Roosa-Roos-Rose Notes

From N.J. Archives First Series: (Note: the list below only includes those found in the “northern” counties ( north of Monmouth & Mercer inclusive) of N. J. Those found in counties south of Burlington and Ocean, inclusive, with a few exceptions, are not included.

Vol. 23, Cal. Of Wills v.1 1670-1730 : p.508. 19 Dec 1714, Will of Joseph Whitehead of Elizabeth Town, wife Jaen sole heiress. Father-in-law Ephraim Price executor. Wit.: Henry Rosa, Daniel Brinton, Isaac Whitehead. Proved 26 Apr 1715. Lib. 2, p.11, Monmouth Wills

p.9-10. 18 Jan 1683/84. Inventory of the estate of John Allen of Woodbridge. George Rose listed among those indebted to John Allen.

Vol. 30, Cal. Of Wills v.2 1730-1750 : p.564. 31 May 1698. Will of Samuel Roos (Rose) of Newark. Names wife Mary; cousins Hannah Brant, Sarah Morris, Abigail Ball, Phebe Day; daughters-in-law Abigail Bunell, Hannah Carter. Personal property. Wife executrix with George Harrison as assistant. Wit.: Robert Young, Jonathan Sergint, Jonathan Sergint, Jr. Proved 24 May 1701. Adm granted to the widow, Mary. E.J.D. Lib. C, pp.180-181.

p.380. 24 Feb 1729. Will of Anthony Pintard, Sr., late of Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., now of the City of New York. (Numerous heirs mentioned). Witnesses: Tho. Ives, Gerrit Roos , Thomas Owen. Proved 11 May 1732. Lib. B, p. 248.

p.484. 26 May 1730. Will of Jakomentie Toes, widow of Claes Arentse Toers, of Town and County of Bergen. Among children mentions daughter Judith, wife of Gerrit Roos . Appoints as executors, son Arent Claes and son-in-law Gerrit Roos in right of his wife Judith. Proved 9 Jan 1744. Lib. D, p.235 p.260-262. 5 Nov 1750. Inventory of the estate of James Jackson of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co. Among the list of debtors are Hugh Roos, Thomas Roos . p.317. 6 Jan 1732/33. Will of Daniel McKay (MacKay) of Freehold, Monmouth Co., miller. Names wife and children. Witnesses: John Shaw, Allen Rose , Charles Murrey. Proved at Crosswicks, 7 Mar 1732/33. Lib. B, p. 403.

p.407. 8 Dec 1748. Adm of the estate of Timothy Rose of Perth Amboy, Middlesex Co. Bond of Mary Rose , as administratrix on the estate of her husband. John Cluck of same place, fellowbondsman. Witness: William Rose . Lib. E, p. 220 p.70-71. 13 Apr 1749. Will of Thomas Brush of Amwell, Hunterdon County. Mentions eighty pounds due Ezekiel Rose . Proved 24 May 1749. Lib. 6, p. 242. p.188. 23 Nov 1739. Inventory of the estate of Samuel Freeman of Somerset Co., carpenter. John Rose listed among the debtors. p.457. 12 Feb 1734. Will of Charles Steward of Somerset Co. Names sons, John, James, daughter Mary. The inventory , same date, mentions, among others, John Rose . Proved 21 Mar 1734. Lib. C, p.23 p.546. 9 Oct 1739. Will of Henry Woolever of Amwell Twp., Hunterdon Co. Proved 17 Nov 1739. Lib. 4, p. 209. Receipts list, among others, Timothy Rose .

p.220. 7 Sep 1736. Adm. of estate of Thomas Hannah of Trenton, Hunterdon Co., laborer. Witnesses: Sarah Ann Bustill and Joseph Rose . Hunterdon Wills, 111 J. (Note: A Joseph Rose is found in numerous estate files found in Burlington, Gloucester and Cape May Cos., often as a witness, and on p.418, the will of Samuel Scattergood of the City of Burlington, 16 Dec 1743 mentions the lot adjoining Joseph Rose , Lib.5, p.23. On p.534, Joseph Rose of the City of Burlington was appointed adm. for the estate of John Willis of City of Burlington, Lib.6, p.329).

p.240-241. 17 Aug 1743. Will of John Holcombe of Amwell, Hunterdon Co., yeoman. Proved 31 Aug 1745 (Executors Quakers). Lib. 4, p.371. Inventory 24 Sep 1743. Account 13 Sep 1747 mentions, among others, Joseph Rose .

p.254. 23 Apr 1740. Adm. Of estate of John Hulet of Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., yeoman. Witnesses: Anthony Woodward, Joseph Rose . Lib. C, p. 337. p.202-203. 6 Sep 1748. Will of Anne Gould of Trenton Twp., Hunterdon Co. Inventory, 18 Feb 1748/49 taken by Peter Lott and Stephen Rose . Lib. 6, p.59. p.361. 19 Dec 1749. Adm. of the Estate of Stephen Oliver of Trenton, Hunterdon Co. Witnesses: Stephen Rose and Henry Lott. Lib. 7, p.32.

p.421. 15 Jun 1748. John Scudder of Trenton Twp., Hunterdon Co. Inventory of estate made by Charles Clark and Stephen Rose . 17 Jun 1748, Stephen Rose , of Trenton Twp., surety. Lib. 5, p.492.

Vol. 32. Cal. Of Wills, v. 3, 1751-1760: p.274. 10 Aug 1756. Will of Jan Aldertse Roosa of “Manissink,” Sussex Co., yeoman. Names wife Catharin , children: Isaac, Jacob, Marya, Rebecca . Real and personal estate. Executors: brothers Dirck and Isaac Rosa both of Ulster Co., NY and brother-in- law Anthony Westbroek of Sussex Co. Witnesses: James McCarthy, Elizabeth McCarthy, William Ennes. Proved 2 Nov 1756 and 1 April 1758. Lib. F, p. 521 [Note: This is Jan, baptized 29 Jun 1712 at Kingston, son of Aldert Roosa and Rebecca Schepmoes. Jan’s children mentioned in the will were baptized between 1749 and 1754 at Machackemeck (Deerpark), Orange Co., NY] p.274. 27 Mar 1757. Will of Christifar Rose of Bucks Co., farmer. Names wife Martha, mentions children but does not give names. Executors: wife and John Beats. Wit.: Robert Gardner, Samuel Dunbar, Moses Toner. Proved 11 Jul 1757 in Hunterdon County. Lib. 8, p.481.

p.261. 25 Feb 1754. Will of Ebenezer Prout of Trenton, Hunterdon Co. Names wife Elizabeth; daughter, Love Prout; grandchildren: Ebenezer, Eliza, Phebe, Deborah and Patience Rose all children of son-in-law Stephen Rose ; son-in-law George Ely. Real and personal estate. Executor: daughter, Love, with William Mott and Daniel Laning as advisors. Wit.: Daniel Howell, John Reed, Hannah Haines. Proved 12 Nov 1754. Lib. 8, p. 80.

