Free speech is one of the essential democratic rights, and one of the most controversial. Wheth- er it is Donald Trump’s Twitter account, Larry Flynt’s pornographic magazine, protests, the fi- nancing of an election campaign, or hate speech directed at migrants or minorities, free speech incidents attract intense attention and regularly provoke debate. The limits to our freedom of expression are changing. The forthcoming Free Speech in the 21st Century global conference will feature unique exploration into crucial freedom of speech is- sues. It will gather together the biggest names in constitutional law to debate the future of the human right that is so important to democratic society. You are invited to attend and participate. Mark Tushnet of Harvard, Jacob Rowbottom of Oxford, and David Erdos of Cambridge, among others, will evaluate how the matter of free speech is currently understood, and its future. András Sajó, a member of ’s Oversight Board and a former European Court of Human Rights vice-president, will elaborate on the changing limits of freedom of expression. Jurij To- plak of Alma Mater Europaea and a Visiting Professor at Fordham Law will moderate the event. The conference is organized by Alma Mater Europaea international university and the IACL, the leading global association of constitutional scholars. It will be the inaugural meeting of the IACL’s Freedom of Speech research group. There is no registration fee. You are welcome to register here (http://iaclfreespeech.almamater.eu) and to ask your questions or participate in discussions at one of the most exciting freedom of expression events.


Jurij Toplak Jurij Toplak is a University Professor of law at Alma Mater Europaea interna- tional university and the University of Maribor, Slovenia, and a Visiting Pro- fessor at Fordham University School of Law, New York. He gave guest lectures or researched at Harvard, Georgetown, Oxford, Central European University, and was a Fulbright Scholar at UCLA Law School (2003-04). His expert opin- ion appeared in and The Boston Globe. Jurij gave expert advice to governments and international organizations in the , Cana- da, , , Belgium, , , , Croatia, , , , and . His book Political Finance and Corruption in Eastern Europe (co-edited with Daniel Smilov) was extensively cited. Jurij has served as a co-convenor of the IACL Free Speech research group since 2018.


Mark Tushnet Harvard Law School Mark Tushnet is a leading scholar of constitutional law and legal history, and currently the William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. His research includes studies examining (skeptically) the practice of judicial review in the United States and around the world. He also writes in the area of legal and particularly constitutional history, with works on the development of civil rights law in the United States and (currently) a long- term project on the history of the Supreme Court in the 1930s.

András Sajó CEU, the Facebook Oversight Board András Sajó is the founding dean of Legal Studies at the Central Europe- an University, a member of the Facebook’s Oversight Board, and former judge and vice-president of the European Court of Human Rights. He is widely considered as one of the Europe’s leading constitutional and human rights scholars. Sajó taught extensively in the US (Harvard, NYU, University of Chicago, Cardozo Law School, Brigham Young). In Hungary, he founded the League for the Abolition of the Death Penalty, served as a legal counsel for the first freely elected President. He participated as expert in constitution-drafting in four countries.

Janny Leung University of Hong Kong Janny Leung is Professor of English, Programme Director of Law and Liter- ary Studies, and Associate Dean in the Faculty of Arts. Her research interest lies in the emergent interdisciplinary area of language and law. She has written about challenges, ideologies, paradoxes, multilingual legal prac- tice, legal interpretation, unrepresented litigation, courtroom discourse, legal translation, and representations of law in the media. Her latest gov- ernment-funded project deals with the evolution of law in the modern communication environment. In 2017, she was elected to the Executive Committee of the International Association of Forensic Linguists.

Olivier Sylvain Fordham University Olivier Sylvain is a Professor of Law at Fordham University. His scholar- ship examines communications law, artificial intelligence in communi- cations technologies, social media liability under the civil rights laws, broadband internet governance, and data protection. He is a principal investigator in an interdisciplinary National Science Foundation grant project that is prototyping a community-administered computing net- work in West Harlem. Before entering academia, Olivier was a Karpatkin Fellow in the National Legal Office of the ACLU in New York City and a litigation associate at Jenner & Block, LLC.

