THE Widely Newspaper WESTFIELDThe Leading and Most Circulated Weekly in Union LEADER County TWENT'Y-81XTB KY, WKDKUDAY, BD nAR-NO. 8. WBBTI'IBLD, DW .J ... OOTO I, 111111.


• Lloenae1 Granted on Monday luac F. S111ltll to Tell of the Evenint tor Thr11 Addl· "Literary and Hlstorio EXTRA tlonallu1111 Shrine• of Bolton" Council Finds FIRE HYDRANTS ORDERED TICKETS IN IIQ DEMAND Banking Connections Tht\1 Weetfteld Ia faat bPromln��: a The nnt or tbe !all l""turM In th� "llt11ev town" wao rvldenred on fifth annual �ourM>, ll•en un .r the the or Bo r or , It is policy of this bank to give appreciative Mond�)" PVe,nlng when th.. ('ouncll auapll't!l the a d Erond waa to A" Ganael, who will CliDitJ." Mr" DO!W to OJI&ra&e two can be-tween Cranford Rmlth Ia the Wutleld Former Lieutenant Dis· aad Plalnfteld, romln1 down Routh publlo. but be aomet1 with the bllliMt Broad ..-ommendatlona &1'811De to Broad street, up to !rom hundred• of North eociPIIea li:o<'lld avenue and av.. nu" to ..-boolo. chUJali• and be· fQra -'"•a more missed From Force. Cranford. wbteb lle ._. one or - The hi'*-tta1 leetu1'811. One '----- w.. t!l..,ld Auto Company w"" or blo ------atarwptleoa aloo 1ranted a llcenoe to run a Jitney hundr<'d alldee are uaed no .,,.,.. to oatnl&e ••oun('il tonight tlw ll r1111e In and around w... t!leld but Ill tile leotu ra. Tht· town 111 h route waa mentioned In connection Tbe fer a4mlulon Uck�t• l'olit•(' Lil'lllt'nBnt MRrt 'Ruflehl. determined thllt lal dem&lld or fornH·r in �I. ( with thlo application. blld at tbe . wblch mBJ be lARder om<'e I"" ruld l le)' track• um Park auditorium eaoh urd& ..v�nlnl!. artin waa adjudlft'd gui ty of having at1'8(11. and or i Tbe board wlabM I dlattn�tly wr l n thrmtKh th al{ency of Wm. uf Elln �I. 1 'nuflt•hL M f tbe llee88lnl of billiard t un­ Hut an inRurance policy itt .. S. ut sllitl and parlo,.. laid O'l'ar. a 11 ' notra eh11rgrd in char WPlRh t Ht·d t lw lUI gl!s 2, 4, 6 li, WI'II know· were dentood that tlckflt not nerea· w ll .:ive your home absolute protection. On oti n & Son i �il(ltlltnr•·a nd endoraemrnta mt them to be forgrd and ith m o of the ebalrman of th� ury to ....,ure admlttanre to • lee­ in!( thP a ; w This is a se led llank fl d in i of til(' lnatructed to rhar1e people !o Wut!lald •• far aa ae­ ani ha beenpaid promptly and lor th lull amount of the claim. tbe aum of p .. s s .. •·ri i a law and regulation adopted hy tbe council Town of on tax f and m n l of tbP Ul. 78 tbe 1116 blllo or the commodatloaa permit, a lar1e at­ of uow \\'hen you neltt nsure cast your votl' in la\·or of the active Wt•Mtlh•ld to r.. ulate and control a day and ni1ht dr nr tlw removal and lett tendanre at every lecture 11 earn811t· i g police, ft waa n t eted pay 11en y h l The tl't'aau,...r l a r to ly dealrt>d. 1 c nl t • ir Appointment and remova 11no U.IU.&l. mamwr of • their dutit>N <'d in pr ll t y 11t ••i(lhl.. !Ire b aat at tbe end or 81llOtll• of o iJl l ydr the nnd Tbe nre FOR o'doek took their .eats. cll'rk called the roll nntl all th•• alon, and aloo to pla<'tl a n"w tbe of Tel. Broad ltreet rneml11•rs of tlw council anawered to their names. hydrant Ill middle the blork on SCHOOL 188 214 E. "IETTIR IE INIURED THAN lORRY" On mot n the mt'eting then Wt'Dt into cutivP sPBMion whieh Blnclalr place. io t>xe for tbe or FURNITURE littl•· on•r hour hrir 11nd A r•olution laylna ron- 11 wht>n they rt'tnrn11d to t BPRtH tht> l PretMtln& W111fteld Pro,erty tor rly 81,800,000.00 lastod an a dewalka on bolt ald.,. or Rip­ N.. n•lid th drd•iun of the counc l given ahov"" <'rete The Board of Education Vote t!l•�rk .. i u ley place front North 1treet to North Waahln1ton otreet waa paond and the to Purohall a Motion "-rla1 Mt lor Novemb�r 1. A reoo- ) aewer a ..,., Picture Machine lutton for a unitary tn I•:C �INOMIC'illo HCI(�IJ1!:\\'J\'H8 l're11i. ol North .atr...,t W today a e in a o tlon Waohlnt�ton wu' ThiH hy the ation l leaders of the movement as th1• lf'gin aloo and the hearlrt Jor becauoe that is tak<•n N a l ­ )liiHed l! oPt . MASQUERA DE NO T FAVORED Buy •'""' Coodatutro, hP t the opJl011ition voft>./1 for women. November lot. IR lllWR)'A t�rohOOl7. uin��: of <'tHI of to of tbe Pollet� On motion Commit­ buy at thla atore, beC&UIMI our to !urnttur� Th••y tee tbe committee waa 1lven power Contract• lor the enetft foodstutro are alw•J• I((Kid, and tba& n "'lnlpment the new ochool were rtatntr of purrhaoe winter unlformo for th .. lor I• a •·.. el!onomy. of Io ee. The let from n• tb:�·�o:·r: :���b������ ·��d m"mbera the r appolnt­ at a meetlttt! of the Board o! Tlwy buy becauoe we b&V4 1entlemaa::: akllled mf!nt of eOor1e Sturna11te a1 a apeclal �:�u.-Uon, held In the Wubln1ton nuolae , and a!l'or•a of tbe two :��I th" varl,..ty. and lhe prlc.. tbe j PEOPLE FAVOR r the •lducatlon­ of applylnl etron1 arm omoera waa o Rt•hool laot evenh>f!. The ur tn the art c nfi med by Council. lhRI. IK t.he tfl""atllot ecoaumr. of retired of bat a of al llqulpmant CompanJ of New York ua the law. the Town Council MAYOR'S PLAN On motion C rm n Davia, recommend to tbelr orr I u of waa tho Th�y h to the little room tbe pollee sta- i I th., Finance Committee, the o m City, aucceao!ul bidder" !rllan drawn by lh" town dolljrht economlc•J Weet!leld tb• lor- ba I• a to bOUN­ or tb• town or n. Soheme H11 Won Over Many llended balan.,., the town areount. en11lneer. obowln1 bow tbe o rp wlv8B, and becauiM! ID tbe !ullneu or Polloa Caufield band at hearta tbey to mer A.ctlnl Cble! of ! of tba corner or Elm and Wal­ lh<'ir Juat want pua Reporta 0.C..I'tl. brOUibt bJ member• ura I tbe ato-tbe on ehargea tba Fourth Warders Rill· Tbe treaa r reported a balano<' nut atreet Cllllld be eliminated to a Tblo a ho-lt'ee' of e and 1 advantqe wu pr-ated anti th Pollee Commlulou. 1 n hand of 17,681.77. Colltetor Clark 110od a sood thing alon1. twenty mlnut... alter tbe road M en Like It ,4,818"71 had been col­ acrepted by tbe board. Tbe Coun<'ll for economical About ---- ohowed that """ otum baytq. towu to tbe llttlOrted tllat they The ln-.>eromleed In laot week'• luue of 16.80. miNion to bold the re1u1ar weekly w and !eea or II'!P"'• to 138-138 STREET 287 of ,6,600, tbe l\'ea lnl!l would ba ...... the Leader tbe map the aedlon the of were praetlce meet1n1• In h on verdict amount J79 collecled In tbe blatorJ of Weat!leld that would be benefitted by the tm­ the court. waa bulldlnl and aloo permlaolon to gtv., " Never In R«order'a t69 turn­ ba l&tbered provetllent pr.,.,oaed by Mayor H. W. to UO con�ert.a lor whlcb an admll· d oo many of tbe reatdenta ed over the town and to the monthlJ Ia at one time. Every Kvana, Ia produced berewttb· on Pag"' Motor alon or centa will be �har1e•L tba Town Hall State Veblcle DepartmenL 10 you're skl'pticalabout the before .•• by Tweuty-ab II available ..,.t waa filled 1on1 P'our, Tbla map "prepared arr ..ta were Botb of tb- requ.,.ta were 1ro•nted. concernin11 tt.e FACT tbo reported !or a t of acbolara claims me -a p.polnted to bella En1lneer Vara at tbe requeat of o tb or September by 'rha que t on lll!ndllll the tl the m n Chairman that offer the very beat ol to wi.a dt� we hearlug and when tbe heariD1 atart­ Mayor �:vana eJ.preMiy,. tor tba Loa­ Atrleck. o( tbe Polke Committee, and � aew l'anwood Bcbool d o In an ed the alol.,., ballo, anti room1 and der an Ia t.lia OlllJ tlleJa.l of Harden tu n d ruo_. Informal way. Wh&n Transfer Service IDIIP C. W. r e over for the tbe numeroaa tbe ll Fan adviae local e1'8n atandtnc room In lmprove-t I atdelloe. credit of tbe Board ol Health the aum t be wood board tbe just us name some of tbe t a premium. It baeD to of Ul lee8 board tbat tbe ochool Ia raady, tbe h'lve wludo,.o 'o\'Bs a Had poolllble IMICilra tbe lor eollected. o e Before 'ltartlal tbe Town At­ from have d n work eue OI'FICJAL MAP lor laat week'a la­ The town poor eoat tbe town U6 cblldraa tbe aectton weat n! vcople we lor " L inveeti1atioq will prove oliver and tbe oppoaiDII at· It at for the montb ot llrl1latwood will eliP"ied to at­ an torney alla would bave been printed September and the II• a1Ae!i tbat Ume. but b UH"· tend tbe new achool aloo the truth of tbe claim tbat our t11rney. Samuel IOI:hlelmer, to u t a map wae not over-r reported a balance of 11 wlh the otber and tbey did morning of 88. eblldrea !roan Fanwood tbat are now service is really unexcellecl. be nice to each completed until Monday delay week, to the Wet�t!leld acboola. pretty well, only one aerloua tbla tbla could not be done. The reporta or tbe Board of A•­ comta1 We aile properly equipped of of Company, art•ount a all1bt difference tbe Improvement of Tba Stonburl ll1htla1 the tr1ined, ellpert, on 1eueral publle muClb prefefl -ora on Ch•t­ contractors. an and have opinion. 'f"be tb ratber tban a atraet ahowed thM tbe fl,lluree were «ranted to bava tbe raal lnl nut ownen or 10 110m. can,lul men so insure �&enu­ counod lor tbll de!enae at tbe P&J and the town daya Tbe mak.. hltt, wblcb Ia aoma would U.7U.U�M In wblcb tD l(cod service hy callin1 ceediDP cu. tendl plate tbetr co tra openlnl obJected to the pro to ratbar titan U.18.88; on tha maeadamiiiDI of n ct. Tbla waa ma&n pr-nt Broad •�reat bava bean wo11 " lllld a Bring it and let launder lt. You will be more than A: A811octatlon, wu tbe ll'-t b Olee l11b Albletlc Auoet tl n to ua 118 tbe tbat Ia munlcatlon wu referred to t e Road o wltn.,.• called. Mr. Hardn teetUied o'l'• bJ 11111eatloa now a plMMd with our work, other• before you have. CommlttA!e. d n u beiDI CODIIIhred. - ( Oollt1D11ad OD hila' 11) your oUlll' work, •o matter what lt It .. &lao •tatad tbat ol!l-:lala or :Brlq 118 too. ll, we approved tb . it you ooncllUon aDd from wear. tbe railroad baYe �r a return to l.n apo\1.. no wone SENATOR CLAPP COMING It Ia We laUDder eviJ'fUUul' for and more plaa, ae would aid tbem the Ult lfl'de er0Ml111 ellmlllaUoa work and everybodf,we ll•e llaM atuact to tb deliaMe Ultllol'\lole \be .,_w \be 0111'1 K. WIU -'dd"- lleetia& Ia w- wollld a1ao lllllllJ paorle e OF 83 ELM lilT. field � Ned H...., &4ni' D, If U1oe OtltiOOit: trom tba r&U• -"----"'"'--'-"-- IS WEDO Youa ENTia£ Ia PAIIILY WAll s• ....._. road, wblcb now aot t.lie moat ' wout• • ...,., GORDON AND JIOIT OF THE mONING POa a-ator M- E. Clapp will ad· pl...aa1. ba eltaa ... Ia • 78c a on tba ey• 4HM mau meet1n1 lWPIIOt. town of Ol;tobar lttb at the Weet- A JI'O�._.IIt Naldeat u( tbe SELLING ITEAJI *• tbat If Tb•tre. .til tllll 11\GI'IIlQJ CINtmprov• La dry _.d It oa J a �eaawr Np-ta lllaa• mat wu ma4e would be i ct eo..,.. oC wbaa Bprln1 lltraet ,_ ...... at &le, 7k ...... •• Ia tbe Fa!(eNJ.,. "- •• q-uo. u- a I&Am· W0\\14 be 011a or poplllar Ute a bo7 011 the moat PIIOifBIII·W .:�. D ta .arlr cabt11 Of t!MI a ��- nei4RI!al IIIDtloP to'WII. Ull Westfield "· J...... lllt"'ortca ..C. J..laqgja, (rg •d .,. ,...,_ �w� U1p.-to tile a to at atatiea Ule .... �t.J of ""�....._aUla 1111 fuor. _.,.,. """"�.;;:.-H(\('!'ll\l'l:!"'"'""';'!,l.a•• ...... ,.""".,., ...... --.,-.... ,�.. .. t::z::::::::::s:::::::::::�:::::;;;�����!ioN��-·���·,··�-".r ..··- -��-:--� .,..�WJt>c ¥;·1;·. " I "".;.;"-"'""' ""'", . Fr•de-rlcok flarrl•on'��t comP&DF, ff'OIIl th• Hayma ke Th•atn•. London, r t wtn op•n 1t1 fl'hliCR••ment at th NPw York Ma atne f.�Hintt Th•a rP :Mond&JI' .... t nlnw. Of!t wt h "Qalnneyl."' Tille t•. t and Flayers c the rlays ompany "'Ill hrtn• IU entire With ecullp· and Old Eventl Now Being Presented ment wfth It, includln• thf! anttque tur­ New nlture •hll'h �•cUed •o much taten1t ====at Varioua P layhouses ==== amon• ar t f"onn..,IIDUrl In t.. o ndon. -<>-- Th Wlntor O rdon will dark lhla . hll a be B'woy 4bth lt.; IDYll., 1:11; th .. world. FIYfl y ea lat�r week an open next Raturday With Alit.., A tory nf , d wUI lolat o, Wod. Mid 8•1.. 1:11-"Hit tho ormf'r IIIWf'@theart b811(11 h m tO •ve ''A lea.•un." The company f t World flf P Troll-Holliday," ht>r hu11ban from the wllt�ll of an ad .. l ul • Mhow of . d In "Theo n UU openH Yenture••· Tht� bachelor talk to the ' . &YO•, 1:10; In Wool Uth 81.: • A Monday. •- •dventur�•• .ftnda her oultiYat•d and a -o--- M10t1.. Tbun. and Rat.. 1:10-''Tbo •tudent ltkfl hlmlelf, and 1he Maome• Boolft"ran•··· Adolflh Philipp h1d " reeeptlon tan • a l11 collaborator on th hl torJ'. week at the t.rrlt> Th�atrf! and wa• ... flth Bt., Woat of B'war; h - T-t rf!'l&tlon•hlp the rl .. pre n W'&lklnK •tick hy memben IDYOI., 1:10; Mall., Wad. and Bat., Till• bachelor'• �t t tfll tfl'd a whllo ftanc.. otlll rotalnln11 h�r tl11ht of the ·om & lt!l nf ' Two tR Compan)·" 1:10-111. H. uthorn In "Tbo Two . , f'I D ' Bo to be Jealou , -k• to break up. lhe and "Th� Olrt Who Umllf'R.'' Vlrtuee." l 11 aul1ted by t11a chelor' el1ter, who llna., 1:11; ba • Woal Tlte d Yen· .,.._, tN IL; 11 .um.ewhat of a 1nob. a CIIAIIWM MatL, Wod. all4 1:11-"'flla A.T TRR llal.. ture• refu•• to cleny or admit certain .. of " MARTI!IfiQUR. Boa 01 .... u tlon to her fl<. But 1he HOTKL L 1:11; aoc M • aa .,....,., D'WaJ Ud lttb lt.; IIYe her po�ltlon •• c llaborator. EYer anlrloua to pleaoe roa , ci• • �P o bla pat a Mota., Wad. and I:K-''Tb Then the bachlor dlo You that hlo llaL, Bl .. co M•na1141r ll ndler, Jr., bu re­ .. Pvad181.- old •JoYe hu beeft replaced by a new W. C a the ramoua Dutch Room at Control Park one, aftd be prOOftdl to marrr the new. modeled -.,.,., Ud IlL aa4 the Hotel Martinique, whleh bu Woat: ICYoL, 1:11; llata.. Tuoa., Than. . .. . r a r .,_ thoroa1hly t a afo med Into a • llal, 1:11-"'fOWII Topltla." .... c ,...... ·- I.,._.. ""!table rvom or beaut Ia "Prince­ _. .. _..., ..,...,. and Ud y lt.: The new plar which wa• pre ..nted .. yel ow and blaell ...... l:lt; Wod. ud lat .. l:lt toll" eo rs, l llata., at tho Comody Thoatro Jaot nl11hl lo aow ll w -IRate lUIIe In ''111 .. I formation " and I no a aa the n . a Ill· Herman lll beftauer•a drama, 'The Mod· bouet• Room an the IDIIOfttloa � B'WaJ' f1tb IIYIL, ' d Hurrah! wu •• en for - OM IL; era lhyJock." which -ml J pl4!ue !&riB They're Here! llatl. da J, l:tt-BurtoaquL • the the DUmber Of I:M; ii ptomber at tbo Lyrlo ftrot limo ldt Be patr• of b a ramoue llotel. New trae �,.. flat lt., IIUt or B'waJ: ••••.• TPMatre In London. It ran t1't entr t l delicioue eweetmeat willa _.. raeea IMID In the 1:11; Mall.. Tueo. Bat., weeD tbere and later wu aated 1ft Ute are cabaret and a '1'1. N.w Poet Toutiee-a aD of the .._. A P r m 11 11vea. Tbe roo aauah dowD whena-.u __ ..... 1:11-''Tbe prO'fllloo& apleadld ro11 a m --·· fnortte lat't! for part ea ... thet • _.... .,. .... Barpbl."tltb llut or w , ...... TIM play Ia 111 four acto. H110dln11 11 a p l of IL, B' a � ':f.. c-t.l:lt; llato., t., 1:11-''TIIe; tbe 11roat cut 11 Loui e CaiYOrt, wb o had Weatlleld people and each e'feii DI Wed. A Ba i PrJ PaL" tbo prlllalpal role In the London pro· M\'aral 11roupo are •�en at the tabiM - ductlon. He lmpereonatea a bla room...... , &'way Uld tltb ••"·· 1:11: Jewllh 111 t 11.: pawnbroker of New York-modern, yet llatL, Wed. aad Bat., 1:11-Cyr11 ayod all tho trodltlono and pre­ "OrampJ'," IIW by JtAUda Ill Ju4teel of hie race. The lo�ale In hla Post ....,...... II., tlth lt., of Jl&al 1bop In th• Ohetto. In appearanr:e the B'wa ; IIIYoa., 1:11; aU., TbUI'I. Uld y ll pawnbroker 111 like 8halleepeare'l 8hY· lat., 1:11- hat lloner can•t BuJ.'" '"W lock. He al1t0 hu one dl.u•hter, beau­ NEW . 1\Toat tltb lt.; IIYIL, tiful and tho pride or blo hoart. Tho ...... 'I'll- • Mate. lat., 1:10- Toaaties Wod. and plot centre• In the betraraJ of thl• l:lt; . corn proceee a new "llomo Baby." d&UI'hler by a Chrl•tlan youth, thf! ... 11111111e of Mlected wlaite by thM ..... the ,..._ of *' .... , ... tttb lt.; 10n of a Wall Street naneler. com 6eld. J'OUI' table. _,...... ft auDDy to IIYIL, atL, Wed. and llaL, 1:11 In the cut are JoMphlne VIctor, 1:11; ll -"Tounl' AlfterloL'' Mlu Dorothr l>onneUy, P'orrflllt WI­ ..... _..., B'W&J' and tltb lt.; nant. Eul'ene O'Brien and John Vlood little OD ftftlrl theN ..... 1:11; lloto., Wod. and Bat., Notice the pula lab. put bythe unique . • • • metbocl 1:11-"Cbln Cbln." ...... ,. ... methode of lt'a the that . :.. , . ..,._".... .,. cookioa and tiOMriPI oal, ...,...... Woat Ud lt.; JD'f-, .... .-.. you cam Sawar 1:11; Mau., Wad. and Bat.. la1l­ IPvea the fulL rich . When Ned \\'ayburn took poa•e••lon "Rolllnll Btoua." of tho fi,OOO,OOO Contury Thoatrolh e.t handful ...... tUh lt. lth ...., A AYe.: IIYel.. lind llltreet and Central Park WPIIt, 1:11; Mala., Dla ll -"Hip, Hlp, To the try a of Toudee y New York. many theatrical wi•'I"Rl'rf'IB direct H rar." c:nam or oo ..ld that thB location wa1 ••too far up­ from the peck.... without ' upciQ --., W01t Uth lit., Jl!aat of B'way; town." A• Ia oft•n the eaH. th milk. Here 1:11 ft pro11· VICTROLA ... tL.k. that daa't , Wod. and Bat., JI:YOo., :II; Mota. het• ha1'e be n ,.woefuUy mlllhtk.-n � depead I e � _. . _ Under J'ln."' "Ne \Vayburn'• To,..n Topic•" ...... d op•nt>d and for - llat lalt week and played to ree!f!h•h thnt �- O.On •- and IAI.• lll11ton AYO.; llna., l:ll; llatl., ftnt nl1ht or Tho oeeond nt,.ht, '1'11- U.BOO. Tbura. aDd at., 1:11-"Undor Conr.'' which I• alwaye an off.. nll'hl. th re­ l e "elptl were and laturday nll(ht OFFER 1:11: .. t ttd lt. lllna., llato., 13.100, They're Mighty Good! ...... ,, w : the reeelpto totallod f4,100, and at loao 1: 0-''Tb Btrtb of a Natloll." t 0 per1oall were turned away. The•e W at Utb IlL; lli'fH., 1:11; 1.000 ...... ,_ o fll'urel were obtained at a •cale llata., Wod. and Bat., 1:1-''Tbe Olrl of The No. VIII prlce11 rani'IDI' from to and Wbo lmlloa." lie 11.00 break all theatrical rt�cord• In he hl•­ 1:10; t Woot tlth lit.; B"foa., tory of New York amu••ment• hi• L,_. 1:11-"RoM· a.t t Mota. Thura. and lat., .cale. It 11 therefore that the LEADER "WANT" l nd" and ''Tho Duko of Kllllaruklo, evident ADS. PAY i " trend of New York tht�atrlldom la wltb Marie TompeiL northward of Tlmel uar that Victrola 8q p an(l WE DO ...... Ud Woa of B'war; IIIYoa., the location of the eentury a• to It,, t h llttle PRINTING 1:11; Mota., Wod. 1:11- do with the •uce••• of •uch and llal., a bJK wo Town Toplcl." •-r 11 Companr." mu•leal •how •• ...... tt•• o_. lt b lt., Woat •- t • • • of lth A.Ye.j myea., l:lli li&ta. Wed. Pla..,_...U...... (pop.) and 8ato.. 1:11-"Stolon Or· lrYia• _ Pol••·" The Oerman 8toek Compan)' will derl. .. vrotluce at the lrvlnK' Place Thttnlr" New ..ter .. -. Weat '4�d Bt.i EYea., A. toniKht a new war comedy "Pa• I:U; Mall , Wod. and 8at., 1:11- , . 8cblo•• b)• Oruenbauro DIIBEI&EI�e "Th• Moloch."' Jn Polen/' antJ a Sterck. Ml111 JRnny Vallier•. a lt i'Un $5 Down-$1 Week B way and Utb St.; 1:00; e P•laee, ' Ill•••·• actre1111, will her American dt'lbut. �lWb\Jl��J�·IltDL'·lC_"u'g·J� Ma e , :OD-HIIIh clau alldO'fllla. Other Special Victrola v She wa• for •orne yea ra fa.vorlt• In � t . I a t; Perk, Cotumbuo ircle aDd 1Mb tbe Jfamburl' ThaUa Theatre. 'l'he �!:[_/IIARKIT.II HALSEY WASH.INGTON STS,G C IL; lllvoo :10; Mate.. W od and :10 company ill Include Arnold Korff. Offen Week: .. I . llaL, I w May Irwin In W ubln ..on Rlchard Fel11t, Mia• Mar aret Chri•­ Thl• "II g Uan• and other . ���==---....,...,-· ·=---·=-- -· I" • 41th 81., lliaat or B'w J; .I ··�··- a off • • Ill•••·· 1:11; at o .. 1:11 .....t •••••• o...... ,. lf .. Wod. and Bat ..._.. -"Tho Now York td ..." wltb Ora .. • The t Oper• Houae, Nttw Oeor• · Manha tan York, I• asaln the home of the bl�tJ(elt Uth Ill. and B'waJ; .... lillie, lliVOI., "naatlon of the amuaem:ent aeaeon-­ 1:10; •Mota., Wed. and 8at., l:lo- GoodGoods thla Ume "Stolen Orden," brought t HOME DRESSMAKING 11Common Clay." u AmerlC'a. ntact from the Theatre Royal, l l Uth St., and B' aYi mvea., Drury Lane, London, after an UhJlre •III•Mrt, w Make Many 1:11-'"fbe 1:11; Mata., Wed. and Sat., cedtmted run of tbree loUd yean. Like Road to Happlnea•." It• ra OUII predece11110r, "The \\'hill," hl TlolrtT-IIIatll lt. .. oat of the mna•lve melodrama I• from tht> lh·caslng a i'""ebruary, Tll Bl flt'll Home \\'l't�k.WEEK l bas become t.., inuut;urated st B'way; Evea .• 1: ; Yau., Wed. and of Raletwh 3 event of lmportanoe the llan1berger e. 0 Cecil and Henry Hamtltun, an In s or This week wlt­ Sat., J:BD-''The Uncha•tened Wo­ CI:\Ua for rnoat &enerou• •eenlt• In­ Friends u t H.tut WE started in Westfield with nesoed O e lng of Home IJreiimaklng Week of eve man." vesture. Jt Inc ude• a en now have tl:e l o. n ider l ftrteen trt'mt•n· g t scope. We have> taken our w Wiater Oa•••.. Uoua aetme• In four lm&•hlnK big , exper ence Feb ruary co · B'way and lOth Bt. th'\11 one we i of lut and m i and require• an ac lnl' comvany se ver a a l ic ions blned It ea., Mata. Tue1., Thur1.• aad t pp at for tb hundred and ooe new ldeaa. There ur wl a will beaome­ Ev 1:00; . .. more than No. I . tblng Bat., 1 :00--"A World of Plea ure. 100 player•. Victor-Victrola r"rords agencies every day for every woman; demonatratlona or 11 lmnwU­ 11 and dr8Bil and boot forma "Stolen Order•" jumped Into an oewlog . . to the amount o( d ap ancea on the .. laht popularlty wlth It• openln11 pt'r­ pll ; practical talka uoe and adaptatlone or lntereat n olreriDII In materlal1 rormance and ha• been te•tlnK tlw 'Io.oo, your own THE grocers know a ��tood pattern•; l l and trlmm n a of COIIC-TI. 110rt, l g capacity of the huse Manhattan Opt1r11 y and IMlrlea wonderful, Intim te selection, at . article, that is their business. ever • of a tallla by Ameli Hou nlshtly, lta popu ar appeal 111 . SJJ OO Merritt lveo, the - Mise a • el now l w l k n New York d•lgner or wome AIIMrt lpel-.. founled ln the dramatlo •trenKth of tht:O We make a good article, n's coa­ O tumes Terms •s.qo down, •s.oo monthly w tb underlylnK narrative and he dlvt'lnlt)' . Mloa lvea will lllultrate her Ialka l crayon deelJlns lind Albert paldl n the "lollnlat, openo t that is our business. But with eootumea B rr. and aenaatlonal cha ac r of biK conatruoted of materlalo. �I concert MU.IIOn New York on r te tu Bamber1er • tn acenea. dtetl do not stop at just mak­ •Octobttr Uat when he Klv ea bll ftr1t Amonll' the lattt'r may bu we Whether wo n mallea her own clotbea, the aolentUle aafe robbery In which u a ma or baa them mad<> ·appearance In Aeolian Hall. Durlnl' Victor-Victrola No. 14 and o r products we want uude•- h<'r •uperv)lllo , Home cra"kamen employ po erfu a:u.• records n Week contains a hl• •ummer vacaUora at Monmouth a: w l ing DNllemakiDII spec al t1ame to open a 11afe door after having to the amount of you to try them. for bet. i Boach, N. Bpa dlnll baa beon meSBagtt J., Mr. t cut their way Into the diamond broker­ bully not only In eompoaltlon, but .... •1�.oo,yourown age eatabllahment throu•h the roof : lectlnl' " C'&refuUy prepared proKram SO we say call at any of the the Tha.mea embankment at 11Un11et, a.election, at .. S OO f r the aeaa.on. He wUl beard In de­ o be ptctinar a a pot made famou• by the following grocers, ask for ..veral new numbera. one of which Ia Terms t6So Special Features drawln�r• of tbe deoeued artlat, Whl1t� '1o.oo down, .B.oo monthly a 1utte In f u mo1'erneRtl wblch be re­ "Fore mo st" or "Kleen o r ler; the realt11tlc raid on a ta•hlonable cently compo1ed. Tbe feature of thl• For weat end aambllnl' •alon; a cala rete Maid'' Bread. These gro­ •uJte Jl a movement In .. fox trot' ttme. DreaamaJdna on the quarter·deck of a supe r· Tbe DreuaiAIUa.w Room--The Week whlcb Ia Aid to be moat lle'fiL cers, who are supplied daily, ot tbe Ba be dreadnou�rht; the leap tor life from the Victor- and recorda making purpoae m rger dreeo­ Victrola No. 16 room Ia to abow you bow euy It Ia ... wben " to make u r n . lofty naviiJattnir brldae of a battleeh v: glad to sell it to you, aulst d by compe t!llt w l t t to the amount t lnatructon. ln c l ...... battle In the clouda; tbe de•tructton \Viii be Number In each limited. Blx t cero odh.,..,o. the as they know that you will L'DUI'IIe Cbarle for course:._� f ot " hu«e aJrahJp and a tbrUUn�r re1cue of '2o.oo, your � ��� Hallo _,.,.,_ H&. come back raa, e1.pert In raabl at own again and a�r&in F. an no rom the a l ' Emmy Deatlnn. the prima doan .. baa selectionat rlomMlue Jour Manal,r will aulat you ee ec r L d es Month• were required to H.Trtlng-e In l tln pat rn an and demand one of these able matel·lals gowna, IU Jleo su t­ beol\ Ill In Berlin and will llot llall for .. A ,,reden· Terms for et.l. She a ao.: d II t i "Stolen Ordera for arloan down,5220•00 monthly w1f1 l llr Ye ID&tructlons '10 '10 In Now York llll Oct. MI .. DMtlnn the he or l.adlea' Home JourD&I ttorna. II. tatlon. connQuencrn of thJs. H• brands, products of the t UM pa left Pra��:ue a mont &IIO on her waY to 1n e h enar&Kement a.t the Manhattan Ollora Daylight B kery . Borchert u...,.. Form--AD A.merlca, but wu taken llOk &Dd a Hall expert tb e Hali-Burcbert Houae ta for an lndeftnlte period P'o m "ompany be w r forced by her doctur to reet three we•k• . l>Nlle r tb Ul tb a wee e actlon of p commencea ud S.. Complete e will l l t0 Ib ow bo th the lar • h mt.Dy style !orm1 may be w easily In Berlin. 8ho will alntr In a number A• t adluated ' and bowk muc 11 wJtb the nrat of the fttte•n acene• Call may fo b etter reaults of con erta on her ar ·l�al here before IOLD IN WESTFIELD BY be bad wltb rm. o 1 promptly o' lock, It II nec aaary Lllle f from the c Pictorial Review Ieavins tor h•r enaa emeot till at I e r o Vlatrolu em 111 c with to be on hand ud Mated at that h u . Wllldfeldt comi:I&Dy. She will d o tra Chlca•o Orand Opera Compur. o Pictorial t tbe Ule of Pic­ P. . ReYiew COIII pDDJ. e ra . J She Will d mons t e teb . .. 116 to 1260 II. B. Walker torial Patterua, and allow you bow t uae of Pic­ Gar..._..A Wotl. to cu tu l ... In fact, If you hue pattem u ater ala properly, off .. off WWter el P ••r••" troub ea of .}7Y� r CODIUit Hutahluon l - a 1 ad bar \Yorld of PMuun," he new 1Mu ' ...... "A t • loa Seam T..--The rrreat a&'f llll _,.,...... c...... ahow wblch open• at b• Wiater Oar· of me : n ­ to wblcb tbla may applied u •11d the na y u t tape will he e ...... ,_ .. den on Saturday neat •tt Ia pre1umed, 14aehar. be :ap alued by an Dully Broa. perleaeed 1 ea. A lorn aDd fublonablo audlonco wiU be a protontlo 1 C. 11 onllrtalnmont, NO fNTEREST Two VIrtual," wltb a la•·• a< aat apeotaoular fea- E. NaNUon RBDVOIIID weloomed Butro'• '-Ttlt • PRIOBB 0!( BIUUI'D BE88 wltb wblcb Mr. lotho ll aoa· turn. Tbore wiU two acto and OOOD& L r opened 1111 be NO EXTRAS BUilT JI'ORII8,, Btl'M'OI!I8, ' ACII:B, at tho Booth oa MoadaJ Tble twalv e 110onoo. tllr" or wb ob aro an­ Keope•Aitela 1011 n l Tmll011 JUI, wao produoed wltb ,...,.,.,.. byllrOeor.. llOll!lqod u novel l... Harold Alle­ UW1K6 MAVBJ!Oi:8 lll68 lkli880 t NOTIONS, <"�•..._,;, au,.., at the lt. laaaea Tlle&tre wlte writ or be 'Winter AND JI'ABRI()J. Aluanl\or Ia, "-' .. 1aoat t Loudon In Marob, 11U. It lUll Gi.ftea ... bu olllll'lllMd hlo art MYW' ...... n acted IMtfe>re Ill tllle oollatrJ, MW o.... 1"'- uto Ia by llltr- boo jill tile �a Tbe pla7 ltM Rombor11, vo 1e a Ntlre 011 moral • MIIIUI -'* llUmbe" b a C�Nda. bu aupenlood '1'1MN14or KoJ&e>ll. llr. lotli�Wt� till role of • Noll bt DOE WAREROOMSPIUO B 441•· .._ �. OUftol! Craw ­ __ amber1er ml • ,...... ,. 'l'llo QUI will lntll• WllfttiG CO. r&oll. uotller ford, lila• ty P'rance L. t rowl bha k o aa-e h onr hr it Gor4oa, IDIM NEW NEW & Co. -. tr&llllforllllq a PrltoiUird. MI.. Jack NewariE ltUa la\o I'Nlu• Olp IIIDIPitoae, 803 BrMdltreet. tiM wrltla• or 1114 otlle,.; Z EEK AltX. JEIISEY .. a llll· WilMa ...... - ...... ...... BAKING CO • 1111...... COMMinE!S APPOIITED

