. - of the -. Washington Annual Corafkrence

of the

.. .- Metlbdist Episcopal and ..

. .. Methodist Church -1 : .1 EIGHTIETH ANNUAL SESSION


-. 1. Ileld at

.* Lynchburg, Va.- ..


Bishop Alexander Preston Shaw, President

. E. Adolf Haynes, Secretary ,-. I_, The Official-Journal by Aiithority- of the Secretarial Stag ?



PROGRAM FOR YEAR 1943 - 1944

1. Ten per cent increase in membership and twenty pit-cent increase in church attei dance. 2. Complete organization of our churches according to the Discipline.

0 5. The cultivation of harmony and good fellowship in all our churches. I. Leadership Training Conferences on warp district and in every conference.

3. An Intensive campaign to pay off or\to teditce indebted- ness of every church and charge at the most convenient- time during the year. >. 6. 100 per cent efficiency ill Benevolences and Ministerial support. 7. Renovating and beautifying church and parsonage prop- erty. 8. Special emphasis upon stewardship, evangelism and church loyalty. 9. Special emphasis upon Church Schood and Youth 'Fel- lowship Services. It i 0. Making every Service of Worship helpful and inspiring to all worshippers. ~. ^. - . .



, 1 hereby certify that the follo\ving is true copy of the Official Journal of the Washington Annual Conference of the 'Methodist Churcli and was duly adopted as such.



0- 0-

1:oll ant1 Recortl...... 5 Supply l%jtors...... -10 . I-ay llelcgates., ...... ~.'...... -12 Officers of the I,ocaI Church: ...... 16- \j[i(iows* Directory : ...... 32 -I- . Clfficers of the Conference...... JJ Conference Comiiiittees...... m7- Appointtnents...... ;...... 3') l-)isciplinary, Qtiestiolis...... -I<. journal' of ProccctIiiigs...... 47 ( 'crtilicntc i),i ( !nliii:itioii, ...... hO Reports': District Siil'criiitcii(1~iIts...... 61 , -. C.*(il1iel-cncc 12111~s.d 0l-d~...... i6 . I.. I:i ii;i ncial 1: vpor t s ...... SCt Koard of Co11ieretlcc Claiiiimts...... ST . Roartl of lI(ltication...... ':I IJaylllnll's i\ssi~ci;ttioii...... Of) . conference IAay 1,cadcr...... IO? M issioiiary Secretary...... 12esolutions ...... IO5 Roll of Honored Dead...... I i10 ' Deceased Ministers' Wives...... i1~.1 Conference Sessions...... i IS - C'onfcfence Cou!-sc of Study...... I21 District and District Superintetldents...... [_32 Organization and Classes...... 123 General Conrcrence Delegates. . L; ...... I29 ItecorcI of Service.. . :...... is1 .... . -. 111 RIemoriaiii...... r47 ..I.

(';cneral Statistics...... 1#9 , :, ERRATA

Omissions 011 I'ag:c /=-l

011 Page 113-Place of death:" Noah C. 13:iriics, Tei-s:-ll.S., District Sitperinleiidciit; E., 1Glder; It., *Retired; D., Deacoii; Sy., Super- intiiiery ; P., Probatioii. , -.

. I1 I1 ....







.... Moore, IC. A...... 1- IC 119371 61...... I,aytonhv'illc, ?,Coore, hvis A. 11. . .I E 119101331...... Prince Frederick, .\lot?, Irviii A...... I E 11933"l 71...... : R. F. I).. Fiillntoii, llyers, Yred 11...... I E 119211201...... Ckoaiie, ltyers, I'errg G. ....I E I19211211. .Ii!N I,iberi.,v St., lfarrisonlnirg, Nelson, C!lltirles C. ..I E 11913]301...... Box 25, Cliase, Xorris, John C. ... .I R ll8981301...... All Siliilt5 St., Frederirk. Parker, Ililton A. .. .I E (19231201... ,123 7111 St., l':irkersburg, \I7. i'errp, -Nntliciniel P. . i E jig4oi 41...... R. P. D. ~i~versprings. XI. Peters, John H...... I E 119121311.. .332 Foiirt!i St., S. E., U7as11., D.C. . x I 10

Accepted Supply Pastors il~~Accepted Sup~dyPiistor litis the f011o\viiig status - l’ars. 2!G, 29i : (a) J$et\veen Sessions of the r\nnu;d Co~~ference,n District SII~~F iiitenclent n~~yemploy, but only until the ]lest Session of the All~~uitl C‘onference, as a Supp1.p Pastor, a Local 1’re:~oher\1410 is not listed :IS nil Accepted Supply Pastor. (b) TllC ;1cccptance of il 1,ocal l’reacl1er ilS iL Supply Pastor does nut giwxntec Iiiiii an :~ppointnient. (c) An Accepted Supply Pastor iwy be relieved of his Uhargc at :iny tinie during tlie Conferet~ce Year by ii niajority vote of the District Superintendents. 1 ((1) He shall ivttelld the Sessioiis of the Annunl Conferoucc if it) charge of a Piistoral Appointment and shall have the privilege of speak. jig on any question, but without vote. . -(e) Continii~uicein tlie Supply Pastorate sliall be equivrLlent 60 re. IICIWI of his liceiise to preiicli. , (f) \\‘hen he fails to rcceive an appoint~nenthis status beconled in 1111 icgilds that of il I,ocal l’reacher ~vitlioiit pastoral appointment. (6) -4cceptetl Supply Piistors shall be required to take the Confer- ence Course of sttidy, year by year, until tlie cour.je is couq)letetl and sliall attend the Scliool of Ill.inisloria1 Training wliere such schools are provided. Ynilurc to olisrrve this require~nentdisqidifies such. SupplieR for employ~iient IJ~ti Oistrict Sn~~erintendent. 1. (haftoil .\ildeusoii ...... Roiite 2, Box 8, Annapolis, Nd. 2. J. ~nker ...... Kilniarnock, Va “ 4. r). Ho~ncr Bullett ...... 31 8 Return Street, Aliquippa, Pa 4. Jhriel l3ullelt ...... 318 Return Street, Aliquippa, Pa 5. Gustine 13ennett ...... 1107 Argyle Ave., Raltimore. IId. 6 ”Clifton Coatcs ...... R. F. D. Leesbnrg, Va 7. Benjamin Collins ...... Xdgewater, Rfd. 8. -X, T. Collins ...... Edgewater, Md. 9. 12rnest .J. Crnig ...... 4800 made St., N. E., IVkshington. I). l’. 10. Della D:ivis ...... Pittsburgh, Pa. 11. George E. Davis ...... Route 0 Box 508, Brooklyn, Md. 12. Hezelrinh Dorsey ...... Arlington, Va 13. Liither IC. Dorsey ...... 20 Artizan St., Williamsport, Md. 14. John W. Essex ...... Charleston, W. Va 15. *D, I. Fowler ...... 1121 Rfc Donongh St., Baltimore, &fa. 16. W. T. Gmhnm ...... Union, W. Va. 17. E. .J. Gwen ...... 1828 Corcornn St., N. W., Wash., D. C, 1 S, E:ngene Goodninn ...... 2547 Ellin Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. In. Harrj’ Hall ...... Covington, Va. 20. G. W. Rapes ...... R. P. D. 2, Toshes, Va. 23. Willi;iin Herbert 22. ‘l’heodore tacks son ...... 1618 W. Mulberry St., Baltimore, Md, 23. Otis L. &isper ...... R. F. D., Alexandria, Va. 24. Baron E. .Joliiisoii ...... 820 \‘Parren St., Annapolis; Md. . 25. James E. tJohnson ...... 1501 Madison St., Raltimore, Md. 26. Williani I. .Johnson ...... 1811 RfcCulloh St.; Baltimore, Md, 2 7. 3 IcRin lq: .Jord:in ?S Joseph Im ...... Cockepvillg Md. 29. Josepli E. Jxc! ...... 1228 Half Street, S. E., Washington, D. 0. 30. *Tliomas B Leo ...... 1808 N. Mount St. Baltimore, Wd. 31. WiiKani Lee ...... Cockeysville, Md. 32. Henry Lewis ...... 3801 Dennjson Place, N, W., Wash., D. 0. 33. *l?ranli Lindsay ...... Warm Springs, W,- Va. 11

34. * J. I>. Liiidsiiy ...... I024 Miidisoii Ave., Baltimore, Aid. 35, Janics 3hyfield ...... Bfadisoii Are., Ralto., Md, ;IG. Clevcl;ititL 1LcCl;iiii ...... 1121 Argyle --\\.e.. Caltiiiiore. Md. 37, S. li. 3rlirrxy ....: ...... Falls Cliurch, Va. :jS. (2. L. Nelwii ...... Ne\\, Bkrkct, Xd. :3!). ;T. \47. L'cirlier ...... 110s Leatlenliall St., Baltimore, hrd. -40. '1'. 1-1, l~ced ...... 1830 Kiglitli St., N. \\r., Wasliiilgtoii, 1). C. . 41. R. S. Salisbury ...... Pisliersville, Va. -12. I'sidi Scott ...... 13% 1'eiiiisyIriiiii:i ..\re., Balto.,. Nd. 4:j. l~l(irciic*eSitiiiiis ...... 1210 C St.? S. IC., W:isliiiigtoii, n. C. 44. \\7. E. Stotic ...... Roiiiiiey, IT.-Ira.

45. Alplioiiso~)\. 'l'lioiii~~soii..... 312 K. :\rliiigtoii Aw., 13altiiiiore, Mcl. I i 40. I\'. C. 'l'oiigiic ...... lOel Rarlciii ;\\.e., Daltiiiiore,,.3rdd. 47. "8. 3r. \\'iisliiiigto!i ...... 9213 €l;iiiiburg St., Riiltiiiiore, Aid. ,IS. II elvi ii \\'a SI) i iigtoi I ...... Picdiiioiit, \\7.--,lTa 4!). 'lf~j\~~(lWiilliiC.(! ...... -Rojrie, Md. 50. Artliiir \Vliitc ...... 1005 Eye St., Spirro\vs Point, lid. 51. J. IF. Wliite ...... 523 TCp St., Spiirroqs Point, lld. 52. I~CII~~~IIII~IIF. L-loll ...... 4(i Cal\,crt St., Aiiiiapolis, Nd,

N.I3.-'l'liosc iiiiii ked \I itli iiii iistcrisk liiiw ciMier coiiipleted or hare I)CCU cscuscti f~oI~liilC collrcrellcacl ~'~~llr~~of stll(iy. f


CHARC:ItS 1i)jj IWS IXW i!i4o IWH 1942 194.7 b : First Pear ...... 46 -I4 4i GS 5G 65 35 -.. SCCOlld YeiIr ...... 3; 45 31 25 33 3 a 51 Third Yeiir ...... 0 0 0 24 17 19 '27 Bolirtli PW ...... Io Ill 22 21 14 8 15 Fifth Ywr ...... 10 10 I2 s 11 10 7 Sixth Pc;ii* ...... 7 10 11 0 a 5 5 Sei-etitli Yciir ..... 0 0 0 s 4 1 '3 15iglitli Pc;I~...... -C 1 , 6 (i 0 0 Niiitli Uciir ...... :: 2 , 1 1 4 0 '*_ 'l'elltll Yeilr ...... 3 2 I 4 1 1 1 .l?lc\,elltll YctiI' ...... 0 2 2 s 4 1 5, 'rl\veirtit ~~~~r ...... 2 n ".1 e 2 1 Tliirteeiitli year ...... * I 1 0'0 1 1 3 Fourteelltll Pczir ..... 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 :..' Fifteenth Year ...... 0 0 0 0 1 0 n. Sixteeiitli Pear ...... 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 Seveiiteiilli I'cnr ...... 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 ~*gIltCClltllPeilr ..... 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 hlllet.celltll Prar ...... 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 'L'iwntietli Petir ...... 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Y-\\~cllty-firsLPeilr . , . . , ci 0 0 0 0 1 0 Twenty-secoiid Yeur . :. 0 '0 0 0 0 0 1

.,. .. . _i, Yh',.' Lay. Delegates to Annual Conference

...... Dnvis, Ceorga, Mrs. ...nrool

McLropolitnn ....Upont J, C...... %It. Winnns, bEd. TTngerstown .....Fields, Dolly G...... Hagerstom, Md. 14, c”lv’y, M&lb’oPord, Mary ...... I617 C St., S. E., ITa~li.,D. C. ’. T.eeslnirg ...... Pox, T\rrs: Earlene ...... ‘ I\sbliry, AnnnpO- .. lis, Bld...... BIetcher, m7illian1 l3, .. .L’nrole, btd. . Ipnils Clinrch ....~EV~I~S, Estelln J. ....,303 Sclirevc Fnlls, Clniksbiirg C~imiberlnnd ..... Gnles, Florence ...... Srt. . Wnsliington. .Games. Thelmn ...... Brciwnsl)urg ...... (:ilmorc, lJ7illian1 .....13ro\vnsbiirg, Va. ‘I’n\yiiiicck ...... Cilenn, tElizeabetli ....Severnn Park, bld. \\Tondville ...... Glnscoe, Katie, Mix .. .Urnndgivine, &Id. Prostb11rg ...... Cnrdnn, Ida B...... 252 Centre St., Prostburg P:nimcsi~illc ...... Grahnin, TAeniiiel ...... hrt. T-Topc ...... C:rny, Everett ...... \17nrren ...... Green, .Annie I,[,...... 3202 Webster St., Pittsburgh E. Rofflnnn St. ..Hallj Elizabeth ...... 1331 E. Biddle St., Baltimore . T’ndcn City .....Barding, Penrl, 3h.s. ..

I3rnokville .....~ ...TTnrridng, Littleton ....\Voodbine, &Id. Cyiiclibiirg , , , , ., ,lfTiirper, J. Rr. , , , . ., . . 1108 Eiglitli St., IAyncllbug ChiirclivilIe .....kTnrris, Hnnnnli ...... Re1 Air, Aid., R. E’. D. No. 1 Siilniia Rlcinorinl, .I-Tawkins, Minnie ...... 344 Brynnt St., N. W., D. C. I’nricer~vilIe .... .Hill, Ethel, Mrs...... l’nrkeraville, W. Vn. Rocl;ville ...... FTi11, Mabel, Mrs...... l?ockville, Md. \J7. Santon ...... Hill, R, B...... \17lieeling, W. Va. .Hqrling, Lenora, Mrs., ,Wlieeling, W. Vn. St. Tnigoes ....:Hollgni, Ada, Mrs...... St. hiigoes, &Id. .Tones ivreiiiorial .Holt, Mnllory, Mrs. ...4404 Sherift’ Rcl., N. E., D. C. Nt. xioil ...... I’lolt, Mary, Mrs...... Lothinn, AI(\. New Winilsoi ...lToivard, Minnie ...... ,Union Bridge, M(1. Hluntingtown ....Buggerly, .Jessie, Miss. . ,- Palls, Ped. nil1 ..I-lolland, Cora ...... Streets, Md. a- Art. Zion ...... Jackson, Albert ...... 2711 P St, N. W., D. C. Poolesville ...... Jackson, Herman ...... Poolesville, Md. . -4sbiiry, Wash. ..,Tackson, Henrietta ... ,227 R St., N. W., D. C. Sharp St. . , ., , , . ,Tnckson, Lillian . , , , . .Druid Hill Ave. Crlenlnrrnie ...... Jolinson, Clinrles ...... Severn, Md. Ames- ...... ,.Tnlinson, Henry ...... :2031 Pennn. Ave., Bnltimore Hiintington .....Jones, Edna ...... Huntington, Md. d NotiingIitmi ....:.Tohiison, Owens ...... Hrandywine, Md. Woodstock ...... !Jefferson, Mabel B. .... Nngotliy ...... Kess, Theo. W...... Brooklyn, Md. . Poiilonkey ...... Key, John W...... Poinonkey, Md. 1 Bnrole ...... Larkins, Caroline ...... Parole, Md. Grafton ...... T,ewis, Bertha, Mrs. ...Griifton, W. Va, Canqihor Mein. . .Mannus, Elender ...... - ‘Lexington ...... Massy, Angeline ...... 11S Diividson St. Emory Grove . , , Jliles, Ester . . , . , . ., . ,Gaithersburg, Ma. a1ontgomery ,McClein, Geneva ...... -~, 14 \\'ASJI rxrqm C'o~nm~~as (SOth Session

, 1

Woodstocl; .....3\2cFcc, Elsie ...... \3Toodstoclr, TTa. \Vcstniinistcr . Morrison, Grace, Mrs, . .PS Union St., \Vestininistcr Sinipson .....Xiison, Hattie ...... lhrrisonburg , . . Xewnnn, George, Rev., .I-Tarrisonbnrg, TTir. Wayneshoro .. Nickcns, Coldie, Mrs. .. . Eastport ...... T~ittle, Luvenia ...... Port, Mil. &\v Xarket ...Orani, Adelaide ...... Ne\v Marl&, Md. !Ilereford ...... Lee, \Villiains ...... I-lereEoril, McI. St. llathems ...Joncs, Blanche ...... ,424 E. L3rd St., J~iilti~~~orc,lid. Jolin ,fte\vnrt . Piirlter, Essie, it1rl.s. ...,1285 Irving St.. N. \IT.*\\rtid~,, I) C, nllicot City ....Vnterson, >fatt,ie, Nrs.. . Cliarle~St., U'nir, L';rrl;, hCd. . Uliion ...... Peck, Prank ...... ,Union, W. Va. \\'oodlncvn ...... Proctor, Snnclys ...... \i'oodlan~ii, TTa. . I,:Iytol1sville .....Posey, i\f':wy, MIX. ....Gaitl~evslnirg, Xtl. Scotln~ld ...... Parker, Edna ...... Scotland Aliq.-Benv. Palls. .Xnrrctt, Mowi ...... Bran(lg\vine .....Pinlmey, Daisy, Ah. . .I.:ibson, Brimdywine Ridgely-Bnntv'l IC Queen, Tsnnr: ...... lA:mcIover, Md. \Vnpnesboro .. .Reiivcs, Ewr, Errs. .. .:On Port licpnblic 8tr:isl)urg ...... Roliinson, IInrncst .....Fort Roytl, Ira. Centential ...... Eoss, Carrie ...... 1 GOG 3l:idisoii An. Biiltiniore \7cron:i, Pa. ... .Ross, Iillian ...... Pt. P~C~IH~II~....Sii\\~cr, 1~11elli1...... Charleston, \V.Vn.Xcliarl)oar, Annie, hlrs. 624 North St., C11;1rIcslo11,117.. Vn. Snndyspring .... .I'lnonden, Lcnii, Mra. . .Bai~lyspring,Nd. Cntonsville, 3kl.. .Rntitli, Eniily, Afrs, ....Citt~nsville, AM. St, Paul ...... Smith, TAlinn, Mr1.a. .. .161S W. Lnn\dc St.. B:~Iliniore Colesville ...... Sini~li, A. T., NIY...... C'olcsville, Md. Saleni ...... Steiff, Mattie ...... SiiIeni, Va., J3os 336 \\~:ishington .... .Strotlier, Nary ...... il Erie St., \V:tsh'kiti, Pit. Ir'rcderick ...... Strowden, Thoinns J. . .Frederick, Md. Sliiirpsburg .....Sinnner, Annie E...... \\;illiamsport, &Id. C:I nip~ior ...... 'riti I Cy, ms...... Oxen Hill ...... Tanner, Rudolpli .....342 34 Strect Linden ...... 'l'l~oi~nton, Helen ...... lSl2 T'er~iuii SL., EL\\;., \,\~:Is~I.,J1.C. Wllatcont ...... 'rongue, William .....I021 Barlem Ave., 13:iItiniori~, A,rfl, Noorefield ...... Trass, James ...... Moorefield, \37. Vii. Bclnir ...... 'l'iirnei*, Mamie ...... Beliiir, 3fd.

Sparrows Ponit . .'l'Jionins, Mamie . . , I . , .IO00 1 St., Spiwor~spoint, 31~1. Ritchie ...... Tyler, Fiuutie ...... ,720 li'Jrni't Avc., F:iiriit't I-lgts. Altl. Art. Vernon .....'I'lrurston, Carrie, Mrs.. .. Bt\clicptoW ...\\'ucdcl~, D:iisy E...... Vrcdcrick, IId. Lnurel ...... \Vccnis, ;Tosepli ...... Reistersto\vn ....Wclcl~, &hrray ...... ropp:t, Md. Atliolton ...... \Vilson, Chic ...... 4ltliolton, Md. lVendship .....\\'ills, Major ...... Ipriendship, Mr. Newburg ...... Wells, Moslier ...... Mt. Victorin, Md. Chase ...... Williams, IJydirt ...... Aberden, Md. ...Willinnts, Mary ...... ,Aberdeen, ATd. 1043) 15

Riclini’d, Leigh St.Winston, Bismark . :. . . Earpers Ferry . .Willinnis, Smdi ...... ll~~lncw, Mil. .McReesport, Pa.. .,Session, Tligiiiwi ...... MclCecsport, 1%. Seebert ...... \Yasliington, G. S...... Jolinstown, Pa. . . Yates, Mildred, Miss- . .

.. ..:.. . 1 I . -I WASHIWITONCONFERENCE (80th Se‘ssion 1G :I i

A~OlZYll NA T,!t”lillOIZB D IflXII‘RTC7‘ Presirleriis of l170wm Societies Clir.isliai, Swcice mid Addresses Oreliard Rt...... Bessie Pliillips ...2100 hrndison Ave., Rnlto., 1\~Icl. . Art,. Zion ...... llrs. Francis Prillcrman 1025 W. Znnvalc St., hlto., 3rd. hretropolitxn .....jvfrs. T,illinn S. Tingle. .I711 SVest\vood Avc., Balto., Md, \VIia@oat ...... Mrs. Mary Hnwkins .. .!I12 N. Gilmor St., Balto., Mcl. Frederick ...... Ah. Mary Wilson .....22% Cniirt St., ,li’ixxlcrick, hid. Enst I-loffmnn .. .bliss 1Clizabct.h IIall .. .I321 1C. Bitldlc St., Balto., RId. -~\ine~,Raltiinore. .Mrs. Mnggic Willinnis. .GI 6 Baker St., 13nIt0., RIcl. Sliarp St...... &ITS.R. J. llonglnes .. .&0231)ivision St., Bal to., hId. Westminster ..: Xrs. Rosa Brown .....Wcstniinster, AM. Lihe~-tyto~vn..... Ifis. Mwy Key ...... \\~~ilkersville, Md. Nrs. Wrginin Vt~lcntinc.Unionl)ridge, Ald., R.F.D. 2 Martha Dnvis ...... l~il~erlylo~vn, hld. Willininsport . , . ,Mr.s i\iinie Suinniers . .SIi:~.psbbm~g,Ald. Reistertown .... .Ah. Nellie Lkick .....llcisterlown, 3111. Piney Grove, Md. Nina ‘~‘~I~III~ISOII...... Piney Grove, Md. New brarkct ....Snrali Leo ...... Ncw krarket, Md. Ah. Nellie Disney , , .Ne\\. Lontlo~~,AM. New Winclsoi .. .Arm. Tqdin I”nters011 .. .New \Yindsor, lfd. Mrs. Alnrtlin ‘rl~on~psonNow Windsor, Md. Art. \Vinans .....Mrs. Ida Tlioin!,son ...2512 lrnron Ft.. Balto., Ald. T~tlierville ...... &Irs. Lelia Cooper .... .Brustcr l’ro.jeets, Nalto., Mcl. Nrs. Grace Olivcr .....T~utlicrville, Nl. Nt. Vi’asliington. .Mrs. Ruth Gainc~.... .Iiclly Aye., &It. \\7nsliington, Nd. Sykesville ...... Nrs. lfinnie Sinitli .....Sylmsvillc, lhl. Ah. Annie Grooms ....S~.lie~~ille, &Id. Harrisburg ....: . Mrs. Louise Wilkersoii . .I 305 Ciirrciit 61 .. Il’i1rrisImrg, Pa. iTereford ...... blrs. l3lienbct.h Diggs ..Corkcysvi I1c, Md. Mrs. Sadie ‘I’IIOIWIS.. .iVoiiIitoi~, Md. .14 AId. Hager~to~vn.... ,Mrs. Daisy Nialtcns .. Uclliel St., Hngerstown, ~ Pallston-Fed. Hill Mrs. Cleola Rice ...... Rocks, Bkl. Xrs. Mamie I-Iensoii ....Joppe, Mcl. Nrs. Berdie Jolinson . .li’allston, ACd, Rnirviem ...... Mrs. Georgia Yno\vdcn. .Woodvillc, Md. Bh.. Alverta Costley ...Renryton, Md. Cliurchville ...... h,[rs. ~n1111a J. Pnrrott.. Belair, AM., R.F.D. Miss Cnrnes ...... Belair, Md,, R.F‘,D. Mrs. Carrie Guinn ....Belair, Md., R.F.D. %s. &lnn Dauglierty . .Bclnir, Md., It.F,D. Chase ...... N~s. Blanche Deniby .. .n’Ingiiolia, Md. Mrs. Ella Matthews ... .Chase, Md. as. It. L.. Guinn ... ..Fullerton, Md. 1943) of the^ METI~ODIST C~CH, 17

Centerville ...... IIrs. Frances Sprigs ..'Ijninsvillc, 31d. Mrs. Ora Tlioinpson ...I,i;iiiisville, >Id. Ifrs. Rachel Proctor .. .Ij:inisville. hld. MY$. Mary Wceden ... .Tjiiitts\4llC, hfd. Et. Matthews . . , .R,lj.s. ,Joscphitie Jolinso11.440 E. Z3rd St,., Gnlto., 3rd. Aberdeen ...... Rfrs. Snsie 15. Kel I ...Alicrdcu~t, Mrl. 13ucliystown .....Rhs. Ruth Herd ...... J3iiclqslowii, AM. BI~~.mCll wcc[iclt ...~m~~~io\~~t, firti., R.F.D. Ah. Soplii;L Jiiclisoii .. .13iicl~gsLo\rit,Md., R.F.D. Belair ...... Ni:s. 15. \Yliitlingtoii .. .Bcl;iir, AId.

Orchnrct St. ....,Arthur Briscoo ...... :.e330 IvTcCulloli St., Bnlto., >Id. Metropolitnn ...Robert Slinrprrsoit .. .s34 Druid I-Iill live., Bnlto., Bid. . . \Vlintcoat ...... Uciiry Ayers ...... 936 Strickcr St., Bnlto., Md. ,Wt. Zion ...... Clinrl~s Cain ...... (i& Perkins Squ:m, Ralto.; lld. -I~rcdcrick, Md. ..Noriii:in Bell ...... 200 2\11 Saints St., Frctlcrick hines-Balto...... Cliristofcr Sininis .....(il5 R;iker St., 'Ihlto., lid. Rlinrp St...... HcII?-~ Sa~i~soli ...... 12O(i N!:ttiiig St., Balto., 3rd. \Testminster ... .i&. I!hi~iiaCross .....\TTcstiiiinster, >Id. IAertytowvn .....Mrs. Annie Go\\~n.... .\\':~lkcrs~illc, Md. \37illiainsport . . , .Vrs. Amie Siniiiiicr:., .-.Siinrpslnirg, Mtl. Reisterstown ....bL If. WeIcIi ...... Itcistcrstown, Md. New, Market ... .Ah. nuth Jnckvon .. .Now n'larket, Nil. New Windsor ., .Martin Dowery . , . , . , ,New Windsor, Md. Xt. Winans .....~KL Blocker ...... e407 Puget St., Bnlto., Ntl. fAntlierviIIe...... (:corge Dorsey ...... TAuthervillc, &Id. . kit. Wnslii~igton. ..la C. Derick ...... 2017 Kelly St., BIt. \V~LS~.,&m. Sylresville ...... Engene Eollings ...... Cool;sville, iMd. JTarrisbiirg ...... r,illian Fitzgcml(1 .....E10 Cowden St., ILwrisIJwg, Pa. Ifereford ...... Smimel Willinnis ...... Monkton, BTd. -.< Ilaperstown ...... Iinssell Freeman ...... 447 Jonathan St., IIngcrsto\vlt, Md. 1~';illston-Fed. 'Ell Artlinr ;ToIinson ...... Fallston, McI. 1i"rv'm-Gettyb'g.. .Rnyniond flnstly ...... \Vinfield, &Id. Cliurchville ...... George Smdi ...... t\berdccn, 3rd. Chase ...... Rectl Johnson ...... ,Wiillerton, 3rd. Centerville ...... Ah. ILry Weeden ..... [jninsvillc, AM. S1, Matthews ., ..AIcxnndcr Tliwnns . . , .2447 'llrentwootl AYC., Ziilh., 3rd. Al~erdeeii ...... Mrs. Mary A. \Villiiiiiis .Aberdccii, .Mtl. J1. €Ioffman .....Clniid Sli:ifkr ...... ,4150 Roland BVC., Uallo., JId. . Buckystom .Bred Bruce ...... I,iiiickilii, Nil...... _" Belnir ...... &Iru. Ahnio Ttiriier . l3elair, Md. *. ... CI~~I~CILSC/IVOZ iSicpiutendoirta North Ba 1 liniorc Dist 1' ict East Hoffman .. .MiIton VaiigIi ...... N; Eden St., Bnlto., Md. Orcliard St, .... Mrs. Bessie Phillips .. ,2100 Madison Aye., Bnlto., 3ld. , , I. I

IS \\7ASlITNGTOX CONFEREKCE (80t1i Session .t

111. Ziou ...... Robert Sharperson ...834 Druid Hill Ave., Balto., Md. . hrttropolitan ..... C. AI. La\vrence, Md, . .lo33 W. Lanvnle St., .Balto., iMd, Whatcoat ...... Mrs. Carrie ICniglrc . .603 Robert St., Balto., Md. Frcderick, Ud. . .JIJ~IIIFraiicis Davis .. .Jiiiicoln Apts. No. 38 Frederick, Md Anies., Bslto. ... .Alfred Dixon ...... 1117 \Vhitel~diSt., Ralto., Md. Sliarp St...... Howard Wtiters ...... I624 Division St., Bnlto., 3rd. \Vestminster ..... Annie Cliase .....Union -. St., \Yeetininster, &Id. Libertytown .....Charles Brooks ...... I .111ertytown, Ald. \\7illiamspo~... .Gladys Dorsq ...... 20 Artienn St., \T7illianis~io?t,3Id. Iteistertown ....,C!lara Lonise Madilc.~ ..Rcistertown, 31~1. X:w Market ....Atril. Adelaide Own ...New Market, hld. Art. v7inans ....Mrs. Mildred King .. .New Windsor, &Id, XCIVWindsor Ah. Louise Edwards . .2427 IXuron SL., Rnlto., 3rd. \ r,ntlterville ...... lIrs. Carrie Dorsey ... .JAuthervil1e, Rid. AIL. \V:isliington .Nr:iiicis Gipson ...... Kelly Rt., AIL. H7nsliiiigto11, Md, Bykesriile ...... cJolni W. Holling$ .....Cooksville, Md. , IIui*risbnrg,Pa. . .IEll)ert Tlion~psoii .....1&S \I\"llnc3e St., TI:iri*iql)iii*g,Pa. 1TereEord ...... Xrs. Catlierine Madden. . Cockysville, 3111. Jhgerstown ....Mrs. Vivian JdSOTI .. .a9 Cliarles St., I-iagersto\vn,-3rd.

, Fnllston-Fed. Hill Mrs. Berlli L .loliiisoii . . Fallston, -&Id. F'riew-GettysbJg . Clarence Costly ...:. . .Winfield, Md. Clinrcliville ...... Carrie Guiiin ...... Belair, Mrl. Chase ...... V. L. Guinn ...... Fullerton, Md, Centerville ...... ~\(rs.Loretta Im .... rjnnlsville, Mcl, ~iiC~i~~t6\~li....x1.S. hisy '\\'eedon ...]'lensant Vicn., -h~niiistowii,Md. Belnir ...... G. W. Noble ...... Belair, Md. St. Blattliews .. .Ah. $1. T,. Hnrwy ... .e224 Druid Hill Ave., Balto., &Id. Aberdeen ...... V. A. \Villintii~ ...... Aberdeen, Rld.

Nnntss of Locrtd I'reucliers uid Their ddd,wsses Nor11~ Hnltiiwre District East HO~YIU~X~St. Newel1 '(;Vilnior ...... l)dlas Sl., Rdtiniore, Yd. Orcliu~dSt...... Ja~nes E. Jolinson ....I500 hlndison Ave., Balto., Md, Clevelnnd MX!lnin ....1100 Argyle Are., Bnlto., Bfd. Mi,. Zion ...... Jolin Long ...... 1M2 N. Ca.rey St., Balto., Bid. Rayfield Wallace ...... 2122 Penna. Aye., Bnlto,, Md. Walter Sewell .....-, . .208 Arlington Ave., Balto., Md. Metropolitan ....C. If. J.awrence, 3I.D. ..1033 W. Lailvnle St., Bnlto., &Id, .J. 0. Dyson ...... 930 N. Stricliei* St., Balto., Md. Timollieus Boston ....-1119 W. T,anvale St., Bnlto., Md, R. Willis Tolson ...... a924 Harlem Ave., Balto., &Id. \Vliatcoat ...... Wm. Lyles ...... ,2530 Madison Ave., Balto., Md. 13I)eiie~c!r Flanagan ....I?% Moslirr St., Balto., &Id, 137. C. Tongue ...... lo21 FIarleiii Ave.,- Balto., Md. Jsaiah Scott ...... I520 Penn;i. Aw., Bnlto., &Id. 13. A. Ilurham ...... I113 TJ7. Lanvnlc St., Bnlto,, Md. S. R. Burnette ...... -711 Dolphin St., Balto., Md. Frederick, Md. , .bIrs. R. V. Raxnmond . .17 E. 6th St., Yrederick,.Md. .^-,I ... I..- .* t . -. : , -.

. -i ! _.

1,OCAL PIUXCIlI5RS - ALEXAN DRTA DIS’L‘RTCT (A11 niiiiies in V;I. miless otherwise tlesigimtcd) ”Vm - i\DI)RKSS Clifloii Cnnts ...... I;eesbnrg Julius 1hy ...... Idersl)iirg, R.F.D. \\Yli:tiii 1Eliiin ...... Ed\v:irclsville linlrcrl A. Grifl’iii, Jr...... U. S. Ariiiy Ottis Jnsper ...... Alcsnndriii, Route 1 snumlcl ACurmy ...... Falls Cllurch ,’I‘lioiii:is Xoorc ...... 200s 35. Leigh St., Ricliinoiid George I\. Ne\vninn ...... 19.3 ICcllcy St., Hnrrisonbiirg . A. J. Oliver ...... 107 Iligli St., Roanoke, Vn. Ma ggi e Poi ndeutcr ...... Crott oes, m . 8. 13. Proctor ...... Alesnntlria, Route 1 \T7. It. Robinson ...... 1.cesville J. N. SW~II...... TAeesburg P. TI7. Wooding ...... Leesville 20 TVASHIXQTON COTFERENCE- f80th Session ,

James Hoivard ...... 620 N. Alfred St., ale sand ria^, TTa. David Robinson ...... Martiiisburg, \Ir; Va., R.F.D. l€ciiry Blinor . .'...... Hedgesville, \I7. \7n., R.F.D.

