Construction of coset-based low rate convolutional and their application to low rate turbo-like design Durai Thirupathi and Keith M. Chugg Communication Sciences Institute Dept. of Electrical Engineering University of Southern California, Los Angeles 90089-2565 thirupat,chugg { }

Abstract — In this paper, we propose a novel method to construct low for a given input block size is introduced. The turbo-like code rate recursive convolutional codes. The ‘overall’ convolutional code has a consists of several weak constituent codes and has slow conver- and a simple recursive convolutional code as building blocks. The novelty of this type of convolutional code is that it uses coset leaders in gence rate. The new coding scheme thus falls under the second order to distinguish the signals that originate from different states. Several category and it is fair to compare its performance with that of of these codes are then used to construct low rate turbo-like codes. Apart THC. Simulation results show that, in AWGN channel, the pro- from being bandwidth efficient, simulation results show that these codes posed coding scheme outperforms THC by about 0.2 dB for outperform the best known low rate turbo-like codes, the turbo-Hadamard codes (THC), in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel for inter- interleaver sizes of practical interest. leaver sizes of practical interest. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. A brief review on low rate concatenated coding schemes is given in Section II. I. INTRODUCTION Section III illustrates the proposed code construction methodol- ogy. Numerical results and discussion are given in Sections IV A considerable amount of research has been done in the area and V, respectively. of low rate error correcting codes [6,7,9,10,15]. Such codes are of special interest among researchers working in wide band II. BRIEF REVIEW ON LOW RATE CONCATENATED CODING communications such as ultra-wide band systems, that are ex- SCHEMES tremely power limited. One of the main reasons is that the ap- plication of very low rate error control codes in such systems Low rate parallel concatenated coding schemes known so results in added coding gain with no additional penalty [14]. far can be divided into two major classes: parallel concatena- The additional coding gain can translate into added capacity in tion of strong constituent codes (usually two codes) and paral- multi-user spread spectrum schemes. lel concatenation of relatively weaker codes (usually more than After the discovery of turbo-codes [1], there has been enor- two codes). The SOTC and THC belong to the first and sec- mous research effort in designing concatenated coding schemes. ond categories, respectively. Both these codes use a binary bi- k k 1 This research can be divided into two major categories. The first orthogonal block code characterized by (2 ,k+1, 2 − ) where k category is the design of concatenated codes for practical ap- (k +1)is the input information size, 2 is the output code word k 1 plications where fast convergence for smaller input block sizes length and 2 − is the minimum distance of the block code. are required [8]. Strong constituent codes are used in this de- Code words of the block code are used as output signals along sign strategy. Design of good concatenated codes for maximum the trellis transitions. asymptotic coding gain forms the second category [4]. The SOTC is a parallel concatenation of two super-orthogonal re- latter design methodology usually involves weaker constituent cursive convolutional codes. Super-orthogonal convolutional codes, slower convergence rate and larger input block sizes. codes are characterized by the trellis structure such that signals In the recent past, very low rate turbo-like codes such on the trellis transitions from and to any given state are pairwise as super-orthogonal turbo codes (SOTC) [2], turbo-Hadamard antipodal. This type of encoder takes in one information bit at a k codes (THC) [3] etc., were introduced. SOTC belongs to the time to give an output of 2 coded bits. Due to the special struc- 1 former category whereas THC belongs to the latter one. In other ture of the constituent codes , rest of the (k +1)bits needed k+1 words, SOTC uses two strong constituent codes and has a fast to access the 2 bi-orthogonal signal set have to come from convergence while THC uses several ‘weaker’ constituent codes the state information, requiring the constituent encoder to have k+1 and converges slowly. However, THC was shown to outperform at least 2 states. Thus, the number of states increases expo- SOTC by about 0.4 dB asymptotically, making it the best known nentially with decrease in code rate which is one of the main low rate concatenated code so far. draw backs of SOTC. In this work, a novel technique to construct low rate turbo- The schematic of the constituent encoder of the THC is like codes that is aimed at achieving maximum asymptotic gain shown in Figure 1. Multiple information bits, say k bits are fed into each encoder of THC. Therefore, in order for a one-to-one This work was supported in part by Army Research Office and National Sci- ence Foundation under the grants DAAD19-01-1-0477 and ANI-9730556, re- 1Reference [5] and the references therein gives a brief review on super- spectively. orthogonal convolutional codes

