Biochem. J. (1985) 231, 249-261 (Printed in Great Britain) 249 REVIEW ARTICLE

The alkali light chain and their

Paul J. R. BARTON and Margaret E. BUCKINGHAM Department de Biologie Moleculaire, Institut Pasteur, 28 Rue du Dr. Roux, 75724 Paris, France

Introduction The myosin alkali light chain isoforms and In all eukaryotes, and myosin play a role in the their genes maintenance of cell shape and in cellular movement (e.g. As might be expected from the range of muscle types reviewed by Korn, 1978). In the muscles of multicellular present in vertebrates, several isoforms of myosin alkali organisms actomyosin is the principal structural com- light chain have been identified. In most higher ponent of the , the unit of the muscle fibre. vertebrates so far examined four principal types of light Movement is effected by the sliding of actin and myosin chain pattern are seen on one-dimensional gel electro- filaments over each other, with accompanying hydrolysis phoresis (see Fig. 1): (i) fast contains two of ATP providing energy for this process, which is alkali light chains MLC1F and MLC3F; (ii) slow skeletal regulated by calcium-sensitive myofibrillar proteins (see muscle, depending on species and muscle type, contains Bagshaw, 1982, for review). The myosin molecule one or two MLCIs isoforms of electrophoretic mobility consists oftwo heavy chains (MHC, of Mr about 220000) comparable with that of MLC1F; (iii) each with a globular head region where the ATPase shows a major isoform, MLCIv, derived from ventricular activity is situated, and a filamentous, rod-like tail, and muscle which represents the majority of the cardiac four associated light chains (of Mr 15000-30000),two muscle mass. This isoform shows the same electrophoretic so-called regulatory or DTNB light chains (MLC2) mobility as the slow muscle form MLCIs. In mammals and two alkali light chains (MLC1, MLC3). It is the alkali atrial muscle contains a specific isoform, MLC1A (iv) myosin light chain proteins and their genes which are the and non-muscle cells show a single subject of this review. fast-migrating isoform of electrophoretic mobility com- The function of the alkali light chains is not clear. It parable with that ofMLC3F. Fig. 3 shows the relationship has been shown that, although these light chains are between the skeletal and cardiac muscle light chains on associated with the globular region of the myosin two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. molecule, probably near the head/tail junction (Flicker et al., 1983; Sellers & Harvey, 1984), they do not modify Fast skeletal muscle isoforms. The amino acid sequence the ATPase activity of isolated myosin heavy chains (e.g. of the (rabbit) fast skeletal muscle isoforms MLC1F and Wagner & Giniger, 1981; Sivaramakrishnan & Burke, 1982). Other experiments (e.g. Wagner & Weeds, 1977; Winstanley et al., 1979; Trayer & Trayer, 1985) would suggest that they play a role in the interaction ofthe head 1 region of myosin with actin. It has become clear in the 1 1 last few years, however, that distinct isoforms of the 2F 2s 2v 2A Gl_ myosin alkali light chains are present in different muscles and in non-muscle cells, suggesting that these isoforms are associated with the different contractile properties of these tissues. This is also the case for the and Fast Slow Vent. Atrial Smooth/ myosin heavy chains. The presence of different isoforms non- of the contractile proteins in different adult and Skeletal Cardiac muscle developing muscles (for review see Buckingham & Minty, Fig. 1. Schematic representation of one-dimensional electrophor- 1983) raises interesting questions, not only about their etic patterns of myosin light chain isoforms present in function, but also about the regulation ofthe correspond- different adult vertebrate muscle types ing genes. Recombinant DNA technology has made it to isolate the mRNA Myosin light chains are numbered according to their possible and sequences of position on the gel. In skeletal and cardiac samples band families such as that of the myosin alkali light chains, 2 is the regulatory (DTNB) isoform (MLC2). In which can be used to address such questions. The smooth/non-muscle tissues the myosin alkali light chain contribution of this type of approach to research on (G2 as described for gizzard muscle) migrates similarly to muscle, and the interest of muscle as a model system for the MLC3F isoform of fast skeletal muscle ahead of the the molecular biologist in which to ask fundamental regulatory (MLC2 type) light chain (GI). In slow skeletal questions about gene regulations, are complementary muscle the relative proportion of the MLC1sa or MLCls aspects discussed in this review. isoform is species-dependent.

Abbreviations used: MHC, myosin heavy chain; MLC myosin light chain (subscripts: V, ventricular; A, atrial; F, fast; S, slow; emb, embryonic/foetal); RFLP, restriction fragment length polymorphism; DTNB, 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid).

Vol. 231 250 P. J. R. Barton and M. E. Buckingham

MLC3F determined by Frank & Weeds (1974) showed non-coding). The MLC1F and MLC3F mRNAs are that these isoforms share a common C-terminal sequence clearly distinguishable by size (for mouse: MLC1F, 1050 of 141 amino acids but have distinct N-termini of46 and nucleotides; MLC3F, 900 nucleotides). 8 amino acid residues respectively. This, together with the The arrangement of this gene is novel in its use of a observation that amino acid substitutions occurring in combination of both alternative initiation sites and this common region of MLC1F between birds and splicing for the generation of two mRNAs, and in the mammals are also found in the MLC3F sequence presence of an intron within the 3' non-coding sequence, (Matsuda et al., 198 la), gave the first indication that these which is unusual although not without precedent (for two isoforms are encoded by a single gene discussion see Robert et al., 1984). Analysis of the DNA differentially spliced to give the specific N-termini. sequence flanking the 5' exons shows the presence of Further evidence in support of this came from cloned TATA and CAAT sequences required for transcription recombinant plasmids, containing a DNA sequence initiation, which are located upstream of both exon 1 (cDNA) complementary to part of the MLCIF/MLC3F (MLC1F) and exon 2 (MLC3F). The use of two initiation mRNA sequence, which showed that the 3' non-coding sites to produce two differing proteins from the same gene regions of the MLC1F and MLC3F mRNAs are has not been documented for other genes, although cases homologous (Robert et al., 1982; Nabeshima et al., 1982). of differential initiation and splicing giving rise to This has now been shown to be the case in the chicken different mRNAs encoding the same protein product are (Nabeshima et al., 1984), mouse (Robert et al., 1984) and known (e.g. mouse amylase, Schibler et al., 1983; rat (Periasamy et al., 1984) where the complete Drosophila alcohol dehydrogenase, Benyajati et al., MLC1 F/MLC3F genes have been isolated and sequenced. 1983), and numerous cases of differential splicing of the The MLC1F/MLC3F gene is more complex than same primary transcript to give rise to different protein envisaged from the protein sequences and appears to products are known (e.g. the mouse aA crystallin gene, involve both the use of two promoters for the MLC1F King & Piatigorsky, 1983). The generation of MLC1F and MLC3F primary transcripts and a complex pattern and MLC3F mRNAs can be regulated such that MLC1F of splicing to generate the two functional mRNAs. Fig. is produced independently from MLC3F. For example, in 2shows the structure ofthe mouse MLCIF/MLC3F gene, developing skeletal muscle in mammals MLC1F accumu- which is the same in overall plan as that found in rat and lates before MLC3F (Sreter et al., 1975; Roy et al., chicken. The shared 141 amino acid sequence is encoded 1979b; Gauthier et al., 1982), and this difference in in a series of four common coding exons and the accumulation is seen at the mRNA level as shown by isoform-specific amino acids are encoded in four separate Northern blot analysis of foetal muscle RNA using 5' exons arranged such that the two exons encoding the cloned MLC1F/MLC3F DNA probes (Barton et al., MLC3F N-terminus are contained within a 10.8 kilobase 1985a), suggesting transcriptional regulation of these intron which separates exons 1 and 2 of MLC1F. The mRNAs. Comparison of the promoter regions of these generation of the mRNA encoding MLC1F and MLC3F genes from chicken, rat, and mouse has revealed from this gene probably involves splicing of different sequences common to all three species, which may be primary transcripts to give two distinct mRNAs which involved in the regulated expression of these genes share a large common region, including the 3' non-coding (Daubas et al., 1985). sequence, but which differ in their 5' sequence (coding and The existence of further MLC1-type isoforms in fast