CIrCiRCH SCHOOL STJPERINTENDENTS - A1,ESINDRTS DTSTRICT NAME 81)DRli)SS 3Ir. Isiiiali Allen ...... Ticilrlleysvillc, \8. Vn. airs. Pearl Biirnette ...... 1500 Il'iiylOl' Rb., I~pChbll~~,\'a. JIrs. Pocaliontas Cartriglit ...... 412 South Heiit, St., Wilicliester, I7i1. Jlrs. Eppie Clark ...... Bus 121, I-lainillon, Ba. . llr. Earl N. Contee ...... 310 Soiuth Blffd Bt., Alesiilldria, Vn. Jlr. Joliil Cook ...... ~liddlcburg,Ira. JIrs. Elixa B. English ...... Il'oshes, Ira. Jrr. J. 11. lkilkner ...... ll.F.D., IJeervillc, T7n. JI~s.~~IIII~L B. li'errell ...... \\'iitCrford, VU. Xrs. Nellie B. Fowler ...... L...... R.lP.D., Jhiiigto~i,Vn. Ahs. A. 117. FIIII~~...... \Iril~l!CSllU~fJ,v:~. JIrs. Stcllt~Ir'. Higins ...... 4951 North %llIi Si., ~\rliiigluii,TTii. Jlr. Benjaniin Roll~11d...... Xoiutc 1, Alvxiiildri:1, Vila . Ah. Ella. D. Jellkills ...... :...... 1:ru;id St., Iliir~iso~~L~~g,Vii. Jliss I

ALESANDRIA DISTRICT ,',- NTAMlZ * .\l)T)RESS JI~S.~nnnie AII~II ...... ICeirneprilte, \V. V:i. .I .\lis9 Doris I3oltlen ...... Nitltllel)urg, Y:I. .* .\~rs.~tnnnnti Unniets ... :...... ~iiI!sIinrn, Vi. Mrs. JClizn 13. lhglisti ...... :, ...... 'rnslies, Bn. .\I,rk. z\nna B. Perrell ...... \Ynterfortl, Va. ALr. l

----o--- 1,AY TA\DERS - AI~ESAN1)RI;~D13TR [C'r XAME ADDREFS Mrs. Carrie BnsiI ...... Blnen~ont,\iirginiii- Mr. Tlionins Bigger ...... R. F. D. Evinglon, Virginiii Ah. A. \\7, nrmii ...... \\'iiyneslioro, Virgini:~ AIrs. Lillie I3rn\rn ...... TAeesrille,Virginia Ah. Clinrles \Y. C'liiiin ...... 4824 N. 221~1St., Arlington, 17rgiiii:i Alr. R. \V. C1:irI; ...... $20 C'nninionwenILIi ;\ye.. 1:oiinoke. T:I. Jlrs. F. J. Coates ...... P. 0. 130s 713, Falls Cl~urcli, T7n. Aha. I-Tnnnal~ Ih~licls ...... TlillsborO, \-:I. Blrs. Violn Dcvonshire Sliepliert1sto\vn, \Y. l':~. -.--...... L Ah. \Villinni Gilniore ...... Brow~isburg, Va. 361.. J. \37. TTarl)er ...... 110s Eighth St., l,ynrIil)iirg, \-a, Arr. Benjnniin Hollnnd ...... Route 1 Alesnndriii, Ya. Bliss Ruth Hollins ...... Iiock St., Hnrrisonbnrg, Nr, James Howard ...... 620 N. Alfred St., Alexnndria, Xr. James W. Hutton ...... 326 S. Maple St., Martinsburg, W. 22 \vA,YKIXGTOS COSPEHEKCE (80th Session ,

N~s.Jlaria Jackson ...... Inwood, n7. Vn. Ah. Samuel Jackson ...... 3l(i E. 3l:issie St., Lexington, Va. 31 r. Frnllli Johns ...... Hedgesbille, W. Va. 1\11., James Jones ...... Goode, Virginia Xrs. Lenit Jones ...... Blneinont, Virginki Ah. James R. Jordan ...... East Nain St., Bedford, Va. Alr. Edwnrd F. Lewis ...... Woodstock; Virginia JIr. Richard Lindsny ...... 102 \\7. Hanipton St., Staunton, Va. Ah. John H. Logan ...... 1938 Wood St., Richinond, Vn. Nrs. T,uey Moon ...... 13. F. D. Lynch Station, Va. lfr. John 1%. RIoten ...... 3tiddIeburg, Virgini:i .\I r. Albert ;\Iurrnp ...... Falls Churcli, Vi\. 311.. w. v. Parker ...... Rallte 1 Box 55 syc:IInorc, va. Aliss JIartlia Parines ...... 130s 14 Waterford, Va. Mrs. Mary C. Perkins ...... P. 0. 130s S6, BBddletown, Vtt. Mrs. Elizabeth Quisenbtiry ...... TLeesliurg, Vn. 'Jtrs. Estclle Rideont ...... R. I!. I). 9, Nartinsbiirg, M7. Va. 111.. James liobinson ...... GI!) S. Braddock SL., Wincliester, Vit. Ah. 1~;vii Sanafortl ...... Box 37, IIaniiltoii, Vn. . 3l.r. 0, L. Singleton ...... 1301 W. 26th St., Riclimond, VEL 31r. C1i:irles Spinnitrd ...... I3e$ St., Strasbiirg, Vti. JIrs. I,. Nnttie Stiefl' ...... 130~336, Salem, \'a. JIrs. Charles Taper ...... Berkeley Springs, W. Va. Mrs. Georgia Timbers ...... 'Zenrncysville, W. Va. Ah.. Robert Tra\& ...... 1iYo11t Royal. V;I. Jlrs. JJiiry \\'. Walker ...... 524 E. North St., Clinrlesto\wi, W. V:r. .\Irs. Antoinette Wilson ...... Bos 34 Rolivar, UT. va. 1943) of the METHODISTCR~QH 23 I' i;

24 \T.\snrxr~~os.COXFEREFCE- . [ 80th Session


.. . .r 1943) . of the nfETHODIST Cl€UECH 25 -




i I'

I 1-



h1t. Airy, BId. I Ut. l'et~t~o?rilnnieYoung. Jft. Zion-Ruth Blnrtin, 11535 Corcornn St., N. E., \17nsl)ington,1). C. Xeu)bzw.g-Rebecca W:islrington, Newburg, Bld. Noltiri(lhn9~r.uiid C,taoitrc-Owen .T:ickson, Bi*nnd,vwinr. %Id.; Ernest Jolin- son, Croome Stalion, 3rd. /'isgul~-Loretta Mnttlienfs, Pisg:ili, Blcl. /'oiitoi3e~-l-InroId MarI)iiry, Ponionl;ey, Md. Ratidall-Estelle Nelson, 4410 Slierifk' Rorid, N. IC., \Vnshington. Ridgely uiid IIZLiilsL)ille--;Rlildred lId., R. I?. 11. Dos 59. Sa tidy Spring-&laud Hi 11, Sandy Spring, Bld. Si?npsotl--Corn &~:lcknll. 2253 Sllernlml :\\.e., N. \v. Si'?i~?tis-Dorotliy Clinse. Xt. Luke utid Upper il/rc~l6oro--James H. Hnwkins, Jr., Upper Marlboro, Xd., R. 5'. D.; Marion Shields, TTpper BInrlbolo, 3Id.

AIETHODIST BROTI-IERHOOD WASHTNG'I'OW 1)TSTRTC'I' - WASHINGTON CONFERENCR 1Cr:sl Crtli,oi.U-liic.liarcl Contee. 412 Rliodc Tsluncl Ave., N. W. Jows-Ernest, ncll, 424 50th St., N. E.

0 DIKI'IUCT OFFICERS OF WOBLIN'S socrm- 017 CHli ISTIAN S15RT7JClZ \\"dST-IING'L'ON 11ISL'Rrc'~ - WASH INGIDN COl\li'Ii:EES,icE (All tliesc :idclrcssei; :ire iii IV:isliington, D. C,, unless otlienvise iiidicntecl) Presideiit--i\Irs. G. F. Monroe, 2253 Slierninu Aye., N. 11'. Vice President--i\.Lrs. Mildrcd I3arnes, 1947 H Street, N. 15. Correspoiiding Secretary-Blrs. Marie IV. Fullbriglit, 1107 (1 Rt., N. W. Recording Sec'y-Mrs. Anna Rnos, 13ennin~, 1': 0. Trensurer-Mrs. Susie Addelle, 1145 0th Street, N. E. Sec'y Missionary Edncntion-Mrs. Olivia 13etters, :3:3!) 11 tli Strvct.. S. E. Sec'y Cliristinn Sori:ll Relntions and Tmnl Churcli Activitie+- Bliss 1l:nnn;i Miller, 2300 Ontario Ro:id, X. 1". \Vesleyan Serviae Guild-B,hs. C':lllie Nelson, 4424 Hunt PI., N. E. Student Women and Girls' Wnrk-BIrs. Hattie Peters, 333 4th St., S. E. , Young \$70n~eniind Girls' Work--i\Lrs. Dnky Icing, 332 4th st., s. E. Children's t17ork-h1rs. Clytin Perry, 1003 Brookville Rd., Silver Spg., Md. Litertvture and Poblicn tions-Mrs. Blnry Grifi, 1223 N. J. Ave., X.W. Secretary of Supplies-Mrs. Anna Lyles, 323% D Street, S. E. Spiritual Life-h1.s. Della Sininis, 1827 Corcornn St., N. \V. Xissionnry Personnel-Mrs. Blnude Miles, 1414 V St., N. W. Stntus of Wonien-Mrs. A. 'Belle Sprngue, 201(i 5th St., N. IT.

of the METHODISTCHURCX 29 1943) ’ -

~l7cr1e~bu~~-ThomasBrooks, Waterbury, 3rd.; Harry Conawny, Odenton, .AM. ; Joliii Conowiy, Odcnton, Yd.: Claicnce Jolinson, \Yaterlmry, Jld.

- LAY LEADERS 1. Annapolis, S. W, Hnrdisty ...... Franklin St., Annapolis, Xd. 2. Atholton, Trvin Wilson ...... Clnrksville, ?tId. 3. Balnew, Andrew \Villiilnls...... J3alnew. JId. 4. Centeniril--C. \I7. 3Iicliell ...... 1.102 R:irlein Avc., Balto., >Id. 5. Easton,1 8. J. 11:iIl ...... 106 S. Caroline Strciet. B,iltiinore 6. Ciillis, Plorcnce Riitler ... 1017 W. Fiiyette Street, B:iltiinore, Jrd. 7. ,Jolin \Vcsley, CIitis P. Siiiitli ...... 1 IO(; Wiirn~rSt., Thlti!iiore, XI. S. St. Piid, Lilli:iii Q. Sniitli .... 151s I,anviile St., Raltiniore, >Id. 9. Broad Neck, C1:1renc~U. ,Tolitiwn ...... ,\nnspolis, JTil., I:. e .lo. B~.ool;l~n-P:~~::~~~~~~o.PIeit~;intIlincs ...... l3ronl;lp. I~rd., 11. F. D. 1 I. C!iitonuville. Willi:,ni .\. .Tolinson 12. 12. Chesiipeolie Deacli, C. 77“ Enicr~on .... Cbrs;ipenke Reach. Nd. 13, Chiireliton, Clie~terficld Coats ...... ,Shady Side. >Id. 14. l)iividsonvillc, r.n\vrence 1Tawkins ...... Pnr:is Po., Xd. 15. Eastport, Joseph J. ‘rnriier ...... Eastport. .Aid. . 16. Ellicott Cit?, Hernian Thoinas ...... Eilicott City, Md. 17. Frcidsliip, Saniiiel >[;miart1 ...... Friendship, 3rd. 18. Glenburnie. Williani Taylor ...... Sewrnn Park, 3rd. 19. TTmitingto\vn, Joseph S. Freeland ...... Parriin, JTd. 20. T,iisl)y, :\illnu Cornidi ...... Olivet, 3rd. 21. hlagotliy . Hiill-Charles l~earin~nn...... Rrooklyn JId.. R. F. D. 22. hIt. Hope, Jaines Jeflersun ...... Simlerland, JId. 23. Aft. Zion, F. D. Hall ...... West. River, JId. 24. Blntunl, Engine 0. Jolinhon ...... bIutiiall Ard. Y5. North Point 26. Parole, James \\‘ells 27. Prince Fretlerick. Cl;rrence Biingie ...... Prince Frederick, JId. 2s. South Riser, l)cnjaniin Collins ...... Edgewater, Nd. 29. Sparrows Point 30. Town Neck, J. H. Johnson ...... Gererna Park. JId. 31. Waterbury, James Parker ...... Annapolia, Mil., R. F. D.

1 0 SOUTH BAT~JYNOREDTSTRTCT PRESJDENTS OF- ’I’T-IE \I’OJI;\NS SOCIETY OF CF~IGTIhXSERVICE 1tncli;ile Carter Sinitli ...... 4G Cornhill St., Annapolis, 1111. Tdella ‘rllomas ...... c.. .:...... Laurel, Jld. Bell Brisco ...... 41i Jefferson Street, Raltiniore, JId. ITenrette Watts ...... 2521 i\Iadison :\ye., Raltiniore, Md. Estella hIitcliell ...... li28 117, Franklin St., Baltimore, Nd. Xrs. Wesley Jo11nson ...... Annapslis, Nd., R. F. D. Verlettri Scott ...... !J02 Edinondson L\ve., T3altiniore, ?;Id. Tdn Holland ...... Paris, Nd. Mary Fountain ...... c...... ~...... Clinrchton, IId. Matiel Carter ...... Shadyside, Sfd. s.., Frknces Hawkins ...... ;...... Annapolis, Nd., R. F. D. .. Nary B. Thompson ...... -...... Eastport, lfd. Bertha Bntclier ...... 15llicott City, Jrd. Elizabeth Gains ...... llarriotsville, JId. Jnlin Villinnis ...... Ellicott City, BItl. ClIristine Wilkison ...... Friendship, ;\Id. Rosa Matthe\w .....: ...... Glenburniei 11~1. Lillie Brooks ...... :...... Brooldyn, Md., R. .I?.D. Snrnh Kent ...... Huntingto.rvn, Md. Elenorn Weenis ...... Olivet, Md. Ah. F. S. Kess ...... Brooklyn, >Id., R. F. D. 9, R. 240 'I'eressn Brooks ...... Cliesnpenke Bench, &Id. Isabelle Green ...... Siinderlnnd, Md, Bentrire Hawkins ...... Chnney, Md. Olevia Carter ...... Lothian, Mkl. Cornelia Randal ...... Lothinn, Md. Rllen Bias ...... Rristol, Md. Xnry B. Holt ...... I,othinn, Nd. .Tosephine Wiseninn ...... T.othian, Md. Queeny Gant ...... Isl;111d Park, 3Id. Angeline Wells ...... Parole, Md. Owen R. Bowen ...... Prince Preilericli, Md. Alnttie Turner ...... Comberstone, Md. Elnnora Simins ...... Edgewciter, Md. 3lnmie Lindsey ...... Eye Street, Spnrrows Point, AId. Carrie Johnson...... Severnn Pnrk, Md. Cathorine Bulton ...... Waterbury, Md.

CHURCH SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS SOUTH BSTJTIB~OREDISTRICT >Ira. Riicliel 6. Smith ...... 46 Cornhill Street, Annnpolis, Md. JIrs. hlainie Dorsey ...... Siinpsonville, &Id. Mrci. Dola White ...... Highland, Md. Thomas Artlier ...... Jessups, Md. Vernal Bishop ...... 2032 Bonn Street, Baltimore, Md. Xrs. Alary Cnnipbell ...... 1828 Ashlnnd Ave., 13nltiniore, %Id. George Richnrdson ...... 311 N. Gilmor Street, Baltimor~,hld Suniner 1.'. Davis ...... 1810 Division Street, 13nltiiiiore ITenry Tryor ...... T3nlnew, Md. Tliomas Franklin ...... 310 N. Schroder Street, Raltiniore Cliarlev -4. Green ...... Annapolis. N'd,, R. P. D. William Cnrter ...... Brooklyn, Aid., R: F. D. Eugine Rnndnll ...... Chesnpealie Bench, &Id, Jerome Nicli ...... Slindyside, Md. Mrs. AI v i rdn Brown ...... Church ton, &Id. Thomas Thomns ...... Dnvidsonville, Md. Lawrence Hawkins ...... AnnnpdZ, Md., R. F. D. William E. Brown ...... Enstport, Rld. him. Eula Cook ...... Dnyton, Md., Mrs. Elizabeth Spence ...... Randalstown, Md. Mrs. Mazoria Wills ...... Friendsl~ip,Rld. Jrvin Richardson ...... Scvcrnn l'nrlc, N(1, W. H. Mntthews ...... Hnnover Md., B. 110, R. F. D. Solon Nicholson ...... Rrooklyn, Md., R. F. D. Mrs. Rosa Mackel ...... Owens, Nd., R. F. D. Mrs. Louise .Jones ...... Huntingtown, 3rd. Olie Freelnnd ...... Pnrrnn, Md. Amos Cornish ...... Olivet, Md. Edward Kelly ...... Lusby, Md. T. W. Ress, ...... Brooklyn, Md., R. F. D. 9 David Thomas ...... Park, Md. W, A. Randall ...... Chaney, Md.. Thomas Chnse ...... Cliesapenke Bench, Md. Other Franklin ...... Chnney, Md. John H. Thomas ...... Lothian, Md. Mrs. Hattie Garrett ...... Lothian, Md. Jniiics Smith ...... ~...... Dowry, AId. ,/. . Ah. Mntildy Dorscy ...... Tracy's Landing, Nd. Ah. Blnggie CIro.;s ...... \Vnllwille, Md. ACrs. l3c:itrice i\lnrsliall ...... Tslnnd Creek, 3ld. .T:iinc.; \\'ells ...... : ...... Parole, %Id. Ranilolf nooiie ...... Prince Frederick, AM. Mrs. I,iicretin. C'iiLric ...... Prince Frederirk, Ald. Ah. Alnniie ('omiiintlore ...... Port Repnblic, Jld. I~riiiiklin Parr:in ...... l'rincc Frederick, Md. 'I'homns l3rnwn ...... Edgewatei*, 3rd. L\lesander 1)nstoii ...... Edgewat,er, kld. Mrs. Dniy Nicliolis ...... :. .... JInyo, Xd. . Cliarle~\Yeins ...... Sl.5 .J Mreet, Sparroms Point, Jfd. Jolrn 13. ,Toliiisoii ...... Severna Park, 3ld. &Ira. 1,aurn .Tolinsoii ...... Wntersbuiy, Md. Hnrry Coiin\vap...... Odenton, Md. Williniii Hawbins ...... Enstport, ?Id.

...... $2 . WASHIXGTOX COXFERESCE (80th Session

o-- o-- 1943) ., of the NETHODISTCIIURCII .

' I.

COSFERENCX RmA'rrm l!M 1945 ln4(; - R. T<. Robinson 'T. S. Tiltlor1 -1. F, BIonroe .T. 13. IPood .I.IT. Wliitfield ' 14. -4. Love -1, T. Middleton S. 11'. Fields tl. S. Cnrroll STATE OF THE CI-TURClI LAY >~IXISTERTAG ,Jo~hun0. \Tillinnis 31nry 9. Holt J. J. Bnrnev 'Ellenorn Eliggins J. H. Foy Oletlia Burrell J. N. Yenrwgpd Geneva Herndon - . C. S. Harper" Joseph Weems 34 WASHIKQTONCONFERENCE (80th Sebsioii -,

3113 JSTEIIIAL I,. L. White *I. B. A. D~SOI~ 3. A. Parker 1. H. Carpeiiter 11. A. Rroolts

WASHINGTON C'OTWl3RlCXCX THUSTEISS I945 1043 1%I4 E. 12. J,ofto11 .J. 13. Uotson b'. F. Biiiy J. H. Peters 11. 1'. Jorrlan 15. A. rme C. E. Queeii C. S. Briggs R. AI. \Villiiiiiis B. hf. Rhetta 1: H. Watcrs ' *J. 'r. Bcii*oli

COBIAIITTEIS ON ADEQULITIS SUPPOKT A~IXISIWIIIAL ; LAY . Ueiijamin Grosfi ('it rric 7'1iii rhtoii Tlioii~asN. ITodges Ueiirieki 1)oirgl;iss U7. R. JVilliarns I\'. 12. Jollllsoll J. G. Graiit J1;lylnC 'rllol!liis . J. W. Lankford John T. Coatcs Minnie I-l:i\vkiiis BOARD OF JI'INISTERIAL TRAINING J. S. Carroll E. A. Haylies A. IT. \Vliitfieltl .,

.J. H. tJe~~kiiis c. s. Harper II. 11. .Joliiisori I TO 1'REA~Il 31TSSlONB1:1' SEJ:;\lON 1945 H. J. Blc Donald 1943) of the METHODISTCHURCH 35

LAY ltlii 73. Gordon Helen Thurston Leiiora G. Hayling Oleitha Burrell Theodore Kess BOARD OF ROSPTTATS AND IIOMES ~tTSIS1BRtAL LAY A. H. Haininon4 ,James Hutton \IT, E. Willinnis J. 0. Dyson 0. E. Hodqes Ella Tingle L. A. Dyson Florence Gnles Matthias I!7illia~na M11ry Walkel R 5.. Ball ' ' AUDITING CO'hLlIITTEE ~rrN1sTl~:l~uAr. JAY I-r. D. .\shurg J,. H. Lave C). A. Scott Arthur Rriscoe H. 5. &lk Donald Gertrude B. Johnsoit F. Hityling TX A. Brooks ~OMXlT'l'El%ON BIEMOIRS 111s 1STISIISAL us J. E. Dotson Adeliae Oram D. M. Pleasants Carrie Thurston A J. Sm-ith ~ Lena Snowden J. C. 8cnl;horongh .\moa CorniRh ' H. A. Brooks Helen Corse) CO~fMISSIONON HISTORICAL DATA LAS 3 r IX ISTKBI A 1, d. S. Carroll Henry Johnson C!. H. Rooie Cassie Dome? I,. A. Carter William Tongue P. G. Myers . Caroline Larkins . John IV. Carroll - *.- Maud Myks 36 WASKINQTOXCONF~RESOT. (80th Session ,

COAIAITSSJON ON EVANGELlSM ~~ISISTEHTAl. LAY 'r. S. Tildm J. Wesha? Thy 7'. T. Re7 . Crafton dndvrson

tJ. TT. T~OIII~S Otis .Jnwper . 1. li. Cnrpenler __ , Lraggit! Poindt.xtcr C'. E. Tan Urnnge Lena ~Jrtckson

I ilIORGAN COTAT4EGECHRTS'I'T:iX C!ENTRR M::.ISTERIAL LAY , I<. 15. \Villiains K'ornelin RulF C. S. Harper \V. E. Fletcher J. H. Wood Perry Hon~tird .J. 8. Carroll T. N. \Villiams K. 31. Willinrns ' '1'. L. Dodson - E. A. Love 5. 0. 7Villinma . H. .J. Arc Donnld - PlIOOF RF:\DTNG C'OBTNTTTEIE , I<. A. Haynes IC. P. Bnrnes N. B. Cnrrington . J. It. C~IIIIO~~ J. P. Jlonroe .T. IT. T.ovell C. E. Queen 6. TI. Hnll COAIMISSlUN OS \\'ORT,D SERVICE AND FINANCE The District SuperinLendents 1. R. Berry, Chr, .!. H. Peters ICliznbeth Glenn J. H. \T"pcl Ilenriettn ,Jackson Hcnriettn Douglas J. €1. Johnson bines A. Campbell Ar, ir. IT e tf'erson Piiinner IT. Davis LO13D'S Dr\Y ilT,T.I.lNCE . . A~TSISTERIAC \V. J. Tyler Artlii~rE. Briscoe .Joseph IT. Curroll #J. P. Alonrov .Jnmes P~rlie~ \V. E. Jeflcrson IT. C. Shermnn Addie Brown IC. E. -4rter C. H. TolRon Artliiir Pnttison Bradley Johnson 'rhonins Brown Ji. A. Parker JAY Bnrnh Collins- J. D. Poy Bhry Cnbhell Nnry Pord C. C. Nelson Geneva Mc TAn ICiitie Glnscoe IS. A. Brooks Xrnrthn Roon llelen Coiirsey -. 1.. c. Chase C'linrles Contee Clinrles 0, Johnson B. P. Hnll llnllory IJolt l!OARD OF AIANAGRGS, S. 11. CARZIOI.T, IJOhIE FOR 'THE AGEb MINISTGBTAL J. TI. John~on E. n. Rall (I. E. Queen c'. w. Rurnek R. F. Coafes .T. D. l3romne E. A. Haynes C. 8. .Harper +\. IS. Wiitfield C. E, Johnsoit '1'. S. Tildon I:. 11. \\'illinnis F. J. Frye 11. 31. .Jefferson IC. Ti. Jacks011 I. X. Berry . 1'. 'J'. Key A. J-I. ISnniinond E. E. \Villiama 1:. E. Buriiett ' V. N. S. Iliighes 177. S. Jackson E. I,. Lofton -1. IT. Carter J. J. Rarnea C. S. nriggs t'. C. Wilson I?. 3'. King .J. Id. Dotvon c'. C. Nelson 'V. C. Sherninn R. P. *Jordan -1. H. Jenkins IAY I,iicy Sorrel1 (.lorn Dop Ilnttie Mntthews Jfattiel Cnrter -4nnnhelle Sprnpie 1,illinn Tingle Fnnnie ,Johnson . Blnry Dorsey B. If, Rhetta Mamie Turner Susie Addelle -\@ry Holt -

1943) 6[ the ~~~h"l'lOllISTCIIl.Rd11 37

2. BOARD OF MANAG.RI~S; N. n.1. CARROT~T,HOME FOR nm AGED ]A Y Cora Holley T. J-1. WnEers . Lillie Brooks Erlim Redmond 1;lvii-a Bond Mary We Daniels Aezekiali Dorsey t 'iiri-ie Thomas 13lizabcth Dotson 'JCliza D. FIetcher ihnces Contcs James Gwathney X:LI.~Stewart

DISTRICT BOARD OF cFruRcFr r,ocxrroN ... - A iJX\NDR IX 111 S'IJ?TCT MINISTEBIAC J. H. Lovell C. C. Wilsoll P. cf. Myers

NINLSTERTAL J. H. Johnsoii J. (2. Grant F. J. Frye E. E. Swanston H, A. Brooks

CoimrI'ri'ii:~~:ON I.OCAI, iw'le.-\c;Il leRS LICENS13 - - I. H. Cprpenter E. A. U:y.nes .J. F. Monroe IC, L. Jackson A. 1-1. n'hitfield 17. 3'. King .J. H. ,Jenkins C;. S. frarper J. H. Lovell I, R. Berry [. A. Moye 'I', 9. Tildon C. B. LaGrange BOARD OF LAY -ACTIVITIES The District Superintendents W. E, Fletcher, Cliainnan TO\^ .\XI) CO["TI{Y (.loyal issroN OF THE \\'ASJl ING'I'ON ('Ol$TPElIENClE mn1S'I'RHIAr. M. M, Jefferson W. 15. Fletcher .I. F. Monroe The District E, N. Contee J. FT. Jenkins Siiperintendent~ 1Tollie ClRrk I{. 11. Williams P:iniiie D. Qler IT. J. Pqc ' riAY llargaret T. .Tones lr. .\. Creene -\Iliert Jackson :I'\vo Young People ! J. H. Love11 'I'lielnia Craig .IIlNl~I'ERS' \\'IPISS .-\SXOC'IA"I'lON Pre.;ideiit, Regie B. Queen ( 'or. Sec., Jc:iiiuc?te McDonald Re(.. Secret:!ry, Cliristine Travis 'I'reiiwrer. :\zelie B, When CHAR1,ES'I'ON DTSTRTCT President, Tmora Ihyling c'or. Rec., Sadie li'oy 1st Vice l'i*es., Apes Williams N0R.TT-T R.\T"l'TAIORE DTSTRTCT I'rwided. Myrtle T . T,ofton C!mplain, Map l'oiing Re<.. Rec., Eve!r:- Martin Treasurer. Ruth Ramen I. Scc., 13ste"e J;ic!

SENIOR PASTORS TTONO1: CLASS OF 'PEN Charles Henry Arnold ...... 18% John Wesley Dockett ...... 1904 .Tames Lewis Brown ...... 1891 Charles Edward Hodges .....,1890 Christoplicr Columl~usBrown, .1899 Horace Andrew Johnson .....l900, George Henry Rooze ...... I894 Stewart Achem Lewis ...... I881 Joliii Wesley C'arroll ...... 1WR Dewitt Lewis Wiwhingtoll ....1885 1943 of Ihe NETHODIRTCHURCH 39


Jl;vcry triivelliug 151tler proittoted Iiy tlw C'onferciiw to tliv 1:clired J%l:itioii for loiig service. distildity, or iige, i.; riglitfrilly ezteeiiicd !IF every cliargc servctl itlie,rciii, iiiid :I$ proiiiiscd. i\ tu rcceiuc tlirrefron~ joiiitly coinfortitble support iis its

PI\STOHS EAIIER I'I'I'R C!. I[. i\i.tlOld ...... '53 C. IT. 'roiilson ...... '20 c.. c. Bro\\.Il ...... '39 T. N. i\ustiii ...... 'OK C. A. Booze ...... '94 J. W. Carroll ...... '!Xi ,I. I,. 13r0\\1i ...... '91 R. J. Curtis ...... 'I(; ,r. E. c;lrter .....:...... '2s B. I?. Grdss ...... J. \V. Dockett ...... '04 E. \V. 1Toll:iiidt; ...... '21 c. E. l-Ioclges ...... '!)G W. 'FT: Reilt ...... '05 C. D. JIuglics ...... '12 c. TT. i\rilttilc\lrs ...... ~$16 IT. A. Joliilsoii ...... '00 E. P. 3rooll ...... '0.7 S. A. Lewis ...... 'S1 ,,J. Ar. ~:~;~l~...... 996 W. B. 3riiIor ...... '12 I. A. Tllolllilb ...... '1s J. 0. Norris . t ...... '92 6. \v; \\~:lrrcll ...... Y)5 L. 11. Lle\dls ...... '15 D. 1,. \VT:isliiiigtoii ...... 'Si

~\LISSANDRIA DlS'I'1:l U'I' C'. X. Qiieen, Uis/ricl 8ll/~f~~i7L/C/ldcJl~ 617 Forty-second Street, N. E., ~V~isl~i~igton~11. C.

on AIWE .\L'I'OISTJCEST TEARS 1. Alexandria ...... r. I I. l.orcll 4 2. Arlington ...... S. 1'. Xinor 2 3. Redford-Bedford Springs ...... C. G. Cole~nan 2' 4. 13ritlgc\wter ...... J. C. Scarborough 1 6. Brownsburg-Bucliaiiait ...... J H. Foy 1 1;. Clinrlcs 'Yo\\n, IT'. Vii. :...... -1. I,. \Vinters 1 7. Balls Cliurcli ...... C. C. Wilson 5 S. Grottoes ...... I:. TI. Riley 2 9. Hamilton ...... 'S. H. AInrray 2 10. Harpers Ferry ...... J. R. Holland 4 11. Harrisonbwg ...... '...... P. C;. Nyers 4 12. Hedgesville (to be supplied) ...... 13. Inwood,...... C. C. Gandy 1 14. JGlmsrnock ...... "J. J. Bnlier 1 15. Leesbiirg ...._...... J. G. Grant 1 1G. Leesville ...... C. A. Jbnd;ill 2 17, T,esiiigtoii-l:itcliiiit~iii ...... 1 r. J. AtcDonald 3 18. Lincoln ...... "O& Jiispcr 1 19. Lynhliburg ...... IT. A. Greeii 1 20. Mwtinsbnrg, W. V:I...... 'l'. 13. 'Travis 1 21. Middleburg ...... ,J. H. Fop 1 22. Palmyra - Fairfield ...... 'E. 6. S;ilisburp 1 . 23. Pittsville ...... Y;. \17. Haynes 2 24. Richmond, Asbury ...... 5. E. Berry 1 25. Richmond, Leigh Strect ...... D. 31. Plensants 3 26. Roanoke ...... TJ. L. White 3 27. Saleni-Dainnsciis ...... E. 8. l17illianis 4 2s. Sllep~ler'lstowll, \\'. Ira...... I. ... 1S&!plC Roolie 2 79. Stnulltoll ...... VJ. S, Carroll 2 I ' :!O. Stc\rnrtsrillc-'l'o IIC slipplied :?I. Stnisl)iirg ...... C. 11. Diivis Iz 22. \\':\gnesl1oro ...... (4. I,. ntc 4 I 33. \\'est St:iiiiitoii-l~ro\r~isl~iir~...... 1:. S. i\lierii:itliy I :].I. \\7illcilester ...... 15. 1-1. .rnci;soll 1 . 2.5. \\'nodl:l\\n ...... \v* 1-1. '1';IJ'lor 4 :it;. \\'oodstoc*Ii ...... \\'. 12. .Jcll'erson 2 37. Rieliiiioi~tl-IC.Mnin St...... Priiiikliii .\, Kirili I * Supply XI1 these iippniiitiiieiits arc in \'irgiiiiii unless d:icr\riw iiidi*~iitctl,. CHARLESTON 1)TS'I'RTQL' A1iipsno" E'. Hayling, District Rici'o'iitlcrrticir I--1 Yc:ir - Veroii;i, l'ciinsylriiiiin CHARGE .-\lw~rs,rlrle\.T J"lc,\ns I. -4 Itlei-soti-1I i 11 toil ...... U. I). Cli:~inhew '1, 2. ;\Iiqi~ippii-l~ciivc~~Ii'zills ...... 'ROIIIC~l?i~llc!Li. 1 2. Cliiirlesttrii ...... ,I, 11. \\'ood 2 :i.~~il~~ric~tllll ...... J. ir. ~\'~)tlti 2 4. Cl:~rl;sl~i~r~-Tliic~l~niii~on...... G. '1'. C. Bell 2 6. Corilytoii. V;1...... 1Tiirry TT:III 1 6. CIIIIII)C~I~IIIII,lhstl)urg, BItl...... R~IIISC~~13ritlg+ ....1 7. liiiirltt:iiiot-, \rq,iIito\rii, ...... TT. I>. t\sl)iiry- 2 8. Chftoii ...... $1. I,. Cliflortl 1 I). J3mitinglori (1. \\'. 'nllckett. . I). Iiiiiitiiiglnii ...... C!. \\7, l?iiriieti 2 IO. .Jol~~isto\rii...... 1). C'. l?owiii:itl 1 11. ICe~seI'-Picdiii(iiit ...... 0. JI I(ctihoii 2. 12. Lewisbiirg ...... Jiiliiis -0. \Villi,iiiiq 1 13. ?trd\'ecsl)olt, 1%...... S .J. hlacli e 14. ~Iniitgniiiery-Rrd Star ...... I?. P. C'1:1rk 2 16. 3loorelicltl ...... T,. IT. lhvis 2. 16. Pa~I

S. Siijiit. ;\I':ittlic\w, lhltiiiiorv ...... \T'. P. .T;ickenti 4 9. Wliatcont, 13nl1,iiiiorc ...... 17 1'. TCey 2 10. Bel Air ...... A. 11. \\'liitRelcl ; 11. Buckcystawii ...... d. l3. Dyson 4 12. .Ccntcrville ...... G. .\.. T):ivix 2 1:;. Cl1nse ...... C'. CI. Ncl\lhOll III 14. Cliiirclivillc ...... J. :\. 'z\rtcr 3 1.5. PRir\'ic\\'-Gctt?'sI~iirg ...: ...... *11. Jr. \l'iisliiti~tnti I i~.IP:IIIS~OII-~PCII~~~~ Frill ...... r. .\. Jro.vc 4 1 i. Prcdcrick ...... -15. 15 ~\'ilIiiitiis 11 1 S. H:tgersto\vii ...... S. \\'. Fields 2 l9, ITiirrisliiirg, . l';i...... 'l'. N. 1Todges 2 20. ITcreford ...... r'. ..\. Scott 3 21. l,~Iicrlytn\vii ...... *.\. A. 'l'lioiiipwii I 22. l,iit,licrvill[~-~~rc~~ii8priiip ...... M. 3[. .rell'l!rsoti. Sr. ; 23. 31t. T'Pnshiiigloii ...... *J:is. IC. .JoliIIsoiI 2 24. >It. \\'ill;lll~ ...... E. P. Galit, 2 2.7. NLW.\r;irk(!t ...... :...... *C, I,. Xelsoii 2 ,. 26. New \\riiitlsor ...... IT. 15. Dison, ,Tr. 2' a 5. Ikihlwhl ow ...... 1l;ittlli;is \YiIlintiix Ad :SL 2s. ,S?ilieu\~illc-iYlt.C:rcgoi*,v ...... 1;. C. \\'iIli:iiiis 1 2!1. \\'estiiiii~~l(~i~...... *J. \V. C':irroll 2 30. ~~illii~iii~p~irl...... *I,. 13. IIor.irg 1 Supply .\I1 tlicsc alipoiiitiiiciits ii re iii ~,I:~r~l:~iidiiiilcss ot1icrwit.e iiidicated.