Page 113. 8 Oct 1759. Will of John Fidler, Sr., of Hopewell Twp., Hunterdon Co., yeoman. Names wife Sarah. Children: Sarah (youngest daughter), Thomas, John, Mary Rose , Elizabeth Stillwell, Timothy, Nathan, last two under age. Real and personal estate. Executors: son John and son-in-law Ezekiel Rose . Wit.: Andrew Smith, Jr., Richard Reed, John Titus, Jr. Proved 25 Oct 1759. Lib.10, p. 115. p.69. 29 Apr 1760. Adm. of estate of Benjamin Cooper of Middlesex Co. Bondsman: William Rose of Middlesex County. Lib. G, page 169.

Vol. 33, Cal. Of Wills, v. 4, 1761-1770:

Page 364. 26 May 1768. Will of Ezekiel Rose of Amwell Twp., Hunterdon Co., yeoman. Well advanced in years. Eldest son, Ezekiel , plantation in Hopewell, joining lands of John Phillips, Jonathan Smith and others, he paying to his mother 1/3 of the profits of the place. Son, Jonathan , the plantation I live on, joining the lands of William Rokefelt, Jonathan Borross and others when he is 21, he paying to his mother 1/3 of the profits. Son Charles, £200 when he is 21. Daughter Sarah Phillips , 20 shillings. Daughter Hannah Wolverton, 20 shillings. Daughter Jean Quick , same amount. Daughter Rachel Rose , various goods. Daughter Jarusia Rose , also goods. Wife Mary , is well provided for. Executors: Andrew Smith, Jr., John Fidler and my son Ezekiel . Wit.: Andrew Smith, Sr., Timothy Fidler, William Rockfaller. Proved 9 Aug 1768. Inv. 2 Aug 1768, made by William Rockfaller and Nicholas Stillwell. 14 Jun 1773, Account by John Fidler and Ezekiel Rose . Lib. 13, p. 454; Lib. 14, p.514.

Page 360. 6 Dec 1763. Will of Pieter Rockefeller, Sr. of Amwell Twp., Hunterdon Co., yeoman. Mentions property bounded by Ezcal Rose .

Page 25. 17 Feb 1765. Will of Richard Baird of Reading Twp., Hunterdon Co. Names wife Elizabeth; two sons William and John, and daughter Elizabeth. Sons are not 12 years of age. Executors: my wife and father-in-law John Ross . Wit.: Richard Porter, Peter Covenhoven, William Porter. Proved 20 Mar 1765. Inventory 9 Mar 1765 by Aaron Lane and Peter Couvenhoven. 24 Jun 1768 Account by John Rose , executor. Lib. 12,page 136, Lib. 13, page 440.

Page 207. 27 Aug 1757. Will of Daniel Howell of Trenton, Hunterdon Co. Wife Abigail. Children: Daniel, under 21; Hezekiah, John, given land; daughters, Phebe Howell, Unice Howell and Abigail Howell. Executors: brothers Hezekial Howell and Daniel Clark. Wit.: Stephen Rose , David James, Daniel Laning. Proved 8 Oct 1763. Lib. 11, page 472.

Page 363. 14 Jan 1762. Adm. of estate of Christopher Rose of Hunterdon Co. Administration granted to Richard Laning. Fellowbondsman Stephen Rose , both of Trenton. File no. 578 J.

Page 82. 14 Oct 1770. Will of Jonathan Coddington of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., yeoman. Wit.: James Mulford, William Rose , George Brown. Proved 23 Nov 1770. Lib. K, page 257.

Page 238. 1 Jun 1761. Adm. of estate of James Lamberson of Middlesex Co. 2 Jun 1761, inventory made by William Rose and Cornelius Lamberson.

Vol. 34, Cal. Of Wills, v. 5, 1771-1780:

Page 433. 2 Aug 1773. Charles Rose of Amwell Twp., Hunterdon Co. Ward. Son of Ezekel Rose of said place, deceased. Makes choice of John Price as his guardian. Fellowbondsman John Phillips, both of said place. File no. 888 J.

Page 433. 6 Jul 1772. Will of Gershom Rose of Middletown, Monmouth Co., yeoman. Wife Sarah Rose use of real and personal property to bring up my younger children. Son William , thirty pounds. Children: Elizabeth, Phebe, William, Hannah, Sarah, Mary, Jonathan and James , the rest of my estate. Executors: wife Sarah, my brother Timothy Rose of New York City and my son William . Wit.: William Wamsley, William Wamsley, Jr., John Riggs. Proved 3 Sep 1772. Lib. K, page 471.

Page 443. 10 Aug 1772. Jonathan Rose of Amwell Twp., Hunterdon Co. Ward. Son of Ezekiel Rose of said place, deceased. Makes choice of John Phillips as his guardian. Fellowbondsman Teunis Quick, Jr., both of same place. Lib. 14, page 505.

Page 433. 11 Jan 1770. Will of Stephen Rose of Trenton, Hunterdon Co. Wife Elizabeth Rose , best bed. Daughter Phebe Scudder , silver spoon. Wife Elizabeth 1/3 of personal estate and 1/3 of rents. Daughter Elizabeth Rose, 1/3 of personal estate. Daughter Deborah Howell , 20 shillings. Daughter Patience Baker, 40 shillings. Grandson Stephen Rose , five pounds when of age. Son Ebenezer , all my lands. Executor: son, Ebenezer . Wit.: Daniel Clark, John Mott, A. Howell. Proved 24 Aug 1775. Lib. 16, page 465.

Page 257-258. 25 Mar 1776. Will of Daniel Howell of Trenton, Hunterdon Co. To the Presbyterian Church of Trenton, 20 pounds. Wife Mary, ¼ of real and personal estate. Daughters Rhoda Howell, Sarah Howell and Elizabeth Howell, rest of estate when they are 18. If they die without issue, then my three sisters, Phebe Phillips, Eunice Phillips and Abigail Howell shall have 100 pounds each, and my brothers Hezekiah Howell and John Howell to have the rest. Executors: wife Mary, brother John Howell and Daniel Clark. Wit.: Ebenezer Rose, Eunice Rose , Mary Howell. Proved 28 Jan 1778. Lib. 19, page 386.

Page 258. 17 Dec 1774. Will of David Howell of Trenton, Hunterdon Co. Wife Mary. Granddaughter Liddy Hartley. Sons Joseph, David, Daniel, Amos who shall remain in the hands of my son Timothy, for the support of Amos during his life. To Amos Hartley if he lives to be 21. Son, Timothy, all my land where I now live. Executors: son John and friend John Mott. Wit.: Richard Palmer, Daniel Howell and Niel McGill. Proved 20 Nov 1775. Inventory 16 Nov 1775, taken by Daniel Howell and Ebenezer Rose.

Page 258. 3 Dec 1777. Will of Hezekiah Howell, Jr. of Trenton, Hunterdon Co.. Names mother Abigail Howell, brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews. Apparently no wife or children of own. Executors: brother John Howell and uncle Daniel Clark. Wit.: Margaret Tree, Ebenezer Rose , Benjamin Clark. Proved 28 Jan 1778. Lib. 19, page 377.

Page 404. 16 Jan 1776. Adm. of estate of Daniel Price of Kingwood, Hunterdon Co. Wit.: Ebenezer Rose . Lib. 16, page 497.

