Citrus County Chronicle Is Seeking Nom- Inees for 2020 Citizen of the Year
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Project1:Layout 1 6/10/2014 1:13 PM Page 1 The Right Stuff: Chuck Yeager dead at 97 /A10 WEDNESDAY TODAY CITRUSCOUNTY & next morning HIGH 63 Sunny and milder LOW after a cold morning. 35 PAGE A4 DECEMBER 9, 2020 Florida’s Best Community Newspaper Serving Florida’s Best Community 50¢ VOL. 126 ISSUE 62 NEWS BRIEFS Riverwalk passes legal muster Citrus County COVID-19 Attorney says county tourist money can be used to fund Crystal River project update MICHAEL D. BATES The Citrus County funding gap to complete firm, who said that as long already meets one of the According to the Flor- Staff writer Tourist Development the second phase of the as the city of Crystal River two qualifications: a na- ida Department of Health, Council (TDC) in Novem- King’s Bay Riverwalk makes a legislative finding ture center. As for fishing, 47 positive cases were Using county tourist ber unanimously voted to project. The city had that the project is a fishing that would have to be a reported in Citrus County taxes to help pay for Crys- earmark $350,000 from its asked for $1 million. pier and/or a nature cen- policy decision. There since the latest update. tal River’s riverfront proj- special projects fund and But that approval was ter, it is eligible for will be people walking on Three new hospitaliza- ect is an allowable use of $150,000 from capital re- contingent on legal funding. the pier so perhaps some tions were reported; two that money if it meets cer- serve fund — money that approval. Crystal River City Man- limited fishing would new deaths were tain parameters, accord- all comes from tourists — They got it from attorney ager Ken Frink said the work, he said. reported. ing to an outside legal and commit it to the city Michael Wiener, with the project definitely fits To date in the county, opinion. as it tries to plug a Holland & Knight law those parameters. It See PROJECT/Page A5 5,217 people have tested positive (including 29 non-residents), 440 have been hospitalized and 186 have died. Nominate Citrus’ top citizen Britain’s big shot The Citrus County Chronicle is seeking nom- inees for 2020 Citizen of the Year. Winners in the past have been honored for everything from philanthropy to volunteer- ism, civil rights work to service to country, and environmental efforts to governmental initiatives. While all nominations are considered, prefer- ence is usually given to community contributions that are above and be- yond the role one plays in their day-to-day job. Email nominations to jeff.bryan@chronicle; or, mail to Jeff Bryan, 1624 N. Meadowcrest Blvd., Crys- tal River, FL 34429 by Thursday, Dec. 17, 2020. Nominate top stories of the year The Citrus County Chronicle is seeking nomi- nations for Citrus County’s top local stories of 2020. Stories should be about people, organizations, businesses, issues or events in Citrus County. Multiple nominations Associated Press are accepted. 90 year old Margaret Keenan, the first patient in the UK to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, administered by nurse May Parsons at University Hospital, Coventry, England, Tuesday Dec. 8, 2020. The United Kingdom, one of the countries hardest hit by the coronavirus, is Email nominations to beginning its vaccination campaign, a key step toward eventually ending the pandemic. jeff.bryan@chronicle; or, mail to Jeff Bryan, 1624 N. UK begins mass vaccinations to stop COVID-19; others soon to follow Meadowcrest Blvd., Crys- DANICA KIRKA regulators may approve it in the tal River, FL 34429 by Associated Press coming days or weeks. Thursday, Dec. 17, 2020. “All done?” Keenan asked A ballot will be gener- Local health providers LONDON — A nurse rolled up nurse May Parsons. “All done,” ated from those nomina- 90-year-old Margaret Keenan’s came the reply, as hospital staff tions and readers will sleeve and administered a shot broke into applause and also have an opportunity to watched round the world — the clapped for her as she was prepare for vaccine vote on their top 10 picks. first jab in the U.K.’s COVID-19 wheeled down a corridor. Browse vaccination program kicking off “I feel so privileged to be the FRED HIERS But how the vaccines will an unprecedented global effort to first person vaccinated against Staff writer be rolled out is still not clear, Christmas crafts try to end a pandemic that has COVID-19,” said Keenan, who Rubio said, as U.S. Food and Dec. 12 killed 1.5 million people. wore a surgical mask and a blue The Department of Drug Administration advi- Keenan, a retired shop clerk “Merry Christmas” T-shirt with a Health in Citrus County is sors this Thursday will meet The Citrus County Craft