Protein : 46;. 141 'CO2H MLC1F l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EJ II-l IT mRNA



8 141 Protein NH2' 'C02H Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the mouse gene encoding the two myosin alkali light chains of fast skeletal muscle Exon sequences are numbered 1-9 where 1 and 4 are specific to MLC1F and 2 and 3 to MLC3F. Hatched boxes correspond to non-coding regions in the mRNAs. The number of amino acid residues for the common and specific regions of the MLC1F and MLC3F proteins is indicated 1985 The myosin alkali light chain proteins and their genes 251 skeletal muscles is suggested by the observation that the reveal, for example, whether two mRNAs of MLCIs-like MLC1 isoform present in the posterior temporalis (jaw sequence are present in rabbit soleus. closing) muscle in the cat is distinguishable from other Like many other slow twitch muscles, soleus muscle MLC1 isoforms on two-dimensional gel electrophoresis contains a mixture of fast and slow fibre types, as (Rowlerson et al., 1981). In the rabbit, the masseter characterized by cytochemical techniques based on muscle MLC1 isoform comigrates with the slow skeletal ATPase activity, and by myosin heavy chain content. In muscle form MLC1sb on two-dimensional gels but is mixed fibre muscles such as this, mixed populations of antigenically distinguishable from this isoform (Biral et fast and slow type myosin alkali light chain isoforms are al., 1982). present (Whalen et al., 1978; Rubinstein & Kelly, 1978; Gauthier et al., 1982), such that in mouse soleus muscle Slow skeletal muscle isoforms. The myosin light chain MLCIs, MLC1F and MLC3F isoforms and mRNAs are content of slow skeletal muscle shows variation between detectable, although MLC3F protein is present only in species and to some extent between different muscles. In low abundance (Barton et al., 1985b) and in chick mouse the principal slow muscle light chain isoform anterior latissimus dorsi muscle MLC3F is not detected found, for example, in soleus muscle (which contains (Crow et al., 1983). The fact that there is significantly less mixed fast and slow fibre types but is predominantly slow; MLC3F protein present in the fibres of slow muscles see Butler-Browne & Whalen, 1984) is MLCis. This although the MLC3F mRNA is accumulated raises the isoform has been shown to be encoded by the same gene intriguing possibility of post-transcriptional regulation. as the ventricular isoform MLC1v (Barton et al., 1985b), In mixed fibre type muscles it is important to establish and is indistinguishable from MLC1v on two-dimensional whether the slow and fast myosin alkali light chain types gel analysis in mouse and rat (Barton et al., 1985b; are present only in the slow and fast fibres respectively. Whalen et al., 1978). These isoforms are probably In general the proportion of fast and slow isoforms in a identical, as discussed in detail in the section on cardiac mixed fibre muscle appears directly related to the isoforms. Soleus muscle in the rabbit contains two slow proportion offast and slow fibres, such that mouse or rat muscle isoforms, MLCIsa and MLC1sb, which are diaphragm, which contain a higher proportion of fast present in similar proportions. The MLC1sb form has fibres, contain proportionately more fast myosin alkali been shown to be indistinguishable from the rabbit light chain isoforms (Whalen et al., 1978; Gauthier et al., cardiac MLCIv isoform by one-dimensional gel electro- 1982). This suggests that the fast and slow type myosin phoresis (Lowey & Risby, 1971; Sarkar et al., 1971; light chain isoforms are expressed primarily in the Weeds & Pope, 1971), partial amino acid sequence data respective fibre types. However several studies have and peptide mapping (Weeds, 1976), and by two- indicated that individual fibres may contain mixed dimensional gel electrophoresis (Margreth et al., 1980), myosin alkali light chain types (see Table 1). Type I fibres and probably corresponds to the mouse MLC1s/MLCIv may fall into two categories: those showing pure slow protein. A minor additional slow form, MLCIs, light chain isoforms, but with varying proportions of (corresponding to MLC1Ia in the rabbit), can be detected MLCIsa and MLC1Sb in larger mammals, and those in rat soleus (Whalen et al., 1978), but is not readily showing mixed fast and slow light chains (see Salviati et detectable in mouse (Barton et al., 1985b). The exact al., 1982). In fast twitch fibres MLC1F and MLC3F are relationship between MLCIsa and MLCISb is not clear; present in similar amounts [in chicken the proportion of peptide mapping analysis suggests regions of similar MLC1F to MLC3F is 1:0.85 (Lowey & Risby, 1971; sequence, but amino acid sequence data on the thiol Takahashi & Tonomura, 1975)]. In contrast, rabbit type peptides of these isoforms indicate that they are not IIA fibres appear to contain only a small amount of identical in these regions (Weeds, 1976) and immuno- MLC3F, and some rabbit IIA fibres may also contain logical data suggest that MLCIsa and MLC1sb have MLC1Sb (Salviati et al., 1982). Type IIC fibres are of an distinct epitopes (Margreth et al., 1980). Analysis of the intermediate histochemical type and contain mixed relationship between the different isoforms of MLC1s myosin heavy chain types and mixed ; these should be possible however by cross-hybridization with fibres contain a true mixture of fast and slow light chains the cloned mouse MLC1v/MLCIs cDNA and gene and may represent immature type I fibres (see the section probes (see section on cardiac isoforms) and should on development).

Table 1. Myosin isoforms in skeletal muscle fibres The data presented here are based on results with human muscle (Pelloni-Mueller et al., 1976; Pette et al., 1979; Billeter et al., 1981; Salviati et al., 1982, 1984).

