295 Index

Absence of , 117 Chaplains, 253 Chief Clerk’s Internship Program, 147 Adjournment Convening of, procedure, 91 By Governor, repealed, 43 Districts, 80 Restrictions on, 125 formation of, 80 Sine die, 112, 125 reapportionment of, 80 publications printed after, 198 Impeachment, sole power of, 20 Legislative fellowship program, 146 Admission of California, 3 Act for, 5 Members of Legislation re, at First Session, 66 certificates of election, 91 compensation, 14, 88 Amendments election, 24–28 Adoption of expenses, 88–89 on second reading, 112–113 First Session, 65 on third reading, 113 new member, the, 91 early day procedure for, 101 number of, 80 Analysis of, 113–114 oaths of office, 91–92 , 113 qualifications, 85 Constitutional, 18, 36–38, 103, 122 seating arrangement, 173 Other house, 119 recall of, 34 concurrence in, 119 required to vote, 117 refusal to concur in, 120 stalemate, 93 urgency clause, addition of, 120 terms of office, 80 term limits, 86 Animal, State, 257 women serving, 85 Officers of, 92 , Courts of, 56 Assistant pro Tempore, 92 Jurisdiction, 57 election, 92 Justices of list of Speakers, 248 administration of oaths by, to Legislators, 91 presiding, 92 compensation of, 59 previous, 231, 248, 253 election of, 29, 56–57 Speaker impeachment of, 20–21 caucus to elect, 92–93 qualifications of, 14, 56 election, 92 recall of, 34 list of, since 1849, 248 terms of office, 56 oath of office, 92 Appendices, 225 succession to office of Governor and Lieutenant Elective officers, statewide, xx, 237–244 Governor, 43 Flags that have flown over California, 288 vote required for election of, 92 Governor’s Mansion and Flag, 283–287 Speaker pro Tempore Governor’s Seal, 266 appointment of, 92 Governors, Lieutenant Governors, and Speakers of the oath of office, 92 Assembly, 231 Speaker appoints, 92 Legislature, elected officers, 248 Order of business, 97 Official Seals, 265 Organization of, 91, 93 Origin and meaning of name Pledge of allegiance to Flag, 97 California, 271 Counties, 273 Publications, 189 Other emblems, 262 Records, final disposition of original bills, 112 Poet Laureate, 264 Rules Committee (1969 photo), 128, 129 Sessions of the California Legislature, 227 Seal, 267 State emblems, 257 Sessions of, 68 Supreme Court, 268 Staff, 141

Appropriation Bills. See also Budget Bill Attorney General, The, 47 Approval of, 101–102, 114 Compensation, xxi, 47 Consideration of, before Budget Bill passed, 101 Election of, 47 Veto of items in, 42, 123–124 first, 9 Impeachment of, 20–21 Appropriations , 132 Initiative petitions, duties re, 38 Archives, The, 46 Opinions of, 48 Legislative records deposited in, 126 Powers and duties, 47 Previous, 240 Assembly. See also Legislature Qualifications of, 47 Absence of quorum, 117 Recall, 34 Amendment to Senate Bills, 119–120 Succession to office of Governor, 44 Budget Message, Governor’s, 101 Term of office, 47 Call of the House, 117 Chamber, restored, 172 Audit electronic rollcall system, 175 Of claims against state, 50 galleries, 176 Of state agencies, 140 media facilities, 174 Of state moneys, 50 public address system, 174 Audit Committee, Joint Legislative, 134 seating arrangement, 173 temporary, 171 Analyst, Legislative, 137 296 CALIFORNIA’S LEGISLATURE

