Profile of IoT Promotion Department (FY2020) The Future Unfolding Beyond a Connected Society

National Research and Development Agency New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization About NEDO’s IoT Promotion Department

The NEDO IoT Promotion Department promotes R&D projects in the fields of electronics, information and telecommunications, and manufacturing. In addition, it advances the development of cross-sectoral technologies with the emphasis on system aspects. It contributes to the realization of an IoT society by specifying necessary social problems, formulating the necessary solution services, and providing these solutions to society.

Project Management Policies of the IoT Promotion Department

Utilizing real data Constructing cross-sectoral Create an enabling environment for partnerships utilizing real data to realize a society Break through barriers between fields, where the real world and cyber space organizations, and sectors to solve are deeply connected multi-faceted social problems Maximizing network effects Strengthening multi-faceted Control the data collection and analysis security measures cycle to increase its value Realize a robust society that is secure against cyberattacks Shifting from centralized Supporting commercialization to distributed networks and industrialization Overcome the major problem of Provide support to start-up companies increases in energy consumption caused in areas such as standardization and by explosive increases in the amount of systemic reforms data Creating services based on cutting-edge devices Accelerate social change by evading data lock-in problems caused by western countries and utilizing ’s strengths

※For each of its projects, NEDO assigns a project manager (PM) who is responsible for planning and managing the overall progress of the project, including establishing the basic plan, constructing an implementation system, and implementing the project. In some cases, NEDO also assigns a sub-project manager (SPM) to assist the PM.

1 IoT’s Five Major Elements

IoT primarily consists of five major elements: collection, storage, analysis, control/service (application/feedback to real world contexts), and overall security of data from society. The IoT Promotion Department promotes R&D projects addressing all five of these elements in an effort to realize an IoT society without “air pockets.” Security Analysis High-speed/energy-efficient cryptography AI computing technologies for processing technologies large amounts of data at high speeds Technologies for detecting and predicting cyberattacks Converting stored data into information and → Enables safe data processing knowledge → Enables computation of data, even on a Collection larger scale, within a practical time period Edge computing technologies Technologies for miniaturized/energy-efficient Control/Services devices Shifting from “things” to “services” as the → Enables the acquisition of various data source of added value types from real world contexts by installing → Enables control of both hard- and software sensors in a variety of locations Storage Technologies for high-speed data storage with ultra-high capacity → Enables saving, as well as the high-speed writing and reading of large amounts of data Three Pillars of the IoT Promotion Department

Storage Devices/

Data Numerical Computers analysis analysis


Numerical Data Services Security analysis analysis Manufacturing Numerical analysis Systems Control Control

Data analysis

Please refer to pages 23 to 24 for the definitions of terms denoted with an asterisk in this pamphlet. 2 Table of Contents

01 About NEDO’s IoT Promotion Department 04 IoT Promotion Department Projects 05 Projects Devices/Computers Project for Innovative AI Chips and Next-Generation Computing Technology Development Project for Accelerating Innovative AI Chip Development Development of Technologies for Super Energy-Efficient Optical Electronics Implementation Systems Systems Development Project on Data Sharing in Collaborative Areas and AI System to Achieve the “Connected Industries” Manufacturing Development of Advanced Laser Processing with Intelligence Based on High-Brightness and High-Efficiency Next-Generation Laser Technologies (TACMI Project) Basic Technology Development Project for Metal Additive Manufacturing Parts 15 Research and Development Project of the Enhanced infrastructures for Post-5G Information and Communication Systems 16 Cross-Ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP) Introduction to Cross-Ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program Cyber Physical Security for an IoT Society Intelligent Processing Infrastructure of Cyber and Physical Systems 18 International Research and Development/Co-Funded Projects 19 Examples of Results 22 Public Relations Activities and Introduction to Project Results 23 Definitions of Terms 25 NEDO Background Information

3 List of IoT Promotion Department Projects

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

(until FY2027)

Project for Innovative AI Chips and Next-Generation Computing Technology Development pp. 5&6

Project for Accelerating Innovative AI Chip Development pp. 7-8

(started in FY2013)

Development of Technologies for Super Energy-Efficient Optical Electronics Implementation Systems pp. 9&10

Development Project on Data Sharing in Collaborative Areas and AI System to Achieve the “Connected Industries” pp. 11&12

Development of advanced laser processing with Intelligence based on high-brightness and high-efficiency next-generation laser technologies (TACMI project) p. 13

Basic Technology Development Project for Metal Additive Manufacturing Parts p. 14

Research and Development Project of the Enhanced infrastructures for Post-5G Information and Communication Systems p. 15

(end date undecided)

Cross-Ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP) Second Phase/Cyber Physical Security for IoT Society p. 16

Cross-Ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP) Second Phase/ Intelligent Processing Infrastructure of Cyber and Physical Systems p. 17

4 Project for Innovative AI Chips and Next-Generation Computing Technology Development D evices/Computers Using IoT and AI to strengthen competitiveness in Japan’s information technology industry Key (1) Early practical application utilizing small and medium-sized venture PM: Takao Ito, Director General Points businesses in addition to large enterprises (2) Human resources development of young researchers through ambitious SPM: Takenori Endo, Chief Officer research and development (3) Short, medium, and long-term development periods and management Yohei Nishiyama, Chief Officer according to the state of technology

Background and objectives In order to create an IoT society for a post-Moore era* that is sure to arrive in the future, NEDO has been advancing basic research and development for enabling the efficient and sophisticated utilization of massive amounts of data since fiscal year (FY) 2016. As the arrival of an IoT society approaches, Japan is also confronting the new problem of increased energy consumption due to explosive increases in the volume of data. With the objectives of solving these social problems and reviving Japan’s information technology industry, NEDO is tackling research and development involving collaboration between industry, academia, and government entities as well as small and medium-sized ventures. Research and development activities This project tackles the development of the following technologies: “AI edge computing* technologies” which implement principal AI processing on the edge of network devices in order to reduce the volume of data; “next-generation computing technologies” which are disruptive computing technologies for dramatically reducing energy consumption; and “common basic technologies” that serve as the foundation for such technologies.

Social implementation

First research and Second research and development activity development activity Development of innovative AI edge Development of next-generation computing technologies computing technologies

Collaboration, application SecuritySecurity Data collection Data storage Data analysis

Third research and development activity Development of cross-sectoral technologies for realizing Real world an advanced IoT society contexts Overview of entire project 5 (1) Development of innovative AI edge computing technologies D Energy-saving technologies required in edge devices are an area of strength for Japan which possesses globally evices/Computers advanced technologies. By integrating this strength with ideas and mobility provided by small and medium-sized ventures, research and development is being conducted with regards to AI edge computing technologies while focusing on their early practical application in collaboration with industry, academia, and government entities.