Contractile Myosin Myosin alkali Fibre type properties heavy chain light chains

I Slow MHCS MLCIS MLC1F (MLC3F) IIA Fast MHCFl MLC1F MLC3F IIB Fast MHCF2 MLC1F MLC3F IIC Mixed MHCF MLC1F MLC3F MHCs MLCIS Vol. 231 252 P. J. R. Barton and M. E. Buckingham

pH8 IEF _ plasmid that encodes part of the MLClA protein it has now been demonstrated that in the mouse there is a single gene for the MLClA and MLClemb isoforms, and that the mRNAs found in adult atrial muscle and 1 is isand lV foetal skeletal muscle are indistinguishable on the basis SDS 1A and 'emb of size and with the cDNA (Barton et al., 1985a). As in the case of MLCIv and MLCIs, this type of analysis at the nucleic acid level does not exclude 1F---00 0' - 2A the possibility of differential splicing or secondary F@ S--2s/2v modification differences. Peptide mapping of MLC1A \\ -2F and MLClemb from foetal skeletal muscle suggests that these proteins may have different secondary modifications 3F @- (Dalla Libera & Carraro, 1983) although these differences Fig. 3. Schematic representation of a two-dimensional gel are not seen in the case of MLClemb from foetal (O'Farrell, 1975) showing the relative positions of ventricular muscle (Whalen & Sell, 1980; Cummins, different myosin light chain isoforms present in rodent 1982). DNA sequencing of the isolated gene, now in striated muscle progress, should define the primary structure of the MLC1A/MLCIemb protein. Smooth muscle and non-muscle cells. Smooth muscle, Cardiac muscle isoforms. Mammalian cardiac muscle such as is found in the digestive tract and uterus, is contains two myosin alkali light chains which are the non-striated and is under involuntary control. One- major isoforms present in either the ventricular muscle dimensional analysis shows that it contains a single alkali (MLCIv) or the atrial muscle (MLCIA) (Syrovy et al., type light chain (G2 in Fig. 1) ofelectrophoretic mobility 1979; Wikman-Coffelt & Srivastava, 1979). Mammalian comparable with that of fast skeletal muscle MLC3F ventricular MLC1v, and the chicken cardiac alkali light (Burridge, 1974). In chicken the 17 kDa smooth muscle chain for which the complete amino acid sequence has myosin alkali light chain isoform from gizzard has been been determined (Maita et al., 1980), have been shown sequenced and consists of 150 amino acids (cf. chicken to have the same electrophoretic mobility, and to share MLC3F, 17 kDa, 149 amino acids; MLCIF, 20 kDa, 190 immunological properties, with the major slow skeletal amino acids) (Matsuda et al., 1981b). Many non-muscle muscle form MLC Is (Lowey & Risby, 1971; Sarkar et al., tissues contain myosin-like proteins (for review see 1971 ; Weeds & Pope, 1971; Obinata et al., 1979; Sartore, Clarke & Spudich, 1977), and, in the case of such myosin 1981). Partial peptide mapping (Weeds, 1976), and extracted from chicken fibroblast cells, the light chains two-dimensional gel analysis, of MLCIs and MLCIv present have been shown to have the same electrophoretic have shown these isoforms to be indistinguishable on mobility as the gizzard smooth muscle isoform, although these criteria (Whalen et al., 1978; Dalla Libera et al., the myosin heavy chains in these two cell types are 1979; Margreth et al., 1980) (see Fig. 3 for the apparently different (Burridge, 1974). Recent data from relationship of the MLC isoforms on two-dimensional cloned recombinant cDNA has shown that smooth gels). Recombinant cDNA clones containing part of the muscle and non-muscle alkali myosin light chains are sequence encoding MLCIv have now been isolated and identical except for a few C-terminal amino acids and are have been used to define the relationship between MLCIv probably encoded by the same gene (Nabeshima & and MLCIs in the mouse. MLCIv and the slow skeletal Nabeshima, 1984). These isoforms have an electrophor- muscle form, MLCls, are encoded by mRNAs which are etic mobility similar to that of MLC3F rather than indistinguishable on the basis of size, and sequence MLC1F (see Fig. 1) and this similarity between the homology with MLClv cDNA (Barton et al., 1985b). smooth muscle alkali light chain and MLC3F is also These mRNAs are encoded by a single gene, and indicated by the absence of trimethylalanine at the although the possibility ofdifferential splicing ofthis gene N-terminus ofthese isoforms. Trimethylalanine is present giving different mRNAs encoding MLCIv and MLCIs at the N-termini of all vertebrate MLC1 isoforms so far cannot yet be excluded, the fact that both the mRNAs examined in skeletal and cardiac muscle, but is absent and the proteins appear to be identical argues against this. from MLC3F in both mammals and birds (chicken) In the case of MLC 1F and MLC3F both the mRNAs and (Henry et al., 1985). Developing chick gizzard contains, the proteins are clearly distinguishable by this type of in addition to the adult smooth muscle form, an analysis. embryonic isoform (L23) expressed during development, Mammalian atrial muscle contains a specific isoform, but not in the adult (Katoh & Kubo, 1978; Takano- MLC1A, also found in the Purkinje fibres of the heart Ohmuro et al., 1983a) (see the section on development). (Long et al., 1977; Syrovy et al., 1979). This isoform is not normally found in other adult muscles but is The number and distribution of myosin alkali indistinguishable on two-dimensional gels from the foetal light chain genes skeletal muscle isoform MLClemb (Whalen et al., 1978, The different myosin alkali light chain isoforms show 1982; Dalla Libera, 1981) and the isoform found in foetal a degree of sequence divergence, both at the level of ventricular muscle (Price et al., 1980; Cummins et al., amino acid sequence and of nucleic acid sequence of the 1980). On this basis it has been proposed that MLC1A and mRNAs, which allows different isoforms to be easily the isoform detected in foetal skeletal and foetal ventricu- distinguished. However, the coding sequence of the lar muscle (MLClemb) are identical; this is also sup- mouse fast skeletal muscle MLC1F/MLC3F gene shows ported by results of peptide mapping (Whalen & Sell, cross-hybridization with other myosin light chain 1980; Cummins, 1982). Using a recombinant cDNA mRNAs including those encoding MLCIv (MLCls) and 1985 The myosin alkali light chain proteins and their genes 253 MLC1A (MLClemb) (Barton et al., 1985a). Fragments MLCIv (MLCls) and MLCIA (MLClemb). These have corresponding to these genes, and to a processed type been used to define a series of RFLPs for each of these MLC1 pseudogene (see Robert et al., 1984) have been genes and for the MLClF/MLC3F pseudogene between identified. In addition, two unidentified weakly cross- the mouse species Mus musculus (DBA/2) and Mus hybridizing fragments are seen which may correspond4-o spretus. These RFLPs, which define allelic variants of other alkali myosin light chain genes such as that these genes, have been used to follow the pattern of encoding the smooth muscle and non-muscle isoform. segregation ofthe different myosin alkali light chain genes The presence ofa limited number ofdiverged MLC1 type through an Fl backcross between these species (Robert sequences in the mouse genome is different from the et al., 1985). The pattern of segregation observed shows situation for the actins, where Southern blot experiments that the MLCIF/MLC3F, MLClv and MLC1A genes are with an actin coding sequence probe reveal large numbers not linked and comparison with the segregation pattern of strongly cross-hybridizing actin-related gene and of a series ofchromosomal markers analysed in the same pseudogene sequences (Minty et al., 1983). For both actin backcross shows that they are in fact located on different and myosin heavy chain genes, the degree of sequence (see Fig. 4). Analysis of the segregation conservation is high and when using coding sequence pattern of RFLPs for the skeletal muscle and cardiac probes conditions of much higher stringency are needed actin genes, and for the foetal and adult skeletal muscle to distinguish between genes encoding different isoforms. and adult cardiac muscle myosin heavy chain genes, in The myosin alkali light chain gene family, therefore, the same backcross, shows that the myosin alkali light consists of a smaller number of more highly diverged chain genes analysed are not linked to any of these sequences than the actin and myosin heavy chain gene contractile protein genes with the exception of a loose families. linkage between the genes for skeletal myosin heavy Determination of the distribution of the myosin alkali chains and MLClA, which are both located on mouse light chain genes within the genome was not possible 11. The myosin alkali light chain genes are before cloned copies ofthe mRNAs became available due also unlinked to the gene encoding the regulatory light to the absence of identified allelic isoforms of these chain, MLC2F, as shown by analysis of somatic cell proteins, except in the chicken where electrophoretic hybrids with cloned gene probes (Czosnek et al., 1982). variants of MLC1F have been used to show that the The MLC1F/MLC3F pseudogene is unlinked to the other MLC1F/MLC3F gene is unlinked to the 'am' gene for myosin alkali light chain genes analysed, as expected for muscular dystrophy (Rushbrook et al., 1982; Rushbrook a processed type pseudogene presumably derived from & Somes, 1985). The absence ofallelic variants associated the insertion of a mRNA-derived cDNA fragment (see with disease or mutant phenotypes has excluded classical Robert et al., 1984). Regulation ofactin and myosin genes genetic approaches, and somatic cell hybridization expressed in the same phenotype is not, therefore, techniques relating chromosome retention and loss to dependant on close chromosomal proximity. This is phenotypic expression are complicated by the multinu- not surprising in the case of the different adult isoforms, cleate nature of the myotube cell and by the fact that since most other gene families examined show a dispersion expression of contractile proteins is suppressed in cell (e.g. the o- and ,-globin gene clusters); it is perhaps hybrids (see Carlsson et al., 1974) although it can be seen surprising, however, that the genes expressed in foetal in heterokaryons (Wright, 1982; Blau et al., 1983). and adult skeletal muscle (MLC1A/MLClemb and Localization ofthe myosin light chain genes in the mouse MLC1 F/MLC3F) are unlinked. Other gene families has now been established by means of cloned mRNA showing developmentally regulated isoforms, such as (cDNA) and gene copies encoding MLCIF/MLC3F, embryonic, foetal and adult globin (Bernard et al., 1979),