3 David Erdos University of Cambridge David Erdos is University Senior Lecturer in Law and the Open Society and Deputy Director of the Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law (CIPIL) in the Faculty of Law and also WYNG Fellow in Law at Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge. David’s current research explores the na- ture of Data Protection especially as it intersects with the right to privacy, freedom of expression, and freedom of research. In addition, David continues to have a research interest in bill of rights and related constitutional developments, especially in the UK and other ‘Westminster’ democracies.

Jacob Rowbottom University of Oxford Jacob Rowbottom is a Fellow of University College, Oxford, and an Asso- ciate Professor of Law in the Faculty of Law, University of Oxford. He was previously a University Lecturer in Law and Fellow of King’s College at the University of Cambridge. He is a qualified barrister and previously worked on the staff of an election campaign for the US Senate. His research inter- ests include media law, freedom of expression and the legal regulation of the democratic process. He is the author of Democracy Distorted (2010) and writes on a range of topics including the funding of political parties, media regulation, speech on the internet, election campaigns and obscenity laws.

Adrienne Stone IACL President Adrienne Stone is the president of the IACL and holds a Chair at Mel- bourne Law School where she is also a Kathleen Fitzpatrick Australian Laureate Fellow, a Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor and Director of the Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies. She researches in the areas of constitutional law and constitutional theory with particu- lar attention to freedom of expression. Her Laureate Program on Com- parative Constitutional Law assembles a research team to investigate challenges to liberal democratic constitutionalism. She has published widely in international and Australian journals.

Mark Rush Washington and Lee Univerisity Mark Rush is the Waxberg Professor of Politics and Law and Director of the Center for International Education. He has written extensively on U.S. pol- itics, Constitutional Law in the United States and , elections and democracy around the world, and global affairs. His writings have been published in numerous scholarly journals and in media outlets such as The Hill, The Washington Post, USA Today, The Christian Science Monitor, The Richmond Times and The Roanoke Times and NPR. From 2010-2013, he served as Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the American Univer- sity of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates.

4 Itsuko Yamaguchi Duke University School of Law Itsuko Yamaguchi is a professor of Socio-information and communication studies. She conducted visiting research at Harvard Law School and at Ox- ford Intellectual Property Research Centre and was later a visiting profes- sor at Duke University School of Law. She has been a principle investigator of the project »Comparative Study of Legal Systems relating to Theoretical Schemes and Balancing of Values in Smart Information Environments in Ja- pan, the United States, and Europe«.

Pierre de Vos University of Cape Town Pierre de Vos is the Claude Leon Foundation Chair in Constitutional Gover- nance and teaches in the area of Constitutional Law at University of Cape Town. He taught at the University of Western Cape from 1993 to June 2009 and held a Professorship at that institution from 2001. Prof de Vos is the chairperson of the Board of the Aids Legal Network and is a board member of Triangle Project. He writes a Blog on social and political issues from a constitutional law perspective, which is widely read and quoted.

Corado Carruso University of Bologna Corado Carruso is an Associate professor of Constitutional Law at the Uni- versity of Bologna. From 2017, Corrado Caruso is law clerk at the Italian Constitutional Court, Justice Prof. Augusto Barbera. He is also a member of Member of editorial boards of several journals. His research focuses on fundamental rights - mainly on freedom of speech-, sources of law, the European federalizing process, the judicial review of legislation.

Elisa Bertolini Bocconi University Elisa Bertolini is an Assistant Professor of Comparative Public Law and a research fellow in public law at Bocconi University. She is a member of the Milan-Bocconi editorial team of Dpce Online magazine. Her research interest includes Japanese constitutional law, constitutional justice and the protection of rights in Far Eastern law, Constitutional ordering of mi- cro-states, Islam, sources of law and rights protection in Southeast Asia, Freedom of expression on the internet and Privacy protection.

Richard Calland University of Cape Town Richard Calland has for the past twenty-five years been working in the fields of democratic governance and sustainable development in South Africa and beyond. He is an Associate Professor in Public Law at the Univer- sity of Cape Town. Prof. Calland established and then led its Democratic Governance & Rights Unit focusing on judicial appointments, training and governance. Calland specialises in freedom of information law and serves as a member of the Independent Access to Information Appeals Board of the World Bank. In the past, he has advised the governments of on matters of governance and multi-stakeholder process.