...... BUTLEI LEA YES o.wc• ..... ,._ IIIIa llltlrjolrle o..- Mid.lollu A, .... M.w-a .._., flit' Y-'• Aed.W... .. A. Malonlal- 'ft'f'.tftfok'l" the ,.,. A.dd..-1 WNt. ••wwk Su rlnt d t ._bert. of Olltolter 14tb, will lflld ...... pe eo • H. D. Sunda:r. be ... . BOliO OF HEALTH tbe Conarep.tlonal Suad&J Behool, brated In W.-tleld •• "Temperance Tbe bla ... t m eet.tn1 lbe eam­ From announced the foUowlq commit­ Sunday," and �otran.-eoll for Ill of a palp .. """ lie ..Ia the Play Hla R•oval Wntfloltl m..Un1 laeld Tbareda:r obeenanee ara betn1 made by the _. at IMt ne­ lut Thuh4ay ""etiiDI, wbeo Ml• olnl : Cltl Committee of Twenty-tin, Coatt loarll a Very Val•· MarJt>rte J)dllrman, HOntary of tile llbrecatl•e and Wa:ra and Mean• uelated by oommltteee from the ••r­ Anti Wqe l!larnen� Cammltw.-W. J. Morpn, Jr., toua eburob• and Sunday Beboola. •-•• ...... ?JIIba• lti'Mtl ...... a a of Newn• YO(k,.._ Clt,,,and John A. b l a J. Turaer, Mllll P'lor­ Th .. celebratloa Ia part of a .--1 '!lf.t- c rm ; r. thewo, of Ne•&B. the prlne)i>.. - MarUn, Join. B. Dean!Mn.• eampalp to rid W•tlleld of Ill -�· L. add.-. Tk a�hn -re llltr6- Rellllou Prop-aa aaloona and thu allp the town W'ltb REPORT 011 SUPPLY ODIIlmltw.­ duced by Ma:ror laad John H. ExiNortlilwrry Sale ol J. Mn. B. tbou•nda of other pro •-••• eom­ 1D'ftfl' P'rlda:v m... r. Tla..-, llllalrmaa; L. • PanebOt!ll, of thla town, and Mr.r:v 1- ••enlnl'• tiDI ol O.nllloll, M'- Martin and mu t t e United Attraetlve J'loraee nl lea all oftr h sta•. -t ID tile Playb UM talrfln. tbe Board of H•lth wu the lut W. J. Mo,.aa, Jr. o WU to The -tlment of the people of attended bJ Dr. H. BaUer, In Ch rletmu Commttt--Mn. W. J. MIM brman aald that the ou!­ be H. thla llOUDtl'}' Ia ln>WIDI more and Dn an ollclal capec:lty. On aec:oant ol Moraan. Jr., c:balnnan ; fraalato were tryiDI to rail tbe roan­ Join. c. o. more unfa•orable to tbe liquor bul­ bla remonl to Ellaabeth, Dr. Butler lilclmonda, Mlu Jeanne Halat" , Wil­ try for ueeptloaal womet� lnatead of eblfln:r on at"eOunt of Ill lo foreed l•ve a work that 1M llu liam Kalned:r, Cb.. ter B. Kelloll n-. -o­ the aYer&p woman. TM &Vflr&IJt' to r. mlr. wutefaln-. to 1ay nothiDI of .....,D In for a number of and J. Alaton Dennl1, Jr. woman Ia the marrlt>d woman whoae Fall Coats lntetftted Ita eYII 111t1ueaee on tbe polltl l and yeara. Supper mmltw.-Willlam lilci­ aa numbera rep-t elahty per N!nt. of For Women M� Co moral _,,.,. of and The board lo- a nhMble mf!m­ a-e, ellalrman; 11:11•­ the community, tbe the women In the rountl'}'. ahe aald. IM' F. W. and tbe nation. Nln� Sen new and pnctlca.l ber, u at all tlmea tbe or wu Cbeeter B. Kello11, and Jolla atate Tbe exeeptlonal woman, abe elalmed, Doct -rtb, are now In the dl'}' rolamn, ral .....ty and w llllq lila time Jeanne Hallt.ed. llt&te. Ia the unmarri..S woman. She d"­ lhdela .,_ to IIYe South CaNIIna b&YIDI Juat r-tly rlal'9d a (oM •tyle cu _ and hla to aid condltlona In llluandon Commlt-W . J. Mor­ th t notbiDI would be aalnf!d trafefi) fer .,.rt. ...,.,.._ Joined thed l'}' ranka by a vote of two • atNtt town. It will liard to lind a man pll, Jr., c:balrman ; M. Squier, bJ l'l lnl women t he vote and doub­ be J. and o-balf to one .,..lnat tiM wltb the abllltr and reeo11re• lo O«>rp l.orlftl Todd, William llnl the llle<-torate and lnrrMalnllt ..... 1111 r. aaloon. It Ia probably only olliJ a and 1eneral ol the plac:e. Ke��nedy. taaea. On the eontnry, abe dMI&red ltedfol'd qiHIIUOD of tiDMt, and poulbly ODIJ a At tbe elo.. of tbe mMttln1. Dr. - that slviDI womMI the •ote would ln­ I•Mrdlne, MluiOBal'l' Commlt Miu Mar­ abort time at tbat, when WMttleld cord,oerdaroy Butler laid an olllelal farewell to lon Randolph, c:balrman ; Ml• Emma ... d(-n tlon bel w- man and an will follow the aaamplo of other wide .,_ IIIW't � � tbe member• and l•pec:tor Carney. Brld.-. lift M. su-n. wife. More lawa, abe •ld, waa not L. . L. awake eommunltlea and blnlab tbe . ln.,.eetor'• Repot1.. Mulo mmltw.-Mn. J. the way to &et a better world, but Co w. •loon from Ita borden. lnopec:tor Camey, In bla report for Mo...-n, Jr. thf' real way wu to bella the work Tbe pr01ram for Tf!m�ranoe Sun­ tbe moDth of September, atated that G:rmnulum and AtbleUc: Commit· of uplift at the cradle and train the day will lnelucle •rmona In the n.r­ youn e .. he bad made 4 81 lnap«tlon N!oe t�bar,_ E. Kimball, c:balnnan ; a u It waa not poulllle to train ·::-.."1:11 a. loua rhurehea by the loral paaton. rown u ••••• plum lnll plano had been p68Md and Edward G. Clark, l.oul• Stlm110n, Sal­ 1 - pa. Tbla, abe aald, wu tbe ., ...,y oke b Mrh takln& for • hla oubjeet, "A a n umber bad been tiled for lnapec:· ter Btorn Clark, Jr. •trona• ar1ument wb:r womeG half and Saloo ifoM W•tlleld " a 1eneral ahould not haY<> the ballot. tlon. our of wbQC�piDI eou1h William P'. KMinedy wa1 el� n ; P' •- meetln& of all liM Sun ay f u were ...,portt"d. llnanelal _.retary of the Sunday d llrhoola to Mr. Mattbewa •ld that wom41n be held ID tbe P.-byterlan ehur b II The lnopector atated that be bad, Bebool and J. Alaton Oennla wao e had worked for many reform• &bd lined In the afternoon and a union Hr­ In rompany with he lnapec:tor from made ualatant librarian. ; that the rlamor of men and women t •lee to be lleld In tba rhun-betl Plalnfteld, vlalted the oouree of the one of for reforma In eleetlona .-ulted In In the """nin . Tbla loro.l milk oupply near Califon, N. J. a meetln1 Ia to the ena�tmant of th41 Geran Law. He SJMCial FORMER WESTFIELD bto under th• auapleee the Cltl1ena llere h ..otat ed It waofound that al­ of 11ld that there wao not a law on the Commlthtf! of T wenty-the and PJWI­ thoul{h the milk falrl:r well GIRL WINS SCHOLARSHIP , llt&tf' ooka whleh denlea a rl1bt to 19.76 wu dent Sal�r 8torra Clark of that b handlt>d there wao room for lmprov ... or­ woman that It 11v" to man. He de­ . Mn>tt Tall.. aanlaatlon pr lde. Arranp­ ment and that arran1ementa had �II•• \nna PriM> Otr....-.1 will ea elal'9d that the 11v1n1 of the ballot mf'llll are now heiDI for a k Slits ht'<'n mad ..with tbe 8tltfl H•ltb De­ Mllfn"', n1ade pe. · to the women would not be a 10od h)' \\'nmaa'• nubll, 11A <'ra. It lo plan ned havfl on the �artment to have a apMker an 10 thiDif, but a bad thin& and bf! en­ Misses Smart Tailored •'"" Do>laware. pro1ram onfl of the p romln4'nt rltl��eno addreu beforf' the milk prod ueero In dNvored to prove thla by eltlnll Mia Anna Brott, dau1hter of Mr. of Mon trlalr who will tell 111 about that M!('tlon. He otated that If th11 , Colorado where he aald moral ron­ Alao lor WoftNft and Mro. J. Seott, formerly of Montrlalr'a ll&ht &lalnot thto oaloon. Saita61• Small m<>ll w4're ahown how they would K dillon• bad not been lmproYed by Summit avenuf'. thlo town now of Jl'urthflr detolla ronrPrnlnl{ the J>ro­ handle th<>lr oupply In a m ueh more , "'<>mPn the ballot. The rl1ht Milford, hao won a aeholarohlp l!lram will he announ< Pd bavlnl DI.U.Un u• aatlofaetory manner. Del., ' lau•r vote, Mr. Mattllewo Mid, would yeuthful ...... ef ...... aleth•, whi,..N prlle otrered by the Womao '1 ('lubo In .. ... On m ti n It wao d lded bave m"an a •rriiiN! for thto motben of . .. , ....11 •• NWft, ...... , ••• o o ee to of Delaware...... ln . the oeeret.ary eommunleate wltb the thfl lltate. Woman'o lre&ter lnftu­ ...... rur . Mlu Sc:ott waa a IIMlmber of the eallfon producera and urp that enre. he claimed, wao not with tbe trliiUMd, .....ay ...... rluo of 1916 eatfteld Hl1h Sehool. every eftort be made to c:o-operate W ballot. ut In tbe home. He predlet­ but on aeeount of the remoY&I of her b wtth the wlahee of tbe t h• defeat of the ouftrap move­ Board of parenll to Milford, abe waa unable tu t>d HNIIh, In resard to tbe bandiiDI of m•nt In New JerHJ by at leaot 60,- 18.00 23.76 29.78 1rad uate wltb her elue. She en­ I the milk ouppiJ. tered the nlor year In tbe Milford GARWOOD I ae Hllb Sebool and 1raduated with hl1h �ICIHT •• The N- t'ochl, 811.\ Ril 1'.\\'0AA HC'HOOI honoro rode waa ar:a!n bro111ht up and In r laat June. Thft Board of �:ducatlon held :�o:o�v=o:t:•�·���==�==�;;;:��====�::� e­ a In eommeGtlDI on the award of the rA >dfl wa llol!aln brou1bt up and In meetlo1 lut Friday ev.,nln& and talk­ re­ prlae, tiM Milford Cbronlele aayo: prd to thla tbe aeeretal'}' read a eom­ ed o.,.,. plana for holdln& nl1ht munlratlon from tbe State Depart­ "The aebolarabll;l otrered by the ac:hool. It wu derided that If ment of Health whleh It wu atated Federation of Woman'a luba of In <' twelve aeholaro enrolled In tbe two Delaware to tbe 1radu ate In any that the State Code Ia In preparation ela- of the ac:hool. a nl&hl 11Chool Hl1h School pueln1 tbe bMt euml· and that In the juqmetll of the wouhl be OJI"'Ded. The matter of wrltor the noth­ natlona for entrance to tbe Women'• local boa� abo.ild do purebaaln& pro1ram eloeka for t be LEADER "WANT" AD.S. PAY Ing retr& rd to a unUI tbe A lllllated Golle1e at Newark Dela­ In eode , IICboola wao lelt to the aupply eom· State Code bad been IMued. ware. for entrane" thla month, baa mitt.... The teacherarommlttee waa T. J. M n 1b Garwood, waa been awarded by tbe eommltteea In eDo oa , ·of lnatrueted to enp1e a tear.her for rhar1 of tbe Mlaa ��:ranted a milk llcenoe. e eaamlnatlona to Vfe un1raded cl-. Honor roll but- ...tar:r Hardeo reported t hat Anna Seott Mlu Seott sec , of Mlllord. ord 4 to be purebued U 1 1 aduated from the Mi r Hl1b ton• '""e � bad been col1eeted for permitS r lfo d fttr Prlllc:lp&l Jtt(itiille for the pupllo. flebOOI lut J un onl:r and turned over to the tOwn teruurer e anll 11 tile Tbe OO.r4 l\lniJlnl of adaptiDI ct&Gi;bter Mr. ud Mn. J ul!ua ·�· for the eredlt of tbe 'Board of �tb. or i:. tbe P'raulfUII BehOOI baaement for a of P'roat atreet. North lnapector Carney a leDJtiiY 1:rmnulum; tbe lnatrur lon commit­ P'fe Seott, We�t t report on tbe Bealtb n ntlon re­ Milford, and took up ber atudiM at Co ,. tee aake that the room be equ pped rtmtly held at openln1 or tbe Collqe. The d i llocbMter, N. Y. that It ml1bt be uaed by the Preeldent llarrleon prt!llded IICbolarah lp Ia wortb U 00 to the win· 110 and phyalcal tralniDI clauee. Thla waa ne , and Ml11 Scot appreelateo the llutler and Harden were r t raferred to the bulldhiK and 11round1 Meurtl. It In competition preti8Dt. houor of havln1 won rommlt.tee. with brl1ht youn11 women from all part of aware. her • Del 8e•eral of Garwood Council, No. 309, Jr. 0. INTERESTING COMEDY rompet t ra were from 8uuex eoun· l o A. M., will attend and participate ty. Her fat her Ia one of the orl1lna1 11. l'lftJ \' oun��t .. In the demoa ratlon to be beld In tile M i rd a& M mh<'rl nr the Madlaon foundero of lfo Chronicle ID Newark on the e ""nln1 of Wedn.,._ MIMioll Katerlalned. 1878, wltb tbe preaent editor of the A.\'t"'lul' day, October 13 A apec:lal troll")' Vote NO on Wonian Suffrage paper. twenty yean or up to tb. •' trty t• blldren from the Madlaon For , will eonYtrJ the membera of tbe Uni­ Avt> nu" Mlulon gave a mualeal com­ two year• a1o, be baa bM>n en&&led formed Rank and council member• ID buolneu In New and retired edy In the eetlleld Tb•tre Auem­ York, and tbelr frlendo. Thto fare on tblo W pau the latter part hlo li fe In Hall on Thuraday evenlnll laot, to of car will be o more than on tbe re111- Special Election, October 19th bly n wll eh wu by a 100d olsed hlo Delaware home." l attended lar aervlce eara and peraona traveiiDI audlenoe. on the apec:lal will be wured of a to The play w ao oeat. The olllcera o! the Unlformtod t·uarhed by Mn. MORE RED CROSS SEALS Harry !1n1erer and Profeuor Bryoll­ Rank expect to take thirty men In Vote NO on Woman Suflra•e oon's orcheatra furnlabed tbe muale. lllatrlhu tl'd In uniform. It Ia e11.pec:tld tbat over liOO,CIOO,OOO In He Thooe who took part and the pro­ Tuhfoft'UIOIIIM ()anlpalp. 20,000 membera of the order will llr&m follows: parade. All peraona dealrlnl to 110 Two hundred million Red Crou Marrh and aonl!. atxteen l!irlo; by "Junior Special" are ur1ed to Chrlatmaa aeala are now baiDII print­ recitation. VIola Davia; aon1. Allee notify H enry M. Wyckoft, Oeor1e 1,. and latrlbuted by the American "When deprecate female eufrrare am for the dipit7 wo.. Sensbaeh and Olle NelaMI ; rec:ltatlon, ed Stevena or Frank PaciJer u no I I of Red Crooa and tile National Auocla­ Clinton Gatewood ; aolo, Edna Sen.­ reaervatlono will be made above the man, am oontendiD&' for her honor, am atrlvin&' perpetuate thole peerl.. tlon for tbe Study and Prevention of I I t.o bach ; mandolin ooloa, Mra. Getem an eapac!ty of the ear. preorp'iVII inherent in ihol8 oharml fl'lolll which eul& Tuberculoala, aecordiDI to a atate­ her IIX, &nd WODIAD· and Mrs. Edward•; 1001, Ouaale meot luued by the latter or1ulaa­ ldnd and make \he ornament and oovetecl oompllllon of man. Woman Ourrll'r and Alma Sen5bllc:b; BIUEFB. 1m' Ia aolo, Uon. The proclllda from the oale of LOOAL The Jeule Winter; Quaker aon1. Vlo .. queen indlld, but her empire the doJDUti.c kiDcdom. areat.e�t poliUoal tbt!tle -•• will 10 for 1bt Mlu Ellie b ubert of North 11 Da�l• and Clinton Oateman; 1kltc:b, tile ll Sc: , avP­ \rlumpha would aobieve in publio life fade int.o inlipia.noe oompand aplnat tuberc:nloal• In the communl- a poaltlon In Otla alae Sophie Nel n and lAIIIe Senabacb; nue, baa t&keo ae 11118 where tbe Mala are aold. Wrl1bt'a olftoe, wit tM 1101')' whioh radia\el from the domeetio r.nd plano duet, Eblla Arnderll!ll · and h HriUI 1hri111 wtdeh alae The or1anlaatlon of tbe Red Croaa Oeor1e Bowlby Ia N�Coverln from illumiDee and by oonjupl and mo\herl7 ambiUna Alma Senabacb ; recitation, Ebb& Arn­ B Wll'!ll her virtUII. U alae 11 Seal aale thla year will take In every a reeent attaek of typbold fB\'er. d<>rsen ; aon11. Allee Winter, Anna Mc­ of dual empire of public and prlvMI life, then like the fabled doc State and territory of tbe United the behol4- [lede and �; dna Senabaeb rec:ltatlon, A b uketball '-m Ia beln1 organ­ ; ijtatea, lneludiDII Hawaii, Porto Rico !.map in wt11 loae wt11 fall fr m loft7 Allee S..