Ballot Pamphlets, 37 becoming law without signature of, 122 Printing of, 46 presented to, 122 available on internet, 46 veto of, 123 number, 46 overriding, 124 sustaining of, 124 Ballots, Election Illustrations, 109, 116 Measures on, 36 Initiative acts, 38 Propositions, 36 Introduced, number of, since 1957, 194 Introduction of, 104 Bear Flag, 259 illustration, 259 after constitutional (prior to 1959), 69, 106 limitations on, 106 Bear Flag Revolution, 3 at extraordinary sessions, 107 procedure on, 104 Benicia, fourth meeting of Legislature at, 153 Laws are enacted by, 99 Notice of hearings on, 110 Bill Room, Legislative, 188 Numbering of, 104 Bills, 99 Passage of, 113 Amendments Print requirement (30 days), 16, 103 by other house, 119 Printing of, 99, 110, 188 concurrence in, 119 enrolled form, 121 refusal to concur in, 120 Procedure after introduction, 104 urgency clause, procedure if added, 120 Reading of, 99, 105, 112, 113 committee, 110 Reconsideration of, 118 on Consent Calendar, 114 Referendum, 38 on second reading, 112 Referred to committee, 110 on third reading, 113 Reprinting of, after amendment, 113 early procedure, 100 Restriction on introduction or consideration of, 106 Analysis of, 113 at extraordinary sessions, 107 Appropriation at biennial sessions, 107 approval of, by Governor, 123 thirty-day waiting period, 105 consideration of, prior to passage of Budget Bill, 101 Second reading, 112 disapproval of items in, by Governor, 42, 123 adoption of amendments on, 112 Approval and signing of, by Governor, 122 Signing of Available via internet, xxiv, 142, 145 by author, 104 Become law by certificate, when, 124 by Governor, 122 Becoming law without Governor’s signature, 122 with reductions, 123 Budget Bill, 101, 130 Spanish, printed in English and, early days, 100 message accompanying, 101 Statutes, 197 passage of other appropriation bills prior to, 101 effective dates, 99, 124 thirty-day waiting period not applicable, 102 Third reading of, 113 Chaptering of, 123 amendment on, 113 Chapters, 195 Consent Calendar, 114 comparison of numbers of, since 1961, 196 Thirty-day waiting period for hearing or action on, 105 Committees committee procedure, 110 amendments proposed by, 111 Titles, 99 adoption of, on second reading of, 112 Urgency measures, 100 hearings on, 110 effective date, 100 thirty-day waiting period, 110 urgency section procedure in, 110 adoption of, 100, 120 reference to, 110 Comply with rules re introduction, 104 procedure when amended into bill by other house, 120 Concurrence in amendments by other house, 119 vote required for passage, 114 urgency clause, 120 Veto of, by Governor, 123 Conference committees on, 120 initiative acts not subject to, 38 Consent Calendar, 114 overriding of, 123 Covers for, 104 Vote required color, 105 adopt conference committee report, 121 Date effective, 124 Budget Bill, 102 Definition includes concurrent and joint resolutions, and concur in amendments by other house, 120 constitutional amendments, 103–104 members required to vote, 117 Digests of, 104 override Governor’s veto, 123 summary digest, 195 pass bills, 114 preparation and procedure, 104 urgency measures, 114 publication of, 137 Yeas and nays, print in Journal, 111 Distribution of, 196 Bird, State, 257 Early sessions, 100 Effective dates of statutes enacted, 99, 124 Bond Issues, approval of, 36–37 Enacting clause, 99 Engrossment of, 112 Board of Equalization. See Equalization. Enrolled Budget, The, and Governor’s Message accompanying, 101 bill rule, 195 number of, 1997–98, 122 Budget Bill signatures on, 122 Consideration of, 102 Enrollment of, 121 Governor’s Message and Budget, 101 First reading, 104 Hearings on, 102 Governor List of, 256 approval of, and signing by, 122 Page one of, 130 with reductions, 123 Special session to consider, 72 CALIFORNIA’S LEGISLATURE 297