0-7803-7802-4/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE 2723 k k 1 mapping on to the bi-orthogonal signal set, it is enough to have (2 ,k+1, 2 − ) bi-orthogonal signal set. So, in order to distin- a 2-state finite state machine. The convolutional encoder used guish the signals that leave any state from that of any other state, is typically a 2 or 4-state recursive encoder. Due to this fact, it is imperative to use some sort of coset leader, the selection of the resultant trellis structure has multiple transitions between which can be made dependent on the state information. Such any two states. More than two such encoders are connected in construction results in an overall recursive convolutional code parallel to form the THC. with 2k parallel branches between any two states. The parallel branches in the overall code are the result of the block code. A k information bits section of the parent trellis and the trellis of the overall code are given in Figure 3. The label on the branches of the parent trel- 2k coded bits (2k, k+1, 2k-1) lis represents the input information bit and the corresponding Bi-orthogonal code coded output bit. Parity + D generator (k+1) information bits k k k-1 2 coded bits (2 , k+1, 2 ) x Bi-orthogonal code Recursive Single Parity Check Code

Fig. 1. Schematic of the constituent code of the turbo-Hadamard code Parity + D Coset generator selection In this work, we construct a new class of low rate codes based on the structure shown in Figure 1. The key contribution of our Recursive Single Parity Check Code work is as follows: Note that the input size of the binary block code is (k +1)bits. However, the constituent codes of the THC Fig. 2. Schematic of the coset based overall recursive convolutional code use only k information bits while the (k +1)-th input to the block code comes from a recursive encoder which encodes the 2k branches parity bit of the other k inputs to the block code. Here, we 0/0 show that all the (k +1)inputs to the block code can be taken s0 s0 s0 s0 from the input information directly and still an overall recursive 1/1 convolutional code can be built. This operation increases the Þ k code rate for a fixed output length, i.e., instead of rate k/2 as 1/0 k in THC, the new code rate would be (k +1)/2 .Wealsoshow s1 s1 s1 s1 that such codes, when used in parallel concatenation, gives the 0/1 best known performance (measured both in bit error rate and Fig. 3. A section of the trellis of the parent recursive convolutional code and frame error rate) in AWGN channel. the overall recursive convolutional code

III. CODE CONSTRUCTION B. Coset Leaders A. Constituent Codes One of the important issues in designing any coset based code First, we will elaborate on the construction of the coset-based is the selection of coset leaders. In this section, we present an ar- recursive convolutional codes (CB-RCC). The schematic of the gument on how to choose coset leaders when bi-orthogonal con- structure is given in Figure 2. The input information is divided volutional codes are used. The argument is based on maximum into blocks of (k +1)data bits. Each block is encoded using a k k 1 likelihood sequence detection (MLSD) applied to the trellis that (2 ,k+1, 2 − ) bi-orthogonal block code. At the same time, a corresponds to the overall convolutional code. Though simi- parity bit is generated for each block. The parity bit is encoded 2 lar arguments can be found scattered in the literature in various by a simple 2-state, rate-1, recursive convolutional code .The forms [10], [18], [19], we have included our own interpretation recursive encoding of the single parity check bit ensures that the in presenting the argument for this work to be self contained. transitions between even states correspond to inputs with even Let the number of states in the convolutional code be N.The weight and those between odd states correspond to inputs with received signal corresponding to a single transition of the trellis odd weight. The current state of the finite state machine is used in AWGN channel can be written as to select a coset leader of length 2k (a 1-1 mapping between coset leaders and the state). An element-by-element multipli- r = c λm + n, (1) cation is performed on the output of the block code with the  elements of the coset leader before being transmitted. where c is a code word from the bi-orthogonal signal set, λm m The reason for using coset leaders is straightforward. The is the coset-leader which is a function of the current state s total number of branches leaving any state in the overall code and n is the noise vector whose elements are iid, zero mean 2 is 2k+1. However, there are only 2k+1 distinct signals in the Gaussian random variables with variance σ . The code words are assumed to be modulated using binary phase shift keying 2This can be extended to convolutional codes of arbitrary rate/states. (BPSK). Therefore, both c(j) and λ (j) +1, 1 ,j = m ∈{ − }