•nbaeh ; IODII, Etbel ll&'fla lied In tbe horon1h. ing h1a \he water, ahe both, abe o \be and the Canal Zone. By Deoember wt11 IP'UJI and �: bba Arnderwn; Pax Onoaa &lid I, Tbf! Gerwood Scltool Stora opened pedeetal where natue r.nd Ohriatianity have plaoed her and fr.U over fiOO,OOO workero, men, women to Sun Uanoe with Indian -De, by tblo week fOI' b'l�· Tbe olll­ the aoeptre poliUcal authorlty from the atronchand of her male oompetlt.or.'' and children, will be enl&led In the of Helen Clark, l!lllther llcDede, Ethel cers of the comp&IIJ are: Pre�ldent, Davia, J-le Winter, Jlbba· Amdtor­ a1uapalp. Elno W dron HONt&ry treaaurer Th·e aaleIn 1114 broke all prevloua al ; - , ""n. Seibert Senobac h, [,eater Sena­ Anna Stetner; mana11er, H rold rd o a reco o, t tallq over 6fi,OOO,OOO • • bach, Clinton Gatewood and Peter Wangler. Certlllcatee of atoek ar" �ual rta'hta do not imply that both ahould en,... promilououaly -••· an lncreaae ot twent)'-two per HXM Mcl..>ede; ll g aong, by Olive [)avlo, being aold to tbe membero of th e 11on1e punnita, but that eaoh 1hould dutiee wbieb a ceot. ov'r 1813. After deduciiDI all in the diaoharft \hOM are �:bba A.rnderaen, Je.. le Winter, Rua­ aeventb 1rade Franklin Mpenoee, tbla left nearly UOO,OOO of the adapted t.o ita phpiorJ oonatitution. The on a rlpt of panlCiipa.. oel Ourrler, Alma Senabach and Allee School, tbe capital to be lnveeted ln\111.01 for tubereuloala work In tbla country. Winter. aooda. Ten per cent. will J)llid tion active politiorJ life undoubtedly or.lculated rob woman of all that Tbe money hi!• been and 11 n1 ea­ be in 11 to bet to the elerlul on all •lee and the amiable and pntle, tender and attractive ; to rob her her fi'&OI oharao­ pepded biJ oYer 1,000 dltrer.,t 11 of of manapr will �lve per eent. o11 SCHOOL NOTC:S BIIMlclee n tt d from tbe aale IIYe and jfive her nothinf in return but muouline boldneu and effrontery. who be eD e all aalee. Ita In amount& rllllJIDI from UOO or I­ lodvooa\ea are habitually preaching about woman rilbta and preroptiv11, Holromb. of tbe Fourth to o er The Bebool Sank lo ear '1 Mlow v ,U,OOO. open h Grade, M ek lnley 8ehool, and Mlu Amerlcall Red an­ Wedneaday from to 8:45 a. m. and have not a word to aay about her dutiel r.nd reeponaibiliU.. ThtiJ' The Crou B:lfi wi\h­ Sechrlot. of the Sbtb Or e. nouncea that It will eo nllnue pre­ Tbe olllcers recenUy elected are: her from thole obllptio111 whioh properly belong to and acl Grant Ita draw her HX Hrh o l . who bavto been abeant un ac:­ ey Cuhler, William ¥Iller; teller, 6Jl n Yiou 1a-ru1 poll of ebar&1ng Wal­ with ambition to poaitiona for whioh neither God nor natun ever rouut of lllneu, have returned to only ten per cent. ter Brown; booiJkeeper, Glady• uaurp of tbe 1roa pro­ herintended her. '' Glbbo111. their claaot�•. ceed• State antl-tubereuloala Cowell; elerk, Elll&betb 8tolt1. Th" -Oa.rdinat to a.a­ The w. S. will meN tbe Rahway IIOCiatlona, thereby eneoura1IDI local ban In H. II pa:r• • per -I. terflllt on High Srbool eleven at RabW&J tbl• worll:. all depoalta. fternoon. A recepUon will 11ven the a be teachiDII otalr of t!te ac:hoola next There will be a m eet1n1 of tbe BR&JICB IOLL8. Thurada:r nl1bt by the Parent-Tearh­ Hl1b Sc:bool departmental teaebera An entertainment will be beld In ero A�latlon. ON WOIAN SUFFRAGE ON and principal• at , D Uae B,.cll ....._ Cllapel tomor.-w, Sebool tbls afternoon. r e•••na. T Mlaa Olad:ra A rma of Brlotul, VOTE N,O ocr. fi Ia & ljjt PI'OIIJolll , work wltb ther ait!eetloPa by Cona., wu a Y laltor at tbe Franklin EnBII•b the �I fiiJ aa Ill'*'• will be tbe tople ef tile D•Jt:rom- 1'1,_, Clt:r, vocal iad Monday. o tlda ' School on Dannen on tbe llq polea of A m-ula -1&1 will be beld In the & varloua bulldiDII will lnd41\t' - �- .-��01111 ...,..{, tbe Jefter- Bcbool on Oc:t. IHb, llelt attendance and punct""". 1llljl"' •cor�! · • tile aupiOtll of tbe Paid for by Maa'a nti-Ba•rap of Blllabeth. Dau•biiH'I A �.ue. be ward or�' banure will a " eacb month. annl•.,... �;Vu,ry of the loatlon of tlWi " �Jbert¥, Sebool &.1§o� :. daq r Tbla month the McKialfl:r llllapel. Sbaw, of the CbriiU&n rrtt& and bte baa Rev. Dr. Pint are and tbe obaroll, W.ataeld, ad­ llo•• neiL aL the banner (Dr atteadance 11. II. of W'lll troa a the Panama- Lincoln Beboal for punetaallt:r. d..- the con....,.Uoa. PuUICI llbci!OIIW•· .. •. · "'I'I!P.M�•,'!I �, .Ii!',l,l' , 1,1', 1!'!'1------,,-._ , ;._ -.------.. .tapfov =t== ------OF W.-- - pf<:ATH Ill. R..\II'I'IIIOM THE CHURCHES Official map of the proposed Broad eated AT HAMIIJI'O!II, !IIRW YOR'IL , Street Improvement su•a of the Elm· ; •• Min J.aura Hatt1hc-rn. t-ONG wood Apartmeola and a teacher ID Rethel Baptl•\ Cbafth. by Mayor H. W. Evans and drawn bJ Town En&ineer Vars the Grant llcbool, 111&1 celled to Ham­ haday undly, Hl'1'1"41•: lltoa, New Yorll:, last Tb Ia ·' Praat'hlnl at 11 a. m. u4 I p. JD, contequence o! the death of her lath· All are eordl&IIJ ln1'1t.ed attead to wae a promiHDt ll lr ,t11- eer•lre•. er, wllo wy &t that place. P1'MI • • leaathr The Utica Dallr Ia obituary, aid In pert of the d-.ed: haday IJtlni�H: "Mr. William M lt Hlrwlllora, Won>blp with prearblna. moralnl t o tor many yean a lawyer Ia thla ell7 10:10 � Menln1 at 7:10. a and Baath M and varloue cltleto of Iowa Youn11 ..._ llo<'letJ In the .... •"• oall:ota, p-d awar at lk Harte­ at a\Qa 'I :U. born bomntead to Hamilton )'elter· ada noon. lntei'Mt· 9n r School &t day. Mr. Hartoborn wu horn Ia oar ezercl-. .., a.u,. Lebanon. thla otate, and lie preper.. ·, 1\qnlar ,., meet1o1 .,. el tJae tor college at the old Hamlltoa uarob a ar nentn1 at 8 w ..... Academr. He graduated from Col· 11 e'clocll. NO .. TH 1ate Jlnlverolty In tbl! cla of 11, A eotdlal \Q't'lt.atloa atnn at· AV ILNU£ Ia to recol1'1ng ftrot tbe de11ree of A. B., tltDd t.t..8 !HetiDP. a detrrel! of A. l'rom and later the II. ,�: .· , W...._.a)' -IDI, Oct. Utb , 1866 until 1867 he wu princiPII a -..n- meet- of � •- 'll'lll M lpetl\al the 8u�quehanna Academy Moat- ... for or three d•coa. &t Ule � ' Pa. From 181i1 to 1858 I Ulltl.. �. be f ll aad '!' le etudled law In tbl• 't'lllap, Ia 1U9 waa admitted to tbe bar. l'roa f � VIIare h. 1869 until Mr. Hartaborn prao­ Reaolar w•IIIJ prarer meet1o1 to· 1878 tlced lew In Delbl aad Delawa,., Ia. �pt at o'clocll. I In 1878 came to Hamlltoa ud "-•t Saaday moniDI, tile moro n1 !HI 1817. t practiced law bere uatll He jiiiiTioe 10:10; 1mall •rmon tor &t returned In 1817 t Delaware, Ia., eblldl'ft before tile reaular o Ute where b e practiced law until UOI. "In Mr. Hartabon mo't'ed 81lD4ayon. leiiOol &her mornlnl UOJ to � ler­ opeed Sioux Falla. B. D., wb•,. he Wiee. aad WM I. a Ia w and real e1taLe oiiiOI Re't'. L. Putor. be � I.ooat1, In tbat city for 10 yean, whea turned to Hamlltoa Ia poor h•ltll 'Rolr 'rNkr obveh. and lind a retired lite uatll bla dl&tlll ludar Ml"t'lo-Low M... 11 T: thl• morniDI· a. Hllh llaa. L a., t:ll a. Hartahorn 11 au hed by bla a •'\if. " U:IO 1111. wtfe, daughten, Mre. C. A. lllDdiiJ Bobool lmaedlatelr after !In owen Oneida ; Mr1. C. W. Deane, Mua. . Ute t:lti eOUTH AVENUE Elmira;, Mia l.aura Hartebora, Wftt­ Dally 11-7 ud 7:10 a . • • and the Mlun NelluUH Ho y Dar M-1 :10, ud fteld, N. J., l T:tO and Maretta Harl•born, of Or&Dp, 1:00 a. m. N. J., and live Krend110n1. Aleo ODe Hoi)' Communion luadar.-nr.t . M. P. Scbenell:, of SpriDI· R-rr Boelet)' ; -Dd IUD• olator, Mn IUD4a)', field, Ma11. 4ay, Holr Name Boctetr ; 4qela lo­ h aa held from tu atetr. boJI; third Suada)', 4n,.ll Bo· "T e funeral w atria. Hartahorn home Saturday at : p. m., el-"7, of the l'll'lt J'rtdar Dnotloo.-11-. W. T. �� !more, D. D., ,:00 aDd 1:00 a. Sacred H•rt Jlte•·. urrh, omclatlnl." a. !\aptiot . •·I. bnotlou aad Belledlotloo ._.. 1111 • I eac....-t. 1:oo p. m. 11-EaereiM. "Ooorkeep• • In thf" Ooaf-loa...... S.turdaye, 1:10 u4 FIRST M. E. CHURCH Hymn No. 101 ...."The Flab! I• On" Tal by tbt� Superintendent. Hymn No. 183.-."B ehold tbe KIDI" t-loua. ot r , , ...... 1 II: p. a. Salute American aad Cbrl1tlen ' H. g rt Addrool by the p ut or, "A Little T:IO SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY Muriel Rich,Our RuthLord:' Oa1o...... Madollno to D. E be lpeclal De't'Ot\OD& aDDOUDoed OD Fla... Col!eetloo-Pieno and VIolin Roa1ter" . . . . Dr. S. Loomla Sell. Evolrn Wobll. 8e- . . L. laa4ar•. ate. Ruponalve ReadiDil. Selection No. 7 leetlon. .\ 1-clanr• Hu. U ...... Tho llchool - Cloelnl Hymn, No. IW't' H. J. Wattenoo, a.cwr. Mm.,. Tbaft IIOfllo at Ric 2�--Hona "GOd'• l.oviDI Care" ' Mn. W. J. Moraap, Jr .. and A. Tay 3 1 1 ...... "What a l'rlelld" Ralb Da7 SerYiee, "A l'ara blo.. .. , , .-. F. J. Turner, A•t. Supt. lor Ewen. 1 lllothor Rl?h B. Tile Rally Dayy" ard l.t'o.d · · . · · · . . · · · · · · · enalDa, r pel and marc bed In by l tbe l'o," p. m. Youaa mea'a meetlaa. Mloo R uth Sta�lor 8 , primary Iota and lower Kradeo being D. J'rlday, 8 p. m., Clua UDI -ted In front. Supt. J. Job ... . F. o- ";:�•;: �·;�•·;;��:. r�·��!:111: 1too, tbe pallor, Dr. Jo1111pb F. Bbaw. Howard Btadollo. ���:���t. Madteoa Anaae IIWaa � Rev. Cbu. T. B o w, of tbe Bapt11t u-on• N o. u ...... The School Thur•day at 8.00, meettq of Qood­ rburcb of w... tlleld, and Mollcal 01· U--l'romotlon and Award of Dlplomao. Templan Ia the chapel. rector l..ewl1 a n--llenedlctlon. we� on tbe platform. Sundar at 8.00, Sunday School. Tbe eburcb orche�tra aided tbe or- rda or ftfly to 1\xty dlplomu Rqular Hn1cea at o'clocll:, ln A" 4 Kanlll. Mr. Oullcll:, wltb tbe mualc waa announred, obarae of Mr. C. and Mill Stadler, the cburcb a A. Beemer. Rutb 0. Monday at 8.00, meetlna of the aopreno, &ani a 110lo, "Savior Llll:e e IIA AT lJONGREOA· Bible fltudy Clue In the chapel. Shepard Lead R.\ 1,1,\' \' Ul." TIONAL SUNDAY IKJHOOL. Supt. Jobn1ton announced tbe number._ The alnalna of tbe aon111 Laat Sunday waa ob•erved ae Rail)' Sunday morning wo;Jrehlp at l 0: SO by tbe whole ICbool bad a line mar· Day In the Cong�gatlonal Sunday 11111 o'clock. swing and vim to them that and a large number of perenta pl..-! School Bible 110bool at U o'clock. the parente. Appi&UIIII wu and !rtend• of the children were p..­ tre u nt tbe ch ldren upeclally Tbe Youna People• Cbolr at 4 q i ent at tbat time to wltneu tbe ex· e ae , the little one•, Spolia tbolr ploceo." ore!-. 11 n'clock. " Tbe pro ram marked Rev. n wu 1'be Youna Peoplee Devotional Ber­ Dr. S ow at the outeet of bla by opeclal alnglng by tbe �e hool, 1 Yice at 7:80 o'clocll:. talk aprang a joke In whlcb blo name ohort talk by Loomla tbe Dini offering in a four-piece Adam Dining-room Suite of beautiful llpre.; Dr. and ad· ng-Room Specials Hwe Ia q aDIIIUil Tbe g ar llgured aad referred to the aer- vancemeot or Jllhopuy. Tbe drawer fronts, doors and ends of Bulfet and Servin& Table lbell re ul e•entn1 wol'lhlp at thea acbolara to new claa­ 1: 4:80 o'clock. iou• work of bulldlnl up character A r ather novel and unusual l&e.ture of top1 and front are solid mahogany; the back poata and drawer ralla and the ftlleerecl; tbe posts Re't'. W. 8teaa1. Putor. love tor Chrllt. He alao the meeting wa1 the whl•tllna or tbe I. are blrc:b. Drawer Interiors sycamore. combination laiUru tremeadoul durabnlty. complimented the Sunday Bcbool on ue Tbe aoog "Sebold the Kina" by tbe boya the top left-hand cupboard is sliding silver tray ; the right-hand c:upboard lte atrea gth and membera. Supt. of tbe Ia a Ia BttH 8&. school. Tbe plauo and violin Peal'• P. E. John1ton, wbo wa• whh a abelf lachel from the top. The roWI of llutlap and deslp of oraameatl are Vbareh. down for a three- �ndered by Mre. W. J. Mor· 4 Hol7 Communion every Bund&7 at oelectlon faithful reproductions of old m1sterplecee; the trimmings espeCially are appropriate to minute tall!, ur11ed upon parente the l&n, aod Taylor Ewon wu T:80 a. m., and on tbe lint Buad&J need Jr., A. of a larger •upport of the Bun- all'> very rnucb appreciated. thla Period Suite. The suite Ia 1 large alu ; the Butret mea�urea 54 Inches wide, the Ollaa or the month a MCODd oelebraUoa day School worll: and a areater In- \ Loomle, paator or tbe Clo•t Ia 82 laches hi&h 1nd 44 Inches wide, and the E11tenaioa Table ha� a 54-Inch top •t mld·d&J. Lereat I• what tbo children do. Dr. s. L. churcb, apoke on tbe aub ject o! MorniDI Pra7er and Sermon at 11 be aald, pareatl owed to thoH who "A. Little Boaator." . . . The obJect of hla =� a�� .���. ��:� -��. :���t�� . .. t: gave tbelr time and labor to the Sun- . . Tbla, talk .,a• tbo tongue wblch be oald Sunday School at a. m. day School worll:. One of the little -������. ��:.�·.� ·:�: �: :��� S 142.50 8:311 oouid be controlled �aly by tbe per· � EY�niDa prayer at I o'cloall:. glrla In a vonoe wblcb abe recited, AI\ IKin blmMlt and not by any one elae. RaY. J. Smltll, Rector. reminded parente &leo of thl• duty. addition to the above there are number ot special •• i< A. Tho�foro, It wae up to ne • Owing I oacb o to to tbe lenatb of tbe pro In - - that they let only aood tblna• aram, Bbaw u o"erlngs this week, Including several sample suites tho ght I t boat aa be Dr. to ld by their tonaue and tbat they ·•a i i I Flnt Church of Cbrl1t Sclentl1t, el m nate tbo talk be W&l down for bold back the bad thlna• .,bleb tbey wblcb cannot be duplicated.. Prices as low and "' e Duty of Parents to the as Cl'&n ford, New Jereey, Sprtna!Mid mlabt tempLed aay. Tbe ton­ $19.80 A't'enue u4 Mila Btr.. t. School,t;� by tbe put.or, wae omitted. be to Ber't'lee� aue like the bit Ia the mouth of :1r Buada7 11 a. m., Weda•d&J • .. Ia 8¥ •· ; .,. The tollowlnl 11 tbe proan.m In a hor�a or a rudder on a abl-lt Ia Din& 8 o'clock. R•diDI Rooa, r:l·;�_ I full •• readered : our auld• and It - do not watcb It Our new Pall atockl of Pumlture and are thoroughly repreaentad\'e of �.�. -- .-. �:,. Unton A't'llnue, cranford, Rup die opeo d&Uy, carefully we are apt to aet Into en ,. & k are a number of odd artlcle8 are particularly ....,... to p. m.; Bund&fl, p. m., l�r an Prelude · · ·.By Gulic l lateat lcleu. Tbere which .ult - I 4 I to IS C. L. trouble, yet properly It can a 1-un• No. . . . , ...... Tho School • UHd •bl wbere all Chrtatlaa BoleGoe U be 1114,... 1-l'rayer, by paator, Rev. J. Shaw power .or Ire&t d100 · TO Ill traiAI ture eaa be obtained. 411 are wel- 11'. Ul t-Rocltu.llon, Solecto4, Rool H ymn No. I , ...... HAGOODHNE- ST '- , , , FURNAGG rouad trip, lie. u .. . , ITU CO. n-eo.rr "Bt&Dd Up, Up for r RE 1r.1 "' 10 -tl. a.. u-....._ ''lkld&:r lebeol u4 ltaall JIIUI" ,...., wtll ,.. ,.. Newark 1 a. •· · • · · · • HJJDD , . , .•. . St & CD11UL 1VEJ1EYaa.. �Ulk.-AdY. Wllat It II- te Oll&l4rla," "lou4 tile Battle �-IIOAD I. 1'. JOIIJIItOil P: cq(t..... t._ ..... tarer · ...... lt-Reolta &«. I!UIIer Weloll '' ''' ''.. 'D __ ., -� ...... llt--fto•-"Y-.1 ...... ••••••••·• Uo .,t: ....wtMmD wou.a. -- l'olt fiJI � or -