Budget Committee, Joint Legislative, 133 CAPITOL Institute, 145 Budget Sessions. See Legislature—Sessions of Capitol Park, 180 Memorials, 181 Bureau of State Audits, 140 Capitol, Siting of, 149 Cabinet Secretaries, 43 Benicia, 153 Monterey, 149 California Admission of, 3 Sacramento, 154–159 Bear Flag Revolution, 3 San Francisco, 156 Colors, 258 San Jose, 150 Counties, origin and meaning of names, 273 Vallejo, 151 Constitution, The, 7–11 Certificates of Election, 47 amendments to, 12, 103, 124 Members of the Assembly, 91 custody of, 46 differences between federal constitution and, 16 Chambers, Assembly and Senate, 172–176 Revision Commission, 13 Galleries, 176 Discovery and exploration, 1 Media facilities, 174 Flags flown over, since 1542, 288 Public address system, 174 Golden State, Quick Reference Guide, xix Restored, 172 Governors, Lieutenant Governors, and Speakers of Assembly, Rollcall system, electronic, 175 231 Seating arrangement, 173 Great Seal, The, 266 Temporary, 171 explanation of, 265 Historical background, 1 Chaplain Law and order in, previous to admission as state, 7 Constitutionality of, 93 Legislation re admission, 4 Election of, 93 Legislature. See Legislature Oath of office, 93 Origin and meaning of name, 271 list of, 253 Poet Laureate, 264 Chaptered Bills, 123 Seat of government, 149 State Chapters, The, 195 Capitol, 149, 163 Capitol Park, 180 Chief Clerk, 142 Emblems, 257 Caucus, presides over, 93 Animal, 257 Duties, 142 Bird, 257 Election of, 91 Colors, 258 Internship Program, 147 Dance, 258 Handbook, preparation of, 197 Folk Dance, 258 Oath of office, 92 Fish, 258 Stalemate, role during, 94 Flag, 259 Flower, 259 Colors, State, 258 Fossil, 263 Commissions Gemstone, 262 California Citizens Compensation, 88 Insect, 263 California Law Revision, 138 Marine Fish, 260 California World Trade Commission, 17 Marine Mammal, 263 Constitution Revision, 13 Mineral, 262 Motto, 260 Fair Political Practices, 30 Nickname, 260 Judicial Appointments, 62 Poet Laureate, 264 Judicial Performance, 61 Prehistoric Artifact, 261 Uniform State Laws, 139 Reptile, 262 Committees, 126 Rock, 262 Appropriations, 132 Seal, 265 Conference, 120 Song, 261 Consultants, 144 Tree, 261 Fiscal, 131 Under Spanish and Mexican rule, 1 deadline for action, 131 California Citizens Compensation Commission, 88 Joint Rules, 132 members serving on, provisions re, 132 California Law Revision Commission, 138 subjects studied by, 132 Legislative Audit, 134 California Veterans Memorial, 181 Legislative Budget, 133 Call of the House, 117 Standing, 110 amendments to bills proposed by, 111 Campaign Financing, 30 appointment of, 126 hearings on bills in, 30-day waiting period, 104, 105, 110 Capitol Building, The, 163 notice of hearings on bills, 110, 191, 291 Annex, 164 procedure in, 110 Restoration of ‘‘Old Capitol,’’ 167 reference of bills to, 110 Restored Capitol, 171 reports of, re bills, 111 Temporary chambers, 171 Rules, 129 Capitol Correspondents’ Association, 201 Assembly members (1969 photo), 128 , appointment of, 129 Capitol Fellows Programs, 146 election of, 129 Description of, 146 powers and duties of, 129, 131 History of, 146 Working hours, 111 298 CALIFORNIA’S LEGISLATURE

Computers, 46, 141, 145 Counties, California Dates created, 273 Computer Support Staff, 145 Origin and meaning of names of, 273 Division of, at first Legislature, 66 Concurrence in Amendments of Other House, 119 Seats of, 273 Concurrent Resolutions, 103 Adjournment by, prior to 1973, 125 Court of Impeachment Covers for, 105 Procedure, 20 Effective date, 104 Senate sits as, 21 Legislative Counsel selected by, 135 Courts of Appeal, 56 Districts, 57 Conference Committees, 120 Jurisdiction, 57 Confirmation of Gubernatorial Appointees, 20 Justices of compensation of, 59 Conflict of Interest Law, 14, 30 election of, 28, 56 impeachment, 21 Congress qualifications, 56 Convening of, in extraordinary session, 17 terms of office, 59 Representatives in, compensation of, 79 Courts, The, 55 election of, 79 Courts of Appeal, 56 recall of, 34 Judicial Appointments Commission, 62 term limits (declared unconstitutional), 80 Judicial Council, 60 Judicial officers, removal, 59 Congressional Districts Judicial Performance Commission, 61 Reapportionment of, 80–84 Justices and judges of Consent Calendar, The, 114 compensation, 59 election, 28, 55–59 Constitution, California, 7–11 impeachment, 21 Amendments to, 11, 18, 103, 124 recall, 34 approval by electors, 36 removal, 59 effective date, 37, 125 terms of office, 59 initiative, 38 Municipal, 57 legislative, 103 Qualifications, 14, 55–59 ratification of, 103 Superior, 57 vote, 103 Supreme, 55 Custody of, 46 Differences between federal and state, 16 Crossfiling, 26, 28–29 Distribution of powers, 19 Daily Publications, 189 Formation of districts, 80 Of 1849, 9 Dance, State, 258 number of amendments to, 10 Of 1879, 11 Digest, Legislative, 137, 195 number of amendments to, 12 Printing and distribution, 198 Digests of Bills Preparation and procedure on, 104 Constitution Revision Commission, 13 Print on original bill, 104 Constitution, United States, Differences Between State Direct Primary Elections, 25–27 Constitution and, 16 Suffrage, 23 Disaster Sessions, 75