Page 78. 22 Oct 1768. Will of John Burroughs of Trenton, Hunterdon Co. Grandson Jonathan Burroughs. Daughter Sarah Moore. Daughter Elizabeth Rose . Daughter Mary Baker. Daughter Jemima Howell. Sons Benjamin and Isaac, a tract of land I bought in Salem County. Son, James, plantation I live on. Executors: Sons Joseph and James. Wit.: Silas Rose , Daniel Laning, Abigail Howell. Proved 9 Mar 1774. Lib. 16, page 351.

Page 365-366. 5 Jul 1762. Will of Rachel Newkirk of Pilesgrove Twp., Salem Co. Son Abraham Newkirk 1/9. To Mathew Newkirk 1/9. Son Gerrit Newkirk 1/9. Son Cornelius Newkirk 1/9. Daughters Yonicha Dubois, Yookamentie Dubois, Elizabeth Dubois, Catherine Gargam and Sarah Duboys, my apparel. My grandchildren Rachel Duboys Sr., 2 sheep now at Cornelius Wakerk’s and Rachel Duboys, daughter of Mathew Duboys, 2 sheep, and Rachel Newkirk daughter of Cornelius Newkirk, 2 sheep. Executors: son Mathew Newkirk and Jacob Dubois, blacksmith. Wit.: Catran Elwell, Hannah Gilmore, John Murphy. Proved 20 Oct 1771. Inventory 30 Sep 1771. Account 4 Mar 1777, by executors. Paid Catherine Garrison her legacy. Also to Elizabeth Dubois, Jacomintie Dubois, Garret Newkirk, Cornelius Newlirk, Sarah Dubois, Isaac Newkirk, Mary Thompson, Rebecca Mayhew and Elizabeth Rose . Paid to William Chambers for a tombstone. Lib. 15, p.272, Lib. 18, p.469. (Note: the Newkirk and Dubois families have their origins in Ulster Co., NY).

Page 330. 7 Dec 1779. Adm. of estate of Alexander McKinstry of Morris Co. Inventory, 7 Dec 1779 taken by Frederick Pickle and John Rose, Jr. File no. 515 N.

Page 418. 5 Nov 1777. Adm. of estate of Richard Reeves of Burlington Co.. Administration granted to William Rose . Fellowbondsman: William Fosque. Inventory, 5 Nov 1777 taken by William Fosque and Robert McDowell. Lib. 18, p. 620.

Vol. 35, Cal. Of Wills v. 6, 1781-1785: Page 334-335. 30 Jul 1755. Will of William Rosa of Reading Twp., Hunterdon Co. Daughter Neiltje to live in my dwelling house so long as she is single. Wife Elizabeth , rest of real and personal estate and at her death, I give ½ of my plantation westward along the plantation formerly belonging to Abraham Krum, now Garret Vanfleet’s, to the elder daughters Heligunt Rip and Charity Low , and to my younger daughters Ann Van Sickle and Neiltje Rosa , the other ½ of the plantation which joins lands of John Stoll, Jr. Executors: wife Elizabeth Rosa , and friends Bernardus Legrange and Isaac Krum. Wit.: John Stoll, George Andrear Viesselius, John Van Sickle, Jr. Proved 14 Apr 1774. Administration granted 9 Nov 1781 to John Parlee. Fellowbondsmen: John Van Sickle and Winant Vandevender, all of Reading Twp. Wit.: John van Leuwe. Elizabeth Rosa and Isaac Krum are dead, and Bernardus Legrange is with the enemy in New York City and John Parlee, who is the son-in-law of the testator, having married Neiltje , the daughter of the testator is made administrator. 12 Nov 1781, Inventory of the goods of William Rose , remaining after the death of his widow Elisabeth Rose , made by Nicholas Egbert and Ezekiel Blue. Lib. 23, page 226.

Page 335. 25 Mar 1784. Adm. of the estate of Garret Rose of Bergen Co. Adm’r.: Daniel Van Wickle. Fellowbondsman: Joseph Van Wickle, both of said county. Wit.: Peter Zabriskie and Elisha Boudinot. Lib. M, page 278.

Page 365. 14 Feb 1785. Adm. of the estate of Philip Snyder of Knowlton, Sussex Co. Adm’rs: Charity Snyder, John Snyder and Adam Snyder. Fellowbondsman: William Freese and Andrew Rose; all of said place. Wit.: Thomas Green and William Cool. Lib. 27, page 463.

Page 132. 22 Feb 1783. Will of Theophilus Elmer of Fairfield, Cumberland Co. Mentions my salt marsh, drained meadow, fresh marsh, cedar swamp, and woodland near Anthony Rose’s. Proved 6 Sep 1783. Lib. 25, page 400.

Page 206-207. 8 Mar 1780. Will of Abigail Howell of Trenton, Hunterdon Co. Inventory taken 28 Dec 1785 by Ebenezer Rose and Daniel Scudder. Lib. 28, page 337.

Page 207. 24 Oct 1784. Will of David Howell of Trenton, Hunterdon Co. Inventory taken 29 Jan 1785 by Benjamin Clark and Ebenezer Rose . Lib. 27, page 84.

Page 207. 22 Aug 1782. Will of Mary Howell of Trenton, Hunterdon Co., widow of David Howell. Inventory taken 20 Jan 1786 by Ebenezer Rose and Richard Palmer. Lib. 28, page 242.

Page 322. 12 Dec 1781. Will of Elizabeth Reeder of Amwell, Hunterdon Co. Witnesses: John Smith and Ezekiel Rose . Proved 17 Feb 1784. Lib. 26, page 179.

Page 188-189. 5 Sep 1777. Will of John Henry of Reading Twp., Hunterdon Co. Wife Stinchee, 50 pounds and various goods. To John Rose, son of Henry , 200 pounds when 21. He is to learn the tanner’s trade. Sister Peggy Martin 50 pounds. Sister Sarah Crawford, 50 pounds. Brothers David and Daniel, rest of moveable estate and lands. It is supposed that my wife may have a child and it is to be provided for. Executors: brothers David and Daniel. Wit.: Leah Henry, Moses Estey, Jasper Smith. Codicil, 18 Dec 1781. Instead of John Rose having 200 pounds I give him only 150, and he is to learn the trade of breeches maker. My wife hath consented to the will. Signed John Henry, Stinchee Henry. Wit.: Joseph Ramsey, Rachel Ramsey, John Kline. Proved 13 Aug 1782. Inventory 24 Jul 1782 by Thomas Berry and Richard McDonald. Lib. 24, page 337. (Note: An examination of the full, original will, clearly shows the surname to be Ross and not Rose . See FHL film #0522725 NJ Wills v.23-24).

Page 186. 25 Mar 1762. Will of Samuel Helm, Sr. of Bergen Co. Codicil, 17 Apr 1762, witnesses: Abraham Demarest, Jonathan Rose . Proved 8 Mar 1784. Lib. M, page 266.

Page 315. 18 Feb 1782. Adm. of estate of Annar Price of Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., widow. Adm’r.: Samuel Rose of Burlington Co. Fellowbondsman: John Titus if Hunterdon Co. Lib. 23, page 212.