·., Wlll'fh8LD OO'fO 'I'D LIIADD, w.DnaD4T, - t, 1811 ...... CLINKS ENJOY WELCOME plclled up u a .,.,..,.at ,..._suo ... LEGA\. NOTICES LEGAL LEGAL 011 Wulll&8'1011'1 ltlrtllftr. Fel>ruarr NOTICE� NOTICES HOME SMOKER 1111, II, ... : .... " I plauN; Wood lland4A'IIIe a Thet ptlnt"lpJ• pointe for or•anl· hA NK I.INK to vote to \\"n· IID1In1 and danciDIA. aet Ill•P" Mil· utlon are: StretchiDI clear around the bloc,k ••n cltllena ht· , at Broadway and ll:leYenth Street, adopted? No. dred a number of1weet 1-R.-preHntatlon In the Parent Delmontun1 l.od11<> b1· Ito nlllt'ero, thuo .._Yin8' New York, &D)' n1111t at twelva I IODI•· the Burro..,.TraYio Compan)' h thf" atUtude of a (')OM corportUon and o'clock will found a line of hun· ut 0 I pve a one-act mulltcal comedy, Mil· th��··��"n °i i)P:�?f��.rt r� \�� •lvin11 t�ach •ubordlnate loct•• a Yofc\1 btl l 1 �t.�!: lar and Shelly pn eaxapbone MIIOC· ary, deJeeted, unkempt, homel....i (lf �hr ���: w:!'.:'l� •nll and Yole In thP. condut"t or th• &llalrl mtlll. Some are old, eome youn1. l l·: : 1!1\'I'II'Y female the Nathan Brothera uf the grder. clUat>n of th� United 8tatea, uf the a•e tiona. perform­ eome mlddle-a1ed. But all .,... men, of hn•R nty·one yea.n. who shall havf' ed feeta trick ollat1n1. th4t I.-The lnltlaUon fe•• and duel may been rtH•Idenl of thla kltalfl one ,·•ar, In rolllorgave oel...,tlona; waltlnl for tbe cup of coffee and the Cerlllan Quartet be ft•ed a• dealr•d or 1ft ketPift• with and uf u couttl)' ln whlc.'h htt ah� Le•ellyn ventrlloqulat. waa lorallty conditione. roll which hu �n tbelra for the claln111 votp ftve month•. next utlefurrr Goodman. thf' f'lt>dlon, •hall be entlth•d to votP wall reeelved. I.-The Charter fee to tb• Parent takln1 ev.,ry Dllbt at tweln o'clock for all omr.era thal nuw artt•, or hPrfl• To the dlmu of tbe evenln1'a Lo.'l "-• 11 ftve cent• for •ach name on a for tbeee many ,.ean and will be Rfter, tnay be, eleetlve b)· 1 he peuJ)Ir; cap •nYI• .., that no dtt•en h)· •rria•• lllltortaloment Andrew A. Smltb, locAl charte-r ltat-the Jlmlt of the for many year• to come. It •• t)le ahall enjo)· thf' rlaht of an f"l"ctorm un� chart•r U1t to bP determined by 1oeal ramon bread llue, wltb le11 •he Mhall hav• beflft a Ulld.-nt Of obalrman of tbe antertalnmont com­ condltlona. The pare-nt lod•e ahaU alao tra1edY all the \'nlted fltatea ftve J'fiBfl nest be· mittee. read a poem 1!'rltten b)' olltl Ita own. reoefyp an annual per capita tax of t•n fore tht>t�ltt("tl un; ••• preYI ... th•t no of not few block• m 1 o tbe Cllnb--T. C. Waltlb�lca· t"enta for each •nroUed member. pay· 8tretrhln1 1111 far, a • to the north, alma.t any da)' will be �:�:r"� :,'�hr \\ ��t'i'd r:.� =��. �.:rt"�: t.d to tbe Cllnb of Weettleld. ahle llonatder .. d a reald•nt ln thl• 8tatP. h�· Tbe prt���ent enrollmUlt of Cllnq 4.-No penon directly connfiC'ted with found another line or clear-B)'ed, btlln11 ltatlon•d ln an)' ••rrl1on, bar· wall-dr� and proaperoua loolllq ••o v now member&. Tba orpnlu· anJ"Jtqyor tnt•re•t• ehall be •lect•d or t. tO I r �,.r:; :�" ·�:t':a�� tlon ��etran a chartAir member· act In the capacity or an ofllcer ot aay men and women, watt1n1 to put tbalr per,��:h��, hllut,w����� lnnne·r� &leraun, or v-..raon withon P'ebrual'}' lod•• uvln•• the It the banll convichut of a crtme M'hfch under the nip of 481. II, u u...... In bank. Ia lawa of thta State In force on the He· Tba order now or,anlaed uuclet' tbe ...• ... 11 ...... -,. . .. line. It hao no fame, for no one ba• ond d•y of Mepten1ber, one thoueand Ia .-ne ter --'•*•· 11nr written It It hu no tra1lc, el•ht hundred and forty-four. would law• or Naw J81"M)". I. Th• &Yera•e ._.. ef TN•• up. haYe exelud•d auch pttraon from beln• DO pitiful •Ide. a wltneu. unle81 t• rdoned or reatore4 ftouri•hfll the mo1t around lt1 pnnual Tbe bank line otand• erect; tba • 1 ORIGIN AND PROGRESS banfJUet table. A Clink or•a9aat1on ::YNetJJ:�h�0 rl:�t a1n °:1 e��!;; ::. � "an flourtah all the year around and In· bread line droop•. Tbe bank line r.rtllier, that"!f ln time of war no OF THE CLINKS tere•t l MJf and .. , ...... for com· movea rut ; tbe bread line •I owl)'. r th 1 t The bank bu 110metbtn1 el•e to :�·��� a:�t•· !r lr� H��''t�::. Y: munlt,. welfare. the army or navy�� t�thereof,:! 1haU be de· llhon Orpalutloolt-A• IIIMI Hlortol'}' of I. 1'be onh' \\' ay to •tart a &neal do; tbe bread line haan't. d r t b r:!� .��h· :.����t � :n ll.. Ortah•aJ Poem, Cltnk toQ• 11 to atart It-not tell a few An tba men of the bread llae: . u :�·:,.��h e ��; "W•.....S'a frhrnd• that lt would be a lt'OOd Idea How cam" you bereT and tbey will �1/e1 t1�! ��n���111n !�i c�.0:nJ t�� r,';;:; ...... and place at whl •h, •uC'h llbHnt ele(!· ...... , .. to have one ln your town-ttlien take an•wer, poor tralnln1. bad eu•lron­ tora may vote, andt for the return and another dap It 11 no count for auou11 mea&, taad companion•. ". . • o t e v t n ..... ldl011-. . .. to n1ect a lilt of olftcera bet"auM theJ' •blftlln-. drlnll. Some may bave �t:\�t:, . t� ��[l· h o ��.!· �::P:������� P'rtendahlp'a...... happ)' •rou.nd art� "aooc1 hllowa"-- lot of men wlth r�•lde We 1neet on the IO)e quallftcatlon Of "•Ood fellow" been unfortunate. Rome ml11ulded. ll&rnelt men. and true; or un1ulded, eome Inherently bad. Btron• ln•ouaneN, and bauad, have had honora In fraternal and 110clal or•anlaaUona and been ftne alttera on eome akwe ; but •• a rule thrlftl88•­ Tbat none ahall e'er uado-­ n ... In 110me form brou•ht them rrHdom'• aweet beDt.naat WaJ'a. thel"" honora.. Oet a bunch of ••rll.... . � ...... - ...... t ...... bere. Ill our beloved tow•. a tbe banll llnlt: What brou1bt B"en thua hand In p\ed•e we ralM A'l'TBIO'TII:D Aak Let too our volcPa awell Ia pratH, ROIIBIIlaY. JOU bereT and tbey will an•wer, Dear Weatfteld'• fair reaowa. Tbe nawa ataad ou tbe north •ldtJ 100d bome ln8uenee, proper tralu· of tbe railroad ltatlon waa tha Kene ln1. 1ood maua.. ment, economy, CUak! CHnk! Hard tt\ 1!!1 merry ellnll. of an attamptAI4 robbery on Sunday cara, tbou1bt, bard work, 110brlety, Let'• In the.. h&flPY momenU all aor· llaall thlo on>ond­ v .... 11l1bL Tba 1lau In ona of tbe wla· boneety, lnt11rlty, tbrtft. ment, re•ulatlnK aub· row deeplY 1lnk: llowa wu pan�)> cat out ltut u tbe A•k the liread line: What of the aequent amendment• 1-a J'rlendahlp'a aacred n.ame lock on furtber llde of t futureT and tl!ey tell you tbey to tb• Conetltutlnn. we procta.lm. wu be will be odoptedT Mo. Now, and eYer. wu unable to ..... b don't kno•---tbe park, tbe Kla4 thou.btl for Weatfeld future toer, tile rollb81' poor­ prompt eaeh Clink. It lllld be wu apparently frl1btelled bouae, potter'• field, wben tbe bread awa)' before ba bad a cbanee to b.,..ll: line no lon1er linda tbem able to We•UteJd' P'atr Town of happy home•. auotber Tbe matter wu •tand In line for a •lp of coffee and � 1laa N­ 11:111'-btenmont oDd ported pollee. tbe lltUe roll. 1o tbe 8hall eranka with blaHd... empty 4omea A•k tbe banll line: What of your · To your advance cry ''Ce r f'AIIK AJIID PAID eao. futureT and tl;ltiJ will you peace, ror u1 true Clink• In vain tbey cry, BACK lAIII ta Yaln they •roucb. and frown; Natbulel Rbodee, wuted for eome comfort and coutentment. Tbe rainy IODtrenched with juatlce, we defy time put b)' tbe loaal polloe, came da)' b.. no terror• for them ; let tbe who dare deny, bacll town on Saturday and I&Ye bread lln11 worry about th4t waather. !Ac•ln• folkl to Dear Weatft•ld'a fatr rnnown. blmulf up to tba polloe. Rbod.. Tbe brf!ad llne'o 1ood tlmee are In wa• want&d In coun..,tlon wltb a raid. tbe paat- 1one. Tbe bank llne'o CliDIII Clink! }lark tbe merry cllllk. Tbe Judie tined blm The tine 100d tlroee are In future----eomlng. S.t'• In the•e happy momenta all •or· UO. wa• paid. _ Tbe bank Jlne'a IUod tlmee may not row deepl1 alnk; bave many u tbe bread rrtendahlp'e aacrtJd name, •• tbrlll• Ill VKJI.TI81CD llne'a 100d tlmea have bad, or be lfow, and ever, we proclaim. AD LBTI'IUUI. Kllld tbou11bto for Weotftold'•\ futuro Tbe followlnl a llat of adyar&laed quite eo hllarlou•. but tbey will laot. prompt each CUnk. and unelalmed Ialatten to returaed be more utl•fJinl. be lonpr and -T. C. W AUIH. tbe dMd letter otllce Oct. The bull line ha• worked on tbe to 8, 8e)'fr1ad, ... Hinch­UU: pro�ltloa tbat I plua 2 equal• 4, U County, Mow JerMy. 0. II )(.L . while tbe bread ba worlled on WHtllohl. nion )(r. lin. Oeor1e P. Valleau, lin line a .. a •trlctly Haldentlal town. �Uatant man, . tle theory that I mlnue 11 Sara lllller, Ill• )(. Cooper, I equal• o. York City. lin. .0 \ .,.._ from Mow 8t Jobn, ReY. 8b&lf, B tb are mathetDatlcally correct; but n. male portion of a total popula­ I; EdlFID II. tbe mlnu• propo•ltlon hu more tloll Olovunaqelo Dloouonanao, 111M of upward of 1,110 priDelpallyoom· burtl In It tban tbe> And the •uua wool& doyo to tbo Bl• City. Abell, Mr. B. R. Col11D1. plua. of tho rod· .tile burtl laot a loa1 Ume. Naturally thlo moke·UP lo Tba roll aud tbe eoll'ee or the and public oplrlteYenobor , or, Ill default ....-, diet 1 real ••tat• thereof. IUCb clecree will be taken II IIWD)'II dependable ...... ,.. men . •overnm•llt. tbe little . n itl operation of Atitfaction f enthllllium or x item nt in Motion of ...... know. for e e lu Jeney haa _...01,. PA he bu the o c thit New -- lng that hll bu at le 11t given Union ounty It i• nident roqh- 'I'OWII or •...... , C . be a a that come aecuttomed to ride 80aotJOB - e411wo6D 10methin1 to the w l t>mocratic pal'ty ill not over 11hod onr every community 'Within puhlio that ll lhfl ) --VUB - BOliii'I'AII'I IID. . t ... for the pub lie betterment enximtR fo itn Legi11latlve t o et itl h y now feel r i k territory and e . Tbe lana llnbmitted by the to win for they ave handie&ppt'd that the public ia IODifll' en­ p h no "':!.:,OW,: ;'..':.: � r n ------1 yo abow what can he o e and i ao h<'avly th11t 1u e• doea ot titled to aort. of Ma d t cc n any oon11ideration . w .. a o ll .. "',.... at tile I"O.t .. 'lta .... llOa tYII'1 o Ill Wecttleld teemed trOOd an e wbleb hlbH on t.lfe PuMlct Wtlfare. the a a toa J'url\l f tlnan • ', ond MotallllrsY. ror which ile Oraad _...,attllllq U fl'OUD._. pollti01 or ,. be bou It teac PriM Awar4abllballt baYe baeD .-.llll• f auoh plan eould put in beneftt of that p rty t l rre to baa ua • .... &W"ard. ha• conferred upon The Prudential. - "'""'�.... be aon, ,or lt 1b owa w h at a 1011 there beenCotnp an,. at JnternatlOftal hPG•Uton• tor ·· - i a ef- a a a ' ua , arant@d thta rnaay year& - feo . done more u l have vt>n pe pl I when ;.;.. pb t h 1 gi the o e nation• 10 to war and, ---� ---.. ------' -: He a act a three candl- a 08. � --· ----- . t a that would have been 101 alllll and •tnltb, IIIII ol their INUorlal Dept. e ltroke h n the Art ate� • • on - an f be u t In a little ---- ·------' ...... rood by r d en- d t r J • to • --.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • '" Com on ev n n a • '- . . • llliam ha• e 11ince titled to I ie u ao • Prtatln1.. ..•.•... . . t w.. ltb. We'rea 1lad we live In old lab.... _ 0111 Dellt , . . &t' done conaideration ------WM ere . He hu liVeD• likely that there coul 8. , wher •••rJ man Ia rr.._ alld it ated d have been u. e ethinr t. worth lnate&d of Mlabt, them 10m t is tak- a .trade by whioh w.bere the Rlabt, ha the tioket wu proteetl both and me. And now, .... tbae bout. you One rooms, a h s to talk a . weakened tbou1b to win- , •------!l!!!!!,.,....,_..,= linl may e deliberatt>ly. nmmer•a I•Yinl ua 9 2 b t $60 and OG'l' 1111. It be long time before th A IJ'Ut deal i1 being print tl')' wtnda and oold, we have our WUDIDA'1', . f, a ed wa(er. Very modern. piADI of the Mayor can be ca rrie about the harmon,v th nl i11 aup- tbrte•b�. cheerful honuoa to tue e d fold. - "- lila Jlf--• .....,._ o t and ill p01011ible that they in t i 111 lllto u it po11�d tn ••xi1t til•• H •JHthl ca tbat, one wbo diM . n 8o pOetey, for room, all modern ,_ 1e 'WIIIdeld u4aK ,_ get beyon the b lttl- p r y Rnd y�t me 2 One _. • -,or&lliJihew .a_,_.. l a t w� neither an overcoat nor a abovel· may never d hf'HI' tht• VOICeR bll 8 im� toWS � ri t this np e i g ful of eoal. But tben poet do not Peanall * ,...... to&&a . n 1tage, but when IJfled o( of Fowler Htokl'll p l n a provements, and water . p and a ll•e 111 realltl.. . know. ..., _.toe, aort onee planted it i1 ba¢ for 1uport. Let 111 all hope th t you Why ""' $55 are . . could write aummer Jyrlca wblle alt- tarv t. r a to 1 them ou He hu e - tht> of will t1n1 on a11 IMber1 In Greenland and e c campa1rn 1916 brwr Both have steam heat, gas POLI'ftOAL OAL8b&a. tainly gi n ua l e lt. and ve l aoml'thinr to ua 10me n w namea 1 me new rMII7 nJo7 Roues a and o atarted o t aa electric open fire hope for aom thi g worth f&OfJI th will oommaad the But •e u to y aome- ...... and e n a full tbln1 about Oetober. October baa a liKhts, Oatober lt� for. t .-uoa. and bopiDI eo ftd e and the NUpp·ort of thP t m n tbln11 to ber erecllt-and places, etc. n enc ..... y lllllllflli t tiiJrdore ,...tltratJoa tllul 4aJ . aome thata Beln1 Ia D&II MI of m 1,000 inteW19nt l"otera dlaeredlt ller. DIJIUtral, we'll ere enumerate a ti tl C: 17 ...pie. T r tn. nfl wbl'n every 11r ., m e P wRK a • ti ou few and ean place them on the Ootoller lt-'l'bll'll b h 100 &ration d.., ud 1111 1.-....,.. eoODt wu not Aa usual t e Public Service Cor- of the led1er tllat aultl bellt. In munloiD&IIU. of aide 700 tlaaa lnbabttaata. y Ootober In THE PEARSALL CO. 1,000 a'*' eontent without poration ia again hlatol')': Cbl��&�o'a 1rMt WhJKot tire, Mr. flnd Amerlee. yeur Broker OWNER He-ber l-4eaenl ...... _ ••king favol'll an Columbua a Co Brie Caul eompleted, Theodore Or own ' ita UJlt Y Fair AlW&1I Aa1dac d Dar i1 o . Rooa, elt born, arie Antoinette every year and there n a Y M -� doubt l' vOI'I. lned, Harvard eolle�t� th tbeae ocll&aiona e much th Town Council IUIIIbt founded, • a u ... t wer 11f • �;;;;:;;;;;;;;;�;;;;;;;�;;;;;;;;;;� t t' f conceu10nae from Hallow•n 1•• 18 bo TOWil a nd 1me or ...e B i ns whl'rt> of eat ld � ID return giving T � i li d M . Couneil up valul' eapecially in I'Ct o � tle be mo tb w ll n r t o ea I WIJaoo o l r waa t principal nothmg that •• of. n rPRI and the n oorn eountrlea atlll oa-rVp. B e in �grieulture he R y hl'!w- a writ- t ai t.i th ln1 not" to each otbeT-and tbe Automobile Iaslll'lllce h tua on e to the oommumty. or unnt P- · po tourae of income. Tht> State F11ir fit F t local Uae f oree ADd . probabilities praettce will be In caM aCCIId•nt & RuuiDgExpenses there aeem t h, en In are the t e t Trenton Will alwaya be fea- 1 ' o 1 •ome m · c ntin e until or the ther'• of 1111\II'UW will place the 1y1tem on a a . o u d one o 11&\lre thecheo,.at h Item. 10me deftDite f life in New ,J tlrMPY ec u f' the pre ent Town Counml wh aupplr or Ink ezhauated. But ,., lonl u oh rre• are tore o h a s a o I• 'buia. A. abould worry about that. a becomP part of the political bavl' learned from PBllt perform- Aalde _,�,RM...... --�.... em .._ f tb it. baa . from llalloween, WileD we mar awake ..- --· m ...... 0 e t view any ue rom t SALTEa STORRS department DO � hfe of the State and Rl th same o re at r Ite to IJnd homeaonrt urned and the M. R. & I. CO...... and there it f e ancel � our CLAD, Jr ury r l m n l t time bu re ned most of th e fea- ol y o o With a grea moftd out Into the tro ut yard. f 1'11011'801' ft, TF.L. T-· WRITP'II'lt.ll tllere il of n eaeuity a tai t e o� barn certai y ch11. Cf'B the month bol • no alarm for n he old time County Fair. of auapie1on and the n d u t of uncertainty amoq the turn of t. deal Your alfeotlonate, am0 n no 81 go()( a it l T � II o reuon why t f · r l POET-PHILOSOPHER. policemen that is not calcu ated to n go d or avor1 11 a OJ'JICIIl h re � on wu. . eftloienoy eommumty should not ce t uaiui'JI. any hve so w promo e or enth nn nf aome ort W01ttleld people have n WE DO PRINTING an ual fair K il aboul e ave a That the Counc d proce d tbat wou people to the rigbtl and it ia to the Town -at caution · ectio ld attraet h('JUfa, lettt�r hP&dR, pn� W&-'th .. ... w �e up \\"t> IJrJnt bfU the l n ounc h e B f Trad ud ve o1•••· c cul •· allln� r ed LEADER uwANT ADS" PA\' advertiae the town. C 1 • � 0 � l lr oa da, w · of a chief il proper, but the oar d � quite town. and thr RP- l Asso i i n din" announoemento. lnvltt.tlono. book- eail hu a splendid half mile ta l Merebant1 C at ., in th t otllo hu d Westfteld · o let• proaram•. y,oetera. all and 'faoaDil" a e te an every cl l'1 . _.Ilea. e time held d t° IZeD a& aJI IDl - every thins dono In a llr•t-oluo print aome time and there are m&DJ r c track and at one 't' for a ohop. mako � •l••chaltr or prlntln� whet f in and aome of them wert' very vidual to aee that Westfield 'a Wo taxpayera fee th t amnle b)··law• and othPr book•. and ••mph•• l a r· a t IUece��&ful th r no re aon l btl are full protea te from any ma>· ooen at our otnce you have ime hu elaplfld .for t e e e is R I Y d be . u h Co a· alld furt infringement. In all jus- any prlntlns to done. brln" II hero. mmi be doni' again. her b• llgn to find luited for the why it cannot a man ice and it We have had "Old Home" l equ y Weattleld has the plaoe. If politica il p laying 8 b t ight to demand clean car� and the matter it ia time for weeki and "Town Exhibit&, " o h r part ill of were well worth while fair treatml'nt in thf' mRtter of CARRIE L. HEGEMAN the limination of politillll for the which Teacher of Piano > ... e farel and until the company d()('s the town and the people will come to West- lt\ldlo 830 Proopeot ltrMt (00<1 ot i is up u ho m k know itl part t to Wl'stfirlll ...... ,__...,. Tlae ·•yor may not while the to THE PIASTER BAND' inked fo eam· ...... ANt of Uae beautifulplan r oardl and other ...... Sf iiDd lllo . the 1, '. fort imwove. pa.ip lit-,rature. 1M bl •alnaitt64J - .... = NEWS l LOCAL IN BRIEF I LOSS Our Retular Winner NO C l-bert, of Toml RIYW, MIN l.ottle Wlttll:e, of lllllubeth, II I._ . Yl•t.� relatl- town weell:. the of her II._ P'lon In th.. ruwt eoula, Another shipment of that flour that OF Plllllp kM!er, or O.dl., a"'noe, Wlttlle, of Broad lltreet. left lut wa.ll: for N- Hann, w,Jl en� The urrna will hold tbelr retrular made Winfeldt Famous. Winner will at fate. WMIIIJ meetlna at tile bome of J. J. he naUII.. llta none la INTEREST Mr. &Dd Mn. P'. 8. Kll.lllla, of lkbmltt, on Le11o11 annue, tbla •..., Mountain aYeDae. apeet tile -'t-4 nina. the name. Try a bag today. Small at Atlaalle CIIJ. "Oua" Mitabell, or tile C&adJ aa Appr ud Har- Klleben. left laat weell: tor Greece, bags, bags or a special Mn. Cb . -· old, of Wea�A�a. relatl wiMIN It Ia eportecl he will Jola the large pri�·· bJ · need to lose interest on money awaitina invettme�t. ... here r No oa 8aada7. arm7. Om- DEPOSIT Mr. ud Mn. IC. 0. llldaar are Mr. ud y..._ Redfera. 11f Pblla· the �l. CERTIFICATES OF dnw a @ 3% and are payable on demand. IJI8lldlaa raw da.,. at Walt New delphi&, ,..,. tile WMII:-end 111e11ta at Brlahtoa, I. 1. the bonia of Mr. and Mr.. A. A. This is convenient way to hold funds until The memben of tile Q- .r.tller Smith, of Harrt.on &Yen ue. a such time 8uiHI&J' Clr�l• were enMI'taiDad at the llama 1'ba llollool BoWIIDf l-­ aa they are needed for permanent investment. or MIA Huel r, Al�e&e Ul Orebard ••• will op411l the -- on the PI&J· FRUIT SUGGESTIONS-Tokay atreet, laat )(oD4&J'. llouae all.,. on Moada7 ennla1. Oc· Mr. and Mrl. C. A. Mape, of 111m toller UtA. will pend the --d at tboe N. lltreet. a A. TownMnd baa rent.. the IT. Grapes, Fine Juicy Peaches, caatle at Tamtown. where their G. Ho•maa boa.. on Apples, 1. Dll41e, ne­ daua-hter 11 a lltadaat. W•t and will Ol'eapJ It about ana We have aome fine Casaba 1.. J. Dlatll aa4 famiiJ movad laet Oet.ober Utb. Pears. The WMII: from Boelld •-a• loath Judae Bprlnalltftd Ia a bull· National Bank to 011 Melons about them. Peoples the P'alrbalrn bou.. , 011 Kimball &ft. a- trip to Boeton. Alllataat Jaa­ ask of Wtatlleld nue. tlee Bunnell Ia •"Ina durlnl bla ab· H. N. Walll:er, Jr., rormeriJ' or -oe C.raer . 8read Port Jeftwaon. -• lut weak lat.o lira. G. Pat.t«wa, or l'Maant IL Proepec:t 8tNeta the bouae on Buelld w. &'nlll'll& Iouth, plaoe, an..U.Inad the membera or formeriJ oeaapled 1IJ L. J. Dietl. t� lildae"IPOOd ltawlna Clrele, at her arrl at the home of Mr. A lOll ftll home lut e'lalna. and Mn. ll, rla NILLION DOLLAR BANK. " r. R. P•raa of B llt· Mr. D. W. ,mberlalle and 10n. .. THE wood annue, on Tbarada7 or laet Da'lld, left Monda)' for P'ort Deftanee, TIE CODIRA110N NAm1 WMII. Va .. wheretbe latt• will attead the WIDFELDT fer the Mr. and li . J'red tell: 8te'le l e ) IY•rythln• TaW• ra er al Aaavet& Ml ltar7 A adem . WIITPIELD J'rambaeb, of ll4pwood &'Ianoe, Prof. JCmll7 Ra7 Greaory, rormerly 110 BAIT DOAD ITitBEI', 1 the -11-ftd with trlenda Ia or Colleae or Glrla •t con•ta•tlnopl&, PftON ;;;; ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;� .... t I 401 ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; tfew Yorlr CllJ. t:;;; .. tbe of lin. G. A. Haall:ln110n, lllael lin. H. 1.. Glbbotl., a rep,...ta· or Walnut 1traet . it.,. from the W. R. C . . hu retarnad The annual banquet or the Men'• lome from the G. A. R. eneampmeat, Club of the PrwbJterlan ebllN!h baa kid at Wulllllatoa D. C. been poatpoaed rrom Oetober U to Loula Dulbl dd famllJ haft Oc!tober Utb. Dr. P'ranlt MeDanlt�l �o'lad to Hlah Drl4aa. N. J. Mr. will dell'ler the principal after dln- Duahl will eonduet a fruit atort at apeeeh. wedding Gifts a.r that plaoe. The ladl• of W-.tellld are lnvltl'd that b�auty -that are uaeful in the PLuMBING, TINNING, HEATING GIF'n posa�u Mrt. 1\. H. Sumner, of lAUOJ. &'le- to at tend a fair wblcb Ia belDI held hom� . Gifts that ar� individual-different. ! aue, returned lut Tbartd&J from Ia Bt. John'• Baptl1t chureb thlo and .• Th�se ar� the kind you will find at R. Brunner•'· I Maplewood, N. H w� abe bad apec:lal hnltallon Ia -11:. A u- PAINTING DECORATING baea enloJIDI a 'lao&llon . tended for them to attend Weda day... Mn. C. H. Rabtll1011. , or Harr)IOD 4 Inc. WE hav� just r�eived a b ent the afternoon , from t until o'clooll:. ipm of famous I e 'a'lellne, bu been eatertalalaa Dr. Mn. Dr. Dumu, or Bt. Paula atreet, H. RUSSELL • COJIIPANY, "Libbey" Cut Glass and Rock ta War�. II PNI,..t lt� N. ol. Cryt l See ·and Mra. Thomu BaWJer, of Wll· w ho r-at17 uaderwut an opfll'llllon Tela,._ ., it WaTPIZLD, it in our windows, or come in and look over . mlaatoa, Del. tor ap,e��dloltla, bu completely re- Mr. and l!ld-rd MeKlaleJ, of in ite your inspt:etion this new and truly lira. bO'Iered and able to out araln. We v of \ Ia he , Harrlwn a•enue, bave aa tllelr Mn. Damaa wlab.. to thanll her attracti e line. bad !===������������;;�����;;��;;�� v IUeell durlna the paat week, Mr. and many frlenda tor tbelr Iliad IOllelta- Mn. John Herrman, of J-t C ltJ. Uona clurlnr ber lila-. gilts Mr. and Mrt. H. 8cbulta, or Blm FOit that will � llll lhtly appreciated by D. D. w. Ttmberl&lre. or Clarll:lbur11. tbe I atr-t, hav& been e ntAtrtalnlaa r. recipient come M w. va.. and JOI. E. Tlmbarlall:e. ol to am and Mra. Jame. Bnd7 and r u,.,_.r Btraabur1, Va. ; Mr. Jamee 1 •.. and •. .• rHIIIIHGl llllllllvlllllelllllllllplllllllllllllollllllllllolllltlllltlllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllttllll , Ray Bide, durlnr the put week. , 1 1 Martin Tlmbarlall:e, of BroolllJD Trolle7 tralllc lied up for o'ler ! wae rreat uncle& of D. w. Tlmberlall:e, or l an hour laet Tbund&J afternoon O g D apee p Pro t etreet, lert ror their h t ra h toda7 ' accoaat of tbe brealdna of a r ear . R. BRUNNER'S ••peet!Ye bom•. attar 10ma weell:o JEWEI.D 011 a furaltura WUTFIELD'8 OLDEST ! ellla larae no. Yllitln11 relatlv• In W•tllald. s I Robert PerfJ', lr.. ooa of Council· Raymond E. Paaebal, of J'lorenoe h hr t a 4 Perr7, ab· BROAD ST. mu aa Wra. a. II. or Hl annue, and Harry P. Nu•. or New 131 \1 lao• avenue, baa Nlturntd to Cornell Yorll: CltJ, left Moad&J tor Waablaa· Make the Appointment Today Colleae. ton, D. After 'llaltlaa point• of T i· s C i• s m s Oeotae c. W. Adama, of New York later•t la W,..blnaton , tb., wtll 10 That photograph givin�e has becomethe vogue 1, Clt;y, Ia now oecupylna tbe o r ll u .. e- to Nortb Carolina, wbere tbeJ will for be cently parobaaed b7 blm tbe r at oa - apea d tbe month of October. Christmas is evidenced by I early activity i er at our studio. Ask for an early appointment, n of Lenoa and S tanley &'lenuee. Nut Tuftd&J evenlna there will ba j Mill Edna Codctlnaton, of Downer a meet1n1r Qf the Fourth Ward Tall· that you will have sufficient time for mail a oo r-Dtl7 an ao �;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;�1 t r t, who underwent ,.rt a-mbly pa A•odlle. No. )D JOUr poelr;et lnatelld or damped lJlto tile bottOm'­ an operation tor appeadlaltla. Mr. beJDI 1811, Loyal Order of MooiMI. held In Mil• 11 reported dolaa well. e award­ plt of the Maaonlc Hall, prl- w re renU A lar1• del&aa loa of tile mem b&ra l ed In the conteat reee ntly y Holy oonducted of the Holy Name Boelet or lthe ord<'r er and 'phone Beeretary at undcor thll auaplce• as Think the matter o'l oar Trinity ebnrcb will tall:e part In the o KOOPS & ABELS tollowa: l'lnt prlae, live dollar gold parade at EUs1betb Dftt Ianda af­ Ut·W tor partlculan. )' ptalle, Bl. J, Heath, of Rah t.o WilY ; ternoon. to ...eoad prize, allk fl mbrella, - W. 11 Mr. Ketcbam, of Chlcaao. wbo baa Hunt, of Bomervlll&. esUleld and Auociatlon baea the I!Uell the home of bl1 I II .�ddtllonal local• o n Pa1e W Loan .aJat.r, Mrl. Walter Joba, of Euclid Z . )leetlap-Bd Tuead&J, from to 8:30 P. 11. at Bt. avenu11 Boutb, returned to bla home 7 10' Bhn Cash TeBroada & St., CoffeeWe•tfield, N. J.Sto re on Saturday ,,.., WEEKLY WEATHER FORECAST 110 Tile ao11ual . meeting and electloo or omcera of the Womea'a Foreign U. 8. \ptcultnrP, for MIMionary BoaletJ of tbe �'tnt M. Froaa Dept. of E. Betrln•llla Wed•ea­ church will be held In the cburcb the Week day, parlor• tomorrow attemoon at UUG. a Oc:tm- 8tb, Granulated Sugar, lb. bag 28c o'clocll:. l'or Middle Atlantic lltatea.­ 5 LEADER "WANT" ADS. PAY Mr. and Mn. L. H. Leraett baa re­ F'alr, cool&r weather Wedneaday and turned to tbelr bome on Mountain Tbaraday will be follow"'jl by rain Scott's Porage Oats, pkg. 23c avenue, after a ae'leD week• buiiDBII Friday or 8aturdaJ, wttb rlalnl tem· and pleaaure trlp tbrou1h New Yorll: perature, and aaaln bJ fair weather Stale, 'lleltiDI TbOUI&Dd hlaDdl, durlna tbe remainder of the weell:, Nlarara Falla and otbar plaaea of ln­ wlth anot&hr moedrat.e tall In t.em· Pur.e Maple Syrup. pint jar 2Sc Service to ter81t. perature. Our Gold Medal Flour, lba. 8Bc Customers 24� �III...... III ___ UIIIIIIU IItiiiiiiiiiiiUIIIIIIlllliiiiiiiiiiUIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIr. Means Flapjack Pancake Flour, lar&e Every courtuy extended at all pk&. - 21a times entire - by r Ioree. 011 to M ve ? convenience a d d o Every ffor by Are You ln Karo Syrup, • 8e metboda e G f � ean modern of banldnc. - Every accOilllllodation conaiat. , .. 9c ent with coa•ervauve bankiat B & 0 M olassts, can and a conatult eflort on oar COMULI p:�.rtto render thia eerYiee •. Star or lOc to all Magnolia Milk, can THE NATIONAL BANK Borden's Evaporated Milk, can Be OF WIITPIELD Prunes, lb. 15c ,...... KentTW We Extra Lar.ze 8 tt•e�� • Ba•• It u.tM POIT OPPICB IIUILDIJIQ Grape Fruit, each 7c '- .... -· ...... Choice ..,.. . � !� M cssi na Lemons, doi. 18c