Constitutional Amendments, 18, 103 Distribution of Powers of Government, 19 Approval of, by people, 18, 103 Districts Effective date, 37, 125 Assembly, 80 Initiative, 38 reapportionment of, 80–85 Proposed and adopted, 12 Congressional, 79 Thirty-day waiting period for hearing or action on, 110 Senate, 80 Vote required on, 103 reapportionment of, 80–85

Constitutional Convention of 1849, 8 Elections, 23 Ballot pamphlets, 37 Constitutional Convention of 1878, 10 printing of, 46 Constitutional Recess, 69 number, 46 Abolished, 69 Ballots, measures on, 36 Introduction of bills after (sessions prior to 1959), 69 Certificates of, 47 Members of Legislature, 91 Consultants, Committee, 144 General, 24 Incompatible offices, 93–95 Contents, Table of, ix Officers of Legislature, 92 Controller, State, 50 Partisan and nonpartisan offices, 28 Board of Equalization, ex officio member, 50 Primary and general, 24–26 Compensation, 50 Recall, 34–36 Election of, 28, 50 Speakership stalemate (1994), 93 first Comptroller, 9 Special, 27 Impeachment, 21 Suffrage, right of, 23 Powers and duties, 50 , requirements for, 23 Previous, 242 Electoral College, 31 Recall, 34 Succession to office of Governor, 43 California’s process, 33 CALIFORNIA’S LEGISLATURE 299

History of, 31 Bills approved by, 122 Electronic Rollcall System, 175 with reductions, 123 becoming law without signature of, 122 Emblems, State, 257 Budget, 101 Engrossment of Bills, 112 presented to, 121 veto of, 123 Enrolled Bill Rule, 196 overriding of, 123 sustaining of, 123 Enrollment of Bills, 121 Budget and Budget Message, 101 Equalization, State Board of Cabinet, 43 Compensation, xxi, 52 Compensation, xxi, 41 Creation, 52 Enrolled bills presented to, 121 Duties, 52 Extraordinary sessions called by, 72 Election of, 28 First, inauguration of, 9 Members of, 52 Flag, 287 Recall, 34 Impeachment, 20 Terms of office, 52 Inauguration, 96 first Governor, 9 Executive Department, The See also Governor, 41 Legislative role, 43 List of, 237 Extraditions, 42 Mansion of, 283–285 Efforts to build a new, 287 Extraordinary Sessions, 72 Convening of, differences between Congress and Message accompanying Budget, 101 Legislature, 17 Oath of office, 96 Dates of, since 1849, 211 Overseas trade offices, 17 Length of, 73 Proclamation by, calling Legislature in Statutes’ effective date, 124 extraordinary session, 17, 72 War- or enemy-caused disaster, 75 amending, 74 items, 74 Fair Political Practices Commission, 30 Qualifications, 41 Campaign contributions, 30 Recall, 34 Mandatory reports, 30 Reorganization Plans, 43, 107 Seal, 266 Fellowship Programs, 146 Special elections, calling of, 27 Succession to office of, 43 File, Daily, 190, 291 during wartime disaster, 44 Example, 291 Supreme executive power vested in, 41 Notice of hearings on bills, 110 Term of office, 41 Printing of, 190 Vacancies in office, filling by, 41 judicial, 42 Final History, 191 Veto, 123 Final Journal, 189, 290 initiative petitions not subject to, 38 item vetoes, 42, 101, 123 Final Records, Disposition, 126 reconsideration of, 123 sustaining of, 123 First Legislature, The, 65 Members of, 65 Great Seal, The, 265 The first laws, 65 Explanation of, 265

Fish, State, 258 Handbook, Legislative, 197 Historical Background of California, 1 Flag California State, 259 History, The Flags flown over California since 1542, 288 Example, 293 Governor’s, 287 Daily, 191 Pledge of allegiance to, 97 Final, 199 Assembly procedure, 97 Weekly, 191