5 Dr. Germán Teruel University of Murcia Dr. Germán Teruel is an Associate Professor in Constitutional Law at the University of Murcia. Dr. Teruel worked as an advisor to the Spain’s Par- liament and was an assistant of a MEP at the European Parliament. His re- search experience includes activities at the Court of Justice of the EU and other several other European universities.

Marina Caporale University of Bologna Marina Caporale is Adjunct professor in Information Law (then in Public Law. Law Information and Communication and Media Law) at the Univer- sity of Bologna and has been a member (Vice-President) of the Corecom Emilia-Romagna. She cultivates interests in various areas of administra- tive law including: European administrative, law, administrative trans- parency, digital agenda and smart cities, information’s rules and conver- gence, audiovisual product and videogames.

Gavin Phillipson University of Bristol Law School Gavin Phillipson is a Professor of Law at the University of Bristol Law School. He is a qualified solicitor and has been a Senior Fellow at the Uni- versity of Melbourne. His research interests lie in the fields of public law, particularly areas of European and UK human rights law, and the interface of those fields with public law and constitutional and political theory. He has published widely in these areas in top UK, US and Canadian journals, including the Modern Law Review, Law Quarterly Review, Current Legal Problems, Cambridge Law Journal, Public Law.

Neil Richards Washington University School of Law Neil Richards is one of the leading experts in privacy law, information law, and freedom of expression. Professor Richards holds the Koch Distinguished Professor in Law at Washington University School of Law, where he co-directs the Cordell Institute for Policy in Medicine & Law. He is also an affiliate schol- ar with the Stanford Center for Internet and Society and the Yale Information Society Project, a Fellow at the Center for Democracy and Technology, and a consultant and expert in privacy cases. He is also a past winner of the Wash- ington University School of Law’s Professor of the Year award.

RonNell Andersen Jones University of Utah Professor RonNell Andersen Jones from the University of Utah is a former newspaper reporter and editor. She is a First Amendment scholar who teaches, researches and writes on legal issues affecting the press and on the intersection between media and the courts, with a particular em- phasis on the United States Supreme Court. Before joining the faculty at the University of Utah, Professor Jones was Professor of Law and Associ- ate Dean of Academic Affairs and Research at Brigham Young University, where she was twice named Professor of the Year.

6 David Schultz University of Minnesota School of Law David Schultz is a Hamline University Professor of Political Science who teaches at the University of Minnesota School of Law. David is the author of several books and articles on various aspects of American politics, election law, and the media and politics, and he is regularly in- terviewed and quoted in the local, national, and international media on these subjects by agencies including the New York Times, , The Washington Post, The Economist, and National Public Radio. A three-time Fulbright scholar who has taught extensively in Europe. Pro- fessor Schultz is the 2013 Leslie A. Whittington national award winner for excellence in public affairs teaching.

Djordje Gardasevic University of Zagreb Djordje Gardasevic is an Associate Professor of constitutional law at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law. He regularly presents his work at different world conferences and congresses. His research interests in- clude, among other things, fundamental rights, states of emergency and constitutional theory. He is an active member of Croatian Association for Constitutional Law, International Political Science Association (IPSA) and American Political Science Association (APSA).

Michael Riegner Humboldt University Michal Riegner is a postdoctoral researcher at Humboldt University in Berlin. He has been involved in expert activities for the Federal Ministry for Econom- ic Cooperation and Development, Society for International Cooperation, UN Conference for Trade and Development, UN Department of Political Affairs. Michael is a lead researcher of DFG funded project Varieties of Constitution- alism”. His areas of expertise is comparative constitutional law, international law, international administrative law and development cooperation law.

Daniela Messina University of Naples »Parthenope« Daniela Messina is a contract Professor in Information and Communica- tion Law. She is currently in charge of the EU funded project Competitive Methods to protect local Public Authorities from Cyber security Threats. Her field of research includes media law, information and communication law, privacy and data regulation, the right to be forgotten.

Boštjan M. Zupančič former Judge at the European Court of Human Rights Boštjan M. Zupančič is a former ECHR judge (1998-2016), the president of the court’s chamber (2004-08), and the judge of the Constitutional Court of Slo- venia (1992-1998). He obtained LL.M. and S.J.D. degrees from Harvard Law School. Zupančič became a full professor of law at the University of Ljubljana in 1986 and lectured worldwide, including at Harvard. His latest book On the European Court of Human Rights (2019) is the first to give a comprehensive insider’s view of the court’s functioning and attracted increased attention.

