenue should be recognised with local nature conservation site designations. Association Consortium of Local Objects to policy wording - more weight should be given to community value. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Gorgie Dalry Designate all Gorgie/Dalry Park as a "Local Nature Conservation Site". Partnership Martin & son Remove Local Nature Conservation Site designation from land at 2/8 West Bowling Green Street. (Edinburgh) Ltd Merchiston Castle Provide evidence and discuss with school designation of the Colinton Castle Sports Club and the School sports land School to the west.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xxiii – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 5 – Caring for the Environment (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Remove allocation to the immediate west of The Cedars as there is no nature conservation value.

Royal Zoological Remove local nature reserve designation from area covered by Proposal HSG 14 Society of Scotland Amend boundary of Local Nature Reserve to exclude area proposed for zoo services.

Standard Life Review designations, and remain unallocated, the south bank of Water of Leith adjacent to Brandon Street and south side of the Tanfield building (north bank, as open space). SWT Lothians In paragraph 5.25 refer to the SWT nature reserve at Johnston Terrace. Policy Env 14 – Species Forth Ports plc Amend to replace reference to "unless there is an overriding need for the development" with "unless suitable Royal Society for mitigation measures or alternative conservation measures are put in place". the Protection of Suggests further policy reference to LBAP process. Birds Scottish Natural Make reference to Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004, which has replaced WCA 1981. Heritage Refer in text to bats, otters, and great crested newts - classed as European Protected Species - and need to undertake ESP surveys in support of planning applications, in accordance with 'Natura Regulations'. Additional policy required, protecting habitats and species identified in Edinburgh Biodiversity Action Plan. Re-word policy to reflect licensing controls. Policy Env 15 – Flood Protection Consortium of Local Consider that flood plains should be kept free from development and that flood prevention schemes should not be Voluntary restricted to the urban area. Organisations in Suggests revised wording relating to SUDS in paragraph 5.31. Colinton Craiglockhart Amend wording in paragraph 5.31 to ensure reduction in surface water run-off rates. Community Centre Forth Ports plc Amend to note that the impoundment of Leith Docks forms a key part of Edinburgh flood defences and that the impoundment of the dock is protected by statute and should be maintained. Friends of the Concern that flood prevention measures on the braid Burn could involve engineering works close to the Hermitage Hermitage of Braid LNR. Clarify markings in proposals map re extent of Braidburn Valley Park flood prevention. and Blackford Hill Miller Premature to identify land at as "Area of Importance for Flood Control" until outcome of Water of Leith Developments Ltd FPO inquiry. Scottish Re-word criterion b) to delete reference to areas of importance for flood control and apply more generally. Environment Protection Agency

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xxiv – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 5 – Caring for the Environment (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Scottish Rugby Objects to designation of “Area of Importance for Flood Control" at Murrayfield . Union plc, Murrayfield Stockbridge Include area between Roseburn Public Park and Murrayfield Playing Fields into the area of importance for flood Colonies Residents management. Association Policy Env 16 – Air, Water and Soil Quality Currie Community Mark where the AQMA are. Question whether traffic management has increased air pollution due to increased Council journeys. Forth Ports plc Amend wording to make consistent with statutory regulations. Scottish Provide additional and separate policies on air pollution, land contamination, the water environment and SUDS Environment Protection Agency Waterfront Policy does not deal with decontamination. It addresses risks but not mitigation. Edinburgh

Chapter 6 – Open Space and Provision for Sport (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Open Space and Provision for Sport – General Comments Drylaw Telford Opposed to any loss of open space to housing unless identified in the results of the consultation on open space in Community Council Drylaw. Protect all open space in Drylaw and reflect how local people have defined open spaces. Upgrade all open space to a high quality, fit for purpose and designed to enhance biodiversity. Fairmilehead Ensure access to sports facilities with public transport. Community Council Protect and allocate further sites for allotments. Provide for both private and public open space in new developments. Concern regarding location of sports pitches close to other open spaces used for quiet recreation. Suggest more Allotments use of school playing fields. Association Committee Leith Central Include policy for the protection of allotments. Community Council Leith Links Promote better use of existing open spaces and community use of school facilities. Residents' Association

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xxv – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 6 – Open Space and Provision for Sport (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Open Space and Provision for Sport – Omissions BL Developments Identify on the Proposals Map where redevelopment sites have the opportunity to link or extend a green corridor or Ltd off-street footpath or cycleway. Consortium of Local Suggests a number of additional areas to be identified as open space on the Proposals Map. Voluntary Reference should be made to "Paths" in the objectives. Organisations in Colinton Craigmillar Park Protect Waverley Sports Club, Nether Liberton Tennis Court and Craigmillar Park Bowling Club with open space Association designation on the Proposals Map. Cramond Identify for protection smaller areas e.g. paddocks at Muirhouse and at Brae Park Road. Community Council Federation of Identify all allotments, in full, on the Proposals Map; include an appendix of all the allotment sites. Edinburgh & District Create separate policy for the protection of existing allotments, similar to Os 2 Playing Fields, (wording supplied) Allotments & and another for the future provision of allotment grounds indicating specific areas where allotments should be Gardens provided in line with proposed areas of major change (wording supplied). Include specific statement on value and Association importance of allotments. Homes for Scotland Include clear local standards for new provision in the context of existing surpluses/deficits in provision. Inverleith Amend Proposals Map to clearly define Inverleith Allotments with brown hatching. Allotments Association Committee Miller Need additional policy which supports new proposals for sport and leisure uses. Developments Ltd New Town and Include various existing open spaces for specific protection. All of King George V park should be afforded the same Broughton level of protection. Community Council Persimmon Homes A greenspace policy is required. Portobello Amenity Include site at 19-24 Portobello Promenade as open space. Propose council to acquire the land. Society Portobello Community Council Stockbridge Amend proposals map to show Inverleith allotments hatched brown. Colonies Residents Association Taylor Woodrow Need a greenspace policy. Developments Tipperlinn Bowling Protect bowling green as recreational/open space with Os1 designation on Proposals Map. Club

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xxvi – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 6 – Open Space and Provision for Sport (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) University of Guidance on the provision of indoor sports facilities, including development on existing private playing fields. Edinburgh Policy Os 1 – Open Space Protection Bridgend Allotment Supports the proposal by FEDAGA for a more robust policy statement providing for the protection of all existing Plot Holders allotment sites from future development. Committee British Waterways Remove canal designation as a green corridor as there are potential conflicts and designation may be too Scotland restrictive. Cockburn The word 'and' should be added after criterion a). Association Consortium of Local Suggests amendment to policy wording. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Craigmillar Park Wording open to interpretation and should be tightened up - include "and" between criteria a) and b). Association Currie Community Alleviate loss of open space by converting brownfield land into parkland. Council Drummond Civic All open space should be afforded the same protection regardless of size or whether in proposals map. Association Hart Estates Ltd Remove site at Traquair Park East from the open space designation and show as "white land" in the urban area or specifically identified for development. Inverleith Consider the enlargement of allotments and protect them in perpetuity. Allotments Association Committee NHS Lothian Audit of current open space and playing fields is required. Portobello Amenity Objects to policy as it is too open and threatens all open spaces. Society Portobello Amend wording to policy to strengthen protection. Community Council Portobello for New Delete "or" and replace with "and" in criterion c). Schools Portobello Park Need to define wording regarding criteria of over provision in the immediate area. Object to criterion d) which implies Action Group that open space can be sacrificed for undefined community purposes.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xxvii – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 6 – Open Space and Provision for Sport (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Scottish Natural Emphasise finite nature and fragility of network, remove implication that poorly designed spaces might be Heritage developed. Include Craigmillar Allotments on the Proposal Map. Scottish Rugby Remove public park/garden designation on land in SRU ownership adjacent to Roseburn park. Union plc, Acknowledge the potential of Murrayfield as a development opportunity. Murrayfield Stockbridge Concern that status of Inverleith Park appears to be downgraded. Colonies Residents Association Policy Os 2 – Playing Fields Protection Corstorphine Concern over loss of playing fields associated with school redevelopments. Community Council Craigmillar Park Supports playing field designation at Crawfurd Road/East Suffolk Road and Double Hedges. But policy wording Association open to interpretation and should be tightened up. Cramond No playing fields attached to a school, rented or used by a school should be allowed for development. Community Council Currie Community Policy gives carte blanche to dispose of asset sites - remove criteria a) and b). Council Fairmilehead There should be a complete embargo on the development of school or community playing fields. Association George Heriot's Amend Proposals Map to exclude residential property 13 Bangholm Terrace from the Open Space - Sports School designation. Old Town Greater protection/robustness required - all criteria need to be met. Community Council Portobello Park Clearly restrict to mean land use terms only - financial factors should be excluded. Criterion b) - any developed Action Group playing field should revert to open space if the development fails. Criteria c) and d) should define accessibility/modal type. The Blacket Designate the following on Proposals Map: Waverely Tennis Club at Suffolk Rd, Nether Liberton tennis court, Association Priestfield Rd/Kirkhill Rd tennis court, Craigmillar park Bowling Club, Hope Terrace Bowling Club. Policy Os 3 – Public Open Space Provision BL Developments Amend to include open space standards. Ltd Consortium of Local Objects to policy wording - need clear and more precise guidance. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Cramond Criteria must allow decent sized, useable open space, in the centre and periphery to improve streetscape.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xxviii – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 6 – Open Space and Provision for Sport (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Community Council Cultural Partnership Improve public space on Chambers Street. Currie Community Outline the approved standards referred to in paragraph 6.10 Council Federation of Add allotments to list after sports areas (paragraph 6.10). Edinburgh & District Allotments & Gardens Association Forth Ports plc Amend to state that public open space will be sought where appropriate "and necessary". Extend reference to off-site provision to state "Acceptable planning reasons could include qualitative and/or quantitative improvements in off-site provision in the immediate locality." Grange Association More detailed criteria required. NEAR The issue of maintenance of open spaces must be considered at design stage and secured through legal agreement. UNITE Group Plc Add "and necessary" after "where appropriate". Policy Os 4 – Pentlands Regional Park Currie Community Include community council and local representative groups in the consultation regarding a Regional Park. Council Waterfront Clarify reference to Access Strategy in paragraph 6.11. Edinburgh Policy Os 5 – Open Space and Recreation Proposals Forth Ports plc It is unnecessary to show the precise boundaries of open space proposals in Leith Waterfront as the boundaries are uncertain and should remain flexible pending future masterplanning, and the principle of delivering these strategic open spaces is already enshrined in the Leith Docks Development Framework. Grange Association Consider South East Wedge parkland as a planned park and arboretum of regional excellence. University of More guidance should be provided on development of indoor sports facilities. Edinburgh Waterfront Proposals for Granton Waterfront should be included in policy and table 6.1. Edinburgh Proposal OSR 1 – Gorgie/Dalry Park Gorgie Dalry Dalry Community Park misnamed. Partnership Proposal OSR 3 - Leith Docks community park Forth Ports plc Amend description of landscape design in Table 6.1 to incorporate existing dock features "where appropriate". Proposal OSR 4 - South East Wedge parkland