Vol. 36, Cal. Of Wills v. 7, 1786-1790:

Page 193. 16 Dec 1788. Adm. of Estate of John Rose of Lebanon Twp., Hunterdon Co. Int. Adm’r: Andrew Rose , Fellowbondsman: David Frazer, both of said county. Inventory 18 Nov 1788 by David Frazer and Adam Runkle. Lib. 31, page 145.

Page 222-223. 7 Mar 1786. Will of Jacob Teeter of Knowlton, Sussex Co. Names wife and children. Executors: wife Cattrean, Elles Teeter and Jacob Main. Wit.: Gabriel Ogden, John Seperlin, Peter Youngun. Proved 25 May 1786. Inventory 18 May 1786, made by Andrew Rose and John Dils. Lib. 28, page 448.

Page 185. 2 Jun 1788. Will of John Reeder of Trenton, Hunterdon Co. Mentions wife and children. Numerous names that may imply a relationship to the Howell family. Proved 22 Aug 1788. Executors: sons Andrew, John and Absalom. Inventory 21 Aug 1788, taken by Ebenezer Rose and John Howell. Lib. 31, page 120.

Page 182. 20 Jan 1787. Will of Mary Purviance of Pittsgrove, Salem Co. Names granddaughters, grandsons, daughters, granddaughter Sarah Purviance daughter of my son Andrew. Executor: friend Benjamin Vanmeter. Wit.: William McKinney, Ezekiel Rose . Proved 10 Dec 1788. Lib. 31, page 49.

Page 86. 5 Mar 1786. Will of William Gardner of Morristown, Morris Co. Daughter Mary Wood, daughter Affie Norris, son Christopher, sons Christopher, Jeniah and William rest of estate. Executors: son Christopher and Daniel Wood. Wit.: Daniel Brown, Abraham Ludlam, John Rose . Proved 18 Jun 1787. Lib. 29, page 461.

Page 36. 6 Nov 1789. Will of Patience Burrough of Pitts Grove, Salem Co. Son Joseph, 5 sh. Burrough, son John Burrough, 5 sh.. To Isaac Burrough 3 pounds. To David Burrough 5 pounds. Son Youryah 20 pounds. To Hannah Abit, book. To Sarah Rose , warming pan. A head stone for the grave of my husband and myself. Rest of estate to Hannah Abit and my daughter Elizabeth Van Mete’s children, and Sarah Rose and Youriah Burroughs, and Elizabeth’s children to draw one share. Executor: friend Benjamin Van Meter. Wit.: Mary Krom, David Dubois, Jr., Abrahan Du Bois. Proved 1 Dec 1789. Inventory 12 Nov 1789 by William Garrison and Cornelius Nieukirk. To thirds due from the estate of Isaac Burroughs, deceased, 117 pounds. Lib. 40, page 519.

Vol. 37, Cal. Of Wills v. 8, 1791-1795:

Page 62. 8 Sep 1790 Will of Stephen Burrows, Sr. of Howell Twp., Hunterdon Co. Son Stephen, home plantation, farming utensils, 1 cow, 1 loom and a walking cane. He to pay 150 pounds in annual payments. Daughter Sarah Reeder, 6 silver spoons, 1 warming pan, 1 large Bible, and blue curtains. Remainder of movables to be sold and with the 150 pounds divided into six parts. Daughters Hannah Titus, Mary Baily, Charity Bennet, Eunice Rose and Sarah Reeder each 1/6 part and daughters of daughter Mercy Mershon, dec’d, 7/8 of the remaining 1/6 part. Grandson Benjamin Mershon and Peggy Mershon (wife of grandson Enos Mershon) the 1/8 of the remaining 1/6 part. Son-in-law Henry Mershon , the 12 pounds charged against him for a pair of oxen; tobe deducted fromhis daughter’s share. Exectors: son Stephen, son-in-law Ebenezer Rose , and grandson Stephen Titus. Wit.: Ephraim Woolsey, Ann Johnson and Nellie McGill. Codicil 11 Apr 1792. In case any legatee brings charges against the estate the amount is to be deducted from their share. Wit.: John Carpenter, Ephraim Woosley, Nellie McGill. Proved 1 Dec 1792. Inventory 29 Nov 1792 made by John Welling and Henry Baker. Lib. 34, page 240, inventory File 1601J.

Page 51. 1 Jun 1795. Will of John Brookfield of Morristown, Morris Co., NJ. Lengthy, names children and grandchildren. Executors: son Job Brookfield, grandson Silas Brookfield. Wit.: David Freeman, Stephen Rose , and Silas Lindsay. Proved 29 Jun 1795. Lib. 36, page 70. Inventory 15 Jun 1795 by Silas Lindsay and Stephen Rose , File 867N.

Page 246. 25 Sep 1788. Will of Elias March, Sr. of Perth Amboy, Middlesex Co., shipwright. Mentions 150 acres in South Amboy whereon Timothy Rose now lives, to be given to sons Elias, Thomas, Samuel and Joseph. Proved 18 Jun 1794. Lib. 34, page 504; File 8385-8394L.

Vol. 38, Cal. Of Wills v. 9, 1796-1800:

Page 194. 4 Sep 1797. Will of Amy Hunter (at present) of Trenton, Hunterdon Co., widow of Rev’d. Andrew Hunter, dec’d. Proved 25 Nov 1800. Lib. 39, page 152. Inventory 12 Jan 1801 made by Ebenezer Rose and Nathaniel Green, File 1927J.

Page 307. 3 May 1797. Adm. of estate of John Rose of Hunterdon Co. Int. Adm’rs: Elizabeth Rose and Jacob Rose . Fellowbondsman: John Haas of Tewksbury and William Abbott of Lebanon, same county. Lib. 37, page 210. Inventory 28 Apr 1797 made by Joh Haas and Mathias McKinstry. Account 7 May 1801 by Elizabeth Rose, Adm’x. File 1809J.

Page 307. 26 Mar 1799. Adm. of the estate of Timothy Rose of Middlesex Co. Int. Adm.: William Rose . Fellowbondsman: James Morgan and Nathaniel Culver all of same county. Lib. 38, page 294. Inventory 14 Feb 1799 by Nathaniel Culver and Mathias Johnson. File 9577-9582L.

Page 114. 15 Jun 1796. Adm. of estate of Benjamin Dubois of Pittsgrove, Salem Co. Int. Adm’x. Mary Dubois. Fellowbondsman: Lewis Dubois and Ezekiel Rose , all of said county. Lib. 36, page 258.

Page 126. 23 Feb 1797. Will of Seth Field of Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., yeoman. Eldest son John (who has an only son John who is crippled), western part of farm adjoining land of Simon Philops, and ½ of woodland. Son Eanos, eastern part of farm and other ½ of woodland. Daughter Mary Rose , 1 cow and a feather bed. Moveable estate to be sold and distributed amongst grandchildren (not named). Executors: Ezekiel Rose , and John Smith. Wit.: Andrew Smith, Edward Howell and George Smith. Proved 16 Mar 1797. Lib. 37, page 201. Inventory, 14 Mar 1797 by Andrew Smith and George Smith. File 1782J.

Page 416. 2 Jan 1795. Will of John Wilson, Sr. of Amwell Twp., Hunterdon Co. Mentions wife, sons, daughters and granddaughter Gehannah Rose , (to receive) negro girl and her child. Proved 24 Apr 1800. Lib. 38, page 433. Inventory 22 Apr 1800. File 1949J.