. II il panl� a• lola ban kl, and truet cCJm Don't The La8t PI• SATURDAY FIRE atatt!· compared with the prevloua .. , ...Be ...._. te ••• , DAY .. r let _,...._ PREVENTION ment on Au1. 3, •howlnl condlt· .._ TBBII 18 Lllft', a Ju 13, J. YOU ..... WBA'I' ol th""" ln atltutlon ne S. IRVING CO. _ 'l'welvt� 8tanda"' R,.,fld._ ton 011 D8ALIIIl8 Of ...... _, _ .. __ creeaed depoetta of - tn Pre­ there are ln u.- ... -r _,.,,._ •-• .. aad of 8.38. _....., -� Fll'fl 1- l.tfe. 847,11 ltiiYo YU7 -·- BOW y- r State banlla on OoYernor Jamn Fielder, The twent lou •• youut aow "' - tt- •• ..... P'. at tbe ,· til"' Sept. 2 had rMOur""a of U4,910 ·-...... r ...... req-t of the Federation haa aet ·- - , 831.18. On June 13 the reooureft -tti ·-- 8aturday aalde to etlmulate the ciU­ Goal and Lutnber • COLLDII ION w�e U4,1 31.038.U, an l reue ol . E. I. I& Iena to concerted etrort to reduce the n IIIIa 1MYn : Cllhl a-t •....C1111111...... I. �. "" S787,891.77. The depoalta ol tile ... W_ ..... creat amount ol eulfertn1 and loa Pll•- _.. .-.rtll t -four aad oe aaloned annually by pereonal In­ tw�n y State banlla on Sept. I Kould1q K110111' lb&ertall, e Wt!re uo,741,340.48. (In June 18 Jury, lola ol llle, and th• dam&l" aad r...uu.n. PROFESSIONAL CARDS the epoalte were U8.714,7t3.JO, an Kbulliqwood Ud deatructton or property tbrourll d ----�-----·---- tnc- ol f1,081,047.11. Tbe lltate ---=== H. .... banlla on bad aurplue Iunde of llucceedln1 tbe Late Dr. J. Corblll J'ollowln1 art! twelve atandard llept. I FRATERNAL CALENDAR p n a d lo• ol fl,849,833. 10. Jtmedlea to re nt n N. MORRISON ftrl! nty li e �aviDII banlle DR. D. ltte : The twe v on NELSON ARCHBOLD 2 bad r11110- urtee of S137,4U,­ MMt&q P'I-. · By all mean• dlaabuae lbe Sept. OSTEOPATH 1. U8.89, an !norMae ol Sl,l94,888.17 �tlnd ol the "buoy man" of tbe __ Odd Fellowo Hall­ a Carpenter and Builder ' te ti n to lire over June 13. The aavlnl• banll on tiou1ht that 11vln1 at n o Companion Court, LadJ J'oNIIterl . (Graduate under tile J'oander) ad depoalta ! S U8,3 8 4 888.· pr,.unUon one day In the )'8r will h o , Menno Tribe, Order of Re . I over BnnehH Carpontry Repalrlnt d Men. 96, an lncree• ol t8 9 . 18 AYenae, W81tfteld, U, U All of Pride ol Our J'la1 Connell, Danlb- U4 llammlt N. I, aamee. June 13. The Nvln11 banh on Sept. lean bouae !rom cellar to at­ Premptly Attended tero ol Liberty: I. C SI,841 ,U0.41. to Telephone W81tleld 88 tic. Not only place everytbiDI In bad aurplua lunda of I Upeburcb Lodl", A. 0. U. W. The 108 companlea on llept proper order for tile winter month&, truat . I A Telephone Connecrtlen J'eUowo. Olllce: 110 ICaat BL 8.8&, Wntlleld Lod1e ol Odd New Yorll bot re o e from the all had reaoureeo or UOI,008,91 183 EUCLID VENUE Utll v prem l- an Weotlleld Camp, W. 0. W. m c ol U.181,87fi.U our June Telephone wortbl.,aa accumulation• and rub­ tn re1Ul8 13. Arcanum Haii-­ blob. Waite paper, ra11. old olotbee The total depoalta on Sept. I MurraJ Hill 77 and UOO were U41.000,648. an tn�re&l8 or Oentral Council, Jr. 0. M. and rubbloh ar.. ucountable lor 16, U . .A.. S3,973.110.97, The ourplu lunda Flreolde Council, ------­ many n a. . H. P. MANNING RoJ&I Arcanum. 1 ... � L al Aaooc a o . DR. Oll:ORGII: R. BOSTON, Eumloe all beatln1 rurnaeea ol the truat companiN on Sept. 2 oy l tl n 8. , were S 1 8 410, 1 88. 87 n Rtar ol Weatlleld Council Danlb- and devleeo, llueo, cblmn.,ya and bot , . Plumbin&, Heati & and Tin Work OSTEOPATH, tero plpa connection&. See that tbere I• of America. ITilEET PHONE NO. between woodworlli:, PAPlY 14 ELPI 414-JII Maaonlc Haii­ 08lce, 401 Proepect 8L a eale clearaDct STANDARD OIL COM oombuotlble material, aDd Atlaa l..od1e, J'. or otber A A. M. W t ·DEFENDING TRADt NAME • leld,N. J. beatln r IIODD8CtiODI. Arr&DI8 to Court Pr.,..ldent, I, 0. r. l.oyal Order ol Moooe. lleep aab81 away !rom all combuetl """ l"ntawfaUr llolq ble material, uallll only metal recep-- .,_..,... Weatfteld coaclave Order or Hep- Ji:. A. Mli:RKIJ..t.. "8tandanl" tuopbe. ATTORNIIlY-AT·i..l W taeleo. Word In (laeollno• Ertest 4. ur elect,rlc wlriDI prop- Tradl!. TOWN AJ..l.. BUIUJINU h yo Formerly ol ilcex Alexander Hunt Darby Haii­ In Atlao- W. W H erly 1111talled T Hao It bMD ap- Tb rl!e rt•olera In fuel oil 111 PR08l:'KCT IITR IIl rltero and Ci y i ty wer"' aer ed yt!lt rday with Weatlle ld Council , Knl1ht or Co­ .. 'T proved by the Underw t t e C i e POP": Y wn,cox a: lumbuo. Electrlrlan ? II not, have It ex- prel iminary lnjunctlona luued on the S a dar Oil Com­ amlned and paned upon. Bleetrtel- application of the t n d AlfD ARMIN HOOIS OAU:U'l'D VIOLIN lNBTilUC'I'OK t prop rly lnatalla4, Ia a panr of New Jeroey, by Chancellor BVILD•Jl J, wben not e 219 IORTH AVENUE dan�rerouo haaard. Stevena, rMt ralnln thflm !rom uoln1 Terma �nabla � IWO Cuml,.�land 81. Keep 1aeollne, kero1ene and "!ltar.dard ao" and ."Standard Guo­ LAMBERT'S 111 8tr W•Uield, 5. U ICim Mt " a p o uct they IBtt-.1 , N, J. all volotllflo or exploalvea outolde of line aa the oameo ol r d T.,l. EXrRF.SS . DAY Oa NIGHT bulldloga, provldlnl a Nfe place for otrered lor aale Tbe lntereotlng n Ch.,..rfull7 A. CoiiiDI the atoraga ol eueb da111eroao ma- question ol the difference bet wee a F.aUmateo Fa....Uhed Tel. HI 48 ELPI STREET II', Dunham Jt. H. noun and an ad Jective In COJ..J..IN8 terlal. the promo- Pmmpi iJ •l DUNHAM A D t uae & IIne of trade lo brought up. .Jnhhlnl( ,., u.. n•l .. In CIVIl.. lill'IUINIIllll¥ ANO 8UR­ '· on ' carel81aly tlon Tult'ab Sorrice I ID. ng pe a n the a le1 that V IIlYOR8 laolde of bulldiDII In handli Tbt! pa r I eaoe l e haa been raoolloe and lllle danl"rDUI ftalda, tbe term "Standard Ou" BJ..UE PlliNTINU Ollll:'ARTMlilN't a aalety eaa. Oaaollne evapo- widely tbrou1b tbe State to de· New l:' ot Bulldln1 ue uaed Freight o Ofllce rateo rapidly, and tbe 1•• vapor It ocrlbe tbe 1aaollne manufactured by N. and ud �-lii•IG, J. mall• 11 many tlmeo more dan1er- tbe tandard Oil Co pany Baggage,... ,.,, ... -rate�, S m . KINDLING Del...... •II tbe a d- CORD WOOD oa1 tban (!UD powder. Many 1&ra1e1 ,w hich llt n CORD ' CUt D e 7. not u• pend&Dt 1&1 man· ard 011 Company o product were WOOD I 8Wtabl OUT OF TOWNTIIIPI AT IIWOWAILI IIATII Do ' fire places C. W. ANDERSON protected ollown to bave erected 111n• ol their Ilea unl- tbe mantle 11 lenaths for Architect Til- manti• are lllle- own wblcb read "Standard CJaa," de- PuUey Polea end All Kinde of Fonco Poeta . IIIJidlrDHtb. ntral Are. P one 711 to b eall, permlttln1 bot carbon to oplte tbe fact tbat the Com pany fur­ J IU C. h 17 r KINDLING WOOD A SPECIALTY BLM STREET fall. M ny In we llol8 and ollliln lfiD& deocrlbiD ttl product SELL, Westfteld. WICSTJ'lli:t..D, J. a llreo d l I •• • N. apartmento baYe orl1lnated !rom tbll "Standard Oaoolloe" and "8tandord J " HECKEL aouree. Motor Gaaollne. JERUY CENTRAL Looll out for owln1 1&1 braell exteno ve advertloiDI by th•• N. R. - Tbe l Mountainside, NEWTraina leave et.ll and buroero wll.bout tlpo. Pro- of te rmo "Standard J. P. 0. Addreaa, Waathald, N. J. , tbeoe BACGAGE••olOCAL EXPRESS For Now Wntfteld.llllloabotb at 1 lt:llaabelh Orden York ana 61 t.c:l tbe cellln1 above ru braelreta and "S ndard I a-'Utte" ta Motor Oaoo· Plalufteld and iN . 11, 1.01, 1.3f, 7.01, 7.11, Ul,01 7.17, (i.aii lllbla, 1uard tbem ow I ud and to pre- line" wu deaerlbed to auataln the OheertuiiJ 1.10,York only),11 .117.U, 1 If 1 U At-ded w. 1.11. ' ' -t comlnl In contact wltb com- pl l tltr o claim o · the uoe lO.U, a. m .' ti u t"oe a n ' t I.U, I.U, 1.01, I.U, f.OI, f."i6, i. fl, a:u: buotlble material at tbe lldea. oouna wblcb bave become la mlllar A tte i n H l 1, <�undau,O.U, 7.11, I.U,, 1.01, IO.U II 6f p IU l'rotnpl nt o , Careful and ln Nlety matcbeo only, and tbe 8t te f ur n 1.61, 1.11. o.o'a, a·u to.u: 8. UMt all over a eat l l! "Polar\uP . a. m.· 11.10 1.01 tbem fr m tbe Moderate Prl- t 1.11 a oi au liMp away o cblldreo. and Standard Oaaollne. " .01,, 1.h, a.n. to:u: to.ti P: 1 0 Smoll In m nuf url l ��. ln1 a act n Tbe C mpany ••-• l'or Nowarll, . lt, . o the · thrOUIJio and mercantile •tabllabmenta obould contended that o•""' r•••• train ), l 1.11, (7.11 nam• "Standa.rd and li.U, 1.01,7.11, I.U, l.fO, IO.U, 11.38 o.. IU • taeoura e aa mu b l e. Ou" "Rtuud­ be d l d a po• lll Ouolloe" av now 7.11, I.U, I.U, J.U, Ui, t.u, 1.1i: u ard h e I.U, m. Bundayo, poaalble 11ve pr v lep be<'"""' B.U, IO.fl11.10, p. 1.01, 1.11, 7 U 11 tbe men tbe l l peculiar trade oamea ol Ito a. · 1,rodtt<'t. 1.01, 7.11, m, 10.11 1:oa: omolllnr room lor 114oure bouro. 1.11., of a and that paraooa wbo aall for, 1.41, p. m. 11. o proYide aome 11asn- For B:a•ton. Bethlehem Allentown Don't !all t line under l.beae oorueo In practlea ly 16 a. meano l band lire protoet on. J'lre l li.OI, 1.01, Ea•tou9.06, 10 1n I 61 f u' o l every lnotanoe are -lllnK to uy You can buy tho very be1t I. IV (I.•» unh· · b Its J &1.1.11, m. boee, abemlcalo, evan water palla, 0!; 1.11, I.U BuDd&)'.:1 product, and notbiDI eloe. CITY HOTEL �: , L m.; I.U, .11 aJ preveut oertouo lire loaa. and It ...; ...... m a clalmo tl)e rl1bt to u• the word Wlllloo·Barro lloranto,, r ror ud li e bao an lnclpleut bellnoln1. In manner o. J. 8arlli:l, Pret. subdIa 11y lfiYery "Standard" tbe It 11 uoed, a.8 , m.: t.u. 1.10 P. m. .: Be pNpared to put It out with aome CHOICII: LJQUORII :·::. , . 1 a. m. m aa an ldentlfJinl term . OYSTERS WINII, .AJ(J.) For Philadelphia,6.26 v t.n, -n• ol band lire protection. Tblo · 1.01, C m tition la&OIIne buol- �W, ."i "'ii· ·· a.u m x en ve ou. o pe In the CIGUI , · ··· .•. . ��a.a. 1.01,m...... will pr8Yent ore e t ol l at Scudder's Cash Market . , i1 u. p, m. ; U BllD· o. In New very _...... 1.1 , tl m 1111 11. If you are a merc ol n Janey fa artlve, i.&rell_, ror ... daya.1.11 1.11 10.11 11.11 hant ... ELM STREET ...... , • a. · oe - and varloua dHiero who do not acll ut.ll.U •·••·m.: a.d.1.11 ua.a. u;: ,:u: manufacturer, or1aw• tbe ob r 8 ......, p, be odard 011 Compaoy'o product 1.11,m. ol thla you em- t llta For AUanllc City, day au1bn 11 r , 8team HMt aad lillectrlo W.IIL , l.fO L m. · Y&Doe bave aou bt to creaoe tbelr buai­ of Fish, Poultry, etc:. m. Bundayo. a· " ployea. tbe da 1 peroooal. 11 lo finJt claa Une l.ltIJ.fl, 1.11m. p. ».U Malle n er �l!lL. 110. m � by dlapla IDI oiJDa reading Alao •a..p.turda)'• J'Ire meooo at leaot a temporary 1u,._ n- )' ODb. - Standard Oaa and at tbe oam11 .,_alon ol buafoeaa ood lo• of em " ," eervice time lur labed tbe pabl c , t wltb Two phonea-1138-137-inaure quick ploymeot. n l no tbe Standard 011 Company'o 1a1olfne, PIUT a..A.U but with aomethln1 elee whlcb, what­ N�W JERSEY BANK REPORT A.CCOIUIODAnGNI ever Ito merlta, Ia not "Standard aolln ." TllANIIEJn'l une Oa e the t'OJl laere&H at Drpooolu o.... � .J 1J8d The papera In tb- csoea obow aloo terrible things best calculated to annihi­ l t le can ltatem•l u tii,IWT,l1tl. hat one at leaat ol tbeee elend•nto LLlate t d , big bugs and i t bugs be found at Tren ton, N. J., O<•t. • .-Proaperouo on being remonatrated wftb by the A llnaoclal condltlooo are Indicated In Standard 011 Compan y lor bla uae of rep t Haokf g and loouraoce the or ol o thla name, vlgoroualy aaaerted tbat IELLts HOTEL Commlaaloner George N. La Monte In doing ao be wu wltbln law. Gale's Pharmacy JOHN W, KEJ,LY, Pnp. T UB made public today. Thlo gives tbe Thla lo tbe very queetlon tbat tile ...... eo dl lon of tbe a clal Staadard 011 mpan y wants to IHt, B R 0 A 0 S T Rl!I! T •11 NOIITH A n t Do n lnalltutlono Co YEIIUJl ol tbe Btate at the clo• of buoloeM and have oettled by a le1al adjudica­ on B pt 2. In he !!tate b nllo NV· i . e . t a , t on