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xxix – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 6 – Open Space and Provision for Sport (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Forestry Opportunity to create habitat networks and links from Craigmillar to the wider countryside. Commission Scotland Proposal OSR 6 – Leith Waterfront playing fields Capital Rail Action Maintain rail access through open space corridor. Group Scottish Natural Re-word to state that Leith Links allotments will not be prejudiced by waterfront greenspace proposal. Heritage Proposal OSR 8 – new city cemetery Forestry Concern that any development may negatively impact on woodland. Commission Scotland Scottish Natural Recognise nature conservation and other interests of the site. Heritage

Chapter 7 – Housing and Community Facilities (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Housing and Community Facilities – General Comments Currie Community Disagree with Urban Fringe housing requirements. Council Show more detailed breakdown of housing needs analysis. Drum Estate The local plan will not secure its proportional contribution to achieving structure plan requirements or increasing need for family housing. Fairmilehead Infrastructure requirements should be in place prior to development of major projects. Community Council Fife Council - Supports the emphasis placed on the re-use of brownfield land for housing. Development Services Hart Estates There is a need for more family housing Iain Gotts Suggests guidelines on the level of family housing (including affordable housing) to be provided in large schemes, Associates applied ward by ward to take into account the demand: supply relationships across the City. Leith Central Show all the housing sites and sites with planning permission for housing in the Proposals Map. Community Council Mactaggart & There is a need for more family housing. Mickel

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xxx – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 7 – Housing and Community Facilities (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) McCarthy & Stone Concern regarding relationship between the SPG, the forthcoming Practice Note and local plan policy on affordable housing. National Grid Housing estimates given for Granton in different parts of the Plan vary. Property Limited Old Town Include policies to support development initiatives from public bodies and community organisations which address Community Council shortfalls in community facilities. Scottish Natural Structure Plan greenfield housing requirement should be re-examined. Heritage Waterfront Paragraph 7.2 identifies single and two person households as the fastest growing population group, when the main Edinburgh growth area is one-person flats. Table 7.5 is incorrect - Waterfront Edinburgh is providing 2,788 residential units. Housing and Community Facilities – Omissions BL Developments Include informal "policies" such as the presumption against single-aspect dwellings, so that they can be tested at Ltd inquiry. Add reference to studio flats as a form of lower cost housing and way of making best use of brownfield land.

Blackhall Give recognition to the need to protect the amenity of existing communities, prevent the replacement of dwelling Community houses with blocks of flats and oppose the intensive use of urban land. Association Communities Table 7.2 should provide indication of how capacities have been arrived at. Scotland Cramond No reference to . Association Dow Investments Object to ECLP failure to address shortage of nursing home accommodation in the city. Recommends policy Ltd support for provision of, or conversion/change of use to form, new nursing home accommodation to address existing/projected shortfall. Liberton Trust Designate sites at Blackford Glen Road and Alnwickhill Road as housing. University of Amend Housing Proposals and Housing Sites tables to include reference to proposals for Holyrood/Pleasance and Edinburgh Summerhall Place. Policy Hou 1 – Housing Development BL Developments Allocate Baileyfield site as a housing proposal. Ltd Boyack Homes Land at Woodhall Mains should be removed from the green belt, AGLV and nature conservation site and identified as a housing proposal. BT Group Identify BT site in Gorgie Road as a development opportunity, for mixed uses.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xxxi – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 7 – Housing and Community Facilities (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Dalrymple Trust Consider that Newcraighall is the most accessible site to public transport on the urban fringe. and EDI Group Ltd Dunedin Canmore Include West Craigs and Meadowfield as housing site. Housing Association Ltd Hallam Land Remove site at Burdiehouse from the green belt and identify as a housing proposal. Management Hart Estates Ltd Remove site at Gilmerton Dykes Road from the green belt and identify as a housing proposal. Isle Rathan Ltd Allocate business site at 67 Marionville Road for residential development. Kingsford Estates Remove site at Barnton Reservoir from Green Belt and include as a Housing Proposal Miller Homes Ltd. Allocate land at Winton for low density residential development. Ministry of Defence, Designate site at Dreghorn as a housing proposal in tables 7.2 and 7.3, to contribute to Structure Plan housing Defence Estates requirement. Mr & Mrs Purves Remove site at 42 West Mill Road from the Green Belt and Local Nature Conservation site and identify as a housing proposal. Mr A Smith and Remove site at Woodhall Mains/Juniper Green from the green belt and identify as a housing proposal. Caledonia Land NEAR The Pennywell neighbourhood renewal area or as a minimum the existing Craigroyston High School site should be identified as a housing proposal. NHS Lothian Site at 22 - 38 Chalmers Street should be included within Housing Proposal HSG5 Quartermile. (Ryden - JW) NHS Lothian Redesignate the Royal Victoria Hospital, Craigleith Road/Crewe Road South for residential development. (Ryden - RD) Persimmon Homes Remove site at Edmonstone from the green belt and identify as a housing proposal. (East Scotland) S G Baker Limited Remove site at Woodhall Mill Brae from the AGLV and identify as a housing proposal. Scottish Executive Re-word paragraph 7.6 to ensure that Structure Plan reference is accurate. Development Department Planning Division Scottish Executive No objection to referred sites with regard to the loss of prime agricultural land. Environment and Rural Affairs Department Scottish Prison HM Prison Edinburgh - Proposal of alternative housing site. Service Scottish Water Include site at Alnwickhill, Liberton Gardens as a housing site. (Estates)

