Wednesday, Wood County May 3, 2017 Vol. 2 No. 18 Three Sections MONITOR 50 cents Families lose homes, belongings to fire

By DORIS NEWMAN 9 a.m. [email protected] Margrave and her boy- friend fi rst saw the fi re Two families had their and went next door and homes destroyed in a woke up Cantrell, the blaze that ripped a brick only member, beside duplex on Edwards the family’s dachshund Street apart Wednesday Dodge, of the family morning. home that morning. His The home of Sarah wife was at work and Margrave, her boyfriend their three children were Edgar Aguilar and their at school. Cantrell, who 3-month-old daughter, works for Boddie Roof- and the Ronald “Bub- ing, was home because ba” Cantrell and Shan- of the weather that day. non Turlington family’s He said his neighbors homes were gutt ed by “came banging on our the fi re that crackled door and woke me up.” on the back side of the He said that at that point structure as it spread in it looked like the fi re was the brick duplex. The fi re was reported just at See FIRE, Page 7A

Debora Salmon and others say the Mineola area was not missed by the storms that delivered tornados to East . Many trees were damaged and destroyed, as well as structures. (Courtesy photo) Saturday storm delivers damage to Mineola area While the Mineola area was be- and quite a bit of outside structure that is “totally trashed” as well as lieved fortunate to have missed damage. But, she posted on Face- oak trees , pine trees and 30-foot the deadly tornadoes that claimed book, “praise God our house was cedar trees “busted up and laying lives and destroyed property for spared.” She and her husband all over the place.” many miles in Van Zandt, Rains took shelter at their church, dogs She and her husband Kelly were and other counties, some area and all. “We had to take care of at home at the time. “It didn’t Firefighter Eric Carrington is steadily applying water with the assis- families’ homes and property did them,” she said. touch the house. We were watch- tance of Scott Melvin, police officer/firefighter. The cause of the fire sustain serious damage. The Na- Debora Salmon lives on County ing the lighting storm that preced- that destroyed a brick duplex on Edwards Street is still under investi- tional Weather Service confi rmed Road 2650 and she also reported ed it. I told my husband, some- gation, although the origin has been narrowed to a patio at the back late Monday an F1 tornado had damage at her home. thing is happening. We heard a of one of the units. Just a couple of weeks earlier the flowers and touched down here. “We’ve lost a travel trailer, a pole rumble and jumped up and ran plants barely visible in front of the duplex on the right served as a Bett y Dean lives on County Road barn, garage/workshop prett y into the wash room,” she said. beautiful backdrop for prom pictures for the teenage girl who lived 2715 three miles east of Mineola. much imploded,” she said. The list with her family in the duplex. (Monitor photo by Doris Newman) Her home had several trees down also included a feed storage house See DAMAGE, Page 10A Two Mineolans arrested Election Day on drug charges, stolen Saturday Wood County vot- handgun recovered ers are gett ing out to make decisions on ev- Two people were ar- Wednesday. erything from mayors rested on drug charges A search warrant was to $41 million bonds and a stolen handgun executed at about 4:30 in elections. Early was recovered when p.m. last Wednesday at voting concluded the Mineola Police, Pct. the residence. The war- Tuesday and Election 2 Constable and Wood rant was issued after a Day is Saturday. County Deputies ran multi-agency investi- In the Mineola a search warrant at gation into the sales of School District bond a resident in the 300 election, the school See DRUGS, Page 5A block of Pegues Street administration build- ing had seen 511 ear- ly votes cast by 3:15 Mayor presses for police raises Monday. Voters are By DORIS NEWMAN ing for bett er pay and deciding upon a $41 [email protected] compensation from bond for a new high other departments. school, other facilities Mayor Rodney Wat- One council member and improvements kins spoke at length to was ready to make a at the school. Incum- the city council during motion to honor the bents Dr. Kyle Gully its regular April meet- request while another and Dr. John Abbott ing last Monday to expressed caution and See ELECTION, Page 7A “stop the hemorrhag- the matt er ultimate- ing” of Police Depart- The daughters of the man who provided necessary parking to downtown in the past and now, “in perpetuity,” ment personnel leav- See COUNCIL, Page 8A required some assistance as Mayor Rodney Watkins steps in. The daughters are Judy Green on the left and Sally This Week in Your Jay to right. City Administrator Mercy Rushing was also assisting. (Monitor photo by Doris Newman) Neighborhood

Rizzio bringing Donation of former ‘grassy • The Mineola Lady Jackets will talent home to play for the area lot’ celebrated with unveiling championship in a one game playoff Wood County A patch of property that provided cloth from atop the sign as they fought against 29-1 Pilot much-needed parking spaces in down- very strong gusts of wind. Mayor Rod- Point Friday night at By LARRY TUCKER town Mineola was the site of much ado ney Watkins spoke, explaining that pri- Rockwall beginning news@woodcountymonitor last Tuesday morning when a com- or to 1998, the area was “just a grassy at 7:30 p.m. memorative sign was unveiled. lot” until Mercy Rushing had contact- • The boys will In the late 1990s, Former Quitman High School The late Lester Jay had leased the ed Mr. Jay and asked if the city could begin a three-game Monica Rizzio was a student Monica Rizzio returns parking lot on the corner of Pacifi c and lease the lot for downtown parking. series Friday at 7:30 high school student in to East Texas for a concert Commerce Streets to the city of Mine- “Improvements occurred. The city’s p.m. at J.J. Tillery Quitman, barrel racing May 13 in Winnsboro. ola for many years for only $1 a year. got the benefi t of this,” he said. Field in Mesquite and entering the Old Mr. Jay died last year and his two The daughters had contacted the playing Palmer. Sett lers Reunion talent venues throughout the daughters, Sally Jay of The Woodlands city, telling them one of Mr. Jay’s last Game two will be at contest. Today, Rizzio Atlantic coastline and and July Green of Baton Rouge were wishes was that the lot be given to the noon Saturday. is a rising star in the now extending her tal- present for the unveiling of a sign pay- city of Mineola to be used permanently • On Friday the Americana roots mu- ents to the southeast ing homage to his generosity. for parking. extension service’s sic charts as she plays A small ceremony preceded the ef- festivals and acoustic See RIZZIO, Page 8Aforts of the two women to yank the See PARKING LOT, Page 4A See THIS WEEK, Page 10A

Church Directory ...... 6A Obituaries ...... 9A Classifieds ...... 5B Opinion ...... 2A Sports Inside Community Calendar...... 2A Police/Fire Reports ...... 5A Lady Panthers, Lady Jackets Mineola students’ creativity Meals on Wheels ...... 6B Sports ...... Section B advance in softball playoffs on display in Kids Ads 2A Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Letters to the Editor

To the editor, posed boulevard roadway running Civic Center.” trict. I know that the topic of raising I had the unique opportunity to join from the loop and winding back to Some who made a comment were taxes to support a bond is a very frag- the strategic planning process among Patt on Street, easing traffi c from those visitors from Smith County, Van Zan- ile one to discuss, but in the interest community citizens who met over roadways. It answered the safety dt County and Cherokee County. of the future of this district I feel like I the past year to review the status of issues. And the much discussed fi ne Nancy Murphy, manager at the civic should at the least, provide my stance. Mineola school facilities. It was an arts and vocational training needs are center, and myself were delighted I am a 1989 graduate of MHS. I am a eye-opener. Since the last of my four addressed. to tell them that the Meredith Foun- fourth generation Mineolan, raising a daughters graduated from MISD 20 Finally, we heard bond rates are dation had for many years provided fi fth who will graduate next year. My years ago, my association with MISD scheduled to go higher later this year. funds for the civic center and for the family has owned businesses, homes, had become limited. Joyce and I Construction costs are increasing. schools, city fi re and police depart- and property here for many years. moved to Mineola 50 years ago at a Waiting later would be more costly. ment, library, Youth Foundation, When looking for a piece of proper- time when the oldest campus build- We learned that the same project a de- Mineola Art League, Lake Country ty after selling our house in the city ings were dedicated. I was shocked cade ago was half the current estimat- Playhouse, the Depot, the Nature limits several years ago our instruc- to see the wear and tear that a half ed costs. Waiting to later dates would Preserve, Mineola Historical Museum tions to our realtor were simply, “fi nd century can apply to structures. Our only escalate costs. and numerous other projects. us something in the school district.” group witnessed students making do To me, it’s Mineola’s time. In every Sometimes it seems people forget It is our hope & desire to stay here for with the limited and aging multi-pur- direction, schools are moving forward not all cities and towns have been as many years to come. pose building and vocational training to upgrade the most important asset fortunate. No decision I vote on as a school in outdated and un-environmental of any community – its schools and We felt these comments should be board trustee is taken lightly. With out-buildings. It was punctuated by the future citizens they develop. I was shared with the public and particular- that being said, some are slam dunks, one elementary school teacher stat- honored to be a part of this process ly the Meredith Foundation. with litt le discussion or debate neces- ing “there is some kind of smell in to review and share the dreams with Mr. Meredith loved Mineola and all sary. Others, like the bond, are frett ed the walls” of the current 50 year old fellow citizens. I am Mineola Proud. of us in Mineola have been the recip- over and discussed over the long haul, elementary school. Sam Curry ients. both at meetings and outside of the We saw safety issues. Students were Thanks to him and all who have board room for weeks, months, even walking between buildings and some- To the editor, served on the board of the foundation several years, under the leadership of times through wooded trails. Last Saturday, April 22, the Wood much appreciation, not expressed two diff erent superintendents. This Our work included reviewing County Historical Commission spon- nearly as often as it should be, for his has been a looming need, one that we reports in terms of current school stan- sored an event honoring San Jacinto gift and the time given by the direc- all knew had to be tackled at some dards, revealing that most classrooms Day and our speaker was Dr. M. Scott tors. point. Voting to raise taxes does not were running over students-per-class- Sosebee, history professor at Stephen Lou Mallory, Chairman make school leaders popular, but room guidelines. MISD has been F. Austin State University. Wood County sometimes it just has to be done. The receiving some less than average His talk was not only informative Historical Commission current board of trustees has taken ratings. but very interesting. that plunge. I voted for the bond pro- Our group was thrilled to see the But, what was also very interesting To the voters within the Mineola posal package in its entirety. I would proposed plan by professional consul- was his as well as others’ remarks that ISD: even have voted for a smaller one, tants. Their campus layout answered “they had no idea Mineola had such I write today with a great respect for all concerns. It included a new pro- a wonderful facility as the Mineola the property owners of this school dis- See LETTERS, Page 3A WOOD COUNTY COMMUNITY CALENDAR 2nd FRIDAY ACOUSTICAL JAM - second Friday 6 - 9 FOUKE-LAKE HAWKINS CRIME WATCH - third Thurs- ed. 569-2608. QUITMAN CITY COUNCIL – third Thursday, 5:30 p.m.; p.m., Quitman Public Library, 202 E Goode St, Quitman day, 7 p.m., Fouke Community Center MINEOLA REBEKAH LODGE - fi rst and third Tuesday, city hall. 903-975-5745 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY - second Tuesday, Quit- 11 a.m., 106 S. Line St. All Rebekahs welcome, 569- QUITMAN SCHOOL BOARD – 2nd Monday, 6 p.m. ALBA CITY COUNCIL - fi rst Monday, 6:30 p.m., City man. 2776. Administration Building. Hall. FRIENDS OF THE MINEOLA MEMORIAL LIBRARY MINEOLA ROTARY CLUB - Monday noon, Dogwood REPUBLICAN CLUB OF WINNSBORO - fourth Mon- ALBA LADIES CLUB - fourth Thursday, 6:30 p.m., Alba - fi rst Wednesday, 1 p.m., Mineola Library, 569-2767. Room, Mineola Civic Center. day, 7 p.m., 903-342-0575. Community Center. 765-2573 GED CLASSES, FREE - Sand Spring Baptist Church. MINEOLA ROTARY RECYCLING – third Saturday, 9 REPUBLICAN WOMEN OF WOOD COUNTY - third ALBA LIBRARY/MUSEUM BOARD – third Monday Monday and Tuesday, 9 a.m. to noon, or 6-9 p.m. 903- a.m. to noon, Walmart parking lot. Cardboard, paper Monday, 11:30 a.m., Texas Tea Room, Quitman, 903 every other month,, 4 p.m., library building. Everyone 768-3239 or 903-569-9350. and plastic accepted. 383 2121. welcome. GED FREE PREPARATORY CLASS - each Thursday MINEOLA SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER - 308 Universi- SINGING AT THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ALBA-GOLDEN SCHOOL BOARD - second Monday, 7 4 - 6 p.m. concurrent with QISD calendar. Quitman ty, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 903-497-1162; Dominoes & HAWKINS - fourth Sunday, 2-4 p.m. p.m., high school library., 768-2472. Public Library, 202 E Goode St, Quitman 903-975-5745 other games. SCOTTISH RITE - Wood County Scottish Rite Club ALBA-GOLDEN YOUTH FOUNDATION - second GIRL SCOUT TROOP #3 - Monday, 6 p.m., Broad MLOTA LINE DANCE GUILD - Tuesday, 8:30 a.m., and meets third Thursday of odd month, 6:30 p.m., Red Tuesday, elementary gym, 7 p.m. All welcome. Street Church of Christ Annex, 903-569-2610. All girls, Friday, 9:30 a.m. Dome Smokehouse meeting room. 903-253-3635. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS - Sunday and Monday, 7 kindergarten-12th grade welcome. MLOTA FIBER/CRAFT ART GUILD - Wednesday and STROKE SURVIVORS & APHASIA CLUB OF EAST p.m., Friday 8 p.m., Wednesday noon; Women’s Group HAINESVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER - second Tues- Thursday, 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., business meeting TEXAS - fourth Wednesday, 6-7 p.m., First Baptist Mon. 11 a.m.; St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, Mine- day, 6 p.m. Members bring a covered dish and enjoy an fourth Thursday, 9:30 am. Church Quitman, 903-878-2392. ola. evening of fellowship. The center is located at FM 49 MLOTA QUILT GUILD - fi rst, second and third Thurs- TEXAS INMATE FAMILIES ASSOCIATION - second ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS - Wednesday and Satur- and 778, 903-769-1091. day, 9:30 am; business meeting fi rst Thursday. Tuesday, 6:30-8 p.m., First Christian Church Tyler, day, 7:30 p.m., 404 S. Main Street, Quitman. HAINESVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. - second and MLOTA PAINTERS GUILD - Wednesday, 10 a.m.; busi- Broadway & Loop, 903-839-2349. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS – Gateway Group, Tues. fourth Thursday, 7 p.m., Firehouse downtown Haines- ness meeting fourth Monday. TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL - Garden Valley & Sat. 7 p.m. Puckett House, 109 Kilpatrick Street. ville. MLOTA RUG HOOKING GROUP - fi rst Thursday, 10 chapter, Thursdays on Mercy Ships property, 5:30-6:30 AL ANON - Thursday, 7:30 pm; St. Dunstan’s Episcopal HAWKINS LIONS CLUB - second and fourth Tuesday a.m. to 4 p.m. Beginners are welcome. p.m. 903-882-0887. Church, Mineola. at the depot in Willful Crossing. MLOTA PHOTOGRAPHY GUILD - fourth Thursday, TOPS GROUP - Thursday, 8-11 a.m., Harvest Acres ALZHEIMER SUPPORT GROUP (sponsored by Pilot HOLLY LAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT -fi rst and third 6:30 p.m. All levels welcome,, 903-569-8877. Baptist Church, NW Loop 564, 569-1240 , 569-2415. Club) fi rst Monday, 11 a.m., Red Dome restaurant in Tuesday at the fi re station at Holly Lake Ranch. MLOTA SCULPTURE GUILD - Tuesday, 1 p.m. Busi- UPPER SABINE VALLEY SOLID WASTE DISTRICT Quitman, 903-569-5237. IRIS GARDEN CLUB-GOLDEN - fi rst Monday, Sep- ness meeting fi rst Tuesday.. - every three months on third Monday, Wood County AMERICAN LEGION POST 296 and Auxiliary - fourth tember-May, Golden United Methodist Church. 903- MONDAY NIGHT KNITS - 6-8 p.m. Monday, Golden Courthouse, 5:30 p.m.. 903-763-2123. Monday, 6:30 p.m., Highway 80, three miles east of 765-3000. Methodist Fellowship Hall. 903-768-2540. UTU AUXILIARY MORNING STAR LODGE #851 - third Mineola. 903-569-0348. All are invited. KIWANIS CLUB - noon Tuesday, Mineola Civic Center THE NAME CENTER (National Association of Marriage Monday (except July and August), 11:30 a.m AMERICAN LEGION POST OF WINNSBORO - fi rst Dogwood Room. Enhancement) - i302 S. Stephens, Quitman. Certifi ed VFW LADIES AUXILIARY #7523 - third Sunday, 1 p.m., Tuesday, 6:30 p.m., 102 West Broadway, in Winnsboro. THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS OF SAINT PETER’S and experienced counselors by appointment to assist Recruiting new members. 569-2228. 903-752-0913 or 903-7675338. THE APOSTLE COUNCIL #11933 - second Thursday, couples in Wood County. Free, donations are accept- VFW POST #7523 - third Wednesday, 6 p.m., Karaoke APET (Animal Preservation of East Texas) Thrift Store 7 p.m., at the church, 203 Meadowbrook Drive, Mineo- ed. 903-763-1286. every Friday, 8 p.m. 569-2228. - Dog Gone Good Stuff, 915 S. Pacifi c Street, Mineola, la. 903-569-3662. NORTHEAST TEXAS PARATROOPERS ASSO- WHYTE DOVE WRITER’S GROUP - fi rst Tuesday, 6 Thursday-Saturday. 903-569-0505 or 903-563-9542. LAKE COUNTRY CLASSIC CAR CLUB - third Monday, CIATION - third Saturday at 7:30 a.m. at Red Dome p.m., 407 N. Stephens in Quitman. 903-763-1210 or BOY SCOUT TROOP #36 QUITMAN - meets Sunday, 6:30 p.m. 903-850-2557. Smokehouse in Quitman. e-mail [email protected] 4:30 p.m., Scout House behind First United Methodist LAKE COUNTRY REPUBLICANS - fourth Tuesday, 6 OPEN HEART MINISTRY - third Friday, 7 p.m., Mine- WOOD COUNTY 4-H HORSE CLUB - Business meet- Church. Danny King, 903-521-5930. p.m., Quitman Library, 202 E. Goode St. ola Civic Center. ing, Monday, 2 p.m, Wood County Extension Offi ce. BOY SCOUT TROOP #385 - Tuesdays, 7 p.m., First LAKE COUNTRY RV TRAVELERS - of Good Sam Int’l. OVERCOMERS RECOVERY SUPPORT GROUP Wood County Aggie MomS - 1st Tuesday, 6 p.m., 903- United Methodist Educational Bldg., Mineola, Scout- Monthly, RV parks w/in 150 m. radius. 903-569-3677 - Monday, 7-8 p.m., Whispering Pines Church of the 539-7049 or Wood County Aggie Moms Facebook master Chris Jennings, 903-569-3531. or 3069. Nazarene, located on CR 3811, Hawkins page. BREAD OF LIFE MINISTRY FOOD PANTRY - Humble LAKE COUNTRY SYMPHONIC BAND - will resume OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS - Tuesday, 5:30 p.m., WOOD COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT - Quarterly, Baptist, fi rst & third Tuesday 1-4 p.m. rehearsals Aug. 6 at Mineola High School Band Hall. 7 St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church. 569-9223, 569-1760. third Thursday, 8 p.m., appraisal district offi ce. Open BREAKING FREE - meeting place for families and p.m. 903-569-2300. PARENT ADVISORY COUNCIL OF MINEOLA ELE- to the public. friends of addicts and alcoholics. Monday, 7 p.m., 971 LAKE FORK ROTARY CLUB - Wednesday, noon, at MENTARY- fi rst Tuesday, 8:15 a.m., elementary library, WOOD COUNTY CENTRAL HOSPITAL DISTRICT - E. Goode St., Quitman, 903-497-6149. the Lake Fork Baptist Church on State Highway 515 PARENTS ANONYMOUS GROUP - Tuesday, 6:30 third Monday, 5:30 p.m. (every three months). CELEBRATE RECOVERY - a support group for those LAKE HOLBROOK ASSOCIATION - fi rst Saturday, p.m., First Baptist Church, Quitman. Children’s pro- WOOD COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT - every with various hurts, habits or hang-ups, every Monday, February, May, August and November, Harold Sim- gram provided. 903-629-2114 other Friday, Commissioners Court, Quitman, 10 a.m. 7 p.m., Church On the Rock annex building at 302 S. mons Community Center, 5:30 p.m. directors, 6 p.m. all PILOT CLUB OF MINEOLA - second and fourth Tues- 763-2716. Stephens. 903-763-4588. members and guests welcome. 903-569-0223. day, 6 p.m. Mineola Civic Center. 903-569-5237. WOOD COUNTY CRIME STOPPERS - every other COUNSELING CHRISTIAN GUIDANCE CENTER - MINEOLA BAND BOOSTERS - second Tuesday, 7 PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY - at First Baptist Church month, third Monday, 6 p.m., Wood County Justice 903-850-3858 or [email protected]. p.m., in high school band hall. All parents invited. in Quitman. First Tuesday 1-3:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Center courtroom. The public is invited. 903-763-2201 DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION - MINEOLA LIONS CLUB - second and fourth Thursday, Hall. 903-763-8101. or 903-56-6294. fi rst Saturday except June, July, August and December, noon, Mineola Country Club, 903-638-1596; 903-569- QUITMAN CHILD ADVOCACY GROUP - third Thurs- WOOD COUNTY DEMOCRAT CLUB - fourth Thurs- 12 p.m. Harvest Acres Baptist Church, 460 NW Loop 3340. day, 10 a.m., 403 Conger in Quitman. The public is day, covered dish at 6 p.m., meeting at 6:45 p.m. 903- 564, Mineola. 903-569-3286. MINEOLA MARINE CORPS LEAGUE (Toys for Tots) welcome. 383-7036 or DELPHIAN LITERARY CLUB - fi rst Wednesday, 569- - third Tuesday, 7 p.m., American Legion Hall. 903-569- QUITMAN GARDEN CLUB - second Tuesday (except WOOD COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY - third 6794 or 569-3586. 6481, commandant. when on fi eld trips), 2 p.m., Quitman library. quitman- Monday, January through May and September through DRUG AND ALCOHOL AWARENESS - 7 p.m. Friday, MINEOLA SCHOOL BOARD - third Monday, Admin. [email protected]. All are welcome. November, 7 p.m., Quitman Public Library, Shamburg- Seventh Day Adventist Church, Ronny Polley 768- Bldg., Loop 564, 7 p.m. QUITMAN/LAKE FORK KIWANIS - Wednesday, noon, er Community Room. For 903-763-4191 or 967-2458. 2992. MINEOLA CITY COUNCIL - fourth Monday, 5:30 p.m., Faith Student Center, 403 S. Main St., Quitman.QUIT- WOOD COUNTY HEALTH DEPT. IMMUNIZATION DUPLICATE BRIDGE ACBL games - Wednesday and City Hall. Public welcome. Call City Hall for changes in MAN LIONS CLUB - second and fourth Tuesday, 6:30 CLINIC - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 9-11 a.m., Friday, 10:30 a.m., Masonic Lodge, 882-1335. November and December because of holidays. p.m., Peralto’s Restaurant. Contact any Lions Club and 1-3 p.m., third Monday, 1-6 p.m. Public Health De- EASTERN STAR - Quitman Chapter 659, 2nd Tues., MINEOLA HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC BOOSTER member to donate your used eyeglasses for recycling partment offi ces, 213 W. Bermuda, Quitman, 763-5406. dinner 6:30 p.m., meeting 7:30. Flora Lodge in Quit- CLUB - last Monday, 6 p.m., high school lobby. to the needy. WOOD COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT - second Mon- man. 903-638-6420. MINEOLA HISTORICAL MUSEUM ADVISORY QUITMAN PILOT CLUB - third Tuesday, 6:30 p.m., day, 7 p.m., hospital conference room in Quitman. Pub- ETMC Quitman - needs volunteers. Great opportunity BOARD - third Tuesday, 4 p.m., city hall. 569-6944. Quitman Public Library. 903-383-5075. lic invited. to meet people while helping your community. Contact Public invited. QUITMAN ROTARY CLUB - Thursday, noon, Texas WOOD COUNTY RETIRED SCHOOL PERSONNEL Judy Johnson, 903-383-3433 MINEOLA MASONIC LODGE - second Thursday, din- Tea Room, 405 S. Hart Street in Quitman’s Dogwood ASSOCIATION - third Monday, September-December, FANNIE MARCHMAN GARDEN CLUB - third Wednes- ner at 6:30 p.m., meeting at 7:30 p.m. All Masons invit- Plaza. and February-April, 2 p.m. and in May at 5 p.m., Forev- day, September - May, Mineola Civic Center, 9:30 a.m. er Young Activity Center, 402 S. Main St., Quitman. All Visitors welcome. Charla Martin, president, 903-638- retired school personnel are invited. 6389 To add a listing to the WOOD COUNTY TEA PARTY - fi rst Monday, 7 p.m., FLORA MASONIC LODGE #119 - fi rst Tuesday at the calendar, email editor@ Quitman Library lodge hall, Highway 37, Quitman. Covered dish - 6:30 YANTIS CITY COUNCIL – second Tuesday, 6 p.m., city p.m., meeting 7:30 p.m. Study nights for members each or news@woodcounty hall. Thursday, 7 p.m. at the hall. YANTIS SCHOOL BOARD – second Monday, 6 p.m. FOREVER YOUNG ACTIVITIES CENTER - Wednes- or call 903- (executive session), 7 open meeting, school cafeteria. day and Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fitness exercises, 569-2442 or 903-763-4522 YANTIS/LAKE FORK LIONS CLUB - second Thursday, bridge, lessons, Bingo and card games. 6:30 p.m., Yantis Community Center.