.OU!I'I'Ailtl&lbB DAIIII' POUL'I'R\ arAIIJIIHA 11410 TIILBI'IIOfl& M 6 ··- Htall Q- EDW"ARD N. BRO"W'N u ::. ::•..:!'.!' Funeral Director-Embalmer ...... :!��·==· ... _ ....._�...... ,., ThB NEW t..ur - AIIIITANT w-taeJ LADY C•U fll .t.. B...DIICKII:II t•r Pr••�tt Dellve•,

PEJUION Telephone APPLY t:N Direc requtrenn•niJI tory for Uver)' GOES TO PRESS w ua )'OW' will be aad then lA> llf'l the )'on oervlceaure J•.,.•lbl.,. '-' -ntton _, If 'phoae or wrltt' eu- fOil u� ordt�r f r a ria hone, o or th<' lnal­• l prompt . • ·Thursday, October 21, 1915 ter will ve ou� and , ,.., tul ...... , att.,utlou al..,, w ..IIU IU'Illl«'" to \\"llh o r 'nl. can get your name P'- )'UU u livery t'

Alii � 10 PROIPBCT ITREt."'T .., �otfke ..., .._, ...... �Alltlrtl Drecf�Dr7 .... : nJn'UBROS...... lfA'I'IOltiAL .... PGIWIID Wlln'IILD IIEW .JQuy ...... oo..- -.... UllllllltUIIIIIUIQ IIIOIIUL YAVW IUIIIIUlUIHIIIUI • (i)NBW YORKT&L&PH ONB COMPJ:'Y .....-ur .....,._..., .....Ur -.... A VA1J""' ALL ....,_ a IP'AU...... 6.DVIIIlTtla THII T:::a o aUy onort 01• � -abul & u&ra .... Ir: .,, w. ,....., '*"""' ...... &�tr.. v•o•a'f&&•a• OOM'T OIV ' ANY=hiiiJ, LEADER ..WANT" ADS. PAY II&IIU-40\ftiiiU Ill' e.1 IIUI& OJUNOa TO I'OilGIIT TOU. y A ...... • .. ,. �.p...... _, ".., .., ...,.,.. ,.,.··�!""l'<,l!l��� �'�'l'JI'=»'.�"""""�- • , '"' �'':'' ;·��=z; '/" fD � 'UDira, WIIDJI�AY,OO'rOBD I, 1111. WESTFIELD CHURCH Roll; P'. 8. Ham waa l a tor or n vee ---- IN 1988' doaka and •. I H 1 Abrama prealdent of V.a Uld ...... tf'r et•anoct_.., PIMOt the Lll d14!11' Aid 8ooioti.J. Ntarly Tl-• hair or the !own·o population ll. lol, l1> 11Pd! to Of· or 40.- 000 w&re d�ndaota of . the P&ar- I Real Estate .W a...t ull ribe It appeared t , Cbur�h The Bodal Comatttee or tba aPr- \ vi� e Owners b pn at a. m and laated ttll nnt 1 b r l'&l>"e a dtDn&r the while t!Mo JI. 1:. e u eh to "JIIqual Rlallta ..Oftlclal 8, COIDII!It· Board In the eha,.l on Tu met rom 9 a. that it i11 a big h�>lp in !M'IIing prop­ .... tee" r b. p. The Hml nlabt to t m. with tbe oRellllble ebjllet Oil!rial Roard'a boara were from �· .v whrn they with It a ltllar- 4&7 Prt l'an ofi'Pr aettiDI'botb orpniQtklna 7: 3 o of of Ia a. m. to p, m .. aad 8and&J Srhool THE LADY'S SHOP antt�t� title from the wit � 1 t.oaeh h Ncb other, but the wu held e\'817 d&J. MltJ of the lot occulon erpoeed Dr. Oldham �otlouttd In tllla -what with th...., plano and ..,r- ftln for ICI mlnutea and be had hla lou matter• did n t o �oo1e In much aadltora In roara of laushter atmoat The toutmuter. GDUiderauon. froiD beslolna to end. Hla talk wu The Winter Season Oeorl'" D. R.,.ttya, called the Oll!clal tbe bit of the eveolna. Board thl! Board" aod btt "Oirlelouo 8baw followed. He told a IJOO� pYe o Dr. a h umor uo touch to nearly IIIOrJ and tb&o dlaeu...t 110mathlna is Approaching Fidelity Trust Company -erythln1 he l&ld. Prudential Bulldln&, Newark, N. J. more aerloua In the WIQ' of the work The membera th" Olllctal Board or the or abtad chureb and the !leeee­ ud their wlvea and the membera or lltJ for maklo1 tbe church aome­ Thi11 company '• in•uranc�> of tillt>1 to N!al tlle 8oclal COIDmlttee and their thlnl' more than a mere p._c., of FOR the number or &bout 75, wo and Plllal.e anywhi'N! in NPw .Jel'lll'y �tivt>R ah11olutr """-· to rahlp prta�lllna. The Boelal were pNMnt. Chairman Harkrader, Commltt"" and the ehareb bad work IE rRErARED COOL IGm title protection to purchiUif'nJ. It ia inauranee •f Committee, llaed the 8octal up a to do Ia man)' other dlrectloua and that eoeta eo little and mean• 110 mueh that ao mea andflr headwaiter H. P'. t1141J ebould tate Ia eye17 llde and A New home buyer and no onl' who expent1 to 11!11 1thttf!lNnlo�k and th- walt� on pba.., Let., the of the life of a man or 111'oman. property ourb\ to be without it. You an Ublea 'IOhlch were deall'n&ted under Toa.tmu!m' . Beettye hl1 apeeeh rommltte" Ia Comfortable•, Blanket• , w.rtou1 heada. Toat1- alao -pll&llllld thla f•tur� of the lnrited to ; .,.-' muter lleatty Bea tJ , worll and datJ. e and Mr1. t e>bu.reb Oeorae Youn.:. Dr. and Mra. 8haw, and Counterpanea Tbe dinner wu lre&tiJ enJoJed. Ceme In It II. 1.. Watl!rman, and Howard WickI It .,... prepared hJ tbe womet� of the u• TaiiE Onr -re at the bead table while tbe Of- 8oelat Commttt..... Durlna the dln­ tlot&l Board membere were -tterad IHir mallie'and humoroa1 recorda were about at the other tab14!11 that were pla7ed on the phoDDir&ph. .raa...,t about the room. WIYet -• t poe \IJ eeparated froiD their Full Une of Forest Un...... , ra hua- A ALL 0 P' llaada. bit of wort which llhaw OVERT I81C Till!: TIME JIIW. " DT. ot ntr&\'&PDtiJ, ..Sd b& 1uapeeted w•• the worll of -n not wutefally. Nl&ht aome b•thelor on the committee. btU DON'T GIVIC ANYBODY A Dreaea andComly Gown• "ntl!rtalner The ehler or the eve- ClfAN Jl TO roRGI:'!' YOU. •laa wu the -rable Dr. Lyman C Hetfteld Oldham, D. B. and LI.. D., who In fancJ profeeted the ohureh Gordon Ho•iery for ard to 1&8t and lben ... t!Je yl!&r .• "IS Ulld happttned and Blnl•e, N. J Sept, 15, what hu what O..rWIII:- ' been found bJ the reopenln1 of bad unable to no.,. the cornt>rotooe of the rbureb that 1 Will be leave o,.... blljual atarte4. FURS• bad In II u ooor -ann b,...n laid 19ll. In l88t, We line jar ahlppeu'o L. A. PIKER able them at their martlet. BROAD STREET lllf'n d l Geo. Rallincton, women. Herbert ll'er rla, a delcend­ ukln11 patron• to hrln11 thrlr lo' ur wcwk In \\'o• .,... all our ant tlw pr...,..nt H rber Ferrie, Oyster "hlppt>r, Maurice River of <' t and I{IYP bill u t tor lnatanre. wu hMd or the Cradll! Pat·l) whl'n wr ""' not. huoy, a"' ahl<• to .....t � lo.... havl' a line durlnl the \\'r '-tJUful ot l"ura whlrh we madr UJ> •uuuurr, and will prl.,... are not a prii'P I• > h hiKhPr.