Flower, State, 260 House, Call of the, 117

Folk Dance, State, 258 House Resolutions, 104 Print in Journal, 104 Fossil, State, 263 Impeachment, 20 Galleries, Senate and Assembly, 176 Assembly has sole power of, 21 General Elections, 24 Conviction, effect of, 21 Senate sits as court of, 21 General Services, Department of Powers and duties re state printing, 185, 189 Index, Legislative, 195

Glossary, Legislative Terms, 205 Inauguration of Governor and Lieutenant Governor, 96

Government, Distribution of Powers of, 19 Incompatible offices, 93–95

Governor’s Reorganization Plans, 43, 107 Initiative Acts, approval of, 37 Governor, The, 41 Measures Adjournment of Legislature by, repealed, 43 approval of, 38 Appointments by, 41 ballots and ballot pamphlets, 36–37, 46 confirmation of, 20 effective date, 36 300 CALIFORNIA’S LEGISLATURE

Petitions, 38 Legislative Budget Committee, 133 contents, 38 filing of, 38 Legislative Counsel, 135 signatures required, 38 Bill covers submission of, to people, 38 attachment by, 104 titles and summary, 38, 46, 48 supplied to, 104 veto, not subject to, 38 Digests of bills, preparation by, 104, 136 Power of, 37 List of, 255 Offices of, 136 Insect, State, 263 Powers and duties, 136 Preparation by Insurance Commissioner, 53 chapters, 195 Compensation, xxi, 53 digests of bills, 104, 136 Election of, 28, 53 index, 137, 195 List of, 244 opinions, 136 Powers and duties, 53 statutes, 137, 197 Terms of office, 53 Summary Digest of Statutes Enacted, 137, 195 limitations, 53, 87 Table of Code Sections Affected, 137, 195 Selection of, 135 Internet, xxiv, 46, 142, 146 Vacancy, 135 International trade offices, 17 Legislative Digest, 136 Item veto, 42, 102, 123 History of, 102 Legislative Handbook, 197

Joint Resolutions, 103 Legislative Publications, 189, 194 Covers for, 105 Bills, 191 Effective date, 103 Chapters, 195 Treated as bills, 104 Daily, 189 Distribution of, 189 Joint Rules Committee, 132 File, 190 Allocates space, 133 History, 191, 199 Duties, 132 Journal, 189, 198 Legislative Digest, 136 Journal, The, 2 Legislative Handbook, 197 Corrected, 198 Legislative Index, 195 Daily, 189 Number of copies, 189 Example, 290 Statutes, 197 Filing of, 46 Summary Digest, 195 Final bound, 198 Table of Code Sections Affected, 137, 195

Judges, disqualification and suspension, 59 Legislative Records, Final disposition, 126 Judicial Administration, 59 Legislative Terms, Glossary of, 205 Judicial Appointments, Commission on, 62 Legislature Acts and resolutions by, filing of, 46, 112, 122 Judicial Council, The, 60 Acts enacted at first, 66 Duties, 60 Adjournment of Recommendations, 61 by Governor (repealed), 43 Judicial Department, 55 sine die, 125 Courts, 55 Annual sessions, 70 Appellate, 56 Assembly Speakership fight (1994), 93 Superior and Municipal, 57 Attorney General, opinions of, when required, 48 Supreme, 55 Bicameral, 80 Judicial Council, 60 Biennial sessions, 71 Judicial officers, removal, 59 Budget bills, list, 256 Salaries and terms of justices and judges, 59 Budget sessions, 69 Judicial Performance, Commission on, 61 Call of the House, 117 Judge or justice, removal, 59, 61 Capital Fellows Programs, 146 Membership, 62 CAPITOL Institute, 145 Supreme Court to review proceedings, 61 Chambers of, restored, 172 galleries, 176 Law and Order in California, 7 media facilities, 174 Previous to admission as state, 7 public address system, 174 Law Revision Commission, California, 138 rollcall system, 175 seating arrangement, 163 Laws temporary, 171 Powers of Attorney General relative to enforcement Chaplains, 253 of, 47 List of, 253 The first, 66 Committees. See Committees When effective, 37, 124 Convening of, 91 Legislative Analyst, 137 in case of war- or enemy-caused disaster, 75 Appointment, 137 procedure, 91 Duties, 137 Crossfiling, 26, 28, 29 Designation of sessions, 75 Legislative Audit Committee, 134 Districts, Senate and Assembly, 80 Legislative Bill Room, 188 formation of, 80 reapportionment of, 80–84 Legislative Bill Service, 188 Elections by first, 9 CALIFORNIA’S LEGISLATURE 301