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xxxii – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 7 – Housing and Community Facilities (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Include site at Fairmilehead, Buckstone Terrace as a housing site. Somerfield Stores More detailed guidance provided on scale and nature of residential developments. Ltd South Castle Remove existing steading and agricultural buildings at Brunstane from the green belt and identify as a housing Properties Ltd proposal. Taylor Woodrow Considers that the draft plan does not promote sufficient choice as directed by SPP3. Developments Remove site at Maybury from the Green Belt and identify as a housing proposal Taylor Woodrow Remove the AGLV and nature conservation designation from the site at the Polo fields, Dreghorn and identify as a Devt Ltd & Miller housing proposal. Homes Ltd Thistle Advertising Existing car park and advertising hoardings site at Crewe Toll should be identified as a housing proposal. Trinity Factors Add land to rear of 1-6 Hutchison Terrace as a non-strategic housing site. University of Site at Holyrood/Pleasance should be identified as housing proposal. Edinburgh Policy Hou 2 – Housing Mix Blackhall Apply quota of 30% family housing (applicable to Leith Docks development) to Granton Waterfront. Community Association Boyack Homes Objects to definition of what is suitable for family housing. Communities Clarify how 'lifetime homes' targets have been derived in paragraph 7.12. Scotland Consortium of Local Suggest amendment to policy wording. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Dunedin Canmore Take into account suitability of site e.g. sloping sites or distances from facilities, allow flexibility with overall aim of Housing 10% across city. Association Ltd Forth Ports plc Amend paragraph 7.11 to refer to dependency on market conditions in terms of achieving the target of 30% target for family housing. Omit specific 10% requirements for wheelchair accessible homes and homes for older people, as overly specific for a local plan. George Wimpey Replace overall family housing target for Leith Docks with specific allocation zones in individual masterplans. City (Ocean Drive site) Grange Association Provide for the elderly (retirement homes and nursing homes) especially in AMCs. Homes for Scotland Suggests the requirements are excessive.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xxxiii – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 7 – Housing and Community Facilities (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Leith Central More consultation required regarding 10% housing suitable for older people. Community Council McCarthy & Stone Seeks clarification on position regarding Lifetime Homes, housing suitable for the elderly and wheelchair accessible housing. NEAR Requests definition of "housing for families with children". NHS Lothian Supports the aspiration for lifetime homes. Smith Scott Mullan Glossary definition of family housing is too narrow. Associates Standard Life Redefine family housing in the glossary to consider two-bedroom flats in definition. Teague Amend policy to refer to meeting a range of housing needs "in the local area". Developments Ltd Travis Perkins plc Amend policy to refer to meeting a range of housing needs "in the local area". Waterfront Paragraph 7.11 refers to aspirational target of 30% family housing for Leith Docks Development Framework area. Edinburgh Why not everywhere? Policy Hou 3 – Private Open Space BL Developments Amend to specify open space requirements. Ltd Communities Emphasise importance of long term maintenance in paragraph 7.13. Scotland Consortium of Local Objects to policy wording - need clear and more precise guidance. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Currie Community Consider using the Public Open Space Standards referred to in the 1993 South West Edinburgh Local Plan policy Council E21 to clarify this policy. Federation of Add reference to allotments as part of residents' private open space needs. Edinburgh & District Allotments & Gardens Association NHS Lothian Supports policy. Queensferry and Include requirement for management/maintenance regime. District Community Council Smith Scott Mullan Relate open space standards to floor space with a definition of housing types. Clear open space and height Associates standards required to fix housing volumes on sites thereby giving clarity regarding site values. UNITE Group Plc Amend wording to allow student accommodations a concession to this requirement.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xxxiv – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 7 – Housing and Community Facilities (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Waterfront Reference should be made in supporting paragraph 7.13 to guidelines, if these are available. (Why are city centre Edinburgh sites 'let off'?). Policy Hou 4 - Density BL Developments Identify the "city centre" and other central locations on the Proposals Map. Ltd Amend to remove reference to safeguarding living conditions within developments, which prejudices development of smaller units and hence fails to respond to demographic trends. Currie Community Prevent development on garden ground. Council Dunedin Canmore Incorporate family housing into high density developments e.g. terraced town houses with flats above. Avoid large Housing number of family flats within common stair to avoid 'wear and tear'. Association Ltd Forth Ports plc Clarify Council's definition of "higher densities". Grange Association Where change has taken place in recent years, the original character and density should be the benchmark. Hart Estates Detailed guidance on densities should be set out in the plan Historic Scotland Advise that development in conservation areas take account of the special character of the conservation area, as described in the relevant Conservation Area Character Appraisal. Recommends reference to the historic environment is made in paragraph 7.16. Mactaggart & Detailed guidance on densities should be set out in the plan. Mickel Policy Hou 5 – Conversion to Housing Currie Community Reverse trend of shop conversions - suggest that lack of on street parking is a cause. Council Policy Hou 6 – Loss of Housing Consortium of Local Suggests amendment to policy wording. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Policy Hou 7 – Affordable Housing BT Group Re-word to provide more flexibility and allow exceptions, in effect a lower provision, and be area based. Consortium of Local Suggests amendment to policy wording. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Cramond Need clear definition of "affordable housing". Association Currie Community Reduce threshold to 4 units with one affordable to ensure that small developments in existing communities also Council benefit from the policy.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xxxv – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 7 – Housing and Community Facilities (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Dunedin Canmore Clarify planning gain cost, as housing association cannot use HAG to fund non-housing elements. Housing Association Ltd Fairmilehead Affordable element not always necessary. Community Council Forth Ports plc Objects to detailed issues in CEC's affordable housing policy. Grange Association Concern that affordable housing does not remain in that use - they should not be sold off at a profit. Developments under 12 units could also contribute via housing association funding. Hart Estates The requirement for affordable housing should where possible be met within the locality where need has been identified Iain Gotts Allow larger grouping of affordable housing of 100 units in large sites. Allow greater flexibility on large greenfield Associates sites to ensure that the agreed mix respects identified needs. Leith Central Omit reference allowing off-site affordable housing provision. Community Council Mactaggart & The requirement for affordable housing should where possible be met within the locality where need has been Mickel identified. McCarthy & Stone Need to monitor the effect that the revised affordable housing requirements has on the pace of development. More information should be provided on the Council's financial assumptions relating to the implementation of affordable housing policy. Seeks amendments to supporting text relating to off-site provision of affordable housing National Grid A flexible and site by site basis should be adopted for provision. Property Limited NHS Lothian Support policy. Scottish Executive Paragraphs 7.20 to 7.27 should make reference to the specific guidance provided by PAN 74, and should identify Development clearly the relevant housing needs assessment. Department Planning Division Standard Life Allow flexibility in the policy in order to consider level of need in specific area, exceptional costs e.g. brownfield redevelopment, land values and other financial obligations, in accordance with PAN 74. Teague Amend policy to refer to exceptional costs as justification for reduced affordable contributions. Developments Ltd Tollcross Explicitly state the necessity for family and key-worker housing. Community Council UNITE Group Plc Clarify in policy that future specialist built student housing accommodation will not fall under requirement to make provision for affordable housing. Add new paragraph to recognise role of purpose built student housing to provide alternative to HMO, and increasing housing diversity. Waterfront Clarification needed whether policy applies to whole city.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xxxvi – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 7 – Housing and Community Facilities (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Edinburgh

Policy Hou 8 – Inappropriate Uses in Residential Areas Craiglockhart Amend wording of policy. Community Centre Waterfront Position of 'live/work' units should be clarified. Edinburgh Policy Hou 9 – HMOs Communities Paragraph 7.30 should provide a clearer definition of the areas to which policy applies. Scotland Craigmillar Park Upper limit of 40% is too high. Association Currie Community HMOs must be inspected regularly. Council East Suffolk Park Amend to reduce the limitation of 40% set for HMOs. Proprietors Association Greenhill and Reduce the 40% limitation on HMOs to 33% or less. Churchhill Amenity Association Leith Central Purpose built and professionally managed housing for rent required for students/key workers/young workers. Community Council Concern regarding impact of buy-to-let and HMOs in Leith tenements - 30 threshold should be in place for former and 40% HMO off a tenement common stair. Southside Concern regarding use of appropriate baseline population data. Community Council Tollcross Alter policy to reflect percentage in stairs (30-40%) and not census output areas. Community Council University of Concern at principle of restraining the growth of HMOs in Edinburgh, given their importance for students, nurses Edinburgh and others. Policy stance, in particular, the limitations on HMO growth, is a matter of concern and opposed. Policy Hou 10 – Gypsy/Travellers Stopping Place Currie Community Discussion with the groups is required and suggest looking for several smaller sites. Council Lothian and Recommends that potential sites should not be developed without full consultation with Lothian and Borders Police. Borders Police NHS Lothian Suggests the wording of this policy could be more positive i.e. 'will only be permitted' is quite negative and could possibly be viewed as discriminatory.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xxxvii – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 7 – Housing and Community Facilities (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Policy Hou 11 – Community Facilities Currie Community Define "large scale housing developments". Council NHS Lothian Supports policy. Include amendment to include the possibility for developers to make financial contributions to meet costs of providing additional primary care and community health facilities. Queensferry and Policy required that lists financial contributions/planning gain expected from developers - suggests a percentage of District Community total value of the project; suggest the contributions could be spent outwith the immediate vicinity. Council Policy is required to provide for children's play parks - suggests an accessibility criteria. Policy is required to ensure new developments are served by local shops - suggests use of developer contributions. Scottish Executive Text should give examples of kinds of community facilities envisaged in policy. Development Department Planning Division Policy Hou 12 – School Contributions Forth Ports plc Expand policy to include transparent reference to the Council's approach to determining the necessity and scale of financial contributions to schools. Amend policy to refer to schools "within the catchment area" serving the development. Policy Hou 13 – School Proposals Currie Community Concern that future schools and playing fields will be in the Green Belt land and suggest that new playing fields are Council made in inner city brownfield sites. Investigate extending life of schools by extensions etc rather than new build. Gorgie Dalry Take into account Tynecastle Nursery. Partnership Grange Association Note and question no school proposals for south Edinburgh, or Craigmillar and Newcraighall. Merchiston Castle Include reference to private schools, and include known private school proposals in table 7.1. School Portobello Omission - no mention of future of Portobello schools. Community Council Portobello for New Include Portobello High School and St John's Primary School in Table 7.1 to reflect Council's commitment for their Schools redevelopment, and insert comment that they are operating above capacity on a constrained site with limited scope for expansion. Portobello Park Concern regarding subjective nature of decisions on open space development. Action Group Proposal SCH 6 – Holy Rood RC High School Historic Scotland Respect the settings of Duddingston House (A-listed) and the grounds contained in the Inventory of Gardens and Designed Landscapes in Scotland. Proposal SCH 9 –