Charles Kurtzman Furs of Quality Bldt., PLAINFIELD 178 E. FRONT ST., in Dr. Pittis •


-.. T...... -...... ,.. ur. oRN lt.odot...... $72.; VAN H Houae 81noeCo . New JePIIlY'• Leedtn1 'urnlturo 11180 MARKET ST., NEWARK 1\lo..: ':a'b:-,!!J..::t:,;.. o;:- 75 REPUTATI ON Is Not Ma de in a Day It taket� yeai'IJ of patient. •·areful, watchful devotloa to your The 1)5 ye&r11 of this kind of ellort baa won forealllng. our reputation for 01 STEADFAST RELlA· Not only but prk.a BIUTY. In the we In the lllv JrOOdsbly ��ell, you'll you pay-which are ana WWER t.han pay ellewhere. Another attnetlve feature of thll .tore Ill Our Liberal Credit Servloe

Pree Prom Any Obleetlonabla Feature• or Extra Char&��­

-Btfltll a Ma n:la 011 "Jack FrNt"- The Newest Overland Buy Stoves Now! $325 Less Than Last Year "STANDARD" OIL HEATERS Wltb fine hairline 1tr1plq Tht lt16 ONrJad II- It hal the •am•-,.. 11175 O..erlud .-4 .­ - .. the l•ory-wblte. any -....u, the oldesr -'dolt dutch which tllorW, /H>Wflr wvman operate ; the Jti50Mrlud--f­ can ,., hhaltbe_,.,... •• eaoy It Tbe moa4.t perfect Oil Hearen25 market, odor­ ,..., 10 M1l4 ,.,. And ful, economical thlnJ·h •- to handle " CGahJOUINt f11t on the 110'1& leN and made horiiJIO'"r, four-c:yi!Dder ehlhlnll let'er1 ; the - -13:ZIJ lb•tlum ,.., - amokeleas, wlrh ren·lnch wick. "euy to lteer wltb" wMell Only Store In Ne-wark Selling the "Standard." -·� lmv• 35 �ror- The paeltlve .., ,.. ,.,.. ..1331 --· ... , ..,.,.,.. leu. the,.,_ .,._ � Dwrltm4...... • dna Jthuhlab·...... It bao U" II ol" O.llvorlaaan balq which CiM' lll8lle Ia ua...UOA a "171e Home of the Portland" - tloaa. •- allover thecouauy. .... at tbb polcl. It liM the_..... Every o-Jaad ...... ,... 1priD&a. In detail PORTLAND RANGES It ._ , lalala, ... u-IJ baoa wldqlilt. die _..._t .,...... dluJcal ...... -- t .._, Place I halthe_ ...... _ -t ol eiKtrlc CGDtnl forti .... __ .. )'OUr ..... -­ -t .... tin, dllp, rk:la tblo O..laad dJatlly ,_ t btattGU .. the _... -t .,_ &D4 call ...... Cifduk ...... -- 7011 .. , m.. -la- IUN ola """'� "- lana• 24· DtlrabWtJ. •• •dllcetlo•• of Satlafaelory Result• and ------,.,..___ ._., OtiYr Ro1111e• 10. 85 a11d Up ... . __, .._ ----- ____ ..,... ---­ ------"= ...... A PULL UN& OF STOVE REPAIIla POR ALL IITOVE8 PVRCHAa.EEI IllER& B«� titttl Stow. lft .AU Slue at AU Pri1w H. L. 1'1!11(, .... . Stor•1• Warehouae, .... !lt...,.,t. Str•et 13-'\ .; \\' ...... ltl'. l. 84 to 80 Bank WESTFIELD GARAGE 0111oe ., • ...... _ ... ,...._..,. aeao , � ...... 11 ...... -'· -- --- ...__ ...... ,- .._._...... ___ ...._ ...... _ � .... W _...., ....,. ..._... a..-aq,. Tbe WlU7..0Verland Compu,.,, Toledo, Olilo ...... • ...... _ ...... I Van Hom Co. Cowplrtltwllt....� . ..., Market St., Newark '78 •

' ' ' ' 1 Works Westfield Bottlin& SPOR TS .... The Pure Wine• and Liquor• AII U. a.e.t . Ia Athletic-, BMeltd, Bewlln1, Tenna. F• F...U,.. . fiHietnal ...... Golf, 1916 Weetllel., 7 Bbn ltreet. Tel tllu iii N.J. tlii'I'OR Cll RAVIC POII'I'l'O!IIKD. FRATERNAL CALENDAR P F. Aator eup hleh t be Hudson raee w W a 1'1111 U o RRT MONDA y 11310 0. 8. llaturday waa ,., 'li.t...t Now LEADER .,.,..., held lut A a A. haYti t o aeeouut of tbe weather l Lodorr. "· a 111 poRpoDt!d 0'!: Tl:BIIDAY in · aud will 'IJe\4 nat .turdaJ H pt ho. tMt race Woatllold �onoluo e ....,p YACHT- LINE the Somtt of tbe fKt• about the l•dy P'Ort'elPr8. of otart, Noon ; f'omr•antnn f'onrt are 11 follow a: Time F.I>N F.III>A Y B way w BODY, EVER­ P'- Bheepab•d Bay pet!d W•otllotld Lodor• Odd "•llowo. NEWSPAAT YOURPERS Prl . , ; Dlatanee, miJM ; - • 6II OOO w .. tllold Council, K. of C DIUVDID RESIDENCE 160 Aator Trophy: Num· LUSTRE FINlSH '' '' r. aoh and the THl'RIIrlAY In r. SIX ber of eouteatuta. or-t)'·foa Monno Trlt.. Red M•n EVENING--DAILY- -SUNDAY How to re( tha-aJ aatomohlle, FRIDAY (Canal e200 via Broolll)'ll, Manhattan C nt ral Council Junto... e . LESf lllreort l, Wllllam-.rl (Delan087 Robert Smith, Jr. th at Joteoy coull<'tl 111-. Pl. al ...... and Q-nnoro ( 59 IIBCOND MONDAY • l u retll I ftA'I'IOlfD UD x•WIDu.LD CLASS hrlqes. By Rail, Brl hto Beach CoaM ProYidont Poreato a. A Roomy mm l&rM& .. 1 r • ...... d. x J_, at BrooiiiJD Brldp, Buhway to "L" TUII80AY Lu:a:urioua We """".,. llavtq lllunpa Borou1h Hall. rhaDIIDI to Brl1btoa lJpcllurch w.,.llman. at" v-. " Lodoro Beaeh Xut Thi y our EON1!:8 y Tonneau "L;" rt -f th W DA The new 1916 ltNet Ferry, via LoDI laud ..tllold Lodoro Odd la Rail· w reuowo. road. THUR8DA T u Models wi driven, their ....,eetlve num· See this car a matter 11 be The n J'lre.tde �ouncll. Roral Areaaum. bera an d the tiler will drive I of P'laor Council. D. ef eara Pride our L. of intereat. See what raeea re o lowa LEADER "WANT" ADS. PAY the u f l : FRIDAY new are. Drh'er Car. ta of Wootllold Council, D. of A. the thifirt usixes" exclusi- � . B � l-a-ta Peu aeot THIRDr MONDAY . ..•.... · · · · · · vely...... · ·. · Pni"Qt Al u A. 1-AJ� . l Lodoro. "· a Ill. 1-0idfteld . · TlliCIIOAT . · · · · · · · · · · De� 4 Burmau ...• · · · · P...-t Heptuopho. - · . · · Wootlleld Conduo A. C. TIONrsoR AUTO CO. 1-udenou .....•.•.· · · <'ompanton Court Ladr J'oreatero. are · llt1lt1 n.. t e ute Wie ••.•.• , • • • • . J>eeaeot lh n••ol nt Order nf Cllllllo. lar ...... The Buick . e In the •t•t• ...... WJI:t>NallAY heH.-.rt•r• 1- eJ . . . · ..·. . the Pioneer per . • . WeotfloJAI I 11 Odd P'ollowo. 1 ...... llt1lt11 ACI • �COS .. tlleld Counrll, of C. uuell . , . , . , .. D-'-ra PARK AVENUE II 1 \\' K. lt-Rlelleubaeller ...... Maxwell' Tlft'RIIIlAT 419-421 .. PLAINFIELD, N. Builders of the . , .....• o llnlon Council. l..oyal Aaao·· prOTeCt. e WMUield Golf Cl8b Our ...,ulaUun Ia plouahlp th 11-la• Pia- l o will Of n B&t• r· Odd llo o' Hall- l hurlt)·. \'uu will be pl&f"CC on tbe llub o P'o w fl!ll'l peri'O'<' ..f,. l(lvlnl( It AGENTS Compan on Court, LadJ P'orootoro. In FOR P e tleJ of thla � Pl J will 11tart i t e rhlld.,.n. Rtlrk C'and)', • . a at nno or Rod w eutra .._ lltart UD· h H. Vosseller 11 o'elouk and llo Tribe, Order lion. • C'aady, HUPMOBILE D mQ P i e or Oar J'la• Council. D. or L old-fuhlly CHALMERS a k 1 a Upcharch Loclore. A. r re, aeratuh o. u. w. n - 331 P Avenue for tbe IOWfllt 1rou aoo Woolllold Lodore or Odd P'ollnwo. un l at fu c ib�l"ff at vP�)· modPr t> •-t. The aecoud alst.eo matuh Wootfteld camp, prii'N. w. o. w. Plainfield, New Jersey. will aiM> he pla ed on tbl& datAl for Arcanum H l y &J - whleh a ellp will aiM> be awarded. Central Council, Jr. A. M o. u. aompe lona are open for eJQb lr oldo Council, Royal Arte ur hu da uf Bowl,lnll tp1 Da eat· al 8 p. m. In Arcanum e en ng, t a thto 'r&lgned befo hl ni 'on a charl:e ot h Hall l h t ile ll'rank Re•tmt, •Y Y Oct. U , Ulfi, monthPJ. Wa•hburne. 124 Sum­ A. at 8 o eloell aharp. dranlleDD- preferrt!d by OIBcer Nel- �\laene Col ­ 1[ Hall ' m\t A VPftUil!' ; 0. U&ll ftJrd, AIJ to be paid the treu- � �nyq rtven the cj51tce of leC"tor. Dudley A•e. lle orKe \o W¥ , 1&0 \\r. ; \\' urer aa-117'cfatf rooter• of bowl11ra to be 1.811 da or \en dol'lara P'lnl St. ,. . He palcl. Pe�k. Sfocrt"lary, Ill g1veu t o tha Dllht. o the aeoretary n t -----· PriM and hedul11 Commltt- will lle v t rt have e ery thinK In abaJI" to & a �;::::::: :: : or · ;: : bowllnK Oct. 18th 19th. :::::: : ::::: ::� peaervationof allita QUOIT TOURNEY. Scorched? A quo tournament baa beau ar· � app�tizina it eur rang11d by a number of tbe Weatfteld Ever lave Y Ganaeat can IIQthualut.e for the afternoon of Co· ".. , " N'or HERE qualities. This Iambus Day. The tourney will be We never burn, scorch or trloss anyone's clothes. beld on Rerreatlou Park and the fol­ We press with bot dry steam, sterilize your be IIIUled by lowlnl 1111trlea hav11 been made : J. ouly Qeemau, William Darby, Arthur clothes and make thern look as trood as new - care Olark, Warren oodru , H. Cham· W ll' THAT'S SERVICE. No dirtv spontresor pren­ exercising great berlalu, W. H. Baller, Harry Darby, ina clptbs used in this establishment. That's Jamea Edwarda Playlill will hi!tlln . at o elocll. Everybody In vlted why we're always busy. See the point. in the Z ' · to operatioa." wltueu the a.m..

PIGEON RAOt:S. R•.... rlal US_;WE'LL The nrot young bird race of the CAU.' CALL Plalufteld Homing Cl u b wu held lut Saturday afteruoou. Tb11 blrdo w.,.,.. liberated at N11wark, Uel., and new a PRIVATE SF.AI dtalanoo of 100 mlllll . Tbe bunch llbe t d at 11:01 and the llrat wu ra bird arrivedll hom11 at 1:36.40. The oummary : Yda. per Min. Fells Rdyalpakl, Roo. . . The Brew for You Pk . ..903.68 J'ellx Ryd1lnalll, Roe. Pll. . . Broad St. We•tlleld.. N. e uman .. 887 .U Automatic machinery, more cc at �an Marab, Plalull11ld ...... 879.36 132 TeL 488 J. a ur h hands, A. . .. th� Robertoou, Plalu ld ...877.30 John lle cleanses, dries al uauder, Plalulleld ...... 8 . Ill. l!: 76 81 rinses and l bottles, fills them with PRIVATE L. W. Hlnda, Plai field .•....847.60 n ! and caps and John Fl her, Wet�tfleld .....832.94 �=====::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:==.:! �e SEALBeer, even labelsthe l!.ottles. H�man hands Bert.chluger, Plalnlleld .... 2 0 . 68 L. 8 care J. Carberry , Wet�tfteld ...... 764.19 . R. B. Paroouo, Plalnft<'ld . . . C.34.:tU have nothing to do with the operation.t-the most jealoua .. guards t , HJN)) H � Jo.: . OF he entire process, insuring the P. 0. N. Purity. L081!J8 \\' : t to'OIUI. s� Weleh , real H11rbert R. t!lltKit• oper tor uotutlc a and t!Uth owner o! a PRIVATE SEAL Beer in'ripntea rord runabout, camo to grie! In -poucaaee wldlr Oranford on Batu rday afternoon the muiJnum of with the whu a aaucy hi& car came alon yet �: auu lllinimum •f alcohol. baviac wok the rtcht btnd beel rig J'or4. w ht orr little 'l'he accident occur­ �dpl tonic qualibet. at 10o r oppoalte the rail- �--r.-- �r.--...... red�· Y!•n r��e 0...... , .. IQWio � __ ...... �.,.. .__. . __

. .&DVBRTl8BIUI• lf� � ...._ ...... �e ebuopa ..