2724 k 1 k 1 0, 1,...,2 − and m =0, 1,...,N 1. The notation is where y(i),i =0, 1,...,2 − corresponds to the negative of used to represent element-by-element− multiplication. The re- the correlation between the i-th Walsh-Hadamard (WH) code ceived vector r is also a Gaussian random vector of length 2k, word and the quantity λ λ c. Since bi-orthogonal sig- n  m  conditioned on the code word c and the coset leader λm. Figure nal set is used, it is straightforward to show that (3) reduces 4 shows a section of the trellis on which the MLSD is applied. to minimizing the maximum of y(i) that can be written as a summation given by, | |

li 2k 1 s i s l − k k+1 y(i) = h (j)c(j)λ (j)λ (j) , (7) | | | i n m | j=0  lj k 1 where i =0, 1, ..., 2 − . However, bit-by-bit modulo-2 addi- j tion of any two WH code words results in another WH code sk 3 word [18]. Therefore, hi(j)c(j) can be written as hl(j) which Fig. 4. A section of the trellis on which the add-compare-select procedure is is the j-th component of another WH code word, i.e., applied 2k 1 − k 1 i k 1 j Let M − [s ] and M − [s ] be the state metrics associated y(i) = h (j)λ (j)λ (j) , (8) 0 k 0 k | | | l n m | with i and j , respectively, at time instant . Dropping the j=0 sk sk k  superscript on the state variable, the add-compare-select oper- k 1 ation that is performed in order to compute the state metric, where i, l =0, 1, ..., 2 − . Hence, the cost function reduces to k M [sk+1],attimek +1can be written as 0 C = arg min max y(i) , λ λ { i | |} n m k k 1 M [s ] = min M − [s ]+M [t ] , (2) t 0 k+1 0 k k k = arg min max hi(λn λm) . (9) tk:sk+1 λ λ { i |  |}   n m where Mk[tk] represents the transition or the branch metric. For In other words, the magnitude of the maximum correlation be- k 1 simplicity let M0 − [sk] be equal for all states at time k. Then tween the product of any two distinct coset leaders and any code

k word should be minimized. However, since the rows of H are M0 [sk+1] = min Mk[tk]. (3) tk:sk+1 pairwise orthogonal, from Parseval’s equality, we have,

Since all the codewords are equal energy signals, the negative HT (λ λ ) = λ λ (10) || n  m || || n  m|| log domain equivalent of the branch metric is simply the nega- =2k. tive of the correlation between the received signal with all possi- ble codewords. However, due to the presence of the coset lead- The second equality follows from the fact that the elements of ers, the received signal has to be pre-multiplied with the coset both λn and λm are 1. Therefore, (9) is minimized only when leader corresponding to the specific state before being corre- T ± the elements of H (λn λm) are 1. This property defines a lated. The whole operation can be represented compactly by bent sequence [16, pp. 426-428]. In± order to maximize the aver- age metric of the incorrect code words, the coset leaders need to T M = H (λn r), be chosen such that the product of any two distinct coset leaders − T  T = H (λn λm c) H (λn n), (4) is a bent sequence. It is possible to select the coset leaders to be −   −  bent sequences such that their product is also a bent sequence where H is the of size 2k 2k. Both the [11]. operations mentioned above are linear. Therefore,× the resulting vector is still a Gaussian random vector whose mean is given by C. Bent sequences and their construction

[0, 0, ..., 2k, 0, ...0] if n = m Bent sequences are sequences that have constant magnitude E M = ∓ (5) spectrum in the Hadamard domain [17]. In this work, we con- { } HT (λ λ c) if n = m.  − n  m   centrate only on binary bent sequences of length 4k,k an in- On an average, the branch metric of an incorrect path that corre- teger. A set of bent sequence vectors of length 4 and the sponds to the same coset to which the transmitted codeword be- corresponding normalized Hadamard transform coefficients are longs is zero. However, the average branch metric of incorrect given in Table 1. We refer to this set as the fundamental set since T they can be used to construct bent sequences of other sizes. paths that corresponds to a different coset is H (λn λm c). Let y be defined such that −   3Bit-by-bit modulo-2 addition in binary mode is equivalent to bit-by-bit mul- y = HT (λ λ c), (6) tiplication in bipolar mode − n  m 