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xxxviii – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 7 – Housing and Community Facilities (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Gorgie Dalry Site allocation of 2ha is insufficient. Partnership Historic Scotland Advise importance of reusing existing B-listed school. Scottish and Comments column should clarify that proposal is subject to funding and acquisition. Newcastle Proposal AMC 1b – Leith Waterfront (Leith Docks) Forth Ports plc Refer to "up to" 18,000 housing units. Proposal AMC 2 – Granton Waterfront Waterfront Incorrect figure - 8,688 is current estimated capacity. Edinburgh Proposal HSG 4 – Lochend Butterfly Albion Business Ensure that residential proposals on site HSG 4 and adjoining land make provision for existing business to remain Centre - Occupants onsite, and add statement that if HSG 4 is extended to incorporate Albion Business Centre, this part of the site incorporates existing appropriate space for businesses. Proposal HSG 7 – Clermiston Campus Scottish Natural Recognise nature conservation interest (badger sett). Heritage Proposal HSG 10 – Meadowbank Concern regarding loss of recreational facilities and consultation on the proposal. Craigtinny/Meadow bank Community Council Currie Community Justify housing need and outline replacement open space. Council Edinburgh Objects to proposed sale of stadium site. Monarchs Speedway team Leith Central Objects to the redevelopment of Meadowbank and resultant loss in sports facility. If part of site is to be retained for Community Council recreation, this should be made clear in Plan. Royal Park Terrace Object unless there is a clear urban design framework and provision for affordable housing, small business space, & Spring Gardens and allotments. Residents' Association Proposal HSG 12 – Newcraighall North Boyack Homes Objects to this housing proposal. Currie Community The two green belt sites HSG 12 and 13 should not be developed until all brownfield allocations are developed; and Council HSG 14 should take precedence.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xxxix – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 7 – Housing and Community Facilities (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Dalrymple Trust Draft Master Plan submitted as basis for discussion. and EDI Group Ltd East Lothian No objection. Notes that along with releases at Craighall the Brunstane/Newhailes area becomes a disconnected Council area of Green Belt. Fairmilehead No support for housing in the Green Belt. Community Council Hallam Land Objects to housing proposal on various grounds. Management Newcraighall No objection to housing proposals subject to developer contributions to provide local community facilities. Miners Welfare Society, Tenants & Residents Society & Heritage Society Portobello Amenity Objects to both HSG 12 and 13 on grounds that it threatens wellbeing of the Green Belt and is not necessary given Society over provision of dwellings at waterfront. Portobello Objects as it is not considered to be required in view of waterfront developments. Community Council Taylor Woodrow Objects because of impact on the green belt - contrary to Policies ENV2 and HOU4 in the Structure Plan Developments Proposal HSG 13 – Newcraighall East Boyack Homes Objects to this housing proposal. Dalrymple Trust Draft Master Plan submitted as basis for discussion. and EDI Group Ltd East Lothian Reserve land to facilitate the provision of a bus link from QMUC campus to Newcraighall. Council No objection. Notes that along with releases at Craighall, the Brunstane/Newhailes area becomes a disconnected area of Green Belt. Fairmilehead No support for housing in the Green Belt. Community Council Hallam Land Objects to housing proposal on various grounds. Management Newcraighall No objection to housing proposals subject to developer contributions to provide local community facilities. Miners Welfare Society, Tenants & Residents Society & Heritage Society Portobello Objects as it is not considered to be required in view of waterfront developments. Community Council

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xl – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 7 – Housing and Community Facilities (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Taylor Woodrow Objects because of impact on the green belt - contrary to Policies ENV2 and HOU4 in the Structure Plan Developments Waterfront Re-word supporting text to make reference to school design issues in high density urban areas. Edinburgh Proposal HSG 14 – Edinburgh Zoo Boyack Homes Objects to this housing proposal Consortium of Local No objection in principle - master plan including photomontages required. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Corstorphine Objects to proposal, especially in terms of resulting congestion and pollution on St John's Road. Community Council Cramond Objects to zoo proposal - precedence set for other organisations to raise money. Community Council Fairmilehead No support for housing in the Green Belt. Community Council Friends of Objects to the proposal for various reasons. Corstorphine Hill Royal Zoological Amend boundary of housing proposal to include north paddock. Society of Scotland Increase site capacity to approx 130 units. Amend boundary of housing proposal to include site of wild dogs enclosure. Remove this site from the green belt. Proposal HSG 15 – Powderhall Leith Central Objects on grounds that site will still be needed for waste facility because of difficulties with Seafield alternative. Community Council

Chapter 8 – Employment and Economic Development (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Employment and Economic Development – General Comments Britel Fund Comments relate to Capital House, and essentially seek support for further office development on adjacent car park, Trustees and some limited development on, or improvement of Festival Square. Changeworks Refer to primary vision of the most sustainable city in northern Europe. Encourage opportunities to generate power, reduce energy requirements, water run off and provide policy and action plan for town centres to incorporate shared heating/power provision Consortium of Local Suggests cross-reference to environmental and other policies in objectives. Voluntary Organisations in EdinburghColinton City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xli – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 8 – Employment and Economic Development (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Consideration should be given to alternative uses for unused office space e.g. housing.

Cramond There should be an alternative to office-based economy. Association Greenhill and Employment growth in Edinburgh should be brought into line with labour supply (i.e. suppressed) in order to avoid Churchhill Amenity an over-heated market, unacceptable levels of travel-to-work, declining quality of environment etc. Association Royal Zoological Would welcome the inclusion of an endorsement of the Zoo Masterplan in the finalised plan. Society of Scotland Scottish Enterprise The first objective is not ambitious enough and should be re-worded to read: 'promote and provide for continued Edinburgh and growth, develop the city's competitive advantage and direct new investment to sustainable and accessible Lothians locations'. Stephen & Liz Concern that business and industry area/strategic business centre designation at South Gyle Crescent may restrict Chalmers operations of street traders in the area. Employment and Economic Development – Omissions Napier University Provide a policy for the development of higher education in the city, with appropriate references to Napier University, specifically its five main campuses in the urban area, including three - Sighthill, Craiglockhart and Craighouse - where further growth Norwich Union Life Identify property occupied by NULAP, namely Rosebery House, as a development opportunity on Proposals Map and Pensions and in Written Statement. Portobello Include business proposals in Portobello -esp. western Portobello/Telferton. Recognise vacant sites could be Community Council allowed for housing but would resist retail proposals; mention masterplan for this area. Scottish Enterprise Provide a policy on hotel developments, in response to forecast increase in demand. Edinburgh and Lothians University of Reference should be made in paragraph 8.2 to the Potterrow development for Informatics. Edinburgh Table 8.1 should include reference to Old College/Bristo Sq/George Sq., King's Buildings development framework area and Holyrood/Pleasance master plan.

Table 8.1 should include reference to Potterrow development for Informatics, development frameworks for Old College etc. and King's Buildings and Holyrood/Pleasance master plans Waterfront Mention should be made of the requirement for good quality, moderately priced office floorspace, compared with Edinburgh industrial type floorspace. Policy Emp 1 – Office Development Forth Ports plc Amend paragraph 8.11 to refer to "office-led mixed use development" in the Leith Strategic Business Centre.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xlii – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 8 – Employment and Economic Development (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Amend paragraph 8.11 to clarify that there is no sequential preference for office development to the City Centre and Edinburgh Park, ahead of Leith Docks. Amend paragraph 8.11 to state that Leith Docks provides "an accessible opportunity" for a high quality business centre. George Wimpey Amend designation to reflect extant planning consent for residential use on site north of Ocean Drive. City (Ocean Drive site) George Wimpey Proposals Map should recognise planning status of site north of Victoria Dock on Ocean Drive (granted planning City Ltd permission for residential development in 2002). Remove Strategic Business Centre designation. Land Securities Re-word final sentence in paragraph 8.9 to promote a 'mix of uses' at ground level, in order to foster city centre Trillium vitality, not solely shops. Waterfront References to Leith Docks in paragraph 8.11 and Granton in paragraph 8.12 are queried. Edinburgh Policy Emp 2 – Centre for Biochemical Research Scottish Enterprise Policy does not reflect the terms of the planning permission: re-word to be supportive of ancillary support services. Edinburgh and Replacement policy suggested, including term 'commercial spin-offs'. Lothians Policy Emp 3 – Business and Industry Areas B&Q Properties Ltd Remove Business and Industry designation from B&Q site at Newcraighall. BAE Systems Remove Business and Industry designation from Crewe Toll House East and Crewe Toll House West. Pension Fund Trustees Ltd Beaverhall Remove Business and Industry designation from Beaverhall area, and identify as a "mixed use Properties Ltd residential/business/industrial area". Bernard Hunters Remove from Green Belt and designate land at around 600 Gilmerton Road as Emp3/proposal in EMP5. Ltd BL Developments Remove Business and Industry designation from Baileyfield site, as there is no demand for employment use on this Ltd site and the designation is inconsistent with the Council's Statement of Urban Design Principles (2003). Blake Group Amend policy to allow non-employment uses such as housing subject to: -inclusion of job generating uses -being part of comprehensive development -not inhibiting or prejudicing neighbouring business activities. Charles Henshaw & Remove Business and Industry designation from area around Russell Road. Sons Ltd Currie Community Provide for the natural growth of industry and protect brownfield development for smaller industrial units. Council

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xliii – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 8 – Employment and Economic Development (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Duddingston House Amend policy to refer to potential for mixed use development in Business and Industry areas where these are Properties central and the proposal avoids piecemeal development. Ediston Properties Remove Business and Industry designation from World Market House at Crewe Toll, and identify as mixed use Ltd (Crewe Toll) redevelopment opportunity. Ediston Properties Remove Business and Industry designation from Silverfields, Stanwell St site (formerly Standard Life offices), and Ltd (Stanwell St) identify as mixed use redevelopment opportunity. Henderson Global Remove Business and Industry designation from 525 Ferry Road. Investors (Ferry Road) Industrial Property Remove Business and Industry designation at Bonnington Industrial Estate, Newhaven Road, as it is not possible to Investment Fund redevelop current industrial estate to provide small business premises. Add new paragraph to policy allowing mixed use proposals in defined Business and Industry areas where: - the existing premises are no longer suitable for such purposes - it is demonstrated that redevelopment will lead to a net gain or improvement in employment opportunities and/or business floorspace to service the employment needs/requirements of that part of the city. J Smart & Co Omit reference to loss of industrial or business potential, to allow equivalent floorspace to be provided in mixed use (Contractors) plc schemes. LIDL UK In exceptional circumstances development for discount food stores should be permitted within industrial/employment areas. Martin & Frost and Remove Business and Industry designation from 3/13 and 15/19 West Bowling Green Street, Bonnington. James Gray & Sons North British Remove Business and Industry designation from North British Distillery site. Distillery Company Ltd Resolution Property Remove Business and Industry designation from Wickes and B&Q sites at Newcraighall. Asset Management plc SCA Packaging Ltd Remove Business and Industry designation from SCA site at Turnhouse Road, and identify as a specific development site or as undesignated land. Standard Life Remove Business and Industry designation from Silverfields, Stanwell St site (formerly Standard Life offices). Assurance Company Policy Emp 4 – Small Business Needs BT Group Re-word policy to take into account a broader range of considerations, including character of surroundings, and apply only to small businesses. EDI Group Policy takes no account of market requirements and could lead to large areas of vacant property being created. Forth Ports plc Amend policy to protect small business floorspace outwith Areas of Major Change as well as defined Business and