from Northern Ireland who cele- cartoon penguin in a Santa hat. prepared to receive the to make their recommenda- Council plans its Old Fash- brates her birthday next week, “It’s the best early birthday present coronavirus vaccine when it tion to the federal agency ion Christmas Craft Show was at the front of the line at Uni- I could wish for because it means I makes its way to Citrus about the Pfizer vaccine. The from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sat- versity Hospital Coventry to re- can finally look forward to spend- County. FDA released a report Tues- urday, Dec. 12, 2020, at ceive the vaccine that was ing time with my family and friends That is what Ernesto day that there were no safety The Depot, 300 N. Apopka approved by British regulators in the New Year after being on my “Tito” Rubio, administrator concerns with the drug. Ave. in Inverness. There last week. own for most of the year.” of the Florida Department Rubio said the DOH in will be free admission and The U.K. is the first Western The second injection, in a fit- of Health in Citrus County, Citrus County could step in country to deliver a broadly ting bit of drama, went to an free parking. The charity told the Community Alli- if called upon to distribute tested and independently re- 81-year-old man named William chosen to benefit from this ance local members Tues- the vaccine, but believes viewed vaccine to the general Shakespeare from Warwickshire, day in giving the nonprofit local hospitals will be the show is the Young public. The COVID-19 shot was the county where the bard was group an update on the im- local providers. Marines. developed by U.S. drugmaker born. pact of the coronavirus Dozens of artisans will Pfizer and Germany’s BioNTech. here. See VACCINE/Page A11 be on hand offering holiday U.S. and European Union See SHOT/Page A11 gifts and decorations, knit- ted and crocheted items, furnishings, jewelry, hand- sewn items, woodworked COVID-19 cases in Citrus pass 5,000 items, wooden toys, soaps, handbags, paper cras, shell art, floral de- White House Task Force reportedly names county as Florida ‘red zone’ signs, yard art, edibles and more, all handcrafted by BUSTER THOMPSON Monday, Dec. 7, 2020. COVID-19 data on the FDOH COVID-19 “red zone,” meaning the vendors. Each crafter Staff writer It’s an increase of 417 cases dashboard is subject to change it had more than 100 new cases will donate a piece from since Nov. 30 at an average of 59 as epidemiological investiga- per 100,000 residents in the past their work, and drawings Citrus County surpassed 5,000 cases a day. tions reveal new information three weeks. will take place every half COVID-19 cases over the week, Another 24 people in the about a case. Homosassa Springs was also hour. nearing an average of 60 infec- county were hospitalized with In a White House Coronavi- one of seven metro areas in the For information, visit tions a day. the contagious respiratory dis- rus Task Force report, dated state the report labeled a red www.CitrusCounty Florida Department of ease over the week, totaling 437 Nov. 29 and published by the zone. Spon- Health (FDOH) officials tal- hospitalizations, and 13 more Center for Public Integrity, Cit- According to the Florida sored by the Citrus lied a total 5,170 novel corona- people died, bringing the death rus County was one of 14 Flor- County Chronicle. virus cases in the county on count to 184. ida counties designated a See CITRUS/Page A5 — From staff reports Classifieds . .C8 Crossword . .C14 INDEX Education . A12 Obituaries . A6 Comics . .C7 Editorial. A9 Lottery Numbers . .B3 TV Listings. .C6 Horoscope . A4 Entertainment . A4 Lottery Payouts . .B3 A2 Wednesday, december 9, 2020 Citrus County (FL) ChroniCLe 000ZHCA N OTHING ABOVE PINK LINE CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE LOCAL & STATE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2020 A3 Crystal River City Council Court Digest: Stand your 2020 swearing-in ceremony Citrus County ground hearing expected Judge Mark Yerman swears in Ken Brown on Monday, in shooting-death case Dec. 7, 2020, to a — 44-year-old Tammy third term Child-death cases progress Marie Allison, 52-year-old on Seat 1 of Steven Troy Gibson and Crystal River Brooksville 26-year-old City Council. BUSTER THOMPSON Assistant State Attorney Stephanie Carroll — al- Brown takes Staff writer Blake Shore will be de- legedly the oath posing law enforcement smoked alongside Depending on whether next week and other wit- and his wife, a judge agrees he was in nesses in January. snorted Maryellen. his right to defend him- If Howard finds Ball’s meth in BUSTER self, Michael Kenneth use of deadly force was their THOMPSON/ Ball could go to trial for lawful, which would in- presence.