Wood Count Subscription Rates: OUR STAFF: y  In County: $31.50 a year Publisher • Joyce Hathcock  Texas: $42 a year  [email protected] MONITOR Outside Texas: $50 a year Editor • Doris Newman, Mineola News • Larry Tucker, Quitman OUR OFFICES: Wood County Monitor (U.S.P.S Errors which may appear in the Wood [email protected] [email protected] No. 781-460) May 3, 2017, Vol. 2 County Monitor will be corrected upon MINEOLA Number 18, Published weekly by being brought to the attention of the Sports writer • Brianna Harmon, Mineola 715 Mimosa St., Bluebonnet Publishing LLC, 610 editor. Wood County Monitor is a member [email protected] Mineola, TX 75773 E. Main St., Kilgore, TX 75662. of the Texas Press Association, North and 903-569-2442 East Texas Press Association. Marketing • Larry Box, Quitman Subscription price $31.50 a year 903-569-6836 (fax) (in county). Periodicals postage [email protected] Main News deadline: pending or paid at QUITMAN Noon on Friday Marketing • David Gilbreath, Mineola 310-C E. Goode, Mineola, TX and additional mail- [email protected] Quitman, Texas 75783 ing offi ces. POSTMASTER: Send Community News deadline: 903-763-4522 address corrections to Wood 4 p.m. on Thursday Classifi eds • Brandi Box, Quitman 903-763-2313 (fax) County Monitor, P.O. box 1210, classifi [email protected] Kilgore, TX 75663. Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 3, 2017 3A

TOP LEFT: These three canine buddies had a lei- surely time at the Pet Fair with their human friends, Quitman James and Margie Smith. The dogs are (bottom to top) Shiloh (Golden Doodle), Lucky (Newfound- land) and Sasha (Golden Retriever). TOP RIGHT: Animal Quitman Junior High School Builder’s Club mem- bers helped serve lunch and desserts to the crowd at the Pet Fair Saturday. The Builder’s Club is Clinic sponsored by the Quitman-Lake Fork Kiwanis Club. LEFT: Spots, the Quitman firefighting dog, had fun singing and telling children at the Pet Fair about Pet Fair fire safety. Mike and Tammy Gilmore, members of Quitman Fire Department, use the puppet show to educate younger children about safety. FAR LEFT: Monitor photos Gentry Kappus had a great time and enjoyed hav- by Larry Tucker ing her face painted at Quitman Animal Clinic’s annual Pet Fair held Saturday.

that the best choices will be made moving forward after this election in Brian Letters choosing what these bond dollars will From page 2A provide. There is an old Jewish story that KNOWING that another bond would tells of an old man planting a fi g tree. ToliverFord Quitman have to follow in order to meet all the When asked if he really expected needs of a growing community and an to live long enough to consume the aging infrastructure. fruits of his labor, he replied, “I was Our existing infrastructure has born into a world fl ourishing with deteriorated, not because it hasn’t ready pleasures. My ancestors planted been cared for, because I believe the for me, and now I will plant for my maintenance staff at MISD is top notch children.” This choice on the ballot and does an excellent job, but because gives us the opportunity to decide you can logically only pour so many whether to learn from the wisdom of operating dollars into fi xing things. this lesson. A tour of our facilities only provides Respectfully, a snapshot. Talk to our staff , listen to Holly A. Mischnick FORD CERTIFIED TECHS the ones who have been on campuses MISD Board of Trustees GENUINE MOTORCRAFT PARTS $10 Kī with lingering, unidentifi ed or un- (The writer of this lett er has agreed any service traceable odors. Listen to kids who to pay for the portion that exceeds the SERVICE HOURS: EŽƚǀĂůŝĚǁŝƚŚĂŶLJŽƚŚĞƌŽīĞƌƐ͘DƵƐƚďĞpresented at are literally shoulder to shoulder at MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:00AM—5:00PM ƟŵĞŽĨǁƌŝƚĞͲƵƉ͘EŽĐĂƐŚǀĂůƵĞ͘>ŝŵŝƚŽŶĞĐĞƌƟĮĐĂƚĞ Monitor’s word limit.) SATURDAY 8:00AM—1:00PM band practice. Att end graduation in ƉĞƌǀĞŚŝĐůĞ͘KīĞƌŐŽŽĚƚŚƌŽƵŐŚϭϮͬϯϭͬϮϬϭϳt a packed gymnasium while sitt ing To the editor, on concrete slab seats. We have done When I fi rst discovered Mineola ISD 539 East Goode | Quitman Texas | 903-763-2232 | WWW.TOLIVERFORD.COM an excellent job of “making do” for was proposing a $41 million bond, I a number of years. We should ask was ecstatic. Of course, I’m a teacher, ourselves if we are giving our students I was on the Facilities Committ ee, and every advantage that we can. That I toured each campus. The prospect of does NOT equate with overindulging teaching in a new or upgraded facility them or reverting to the cop-out that was positive, and the need is dire. “these facilities served me just fi ne 30 Some people say a building won’t years ago.” We will all benefi t from make a diff erence. Okay, then no one a vote that ensures the district is the would ever want to purchase or build absolute best it can be. a new home if that is the case. With I don’t feel that that how you choose the rates now, most people’s property to vote really proves who loves our taxes will increase to a litt le more than students and who doesn’t. It proves $1 per day. For those 65 years and whether you have a vision for the older who don’t add square footage to future of the success of not just the their homes, there will be no increase. students, but the district, and the com- Common sense tells me if rates are munity. Good schools lead to success- low and an upgraded or new facility is ful commerce. Understand that kids needed, it’s time. Dr. Bill Knight Jean Meek Regan Brandon will grow and learn no matt er where Our students have long needed a Dr. Shirlene Knight Waymon Ragsdale Carlist Brinkley they are as long as there are dedicated modern, opportunity-fi lled education- Mary Lookadoo Dr. Warren Brown Hope Brinkley teachers who are engaged in the pro- al facility which will enhance their Frank Lookadoo Dr. Jim Ruffin Dr. Kyle Gully cess. Comprehend that infrastructure learning styles and contain suffi cient Dr. John Fuller Angie Ruffin Christi Gully improvement is an evil necessity and space for them to be successful, life- Gayle Fuller David Sauer Holly Mischnik that point is not always well received. long learners. It’s time. Bill Galyean Jenny Sauer Dan Mischnik Despite how we all learned, succeed- A building that has both career and Kim Galyean Mike Sorenson Jill Quiambo ed, and dodged dripping ceilings technology education and performing Luke Blackwell Rene Sorenson Ricky Quiambo at MISD “back in the day,” we still arts centers will not only further the Ashely Blackwell Kendall Banks Kellam Newell must realize that times now are very learning of students in those areas, but Carlo D’Angelo Kimberly Banks Curtis Dowdle diff erent, that kids and their learning also will improve the diverse learning Dianna D’Angelo Koni Riley Leslie Dowdle abilities (and disabilities) are extreme- environment for all students. It’s time. Donny Crenshaw Keith Riley Chris Witt ly diff erent, that technology is here to The new and upgraded facilities will Jennifer Crenshaw Dr. Andy Hawari Kim Witt stay and will change and grow before conquer current safety issues at all J. W. Witt Sam Curry Jo McCarty Yvie Witt our very eyes, and that it is our duty campuses to ensure student protec- Joyce Curry Patricia Wright Gary Bright as responsible adult taxpayers to give tion. It’s time. Kendall Gould Melanie Henderson Lisa Bright Kara Ledkins students the best tools to accomplish We need to show these kids we be- Michael Gould Darrell Musgraves Chris Brannan Logan Ledkins the tasks. This does NOT always mean lieve in them by providing safety in an Barbara Musgraves Bill Self the most expensive tools. MISD has Monica Brannan educational community of academic Jason Goodson Carol Harder Shelly Self proven to be great stewards of the success. It’s time. Kathy Goodson James Harder Jason Redding taxpayers’ money. We have been debt Back the Bond. Jeff Hurley Luke Parrish Mindy Redding free for a number of years, in a time Respectfully Submitt ed, Mary Hurley Darlene Nicholson Jacob Heard where that is almost unheard of. Trust Annett e Pecorino Bill Scott Alayna Palacios Julie Heard LaJuan Scott Abel Palacios Donna Palmer Bob Scott Alexandra Roberts Myron Palmer Letters policy Sheila Scott Jole L. Ray Timmy Wilson Patty Hawkins Jim McClenny Krystal Wilson Tiffany Luttrell Letters to the editor are opinions expressed by a political nature will not be accepted for the last Brenda McClenny Alex Galaz the writers and in no way refl ect opinions or poli- edition prior to the election as well. Steven Luttrell Ricky Ramirez Anna Galaz cies of this paper. Publication of a letter does not Letters should not be personal attacks and must Joel Moore Latrena Ramirez Gregg Saxon necessarily mean the facts have been confi rmed. not be libelous. The newspaper has editorial dis- Becky Moore Dusty Cook Cristen Saxon Letters must be signed, accompanied with a tele- cretion on publishing as well as editing letters. Jim Pickens Amber Cook Lori White phone number for verifi cation and be no more than Submit letters to the editor to editor@wood- Tina Pickens Kevin Geremonte Vanessa McQuilliams 300 words long. or by mail to either our Mineola Angie Moore Gigi Geramonte Shawn McQuilliams The Monitor does not accept letters of endorse- or Quitman offi ces (see staff box on Page 2A for Patrick Moore Kyle Bedford Sara West ment for or against political candidates. Letters of addresses). Jerry Richardson Teri Bedford Mary Ann Roseberry Sharon Quevreaux Debbie Bradley Alvin McQuilliams Patti Corbett Crystal Patschke Laura McQuilliams ELECTION DAY Saturday, May 6 from 7 am -7 pm Mineola City Hall - 300 Greenville Highway Hometown Friendly from Hometown Folks Offering FREE delivery - Drive thru Pol. Adv. Pd. by Mineola Proud 125 E. Broad St. Mineola y 903-569-3882 4A Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 3, 2017 Mineola council extends Mercy Rushing’s contract By DORIS NEWMAN city “a long time ago,” paid, helping make some [email protected] beginning in the water funds available for a new department, serving as bond for the basin. After about a 45-minute wastewater treatment Last Monday’s meeting executive session during plant superintendent and also included the coun- their regular April meet- “doing a litt le bit of ev- cil resolving to initiate ing last Monday, the erything. We’re very hap- the annexation Sand- Mineola City Council re- py to have him there,” erson Farms property turned to open meeting the city administrator and schedule two pub- and extended the city said. lic hearings. One will be administrator’s contract Immediately after held on Tuesday, May 9 a year, approving a 7 Crump delivered the and the other on the reg- ½ percent pay increase news that the days of the ular meeting date of May with it. old aeration basin at the 22. Mayor Rodney Watkins wastewater treatment The city had advertised noted that City Admin- plant are numbered. for assistance in applying istrator Mercy Rushing He had reported to the for a Texas Capital Fund is serving on a two-year council last year that the Grant that would help to contract, with one year basin was cracked and carry out infrastructure remaining, so her con- had notifi ed the Texas improvements for Sand- tract will be good for two Commission on Environ- erson Farms. The council more years. The council’s mental Quality. With that approved working with decision on the motion knowledge the TCEQ Traylor and Associates, by Ward 2 Alderman had renewed the plant’s the only fi rm that showed Kevin White was unani- permit for fi ve more an interest in providing mous. years. However, Crump the service. A great deal of city said last Monday that the The council also replat- business was addressed TCEQ had said if the ba- ted some property that in the earlier part of the sin fails, the city could be isn’t inside the city limits, meeting. Rushing said subject to fi nes of $25,000 but is inside the extrater- Randy Morgan, who had a day, plus the council ritorial jurisdiction which been over the street de- members could be held means it is within a pre- partment, had resigned legally responsible. The scribed distance from the The oleander bushes at the corner of Commerce and Line Streets were part of the motion in which the city in April and that one of stipulation was that the city and is subject to some would grant abandonment of a small right-of-way as long as the owners keep the bushes trimmed. the long-term goals of city be working toward city actions. It is prop- the Mineola 2040 Com- alleviating the situation. erty on Loop 564 and gone through some reor- said were legal to keep claring that awareness is mitt ee headed by Ward 3 It was discussed that the southwest corner of ganization and had no re- on the city street. Ward 3 the key to safety and that Councilwoman Novada steps are occurring to County Road 2200. Koni cord of this. According to Alderman Mitchell Tuck May is Motorcycle Safety Bigham was to bring back remedy the situation. Riley owns the property appraisal district records, abstained since Elaine and Awareness Month in a public works director. As was discussed pre- and plans to build a new the street still belonged Tuck is his wife. Mineola; Rushing announced that viously, the estimated home for Dance Dimen- to the housing authority. Discussion in the meet- • approved advertis- she has named William cost for replacing the sions on eight acres. She “Like the civic center, it’s ing also included noting ing for someone with a Crump as the city’s new old basin is $5 million. plans to sell the remain- their property.” But the that the fenced enclo- trailer or camper willing public works director. Rushing said that soon ing property in two two- housing authority board sure on the south side to live at the nature pre- Crump started with the some old debts will be acre plots. The council chairman, Elaine Tuck, of Uniques & Antiques serve to be a “park host”; unanimously approved had asked Rushing for was actually on city • passed resolutions the replatt ing. the lett er that would help right-of-way. The new protesting and essen- There was a request the housing authority in owners wanted to know tially slowing down for a specifi c use permit applying for grants. She if they could have that rate increases proposed by Bill Smith to build a said that former Mayor because they intended to by Centerpoint Energy duplex east of the ones Bo Whitus, “who was do something with that (gas) and Southwestern that currently exist on very involved with the area if the city was agree- Electric Power Company the southwest corner of housing authority,” did able. The council agreed, (electric); McDonald and Graham in fact tell her the city with the stipulation that • approved a request Streets. He wants to build had gone over there and the owners maintain for water service to Joe another duplex like the done some maintenance, the bushes (large olean- Hogue who has bought ones that currently exist, “off and on.” ders) by the fence. Wat- property on Highway providing a small but Rushing said the city’s kins said he had noticed 80 east, outside the city aff ordable living space. att orney, Blake Arm- at that corner, Line and limits, which backs up to The council approved the strong, recommended the Commerce Streets, the Mimosa Street. Rushing request. acceptance of the street bushes had obscured vi- said there was no oth- Steven Edwards of Quitman accepts a proclamation from Mineola Also in the meeting with permanent ease- sion. The owners have er option for Hogue to Mayor Rodney Watkins declaring this month Motorcycle Safety and Rushing said Mineo- ments for water and sew- since trimmed the bush- obtain water service, so Awareness Month. (Monitor photo by Doris Newman) la Housing Authority er work. It will become a es. There was some dis- the council okayed the Manager Jo McCarty city street, although the cussion about the bushes, agreement that comes had asked that the may- parking areas, curbs and and even having them with the stipulation if an- or write a lett er stating sidewalks will not belong cut down, but the motion nexation would become Fundraising breakfast Saturday the city owns Goodson to the city. It will also be was to approve the aban- an option, he would First Baptist Church 204 N. Johnson St. will host Circle and is responsible known as Goodson Cir- donment of the easement agree to that; Bread of Life Breakfast on Saturday. for all of the repairs. As cle Street; police will be and that the owners • approved an annual The breakfast is all-you-can-eat featuring pancakes, research was done, Rush- able to go in and write maintain the bushes. tax break for the proper- eggs, bacon, sausage, ham, biscuits, gravy and as- ing said it was discovered tickets and city crews Also during the meet- ty of the Selection The- sorted jams and jellies. that there was no action can fi x potholes. Ward ing the council: ater, which is a historic A donation of $7 for an adult and $5 for a child is or documentation that 2 Councilwoman Jayne • presented a proc- landmark. suggested. Breakfast is served from 7 a.m. until 9:30 the city did in fact own Lankford asked about lamation to Steven Ed- All council members a.m. “Hope to see you there,” said a food pantry the street. She said, the the speed bumps, which wards, Quitman, of the were present for the spokesperson. housing authority had the city’s att orney had Highway Masters de- April meeting.