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xliv – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 8 – Employment and Economic Development (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Industry areas, to avoid prejudicing redevelopment in the AMCs. Grange Association Replace lost business premises with local and affordable units to avoid business and trade being forced out of the city. Industrial Property Amend policy to allow loss of employment floorspace outwith defined Business and Industry areas if it can be Investment Fund demonstrated that: - the continuation of the existing use would be harmful to the environment or amenity of the area; or - the site is no longer suitable for industrial, business or storage use; or - there is insufficient demand for the site to be retained in industrial, business or storage use; or - it would be more appropriate to redevelop the site for mixed use proposals involving a significant element of employment use. Standard Life Allow other considerations for alternative uses, character of the surrounding area, and implications of the loss of the business use on the quality and quantity of such spaces in the area. Make explicit reference to small businesses in the policy - wording currently applies to all sizes of business floorspace. Teague Clarify policy by referring to "small" industrial, business or storage floorspace. Developments Ltd Travis Perkins plc Clarify policy by referring to "small" industrial, business or storage floorspace. Waterfront Make reference to 'live/work' units, such as Madelvic Works proposal. Edinburgh Proposal BUS 4 – Newcraighall Road Buccmartin Amend description of BUS 4 to state that site is suitable for car showroom, trade retail and bulky goods retail uses. Properties Ltd Considers Whitehill Road site potentially appropriate for a mixed use development including residential uses. Portobello Link this proposal with the redevelopment of the waterfront between King's Road and Seafield. Community Council Resolution Property Remove BUS 4 proposal from Whitehill Road and reserve for long-term future retail provision. Asset Management plc Proposal AMC 1a – Western Harbour Forth Ports plc Amend reference to business floorspace at Western Harbour in Table 8.1 to "as yet undetermined". Proposal AMC 1b – Leith Docks Forth Ports plc Amend reference to business floorspace at Leith Docks in Table 8.1 to "as yet undetermined". Proposal HSG 5 - Quartermile Scottish Executive Commentary may need to be updated. Development Department Planning Division

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xlv – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 9 – Shopping, Entertainment and Other Town Centre Uses (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Shopping, Entertainment and Other Town Centre Uses – General Comments ASDA Stores Ltd There should be more emphasis on improvement of centres, including health checks and identification of specific improvement measures. British Land Flexibility needed to allow retail parks to expand or reconfigure in response to changes in the retail market - concern Company plc regarding figures stated in EARNS study. Consortium of Local Concern regarding future of local centres. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Craiglockhart Concern regarding town centre viability without additional off street parking and over dependence on public Community Centre transport supports out of town shopping. Fairmilehead Parking restrictions do not assist shoppers to local centres and encourage out-of-town centres. Community Council Support, funding and publicity required for local centres and other town centres. Fife Council - Supports the strategy of directing new retail development to City and Town Centre locations, to major retail centres Development and appropriate new provision being made in emerging residential areas. Services Forth Ports plc Clarify whether the Edinburgh Area Retail Needs Study (EARNS) 2005 is the basis for the local plan's retail strategy. Amend paragraph 9.7 bullet 5 to refer to 52,500 sq. metres of additional "net sales comparison goods" floorspace. Amend chapter objectives to include maintaining the existing "and proposed" broad distribution of centres. Gyle Shopping Make recognition that other centres can fulfil function of traditional town and local centres in paragraph 9.4. Centre General Suggests amendment to paragraph 9.2 to make specific reference to the Gyle. Partner Limited Henderson Global Amend paragraph 9.7 criterion 5 to refer to a target of 52,500 sq m of "net sales comparison goods" floorspace. Investments Concern regarding relationship between EARNS and ECLP strategy. Insufficient detail provided on future retail capacity. Hercules Unit Trust Considers that the use of the EARNS study as a basis for policy is flawed. 2nd objective should be more flexible to recognise that centres may change their role/status and that new centres may emerge. Historic Scotland Suggests a reference to schemes that go hand-in-hand with the conservation and repair of the historic environment in paragraph 9.40. John Lewis Support policies Ret 1 - 3, Ret 7 & Ret 10 -11 LIDL UK Explicit recognition should be given to the benefits of discount food stores. Performance Retail Concern regarding relationship between EARNS and ECLP strategy. Insufficient detail provided on future retail Limited Partnership capacity. Amend paragraph 9.7 criterion 5 to refer to a target of 52,500 sq m of net sales comparison goods floorspace.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xlvi – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 9 – Shopping, Entertainment and Other Town Centre Uses (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Portobello Encourage residential use above retail use. Campaign Against the Superstore Somerfield Stores All proposals in excess of 1000 sq m of gross retailing floorspace should be accompanied by a retail impact Ltd assessment. Southside Require definition of Primary Frontage. Community Council Stockbridge Change description "Other Town Centres" to "Extra City Centres" to reflect the importance of Stockbridge (and other Community Council areas close to core city centre), to the city centre's success. However, all shopping centres merit protection, and parking/traffic movement critical - bus lanes should be avoided. Waterfront Statement in 9.2 that retail malls and parks do not provide the mix of uses found in town centres is incorrect. Edinburgh Wester Hailes Need to clarify relationship between EARNS and ECLP policies. Shopping Centre Ltd Shopping, Entertainment and Other Town Centres Uses – Omissions Craiglockhart Designate Craiglockhart ("Happy Valley") as a Local Centre. Community Centre Forth Ports plc Add new objective: "To ensure that the future role and function of defined centres in the Local Plan area takes account of their accessibility, mix of uses and relationship to the catchment population they serve." Gyle Shopping The development of the Gyle Centre to provide new retail, leisure and community facilities and a public transport Centre General interchange should be included as an identified proposal in Policy Ret 14 Partner Limited Henderson Global Individual proposals should be referred to in policy RET2 and shown as opportunities on the Proposals Map. Investments LIDL UK There should be express policy support for shopping for every day needs in areas which are currently poorly served by existing town or local centres Muir Smith Evans Princes Street requires a location specific policy and a targeted action plan. NHS Lothian Include policy that prevents location of new fast food and gambling shops within the immediate proximity of schools. Performance Retail Direct reference should be made to opportunity for additional retail floorspace at Cameron Toll. Limited Partnership Portobello Amend town centre shading on proposals map. Campaign Against the Superstore UNITE Group Plc Make reference to the role student housing can have on town centres. Waterfront Tourism is referred to in objectives, but there are no related policies. Edinburgh Policy Ret 1 – Retail development in Edinburgh City Centre

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xlvii – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 9 – Shopping, Entertainment and Other Town Centre Uses (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Cockburn Policy is supported, but objection is made to the reference in 9.11 to an underground shopping mall in Princes Association Street and a shopping deck above Waverley Station. Corstorphine Concern regarding loss of trade on Princes Street resulting from tramway construction. Community Council Supports underground shopping on Princes Street. Forth Ports plc Amend policy and Proposals Map to identify specific retail opportunities in the city centre. Great King Street Objects to any proposal for underground shopping at Princes Street Gardens. Association Henderson Global Retail development in the City Centre Retail Core should be "encouraged and supported". Policy should not apply to Investments wider Central Area. Historic Scotland Recommend an additional criterion which seeks to secure the preservation and enhancement of the WHS, adjacent conservation areas and the settings of listed buildings and scheduled monuments. Malcolm Fraser Opposed to reference to a retail deck above Waverley Station and the underground Princes Street Mall as possible Architects extensions of the retail core. Old Town Object to all mention of possible underground mall on Princes Street. Priority should be given to improvement and Community Council intensification of use of existing buildings rather than demolition which conflicts with waste reduction commitments. Scottish Executive Refer in paragraph 9.14 to City Centre Action Plan. Development Department Planning Division Transport Initiatives Refer to tram proposals and tram stops on the role which these will play in enhancing the attractiveness and Edinburgh (general functionality of shopping centres in paragraph 9.13. response) Policy Ret 2 – Retail Development in Town Centres and Local Centres Forth Ports plc Amend policy and paragraph 9.16 to also apply to shopping proposals identified in Table 9.2. Henderson Global Criterion b) should be amended to refer to potential impact on City Centre and other town centres. Investments Policy Ret 3 – Retail Development on the edge of Town Centre and Local Centres Henderson Global Should include reference to the City Centre. Investments Tesco Stores It is illogical to test the impact of an edge of centre proposal on the centre it is attached to. Limited Wester Hailes Wording should be amended to include reference to the shopping proposals identified in Policy Ret 14. Shopping Centre Ltd Wm Morrison Reference should be made to the availability of alternative sites. Clarification needed as to whether proposed Supermarkets plc centres are also protected. Policy Ret 4 – Protection of Local Centres