2725 x1 x2 x3 x4 xˆ1 xˆ2 xˆ3 xˆ4 D 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 P 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1 CB-RCC 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 D P2 -1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 I1 CB-RCC

Table 1. Length-4 bent sequence vectors and their corresponding normalized Broadcaster P3 Hadamard transform coefficients I2 CB-RCC

There are several methods to construct bent sequence vectors, Fig. 5. Turbo-like encoder with coset-based recursive convolutional codes as the details of which can be found in [12] and the references constituent codes therein. Here, we illustrate the method we have used to con- struct bent sequence vectors. The method is called bent se- quence generation by Kronecker product. Let A and B be two E. Decoder matrices of sizes u v and r t, respectively. Let them be × × A block diagram of the decoder structure that corresponds to denoted by the proposed encoder is shown in Figure 6. The soft-in soft-out (SISO) module includes the soft inverse of both the Hadamard code and the ‘fundamental’ recursive convolutional code. After a a ... a 11 12 1v being compensated for puncturing, the received signal is de- a a ... a 21 22 2v multiplexed and fed into the respective SISO modules. In every A =  . . . .  (11) . . .. . section of the trellis, the received signal is pre-multiplied by the    a a ... a  coset leader that corresponds to the given state before the branch  u1 u2 uv    metric is calculated for those branches that leave that particular and state. The rest of the decoding process is as given in [3,13].

b11 b12 ... b1t SISO-1 b21 b22 ... b2t B =  . . . .  . (12) . . . . Decoded I -1 Received . . . . 1 data SISO-2 signal   I  br1 br2 ... brt  1

  Broadcaster Soft Inverse of   Soft Inverse of -1 The Kronecker product of these matrices is given by I2 Puncture/Multiplexer SISO-3 I2

a11Ba12B ... a1vB Fig. 6. Decoder structure of the proposed coset based turbo encoder a21Ba22B ... a2vB A B =  . . . .  , (13) ⊗ . . .. .    a BaB ... a B  IV. NUMERICAL RESULTS  u1 u2 uv    Simulation results for the proposed code in additive white which is an (ur) (vt) matrix. In order to construct a bent se- ×i+1 Gaussian noise channel are shown in Figures 7 and 8. The quence of length 4 ,i an integer, the Kronecker product can over-all code rate is fixed to be 7/180. A-posteriori probability be applied to any combination of bent sequences in the funda- based decoding algorithm is used and the results are presented mental set given in Table 1. For example, let the required length after performing 50 iterations. In order to keep the encoding of the bent sequence vector z be 64. Then, z can be generated and decoding complexity minimal, only 2-state constituent en- as coders are used. So, only two distinct coset leaders need to be z = x x x , i,j,k 1, 2, 3, 4 . (14) i ⊗ j ⊗ k ∈{ } constructed. The generating polynomial of the parent code is 1/(1 + D). The performance of the proposed coding scheme is D. Turbo-like code compared against that of rate 6/180 THC since it is the closest The codes constructed by the method described in Section possible code rate attainable in THC. Two different interleaver III-A are used as constituent codes in parallel concatenation to sizes that are of practical interest are considered. The sizes are form a turbo-like encoder. The encoder structure is given in Fig- chosen such that the same interleavers can be used for both the ure 5. The number of constituent codes is restricted to three due coding schemes in order to make a fair comparison. Figure 7 to practical constraints such as decoding delay and complexity. shows the bit and frame error rate of the proposed scheme for an The final codeword consists of the data (systematic bits) and the interleaver size of 210 bits. Note that the coset based parity bits from the constituent encoders. outperforms the THC both in bit error rate (BER) and frame