Extraordinary sessions, 72 dates of meeting, 73 calling of, 72 length of, since 1849, 73 convening of, differences between Congress limitations on consideration of bills at, 106 and Legislature, 16 war- or enemy-caused disaster, 75 effective date of statutes passed at, 124 1849 (The First), 65 items considered at, 72 1849 to 1946, 68 length of, since 1849, 73, 227 1947 to 1966, 69 war- or enemy-caused disaster, 75 1967 to 1972, 70 First, 65 1973 (biennial), 71 laws, 66 Stalemate (1995–96), 93 members, 65 Vacancies, how filled, 27 Flag, Assembly ceremony and pledge of allegiance to, Vote 97 adopt conference committee report, 121 Glossary of terms, 205 adopt urgency clause, 114, 121 Governor concur in amendments of other house, 119 adjournment of session by, 43 elect officers, 91–95 approval of bills by, 123 electronic rollcall, 175 bills presented to, 121 manner of voting, 175 Budget Bill, 101 members required to, 117 communicates with, by message, 42 override Governor’s veto, 123 compensation, 41 pass bills, 113 confirmation of appointments of, 20, 42 Budget Bill, 101 message to, and Budget, 101 urgency measures, 114, 121 proclamation by, convening in extraordinary session, 17, 72 War- or enemy-caused disaster sessions, 75 reports, reprieves, pardons, and commutations Women members, 85 of sentence to, 42 veto of bills by, 123 Lieutenant Governor Impeachment, 20 Calls Senate to order, 96 Joint staff, 138 Compensation, xxi, 88 Journals. See Journal, The Duties, 44, 96 Legislative Counsels, 255 Election of, 27, 44 Meeting places, early sessions, 149 First, inauguration of, 9 Members of Impeachment, 20 compensation, 88 Inauguration, 96 desks of, 173 List of, 231, 238 disqualified, 93–95 expenses, 88 President and presiding officer of Senate, 96 First Session, 65 Presides over impeachment proceedings, 21 number of, 80 Previous, 231, 238 oaths of office, 91–94 Qualifications of, 44 qualifications, 85 Recall, 34 recall of, 34 Succession to office of, 44 required to vote, 117 Succession to office of Governor, 43, 44 seating arrangement in chambers, 173 Voting of, 44. 96 term limits, 86 terms of office, 86 Leader, 92 voting by, manner of, 175 Ex officio member, Joint Rules Committee, 132 women serving as, 85 working hours, 111 Marine Fish, State, 260 Officers, 92, 95 Marine Mammal, State, 263 election of, 92, 95 presiding, 92, 95 Media Coverage of the Legislature, 174, 201 signatures on enrolled bills, 121 Televising the Legislature, 202 succession to office of Governor, 43 Order of business, 97 Members of the Legislature. See Legislature—Members of Organization of, 91–96 Assembly stalemate, 93 Mineral, State, 262 Pledge of allegiance to Flag, 97 Publications of, 189, 194 Minority Floor Leader, 92 Quorum, absence of, 117 Ex officio member, Joint Rules Committee, 132 Ratification of U.S. Constitutional Amendments, 18, 19 Reapportionment of, 80 Minute Clerk Recess Appointment of, 92 at budget sessions (repealed), 69 Motto, State, xix, 260 constitutional (repealed), 68 Reconsideration, 118 Municipal Courts, 57 Reconsider Governor’s vetoes, 123 Districts, 57 Records Judges of, 57, 59 filing of, 46 compensation, 59 final disposition, 112 election, 57 Residency requirements, 85 Rules of, 96 qualifications, 14, 57 Sessions of, 68 terms of office, 59 bifurcated, 69 Nonpartisan Offices, 28 budget (repealed), 69 meeting date, 69, 70 Names, Origin and Meaning of budget sessions from 1958, 70 California, 271 designation of, 75 Counties, 273–281 extraordinary, 72 calling of, 72 Nickname, State, xix, 260 302 CALIFORNIA’S LEGISLATURE