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xlviii – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 9 – Shopping, Entertainment and Other Town Centre Uses (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Consortium of Local Need to improve short term parking in Colinton local centre. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Fairmilehead Local shopping centres and parades with fewer than 10 units should also have the protection afforded to centres Association listed in table 9.1 (Concerned at Tesco/Colinton proposal which will have an adverse effect of Firrhill Drive proposals. NHS Lothian Suggest that specific guidance is drawn up that ensures that local shopping facilities are within reasonable walking distance e.g. 15 minutes or 800 metres, of all residential areas. Portobello Clarify when retail impact assessments are required - suggest threshold set at 1,000sq.m. Campaign Against the Superstore Policy Ret 5 – Retail Development in or on the edge of Major Shopping Centres ASDA Stores Ltd Objects to policy wording, with particular regard to criteria relating to "need" and "availability in foreseeable future". Policy must provide opportunities to maintain and enhance retail offer in major centres. B&Q Properties Ltd Identify B&Q site as part of Newcraighall / The Jewel Major Shopping Centre. Forth Ports plc Amend to state that proposals will only be granted planning permission where "a deficiency exists and where no suitable sites are suitable or available…" Amend to identify and prioritise expansion of Major Shopping Centres which are accessible by sustainable transport modes. Henderson Global Should focus on development to accommodate a mix of uses, including retail. Investments Midlothian Council Consider that the effect of policy would be to allow further retail developments in locations around the city, at odds with the Council's stated aim of precluding development in such locations in order to protect the city centre as the regional shopping focus. Performance Retail Amend wording to state "will only be granted planning permission where a deficiency exists and were no suitable Limited Partnership sites are suitable or available…" Identify which major centres are capable of becoming sustainable town centres/retail locations and prioritise expansion accordingly. Resolution Property Identify Wickes, B&Q and Whitehill Road sites as part of Newcraighall / The Jewel Major Shopping Centre. Asset Management plc Scottish Executive Need is not a requirement of SPP 8, and the emphasis placed on need in policy should be re-considered. Development Department Planning Division Tesco Stores Evidence should only be required to demonstrate that there are no suitable sites within any town centre lying within Limited the catchment of the proposal.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -xlix – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 9 – Shopping, Entertainment and Other Town Centre Uses (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Wester Hailes Objects to requirement to consider "planned" sites. Shopping Centre Ltd Wm Morrison Use term "quantitative and qualitative deficiencies" instead of "need". Supermarkets plc Policy Ret 6 – Out of Centre Retail Development ASDA Stores Ltd Support for existing centres should not be slavishly followed at expense of other objectives or criteria. Cramond With exception of new development areas e.g. Granton, severely restrict new out of town retail centres. Community Council Forth Ports plc Amend to also apply to shopping proposals identified in Table 9.2. Grange Association Concern that appropriate transport links to retail outlets in North Edinburgh are not specifically referred to. LIDL UK Criterion b) is ambiguous and should be reworded. Criterion e) should be deleted. Scottish Executive Ret 5: the concept of need is not supported by government policy and should be re-considered in criterion a); the Development sequential approach as set out in Structure Plan should be reflected. Department Planning Division Somerfield Stores Retail proposals associated with new residential development should be restricted to less than 500 sq m gross Ltd floorspace. Wester Hailes Wording should be amended to include reference to the shopping proposals identified in Policy Ret 14. Shopping Centre Ltd Wm Morrison Criterion c) requires clarification and criterion e) is unreasonable and unnecessary. Supermarkets plc Policy 7 – Key town centre uses - preferred locations Forth Ports plc Amend to also support key town centre uses in Major Shopping Centres, to assist in the establishment of a network of centres. Hercules Unit Trust Include "a Major Shopping Centre" after each of the references to "Town Centres" Marco's Leisure Amend wording to include "or a Local Centre". Performance Retail Add "or a major shopping centre" after the words "town centre". Limited Partnership Wester Hailes Wording should be amended to include “or a major shopping centre". Shopping Centre Ltd Policy Ret 8 – Key town centre uses – other locations Forth Ports plc Amend to apply sequential preference for key town centre uses in Major Shopping Centres. Hercules Unit Trust Include "a Major Shopping Centre" after each of the references to "Town Centres" Performance Retail Add "or a Major Shopping Centre" after the words "town centre" in criterion a). Limited Partnership

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -l – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 9 – Shopping, Entertainment and Other Town Centre Uses (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Wester Hailes Wording should be amended to include “or a major shopping centre". Shopping Centre Ltd Policy Ret 9 – Key town centre uses – other considerations Tollcross Policy is open to interpretation and should be more precise. Community Council Policy Ret 10 – Alternative Use of Shop Units - City Centre Retail Core Transport Initiatives Note that two negative clauses is difficult to understand and would welcome simplification. Edinburgh (general response) Policy Ret 11 – Alternative Use of Shop Units - Town and Local Centres Queensferry and Applicant must demonstrate the unit is not commercially viable. Changes of use must retain visually active frontages District Community to prevent dead frontages. Council Southside Consider the restoration of shop units in Newington back to original garden ground as occurred along Lauriston Community Council Place. Policy Ret 12 – Speciality Shopping Streets Old Town Include criteria for assessment of development proposals and refer to the characteristics that need to be protected. Community Council Pilrig Residents' Reflect the diversity and independent traders along Leith Walk. Association Policy Ret 13 – Food and Drink Establishments Currie Community Amend wording to protect street character and shopping mix. Council Lothian and Recommend that all licensed premises are built to the standard of Secured By Design Licensed Premises. Borders Police Portobello Include Portobello as sensitive area. Campaign Against the Superstore Policy Ret 14 – Shopping and Related Proposals Forth Ports plc Amend to distinguish between local scale shopping proposals and the potential for expansion at Ocean Terminal. Midlothian Council Consider that the effect of policy would be to allow further retail developments in locations around the city, at odds with the Council's stated aim of precluding development in such locations in order to protect the city centre as the regional shopping focus. Portobello Allow no further expansion of out-of-town centres until all extra floor space identified is provided and occupied. Campaign Against the Superstore

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -li – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 9 – Shopping, Entertainment and Other Town Centre Uses (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Tesco Stores The proposed new local centre at Colinton Mains Drive should be added to the list in Table 9.1 Limited Wm Morrison Further information should be provided in the plan regarding the scale and type of development supported. Supermarkets plc Proposal S 3 – Hermiston Gait Currie Community Improve road links/access. Council Transport Initiatives Refer specifically to the tram with regard to developer contributions. Edinburgh (general response) Proposal S 4 – Colinton Mains Drive Consortium of Local Objects on grounds of impact on Colinton local centre and other parades of shops. Wish to be consulted on RIA. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Craiglockhart Concern that new Local Centre/extension will have negative impact on existing shops at Craiglockhart and views to Community Centre Pentland hills will be impacted by new development. Fairmilehead Objects to the expansion and understand that original planning condition restricted further expansion. Community Council Transport Initiatives Refer specifically to the tram with regard to developer contributions. Edinburgh (general response) Wm Morrison Needs to be justified against Structure Plan and NPPG8. Supermarkets plc Proposal S 5 – Granton Waterfront Transport Initiatives Refer specifically to the tram with regard to developer contributions. Edinburgh (general response) Wm Morrison Include floorspace etc information from recent planning application. Supermarkets plc Proposal S 6 – Leith Waterfront Transport Initiatives Refer specifically to the tram with regard to developer contributions. Edinburgh (general response)

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -lii – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 10 – Transport and Other Infrastructure (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Transport and Other Infrastructure – General Comments Consortium of Local Suggests amendments to paragraph 10.3 in relation to bus services. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Corstorphine Concern over new access road on South Gyle Broadway, resulting in more congestion and pollution. Community Council Transport Initiatives Background: suggest reference to the importance of the tram, or other change in transport infrastructure, as a vital Edinburgh (general strand of the strategy of the Local Plan. response) Transport and Other Infrastructure – Omissions British Wind Energy Provision of a large scale renewables policy should be made. Criteria for assessing such a policy should include Association reference to residential amenity, environmental effects and landscape effects. Consider the inclusion of a policy for the on-site requirement of renewable energy provision within new developments. Capital Rail Action Consider the provision of a terminal for high-speed rail freight. Group Safeguard rail access from Abbeyhill to Powderhall (and beyond to Trinity) for public transport. Consider provision of intermodal trains for short distances with facilities at Portobello, South Leith and Powderhall. Currie Community Hermiston Gate new park and ride proposal not on the Proposals Map. Council Fife Council - Include specific reference to buses as a form of public transport. Transport Section Include reference to parking proposals in town centre for commuters. Include reference to commuters and the problems they present. Include reference to road freight issues. Include reference to SESTRAN Integrated Corridors Study (SITCoS). Grange Association Make direct reference to the requirement for infrastructure servicing in new developments e.g. recycling. Leith Links Concern with little mention of rail especially south suburban route. Residents' Association Midlothian Council Refer to not just the safeguarding of tram routes but also to their possible extensions, such as tram line 3 to Dalkeith in Paragraph 10.15. Provide explicit policy support for the grade separation of Sheriffhall roundabout. Portobello Commit to reopening Portobello station within 5 years. Provide more details on bus information and integration of Community Council bus service to improve rail network and proposed tram routes. Scottish Enterprise Include a section on water supply and drainage issues. Edinburgh and Lothians