when we were here in November, we were really happy to do this to hon- Parking lot or Daddy’s wishes. The words that he From page 1A used were `in perpetuity’… so we’re happy to be here today to close the P.O. Box 1188 Mineola, TX 75773 (Across from WAL-MART) “As you know, that’s a big deal for circle,” she said. She said her father the city. We need parking,” Watkins would have loved to have been there 903-569-5115 said. At few months ago the daughters and “he wouldn’t have left here with- Jonathan, Rodney & Nic Watkins att ended a city council meeting and out learning something about each made the gift offi cial. The daughters and every one of you.” are the granddaughters of Mr. and “He was a character,” Rushing in- Discounts up to 40% Mrs. J.L. Beckham for whom the Beck- terjected. “He was,” his daughters ham Hotel was named. agreed. ACROSS 46 TX Cruz who did not “So there’s a long history with Min- Jay thanked those present “for al- win 2016 nomination 1234 1 opposed to eola,” he said. “And we are just so ways making us feel so welcome… It 47 disagreeably damp TEXAS 5 ____ Lavaca, TX 5 48 TXism: “hot as road thankful for this day.” thrills us and warms our hearts to be 6 two cannon used in ___ in July” San Jacinto battle: 6 CROSSWORD Green said, “We told the city council able to do it.” 49 some TXns drive to “____ Sisters” by Charley & Guy Orbison Shreveport for these 7 7 TX Buddy Holly Copyright 2017 by Orbison Bros. WUHHSODQWLQҋ´BBBBB 1957 hit: “That’ll Day” 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 __ the Day” 53 TXism: “plumb 8 popular vehicle 15 16 17 18 tuckered ___” Meet the type (abbr.) (very tired) 9 Cash sang “______19 20 21 RealEdge Team! Prison Blues” 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 15 Great ____ (dog) 16 TXism: “if it ain’t 29 30 31 32 ____, _____ ain’t RE-discover Laura Adkinson a cow in Texas” 33 34 35 36 37 RE-imagine 19 TX Chill Wills 1969 REALTOR® 79ÀOP´7KHBBBB 38 39 40 Owner-Broker RE-sults BBB+LOO*DQJµ 41 42 43 44 45 21 TXism: “I _____ to 7.228 ACRES PRICE IMPROVEMENT! 4.530 ACRES do it” (intended) 46 47 48 ´BBBBBBB5HSRUWHU News” 49 50 51 3 27 TXism: “just down 54 TXism: “don’t give the ____ apiece” a hoot __ _ holler” 52 28 bends over 55 former British /LQGDRIÀOP 53 29 invention protection WZRVHDWFDUV “Tom Horn” written 30 this Strauss was by TX Bud Shrake 54 2nd female mayor DOWN (init.) of Dallas 1 rented quarters 12 “Friendship” is this 34 TX Janis Joplin 55 3.783 ACRES 2016 CONSTRUCTION 1,800 SQ FT. METAL SHOP 32 regional American (abbr.) in Texas (2 wds.) died of this with airline (abbr.) 2 TXism: “every ___ 7RP/DQGU\LVHQ heroin (abbr.) 33 conclusion by and then” shrined in this state 35 this Bass is a a TX doctor 3 published in Edna: 14 business note Fort Worth 36 TXism: “lots of “Jackson County 15 TX Kenny Rogers’ 24 TXism: “will miss philanthropist breathing ____” +HUDOGBBBBBBBBµ “I ______You” __ __ you blink” ÀVKLQҋHTXLSPHQW 37 former Ranger 4 TX Elmer Kelton 16 “stranger ____ (small town) 40 “sail the seven utility player, Benji book: “The Time ÀFWLRQµ 25 acquired some ____” 38 chicken can be ______À[HVXS knowledge 43 earliest European ______oil ______” 18 failed Fords 26 Ram truck’s explorer in TX: 19.370 ACRES 6166 SOUTH STATE HWY 37 39 those who levy 8 TXism: “salt some 20 Huntsville’s Sam “Hemi,” e.g. Cabeza de ____ taxes? away” Houston statue 28 TX Charley Pride’s 44 TXism: “nervous as MINEOLA, TX. 75773 41 dir. from Andrews 9 home of the weighs 25 ____ “When I ____ DORQJWDLOHGFDWBB PHONE: (903) 638-2455 to Plainview “Nimitz Hotel” & 22 TX univer. rank Leavin’ (I’ll Be _ ____ of rocking 42 TXism: “National Museum below prof. Gone)” 1978 chairs” FAX: (903) 705-7363 “contraption” RIWKH3DFLÀF:DUµ 23 TX Jimmy Dean 31 TXism: “it belongs 50 very small amounts 45 iced, green, and ´7H[DVBB 1961 hit: “Big ______and the 51 TX pitching legend Oolong Weekend” John” bank” Nolan (init.) COME SEE US FOR ALL OF YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS TODAY! Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 3, 2017 5A Mineola Police Report

Mineola police reports for the past April 23 – A woman on Emily Street ed at 11:06 p.m. for public intoxication A disturbance was reported in the week included: reported her car window had been when a business owner on South John- parking lot of Gateway Lanes at 10:55 April 26 – Offi cers assisted on the broken and contents of her purse were son Street reported he was in the road p.m. Offi cers talked with the two in- duplex fi re on Edwards Street at 8:59 lying all over the car. She reported an yelling at customers. volved and it was a verbal argument a.m. ID, bank card and gift cards were sto- April 21 – At 4:31 a.m. offi cers were only. April 25 - Offi cers responded to a len. called to Wren Street for loud music. April 20 – Police arrested James Au- disturbance on West Buchanan Street Offi cers responded to a loud mu- The resident was warned. thor Burge, 34, Mineola on a city of between a husband and a wife. Both sic call on Freeman Street at 8:18 p.m. A woman was bitt en by a dog at Son- Mineola traffi c warrant for driving said they were only arguing and they Those there were warned to turn the ic. She reported a small dog running while license invalid. An offi cer locat- separated for the night. music down. back and forth on West Broad Street, ed Burge on Country Club Drive next April 24 – Personnel at Brookshire’s A woman on Giles Street reported and when she caught it, it bit her. The to a vehicle that was broken down. reported a woman tried to leave the her boyfriend hit her several times. A dog is quarantined. A customer at My Credit Union re- store without paying for merchandise. warrant has been issued. Personnel at Z Grocery reported a ported fraud when the bank notifi ed Management stopped her and received April 22 – A man on Karen Lane theft and redemption of lott ery tick- him that $100 had been charged to his payment for the items. She was issued reported someone took two LED tail ets by an employee. The department is debit card at a gas station in Houston. a criminal trespass warning from the lights from his truck sometime during working with the Lott ery Commission The matt er is under investigation. store. the night. and expects to make an arrest for felo- A woman reported a theft when she Offi cers arrested Brandon Ray Miller, A Wood Memorial resident reported ny fraud and theft. laid her wedding ring down on the 35, Ore City, for a parole violation and a theft when $140 was missing from Dustin Alan Sewell, 33, Mineola, was counter at Stage to try on another ring. evading arrest. Miller was a passenger her purse. arrested for a city of Mineola traffi c She left the store and returned 30 min- in a vehicle stopped for having no li- A man reported a large dent in the warrant for driving while license inval- utes later and the ring was missing. It cense plate on a trailer on East Broad cargo door of his Pathfi nder while in- id. Sewell was pulled over by an offi cer was returned to the owner when the Street. When the offi cer made contact side Walmart. This is under investiga- on West Broad and Loop 564 for a de- owner posted a $500 reward its return with the driver, they reported Miller tion. fective tail light and was found to have on Facebook. This is under investiga- took off running south. An offi cer was A man reported he forgot his phone a warrant. Sewell was also charged tion. able to detain him a short time later. while checking out at the Dollar Gen- with drug paraphernalia when it was A man on North Johnson Street re- A purse was found at Walmart and eral store. He called the store 30 min- found during inventory of the truck. ported tools and household items turned in to police. They are att empt- utes later and they stated there was no James Author Burge, 34, Mineola, missing. Police note this is possibly a ing to locate the owner. phone. Video shows a woman behind was arrested on two Wood County civil matt er and is under investigation. Police received a report of a drunk him in line took the phone. This is un- traffi c warrants. Burge was located on A woman on Pegues Street reported woman in Dairy Queen. They allowed der investigation. West Broad and was known to have ac- someone she knows stolen an IPhone 6 her to get a ride home. Loue Culp, 52, Mineola, was arrest- tive warrants. from her residence. Wood County Sheriff’s Report

Wood County Sheriff ’s patched to CR 2954 in cidentally left her wallet immediately. She then Hawkins at 8:14 a.m. on were dispatched to CR Department activities Alba on a report of a on top of her car while received a call later from a report of theft. The 3120 in Quitman at 2:06 for the past week includ- damaged mailbox. A gett ing gasoline in her the seller stating that she complainant stated that a.m. on a theft call. The ed: second call came into car. Her wallet was lat- should not worry about someone had stolen reporting party stated April 25 - There were the sheriff ’s offi ce to re- er turned in to a worker picking up the trailer some computer items that a noise from out- multiple calls of cows port a damaged mail- at the gas station, but because it was gone and from his dorm room. side woke him from out, starting at 6:34 a.m., box on Private Road it was missing her I.D. she should pick up her The security guard pro- his sleep. He walked on Highway 69, one 6956 at 9:41 a.m. While card, credit card and money instead. This vided the deputy with outside and saw a man quarter mile north of patrolling the area, the some cash. case has been forwarded video surveillance of running from his shed the Alba-Golden School deputy observed anoth- At 8:20 p.m., cows to investigators to fol- four students, who were toward a vehicle parked campus. The same day, er damaged mailbox on were reported out on low-up. identifi ed, entering the on the road. He checked there were other reports CR 2958, but was unable 80/564 east Deputies were dis- complainant’s room. his shed and noticed his at 8:05 a.m. on County to make contact with the April 21 - Deputies patched at 7:19 p.m. to This case has been for- leaf blower was missing. Road 1610 in Alba, at owner. were dispatched to FM Highway 515 in Winns- warded to investigators. This has been forwarded 8:06 a.m. on CR 1246 and At 12:08 p.m., deputies 17 in Alba at 12:50 p.m. boro on a reckless driver At 9 a.m., deputies to investigators for fol- Farm-to-Market 2225, at were dispatched to Holi- The complainant report- call. The deputy located were dispatched to FM low-up. 8:07 a.m. on CR 4560 in day Villages in Quitman ed that a person known the vehicle, made a traf- 2088 in Winnsboro on Deputies were dis- Winnsboro, at 10:19 a.m. regarding a disturbance. to her called and threat- fi c stop and discovered a deceased person. A patched to CR 4540 in on CR 3260 in Quitman. The victim stated that a ened to beat her up. that the driver did not male, 101 years old, Winnsboro at 12:55 p.m. At 10:21 p.m., horses family member threat- Investigators will fol- have a driver’s license. was found deceased in regarding theft of live- were reported out on ened him and assaulted low-up. The driver, Jose Jesus his residence and trans- stock. The complainant FM 17. him. Michael Andrew Deputies were dis- Flores, 37, of Winnsboro ported to a local funeral reported that two black April 24 - Deputies Long, 57, of Quitman patched to Mother Fran- was arrested for driving home. calves are missing from were dispatched to was arrested for simple cis Emergency Room in while license invalid. Deputies were dis- his property. He has Highway 69 in Alba at assault. Winnsboro at 1:48 p.m. Deputies were dis- patched to CR 4837 in been unable to locate 10:26 a.m. on an assault A citizen reported a on a dog bite. The vic- patched to CR 3802 in Winnsboro at 11:56 a.m. them, either alive or call. The victim report- dog bite that had oc- tim reported that, while Hawkins at 7:37 p.m. on in regard to a cat bite. dead, so he ascertained ed that she had been in- curred a few days before delivering mail to a lo- a burglary. The com- The victim was walking that someone had taken volved in an argument on CR 2270. She had cation on CR 3990 in plainant reported that when she was bitt en by them. Investigators are with a person she knew been on the property Winnsboro, she was someone had entered a stray cat. The deputy assigned to the case. who assaulted her. Ste- when a dog, which was bitt en on the hand by a her home and stolen two caught the cat and trans- At 2:13 p.m., depu- ven Williams, 29, of Alba chained up, att acked her dog. The deputy spoke rifl es. The case has been ported it to a local vet- ties were dispatched to was arrested for assault by biting her twice. The to the owner of the dog forwarded to investiga- erinary clinic for quar- E. U.S. Highway 80 in family violence. owner of the dog stated and was cited for failure tors. antine to ensure that it Hawkins on an assault Deputies were dis- that the rabies vaccina- to vaccinate. The dog Deputies were dis- does not have rabies. call. The victim stated patched to Peaceful tion is up to date. The will be quarantined for patched to CR 2841 in Deputies were dis- that a person known to Wood Trail in Hawkins dog will be quarantined 10 days for observation. Mineola at 9:38 p.m. The patched to FM 49 in him had hit him in the on a report of credit/ for 10 days for observa- At 3:50 p.m., deputies reporting party stated Mineola at 8:55 p.m. on head with a baseball bat. debit card abuse. The tion. were dispatched to CR that someone had stolen a disturbance call. The He was later transport- victims discovered 89 Deputies were dis- 1610 in Alba on a theft the gasoline out of his complainant had con- ed to the hospital for his transactions, not ap- patched to CR 1785 in call. The reporting par- vehicle. Investigators tacted the constable’s injuries. The suspect, proved by them, on their Yantis at 4:35 p.m. on ty stated that a person will follow-up. offi ce about an intoxicat- Timothy Allen Means, bank statements total- an assault. The victim known to her had tak- At 9:46 a.m., cows were ed person known to her 30, of Gilmer was still ing over $2,500. This stated that she got into en a rifl e from her res- reported out on High- who was making threats on the premises and was case has been forwarded an argument at her res- idence. This case has way 69 N at CR 1610, and who refused to leave arrested for aggravated to investigators to fol- idence with a person been forwarded to in- at 5:57 p.m. on CR 4255 her residence. When the assault with a deadly low-up. known to her and was vestigators. in Winnsboro, at 6:53 deputy arrived, George weapon. At 1:03 p.m., cows assaulted. This case has Deputies received a p.m. on Highway 37/ Bradley Hanson, 56, of were reported out on been forwarded to in- phone call from a citi- FM 779 and at 7:51 p.m. Mineola was arrested for FM 2869 at FM 2088 in vestigators to follow-up. zen at 5 p.m. regarding a cows were reported out public intoxication. He Winnsboro and also at Deputies were dis- theft. She reported that on Highway 69 near the was also given a crim- 1:53 p.m. on FM 14 and patched to Holly Lake she had purchased a A-G School. inal trespass warning BC’s CR 3260 in Quitman. at 4:32 p.m. on a theft fi fth-wheel camper trail- April 20 - Deputies and advised not to re- April 22 - At 8:38 call. The complainant er from someone, but were dispatched to Jar- turn to the property. 4 Wheeler & a.m., deputies were dis- reported that she had ac- did not take possession vis Christian College in April 19 - Deputies Lawn Mower