Officers of Legislature Number of copies, 189 Election of, 92, 95 Other than daily, 194 List of Lieutenant Governors and Speakers of the Assembly Printed after adjournment, 198 since 1849, 231 Presiding, 92, 95 Publishing, Office of State, 185 Signatures of, on enrolled bills, 122 History of, 185 Succession to office of Governor, 43 Legislative Bill Room, 188 Printing system, 187 Old Capitol Restoration, 167 Quorum, Absence of, 117 Open Primary, 24 Ratification of U.S. Constitutional Amendments, 19, 103 Opinions Attorney General, 48 Reapportionment of Districts, 80 Legislative Counsel, 135 1965 reapportionment, 81 1971 reapportionment, 81 Organizational Stalemate, 93 1981 reapportionment, 82 1991 reapportionment, 84 Pardons, by Governor, 42 Recall Elections, 34 Park, Capitol, 180 Petitions filed, 34 Memorials, 181 Recess Partisan Offices, 28 Biennium sessions, 125 Crossfiling, 26, 28 Budget sessions, prior to 1966, 69 Final, 125 Pledge of Allegiance to Flag, 97 Introduction of bills after, prior to 1959, 69 Poet Laureate, State, 264 Reconsideration of Bills, 118 Political Parties, 25 crossfiling, 26, 28–29 Referendum Measures Prayer, 91 approval of, 37, 38 ballots and ballot pamphlets, 37, 38, 47 Preface, vii effective date, 38 Petitions Prehistoric Artifact, State, 261 contents, 38 President of Senate. See Lieutenant Governor filing of, 38 signatures required, 38 President pro Tempore of Senate submission to people, 38 Chairperson, Senate Rules Committee, 129 titles, 38, 48 Election of, 95 Oath of office, 96 Reorganization Plans, 43, 107 Photo gallery, xvi Reprieves, by Governor, 42 Succession to office of Governor, 43 Research, Office of, President of , 144 Appointments by, confirmation of, 20 Election of, 31, 33 Residency Requirements, 41, 85 Electoral college, 31–34 House of Representatives to choose, 34 Resolutions, 103 Impeachment, 20 Concurrent, 103 covers for, 104 Presidential Primary Election, 27 effective date of, 103 Legislative Counsel selected by, 135 Press Facilities, 174 treated as bills, 103–104 Desks, 174 House, 104 News gathering, 201 committees created by, 103 Television room, 174 print in journal, 104 Propositions, ballot, 36 Impeachments by, 20–21 Joint, 103 Primary Elections, 24 covers for, 104 Crossfiling, 26, 28 effective date, 103 treated as bills, 103–104 Print requirement, (30 days), 16, 105 used to ratify U.S. Constitutional amendments, 103

Procedure, Early Day, 65 Rewards, Offering of, by Governor, 42

Public Address System, 174 Rock, State, 262

Public Instruction, Superintendent of, 51 Rollcall System, Electronic, 175 Compensation, 51 Election, 27, 51 Rules, The, 96 Previous, 243 Recall, 34 Rules Committees, 129 Term of office, 51 Assembly chairperson, appointment of, 129 limits, 51, 87 Assembly members (1969 photo), 128 Election of members, 129 Publications, Educational, 198 Expenses, payment of, 129 Joint Rules Committee, membership on, 132 Publications, Legislative, 189–199 Legislative employees, hiring of, 129 Daily, 189 Powers and duties, 129 Distribution, 189 Examples, 290–293 Salaries, State Officials, xxi, 14, 59, 88 CALIFORNIA’S LEGISLATURE 303

Schools Seal, 268 Powers and duties of Superintendent of Public Sessions of, 68–73, 227 Instruction re, 51 Staff, 141, 143–144, 146–147

Seal Senators, United States Assembly, 267 Compensation, 79 Governor’s, 266 Election of, 79 Senate, 268 first, 9 State, 265 Recalls, 34 Supreme Court, 268 Terms, 79 Vacancies, 79 Second Reading of Bills, 112 Sergeant at Arms, 143 Secretary of Senate Brings in absent members under call of the house, 117 Duties, 143 Duties, 143 Election of, 95 Election of, 92, 95 Handbook, preparation of, 197 Oath of office, 92, 95 Oath of office, 96 Special Services, 143