1. Aiiti;ip!Ais, Asliiiry ...... T. E. Berry 2 2, Al~linlloi~...... I. 11. C;irtrr 4 3. l~:lllle\v ...... \:. c. sllcrtll;lll :: 4. ('eiit,emi;iI. lhiltiiiiori* ...... 15. 11. Hall 8 5. 1~:isterii-P;it;ilisco ...... T. S. Tiltloll 1 6. Gillis, I3nltiinorc ....., ...... *'l'lieodorc .Jackson i 7. John Wesley, Biiltiiiiow ...... F. .r. Pry > S. 81. l'anl, I3altiinorc ...... C. 8. Harper 5 j). Broadneck ...... H. r\. nroolrs (i -_ 10. Cntonsville ...... N. 1:. Ciirritigtoii 1:: 11. CllesapeRke l;ellcll ...... *PriIllk clliulll~ers " 12. Churcliton ...... A- '1'. 3Iicldleton (i 13. Dnvidsonvillc ...... J. W. T,angford 2 14. Eastport ...... *...... T.. -C'. Clitiw (i 15. Ellicott City ...... L. 1, JVilliniii3 11 16. Friendship ....1 ...... "S. 'r. Collin.;- 12 17. Qlcnhiiriiie ...... J. n. 1:rowtic , 1s. TIiintiiigtowii ...... \P. 11. Polk 2 19. Illisby ...... :.. 1:. I:, I:nlriusnii , 20. l\riigotli~-TTiill ...... \. 11. l!'iltiliiloiid -1 21. Rlt. Rope ...... 1'. R. Billrls 4 22. Mt. Zion ...... I,. .\, (Airtvr 5, 23. M11tiinl ...... T. \V. C:ir~oll 2 24. North Point ...... J. .r. 'I'homas 2.5. l'arole ,...... *I\'.T. Jolinsoli 26. Prince Frederick ...... 1,. A. 1%. Noore 4 27. South River ...... J. E. Roberts (i 2s. Sp~rrowsPoint ...... 11. 13. Miller, .Jr. 2 ] ... I


29 . l'own xerl..Art . Cal~wy...... E . A4 . Milcliell 3 30 . n'aterl)iir~ ...... R . Ti Ball 7 * Supply.

All these aplioiiii.iiit~nls arp in h1:iryI:itid itiiless otlirrwisr indicated

... 1 . Emiierillc ...... Joseph Steinley 7 2 . 13oycl ...... Cj. I< . Sitiiillwntl 3 .I . Ilo\vie- li:iiiliiiiti ...... JI owvtl \\'a1 lace 2 4. Ur:iiidy\vine ...... 117 . (2. Rimins 7 .i . Jlroolxille ...... 15. 1C. drler 3 (i . CIiic:ttiiitscn ...... "*l'liniii:is lleitl 4 i . Colesvillc ...... 1. I. . I.r~tk:, :I S. Clialiel l-iill ...... Ilufiis llcitl 3 9. ICtmory Grove-Qiiincc (3rcli:ii*d ...... G . X . 'l'ltoiiias 2 10. Ji~cksbit ...... ; ...... Eugene \\'illi:ih~s 2 . I1. i.aPl:it~i ...... :...... 1. 11'. 1~nrd 15 12. I, niirel ...... , ...... CI . i\ . Ilent. 2 13. I~gtoiisrillc ...... IC . A . h[oore K 1 4. Li nil en-1: idgeley-lTitn 1 w~llc- ...... N . 1'. Poi. ry 2 15 . 1\11. r\iry-Damnsciin ...... 'l'. .J. Biirly 2 10. Art . vernoll...... I... cronlwcii 2 17. Ne~berg ...... E . \\I . Jolinson 2 IS . Nottingli:im ...... 17 . 1) . Myers 13 I9. l'nrk I-lidl-'l'o lie supplied ...... 20. Pisgnli ...... 1) . Y . ITnll 2 21 . Poinoiikey ...... I. 11 . C:iqi~nIei* 2' 22. PooIesviIIc ...... C. 31'. A\dward 1 23. Ritcliie ...... Floreiicr 1) . Siniii1.i 4 24. Rock\Glle ...... :...... \I. . 15 . \\'illiiiiiis 1 25 . St. 11:iry's 1':irislt ...... Ricliiird .lollnuon 2 20 . Osoit 3-1313 ...... C. 13 . Asliton 2 2i . 8~11dySprings ...... I1 . 15 . lliirtlctt 1 28 . Scotland ...... "llenry I. eivis 1 29 . Upper Alnrlboro.St . I. iikc ...... i'tJ . \A7 .. 1)ocltett 1 30 . \V.tsltiiiglon, r\~ltiny ...... R . A1. \ViIli:ints 1:: 3.r. 11. .Jelfermii. ~r.,hst . P:ISLO~ 1 31. \hiuhington. ICast Cnlv:irg ...... I . It . Unnnon 2 :E \\'anliington. 1Sl)cnwer ...... r . FI . Peters 2 33 . Wnsliington. Grace ...... \IT. J. 'I'yler ti 3-i. W.isltingf.on, Joliii Stcwnrt Alcln ...... IPv.ink Willimiis 2 38 . \\'asltingtoti. .Jones Meinori:il ...... Ti . 1'. Bnrncs 1 W.isltington. AIt . Zion ...... IC . A . 1Tay11cs 3 .37 . Wiisliingtoii. Alt. \rei*iioii ...... : .... li. 1, . Crniiiwell 2 .18 . \Vnsltiiigtnn Xiisli hleinnri:~l ...... I3 . .I. rogue 7 3s. \\':ishington2 l::tiiil:ill ?tfeinori:il ...... J . 1, . Chrrisoii 3 40 . \V.isltington. Sinims Alenloriill ...... c'. 15 . Aloore. 1Cxp . 3 4 1. Wxshingtnn. Sinipson i\letim'i:t I ...... I . F. Ahroe 6 42 . Woodville ...... I . N . Yen~ood li * Supply A11 these appointments are in 3Iaryland unless otherwise indicated . o/ the krET?IonTsT CH17RClr 43


E. A. LOVE, Huperiiiteiidenl, Negro Work, Depirtinent OF the Bonrd of &&sions and Cliurclt Esteiision ; 15eml)er of Grnrr, Fniriiiount Heights Quarterly Conference. J. J. Senbrook, director, Morgiin Stndent Cliristinn Center, E. G. C%rroll, chaplain, U. S. Army, Meiiiber Stniuiton Qiitirterly Confrrence. J. H. Jenkins, executive secretary, Conference Board of lieligioiis Education, Edember Asbnry, (Washington, D. C.) Quarterly Conference Dencarless Florence Gnither, special worker, Menher. Asbury ( W'nshington, D. C.) Quarterly Conferenre, residence 919 North Cnrollton .-\wnue, nnlti- more, Md. . A: H. Durlinm, specinl worker nniong M$grnnts, €€nine Nissions C!ouii- ril, Fedcrnl Coiincil of Clturclies of Christ. W. H. lyler, Confrrrncc- Rmngelist; vT. P. hloiiror, Conference Yis- sioitnry Secretnry.


DISTRICT h.lTSSTON.\RY SECRETARTES Aleupdria Difitrict ...... N. P. BIinor Clwrleston District ...... H. I). Ashury North Biltiinore District ...... Nrs. Rollin Lee South Baltimore District ...... A. H. Ilnniniond Washingtoil nistrirt...... Clifton Lyles

. S. Wl~tPre;icItcra Iin~ctliitd cluriug the year? Jolin 31. Booiii, XO~IC. H;iri~cs, George 13.- Cnrry, Jolii! M. Roan.

!). M’lio are discontinlied? Josepli E. Ray. 10. n‘ho are transferred to other-Conferei~~cs? 0. C. Hogan-East Tennessee: 1 I. \Vlio ;ire supernumerary? William E. Brooks-2 Andrew J. Care4 Lott T. Miller-2 12. \\‘hi ;ire retired? Cl~nrlcr;A. -4r110ld ;Tolill \V. Jhkett ClliiI’leS IT. Miiltliews ‘I’lionias N. Austin Benjamin ti’. Ciross Williani I?. Minor I George 11. Booze Charles E. Aodgw Elzn P. -1Moon Columbus C. Brown E. W. Hollnnds .To!in C. Norris ,Tames L. Brown Clinton n. 1’Tuglirs T.oyd H. Revells .John W. Cnrroll Horace A. .Johnsoii Theophilus A. Tliom:w James E. Carter WiKiin IT. Kent Clinrles H. Toiilson Randall J. Curtis Stewart A, Lewis ,John W. Warren - .. of the METHODISTCH~OR 45

13. who iire Bdmitted on l'rial? (11) 111 Gtudic.; of tlib First Yetir. Cliftoii Il'illiiiin .\wk\v:ird Jolin Lonnie Winters 14, \\%o iIi'e Reaclniittetl?. ChRrles Albert Randall 15. \WIO are received from other Churches as 'I'rweling Prenclieru? .\\dyIle~ii'y J)iirliiiin, Peoples - Cliurcli of Christ iInd COIII- munity Ceiiter. Anderson Ed\vard Berry, A. M. E. Uhiircli 16. Wlio are received by Transfer from Other ConEereiiccs? I)oilgli:s I:. lhvtiiiin, TAexington Conference. 17. Wlio liave completed their Studies: Of thi. Fonrtli Year? 'r. H. Reed, G. 117. Haynes, IT. I?,. Dixoii, Jr., U. E. Rhore. 1s. \\'IIu Ilii\vc lieeii cmtiiiucd in their studies: (a) Of Ithe Birst Year? Uliftoii Awkw;ird, J. J. Baker, Ernest Craig, Leonirlns Gibbs, E. G. C:oodin;in. Jas. E. Johnson, Jiis. 3Tnyfield, Siniciel. I<. Xlurriiy, l'sainli Scott, John 1,. Winters. (1)) Of the Second Year? ISoiuer Bullett, 8. 'r, Collins, George E. Davis, Liond 11. Ihvis. ( C) Of the Third Year? 'l'lieodor~ *J;iclisoli. ,\IC T

. 46 WASIIIWTOXCos~ica~~cs (80th Session , Melvin Wnshington, FToivnrcl Wnllnce, Arthw Wliite, J. E. Wliite. ..\re llie Accepted Supply Ristors Iilnmelcss in tlirir life and officinl administrntion ? Yes. Wnt I'reiiclicrs, coniing from otllcr Clinrclies, with reconimendn- tioii from District 01% Qnnrterly .Conferences, have had tlieir Oyders recognized as Locnl Deacons or Local Elders'! Avelpn Henry I~urliimi-liecogtiition of Elder's Orders from I'eoples' Chnrcli of Chyist nnd Community Center. \\'ho ronstitiite the Conference Coininittee of ' Tnvcstigiitiop? .T. H. Lovell, C. 11'. Bnrnett, J. .T. Senbrook, .J. 1T. Peters, C. S. Harper, Cliairmiin Reserves, J. H. ,Jolinwt, IC, T). Hnll. . \Win is elected Conference Lny 1,e:ider Y Wil.liani E. Fletcller. Wt:t t is the report of the Conference 'rrenaurer ? See Report. \\'lint is tlie report of the Statistician? See Report. Wlint nre thc objectires of this Conference for the coming year ns stnted by the I3isliop in Clinrge, or n Coininittee nppninted I)y liiin? See Report. \Vlt:it are tlic items :ind :ig.Lrrcgntc of (kwroil :intl C'onfcrencr Bener- nlenrcs apliortioncd to this Conference? JOOA9.0S ns follow9 :--Annu:il and Qener.iI C'onferrnce Benevo- lences 33.046 (:enern1 :\dministrntion :inti Jiiristlictionnl 2,414.0S; Ai*en Conncil 000.00 w11:~1,:iiiiirunt Ilns lieen it liportimed 10 the P;istornl Ck~rpes\vitliin 1.11~ Conferenre to Irc raised for the siipport of C'onference ('l:tintitnt5? 10 pcr cent of Pastor's Ciisli Snlnry \vit.h strirt Inininiitln of IIiicwt TTistn Street Jhtliodist Clwrcli, l'ittsliurgl~, 1%. \YIierr -11:111 the nest session of the Conference Ire Iieltl? .5 per cent. \\'Ii:tt iirc the ilpprovetl clninig for tlic support of T)iil.rict Siilierin. lcndent~and Risliops for the ensning year? 10 per cent of Pnstor's Cnsli Snlnry inclililing hOllSti rent; ?I:, per rent of I'iistcrr's Cas11 Sal:~ry re.;pP"tively.

BE T.'l' RESOLVED, Tlint tlic printed miniices of 112 \\r:i4ii?gtoii ,%nnual Conferenre be, nnd they are liereby, correctad to slinw tlie follow- ing : 1. PRESTON R. VAUJS, na Iiaving Iieen adniititral in<:) fidl member- ship in 1914. 2. J. R. JENKINS, as I~nvingbeen nppointed Sscoittiw Serrctnry, Conference Board of Religious Edncation in 1941. 3. RAMSEY BRIDGES, ns having been appointed ;\s;istnnf. Pnstor. of Asbury Chmch, Washington in 1942. 4. 11. AI. JEFPERSON, Jr., as liaving been left witliout appointment to attend scl!ool in 1942. 6. HARRY E. DIXON, as having been appoilitad to N?w \Vindsor, in 1942. $1. Adolph Hnynes, Becretaty, The Fourth Session oi the Washingtoii !\nnual Conference of the Ynitecl Church and thc Eightieth Session of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church convened in the Jackson Street Meth- odist Church, Lyncliburg, Virginia. Resident Bishop Alex- ander Preston Shaw, D.D., 1,L.D.. called the Confcrencc to ordcr at 9:30 A.M. Devotions The Devotional address oi the Bishop wis based on the tcxt ‘*Letthe words of my mouth and the iiieditation of my heart he acceptable in thy sight.” The Bishop conducted the conini tinion scrvice with the :tssistance of the District Superintcndents J. E. Dotson, C. S. Briggs, C. E. Queen, E. P. Jordan and E. L. Lofton, Organization Greetings were reccivctl from Tiishop M. \V. Clair. The Secretary was instructed to send greetings io Bishop Clair. Roll Call ‘The secretary called the roll and 152 members answered. ’!‘he roll of thq acccpted supplies was called and 33 answered. The roll oi the lapen \vas called aiid 92 answered. . The names of the dkceased ministers awl minister’s wives werc called: John JM. Boone. G. E. Curry, R. 14. Roan and, Noah C. Barnes, ministers; hfrs. G. L. Nelson, Mrs. T. N, .\ustin, htrs. R. R. Robinson, Mrs. Horace Johnson and Mrs. Tohn W.Waters, minister’s wives. The Conference arose in iioiior of the deceased and prayer was offered hy J. 13. Peters. On motion of R. M. Willia~iis,a tclegram was sent to 13ishol) Lecinards” widow. On inotion of A. E. Eriscoe, the secretary was instructed to send expression of sympathy to . the widow of Bishop Leonard’s aide who resides in Lynch- hurg. Oaganization : On motion, E. A. 1-Taynes was clected secretary, and . named as his assistants N. R. Carrington, C. E. Johnson, J. H. Johnson, H. J. R4cDonald, V. ‘l-, Key, Theodore Kess and T. A. Thomas1 A. D. Hall was elected statistician and named as his assistants T, S. Tilden, F. J. Frye, R. L. Ball, A. T. Middle- .. ,3. ,.- -.:-_ -

, 48 WASTTISGTOS CklX-PERESCE ( SOtji Session , ! - ton, IV. I-1. I-’olk, J. IV. Hutton, R. E. Tlurnett, T. R. Travis, Joseph W. Carroll,. V. -C. Sherman, Oliver Tkasoii. Ckrtrutlc B. Johnson, Suinlner Davis. Kelly Jackson, Treasurer, iialiied as his assista~ltsI11rs. Elaine !Ficlcls, Mrs. Mildred G. Gotlg-es, Rev. Clarence Davis, - Rev. I

I, J,. A. Carter was elected Postmaster: 011 motion OF ! IT. N. S. Hughes. the area of the Confcrencc was sct at -12 I rows of scats from the front. J. 13. Lovell was elected representative of the’ press ,rild 1 lie Christian Advocate, southwestern edition. On niotion, the priii led program \vi tli ncccssary changes 1% w;is adopted as the Conierence procctlurc. Order oIf Day: On motion, the report of thc h3 inisters’ \Yivcs /jssocia- tion was made an order of the day lor Fi-idaj., 1O:OO a.m. Adopted. a .. On, motion of Ad. I;. I-layliiig, Llie clecti~-riioi (1cIc::ates to the General atid Jurisdictional Confercnces was made an order of the day for .Friday after thc report oi the Miiiistesrsz Wives, Greetings from J,. I-T. Revels. On motion of E. A. Luve, .I commission on Jouriial was created. ~;onimission,Perrji Myers, D. M. Pleasants, N. B. Carrington. Committee on Courtesy was appointcci: A. J. Smith. Chairman; N. P. Minor, Alesandria District ; Olivcr 13eaw11, Charleston District ; V. T. Rey, Nortli 13altimore D:istrict ; J. D. Browne, South Baltimore District; B. J. Pogue, Wash- ington District.

The following visitors werc introduced : Jamcs E. ll\l. Stevens, J. W. Haywood, J. R. Washington, MI. C. Thomp- son, M. S. Davage. L. L. Haynes. Chaplain E. G. Carroll was ‘presented. Memorial Service: D. M. Pleasants presiding. Tosliua 0. Williaiiis’. an- nouiiced T-Jyiiii4 533, ‘0 God Our I-l&) in Agcs I’ast.” M. i\$. Jefferson offered prayer. I-Iymn 235 was sullg. .I oscph S t eiii 1ey de 1i \wed t h c mem orid a tl rlrcss froii 1 t lie text I: Coriiitliians, 15th chapter, ”\\/e Shall All Ue Cllangcrl.” Uenediction hy A. J. Smith. Afternoon : Devotions. Singing was led I)? G. ‘l‘. C. Bell, “1 Love to Tell the Story.” J. S. .Carroll offerctl prayer. ,Cinging,-“Guide Me, 0 TliOti Grcat Jehcivali,.~ 1943) 49

I The District S.uperintendent and: the effective elders. of the Charleston D’istrict were called. their characters passed, and P,. P. Jordan read his report. The District Superintendent and the-eft’ective Elders of ilie North Baltimore District were calle(1, thcir char,?cters pssed, and E. L. Lofton read his report. Introduction : Dr, Willard W. Allen was ntroduced and addressed the Conference in the interest of War Bonds and Deietlse Stamps. Resolution : E. L. Lofton presented a resolution endorsing the pro- visions inculcated in Dr. Allens address. Adopted. Dr. David Joqes, President of Bennett College, was in- troduced and addressed the Conference in the interest of edu- cation and Bennett College. Dr. J. W. Golden was introduced and ntldrcssetl the Con- rerelike in the interest of evangelism. On motion of R. M. iVilliams, the Conference voted to adopt the resolutions in- culcated in Dr. Golden’s addrcss. E. A. Haynes presented a resolution to change the date of the fiscal year io April 30. Adopted. Kelly 1,. Jackson delivered the Missionary Sermon from tlic suhject “God’s hlesscngers,” () Messenger must have personal esperiencc ; (2) he must be a witness. Benediction. TI4 U RSD’AU N T GFTT Devotions : J. C. Grant offered prayer. C. E. Queen, Superiiitcndeiit oi Alcsantlria District, and the efl’ective Elder4 were called, thcir characters passed, and he read his report. With J. J-J. Johnson. presiding, Dr. A. It. I-Ioward, of the 13oartl ol Temperance, delivered a forceful address as he pre- scntetl the temperance cause. ’I’he rneetng ,was turned over tojtlie board of lay activi- ties, with \Villiani Fletcher presiding. Music was rendered by tl,e Dunbar High School chorus, with Mrs. Vivian F. Col- ter director. Greetings by W. 1-1. Ljlaclc and an address by D,r. 111.S. Davage were the features of the hoard of lay activities, Benediction. n JOURNAL OF TI-TE SECOND DAY’S SESSION Friday, May 14.. Devotions. Devotions were conducted by J. L. Garrison, who an- 60 (Sot11 Session nounced H$mn 162, “0 For ;I Tli~~isaiidTongues to Siiiy.” T-Ie read the scripture and offered prayer. I?. G. Myers, Chairman of Committee on Journal. rv- ported the approval of the Journal of the first day’s proceetl- i ngs . Bishop Shaw read a comrnunication iniori.uing the Chn- fcrence of the serious illiiess of R. 17. Coates. On tiintion of E. A. Love, the Secretary \vas instructed to selitl :I teleyraiii to Mrs. Coates and wire a bouquet of Ro\vers for 1:rother Coates’ room. On motion of N. 1’. Perry. the Sc~cretaryIVRS in..;sriic.tctl to send a letter OS sympathy to L. L. White; who is confirietl‘ because of illness. 7. E. Dotson read a resolution tin thc publicatioii. tlistri- litition and payment of Conference mnutes. .See resolution. Adopted. The Superintetident and cffectiw Eltlcrs of thc Sniitli Baltimore District were called. their charci,cters Ixissetl, ant1 1. E. Dotson, Superintendent. read his rcport. Question of Privilege : C. S. Harpcr prcseiite(l to j. I:. Ihtsoii ;L pLirse from the members of the South Tlaltiiiiorc District. C. S. Brigg?, Superintci~dent.arid cll‘ecli\.c Eltlcrs of the Washington District were called. their characters passed. and he read his report. Order of the Day: The Bishop appointed C. E. T-Todges. Chairinail of Stc\v- ard’s Board, to preside. Presentations : Garret Rawlings presented J. E. llotso~i;I loving cup iii honor of raising the laraest ainoiint over c!aiiiis on Confer- ence debt. I Mi 11 is t ers’ ]Vi \yes Association re pot-t e tl t h c f o I lo \v ing : Alexandria District. , , , . , , , , , . . , . . $451.00 Charleston District., ...... 505.00 North Baltimore District...... 805.00 South Baltimore District, ...... 1,050.00 Wash ingtoti Il is tri ct ...... 720.00 $3,531 .OO \Vashington District : (1) Local Preachers’ \Yives...... $100.00 (2) Supply Pastors of Washiiy:to!i District ...... 125.00 Grarict total...... i;r3,756.00 Dr. Brooks presented a checli froin thc Publirhing House amounting to $806.37. The satne was tllrned over to the Board of Stewards. Resolution : The Ministers' Wives of the North Uattlmore Pistrict requested permission to invest $ZOS.OO in thc permanent funds. Adopted. The Washingtoil Tlistrict I,xal Preacher; \Yives pre- sznted .$100.00~f;r tlre Pensioi: Fund; also $1.25.00 to the IVashington District . '<;upply Fastors' F:in 3. Dr. Calltins of thc Board of Pensions preseiitctl a chcck ior $75.00 froin :lie Cliartered l.'iind. $58~1.00to oilr account $28.5 .OO.

01der of Day * On motion of M. F. Hayling, the order OF the day: Elec- tion of Delegates to the General and Jurisc!ictional Confer- ences. Report of Committee on Conference Relatioils tnat- ters membership. Recommended for full membership : E. S. \Villiams, A. H. Durham, C. A. Randall and A. Ed\\ard Berry. Adopted. The Bishop appointed the election board ministers : A. 1-f; l\%tfield, Foreman ; Tellers : Alexandria District,, E. G. Car- roll ; Charleston District, 1. D.Foy ; North Baltimore nistrict, S. W. Fields; South Baltimore District, L. A. H. Moore; Washington D'istrict, C. E. Smallwood : H. J. McDonald, Sec- retary. Laymen : Chairman, John Dyson : Alexandria District. John Hutton ; Charleston District, Mrs. McClain ; North Ral- cimore District, Elizabeth Hall ; South Galtimore District, Mattile Carter ; Washington District, James A. Campbell. Albert G. Jackson, for Secretary. The official count for Ministers was 167. The Bishop gave nstructions to the voters and tellers. Ballots were cast for two ministerial and four lay dele- gates to the Jurisdictional Conference. First ballot for ministerial and first 11aIlot for la?r dele- gates to the General Conference was taken. The Bishop introduced Dr. Holt, representing the Lynch- burg District, and he addressed the Conference in the inter- est of World Service. Report of World Service and Finance was read by I. R. Berry. The report of the first ballot for lay delegate to the Gen- eral Conference was'read, and William E. Fletcher was de- clared elected. A second ballot was ordered. 81,

, ! The report of thc first ballot for the election of Rlinisteri- a1 delegates was read, rind 11. M. \\'illiaiiis antl E. A. Imve tlcclared elected.

13enediction. *. ? AFTERNOON SESSION Devotions were conducted by J. 0. Williams. The Disciplinary Questions were taken up. Question No. 3 Treasurer of confercnce. Kelly L.' Jackson, Bondcd for $2000. - Question No. 4 They are. Question No, 5 It is. Question No. 8 Method recommended by Commission on \Volrd Service. Question No. 9 See Minutes. Question No. 10 They are. Question No. 11 John N. Boom, Noah C:. Barnes, G. E. Curry and J. M. Roan. Question No, 12 Joseph E. Ray, Discontinued. Question No. 17 See list of retired prcachers. The following retired minis- ters addressed the Conference. J. 11'. Warren, C. D. Hughes: S. A. Lewis, C. H. Toulson. J. I;. Monroe led the conference in singing "He'll under- * stand antl say well done." Conference Lay Leader \V. E. Fletcher rcad his report. lieport of number of votes cast 137-Choice 64. The first ballot for Ministerial delegates to the Jtn-istlic- iional Conference was read. Report of'number of votes cast 127-Choice 64. 'C. E. Queen and E. L. Lofton were elected. Second ballot was ordered. Report. Number of votes cast 136-Choice 69. No elec- tion. Third ballot was ordered. E. A. Love addressed the conference in the interest of the Board of Education. 3%

Resolution oft'ered by M. F. Hayling in rediscontinuing. Sirisdictional Conferences ; M. ZZ. Hayling, J. F. Monroe. C. I<. Lagrange debated. the resolution.' On inoticii of i;. J. Erye the rcsolution was tabled. MISSTONARY SESSION - J. l?. Rlonroe, Secretary Conierencc Roard of Missions idhis report. 'Ilie second Ixillot of tlik lay delegates to the Genci-a1 Con- ference was taken. Number of votes cast 110. Necessary for ;I choice 56. T-Tigliest numl)er of votes ,FIore~ic(~Gtitlicr, 47. No election. A third lay Iiallot was taken. Nuinber of votes cast. 89. Necessary for a choice 15. Florence Gaither received 45 vows. I? I ected, .- First lxtllot for lay delegates to the Jurisdictional Conter- eiice was talien, iiuiiiher votes cast 99. Wecessqr for a choice 50. Theodore Tiless received 63 votes and was declared elected A sccond hllot was ordercd. 1. G. Grant reatl the relmrt 011 'I'eniper:iiice. Dr. :\. I<. I ~o\;nrc~ :icItlressetl tlic cnnfcreiice. introductions : Dr. D. W. Heiiiiry; J. .I. I'atterson. 13. B. McRae. 1;. D Caltlwcll, 0. FT. Spctice. V'. S. Mc Lcotl, \\leie preseiited, Dr. 1.3. \V. Henry addressed the conferencc. Report of third Ballot. Number oi vctes cas!. 11C.J. . Neceessary to for a choice SG. C. S. 3riggs elected lia\i!;g rccei\wd 69 Totes. Report oi second Iiallot for lay delr:;:ateF to the Jui-istl'ic- tlonal Conference was read. I-Tenrietta Jackson and Thuniian !j~tsoiiwerc decl:irerl dected. On motion of 13. E'. Jortlan the I)al'ottiiig was c!cferretl iiiitil Saturday morning.

Benediction. 7 .'

Resolutions J,. A. T-J. r\tlool-e rc:ttl :I rwoItiti[xi tlesi-ncd to c-dciiil tlw retirc611le11t age to 75 \Te:irs, 1:csoIrili '11 \Y.I~cldxiterl 11~1. J. T]lolT1as.Eug-ene \*l;illi:uiis ;ind 1.. '\. n,[oOle. ~TOtc81 for--- 8T against. Resolution Icst. C. S. T-larper reail a Iysoliilir:ii on thSt;iCc of the ChllWh. r,illic ntr. JacICson :lcltlrc.;setl tlw Coiifcrcricc in thc-intcr- (,f tlle N.A.A.C.P. Thc Cnnfcrrwc ct1dfwul thc 11r'1~fra111 or the N!\:\CP. ant1 :ippnintetl :I C'oiiimittcc* consiqting of I,illie M. ~aclison,C, E. QUWII :11i(l E. A. I,O\.C 10 re!ircsciit the ConIci*ence in this Association. 1'. N.I-ToclKes presented a rc~sc~littiotireqirestiilv LIK af%ili:l- ljotl of otjr c1iurches in the State of Peiiii~~~I~~~iiiain the Petl- miI Council of Churches OF that State. Resolution adopted.. E. A. Moore ofieretl :t resolution ciitlorsiii~the work of the Boartl of Temperance. Prohibitions and Pnhlic Morals. Ballots taken for A4inisterial and 1.a.v delegates to thc Jr~risdictionalCotiferciice. Question No. 15 0. C. Hogans to E. Tenn. Coiiference. Question No. 20 Readmitted C. !I. Rnntlall. Question No. 21 A. H. Durham, A. E. Berry. Question No, 22 Dourlass C. Rowiii:iii from rdcxillctori Conference. Question Na. 19 - Clifton Awkivard, John T,. Win ters frorti nonaccredited schools admitted under thrt fourths \rote 1097. (unanitnoos vote. 1 Motion of E. A. Love-The rule requiring Executive Scs- +cui in Ministcrial Matters was suspcnded. Report of Ministerial Eallot for Jurisdictional Conference delegates. Votes cast 131-defective 5-counted 126-iiecessary for election, 64; Richard Johnson 67 votes. Elected. Report of Lapinens Ballots for Jurisdictional Coiiferciice. Votcs cast 106: defective 5; countcd 101, for choice 52. .' . . No electioii-Another l)allot for lay tlclegatcs ordercd.. Ballot taken by ministers for Iicser\ic dclcgates to tlic Jurisdictional Conference. Question 16- *.L he\ Supernumary Ministers Wm. E. Brooks-3 years; A. 3. Carr-3 years; Lott 7'. Miller-2 years. Characters passed aad continued in thc same relationship. I The report \\rork of the 1-1 oiiie Ausiliary, spoiisorcd by [lie North Baltitiiore Ilistrict under Mrs. r-illiaii Tingle. was ~

crdcred iiicludctl in the report. I;. G. Fryc requested L that tlic Icgacy of $500.00 beciucstc(1 to the Iiome by the late Vrs. ?;Tcllaniel, forme1 iiiatroii of the honie hc iiiclutlerl iu ihc re- 1"t. lieport of I.:allot La?; dcle:;ates to the I urisdictioiial Coil- tc.rcnce. VOTES CAST 107 Necessary for Choicc--S-C E. Co11tce ...... 50 Lillian Jackson ...... 27 Garrett Xawlitigs ...... __,. NCI elect iow--i\ i1 ot 11 t:r 1:;I I 1c) t t \v>i 5 ortl crccl . Question 25 A. H, Durham, C. :\. Raiirlall, E. S. l\'iliianis. --I.E. Eerry, For full membership. Question 26-Elected to ~~;LCOIISorders. E. S. Williams. Question 27-Elected to elders orders. T. J. Burley-L-iider Seminary Rule. Charles E. Moore-Liitlcr Seminary Kule As local preachers: 1-r. IT.Dison, Jr.. T. 1-1. Iieetl, Luther I-<. Dorsey, Alplionso A. Thompson. Recognition of Orders-A: H. lhlhaiii. Question 33-See Record. Question 31-Yes.