1 3 7 9 11 12 14 17 9 0 MHCC8d MLC1F/ (a,card M LC3F (6-MLC) Actin) (ask (MLC2F) MHCsk Actin)


Fig. 4. Distribution of myosin light chain and other contractile protein genes in the mouse genome showing exact position where known, or chromosomal assignment (genes in parentheses) Data are derived from Robert et al. (1985), Czosnek et al. (1982, 1983), Leinwand et al. (1983) and Weydert et al. (1985). Loci represent single genes, except in the case of the MHC genes where MHCSk and MHCcard represent clusters. Abbreviations: card, gene(s) expressed in cardiac muscle; sk, gene(s) expressed in skeletal muscle; if-MLC, pseudogene sequence derived from the MLCIF/MLC3F common coding region. Vol. 231 254 P. J. R. Barton and M. E. Buckingham a-foetoprotein and albumin (Ingram et al., 1981), and appear to follow different developmental strategies; thus, embryonic, foetal and adult skeletal muscle myosin heavy during the formation ofa skeletal muscle, distinct skeletal chains (Weydert et al., 1985), show close linkage of the isoforms of the myosin heavy chains appear sequentially foetal and adult genes. The MLClA/MLClemb gene may (Whalen et al., 1981) whereas a cardiac isoform of the be of relatively recent evolutionary origin (see the section actins (Vandekerckhove et al., 1985) and myosin alkali on evolution) and for this reason might also be expected light chains (Whalen et al., 1978) accumulate in foetal to be linked to the adult MLClF/MLC3F gene from muscle fibres, although with different kinetics. This is also which it is probably derived. seen at the level of mRNA accumulation (Weydert et al., The location of these genes in other vertebrates is not 1983; Minty et al., 1982; Barton et al., 1985a). It would known, although the availability of cloned probes for thus appear that each family is responding differently to these genes should now allow this to be determined for the neuronal and hormonal signals which are physio- a number of species, including man, either by cross- logically important for muscle development (e.g. Gambke hybridization or by using existing probes to isolate the et al., 1983). corresponding genes from other gene libraries. In The description of developmental transitions for the Drosophila, where the single MLC 1-like gene has recently myosin alkali light chains differs between birds and been isolated, this gene has been localized to position 98B mammals. In mammalian striated muscle (see Table 2), by direct in situ hybridization to polytene chromosomes a foetal myosin light chain is present, MLClemb (Whalen (Falkenthal et al., 1984). This gene is unlinked to the et al., 1978), and has been shown to be similar as a protein genes for Drosophila myosin heavy chains (Bernstein et (Whalen & Sell, 1980; Price et al., 1980) to, and to be the al., 1983), (Bautch et al., 1982), or actin product of the same gene (Barton et al., 1985a) as, the (Fyrberg et al., 1980). isoform MLC1A of adult cardiac atria (see the section on adult isoforms). There is no evidence for an equivalent protein in avian muscle. In the foetal skeletal muscle of Developmental aspects rodents just before birth the principal alkali light chains The formation of provides a particularly present are MLClemb and MLC1F (Whalen et al., 1978). interesting model system for examining changes in gene MLC3F only accumulates in significant amounts after expression during development. An initial 'switch' takes birth (Sreter et al., 1975; Roy et al., 1979b; Gauthier et place from non-muscle to muscle type isoforms of the al., 1982). Analysis of the corresponding mRNAs, using contractile proteins, followed by a changing pattern of recombinant DNA probes for these myosin alkali light foetal -- neonatal -- adult phenotypes as the muscle chain sequences, demonstrates that accumulation of matures. Intriguing questions for a molecular biologist protein isoforms and their mRNAs is closely co-ordinated concern firstly the description of the system - what are (Robert et al., 1982; Barton et al., 1985a). In human the changes in isoform type and in the corresponding skeletal muscle at birth the foetal MLClemb isoform has messenger RNAs, at what developmental stage do they already been replaced by the adult MLC1F, whereas occur, whether there is co-ordination between the in 3-4-month-old foetuses the former predominates different contractile protein families, and secondly how (Strohman et al., 1983; Biral et al., 1984). It is not yet these changes are effected - does the appearance of a new clear what happens at earlier foetal stages in rodent isoform reflect transcriptional activation of the corre- muscle, whether, for example, the early foetal muscle sponding gene, or a post-transcriptional modification of fibres (primary fibre population), which can be distin- the mRNA, what molecular factors interact with which guished from later foetal fibres (see Ontell, 1982) and nucleic acid sequences to activate individual genes or may be formed from a distinct precursor myoblast pop- blocks of genes? The first transition from a non-muscle ulation (Rutz & Hauschka, 1982), accumulate only the to a muscle phenotype is best studied in tissue culture. MLClemb isoform. Slow skeletal muscle fibres, present, Particularly in the case of skeletal muscle, precursor for example, in the diaphragm or soleus muscle, begin to myoblasts can be isolated and grown as monolayers of accumulate significant amounts of slow type myosin mononucleated cells which will fuse together to form alkali light chain isoforms at birth, when a mixture offast multinucleated muscle fibres where muscle isoforms of and slow isoforms is initially present (Gauthier et al., the contractile proteins accumulate in sarcomeric 1982) as in type IIC fibres in the adult (Pelloni-Mueller structures (see for review, Buckingham, 1985). This et al., 1976). The MLCIsa isoform accumulates later process has been studied in mammalian and avian muscle than MLCISb in these fibres (Gauthier et al., 1982). cell cultures. In general, muscle isoforms of the different When myoblasts from mammalian skeletal muscle are contractile proteins co-accumulate at the onset of fibre grown in tissue culture the resulting fibres accumulate the formation. This is also observed at the mRNA level, with foetal and adult fast isoforms. In primary cultures from a reciprocal decrease in the level of non-muscle actin bovine skeletal muscle (Daubas et al., 1981; Whalen et mRNAs (e.g. Caravatti et al., 1982). Some experiments al., 1982), the slow isoform MLCls, is also synthesized. on chromatin conformation would suggest that these are No detectable amounts ofthe other slow isoform MLCls primarily transcriptional events (Carmon et al., 1982). are present. The MLCls, isoform has also, in fact, been Recent results demonstrating the regulated expression of detected in vivo in human foetal muscle (3-4 months) a skeletal actin gene re-introduced into muscle cells (Biral et al., 1984), and may therefore be a marker of support this idea (Melloul et al., 1984). The initial muscle myotubes at earlier foetal stages, or alternatively a isoforms expressed in tissue culture tend to reflect a foetal characteristic of a minor muscle fibre population present phenotype. Subsequent modifications during fibre at this time. The question of whether the same myotube maturation may occur to some extent in vitro, but studies is expressing all the isoforms detected is best addressed in vivo, principally again with avian and mammalian by using cloned lines. The two mouse lines, material, provide the basis for our understanding of these C2 (Yaff6 & Saxel, 1977) and T984-Cl 10 (Jakob et al., transitions. The myosin and actin multigene families 1978) synthesize both MLClelmb and MLClF (e.g. 1985 The myosin alkali' light chain proteins and their genes 255