Vol. 39, Cal. Of Wills v. 10, 1801-1805:

Page 378. 27 Sep 1805. Inventory of the estate of Benjamin Rose of Mansfield Twp., Sussex Co., $943.47, made by Joseph Tindall and Philip Cummins. Sworn to by Andrew Rose , Adm’r., 5 Oct 1805. File 1085S.

Page 164-165 5 Jan 1803. Will of Jonathan Forman of Freehold, Monmouth Co. Names wife Hope and sons David and John, also mentions, “all my children,” and “daughters,” but does not state names. Proved 11 Apr 1803. Lib. 40, page 322. Inventory 11 Apr 1803 and 21 Aug 1806, Petition of Samuel Forman, Corlis Lloyd and Thomas Henderson, surviving executors, 1 Nov 1806. File 8536M. Compiler’s Note: As to the unnamed children of Jonathan Forman, citing “History of Old Tennent Church,” F.R. Symmes, 1904, p.429, “Jonathan Forman (son of Sheriff David and Anna (Denise) Forman) b. 1758, d. 1803. He had children: Catherine (b. 1785) m. Enoch P. Rose , a merchant in Trenton. John Burrowes (b. 1787), d. 1853, aged 66 yrs…Hope Forman, wife of Jonathan Forman was a daughter of John and Hope Burrowes of Middletown….”

Page 229. 21 Sep 1804. Will of Timothy Howell of Trenton Twp., Hunterdon Co. Wife Deborah. Son Benjamin. Daughters Mary, Martha and Phebe, for a home while single. Son David. Son Israel. Executors: son Benjamin, Ebenezer Rose , and Asher Howell. Wit.: Israel Carle, Rebecca Welling, William Swem. Proved 9 Oct 1804. Inventory 3 Oct 1804, made by Samuel Howell and Stephen Rose . Unrecorded; File 2106J. Compiler’s note: “Timothy Howell was a son of David and Mary (Baker) Howell and gr. son of Daniel and Mary (Wheeler) Howell. His wife, Deborah, was daughter of Benjamin and Martha (Dean) Green and a granddaughter of Judge William and Joanna (Reeder) Green.”

Page 56-57. 3 Feb 1803. Adm. of estate of Nathaniel Brittin of Ringwood Twp., Hunterdon Co. Adm’r: John Brittin. Fellowbondsman: Richard Opdyke and Francis Robinson of said county. Lib. 40, page 198. Inventory 21 Jan 1803 by Richard Opdyke and Isaac Gray. 9 May 1805: Petition made by Ezekiel Rose, Jr. and Frankey his wife , late Frankey Britton, for a division of the real estate which heirs now hold as tenants in common. 6 Oct 1805. Division of real estate made by William Smith, George Larason, and Peter Fox, shows the heirs of said Nathaniel Britton, dec’d, received the following lots of land….(long account)…To Frankey Rose (wife of Ezekiel Rose, Jr. and daughter of Nathaniel Brittain, dec’d), lot no. 17 begins at stake in Frenchtown Road to line of Cornelius Barcalow’s land and contains 15 ½ acres.

Page 132-133 6 Jul 1805. Will of Michael Dixon of Byram, Sussex Co. Proved 14 Aug 1805, Surr. Office, Sussex Co. recorded in Book A of Wills, p.61. Inventory made 8 Aug 1805 by Simeon Dickerson and Jacob Rose . File 1056S.

Page 263-264. 13 Apr 1792. Will of Samuel Landon, Sr. of Independence, Sussex Co., yeoman. Proved 3 Spe 1804, Surr. Off. Sussex Co. Wills A:32. Inventory taken 17 Oct 1804 by Anthony Hammon and Jacob Rose . File 1071S.

Page 228. 3 Jan 1802. Will of Neomy Howell of Trenton Twp., Hunterdon Co. Sons Ezekiel, Asher and Esek. Son John. Sons Joseph and Abner. Daughter Susannah while unmarried. Daughter Huldah, bed and bedding she brought from Easton with her. Daughter Mary. Executors: sons John Howell and Joseph Howell. Wit.: Hezekiah Young and John Titus. Proved 21 Feb 1803. Lib. 40, page 197. Inventory taken 15 Feb 1803 by John Titus and Stephen Rose . File 1062J.

Page 140. 5 Mar 1795. Will of David Dubois of Pittsgrove, Salem Co. Names wife and children. Executors: sons Isaac and Barent Dubois. Wit.: Abraham Dubois, Thomas Rose , Hosea Lawrence. Proved 28 Jan 1802. Lib. 39, page 527. Inventory, 28 Oct 1801, File 2533Q.

Pages 116, 212, 213, 291, 335, 349. Mention of a William Rose , in each case as one who took the inventory of an estate in Cumberland Co.

Vol. 40, Cal of Wills v. 11, 1806-1809:

Page 53. 22 Jan 1799. Will of Benjamin Burroughs of Pittsgrove, Salem Co. Wife Mary. Son John. Son Cornelius. Cornelius to provide support for my son Joseph who is an idiot. Cornelius also to pay to my grandchildren, i.e. Mary Rose, Abraham Rose, Phebey Rose, Cornelius Rose and John Rose, children of Hannah Rose, dec’d. , 20 shillings each as they arrive to full age. Son Benjamin. Daughter Elizabeth DuBois (wife of Isaac DuBois). Daughter Catherine Newkirk (wife of Matthew Newkirk). Executor: son Cornelius Burroughs. Wit.: Sarah Mayhew, Stanford Mayhew and Eleazer Mayhew. Proved 19 Feb 1807. Inventory dated 12 Feb 1807 by Abraham Rose and Eleazer Mayhew. File 2908Q.

Page 159-160. 7 Nov 1807. Will of Isaac Harris of Pittsgrove, Salem Co., physician. Lengthy. Mentions lands in Pittsgrove adjoining Matthew Nieukirk, Benjamin Burroughs, Abraham Rose , and Eleazer Mayhew. Legacy to the Trustees of the Presbyterian Congregation in Pittsgrove. Probated 5 May 1808. Inventory taken 5 May 1808 by and Abraham Rose . File 2875Q.

Page 232. 5 May 1808. Will of Garret Martin of Independence, Sussex Co. Wife Sarah, children, both male and female, but not named. Executors: wife Sarah and Joseph Demond. Wit.: Mordecai Willson, Andrew Rose , A. Wilson. Proved 25 May 1808. Inventory 4 May 1808. File 1178S.

Page 185. 20 Sep 1799. Will of Mary Howell of Trenton Twp., Hunterdon Co. Son Daniel Howell. Trustees of the Congregation to which I now belong (denomination not stated). Two daughters, Rhoda Green and Sarah Green. Son-in-law Nathaniel Green, my great Bible. Executors: son Daniel Howell and son-in-law Nathaniel Green. Wit.: Ebenezer Rose , Jonas Addams, Stephen Rose . Proved 29 Jan 1807. Inventory, 21 Jan 1807, made by Ebenezer Rose and John Titus.