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -liii – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 10 – Transport and Other Infrastructure (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Scottish Executive The needs of freight, currently ignored, should be addressed (comment by Transport Scotland). Development Department Planning Division Scottish Supports the inclusion of a policy adopting targets for onsite renewable microgeneration. Renewables Forum Spokes Objects to lack of reference made to formal cycle parking standards. Transform Scotland Add two further objectives, derived from Local Transport Strategy: traffic reduction and modal shift to sustainable transport modes. Transport Initiatives Proposals Map: Park and Ride at Hermiston Gait is missing. Edinburgh (general Proposals Map: Include tram stops as soon as location is known. response) Proposals Map: Tram line from RIE south along Old Dalkeith Road, as in Structure Plan. Proposals Map: Tram line 3 from Newcraighall towards Queen Margaret University College. Viridor Waste Identify and designate the rail linked land at Portobello as suitable in principle for 'waste management and rail Management freight safeguard' similar to land identified at Seafield. Limited Policy Tra1 – Major Travel Generating Development Forth Ports plc Refer to Areas of Major Change as well as Central Area. Grange Association Clarify if the policy refers to non-residential development. Gyle Shopping Delete the words "the most". Centre General Partner Limited Scottish Re-word policy to make reference to environmental concerns such as air quality and the Air Quality Action Plan, Environment Protection Agency Transform Scotland Replace 'the effect of the proposal on' with 'the ability of the proposal to help meet' in criterion b). Similarly, in paragraph 10.7, replace 'include a reference' with 'indicate how they will help the Council meet…' Policy Tra 2 – Planning Conditions and Agreements Forth Ports plc Amend to omit reference to development "giving rise to additional journeys" and to clarify that planning agreements will only be used when necessary. Henderson Global Clarify policy wording. Investments Homes for Scotland Suggests developers do not generally become involved in supporting other commercial operators to run services. Circular 12/1996: Developers should only be expected to pay for infrastructure which is directly required to mitigate their development. Network Rail Refer to the provision of infrastructure and/or financial support for rail services or rail infrastructure where necessary and appropriate.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -liv – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 10 – Transport and Other Infrastructure (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Queensferry and Form separate policy for Green Travel Plan to make requirement clearer. District Community Council Transform Scotland Delete criterion d) which encourages greater car use. Transport Initiatives Concerned that neither the policy or supporting text makes clear the importance of securing financial contributions in Edinburgh (general order to deliver the tram network. response) Policy Tra 3 – Private Car Parking Consortium of Local Do not support criterion e) and wording of paragraph 10.13. Amended wording suggested. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Currie Community Realise that some people and activities are dependent on car travel and parking standards need to reflect reality of Council needing to park conveniently. Fairmilehead Proper and proportionate car parking provision is required - restrictive policy at present. Community Council Southside Supports car-free sustainable housing developments. Community Council Spokes Amend title to "Private parking" and include paragraph stating that planning permission will not be granted unless development meets cycle parking standards, including the nature and location of parking. Transform Scotland Remove 'in suitable locations only' from criterion e) of policy. UNITE Group Plc Include reference to purpose built student accommodation as a type of housing where car ownership and use will be low. University of Private car parking policy should include reference to extended controlled parking zone. Edinburgh Policy Tra 4 – Design of Car Parking CTC Right-to-Ride Expand to state the requirements for cycle parking, which should be close to entrances, secure and under cover, some at ground level, with suitable signage on accesses. (See also their representation on Des 4). Edinburgh and Promote underground car parking to release land for greenspace and development. Lothians Badger Group Forth Ports plc Delete or make more flexible criteria a) and b) addressing surface car parks and ground-level parking within buildings, as they are unduly restrictive towards forms of parking that can be acceptable in certain circumstances. Henderson Global Policy is unduly restrictive. Investments Miller Wording of policy is unduly restrictive - criteria a) and b) should either be deleted or more flexible. Developments Ltd

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -lv – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 10 – Transport and Other Infrastructure (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Queensferry and Apply criteria to large retailers where possible. District Community Council Smith Scott Mullan Policy is too detailed and may preclude naturally ventilated underground car parking. Associates Transform Scotland Either remove policy, or provide similar guidance for the design of bus stops, tram stops etc. Waterfront Policy should deal with open space and relationship to high quality design. Edinburgh Wester Hailes Wording is unduly restrictive - criteria a) and b) should either be deleted or added flexibility added. Shopping Centre Ltd Policy Tra 5 – Tram Blackhall Remove tram safeguard from Roseburn corridor, and reserve this land instead as a footpath and cyclepath. Community Association Buccmartin Requests confirmation whether tram stabling is required in this location. Properties Ltd Capital Rail Action Safeguard rail links from South Leith into the dockside area as potential routes for tram routes from Leith to the East Group of Edinburgh. Cramond Tram investment is to the detriment of public transport facilities in other areas. Community Council Currie Community Publish the alternative to the tram strategy if the tram does not succeed. Council Fairmilehead Delete tram safeguard. Community Council Forth Ports plc Extend policy to state "The ongoing need to safeguard the routes identified on the Proposals Map will be monitored and reviewed annually throughout the local plan period". Friends of the Remove safeguarding route along the Roseburn Wildlife Corridor; allow for pedestrians and cyclists only. Roseburn Urban Wildlife Corridor Henderson Global Add to end of the policy "The ongoing need to safeguard the routes….will be monitored and reviewed annually….." Investments Iain Gotts Consider including major developments on greenfield sites outwith the 750m corridor into the approved tram Associates contributions policy to support their sustainability. Land Securities Re-word paragraph 10.17 to refer to the Tram Developer Contributions guidelines, which explain the calculations Trillium behind the policy. National Grid Re-word to stress critical importance of tram to the waterfront regeneration proposals. Property Limited

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -lvi – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 10 – Transport and Other Infrastructure (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Performance Retail Add to end of the policy "The ongoing need to safeguard the routes….will be monitored and reviewed annually….." Limited Partnership Transform Scotland Tram 3 - safeguarded route should be extended to Council boundary with Midlothian, in the direction of Dalkeith. Transport Initiatives Include clause to ensure tram routes will continue to be safeguarded for possible alternative public transport Edinburgh (general facilities. response) Provide a more detailed policy (e.g. the policy found in the Tram Design Manual Appendix 4, page 121). Include tram stops within the finalised Local Plan Proposals Map. Waterfront Paragraphs 10.16 and 10.17 should make reference to integration of public transport with tram stops. Edinburgh Policy 6 – Park and Ride Cramond Disagree that park and ride is acceptable development for the Green Belt. Community Council Fife Council - Include reference to Park & Choose. Transport Section Include reference to Ferrytoll Interchange. Liberton Safeguard Burdiehouse for future park and ride. Association Transport Initiatives Suggests inclusion of clause alluding to the potential to develop additional park and ride sites in relation to tram Edinburgh (general stops. response) Tra 7 – Public Transport Interchanges Great King Street Opposes the incorporation of retail development at Waverley Station. Association Land Securities Provide more detail on the proposals for Haymarket public transport interchange, the Scottish Executive led study, Trillium the master planning process for the Haymarket area, including non-transport related development. Transport Initiatives Suggests inclusion of other mainline stations - at Edinburgh Park and Newcraighall - and at key interchanges at Edinburgh (general certain tram stops. response) Policy Tra 8 – Rail Halts Capital Rail Action Consider the reinstatement of the Abbeyhill loop, coupled with reinstating double-track through at least one of the Group Calton tunnels for public transport access. F E McDonald Policy will blight land at 2/4 Station Brae. Transform Scotland Remove 'should the reintroduction of passenger services become feasible', (and identify line as Edinburgh South Suburban Railway). Transport Initiatives Mention should be made of EARL and its potential to enhance connectivity, in particular, to improve connections Edinburgh between the city centre and the airport. (response re. EARL) Policy Tra 9 – New Roads

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -lvii – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 10 – Transport and Other Infrastructure (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Consortium of Local Suggests amendment to paragraph 10.22 regarding road maintenance on bus routes. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Queensferry and List requirements for perimeter landscaping, public art and badger tunnels. District Community Council Transform Scotland Amend policy to remove second sentence, which makes little sense. Waterfront Refer to the provision of further new roads in paragraph 10.23. Edinburgh Policy Tra 10 – Cycle and Footpath Network British Waterways Exclude the Union Canal towpath from policy, as it is not a Right of Way. Scotland Dalrymple Trust Wording of policy is too inflexible. and EDI Group Ltd Dunedin Canmore Create positive proposals to fully integrate the cycle network. Housing Association Ltd Edinburgh and Objects to the sharing of public transport and cycle/walkways at re-used railway lines (e.g. Roseburn Corridor) as it Lothians Badger will result in loss of biodiversity and create a concrete corridor. Retain function of wildlife corridor along Powderhall Group rail link. Forth Ports plc Objects to proposed cycle path / footpath safeguard across sealing dam in Western Harbour as this would likely interfere with port operations. Gorgie Dalry Show cycle route between the Telfer Subway/Dalry Community Park to Morrison Street, as shown in previous local Partnership plans. Grange Association Safeguard all former rail routes. NHS Lothian Supports the provision of an enhanced cycle and footpath network separated from vehicular traffic. Scottish Natural Reword policy and text to refer to paths or multi-use paths in place of cycle paths and footpaths, in keeping with Heritage Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003. Spokes Include statement that developments should where possible contribute to the cycle and walking network. Waterfront Include reference to board walk proposal and to Waterfront Vision Partnership in paragraph 10.24. Edinburgh Policy Tra 11 – City Centre Public Parking Cramond Address adequate parking in central areas. Community Council Currie Community Complete policy by indicating where parking could be provided. Council