(2) Development of next-generation computing technologies With a focus on a future post-Moore era, research and development is being conducted with regards to novel next- generation computing technologies, such as those modeled after the human brain. At a time when novel developments in new computing technologies are taking place, ambitious research and development over the medium- and long- term is being tackled which proactively involves highly motivated young researchers.

(3) Development of cross-sectoral technologies for realizing an advanced IoT society In order to establish common basic technologies for an advanced IoT society, technological research and development is being conducted on cross-sectoral elements which support IoT flows, such as collection, storage, analysis, and security. Sensors are installed in a variety of locations, and a variety of real-world data is collected and utilized in order to promote improvements in productivity and efficiency in areas such as production, distribution, and infrastructure.

Industrial robots

Enables immediate execution of Control control function in response to image (e.g. by capturing specific colors)

User Provision of hardware and applications common software program

High-speed moving objects Captures images Hardware in 1,000 frames per second

Common software program

Example of successful early practical applications of Example of latest R&D results: research and development results: Development of superconductive quantum real-time high-speed image processing system for high- annealing machines* speed moving objects (Prototype quantum annealing chip)

Future Prospects The results of the research and development of basic technologies for an advanced IoT society developed through this project will advance development for successive practical applications. In addition, advanced edge computing technologies using AI and other technologies that enhance progress of the IoT society and the novel, next-generation computing technologies for the post-Moore era will be used to work toward the establishment of technologies through collaboration between industry, academia, and government. NEDO’s objective is to revive Japan’s information technology industry and strengthen its competitiveness and achieve the early implementation of technologies developed for solving social challenges facing Japan.

●Project periods: FY2016–FY2027 ● 2020 project budget: 9.42 billion yen ●Project participants:113 organizations including Renesas Electronics Corporation, The University of Tokyo, KDDI Corporation, Socionext Inc., Co., Ltd., NEC Corporation, eSol Co., Ltd., Device & System Platform Development Center Co., Ltd., Fixstars Corporation, NSITEXE, Inc., National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Technology Research Association of Secure IoT Edge Application Based on RISC-V Open Architecture, Preferred Networks, Inc., , Ltd., Photonics Electronics Technology Research Association, Waseda University, Osaka University, RIKEN (Institute of Physical and Chemical Research), IBM Japan, NMEMS Technology Research Organization, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama National University, Ritsumeikan University, ALAXALA Networks Corporation, and others.

6 Project for Accelerating Innovative AI Chip Development D evices/Computers Proving the ideas of innovative AI chips Key (1) Realizing ideas for AI chips Points (2) Developing an environment for accelerating AI chip development PM: Director, Akinori Haza

Background and objectives In order to accelerate the advanced utilization and application of rapidly increased information flows resulting from the advent of an IoT society, it is essential to perform core information processing at the edges of the network. However, advanced skills and expensive design tools are required in order to develop AI chips* that efficiently analyze data using limited resources, especially at the edges of the network.

Despite having innovative ideas, these requirements are particularly high hurdles for small and medium-sized businesses and ventures newly seeking entry into the marketplace. For this reason, the IoT Promotion Department is implementing a project which supports design and development efforts aimed at the practical application of ideas formulated by small and medium-sized businesses and ventures.

Ideas about AI chips

Realizing ideas

Completion of Commercialization an AI chip prototype Private companies including domestic venture businesses and small and medium-sized enterprises

AI chip design base Design tool Hardware Trial manufacture emulation system

Knowledge, knowhow Fundamental technology Conceptual diagram of practical application of AI chip ideas

Contents of research and development (1) Development toward practical application of ideas concerning AI chips For practical application of ideas concerning the AI chips possessed by private businesses and the like, circuit design such as logic design and the like, is performed using dedicated design tools, and its effectiveness is evaluated and verified by simulations and the like. Furthermore, in order to commercialize the verified results, the route toward commercialization is established by finding a business that will cooperate.

(2) Development of common basic technology for accelerating AI chip development A base with a development environment for design, evaluation verification and the like of AI chips is provided as a common basic technology to accelerate the development of advanced AI chips. Common technology is also being developed to advance chip development. Furthermore, an environment is provided for developing human resources with the knowledge and knowhow for the utilization of IoT and AI technologies, in order to accelerate the realization of innovative ideas.

7 Project concept D evices/Computers

(1) Development toward the practical application of ideas for AI chips (assistance) Private businesses and other entities concerned with AI chip development - The development of AI chips by utilizing the environment developed under the project to practically apply the ideas of private businesses and other entities

Use of design verification tools, providing knowledge and expertise (2) Development of common basic technology for accelerating AI chip development (consignment) Universities, research institutes, and other entities (creation of research base) - Development of fundamental technologies involved in the development of advanced AI chips - Establishment of a development environment (e.g., design tools) necessary for development of AI chips - Provision of a development environment, basic technology, expertise, knowhow and the like to private businesses and other entities engaging in the development of AI chips - Training of human resources to take leading roles in the development of AI chips under the project to practically apply the ideas of private businesses and other entities

Results In the subsidy program (1), research and development concerning AI chips have been promoted on a total of nine themes with the aim of putting private businesses’ own ideas into practice.

In the consignment program (2), the AI chip design base was opened mainly for use by small- and medium-sized businesses and ventures, and trial operation commenced on October 7, 2019, as preparation of the AI chip design environment had been completed for trial use through the introduction of the EDA tool*, hardware emulator* and standard IP core*. (October 7, 2019)

Concerning tools provided, use method and other details of the base, please visit the website (URL: https://ai-chip-

Future Prospects For (1), new small and medium-sized venture businesses possessing innovative ideas will be selected as in the previous fiscal year, and development for practical application will be advanced. With regards to (2), in addition to establishing a base in the previous fiscal year, research and development of common basic technologies for designing AI chips will be advanced. In addition, the usability of the base will be improved based on actual feedback from users. Moreover, human resources development will also start.