7 Alberto Nicotina University of Antwerp Alberto Nicotina is PhD Candidate at the University of Antwerp, Faculty of Law and member of the Government and Law Research Group. Before joining University of Antwerp, he was active in legal practice.

Rawin Leelapatana Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Rawin Leelapatana is a lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Chulalongkorn University. His two recent international publications include an article “Constitution-Making in 21st-Century Thailand: The Continuing Search for a Perfect Constitutional Fit” published in the Chinese Journal of Compar- ative Law in 2019 and a book chapter “The Thai-style Democracy in post- 1932 Thailand and its Challenges: A Quest for Nirvana of Constitutional Samsara in Thai Legal History before 1997” to be published by Cambridge University Press in 2020.

Penelope Petsini Panteion University of Athens Penelope Petsini is a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer of Political Science and Contemporary History at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences. She is also a principal researcher of the programme »Censorship in Visual Art and Film«. Her research interests, both in terms of theory and practice, focus on photography and its relation to personal and collective memory, history and politics. She has exhibited and pub- lished extensively both in Greece and internationally.

Dimitris Christopoulos Panteion University of Athens Dimitris Christopoulos is a Greek academic, writer and activist. He is a professor of state and legal theory at the Department of Political Science and History of the Panteion University of Athens. He was the President of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH). Christopoulos has taught as visiting professor and provided lectures in different universities in Europe and the US.

Boldizsár Artúr Szentgáli-Tóth Hungarian Academy of Sciences Boldizsár is a research fellow at the Centre for Social Sciences‘ Institute for Legal Studies. His research interests are in parliamentary law, fundamen- tal rights, the ECHR, and the law of citizenship.

Marcin Górski University of Lodz Marcin Górski is an Assistant Professor at the Department of European Con- stitutional Law at the University of Lodz.

8 Ivana Marković University of Belgrade Ivana Marković is an Assistant Professor at the Department for Criminal Law, Faculty of Law at University of Belgrade.

Michael Pinto-Duschinsky IPSA RC20 Michael Pinto-Duschinsky is the president of the IPSA Political Finance and Political Corruption Research Committee. He served as a senior consultant on constitutional affairs to Policy Exchange 2012-15, a member of the UK Commission on a Bill of Rights 2011-12 and consultant to the UK Commit- tee on Standards in Public Life, 1998, 2006, 2011 and 2015. Pinto-Dus- chinsky is a former fellow of Merton College, Oxford, Pembroke College, Oxford and Brunel University.

Oreste Pollicino Bocconi University Oreste Pollicino is a Professor of Constitutional Law and a Director of LLM of Law of Internet Technologies at the University Bocconi in Milan. He is a Director of the publishing series Law and Policy of the New Media, Ed- itor-in-Chief and editorial member of several journals. As an expert, Or- este was appointed to various national and international expert groups, including by the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of the Economic Development and European Commission. He has published extensively on European and Comparative Constitutional Law, Media Law, Internet Law, Life Sci- ence Law, Law and Cinema.

Max Steuer Comenius University Max Steuer is a research fellow at Comenius University. He focuses broadly on questions of democracy protection, having conducted research in the subfields of constitutional adjudication in Central Europe, constitutional- ism in the and freedom of expression, among others. His interdisciplinary work appeared in edited collections or journals in politi- cal science, law, sociology and European studies.

Dwight Newman University of Saskatchewan Dwight Newman is a Professor of Law and Canada Research Chair in In- digenous Rights in Constitutional and International Law at the Univer- sity of Saskatchewan, where he has also served a three-year term as Associate Dean. He has been a Canada Research Chair since 2013. He is a member of the Ontario and Saskatchewan bars and he does selective legal work for industry, government, and Indigenous communities fo- cused mainly on constitutional issues associated with resource devel- opment as well as consulting work on related issues for international investment entities.

9 Orhan Emre Konuralp Bilkent University Organ Emre Konuralp is a postdoctoral researcher at Bilkent University and the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law. He is a member of the Board of Law-Turkish Fencing Federation and a Substitute Member of the Board of Discipline-Turkish Fencing Federation.