Secretary of State, 45 Sessions. See Legislature, Sessions of Archives, keeping of, 46 deposit of legislative records in, 46, 112, 126 Soil, State, 263 Bills approved by Governor deposited with, 123 Bills on which Governor’s veto has been overridden deposited Song, State, 261 with, 123 Spanish, bills printed in, early days, 100 Campaign statements, filed with, 30 Certificates of election, 46, 91 Speaker of the Assembly Compensation, xxi, 46 Appoints Chairperson, Rules Committee, 129 Election, 27, 46 Appoints committee members and , 126 First, appointment of, 9 Approves bill introductions, 107 Impeachment, 20 Caucus to elect, 93 Powers and duties, 45–47 Election of, 92 Previous, 239 1994 stalemate, 93 Recall, 34 List of, 231, 248 State Seal, use of, by, 46 May administer oaths of office to members, 92 Succession to office of Governor, 43 Member, Rules Committee, 129 Photo gallery, xvii Senate Oath of office, 92 Absence of quorum, 117 Succession to offices of Governor and Lieutenant Amendments to Assembly bills, 117 Governor, 43 Call of the Senate, 117 Vote required for election of, 92–95 Chamber, 172 Committees, 126 Speaker pro Tempore of the Assembly Confirmation of appointments of Governor by, 41 Administration of oaths of office by, 92 Convening of, procedure, 92 Appointment of, 92 Districts, 80 Oath of office, 92 formation of, 80 Special Elections, 27 reapportionment of, 80–85 Impeachment, sitting as court of, 20 Special Sessions. See Legislature, Extraordinary Sessions effect of impeachment by, 20 procedure, 20–21 Stalemate, 93 Members of Statutes, The, 197 certificates of election, 91 Effective date, 99, 124 compensation, 14, 88 election of, 24, 27, 91 Suffrage, 23 expenses of, 88 Summary Digest of Statutes Enacted, 137, 195 First Session, 65 new member, the, 91–92 Superintendent of Public Instruction, 51 number of, 65, 80 Compensation, xxi, 51 oaths of office, 91–92 Election, 29, 51 qualifications, 85 Powers and duties, 51 recall of, 34 Previous, 243 required to vote, 117 Recall, 34 terms of office, 80 Term of office, 51 limits, 86 limits, 51, 86 women, serving as, 85 Superior Courts Officers of, 95 Judges of, 58 Lieutenant Governor, President of, 96 compensation, 59 previous, 251 election, 58 Order of business, 97 impeachment, 20 Organization of, 91–92 number, 58 President pro Tempore, 95 qualifications, 14, 58 Chairperson of Senate Rules Committee, 129 removal, 61 succession to office of Governor, 43 terms of office, 58–59 Publications, 189 Jurisdiction, 58 Records, final disposition of, 46, 112, 126 Supreme Court, The, 55 Rollcall, 176 Chief justices, previous, 245 Rules, 96 Jurisdiction, 55 Rules Committee, 126, 129 Justices of, 55 304 CALIFORNIA’S LEGISLATURE

compensation, 59 United States election, 29, 55 Constitution, differences between State Constitution and, 16 impeachment, 20 Constitutional Amendments, 18 justices, previous, 246 Electoral College, 31 qualifications, 14, 55 Pledge of allegiance to, 97 recall, 34 Urgency Clause terms of office, 55, 59 Added by amendment in other house, procedure on, 120 Seal, 268 Adoption of, 100 Sessions, 56 Vacancies, Statewide Officers, 20 Surveyor General, First Election of, 9 Veterans Memorial, 181

Table of Sections Affected, 195 Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 182 Vice President Taxes Election of, 32 Board of Equalization administers, 52 Electoral college, 32 Trade Offices, 17 Veto, Governor’s, 123 Item, History of, 102 Term Limits Items in appropriation bills, 42, 102, 123 Congressional (Declared Unconstitutional), xx, 80 Overriding of, 124 Members of the Legislature, xx, 86 Reconsideration of, 124 State Constitutional Officers, 41–53 Sustaining of, 124 Third Parties, 25 Vote Adopt conference committee report, 121 Third Reading of Bills, 113 Adopt resolutions, 103 Adopt urgency clause, 120 Translator, State, 100 Concur in amendments of other house, 119 Treasurer, State, 49 Elect officers, 92, 95 Compensation of, xxi, 49 Manner of voting, 175 Election of, 28, 49 Members required to, 117 First, election of, 9 Override Governor’s veto, 124 Impeachment, 20 Pass bills, 113 Powers and duties, 49 Budget Bill, 102 Previous, 241 Warrants Recall of, 34 Controller’s duties re, 50 Succession to office of Governor, 43, 49 Treasurer’s duties re, 49 Tree, State, 261 Women Legislators, 85 Treaties. Power of President to make, 17 World Trade Commission Uniform State Laws, Commission on, 139 California Pacific Rim Conference, 17

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