●Project periods: FY2018–FY2022 ●FY2020 project budget: 2.05 billion yen ●Entrusted parties: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo ●Project participants: Tech Idea Co., Ltd. RayTron, INC., Tohoku–MicroTec. Co., Ltd. Digital Media Professionals Inc., Chi Co., Ltd., SIGLEAD Inc. (Current as of May 2020)

8 Development of Integrated Photonics-Electronics Convergence System Technology for Super Low Power Consumption D evices/Computers Faster speeds and reduced power consumption of IT equipment by implementing optoelectronics technology Key (1) Development of key technologies to realize integrated optoelectronic circuits Points (2) Using key technologies to develop photonics electronics convergence technology PM: Hiroaki Kurihara, (3) Promotion of international standardization Project Coordinator

Background and objectives Due to the spread of cloud computing* and AI, the volume of traffic at data centers is significantly increasing, and power requirements keep increasing rapidly as well. For this reason, it is desirable to realize technologies for IT equipment that can achieve both high-speed data processing and low power consumption. In this project utilizing low energy loss characteristic of light transmission, both fundamental technologies for a photonics- electronics convergence system and implementation technologies to realize the integration of optical and electronic circuits will be developed for the purpose of realizing energy-saving, high-speed, and miniaturized IT equipment. Research and development activities (1) Development of fundamental implementation technologies Optical I/O core Basic technologies will be developed to make compact, high-speed, power- saving devices such as light sources, photodetectors, modulators, and waveguides, which are necessary Optical I/O core for integrated conversions between electronic and optical signals. In addition, under the theme of FPGA accelerator with optical I/O cores technological development of innovative devices, research and development of highly challenging technologies are being conducted to improve performance of optoelectronic integrated devices, including an increase in speed in a non-continuous manner, reduced power consumption, miniaturization, and cost reduction.

(2) Development of systemization Optical wiring between servers Data center technologies Conceptual diagram of the practical application of Small chips (optical I/O core*) that involve implementation system technology the inclusion of elements developed using basic technology and an optoelectronic

integrated interposer* that realizes a Polymer optical waveguide structure allowing inter-CPU and inter- LSI* connections (large scale integrations) at high density and low power Optoelectronic integrated interposer consumption using optical signals will be Optical connector developed for the practical application to Silicon photonics integrated device IT devices and 5G mobile communication systems that require processing of Conceptual diagram of optoelectronic integrated increasing amounts of data at high speed interposer technology yet low power consumption.

9 (3) Promotion of international D standardization evices/Computers To achieve practical application, International standardization of electrical/optical I/O efforts will be made toward the international standardization of Optoelectronic integrated interposer physical specifications (e.g., size, Single-mode fiber input/output structure) and electrical/ Fan-out polymer optical waveguide + wiring layer optical interfaces of the optoelectronic Optoelectronic integrated interposer to render the integrated interposer optical circuit research and development results acceptable to the global market.

International standardization concerning electrical/optical interfaces

Results In this project, a 16-channel wavelength division multiplexer/demultiplexer chip that enables high-density signal transmission was developed. The 16-channel wavelength system transmits optical signals of 16 different wavelengths simultaneously to one optical fiber to

increase the amount of information Input transmission. By developing a circuit Output structure for the integration of multiple wavelength technology in a silicon photonics-encompassing optical circuit that can realize high transmission density at a low cost, and applying a Polarization microfabrication process with high splitter

dimensional accuracy to it, the world’s Two-wavelength delayed Eight-channel array first high-speed, high-density 16-channel Mach-Zehnder interference waveguide grating filter filterometer wavelength optical signal transmission system (32 Gbps per wavelength) was Developed compact 16-channel wavelength division multiplexer/ realized. demultiplexer chip

Future prospects By using optical instead of electronic wiring to connect servers and by applying optoelectronic technologies, server power consumption will be reduced. Technologies in this field, in which Japanese industries lead global development, are expected to be widely applied all over the world to high-performance computers, network equipment, high-definition TV, and devices other than data center equipment. By integrating the developed 16-wavelength multiplexed optical circuit, a small optoelectronic integrated module with integrated electronic and optical circuits will be developed to realize high-capacity optical connection in data centers and high-performance computers.

●Project periods: FY2012–FY2021 ● FY2020 project budget: 18.4 billion yen ●Entrusted parties: Photonics Electronics Technology Research Association

10 Development Project on Data Sharing in Collaborative Areas and AI System to Achieve the “Connected Industries”

Support for ventures active globally through a beneficial cycle of data sharing and utilization Key (1) Development of AI systems having global market competitiveness Points (2) Development of data infrastructure for expanding collaborative areas PM: Yoshihiro Kudo, (3) Establishment of business environments that promote data sharing/utilization Chief Officer

Background and objectives To realize virtuous cycle for sharing and utilizing data to expand collaborative areas, this project is designed to provide support for developments of new AI services and new data infrastructures, and improves business environment that

S drives such development will be conducted continuously and actively. The targets of this project are acquiring a market ystems gain of 300 billion yen and produce unicorn companies that are active globally and at least five new listed companies expected to experience the same type of growth.

Research and development activities Cross-industrial AI systems and industry-shared data platforms mainly for the five primary fields of Connected Industries, that can be rolled out domestically and internationally, will be developed to facilitate data ecosystem friendly with start-ups and other new players. Moreover, cooperative development of the AI systems and the data infrastructure will be conducted in this project. Furthermore, several survey projects will be conducted to improve the business environment for virtuous cycle of sharing and utilizing data.

(1) Development of cross-industrial AI systems Cross-industrial AI Software as a Service (SaaS) systems that can be used by multiple companies, will be developed to provide new value to the world through cutting-edge technology and business models. The AI SaaS aims to provide solutions which can be expected to grow rapidly over a short period of time.

(2) Development of industry-shared data infrastructures Industry-shared data infrastructures with sophisticated approaches such as real-time data processing and blockchain* technology will be developed for domestic/international platform development and also for linking between several existing/newly-developed platforms. By considering data standardization and interoperability, the platforms will be developed to collect various types of data from multiple industries effectively. In addition, based on the supplementary budget measures for FY 2020, the development of digital technologies that will contribute to the promotion of data linkage among supply chains* was added. The goal is to enable prompt and flexible rearrangement, even if there is a risk of supply chain disruption due to unexpected events.

(3) Improving business environment for virtuous cycle of data sharing and utilization To ensure all companies are able to utilize/share data effectively, several survey projects were conducted. For example: - Designing architecture as the fundamental infrastructure of the society - Capacity building method of talent who can utilize AI technology to solve problems - New governance models for a digital society

11 Cross-industrial global AI Enhancement of the data utilization

Research and development Virtuous cycle of data sharing & utilization SaaS utilizing cutting-edge Expansion of collaborative areas technologies

Cross-industrialCross-industrial AI systemssystems


Data S Industry-shared data Overseas ystems infrastructures data PF

Other industry Real data Real data (Company A) (Company B) data PF Improving business environments Create sketches to realize Society 5.0 (digitization/datatization + Architecture connection + processing of data without human intermediaries), etc.

Fostering of Program for fostering human resources that can utilize AI to solve problems: AI QUEST - Developing curricula human resources for gaining practical abilities in data science, the operation of PBL, and evaluating the effect of the curricula Investigate new forms of government that do not impede innovation and Governance new forms of societies based on trust, convey new concepts at G20, etc.

DX promotion Establish visualized indicators that induce the promotion of DX and in private sector IT system innovations, and investigate diagnostic methods

DX promotion Establish cloud security standard that enables continuous use of in government safe and secure services

Improvement of domestic Ensure compatibility between privacy protection technologies and the business environments relevant laws to improve business environments for data utilization

Research, development, and establishment of the related environments will be conducted integrally in order to advance and maximize the social implementation of the project’s results

Future Prospects Comprehensive initiatives through research and development projects and support projects for establishing project environments will create best practices in the virtuous cycle of sharing and utilizing data, in which AI systems and data platforms are unified. This will promote the creation of value through the linkage of a broad array of data for both domestic and international companies.

●Project periods: FY2019–FY2021 ●FY2020 project budget: 3.05 billion yen ●Project participants: Chitose Laboratory Corp., Telexistence Inc., Dynamic Map Platform Co., Ltd., Hmcomm Inc., AI Medical Service Inc., Asahi Kasei Corporation, Hacobu Inc., Industrial Valuechain Initiative, DMG Mori Co., Ltd., , Yasukawa Electric Corporation, JTEKT Corporation, SCSK Corporation, Business Engineering Corporation, ApstoWeb Ltd., Metabologenomics, Inc., MOLCURE Inc., Precision Co., Ltd., Japan Electro-Heat Center, ExaWizards Inc., iXs Co., Ltd., LocationMind Inc., Japan Pallet Rental Corporation, MaaS Tech Japan Inc., SmartDrive Inc., Yokogawa Solution Service Corporation, Best Materia Co., Ltd., IMC Inc., MI-6 Ltd., Toppan Printing Co., Ltd., PtBio Inc., yodayoda.Inc. ●Consignee: PricewaterhouseCoopers Aarata LLC

12 Development of advanced laser processing with Intelligence based on high- brightness and high-efficiency next-generation laser technologies (TACMI project)

Developing next-generation laser processing technologies suitable for various materials Key (1) Making the most of Japanese expertise to develop laser light sources PM: Ryo Kakinuma, Points (2) Establishment of common base for laser processing technologies satisfying user needs Chief Officer

Background and objectives At future manufacturing sites, machine tools are expected to become increasingly automated and linked across production facilities by utilizing IoT and AI. Laser processing is expected to be the core technology underpinning future manufacturing lines because lasers are easy to control digitally. This project aims to develop novel high-brightness (high-output power and high beam quality) and high-efficiency laser technologies and processing technologies utilizing lasers and spread these technologies to society.

Research and development activities Laser technology involving diverse wavelengths, outputs and pulse widths and laser processing technology are being developed and applied while elucidating the processing mechanisms. Strategies concerning the ideal state of laser technology and laser processing technology, problems to be solved for the realization, target-setting and examination policy are being formulated to promote development. Five themes are addressed while facilitating coordination between the respective items.

M Theme (1) High quality

anufacturing NEDO aims to develop deep ultraviolet (UV) pulse lasers to enable high-quality micron-order Cyber system processing. Analysis Theme (2) High energy Databases NEDO aims to develop world-class high-energy Measurement/ pulse lasers to enable reinforcing the materials evaluation Deep learning used for aircraft and automobiles in order to User needs contribute the weight reduction and energy Prediction Simulation conservation of them. Data acquisition Recipes for Theme (3) New light sources/elements Controlling parameters Controlling parameters processing NEDO aims to develop innovative high- efficiency and small-sized laser light sources for Processing

next-next-generation laser processing. Laser Theme (4) Common processing bases Laser processing Physical system system NEDO aims to establish laser processing platforms of a data mining system for deriving optimal processing conditions. Theme (5) Short wavelength NEDO aims to develop processing technologies using high-brightness lasers in the blue to ultraviolet wavelengths to achieve early practical application. Future Prospects NEDO will continue pioneering the development of high-performance and high-quality laser processing technologies that are in high demand among manufacturers. In addition to research activities addressing each of the above themes, NEDO will also promote collaborative activities among project participants to contribute to reduced energy consumption and strengthen the competitiveness of the Japanese manufacturing industry.

●Project periods: FY2016–FY2020 ●FY2020 project budget: 2 billion yen ●Entrusted parties: The University of Tokyo, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Osaka University, Spectronix Corp., Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., Gigaphoton Inc. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Corporation, Kyoto University, Stanley Electric Co., Ltd., RIKEN (Institute of Physical and Chemical Research), Yamaguchi University, Corporation , Panasonic Smart Factory Solutions Co., Ltd., Tokyo Institute of Technology, Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd., Chiba Institute of Technology, Kimmon Koha Co., Ltd., Institute for Laser Technology, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization

13 Basic Technology Development Project for Metal Additive Manufacturing Parts

Promote the development of parts using additive manufacturing technologies Key (1) Development of technologies for predicting defects by elucidating the melting/solidification phenomenon Points (2) Development of high-performance monitoring and feedback control functions (3) Establishment of development/evaluation methods for producing additive manufacturing products PM: Yoichiro Miyokawa, Chief Research Officer

Background and objectives Additive manufacturing technologies, which are expected to be applicable to metal parts processing in aerospace, industrial equipment, medical and other fields, have problems concerning the costs and time required to maintain the quality of reproducibility and create new developments in high value-added complex shapes, highly functional parts , and functional alloy molding. This project aims to maintain high quality in products of metal additive manufacturing and improve its development efficiency by elucidating the melting/ solidification phenomenon.

Research and development activities Promotion of the following development project concerning metal additive manufacturing by Powder Bed Fusion (Types: Laser Beam Melting and Electron Beam Melting). (1) Development of technologies for predicting defects by elucidating the melting/solidification phenomenon Monitoring and measuring the causes of defects, such as metal vapor, metal scattering (spattering), temperature M anufacturing distribution, and the state of being covered in powder before molding in order to elucidate the relationship between the molding conditions and the causes of defects. Moreover, this project aims to achieve molded products that are free of defects and make improvements to the reproducibility of such products by constructing physical models of the processes of melting/solidification and using simulations of powder-covered states and the processes of melting/ solidification to elucidate the mechanisms of defects. (2) Development of high-performance monitoring and feedback control functions NEDO will develop component technologies for incorporating high-performance monitoring and feedback control technologies into additive manufacturing equipment for in-process use. (3) Establishment of new development/evaluation methods for producing additive manufacturing products Molding samples are prototyped and evaluated using defect prediction and monitoring feedback control functions. NEDO will conduct research on optimal molding conditions, structural analysis, and material properties to establish development and evaluation techniques for the efficient product development of metal parts using additive manufacturing technologies. Finished products Current process Occurrencedefects of Trial and error/accumulation of experience required New process after application of the developed system X-ray CT inspection cases of Solidified of cases conditionsurface cases of Powder-covered condition Powder-covered of cases

Quality assurance Improved production efficiency (reduced time, costs) 3D-CAD data In-process monitoring/ Molding feedback control Defect prediction Finished products Future Prospects NEDO aims to reduce the development time of additive manufacturing parts to one-fifth of the current time by improving the quality of molding parts manufactured using additive manufacturing, ensuring the stability of repeated operations during the molding process, as well as establishing the development/evaluation techniques for creating additive manufacturing parts. This project aims for a 10% introduction of metal 3D printers* equipped with this system in domestic fabrication companies by FY2030 based on its results.

●Project periods: FY2019–FY2023 ●FY2020 project budget: 120 million yen ●Entrusted party: Technology Research Association for Future Additive Manufacturing (TRAFAM)

14 Research and Development Project of the Enhanced infrastructures for Post-5G Information and Communication Systems

Aiming to strengthen the development and production infrastructures toward the 5G expansion phase Key (1) Potential of “post 5G,” representing the expansion phase of 5G as the core of Japan’s competitiveness Points (2) Intensive promotion of the development of post-5G core technologies (3) Development of technologies with an eye to the future of post-5G

Background and objectives Commercial services using the fifth-generation mobile communication system (5G), which is more advanced than the fourth-generation mobile communication system (4G), are currently being introduced in various countries. Meanwhile, 5G with reinforced functions such as ultra-low latency and multiple simultaneous connections (“post 5G”) is expected to be utilized for various industrial purposes, including factories and automobiles, and to be a core technology of Japan’s competitiveness. This project is aimed at reinforcing the development and production bases for Japan’s post-5G information communication systems. Research and development activities Development of advanced semiconductor Through this project, the core technology Development of post-5G information Core network for information communication systems and communication systems compatible with post 5G (“post-5G information communication systems”) will be Transmission production technology Production consignment (future) developed. line

Central unit It includes the development of the post-5G (CU) information communication systems and the Distributed unit semiconductors used for such systems, and (DU) also the technologies of manufacturing the Supply (future) advanced logic semiconductors in order to Radio unit Radio unit (RU) (RU) acquire the production knowledge to build the domestic production lines of the leading-edge semiconductors for the post-5G in the future.

Mobile terminal Connected car Smart production

Future Prospects This project involves pioneering research and development of promising technological tasks for the later post-5G phase and subsequent communication generations, in addition to research and development specifically targeting the post 5G period. NEDO will contribute to strengtheningthe development and production infrastructure of Japan’s post-5G information communication systems through this project.

●Project periods: FY2020– ●Project budget: 110 billion yen (as of the end of FY2019) ●Entrusted parties: AIOCORE Corporation, NTT Electronics Corporation, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., Semiconductor Solutions Corporation, NEC Corporation, LIMITED, Rakuten Mobile, Inc. (Additional entrusted parties and project participants will be determined through a series of public solicitations to be held from early-August.

15 Overview of Transcending barriers between ministries and disciplines Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP) to realize a Japan that can compete on a global scale The SIP is a newly established program managed by the Japanese Council for Science, Technology and Innovation of the Cabinet Office. This is a national program established by the Council to realize scientific and technological innovation through management oversight beyond the frameworks of government ministries and traditional disciplines. What makes this program unique is that its program directors (PDs) take the initiative to promote program activities with cross- ministerial involvement.

Cross-Ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP): Cyber Physical Security for an IoT Society

Aiming to establish resilient security infrastructure to support Society 5.0 Key (1) Creating/verifying trust PD: Atsuhiro Goto, President/Professor, Points (2) Constructing/circulating trust chain Institute of Information Security (3) Verifying/maintaining trust chain PM: Mitsunori Iwamuro, Chief Officer

Background and objectives With the spread and expansion of IoT, the supply chain risks of illicit programs being added to products and services and modifications to products and services during the manufacturing and transport process have manifested. This project aims to enhance the security of an IoT society against cyber risks by establishing cyber/physical security countermeasure infrastructure to protect the entirety of large-scale supply chains, including IoT systems and services and small and medium-sized businesses and practically apply those infrastructures by incorporating them into operating supply chains. Research and development activities (1) Research and development of technologies for creating/verifying trust Research and development will be conducted with regards to trust creation/verification technologies necessary for enhancing the security of all IoT devices and services and maintaining security in a variety of IoT systems/services through the entirety of the supply chain. (2) Research and development of technologies for constructing/circulating trust chains Creation/verification of trust Construction/distribution of trust chains Verification/maintenance of trust chains

Research and development will be conducted with Vulnerability/incident/ Organizations which perform checks, etc. Trust list information threat information regards to technologies for securely circulating necessary Trust chain construction Trust chain information by constructing trust chains in supply chains verification Software Service Analysis Service Cyberspace for IoT systems/services and procurement/construction. Procedures Data Control Software Freeware Incident (3) Research and development of technologies for Authenticity Data distribution OEM Maintenance detection determination providers service MSS verifying and maintaining trust chains operators Analysis Trust base Firmware Research and development will be conducted for IoT systems Countermeasures Products Comprised of multiple IoT Industries Components devices working in conjunction technologies that make it possible to verify and maintain Physical spaces Distribution Systemization IoT systems the safe operation of trust chains in IoT systems/services Components Connected cars Electrical power and supply chains. Production Distribution Construction Operation Future prospects This project aims for the social implementation of products, services, and systems incorporating a high level of security, the first in Japan, by repeatedly conducting demonstrative tests and providing feedback for technologies created through research and development and promoting the utilization of this infrastructure throughout supply chains which include small and medium-sized businesses.

●Project periods: FY2018–FY2022 ●FY2020 project budget: 2.2 billion yen ●Entrusted parties: Electronic Commerce Security Technology Research Association, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, NEC Corporation, Hitachi, Ltd., KDDI Research, Inc., Fujitsu Limited, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

16 Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP): Intelligent Processing Infrastructure of Cyber and Physical Systems

Contributing to the realization of Society 5.0 with technical development emphasizing edge computing Key (1) Bringing IT solutions to familiar environments PD: Hideyuki Saso, Points (2) Elimination of various gaps in physical spaces Senior Fellow at Fujitsu Limited (3) Ecosystem intended to realize social implementation PM: Yasuhiro Fujino, Chief Researcher

Background and objectives The high costs of physical space processing and insufficient IT human resources in Japan are extremely severe problems with regards to the implementation of Society 5.0*. The topics of this research aim to drastically reduce the costs of processing in physical spaces and invigorate industries that include small and medium-sized venture businesses by developing and socially implementing platforms with an emphasis on edge (edge PFs) with an emphasis on edge, which makes it easy to link between cyber and physical spaces. Research and development activities Building of environments that “anyone” can Subtheme III: Social Implementation Technology “easily” and “cost-effectively” develop. Quarantine Transportation / Healthcare Personal Labor-support inspection mobility robotics I . Development of technologies/mechanisms Infrastructure application that enable easy construction of IoT solutions verification Service app verification without advanced IoT engineers Subtheme I: common platform technology Edge computing infrastructure II. Development of low power consumption IoT PF element infrastructure IoT building infrastructure: My-IoT chips and innovative sensors SRF Sensor Local AI Implementation infrastructure wireless fusion (Node RED/ROS) PF III. Actual implementation of design, deployment* Supplementary Multimodal IoT store and orchestration* to widen the range of PF technology utilization Subtheme II: Innovative sensor technology

An ecosystem will be realized through the Multi-sensing module PF (MSM) Super low-power development of edge PF by promoting streamlining consumption Ultra-sensitive edge processor sensor and verifying adjustment of the multi-sensing PF General-purpose technology Energy harvest with edge-computing infrastructure and stratified sensor Flexible sensor applications.

Future prospects Research and development will be conducted for the social implementation of technologies that link cyber and physical spaces to assure safety, reliability, energy efficiency, and the like for robots and other systems that perform real-time processing and other activities, which cannot be realized in conventional cloud system bases. This will be verified in production industries and the like that will contribute to solving social problems for the implementation of Society 5.0. Presenting such an example of social implementation will encourage participation of small and medium-sized venture businesses and user companies that have conventionally experienced difficulties to participate in this area and facilitate the introduction of IoT solutions.

●Project periods: FY2018–FY2022 ●FY2020 project budget: 1.75 billion yen ●Entrusted parties: Kyushu University, NEC Corporation, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Sanritz Automation Co., Ltd., Mobile Techno Corp., Tohoku University, Keihin Corporation, Keysight Technologies International, Corporation, Mitsui Chemicals, Inc., Ritsumeikan University, Yamagata University, Chitose Robotics Inc., Man-Machine Synergy Effectors, Inc., Panasonic Corporation, Suzuki Motor Corporation, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo, Co., Ltd., Co., Ltd., ConnecTec Japan

17 International Joint Research and Development, Co-funding Projects

Promoting early practical applications through collaborations with entities outside Japan Key (1) Promotion of global technology research management Points (2) Support for international expansion through public-private efforts (3) Building win-win relationships between Japanese and overseas PM: Yuki Moriyama, Chief Officer companies Miiko Yasumatsu, Chief Officer

Background and objectives With this project, NEDO is promoting cooperative research and development efforts based on the win-win relationships between Japanese and foreign companies by providing financial support via co-funding schemes in collaboration with funding agencies in other countries. Through this project, the global open innovation of Japanese companies will be accelerated, allowing them to acquire new markets inside and outside Japan. Research and development activities

Project (1) 5G-compatible AI edge computing-integrated IoT platform

In conjunction with the Israeli company, SolidRun, a wireless mesh device with 1 Gbps- AI inference engine class throughput* will be developed for the for a specific domain implementation of AI edge computers with high computing power. Intelligent Wi-Fi AP In recent years, expectations of high-speed, high- capacity, and low-latency wireless communication technologies with massive data have increased. Therefore, a small-cell* base station platform that simultaneously provides broadband wireless AI edge computing Wireless multi-hop network access and AI edge computation is hardware communication software expected to emerge.

Project (2) Deep-UV solid-state seed laser that leads to reduced cost for next-generation 3D-NAND* memory

In conjunction with the Czech company, Crytur, a deep-UV solid-state laser to be integrated Excimer laser as a seed source of a KrF excimer laser* for Deep-UV solid-state seed laser for lithography semiconductor lithography will be developed to Wavelength control + deep-UV 1485nm帯1485 nm reduce the cost of next-generation 3D-NAND 半導体レーザーlaser diode Precise wavelength memory. control The deep-UV solid-state seed laser to be developed in this project will realize a novel KrF 固体レーザーSolid-state Optical光 laser that enables higher lithography throughput laser増幅器 amplifier スイッチswitch by higher output power and precise wavelength KrF amplifier control technology while achieving a significant 深紫外 reduction in power consumption. Deep-UV深紫外波長変換 wavelength Deep-UV conversionユ ニット stage アイソレータisolator

●Project periods: (1) FY2019–FY2020 (2) FY2019–FY2020 ●FY2020 project budgets: (1) 30 million yen (2) 30 million yen ●Project participants: (1) PicoCELA Inc., (2) Gigaphoton Inc.

18 Results Example 1

D Development of an automatic compression/implementation evices/Computers tool for neural network models for deep learning Research and development of AI edge computing technology intended to add an advanced autonomous learning function with an eye on the 5G era Araya Inc.

Background and objectives To promote the advanced use of data, which is increasing explosively with the arrival of the IoT society, it is required to establish “edge computing technology” that processes information in a sophisticated manner and at low power consumption at the edges of networks, in addition to conventional cloud data processing. This project addresses the development of ultra-low power consumption edge computing technology for the edge-side infrastructure, from hardware to applications, under industry-academia partnership, while taking advantage of energy- saving and individual element technologies for edge devices. Results Araya Inc. developed complexity reduction technology and a source code output tool that can be implemented on FPGA* for the implementation of multiple types of deep learning on edge devices, based on compression technology for deep learning models by reducing complexity. Complexity was reduced by taking advantage of structural similarities on layers near the input side of neural (base) networks in multiple types of deep-learning models and by standardizing the models. The standardized integrated models will be compressed by combining multiple methods to further reduce complexity. This tool also enabled optimal compression by automatically searching parameters for compression, and realizing compression ratios of up to 1/30 and implementation on FPGA. Araya Inc. received the 5th JEITA Venture Award from the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA) for its three AI algorithm product development projects including these results.

Model A (e.g., object detection) Integrated model standardized/compressed for Integrated model standardized for Input Output A basic networks basic networks Output A

Compressed Input network Input Model B (e.g., semantic segmentation) Compressed Output B network Input Output B Compressed network

(1) Complexity reduction by standardizing the layers close to the input side (2) Automatic and optimal network compression

Standardization of basic networks The tool searches optimal parameters for automatic compression by repeating learning and compression alternately. Complexity reduction through base network standardization and network compression Areas of practical application By implementing source codes generated by this tool on FPGA that provides AI processing, energy- and space-saving real-time AI processing will become possible on network terminals, including automobiles and smartphones. The compression and implementation processes will be automatized, and significant reductions of the AI development period and cost will be achieved.

Data Original model Compressed model Device Product



Model Compression FPGA Integration Drone building optimization FA robot

Practical application Camera, etc. of the tool AI equipment process on an edge device

●Project periods: FY2018–FY2020

19 Results Example 2

The power of AI gives robots intelligence

Development Project on Data Sharing in Collaborative Areas and AI Systems to Achieve “Connected Industries” ExaWizards Inc.

Since it is difficult for robots to handle amorphous materials, weighing of powders in the pharmaceutical and food industries depends on manual operations. To use human resources more effectively, research and development on the automatization of such operations using robots equipped with AI technology were conducted, and AI robots that can weigh powders in units of 10 mg were realized. At present, the automatization of weighing tasks at pharmaceutical laboratories is being promoted to validate such

application. Weighing of powders by AI robots S ystems AI robots can weigh numerous kinds of powder, and their application will contribute to improve safety, productivity, and quality. Application to a wide range of fields and processes, including food, cosmetics, and manufacturing, is expected in the future. Research on AI robots that can hold soft materials and perform skilled work in addition to weighing of powders is also being promoted.

●Project periods: FY2019–FY2021

Results Example 3 Verification of the streamlining of HD map preparation using satellite images Development Project on Data Sharing in Collaborative Areas and AI Systems to Achieve “Connected Industries” Dynamic Map Platform Co., Ltd.

There are high expectations of HD maps* to provide basic information for automated driving, and research and development are being promoted with a focus on the characteristics of wide-range and high-definition satellite images. For efficient installation of GCPs* to verify accuracy, which is essential for HD map production, the methods using satellite images were verified. Certain effects were confirmed with the high-accuracy correction of position information in wide-range satellite images with few GCPs, by taking image acquisition conditions and local characteristics into account. Position This is expected to achieve the significant streamlining information Satellite image obtained by Reference of high-density GCP reduction and wide-range field surveys position information accuracy evaluation, which is required in the areas (Before position (After position where satellite positioning is difficult. correction) correction)

Satellite image with unclear location information due to distortion Satellite attitude Realization of unified information during nationwide high-accuracy Realization of absolute image acquisition position information accuracy, essential for (e.g., multiple sessions) through image correction automated driving

●Project periods: FY2019–FY2020

20 Results Example 4 The world’s highest-class output deep-ultraviolet pico- second pulse laser oscillator Development of high-brightness and high-efficiency next-generation laser technologies Spectronix, Corp.

Background and objectives Conventional deep-ultraviolet pulse laser oscillators are capable of high-grade processing, but there are issues with the high output and long-term stable operation required in industrial fields. This project realized high output and long-term stable operation by developing near-infra red laser generation and high-efficiency wavelength conversion technologies. It is expected to use the development results as a laser processing tool that can achieve both productivity and high- grade processability for the processing of parts and materials in electronic parts, electric vehicles, aerospace, and other industries Results (1) Development of near infra-red laser generation technology It was possible to use optical communication technology to develop a semiconductor laser as a pulse light source with an injecting pulse current at a high speed to successfully generate 15 picosecond or shorter pulse light.

M (2) Development of high-efficiency wavelength conversion technology anufacturing The decrease in output due to deterioration of the wavelength conversion crystal, which has been a problem with deep-ultraviolet lasers, was controlled by high-efficiency wavelength conversion. This technology has enabled stable long-term operations.

Appearance of the laser oscillator

Areas of practical application Since deep-ultraviolet picosecond pulse lasers show high optical absorption properties with most materials, it enables fine processing of resin, carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP), glass and other processing-resistant materials. It can also realize high-grade processing because the effect of heat on materials is smaller. Since various kinds of processing including drilling, cutting, patterning and peeling can be performed at a high grade, it is expected to use the technology as a laser-processing tool that can achieve both productivity and high- grade processability for the processing of parts and materials of electronic parts, electric vehicles, aerospace and other industries.

●Project periods: FY2016–FY2020

21 Public Relations Activities

CEATEC 2020 Event dates: Tuesday, October 20 to Friday, October 23, 2020

CEATEC JAPAN, Asia’s largest IT and electronics exhibition, welcomed over140,000 visitors in 2019. In 2019, the NEDO booth carried the theme of “Nedo’s IoT Technologies Implemented in Society - Realizing a Connected Society for an Open Future,” and presented how the results of NEDO’s IoT technology development projects would create new values and services in the future, an ultra-smart society (Society 5.0), and the changes that these technologies would make to people’s lifestyles and work styles. CEATEC 2020 will be held online for the first time. The NEDO booth will again display in great detail images that show the social implementation of IoT technologies tackled by NEDO.

Photos from the 2019 exhibition

Introduction to Project Results

The results of past projects implemented by NEDO are widely utilized throughout society, and have produced massive multiplier effects in the economy. By visiting the NEDO website, the public can see examples of practical technology applications, commercialization, and other NEDO project results.

NEDO Inside Products Search NEDO Project Success Stories Search

NEDO defines products and NEDO Project Success Stories processes that use the results is a series of reports where of NEDO projects as their core technology development sites technologies as NEDO Inside are visited in order to introduce Products. Specifically, NEDO the products and services that Inside Products are products are being realized by applying resulting from NEDO projects technologies developed in NEDO that lead to market entry and projects. commercialization. A total of 119 products have been selected as NEDO Inside Products as of FY2019.

22 Definitions of Terms This section provides definitions of terms used in this pamphlet. The terms defined here are those denoted in the text by an asterisk.

Post-Moore era IP core P. 5 P. 8 Refers to an era in which Moore’s Law, which IP is the acronym for intellectual property. It states that the number of integrated circuits on consists of partial circuit information that constitutes a chip doubles every one to two years, will no a semiconductor integrated circuit that represents a longer be valid as the performance increases of certain function. technology realized through the micronization of semiconductors become limited. Cloud computing P. 9 Edge computing A computing system which allows users to store P. 5 data on servers or other devices at data centers Performance of advanced information processing at connected via the Internet and to use that data via a network terminals near users. network according to each user’s needs.

Annealing machine Optical I/O core P. 6 P. 9 A computer applied to information processing Refers to an ultra-small light transceiver chip, for processes in which an optimal state is to be named by the Photonics Electronics Technology produced by lowering energy from a state in Research Association, which uses silicon photonics which it has been increased. Examples include technology. quantum annealing machines and CMOS annealing machines. Optoelectronic integrated interposer P. 9 AI chip An optoelectronic integrated device with multiple P. 7 optoelectronic integrated circuits arranged on the A specialized semiconductor chip that can increase same board in order to generate optical signals the speed of arithmetic processing and other capable of high-speed/high-volume transmission of operations by means of AI technology. large-volume data transmission between large-scale integrators (LSIs).

EDA tool P. 8 LSI EDA is the acronym for electronic design P. 9 automation. It is a software program that Large-scale integrated circuit (IC) that integrates automatizes, supports, and supplements the design 1,000 to 100,000 electron devices, such as of electronic circuits for semiconductor-integrated transistors and condensers into one semiconductor circuits and other systems. chip.