Question 38-Coniniittec 011 investigation. I. Question 34-W. E. Z71etcher--Elected Lay Leadei. Report on State oi Countr!i was read by P. G. Myers. E. A. Love requested the iiiclurliiYg of tlic contribution ui the :Farm Security Program. On motion of D. RI. Pleasants the Secretary was iiistrur- ted to send a letter to tlic Ricliiiioiid City Couticil cndorsini: its Fair treatment in tlic eiiiployiiicnt of Segrow on rnutiici- pal jobs. ~omp~etiiig~oursc of Study :---E. S. ~i~~iiiiiis,T. I I. Reed, C. W.Hayiies, 1-1. E. Dixoii, Jr., C. E Moore. Report of Layinen ballot to the Jurisdictiond C~nlercucc. 56 - WA SI I I s r:l'os c'cs FIX ESCIC LSOth Scssioii ,

Votes Cast, 111 ; Defective, 1 ; Necessary for choice. 56.I. . Earl Countee received 75 votes-Elected.

*Report on' Ministerial Ballot for reservc tlcleyates to !lie ' Jurisdictional Ccnference.

Number of 'votes cast, 132 :-Defective,'l * Countcd. 131 ; For choice, 66. E. I?. Icing received 108 votes-Elected. . Ballot ordered for Reserve T.ay Dclcqtcs to the JuI'~~- dictional. Conference. Vote on Constit u t ionai A men dents . Amendment No. 3. to read.-The Ri~-hoi~.hall Iir elcct~i by the respective Jurisdictional aiirl Ceiitw Is Conrrrcnces said Consecrated in the historic mariner of Episcopal Met!iotlististi: ar such time and place as may he fisrd 1317 rhe.Gcnera1 C'ori- ference. Vote 209 For: aeainst, none.

Amendment No. 2.-The Central Coniercnce. - s1i;iIl IIC composed of as inany clelepates-as shall i)c i,etcrniiiicc? by a hasis established by the General Confcreiicc. 'llir (lclegxt(-s shall be ministerial and lay in ecliial iiuml)ers. Tli(~--iiiiyis- terial delegates to !,c elected 1)y the niiiiistzrial iiicliilwrs..ancl ;he lay deleeatcs 1).v the 1x.v riieriilxrs oF the Annual' Confer- ence or the Provisiorlal Annual Confcrences. Volc 20?. JIIJ-; against, none. J. J. Seabrooks, Director of Morgan Chi-lsti;;11 Center .:id- dressed the Conference in the interest OF Religious JG1ticati;)ii zt Morgan State College. J. H. Jenkins offered a resolution to tlesigmlc. the Racc Relations Day offering tonrartl tlie creation of a chair jii' R. E. :t Morgan center and also the creation of a commission 011 : cholarships. J. H. Jenkins, R. M. Williain~,J. F. Moiircie fo cooperate with siliiilw. committecs in thr L)cln\vare Con: iei ence. Captain Edward Car-roll,' Chaplain in Lltc I-.. S. Ariiiy 2~1- (Irrssed the conference. Presentation. ;;isho]; Shaw present::rl Cli;lpI:til1 C:!I r~ll 2. check for $2.500 LO he used as he saw h. B. P. Jordan prcsentetl a check for $50.00 to piirkhase ;L communion set for the administering of Communion to thc :;oldiers. . R. RI. U'illianis ~"xiitctl a check for $5.00...... 'Report of ballot for Reservc Lay neleS-;ites.--Vutes: cast, 107 ;Choice, 55. A. E. Briscoe, 0. F. Rawlings, J..ilJi Jackson, .31--T?lecterl; ' On motion of Conference, Lily It. Jackson was elected. Report of ballot for Ministerial Reserve Del :gates.--Ral: :'ots cast, 117; Choice, 59. . . F. J. ,;Frye received 62. Elected. On motion-J. F. Monroe receiving the ni-si hi~hcst\Tot<: was elected. Qr. R. N. Brooks addresscd the Conferciicc aiiil esprcssc.tl appreciation for the increase number of suhscriptions to the Advocate. - C. E. I-lodges read the rcport of the Uoaid of Stewards. 'This years report brings the Annuity rate tc. 10 dollars the largest ever. Dr. Calkins addressed tlie Coiiicrelice-coniluctiding the board of stewards and Dr. 1-Tndgcs f(~rtheir rnncentratcd efforts to raise the Annuity rate. On motion of E. A. Love a vote nl apl)rcciation for tlie work of C. A. Hodges on the Stewards Roard \\'as given.. . Benediction.



Afternoon t. . . . .I .. . ISishnp Shaw Prrsidiiig - Devotions: ; Song service led hy C;. '1'. (1. Ecll. I'raycr by Stephei; I 'i el ds. Reports : Dleaconcss ( ;:iithcr real liw report. !\tinpieti. Report : f,. A. 1-1. Moolie rr:ic~ tIic report (bi tlic C*6niniittee on . I2samining District Con Ferciice Records. Recommendations for the .Conference I3oard of. EdiicaL tion. on mbtioii of N. P. Ijerrg the wor~cof ct:iiiereiice ~~~ission- . z.ry Secretary was atloptetl. 'I'he Conimitie.e on \Y. S. and . Ihance report was adopted. . 42. Whew ncxt session oi C'onference will he held? . . Motion by ,Fletcher to refer to Cabinet. 'Resolution : . R. &I,. \.\'illiams in honor of I

and referred to the Auditing Committee. 1. Motion of 1:. A. Love to hnvc Trc;isiircr‘s :iccnilnts to be aiidited within GO days. Prrv:iiled.

e C. E. Queen prescntcd rrsoIri~ioii tn :!iitliorixe Trustee;: in negotiate for Lynclihur~propcrt)r. . hlotiol~of I-layling to refcr to Cai)iiicbt in rdcrencc to i?rOpertY involved. On niotion of E. A. Love, collcction for Sexton. Educational Secretaries : Adult. I?. hl. \\7illianis ; Youth. TI. J. h.lcDonald; Chiltlren, T. N. I lodges. ‘Same Missionary Secretaries (see llinutcs).

~ Session, 8 o’clock

. h’rotion by 1:. A. T,ow tc-1 ntljoiil-n niter reatling of ap- pein tments. Announcement by Dr. IViIlis King. \\’qrk for \vomen opcii ;it (hininon Scminary iii the \\resky Foundation. Rcconinpidntion 1)y j. I !, Jt tikin<, (,i l3o:ird Clf Rcligous t3ucation Gammon living endowment 31 .OO to .$;2.5.Ml or more. Presentation : R. P. Jni dnn pi ewri ted gift on behalf of the. Cabinet. Offering. Question 38 : Objective. (See priiitetl statement.) J. I;. Farmer, visitor. ------.--( ,___ THE S/\RBi.\TI-I May 16. At 9:30 the Low Feast \v:is cnndiicterl l)y J. \\’. \\!wren, S. A. Lewis and others, anr~sl)iritua~ fiwor opciiecl the way lor the morning service. At I1 n’~.Ioci

Lord’s Prayer I chsntetl I)!. the J:iclro,icli to the throne was made by I:. 1’. Jordan. J. E. Dot- saji -aniiotinced I I yinn 23.5, ”‘l‘liou XI y Everlastiiig Portion,” tvhicIi-:was upliftingIy suiig ‘I’IiC morning collection was lifted,’imounting to $214.17. l’lic pastor, tlic Ilcv. ‘1’. S. Til- (!mi, aiinoiiticcd I-lylnn 357, “loy ls a Fruit That \Vi11 Not Grow.“ : The 1:isliop tleliverc tl ihc scrnion ; test Genesis 19 :17 : “Escape for thy life: look not 1)eIiin~lthee, ncitlicr sty thou iii all the plains : escape to tlir mountain. lcst thou be con- :.titnerl.” Subjcct, “Above tlic Snake-line.” \iTe were treated to real “anointed preaching.” He devel- IJpcd his message thusly : I. Snake-lines in 0111- tllitlkiiig. 2. Snake-lines iii our condtlct. 3. Snake-lines in our religion. 4. Snake-lines in our thrift and industry. 5. Snake-lines in oiir education. .Lot's whole life was \vastetl ticcause hc had macle the choice of THINGS. 13eautl- . as its 1)e:inning down -in our rhought-life. God cannot coti:lucr this \vorld with a nursery. lust the same as the Lynited States selccts itill-gro~~n,healthy ;lien and equips thcm with visible uniforms. SO Gd's Church is c:illing for full-grown Christians in 1-1 is service. TI-] E AFTERNOON SBWICI.;, R. M. Willianis Presiding The always result-compelling Ordination Scrvice opened r;t 3 :30 p.m. Devotions by I;. 17. King, who announce^^ 1.Iyrnti 174, "Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross," Mowed by the Apostle's Creed. Scripture Tzsson, i\cts 1 :1-17. The Court Street Baptist Church choir lifted tis to the heights as the? bang "Just a Closer b'alk with l'liee." The Rev. David 11. Pleasants brought the ver? cogent incssqe irolll I Corin. thiatis 13.:3, "Without love I can donothiiig.". Subject, "Love, the motivating pwver oi a siiccessfql ca- rcer." The Bishop ,with the assisiaiice oT the Ilistrict Super- intendents, ordainc4 the Deacon anti Elders. Final Conference Session, the( Bishc.p Presiding K. L. Jackson read the Treasurer's report. .Adopted. E. D. Hall read the St:itistical Repnrt. .\ilopted, with necessary corrections. , Leonidas Gibbs left without appointment to attend school. The case oi C.'C. Gandg was rcsT6rrcrl to the cahitiet for adjudication. I;. J. Fryc read 11 resoltition of Te~icitatii.,~~an~l presaited ;I purse to C. E. I-lodges for his loyal and faithful service to the Board .of Stewards. The Bishop aidouticed tlie appoiiitmcnt ol C. E. EIodges as Superintendent of the N. M. Carroll I Ionie Tor tlie Aged. Resolutions read by J. K. Cannon. Adopted. R. 1-1. Johnson's motion that minutes be adopted with- (-jut reading prevailed. W. 1-1. Tyler was appointed Conierence Kvangeiist. The motion of C. 12. Queen that thc Coininittees be print- ccl in the minutes without reading and after the reading of appointments the Conference adjourn, prevailed. The Apostolic Benediction by the Bishop closed a very fine session. ,

7'1 I IS IS TO CERTTI4Y that on tlie Sisteenth of OIJ~Thousand Nine I-lundrcd and Folly-three, I or- dained, under thc directioii OF the M~ashington Aiinual Conference nf the Methodist Church thc following as Deacon :-

EO I).:! 1.0 Snin tic1 \V ill ia ins aiid oii thr samr (la!. at tlic same placc the follonriiig were ordained as Elders:- .

'I'C1.l.~~ Jcllcl-so11 Ru1-ley' I l:irry 13tig-eiie TEison,'Jr. , I~tlierEd\yard Dorseg , Charles Ed\varrl hloorc 'l%mas ITosea Reid - r~Jp1~011soArnctt Tho~npson -_~~o--- -\LLEXANT)R'lA DlR'l'R1 €"r -. . 1. my13, 1943

l~isltnp$Ii;iw, JhwtIicl'h nitd Sisters of the Conferrnce: :\s T stillit1 Itcrc: before tliiq iw-tfrreiicc to innkc 'this, Iny second nn- tiuiil rrlinrt :is thr llistrict, Suprt inlcuilctrt of tltr .\lcxnnilri;i District, ' I (lo so \vitIi rev(wti-c, :~iidgratcfiilly :iolaiowlctlpc tlinl. this wonderfill lirivilrge is :I Ifordrd iiic :tlonc? t Iirniiglt I I is grncv. We Iiavc iiiucli for ~vliicli to I)e tltnii,kfiil.. . Repreienting tlic host-district-- to tltc Confereiire, .T extend to yon, Bisliop mid Rrotliereii, niid friends n iiinst Iirarty wrl(wiie. Tlic prwerbial Iio+tnlity of Virginia is infnllilh. It cnniiot fail; and wc slinll spnre iib piits I.o miikc pitr st:ty plc~ts:t~it:ind ~""$tnlilc. A good Pmvit1enc.c hns sini'ecl on us in tlic prescrwtintt of our Jives. Our miniaterinl rank 1i:is !lot ticen invfidcd this year bj the monster ilenflt. .\I1 of Llio hrcl.lircii nppoiiilcd hy yoit, Eisliop. :11. the '42 session 'of Coiifereiice nre able to report prewit ;iL this sesqioii, to give n good ::ccoiiiit nF tlieir ste\Tnrdship. Tlicre lins heen only nile cnse of protracted - illness. niir )iclorcd Inotlier I, T,. Wltitr. 1 :in1 :iblr lo report, hoqe~er, IIint It(' is ititprnviiig- s:iti

n pliip training clnsscs. AA rltiircli this orpni~edlins the grcntest evnn- neIisteic agency known to Christinn Icndcrs. .\I1 of the 1)retliren on the CjislricI, hnve hnd rcrivals t,liiq !.mi*ivsiilting ia ni:iny c.onvrr;-ions :ind nrcessions to tlrrir chiirc*hcs. nnt by far the grcatcr nunher of t!iesr liave hreq gnllng people ;ind cliildi:n \vitli potentin1 fiitnrei for noble nncl usefa1 lives. \\’lien the Invthrrn see rlc:irlg tlip triic n1)jrrtivcs nf Clrristinn edn- ontion thcy :it onre see tlieir greatest ngcncy for ev:ingeliwn. Throiili the cooperation of Dr. ,Tenkins, oiir con Ference directot of Christian Edncntion, the edncntionnl work of tlie di4rict is becmling set up generally, and ninny of our pastors nnd hymen are pilifying as dr:~ns and teachers in -accredited chnrclr collrses for Clrristinn workers. I do not thinl; it is :I critical itntemeut to s:~y. I fcnr we arc not niaking the progress, not only oil our district I)nt throiighoiit the Con- frrence, we ought to he mnliing in setting up tllc complete Iwograin of the Board of .Lay Activities. I do not nmln to discount in tile least tl~e fine work that ir being done by ow Conference l,ny-lcndcr, l3rotlicr Fletcher, nor our district Lny-lender. But the \rliole progr:im of the Ronrd of Lay Activities romprises so inucli inore t.liiun we have as pt nttempted that I nm making this statenlent. ‘l’lie ni:inpower of ow local chiirclies needs nothing more chnllcnging. \Vlien ivc slinll’ enlist nnd use the mnnpoivcr of our churches, OW problenw. wlicther linnncinl or spir- ihlal, will pass nwny. \\E ninst nik drccive aiirselvrs: the Ciirislinn chiirch milst continne to be ns it \vns in the \ieginning, n ninn’s clrurcll. I inenn !L church with :I. rnll to inrn, :I‘ clcniiintl for tlimn :ind R tnsk for . The Iayinnn must continne .lo I,ring in tlir cltnrc.li nioro linsincss- like methods in the conduct. of ch~~rdlniTnirs, :~r~tltnlic the principles of cahriitianity hnck into the I)iisiness \vorlil. lh~~ngcliwi, Fnmily rcligioll nnd the re-estnhlislimc~nt of the fanlily nllnr. systeni;itiv :in11 proportion- nfe giving as :in act of worship, tilliing ns :i dew:ir(14iip, the i-ooperntive nnd group crcdip movement.; nnd civic activities for tlie establinliiiient9 of Chrislinn government, :ire finnie of the things inrliicled in tlie prograni of the Bonrd of 14ny ActiviI.ics for tlic local churcli. 81i:111 ire neglect. so great a. snlvnthn 1 TIia old Norgnn Collcge property :it l,pAl)nrg, consisting of ahout fourteen ncres within the cnrporntc limits of tlic city. in Llie Iiiirdiasing of wKhicli the lnte 1)r. r. Cinrlnnel Penn wiq :I lending ligilrta nncl one of tlie Trustees dnring his lifetime, is no~vmrnctl by f hi< cliiacii. The cliurcli desires to niake t.lh property seci~reas renl estate Iroldings for desirable building sites for Negroes in’lgnrhburg, to I)? known :IS ?Pen-henrst.” Tl feels tlint tliis cnn Imt he done hy Iinviiig the Confercwr tnkc over the property. I think t.his woiild he n wise step for t,hr Conference, witli great future finnneial possihilities; and T Iiolw tlie Conference will do so. Among the churches thnt hare hnd specinl opportiinitici for sarvien thiR year is Hnrrisonhiirg. Diiring race-relntinns werk an :iddress wns delivered hy the pastor, Ikv. P. G. Uyers, to t lie hletiioc[ist College ,Yoi@li XCnveincnt (wliitc)- of Virgiiiia, at Bhin Stred ;\ret Iindist Church liefore several hundred students :i~lfnciilty inelnlwr.;. I IC 1)rciicIied ;ig:iiii ant1 his choir sang at tlie Chiircli of the Rrethrm at hr~lyl~lltl,Pz., on Sun- day of that rreek. The lorn1 lwondcnsting stntioii !ins n tliirtyniiniitc “Program of Victory” froin the clinrcli on Siinclny nfternooiis on which Rev. hh. Myers is the speaker nnd his choir furnislres tlie music. ~ Bishop and brethren, we have piit our grcnt.est. cniplinsis on rcli$ioits education as nn effective nienm of converLing and cliri,tinitizing the cliil- dren and youth. To that cnd we nre iirging dnily wcntion sdiools in all of our churche;l. They linve hecome n fised part of tlic progrnm ill sev- rrnl chur~?l~esof the district. Alesilndrin, St nunton, Salani, 1~:ills Churcli2 Brownsburg, Ricliond-hliiq .and IAgh Street, Lesington, Hedgesville, Leesbirrg, Harrisonburg, ~$‘OOd9t0Ck and so on, are falling in line. F.Ve shall not be satisfied until elvery church has its nnnunl Daily Vacation (80th Sessioii ,

Cliurcli School for n week or t.wo ns m;tp tre possible. I 'Bjshop 811an: you liave bccn :I soiirrr of'krent hspiration to our district, to the Conferr.nce and to me, by pur inviiicible leadership. The . Conference did what seemed inipos4~lein paying off icts debt on the home, tlirouglr your leadership. This will stnnd as a Insting monument to your iiainc and niemory for m:iny ycitrs Lo conto. Not only so, lwt'your great fcitli nnd careful plniining Itiivc Iirouglit. progress itnd ndwiiceincnt to our Conference along :III lines. You aio n c~inIIciigc to the fine group of men you appointed to tlic Alesandri:~district. As -a. whdle; tlieg.are qualified and devoted to tliei rtnsk. Sonic time ago I took note of their liternrj qunlifications. There arc a tottil of thirty-six of 11s. Eleyeii Irnve college and seiuinar,~.degrees ; eight linvc acadcmia :!id sciiiiiiary certifi- cates of gradimtion in English rourses; nine arc grndiintca of thc Con- fcrence coiirhc of study; tlre rcini:ining eight liiiw siipply pistor. statiisl NO OIIC ~oulddesire or ask pmtci. loyillty t 1i:iri tliesc iyi liarr given to tSlie Bishop's program and to nip persoiinlly :is their district superin- tendent. Bishop, yon need not Iicsitnte to cnll 1111011' tho me^! for any task you niay have foli tricm. It js theirs to dare ~III~to do. If there he any credit, if tliere bc any ~ir:iisc for wli:it liiis lieen done in. tlie dis- trict this year, it belongs to this small but loyal and mlrahle group of men, wonien, youth and cliilrlrcn of the Alrrnndrh District, . , . Respectfullp submitted, CMXB E. QUEEN,' District Superintendelit; .

.. ' ..;..,, .. ~ -- o-- M+,A RLESTON DTSTRTC'J' :: nisliop ~~iaw,~eni~iers :ind Vrientls of the \\rnslti;lgton Annun1 Conferimce: As we come to make this oiir report for tlie second 'full ycnr of 'OUY I:llrors on tlie Chrleston District, nv 1111istfirst, of all giw our t11nnl;s to !lie God of our souls for Jlis Ir:iticnrc. low nnd ~naiiifoldliles.~ing~ upon II~in tlie iiiidsl of ii tlistoitcd, ivstlcss nntl niisions world. Yes, we lrnve lreeii :iuxious. nl)oiit ninny things; but: in the inidst (of oiir niuciety, tlciitli has not I)CPII nllowcd to sever mi' relntioiis in' nny..of the parsonages. Illncss, yes, very serious jllnrss lins tnkrn Jold 'of iiiqu~' of 11s; hut niir liearts are filled with gmtjttrrlc becni~sr :I re:iso~$jc rOr- tion of health is eiijoyed by ei~cli ~ra~'soii;igCorcupnnt. hlany otficera and ni~iiil)crsIiiivc siiffered liecnusc~of illness and death, iind ani' 'symliat)&s II~Wgone out to thosc lionies; and we pay God's bl+cssing:s uppi.. tjieiit. District Conference .. Our District Coionference \viis the great illspirtition of the year: \\'e. were graced with the presence of OW OWI Bisliop Sha~and OUY souls \\?ere stirred by the Gospel message lie brouglit to 11s. Otlier distiiiguialied guests were: Nis. Pannie TI. Tyler, Dw. C. S. Brig.jp, H. ,W. Wiliinms, E. 8. J,ove, d. H. .Tenkins, Mr. Willinn1 Fletclier, and mans- inore. Woman's Society of Christian Service .. . "lie W. S. C. S. of the Cllnrlcsto~iastrict lins ciirrierl OII~,& greiit t.ask this past yenr under tlre lc:~dersliip of B4rs:Etliyl *Sally. We have liad an increase in nienibershil) itnd c~itliusi:~sm.AIorc societies liave been reorganized 2nd instead of functioning on a Iinlf-way biisis, tliey are.now going full speed ahead nccortling to the Guide :ind with the help .of Uod. We distinguislied ourselrcs this \.t':\r by 1)cin~the only district organiza- tion in tlie FVasliington Conference to have n coiiiplcte literature table 'at the District Conference, presided over by the Secretary. of Idteratnre. and Publications, We sold n considerable amount of this literature, for y&ch

, 1943) .

\re received coiiiiileiicliitlt,i!s fruni the Idteri\twe EIeiidqi~arterx. \\‘e nlso Itad R “Sacrificial Mecil” wliich was. most inipressire, ant1 I~eiiefitcd lis both- spirituully . and fiiianckill~. ?’lie orginizotion fcels Iiiglily lioiiored 1)ec:uise of its standihg :IS 21 \rorltl organization, and the \vo1lieil of the Chdeston District appreciate it iiiorc cncli ilny. Many woiiieii of note ldoiig to the W. S. C. S., incliidiii~3Iiid:iiiie Cliung Ri-S,c.l~el<,who has r recelitly lind conferrcd iipnii Ilcr tlic bigliest lionor tlint, tlic orfaiiization (WI liestow upoii -one of its ~iieiiil~ers-tli:~l of ii 1,ifc Patron of the 11‘. S. C’. S. Our Distyict, Aniiiial Afectiiig was held :it Cliirl~sliiirg,W.Ba., Novcmber 19 and 20. ;it wbicli time a new president was elected. in tlic pBpoii of 1h.s. 1,ilIi:iii Rcklis. OF Cliirlwbiirg. The Clinrlestoii District W. S. C!.,S. is looking forward to tlic 3I’id-Tenr IIeeting of the IY9sliiiig- toil Aiinunl Conference W. S. C. S.. t.liot is to he hcld iii .Tnnc, a,t Charles- ‘tin 1TT.Va. :. District Ediiciitioii l’rogniiii 1n wrrying ciul tlic disciplinary iiieasiires of ii hrgw Cllwcli Pro- bWIi11. inns4 of om rhiirclics have organized Clinrcli l3oards of Eduriitinn. Activities OF t,hc yc:ir iwrc two-Fold: Educntioniil coiirses nndcr able :ind :icci*edited twe1)ew were given at T.civi+iirg, TT’.T7n., and winter conrses of il first and second series were rondiicted in many t*liurchcs by r:iriouJ pistors who are accredited teachers. Of no less importance were our Siiin- iner Vacntion Church School mid Special nays ohscrvance. Under the splendid leadership of Rev. J. IT. Jenkins. ow ’Director of Christ,iiin IMu- 1 ion of the Washiiigtnn :\iiniiiil C‘clnferenw, ivr :irr presentinq :in eveii tiiore beautiful and progrea&x. cdiic:t t ionnl proprani for chiirches in tlw finsuing pear, pointing oiir ei1t~111;isisoii hrper participation in the st.iidv and practirc of God’s Word. Rev. R. X Swaiiston is thr Penii of o

. The Passing of TWOGreat Men We lost n member of OW race, to wvlioin God garc mi~ch: and in tiu.n, because of his Godly character nnd nnselfisli life. the world WIS mnde better bernuse lie lived. He was born a dare. traded for an old, brolren-down race ‘liorse. llut he grew in knowledge, favor with God and nian, and became one of the \vorld’s most. ontstnndiiig scientists. He \vas . trdy a great man, so mncli so that Ah, TJenry Ford said, “Otlier scieii- tists woiild so well to eni,uliite George Washington Carrer.” Monday, May 3, the Methodist Clinrch, Christianitir, and tlic \vorlcl, lost n great personage. While touring U. S. bases abroad, representing

T?. J. Frp had charge of lier funeral serviws. For her LTcnt lorc for th: Il~llirc nnd tllc glld.5 of tllc, IIOI~ICSIIC left tu thin the hiin1 or .4;5ooSc!. 1)rSTRTC'r CO~VRRENPE414 llT8I'RTCl' PROGR.\JI 'Vlip North Raltiinorc~ Diqtrirt C'onfcrciicr ws ldd :it lhi.;(rrbtii\\ 11. \kir,vlanil. .\ii:wbt 12-10. l!W. Tlir conferewe wiq well proviclrcl for :ind cqitert:iiiied 1iy tlie zood Iinstor. Rrr. 1T:Ittliiiis 11Wli:iins :iiiil lii. vongrc- iwtion. The ronfrrencr \vn~~1.11 nttriidrd by tlic nirinbrrs :in11 many vjsitiiic friend.;. Oiir liiqhin w:)s t.lirw who sivr ii\ hi.; wiiiil inqpiriiic. :rnd niiltirntinr :iddrrrr. ' Ifrr. Clinrlcs IT7:id~ \V:IY flicre rwrewiiliiiy IIir \\-oiii:iii's Divisiiiii of C'Iiri.1 i-ti wrviw. \W~ilein the Iiciilndx. of f.lw (lis- , f,vjrt. she orc;iniv(yI t,lio Tiifcr-Dciioiiiiii:iti~ii:il Woiiiiiii's :\nsi1i:iry in hlti-. iiiore :tiid tlirniigli this iiiisilinry n Day Niirsrrp \ws rstnIilisIier1 :it. thr Orclinrd St. Cliurcli. Tt i.; now iinclcr t1,w Pit?, Stntr alii1 Thiitcd St:itcs C,overnmPnt,. Tlirec citlicr of oiir cliLtrirf; sniwriiitriidcntL: \vwr wxwnt :it8 tlic confrrenrr. A - Cliri4i:iii \\'ovl;iw Pvlinnl :is rniicliirhl Iiy tlv Xiwrtl of Xdiic.:i- f ion nf thr Di4ric.t. Prr Rrllr T.. .T;icksnn tlw T)r:in. TIir tr:ic!lier.; wr1.r: \fcatlenws TTriirir(t:l Thirrlll<. .T. .T. R:irnrs. PTrrtlp Td. T,oftt. RrIir\ r,. .Tficksoii. Afildrcd TTotlrres: RPW. A. JT. WliXfirld. TT. .\. Grren. T"ly T.. r.nf- f on, nnd Coiifcrrnrc Exrwtirr Sccrctrt rv Rev. Jnsrnli H. .Jenkins. Tlir Rev. Fnirfny P. Kine \\':IS clrrted delemte tn tlir .\rea Canncil at this roiifcrencr. nnd Kelly T,. .Tficksoii rewrve. Tlir Confrrrnrr ndiniirnrd to meet. nt ATitnlicll lfriiinrinl Clliiinli. TTnrrisliiir,n. Pcnnqy1vniii:i. .\iiyiist 10-1.5, 1943. RV ANC,ET,TSAI The ilnlicnrrls in tlw ynrld nrr int,erriiiitinns of prnwes-. Thp sitis nf sorietx- h:ivr rniidit 1111 with 114 nnr1 wr hnve ninrnl. sncinl nnrl qniriViinl h?kdnn-ii with the frnr of :I rboll:tiisrd civilimtion. Gripnod in this vortex of disnster. tlirw ip onr wnp oiit. :iiid onlr onr. nnrl that idny is hck to Cod. This inits t.lie rliiirclirs resiionnibilitp riglit out in the own. 'f'1.e i)ronlr will orrisli if thrv do not linve moral and spirtii:il lendrrdii1y Tlir Drncrnm of rvnnaelisni Pent, nnt I>Tt.lw Commission on Kvnnnclism- :ind rv3commrnded l)r the Central ,Tiirisdiction Cnnimissioner of Evan- *alism-tha Rev. Dr. .T. W. Golden wns ndonted nt oiir last District Con- fnrence. 1Tan-c of oily rlmrrhes hai,c heen. enden\v$np to work ont n ye3r ronnd scrvicr of T"i7andisni tliroiirli tlih nrorrrnm. The Fcllowsliip of Piifferinc Week, Llic lveek of Dedication. tlie Lenten Senson. nnd hssioii . Wrrk liny been used as 'times of intense cvnn~elistio cffort. Somc wry mod fruits linve resnlted working throiiEh these cliannels. Wc notc :tccemions in nenrly all th'e rlinrchcs of the district. WOMANS SOCTETP OF CRRISTTAN SERVICE A Wonians Society of Gliristinii Service is orgnnized and is fnnction- iiig in every clinrge on the district. About eighteen or tivcnty have dcf- nitely related themselves to the District and Annual Couference Societies PIN^ are rclmrting monies and supplies to the canferencc trcnsiirer. These societies, tlirougli their Cliristinii Rocinl Relation and Tmal Cliiircli AI*- ti.\-ity :ire inestimate iii value to tlie TAo~ilChurch in r;iisitip fin:ince itR well us sponsoring Nissionnrg l3diiciitioii:il programs. ntany are taking tlieir place in Coimnunity Activity 'and working for b70r\d Pence. Mrs. Hester Floyd and lier stall' arc giving 1o~:il and efficient leader- diip to the District organization of the Society. NORTH BAL!l'I&K3RE DISTRl CI' nIINIST%lRS \VT\%S ASSOCTA'I'ION The members of the Miiiistcrs Wives i\ssoci:itioii of t lie Nurtli Balti- m~rcDistrirct liaw worked together in such linrriioiiy nncl cooperation so O-- O--

SOUTH BAl,'L'II\IORIE l)IS'I'll.lL!'l' 2

Bishop Sli:iw~ 4itliers :tiid Hretliren : For the Sixth and Inst tinie T beg leave tu subiiiil iiiy .\iiiiii:i1 reliui*t r?s a. District Buperint,endent of tlic N'etliodist Cliurcli. Hiwing served fnnr ye.1 rh nii tlic A1csiiiidri;i 1Iistric.t :I iitl f,wo yr:ii*s 011 the S. 13. District I nn\v rctiirii to ~'011%tlitit sticred iiwsi which vtls committed to niy eiiiw-riy yciirs iign. I Iiiivc liiiislicil I I:e \I ork wliicli thou gavest me tu do. Before entering into the dctails. ol tlrib repurt I~slioultl like lo s:iy to you, Bishop Sliaw-as a retiring Dist,rict ~ii~~crintciitlciii.,spenliiny for myself and for the pistors and. laymen of tlic P, B. Distijct "Gud 1ilr.h ym", your Christ-likc iiiii4 Iirollierly spirit, your seiisc of justice tint1 Fair play to every iiiiiii ; ;id yoiir wihtluni :is iiii ntliiiiiiistrator \vi11 ;iIi~;iysgive you :i cordicil ivclctiiiic: to tlic Iircsident*y.of tlik great lio(ly, 'Chis Iiiis Iieeii ii grciit year on tlic S. I:. 1)isti.ici. iii iiiiiiiy rcsIievlg. Jii unaiiimity of spii.il, it Ii;is IJwn reiiiiirl~iblc~wiilitit osccptioii.-Ii! fact, our pastors Itiyn~eii liitve I~Reii1hsi;istica Ily coopcriitive. 'I'u the end that peace aiid prosperity Iiave :ittended us-wicli step of thc way. 1943) of the METFODISTCHURCH 69

CHANGES Because of a jiousing project, our church in Brooklyn has peen sold, The two mortgages satisfied, and the remaining One Thousand Dollars turned over to the St. John’s Church, which is the only remainink church OG the charge. The B~*ooklynCircuit mill be known hereafter as-The St. John’s Charge. DEATHS On the 20th of October Sister Rnrah R. Rohinson, beloved wife of ’ Rro. Rutherford R. Robimon, our pastor at hisby, departed this life in great peace, she w%q biiried in Mt,. Auburn Cemetery. Also Sister Frances Johnson beloved wife of Bro. FT. A. Johnson-Retircd, Pasged to the great beyond, and WRB burried nt Magothy. DEACONESS GAITFIER Too much cannot be said in praise to Mrs. Gaither for her untiring efforts on our District, and for her achievements as cliairman of the E- vangelistic Campaign and planning Committee in .Baltimore. Sister Gaither notwithstanding her years of faithful service is get capahle of large achievements. CONFERENCE CTJAIMANTS Because of the number of ministers wvho are retiring this year, and cf those who must soon retire iinder the new law, the District Superin- tendent has insisted tht every pastor pay his apportionnient for Confer- ence Claimqnts in fiill. We believe that at least 95 per cent of our pastors will respond. MfNISTER’S WTVES ASSOCIATTON Perhaps the most oufstnnding organimtion on OUT District is, the BGnisters’ Wives Association. Those good women through sacrifice and self-denial have succeeded marvelously in their eRorts to augmcnt the meager salary paid to the retired preacher, his midoy and orphaned cliil- dren. It is the prayer of the District Superintendent and of his wife, ~I.O5s the president of the Organization-tlixt God may prosper their Inhors in the future, as he has cTone in the past. DISTRICT CONFERENCE Our District Conference and Youth Council convened st Waterlmry, 3rd. Rev. R. 1,. Ball the pastor, and his good people were at their uest. rn spite of rationing, and other handicaps the Conference \vas largely attended. The following District Oficcrs werc elected. Lay Leader W. E. Fletcher. Associate Lay Leader S. U. Davis. Missionary Secretary Rev. A. H. Hammond. President of W. S. C2 Service, >ITS.Mattiel Carter. Director of Religious Education, Rev: F. J. Frye. Director of Adult Work, Theodore Ress. Director of Youth Work Amos Cornish. Director of Children’s Work, Mrs. Owen R. Bowen. ‘ A Leadership Training School WUJ also conducted at the seat of the Co!oliference, under directions of a capable faculty.