Tamás Pongó University of Szeged Tamás Pongó a PhD student at the Constitutional Law Department since 2014. His dissertation’s topic is the constitutional aspects of cyberbullying in school environment among peers. He also interested in human rights research, especially in the field of online freedom of speech issues.

Šimon Drugda University of Copenhagen Šimon Drugda is a PhD Candidate at the University of Copenhagen. He re- ceived a law degree in Slovakia and the LL.M. degree at Nagoya Universi- ty, Japan. Šimon continues to write his MSt thesis at the University of Ox- ford, In Oxford, he co-founded an interdisciplinary group OxonCourts. He co-edits iCONnect blog.

Rajko Knez President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia Rajko Knez has been working as a professor of European Union law at the University of Maribor, where he was also a dean. His research has been focused on EU law, civil law, environmental law, and media law. Before being appointed the President of the Constitutional Court of the Repub- lic of Slovenia in 2018, Dr. Knez was a judge of the Constitutional Court, senior judicial adviser at the administrative Department of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia, and a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague.



8am London, 9am CET, 4pm Tokyo, 5pm Sydney WHEN SPEECH IS A CRIME Chair: Jimmy Chia Hsu, Academia Sinica, Taiwan • Janny Leung, University of Hong Kong: Entextualization and Criminality in Digital Speech (live) • Pierre De Vos, University of Cape Town: Hate Speech in a Divided Society: the “Sexual Orientation” Hate Speech (live) • Djordje Gardašević, University of Zagreb: Use of Historical Symbols and Hate Speech in Croatia (live) • Discussion

9am London, 10am CET, 5pm Tokyo, 6pm Sydney FREE SPEECH AND COVID-19 Chair: Jernej Letnar Černič, The New University Ljubljana • Elisa Bertolini, Bocconi University Milano: Freedom of expression and coronavirus denial (live) • Itsuko Yamaguchi, University of Tokyo: Encoding Fairness and Checking Value in Digital Free Speech Theory: Democratizing Global Data Governance amid the COVID-19 Crisis (live) • Discussion

10am London, 11am CET, 6pm Tokyo, 7pm Sydney THE CHANGING LIMITS OF THE FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION Chair: Janny Leung, University of Hong Kong • David Erdos, Cambridge University: The General Data Protection Regulation and the New Online Publication (live) • German Teruel, University of Murcia: The crime of historical denialism as a limit to the freedom of expression: a European glance (live) • Klemen Jaklic, Constitutional Court of Slovenia: The Free Formation of Political Will and the Responsibility of Judiciary in the Cyber Age (live) • Corrado Caruso, University of Bologna: De-humanizing Freedom of Speech: Fake News in the Algorithmic Society (live) • Discussion

11:30am London, 12:30 CET, 7:30pm Tokyo, 8:30pm Sydney THE FUTURE OF FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Chair: Elisa Bertolini, Bocconi University Milano • Richard Calland, University of Cape Town: Transparency and International Development Finance: Trends & Priorities in Information Disclosure Regimes at MDBs and IFIs (live) • Michael Riegner, Humboldt University Berlin (live) • Marina Caporale, University of Bologna: Freedom of Expression, Access to Information and Administrative Transparency in Italy (live) • Discussion

Break: 12:30 - 1pm London, 1:30pm-2pm CET, 8:30pm-9pm Tokyo, 9:30pm-10pm Sydney

11 1pm London, 2pm CET, 8am EST OPENING SESSION AND THE OPENING SPEECH • Adrienne Stone, the President of the IACL: A Welcome Address (prerecorded) • Rajko Knez, the President of the Constitutional Court of Slovenia: A Welcome Address (prerecorded) • The Opening Speech: András Sajó, the founding dean of the CEU Legal Studies, the Facebook Oversight Board, former ECHR judge: The Paradigm Change in Free Speech (live) • Michael Pinto-Duschinsky: Free Speech and Elections in the 21st Century (live) • Discussion

2:15pm London, 3:15pm CET, 9:15am EST ROUNDTABLE: SOCIAL NETWORKS AND THE FUTURE OF FREE SPEECH (LIVE) • Jacob Rowbottom, Oxford University • Olivier Sylvain, Fordham University • Boštjan M. Zupančič, former ECHR judge

