E96 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 25, 2018 was asked to take the position of Editor/Orga- ities I’m fighting for are broadly supported by Starting with an inaugural class of 19 stu- nizer for IAM District 91 and then an organizer the American public. We should be able to ad- dents, the college had eight faculty members for IAM District 26, a position which he has dress them directly and quickly, but I fear that and was located in the basement of Santa continued to hold until now. From contract ne- we will be in the exact same spot in three Rosa’s primary high school. Within the first gotiations to communications to organization weeks. seven years of operation, Santa Rosa Junior efforts, John’s work has helped to secure eco- f College went through great adversity: briefly nomic and retirement security for his members closing due to a severe city-wide influenza and their families. As President of the Con- IN RECOGNITION OF STEVE MIL- outbreak, losing its basement location due to necticut State Council of Machinists, John has LER’S SERVICE TO ’S a fire, and operating nomadically out of sev- been the voice for more than 10,000 active SECOND DISTRICT eral temporary spaces for four years. But out and retired IAM members and they could not of this early turmoil came remarkable growth have asked for a more passionate or dedi- HON. BRETT GUTHRIE and resilience. cated leader. OF KENTUCKY By 1927, the college attained the stability it John’s work for IAM members has extended IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES needed to succeed and grow. Operating out of far beyond his role within the union itself. He a permanent campus on over 40 acres of Thursday, January 25, 2018 has served as director of GrowJobsCT, a pro- land, the college was able to begin extending gram that brings together labor and state busi- Mr. GUTHRIE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to its roots throughout the community, becoming ness interests on issues of common concern give my sincere thanks to Steve Miller of the inaugural member of the newly created in order to support manufacturing and its as- Shelby County, Kentucky, who is retiring after Santa Rosa Junior College District. sociated jobs throughout . He has nine years of service as a field representative Today, Santa Rosa Junior College has also served on a number of boards and com- with my office. grown significantly in scholastic capability and missions related to jobs, including as a mem- My friendship with Steve began when I was quality. Now spanning a combined total of ber of the Board of Directors of the Con- first elected to the Kentucky State Senate. more than 500 acres, the college district oper- necticut Green Bank and Chairperson of the Steve worked for the Senate leadership office, ates two campuses, a public safety training Board of Directors of the Connecticut Round- and I quickly learned how much everyone center, and a nationally ranked farm labora- table on Jobs and Climate. He was a founding loved Steve. He built friendships quickly and tory, among other facilities. The college now member of the Connecticut Hydrogen and had a deep knowledge of legislation and pol- employs over 3,000 faculty and staff to instruct Fuel Cell Coalition, a member of the Advisory icy, so when I was elected to serve the Sec- the more than 28,000 students who enroll Board of Connecticut’s Manufacturing Innova- ond District in the U.S. House of Representa- each semester. With these sizable gains in tion Fund, and co-chair of the Workforce De- tives, I knew I wanted Steve on my team. students, facilities, and staff, the district has velopment Committee of the Manufacturing In- Steve rose up to the challenge and imme- also expanded to serving 15 major high school novation Fund in its Investing in Manufacturing diately developed a reputation for serving con- campuses and 1,600 square miles, making it Community Partnerships federal initiative. stituents effectively. He understood early on one of the largest college districts in the na- John also played a critical role in the develop- that service transcends ideological differences. tion. ment of the Advanced Manufacturing Training Once, when Steve had an introductory meet- Santa Rosa Junior College, one hundred Center at Goodwin College where he is an ad- ing with a local official, he was rebuffed be- years old, offers exceptional academic, career junct faculty member. cause the official was of a different party. technical, athletic and performing arts pro- Over the years, John and I have worked on Steve chuckled and explained that he wasn’t grams that have consistently garnered state, countless issues together and I will always be there to be political—he was there to serve national and worldwide attention. Mr. Speaker, grateful for his candor, friendship, and support. that community and be a resource to that offi- after a century of steady scholastic achieve- He has dedicated a lifetime to ensuring safe cial. A great relationship began in fifteen min- ment and operational stability, the continuing workplaces. Today, as he marks his retire- utes and endures still. success of Santa Rosa Junior College has led ment, I am honored to stand and extend my For the past nine years, I’ve heard my con- to immeasurable social and economic im- deepest thanks and appreciation to John stituents tell similar stories of appreciation for provements for not only the North Bay com- Harrity for his bold leadership and outstanding Steve. He wakes up each day thinking about munity but the nation. It is therefore appro- contributions to IAM and Connecticut’s labor who he can introduce me to as he hits the priate that we stand together in recognition of movement. I wish him, his wife, Cindy, his road to visit the constituents of Kentucky’s this momentous occasion. children and grandchildren the very best for Second District. I will miss Steve, but I wish f many more years of health and happiness