2726 −1 10 sequences as coset leaders. These codes in turn are used in de- Coset based Turbo Code (r=7/180) Turbo−Hadamard Code (r=6/180) signing low rate turbo-like codes. The turbo-codes constructed Random Coding Bound (r=6/180) Random Coding Bound (r=7/180) using this methodology outperform the best known low rate turbo-like codes by about 0.2 dB in AWGN channel. An im- −2 10 portant point to note is that the selection of coset leaders for the FER constituent codes is based on MLSD applied on the trellis that corresponds to the constituent codes and not on that of the con- −3 10 catenated code. Future work along this direction would be to BER,FER derive coset leaders for the constituent codes based on the ap- plication of ML decoding on the hyper-trellis that corresponds BER −4 10 to the concatenated code. Also, the coding scheme described in this work is an attempt to design the ‘best possible’ code that achieves maximum coding gain and not a ‘practical’ code that

−5 10 has fast convergence. For applications that require practical low 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 E /N b o rate concatenated codes that have faster convergence, codes in [2] and [5] seem to be suitable candidates. Fig. 7. Performance of coset-based turbo codes and turbo-Hadamard codes for 210 bit interleaver size REFERENCES [1] C. Berrou , A. Glavieux, and P. Thitimajshima, “Near Shannon limit error- error rate (FER). The actual additional coding gain is approxi- correcting coding and decoding: turbo-codes”, in Proc. ICC’93, Geneva, Switzerland, May 1993, pp. 1064-1070. mately 0.2 dB in BER and 0.1 dB in FER, respectively. Sim- [2] P. Komulainen and K. Pehkonen, “Performance evaluation of superorthog- ulation results for 1050 bit interleaver are shown in Figure 8. onal turbo codes in AWGN and flat Rayleigh fading channels,” IEEE In this case, an additional coding gain of about 0.2 dB in both JSAC, vol.16, no.2, pp.196-205, Feb. 1998. [3] L. Ping , W. K. Leung and K. Y. Wu, “Low rate Turbo-Hadamard Codes,” BER and FER is achievable by the coset based encoder. For in Proc. ISIT 2001. comparison, the performance of rate 7/370 THC is also plotted. [4] T. J. Richardson, M. A. Shokrollahi and R. L. Urbanke, “Design of Note that the performance of rate 7/180 coset based code is as capacity-approaching irregular low-density parity-check codes,” IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 619-637, Feb. 2001. good as the rate 7/370 THC. This suggests that with the coset [5] D. Thirupathi and K. M. Chugg, “A simple construction of low rate con- based turbo codes, the throughput can be increased by a factor volutional codes with application to low rate turbo-like code design,” in Proc. Globecom 2002. of two with respect to that of the THC without altering the per- [6] P. D. Papadimititiou and C. N. Georghiades, “On asymptotically optimum formance. In addition, random coding bounds for different code rate 1/n convolutional codes for a given constraint length,” IEEE Comm. rates and interleaver sizes are also included in the corresponding Letters, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 25-27, Jan. 2001. [7] C. F. Leanderson, J. Hokfet, O. Edfors and T. Maseng, “On the design of figures. low rate turbo codes,” in Proc. VTC 2000. [8] L. -N. Lee, A. R. Hammons Jr, F. -W. Sun and M. Eroz, “Application and standardization of turbo codes in third-generation high-speed wireless −1 10 Coset Based Turbo Code (r = 7/180) data services, ” IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 49, no. 6 , pp. Turbo−Hadamard Code (r = 6/180) 2198-2207, Nov. 2000. Turbo−Hadamard Code (r = 7/370) Random Coding Bound (r=6/180) [9] A. J. Viterbi, “Very low rate codes for maximum theoretical perfor- Random Coding Bound (r=7/180) mance of spread spectrum multiple-access channels,” IEEE J. Select. Ar- −2 10 eas Commn., vol. 8, pp. 641-649, May 1990. [10] J. P. Chaib and H. Leib, “Very low rate Trellis/Reed-Muller (TRM) FER Codes,” IEEE Trans. on Comm., vol. 47, no. 10, pp. 1476-1487, Oct. 1999. [11] G. G. Bottomley, “Signature sequence selection in a CDMA system with

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