ing within 1,000 feet of a Repair school / drug free zone. Drugs Offi cers also arrested Mineola Fire Report 903-967-7301 Janie Adams, 21, Min- Chain Saw Repair From page 1A Mineola Fire Depart- the civic center at 5 p.m. April 21 – A call to a eola, for possession of Tillers & Jet Skis ment reports for the There was a request for vehicle fi re on CR 2660 t illegal drugs from the marijuana under two XUV’s, ATV’s & UTV’s past week included: medical assistance to 9:13 a.m. residence. ounces. Adams’ charge Side By Sides April 25 – A vehicle East Highway 80 at 4:34 April 20 –Working a According to a press was also enhanced to a accident at Pacifi c and p.m.; vehicle accident at Pa- Hours: release from the Mine- class A misdemeanor Lilly Streets at 3:47 p.m. April 23 – A request cifi c and Lilly Streets at 8-5 ola Police Department due to being within the No injuries were report- for medical assistance 1:14 p.m. in which no Mon. - Fri. they arrested Joseph drug free zone. ed. There was a request to CR 2460 at 3:30; injuries. There was a 9-12 Sat. Williams, 18, Mineola, The release said for medical assistance April 22 – A request request for medical as- for possession of con- during the search of the 1352 E. St. Hwy. 154 to East Highway 80 at for medical assistance sistance to West Patt en trolled substances un- residence, a handgun Quitman, Tx. 75783 10:51 a.m.; to North Johnson Street Street at 9:52 a.m. and der 1 gram and posses- reported stolen out of B.C. Roberts April 24 – Establish- at 10:12 a.m. and at 2:54 another at 11:14 a.m. at sion of marijuana under Tyler was recovered. 20 Years Experience ing a landing zone at p.m. on CR 2310; 135 NE Loop 564. two ounces. Both of the Charges are pending as charges were enhanced the investigation contin- due to the residence be- ues. CHECK OUT OUR COLEMAN BAIL BOND NEW BREAKFAST MENU Advertise your Business or Event Small Appetites: Statewide in OVER 240 Newspapers z (1) egg (1) bacon or (1) sausage (Directly across the street from Wood County Jail) and (1) piece toast or (1) biscuit $2.69 z (2) eggs with hash browns 407 S. Stephen • Quitman, Texas 75763 (1) biscuit or (2) toast $3.25 ONE CALL, z Short stack pancakes (2) $2.39 ONE LOW PRICE! 903.763.4844 with (2) bacon or (2) sausage $3.69 One + One + One )or more information z(1) pancake or (1) French toast FDOO  24 Hour Service (1) egg (1) bacon or (1) sausage $2.69 $VNIRU1RUD Credit Terms Available 619 South Main | Quitman, TX 75783 | 903-763-8204 6A Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 3, 2017 Wood County Church Directory Alba Mt. Pisgah Baptist Ebenezer Baptist Lake Fork Baptist Church ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1294 CR 3270, Mineola FM 14, Quitman Gunter Assembly of God 903-857-2541 903-967-2848 Tiffany’s Restaurant A lighthouse on the lake 4578 North FM 17, Alba New Hope Baptist Church Pastor John Skelton “My-O-My the Pie” 9483 W FM 515 (903) 473-9523 (903) 765-9981 3855 FM 1801, Mineola Faith Baptist Church 271 CR 1558 • Alba (903) 569-3760 405 S Hart Street, Quitman Alba, Tx 75410 Fax: 903-474-9045 BAPTIST Pastor Fred Morrow 903-492-3535 Website: Bright Star Baptist Church Northside Baptist Church Pastor Mike Midkiff 903-765-2087 2795 Co Rd 3480, Alba 1718 N. Pacific, Mineola First Baptist, Quitman email:[email protected] 903-473-4064 903-569-3872 301 W. Lane, Quitman Open Daily 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. Pastor Jerry Jackson Jr. Joe Adams, Pastor 903-763-4142 Enon Baptist Church Rose Hill Baptist Church Rev. Gabe Martin 7133 TX-182, Alba 1420 CR 2460, Mineola Forest Hill Baptist Church The Employees of (903) 765-2014 (903) 569-5746 1880 TX-37, Quitman Pastor - Reggie Day Pastor Jeff Thompson (903) 967-3420 First Baptist Church of Alba Sand Springs Baptist Church Pastor Keith Prather Watkins Insurance Group 219 E. Holly, Alba 3208 C.R. 2330, Mineola Mt. Calvary Baptist 903-765-2471 (903) 569-9350 1119 E. G Goode St., Quitman urges everyone to attend BUILDING MATERIALS Pastor Kelly B. Burton Pastor Nick Kerry 903-967-2392 Lake Fork Baptist Silver Lake Baptist Church Darrell Pixley the church of their choice! 401 S. Pacific • Mineola • 903-569-5423 9483 W. FM 515, Alba 150 E Hwy. 80, Mineola Muddy Creek Baptist 903-473-9523 (903) 569-2433 FM 69, Quitman Pastor Perry Crisp Pastor Mike Sullivan 903-967-3384 St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church Jerry Williams Quitman Flower Shop/Gifts CHURCH OF CHRIST 304 S. Stone St., Mineola Myrtle Springs Baptist Lowe Funeral Home Alba Church of Christ (903) 569-8722 2185 FM 2225, Quitman 627 E. Lane • 903-763-2922 Off Hwy. 69, Alba Pastor Demethruis T. Boyd David Cook 1102 E. Goode • 763-2242 John Ratliff 903-878-2504 Church of Christ of Alba BIBLE INDEPENDENT Dwayne & Lucy Lowe “Attend the Church 105 W. Holley St., Alba Lake Country Bible Church New Life Baptist Fellowship of Your Choice” 903-765-9450 1402 N Pacific St, Mineola 7365 Main St., Quitman Quitman, Texas George Filpansick (903) 569-5730 903-763-1405 Pastor Craig Lacy Charles Brewster METHODIST Rock Hill Baptist Alba United Methodist CATHOLIC 3543 FM 2966, Quitman 170 E Holley St, Alba St. Peter the Apostle 903-878-2762 Hughes Appliance Paddy’s Autoworks 903-473-2411 Catholic Church Ken Goodson Rev. Beverly Tune 203 Meadowbrook, Mineola Whispering Hope Baptist Church Auto Repair Professionals 903- 569–3665 155 S Farm Road 14, Quitman & Air Conditioning NON-DENOMINATIONAL Pastor Lawrence Love (903) 967-3149 3841 E. Hwy. 154 • 903-967-3799 Open Amazing Grace Fellowship Church Pastor Eddie Slaton 7405 US Hwy 69 E, Alba CHURCH OF CHRIST 1305 W. Broad - Mineola Pastor Byron George Broad St. Church of Christ CHURCH OF CHRIST Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Open Door Church 440 West Broad Church of Christ 903-569-5440 or 903-569-6903 633 CR1560, Alba 903-569-2046 111 Winnsboro, Quitman (903) 765-3587 903-763-5544 DISCOUNT B.D. Bohannoi CHRISTIAN CHURCH Del Ussery First Christian Church BUILDING Golden Disciples of Christ LATTER-DAY SAINTS MATERIALS ASSEMBLY OF GOD 209 North Pacific, Mineola Church of Jesus Christ of Cottonwood Assembly of God 903-569-2537 Latter-day Saints 602 E. Goode • 903-763-2931 8481 FM 779, Golden Pastor Rick Son 1128 E Goode St, Quitman BUILDING MATERIALS - FLOORING SHINGLES SHEET Chad Lewis 903-763-5445 (903) 765-2675 (903) 967-3533 Pastor: Otis Lee CHURCH OF CHRIST Bishop Wayne Crabb METAL - DOORS CABINETS - WINDOWS 305 E. Goode St., Quitman Broad St. Church of Christ Open Monday-Saturday 8 a m to 5 p m BAPTIST 440 West Broad, Mineola METHODIST Golden First Baptist Church 903-569-2046 Brock’s Chapel Methodist County Road 2940, Golden Golden Church of Christ 207 Clark Street, Quitman For all your insurance needs 903 768-2258 Golden 903-763-4062 Pastor Ed Lewis 903-768-2712 Linda McCullough Pilgrim Rest #2 Baptist Church North Loop Church of Christ First United Methodist Dunahoe Insurance 205 County Road 2376, Golden 326 W FM 564, Mineola 406 E Lane St, Quitman 903-768-2653 903-569-3117 (903) 763-4127 Pastor Craig Kearby Clark Dugger Dr. Dick White Agency 135 NE Loop 564 - Mineola - 903-569-0180 Jamestown Church of Christ Liberty Methodist Open 24 Hours BIBLE INDEPENDENT 22022 FM1253, Mineola E. Goode St./Hwy. 154, Quitman 617 N. Broad • 903-569-6912 Golden Bible Church (903) 569-0516 (903) 967-7691 CR 2290, Golden Mineola Church of Christ Dr. Dick White (903) 768-2700 1621 N. Pacific, Mineola Kenneth L. Williams CPA 903- 569-5571 NON-DENOMINATIONAL Autumn Wind Assisted CHURCH OF CHRIST Southside Church of Christ Church on the Rock 308 N. Main • Quitman Golden Church of Christ 527 Read St., Mineola 302 S Main St, Quitman FM Rd. 779, Golden 903- 569-6812 (903) 763-4588 Living of Winnsboro 903-763-4366 903-768-2712 Malcolm Duncan David Jackson James Stringer Country Fellowship We support our local community EPISCOPAL of Wood County 903-342-3388 METHODIST St. Dunstan’s Episcopal 709 Oakwood Dr • Quitman Golden United Methodist 800 N. Johnson, Mineola Andrew McQueen 658 FM 1799, Golden 903- 569-2478 Living Water Fellowship 903-768-2268 The Rev. Thomas A. Pantle 2574 FM2088, Quitman Pastor Jim Pickens (903) 967-2000 JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES David Hartley Jehovah’s Witnesses Wood County Cowboy Church Hawkins Hwy. 69 South, Mineola 3435 FM 2088, Quitman Family owned business for more than 60 continuous years ASSEMBLY OF GOD 903-569-6370 903-535-9155 1238 N Pacific St • Mineola, TX First Assembly of God Chase Pope 102 Hams St., Hawkins METHODIST/ CHRISTIAN 903 569-5432 903-769-3835 EPISCOPAL PENTECOSTAL UNITED Pastor Don Majors East Chapel CME Church Victory Fellowship MINEOLA • 903-569-5437 723 South Pacific, Mineola United Pentecostal Church BAPTIST 903-569-3624 1600 N. State Hwy. 37, Quitman Signature Properties Liberty Baptist Pastor - Leonard Spurling (903) 967-2628 Coventry & Cameron P.C. Paul Tibbets, Broker/Owner 288 CR 3650, Hawkins Pastor Keith Clark 903-769-2250 METHODIST Larry Coventry, CPA New Office Location Pastor Bob Sexton 1st United Methodist Church Sulphur Springs Kevin Cameron, CPA 9460 FM 515, Alba 612 N Newsom St, Mineola LUTHERAN LUTHERAN 569-5426 Our Savior Lutheran 125 Lipscomb (on the square) • Quitman, TX 75783 903-383-3530 | 903-243-1926 Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. Bobbie Maltas 1000 Texas St, Sulphur Springs 3718 FM 2869 • Hawkins Smith Chapel Methodist (903) 885-5787 903-763-4711 903-769-4065 670 FM 1804, Mineola Timothy Eden Kyle Kirk 903-569-9187 Packagers of Dried Beans, Pastor Jim Pickens Winnsboro Peas, Rice, Popcorn, PENTECOSTAL Johnson Chapel Methodist BAPTIST Keepit Mini Storage Pine Mills Pentecostal Church 224 Elliott, Mineola Cartwright Baptist Household Aluminum Hwy. 14, Hawkins 903-569-9536 267 CR 4896, Winnsboro Hwy. 69N (Next to KMOO) Foil & Plastic Wrap 903-857-2527 Pastor Clara Gilbert 903-967-2818 Pastor M.D. Thornhill Pastor: Bro. Cody Mize 903-569-0400 NAZARENE Crossroads Baptist Keypad Entry - 5’x10’ to 10’x30’ 322 Freeman Holly Lake First Church of the Nazarene 1314 CR 4870, Winnsboro Locally Owned CATHOLIC 503 N. Line, Mineola Pastor Terry Bolton Climate Control Units Available 903-569-2636 Holy Spirit Catholic Church 903-569-3057 East Point Baptist lOXlO & 10X20 1612 S. 2869, Holly Lake Rev. Randy Larpenteur. 5029 FM 2088, Winnsboro Rev. Michael T. Snyder Bro. James Scott 903-769-3235 NON-DENOMINATIONAL Perryville Baptist Church Bethel Worship Center 9429 E. FM 851, Winnsboro Coventry Financial Group Kelly Drug Mineola 2973 St. Hwy 80 E., Mineola 903-725-7729 Larry Coventry, Certified Financial Planner ASSEMBLY OF GOD 903-569-8708 Sharon Baptist Corner of Hwy. 69 & 80 | 569-3882 First Assembly of God Rev. Kenneth Teo 176 CR 4890, Winnsboro Brian Coventry, Financial Advisor 1917 N US Hwy 69 Church of the Lakes 903-629-7202 125 Lipscomb (on the square) Quitman, TX 75783 Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. | Sat. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. (903) 569-9882 at Enchanted Lakes Perry Shirley Pastor Jerry Williams 22410 County Rd 455, Mineola FREE DELIVERY Iglesia Primera (903) 569-5101 CATHOLIC 903-763-4711 Asamblea de Dios Holy Ghost Central Church St. Ann’s Catholic 511 N. Second, Mineola Hwy. 69-10 N of Mineola 1010 W. FM 515, Winnsboro 903-569-5537 903-768-2262 903-629-7889 WOOD COUNTY Pastor Rick Childers Mani Mathai BAPTIST Lake Country Bible Church Dairy Queen ASPHALT Calvary Baptist Church 1402 N Pacific St, Mineola CHRISTIAN 779 FM 49, Mineola (903) 569-5730 Central Christian Church of Mineola (903) 768-2313 Craig Lacy 110 Sage St., Winnsboro 2124 County Road 2670 Pastor Donald Masters Mineola Christian Fellowship 903-342-5883 Central Baptist Church 2207 W US Hwy 80, Mineola F. Kevin Hollowell 903·569·5454 602 N Line St, Mineola (903) 569-8884 903.569.1833 (903) 569-3203 Safe Harbor Prophetic Ministries METHODIST First Baptist Church 5411 Hwy 37, Mineola Perryville Methodist Church 204 N Johnson St, Mineola 569-8388 FM 852, Perryville Lake Country Archery (903) 569-3873 Pastors: Andy & Irene Madding 8 Miles SE of Winnsboro Richard & Lindy McCarty-Owners Pastor Dr. Mark Neeley Spur on Ministries Glenda Mendoza DOW AUTOPLEX Freedom Baptist Church 2670 S. State Hwy 37, Mineola Full Service GM Dealer Sales & Service on all 155 CR 2201, Mineola 863-697-0469 PRESBYTERIAN 903-638-8555 Pastor Mike Fletcher First Presbyterian Sales Mon.-Fri. 8 - 6 Sat. 9 - 5 bows including crossbows Pastor Al Dusek 302 S Chestnut St, Winnsboro Hainesville Baptist Church PENTECOSTAL UNITED (903) 342-3011 1313 Hwy. 69 S - Mineola 3368 FM 49, Mineola New Life Pentecostal Rev. Dr. Julie Adkins 903-383-2347 903 569-3212 201 W F M Rd 564, Mineola 903-569-2621 Pastor Terry Davis 903-569-5750 Yantis Harvest Acres Baptist Church Pastor David Bethel BAPTIST Compliments of The Grooming Palace 1062 W State Loop 564, Mineola County Line Baptist Pet Grooming 903-569-5351 SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 6380 FM 2966, Yantis Pastor David W. Burcham Seventh Day Adventist 903-383-2148 Kemp-Meek FM 2422 Hubbard Chapel Baptist Church 1904 Old Tyler Hwy., Mineola Pastor Rodney Christ Hwy. 778, Mineola 903-569-6930 Covenant Reformed Baptist Manufacturing Co. Inc. Pastor: Rick Ellington Pastor Richard Rose FM 515 & 852, Yantis Mineola Legacy Baptist Fellowship Pastor Tony Jackson Mineola, Tx. 415 W. McDonald, Mineola Quitman First Baptist, Yantis “Strong churches make strong communities” 903-569-5786 903-316-0552 ASSEMBLY OF GOD 100 Church St., Yantis Macedonia Missionary Baptist First Assembly of God 903-383-2393 1555 County Road 3875, Mineola 909 E. Goode St., Quitman Pastor Craig Vance (903) 769-5618 903-763-2901 White Oak Baptist BAILEY’S ACE Pastor Thomas Ricks Pastor Ken Otwell 116 PR5922, Yantis SUPPORT OUR AREA Mt. Enterprise Baptist Church (903) 383-2310 HARDWARE 3331 S St. Hwy. 37, Mineola BAPTIST Pastor Jimmy Rogers (903) 569-2124 Clover Hill Baptist CHURCHES WITH AN AD 522 E. Broad 903.569.2911 Jonathan Allen FM 69, Quitman Hours: Mon - Fri 7:30 am - 7 pm, 903-967-7440 Sat 8 am - 6 pm • Sunday 1 pm - 5 pm Pastor Earl Kernes IN THIS LOCATION Joann Jones Boddie Roofing For God so loved the world that Plas Tech Fiberglass Machine Quilting he gave his only Son, so that Industrial and Custom Fabrication Composistion - Torchdown - Metal everyone who believes in him Oil Field Services QUALITY WORKMANSHIP Residential • Free Estimates REASONABLE PRICES might not perish but might have 911 E. Broad • Mineola “We are proud to support our local churches” 903-850-4642 eternal life. John 3:16 903-569-5856 Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 3, 2017 7A

Students who took part in job shadowing and the ETMC partners were, left to right, Allicia Settles, Orval Lindsey, Jayson Smith, Lane Blalock, Rebekah Corrior, Brittany Emerson, Hannah Hardy, Heather Deer, Dr. Beverly Waddleton, Avery Stephens, Sonia Castillo, Diego Flores, Kaci Raley, Marion Stanberry and Patrick Swindle. (Courtesy photo)

Cantrell coaches youth baseball and football and was saddened by ETMC job shadowing successful Fire the fact that his son’s baseball uni- From page 1A form had burned. However, fi re- The second year of the Health Science honored the students with a special lun- fi ghters did manage to drag gear out Job Shadowing at East Texas Medical cheon on April 21. in the top of the duplex, in the back of the burning garage. Center Quitman has successfully come The partnership that has formed be- and he heard a loud pop. Dodger To add to their run of bad luck, to an end. tween Quitman High School and ETMC was also safe. Cantrell said that during one of the Students began job shadowing in has given students an opportunity to “I’m just glad they woke me up,” recent heavy rains, his car got fl ood- January and rotated through 14 de- learn more about healthcare careers by Cantrell said. ed down in the Sycamore Street area partments within the hospital. ETMC gett ing outside of the classroom. In addition to Mineola Fire De- and he was working on gett ing that partment and Police Department re- back, “and then this happened. I sponding, fi refi ghters from Haines- don’t know what we’re going to do.” ETMC begins process to select strategic partner ville and Quitman came to assist. A His wife works for Home Health. few of the families’ belongings were An aunt of the Cantrell/Turling- The East Texas Medical Center Region- and remain independent. It wasn’t easy, salvaged, but the fi re was heavy, es- ton family has set up a GoFundMe al Healthcare System is working with a but it was doable,” Ellis said. “In today’s pecially in the middle of the brick account listed as Cantrell/Turling- leading management consultant to lo- rapidly evolving and challenging health- structure. ton Family. Mineola Police Captain cate a strategic partner. Kaufman Hall, care environment, regional health sys- The duplex is owned by Adam Mc- Dusty Cook said that the Red Cross a national healthcare consulting fi rm, is tems have come to realize that partner- Daniel. had provided some food, clothing heading the search eff ort, according to ing with larger organizations is helpful Mineola Fire Marshal David Mad- and shelter for the families, but their Elmer G. Ellis, ETMC president/chief ex- in many ways.” sen said the cause of the fi re is still main need was fi nding new homes. ecutive offi cer. This strategic partner will This transition will be very similar to under investigation but he said it Margrave said she had lived in the provide additional capital for growth other partnerships which have already started in the patio of Margrave’s duplex about three months. A few of and expansion, as well as other resources occurred across the region, state and na- unit, 515 Edwards. The Cantrell/Tur- her belongings were salvaged. to support the operation of ETMC hospi- tion. Ellis added that nearly all non-gov- lington home address was 517. Mineola Police Captain Dusty tals, clinics and other services. ernment-funded hospitals in Texas have No injuries occurred and the Cook said that diapers and immedi- “In the past, healthcare systems of our joined with a larger system in some ca- fi re was extinguished and fi remen ate needs for the baby were contrib- size could uphold their mission of care pacity. cleared the scene in about two hours. uted for the baby and members of the Ronald Cantrell said that his fami- community had stepped up to help. ly is comprised of his oldest daugh- by about 3:30 Monday. For those who ter, Gwynn Hennessey, Jersey who Election live inside the city limits, the city and is 12 years old and their son Payton, the school races are on the same ballot. who is 10. One of the things visible From page 1A School district residents outside the city that was lying in a pile in the front Got news? Call us. limits have a diff erent ballot. yard of their home was a Mineola were unopposed for seats on the school City voters are decided between Seat High School lett er jacket belonging to board. 2 incumbent Clara Kay and challeng- Gwynn. She is on the playoff softball 903-569-2442 William Bjork, early voting judge, said er Silas Franks and Seat 5 incumbent team and has also won in powerlift- that last year’s candidate election only Norma Oglesby and John Wise. Wayne ing events. 903-763-4522 saw 250 votes cast between early voting Kirkpatrick is unopposed for Seat 4. and Election Day. In the Hawkins School District, in- In Quitman, City Administrator Greg cumbents Robbie White and Janice Hollen reported Quitman had 126 total Vonner are seeking reelection with Ste- voters who had cast ballots as of 1:10 ven Holland challenging for a seat. p.m. Monday afternoon. The race for Election Day voting will be at Haw- mayor has sparked interest in the Quit- kins High School in the commons area, Anderson Nursing man community. Incumbent Mayor J.R. from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Evans is being challenged for the seat The city of Yantis will not have to hold by Mayor Pro Tem David Dobbs. an election. Mayor Jerry Miller along & Rehabilitation Three candidates, all with alderman with council members John Norris III experience, are running for two coun- and Bruce Sumner are unopposed. Mill- cil seats. Incumbents Randy Dunn and er will serve his eighth term. Brad Medlin are going up against for- However, on the Yantis School Board, Center mer Mayor Pro Tem Toni Cole. Dunn there are fi ve candidates for two terms was voted into the offi ce two years ago that are open. The candidates are Shan- while Medlin was appointed to fi ll the non Hall, Mike Allen, Jennifer McKeev- unexpired term of James Whitehurst er, Melissa Stephens and Kay Glenn. A licensed who moved out of the city limits last There are three candidates for the unex- year. In the council election held last pired term of longtime board member spring, Cole tied with current alderman Mike Kenney who passed away. They skilled nursing facility Kevin Gilbreath and lost a second elec- are Joey Bush, Tyra Gilbreath Kenne- tion for the seat. more and April Johnson. Voting in the The Quitman School Board of Trust- general election Saturday will be held ees has two spots open and three can- in the elementary school foyer. Super- Congratulations didates. Incumbent Jane Herring and intendent Kristy Beech reported over former board member Raymond Peek 90 voters had already cast ballots in the have been joined by Mark Breding in a races. to our staff for a job well done, resulting race for those two posts. Alba City Secretary Lindy McCarty Quitman voters in both elections will reported 34 voters had cast early ballots cast their ballots at one site which is on as of Monday afternoon in an election in an outstanding Annual Survey! the Quitman secondary campus. Voters sparked by a hotly contested mayor’s are to enter on the junior high side of race between incumbent Ted Levitt the campus at the front door and voting and city councilman Preston “Sonny” will be in the foyer. Hass. There are also two council seats You are great! On Election Day, voting will be held open with incumbent Larry Jones, Mar- at Mineola City Hall from 7 a.m. to 7 ja Heinert and Larry Harris running for p.m. those spots. Jones was appointed to fi n- From Administration The Hawkins City and Hawkins ish out the term of Glenda Dedman and School District early voting was held the other seat had been fi lled by Hass. and Residents at the Hawkins School. Traci Thomas Alba voters will cast their ballots at city said that about 175 votes had been cast hall in the council chambers. 520 Bradburn Rd. | P.O. Box 554 Grand Saline, TX 75140 903-962-4234 | Fax 903-962-7223

In 2012 Anderson Nursing and Rehabilitation Center was awarded a contract with the Veterans Affairs Hospital in Dallas to accept and care for Veterans ZLWK9$EHQH¿WV$QGHUVRQ1XUVLQJDQG5HKDELOLWDWLRQ &HQWHULVWKHRQO\9$FHUWL¿HG1XUVLQJ+RPHLQERWK 9DQ=DQGWDQG:RRG&RXQWLHV$QGHUVRQ1XUVLQJDQG Rehabilitation Center also accepts Medicare, Medicaid, 9$3ULYDWH3D\DQGPRVWSULYDWHLQVXUDQFH