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -lviii – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 10 – Transport and Other Infrastructure (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Great King Street Opposes underground car parking in George Street, but suggest consideration of underground car park in Rutland Association Square or Drumsheugh Gardens. Land Securities Re-word policy to apply to sites on edge of city centre, such as Haymarket House. Trillium Scottish Re-word policy to contain references to adverse effects upon congestion and air quality, and the Council's park and Environment ride facilities. Protection Agency Transform Scotland Add to policy 'and there is no overall increase in the volume of car parking in the city centre'. Policy Tra 12 – Port and Ferry Terminals Currie Community Connect ferry terminal with road system. Council Forth Ports plc Amend paragraph 10.27 to support a cross-Forth ferry terminal where it could be served by other means of public transport than the tram. Amend paragraph 10.26 to state that "cruise liner terminal sites are being investigated with a potential option identified in the Leith Docks Development Framework". Royal Society for Caveat policy with requirement for an appropriate assessment of impacts on Forth SPAs. the Protection of Birds Scottish Natural Carry out or highlight need for appropriate assessment of port and ferry terminals in view of possible impact on Heritage SPA. Waterfront Refer to ferry solutions, which are not related to tram proposals, in paragraph 10.27. Edinburgh Policy Tra 13 – Rail Freight Capital Rail Action Concerned that ECLP does not allow adequate provision for rail freight provision. Group Network Rail Question the value of seeking to retain Slateford as a freight facility given its poor road access. Viridor Waste Safeguard Portobello for rail linked development and encroachment by inappropriate development. Management Limited Policy Inf 1 – Waste Management Changeworks Require recycling facilities to be integral in design. Consortium of Local Mitigation measures should be specified in the supporting text. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Currie Community Provide more guidance on the design and location of waste collection facilities. Council

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -lix – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 10 – Transport and Other Infrastructure (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Forth Ports plc Objects to presumption against alternative industrial uses within land at Seafield safeguarded for rail freight and waste transfer purposes. Leith Links Concern that Seafield option is included in the plan despite letter to residents from Mr Mark Turley which commits Residents' the council to reject this option. Association Portobello Amenity Objects on grounds that Portobello already suffers from traffic congestion and would not be able to cope with Society additional traffic generation from Seafield, which is not the most suitable site, other 3 sites are identified. Portobello Seafield site not considered in keeping with waterfront plans. Consider site with rail transfer. Consider community Community Council recycling site south of the coast road. Scottish Identify the Portobello option for a waste management facility on the Proposals Map, together with other sites Environment required to meet needs identified in Lothian and Borders Waste Plan. Policy Env 11 should address landfill Protection Agency operations. Waterfront Re-word to make reference to underground collection systems proposed for Granton. Edinburgh Policy Inf 2 – Renewable Energy British Wind Energy Recommends that the examples of technologies are deleted to ensure that the policy is supportive of all forms of Association small scale renewables. Consortium of Local Suggests amendment to policy wording. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Forestry Refer to biomass / woodfuel energy systems. Commission Scotland Grange Association Require new developments to incorporate some or all of the renewable energy options. Historic Scotland Recommends information on the potential unsuitability of solar panels and wind turbines on listed buildings and within conservation areas. Portobello Extend grant availability to improve insulation standards and increased use of renewables. Community Council Scottish Provide policy for 10% on-site renewable energy generation for all developments above a given size and more Environment generally reducing carbon dioxide emissions and tackling climate change. Protection Agency Scottish Suggests the policy removes the list of renewables. Renewables Forum Waterfront Refer to wave power in paragraph 10.32. Edinburgh Policy Inf 3 – Telecommunications

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -lx – Consultation Responses by Topic Chapter 10 – Transport and Other Infrastructure (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Consortium of Local Suggests amendment to policy wording. Voluntary Organisations in Colinton Mobile Operators Supports policy. Association (MOA)

Appendix A – Nature Conservation Sites (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Friends of the Amend name in Appendix A Hermitage of Braid Local Geodiversity Site to include "Blackford Hill" to make Hermitage of Braid and description as a crag and tail accurate. Blackford Hill Amend description in Appendix A to reflect educational interest of LNR (understood that LNR are designated only on scientific and educational reasons). Royal Society for the Minor word changes and suggest inclusion of grid references. Protection of Birds

Appendix B – Shopping Centres (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) British Airways Wish to protect the position of property at 113 Road in terms of development potential in conjunction Pension Investment with future expansion of the Gyle. Management Limited British Land Company Description of Meadowbank Retail Park is inaccurate. plc Craigmillar Park Suggests extensions to local centres at Ratcliffe Terrace, Mayfield Road and the town centre at Nicolson Association Street/Clerk Street. Fife Council - Supports section 6 caveating the proposed future growth for The Gyle. Development Services Requests additional caveats to section 6 requiring any proposals for additional floorspace at The Gyle to be assessed for their potential impact on town centres in Fife. Forth Ports plc Add recommendations from Section 4 on EARNS on distribution of retail floorspace. Gorgie Dalry Gorgie/Dalry: modify extent of "Primary Frontages". Partnership Gorgie/Dalry: extend "Town Centre" to include Haymarket to Robertson Avenue on the South side and from Haymarket to Alexander Drive. Gyle Shopping Centre The Gyle should be a Town Centre not a Major Centre General Partner Limited Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -lxi – Consultation Responses by Topic Appendix B – Shopping Centres (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Objects to the description of the Gyle included in Appendix B. Hercules Unit Trust Reference should be made to important role of Newcraighall/The Jewel in providing accessible shopping and leisure uses in South East Edinburgh. ING (UK) Property Extend City Centre primary shopping frontage to incorporate south side of St Andrew Square. John Swan & Sons plc Area of open space at corner of Chesser Avenue and New Mart Road should be included within Chesser Avenue local centre. Leith Central Extend the Primary Shopping Frontage along length of Leith Walk. Community Council PARC Craigmillar Ltd Seeks expansion of Craigmillar local centre and re-designation as a town centre. Pilrig Residents' Include as Primary Shopping Frontage 578-368, 366-294, 295-365, 367-381, 1-32 Leith Walk, and any new shop Association units planned on the Shrub Hill development. Scottish Enterprise All frontages in George Street should be designated 'primary' for retail purposes on Proposals Map. Edinburgh and Waverley Station should be included in 'town centre' to encourage retail development there. Lothians More clarity should be given (in section 6) on the role of Ocean Terminal and Gyle shopping centres. Southside Community Extend Nicolson St/Clerk Street Town Centre to include South Clerk Street and Newington Road. Consider Council Causewayside and Salisbury Place for inclusion as a Local Centre. The Blacket Include in Appendix B: Ratcliffe Terrace/Causewayside (extend), Salisbury Place, Dalkeith Rd, Minto St, Association Newington Station, Mayfield Rd, Blackford Station. Tollcross Community Tollcross: Retain former "Secondary Frontages" as identified frontages. Council Wester Hailes Wester Hailes should be identified as a town centre. Shopping Centre Ltd Wm Morrison Include Morrisons store at New Swanston and at Moredun as local centres. Supermarkets plc

Glossary (Organisations) Organisation Comment Response (to follow) Architecture +Design Add 'Edinburgh Standards' and 'Urban Design’. Scotland Changeworks Amend Affordable Housing definition to include average heating and running costs being less than 10% of disposable income. Currie Community Add definitions for convenience and comparison goods. Provide examples of non-shop use. Modify Green Belt Council definition to include purposes appropriate to a rural environment. Replace graded for categorised under Listed Buildings to differentiate between Scottish and English systems. Exclude private garden ground from open space definition. SPP definition to also include NPPG. Amend definition for sustainable development with FRWELP version.

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -lxii – Consultation Responses by Topic Ravelstane Ltd Define Brownfield land as contained in SPP3. Travis Perkins plc Add definition of "Small Business Needs". Wm Morrison Better definition of "local centres" required. Supermarkets plc

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -lxiii – Consultation Responses by Topic Policies and Proposal within the Edinburgh City Local Plan Not Subject to Comment

Policies / Proposals Not Subject to Comment Chapter 3 – Areas of Major Change

Proposal AMC 1a – Western Harbour, Newhaven

Chapter 5 – Caring for the Envionment

Policy Env 7 – Sites of Archaeological Importance

Chapter 6 – Open Space and Provision for Sport

Proposal OSR 2 – Gorgie/Dalry Park Proposal OSR 5 – East of Newcraighall parkland Proposal OSR 7 – Pilton Drive Proposal OSR 9 – Craigmillar Castle country park Proposal OSR 10 – Hunters Hall Public Park

Chapter 7 – Housing and Community Facilities

Proposal SCH 1 – Craigroyston Community High School Proposal SCH 2 – Broughton High School Proposal SCH 3 – Proposal SCH 4 – St Augustine’s RC High School Proposal SCH 5 – Proposal SCH 7 – Juniper Green Primary School Proposal SCH 8 – Bonaly Primary School

Proposal AMC 1a – Leith Waterfront (Western Harbour) Proposal AMC 3 – Craigmillar Proposal HSG 1 – Craigs Road (SASA) Proposal HSG 2 – Chesser Avenue Proposal HSG 3 – Hyvots Proposal HSG 4 – Lochend Butterfly Proposal HSG 5 – Quartermile Proposal HSG 6 – Greendykes Proposal AMC 1c – Leith Waterfront (Salamander Place) Proposal AMC 4 - Fountainbridge Proposal HSG 8 – Telford Campus (North Campus) Proposal HSG 9 – Telford Campus (South Campus)

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -lxiv – Consultation Responses by Topic Policies / Proposals Not Subject to Comment Proposal HSG 17 – Shrub Place Proposal HSG 18 – City Park

Chapter 8 – Employment and Economic Development

Proposal BUS 1 – Centre for Biomedical Research, Little France Proposal BUS 2 – Peffermill Industrial Estate Proposal BUS 3 – Niddrie Junction Proposal AMC 2 – Granton Waterfront Proposal AMC 4 - Fountainbridge

Chapter 9 – Shopping, Entertainment and Other Town Centre Uses

Proposal S1 – Wester Hailes Centre Proposal S2 – Harvester Way, Wester Hailes Proposal S7 - Fountainbridge

Edinburgh City Local Plan – Consultation Draft -lxv – Consultation Responses by Topic