3pm London, 4pm CET, 10am EST THE KEYNOTE SPEECH • Mark Tushnet, Harvard Law School: Free Speech and the Risk of Harm: How New Are Today’s Challenges? (live) • Q & A

3:45pm London, 4:45pm CET, 10:45 EST THE FUTURE OF FREE SPEECH Chair: Jurij Toplak, Alma Mater Europaea • Gavin Phillipson, Bristol University: Regulating the New Public Sphere: or not? European and US approaches compared (live) • Neil Richards, Washington University in St. Louis: The Future First Amendment (live) • RonNell Andersen Jones, University of Utah College of Law, and Sonja R. West, University of Georgia School of Law: The United States Supreme Court and The Press: An Empirical Study (live) • Discussion

5pm London, 6pm CET, Noon EST FREE SPEECH IN DIFFERENT SETTINGS Chair: Klemen Jaklič, Constitutional Court of Slovenia • Mark Rush, Washington & Lee University: The Looming Paradigm Crisis in Free Speech Law: The Impact of Technology and Social Media (live) • David Schultz, Hamline University: Free Speech and the Metaphor of the Marketplace of Ideas in the 21st Century (live) • Dwight Newman, University of Saskatchewan: Campus Free Speech (live) • Discussion


8am London, 9am CET, 4pm Tokyo, 5pm Sydney DATA PROTECTION AND PRIVACY IN THE DIGITAL ERA Chair: Elisa Bertolini, Bocconi University Milano • Aysen Çilenti Konuralp, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law: Conflict of Free Speech and Right to be Forgotten (prerecorded) • Daniela Messina, University of Naples “Parthenope”: Memory and Protection of Personal Identity in the Arti- ficial Intelligence Era (prerecorded) • Orhan Emre Konuralp, Bilkent University, Turkey: Is Turkish Procedural Law Against Technology? (prerecorded) • Discussion

9am London, 10am CET, 3pm Bangkok FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AROUND THE WORLD Chair: Elisa Bertolini, Bocconi University Milano • Max Steuer, Social Scientific Expertise in Slovak Courts: The Struggle Against ‘Hate Speech’ by the Far Right (prerecorded) • Alberto Nicotina, University of Antwerp: Freedom of speech and public participation in decision-making: the “debat public” paradigm in France and Italy (prerecorded) • Rawin Leelapatana, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand: Freedom of Expression in the State of Exception: The Case of Thailand’s Partisan Politics (live) • Nge Nge Aung, University of Debrecen: One of the Guarantees Guaranteed by the Constitution: Freedom of Speech in Hungary (live) • Discussion

9:45am London, 10:45am CET, 5:45pm Tokyo, 6:45pm Sydney FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AROUND THE WORLD II Chair: Oreste Pollicino, Bocconi University Milano • Penelope Petsini & Dimitris Christopoulos, Panteion University: Dixit quod nunquam vidit hereticos: The Greek paradigm of Censorship (live) • Kinga Kálmán & Boldizsár Szentgáli-Tóth, Hungarian Academy of Sciences: Restricted free speech of munici- pal employees: could it be constitutional? (live) • Pedro José Martínez Esponda, The Graduate Institute Geneva: No, I’m right! A Comparative Analysis of Narra- tive-Building in the Relationship between Freedom of Expression and Religious Freedom (live) • Šimon Drugda, University of Copenhagen: A 50-day Silence Period on Publication of Opinion Polls before Election in Slovakia • Discussion

3pm London, 4pm CET, 10am EST PANEL: ONLINE SPEECH, HATE SPEECH AND THE SATIRE Chair: Miha Šepec, University of Maribor • Marcin Górski, University of Lodz: The truth is out there. Internet profiling as a challenge to a passive aspect of freedom of expression (live) • Oreste Pollicino, Bocconi University Milano: Metaphors, judicial frames and fundamental rights in cyber- space (live) • Ivana Marković, University of Belgrade: The Legal Fragility of Satire (prerecorded) • Discussion

13 4pm London, 5pm CET, 11am EST FREE SPEECH AND THE UNIVERSITY Chair: Ivana Marković, University of Belgrade • Adja Mbengue, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University: Freedom of Speech in French University (live) • Tamás Pongó, University of Szeged: Is it (un)constitutional? – What are the limits of students’ free speech when it comes to (cyber)bullying? (live) • Discussion