EFFICIENCY CONFERRNCB - Our first Annual Efficieiicy Conference for the S. B. District was held in St, Paul Methodist Church, Tuesday, April 27. Rev. C. S, Harper, the pastor 8aw to it that we were cordially welcomed, and amply fed. The Conference was coinposed of pastors, and members of the Quarterly Con- 70 WABHINGTONCONFERENCE (80th Session

ferences of the district. 97 per cent of the pastors were present, and n large representation of Officers. Following are a few of the important siibjects that mere discussed:- 1. “Proper Arrangements of Annual Conference Reports”-Tliis dis- ciission was led by Rev, E. D. ISa11, Conference Statistician. 2. “The Efficiency of the Church School Board. Le$ by Dr. Joseph T. Jenkins, executive secretary of the Conference Board of Educavhn. 3. ‘(Organization of the Church School. Led by Rev. F. F. Frye. Next was a Symposium-(‘The Importance of Raising Ministerial Sup- port in Pull.” , .,,I,, (a) Pnstor and Ilistrict Steward of Centennial Metliplist Church. . (b) Conference Claimants, Led by Rfrs. Iclii Whiting, Trustee of i! , 8t. Paul methodist Church. (c) Episcopal Fund. Led by Bro. Theodore Kess. ’ Annual reports were also submitted by W. E. FletcliekDistriot Lay Leader, and by Mrs. Ifattiel Carter District President of the W. S. C. S. The Crowning feature was. the inspirational address delivered by Bishop A. P. Shaw. After voting unanimously to make the Efic$zncy ‘I Conference an Annual affair, the. Conference adjourned to meet at the call sr‘ of the District Superintendent next year. SOUTH WESTERN The Quota for tlie South Western Christian Advocate-Centra1 Ad- dition, mas accepted by each charge and me are anticipating the largest number of subscribers thus f?r recorded. N. M. CARROLL HOIPE A call went forth from oi!r BisliopJs Office to every pastor and chargo nsking for maintenance money in full. The S. R. District answered fhe rall in the usual way. A NEW DISTRICT ORGANIZATION Mrs. E. E. Dotson, Prepident of the Ministers’ Wives Association, has nlso succeeded in Organizing a “Soiitli Baltimore District Aged Rome Auxiliary” with tlie following officers : President, Mrs. Ada ‘Thomas of John Weslcy Methodist Church; Sec- retary, Mrs. Dola White of the Atliolton Charge; Treasiircr, Mrs. Carrie Thomas of Centenial Methodist Church. This new organization is raising funds to assist in caring for the gas and clectric light bills in thc Homo n7e are all grateful to Bishop Shaw for having brought ‘the N. If, ,Car- roll Home “Out of Egypt, through the Red Sea, and into Canam.” We are also grateful to Dr. E. L. Lofton for the way in which he-l~as linndled the resourees of the Home, as President of its Board of Mad’- gers. The inmates of the N. M. Carroll Home are now singing tlie Song of Moses and the Lamb. DEBTS PAID AND MORTGAGES BTJRNED More debts have heen paid in full and more mortgages burncd than ever before in a single Conference year. “We never can prove the delight of his love, Until all on the altar ye lay, For the favor he shows, and the joy he bestows Are for those ivho will trust,-and obey.” Again Mr. President-In closing our relationship with the S. Be’Dis- trict, we want to express our deepest gratitude to the pastors for their loyal support. 1943) Of the METHODIST CIIURCH 71

To their wives for the way in which they received, and entertained us in their home; and to the Layinen for their unstinted coopiyation. Nowhere in our BLetliodism, can there be found a more 1oyd group than they. TO THE BISHOP BiShOlJ SlkL\V:- I ha~eknown you Lliroiigli the years; your elevation to the Epi$cup;ri cy llns not clianged you. You are still tlie same big-hearted, broad-minded. high-souled, sun-crowned -1. P. Shaw that you have always been. I count it a rich possession to have bee11 associated KV:;~ you in cabinet work, for at least-a few years. 1 shall dlways remember your kindly attiturlfi toward me, and, your sympathy, and deep concern for the welfnrt: of the pastors and their families. And now sir: I coi~icto tllis high monient in my life mitli the con- sciousness that I linre done the best that I could. J. E. DOTSON.



(1'; OF THE WASHINGTON DISTRICT *.-I, Nay, 1943. Bishop Slie~v, nnd inenibers of the 'CVasliington Conference, I am indeed grateful to be able to present this, niy first report, to you at thi$ conference. Having been iippointed by you one year ago, succeecling ,the Rev. John H. Peters, ~110is now pastor of our very fine eliiirch, Ebenezer, ' .! \17:~sliington,D. C. We coine togetlier today under strange and pecdiar conditioiis. The world is at war and far away across ,the seas, far away around the \vorld, our sons and brothers and fatliers are fighting the I, battles of the world. For what? God only knows tlie reason, and the causes. They ere legion. They are so conflicting and confusing until it is very diflicult to d&nnine which is riglit. Russia hits a reason, Eng- Innil Iins it reason, Prnlice ]ins a reason, ond me Iiave it reasoii. So, liere we are in the midst of this great conflict and the battle fronts itre raging; nien and momen and cliildren are dying and cities are being de\mst&d; poverty, disease and death reign suprenie in many countries. We pray for t!iose wvlio %rein tlie midst of such a terrible struggle and that our nicrci- ful God will bring things right. There is another front that we are onlled upon to defend and protect. It is the home front in the name of the Church of Jesus Clirist, and it must be defended by ,the soldiers of the Kingdom of God. In this we must not fail, falter nor fell. V7e innst carry on mltil tlw* time when we are able to bcat tho iniplimedts of war into plow shares and pronixig kook nnd learn war no more. I want to present to you ii segineiit of tlie Icing- dom of God in wvliich are soldiers brave and true, who llavc not faltered, fniled, nor fallen; but have carried on in a. fii~way to maintain and Ifpep rstablished on the ~7asliingtonDistrict, the ISingdom of God. I present to you forty one (41) ministers of tlic Gospel. Please Stand. I present to you over 8,000 laymen wvlio have stood by these men of God to help them pre;l$ tlie gospel; pay church debts; raise benevo- lences, save sinners and bring people back-to God; to raise the fdlen, to cheer the faint, heal the sick, lead tlie blind and to help those to bear their sorro\vs in these trying &Qs. Having wroug1:llt so well the men of 8:' i-

'the gospel come to report and now 'stnnd rend)' to reCPiVe fwther orden from you. RECEPTTOW ' In coming to t]ie District, T was received lllost cordiRlly by the mem- bcrs of tile district. A \-cry fine rrcrpticn wns given th District SUPV- iiltendei1t and his fanii1-y at Asbliry Mctliodist Clilircll, h' the minister's \vives* Associatio]~n11c1 pnstor. TO the ministers' wives and pastors; 1 'dcsve. to -express to yo11 my very pent npprccintion. Thnnk YOU. THE DISTRTCT - The \Vasliin,T% District is situated in n strntegir position, at tlie Iiub of tlie nation; nroltnd \vliir~i swirls an crcr moving liee el nnd from Washington all the world is hched. people linve come lo iic: from every 'where. The population ]ins doul)lea itself. We were- once n fixed group; I,nt now we are a inoving, Iiustling, josliling, riisliing people. The prob- lem is great. Tlie people must be roralleil, the gospel must he preached to t!ieni. Our chnrches are crowded. The gospel must be pi cached to them with such effect that whether they reinnin liere or retnrn to their homes they will be snved to the kingdom of God. From all owr the distrkt, the people are being employed by the government. Nnny of OW pkstors and wives are nlso eniployed in tlie government, in order that the ~ftr effort mill be stepped up. Tlie government is now offering large salaries ir. order that the ninnufnctiire of ma; mntcrinl will Bc procluced. OUT POSTS At the request of our Bishop n meeting wns held at El~enezer3letliocl- ist Church, Washington, D. C., Tnesday, Jxniinry 19, 1943, of t!ie ORicinl Boards of tlie City Cliurclics and vicinity; t o consider the catablisliing ot Out Posts in different pnyts of the city wlierc so mniiy of niir people havd gone; in order that we might rencli tlie unclinrclied .iitd cstnblisli cliurcli ~ch001sns the nucleii of erecting other cliiirclics. 'l'lie program wan es- plained by Bishop Shaw and the tliree large cliurclics were selected to fnster this movement, by way of conducting Clinrcli Scliools which ivoiild iiltimately result in tlie estnblisliing of new cliiirclies. Asbiiry, Elienezer, nnd AIk. Zion were selected to tnke the initiative in this rITort.. I desire) to report that these cliurches and the pastors are cnopcrnting in this movement to establish tliese Out Posts. TITI3 DISTRICT CONFERENCE , Our District Conference was held in Laytonsville, Md., at Brook Grove Methodist Cliurch, Rev. E. A. Moore, the en,tertaining pnstor. The peo- ple and pastor gave us a royal time even though ratloning was on. We had all the sugar and cofl'ee we mmted. Tlie conference sessions mefe iyell attended. We miss the presence of our Bishop, but we believe Iiis.spirit TV~Rwith us. A wonderful spirit prevailed tlirougliouL the conference. Our aims for tlie' year were presented: Increase in membereliip; conver- sions in every church; pay old debts; all clniins raised in fnll. I-Iave some one to join your cliurcli every Sunday. Every orgmization in the church operating. I am quite confident, ns I have received the report that our aims 11ave been carried out. THE WOmN'S SOCIETY OF CHRISTIAN SERVICE - This society, the youngest child in tlie clinrcli is working well itn tile district and -the local cliurcli. The reports of 011r dist,rict o~ganizntions 1151 ahom remarkable progress; except in n fern rural societies; but rural societies are carrying on 'just the same even t~loug~li,lleJv arc sonle\yht fla11dicapped. InCkment weather, rationing of gas and di$.ance are the principal hindrances. 19431 of the METHODISTCHURCH 73

THE CHURCH SCHOOL ‘ We must not allow nnyt.hing to take the plcice of the Church School; Tt is still the nucleus of ii church xnd the crowning of .the Kingdom of God. Here the child learns about God and sets the exaniple for the youth and adult. Recause‘of the young inen heiiig called to the army in some of our rural SC~~OO~S,IVC liave lid to elect a supcrintcndent each quarter. Tlie city schools get ‘along better., YOUTH PEL1,OW SHIP TII~Youth Pcliowship is operating ~II.Tliis orginixntion takes the p!nce of the Epwortli League, with a larger task, :L broader scope, and pn extended’horizon. ‘t’he Board of 1Educa4tion~vhicli enibraces Cliristimi Etlucation has to do chiefly with tlic cliurcli school and youth fellowsliip. the Rev. J. H. Jenkins, Executive Secretary, has conductecl a Bible and Christian Work- cr’s School in St. Mary County, St. Mary Targer Ptirisli; and at Asbnry Nethodist Church, \J7ashington, D. C. These schools have been both help- ful and inspiring. LAY ACl!IT7ITIES Our district ltxy leader, Ah. Janies A, Campldl, cnnduoted two in- teresting programs this year. One at the District Conferencc and the other at Simpson 3fctlioilist during the week of Dedication. Itrice Relation’s Day, Laymen’s Day :uid tlic JJ7eck of I)cdica4tion were obscrvcd with good results. I tnkc this iiionient to ciill your attention to :II: article in the Cliristinn Advocate, Central Edition, as of Bel~ruary 11, 1943 j “Taking Race Rclations Sunday Offering Serionsly”, by Bishop Shaw. If you Iiavc not rend the article, yon oiiglit to read it. It is for the ~vliolechurch. There are five other jurisdictions beside the Central .Turisdiction; they raised for this fund, $lS,2SS.26 and the Central Juris-‘ diction ,done, raised $1!),307.22, if this is to continuc, we oiiglit to go back to Lincoln Day. THE CHRISTIAN ADVOCBTE, CENTRAL EDITION We will havc :in increase in subscribers to the Adwcate which is rntlicr gratifying. The Washington District is to the Washington Con- ference as the Wasliing;ton Conferencc is to the Central Jurisdictioni therefore, .we ought to liaxe twice as many siibscribers as ive have. M7e ought to support one pnpcr. 1 ani urging each pastor to increase tlie subscribers to the Advomite, Central Edition. GROUP CONFERENCES During the late fall and early winter niontbs; group confercnces wc~e held in our rural work at Brandymine, Rev. Vi’. G. Sinun,-I,astor; LaPlata, Rev. J. W. Ford, pastor; Osen JTill, Eer. C. B. Asliton, pastor; and Linden, lleu. N. 1’. Perry, pastor. “What must me do to get -back the power tlic church once ha$” ?, WRS the subject discussed. Tt WIS presented with ability by Rev. Kenneth P. Barnes: Rev. Richard H. Jolmson, Rev, Eugene Williams and Rev. Cliarles E. Hodges. In Washington, a Union Methodist, Evingelistic Campaign was con- ducted in January 3-31, 1943, by the Methodist TTnion Preachers’ Meet- ing. Thirtrsix ( 30) BIetliodist clmrches united in this revival. The churches \\‘ere grouped in the Northwest, Northeast, Southwest and Sottth- east. The slogan was “Spreading Scriptural Holiness for Victory and Peace”. This effort gave to the city the ideal t,hat tlic dcnoinination could unite in a joint service for the Lord.

,. SICK Those of our rank who have been sick this year were: Rev. Rufus S. i

Reid, Rev. Hobert Ft Cuates, Rev. Richard H. tJol~nso~~,Rev. John H. Peters, Rev. Lionel L. Cromnwell, and E. l17. Holland. . ?

DECEASED ‘. We have had also some‘ sorrow in the ileath of Rev. John N. Boond, Dr. George E. Curry and Mrs. Tlioinas N. Austin. TIicy have left us to join the cl1nrcl! triumphant. Sorrow has also coinc to RCV. Peters in the death of his beloved mother. MINISTERS’ WIVES ASSOCIATIONS It goes without s?ying that this organization is doing a fine won< in helping to augment the inoney raised for pensions and relief. OW re- tired ministers need all they can get. We nrc 110pi11g and 111*nyi11gand working for the time to coine when we will be able throiigli the efl’ort of the Ministers’ Wives Associat.ion, to so increase thc amonnt -to the retircd fnnd; that each retired minister will receive a suflicicnt fimouiit to liccl) lqim at least comfortable. Now is tlie time to strikc while tllr iron is hot.” N. M. Carroll Home for the Aged. Xay I pause here to say, “0,give ,thanks iint,o the Lord for He is good.” “Praise God from whom all. blessings flnw.” Re nrc 17er~‘happy for what lias been accoinplished in respect to the N. AL. Carroll honw -for the aged. Tlie mortgage of $1G,000.00 lias hen hrnt rnlic!ving the con- fcrence of this bnrdeii which 11ns been up011 oiir hcnrts for ~nnnyyears. Bishop Shnw, we want to thank you for yoiir leadership in this under. taking and may you live a long time to mnkc people happy. God sent you to 11s in such a time as’ this, God bless yon. FINAL ~~ORD Bishop, I have kept before th,e members of the Disti3c.t the progress of the church. I have received excellent coopc.ration. So niucli so, tlint every charge will report sonic accession to the clliircli : niany i~illreport con~wsions;wolrd service will be in tlie advnnce; sonic vi11 show 10 per cent increase; with a few esceptions evel*y chni-ge will rcliort all claims in full. Salaries haw been increased; mortgnges burnt,; with others to he burnt and sonic of the pastoh have gotten married. Would you indulge me jnst in this, that 1 might sny just a word about these soldiers of the cross who direct the work at these charges. Again, may I tlinnk the pastors and lnymen for their hcmty co- operation in carrying on the ~orliof the program of the church. In these war days it is wonderful to see how you are holding the line. We pray for the men w110 are called into’ the nrnied forces of the nation; that they may be sustained by the grace of God in the ordcnl through idgich they are now passing, and we pray for those mho must give i111 their sons and fathers, and husbands and relations to serve the nation. m7e pray that peace mill soon come and iiien and nations w,ill beat their im- pliments of Tar into plow sliares and prunning hoolts and learn war no more. Bishop, may I say how pleased we are to have you, lint only a8 our presiding Bishop, but as our resident Bishop. Sou have inspired us iii many mays; living among us, we desire a long and continuation of your presence and influence. Let us not forget that this is ‘(My Father’s R70rid.” Yours sincerely, Charles S. Briggs. .I of ihe METIIODISTCHURCH

THE STATE OF THR CHURCH While the teachings and practices of civilization seem to be nullified hy tlie Jarbariq indulgence of warring nations, the tenets of tlic cliurcl\ point out tlie may to tliose wlio seek tlic only safe course for human con- tinuance. Undaunted by those who would oppress, enslave, and exterminate a Iwlpless minority, tlie cliurcli demands jiistice and fair play even for the. most unfortunate of every race, creed or color. With delight we take cognizance of tlie gradual return of many to the influence of fellowsliifi . of the church' even on special days. Friend and foe alike, :ire .coming to Itnow that the cliurcli is the only stabilixer amid tlic nervousness and distractions turning brotlier apinst brotlicr and nation ngainst nation. rt is -not. only a dcclarer of the truth and a revealer of the life of God but a support on wliicle we may lean in tlie hour of trial and a light to guide the wanderer to the port of safety. That wliicli commends 'the clydi to all who listen to lier message and observe her operation is, tliat lier aiin, purpose and manner of opera- tion is clear, distinct and appealing to those wlio prefer definite action in the pursuit of life. &fen still seek her counsels in tlie difficulties of life and those who

would legislate against her' integration in the policies of tlie govcrnment I need only to niedibte and find nn answer as to tlieir 1)arrenness in pro- duction and beclouded vision. She must go forward in tlie name of her. God. Signed:- C. S. HARPER, JOSHUA WILLIAAIS, J. N. YEBRM703D, S. W. FIELDS.

STATE OB THE COUNTRY When the Citadel of Freedom is threatened as never before in tlie Idstory of mankind, we look well to the stabjliziiig of lier Lulwarks and pray ever that slie reinaiii as the indestriic tible heritage of Iiuinanity., God willed it so wlieii lie made inaii his ovvii free agent giving to no man or race the priority over another inan or race, nor tlie Mastership of any inan race. liiw, however, tlirougli tlie ages made this Divhd or Man ' Law a matter of record but not a Iiabit of practice, tlie results of wlihh have in this generation culminated according to Slioghi Effendi, -in a tempest unprecedented in its violence, unpredictable in its course, cata- strophic in its immediate effects, unimaginably glorious in its ultimate consequences, is ultimate consequences, is a't present sweeping the face of thp earth. Its driving power is remorslessly gaining in range and mo- mentum. Its cleansing force, however, niiicli nndetected is inereaping with every passing Hiiinanity gripped in the clutches of its devastar ting power is smitten by tlie evidences of its resistless fury. It can neither perceive its origin nor probe its significance, nor discern its out- come. Bewildered, organized and helpless it watches tlie great and mighty wind of God, invading tlie remotest and fairest regions of the earth, rock- ing its foundations, deranging its equilibrium, sundering its Nations, dis- riipting the homes of its peoples, wasting its cities, driving into Exile its kings, pulling down its bulwarks, uprooting its institutions, dimming its lights and harrowing up the souls of its inhabitants. D7ith this picture before ua it seem3 strikingly strange that men mould stand and ask why this tornado of humin destruction; when the answer is found in the non- .- i

76 WABHINQTONCONFERENCE , (80th Seseion ,,

compliance of the Golden Rule, “tlicrefore a11 things wliatsoevel: ye wodd that men should do unto yon do you eVen so to tlieni.” P Had this been tlie main course on the Peace Tablc at tlic Treaty of Versailles after World War No. 1, we would not be plaeed with World War No. 2 with all of its devastating evils: Rut the Victor’rcasoned that the victims were not deserving of mercy hut should pay the utmost farth- I- ing. Hate and bitterness smoldered in,the preast of tlie coiiqueror, whicli t 1 in turn generated greater liate in tlic hreitst of the victim, by virtue of his defeat aiid subsequent suffering. 1: wonder in this nearly 25 years lias mankind ‘learned tlie lessoii ivliat true freedoill is, since lie is greatl; ’ concerned about its priceless valiie. Is Iic willing to pay tlic pcice for it:/ Freedoin is a grcat thing lo liavc and to Iiecp. It malccs 11:~pl)~:homes. Freedoin used and not ahu used insures progress in every waUi of Ilfe. N$[. man \vho lionors thc Golden Rule fails to enjoy tlie einoluiiicnts of tlie freedom of tlic soul, the mind, and tlie body, for no such man seelcs tlic discomfort, tlie displeasure, nor tlic ensli~vcmelitof his fellow brother. It is the fate of ivay\vard ;tiid indifferent :uid pleasurc loving peoples to for- feit their riglits and liberties to designing lcadcrs 1~110usually identif)’ . their own ambitions wit11 the gcneriil wcll-being. In fact freedom demands so iniic~i~carc and vigiIiincc that mankind is frcqucntly unwilling to pa>‘ the price for it. Milton spealis of it in the. manncr of the artist when he says “Unless Uiat liberty which is of tlic’kind that nrms Can neither procure nor take away wliicli, is tlie food of, piety, justice, temperance and unadulterated morals sliall strilic its roots into yoiir minds and heart i there will not long. bc wanting those who will snatcli it from you hy t rcschery.” The manncr on ivliicli frceilom feeds must be gathercd liy cacli suc- ceeding generation or it becomes rotten. Only by uninterrupted strife can the Church or Nation bc kept so stcadfiist and alert tl!at their lilier-, - ties cannot be sniotliered by backslider^, faclionists, corriiptionists, and lovers of lucre or arbitrary poivcr. In tlie words of Daniel Webstei*, “God grants liberty to those whc; love it aiid are ever ready to guard and defend it.” The world wears ii tragic aspect just nom for those who Iiave been content to rely uppn valued endeavors of tliesc lovers iind guardians of freedom’s memorable past. The rancid temper of spurious nationalism has rcvived in narly every land. Armanwnts arc inultiplicd greatly and adapted to. morc dcadly methods of conflict. Civil strife darkens the prokpccts of Clwisten- dom. Tlie tenacious retention of wealth is countered by widcsprcak greed * for its Rcqnisition. Capitalists and Industridist alike, tliillk in terms too rcstrictcd for 1tiUtUid benefit and coopcration. l’olitical conspiracies for increased pow- er and prolonged tenure are mnslied in Europe by pretentions for tlie gen- eral good. The impulses that produce war, men’tally show ‘few, signs of :ibatement. The Christian habit of life js often forsalcen :ind in conse-~ quence men are so confined to their natural resources thzt they cannot meet the souls actual requirements. The law of Christ that-we shall love , our enemies is simply abrogated. He intended law to s-mooth a path to a greater and permanent freedom for :ill ~vhoobey it. But it is either totally ignored or construed under nullified limitations. The severance Letween the militaristic. and pacifist mind is about complete. Diaciples of the prophets of Israel and tlie redeemer of the World who obey God rather. than man and ende:wor to release the Nations from the casual brutalities imposed upon tlieni by. arined conflict are derided and ridiciiletl to an extent wliicli recently arounsed the indignation of our President against men guilty of Scandal mongering. Yet to do othcr~viscthan speak peace to our troubled times would be equivalent to the assention that there is no intelligible nioral purpose in tlie human story. For if ever& form of civilization is of brief duration and pliysical violence in the strugj

n gle for survival is the sole alternative, it is the logic,zl conclusion that whatever gods may be, certai!ily they have no traffic wit11 us. We must carve out our own path. The very dead are invoked in behalf of the bomb and the bayonet which cut them off in their prime, yct I am con. vinced thnt could they speiil; both friend and foe alike WIIO IIOW rest to- gether. from F;mn’s cruelty and woe on the‘ baattle fields of Europe ahd Asin,’in Africa and in the Ocean’s depths they ~voulrlurge lis to seek peace and pursile it. The one question which Iins no equal in importance is this, are we prepitred to re-assert our freedoin, not only as citizens and iiiitions, but as beneficiaries of Western civilization, by niaking reasonabbh concessions and hy those actions which guarantce a new regiine of good will and coiirerted purpose; or sh;rll modern civilizttiwi; slip into the gulf because it will not pay the price for its preserv:ition? “As ye WVOII.I$ that men should do to you do yc cven so to them.” It. is infinitely mo9 ciifbxilt to abandon personal sin, Iiesottcd pride, ftishionable pursuit the gppetite for perishable things and the oredulity of cults of various de- grees of folly tlian it is to post attractive progains and make fine pro- fessions of pn’triotisni, not withstanding these things, w must not forget that neither our praise nor onr blame closes man’s case with his Father) God. Not my own fears nor yonrs nor even the dreainings of the pro- plietic souls citn dctci*iiiinc the future of the human racc. Thew is a Divine Justice and II Divine Law which consume our bare desires and transfprirl our souls. They must be rcckoned in thc entire process we are now dis- cussing, inorcover in man himself therc is an unconquerable mind incarnate from Isaiah to Christ and froin St. Augustine to Cardinal Merciec.. Tlieir residual greatness was lavishrd on civil and re1,igious libcrty. They with- stood the proud oppressions of their :I& and compelled autocratic govern- ments to emulate reltictnnt Pharonh and let God’s people go. Rowevhr hard driven inan may be Iic is n thinking being and his innatc dignity lies in liis conscionsness. ‘rhc absurdities :tnd terrors of life cannot quench that consciousness nny more than the cold silence of death. We hnve not wanted for freedom loving ginn’ts \vho, secnre in themselves smiled at the drawn sword and welcomed the stake. Nor shall we be left desolate in the days to come. Tkitcn to that voice- that summoned Abraham from plenteousness to pilgrimage, and Moses from a luxurious palace. to the solitude of the wilderness. It was heard centuries later on the Babylonian plains nnd centnriea later still on the hills of Galilee from the ~noutliol the Eon of God. It should be heard today by A generation which know more tlian it understands with the wisdom that gives \wiglit. It is the Voice of Faith and rertainty against that of fear and uncertdnty. There-. fore, all things, etc. Do we really want ‘true freedom after this gigantic ~lobalconflict is over? T%en let us each one free one’s self of every - malady that malces one abhor one’s fellow brother. This cannot be done withou4 the aid of a conscience void of offense toward God and man, and that Conscience reqnires the standardization of God’s ~vill, revealed by him to man. The first business of a free people is to lcnow God. * Signed:- The Committee,


1The Conference shall niect at 9 :00 n.111.nnil open with tle\;dtional es- ercises. The regular business scssioii sliall begin- nt 9:30 a.m. and' close at 12:30 pi]. 2-All niembcrs of tlic Confcrcnrc arc rcqnircd to ba ]~e?cntat the regular Sessions of the Confercncc. GMembers of the Confcrcncc arc strictly forbidtlen in remain in the vestibules during dcvotionnl cscrciscs. 4-Tlie 3Ieniorial Servicc sliall bc held the first moriiing of the Con- fernce inimediately following the Connnunion Rcrvice iind sliall include the calling of tlie Roll of tlie Ilonoreil Dead. 5.-Tlie District Superintcndcnts sliall appoin't the stnwling Committees, Boards and Comniissions, tlicir names to appear in the ciwrent jo~lrnal of the Conference.

6--Wlien R ineniber wishes to speak lie ninst arise and nddrcss the Chah and slinll not proceed until IIC is properly recognized by the presiding officer. 7-The President sliall distinctly call tlie nmne of the incmber to ~vlioin he shall assign tlie floor. 8-No ineniber slinll spcnk on any qnestion inore tlian once until dlwho wish to do so liavc spolmi, nor slinll :I mcmber spcnk inore than ten minutes except by perniission of tlic Confei~cncc, 1101' slinll it be in order to niove the previous cinestion nor niove to Iity on the talde at the close of a speech in wliicli the pending qncstion 1i:is Iwn discussed. 9--i\feinbers sliall not be interrupted mliilc speaking csccpt by the presid- ing oficer, or by a nicnil~crtliroiigli him. IO-All motions mist be rednccd to writing at, tlic reqiiest. of the presid- ing oflicers or the Secretary of the Confcrencc. 11-3fotions made and seconded, reports m:ide and accepted are to be deemed tlie property of tlie Conference mid rmmot I)c ~vitl~drawn.with- out the consent of the Confcrencc.

12-Alhnotions to lay 011 the talile, to t,ake from the table, shall be taken without debate, but the onc \vlio otycrs n fornlnl motion or rcsolutipn shall Iinve five hiimtes to close debn'h and this rig,lit. dial1 not be forfeited by a inotion ordering the previons question or to lay on the table. 13-All questions of privilege must lie decided by the president. 14-No one sliall be permitted to go outside tlie bar of tlie Confereiicq,,

15-The following motions may tiikc precedence Of the originill lnotmn or precedence of each. ollicr in the order given liere: (a) To ndjbiirn to a given time. (I)) To adjoiirn, inilcfinitely. (c) 'Po take up the order of the day. (1) To lay on tlic tal)lc. (e) To niovc the previous question. (f) To postpone to a given 'time. (g) To refer to n com- mittee. (11) To aniend. (i) To postpone indefinitely. 16-Any person voting wit11 the ninjority niny move n reconsideration, but such motion ahnl! not be debatable. 17-The yeas and nays may be taken on any motion on the call of one- third of the member3 present. of the ~IETHODISTCUURCII i*

18-All reports pfepired for adoption sli~llhe presented in duplicate. Each copy of the same shall be legibly written and on one side of the paper. I. I !+-The Committee on Conference Relation .shall consist of nine members ~~110shall be elected for a 'term of three years but it shall be divided into three groups of three members each. One group of three to be elected nnniinlly.

, 20-Al1 applications for admission into the Conference on Trial. into full membersliip, or from other denominations, and all clinnges of relation of nieinbersliip shall be considered in executive session, and a non-mem- ber shall be admitted into the Conference only by n two-thirds vote. ?1-A11 persons desiring a change in their Conference relation shall have their case fir8t considered by the Comnlittee on Conference Relations. 22-The District Superintendent shall conimunicnte with all Conference members other Llian those in the ElTectire and Retired relation at least thirty days prior to the opening session. of the Conference, re- qiiesting then1 to state any change desired in their relation, and all snch reqnests for chilnge of relation sliall be put before the Commi't- tee on Conference Relation at the opening of the Conference Session. %-The Committee on Conference Relntioii shall report each year their . recominendat,ions as t.0 the continnnnce in 'the eKeetive relation all nienibers of the Conference appointed to i\~rlroutside the Methodifit Chnrcli, except where siicli apli~intmenlis provided for by the law of the Church also all recomiiieiidntioii~ for swli iippointmen't shall first be presented to snid Committee. 24-Only those persons slid1 he lected to elders orders, either man or womnn, whose nppointment to a charge as preacher in charge has been requested by the District Siiperintci~dents. -75--'L'lie Board of Conference Relntions shnll be expected to have sll credentials thoroughly investigaked nnd properly indorsed; hefqre, reronimending any person for Recognition of Orders into the Annual Conference on Cret1enti:ils. '26--,4fter satisfying the Board of Conference Relations as to the eligi- bility for Recognition of Orders the i1pplic:lnt is expected to appear he- fore the Board of Ministerial Training, and satisfy them as to educa- tional qualificntion before recommendntion for reception intci the An- nual Conference on trial or into full membership. -r /


Financial Reports ? REPORT OF THE TREASURER OF THE TRUSTEE BOARD May 14, 1942 to and including May 11, 1843. AIay 14, 1942-Brou6;ht Formaid ...... $ 65.95

RECEIPTS I, May 22, 1942-Rev. N. 1,. Tmftoli, Supt. North Bidtinlore District for Libertytown ...... 12.00 ilky 22, 194%-Rev. E. L. Loftou, Supt., North Baltimore - District, for Buclxystown ...... 10.00 June 30, 1942-Rev. 15. L. Idoftoll; Supt., North Bitltilncre District, Out of Debt Ciiinixiigii, Hnckeystoivn ...... 20.00 Xovember 2, 1942-Rev. Belly Jac1;son Coiiference Treamrer...... 300.00

Total Receipts ...... -. 1...... $342.00 Brought Fo?ward ...... 65.95 Grand To'titl ...... $407.95 ESPENDZTURILG May 26, 1942-'l'reii~~~cr'~~CS~WIIS~!S for t\vo ,pll's, 1'OStiIge i~d $Meage iuid Stationcly ...... 10.00 Yovember 4, 1942-I~or\\~;1rdct1lcdlo Ilr. Rliotta, Check for $375.00 to make tip ~xiyi~~entof $1,000.00 for Provident Siwings- Bank of Billtiinore, nlIaryland ...... :-- 375.00 Total Expeiises ...... $385.00 Total Receipts ...... $407.95 Total Expenses ...... 385.00 Balance ...... ' $ 22.93; Respectibully submitted, JAMES T. FIEASON,,.Treiis.

TREASURER'S REPORT, N. M, CARROLL HOME Map, 1942 to May, 1043. RECEIPTS State of Maryland ...... $ 495.00 Churches and Conference Treilsurer ...... 4,043.31 Donations ...... 510.00 Fee and Rent ...... 742.55 ilfiscellaneous ...... --1,207.03 ToLd Receipts ...... $0,987.89 EXPENDITURES Groceries and Provisions ...... $2,136.39 Gas and Electric ...... 657.23 l'dephone ...... 74.92 3Iedical Service ...... M.50 Xedicine ...... 18.55 Salaries ...... :...... :. ... 976.02 Ineurance ...... 535.01 Milk ...... : . 196.53 Ice ...... lZci.16 Punerals ...... 528.00 Tax ...... 3.00 Repairs ...... 50.00 Postdge ...... 1.00 Loans Repaid ...... 4S9.00 Niscel2aneous ...... 136.89 Elevator ...... 179.00 Total Expenditures ...... $6,435.64 Receipts ...... $G,D97.8a Expenditures ...... 6,438.64 $534.25 Resp~ctfullpnimmitted. A . €I. HAMMOND. Trens.