Table 2. Myosin alkali light chains in developing skeletal muscle For references see the text. The designation fast/slow refers to the potential adult fibre type. Minor variations in developmental timing are seen between different fast or slow muscles. It should be noted that the rodent slow muscles studied contain some fast fibres in the adult, unlike those in the chick.

Mammalian (rodent) Age... 18 day foetal New-born

Fibre type ... Fast Slow Fast Slow Isoforms ... MLC1emb MLC1emb (MLClemb) (MLClemb) MLC1F MLC1F MLC1F MLC1F (MLCls) MLC3F MLCls

Avian (chick) Age... 5-7 days in ovo 8-12 days in ovo 13-16 days in ovo Fibre type... Fast and slow Fast and slow Fast Slow


Caravatti et al., 1982). The C2 line synthesizes some in the mytubes of primary cultures derived from chick or MLC1Is (Blau et al., 1983). Both cell lines accumulate quail skeletal muscle (Keller & Emerson, 1980; Stockdale MLC3F. Primary cultures also synthesize varying et al., 1981a; Montarras & Fiszman, 1983; Matsuda et amounts of this isoform (Whalen et al., 1978; Daubas et al., 1983). In ovo, in a potentially fast (e.g. pectoralis) al., 1981; Strohman et al., 1983). In the mouse cell lines, or slow (e.g. anterior latissimus dorsi) muscle at days 5-7, the relative proportion of the- myosin alkali light chain MLC1F is the only myosin alkali light chain present. isoforms is not modified in older myotubes (G. Bugaisky From days 8 to 12 the MLCIs isoform also accumulates. & M. E. Buckingham, unpublished work), whereas in From day 12 in a potentially fast muscle the adult isoform primary cultures the relative proportion of MLCIF to pattern begins to be established, so that by day 16 MLC3F MLClemb has been reported to increase after prolonged has appeared, and by day 19 MLC1F and MLC3F are the culture of myotubes (Whalen et al., 1979). The isoforms only alkali light chains present (Crow et al., 1983; Crow initially expressed, and the extent to which their & Stockdale, 1984). In adult slow muscles such as the expression is subsequently modified in vitro, is particularly anterior latissimus dorsi, which has some fast fibres, interesting in view of the absence of hormonal or MLC1F accumulates, but MLC3F is never detectable neuronal modifying influences in tissue culture. Another (Crow et al., 1983). This phenomenon may be related to question which arises in this context is that of the type the type ofinnervation of thb muscle. With aneural grafts of myoblast (Rutz & Hauschka, 1982) represented by a of 1-day quail muscle, the MLC3F isoform is not cloned muscle cell line. The rat muscle cell line, L6 (L8.. ., detected (Merrifield & Konigsberg, 1985). The slow and etc) (see Yaffe, 1969), for example, accumulates only the fast MLC1 isoforms are both expressed in this MLClemb isoform (Whalen et al., 1978). One can ask situation. The dissociation between MLC1F and MLC3F whether this is typical of a distinct population in vivo, synthesis is particularly interesting in view ofthe fact that perhaps characteristic of early foetal muscle (see the two proteins are products of the same gene. From Buckingham, 1985). In the L6 muscle cells the gene for studies in vivo using anti-(myosin alkali light chain) the adult myosin alkali light chain isoforms is present, antibodies it is clear that the same muscle fibre is since it can be activated in heterokaryons (Wright, expressing both fast and slow isoforms in early foetal 1982), but no mRNA transcripts are detected with cloned muscle (Crow et al., 1983), and the question then is probes (Robert et al., 1982; Barton et al., 1985a). This whether the same mature fibre subsequently expresses one cell line is particularly interesting, in practical terms, for or the other, or whether the primary fibres are replaced future experiments on transcriptional factors necessary by another myotube population of secondary fibres. It is for the activation of myosin alkali light chain genes. One difficult to provide a clear cut answer to this problem by can postulate, for example, that a factor necessary for studies in vivo. Clonal analysis of myoblasts from activation of the MLC1F/MLC3F gene is present in the different muscles (pectoral or anterior latissimus dorsi) at mouse muscle lines and absent from L6 (see the different ages shows that all the cells express MLC1F and concluding comments). MLCIs, and variable, low levels of MLC3F, when they Avian foetal skeletal muscles, unlike those ofmammals, fuse to form--myotubes in tissue culture,(see- Keller- & co-accumulate fast and slow myosin alkali light chain Emerson, 1980). Thiswould suggestagainthatinnervation isoforms (Obinata et al., 1980; Stockdale et al., 1981b; is not important in the expression of fast or slow myosin Lowey et al., 1983; Matsuda et al., 1983). This is also seen alkali light chains initially, and that both isoforms are Vol. 231 256 P. J. R. Barton and M. E. Buckingham indeed synthesized in the same muscle fibre. The documented that nerve contact has an influence on the precursor myoblasts from different sources seem to have type of myosin synthesized in skeletal muscles. In general the same potential for light chain expression, suggesting it appears that nerve contact is required by both that a different myoblast population is not implicated in developing and mature slow twitch muscle to retain the formation of mature fast or slow fibres. Maturation, expression ofthe slow muscle isoforms, while fast skeletal however, is apparently dependent on factors in vivo, such muscle is more independent of nerve contact. This is as innervation (see section on manipulated muscle). No supported by the observation that denervation of permanent cell lines have been derived from avian muscle. developing soleus muscle prevents the development of However, the use of temperature-sensitive Rous sarcoma slow fibres and the synthesis of the slow myosin alkali virus permits some manipulation of primary cultures, light chain isoforms. Denervation of the adult soleus which will differentiate into myotubes at a non-permissive results in the partial loss of slow myosin alkali light chain temperature for the virus, and can otherwise be isoforms with their replacement by fast MLC1F and propagated for several generations as mononucleated MLC3F (Rubinstein & Kelly, 1978). This effect is not seen transformed cells. Such 'transformed' myotubes express in denervated fast muscle, although an altered pattern of the fast and slow myosin alkali light chains, but undergo light chain synthesis, showing an increase in the some modifications in expression after prolonged MLC1F/MLC3F ratio, has been observed in denervated propagation (Montarras & Fiszman, 1983). chicken pectoralis muscle (Matsuda et al., 1984). The Adult avian cardiac muscle is characterized by the slow muscle phenotype can be induced in fast muscle by presence of the MLCIv isoform, which is also the myosin chronic low-frequency stimulation and is accompanied light chain present in foetal hearts. One report suggests by expression ofthe slow muscle myosin alkali light chain that at very early stages (before 10 days) an MLCiF-like isoforms in, for example, the extensor digitorum longus protein is present as a minor component in chick hearts and tibialis anterior fast skeletal muscles of the rabbit (Obinata et al., 1983). This is an intriguing suggestion, (Roy et al., 1979a). This change in expression is seen at since this isoform is generally regarded as skeletal muscle the level of mRNA, since translatable MLCIS mRNA is specific. In mammals at present there is no evidence for detectable following stimulation (Heilig & Pette, 1983). MLC1F in foetal cardiac tissue. The mammalian foetal Conversion of muscle from fast to slow type can also be isoform MLClemb