Page 317. 3 Apr 1809. William Stanfor (Stanford) of Trenton Twp., Hunterdon Co. Died intestate. Inventory made by Ebenezer Rose and Nathaniel Green. Sworn to by Andrew Reeder, Adm’r., 13 Apr 1809. File 2381J.

Page 22. 7 Jul 1806. Will of Cornelius Barcalo of Kingwood Twp., Hunterdon Co. Mentions wife and children including married daughter. Executor: friend, George Larison. Wit.: Richard Opedyke, Zekiel Rose , Herman Berkaloo. Proved 6 Aug 1806. Inventory 31 Jul 1806. File 2179J.

Page 84. 11 Aug 1807. John Gunvard Coxe of Pittsgrove Twp., Salem Co. Inventory made by Joseph Cook and Ezekiel Rose . Sworn to by Uriah French, Adm’r., 15 Sep 1807. File 2899Q.

Page 192. 28 Jun 1806. Will of Thomas Jaggard of Gloucester Twp. And County. Wit.: Thomas Hendry, Henry Rose , John Conner. Proved 20 Aug1806. Inventory 28 Nov 1806. File 2564H.

Page 180. 16 Jan 1806. Will of Peter Hoppough of Lebanon Twp., Hunterdon Co. Lengthy. Mentions wife, children and a number of person from whom he purchased property. To son Peter, the farm on which he now lives in Lebanon Twp. (93 acres) being part of the tract bought of the heirs of John Rose . Proved 2 Sep 1809. File 2361 J.

Page 324. 3 Oct 1804. Will of Ebenezer Sturges of Morristown, Morris Co. Wife Charity. Sons Benjamin and Eleazer (executors). Sons of my son Moses Sturges, i.e. Walter and Daniel Sturges. Wit.: Moses Allen, Stephen Rose , Henry Lindsly. Proved 4 Sep 1806. Inventory 31 Jul 1806. File 1300 N.

Page 285. 8 Jul 1806 Will of William Robinson of Pittsgrove, Salem Co., cordwainer. Brothers Reubin Robinson and Joseph Robinson. Sister Amala Ewell. Executors: brother Benjamin Robinson and friend Joseph Cook. Wit.: Abrahan Nelson, Uriah Rose , Eleazer Mayhew. Proved 17 Sep 1806. Inventory 7 Aug 1806. File 2597 Q.

Pages 193, 197, 239. William Rose mentioned as taking inventory of estates in Cumberland Co.

Vol. 41, Cal. Of Wills v. 12, 1810-1813:

Page 350. 9 Mar 1811. Will of Frederick Sockman of Frankford Twp., Sussex Co. Wife Mary. Daughter Elizabeth. To William Snyder (son of Joseph), $50. Effy Snyder (son of William Little), $25. $25 towards building a meeting house, if it be Congregational, Presbyterian or Baptist. $25 towards enclosing the Burying Ground where the old meeting formerly stood near Samuel Price’s. Frederick Rose (son of Aaron and Peggy) , a heifer. Granddaughter (eldest daughter of my daughter Elizabeth), a clock. Andrew Mering (son of my wife), my silver watch. Jacob Spagenbergh, $5, “if he stays his time fully out.” Wearing apparel to be divided between Isaac Potts, Andrew Mering, Jacob Spagenbergh. If wife should marry she is to have $100. Executors: Vantile Courson of Frankford and Isaac Potts. Wit.: Robert Kerr, Sarah Kerr, Phebe Mering. Proved 24 Jul 1811. Inventory 23 Jul 1811 by Thomas Armstrong and John Wyker. File 1294 S.

Page 15. 26 Apr 1813. Will of Garret Arons of Pittsgrove, Salem Co., yeoman. Mentions wife and two daughters (both married). Executor: friend Eleazer Mayhew, Esq. Inventory 10 May 1813 by Abraham Rose and Solomon DuBois. File 2020 Q.

Page 35. 6 Sep 1813. Will of Ann Bishop of Manington Twp., Salem Co. Mentions daughter Letitia Conrow and numerous grandchildren including Anne Rose (other surnames: Peterson, Grantland, Bishop, Hampton and Conrow). Proved 20 Oct 1813. Inventory 19 Oct 1813. File 3122 Q.

Page 317. 18 Mar 1810. Will of Ezekiel Rose of Kingwood Twp., Hunterdon Co. Wife Mary , ½ of household furniture, use of house and kitchen, 2 cows, 6 sheep. Son Seth, all farming utensils, horse, cattle, sheep and swine, ½ of household furniture, residue of homestead farm, he paying all debts and legacies and supplying support to his mother, during her widowhood. Three daughters, Johannah Rose, Sarah Rose and Catherine Rose , to have home and maintenance until their marriage. Son, Ezekiel Rose , a lot off my farm beginning at Cooper Brook and running along Harmen Barcalow’s dug road…Thomas Marshall…John Runyon…Moses Everitt, containing 60 acres, provided he gives title for 15 acres he now lives on to my son, John . Son Enos , 20 acres off the northeast corner of my farm. Son John , 5 acres adjoining Enos’s lot. Daughter, Johannah , 10 acres off my farm adjoining Thomas Marshall and son Ezekiel , subject to be worked by my son, Seth, as long as she remains single. Daughter Sarah Rose , 10 acres adjoining Johannah , with same provisions. Daughter, Catherine, 10 acres adjoining others, with same provisions. Executors: two sons, Seth and Ezekiel Rose . Wit.: Richard Opdycke, John McLean, Sr., Bartholomew Thatcher. Proved 29 Jun 1811, when Seth Rose signed as executor. Inventory 28 Jun 1811 by Richard Opdycke and Bartholomew Thatcher. File 2493 J.

Page 317. 12 Jan 1812. Will of Samuel Rose of Mannington Twp., Salem Co. Wife Jane to have interest arising from proceeds of sale of all estate, real and personal, after debts are paid, for five years in consideration of her support of our children, also 3 cows, 3 beds and bedding, other furniture and $300 after five years in lieu of dower. Daughter Mary , bed and chest of drawers which were formerly her mother’s. Children: Mary, William, John, Margaret, Lydia, Samuel, Elizabeth, Reuben, Ann, and an unborn child to share residue of estate. Wife to be guardian of children Margaret, Lydia, Elizabeth, Ann and the unborn child . Friend John Hall to be guardian of William, John, Samuel and Reuben when they are 15. Executor: friend John Hall. Wit.: Peter Bilderback, Charles Bennett, Thomas Yarrow. Proved 2 May 1812. Inventory 28 Apr 1812 by Joseph Reeves, Jr. and Thomas Yarrow. File 2995 Q.

Page 318. 23 Mar 1812. Samuel Rose of Little Egg Harbor, Burlington Co., intestate. Inventory by Samuel Deacon, John Mulliner. Affirmed by Hannah Rose, Job Rose, Adm’rs., 29 Sep 1813. File 12674 C.

Page 318. 4 Jul 1810. William Rose of South Amboy Twp., Middlesex Co., intestate. Inventory, $211.25, made by Jacob Brookfield, Matthias Johnson. Sworn to by Elizabeth Rose and James Rose , Adm’rs., 7 July 1810. File 10267 L.