. RECNIPTS PROM DISTRICTS Rust Tcitnessee Coiifereme Rev . Mr . Hedrick. Dist. Sopt...... $ 6.75 Rev . Mr. P. D . Thomas. Dist . Supt ...... 8.00 Ecv . Mr. Hollowng. Dist. Supt...... 7.50 5.00 Totnl ...... $27.25 . ATortlr Carolina Conferemx Greenville Distridt. Rev . Mr . R . ST’. Winchester ...... $ 25.00 Louringburg District. Rev . Mr . R . R . McKne ...... 25.00 Winston District Rev . Mr. H. TJ . Ashe ...... 25.00 Western District Rev . wr. C . If . Plielps ...... 25.00 Total ...... $100.00 Delaianre Conference Dover District. Rev . Mr . L . H . McArtliur ...... $ 65.00 Enstern District. Rev. Mr . D. H. TTorgis ...... 61.00 W’ilmington District. Rev. Mr. W . C. Tlioni11son ...... 68.00 Philadelphia District. Rev . itk . J. W . Jewett ...... 85.00 Snlisbury District. Ry. Yr. 0 . H. Spence ...... 66.00 Total ...... $445.00 Washington C‘onferencc South Baltimore District. Rev . Mr . J. E . Dotson. Supt...... 8 75.00 Alexandria District. Rev . wr. C. .E . Queene. Supt...... -77.00 Charleston District. Rev . Mr. B . P.

Received from the Coniniission ...... $300.00 Received from the Connnission ...... --244.00 Total Receipts froin Colnlnission ...... I. '$544.00 Total Expense ...... $1,470.02 Total Receipts ...... 1,337:83 Balance Due ...... $141.1!) Rcspectfi~llysiihmi'tted, J. €1. JENJCTNS, Exec. Sec. -- 'REPORT, PREACHER'S AITJTIJATJ AID MINUTE The Preacher's Xutml Aid Society of the Washington Annual Con- fwence met May 14, 15, 194.7 in Jacltson Street hlethoclist Ch~rcllTdyllch-

burg, Virginia at 5 p.m. / Vice President Rev. L. 9. Carter prcsidcd. Devotion conducted. Roll called receipts $80.$o. iUinutcs of prcvious niceting read and adop~ted. Death of Rev. Geo. E. Curry the president noted. Revs. T. K. ihtin n. A. Johnson lost their mires during the year. TREASURJ3R REPORTED : On hand May 17, 1942 ...... $l;ZOO.S~ Received during year: Dues ...... $21.00 Interest ...... 10.71 --31.71 Total ...... $1,232.54 Disbursed: H. A. Johnson, sick 10 mcclts ...... $ 22.50 G. E. Curry, sick 10 weeks ...... 22.50 R. H. .Jolinson, sick 2 meelis ...... 6.00 G. A. TIIOIIIRS,sick 3 weeks ...... 9.bO Mrs. Frances Curry, death of G. E. Giirry ...... 100.00 For Publishing Minntcs ...... 5.00 Sccretnry Expciisc . : ...... 2.00 -- $ld7,.00 Total Receipts ...... $1,232.54 Expense ...... 167.00 $1,"65.54 Received May 15, 1943 ...... --86.80 $1,182.34 A. Hall Whitfield, Treasurer.

Rev. Geo. T. Bell was voted into membership. Paid entrance fee of $10.00 and annual dues $G.OO. Decided the nitllles of the President, Secretary and Treasurer liere- after be required in making ~vithdrawalsf~oIi1 the Rank. Two out of tliree eignatures to avoid delay. Decided the Beoyctary prqwre copies gf tlie a)cv~ Society's Con@i; 1943) of the ~I~ETHODISTCHURCH 83

. tution for distribution. President authorized ;ind :ippointinenteil to represent the Society's desire to have new menibers- For North Baltiniorc Distbct ...... V. T. Bey For South BaItini~rcDistrict, ...... TJ. A. Carter For Charleston District ...... 5. IT. Johnson Alesaiidria Districl ...... J. G. Grant Washington District . , . . , J. N. Yearwood and G. I\. Tllomas Officers elected: 1;. A. Carter, Preside111 J. N. Ye~ir~\~ood,Vice President I. IT. Carpenter, Secretary V. T. Key, Assistant Secretary A. H. \tThitfield, 'l'rensurcr J. G. Grant, Coi*responding Secretary 1EOLIl Arnold, C. €t. U'ryc, .V. J. Minor, Wm. 13. Austin, T. N. Ginlit, J. G, Norris, J. C. Briggs, C. S. .Johnson, I-[. i\. ThOIIIaS, c:. A. Booze, G. FI, *JolIIisOli, R. 11. \\71iitfield, A. H. Bell, G. C. I\T~Y,v. 'r. Ycnr\vood, J. N. Carpenter, I. 13. King, P. I". Carter, L. A. Love, IC. A. I. H. CBRPXNTER, Secretary.

8TATBiNENT OB FlNt\NC!IS RECE1VlSD FRON TILX ROBED OF MISSIONS t\ND CXIURCTI EXTENSION Nay 20, 1042 - t\pril 20, 194s %ray 20, 1942 A1es:indria District ...... $10S.75 Cliarleslon District ...'...... 335.42 North 13;iltiiiiorc District ...... 135.00 South Baltiniorc llislrict ...... 81.25 WashingLon IIistript ... , ...... 110.00 $670.42 .Julie 10, 1042 Cliarleston District ...... $4l.GS North Baltiniore District ...... 50.00

$91.66 JUIY 20, 1042 Charleston District ...... $41.67 North Baltimore District ...... 50.00

$91.67 Augiist- 20. 1942 ' Alexandria District ...... $108.75 Charleston District ...... 210.42 North Baltimore District ...... 135.00 South Baltimore District ...... 81.25 Washington District- (higust tlth) ...... ~0.00 Washington District- (August 20th) ...... 110.00 -- $695.42

4 ..


September 20, 1942 - Alexandria District-( 21st) ...... , :...... , ...... $12.50 Charleston District-( 19th) ...... , . . . 16 67 Waghington District-( 19th) ...... , . , ...... 25.00 $54.17 Octoher, 1942 Charleston District-~2Oth) . . , ...... 9; 16.67 Washington District- (9th) ...... , . , . , fiO.00 Washington District- (20th) ...... 75.00 -- -- t141.67r November 20, 1942 Alexandria District ...... , ...... , :-,. . $121.%5 Charleston District ...... 210.41 Charleston District ...... , ...... 100.00 North Baltimore District ...... , , ...... 85.00 South Baltimore District ...... , . .81.25 Washington District ...... , ...... #...... 85.00 $G62.,9$ December 19, 1942 Charleston District ...... $41.61 $41.61. January 21, 1943 C‘hnrleston District ...... , . , , , , . . . $41.67

$4tlfi6’7 Febrti.?ry 20, 1943 Alexnndria Distrirt ...... , ...... $121.25 Chnrleston District ...... , ...... 235.41 North Baltiniore District ...... : ...... 85.00 South Baltiniore District ...... , ...... , ...... , . S1.25 Wasliington District ...... , . . 85.00 - .- $607.91 March 20, 1943 Charleston District ...... :...... , ...... --. . $41.67 $4467: April 20, 1943 Charleston District ...... , ...... , ...... $41.67 -- $41.671

TOTAL RECXlVXD ...... , . , . . . , $3,202.51 Respectfully submitted, W. E. FLETCHER, Preuidcnt, C. S. BRIGGS, Secretary, R. L. JACIZSON, Treasurer. - REPORT OF THE COfi!lMISSION ON WORLD SERVICE AND FINBNCE ...... , . , This is a day when the missionary cause is imperative. ‘‘To preach the gospel to every creature” is as necessary today as it was when the

.-- 1943) Of the METEODIElT CHURCH 85 words of the Great Cominission fell from the lips of tlic Savior upon tlie ears of the disciples, whose horizon wns limited. If all the ends of the earth shall remember and return unto Jehovah nnd nll the kindred of the nations be bronght to wofship before him, the spirit and religious genius and zeal of Paul tlie Apostle must be rehorn in the C,hris’tinn con- science of today. The problems of Christian niission nre nunierous, but let lis not for- get that our nssets are more than they ever were. Our’ opportunities hnve grown with the expanding horizon of ow intellectual, commercial, indus- trial, social and economic life.

% We give thnnks to God for tho privilege of applying milch of our financial prosperity to the welfare of our fellomman, to the freeing of so many of our churches from heavy financial obligations, and to the crea- tion of lnrger and iiiore adequate facilities for the promotion of the cause of Christ. Although we nhhor war and all that it me‘ans in the distruc- tion of huma.n welfnrc, Iiiimnn rights, and life we do glory in the fact that the Christian niny turn Snine of the evils to good to the glory of God. Your commission on \170rId Service nnd Finance acting under the nu- thority of pnrngrnplis 832-841 of the Discipline submit tlie following re- port for the ndvancemcnt of the canse of Christ during the next Con- ference year : The ilIindrciiniirni’s ye:irl,v world service apportionment to our conference is !$35,531;.00. ‘rlic Conmission recomniends thnt we ac- cept thiseapportionnicnt :ind endeiiwr to raise ns much of it ns possible, nt least nn incre:ibe oyer the present year; and thnt an apportionment of $16,000 be made to the vnrions chiirclics of the conference with the re- guest that each charge shall nialtd an honest effort to mise five per cent over tho nppnrtioiimcnt scnt rlnivn. RRC‘OMI\I~ND,\TIONS

1. ‘Clint the Sustcntntion Pmid of tpii cents per member be con’tinued. I 2. Tlint the 13pisc:)paI Ihid ~IiallIir 2%. of the pastor’s cnsli salary 9s the Inw rcquirci. 3. That linlf of 1 per cent of the pastor’s cash snlnry be paid hy the ..ercr;il chirgeseq For confei*ence invcstmc:it for Conference Clnimnnts. 4. The district superiiiteac1c~iCssalnry slinll bc ten per cent of the Iie4or’s cnsli salary plus house rent. 5. Tint ten per cent of the pastro’s cash salary ~1x111IIC the nmount rn he raid foi the Conference Clnimnnts. 6. \~‘iiercps ibe Discipline places thc innjor rcspond)ilily of tlie pi’o- inotion of the I)enevolencc causes of the church upon thc shoulders of the Officers itnd C‘onimittees of the local church’ inchiding the Sron Bishop, District Superintendent, Pastors :ind church Lny leaders. It is recn~n- ii1endctI tliut ii well hid plan to Iwing all the apportionments iorcenbly Iw fore t,he OKiciii 1 Board and Congregation before the first Quarterly Con- Fcrence, and that a portion of the Pirst Quarterly Conference be devoted to :I coiisiderntion of tlic Benevolent Jnterest and Conference Claims of the Church. 7. In view of the increasing demands for Christin~l&[inistry and Sew- ice in our mar torn world, the pnstors and congregations are urged to ob. serve in; ‘their separate charges the Disciplinary days, such as, Race Re- ln,tion Day, Missionary Sunday, World Service Sudnay, nnd other special days ordered by the Annunl Conference. Especially, is it to be urged thnt the free cultivation literature from the various -boards of the church Le freely distributed among the members of the church. Special emphasis should he placed upon any nsking to help in the spiritual welfare of our- soldiers. 8. Thnt all money raised on the charge shall be sent to the Treasurer of tlre Conference escept pastor's salary, district snperintendent's . salary, local cliurch cspense and the Woinaii's Society of Cliristian Service. The one -exception to this rille sliall be wlien the C!on,fercnce or Cnbinet sl~nll have ordered the nioney sent elsewliere. Tn all c:is~swliere t,he money i:: given or sent to tlie district. superintendent or any other oficer or inemher of the Conference, siich rccciving person sliall gire the scnder 01' giver a trnmporary voiwlier and sliall send to the 'I'rensiirer the soiirce and tlir money of siicli payinent within thirty (30) days aft,er tlie date,of iccep- tion. The Treasurer in turn shall send a Conference Voucller to the pitstor or an Oficer of the chnrch making thc pnynicnt. Only Conference Vouchcr~ sl~nllbe recognized by tlie 'I'reasurcr for any reports to the Conference o:' Conferences or group meetings. 9. That the Conference s11nll contintic the san~edivision of World Service inoney raised on the Fourth Sundny in the Cliui*cli School ; na111ely seventy-five per cent for Annual Conferrnce Rencvolence and twenty-five per cent for World Service. Such money shall be scnt to thc Conference Treasurer as a separate item to be divided. The san~cto connt on tlie apportionment of World Service and Conference Ronrd of J~~di~cation.The Vouclier sliall indicate the division and anioiint credited and on ~vliicli item. 10. That. tlie Conference authorize the plblicntion of three thousand (3000) minutes to be sold at thirtyfive (35) cents per copy. That the i~iniitesshall be apportioned on the basis of menibersliip of the sevcral cliarges and that the pastors and congi*egntio~isbe asked to iend in ad- vance the amount of inoney necessary to p~yfor their npportionnient of ininutes as so011 after they receive their apportionment as possible. 11. That all nioncy sliall *be designated n.licn it is sent to the Con- ference Treasurer. 12. That tlic apportionment for Evangelisin sliall lie as follows: Cliarges paying undei. $900.00 sliall be apportioned $1.00; Clinrges pay- 'I ing $900.00 to $1500.00 sliall be apportioned $2.00; Cliargcn paying over ,l $1500.00 sliall be apportioned $3.00. 13. That the District Supcrintendent slinll send down the apportion- inent to the -respective pastors of the cliargcs not Inter tlinn thirty dnp (30) after the adjojournnient of the Conference. Conference Comniittee on World Service nnd Finance, I, R. BERRS, Cliairman J. TI. JOHNSON J. H. WOODS M. M. JEFFERSON J. H. PETERS SUMNER TJ. DAT~IS .JAMES A. CA1\E'BELT, HENRIETTA JACKSON Er,IZABETH GLENN -HENRIETTA DOTJGLAS I REPORT OF COMMITTEE 1 ! ON EXAMINIhTG DTRTRICT CONFERENCE RECORDS- We beg leave to report that we'liave lind in hand 3 IXstrict Records Iinmely : The Charleston District, the Alexandria District and the North Ikltimore District. We find the said records to be in splendid condition. Signed: L. A. H. MOORE, J. C. SCARBOROUGH, EUGENE H. B00NE.

Statement of Prospective Distribution

R2n.m :i. l3nozc, C:enrge 11...... 48 4so.00 4. Urm~n,Coluiiilms C...... 39 390.00 5. Rinwi. dnnics J,...... 45 -1-Tin.or) 0. Cn~i*oIl,do1111 \l'...... 47 4i0.00 7. (Inrter, .ranies IC...... 14 140.00 S. Contcs. Knlwt Y...... 32 220,oo 9. Curtis, l~:i11&111 J...... IS 180.00 IO. I)OCI;C~L, ,T. w...... :?!I :jgo.on 11. Gross, Beiijamin ...... 3i 370.00 12. Hndgw, C!. E...... 47 470.00 13. Bollnnd, Elijali \T...... li 170.00 14. Hiighes, Clinlan I)...... 1R 19o.on 15. .JoliiisoiI, l-lor;~~-\. .... 39 :100.00 16. Kent. \\Wliiiiii 11...... 20 200.00 17. Lewis, Stewart -1...... ::S :jso.no is. ?tinttil(:\\ls, CIIWI~~ir. .... dx m,oo 19. 3Linni; Wi1li:ini l!...... 25 950.00 20. 31onn, ICllsi:~ 1'...... :I1 :rin.oo 21. Sowis, dolrii C...... :{!I :moo . 22. Revel*, T.10ycl TI...... 24 240.00 23. Tllonins. 'L'Iicnphjliis A.. .. 23 230.00 2l. 'hilsoii, C11n.i. rr...... 21 210.00 25. Warren, .Jnliii W, ...... 42 320.00 26. \~'~lS~l~Jl~hlJ,1):llliC~ 11. .. 50 500.00 861 soimo - n- Widows Ycnr-I 943-44 Annuity Rntr gi.Il0 ('on ferencc-~Vn..sl1. NOI'E: '*Widow's Apprnvrd Yefi~~s"arc! tlie Appi*nrcil \'airs witli 1iiisl)and.r and arc 'niiiltiplietl 1)y serenty 1'crcelilf .of tlic r:ito for Rotircd wnisters. 1. Bnrnes, Jolni 3J...... 16% IGS 1lli.lin 1 15.50 2. Barnes, Williniii 1-1. .... 13 12 $4.00 84.00 3. Bcone, Jnhn Jr., ...... 11% 11% S0.50 80.50 4. Bisliop, ClinrIcs R...... min 45.50 5. Boom, .Tnl~n N...... 13w2 ,y n1.00 91.00 6. Binveil, Joliii W. IC...... 26 26 182.00 182.00 7. Brnsliears, George K, ... 16% 1536 108.50 108.50 8. Brmii, AII(~IWI)...... 22 32 154.00 lfi4.00 9. Brown, Benj. Wcs1e.y .... Glh 0% 46.50 46.60 10. Brown, Stewart TI...... 22 22 154.00 164.00 '11. Brown, William ...... 82 32 . 224.00 224.00 1913) of the METHODISTGm~acrr 89

13. Ciirter, Jaiiies 11. 15...... 2G 2f; lS2.00 1se:oo 14. Cecil, J. J...... 1% 1% 10.50 10.50 15. Cole, J. 8...... 3 :3 21.‘00 21.00 16. Coiinor, Tlorace C!...... 10% lO?h 53.50 73.50 17. Coiitee, Chiit ...... 22 22 13.t.00 151.00 16. Ciirry, George 15...... 27% 27% 1!12.50 1!J2.50 I!) I~IMII, Williaiii 1I. . : ..... 37 37 289.00 25!1.00 Nt. Deiit, Eiilaiiiiel AI...... 15% 161h 1OS.50 106.50 21, I~orsey, Witlter A...... 1214 12?5 87.50 87.50 22. Ihglisli, Wiilter A...... 25 23 175.00 156.00 :!:I. Ii‘ray, Artliur R...... 6 8 35.00 - 35.00 24. G‘iines, Wni. 11...... 31 31 21i.00 215.00 2.;. C:ri liiii, Robert -\...... 22% 2214 167.50 157.50 !X, lJ:irris, I\’illiaiii 1’...... 3’4 24.50 24.50 3. IIwL, Robert A ...... 14 14 9S.00 98.00 2s €lollins. Jolin W...... 19 I!) 13:3.00 133.00 29. €Ioi\:ird, Wil1i:iiii 11. .- . 7?4 71,$ 51.5 0 52.30 30. .I:IL’IIHOII, Jolln -\Ifred . . 8 s 5ti.00 .XU0 ::l, Juiikiiis, J. \V...... 37 37 25!).00 239.00 %!. Jwiiiiigs, Robert D. .... I!)9 19 13::.00 133.00 3. .IO~III~OII, lsriid J, ...... 19 11% S0.50 7J& 10.50 !)1.00 -;4. I~itkl!, ~\llJ& ...... 1:; 1:j !)1.00 !)1.00 :;;. J,cn’is, Jiiiiies II...... X5l,g 33% 234.50 234.50 ’#i. Atitcliell, Albert .I...... 34 34 9:15.00 238.01) hloorc, E:tlword ...... 27 25 189.00 1 s9.00 ::sa opllcl*, >~\lOSCS ...... s 50.00 SG.00 ‘!9. Owiiigs, ;Toseplr ‘1’...... 30 30 21 O.O@ 210.00 -I!’. Perkiris, Beiijniiiiii ‘l‘. .... 19 10 123.00 135.00 J I. F’liillip8, HuilJbirrd L. .... BB16 23% 1;?7.50 157.30 42. Reid, .Toliii A...... 28 28 196.00 l!)G.00 43. RONI, Joliil &I...... 28 25 175.00 175.00 4.1. Blciiiiier. Lewis 13. .... 59.50 .50.50 91.00 289.00 2s.00

. ._____ I lPtl1rs I \VUSll. I I Years I Yrh. Adty I 22 22 58.00 5 5 12.50 6% ciy 16.2.5 33.5 35.5 $5.75 90.. WASHIkaTON COKBERENbE (80th Seanion ,

THE FINANCIAL STr\TEA,IJZNT OF DEACONESS GAITHER FOR AUY 1!M2 TO AlAY 1943 First we wish to tliank 13isliop Slln\\, ;u~dthe Conferci~ccfor the first time in 111y service to the Confercncc it p:iid my saltuy in full last JWW.

\~eIinve rereiretl this iwir ;IS fol'ows: ~'onferciice ~re;isiirer ...... $WXOO FIxm I)1S'1'1? LUl'f . Alexandria ...... $ 68,OO Charleston ...... 28.50 North Riiltiiiiorc ...... 52.68 South Bnltiiiiorc ...... 77.00 \3ashiiigton ...... 62.82 'rotill ...... : ...... $289.14 Gonfereiice ...... $203.00

Total l!eceipts for tlic Yeiir fi*oiit Districts ...... 1402.34 Balnncc 111~...... $107.8(i Othcr Sourccs ...... $268.00 XXPEN 1)l'l'URRS Living ...... I.. .. $219.23 . Trnvel ...... !)0.60 Postage ...... 17.78 Personal ...... : 326.97 Total 11:s~rct1dit,urcs...... _...... $OfiO.58 Total froin Coiifciciicc~...... $451.14 Froiu Otlicr Soiirccs ...... -- 265.00 Total J~icoiiicfor tlic Yciv ...... $716.14 The Lord blessed iis with 35 cc~ii\~ci~tsthis ptr.

The tissiic oC llic Life to bc \Vo \\wve witli colors $111 ow ~~11, Aid iii tlic lield of 1)cstiiiy \\7c reap tlS \\'e I!ilVC SO\VIl. JWtlifully sul~iniltcil, ~J.IOl~l~NCEE. C:AITI-LEI?, I)cncolless.


-3- ._- r:



, 1943) of tlie METHODISTCHURCH

- t. MRS. ELVIRA M. BOND President, Tqman’s Association 96 WASIIINGTOXCONFERENCE (80th Sessioii

Laymans hmciation

4 p.iii. the \\:;isItiiigtoti C,’oiifereiive I,aytii:ui’s Associii tioii coit\retied iii . its 56th aiiiiiial sessioii, .\pril IO, 1!143, iii J;icltsoii Street >Ietliodid Cl~urch, Ly~~cltl~i~rg,V~I. T11e prehiclciit. hrrs. 1CIviix AI.. Ro~itl c;tIlccl tlic ,\sriociatioii to orcler. 1)evotioiin \\we coiitliicted Its (,lie lkv. lIo\~iird Asbury, Song, Scriptiirc: Ie+soii f(tllo\ved Ity -piyer. RoiigZ‘*i\re yo .\IJ~c”, Selection by the “H:triiioiinries”, of l~y11~11l~~trg. The presicleitt prcsciitecl J3isliop dlcwiiitlcr 1’. Slin\v \vlio Itroiiglit greetings to tlic! nssociiition. Solo “\Vlieii you see tlic: sliip coiite lioitic”, hy iViss Ediia Holmcs. Chrrett 1). lh\vliiigs prcseiitetl llr. J. J. Sea- brook the instrtictor itt t Itc Arttrgilll C‘1iristi;iit ceritei. wlio h[tlJku briefly cm the Iiecessity of tlie 1,;iyrticti iiivditig itiui~into tlic Cliristhti ‘l’riiiiiiiig of the yoiing people. Solo. 1~011 called. Mrs. P. D. ‘l’ylei; trciisiitw, ~iiadeIier report :iiitl on iriotioti of ‘I’liw. W. Kcss :tiid duly seeoiiiied was wreived. i\ttoriicy J. H. 1,ovc lJl’t!Sl?ii~t!t~ a resolution to the Association for its ;idoption ;i~trl 011 ~ncttioii of .Fits. 71’. Hutton, sniiie wis :iilopted. ( Sw J~esolutioii). hfrs. Lillian Tiuglc ~n:iclc lieis report for the N. hl. (!writ11 lfo~iie for the Aged. Report froin coitiiiiittveb. A iioiiiiiii~tiiig coiiiniittec \viis . zppointcd by tltc Prcsitlcut-Ah. Aliiyiiie \V. ‘rimier, J. 11, I,c?vc :rtttl Atms Cornish. Presehtatioii of visitors. 011 itlotioil of ‘1’. I\’. ICess! tlic repurl ‘I the Nomiuntiiig Comuiittee \vat, r?:ceired ;uid tlie ollicers were elected ;or 1‘343-44. Installation by the Rev. J. J. Barnes. Prayer by Rev. Lcvi \Tiller, .Ti.., for oiir bop in tlie .Sriiied Forceh. Beiiedictioii by Rev. J. .T. RIri1t!*.

---___o AIJ~hlBIEllSL’dl’lNG DT!JCS FOI! 1It.L.; dllti>tt, (‘i~tliei~irtc-C~o\~~i~s~~iIlc,ATl...... $1.00 Ayers, E. 1L-32 P Street, N. ‘A’., \\~:idii~i@oii,n. C...... 1.00 .?rinsteiid, Mrs. Odel-Rrool;lgii, 3rd...... 1.00 T{ennet t, Miss t\lina-1620 Druid Hill --\ire., lhiltiiiiore. Mcl...... 1 .00 Bromii, Xiss Georgie FJ.--15 Prospect St., St:tuiitoii, Va. Yriscoe, -Arthie E.-14 E. P1e:isnnt St9,1Rnltiniore, 3rd. Rritton, Mrs. Lillie filiie-111G Division St., Bnltiinorc, Mtl, ...... 1.00 Brooks, Nrs. Idllie Ih~~Hrooklyn,Mcl...... I .00 Bond, &hs. Elvirn U.--1517 Driiid Hill Ave., Baltimore, Md...... 1.00 Bond, Roy %-I517 Druid Hill Ave., B:iltiinore, Md...... 1.00 ’Tzonwi, A1111iI 13...... 1.00 Boon, I1Ii.s. khrtlis E.-Shcpherdstoi\rii, \V. VII...... 1.00 ~~IcY,Jh. Niibel-Brooklp, Md...... 1.00 l3tirIey, Cdviti-Brooklyii, Md...... 1.00 Cayter, Mrs. Jr:t tticl-1115 Nyrtle Avc., 13nltiiiiorc, hld...... I .Oo Cole, nrrs. ~~kii~~ra---~~~611:idisoii L\w., Jlnltiiitore, AM...... 1.00 Corsey, Mrs. Ueleii-144 W. All Saint St., I;”rcdericlc, 3kl...... 1.00 Coriis, Nrh. ll~~ttii:ili-Bel-~~ir,3rd...... 1.00 Cornish, Ailios-lmsby, Nd...... 1.00 Collins, iUr*. Pctlouia-140S 1ietre:d St., I~altiiiiore:ALd...... 1.00 Ckrroll, Ah. Al:~~~ie-Broolilyir,IId, ...... 1.00 Cbok, i\f I%. ~~I~II~~~I~~~oI~~~~~,Nd, ...... 1.00 J)ii+. .Riiintrer-1810 Diviaioii St., H:iltiiiiorc, hltl...... 1.00 Davis, Rev. Iiichiird 13.-Chicamuseii, Mcl...... 1.00 I)eririis, Alrb. I,uuisc-2005 Ilruid Hill’ Ave., JJaItii~iore,JVcl...... 1.00 . nownes, Nrs. Emllla--822 N. Carrolltou A4vc., Haltiinorc, ..... 1.00 Dotson, Mrs. Praiices R.--i\l.t. Airy, Md...... 1.0q

\ .. 1)orscy. hrTF . Cnssio-Ric1er\\~ood. Mcl ...... 1.00 Dysnn. Rev. Joliii C.-RnlRmore. Ncl...... 1.00 lhglin. A~inie , ...... 1.00 . Englisli . Ah. 3l.ontmy-1902 Mndis?n :\\,e., lhltiniorc~, 3rd ...... 1.00 l~lrtcher. Arrs . Elim D.-l'nrole. 3rd ...... 1.00 I?lctclirr. \\'. lC.-l'iirnle, l[d ...... 1.00 l"oi.d, Bliss. Alary IS.-]B[i C St., S . E., \T:ishii1 11, 1) . c'...... 1. 00 Poster, Mrs. Beatrice-5 06 N . .\rlington. Aye., I3.iltiinorc. 31d ...... 1.90 Franklin, 15'. A: ...... 1.00 I~reelnnd, Bl'n~.v-l'rince Frederick, Ma ...... 1.00 Cnitlier, Mrs. Florence E.-919 N . Cnrrollton An, Ralto., 3rd ...... I, 00 Garrett, 3rrs . l,aur.1-1 005 13raintley AW., Bnltiiiiorct AId ...... 11.00 Gordoli, ld;~11. -3% Center St., Prnsbnrg, JCd ...... 2.00 Creen, Brrs . A~IIW-1523 Driiid'TTiII .\w.. lhltimore. 3rd ...... 1-00 Gollgh, N.inir--S rot In11d Post o1ficl., 3rd ...... 1 .00 Trnll, C'iIrric-130S PCIIII:~z\w., R.iltiniore, 3rd...... 1.00 ICawkiiis, hrrs . Jlniy 1<.--!)12 K . C:ilniorr st. 1~iilti111nrr. 3rd ...... 1.00 l.re.ltli, JIrs. Stepll.lnic---:i 25 3roslwr St.. l3.iltimnre, 3rd...... 1.00 Ilolly, ~i;l...... 1.00 1Iollninii . Nrs. Florenc~-]S:~O C:ipitnl Aw.,S . R . W.isli .. n . C...... 1.00 ITildgiiis, hiI:i-lil(; C;iIlioli11 St., I~.iItitnoi~c,Jld ...... 1.00 Hntcliins, Seclonin-1021 Argyle .\w.. l3.iltimorc. lltl...... 1.00 TTm,.kins. 3riiiiiir ...... 1.00 lrolt, 3rrs. h1gr.v E.-I.otliinii, 3rd ...... 1.00 TTolland. P1i.i~. ~\.--\lesnn~lrii~,\'.I .. k.1p.l)...... 1.00 llnlly, Mrs. Cnrn-24:W \Vondl~rool; .4w.. 13.iltiiiinrc. J[tl ..... llerndnn . 1\11.* . Crnrw I! ..- 509 Ploy1 St., r.yiicli1~iirg.V.1 ..... !lllti.t~li, .ril s. \\~.-~r;lpie .\c.c., .W.ii.lin-\iiirg. \\. . \r.l ...... 1 .on lnlinsnii, hlrs. (4cri.W~P lL--Xw\.l)iirg, )Id ...... 1 .Ob .Toliiison. i\h's. :\lice 'I'.-l404 C:cild St .. l~iillimorc. 3ld...... 1 .00 .ro1111so11,Ah . Gertrntlc T.-194n I ..inrdtn .\r .I~~III~I~II.(%.is . C).--Sc\ww. XI., 130s as9 . . .lours, 3liss 13Iaiwli-422 E . 2Xrd St . dncksoii , .J.1 itir+- I3 rank1y n . 3rd ...... 1.00 .Tncl.ko n. Mrs . IAlic 31.--1210 lhiid ...... 1.00 Rell~-. 3Crs . 'Plielian-Pn~nd~nn, Jrd ...... 1.m Kess. Ilrs. I"10i~c~nc0 Ci~.-l3rooklyn...... 1.00 Rcw, 'I'lien . \P.-I3rooklyn, lrtl ...... 1.00 I nrkinr, Snllic-1925 liirisioii Si., I3:ilt iinorr . Ncl ...... 1.00 '!.arkins, Cnralinc-P.irol~~, Jltl ...... I.on T.nngliorne, Sgt. Ells\\~orth-Nortli -4 fi*ic;i ...... 1.00 I.ovc, .1. Tr.-904 Imvis St., Clinrlestnii . IY . V.1 ...... 1.00 .i\.lnrtin, Blis 3l:uy R.-2!i-:i2 6th St., X . \\*.. \Y.i4iiiig&m. n . 0...... B.(HI Bl'.~tilie\vs,JIrs . Osi.~--JTnrtllo~l. Altl ...... 1.00 Mnttliews, Alix. i\linie--l?orris, Mjrs . Emma-2311 khdison AYO.. Bnltirnore . Xl...... 1.00 Omin, Mrs . f\delnide-Nc\\llnal.ket, 3rd ...... 1.00 Pratt; Sninuel-Care of 1140 Driiid nil1 Avc., Rnltiniore, Mcl ...... -l,.Oa Pearman, Chnrles-Pasadena, Nd., R.P.D...... 1.00 Pinkney, Mrs . Daisy-200 N . P. Ave., Washington, D . C...... LOG . -_

98 @ASTIINQTON CONFERENCE ,~ (80th Session

Rawlings, Mrs. Edna-742 Dolphin Rt., Baltiiliore, Md...... 1.DO licdmond, Mrs. Edna-2423 Woodbrool; Are., Baltiinore, Md. .... 1.00 Rlroades, Miss l'eari--531 Cunil~erlmid St., Bnltimore, Md...... 1.00 Robinson, Augilsta-523G 1)eninore St.. Rnltiniore, Md...... I .OO Roger, Charles-1128 N. Carrollton Ave., Baltiinore, Rld, ...... 1.00 Eigby, Miss. Sarah-2568 ME Cnlloh Pt., Rnltiniore, Md...... 1.00 Strawder, John .T.--lI!I W. All Saints St., Frederick, ...... 1.00 Stevens, Aleasie-S20 Edmondson Ave., Raltimorc. AM ...... 1.00 Stevenson, Mrs. Estelle4409 Park TIights Am., Rxltimor~,3rd. .... 1.00 Stewart, Mrs. Mary J.-Rowie, &Id. ...;...... 1.00 Smith, Lillie J...... :...... 1.00 Smith, Alvertn-531 Gumherland St.. Baltimore. Md...... 1.OO Smith, Mrs. Carine-2320 Drnid Hill Bile., Hnltiniorc, &Id...... 1.00 Taylor, MTS. Allegeria-2008 Drnid Hill Ave., Baltimore, 3Zd...... 1.00 Tingle, Mrs. illian S.--1711 TT'cstwood Ave., Baltiinorc, Md...... 1.00 Thurston, Mrs. Garric-141+ Bfontello Ave.. S. E., Wash., 'I),C, . , . . I$i\ Tyler, Mrs. Pxnnie D,-71S 5Dtli Ave., N. IC., Wasliington, D. C. ... 1,.00 Tnrner, 34i.s. Mamie \V.-Bel-Air, AM...... 1.00 Vauls, Mrs. Nary S.-Sunderland, &Id...... 1.00 Walker, Mary-I15 Dolpliin St., Baltimore, Md...... 1.00 Wells, Mosher-Mt. Victoria, Md...... 1.00 \T7eeden, Mrs. Daisy-Tredericl~ Md...... 1.00 \\'ills, Nrs. ~~~rjorie-FriendsliipP. 0. Md...... 1.00 Winis, Mrs.- Altia-Clorlisbnrg, Mil...... : ...... 1.00 \'i'illiams, Mrs. Annie-2119 A4cOn11oli St., Baltimore, 3rd...... 1.00 l~espectfnllgsubmitted, MRS. ELVIRA At. BOND, Pres., URS. GXRI'IWDE B. JOHNSON, Secretary.