co-accumulates with MLC1v in achieved by cross-reinnervation of fast skeletal muscle developing mammalian ventricles (Cummins et al., 1980; with the nerve originally supplying a slow muscle; to some Whalen & Sell, 1980). In the late foetal (20 day) ventricles extent this change may be reciprocal with, for example, of rats MLClemb represents about 25% of total MLC1 fast (extensor digitorum longus) and slow (soleus) protein (Whalen & Sell, 1980), whereas in humans, where muscles being induced to produce slow and fast myosin earlier stages of gestation have been examined, it alkali light chain isoforms, respectively, following the represents as much as 50%O (e.g. at 20 weeks), falling to cross-union of their nerves (Sreter et al., 1974; Weeds 30%O at birth (Price et al., 1980). Thus, although cardiac et al., 1974; Gauthier et al., 1983). However, while trans- muscle develops more rapidly than skeletal, this foetal formation of the fast muscle to slow can be complete, isoform is retained for longer in the human ventricle than transformation of slow muscle to fast type muscle by in human skeletal muscle, where it is no longer detectable cross-reinnervation appears to be only partial (Gauthier at birth (Biral et al., 1984). In mammalian atria the et al., 1983). In these situations where there is a change MLClemb or MLC1A isoform is the major component, in mammalian myosin light chain expression, one might retained in the adult (Cummins et al., 1980; Whalen et ask whether the foetal MLClemb isoform appears initi- al., 1982). ally. This appears not to be the case (Brown et al., 1983). Little information is available about developing This physiological switch in light chain expression pro- smooth muscle. However a foetal myosin light chain has vides an elegant model system for the analysis of gene been detected in the developing chicken gizzard (Katoh regulation at the nucleic acid level. & Kubo, 1978; Takano-Ohmuro et al., 1983a). This alkali Expression of skeletal muscle light chain isoforms is light chain has distinct electrophoretic and immunological altered in certain pathological conditions and is properties from the light chains of adult striated muscle. influenced by thyroid hormone levels. Thyroidectomy Although similar in size it is clearly different from results in loss of fast muscle myosin alkali light chain MLC1 F, for example. This observation is particularly isoforms from the mixed fibre soleus muscle in adult rats interesting for two reasons. Firstly, the isoform of adult (Johnson et al., 1980) and in biceps brachialis muscle smooth muscle is of the non-muscle type, the presence of from hypothyroid humans, slow isoforms predominate a striated muscle type light chain in this tissue is therefore (Salviati et al., 1985). In human atrial muscle showing surprising (see the section on evolution). Secondly, this hypertrophy due to pressure overload there is an is the first characterization of a foetal isoform in avian induction ofexpression ofthe MLC Iv isoform (Cummins, muscle. Although no MLC1A isoform has been detected, 1982), although this does not occur in rats (Bugaisky et one report indicates that the foetal smooth muscle al., 1983). Altered patterns of fast and slow light chains isoform is also present in chick cardiac and skeletal have been noted in human nemaline myopathy where muscle at early embryonic stages (Takano-Ohmuro et al., there is a shift towards pure slow type myosin alkali light 1985). chains in gastrocnemius muscle (normally mixed fast and slow) (Volpe et al., 1982), and in dystrophic skeletal muscle where slow muscle isoforms appear in muscles Myosin alkali light chain expression in diseased and normally ofpure fast type (e.g. posterior latissimus dorsi manipulated muscle muscle in dystrophic chicken) (Bandman, 1984). In The accumulation and abundance of the different dystrophic mice it has been noted that myosin prepared isoforms of myosin lkalki light chain may be affected by from hind limb muscle contains a reduced level ofMLC3F a variety of physiological parameters. It is well (Fitzsimmons & Hoh, 1983; John, 1974) and that soleus 1985 The myosin alkali light chain proteins and their genes 257 muscle contains only the slow muscle isoform (MLCls) Drosophila, has been shown to be considerably different where normally this muscle is of mixed fibre type. Fast in sequence from the vertebrate MLC1F, MLC3F and muscle ofdystrophic mice also contains traces ofthe slow MLCIv isoforms, showing, for example, only about 30% form MLC Is. In human Duchenne dystrophy it has been homology with the rabbit skeletal muscle forms. shown that foetal myosin is present in the mature muscle Hybridization experiments have shown that this is the and this myosin contains the foetal light chain MLClemb only gene encoding myosin alkali light chain-like (Margreth et al., 1984). The presence of the foetal light isoforms in the Drosophila genome. The Drosophila chain may suggest a developmental deficiency in fibre myosin light chain gene hybridizes to two mRNA species; maturation. In general, in diseased muscle it is difficult a major species of 900 nucleotides, corresponding to the to distinguish isoform changes which represent adapta- cDNA analysed, and a second, minor, mRNA of 1300 tion to the pathological state from those which result nucleotides. The full structural analysis of this gene directly from a fundamental lesion. (Falkenthal et al., 1985) now demonstrates that there are two alternative splicing patterns in the 3' region of the gene, which result in mRNAs that translate to give Myosin alkali light chains in other animals; proteins with two different C-termini. The size difference evolutionary aspects between these polypeptides does not fully explain the The myosin light chain composition of muscles from difference in electrophoretic mobility of the putative a wide variety of animals has been examined, in Drosophila myosin alkali light chain proteins, but this Chordates (including fish, amphibia, birds and mammals), may be influenced also by the amino acid composition. in Arthropods (including insects and crustacea), in Different length mRNAs are also generated as a result of Molluscs (including bivalves and squid) and in the differently placed polyadenylation signals. The splicing Nematode Ascaris lumbricoides. Some caution must be pattern of the gene is developmentally regulated so that exercised in comparing muscle types between such a one myosin alkali light chain protein is present in both variety of organisms, but in general it is clear that all larval and adult musculature, while the other is found vertebrates so far examined have the same two types of only in the adult. This phenomenon contrasts with the skeletal muscle; fast-type containing MLC1F, MLC2F differential splicing ofthe 5' region ofthe MLC 1 F/MLC3F and MLC3F, and slow-type containing MLCls and gene during skeletal muscle development in vertebrates MLC2s (see Fig. 1). Where this has been examined, the (see Robert et al., 1984; Barton et al., 1985a), but can be major alkali light chain in vertebrate cardiac muscle is compared with the preliminary finding that a single gene probably identical with that found in slow skeletal encodes the vertebrate smooth muscle and non-muscle muscle. In contrast to this, the invertebrates so far isoforms which have differing C-termini (Nabeshima & examined, with the exception ofDrosophila, show a single Nabeshima, 1984). alkali-type myosin light chain which is more closely Considering the range ofmuscle types analysed in these related in size to the vertebrate MLC3F and smooth different invertebrates, from the fast-contracting insect muscle/non-muscle isoforms than to the other vertebrate flight muscles and abdominal flexor