Page 303. 13 Aug 1808. Will of John Quick, Sr. of Hopewell Twp., Hunterdon Co. Mentions woodlot purchased of Jonathan Rose (21 acres). Proved 25 Feb 1812. Inventory 24 Feb 1812. File 2553 J.

Page 244. 18 Feb 1811. Will of John McLean, Sr. of Kingswood Twp., Hunterdon Co. Wife Christina, daughter Mary, other children (not named). Executors: wife Christina and friend Seth Rose . Proved 15 Mar 1811. Inventory 12 Mar 1811. File 2482 J.

Page 328. 15 Jan 1811. Will of Daniel Scudder of Trenton, Hunterdon Co. Two sons Abner and Elias, daughter Keziah. Executors: son Abner, nephew John Scudder, and William S. Moore. Wit.: Richard Hill, Samuel Green, James B. Green. Proved 6 Jul 1811. Inventory, 24 Jun 1811 taken by Stephen Rose and James B. Green. File 2495 J.

Page 51. 9 Feb 1811. Will of Mary Brown of Hopewell Twp., Cumberland Co. Receipt, 17 Oct 1812, by Sheriff, William Rose, for boarding Harriet Brown. File 1563 F.

Page 99. 25 Oct 1813. Inventory of estate of Patience Davis of Cumberland Co., by William Rose. File 1622 F.

Page 157. 9 Oct 1813. Will of James Hagerty of Frankford Twp., Sussex Co. Mentions meadow and woodland purchased of John Maltry adjoining Benjamin and William Rose . Proved 6 Nov 1813. File 1356 S.

Page 242. 17 Mar 1812. Inventory of Liddia Lummis of Deerfield Twp., Cumberland Co., made by William Rose , Samuel Thompson. File 1583 F.

Page 309. 20 Apr 1799. Inventory of John Remmington, Jr., made by William Rose , Enos Ewing. Sworn to by Clemmons Statham, Adm., 16 Sep 1813, before Cumberland Co. Surrogate. File 1646 F.

Vol. 42 Cal. Of Wills v. 13, 1814-1817:

Page 96-97. 2 May 1814. Will of William Coomes of Pittsgrove Twp., Salem Co. Mentions children including daughter Sarah, wife of John Crum. Executors: sons George and William. Wit.: Abraham Rose, William Rose , Jacob Wick, Eleazer Mayhew. Proved 4 Dec 1816. File 3274 Q.

Page 199. 25 Jan 1817. Will of Philip Hendrickson of Lawrence Twp., Hunterdon Co. Names wife and married daughters. Executors: 2 sons Richard and William. Wit.: Ebenezer P. Rose , William Closson, Charles Ewing. Proved 26 Dec 1817. File 2876 J.

Page 450. 10 Oct 1814. Benjamin Vanmeter, Jr. of Pittsgrove, Salem Co. Inventory. Includes bond of Ezekiel Rose . Sworn to by Jerediah DuBois, Adm., 6 Dec 1814. File 3222 Q.

Page 216-217. 20 Sep 1813. Will of Cornelius Hoppock of Amwell Twp., Hunterdon Co. Names wife and children. Executors: son John and grandson William Barber. Wit.: John Rose , Jacob Taylor, Mahion Taylor. Proved 8 Jan 1814. File 2667 J.

Page 426-427. 3 Nov 1814. Will of Benjamin Thorpe of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co. Mentions, “Interest of $125 to John Rose , who has been with me some time, so long as he continues in my family.” Proved 10 Dec 1814. File 10515 L.

Page 479-480. 31 Dec 1813. Will of Abm. Williamson, Sr., of Amwell Twp., Hunterdon Co.. “being advanced in years.” Mentions daughters, purchases of property with those purchased from. Executors: son Abraham T. Williamson and friend John Lequear. Wit.: Jacob Schenck, John Carr, Amos Smith. Codicil 15 Sep 1816, Wit.: John Howe, Jr., John Rose . Proved 13 Dec 1816. File 2842 J.

Page 25. 4 Apr 1814. Providence Barcalow of Kingswood Twp., Hunterdon Co. Inventory made by Peter Fox, Seth Rose . Sworn to by George Larason, Adm., 7 Apr 1813. File 2638 J.

Page 53. 1 Dec 1814. Samuel Britton of Kingwood, Hunterdon Co. Inventory made by Isaac Gray, Seth Rose . Sworn to by John Britton, 9 Dec 1814. File 2463 J.

Page 48. 16 Mar 1813. Will of Stist (Stites) Bowen of District of Southwark, Philadelphia, shipright. Wife and children. Tract of 3 ½ acres in Hopewell, Cumberland Co., NJ. Executor: William Rose . Wit.: Robert Ross, Bradway Stretch. Proved 25 Mar 1814 before Daniel Garriosn, Surrogate, Salem Co., NJ. File 3046 Q.

Page 50. 23 Mar 1814. Horace Brewster of Deerfield, Cumberland Co. Inventory made by Eleazer Mayhew and William Rose . File 1663 F.

Page 63. 2 Sep 1815.Will of Enoch Burgin of Bridgton, Cumberland Co. Inventory, 28 Sep 1815 made by Eben. Seely, William Rose . File 1729 F.

Page 143. No date. Ananias Edwards of Deerfield, Cumberland Co. Inventory by George Souder, William Rose . Sworn to by David Edwards, Adm., 22 Mar 1814. File 1678 F.

Page 158. 11 Feb 1814. Ira Fithian. Inventory by William Rose , Moses Veal. Sworn to 11 Feb 1814 before Surrogate of Cumberland Co. File 1679 F.

Page 344. 24 Apr 1816. Lott Randolph of Deerfield Twp., Cumberland Co. Inventory by Ebenezer Seeley, William Rose . File 1796 F.

Page 412. 7 May 1814. Ananias Stratton of Deerfield Twp., Cumberland Co. Inventory by William Rose , George Souder. File 1759 F.

Page 490. 29 May 1815. Charles Woodruff of Deerfield Twp., Cumberland Co. Inventory by Jeremiah Buck, William Rose . File 1810 F.


Historical Society of , Abstracts of Bucks County, Pennsylvania Wills, 1685-1785 (Westminster, Md.: Family Line Publications, 1995)

Page 47. Will of John Rose of Solebury, yeoman. 4 Feb 1750. Proved 25 Mar 1751. Wife Magdalen and son Christopher , executors. Children, Christopher, Alice, Mary, Margaret, Ursula, Elizabeth, and Ann . Real estate and personal estate in West to be sold. Plantation in Solebury to son Christopher after wife’s death, and to male heirs forever, in default of issue to John Rose , eldest son of brother Andrew , in default of male issue to his brother Henry and male heirs forever. Wit.: Stephen Townsend, States Jewell, and Samuel Armitage. Book 2, page 224.

Page 24. Will of Daniel Howell of Solebury, yeoman. Apr. 14, 1739. Proved Sept 28., 1739. Son Benjamin Howell. Son-in-law Job Howell. William Rettinhouser of Amwell and Joseph Howell of Bethlehem, County of Hunterdon, N.J., executors. All lands except 1/8 of a proprietary right purchased by Father Howell. Wit.: Daniel Howell, Edward Milnor, Christn. Search. Book 1, page 270.