Anderson Nursing and Rehabilitation Center “Your home away from home” Political ad paid for by David Dobbs 8A Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 3, 2017

able to go to music camp. I feel lowed and they formed the band ‘Anne-Arky’ play set this like I am at a time in my life where Tripping Lily with Rizzio as the Rizzio I want to go back to my roots and lead vocalist. She also plays the From page 1A I am excited to be going to Winns- fi ddle, guitar, ukulele and piano. weekend in Winnsboro boro.” Cape Cod became their base and and southwest of the country. She had her favorites at Quit- they toured the folk circuit for 10 The Bowery Players at the Winnsboro Center Rizzio is excited these days man High School. “I really, really years. Her solo career has been on for the Arts (WCA) are primed and ready to en- because she has embarked on loved Mr. Shackelford (Todd), he the rise and she is a sought-after tertain at the Weekend of Comedy, May 5, 6 and a “Back to Texas” concert tour was just a great person and teach- performer on the folk and acoustic 7. The shows on Friday and Saturday will start which includes a stop at The Bow- er. I also remember Mrs. Frazier festival circuit. at 7 p.m. and there will be a Sunday matinee at ery Stage in the Winnsboro Center (Lucinda), how kind she was and While on hiatus from music she 2 p.m. for Arts complex May 13 support- such a good teacher,” Rizzio ac- hung out at O’Shea’s Old Inn Pub, “We are doing a short play for the fi rst act,” ing her album “Washashore Cow- knowledged. “I also loved Mrs. where local musicians played and says Maryann Miller, WCA Theatre Director. girl.” Her other Texas stops are in Fannin (Barbara) and fondly re- she heard songwriter Sean Bren- “Then we will play some improv games. That Richardson and a house concert in member Mr. McCauley (Charles), nan sing a song called “Texarka- is always an audience favorite as people try to Houston. the band teacher. I hope to see a na.” She was impressed with the stump the troupe with scene suggestions that What exactly does “Washashore” lot of my old friends and school song and the performance and the the players have to act out. And audience mem- mean? Washashore is a term used mates when I come to Winnsboro tune is on the “Washashore Cow- bers can come on stage to play with us if they by born and bred Cape Codders in May.” girl” CD. want to.” to describe those who move there After graduating from high The new CD also has a tune The play “Anne-Arky” was writt en by Lindsay from anyplace beyond the Bourne school she att ended a school in called “Willie Nelson.” She wrote Price, who has a number of plays available for Bridge which connects the Cape Long Island called Adelphi where the song while being snowbound young people through the website Theatrefolk. from the rest of the state of Mas- she spent two years on a full schol- for several days. The song was a com. Most of them are humorous and great fun sachusett s. arship to study music and a music fi nalist in the 31st Songwriters of for kids and adults. “Anne-Arky,” as the name Rizzio left Quitman in 1997 after professor there encouraged her to Washington competition and re- suggests, encompasses quite a bit of nonsense her junior year in high school and move to Nashville. She did move leased last year as a single. as a troupe of players put on a production of moved to a small town outside to Nashville and graduated from Rizzio is a founder and co-own- “Anne of Green Gables,” and the audience gets of New York City. Rizzio actual- Belmont University which is locat- er of the roots-based music school, a glimpse of what goes on backstage during a ly had roots in New York. “I was ed there. West Bend Music, providing production. Sometimes it isn’t prett y. born in New York and when I was In an article in No Depression all-ages private instruction. In The players in the show range in age from the four, my parents moved down to magazine, Rizzio said, “My mu- 2014 she founded and launched youngest at 12, Linden Clark, to Adrienne Wal- East Texas. I think my Dad was sic education started at home lis- Vinegrass, a non-profi t music pro- ters who is old enough to be his great-grand- just ready to get out of the North- tening to old jazz and country duction company, which raises mother. There are some new players making east. My granny lived there, my standards with my Dad. I would money for scholarships, instru- their WCA stage debut, Ben Morris, Geraldine mom’s mom and her name is Leah sing all those classics to pass away ments, and grants through con- Fish, Sabre Miller, Jamie Turney and Kate Vose, Chuter,” Rizzio said. “I used to those hot Texas summer nights. certs and an annual roots-music and returning players are Darla Pierce, Thomas barrel race in Winnsboro at the ro- The only instrument I really festival. Hulme, Ian Dierfl inger, and Val Vett er. Joining deo there. I did that from the time played growing up was the fl ute “My ultimate goal is to get my the troupe for improv will be Jim Hollowell and I was about seven to 13.” and it wasn’t until I studied music music out there and to continue Bruce Zasowski. “Jamie Turney is also my as- Rizzio has fond memories of her at Belmont that I started playing our work with West Bend Music sistant director,” Miller says. “And she will be time in Quitman. “What I remem- piano and guitar.” and Vinegrass,” Rizzio comment- teaching the Let’s Play drama camp for begin- ber most about it is that living Her musical infl uences have ed. ners in June. We are really pleased to have her there was just such a good feel- been Texas oriented. “I have been Tickets for the May 13 show are on board, and this will be a great camp for kids ing. It was such a family-oriented infl uenced by Willie Nelson, Guy $15 and $22 and are on sale at the who have never been on stage. I’m also very community. Everyone was always Clark and I love John Prine. Ricky Winnsboro Center for the Arts, 200 excited by the other new additions to the Bow- friendly and so encouraging, a Skaggs was a huge infl uence for Market Street, and at Winnsboro ery Players troupe. They are all very talented town with true Southern charm,” me too,” Rizzio added Emporium, 212 Market Street, in and dedicated, and they have worked hard for Rizzio noted. “When I grew up While in Nashville she met song- Winnsboro. Tickets can also be weeks of rehearsals to put on a fun show.” in Texas we were hit prett y hard writer Demetrius Becrelis and purchased online at winnsboro- Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children during the 90s recession. Had it they began to perform together. For more under twelve, and can be purchased at the WCA not been for the kindness of the He was from Cape Cod and when information call the center at 903- offi ce, The Winnsboro Emporium, or at the door. community I would not have been he moved back there, she soon fol- 342-0686.

training program before an of- part of their shift. Financial Offi cer Cindy Karch fi cer can go out in a car alone. While he believes other had given a positive report of Council During that time, the FTO is employees are also valuable, the city’s fi nances noting that From page 1A also pulled away from other the mayor noted the police 90 percent of property taxes work that they would nor- offi cers “put their life on the have been collected. The city ly was tabled until a special mally be doing, which is an- line” for the public every day is at 61 percent of total reve- meeting on May 8. other aspect of the personnel when they go to work. No nues budgeted for the year. Watkins drew the council investment. Additionally, the other employees have to put “So that’s good news,” she members’ att ention to the fact mayor said, potential offi cers on bulletproof vests and, “All reported. that, from April 2015 through pay out of their own pockets it takes is to pull the wrong A sales tax comparison this month, the department to att end police academy to person over on the side of the chart she provided shows will have lost 11 people, six to become licensed to become highway,” Watkins said, for sales taxes have been up for other agencies for bett er pay law enforcement offi cers. them not to go home to their the past seven months. They or benefi ts. Mostly notably, The department conducts ex- families. are at 7.9 percent ahead of last one of the department’s fi eld tensive background checks The mayor said, again, more year and in the budget pro- training offi cers (FTO) was on applicants and “very few than once, looking at the city’s cess, only a 6 percent increase recently recruited and hired applicants actually meet our fi nancial situation with the in- had been projected. “And we at the Wood County Sheriff ’s qualifi cations.” crease in sales taxes and new haven’t even begun to see William Crump has been named Mineo- Department. Another Mine- The mayor said he had spo- businesses opening and other what Hibbett Sports or Dollar la’s new public works director. ola offi cer has been hired by ken with the chief and had things he was confi dent that Tree will bring in,” she said. the Texas Department of Pub- also done a lot of research of the city could aff ord a $1.50 to “Or Bush’s,” City Administra- Breaking the sales taxes down lic Safety. the Sheriff ’s Department and $2 an hour pay increase across tor Mercy Rushing interject- by quarters, she said this is the “When we lose people, it re- Lindale Police Department, the board, which would add ed. “So without those busi- highest quarter of the last fi ve ally hurts us,” the mayor said whose pay level was also up to about $60,000 a year (the nesses we are growing so we years. “So, good news,” Karch more than once. higher. chief said he didn’t want an will continue to grow there.” said, on the city’s fi nances. The mayor noted that not The mayor noted that the increase for himself). He lat- every person can be a FTO pay diff erence between Min- er recalculated and said that and Police Chief Chuck Bit- eola PD and the sheriff ’s of- would be $67,000. Local attorney to discuss estate planning tner said that “it takes a spe- fi ce for a beginning offi cer is In response to the mayor’s cial person” to be a FTO. The $1.50 to $2.50 per hour. Over urging, Ward 2 Alderman Kyle Waggoner, local att orney and certifi ed public accountant, mayor said he and Sheriff a year’s time, that adds up, Jayne Lankford was about to will present a free program on estate planning in the annex of Tom Castloo remain friends, he said. Plus, there is a com- make a motion. Other council Broad Street Church of Christ on Tuesday, May 16 at 6 p.m. but he also advocated for plicated 10-step pay scale for people had weighed in when The public is invited to learn more about issues that face each comparable pay to keep the the sheriff ’s department and Ward 3 Alderman Mitchell family as they deal with planning for end of life or possible in- heavily trained personnel at some levels, the pay diff er- Tuck said while he didn’t want capacity. in Mineola. When someone ence between Mineola versus anyone to think he wasn’t Each family is unique, so it is important for individuals and asked how much the MPD the two other departments is supportive of the police, the family members to know what is applicable for their special cir- pays one of these training offi - $4 per hour. The disparity in council hadn’t had enough cumstances. Topics for discussion include last will and testa- cers, the chief answered, “$25 dispatchers’ pay is compara- time to study the numbers to ment, revocable living trusts, powers of att orney, end directives, a month.” ble. Compounding the situ- make a decision. There were prepaid funeral and burial. Another important consideration is The mayor noted that it ation, sheriff ’s deputies are other comments about rais- fi nancial account designations. If you are incapacitated, who has costs the city money when a assigned their own patrol car es for other employees. Ulti- access to funds to pay bills and take care of family? new offi cer is hired to train which they drive to and from mately, the matt er was tabled “Please join your friends and neighbors as we work together them. Mineola Police Depart- work. That time driving to until the May 8 meeting. and learn more about planning for the future,” said a church ment requires a 17-week fi eld and from work is included as Previously in the meeting, spokesperson. Light refreshments will be served.

Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio Words of 7KHHI¿FLHQF\UDWLQJ SEER IRUDLUFRQGLWLRQHUV Your local EncouragByement Pastor David Burcham ne of my Seminary professors told us of an incident that took place back in the late 60’s DEALER in the nation of Israel. They were out in the country side and saw a most interesting sight. O is offering a Two oxen were being yoked together to plow a field. One ox was full grown and massive. The 16 SEER System other ox was a small yearling. It was a ludicrous looking sight, but their guide explained it to for a 14 SEER price them. The full grown ox was well trained to the yoke and had the power to do the work. The (with a 10 year parts and labor warranty!) yearling would have to go where the full grown ox went, thus the yearling was being trained and was pulling no weight. I am reminded of Matthew 11:29 where Jesus says “Take My yoke upon Call now for details. you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you can find rest for your souls.” If we trust Jesus as our Savior and follow Him as our Lord we “yoke up with Him.” He pulls all Ramirez Services, LLC the weight, He carries the load and we are trained in the process. We also experience “rest for our souls.” If you have experienced this kind of rest in the past but do not have it now you know it’s a wonderful thing. Go back and “yoke up” with Him and rest! You are cordially invited to visit us Made in Texas by Texans for Texas heat! Sales y Service y Repair 1062 W. Loop 564 - Mineola, Texas | (C) 903.497.6384 } Sunday School 9:30 a.m. • Worship 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m. } 408 S. Pacific, Mineola, TX 75773 Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 3, 2017 9A

Mineola Memorial Library Notes Obituaries LANA ENGLISH CANADA BY LIBRARIAN MARY HURLEY 1969-2017 ALBA-Services for Lana Claudine English Canada, Thank you to are wrapping tuned. with his family. It is easy 48, Alba, were held Friday, April 28, at First Baptist all of our volun- up our regularly Friends of the Library to sign up, just go by the Church, Alba, with Chaplain Randall Ator offi ciating. teers who helped scheduled pro- will meet on Thurs- front desk and let the Burial was in Salem Cemetery, our regular staff grams. After school day, May 4 at 1 p.m. at staff know you would Alba, under the direction of Wil- keep the library programs and Pre Wisener Field Airport on like to att end or call us son-Bartley Funeral Home. running while we School Story Time Country Club Road in at 903-569-2767. A day Mrs. Canada died April 24, were in San An- will continue until Mineola. There they will or two before the event, 2017, in Dallas. She was born tonio. We visited many the end of May. Sum- learn about Wisener Field a reminder call will be February 16, 1969, in Dallas to vendors and learned mer Reading programs Airport and its 100-year made to those who have John David and Lois English. about a lot of services will commence June 7, history. The Friends of signed up. She was a registered nurse and and products available Wednesday, at 2 p.m. We the Mineola Memorial This is a very early a member of Lake Fork Baptist to libraries. We att ended will have programs for Library is a group formed reminder the library will Church, Alba. many discussions on a our kindergarten through to support the library be closed on Saturday, She was preceded in death by variety of library related fi fth grade and another with volunteers and May 27 so our staff may her father, J.D. English. issues from programming program for those fi n- fundraisers. Each month enjoy the Memorial Survivors include her husband, to management to book ished with fi fth grade and from September to June, Day weekend with their Dennis Canada of Sulphur Springs; mother, Lois En- discussions. We recon- up through high school. they meet to learn some- families. The book drops glish, Alba; son, Aaron Canada, Sulphur Springs; nected with librarians This year’s Summer thing through interesting on the front porch will be daughters, Tasha Pott s, Emory, Latona English, Alba, from across the state we Reading theme is Build programs and to learn available for any items Shelby Swanson, Lubbock, Marlee Canada, Rock- only see at convention. It a Bett er World and that about opportunities to needing to be returned; wall, Layci Sneed, Alba, Bailey Haggerty, Sulphur was great and we thank could encompass any- help with the library and one drop is for movies Springs and Kacie Freeman, Greenville and seven our volunteers again thing from engineering then discuss how they and the other is for books. grandchildren. for their assistance and activities to science to can help. Come by and see us. to you, our patrons, for biography and many The last Computer Q & Our address is 301 N. understanding our need other topics. “Miss” Pam A program will be Satur- Pacifi c. You can fi nd us to att end this event. And Hortman has her pro- day, May 20 at 9:30 a.m. on the web: www.mineo- a great big, ginormous grams lined out for the Registration / sign-up for Remember, Home Sweet Home (maybe not a real word) summer for the teens and this event is a must. We the Mineola Memorial thank you to our board tweens. I, on the other have a volunteer coming Library is a 501(c)3, BY ANGIE MONK, WOOD COUNTY EXTENSION AGENT of directors who made it hand, am still trying to in to lead the event and if non-profi t and your possible for us to att end. narrow programs down no one signs up then he donations are tax-deduct- May is here and we from all the choices. Stay has extra time to spend ible. ‘Cooking with Chef Cruz’ set June 6 Save the Date for a very special program on June 6. “Dinner Tonight… Cooking with Chef Cruz” will be Inside and Outside the Picket Fence held on Tuesday, June 6 at the Hidden Lakes Hunt- ing Lodge in Yantis from 6-8 p.m. BY JAN WHITLOCK Join Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and Hidden Lakes Hunting Lodge The May fl owers have time to maintain - this may be just the thing for you as we team up for a special program arrived! We invite you to to consider in a sunny corner at home. We see the demonstrating healthy cooking the Quitman Arboretum to arboretum as a collection of idea gardens to peak techniques for wild game such as walk through the gardens your interest and spark your curiosity. If we can do buff alo, duck, quail and red stage. and enjoy the buds and it - you can do it. Extension agents will also share blooms. There is always a crew working at the arboretum recipes for delicious side dishes to The succulent bed, locat- on Wednesdays from until noon. We are there to pair with the wild game. Chef Cruz Minjarez is orig- ed directly off the parking Quitman Arboretum and help you with your questions. A few plants are still inally from San Antonio and has worked as an ex- lot, is undergoing some Botanical Gardens available for purchase from our spring plant sale. ecutive chef in Alaska before coming to the Hidden serious renovations. This Please remember the Mother’s Day Brunch. Tick- Lakes Hunting Lodge. planting space had been doubled and many new ad- ets are still available for this event. Perhaps you will Registration is $20 per person if received by May ditions will be added in the next few weeks. These be interested in a tour througj the gardens or having 12. The fi rst 20 people to register will be on a tast- are the kind of plants that can be tucked in and, photos taken with friends and loved ones. Informa- ing panel. If registrations are received after May 12, aside from a bit of weeding now and then, will take tion about reservations may be found on the Quit- the fee is $25 per person with limited seating. All at- care of themselves once they become established. If man Arboretum website or our Facebook page. tendees will receive a goody bag and will be eligible you are a gardener who loves to plant but has litt le Hope to see you soon. The coff ee is on. for door prizes. For more information, contact Angie Monk, Wood County Extension Agent at 903-763- 2924. Make plans now to att end this educational fun Ag News event! BY CLINT PERKINS, WOOD COUNTY EXTENSION AGENT International Food Fest Saturday Eating the same food over and over again can be- come boring over time and lead to bad food choices. White grubs and their control in East Texas For ideas on how to “spice up” recipe options, the White grubs are will be limited to when environmental the next life-stage. The public is invited to sample foods from diff erent coun- the larval stage of species with one- conditions are favorable third-instar actively tries at Holy Spirit Catholic Church’s International insects commonly year life cycles. in early- to mid-summer. feeds until cool weather Food Fest. known as May or Once a year, in Most damage from arrives. Third-instar lar- The event is scheduled for Saturday, from 11 a.m. June beetles (or late spring or sum- white grubs occurs vae are responsible for to 2p.m. at the church’s Fellowship Hall, located just June bugs). Tex- mer, adult beetles during mid-summer to most turf grass damage north of the gates of Holly Lake Ranch on FM 2869. as has almost 100 emerge from the early-fall when the larg- due to their large size (1⁄2 Vendors will include recipes from the following species of these, soil to mate. Mat- er larvae are actively to 1 inch-long) and vo- countries: Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Greece, most of which do not ed females then return to feeding. racious appetites. Feed- Italy, Ireland, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Sweden and cause signifi cant eco- the soil to lay eggs. White grub larvae ing by large numbers of the . Cultural foods include Spanish nomic damage to crops Within about two are creamy white and third instar white grubs and “Cajun.” or plantings. A few spe- weeks the eggs hatch C-shaped, with three can quickly destroy In addition to the food vendors, tickets for drawing cies, however, common- into small white grubs pairs of legs. We are turfgrass root systems, items are available to purchase, as well as tickets for a ly damage turfgrass and that feed on grass roots. most concerned about preventing effi cient up- chance to win one of the following raffl e items: a one- other cultivated plants. The pupa, or interme- this stage because this is take of food and water. week stay at a home on Table Rock Lake in Branson, With spring arriving ear- diate stage between the the one that causes all of Damaged turf does not one round-trip ticket anywhere Southwest Airlines ly, homeowners might larva and the adult, oc- the damage. After hatch- grow vigorously and is fl ies domestically, and a $250 Visa gift card. want to be on the look- curs the following spring ing, the white grub pass- extremely susceptible to Admission to the event is free, but tickets are $1 out for grub damage. and is the last immature es through three larval drying out, especially in each, sold in packets of 5 for $5. Tickets may be ex- White grubs, some- phase of the insect’s de- life-stages, or instars. hot weather. changed for food samples, or used to enter to win times referred to as velopment cycle. Adults First- and second-in- White grub damage one of the drawing items. grubworms, injure turf subsequently emerge stars each require about For more information, call the Holy Spirit Catholic by feeding on roots and from the pupal stage 3 weeks developing to See AG NEWS, Page 10A Church offi ce at 903-769-3235. other underground plant parts. Damaged areas within lawns lose vigor PUBLIC NOTICE - CITY OF MINEOLA PHILIP ANDREW POGUE and turn brown. Severe- TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM ly damaged turf can be 1976 - 2017 lifted by hand or rolled The City of Mineola has recently completed Texas Community up from the ground like emorial Development Block Grant Program activities under its 2015 TxCDBG Mservices for a carpet. Contract #7215340 with the Texas Department of Agriculture. One public Philip Andrew The most important hearing will be held to allow citizens an opportunity to comment on the Pogue, 40, turfgrass infesting white completed project activities, amount of funds spent and the amount of Quitman, Texas grubs in Texas are the IXQGVVSHQWRQDFWLYLWLHVWKDWEHQH¿WHGORZPRGHUDWHLQFRPHSHUVRQV are scheduled for 6 June beetle, Phyllophaga 6SHFL¿FLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKH7[&'%*SURJUDPZLOOEHDYDLODEOH p.m. Sunday, May crinite and the southern 7 at Select Theater masked chafer, Cyclo- The public hearing will be held at the City of Mineola City Hall, 300 in Mineola. Philip was laid to rest on April 27, 2017 at the Clover Hill cephala lurida. Warm Greenville Avenue, Tuesday, May 9, 2017, at 5:05 p.m. to review the Cemetery. season grasses like ber- City’s program performance including the actual use of the TxCDBG Mr. Pogue went to Heaven on Tuesday, April 18, mudagrass, zoysiagrass, funds. The City encourages individual citizens and citizen’s groups 2017 at Hospice of East Texas. He was born August 9, St. Augustinegrass and to make their views known at this public hearing and welcomes the 1976 to Ronnell Lee Pogue and Pamela Joyce Ray of buff alograss are att acked full participation of its citizens in the close-out and completion of this Quitman, Texas. readily by both types of TxCDBG contract. Written complaints and grievances regarding this He is survived by his father, Ronnell Pogue and twin white grubs, with most TxCDBG contract and project activities will be received until May 19, brother James Pogue; grandparents, Vernon Eugene DQGZLOOEHUHVSRQGHGWRLQZULWLQJZLWKLQ¿IWHHQ  ZRUNLQJGD\V and Angeline Ray of Tyler, Texas and multiple aunts, lawn damage occurring uncles and cousins. during summer and fall Citizen comments may be delivered to City Hall at any time. Groups representative of persons of low and moderate income may request Philip graduated from Mineola High School in 1995 months. and attended Tyler Junior College. He was active in Most turfgrass-feeding technical assistance in developing comments by contacting the person listed below. multiple school bands and performed in the UIL white grubs in Texas, theater and won multiple awards. such as the June beetle Philip and this brother were active in musicals with A copy of the City’s Project Completion Report will be available for the Lake Country Playhouse and he shared one of and southern masked inspection at City Hall after the hearing. Handicapped individuals who chafer, require one year his amazing gifts of the trombone with the Lake PD\KDYHGLI¿FXOW\LQDWWHQGLQJWKLVPHHWLQJVKRXOGFRQWDFW&LW\+DOOWR Country Symphonic Band. to complete their life cy- arrange for assistance. Para residentes necesitados de interpretes, favor Philip shared his beautiful voice throughout the cle (a two-year cycle is de comunicarse con la municipalidad antes de las audiencia publica. years in many different churches and where GOD led suspected in a portion him. of the grub populations For further information contact Mercy Rushing, City Hall, 903-569-6183. Philip’s love for people while in this world was many in north Texas). The May and now that love will continue not only in our beetle, Phyllophaga con- The City of Mineola does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, hearts, but also in our lives forever. grua, requires 2 years to VH[QDWLRQDORULJLQIDPLOLDUVWDWXVRUGLVDELOLW\7KH&LW\LVDQDI¿UPDWLYH Philip is reunited in Heaven with his mother and develop. For simplicity, many other family members sharing GODS gift of DFWLRQHTXDORSSRUWXQLW\HPSOR\HU HQFRXUDJHVSDUWLFLSDWLRQE\ singing and praising and watching over all of us like the following discussion historically underutilized Section 3 businesses. the true Angel he was and is. 10A Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 3, 2017 This week From page 1A Pond Management Field Day will food pantry. be held at Greene Lake outside of • The First United Methodist Emory. Call the extension offi ce at Church of Mineola will hold a ga- 903-763-2924 for more information. rage sale on Saturday at the Minis- • The Third Annual Quitman-Lake tries Center at 612 North Newsom Fork Kiwanis Club Benefi t Golf Street. Tournament will be Saturday at • The Fannie Marchman Garden the Links at Land’s End. It will be Club’s Spring Sale will be held a shotgun start and the four person on Saturday at Grace Community team scramble has an entry fee of Healthcare on Pacifi c Street in Min- $300 per team. Tournament proceeds eola from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Plants, are used to help the children in our yard and art décor will be off ered. community through various projects. • The World Championship Bass For more information contact Brad at on The Fly Fishing Tournament is 903-530-6413. Saturday at Lake Fork Marina from 6 Mulch showcases the plants in this garden bed. • The First United Methodist a.m. to 2 p.m. Church of Mineola will hold a ga- • Also on Saturday The Holy Spirit rage sale on Friday and Saturday, 7 Catholic Church is holding an Inter- a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Ministries Cen- national Food Fest at their location Three vital additions for your garden ter at 612 North Newsom Street. on Farm-to-Market 2869 just north of It’s time to get your • The Yantis Catfi sh Classic is the gates to Holly Lake Ranch from garden ready for the Friday and Saturday at Lake Fork. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. long, hot summer that In East Texas Gardens Registration is at Minnow Bucket • The North East Texas Choral seems to be on the near Marina and the event is a fundraiser Society presents “Touchstone,” the horizon. Here are three By Lin Grado for the fi re department. music that makes your heart remem- important additions you • On Saturday the All Pro Lineman ber. It will be Saturday at 7 p.m. and should make to your mote rot. Your mulch Challenge will be hosted by Mineola again Sunday at 2 p.m. The location garden before summer shouldn’t look like a High School. There will be compe- is the Sulphur Springs High School sets in. volcano around the base tition between athletes from all size auditorium (formerly the Hopkins First is compost. Com- of your plants. schools in everything from obstacle County Civic Center). post is decomposed or- The third most import- course to the fi nal event, a big tug of • The Alba-Golden Lady Panthers ganic matt er that feeds ant addition to the gar- war. It starts at 9 a.m. and goes until will play Pott sboro in a two out of the soil (which then den is your timely ob- fi nished, usually after lunchtime. It three series for the area champion- feeds your plants). It servation. Walk around is open to public and free. ship beginning this Thursday at 6 adds much-needed or- in your garden at least • The Bread of Life fundraising p.m. at Texas A&M Commerce. The ganic matt er to the soil. once a week and ob- breakfast is Saturday at First Baptist second game will be Saturday at If your soil is hard clay, serve any changes. This Church in Mineola from 7 to 9:30 the same location with a third game that organic matt er will time spent can be a key a.m. The meal is a fundraiser for the played in Commerce if needed. improve the drainage of to both enjoying your your soil and increases garden and ensuring air penetration. If your its success. First, there soil is sand, organic mat- may be some ephemer- ter improves the abil- al beauty that you may ity of the soil to retain This swallowtail caterpillar soon overlook , such as May- Damage moisture and nutrients. left this bronze fennel to become apples in bloom. At the a chrysallis. From page 1A Compost also improves Quitman Arboretum I the biology of the soil, erate soil temperature, noticed swallowtail cat- When they thought it was adding micronutrients, and reduce the number erpillars on the bronze over they went out and it fungi, and benefi cial of weeds that grow in fennel that I had planted was “very obvious” of the bacteria. If there’s a mir- your beds. To me, mulch for them; two days later storm’s strength. acle in the garden world, is like icing on a cake: it they were gone. Second, Salmon said her daugh- it’s compost. makes your garden beds if you see a problem ear- ter and son-in-law, Shauna When you’re fi rst look fi nished. ly, chances are greater and Michael Hewitt , who building a bed, you can Here in Texas we need that you can nip it in the live on the same property, dig or till three inches a three- or four-inch lay- bud. A common pest in “did lose a good portion on of compost into the top er of mulch to have the the spring on hibiscus their house.” Salmon said six inches of your soil. best eff ect through our and Turk’s cap is sawfl y she’d contacted her insur- To determine how much hot summers. At home I larva – they can skele- ance company but, due to compost you need, place like to start with a layer tonize the leaves on a the damage in Canton, the your bags of compost of cardboard or several plant. Treatment with company representative side by side and end to sheets of newspaper to an organic insecticide told them they would get end in the bed – that will cover the bare soil, then such as Neem every 10 with them as they could. give you three inches. water it well before add- days will halt the dam- Salmon said she has pigs, If you have a vegetable ing mulch. This layer age. chicken and a cow “and ev- garden, you will need to of cardboard acts as a There is a Chinese erybody was fi ne.” add another inch or two weed barrier, but unlike proverb states, the best “But there’s a lot of dam- each growing season, the black weed cloth you fertilizer is the garden- age up here,” Salmon said. but for perennial beds or can buy, it is biodegrad- er’s shadow. Cast your She said her daughter and borders, just top-dress able and will improve shadow often on your son-in-law don’t have in- your bed with a half- the soil over time. (One East Texas garden. surance to cover the dam- inch or so of compost. I warning about using About the author: Lin age to their home and have also add a litt le compost newspaper or card- is a Texas Master Gar- set up a GoFundMe ac- to the planting holes for board: If your garden is dener in Wood County. count. annuals and perennials frequented by armadil- Email questions or re- She was also grateful to in my established beds los, it will look a mess quests for articles to her have electricity. She said to give them a boost. when they dig to get at txgardengal@gmail. that two transformers on Once you’ve started to the earthworms be- com. To learn hands-on their property blew and increasing the organic low.) When you mulch, techniques, join her and Wood County Electrici- matt er in your soil with be sure to keep the other volunteers each ty had them repaired and compost, you’ll want to mulch (or cardboard) Wednesday morning at back with electricity by 3:30 protect that investment. away from the crowns 9, at the Quitman Ar- or 4 a.m. Sunday morning. This leads to the second of plants and fl ares of boretum and Botanical She was also grateful to addition: mulch to cover trees, so you don’t pro- Gardens. the Mineola Volunteer Fire the soil in your gardens. Department, members of While you can cover which went by and checked your garden with stone on them to see if they were This broken tree at Betty Dean’s home was just one of many that or gravel, the mulch I’m okay. “I was uber im- were damaged or destroyed east of Mineola during the destructive referring to is organic pressed by that,” she said. weather that hit East Texas Saturday. (Courtesy photo) matt er that will decom- pose over time: straw, pine needles, shredded leaves, bark, or tree trim- mings that have been al- It’s Graduation Time! lowed to break down a bit. Mulch will help re- tain soil moisture, mod-