Oli'll'lCNltS FOR 1943 President Emeritus ...... James W. Hutton President ...... Ah. Elvira Eond, llaltimore, Md. Vice President ...... J. 11. Love, Charlesto~~,TI'. Va. Secretary ...... AIL'S. Qe~~trude€3. Johnson, Newburg, Md. CorrespoIiding Secretary ...... Mrs. lWzs D. Fletcher, Parole, Wd. Secretary, Lay Activities ...... Mrs. Lillie M, Brooks, llrooklyn, Md. DIS'PRICl' T7tCE PRESTDENTS North Baltimore District...... Afrs. Ihuie W. Turner South Baltimore District ...... Tlieo. W. Kess Alexandria District ...... Charles A. Holland Washington District

.I , Charleston District ...... Charles A. Arter

COMMITTEES EXECUTIVE Eorth Baltimdre District ...... Mrs. Adlaide Oram South Baltimore District ...... Mrs. Florence Kcss Alexandria District ...... Mrs. Genern B. Derndon Washington District...... Mrs. Francea R. Dotson Charleston District ...... _...... Mlr. J. €I.Love -


1943) Of the &fETHODIRT CIIURCH 99

THE N.-If.CARROTJT, HOMp . Xorth Baltimore District ...... Mr. Garrett Rawlings South Baltimore District ...... Mrs. Xlixa D. Fletclier Alexandria District ...... Janies W. Hutton Wasliington District ...... L ...... Mary J. Stewart Charleston District ...... Mrs. Sirali M. Wallace $1 GOOD LlTICRA'J'URE North Baltiniore District ...... Brtliiir E. Briscoe South Baltimore District ...... Suiuner Davis Alexandria District ...... Ah. i\Inrtlia E. Boone Washington District ...... Mrs. Plorence Hollnian Cha!.lcston District ...... Mrs. Ihrarcl Asbiur~ .. .. PROGRAN Fannie D. Tyler Elvira M.-Bo~ld Uertrirtle 1:. .Joliiison

-. (I --

TREASURER'S REl'UlLT my 15, 1943 Paint Fund Drought Forward ( 19422) ...... $202:72 May 16, 1942-Por .hint ...... 68.90 August 19-Cl1eck (Tlond)~ ...... 24.04 March 1-Check (Bond) ...... 2.00 Total ...... 8297.f% Expenditures May 16, 1942-To J. Burley for Sign ...... $ 7.00 May 10, 1942-D'or Paint on lionic ...... 14.04 May 27, 1942-1'0 Smindell ...... 100.00 hfay 27, 1942-1'0 Colored Vocntioiis~Scliool ...... 22.84 August 10, 1942-To S\vindell ...... 12.00 . Septeniber 18, 1942-'1'0 Swindell ...... - 50.00 October 2, 1942-To Swindell ...... 'i6.GO January 27, 1943-For Painting ...... 14.70 January 27, 1943-For Material ...... 2.05 Total Expenditures ...... -$297.03 Summary Total Receipts ...... $297.G0 Total Expenditures ...... 297.63 Balance ...... $0.3 RECORD OF DUNS May 15, 1942-Bal...... $ 91.55 &fay 15, 1942-Dues Colle&ed ...... ;...... 69.00 Total ...... $160.65 Expenditures May 15, 1942-Officers Expense ...... $37.09 Sexton ...... 2.00 Bank Expense ...... 1.00 Total ...... $40.09 ,



‘rota1 ~11~5...... sii;o.fis l’atnl Expeiw ...... 40.09 Balniice ...... $123.16 . Rnl. from Riint, Piiiitl ...... 03 -_- I Totnl ...... $120.4!)

AIRS. Gl3RT.RUD.E R. JOENSON Secretary, Iqmnn’s Associntion 101

Over n year lin3 piisuril siiic-~ivr eiitcrcd t1li.r glolial w:tr: :itit1 t1:c qtie~tionhas been iisltcd a.iiitin1)er of tinics : ”\Trill tlic Cl~urclistirviw?” tlf no other time in the Iiistory of tlie \vitr!d hns tlic Clturrli bccii fncc tt)

face with such trcinendoiis rcsponsi1)ilitics its todny. lTcrctol)cfore, wlicn- ~ (qw civil staife and wirs iwiirrrd Iict\vci!ir nntioiia, tlie conflict. lins heeii confined to limited scctionn of thr gl~iii~~:litit today tw fitit1 iilii*sdvc-: wii- fronted ~vitlin. world condition. The Methodist Chivcli considering tlie “world” ns its “parish” is f;we to face with thi? obligation of carrying on the work of the Rinpdoni of God in every, land in tlic inidst. of, nnd in spite of this WIT. Till the Clu~rclirnrviw? Yes, it will siirvirc if wc arc \vilIing to innke the sacrilicc. Yw, it will snrrive if we arc willing to follow t!ic I.csching of Jestis. \\'lien the order is ~ivcn,011 the hattlc fronts to ccnsr firing nnd the nirn set :iromid the pcncc tnble, if Jrsus mill linre a plnec ?I that table. tlicii JW i*:tn be nssnred of the survival of the Cliu*ch. Eveiy Cliiirch, roinniiinity, nnd fnmily Iinq felt tlic inipact of this wir. it rests upon the slionltlers of the laity to see to it that the Chiucli. will coutinnc in powr itnd slrciigth, and thnt the oh1 Cllrixtim !lag will id.trnil in tho dust. Tky-men, wc inn4 scc to it. tht we do not low hith in God and onr- ~clves.and tlini, the trnchings of *Tesiis Christ rind tlic gospel of the Son : of God, must go wit11 the nien 011 all battle fronts: nnd those of us who are at lionie innst “kccp t,he home fires burning.” Our pastors, who air r)~rlenders. ni~ii$ linvc OUP ?liilzsfi.icted nlpport. They nre doing their best to put across thc program of the Churcli and we niwt supprt thcni to tlic Inst trench niid go over tlie top even ‘into %o.man’s Innd,” and 011 t, Victory with t,liel). If ever yon werr needed to do your pnrt for the Kingdom of God as c.linrcl~nic~~it is now. ‘rlw tlcreilse oper;itions of the government. :ire idlii~gow people froin nll parts of tlic rotintry into dcfenic work. Sonic of tlicin arc lcnring their homes ncvcr to return: sonic will rctuni nftcr tlic war. It is onr jol) io see tliiit, Ilir C!liiirch will follow tlicni nncl snvc. tlirni for 1 hi* Riiig- doni. 11 liar I)ecn iny very pleasnnt task to visit four of tlic lirc District Cnnfcrcnccs, ‘rlie Olje rleston, North Bnltimorc. South Rnlt.iniore :ind Wash- ington. ‘l’lic :ittcnil:iiiw at each (if tlicni, \viis good :in11 (lie niciiibers weie cnthusiastic c!onc.erning tlio 1Irngriiin of tlic Chnrcl~. R:wh Districl 113s ‘ if.+ comniiltec oil 1:iy activities orgniiizcd; and froin :ill rcporls received, llie indiciilions slioa. tlint tlic’. york mill IIIOVC forward. Tt ir our 1101ic ’ that each churgc lii~lcadcrwill scc the nccessity of kcoping organized his . coninfittec oil lay activities nnd report accordingly. Threc inq~nrtnntoccasions cnnie very close togetlicr this ycar : Raw ’ Relations Dny, I~yniiiii’sWeck, mid ‘I’lic Week of Dcdicatioii. Each of them were significnnt :tnd froni reports, I :in1 incliiictl to I)eliew tlint niiicli . s’lrength nnd spiritnn I power was received. 1 have not kept :ti1 accoilnt of the visits thnt I hnre made, noi* the correspondence tlint T have carried on. My visits have been wlierever I could be of any lielp or*nssistance to niiy Inyinnn or pnstnr. T stand .

’ rcndy to servr \vhrrwcr C cnil hc of scrvicc. I The W;isliinglou Conference holds iin important- pliice in the centrcrl jarisdiction nnd we ought to maintain that, atnndnrd. Lnynien, see to it that every clnini is raised: and every orgnnization is opernting; nnd by all means support tlic Christinn Bdvocn’te, central edition. . Finally, I)rethrcn, we are living at a time unsurpassed by any nge of the world, ant1 this rdls for every ouncc of desotioii nnd strength to :ihnighty God, ow conntry, nnd our Chmcli. God 1,less you. Bratei*na1 ly yours, WILLIAN E. FLETCHER.


nl STRICT MISSlOX.4RY SECRET.\Itf'9 PEPOR1 .Ur. I'rraident. IIeniher~of 't'hc \\':ishingtoii Aiiii~i~ilC'oiiit*wiit C. I ntlirs nlid Gt~ntltwic~li.. 'Co thr \V~i~Iiingt~m\iinu;il ~'oiileieiice, .totti uiirc~ionaq hereta:?, .1111in 1:. lkonroc, a~hniitn ilie lollon in? rrpnrt tor rlic conferewe yexi, .\I;I~24, 1942 - Mi~y12, 1!)42. L Iiiivr trid to ~iioinotctlie policiea iuid pliiiia of tlic Cuiiid of Uij- &ns and rlirirrli Ksteiision of tlic 3Iethodist Church IN far as it has llreii posbitdr, ;ind iiiiw :issistcd the Iiiahop iind district firiperintendentd i; wh:itevcr \wy tliry Ii:ivc desired my m6x. It, hnR been my desire to tlee set, iip i! every loc.il cliurcli, rliurcb t.~:~rtlof nii.iions :tiid cliiucli extension. 'I'liis, however, has not been RC- v~niiplislied diie to the f;icts, firet, that tliere hm been iio plans for trawl- in2 the conirreiiw iii:itk in ow Inidget : sewidly, your tjecretary is not I fiill-l inw tlctrwlied nitin in t.1~conference field; nnd third, Iierniise there !L:I, Iwcn no tlcniiiiitls (111 [lie pirt of thc 10e:il chiircliw for siirh. prop~w II~' mi+iinn:iry rdar:ttioii. It hns hrrn in the mind of the' eeorctary to sei iip niisaionnr~inati- I 1it.e.; Cor tlir enf irv t+niifrrcwein si1141Iocalitieq which would ennble several tlicctric.ls to tnec% in one dny wwion, but this hns almost hew impos~ihle tlecniise 01' tlir ot Ilcr meetings called by the -1nnual Conference mutho I listrirt C'onferenm~iduring the aunimer, fnll and winter. But, however, I slinll try to get the cooperation of the District Silperintcndents, t!ie nistrict Miasionnry .';ecretnries, n'nd the Board of JIissiow to help tr~ bring this about. The swrFtrtIy hn.i ntteudali the ioliowing meetings Juri% the oonits- ewe par, nnd pIc.qent,d tlie clninis of the Ro:ird of Stissirma wherever

1118 \viis aillcd iipon to do fio. The N. Hnltimorc 1Xstric.t. Conhence, Sa I?:iltiinore I)ist.rict ('oiiference, the \\\'nshin,aton District Conference, the School of 11 iG4oiih .~ponsoredby thr Womnn Society of Cliri.itian Service in .\nnnpolis. .\Id., llie niiiinnl nieetiiig oi the Conferenw Tloard of Ifis- ninna lirltl in kitliinore, Mil., and 11 meeting of city pnstors aalled br 1:isIiop Shnw iii \\'iiJiingtan, 1). C., Jnnunrg 17, 1943, for tlir purpose of -1 wlyiiig tlic growi ti nrid developnient ol .ilet.hodi~~nill Wnnhington, D. C. If nt any timr ow churchrs need inlornintion which [ iiiug lie able 10 giro, nwli nh visual education; motion pictures, slides Story-Photo Fu- Inrgenieiils, I shall he glnd io :twist yo11 in obtaining tbem from tlic Iln:i rd. .I+ we I)igin tile new coiifercricr pir, I shall try to have a meeting IC' .ill tlir l)islri~*lSrrretariefi if I itill u-vlnin ;ippointd to this flee. Yniirn for &errice, JOIIX F. lIOX'ROE.


'he coiiiniii I PP consisting of Superintendents Dotdon, Lofton and Qiiecn, Ih. King rind #Takins, nnd Rev. 31. 31. ,TetTerson visited the old \lorgiin C'ollrge .\nncs properly consisting of nearly 14 neres, and rewru- meiii1 that tlic '1'riisteea of thc Confcrrnec be nnthorized to negotintd tluj piirchnse of t,liiri prolmty free of mclimbrnnce for n sum not to ertceeii moo. C. E. QUEEN. F. 17. KING. J. E. mrsos. J. IT. JEhXlSS. 31, 31, JEFFERSOS. E. I,. LQrnOX. 'I

106 WASHINQTO~CO~TEREKOE [ 80th Sejsion

hss inspired us wit11 a greiiter desire t1i:in eYer before to uiiite,tlle;force:! of the church in.order tilnt the toti~l~pro~rraniof the Christ niiglit be fostered. We wiah to thank tlic Eiglitli Street Ba@tist Church for opeliiiig its facilitim to this 1sessioxl of tlrc eo .,kreiicc. Aid to vou. tlicl CoulZ Street Baptist Church, vie clso niint to c? !)rcss our appreciation for Clic prii*ilegr -,F holding our Sunday 8erriee;j iti tlii~beautiful edifice. Fi'lth these siucere espressioiis. we lcace titi* w*sion of the \VXI~I- iqton Conferelice highly resolved, to rcdcdic~atcoureclws, onr serviceu, ou I' Ruhtances, in rc3Iizing- the d~ja'ti~esyesenled IJ~our 1;cklent Disliop. By the Committee on %?lfdlltioJlS: . Raspectfullg submitted. .I. H, ;~.-DYSON,Ciifiiriiiaii. .TL\;\MS Tt. C.\N?rTCN. Secrrtnry.

RESOLUTTON I;RO~~ITE iw-4~1)OF mucxriois In view of the fact that it is ii,iperative tliflt euch clinrge denijiiiiite and the Annual Confereiice approve tlir :iniount of money nllocatcd to c.c:tain colleges: BE IT RESOLVI!!Il: that tlir Wi~ylrin~tonConference :igrcc tlia t 50 ppr cent of the Race Rclation's Offering cach year he r1eaigii:ited to tho Morgan .Christian Center and the other 50 per cent to Bennett and If'ool-- riatm Colleges in proportion to 30 to 90 por rent reqxctii-ely.

ALW BE IT FURTHER RESO1,VED: tllat OOCII pastor :u~d~li:~rgc be ' indructed by the District Supriatendent to 80 rleuignnte tlic Race Eel- Ir-tions Offering and send sarlie to tlie Confcrencc Trcasurcr oacli pear. '.I . AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED : that the Wasliington Conferelice eonfer with the Uelnware Conference in the matter of wtablishing n~id financing a departinmit or c1i:iir of Religious Education at the fitorpi Christian C'entcr. NOTE: The above action has already .been taken I)y the l)e!awnre Con- ference on the presuniption that the Wasliington Conference would- do tlir +nnme. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Educqtion and other ausiliiiries aid charges of tho Tl'ashington Confercnct! mise monies for II sclioli rsliip fund for wort.iiy students interested in Religious C:irecrl;. RE IT FURTHER RESOT,VED: tltat. thc Washiiigtrm Co>!ference raise R comuiission whicli in eonjuiicfion with. ii like comniission ffoiii th Iklnw~reConference to work wit. glans for the coming oilt of tlir objcctivcs. Signed: 11.. C. R. ]ED. Signed: B. l31.

/. RESOIdII'r ION Gince tlie Methodist Cliurcli beliuws in Christian Educatiorl an$ since the Washin&an Annual Conference has acceptvd to put into. operatioh or Ia?cp before its meinhership, ii~dof Cltristisn Education. be iti resolved : thRt the Executirc Becrctnry of-ReligioiiH Education be placed 03 the pro- gram of our Conference, YO tlpt his report iuay be read in OJIC of tlic rcgulor session+ of the Confciqnve. Signed:

. 10s

II ....---- Bishop A. P. Sh:i\v, I desire to hi:tkc the following resolntioii : Be it resolved that t.he chnrchcs of tl?e Washington Conferme-. !vi11 hrcome nffiiliated vith t,he State Federal Coiinril of Churches of Airericn ifi the states where our c*lnircliw nre located and that tlinw clii1rclw.s will hc given the power to cientc iiii orgiinia:it.ioii iii ci~chi)f thse slates froiii th pastors and l:lynlen. Sigiictl : E. I,. I,Ok"l'ON, TCETJLY TJ. *TACKSON. HENRY JOHNSOX, .r. R. JEXEINR, T. N. HODCXS.

- RES@T,UTfON - FISCAT, YEAR Wlierc:is the date of tJic Aniiiinl Confercnce is now fiscd to conveiic the weir follnwiiig Mothers Thy cneh ycnr and. Wherens, the present date of tlie Fiscal Yciir is Jriirdi 1 and, Wherexs, the Rhtisticinn :uid Treasurer :ire piit to iiicoiir~~uieiiceIty the present tardiness of lianding in Conferenre reports, Tlierefore, Be It Resolrcd : 1. That the fiiscnl year Ire fised tu ciid oii April 30. 2. That all renorti lie ~nniletl to t.lie Coiifereiice 'I'rwsiircr on the first day of May es&pt, where thr first (lax falls' on 8iiiid:iy in wliicli CRSO they should lie forwarded the. nest day mitlioiit fail. 3. That tlic 'l'i-eiisiirc.r of t,lie Coiifereiice tiini GWV Lhe Pt;itistir;iT sheet to the Statisticiaii immediately iii older to iiisurci prompt coinpila- tion of the Statistical Reporl. 4. Tlint the District Superintendents Ilc requested to so fix their whedides ns to coliform with this pliin. Resliectfully sublpitted, KELLY TA JACKSON. EDGAR D. HATJL, E. ADOLPH HATTNES. 110 ~'iWd3IKGTON CONFENEKCE ( SOth Seesioii ,

B~flof Beceas'eb j$lerrrbars' of tot VCO~~P~F~TN OUR PROMOTED FELLOW WORKERS These all died in the ivork and hope of Christ, receiving- tlic end of their faith-the. salvation of their souls.

No.- Name Joined Died I Place of neath I IElijah Grisseni ______18641A11g. 13, 1865_-- ______Rnllimore, Md. ?!James Harim ______-_--186CJMarcli 10, 1868--______nnltimore. Md. ::(.Julius C. Johnson ______--1864 Aiwil -23, 1869--- ______Baltimore. Md. dlJohn R. Tolson ------1866 Jan. 29, 1870--- ______.Baltimore, Md. 5lJoseph P. Bowser ______-1864 iScDt. 12, 1870--- ______Raltimole, Md. 6tHeni.y Matthew __-_____-_18641hc. 31, 1870--- ______Baltimore, Kd 7JWnshington Carter ______IS6GIJuly 1, 1873--1 ______JInrford Co., Md. 81James Peck ______-_- 6, 1874--- ______Port Repnblic, Vn. 9!Alc..ander Poscy, Sr. _____ I, 1874--- ______Raltimore, Md. 1OlJoseph Gross ______-. 6, 187L-- ______Baltimore. Md. 11 Loiaenzo D. Sno-mlen _____ 5. c1875--- ___ Rockingham Co., Vn. 10IJohn Mabury ______23, 1876---______Romney, W. Va. 131Wilson \V. J,eewood ______1866JFeb. 12, 1899--- ______Bnltimore, Md. 141Ceorge W. Lewis ______1865 March 11, 1877--- ______IXariariHonbwg, Va. 151Jmncs W. Ockermy ______186513Iay 1% 1877---______Lynchburg, Va. IfiIJohn I€. Bi-ice. Sr. .______1864 June 6, 1877--- ______Frederick, Md. I'i %$in S. Wilson ______18G6IJan. 5, 1875--- J3:iltimore. MA 181,Jarrett Rowmaii ______1 Wl ~WW 11, 187%- _____ 1V:wllinrton. D. C. 19lTilghman Jacltson ______-1664/Jul~ 9, l878,-- Strasburg, Vn. 201Jolin E. Williams ______1875 Ort. 1850--- __ Fredet-ick, nZd. 21(Lemuel Maston ______18701Jan. '(2. 1881--- ______Imsville, Vn. 22:PhiItp Scott ______1864 Mnrcli 1, 1881--____ Pnrltcrsbur& W. VH. 23lJohn H. Hughes ______186Gli\~:irch 8, 1RS1--- Snltiinore. Md ZdlRt!htam Lawson ___-_____18G*IIAt&'. 14, 1881--- ____ Clnrkshulg. W. VR. SB!Tilgliman H. Adanis _____ 1SG6 Frb. 15, 18R%--- ___ UIII~Marlboro, &Id. 26 Benjamin Stepney ______1878 Mal.. 9, 1582--- ______Georretown;I?. C. 2AAndrew J. Wheeler ______?5, 1882--- ______Newbern, Vn. 1S1Jamcs W. Beanc ______9, 1PE2--- ____ Northern Neck, Va. 29ICharles Lewis ______1882--- ______Tazewell. Va. 23, 1R82--- ______Union, W. VJI. 3, 1888--- ______Baltimore. Mc1. 19, 3883,--- __L'__ Christinnhurg, Va. "6, 1883--- ______Baltimol*e, Md. 31 Charles R. Brown ______29, 1888--- ___ Montgomery Go.. Mcl. 3'ilBonj. Brown ______2, 1883--- ___ Pnrkersburg. W. Vn. 361Pntrick H. Ryan ______13, 1884--- ______Baltimoive. Md. 371 John B. Snowden ______19, 188.J--- ______Roanoke, Vn. 3S(Jolin Trigg ______22, 1884--- ______lVestminstei*. Md. 39IWm. H. Thomas ______5, 1884---_- ICnoh Russell Co., Va. 40(.4lesander N. Kennedy ___ 31, 1885--- ______Staunton. Vn. 41IHenry R. Elbert ______18641Aus. 4, 1585--- _____ nti.rhington, n. C. 42(Robert E. J. TVarncr _____ 1 S7OISei)t. 14, 1885--- ______Alesandria, Va. 4RIAndrrw Edmondson ______1866)Oct. 16, 1886--, ______Chase, Md. 4dlDnvid Jones ______1889 Setit. 22, 188G--- ______Fincastle, Va. 45ll~Iinor R. Jenkins ______/1883/I?eb. 6, 188?--- ______Rocky Mount, Va. 4GiJacob Owings ______1 ______-______------____ New I'incastle, VR. ,' I 47 Henry IVilliams ______;I871 Much 8, 1888--.. -______Westminster, Vag 4HIPerry McPherson ______IIR~SIAUR. 19, 1888--- ______Frederick. Md. 49llVinston Callowny ______18151Ai)ril 1890--- --_--_ Michnelsville, Md. 5OJRobrtt TI:trvltin.; ______1873JM:4v 5, 1891--- -______Banker Hill, Va. 51 Willis C. Cooper ______1868lJan. 4, 1882--- --_-__Saint Georie, Md.

,' :: , I 'I Roll of Deceasccl Mcmbei-s of G~iiference--(Continued)

NO. Name Joined died Place of neath

7; 1897---1_------Westminster; Md. 20, 189S---I ------Reisterstown, Mtl. 19, 159Y--- -___--' Michaelsville. Md. 10, 1898___--_----______Salem, Va. IS, lSDS------__Rockville. Mtl. 4. 189S--- -:----______3, 1899____---_-___ Bnltimore, Md. 01, ISDB-, _------__Rnltimore. Md. 13, 1900--- _------I?ennings, D. C. 1. 1900--______-_Philadelphia. Pa. 10, 1900--- ______Harrisburg. Pa. 5, 1901--- ___----_-_Bristol, Tenn. 1.:. 1901--- __----____-_-_____-_____ 2.1. I9Ol--- ____ Glarksburg, W. Va. 25, 1901______Shcndon. Va. 7, 1901--- ____ Baltimore Co.. Md. 12, 1900--- ______Baltimore, MIL 24, 1901--- --Lothian A. A. Co.. Md. 28, 190?--- Waynesboro, Va.

ti, 1902--- __I_____Baltimore, Md. 15. 190%--- ______4nnnpolis. Md. 20, 1903--- ______Connelsville. Pa. 28, 1903--- ______Annapolis. Md. 5. 19OS--- Wnshincton, D. C. IO, 1905--- ______Hnntin&on. Md. 1903--- ______Baltimore, Md. 24, iqn3--- ...... 1904-c- _-______--__-_------13. 1904--- ______'Ghase, Md. 1904--- ______A. A. Co.. Wd. IO. 1904--- _____ Washington. 3). C. 22, 190.5--- ______Baltimore. Md. 26, 1905--- ______Wheeling. W. Va. 17, 1905--- ______Baltimore, Md. 4. 1906--- ______Alesandria, Va. 8, 190L- ______Rockville, Md. 28, 1906--- ______Fairmont, W. Va. 27, 1907--- _____ \Vashington, D. C. 27, 1907--- ______Rnltimore. Md. 30, 1907--- ______Baltimore, Md. 2, 1902--- ______Baltimore, Md. 17, 1907--- PittsburK, Pa. 12, 1908--- Baltimore, Md. ?8, '19OS--- ______Annapolis, Md. 5, 1908--- ______Baltimore, Md. 16, 1908--- Annapolis, Md. 26. 1908--- ______Baltimore. Md. 2, 1909--- ___ Pmkersbuw, W. Vn. 4, 1909--- _____ Charlottesville, Va. 11, 1909--- Washington. D. C. 6, 1909--- ______Ahinpton, Va. IS, 1909--- ,.------Winchester, Va. 29, MOL-- ______Ellicott City, Md. 11.. 1909--- -A'nirrnoiiiit Hgts., Md. 20, 1909--- ______It. Jackabii, Va. 22, 1909--- ______Alesandria, Va. 19, 1909--- ______Richmond, Va. 16, ,1910--- ______Rinnvood, 1%'. Va. 12. 1910--- ______Baltimore, Md. 23, loll--- ______Baltimore, Md. 14, loll--- ______Annapolis. Md. 5. 1912--- __---____-__-____------25, 1912--- ______'Baltimore, Md. 11. 1912--- ____ Frederick Co.. Md. 25. .1913--- ______Baltimore. &Id. 2% 1913--- ____Prin. Ann, C. H. Va. 20. 1913--- ____-_Harrisonburs. Va. 16, 1914--- ______Westminster, Md. 8, 1911----_-----_ Inwood, W. Va. 12. 1914---'_____ Washinnton. n. C. Roll of Deceased Bfembers of Conference-(Continued) -L - -- ____~- - .- - No. Died ---~Plnre of Death 56, 1914--- ______Monkton, Md. 25. 1914--- ______Oberlin, Ohio 8, 191G--- ______BridKe:cwnter, Va. 25, 1915--- ______Reiqterstown, Md. 3, 1915--- ______Churchton, Md. 3. 1915--- ______hltimore, Md. 1451Moses Oilher ------1892(Serrt. 17, 191S--.. ______The Roaks, Md. 1461Georse DeYoung ------! 1908 Aua. 2, 101G--- ______Falls Church, Va. 147lDaniel Asuilla 18701Aue 24. 1916--- ______13altimore, Md. - 14SlWm. T. Hams ------187010ct. 16, 1911L- .______._Baltimore. Md. 149 Owen c. SIwaaRue ------101t Nov. 23, 191fi--- _____ Washington. D. c. 150 Alsxmder F. Champion -- 19131 ____-_____1916--- St. Aumsh, FIR. 151 d!fred C. Steptoe ------187.5(Feb. 17. 191L- ______New Market, Vn. 152 Wm. Sidney ------1874)Mar. 26, 1918--- ______Leesbum, VR. 164lEdward Moore ------18R7 Aiwil 22, 1918--- ______Sykesville, Md. 1541VirgiI Carter -______19051 _-: ______1918_-- ______Bcnning.4, D. C. IS5 James W. Lavatt - ----_- 19021Mw 23, 191P--- ______Bxltimore. Md. 1-76 .James T. Stanley ------1907)June 19, l918--- ______Near Urbana, AM I57 I John 13'. Ireland ------19181Oct. 15, 1918--- ______GI-ottoes. Va. I581Joniah E. Peterkin ------19151Nnv. 25. 1918--- ______Alesandria, VR. 1.S Clayton W. Carroll ------1918lOct. 26, 1918--- ______Baltimore. Md. i~j0'TIionixi B. Snowden ------1894 Dee. 2.1. 101L- Laurel, Md. Itilllsaao L. Thomas ------.-- 1882 Jan. 26, 1919--- _____ Wasliington, D: C. !GZIAlesF.niler Dennis ------1873 April 11, 1919_-.- ______Annapolis, Md. 1 fi:3iinntlon W. Brims ------1877 Awil 30, 1919--- ______Cnmbcrl~nd. Md. 1641Joiin Barnett - 1884)J1111c 3. 1910--- ____ East P~lrora,N. Y. 16S;Tlicmas €1. Brooke ------1881 July 19, 1919--- _____ Wasllinelon, D. C. Ili61.Tohn H. Bailey -----_---- 1871 Nov.-- IS, 1919--- __ Nr. 1Vad1 Grove, Md. 16ilGeo. W. TV. Jenkins 1874 March 2. 1920--- ____L_____Pittsburg. Pa. IrjSjtVm. H. Barnes ------1907 March 21, 1920------Waehington, D. C.

iI0IJwei)li Henry -. .------. i ______I__ - 18661May 16, 1920-L. B~lti~nore,Md 170 GI:o. R. Wiiliams --.-----18691Junc 27, 1920--- ______Raltimore, Mcl. 171 Jolin IV. Waters, SI. ----- 187610ct. 11, 1920--- ______Iceyser, W. T'a. 172 Singleton R. €Infihes -=--- 188R(Orl. 21, 1920--- ______Baltimore. Md. 173 Uwin J. Ruddork ------1907lJuJy 29, 1921--- ______-Lynchburg, Va 174 Benj. P. AbWR ------1883(Aug. 3. 1921_--_____ \lr,8hirigton, 1). C. 175 James T. Reed ------1908 Sent. 10, 1921--- ______A. A. Co., Md. 176 Wm. €1. Gaines _------1907 Feb. 5. 1922--- ______nalti~nor*e, Md 177 James H, Watson ------1883 July IO, 1922--. ___ - Hiintington, W. Va. -. , 178 Wm. Grizsbu ------1914JJul~ 12. I922--- Lewisburg. W. Va. ?: , , 179 John A. Holmes ------1874 Dec. IO, 1922--- _____ Le\visburg, W. Vit. 180 John W. Colbert ------1886 Feb, 27, 1923--- ______13nltimore, Mtl. 181 Richard P. Lawson ------1872 March 3, 1923_-- ___-_.______Salem, Va. 182 Edwwd W'. S. Peck ------lRfi5 Aiwil .fi. 192.1--______New York, N. Y. 183 Sylvester H. Noorwood --- 18891Dec. 7, 1922--- ______Raltimore, Md. 184 Charles 0. Cummines ---- 1898 ?ifarch 7, 192B--- ______Washington, D. C. 185 Robert A. Hart ---_------I910 Mar I.?. 1921--- ______Baltimore, Md. 186 John T. Hawis _____-__-_1020 June 2. 192-I--- ______Cumberland, Md. 187 Stemuel M. Gordon __-___-19211.June 15, 1924--- ____ lJcdges\*ille, W. 'Va. 188 George W. Cohen ___-____1903 Dec. 18, 1924 Verona, Pir. 1891Benj. W. Brown _-_-__-_1875/ApriI 15, 1925--- ______l3altimore, Md. 190 Georse E. Stevens ------18891June 30, 192tL- ______Baltimore, Md. 19lIJames C. Allen ------lS1!2(Seut. 192L- ______Midfield, Mass. I92!Joseph E. Lurm ______-_1020(Jan. ______-_--____ Rl~ai~ows Point, Md. 193Hugh L. Denman ___--_--19231 1925--- ______Baltimore, Md. 194 James H. E. Carter _-_-_1899 ___-____------______----- 195 James W. T. ~~7i1son____ 18S7 ______., -______Staunton. Va. 196 Julius C. Love ___-__-_--1880 Oct. 29, 1927--- -_-L_____ Baltimore, nId. 197 Lewis E. S. Nash ____-_--14871 __-______----_-- ______Baltimore, Xf1. 198 James T. Moten ______18811 _.______-_-- ______Annapolis, Md. 199 James E. Tansy _-______19201 ______2 __------~ ______Sunderland, &Id. 2001James S. Cole ______._L_1907) ______-___-- ______------2Oll.Jeremiah B. Arter ______L_ 19071Feb. 15. 1927--- __ IIarners Ferry, W. Va. 2021John TV. Hollins ______1908lApril 12, 1927--- _____ Washington, D. C 203 Percy 0. Middleton __-__-18221Jnac 24, 192'i--- ______Huntington, Md. ~04IbIoses Lake _____-----__--1892 Seyt. 8, 1927--- ______Baltimore, Xd. Joseph W. Jackson ______I8921 ______1927--- _____ Mechanicsburg, Pa. hianuel X. Dent ______19111Dee. 2.1. 1927--- ______Covington, Va. John R. Davis ______19031Feb. 1. 192L- _-_.__..___Staunton, Va. Charles B. Binhoii ______--->I _-____----_-_---- ______Baltimore, Md. Wm. H. Howald _I__-___1920 ______-_I-_------_____ Washington, n. c. Walter A. Dorsey ______1916 __-_____-_------Wasl.ington, D. C. Charles W. Matthews ___L- 1892 ______--__--_---- ___ Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. 212 Alfred Young _---____-__-18811 ______-__-_---- ______Baltimore, Xd. 213\Ernest S. Williams ..______I 18971nIar. 16, 1929-- .______Baltimore, >Id. _--- .