WM11 ...... :o:'-e=SO:z�z= lfOOlf cteMell " ·" .· ' ...... A •. . u· ftlll WWIII&D OO'IOBD LUD8. WIID DID.AY, e, ltlD...... LANNING FOR BIG AUTUMN WEDOING MISS HANft AN OCTOBER BRIDE P MUSICAL FESTIVAL PRETTY ...,...,. �--;;;...... _ t��e lM..-ted 1lllalletll (�honoo to be Ia ..... of ...... ('ombbo�lfewull: 1B Tbo rlret Metholt.t h wu the A pratt)' bome wecldiDI took pia.. 4 ec- or a ,.. ry prett)' dlq Jut IMt Band&)' ahlraooa at o'�lll. l<' lnt Preobyterlaa cbureb, bald lut All d1 ••t b • dl-m 1 One Way. RQund ot gubllcatloDI E. colo lnp o t tbo tollage tbat frlngeo Sunday e'JeDIDI, It wu deCided aaUoa tb- Chaa. r ...... · · · ... · • · · ·. · · ..... to baall:a tbe or Capital CIIT Ll"" . . elM or APiar atatea that he bu recel•ed tba Ia -• Ia heiKhth ...•...... •....•...., h'Oid tbe meetiDII at 7:10 lDite&d l,eopJe•• IJn• , a...... prof- Ita 1lory &l tll18 time. Tb8 palatial at u heretofore. All -hen ..,. !e tten from AJD&telll'l, collep 7 •teame,. bea!Nd by a and otbon NrCWdla• det&lla of of th18 company, pledted make the adtJ lre&t· aora to work fJ·om ateem and lllbtecl bJ electricity , wltb oar 1110-, peei&I J bJ ntUDI 1110re· bl8 ll&aobnaettl to Call· ,. I from tbelr apaeloua I&IOODI, have a bome lnembera. Nut BundaJ enatq at rorala and IIIDDeaOta to the appe&r&llo. that welcome• tbe 7.3· 0 wltb IIIIa eV.r.r -.alter, Oalt. r&Yeler o'clock w o f tile IDteroat e:a- t and II•• the worn out buoi· Special Tourist Rates on AutomobUes friend Ia lD til' Ia 'fle Joeal to -he .... maa a touch of real ,.,.t and -· roo'm GpecMItile pr_.t bJ trteada be 80111111 IDI' or ..__.._.__.__ maDJ ID•qfrtn• ,...,_, ·- dacl 'fe a coateatmoat. Information can one Parlab� Ho!WII Ur. Beea�er wUt 4ec1to 11 pu111 10 demOD· •1111 . be � be had a Uttle l11ued by IIJand 110 way 17.80 ud liS round trip wUI atr&Uoa Ia at tbe Pl&r Ia booklet Ia cbar1e ud topSo be Weaill1114. · the on lltb, ot re- oompuaJ : lt'1 youra tor tbe uk· AutomobUe "Be " �dar! rollo- 1" ho- TbandQ, Oot. Be a 'Wireleaa The Real Tomorrow, Tbund&J ••aaJDt, a ool'ded m...... , -mP&Il• Jq. Hl&hway D "wnber tboe me ber• tboe -'At)' bJ ll DO_. B or m ot led a&llY •pertiMIItl l ORG.tKIZ£. m.. heariDI are to attend the State OoDftiUioa trloJtJ aud NU.m 41- DJIIIOC&Aft of wl...._ I Ellubeth. An ea�Jall" ...u reatlJ 011 tbe aetaace tel• Tile loeal Detaoerauc Eucull•e ID 11 l detUia ..,..._. hl wUl be aa- Oommlt.tlle tb• u a proltAWa u.e ts papii.J, , a -u.t• lD A "" ..,.et b111f .,.. ll - no &o att.4 aouoed Ia aeu ...u a ..... clall ,_. JUt ,.. ud eleotecl wtu Ill. R. OoUlua cbatrmu, Phelpa pi- eall Mr ...... tile nft I. HUDSON NAVIGATION COMPANY at roa WUIIala Bacbmu aer­ prK�deat. h1e Ito- oa llilicHR AND I'ACTI -retai'J &D4 RtiD • a..-.-. IIVQY PAOB .... � IITRRICOPTIOAN roat7K JtOLDII In S.IJ after abe bad t11o1 LIOCJII'URII: " -''" time had �&ld DR. LOOIIIR. ... elL •DJOURIIED not. notice aud at tbat nv GII'IIJ«))II.'TRIIR JIRIIITING. EL about the not• tile lint aile li:alnl' Tbll cm�nlng at 8 o'eloell: In the On TIII ••nlln1, 8ept.. Jlth, 011 CA-UFI- D HEARII8 u e tbe ...... llr. ..IIJ • w wlillll ell C011prptlonal Pariah Hou• 8. the Men'a J'orum of the lletllodlat WO'RD pt ble Dr. O�C GC�T-A- G,_ Rl.1 Mr. Cau!Mid •u 011 OLA881FIIl:O ADVB:RTIBJI1Ulli'l'fl (0Rtlll•lll1 fr- P ... ll J,.oamla will liTe a atereoptlcon church held a "let-tosether" meet- tile time. L. Leader tllat •w Mn. Oaulleld entorw a neMIM at teetla re 111 place or tbe Nllllar Wed- lnl' at tbe bome or B•tt�e. 11e reiterated three tlmM UU.U he had llr. Green J elltell for and that lira. nMdiiJ enning 18rvlce. Tbe plcturw In ltonelqb Parll:, and Judatnl b that be wu poaltl•e that Cau- •t tile cbeck bJ meaeen1er to the will be 1hown on tbe macblne owuod the attendance tbere will a 11'8&t t abe bad not aim· be lkl lleld bad l&ld tha We•�CUJ i ca., . Poet. ,._loaal Bull: of Weet ld to take bl' tbe lundaJ Scbool and tile .ObJect lntereet tile meetlnp tbla wlntM. Alii YIII'I'MIIN'I' or 11.000 tn a a• .. ,._.., Par t em. lfr. Klttl altto teetlliM In IJII . ... note llr Hardeft ad ll d ln �· f.· a war 1 a rnwated nner will 11e "A Str� In a Btraap After the bualn- meetlnc, bl �:! J���;'�� :..:::tt':� F f'V� Br , R. ¥'. u. • Q � � I that Mill. Caafteld bad Rid ahe •• o ';!� 1 . 'lj�;; � Jdvutlll- � th• 1l ;..natu�e or Mn. J..and. " The ob'-t or tbe .. will which plana for tbe comiDI Jftr •an •-•...... ,.. ,_ .., nt Who to cIt opuk qulokiY ,. •� III'Ded tt·J notea. • .: t � a bond of thll W t••ld -•d m&DJ th uaand"' of wer dl u treat- muot be oold. oul Walter J: WA.WTIID-Naal wlllta •lrl for pa•rel Caufield on . be tb& e migrant, o l 11 �e ued, tbe men were �1 m lt ll Tb tb 11 AttorneJ f�, .... rML n uao rk t be 11ood �ta1n oook � n. ,...... 1 � • •-lo.u · ...-e, 41 11 . aoW ao B.tM&IW - � .,... 11111....., Ia ....1111 liP• •liM 11 •�m arriYe at our .t�or•durl.. aor- ad to a woaderful dl�euulon IIJ Mr . an°d l"'au0nd reoa. altro apt. ttl U.... be I ow Ap ar or bla aerial dlcto pb, tn· olonla A naa. _____ Dd tiM .... ,_ tl• lti'OQ plea tor .._ oiJnt • the � T WU 1ll r .,.. 4 .�::.O�!�hn-:!'r _:c ..:::��::I ...::.::.".:.:.: :.::.::.:._ :--_ .....fiM ehak -. tbbappletlll'll allout tbe eluding a reproduction on tbe pbono- �::.�:�� ��:: .. .n ... th IOQIIt oalv taterltllll t ct all llo ...... at M lied to _, mWd�':r��. T prwklellt or tbe 1111114 eml1rant, luluolbal bl& life board or aome or tbe record• glr1:!Y oe c:•!�0 ,0c0��: w :o��.o n"::\ �.\'!n �f:.i l)lr. n 1 aad abat he bad tkat 011 tali:eft \'1����u. o . ::.� ��l 1 ,'":116.00 d d waltr•-a. Ma\loaal I. lhnwJ',or •• tlleld, WU tbe :0 a - In and a� llllla by him from the air on the prevloua tad. Coat o o Will l ��amt><>�':..':.�.:1 d t • th lle r H. ablp and If quick action lo taken. c. Nor- .,,:"',.::. .lloiJha lUI . M ld...., ror_ tbat p po aut wltll-.Bull: � .::... f . Co &D tb-•b wblcb e- allen night "pr-ly for thla meet1n1. F.. Orand near road �t . Dr. Jla;wr ella... __. .__ ..1 •a- lai d, 1 ton, F•nwo,;.od, ";_· _J _. l'.,;,ll�o .;.n e 1-4 1-Y K�: aot bo : Street. B reet He a,....., tae m1111...... o .. ·-- ·-·, Ia • m llo lolophona IIU. CIOM that be bad lnatracted tbe emploJ- aerv muat pue before beiDI admitted to Weatll d Jaatly proud of tbe auc- 1 _.;;;;B::..;..:.;:,..,� ;;; o � -: -:--:: a th to remeablr t !Mir oath to e A. A BOA N-c:-o ut� r o ldoal-: home ovonlnlf• at e and overy 8Atu ���: at tbe bank to dlaconat tbe aotee U , tbla oountfJ. lDwfJOIMI ootdlally orJ Mr. Appr alon1 thla line but J m '"::R:I..' •n � lt town ef W•tllllld II ·- ••g� : o aDd . Cau- _ .. atu.l m..U... be 1reater tblnp for �v'!".: .� ��. r . o .�::'.� ...... IIJ IDUaM. :b . .,., _ , .... up Rid lnYited to tkla promlae. tile abundancen of rull, ftowerln11 buoheo l''Alii1'ED--I.aundrooe eaelll llpe4 , __..: ' c m e l n a dayo lleld and endoned Martlll Oaldleld. · ..,...... , .,. ·-- ruture; be can now put on tbe pbOIIo- Apply u u b r a d St oo . t·ll-ti e k. call evonlnaa. ...,tween f and t M h ll:aOft tilt-defendant for o r t w e tallllf of tile National tb lld R. 120 �1 . Pudtey Ave. 11 If Gl'llll 11raph record what oomeone Ia ....,. T. numllw of ,_,.. tiiM It "'"14 Bank, �nd ltlttl, oallllllt, - 11 to ADDITIONAL LOCAL lng bJ wlrelela manJ mil" IIW&J. wo111en ateao· J. lm . lllm, tllllt " �1�'!':i.;ooto ft'ANTlolD--Compenent•r. • 111• the 1ltU4 tH 1wore tbat ll ,_ .. IRI£FS '':J:!�!0�.!�!:10':;T;:.,::• ff'.botblq,r.,pall��� :; 11raph Addr.. P. 0· Hoa ... tbe and aoon e speeta to be able to do wu on iJ tfJIQ do 11 datJ to �tr11ll oe tbe 11cnatare aad endoiWIQMIIe of to 11 Oeorp Clarll:, of lAmer wil l llkewl18 with wlrel- m-1• l''C>IIAN left veral artlciH at IIOtR I town. He laSd IJICIC!Ial empbUII 00\. d l''AJH• Btla O.deld tile four n e ate f rom C•� Coun- cleer acrou tile Atlantic. Wlrel- ".,!��Fun�:��.��r l!f l'�:'o.!.0.: homo on Ill. Broad Ktr..,t. Heins il. 011 t d • M th deltll r . t t q-tloa, were 18DUIJle. ID ! etl, Jr. 0. U. A. M .. to It&t Dot la � tlMI � tel�phone will have 'to burfJ to 11ood cooktna. prlcu moderato. Cor· �:tu�" ":rt�\�. ':: :. lleep �%�\� Walter OawtbotM, PIIJI.. tel.., ::.!a:'! � :� : �� : · �anell In Newarll Oil Wldaee4ay ahead or blm. �: � \!�!·�:; and udle Av _��:���0l_.e_a_d_• _•_'.,' m_r ·------ba 't lk l p D y :.�u":'i . · · of tile Unkla CoantJ Traat COIBpan,y , or an� Berore parting for the evanln1 the -:- .1 oeo bad ao d Tburaday ,._k, NT t tl��·::' tl · d t l , · q ..ll .. u Mpert., IWOn poi4 n 011 tile ....._, :!:e l.. Tbe YOIUII P et., tbe I!Uella were ee rved wltb rerreeb- aoY-Brt•ht, ctoanmako cut. active boy-; l'·:t ��r.r::,'��o�::.' 1�q�:� u ::. It � ";..-:::: ef IIIII l t ai who want to money durin• l'lq M n•• •· tlteiJ tlaat U.llpatan ' Baptl t *rob and all e:rpreaHCI tbelr liP· •, a • aad • write l �II ...,_,M n1ent1 opare timea on Thurodayo and Jl'rldayo ellti'M- Wby d- be ref... to O. ' mtnt on \lie foQr 110tee In qu 1oD "Theil )(r. lfra. Wn ' . J t ala!J•t predation of tbe IOod time Wbleb Ia ohould �IY to BenJ, llar o 8ta· WAN1'11:D - -111 -A.t tho Oea rel . uW. &0 aa4 � tlenory par· t Atto..... tor \IN• ...... lie . . �tore, Br ad lltreat. for TalloriDI Co Ill Watebuaa AYODIIO, ._.. -...... U.. 'ehle.ll tile Ute at tbe hGIIIIM of C. 8...... rt h alwaye aaured to tboae entertained t c l a. o boyo at.- t 1l 0 m-"-11 of t u ar l':atra lnduc•mont to t!rom'latahld. N."J., around the oorner del'- on tile let· '" aftDae. fte Ol'IDIDI WU . - for Hlllh � pf� t- by Mr. BeattJI. who huotle 1 11·11 K. R. ltatlon, O oaGradeat Jal4I � I OcnUleU NUreol " -alder tile el'l· t a d and Meb w '-' . IJ apant 1111111e and ...... The Foru111 wa1 to belfn tbelr NI"H OF Pawallrollor'l lultaoa aaol YOtotrao o tw ·�" de k wltlt. .. _ &D lll aL KIIYI loft by oome one at u romoll' low prl o. Bla ur odd a l e f • d ilu t W&l .....,, lll o ....U. ace u. ...,. •· The Wwt.leld &.Dd plaaatD.I to m�etlnR• Bunda)' b ut owiDI to our Photooa Btudlo 8atur ar. Bau· n tro r Jha, aou.e... nt ._of .. adjouramnt Ia 1Ut d lt. • t a d.11 u• •. hit• • ...1•11_ t,• alona t� ..._ tbe tnal mann, Br ooor"o e"r 111 up. :I u alft an .. Mild concert � lattf'r thfl Sund•J B('hool RallJ DaJ exer- C&1diiW to tbe ltalilcl ...... Mr-. wu Galled ..rt or t.bll JDOII$Ii. Tile ---· I• C\801 poatponPd the openiDI date to ('!liUI'I'AKilll-Country, Chrlotlao ..n- Mand aH In uawer tM qa•Uo• re d r te WEBBING. rattldl7 tacrMalaa Ita pertoire, &D ne:lt 8und&J, Oet. lOth. All meo aN �.·:��r�· ��11 f;!:n!� f!o�1:!�ent� ·:�:;.� 11a11te tbe p •'l)o JOII aiW&JI wrtt. Jftr btllfCAW.JARYn praetloa meetlllp an Nl4 iftt'y Invited to theae meetings wblch are •••rate. Caretaker. LO!adar om ..... ftt _,.. IIIIa ....U of IIlii Janie R. • hflld for one hour from lJ 116. era ... "a, .,, ...... ,...... , •-'Ill•· to l' C"JC!II'I'IUL AVS.. rurnlohed room, WAN�IIrl ror 11on l houoework, Tile wltn- atated tbat thO pro- tna aa11 nta, will The weddiDI or Mabel Btacg, o'clock. lt o m a to Edward R. Ja lllt.a /�';. r� :,:: �:.'r�".:::::.l!f K ru•l•r. Moun· t•led note for UlO otrered In � tat � ev aiDI at Palenoa, u d b e t �� t��\T. d to e tllll e or .Jo u x..t , or :�����':.".':�1:n t J 1.1J'clocll:, tall:e at I"HIIICE HOU.Ill ... ro mo...... - II ller tan tl(l at bome or tiM llrlde'a .....t, ...... P)alnfteld, will plaae toalcbt �- "'-·"'2"""""""""""""'- "'--"'=="""""""'- -""·-""--"'--"'- ..,_ ,.,__.._., _ .,...,..,_ of ..t o wltll WA.NomanTIID-�jrl for ••nora!516 houMworkBoulevard. tbe roar not.ea lint mentloH4. l lle o. of ca erland 8 o'clocll at llle llome or Mra. P \�id�r n;r�rve';":.':.�. In ramlly. Call In D. GvNtUOII. Wei- t.::7t � th • t �� that July, obe went to tbe .;b Dr. W. ttu � u m eteled atreet. Jer'a, 110 HaHI annufl. I. n t •u.L T A.kit: ni proved lot •• that Mr. ·-- · an 11.000 ,llallll:, I&W Mr. Green and -- . - St�ana will omclate. The couple will BAJ1l'IANN'S jJ;,;:J. =��;"ferW t r":.�u � l.ou';�, q":l:11 � pa} m•nt On We1tftPldbouH nnt G.- the note for Conoult al e J.,1 u Elm lltreot1 and acc•pt balancl! on eaay terma or bad made out l-'er make their home In Plalnlleld. a atr IIJht mortaa•e. Addreaa "Rl•. ­ abe had olgned and The Ia tbe llltopplna Ouldr _ ---·----- ·- _ O,.r Ul 0 and that I c·oun••1TIIlN'I' woman wano•d; man c"-e,"& t'Are Leader. went to for Union countJ. Read the adver· S'O II P' d n h u o k eadot..,d lt. llbe at.ld ebe R NEW ANQ, ACTS r 8 OT 0 STuD 0 �;;:':j{ 'r':.d,;, 1�; ·=�.,o;:�ea o ��;.; ."ttl tile beall: mall:e arl'&llgllmenta earefuiiJ. EVERY to t.o U•llltDtl ReD PAGE BIOA----b STREET Firat IR -lie monthly paJmentl and tbat c mpe bJOE!UUUIJ:D o tent laundrooHo that abe "llnew notb- ella bad atated lftiHHHPHIIIIHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII wan to day'o work. aloo llouoe clean- llll about not..... Opening of the fall •• en d oc � �: 'i� ���; '\:c���·•. 1 Bbe denlld poeltlftiJ that abe bad e d flr�.��i d �tlaabath. �W �!f l eason. an Rt . Tel. ���t .... _ 8')1, INVIIliTMII!IIT, ftne prop­ made a etatement that abe nenr S Come in an -I-lt erleau.t)', elcallent eondltlon, under lon• I . m A real baraaln. Bta oppor· atcaed tile notea. Wben ull:ed If she seep our new sty l es. t:�::c���r�l1':,'; �f:"�.:� •,,1�� tunlt to rt�allae on rlnclple InveRt· llnew Mr. Kltte. abe eald, "nner had Fel�:::�htiF..W. 88 /':!: �n � str � - y riCeS reasonabl e dor omco . :�·one i � �� wltli tbat maD... ______n1�� i .. ., d.Uap e uperVJSor• s Earo H ..:,. �!!tn!iU'k Th s , ...,... 1 222 ::::;:z::=.. In repiJ to tbe queetlon ..., Mr. IIment •• ,. a·-- F. \:PmIII:IlT oquab or poultry farmer. • • usual. ' PQ . Le - wbat purpoae did llr. I o tent temper&hL 8quab1, a Oliver, "J'or t .._ • o 8 p m __.. S.t 111;::::::::::::::::�==�==� 1'- d< omce Dresaiag C 00 0 UslcJ. I to II L lairIIMiil. rarlor s h I f M . arday ... R. BRl'NI!:Ll,Y SS3 Pro•pect St., Westfield, N DVER I .. pllt the queotlon and tbe wltn .... re- T EME T HOII!JO, 10 Cowder �tal• on HutiUIIII Hair (liKMla =.�:�a;�:';-!:E• N aloo d I A � � Jl'lllTiiALm il an fiNd to aMwer. COURSE for CoD••· duat•• and ad- for New York paper• t;�n:u bler l'llleono. 'ca.ta. Bell avory- ... -=�i';.t:::���blcycloo.F�:f :..plow, Hair Colorln1, Marcel Wave, Manl· At thll point Mn. Caufteld denied ONE YEAR . aU thln11, lncludlnlf I m.:\'.� a t tn curing, Shampooing, Scalp Treat- thet abe had •ld to Mr. Green that vanced •tudonU. lleaelncl 1t eflll!l ntu. �':.��r'"·4j\ ��.�� t 1 WALL, T l �.!'o'::r·�!!� �r, .. bad never IIIO&d the notea, aud �. w. e . 40'7 ment, Electrical Face Ma... ,e ...... Ollila, JI'I.AT '1'0 llii -P'Ive aile allo denied bavlnl • CODYerea YEAR for en. NTm roomo.e lnclud· · u ... 0 bat Hl m nt . Telephone (or appolntmeute UDn wltb llr. Kltta reprd\DI them. TWO co•na S E8 th ��nth �: r; �:�' '\����� I ;��=� l PlalnHeld 33 69 . J Martin C.ulleld wu eallld to 110 tileD TO Llll'l' c ,.•• COURIEB INCLUDE: ii'L.,T roomo and bath. W. l<'ron& Pl,AINFIJ<:l,D, atand. Tbe denied writ- . H. Caoll. Garwood, N. J. l·l·tf j 11118 8t., tile ,_ Pluo, Voice Culture, Hlatoey of Mualc, Appreciation of llualc, S .. bt J Ill. I t e o • n I ll'f Wnolworth'a ReadiDI, Ear TnlniDI, J'rencb, German, General Hloto!')', HarmoDJ ftr Salt O E Ter•1 ro urnlolled room 111.�} OYer a .It Ilk' !!tore . on o N.w -- -.. • ..,_ :aln���'[,.-;.� t liethoele . =••• � ha �::eYideoce.:��� ::: :: ::: : �� _, lfelodJ Wrlttq, VerM, Cblld Voice, Rete Soap, or .. nr �.� ::."'!";. :-.::::- ::J :!� n•• t RR,..-9'--Fur-nl•h•d rooma. "·lth Tbe wit- atated that be had TeechiDI, PaJobolo..,, Cboruoea and Choir Tralnhl1, SJ•tua• or wi hout board. COl Weotleld Avo. l poe to Dr. Harve:r 'a bome at. the re- Pllbllo Babool lfuale, etc. Tb.- eounee will bt bJ lllaa 4-U·t ba .. ta I ::;:r..;:...... "::'.;.. a�. !-lr'I'll.::::=: .. a._._.. qQeat of Dr. Haney. Tbat tbe doc· Br&J ualated bJ Mil& E. V. F. Vo-ller, (J'otUlder of rt-lngton Hutublneon tor roa aRNT-Apartm•nt In bad told blm tbat tbe algnaturea _ m Cblldrea'a Cbolr and Supenlaor or Maalc at 8omenllle), alao by ::•-...... •::.-� u�r;:rt ••••·.,!'::"e:·� ..... ,.; :�.·::•wrutc�ln��� ; on the uot" were uot the IllUDe and • 'I'HE. S:�4 bat�-2l�t Dr. Ion A. Jacllaon, MIN Harriet E. llaon aDd otben. ..., -. .. o...r' rt-••·' tllat be bad repliJ811 tlleJ -re. } IIMPUY, II"OR JUI:NT-Three or tour room•. tur­ PROCTOR'S ll• Ja

FUR MA.L&-Pl\rlor atovei perfect c,on� Skec"h, "A Wort. of Klndneao" ��2�-R.���:· ''Ph��; DURYEA e&a••,�::rn'::l1 �v�:��. MAY A CO. Euelleu& r IM'IIt'at h Caat NEW-.Ju•t \\'hat youTHESE want for cool Jo' all daJ•ATTR and �btlly l'Vl'ulu��:o!ACTIVE fo wearSWE aAT roar, ''"'•ERS whl'n FOR cylinder 8A.I4Jil..--.Cheap, ••• ran e, Allee llflllon ...... Mt.ey Ia fI 8eotch DurJU O'u• rtlt. Novemloer te& B . ....Entir e CompuJ NOftlltJ Plal4 38 lnebM t� IIIIDU&Ie of pneent and future l · · SUb, Colora are , rhan1eabla lllld t nt (ial or · . Nettle P ellw •tlafaoUon -lllne to malle our a•"· ';r;�t� ...�i ::',e A.�':�.. &1 . · · · · · · a wide. Mueb ID VOIUI for oomlllu­ aoll4, �d mouM IFIIY. !i!ot�rcu d . ':f::: Motion Pleturea...... Be atore tN ahopplnl eenter .or Weet- a er lO·f-tt ryl Loqe tiOII d..-. At 11 ... aQletb�t, bottle lre&D , Rua· 00 tile Hill Quar ette-­ alan 1reeJ1, Belclum. tleld. ' li.LCaaFIC-tfome, t roomo, batb, lt 8- aavy, lot llllllt. l Qllln, Carrlell: African brown and blacll. mlnut.. from otat!on, �• . Lodp, . Mdroao llparll: of Lo•e� ��r·g�c':.•oto L. ft.. Still, J'lo Prloe, ·•·•· ___ Bert Vleto., Ia Oure ....Entire . ComPiliiJ T U.loiUM •-want e man wt "GO HIC" ..... PK'I'TIOOA'PJ, ..... � t,! tt.!!:'!· Arrow Ool.., l!lxcellet In JerMr •1111-top pattleoata, wltb PIOPIT·IBAIIJ"e C:OU. 'l'be •- 'f11111ea ,.l'rD =r·l�.;a:'�rt�t.. cbllfon tetreta lounoe; llnlahld wltb three oluten or Wlftl � (PLM ; qaae ,_ tMifil UU ---- with of for u.. llnot. --''q r.U unr pleated ..,rurtea betw,a. 81111 PUICIIAII 1 � -. BVDY ... Juat arrt...d , In all alsN. for Jllk 4uat rt�fftt. colore. Price ... , I , AU a81. w�:r.�.:. A.�f.:Hard llltt.ll ''' l>oll.· .:l·:� 8taaor,:-:: .�-r:: �:,.�- 8\U, �u..\:w�a: ...,• •• .... Othero ra11alal' 0111 up. ..._-� 810 •• -...., •- ...;-..=- .. Player Pla11ua ta.lt6n Ia e11elluao ...:;:..... :r::.•-�' l ....,. , ""'..._, ""•· part Ml'.m •nt froll!l tltl Bebtaloll · . WNI 14tll llp. altle a. """•llftoiac. aa �- er . IT 8L. lfew l'on�t-ct �...... J!!""'..: � :..,.- flletN-;r:rr -....., •ura•tee": , Lll'l'-C111 kb -. Ill a kaa4 8L, K&t· B ....BPICIA.L -��• • . · ••• '"� � & COMPANY .... o c en 111>11... l·l·tf �::;-�� F• .F. H. SCH'I' �EFER·, , , , ,. ,�· � :• IILD NIW , _. lllllaal .!,_ ...... A AI¥' �· . . . lf..,.. . JDIEY. ,. • "rtt, 4 fur II�""""· !,._. · A.dt'{,'Jilr2Lr&...... m ._ ellif_l'Lil ... � -.:-•. -...-.'l:c,:;'i ;:_ ,A: .. •· �t::'1:.*'