Sawfly damage on this turk’s cap suggests quick treatment

Reserve dium-sized grubs but may kill some 2014 grubs larger than 1⁄2 inch long. Imida- Shelby VioletSENIOR Herring a spot Ag news cloprid trade names include Merit®, From page 9A Bayer Advanced Lawn™ Season Long Congratulations for your Grub Control and Scott ’s® Grub-Ex®. Shelby, We love you SENIOR can be detected by the presence of ir- The lethal eff ects of the insect growth and are so proud regular- shaped areas of weakened or regulator halofenozide are limited to of the beautiful in our young lady you dying grass in the lawn. Less severely early white grub life stages. Halofe- damaged turf lacks vigor and is more Šƒ˜‡„‡ ‘‡ǤLove special nozide is ineff ective if applied too late, vulnerable to invasion by weeds. after grubs have reached the third-in- Mom and Dad Graduation Depending on location within the star life stage. Halofenozide trade Proverbs 3: 5-6 Section! state, damage may appear any time names include Mach 2, Spectracide® between the months of June and Oc- Grub Stop™ and Hi-Yield® Kill-a- tober. Turfgrass damaged by white Grub™. grubs has a reduced root system and It might also be noted that some- ‹‡‘Žƒˆϐ‹ ‡ ~ 902-569-2442 is easily pulled from the soil. Grubs times white grub damage can also be ƒ†•̷™‘‘† ‘—–›‘‹–‘”Ǥ ‘ should be readily found in the top few mistaken for a fairly common lawn inches of soil, in the turf grass root disease called “Take-All-Patch” which zone. Turf grass usually recovers from gives the same or similar traits or signs —‹–ƒˆϐ‹ ‡ ~ 903-763-4522 white grub damage by fall or the fol- of damage. Best bet is to dig in the soil ƒ†˜‡”–‹•‹‰̷™‘‘† ‘—–›‘‹–‘”Ǥ ‘ lowing spring. and see if you fi nd white grub worms. The insecticides imidacloprid and If you have any further questions, halofenozide are used most today for please contact the Wood County Ex- Deadline: May 13 white grub control. Imidacloprid is tension Service located at 618 S. Main most eff ective against small and me- in Quitman or call 903-763-2924. Wood County Section B MONITOR Wednesday, May 3, 2017 SPORTS Yantis Catfish Classic this weekend at Lake Fork By LARRY TUCKER tertainment Saturday night. for $15,000 last year and our department, very penny of it,” [email protected] Yantis Mayor Jerry Miller goal this year is to raise $20,000. Miller explained. “This is the said the event, which is the only We had fi shermen from seven only fundraiser for our fi re de- The big catfi sh at Lake Fork fundraiser of the year for the or eight states last year and I partment and over the years, have been put on notice for this Yantis Volunteer Fire Depart- have had calls and entries from they have become one of the weekend. It’s time again for the ment, has continued to grow New Mexico and Arkansas al- best departments in the area.” annual Yantis Catfi sh Classic. and prosper over the years. ready this year. We had 218 en- After the fi shing at 3 p.m. Record crowds are expected “Our department’s fi refi ghters tries in 2016 for the tournament Saturday, there will be the to be on hand at the Minnow take their jobs seriously and and we are hoping for 300 en- annual parade in downtown Bucket Resort, which is serv- we want them to have the best tries this year.” The YVFD is Yantis, meeting at First Baptist ing as the headquarters for the training and equipment possi- led by Chief Wesley Crist and Church to form at 5 p.m. and Kids under 12 fish free with a paid fi shing activities, and in down- ble because they have such an they have been a functioning ending at the school grounds. adult at the Yantis Catfish Classic. Cody town Yantis for a parade Satur- important job to do in our com- organization for over 50 years. This year’s barbeque fund- Preston had a great time two years ago day along with a big barbecue munity,” Miller acknowledged. All the proceeds we get from catching this big cat. (Monitor photo by sandwich dinner with live en- “We were able to write a check this tournament go to our fi re See CATFISH, Page 2B Larry Tucker) Lady Panthers destroy Madison in bi-district

By LARRY TUCKER [email protected]

Alba-Golden started off the fi rst inning with two quick outs, but then it was lights out for Dallas Madi- son as the Lady Panthers batt ed around twice scoring 16 runs on their way to a 24-2 route in the bi-district contest Thursday in Greenville. The Lady Panthers had 10 hits in the game and Madison had 10 errors. The Lady Trojans did not get a hit as Lady Panther pitchers Morgan Curts and Ashlyn Rogers silenced Madison’s bats. Curts faced six batt ers and struck out each one of them while Rogers faced fi ve batt ers and struck out two. The Lady Panthers added eight more runs in the See LADY PANTHERS, Page 6B

Cameron Davis slides into third base after hitting a triple in the bottom of the fourth inning against Alba-Golden Tuesday. (Monitor photo by Brianna Harmon) Mineola swarms Alba-Golden on Senior Night

By BRIANNA HARMON the 3A team of the week last week Mineola scored three runs in [email protected] by Texas High School Baseball the fi rst inning, one in the second website after dominating district and the third inning. But the Yel- The Mineola baseball team fi n- leader Edgewood and Grand Sa- lowjackets swarmed the Panthers ished out district play strong with line. in the bott om of the fourth inning a 26-1 win over Alba-Golden in Noah Sneed dominated the when they scored 21 runs and bat- fi ve innings on senior night last mound against the Panthers only ted through the lineup three times. Tuesday. giving up three hits and striking The Yellowjackets were named out fi ve. See YELLOWJACKETS, Page 4B

Kartney Hampton runs his leg of the 4x400 meter relay, he is a wildcard Lady Jackets defeat Dallas for the state meet in the 800-Meter. (Monitor photo by Brianna Harmon) Life in bi-district playoffs Yellowjacket qualifies By BRIANNA HARMON [email protected] for state track meet The Yellowjackets softball team beat Dallas Life By BRIANNA HARMON 21-0 in fi ve innings in the bi-district round of play- [email protected] off s Thursday at home. Senior Sydnie Bell dominated on the mound for At the regional track meet in Whitehouse on Friday Mineola being only a hit batt er and a walk away and Saturday Mineola’s Drason Tenner qualifi ed for from a perfect game. Bell struck out eight in the state in Shot Put. Kartney Hampton fi nished third in the 800-Meter See LADY JACKETS, Page 6B for the Yellowjackets which qualifi ed him as a 3A Audrey Bush takes a lead off first base after being walked by Dal- wildcard for the state meet. las Life. (Monitor photo by Brianna Harmon) See TRACK, Page 4B WOOD COUNTY


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day hunt for four peo- ple, valued at $1,400, at World championship bass tourney Saturday Catfi sh the nationally renowned From page 1B Hidden Lakes Resort just By LARRY TUCKER skill and patience which of their fi ve longest bass. an additional $5 for an op- southeast of Yantis. [email protected] brings a greater sense of This year the tourna- tional big bluegill pot. The raiser will be held in the The fi rst place winner accomplishment.” ment will be using the cash payout for each divi- Yantis school cafeteria. of the tournament re- The 8th Annual World Another unique feature ianglertournament web- sion is determined by the The barbeque includes a ceives a total package Championship Bass on is that it is a Catch-Pho- site and app. This enables number of participants sandwich, chips, desserts worth $5,000 which in- The Fly Fishing Tourna- to-Release tournament. fi shermen to send their in each division. There is and drinks. “The parade cludes $3,000 cash, $500 ment will be held Satur- Each participant re- photos in for review and also a club trophy award- will begin at exactly 5:30 in Bass Pro shops gift day at Lake Fork Marina ceives an ID number at acceptance as they catch ed to the club or organiza- p.m. sharp. The parade’s cards, power pole, micro from 6 a.m. - 2 p.m. registration which must fi sh and a running tally tion with the three longest grand marshal this year pole and an Abu Garcia This unique tournament be included in a picture will be kept for each con- fi sh. Friday afternoon will be the Yantis boy’s Prize Pack; second place is exclusively for fl y fi sh- of the fi sh on a metal or testant or team. Folks can there is also an optional basketball team,” Mill- receives $1,500 cash, $400 ing anglers and only rods, plastic measuring board keep up with the leader pan fi sh mini-tournament er noted. “We wanted to in Bass Pro Shops (BPS) reels, line & lures made before quickly return- board throughout the from 3-6 p.m. honor the basketball boys gift cards and an Abu for fl y fi shing can be used. ing the fi sh to the water. day and the fi nal results Approximately 80 par- for their success and go- Garcia Prize Pack; third There is no rod length The International Feder- will be quickly tabulated. ticipants are expected this ing to the regional tour- place will get $1,000 cash, or line weight limit for ation of Fly Fishers Texas Cameras can still be used year. In previous years nament this year. Our $300 in BPS gift cards equipment. It is the largest Council, which endorses to photograph the fi sh participants have been barbeque is by donation, and an Abu Garcia Prize of only two such events in the tournament, empha- and the photos will be re- from Florida, Oklahoma, and again, all the money Pack; fourth place gets the entire country. sizes conservation of our viewed at check-in as in Louisiana, Missouri, and raised goes to the fi re de- $500 cash, BPS Cards and Why would anyone fi shery resources. This is prior years. Colorado as well as Tex- partment.” an Abu Garcia Prize Pack; want to fl y fi sh for bass? a bonus on Lake Fork be- The tournament also as. All contestants must Popular area country fi fth place will receive Ted Warren, the tourna- cause all the fi sh caught has two divisions. One check in at the registra- music songwriter and en- $400 cash, $200 BPS cards ment organizer, says “it’s can be counted, including for those with fi shing tion pavilon at Lake Fork tertainer Don Woods will and an Abu Garcia Prize just like bow hunting for those in the 16”-24” slot! boats(Boater division) Marina before fi shing. be there live to display Pack; sixth place gets deer. It’s more challeng- Winners will be deter- and one for those who Additional activities in- his talents at the barbe- $300 cash, $100 in BPS ing and requires more mined by the total length want to use kayaks, pon- clude free hourly casting que dinner Saturday eve- gift cars and an Abu Gar- toons, fl oat tubes, or fi sh clinics, casting contests, ning at the school cafete- cia Gift Pack; and seventh from the bank (Kayak di- vendor booths, and door ria. There are also some place receives $200 cash, vision). Recently, those in prizes for participants. other fun activities for the $50 BPS gift card and an GET OUTTA THE the Kayak division have Prizes include the Sage entire family planned for Abu Garcia Prize Pack. HAMSTER WHEEL done about as well as rod, Umpqua coff ee Saturday evening. There will be seven those with boats. Safety mugs, TFO rods and hats, “We are really look- hourly paybacks each and sportsmanship rules Skeeter rods, Gypsy Jack ing forward to a big year day with checks for: fi rst must be followed by all bass lures, Redington with a big turnout this $400; second $300; third participants. rods, Rio leaders, Pults time. The weather for the $200; and fourth $100. The entry fee is $60 per poppers, Yellow Dog whole weekend looks There will also be $250 person, which includes $5 hats, Buff sun gear, Broth- like it is going to be per- from the Minnow Buck- for the big bass pot, and ers fl ies, Ranger shirts, Jump behind the wheel fect,” Miller added. et for Top Female, Top discount certifi cates, the On site late registration Senior (55 or older), Top and get your wheels going somewhere Sage reel from Tailwaters, will be held from 3 p.m. Young Angler (13 to 17 Don’t sit back and spin your wheels aimlessly. Drive and fl y fi shing merchan- to 9 p.m. Friday at the years old) and Top Youth your truck, your career and your life forward with ȪȶɃȶȿȺɅɊU dise from Simms, Cabe- Minnow Bucket Mari- Angler (12 and under). purpose as a respected member of the Schneider team. la’s and Bass Pro. na, located on Highway The entry fees are $75 The tournament pro- 154 just south of the 154 per day ($85 after May YOGA vides educational oppor- bridge. You can also reg- 3) or $100 for both days tunities, practices con- ister on site Saturday ($110 after May 3). Youth RESTORE - RELAX - YOGA servation and promotes morning from 5-7 a.m. 12 and under always fi sh Get traction in your career 4WSgf[Xg^EfgV[a friendly competitive fl y There will be a pair of free with a paid adult at 800-44-PRIDE  fi shing. Proceeds go to raffl es during the event. this tournament. 2 WEEKS FREE with THIS AD! support the Reel Recov- One will be at the Sat- This year members of ȣɀȴȲɅȶȵȺȿȤȺȿȶɀȽȲȲȴɃɀɄɄȷɃɀȾ ȤȺȿȶɀȽȲȥȲɅɆɃȶȧɃȶɄȶɃɇȶ ery (Fishing retreats for urday night barbeque the Yantis High School ǁǁǁ͘ƐĞƌĞŶŝƚLJLJŽŐĂͲƐŚĂƌŽŶ͘ĐŽŵ men with cancer) and the and Don Woods Concert fi shing team and stu- Texas council of the IFFF. with the other at the fi nal dents from the Treehouse NOTICE TO PUBLIC OF PROPOSED ACTION More details and registra- weight-in. Great priz- School will be there to tion form can be found at LOCATED WITHIN THE FLOODPLAIN AND WETLAND es will be awarded with help fi shermen as they www.bassonthefl the Grand Prize a half- come in off the lake with Newspaper: Mineola Monitor their catches. “We are proud to get our young Publication Date: May 3, 2017 people involved and ac- tive in this worthwhile Address: City of Mineola event,” Miller stated. 300 Greenville Avenue - Mineola, Texas 75773 “The youth of our com- 903-569-6183 munity have always done a great job helping us out and we are proud they EARLY NOTICE AND PUBLIC REVIEW OF A PROPOSED will be helping us again ACTIVITY IN A 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN AND WETLAND this year.” Ken Freeman of Ken Freeman Outdoors will To: All interested Agencies, Groups and Individuals again be on hand to direct the tournament. Freeman This is to give notice that the City of Mineola has determined that the following has been working with proposed action under Texas Capital Fund Grant (funding pending), is located in E LECT Miller on the tournament Zone A of the 100-year floodplain and wetland, and the City will be identifying and R -E for several years.”We are evaluating practicable alternatives to locating the action in the floodplain and wetland J.R. EVANS glad to have Ken back. He and the potential impacts on the floodplain and wetland from the proposed action, as told me that our tourna- required by Executive Order 11988 and/or 11990, in accordance with HUD regulations Quitman Mayor ment has become one of at 24 CFR 55.20 Subpart C Procedures for Making Determinations on Floodplain Experienced and Proven the biggest ones he puts Management and Protection of Wetlands. on each year,” Miller said. Leadership Working for you! For more information contact Jerry Miller at The proposed project will provide infrastructure improvements in the form of sewer, Political ad paid for by J.R. Evans 903-850-9500. water, and gas system improvements in support of Sanderson Farms, Inc. for the future feed mill site. The improvements shall consist of 4,525 linear feet of water line, 2,175 linear feet of sewer line, and 8,450 linear feet of natural gas line to service the proposed EAST TEXAS BREW IT YOURSELF LLC. facility in eastern Mineola. My goal is to supply Wood County a place to purchase firearms in a different way. I am the true valve of firearms sales The proposed facility will be located in the southeastern corner of a 237-acre lot. The . Feed Mill site will consist of storage silos for holding unprocessed corn and processed feed; feed production facility; and a feed truck maintenance facility. John Brust 903-539-8373 Construction shall take place along TX-564 Loop ROW from existing 16-inch diameter GulfSouth Pipeline located at intersection of TX-49 and TX-564 loop (natural gas line) in TxDOT ROW to project site; existing 8-inch water line located at the intersection of TX-564 Loop and CR 2724 in TxDOT ROW to project site; and BY existing 18-inch sanitary sewer line located 2,500 linear feet north of the intersection of TX-564 and CR 2724 in TxDOT ROW to project site. APPOINTMENT [email protected] The proposed feed mill site is located on TX-564 Loop approximately 7 miles north of ONLY the intersection of US 69 and TX-49. [email protected]

The proposed project is located in the City of Mineola, Texas. Approximately 42.69 acres of the project is located in Zone A of the 100-year floodplain and approximately 2 DAY LIVING ESTATE & REAL ESTATE AUCTION 34.84 acres of the project is located in the wetland. MAY 6 & MAY 13 - 10 AM There are three primary purposes for this notice. First, people who may be affected by 4583 W. Twin Lakes Dr. - Tyler, TEXAS 75701 activities in floodplains and wetlands and those who have an interest in the protection 2 Homes on 15 Acres W/ Lake including Chapel, 3 Barns & Large Shop of the natural environment should be given an opportunity to express their concerns *Offered May 13 W/ Min Bid $645,000 and provide information about these areas. Commenters are encouraged to offer alternative sites outside of the floodplain and wetland, alternative methods to serve MAY 6; New Holland TC40A Tractor (84 hrs), 1970 Chevy Dump Truck, the same project purpose, and methods to minimize and mitigate impacts. Second, 1985 Ford Backhoe Model 445A, 8’x 12’ Stg Bldg, 5 Trailers, 14 Guns, Lots of an adequate public notice program can be an important public educational tool. The Farm Equipment, 15Ft Flat Bottom Boat & Trailer, Stainless Steel Restaurant dissemination of information and request for public comment about floodplains and Equipment, Chains, Electric Winch, 500 Gallon Propane Tank, (2) 5 HP Air wetlands can facilitate and enhance Federal efforts to reduce the risks and impacts Compressors, (3) Rolling Tool Boxes, Hand & Power Tools MAY 13; (3) King Size Beds, Rolltop Desk, Lighted China Cabinet, Appliances, 3 Lighted Curio associated with the occupancy and modification of these special areas. Third, as a Cabinets, Patio Furniture, Chests, 7 Ft Dining Table W/ 8 Chairs, Parlor Chairs, matter of fairness, when the Federal government determines it will participate in Lots of Crystal, Porcelain Birds, 80+ Handmade Beautiful Porcelain Dolls, 100’s actions taking place in floodplains and wetlands, it must inform those who may be put of Doll Molds, Doll Clothes-Accessories-Parts, 3 Kilns, Plus Much More! at greater or continued risk.

10% BP Cash-Ck-CC Accepted Written comments must be received by the City of Mineola at the following address on Except on property Steve Smith #11118 or before May 19, 2017, City of Mineola, 300 Greenville Avenue, Mineola, Texas 75773 Attention: Ms. Mercy Rushing, City Manager. A full description of the project may 903-876-3981 also be reviewed from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM at the address above. Photos & Listing - SASAUCTION.COM No Min. – No Res. Except on property $645,000. Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 3, 2017 3B Watkins Insurance MAY 2017 LUNAR CALENDAR GROUPG P.O. Box 1188 • Mineola, TX 75773 (Across From Wal-Mart) Nic Watkins Licensed Agent

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Report (April 23-29) Political ad paid for by Randy Dunn

By JOHN MORRIS main lake points. Most of the main lake points are GOT NEWS? Call us. Lake Fork is now over holding schooling fi sh full pool and the water in the early mornings in 903-569-2442 temperatures are in the the shallow water, but mid- to upper 70s. the bett er fi sh are being The water clarity is caught in 9 to 16 feet off 903-763-4522 stained due to 4 1/4 inch- the same points. es of rain we had this The white bass have week. What does this moved out to the deep mean? The frog bite will water. Look for them in be on in the next few 30 to 37 foot of water. weeks. The best bait to put large This week the best numbers of white bass bite was still on the in the boat is Joe Spaits split rigged white fl uke white with black strip TexSCAN Week of EMPLOYMENT We buy oil, gas & mineral rights. Both non- producing and producing including non- Participating Royalty and the Strike King 1.5 ½-ounce Flashtail spoon. Schneider jobs available in your area! Earn up April 30, 2017 Interest (NPRI). Provide us your desired price for an to $68,000! Flexible Schedules. Performance square bill crankbait. Have fun! offer evaluation. Call Today 1-806-620-1422. www. ACREAGE bonuses.$6,000 tuition reimbursement available for Several good fi sh were The crappie has mi- [email protected]. Hunting, retirement, investment property. 20-60 TXDOLILHGGULYHUVZZZVFKQHLGHUMREVFRP also being caught on a grated back to the deep- acres in Edwards, Kinney, Concho, Coke, Menard EVENTS/FESTIVALS We broker Agriculture! Land agricultural con- Carolina rigged Zoom er water. We found them Counties. Scenic views, native game w/free ranging sultants, over 100 years of experience, petroleum watermelon/red Fluke in 14 to 20 foot of water H[RWLFVLQVRPHFRXQWLHV\HDURZQHU¿QDQFLQJ Levelland High 50’s Grads. Fun - Casual - Visit- and minerals, wildlife and ranch management, land 5% down. 1-800-876-9720, www.ranchenterpris- ing. Levelland, Texas. July 7th & July 8th. www. brokerage and auctions, Ag Brokers, 1- 806-679-2645, and Zoom watermelon/ over brush piles on main red Baby Brush Hog. Do lake points. We used Hunting, Fishing retirement property 139.8 acres Tamale Festival 10 - 4pm. May 13th, 2017 Diboll, REAL ESTATE not forget to dye the tails Bubba’s Bait 1/8 ounce TX. If you think your tamales are delicious, enter them EHGURRPR൶FHGHQEDWKVTIW Fenced Receiving payments from real estate you sold? in the 10th annual Diboll Tamale Contest. Call 1-936- of the watermelon/red chartreuse and white yard, pastures fenced and cross fenced. 45 acres of Get cash now! Call Steve: 1-888-870-2243. www. 829-4888 or Email: [email protected]. Fluke and Baby Brush crappie jigs tipped with SODQWHGPDWXUHSLQHVSRQGVZLWK¿VK2 barns, RV storage, well water. Call now for more informa- LEGAL INSIGHT Hog chartreuse. a minnow. tion 1-903-692-3385. If you hadD6WU\NHU5HMXYHQDWHRU6WU\NHU$%*,, Run Your Ad In TexSCAN! One of the most com- No catfi sh report this AVIATION INSTITUTE mon questions is where week. hip implant removed and replaced before Dec. 19, Airline Mechanic Training - Get FAA certification. 2016, you should contact us today. Call us today $ are the fi sh located. Well Keep a tight line and Statewide Ad ...... 550 $SSURYHGIRUPLOLWDU\EHQHILWV)LQDQFLDO$LGLITXDOL- for professional insight. 1-800-460-0606 or www. 239 Newspapers, 617,408 Circulation fi sh safe! fied. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute this week is simple - $ of Maintenance 1-800-475-4102. Invokana is a treatment for Type 2 Diabetes. Lawsuits North Region Only ...... 250 We WANT Tamales DRIVERS/CDL TRAINING allege that Invokana may be linked to heart attacks, 69 Newspapers, 165,558 Circulation kidney failure and ketoacidosis, which is a diabetic $ DRIVER - CDL A TRAINING $500- $1000 Incen- coma that can lead to fatal swelling in the brain. If you South Region Only ...... 250 If you think yours are tive Bonus. No Out Of Pocket Tuition Cost!. Get your have taken Invokana and have one of these conditions, 85 Newspapers, 267,744 Circulation CDL in 22 days. 6 day refresher courses available. call us today for professional insight.1-800-460-0606. $ DELICIOSO, enter them Minimum 21 years. 1-855-755-5545.EOE. www. West Region Only ...... 250 in the 10th annual MISCELLANEOUS 85 Newspapers, 184,106 Circulation Diboll Tamale Fest Contest Regional Drivers Needed! More hometime. Top Sawmills from only $4397.00-Make & Save Money To Order: Call this Newspaper pay! Up to 41¢/mile company driver! 12 months OTR with your own band mill- Cut lumber any dimen- brought to you by: UHTXLUHG+HDUWODQG([SUHVVZZZ sion. In stock ready to ship! Free info/DVD: www. direct, or call Texas Press Service Food and Arts/Crafts booth spaces available., 1-800-578-1363, Ext.300N. at 1-800-749-4793 Today! For more information: NOTICE: While most advertisers are reputable, we cannot guarantee products or services advertised. We urge readers to use caution and when in doubt, 936-829-4888 or [email protected] FRQWDFWWKH7H[DV$WWRUQH\*HQHUDODWRUWKH)HGHUDO7UDGH&RPPLVVLRQDW)7&+(/37KH)7&ZHEVLWHLVZZZIWFJRYEL]RS 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 13 * Diboll, TX ([WHQG\RXUDGYHUWLVLQJUHDFKZLWK7H[6&$1\RXU6WDWHZLGH&ODVVL¿HG$G1HWZRUN SELECT THEATER Mineola 569-2300

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By PEGGY YORK that came for shooting enjoyed a variety of tar- The Lake Fork Chap- gets. Several worked Yellowjackets ter of The Well Armed on their National Rifl e Woman met April 6 Association Winchester From page 1B at J&K’s Trigger and Challenge to earn their The fourth inning was scored a run. Bow Shooting Sports next level of rockers. started with a line drive Sneed led the Yellow- range on Farm-to-Mar- The weather was great to right fi eld by Aaron jackets at the plate going ket 154 south of Sul- for shooting…no wind “Bubba” Stanford, a bunt 3-for-4 with four RBIs phur Springs. Those or heat to deal with! and a single by Sneed, a and four runs scored. The meeting hour wel- walk by Seth Hudgins, Hudgins went 3-for- comed 20 regular mem- A N T I a triple by Cameron Da- 5 with two walks, three P O R T Last Puzzle bers. Two members T W I N vis, a single by Brayden RBIs, and two runs Solution were awarded Distin- B E Stehman, a single by Ja- scored. S U V F O L S O M guished Expert medals, D A N E T R U E T H E R E cob Ford and Frankie Standford also went O V E R T H E A I M E D certifi cates and pins for Meason, and a triple by 3-for-5 with a RBI and A B I L E N E R O A D S T O O P S their accomplishments P A T E N T A N N E T T E A E Bailey Mischnick. three runs scored. D I A G N O S I S R O O M G I L in the NRA Winchester F R I E D I N I M P O S E R S Mineola collected 21 Alba-Golden’s only N N E D E V I C E T E A S Challenge for Pistol. Carrie Lightfoot speaking at USCCA Expo. (Courtesy photos) total hits in the game; run was scored in the T E D D A N K T A R Next month there will C A S I N O S manager Drason Ten- top of the fourth inning. A R B O R be an awarding of Dis- O U T ner even smacked a line With the win Mineola tinguished Expert med- are working on levels the range and shoot, O R A drive to right fi eld and heads into playoff s with M G S als and certifi cates for toward their awards as you can practice at S-1322 a 16-8 record Defensive Pistol. Many well. Congratulations home “dry fi ring” and ladies! Keep up the going through the fun- and fi nished good work. damentals. out district play Denny’s Small The USCCA (United Our next meetings with a 8-2 dis- States Concealed Carry topic will be “Situation- trict record. Engine Shop, LLC Association) Expo at the al Awareness.” Come The Yellow- Mowers – ATV – UTV – Chainsaws Fort Worth Convention learn the levels of aware- jackets will start Center was held in April. ness and make and take the bi-district Our founder, Carrie home a reminder. round of play- Lightfoot, was on a pan- Mark your calendar off s against el of six women discuss- for May 4th! We will Palmer on Fri- ing a variety of issues. shoot from 4 to 5:30 day at 7:30 p.m. 903-975-5740 Six Lake Fork Chapter p.m. and then go inside at J.J. Tillery 3550 FM 69 (Between Hwy 37 and 515) members att ended on to for the program from Baseball Field hear the panel and meet 6 to 7 p.m. Remember in Mesquite. Lightfoot. She was so eye and ear protection Game two will appreciative that we all are always required be at noon on came wearing our pur- on the shooting line! Saturday and ple shirts. Non-members are al- if needed game The meeting topic ways welcome, but you three will be 30 Are you eligible of “Fundamentals of must be a member be- minutes after Shooting” was present- fore you can shoot…it’s Manager Drason Tenner watches the pitch the conclusion ed by Peggy York. No an insurance require- after hitting a line drive single to right field. of game two. for tax relief? matt er how often these ment. items are discussed, For more information they will not be learned contact Peggy York, Mineola Country Club without being practiced. Lake Fork Chapter lead- Even if you can’t go to er at 903-473-2185. SENIOR GOLF REPORT Winners in the Senior Scramble at Mineola Coun- Property try Club on Thursday were, Coach Frederick, Jim Better Hearing Massey, Ricky Stone and Tracy Wright with 16 strokes under. Taxpayer Begins here...... Second place was decided by a putt of and went to Jimmy Smartt , Loy Frazier, Jim Albritt on and Ter- In Lindale we offer: ry Burton with 12 strokes under. Third place went Remedies ¾ Free Hearing Tests to Ron Ihler, Mike Castleman, Darrell Smith and Lar- ¾ Fair prices on the best Aids ry Leach with 12 strokes under. ¾ Payment plans (w.a.c.) Closest to the pin #5 was Willie Boyles, pin #9 ¾ 60 day trial period, great results. was Ken Norle and #18 was Ricky Stone. Learn about property tax remedies related to the Call for an appointment 903-881-5753 following topics: East Texas Hearing Solutions — How to protest property value 1437 South Main St., Lindale Friday, May 12th — What can be protested Hip Hop Amusement Carnival • 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. &URVVÀUH*RVSHO%DQG ~ Featuring Maci Dot Neal • 7 p.m. — What is an ARB Lindale Rodeo Arena • 201 Stadium Drive Saturday, May 13th —:KHQDUHSURWHVWV¿OHG The Mineola Metric 100 Hip Hop Amusement Carnival • 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. • You’ll learn steps to prepare for a protest hearing. Vendor Fair and Plant Sale • Early Childhood Center Parking Lot Bicycle Ride Little Miss Lindale Pageant • Lindale Rodeo Arena • 1 p.m. Property Taxpayer Remedies will tell you how Pageant/Vender information contact Darcey Harris 903-521-7732 to prepare a protest to the local appraisal review &DVH\5LYHUV ~ Featuring Jamie Lynn Flanakin • 7 p.m. board. )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQJRWRZZZOLOOLHUXVVHOOOLEUDU\RUJ • You’ll learn the kinds of protests the appraisal review board can hear and what kind of evidence you need to bring to your hearing. • Key dates are listed, so you’ll know what you must do and when you’re required to act. Property Taxpayer Remedies is free A Spanish language version is available. Saturday, May 13, 2017 Ask for yours today at: Five Rides 17 Miles 26 Miles Start Time 41 Miles Wood County Appraisal District 8:30 AM 51 Miles OIL, GAS, & PO Box 1706 • Quitman, TX 75783 100K WE BUY MINERAL RIGHTS Both non-producing and producing 903-763-4946 Benefitting: including Non-Participating Royalty Interest (NPRI) or on the Web at: EAST TEXAS FOOD BANK Provide us your desired price for an offer evaluation. AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION CALL TODAY: 806.620.1422 Go to LOBO MINERALS, LLC for details and sign-up info. PO Box 1800 • Lubbock, TX 79408-1800 A public service announcement courtesy of your country appraisal district. [email protected] Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 3, 2017 5B

Miscellaneous Public Notice Public Notice Public Notice Mobile Homes for Sale Employment