as him and his wife Donna good health and good they begin this new chapter. times with their family during retirement. SUPPORT CROSS-STRAIT STATUS f f QUO BETWEEN TAIWAN AND CHINA PERSONAL EXPLANATION HONORING THE CENTENNIAL AN- NIVERSARY OF SANTA ROSA HON. PAUL A. GOSAR HON. JUNIOR COLLEGE OF ARIZONA OF OREGON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. Thursday, January 25, 2018 Thursday, January 25, 2018 OF CALIFORNIA Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, my vote IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. GOSAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ex- press serious concern and opposition to the on January 22 is the same as my vote the Thursday, January 25, 2018 prior time: No. The situation is the same as it unilateral decision by the Chinese Civil Avia- was then, except there is one week fewer to Mr. HUFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, tion Authority to activate four air routes in the actually get something done. along with my colleague, Congressman MIKE Taiwan-Strait. The decision was made without This legislation represents a fundamental THOMPSON, in recognition of the Santa Rosa any consultation with the government of Tai- failure on the part of Republicans to govern. Junior College’s centennial anniversary. Serv- wan, which is a clear violation of international This bill does next to nothing for Community ing more than 1.7 million students since open- law according to the International Civil Aviation Health Centers, the Children’s Health Insur- ing its doors, this public institution has grown Organization. This action by China could pose ance Program, our veterans, our pension sys- from seven women’s vision for a local junior a grave threat to the cross-strait status quo tems—some of which are in a state of crisis, college into a nationally and internationally between China and Taiwan. The cross-strait and the victims of natural disasters. Hundreds recognized leader in removing barriers to high- status quo has been essential in preventing a of thousands of people in Puerto Rico remain er education. military crisis between the two countries that without power. And, most glaringly, this bill Founded in 1918, the Santa Rosa Junior could be a threat to peace and security in does nothing to improve the situation of two- College was conceived of by members of the East Asia. thirds of a million Dreamers, who deserve cer- Federated Home and School Association of All relevant parties, including the Taiwanese tainty and protection but whose lives Trump’s Santa Rosa, an organization of prominent Government, support the continuation of the reckless actions have turned upside down. women from across the City of Santa Rosa cross-strait status quo. The Chinese Govern- The situation continues to be outrageous, who came together around the idea of bring- ment must come to the negotiating table with and it doesn’t have to be this way. The prior- ing higher education to their community. Taiwan in order to return to the status quo. I

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:21 Jan 26, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A25JA8.001 E25JAPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS January 25, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E97 am pleased that the State Department has School District 186 for more than 27 years. tivities of foreign terrorist fighters, includ- come out strongly against this unlawful action She was a beloved wife, mother and grand- ing information on the travel patterns and by the Chinese Government and I encourage mother. Liz was also actively involved in the countries of origin for such persons. The act would require DHS, within 180 days of enact- them to use their influence to bring China Springfield Bible Church and was a ‘‘Huddle ment, to report to the Congress on the re- back to the negotiating table. The relationship Leader’’ for the Fellowship of Christian Ath- sults of the assessment. Using information between China and Taiwan should be based letes for over 20 years. from DHS, CBO estimates that implementing on dignity and respect, not one side trying to As so many people in the community know, the act’s provisions would cost less than dominate the other. the entire Leonard family was devoted to foot- $500,000; such spending would be subject to f ball. Liz’s husband, Ken, and son, Derek, are the availability of appropriated funds. high school football coaches for two rival Enacting H.R. 4564 would not affect direct spending or revenues; therefore, pay-as-you- RECOGNIZING ASSISTANT CHIEF teams in Illinois. The ‘‘Leonard Bowl,’’ played JACK MULCAHY FOR 41 YEARS go procedures do not apply. between Ken’s Sacred Heart-Griffin Cyclones CBO estimates that enacting H.R. 4564 AT THE GLENS FALLS FIRE DE- and Derek’s Rochester Rockets, has become would not increase net direct spending or on- PARTMENT one of the most uniting high school sports budget deficits in any of the four consecutive spectacles in the state. I can only imagine the 10–year periods beginning in 2028. dilemma Liz found herself in while attending H.R. 4564 contains no intergovernmental or HON. ELISE M. STEFANIK private-sector mandates as defined in the OF NEW YORK these games and deciding who to root for. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As someone who knows the Leonard family The CBO staff contact for this estimate is well, my thoughts and prayers are with them Mark Grabowicz. The estimate was approved Thursday, January 25, 2018 and all members of our local community as we by H. Samuel Papenfuss, Deputy Assistant Ms. STEFANIK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to remember the tremendous positive impact the Director for Budget Analysis. congratulate Assistant Chief Jack Mulcahy on Leonard family and Liz have had on so many f his retirement from the Glens Falls Fire De- of our school districts and communities. U.S. MARSHAL CLEVELAND partment after 41 years of service. I thank Liz for shaping young minds, sup- VAUGHN, JR. After serving in the Army and then the porting young athletes and Christians, and for Navy, Mulcahy intended to become a State being a shining light in all of our communities. HON. Police Trooper, but instead found himself with f a temporary job at the Glens Falls Fire De- OF NEBRASKA partment. This summer job turned into a four- PERSONAL EXPLANATION IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES decade career of helping those in his commu- Thursday, January 25, 2018 nity as a firefighter. Mulcahy served in his role HON. THOMAS A. GARRETT, JR. Mr. BACON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to of assistant chief for ten years, and before OF VIRGINIA commemorate African-American History Month that, a lieutenant for 15 years. Not only did IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES by posthumously honoring the federal service, Mulcahy risk his own life in fires to save oth- Thursday, January 25, 2018 accomplishments and communal contributions ers, but he also enjoyed assisting citizens in of U.S. Marshal Cleveland Vaughn, Jr. their everyday problems, like rescuing pets Mr. GARRETT. Mr. Speaker, let the record He was born on a farm in Earle, Arkansas, from trees. Mulcahy considers himself lucky to show that I was present for the Roll Call vote skipped a grade in country school and grad- have been part of the Glens Falls firefighter 044. Had my vote registered properly, the Roll uated from high school at age 16. He went to ‘‘extended family,’’ and looks forward to keep- Call would have shown my ‘‘Yea’’ vote on Roll college at what is now known as the Univer- ing in touch but also having more time to Call No. 44. sity of Arkansas at Pine Bluff and graduated spend with his wife, three children, and grand- f with a degree in agriculture education. As a son. young boy, he dreamed of becoming a game COST ESTIMATE ON H.R. 4564, THE On behalf of New York’s 21st district, I warden. POST-CALIPHATE THREAT AS- would like to thank Assistant Chief Mulcahy for He began his federal career as a special SESSMENT ACT OF 2017 his years of hard work and dedication to his agent with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service community, and wish him all the best in the in 1967, when he was accepted into a federal years ahead. HON. MICHAEL T. McCAUL law enforcement training program. Mr. Vaughn f OF TEXAS wrote of the experience in an essay for the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Omaha World Herald stating ‘‘I was the first PERSONAL EXPLANATION Thursday, January 25, 2018 black. At the time, I didn’t realize what that meant, that it was a tremendous breakthrough. HON. BILL JOHNSON Mr. MCCAUL. Mr. Speaker, the following To me, it was a job. Period.’’ It is a job he cost estimate H.R. 4564, the Post-Caliphate OF OHIO held for half of a 28-year career with the U.S. Threat Assessment Act of 2017, prepared by IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Department of the Interior. In 1993, Cleveland the Congressional Budget Office was not was the first African-American appointed to be Thursday, January 25, 2018 made available to the Committee at the time the U.S. Marshal for the State of Nebraska. Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I was of filing of the legislative report. The U.S. Marshals Service describes the absent during roll call vote 44. I was tending CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, members of its ranks thusly, ‘‘hometown-men to my critically ill mother. Had I been present, U.S. CONGRESS, and women familiar with local feelings about Washington, DC, January 18, 2018. I would have voted ‘yes.’ national issues. They are people comfortable Hon. MICHAEL MCCAUL, f Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security, within their own neighborhoods.’’ This is a par- House of Representatives, Washington, DC. ticularly apt description of Mr. Vaughn accord- REMEMBERING ELIZABETH ‘‘LIZ’’ DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: The Congressional ing to his friends, family and colleagues. LEONARD Budget Office has prepared the enclosed cost Quoting Shirley Vaughn, his wife of nearly 49 estimate for H.R. 4564, the Post-Caliphate years, ‘‘He loved people. He loved his church. HON. RODNEY DAVIS Threat Assessment Act of 2017. He loved to help.’’ If you wish further details on this esti- OF ILLINOIS Cleveland Vaughn was active in his church, mate, we will be pleased to provide them. Zion Baptist, serving as a trustee. He was a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The CBO staff contact is Mark Grabowicz. mentor and a confidant for the young and old. Thursday, January 25, 2018 Sincerely, KEITH HALL, Director. Cleveland shared his love of the outdoors and Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speak- Enclosure. nature with all. He utilized his passion to help er, I rise today to remember a valued member H.R. 4564—POST-CALIPHATE THREAT coordinate an annual wild game feed at Zion of the central Illinois community, Elizabeth ASSESSMENT ACT OF 2017 Baptist church, which emphasized fellowship ‘‘Liz’’ Leonard. Liz passed away on December As passed by the House of Representatives between young men and positive role models. 31, 2017 at just 64 years old, but her memory on January 9, 2018 The Douglas County Attorney described Mr. and legacy will continue to live on. H.R. 4564 would require the Department of Vaughn as a ‘‘public servant whose public Liz touched so many lives in the Springfield Homeland Security (DHS) to prepare a service didn’t stop.’’ He was known for his community where she taught in the Springfield threat assessment related to the current ac- generosity, openness and selflessness.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:21 Jan 26, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A25JA8.005 E25JAPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS