Biological Preservation Australia stock lists (Feb 2019 – April 2019) Biological Preservation Australia Raymond Terrace, NSW 2324 Ph: 0423 777 106 Email:[email protected] Website: ABN: 42 611 427 450

! All our stock is collected from a Bioregional Provenceaspect as per FloraBank guidelines. ! All our stock is from natural wild for maximum genetic diversity notplanted nursery stock . ! We grow the hard to acquireand grow noted as (H). ! All our stock isseed grown unless stated. ! We may be able to do a better price on bulk orders over 50 forest Tubes. ! All prices are retail andbeforeGST. ! We also have contacts to growers oftest tube grown non-hybrid local Native Orchid species (email enquires). ! We also have contacts to growers of non-hybrid local Native Fern species (email enquires). ! We can also acquire Stock on your behalf that is not available atm or grown by BPA (email enquires).

Trees and Shrubs Price$ Genus / Species Common Name IN STOCK

Abrophyllum ornans Native Hydrangea ready June 2019 3 ea. Acmena Smithii (Broad-Leaved Form) Creek Lilly Pilly ready March 2019 3 ea. Acmena Smithii (Narrow-Leaved Form) Lilli Pilli 68 3 ea. Acmena Smithii (Small-Leaved Form) Lilli Pilli 10 3 ea. Acradenia euodiiformis Yellow Satinheart 10 5 ea. (H) Alchornea ilicifolia Native Holly ready June 2019 5 ea. (H) Alectryon subcinereus Wild Quince 25 3 ea. Alectryon tomentosus Hairy Alectryon ready March 2019 3 ea. Alphitonia excelsa Red Ash ready March 2019 3 ea. Archontophoenix cunninghamiana Bangalow Palm 40 3 ea. (Protected species NP act) (ready March 2019) Argyrodendron actinophyllum Black Booyong 14 5 ea. (H) Argyrodendron trifoliolatum White Booyong 2 in 1ltr & 1ltr =$8 ea./ 45ltr = 1 in 45ltr $120 (H) Backhousia myrtifolia Grey Myrtle 15 3 ea. (ready June 2019) Baloghia inophylla Scrub Bloodwood 5 5 ea. (ready March 2019) (H) Brachychiton acerifolius Flame ready June 2019 5 ea. (H) Brachychiton populneus subsp. populneus Kurrajong ready June 2019 5 ea. (H) Breynia oblongifolia Coffee Bush 5 3 ea. (More in March 2019) Bursaria spinosa Blackthorn ready June 2019 3 ea. Caldcluvia paniculosa Corkwood 25 5 ea. (H) Callicoma serrata Callicoma 20 3 ea. Casuarina cunninghamiana var. cunninghamiana River Oak 15 3 ea. (Protected species NP act) Coachwood 28 3 ea. Cordyline stricta Narrow-Leaved Palm Lilly 40 3 ea. Cryptocarya erythroxylon Pigeonberry Ash ready June 2019 5ea. (H) Cryptocarya glaucescens Jackwood 17 3 ea. Cryptocarya meisneriana Thick-leaved Laurel 1 5 ea. (H) Cryptocarya obovata Pepperberry 4 5 ea. (H) Cryptocarya rigida Rose Maple 20 3 ea. Cyclophyllum longipetalum Brush Canthium 5 5 ea. (H) Daphnandra apetala Common Socketwood 40 5 ea. (H) Dendrocnide excelsa Giant Stinging Tree ready June 2019 5 ea. (H) Dendrocnide photinophylla Shiny-Leaved Stinger Tree 18 Ft= $4 ea./ 1ltr= $8 (H) ea. Diospyros australis Yellow Persimmon 72 3 ea. Diploglottis australis Native Tamarind 1 3 ea. sassafras Socketwood ready June 2019 5 ea. (H) Dysoxylum fraserianum Rosewood 4 3 ea. (more ready June 2019) Dysoxylum rufum Hairy Rosewood 1 in 12”pot 45 ea. (H) Elaeocarpus kirtonii Silver Quandong 13 10 ea. (in 1ltr tubes) (H) Elattostachys nervosa Beetroot Tree 6 5 ea. (H) Endiandra discolor Rose Walnut ready June 2019 5 ea. (H) Endiandra sieberi Hard Corkwood ready June 2019 5 ea. (H) Eupomatia laurina Bolwarra ready June 2019 3 ea. Ficus coronata Creek Sandpaper Fig ready June 2019 3 ea. Ficus macrophylla var. macrophylla Morton Bay Fig ready June 2019 3 ea. Ficus obliqua Small-leaf Fig ready June 2019 3 ea. Ficus rubiginosa var. rubiginosa Rusty Fig ready June 2020 3 ea. Ficus superba var. henneana Deciduous Fig ready June 2021 3 ea. Glochidion ferdinandi Cheese Tree 40 3 ea. White Beech 6 5 ea. (more in June 2019) (H) Guioa semiglauca Guioa 10 3 ea. Hedycarya angustifolia Native Mulberry 21 5 ea. (H) Hibiscus heterophyllus Native Rosella 21 3 ea. Hibiscus splendens Pink Hibiscus 15 5 ea. (H) Homalanthus populifolius Bleeding Heart 35 2 ea. Hymenosporum flavum Native Frangipani 6 3 ea. Livistona australis Cabbage Tree Palm 90 3 ea. (Protected species NP act) Mallotus philippensis Red Kamala 5 5 ea. (more in June 2019) (H) Melia azedarach White Cedar 26 2 ea. Neolitsea dealbata White Bolly Gum 1 3 ea. Orites excelsa Prickly Ash 6 5 ea. (more in June 2019) (H) Pararchidendron pruinosum var. pruinosum Snowwood 32 3 ea. Pimelea axiflora subsp. axiflora Bootlace Bush 6 5 ea. (H) Pisonia umbellifera Birdlime Tree 1 5 ea. (H) Pittosporum revolutum Hairy Pittosporum 49 3 ea. Planchonella australis Black Apple 15 3 ea. Podocarpus elatus Plum Pine 29 3 ea. Polyscias elegans Celerywood 2 5 ea. (H) Polyscias murrayi Pencil Cedar 8 12 ea. (in 8 inch pots) (H) Psychotria loniceroides Hairy Psychotria 10 3 ea. (more in June 2019) Rhodomyrtus psidioides Native Guava 16 5 ea. (H) Sarcomelicope simplicifolia Yellow Aspen 7 5 ea. (more in June2019) (H) Crabapple 32 5 ea. (H) Sloanea australis Maidens Blush 28 5ea. Sloanea woollsii Yellow Carabeen 2 15 ea. (in 6 inch pots) (H) Stenocarpus salignus Scrub Beefwood ready June 2019 3 ea. Streblus brunonianus Whalebone Tree ready June 2019 3 ea. Synoum glandulosum Scentless Rosewood 85 3 ea. Syzygium australe Brush Cherry 20 3 ea. Syzygium francisii Giant Water Gum 37 5 ea. (H) Syzygium oleosum Blue Lilly Pilly 30 3 ea. Syzygium paniculatum Magenta Lilly Pilly 6 3 ea. (Endangered) Tasmannia insipida Brush Pepperbush 16 5 ea. (H) Toona ciliata Red Cedar 35 2ea. Trema tomentosa var. viridis (syn. T. aspera) Poison Peach 45 2 ea. Waterhousea floribunda Weeping Lilly Pilly 40 3 ea. Wilkiea huegeliana Veiny Wilkiea 9 3 ea.

Climbers Price Genus / Species Common Name IN STOCK $ Legnephora moorei Big-leaf Vine 5 15 ea. (in 6 inch pots) (H) Piper hederaceum var. hederaceum Giant Pepper Vine 18 10 ea. (in 1ltr tubes) (H) Trophis scandens subsp. scandens Burny Vine 1 5 ea. (H) Herbs and Graminoides Price Genus / Species Common Name IN STOCK $ Alocasia brisbanensis Cunjevoi 5 3 ea. Alpinia arundelliana Dwarf Native Ginger ready June 2019 5 ea. (H) Alpinia caerulea Native Ginger 7 3 ea. (ready March 2019) Doryanthes excelsa Gymea Lily 25 3 ea. Plectranthus graveolens Rock Mint 39 3 ea. (cutting grown) Plectranthus parviflorus Cockspur Flower 40 3 ea. Pollia crispata Pollia 30 3 ea. (cutting grown) Ferns Price Genus / Species Common Name IN STOCK $ Platycerium superbum Staghorn Fern 4 50 ea. (40cm dia. Spore grown) (H) Platycerium bifurcatum Elkhorn Fern 25 20 ea. (40cm dia. Spore grown) (H)