Calendar of Wills on file and recorded in the offices of the clerk of the Court od Appeals of the County Clerk at Albany and of the Secretary of State, 1626-1836. Compiled and edited by Berthold Fernow

Page 74 no.318 (C68) 9 Mar 1767, 16 Aug 1771. Will of Anthony Crispell of Hurley, Ulster Co. Sons Johannes and Cornelius, daughter Neeltje, wife of Dirck Roosa . Real and personal estate. Executors: his two sons, son-in-law Dirck Roosa and Adrian Wynkoop. Wit.: Heyman Roosa , Lucas Elmendorf, Petrus Wynkoop, all of Hurley, farmers.

Page 77, no. 333 (C83) 18 Aug 1775, 29 Jul 1778. Will of Cornelius Crispell of Hurley, Ulster Co. Names wife Geertje. Real and personal estate. Executors: Petrus Roosa, Egbert Roosa , both of Hurley, and Seth Curtiss of Kingston. Wit.: Petrus Crespel, Hendrick Konstabel, farmers, and Benyamen Roosa .

Page 109, no. 460 (D52) 13 Jul 1758, 7 May 1761. Will of Egbert De Witt of Nepenack, Rochester Township, Ulster Co. Names wife Mary, sons Andries E., Jacob, William, John, Steven, Egbert, Thomas, Benjamin, Reuben, daughter Mary. Real and personal estate. Executors, sons Andries E., Jacob, William, John and Steven. Wit. : Jan Van Deusen, Jacob Roosa , Charles D. Witt.

Page 132, no. 565, 19 Nov 1683, Dutch. Will of Adam Dingemans of New Albany, born at Harlem, Holland, and wife Aeltie Jacobs Gardenier, born at New Albany. Children mentioned but not by name. Real and personal estate. Executors: Maas Cornelissen and Johannes Roos . Wit.: Jacob Theysen van der Heyden, Jan van Loon and Adriaen van Ilpendam, Notary Public. Albany Co. Records, Notarial Papers, II, p. 468.

Page 190, no. 821 (H66) 22 Sep 1771, 14 Mar 1772. Will of Abraham Hardenbergh, of Guilford, Ulster Co., esquire. Names wife Mary, sons Johannis, Nicholas and Elias, daughters Sarah, wife of Charles W. Brodhead, Marritie and Rachel. Wife was a daughter of Nicholas Roosa and wife Sarah . Real and personal estate. Executors: sons Johannis, Nicholas and Elias, son-in-law Charles W. Brodhead and stepson Joseph Gasherie. Wit.: John Terwilger, Peter Deyoo, Junr. Both of New Paltz Precinct, yeomen, and Daniel Freer, Jun.

Page 269, no. 1180 (M72) 21 Jul 1774, 30 Sep 1782. Will of John Masten of Shawengunk Prect., Ulster Co. Names wife Marytie, sons Matthew, Cornelis, Art, Ezekiel, Johannis, Abraham, daughters Elisabeth, wife of Johannes Roos, Jatie, wife of Johannis Weller and Mary, wife of Phillip Rank. Real and personal property. Executors: brother Ezekiel Masten of Kingston and sons Ezekiel and Cornelis. Wit.: Johannes Bevier, Cornelis ter Willgen and Johs. Hardenbergh, Jun., farmers.

Page 317, no. 1389 (R5) 23 Aug 1708, 9 Sep 1708. Dutch. Will of Heyman Roosa of Horley, Ulster Co. Names children Allert, Nicolaes, Gysbert, Jannetje wife of Philipp Hooghtylingh, Wyntie , wife of Willem Crom, Ragel and Lea . Real and personal estate. Executors: the three sons. Wit.: Jan Roosa , Mattys Low, Jacobus van Netten, and Wm. Nottingham.

Page 327, no. 1435 (R51) 24 Jul 1782, 10 Oct 1782. Will of Isaac Roosa , of Schonectady, Albany Co. Names wife Maria , children Johannes, Annatje, Reikert, Magtildie, Jacobus and Maas van Franken . Real and personal estate. Executors, the wife, Christopher Yates and Dirk van Ingen. Wit.: Abraham Fonda, esquire, Seymen Schermerhoren and John Clute, blacksmith.

Page 338, no. 1483 (S12) 15 Feb 1723/24, 20 Sep 1725. Dutch. Will of Dirck Schepmoes of Kingston Corporation, Ulster Co. Names wife Maragrietie Tappan, daughters Anna, Aryantie, Sara, Dirikye, Ragell, Leea and Rebecca, sons Willem, Johannes. Real and personal estate. Johannes Hardenbergh, Pieter Tappan and Hendrick Pruyn guardians, and with Willem Schepmoes, Theunes Tappen, Barnardus Swartwout, Barent van Waagenen, Aldert Roosa , executors. Wit.: Gilbert Livignston, Ino. Rutsen, Salomon Davis and Jacobus van Dyck.

Page 346, no. 1520 (S49) 5 Sep 1753, 3 Jun 1754. Dutch. Will of Johannes Suylandt of Horly, Ulster Co. Names wife Eva, son Johannes, daughters Catharina, Maria, Lena and Elizabeth. Real and personal estate. Executors: wife’s brother Derick van Vechten, Hendricus Sleght and Jacob Roosa . Wit.: Huybert Oostrander, Johannes Oostrander, Junr., and Johannis G. Hardenburgh.

Page 347, no. 1524 (S53) 21 Dec 1754, 29 Mar 1755. Will of James Scott of Hurley, Ulster Co., merchant. Leaves real and personal estate to Levi Paulding as executor in trust for an English schoolmaster at Hurley. Wit.: Isaac Roosa, Petrus Roosa and Egbert Roosa .

Page 361, no. 1595 (S124) 25 Oct 1775, 15 Dec 1778. Will of Fredrick Schoonmaker of Marbletown, Ulster Co., yeoman. Names sons Thomas and Fredrick, children of daughters Antje, wife of Harmanus Rosekrans, Elizabeth, wife of Abraham Klaarwater, Rachel, wife of Samson Sammons, Lydia, wife of Benjamin Hasbrouck, Maria, wife of Andries Roosa , Sarah, wife of Johannis Rosekrans, Testintje, wife of William Wood, grandson Jacob DeWitt, son of dec’d son Jochem Schoonmaker, Jacobus Elmendorph Kool, husband of da. Hester. Real and personal property. Executors: the two sons. Wit.: Jacob Schneyder, Christopher Snyder, both of Marbletown, farmers, and Ch. D. Witt.

Page 456, no. 2015 (W3) 25 Jan 1725/26, 10 Apr 1727. Dutch. Will of Johannis Westbroeck of Knightsfield, Ulster Co. Names wife Magdalena, sons Anthony, Johannis, Cornelius, Dirck, daughters Sarah wife of Cornelius Van Aken, Antie wife of Jacob van Etten, grandson Benjamin, son of dec’d daughter Ursulla. “My whole estate.” Executors: sons Anthony and Johannis. Wit.: Capt. Jacob Rutsen, Junr., Major Johannis Hardenbergh, Nicholas Roosa , and W. Nottingham.

Chris Chester Nov. 2010 [email protected]