Hardware emulator Blockchain P. 8 P. 11 A device that can perform verification covering a A distributed ledger technology. The ledger is wide range from the integrated circuit level to the maintained in a distributed manner in order to overall system at a high speed. achieve high availability and resistance against tampering.

23 Supply chain 3D-NAND P. 11 P. 18 The continuous flow of all processes from raw A type of nonvolatile element (flash memory) material and processing stages to the acquisition of that can store content even when the power is products and services by consumers. off. Although the speed is lower than the NOR- type that reads at a high speed, the circuit scale is smaller and the unit price per capacity is lower. Metal 3D printer Memory cells of 3D-NAND are stacked vertically P. 14 to increase capacity. A type of 3D printer or additive manufacturing device, which forms objects by melting powders mainly composed of metal by using a directional Excimer laser heat source and laminating one layer at a time. P. 18 A device intended to generate laser light using mixtures of noble gas, halogen, and other gases Society 5.0 under high pressure. It is characterized by an P. 17 oscillating wavelength that changes depending A human-centered society that achieves both on the noble gas and halogen, and the capacity economic development and solving of social of obtaining wavelengths in a strong ultraviolet problems by utilizing systems that achieve a region. sophisticated fusion of cyberspace (virtual spaces) with physical spaces (real spaces). FPGA (field programmable gate array) P. 19 Deployment A large-scale and complex type of semiconductor P. 17 chip that can reconstruct internal logic circuit Making software programs, applications, web structures (PLD: programmable logic device), with services and the like available to the outside via a circuit scale of several tens of thousands of gates networks. or larger.

Orchestration HD map P. 17 P. 20 Automatization of the building and management of Acronym for high definition map. A high-accuracy software programs, applications, web services and 3D map that includes various kinds of information the like. necessary for automatic driving, including lanes and traffic signs.

Throughput P. 18 GCP Amount of data that can be processed by computer P. 20 systems and communication lines per unit time. Acronym for ground control point. A reference point that improves ground survey accuracy.

Small cell P. 18 A type of mobile phone base station that was created to supplement normal bases. It is suited for densely populated areas and homes, and is characterized by being installable in various environments and low power consumption although the output and coverage area are small.

24 Background Information

Designation National Research and Development Agency New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) Business name: New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)

Foundation Originally established on October 1, 1980; reorganized as an incorporated administrative agency on October 1, 2003

Details of Major Operations Operations relating to technology development management (national projects and practical application promotion activities)

Minister in Charge Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry

Governing Laws Act on General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agencies Act on the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization

Personnel 1,095 (as of April 1, 2020)

Budget Approximately 1.44 billion US dollars (FY2020) (Budget amount is calculated at a rate of 110 yen per US dollar.)

Executives Chairman Mr. ISHIZUKA Hiroaki President Mr. OIKAWA Hiroshi Executive Directors Mr. MITSUHASHI Toshihiro, Mr. KUKITA Shoji, Dr. SATO Yoshiteru, Mr. IMAI Kiyoshi, Mr. KOBAYASHI Izuru Auditors Mr. NAKANO Hideaki, Ms. EGAMI Mime

Organization (as of April 1, 2020)

Chairman Technology Strategy Center

President Audit Office Project Management Office Executive Directors General Affairs Department Innovation Promotion Department

Personnel Affairs Department Moonshot Research and Development Program Office Auditors Robot and Artificial Intelligence Technology Department Accounting Department AI Promotion Division Risk Management Department Internet of Things Promotion Department Asset Management Department Post-5G R&D Program Office Information and Systems Department Materials Technology and Nanotechnology Department Evaluation Department Bioeconomy Promotion Division Public Relations Department Energy Conservation Technology Department Kansai Branch Office New Energy Technology Department Overseas Offices (Washington, D.C., Silicon Valley, Europe, Beijing, Advanced Battery and Hydrogen Technology Department Bangkok, New Delhi) Electricity Storage Technology Development Division

International Affairs Department

Global Environment Technology Promotion Division

Smart Community Department

Environment Department (as of April 1, 2020)

25 Contacting NEDO

NEDO homepage Please note that messages sent to NEDO via the “inquiry” link on the top of its English homepage use a fillable email template. Although messages may be sent to NEDO at any time, please allow time for NEDO staff to respond. This email inquiry service may also be used to request NEDO documents.

Pamphlets available from other NEDO departments Contacting the NEDO IoT Promotion Department Contact form If you have any questions or would like to consult with the NEDO IoT Promotion Department, please contact us via the “inquiry” link at the top of NEDO’s English website. Examples of consultation topics: - Preliminary consultations on research and development activities or practical applications - Consultations on utilization of the NEDO system - Requests for presentations by NEDO staff

26 Profile of IoT Promotion Department (FY2020) The Future Unfolding Beyond a Connected Society

Domestic Offices

● Head Office ● Kansai Branch Office MUZA Kawasaki Central Tower, 16F-20F 9th Floor, Knowledge Capital Tower C Grand Front Osaka 1310 Omiya-cho, Saiwai-ku 3-1 Ofuka-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0011 Japan Kawasaki City, Kanagawa 212-8554 Japan Tel: +81-6-4965-2130 Tel: +81-44-520-5100 Fax: +81-6-4965-2131 Fax: +81-44-520-5103

Overseas Offices

● Washington, D.C. ● Europe ● Beijing 1717 H Street, NW, Suite 815 10, rue de la Paix 75002 2001 Chang Fu Gong Office Building Washington, D.C. 20006, U.S.A. Paris, France Jia-26, Jian Guo Men Wai Street Tel: +1-202-822-9298 Tel: +33-1-4450-1828 Beijing 100022, P.R. China Fax: +1-202-733-3533 Fax: +33-1-4450-1829 Tel: +86-10-6526-3510 Fax: +86-10-6526-3513 ● Silicon Valley ● New Delhi 3945 Freedom Circle, Suite 790 15th Floor, Hindustan Times House ● Bangkok Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A. 18-20 Kasturba Gandhi Marg 8th Floor, Sindhorn Building Tower 2 Tel: +1-408-567-8033 Connaught Place 130-132 Wittayu Road, Lumphini Fax: +1-408-567-9831 New Delhi 110 001, India Pathumwan Tel: +91-11-4351-0101 Bangkok 10330, Thailand Fax: +91-11-4351-0102 Tel: +66-2-256-6725 Fax: +66-2-256-6727

MUZA Kawasaki Central Tower, 1310 Omiya-cho, Saiwai-ku Kawasaki City, Kanagawa 212-8554 Japan National Research and Development Agency New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization Tel: +81-44-520-5100 Fax: +81-44-520-5103 URL: July 2020(1st Edition)