muscle in the crayfish MLC1-like isoforms (see Fig. 1). to the slow contracting molluscan muscles and the undulating contraction of the Nematode body wall, it is Invertebrate isoforms. One ofthe most primitive muscle perhaps surprising not to find a greater variety in myosin so far examined in detail is that from the light chain patterns observed. The principal pattern of Nematode Ascaris lumbricoides (Ko et al., 1979) which myosin light chains seen in invertebrates is like that of contains two myosin light chains of Mr 16000 and 18000 vertebrate smooth muscle or non-muscle myosins where (Nakamura et al., 1975), the larger of which can be a single fast migrating alkali light chain is seen. In liberated with DTNB and corresponds to the MLC2 or addition to this similarity in electrophoretic pattern, it has regulatory light chain. The second light chain shows an been noted that these isoforms do not carry tri- electrophoretic mobility comparable with that of the methylalanine. The isoforms MLC1 F, MLCIv and vertebrate MLC3F and of smooth muscle/non-muscle MLC1A from all vertebrate species analysed carry this isoforms. Myosins from molluscs (scallop and squid) and unusual amino acid as the N-terminal residue. This crustacea (crayfish and lobster) show the same pattern of modification is not present on vertebrate MLC3F or the fast migrating alkali light chain (Kendrick-Jones et al., smooth muscle light chain, nor is it found on the 1976; Ko et al., 1979). In insects the situation is similar: invertebrate myosin alkali light chain isoforms of scallop, the water bug Lethocerus codofanus has two light chains lobster, squid and clam (Henry et al., 1985). This ofMr 17 000 and 30000 (MLC2 type), and the dung beetle similarity compares with that seen between invertebrate Heliocopris japetus has two of Mr 15000 and 27000 muscle actin and vertebrate non-muscle type actin (MLC2 type) (Bullard et al., 1973). Drosophila appears (Vandekerckhove & Weber, 1984) although in the case of more complex, with different isoforms occuring in the actin the smooth muscle form is encoded by a different tubular and fibrillar muscle types (Takano-Ohmura et al., genefrom that found in non-musclecells (Vandekerckhove 1 983b). Three light chain components are present in these & Weber, 1978, 1979). The data on the myosin alkali light muscles, and although it is at present unclear which of chains also suggest that the ancestral light chain gene was these corresponds to the DNTB regulatory light chain more similar to the present day non-muscle gene, this might suggest a pattern similar to that seen in encoding a protein of size similar to that of the vertebrate skeletal muscle. A cDNA and the correspond- non-muscle/smooth muscle and MLC3F isoforms rather ing gene encoding an alkali myosin light chain of than that of MLC1F, MLCIv or MLC1A (see Fig. 5). Drosophila have recently been cloned (Falkenthal et al., 1984), from which the complete sequence of the protein Vertebrate isoforms. Various species of fish have been has been determined. This isoform, which corresponds to examined with respect to myosin light chain content the fast-migrating major isoform present in adult (Focant et al., 1976; Watabe et al., 1983a,b, 1984; Ochiai Vol. 231 258 P. J. R. Barton and M. E. Buckingham et al., 1984; Rowlerson et al., 1985) and have been shown to establish the myosin light chain content of lower to have the same two patterns as seen in fast and slow vertebrates, in view of the fact that the first muscle-type skeletal muscle in mammals and birds with MLC1 F, actin is detected, for example, in the lamprey (Vande- MLC2F and MLC3F in white muscle, and MLCIs and kerckhove & Weber, 1984) and generation of the skeletal MLC2s in red muscle. Furthermore, in mackerel it has muscle MLC1F/MLC3F gene probably occurred at the been shown that the cardiac myosin contains the same time of vertebrate evolution. It is not clear how the light chain pattern as the red (slow) skeletal muscle ofthis complex MLC1F/MLC3F gene structure arose from a fish (Dinh et al., 1985) which is the same as the situation simple ancestral gene encoding an MLC3F-like isoform. in birds and mammals. In the frog, skeletal muscle myosin The arrangement of the 5' exons and the use of two contains the standard MLC1F, MLC2F, MLC3F pattern promoter sequences to generate the MLC1F and MLC3F (Focant & Huriaux, 1980). The pattern of light chains mRNAs make it difficult to envisage a single rearrange- present in the lower vertebrates, or the lower (non- ment/duplication event. The similarity in the exons 3 and vertebrate) Chordates, is not at present known and the 4 (see Figs. 2 and 5) suggests that these may have arisen precise order of events leading to the generation of the by limited duplication of this region, as originally vertebrate myosin alkali light chain genes is therefore not suggested from the protein sequence (Frank & Weeds, certain. However, considering that the additional 1974). Creation of the slow skeletal/cardiac type gene isoforms found in the vertebrate skeletal and cardiac probably arose by duplication of the entire muscle are more closely related to MLCIF than to MLCIF/MLC3F gene with subsequent loss ofthe second MLC3F in terms of size and the presence of trimethyl- (MLC3F) promoter, since the extended MLC1 F-like alanine, it seems probable that generation of the N-terminal sequence is present in MLC1v/MLCls. MLC1F/MLC3F gene structure preceeded the series of In higher vertebrates there are fundamental differences duplication and dispersion events that gave rise to the in the pattern of expression of the myosin alkali light genes encoding MLC1v (MLCls) and MLC1A chain genes during development (see section on develop- (MLClemb) (see Fig. 5). It would be ofparticular interest ment), and in birds and amphibia (frog) there is no equivalent of the mammalian cardiac atrial MLC1A (MLClemb) isoform (Dalla Libera et al., 1979; Grandier- Vazeille et al., 1983), suggesting that this isoform probably arose after the divergence of mammals and birds. Analysis of the mouse MLCIA/MLC1 emb mRNA MC-- -gen--o- and gene show that this isoform is very closely related to MLC1F, also suggesting that it may have arisen by a MLClF/MLC3F gene recent duplication event. Cross-hybridization using the MLC1F/MLC3F gene sequence is strongest with the MLC1A/MLClemb gene and sequence homology has MLCA (MLClemb) gene been detected in the 3' non-coding regions of these mRNAs (Robert et al., 1982), and regions for which the sequence of the MLClA/MLClemb gene have been completed suggest that this isoform is less diverged from M LC1 V (M LC1 S) gene MLC1F than is MLCIv (P. J. R. Barton & M. E. Buckingham, unpublished work). An embryonic myo- sin alkali light chain isoform has been described in developing chick smooth muscle (Katoh & Kubo, 1978; Takano-Ohmuro et al., 1983a) which is also expressed in cardiac and skeletal muscle during development (Takano- Ohmuro et al., 1985). This isoform is not expressed in Addition of MLC1 F-like sequence (NH2) adult chicken atria, which contain the same cardiac & mini-exon duplication isoform as chicken ventricular muscle (Dalla Libera et al., 1979) and the relationship between this isoform and mammalian MLClemb is not clear at present. The wider question of the evolutionary relationships Smooth/non- within the C super-family, to which the alkali muscle gene myosin light chains belong, has been examined at the protein level (see Barker et al., 1978). Structural information on other genes from this super-family is becoming available and should allow comparison at the nucleic acid level. For example, the structure and sequence of the genes encoding a rat MLC2 isoform Ancestral gene (Nudel et al., 1984) and