Court of Wood County, Texas the Estate of Ernie Lee Irons, Post Offi ce Box 1637 RENT TO OWN NEW 3 and 4 Qualifi ed grill cook for general Free on this the 3rd day of March, Deceased, were issued on Quitman, Texas 75783 bedrooms DOUBLEWIDES on kitchen duties start immediately. 2017, against JUAN PABLO March 13, 2017, in Cause No. DATED the 25 day of April, land no credit check. RBI 36579 Lake Fork area. Free to a good home-beautiful ROMAN-BUSTOS(s), numbered 13,066, pending in the County 2017. (903) 524-2050. Call 903-975-0920. male puppy, part lab approxi- 2017-137 and entitled ‘IN THE Court of Wood County, Texas, James Paul Wheeler First Baptist Church Alba mately 4 1/2 months old, gentle, MATTER OF THE CHANGE OF to: Ernie Lee Irons. Attorney for Steven Allen Cook GOOD 3/2 single-wide 8,900 is accepting resumes for a friendly and energetic. Has NAME OF ARIEL MARIE RO- All persons having claims State Bar No.: 21257000 NEW HOMES 25,000 and up. Church Secretary. QuickBooks puppy shots and rabies vaccine. MAN’. The suit requests: against this Estate which is Post Offi ce Box 1637 RBI 36579. 903 524 2050 non-profi t accounting experi- Was dropped off and unable to Name change suit for minor currently being administered are Quitman, Texas 75783 ence is required. Approximately keep due to disabilities. 903- child, Ariel Roman required to present them to the Telephone: (903) 850-8051 NEW DOUBLEWIDE 4/2 only 36-hours per week. Salary 967-3547 The Court has authority in this undersigned within the time and E-mail: hopwheel@suddenlink. 39,900. Single-wide starting at commensurate with experience. suit to enter any judgment or in the manner prescribed by law. net 24,900.RBI 36579 (903) 524 Fax resume to 903-765-3713 or Garage Sales decree which will be binding on c/o: Representative, Estate of 2050 email [email protected]. you. Ernie Lee Irons real estate ESTATE SALE-May 5&6, 8am- Issued and given under my Ernestene Irons Keith Lawn Care House cleaner wanted to clean hand and Seal of said Court at 15534 CR 3147 Tyler, Texas every Friday 903-975-2150. 4pm. Furniture, refrigerator, Apartment for Rent freezer, etc., outdoor equipment, offi ce in Quitman, Texas, on this 75706 AFFORDABLE LAWN CARE tools. 193 CR 4135, Quitman. the 3rd day of March, 2017. DATED the 25 day of April, call 903-352-0035 ATTEST: 2017. Mineola apartment for rent 2 GARAGE SALE-110 Graham JENICA TURNER-CLERK James Paul Wheeler story, 2 bdrm, 1-1/2 bath, Rent Employment St., Mineola.Less than 1 block 402nd Judicial District Court Attorney for Ernie Lee Irons $600/mo $250 deposit NO off why 80 across from Jalapeno of Wood County, Texas State Bar No.: 21257000 SMOKING, NO PETS. Call Motel part time work ,cleaning Tree. May 5&6 Fri. 8am-5pm, By: Jennifer Mosher, DEPUTY Post Offi ce Box 1637 214-402-9862 or 775-230-8558 rooms ,checking people in to Sat. 8am-3pm. CITATION ISSUED Quitman, Texas 75783 rooms . Must live in Lake Fork Telephone: (903) 850-8051 Mobile Home for Rent Garage Sale-1633 W. State NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS Area .Must be honest and de- E-mail: hopwheel@suddenlink. Highway 37, across from Jones HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST pendable and drug free. Prefer net Water Supply ESTATE OF RANDALL CARY For rent near Alba, 3 bedroom retired lady that needs extra May 4th-6th. PALMER NOTICE TO CREDITORS 2 bath doublewide. 903-765- income. 2493 or 903-850-8161. Multi-family garage sale Administration of the estate of Notice is hereby given that origi- Monty Montgomery 817-233- Randall Cary Palmer, Decedent, nal Letters Testamentary for the 3293 Thursday-Saturday (May 4-6) Homes for Sale 695 CR 2650 – Mineola off Hwy has been commenced by the Estate of Joseph David Cook, 49, 8am-4pm issuance of original letters of ad- Deceased, were issued on ministration to the undersigned January 9, 2017, in Cause No. 608 Cliff Street-Large lot, 3 or Garage Sale-Liberty United on April 7, 2017, by the County 13,033, pending in the County 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, wood Methodist Church, Saturday, Court of Wood County, Texas, Court of Wood County, Texas, burning heater, CH/A, $89,900 May 6, 2017. 8 AM-take High- acting in Case No. 13060, styled to: Steven Allen Cook. owner fi nancing with small way 154 East (about 5 miles out In the Matter of the Estate of All persons having claims down. 903-588-5773 on left) lots of miscellaneous Randall Cary Palmer, Decedent. against this Estate which is Buy & Sell items. Benefi tting Youth Camp. Administration of the estate is currently being administered are now pending in that Court. required to present them to the Multi family Garage sale Satur- All persons having claims undersigned within the time and Call Today! Lakefront home! 2BR/2BA, 1,086 sq ft day. May 6 @ Holiday Villages against the estate are notifi ed in the manner prescribed by law. home in Quitman, on Lake Fork. Great Lrg Sales Offi ce parking lot just to present those claims in writ- c/o James Paul Wheeler 903.569.2442 or south of Oak Ridge Marina. 8 Mouth Bass Fishing. New Refrigerator, Stove, ing to the undersigned at the Attorney at Law am-Contact 8174121813 for Dishwasher & Laminate Floor Throughout. address shown below within info. 903.763.4522 the time and manner prescribed OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE! Steve 469.595.0098 Lost & Found by law. TWO Divide & Conquer Sales – Same Dates Dated: April 26, 2017 Thurs., May 4 ~ 7:00-5:30 Fri., May 5 ~ 8:00-5:30 Signed Holly Miller Sat., May 6 ~ 8:00-2:00 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH $500 REWARD for Opal ring. 7613 Dockside Drive Rowlett, Great sentimental value. No Texas 75088 Sale #1 – Estate Sale for Phyllis Ebenhack questions asked. Call 318-218- (972) 974-1380 2313 Kingsmill ~ Tyler, TX 75703 Outside SW Loop 323, turn off the Old Jacksonville Hwy (north of Methodist Men’s 3121 or 903-569-9577. ADMINISTRATOR OF THE FRESH) into Hollytree West; take the 1st right and 1st left. ESTATE OF RANDALL CARY Public Notice This 3350 sq ft home (offered by Kelly Solomon) is for sale, so contents & consignments must PALMER, DECEDENT go: din. rm table/chairs; 2 sofas; 3 curio cabinets; Anri; Dept. 56 Christmas, Halloween, & Easter; Annual Fish Fry 6LQJHUVHZPDFKERRNVUHFRUGVODPSVEURQ]HFRZER\¿UHSURRI¿OHFDEFHGDUFKHVW)RVWR- REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ria; bar stools; brkfast table/chairs; Butler’s Pantry dishes; Christmas china; other china; recliner; PUBLIC NOTICE poster king bed; queen bed; small appliances; desk; sofa table; TV armoire; 2 triple dressers; Alba-Golden ISD is accepting FKDLVHORXQJHFRVWMHZHOU\UXJVÀDWZDUHWDSHVWULHVZLQGRZWUHDWPHQWVRFFDVFKDLUV CITY OF YANTIS refrig.; chest freezer; washer/dryer; patio furn.; shop vac; tools; so much more. Ministries Center TxCDBG proposals for Property/Casualty Insurance for the 2017-2018 Sale #2 – Moving Sale for Alma & Mike Swanson The City of Yantis will hold a 1221 Old Hickory ~ Tyler, TX 75703 612 Newsom Street workshop open to the public school year. For specifi cations or additional information contact Outside SE Loop 323, travel south on Paluxy to at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May Cumberland Rd. Turn right (west) onto Cumberland Rd. Mineola, Texas 9th, 2017, at City Hall (103 City Brenda Kelley at 903-768-2472. Then turn into Cumberland Estates onto Old Hickory Rd. Circle) in Yantis, Texas. The Proposals will be received at The 4100 sq. ft. house has sold; contents must go: 4 sofas; table/chairs; sofa table; golf décor; the Administration Offi ce, 1373 golf ball collections; artif. trees; occas. tables; antq mirror; baker’s rack; rattan table/2 chairs; THURSDAY, MAY 11TH purpose of the workshop is to roll top desk; dishes; cost. jewelry; window treatments; linens; very old sew. mach.; rm divider; gather information for its Texas CR 2377, Alba, TX 75410, casting molds; tripod; I-phone virtual reality headset; small appliances; child’s kitchen; stereo; until 2:00 p.m., May16, 2017, at weights; CD’s; rugs; records; tennis racquets; patio furn.; pressure cooker; antq. churn; yard From 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Community Development Block tools; portable grill; hoses; dog pens; reloading equipment; so much more! Grant program (TxCDBG) Plan- which time they will be publicly Pictures: Tickets are $8.00 a piece. ning and Capacity Building Fund opened. All proposals received Contract No. 7215034. The City after the date and time specifi ed encourages residents to attend will be returned unopened. Pro- this workshop. The goal of the posals will be awarded at the Now Hiring Over the Road meeting is to record public input regular scheduled board meet- on a future vision for Yantis. ing in June. The Alba-Golden $1000 Sign on Bonus Discussion will include identify- ISD Board of Trustees reserves ing challenges faced by the city, the right to accept or reject any Apply online today at or all proposals received. HUGE prioritizing desired projects, and defi ning the city’s character. Per- LEGAL NOTICE sons with disabilities wishing to Notice of Public Sale or call 903-582-2305 EXT 224 GARAGE SALE! attend this meeting should con- Pursuant to Chapter 59, Texas tact the City at (903)383-2610 Property code, Traders Village Orientation pay, Weekly Home time, FIRST UNITED so that appropriate arrange- Storage Units, located at 1005 ments can be made. Puede S. Hwy 37, Quitman, Texas Weekly pay, Health Insurance, 401k METHODIST CHURCH encontrar este aviso en Inglés 75783 will hold a public auction y en Español en las ofi cinas of property being sold to satisfy 612 N NEWSOM municipales de la Ciudad. a landlord’s lien. Sale will be CLERK OF THE COURT at 4:00 P.M., Monday May 22, uitman ISD Q is hiring FRIDAY & SATURDAY - May 5th & 6th JENICA TURNER 2017 at 1005 S. Hwy 37, Quit- PO BOX 1707 man, TX 75783. Property will Bus Drivers needed Buy & Sell QUITMAN, TX 75783 be sold to the highest bidder for Class B CDL with passenger/ 7 am to 5 pm PETITIONER’S ATTORNEY OR cash. Seller reserves the right to school bus endorsement not accept any bid or withdraw Call Steven Schoon • 903-760-5017 in the Classifi eds PETITIONER MISTI MARIE STONE property from sale. Property will 323 FM 49 be sold by the space. Property MINEOLA, TX 75783 being sold includes the contents THE STATE OF TEXAS of the following tenant, with TO: JUAN PABLO ROMAN- brief description of the items Come Grow With Us! BUSTOS and to all whom it in the space. Contents of Unit may concern, Respondent(s), #69: Contract dated January Greeting: 18, 2016 to Kelly Watterson. Receptionist – Part Time, M-F, 7:30am - 1pm – The “You have been sued. You Contents of Unit #75 & 118: Receptionist will be SFG’s first impression for all employees may employ an attorney. If Contract dated March 6, 2015 LAWN SERVICE and guests, both on the phone and in person. Calls and visitors you or your attorney do not to Timothy Crundwell. Contents Nurses Mowing y Edging of Unit #113: Contract dated must be greeted professionally and directions/information fi le a written answer with the Shrub Trimming June 24, 2014 to Shan Gray. Unlimited, provided. The ideal candidate will be a good communicator clerk who issued this citation Trash & Brush with organizational and process management skills and by 10:00 A.M. on the Monday Contents of Units #241: Con- Inc. tract dated August 14, 2015 to Haul Off have an aptitude for accuracy and respect for deadlines. next following the expiration is seeking of twenty days after you were Steven Cowart. Contents of Unit 903-520-5779 Confidentiality is a must. The position ensures security of main served this citation and peti- #245: Contract dated December attendants in the entrance, assists with catering and provides administrative/ tion, a default judgment may 9, 2016 to Lori McCombie. And Quitman area to Buy lot 50x100’ near clerical support, as needed. Basic Word, Excel and typing be taken against you.” Contents of Unit #77. assist clients in Lake Fork, RV ready, 40 wpm preferred. The Petition of MISTI MARIE NOTICE TO CREDITORS the home with $1200 down and Apply online at or at SFG, STONE, Petitioner, was fi led Notice is hereby given that personal care, monthly payments 111 Corporate Dr., Big Sandy, Texas 75755. in the 402nd Judicial District original Letters Testamentary for under $150. Equal Opportunity Employer. meal prep and light (903) 878-7265 housekeeping Under $150/ MONTH Big Moving buys land at Lake Fork. Part time. (Estate) 50x100’. Perfect for site E.O.E. Sale built homes, mobiles/ Call: RV’s. (903)878-7265. 1-855-212-3531 Antiques: brass cash register, safe, Hoosier Cabinet, Oak China Cabinet Open Position: Tree Trimmer Moose head and /X[XU\*DUGHQ other taxidermy :&(&LVFXUUHQWO\VHHNLQJDTXDOL¿HGLQGLYLGXDOWR¿OOWKHSRVLWLRQ Dining room +RPH'XSOH[ RI7UHH7ULPPHU7KLVSRVLWLRQSURYLGHVVDIHGHSHQGDEOHVHUYLFHLQ table and chairs PDLQWDLQLQJULJKWRIZD\VDQGWULPPLQJRIWUHHV$ZRUNLQJNQRZOHGJH Nice gas range • Desk 2 bedrooms with RIRSHUDWLRQDQGPDLQWHQDQFHRIWUHHWULPPLQJHTXLSPHQWDQG Inn tables fans in each room; experience in climbing is preferred4XDOL¿HGDSSOLFDQWVPXVWDOVR Rustic Entertainment 1 ½ baths; mirrored garden EHDEOHWROLIWSRXQGVXQDVVLVWHGDQGPDLQWDLQDYDOLG&ODVVµ$¶ tub and oversized shower; vaulted center &RPPHUFLDO'ULYHU¶V/LFHQVHAll employees are required to reside ceilings in living room with fan, within the service boundaries of WCEC and adhere to the Code Filing cabinets ‰ƒ•ϐ‹”‡’Žƒ ‡ǡ„—‹Ž–Ǧ‹„‘‘ ƒ•‡• Refrigerator • Gas Dryer of Ethics and Standards of Conduct policy. (adjustable); wheelchair accessible, ‡†‹ ƒŽƒŽƒ”•ȋ’—ŽŽȌ‹‡ƒ Š Lots, Lots, bathroom and master bedroom; :&(&,6$1(48$/23325781,7<(03/2<(5 Lots more washer/dryer connections; double :HRIIHUDQH[FHOOHQWEHQH¿WSDFNDJHDQGVDODU\EDVHGRQ garage (with 2 Genie controls), TXDOL¿FDWLRQV(PSOR\PHQWZLOOEHEDVHGXSRQVXFFHVVIXOFRPSOHWLRQ 1366 East St. Hwy 154 ϐŽ‘‘”‡†ƒ†Ž‹–ƒ––‹ ǡ™‘”ƒ”‡ƒ„ƒ”‹ RIGUXJVFUHHQLQJDQGDFULPLQDOEDFNJURXQGFKHFN Quitman, TX ‰ƒ”ƒ‰‡Ǣ‡™ƒ’’Ž‹ƒ ‡•Ǣ ”‡ƒ ƒ”’‡– 2 miles east of Quitman ƒ†’ƒ‹–Ǣ‰ƒ”†‡™‹†‘™‹‹– Š‡Ǣ $SSOLFDWLRQVDUHDYDLODEOHDW:&(&KHDGTXDUWHUVORFDWHGDW ”‡ Š’ƒ–‹‘†‘‘”•ǢͳǡͷͲͲ•“—ƒ”‡ˆ‡‡–Ǥ 60DLQ6W4XLWPDQ7;DQGRQOLQHDWZZZZFHFRUJ,QWHUHVWHG Thursday Friday ̈́ͳǡͲͲͲ‘–ŠŽ›Ǣ̈́ͷͲͲ†‡’‘•‹–Ǥ LQGLYLGXDOVVKRXOGVXEPLWDQDSSOLFDWLRQWR+XPDQ5HVRXUFHVQRODWHU and Saturday ͳǦ›‡ƒ”Ž‡ƒ•‡ǡ‡‡’—’–Š‡›ƒ”† WKDQ0D\7KLVFDQEHGRQHLQSHUVRQE\ID[WR 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. ƒ‹–‡ƒ ‡Ǣ‘’‡–•Ǣ‘•‘‹‰ RUE\HPDLOWRKXPDQUHVRXUFHV#ZFHFRUJ(2(0)9' ƒŽŽͻͲ͵Ǧ͹͸͵ǦͶ͸Ͷͳ 6B Wood County Monitor • Wednesday, May 3, 2017 Bike ride to benefit ET Food Bank, Diabetes Association The Mineola Metric 100 Bicycle Ride will give rid- ers a reason to ride through the gently rolling hills on farm roads and quaint country lanes of Wood Coun- ty on Saturday, May 13. The event includes rides of 17, 26, 41 and 51 miles and a 100 kilometer. It will benefi t the East Texas Food Bank and the American Diabetes Association. Grand Oaks Winery and Vineyard is sponsoring and underwriting the event. The fi ve diff erent rides launch from 8:30 to 8:50 a.m. Volunteers have been recruited and will provide food and drinks at the beginning and end, as well as along the way, of the ride at the nature preserve. Grand Oaks owner Carroll McHenry said that he and his wife, Martha, have been involved with and participated in the bicycle rides for years. Health sidelined them but Animal Preservation of East Tex- as continued the events. Martha McHenry is a diabe- tes educator and she and her husband wanted to host an event in which the proceeds will help those with diabetes, as well as the food bank. The spring event was scheduled so as not to confl ict with the fall ride hosted by APET. Lady Jackets TOP: Quitman’s A.J. Dunn fires From page 1B a pitch to Bulldog catcher Jake Farmer in last week’s loss to game. Edgewood. Dunn will be back next Seven walks in the fi rst inning, three hit by pitch- year for the Bulldogs and gained es, a line drive by Hannah McKinney to left and a valuable time on the mound this inside-the-park homerun by Kiley Banks gave the year. Yellowjackets a commanding 10-0 lead in the fi rst in- ning. LEFT: It was Senior Night last In the bott om of the second inning Izzy Tresca Tuesday at Tom Brady Field. drove in two runs on a line drive double to left fi eld Quitman Head Baseball Coach giving Mineola a 12-0 lead. Hayland Hardy received a A double to left by McKinney, singles by Bre Wilm- home plate signed by his senior oth, Bell, Eden Trent, Brie McCalla, and four walks baseball players from Dawson gave Mineola a 21-0 lead. Hudman. Ty Moss gave the long time coach a jar of dirt from the infield at Brady Field. Quitman fell to Edgewood is the final district game of the year. (Monitor photos by Larry Tucker)

Make this Mother’s Day (May 14th) extra beautiful with a handcrafted bouquet from Mineola Flower Shop Remember to order early for the best selection. TOP: Alba-Golden’s Bralee Littlejohn pounds out a hit in the Lady Mineola Flower Shop Panthers 24-2 win over Dallas Madison. Gracie Pendergrass (base 114 W. Broad St. runner of third) scored on the hit. It was just one of two hits Littlejohn (903) 569-0202 had in the first inning. RIGHT: Alba-Golden pitcher Morgan Curts fires a pitch in the Lady Panthers win over Dallas Madison. Curts faced six batters in the first two innings and struck out all of them in a fine pitching performance. (Monitor photos by Larry Tucker)


Lady Panthers From page 1B bott om of the second to go up 24-0. Madison crossed Phone # 903-342-1900 | Fax # 903-342-1901 416 West Broadway | Winnsboro, TX 75494 the plate twice in the top of the third. Umpires called Monday-Fridayy y 9-5 • Saturday 9-12 the game in the third inning after Madison had bat- carpet | tile | hardwood | laminate | vinyl | LVT | area rugs ted. The Lady Trojans were able to only get the ball in play two times. Gracie Pendergrass got things going with a double in the bott om of the fi rst inning. She would later get MINEOLA ANIMAL SHELTER MEALS ON WHEELS another hit from the left side of the plate. Bralee Lit- THIS WEEK’S MENUS: tlejohn singled and Briana Weissert pounded a dou- This week – A fullblood German ble to left-center followed by another double by Shel- shepherd, picked up as a stray. Thursday, May 4 - Sloppy Joe, Potato Barrels, by Wright. Litt lejohn actually got two hits and scored He has been neutered, knows Cabbage Medley, Ketchup, Hamburger Bun, twice in the fi rst inning alone. Rogers then tagged a some commands and is good Fresh Fruit, Milk pitch which sailed over the centerfi elder’s head for a with other dogs. Also, 9 kittens triple. Curts came up for the second time in the in- from 2 different litters Friday, May 5 - Smoked Sausage, Mixed Beans, ning and answered with a home run. Lady Panther are ready for homes Mustard, Hot Dog Bun, Mixed Fruit, Milk Coach Tiff ani Mason started substituting at the plate this week. They are and in the fi eld as early as the fi rst inning. very sociable and range Monday, May 8 - Meatloaf, Tomato Gravy, Alba-Golden will head to the area round of the state from Siamese-colored, Whipped Potatoes, Sliced Carrots,, Wheat Bread, playoff s taking on Pott sboro later this week. The in- orange and white Fudge Cream Cookie, Milk formation on game time and place will be added to spots, to gray tabbies Tuesday, May 9 the online version of the Wood County Monitor at and solid black. - Diced, Orange Chicken, and updated on our Face- Japanese Vegetable Blend, Wheat Bread, book page. Harper from last week is still looking for a Sliced Peaches, Milk home. The rat terrier shown last week was Wednesday, May 10 claimed by his owner. Kennels are still full. - Fiesta Chicken, Chili Beans, Wheat Bread, Peach Cobbler, Milk “LONG LIVE To help decrease the number of homeless animals, please COWBOYS” remember to have your dogs and cats spayed and neutered. Meals on Wheels - Ph.: (903) 497-1162 Email: [email protected] %$.(5675((7 SAT., MAY 6 ,)12$16:(5&$// Hometown Friendly from Hometown Folks Special Female 78(6'$<6$785'$<)520$030 Replacement Sale @ NOON Please spay and neuter your pets 150+ Gh]f@]a^]jk:j]\@]a^]jk Sponsored by these Mineola businesses: FEMALES :j]\;gok;go';Yd^HYajk Lake Country Animal Clinic Kitchens Hardware/Deli Braford - Tiger Stripes - Brangus - Angus - Charolais - Crossbreds 1124 FM 564 119 E. Broad FREE delivery Drive thru (903)569-5418 (903)569-2664 125 E. Broad St.- Mineola y 903-569-3882 Call Josh0+(%.*+%*0--1918 Hwy 80, Karnes City, TX