chicken (Simmen et (MLC3F-like) al., 1985) show remarkably similar features to the MLC1F/MLC3F gene. Both MLC2 and calmodulin Fig. 5. Proposed evolution of the MLCl gene family genes show the separation of the ATG (methionine) The structure of the ancestral gene is proposed from the translational initiation codon from the rest of the coding present day invertebrate (Drosophila) gene. Closed boxes sequence by an intron sequence. In the case of indicate exon sequences and hatched boxes non-coding calmodulin, the first coding exon, after that with the sequences. Differential splicing pathways are indicated by ATG, is separated from the following exons by a large lines joining exon sequences. intron, and encodes only the first ten amino-acid residues 1985 The myosin alkali light chain proteins and their genes 259 of this protein. This arrangement is very similar to that factors which interact with them, implicated in their of the MLC3F exons (see Fig. 3) where the first exon expression. contains the 5' non-coding sequence and the ATG codon, Comparison of transcriptional signals for these genes and where the second exon encodes the first eight with those for other contractile proteins expressed in the amino-acid residues. These observations support the idea same muscle fibre approaches the fundamental question that the ancestral myosin alkali light chain gene had an of how a set of genes is activated in a given phenotype; arrangement of exons similar to those encoding MLC3F. studies on the organization of muscle genes having already ruled out simple 'operon-type' models where co-expressed genes are linked (see Robert et al., 1985). Discussion and perspectives The question of the functional requirement for different The contribution of research based on recombinant isoforms can also be approached by gene manipulation. DNA technology to our understanding of the myosin Here, too, the actins provide an example. Introduction of alkali light chain multigene family, for the moment, a cardiac actin gene into a non-muscle cell results in the mainly concerns the description of what isoforms are incorporation of cardiac actin into the cytoskeleton where, when. Analysis of the corresponding mRNAs and (Gunning et al., 1984). Especially now that it may be genes has, for example, clarified the situation for possible to neutralize the contribution oftranscripts from MLClemb/MLClA and MLCIv/MLCls in the mouse. the endogenous gene (Izant & Weintraub, 1984), re- In the near future DNA sequencing of these and other introduction of different myosin alkali light chain genes myosin light chain genes should provide information on into muscle cells in culture should permit examination of the protein structure, which in the case of isoforms such the effect of a foreign light chain protein on a muscle as MLClemb/MLCIA is completely lacking at present. sarcomere. Functional studies 'in vivo' can be extended As discussed in this review, another area in which our by the use of modified gene sequences. Ideally, knowledge is deficient is that. of myosin gene expression introduction of genetically engineered myosin alkali light in non-muscle and smooth muscle tissues; a recent report chain genes into the embryo, rather than into cultured of the isolation of non-muscle/smooth muscle myosin myotubes, would allow the role of the isoform to be alkali light chain coding sequences (Nabeshima & examined during development, and in adult tissues under Nabeshima, 1984) indicates that these isoforms should different physiological conditions. In invertebrates such soon be better defined. Research on the MLCIv/MLCIs as the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, where myosin gene sequence may also clarify the relationship between heavy chain mutants have been isolated (e.g. Moerman MLCIs and MLCIs,, which is at present unclear. et al., 1982), or in Drosophila, where some flight mutants The use of antibodies, where these are available, has map to the same locus as the myosin heavy chain gene provided many of the answers to questions about the (Bernstein et al., 1983), complementation type analyses, distribution of myosin alkali light chain isoforms in at least for this contractile protein, should be feasible. In individual fibres in adult and developing muscles. highervertebrates where heritable mutations incontractile Hybridization in situ on tissue sections with nucleic acid protein getes have not yet been identified, interpretation probes is a complementary approach (e.g. Levine et al., of the effects of a foreign isoform, supposing that the 1983) which can now be applied to these questions for the exogenous gene is expressed correctly in the tissues myosin alkali light chains and for other muscle proteins concerned, is likely to be difficult against a background for which cloned gene and mRNA probes are available. of the native proteins. A longer term objective in the In general there is more sequence divergence at the development of gene transfer technology is to modify the nucleic acid than at the protein level because of the endogenous gene in vivo by recombination with exogenous degeneracy of the genetic code, and the coding sequences DNA sequences. ofthe myosin alkali light chain isoforms, for example, are easily distinguished under relatively non-stringent hybrid- This work was supported by grants to M.E.B. from the ization conditions. In addition to the availability and French Ministry of Research and Technology, the Centre specificity of the nucleic acid probes, this technique offers National de la Recherche Scientifique, the Institut National de the advantage that mRNA acid molecules in vivo can la Sante et de la Recherche Medical and the Muscular readily be made accessible to hybridization, and are Dystrophy Association (MDA) of America. P.J.R.B. is the probably less subject to the effects ofsteric hindrance than recipient of an EMBO fellowship. The authors are grateful to antibodies directed against compact acto-myosin Benoit Robert for valuable discussion. S.C. B. provided structures. comment. The characterization of the gene encoding the two fast myosin alkali light chains MLCIF/MLC3F points the References way to future studies on the regulation ofgene expression Bagshaw, C. R. (1982) Outline Studies in Biochemistry: Muscle in this multigene family. The experimental possibilities Contraction, Chapman and Hall, London offered by gene transfer technology, where individual Bandman, E. (1984) Muscle Nerve 7, 312-326 genes or parts of genes can be re-introduced into cells, or Barker, W. C., Ketchman, L. K. & Dayhoff, M. 0. (1978) in indeed into embryos, have just begun to be explored for Atlas ofProtein Structure (Dayhoff, M. O., ed.), pp. 273-283, the contractile proteins. Transcripts from a skeletal National Biomedical Research Foundation, Washington DC muscle actin gene re-introduced into the rat muscle cell Barton, P. J. R., Robert, B., Fiszman, M. Y., Leader, D. P. & line, L6, accumulate as the cells differentiate into muscle Buckingham, M. E. (1985a) J. Muscle Res. Cell Motil. 6, in the press fibres, suggesting that the DNA sequences necessary for Barton, P. J. R., Cohen, A., Robert, B., Fiszman, M. Y., biological regulation of this gene are present in its Bonhomme, F., Guenet, J. L., Leader, D. P. & Buckingham, immediate 5' flanking sequences (Melloul et al., 1984). It M. E. (1985b) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 8578-8584 should be possible, for the myosin alkali light chain genes, Bautch, V. L., Storti, R. V., Mischke, D. & Pardue, M. L. to identify the DNA sequences, and the transcriptional (1982) J. Mol. Biol. 162, 231-250 Vol. 231 260 P. J. R. Barton and M. E. Buckingham

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