215 William Brown _---______1897 April 19, 1929---1______Washington, D. C. 215 Chai-les E. Jones ______1910ISept. 5, 1g~g--_ Washington, D. C. 217 William T. Henderson ___ 1924 Oct. 3, 1930---i. ~~~~-\\ a9 hington, D. C. 218 J. Alfred Jackson ------1922 Dec. 81, 1930--_11___.__ Washington, 1). C. 219 James U. Icing ------___1902 June 4, 1931--_1______Bridgeville. Del 220 Nathaniel 31. Carroll ---- 1864 Oct. 31, 1931--______.._Baltimore, Id. 221 Jowh Wheeler ------1887 Feb. 4. 1932--______Colesville, Md. 222 Peter C. Rutler ------1920 Aug. 6, 1932--______Washington, D. C.. 223 Christovher A. Brndy -___1911 Jan. 24, 1933--- ______Baltimore, Xd. 224 Abraham L. Jenkins ---- 1903 June 17. 1933______Hawisonburg. Va. 225 John Wesley Edw. Bowen - 1881 July 20, 1933..______Atlanta, Ga. 22GlVictor B. Johnson ----_-_19071Aug. 6, 1933______Leesburg, Vu. 227 Samuel Aquill:i ------1870 Sept. 4, 1933--- ______.__ Baltimore, Nd. 22s Herbert L. Phillips ------1907 Nov. 21. 1938--- ______W'ashington, D. C. 229 J. A. Bowrnn _------_ 1919 Jan. . 7. 1934--______Jeffersonville, Ind. 230 S. 11. Bi*own _-_------1889 Feb. 4, 1834--- ______Wns!iington, D. C. 281 C. C. Martin _------1927 Oct. 27. 1934--- ______Grottoes, Vu. 232 J. Sylvester Jones ------1932 Feb. 5, 1935--, ______Baltimore, Xd. 233 J. IS. Goodrich _-_------_1894 Feb. 6, 1935--- Annapolis. Id. 234 R. S. Bedford ------1920 ______------_--______Hamilton. Vn. 235 J. F. Chestnut -_--_------1894 ______-_---_--______New York City 236 1. L. Johnson 1898 ______-______Bedford, Va. 237 A. D. Brown __-_--_--___1914 April 12, 1936--- ______McKeesport, PR. 238 R. A. Green ______-_-_--1924 Jan. 17, 1987--______Baltimore, Xd. 239 Aquilla Brooks ____---_--_ 1892 July 8. 1915--, ______Baltimore, %Id. - 240lNathan Ross* ___-____----1894 Feb. 16, 1937--, ______Gaithersburg, Id. 241 James H. Lewis -__---_--1904 Oct. 20, 1937--- Boyd, Yd. 242/Benj. T. Perkitls _------d 21. 1938--- _-_ Annapolis. Nd. 263 John J. Cecil ______-_-__- 5, 1938--- Parole, L. 2d4lJ. H. C. McPherson -_-__- 18, 1938--- ______Odenton, Nd. 114

, ,'

_---!Dee. 14, 1892 18601N0~. 5, 1890 1S421Nos. 9. 189.5 ~1843lMarch 7.c 1896 21, 1896 I----P1835 Aiwil ' 18, 1896

6ZlHarriett G. Davis ___I___- GdCIara Jaebon _--__-______--

! 115

Deceased PIT i \res of nlr i 11is tcrs- (Coli ti 11 tied)

12; 1902 3. 1903 7. 1902 1902 23, 1891 12, 1902 1904 26. 1902 7, 1904 25. 1903 4; 1905 1904 1905 10, 1902 26. l9OC 22. 1906 23, 1906 27, 19Oi 27. 19Oi 11, 19ox 28, 19Oi 1909 . 3. 1909 14, 1909 13. 1910 6. 1910 7, I910 1910 22. 1910 22, 1911 31. 1011 9, 1911 1911 19. 1911 7, 1911 9, 1911 8, 1912 14, 1912 4, 1912 24. 1908 15; 1909 15; 1909 17, 1912 1 Deceased \Vi \res of Ministers- (Continued) -- , BX- When Married Nanie To Whom and1 Death

12; 1923 17. 1923 12, 1923 1843) . of lite ~~ETHODISTCHTJRCH 117

Deceased Wives of M inistm- (Continu ed)

To mom nnd Name Birth


9 .. I \ I , . .--- - ...... __ ...... - .. . .__._I :I .. __ _ -. . .. ._.

Conference Sessions (cont.)

7th St 3r. E., Clarksbura, W. Va.-- Jones Harwr'J. S. Carroll-_-__-_ c. S. Briggs ______154 261____ (35907 SZ. Paul, Roanoke, Va.______. McDnmell HarPerjR. F: Coates -_-__-- S. Brigga-_: _____ 165/1712767]35046 19 .I Anics. Ra I timore. iMd. ______McDowel I Harper/R. F. Coates ______S. Briggs______179 19126R4 34066 358 141 25 IAsbn~y, Frederick. Md .______-_MeDowell HarnerlR. F. Coates ______S. Brig5______177)1P!~63:1~4086)SS8)]GO 24 Pittsburgh. Pa.______C_____ Clair H=xw R. F. Coates------q s. Brigas 17gj~zj244'ij34gzij356'145 23 Charleston, W. VH.______McDowell Harmr R. F. Coates: ______21 Mctro~~oliton,Boltimorc, Nld Loeke 20 =hies. Hnltimorc, %Id. ______-_____1Jcnes 25 Ebcnezer. Hun~ington. W. Va.______McDowell Haws C. A. Johnson ______1s Jackson St.. Lynchburg. Va .______Burns 6 Asbury," Washington, D. C.______-_ McDowell 2 IAnres. Baltimore, Md. IHoghes 71 1934 April 11 Leigh St. Mem.. Richmond, Va.______Hughes 72 1935 ADril 3 Ridre Avc. M. E.. Harrisb'g. Pa.____ Hiighes 73 1936 March 25 hletropolitan. Baltimore, Md.______2-- Clair 74 1937 April 7 Leixh St. Mem.. Richmond, Va .______Hughes 6 Orcha d St., Baltimore, M6 Hughes 29 Aeburp, Washington, D. C.____-_____ Shaw l?lynes C. A. Johnson _-----E. n Hall 18 Lcizh St.. Richmond, Vp..______-__ Jones 14 warren. Pitts., ,Pa .______-_Shaw 14 Metro!)olitan. Balthnre. "Id. ____-_ IShav 13 1943) 121

CONPER EhiCE COLIRS'E 01; ST[.i11y Admission on Trial 1. The Bible speaks to Our Ceiicration (Lanliartl) 2. A Manual of Christian Tjelieis (Lewis) 3. I-ligl~lamlShepherds (I-Iewitt) 4. I'rinciples and Derelopiiicnt ol Church Governiiient (Goodloe) 5. Art of' I'reachitig (Brown) 6. The Melliodist Arc Onc Peiy)lc (C;arl,er) First Year 1. Al)iiigtlon Comnieiitary : C;ciier;il Articles : Old Testament Articles 2: Discipline of the Methodist Church 3. The \Vork of Preaching (1-Ioyt) 4. The Prophets Tell Their Own Story (Leslic) 5. The Church in T-Jistory (Nagler) Second Year 1, Xbingdon Cgouiliientar!- : New Testamelit Articles 2. The Teachings of Jesus (Rranscomh) 3. Tlic Religious Consciousness (Pratt) 4. A Man in Christ (StewartI 5. l'hc Local Church (Re:iveii) Third Year 1. Chrjshiiity (Tiall) 2. Introduction to Philosophy f I3rightnian) 3. Religious Education : a. New Trials for the Religious Teacher (Smith) .. 11. The Educational Work of the Church ,T-Tarner) c. Iin proving -Religious Ed ti cation (M.cIGbhen) 4. . Concerning thc Ministry f Oinan) 5. Guide to Understanding the Rihlc (first llalf) (Fosdick) Fourth Year 1. God and Ourselves (Lewis) 2. Doctrine of Redeinption ('IC11L1dso11) . 3. -The Religions of Mankind (Soper) .I-. Social Salvation (Bennett) 5, : Guide to ~Tnde~standingthe I!~jble (second half) (Fosdick) N, B,-Ttle assignnlent of subjects to the members of thc ' Bdards of Ministerial Training will Le made at the Baltimore . Area Su111mer Scl1001 of Ministerial Training at i\llorrktown J Normal and Industrial College, -RforrktOmJ,'Tellll~+S~~, Jnl>* _. . .. DIST1:IC'I' ANI) DISTItICT SUPERINTENDENTS from tlie Organization 01. the Washington Annual Conference of the hI. E. CIIUPL.~!.in Sliaiy Street Cl~iuch. Haltiniore, Md.. October I864 to 1939 Inclusive.

;,L .' ,


i IV. SHENANDOAH - STAUNTON DISTRICT (FoPmed in 1865.) (Changed to the Staunton District !n 1870. Was absorbed by the Alexandria and Cumberland Districts in 1912.) ------_ -_ ~ .- .. -- -__.-. .. -.. ___ ,Josenh P. Bowser ______118061 4llJohn A. Holmes ______)I8911 $1 -Perry G. Walker ------_------118691 4IISterna1-t W. Brown 118971 61 Wm. W. Foreman _-----_-_---__118781 4IIJo!iii W. Waters. Sr. ______119031 41 Thomas W. Pwth ____-_____-__118771 4IISingleton R. Hughes ______119071 61 Samuel W. Griffin ____--____-___ll88ll 4llCharIes E. Hodges ______119121 11 Wm. T. Harris ---______ll88f4 711 I ____I__I -._ - --~. V.

WEST VIRGINIA - WHEELING - CUMBERIAND - HARPERS FERRY . CHARLESTON and PITTSBURGH DISTRICTS (Formed in 1867.) (Changed to Wheeling in 1870: and to the Cumberland in 1903. It absorbed the Part of the Staunton Difltrict lying in West Virginia in 1918. Changed to Harliers Ferry District in 1918.) (Hraers Ferry District changed back to Pittsburgh- Dist. in 1920, and other to David P. Jones ______118of1 3IIJoseih A. Reid ___-______118921 41 Tilghman Jackson ______118701 4IIJose11h T. Owinm ______llS9Sl GI - + James W. Dansbiwy ______118741 4IILondon W. Briggs ______119uZl GI Richmad P. Bell --___---__-__-_-)18781 4llGeorse E. Cuwy -: (19081 61 Richard P. Lawson __--_------118821 411R. W. S. Thomas ___---_----___119131 31 - .

Robert Steel ______~ ______118861 411s. H. Brown ______119161 51

VI. PITTSBURGH DISTRICT (Formed in 1920.) (Meiwd 1928 with Charleston and Alexandria Districts.) -. ______---____-__. - Cliarle8 Y. Trigg ______ll92Ol 1llMcHenry J. Naylor ___-____-____11921) GI ~--~_-~~Wm,H. Dean ______--____-____11927/ 11 _I VII.

ABINGTON - LEXINGTON - SALE?I - IVYTHEVILLE DISTRICT (Formed( in 1868.) (Changed to Lexington In 187.0: to Salem in 1874, and to Wytheville in 1879. The Wytheville District was transferred to the East Tennessee known as the Pulaski District.) Ephriam Lawson ______11868) 4llEden Hlunmond ______-__---___!18781 411 Martin Spridle _____.______118721 4IIDaniel Collins ______---_---- -__- 118801 .LI Wm. S. Wilson9 ______118721 ZllThomns 0. Carroll ___.______118681- 31 Ix. '

~ OHIO DISTRICT (Formed in 1870.) (mansferred to the Lexington Conference in 1873.) ___- David P. Jones ______118701 811 1_---1_-1 124 WASHINQTOXCONFERENOE f8Oth Seasion 1

X. SOUTH BALTIMORE - BNNAPOLIS DISTRICT (Formed in 1882.) (Changed to Annngolis District in 1902 and South Baltimore Dist. in 1921.) *Died in offlce. Cliarles G. Key __.______11592( GIIJoseph H. Jenkins ------I19191 31 Nathan M. Carroll ______118981 GJJJuliusS. Carroll ------I19221 61 Wm. H. Gaines ______11904( 611Wm. H. Dean _-__-_----______-_119281 11 Joseph Wheeler _____-____-____-_119091 4IIFairfax F. King 119Ztll 61 Cliarles G. Cumn!inr:s _c______-118181 GjlJames D. Browne --__-__-____-.-jl936l 61 I ____ I--ilJarnes E. Dotson ______119411 21 1____ 1--I Chas. E. Johnson ------I19431 11 REPRESENTATION IN ECUMENICAL CONFERENCE OF METHODISM By agimintment of the Board of Bishops - Time: Dclegntes: Place and Country Sept. 7, I881 E. W. S. Peck City Road Chaixl, England Oct., 1891 J. W. E. Bowert Waahington, I). C., U. S. A. Sept. 20, 1921 S. A Virgil Westminster Hall, London, England Ocl.. 16. 1931 J. W. E. Bonen Atlanta, Gn., U. S. A.

REPRESENTATION .IN THE CENTENNIAL CONFERENCE OF THE QUARTER CENTURY ANNIVERSARY Time: Delegatos : Church and City Ow., 1684 R. A. Reld John Wesley M. E. Church, Baltimore

C. G. Key -______-_----_------___c______- E. W. S. Peck ......

ME'I'HODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Time: Delegates : Bfnrch 12. 1888 . R H, Roblnson _---_~_-______.______-- i ,; P. G.. Walker --_-_------_-__--..--_-_--_------_--- 0. C. Westwood ___~______-_-____--______~ 5. " S. C. Griffin, Chr. ______-___--_____-- ~ ______FIETIETH SESSIONS.CELEBRATION __-_- Speakers: Church andxity Rev. J. W. E. Bowen Shart) Street Memorial M E. Church Rev. N. M. Carroll Baltimore, Maryland

SEVENTY-FIETH SESSION CELEBRATION Place and City Diamond Jubilee , ' Fifth Regiment Armory Celebration and HolFma nStreet and Linden Avenue, Hiatorical Pageant Baltimore, Maryland

' ', rI' 1943) of tke $FETHODIST ~HIJROR 125

ORGANIZATIONS ANI) CLASSES OF THE WASHINGTON ANNUAl. . CONFERENCE 1864 - 1912 INCLUSIVE Organization in Sharp Street lethodist Churrli at. 3 P. hI. Thuisday, October 27, 1864. Bishop Levi Scott in*esiding. Memhers-Jh jamin Brown and James Peck froin Sharl, Street Station. James 13. Haiver and Elijnh Gresaeni, froin Dallas Street Statiou. -


IS64 JOHN N. MARS 1857 J. H. VALENTINE It. E. J. Warner P. G. Walker. Jr. JOB. H. Randall IRrnuel hatson 31. R. Ilhert Jos. Henry D C. Johnson 1)avicI P. Jones Philip Brown Jacob Owines John H. Brlce, Jag. L. Evanb B. Clements Ephram Lawson Caesar Johnson Wm. T. Harris Ridhrd P. Bell Benj. Brown, Jr. Aaron J. Weems Johii B. Snowden Lorenei Snowden Samuel Auiila Joa. P, Bower Daniel Wheeler Henry Sellers ,James Thomas A. J. Wheeler Hillary Contee R. H. Robinson A. 5. Wheelel. John H. J3urlt-Y Henry Hutton Geo. T. Pinkney Francis Bell Nat. M. Carroll Elijali Awlcard . T. W. Anderson Wni. Hicks Alex. Josey, Jr. Lewis B. Skinner T. H. Jackson Isaac W. Brown Henry Mattliewe Nathaniel Jackson 18'71 JAS. H. BUTLER IV. Lanpturd A. D. Valentine 1868 P. CALLENDER Lewis W. Coates 1865 G. W. LEWIS John Tripe; Geo. W. Mason A. KenneuJr T, H. Adams Richard A. Reed .T. Bowman Earl Saunders Jacob N. Gross Joseph Groan Chas. Lewis John H. Bailey P. H. Matthewa W. R. J. Wil1i:ims Henry Stem Richard Lane Ssmuel Davidge Henry Williams Chas. G. Key Kinael Jones -1. D. S. Hall Jas. Oskermy Wm. H. Draper. Thos. 0. Davis W. W. Foreman Nathaniel Brown Wm. Tates Stephen Tascoe Eden Hammond John R. Tolson Jas. Worthington 1x72 W31. €I.DUNSON Robert Wheeler Alfred Jackson Jas. Armstrong Martin Spridle Nobel Watkins R. P. Lawson H. A. Carroll Andrew Hardy S. G. Griffin Morrie Johnson James A. Scott Geo W. Jackson W. W. Cook Ghas. W. Walker Mann A. W. Hargrave E. W. S. Peck 1!869 T. 0. CARROLL W. S. Hammond W. H. Whittington Geo. R. Williams E. John' Downs Chas 0. Fisher Solomon Win Patrick Itrun John Maburg Thomas Branch A. B. WiIson Thos. .Elliott David Noel D. M. Haye Philin Scott Henrs Williams Major Smith Daniel Collins 1878 A. A. DENNIS Rohert R. Robinaon Chas. Price Abraham Tittle GO.Dadis John Jenlnns 1866 JOHN LOGGINS Wm. 0. Cooper Robert Ifaykins Wm. 5. Wilson David Jones John H. Riddick Jas. W. I3ansbu-y Robert Steel Wm, E. Echols A. Posey, Sr. 1874 A. 0. STEPTOE w. w. Leewood Abraham Ford L. J. Valentrne A. Edmundson Wm. Dads John Rnghes 1870 T. W. BOO- A. F. Bell Wanhineton Carter , ChflE. H. Cart= J. A. Holmes 128 WASHINITON& CONFERENCE (80th Seasioir

1815 J. H. DAILY John H. Green ISSOmr. N. NAYLOR Samuel Brown Mi W. Robinsdn A. H. Tilghman ~ G. T. Wright W. G. Coiby R. 0. Hillard 1891 G. W. STEVENS Joseph Jenkins 1883 M. R. JENKINS Jes. L. Brown R. W. Brown, Jr. S. W. Stevenson GO.S. Lawrence J. H. Wiiiiams Nm. H. Thomas Wm. H Fax Benj. H. Nugent S. R Hughes C. H. Foreman W. Murr., 1SB2 11. C. CONNER Perry Mckherson Bernard B. Martiil , SOP. B. Ginson William Sidney Bosley Boyce Moses Lake Winstead Calloway Ceo. D. Nickens C. W. Matthews John A. %id Sohn W. Hill L. A. Carter Joshua Bnrnee U. I?. MYWE William Smith James H. Watsori Auilla W. Brooks 1876 J. W. WATERS. Sr. Geo.. W. Staples - SOS. W. Jackson B. H. Roberts B. W. Timothy Chfls. E. I)PVfR ,

F. F. Sawyer John W, uanks Moses OiAiei. ~ R. H. Adams 18i: L W. BRIGGS 1895 E. P. DIGGS Wm P. %der 1.984 \VM. 11. GAINES Thos. R. Coopey -- R. H. Alexander Geo. D. JphIiHon Edw. A. Stocett A. R. Shockley John Uwnett Geo. D. Pinkney .iOilll \v. 'I'ltUS John H. Griffin is18 HAMMOND S. lbS3 R. R. RIGGS J. H. Maryland 1894 E. T. BORGUS I~~IJIIIiAyers P. - H. Howard Nathan Ross Daniel Rnrtli Benjamin SteDneY W. Geo. H. Booze J. Cooper Leroy Dims S. Thomas B. Snowden ?\'in. L1. Mootman R. S. Sdth John H. Goodrich , R. J. Buemer C. T..Ward Jas. C. Chestnut It. J. Buckner A. W. Brown Albert B. Doreey Alexander Hovett S. P. Huskins 1879 0. COOPER WM. lRBfi J. \If.MEREDITH 1896 J. W'. CtlRROLL James iss0 GEO. E. CURRY Wm. H. B. B. Mnrtin. Jr. Julius C. Love Geo. M. Hill John E Gunhy A. H. Scott W. R. A. Palmer ;; ' R. J. Strather 'I ; JOS. T. Obvings 1896 C. E. HODGES I* , Abrahnm Becks J. W. Colbert C. H. Matthews

B. T. Permnu '2, Thos. A. White C. 1. Withdraw Mount A. Dyer 18s; E1)IV. .MOORE wm. P. Pattisoii L. E. S. Nash I807 11. W. SHAW Thos. 13. Dansbury S. A. Lewis N. E. Stewart \Vm. Hr Brooks J. W. T Wilaon Win. Brown I, John M. Bane Joseph Wheeler W. A. C. Hughe8 I E. S. Williamn // James Elkin8 W. A. Prior Jas. Winston ,, 1881 ALFRED YOUNG isns C. G. CI~MMINGS G. W. Alexander John C. Norria Francis Thomas D. L. Wrtsl!ington Thos. H. Brooks 1899 J. H. E. CARTER C. 11. ARNOLD .Ins. T. Moteii lhSX C. C. Brown Chia. H. Brown Wni. H. Stewart. Geo. E, Steven8 .Ins. W. Beane George H. Pettis D D. Turpeau Frank F. Wheeler Stewart A. Lawia 18.99 Y. H. NORWOOD 1900 W. 5. JACKSON Richard A. Red Fenton M. Harris R. II. Boston J. W. E. Bowen StewarL H. Brown E. D. Venture M. W. Clair 18s: I. L. THOMAS J. W. Calloway 1901 GEO. A. DAVIS Ernest Lyon John J. Cecil Wm. J. "der C. A. R. Lylea Jas. E. Williams Wm. C. Thornpaon 1943) of the METHODISTCHURCH 127

1402 J. W. LAVA'IT A. J. Mitchell 1916 J. c. JOHNSON .C. C. Yonnc J. T. Reid Thos. P. Thomns Samuel Culiwiier W. W. Made J. E. Petemin Jos. H. Jenkins E&nr A. Love Chnrly S. Brim3 1909 c. P. TRIGG L. H. Revel Jnlius S. Carroll 0. G. Taylor. H. A. Brooks A. I., Jenkins E. M. Xitchell Jns. D. Bro\vn6 IN(: w. DORSEY 1:tK J. 9. DAVIS A, F Wallace 1. G. Peiin Gee. W. Cohen Jns E. Roberts L. Williams .Jns. B. Hopkins C. A. Leftmich Alfred Raker Win. Id. ,JeRw.son C. E. Queen 1917 1. W. CLAIR, JY. Wm. €1. Dean E. A. Haynes isunc R. Berry \Vm. N. Holl 111if) W. R. STEPHENS ,109. Q. Jnmer, Rufus Reid II*IY T. A. THOMAS 1% C. Bunches J. W. Borne11 INt4 J. \V. WATERS Win. V. BrowlI I?. E. Nicliolns Chns. E. Jones W. A. .English F. A. 'Bryant J:inies E. Dotson Robt. A Qi*i!tin Chnrles W. Hill Z. A H Moore CIlrroll Ilandnll J. Curtis .Jnines €1. Lewis c. w. R. W. Goodrieh .~ohnW. Irelnnrl J. 11'. Dockett Iipnj. F. Gunt - 12. A. Hnri \VIll. TI. Polk 100s c. :3. HARPER 1911 J. F. B. COLEMAN Win. €1. Kent I!;I$I C. E TUCKER F. F. King Vil'gil Carte& Lnwrencc Gwglii~ A. G. Islar Brnrllev Johnson Dosie P. Jordan C. E. Smallwood John W. Jenkins C. Scarhnrongh C. B. Bishop .r. R. R. Robinson Id. P. Mino? Benj. Gl'oss Levi Miller H. DC'Z.Y .I. M. Roant W. l%!fl JOHN ,f. JONEY N. Yeaivoocl R. '1'. Pnrsons ' J. 1). E. W. €Iollniicl 11. I?. Jennlngfl It. A. Bolden Btel>lten Fields 11. Joi~nsoll $1 W. 111.tden .r. .I~I~~~n. MO~ Slirague 131m P Moon 0. c. JOS. 1:. Inlmnu €1. W. Jonefl 12. F. Conlea . 14. L. Lofton E. M. Dent . hhi1 T. Harris iwfi J. 11. CHAVIS iMngaon Hayling E. Duke Venture (:eorg.e H. Reed A. H. Whitfield :Vm. H. \I'illiams M. Williams - 'Phos. S. Tildon t!tIti E. .1. RUDDOCK R. D. Jennings Andrew J. Caw I. fl. Cnriienter J. W. Jackson Peter C. Butler V. E. Johnson 0. A. Brndy Win. H. Howard d. T. Stanley . Wm. H. Tyler V. N. S. Hughes 1912 C. A. RANDALL Chris. €1. ToulS011 \Vm. H. Barnes C. D. Hughes Jnmes Tawd Wni. €1. Fultord Jnmes S. Cole R. S. Bedford A. Aneolcl BI*own Wm. B. Minor S. M. Beam Johh H. Peters I WI NATHAN MINOh J. D. Arter Joseph Ss Roberta Levi Chase c. c. Gill .Ins. C. Allen Grant Contee .I. H. McPhermn Jas. H. Tucker R. M. Willlama John W. ISolllns P. R. Vnuls Eugene Williams A. T. Middleton inn9 R. w. s. THOMAS 1 'I1 :: J. G. GRANT J. W. tangford' Geo. DeYoung Clias. C. Nelson J. F. Monroe Thomas N. Austin R. W. Stennetf 1'. G. Myers W. I,, Washington A. F. CliamiAon Chas. A. Johnson 1928 H. L. DFSMAN A. P. Shaw 1014 A. D. BROWN John H. Edwards Win. V. Mitchell Wm. R. Grisby ' Vivian T. Key 128 , ( SOtli Seilsioii

M. L. McKinnep 1128 EUGENE BOONE 1938 JOS. W. CARROLL C. J. ltobinson John Boone James D. Foy A. J. Smith John H. Carter Edward P. C1ai.k E. E Williams Clias. C. Coleman G. L. Clifford John H. Wood R. H. Riley Hilton A. Parker Win. C. Simnis 1939 HOWARD D. ASljtJRY E. E. Swanston Kelly L. Jackson 1!)9 J. R. 13ROOKS 1!J?4 J. A. ARTER George A. Den1 1910 NAT. I?. PERRY J. M. Barnes Bruce A. Hull Julius 0. Williams G, E. Brashears Jas. 1%'. LetlOUEll 1941 J. BIJRLEY E. T. T. Bnu H. FOY N. B. Carrington 1931 GEO. 1'. C. BELL J. T. N. Hotlges B. F. Hall lciclinrd 11. ;iolinsoii 1,. E. Miller. Jr. C. E. Johnsoii (:. E. Mooye C B. LaGranzc 1!110 J 13. AltllONALI) C. l3. LaGrmicc \7 C. Sherman .J. J. Therms E. S. Williamfi 1925 JOHN J. BARNES I!iX I<. 1'. BARNES R. C. Williams James Green Oliver Bedson 1812 c B. ASHTON .James H. Holland Clarence Davis Ramsey Bridges Brister J. i'ogue Alberl H. Hamniontl 1J. 1). Chambers Theodore Sembly Janies S. Jones L. H. Davis Russell B. Smith .Toshua 0. Wil1i:ims c. 0. Candy C. C. Wilson I,.H Gibbs I!iy:+ ERNEST E. ARTEli E €1. Jackson 1926 JAS. W. FORD EcIwaiScl G. Carroll ill, M. Jefferson, Jr. Herbert A. Greon Arthur R. Ray d. E. Roy Geo. A. Thomas Wm. H. Tayloi C. A. Scott F. L. Williamo 1934 LOTTIER T. MILLER 1943 C. W. AIJKWAItl' 1927 NOAH C. BARNES Thomas R. Travis Smim Digge J. L, Winters Leslie A. Dyson I!I;I; d. B. A. IIYSON 'I .' Frank J. Fryc I~mrbanlrsB. Hill \, 1, fied D. ,Vyers Iwin A. MOYC 'I . Godfrey L. 'Pate Lmneuu L. Whit4 * J. R. Washinglo11 \\ & ,I R. E. Winston 1987 E. A. MOORE '- 1943 ) of the METHODISTCnrrRcIi 129


__-_.__-~~__- Time and Ministerial Reserves Lny Delesntcs Reserves Place .Delesatea May, 1868 Renj. Brovn J. B. Bower Chicago

May, 18‘72 Benj. Brown J. €I.Price Jas. A. Harris Harry Martin Brooklyn R. f1. Robinson P. G. Walkei Aaron Shoveleio Joseph Ambush J~K.Peck May, 1876 W. W. Foreman P. G. Walker J. W. Coehrnn G W. Mason Baltimore N. Af. Carroll R. H. Robinaon T. B. Snowden Jag. A. Harris

May, 1880 P. G. Walker J. IT. Riddick P. T. Gross A. Turner Cincinnati 11. A. Carroll A. B. Wilson Henry Clay Wm. Bell

May, 1884 E. W. S. Peck C. G. Key J. H. Smith J. H. Norris Philadelphlu J A. Holmes Benj. Browi. Brnnk Ware Henry Clay S. G. Griffin Xay, 1888 E. W. S. Peck R. A. Read G. W. Iiol’w’th T. B. Overton New York 3. A. Holmes W. P. Ryder Sam. Taylor S. R. Downmg H. A. Carroll

Blay. 1892 Heti!. Brown J. W. Dansb’y I. G. Penn N. B. Pinn Omaha J. A. Holmes \V. P. Ryder J. €1. Griffh J. H. Norris 11. A. Cnrroll C. %. Key G. A. Owens May, 1896 J. 11‘. E. Bowen E. W. A. Peck C. 3‘. Vodery I. C. Cabell Cleveland W. H. Brooks J. A. Holmes 1. G. Penn R. W. Rose I. L. Thomas ’

May, 1900 .I. IV, E. Bowen N. M. Carroll I. G. Penn G. I. Simms Chicago I. L. Thomas G. W. Jenkins I. C. Cab& G. T. Beason E. W. S .Peck T. R. Overton

May, 1904 J. 117. E. Bowen S. €1. Brown 1. G. Penn A. S. Cai*leton Los Angeles I. L. Thomas D. W. Hays G. T. Beason W. S. Singletori M. W. Clair W. A. Hawkins Mary E. Brown

May, 1008 16. J. Naylor Y. W. Clair I. G. Penn J. A. Harris Baltimore I. L. Thom,tu S. R. Hughes 1V. A. Hawkins Geo. T. Bemn J. W. E. Bowen S. Monroe May, 1912 W. C. Thompson S. H. Brown I. G. Penn Chaa. P. Ford Minneauolia E S. Williams AI. W. Clair A. J. Oliver Jas. T. .Walker M. J. Naylor I. L. homaa Geo. E. Owens May, 1916 i. I,. Thomua C. G. C~m’gs G. XI. Beane kWJ. Xilh Swatoga J. W. E. Bowen R. W. Thomas Edith Cooper W. A. Hughes E. Lyon I. G. Penn M. W. Clair ~~y,1920 Ernest Lyon E. S. Williams C P. Ford G. T. Beason Des Moines W. A. Hughes S. H. Brown I. G. Penn Jennie Mills hI. W. Clait, sr. J. W. E, Bowen I. R. CumminRs C. TV. Posey M. J. Naylor M. E. Cooper 130 . n7as111ii~i~oxCONFERENCE (Sol11 Session



..- ~ ... --- Tiine and nlinisterisl Resei-vek! Lap Delcgatcs llcserves Place DeIegatea .-.. __.I------May, 1924 Ernest Lron E. S. Williams I. G.' Penn . A. E. Briscoc . Spring, M'nss. W. A. Hushes J. W. E, Bowen J. IT. Love W. H. Jpcksou M. J. Naylor J. W. Waters G. T. I?eason Jane Lowe A. J. Mitchell ITelen Muse I. M. Cdi*!lW &I;IS,, 1928 W. A. Hughes' W. A. English T. G. Penn . Ihi. City, Mo. Ernest Lyon J. W. N'ateiy W. A. Hawltitis A. J. Mitchell J. H. T,ove E. S. Williams I-w~~iieTyler > May. 1982 \I' A Hwhcs 11'. P. King 1,'aiinic Tyler Elvira Bond Atlantic City H. F. Coaten E. A. Love James Hutton M. P. Thoinn? New Je~'seyA. J. Mitchell C. T. Hodgees Arthur Bri8Lwe P. A. Rennioii R. M. Willisins Janies Boom May, 1986 W. A. Hugher A. J. Mitchell IWnie "yler H. Js!cl;son Co?. Ohio R. M. Williams C. Y. Trigg G. D. RRwlinss Ohia Pei.liins E. A. Love V. I?. Ring Jxiinc Carper F, Gaither Alwil. 1989 \!'. A. Hughes A. .I. Mitchell Arthur Bi*iacoc H. Jzicksou IGIII. City, Mo. R. &I. Willinins 15. 11 Tnvt Fannie 'l'ylor G. D. Rawlinrrn Aiwil. 1940 W. A. HugheR A. J. Mitchell IV. E. Fletdier H. Douglas Atlatitie City R. M. Willirimlr E. A. Love Rinnie Tyler Arthur Rriwoc New Jersey June, 1040 J. H. Peters St. Tmuis. Mo. Aivil, 1944 R. M. Willimis JCw. City, hlo. E A. Love

Jitnc. I!hI.I C. E. Quem I". P. KinK E:irl Cfintee I:. D. Itm~liii~:~ Greensboro, E. L. LoEton J. F. Monroe Art!iur E. BriscocLillir ,TiicJi~oi~ N. C. C. S. I3rixgs 'rheadore Ices ITentiettn J'k's'n . R. H. Johnsoit l_____l___l__- _-.I--_. - . 131


N. B.-JJece:txetl and Xsp?llrd members not numbered. 1 -1ndic;itcs Probationers

I ARIGRNATHY, H. S. 9 IhULEY, R. It. Rrownsburg, \‘a. ______2 1942 W‘anhinglon, Pa. ______2

2 ARNOLD, CHARLES H. 10 BALL, R. 1,. IRR Bedford SprinFs, Ira. --_- 1 1920 New Wiiitlsor ______8 1SO? Wcst River, Md. ______-5 1923 Centeiville ______1 I897 Lutherville. Md. ______2 1924 Xt. Washington ---r ~ 3 - 1899 Ponlsville. Md. -___---_-8 1927 Grace, Pittsburgh ______2 1907 Sykesville. Md. ___--_--G 1929 Lusby’s ______.__ 8 1913 Centelsville. ?+Id.. _------1 10’37 Waterbury ______5

1914 Prince Fred., Nd. _-I---7 1830 Retired. 11 BARNES, J. J. 1925 i\nelropolitan Nissioii __-_4 1929 Orehard SReet 14 8 ARTER, E. E. ______1933 Morgant’n & Kingsm’d-- 1 1934 Alderson-Hinton _____ .__2 12 BARNES, KENNZTH 1’. 1936 Romney ______..__2 1932 In School ______:i 1938 Grottoes. Va. ______2 I935 Upper &krlhoro ______2 19.10 Bucha8an ______1 1937 Brookville ______2 19.11 Broolcvillc ___I___.._____:I 1839 Mt, Vernon ______2 1941 .Upper Marlboro ______2 I943 Washington-Jones :--I 4 ARTER, J. A. 1924 Lincoln, Va. ______6 1930 Grottoes. Vu. ____------2 13 BEASON, OLIVER M. 1932 Rowie & LanhRm _----- 4 1932 Libermown ____-____--_4 1936 Hereford ______-___6 1936 Ronceverte ______-____---4 1941 Chnrehvillr ______:; 1940 Linden & St. Marks _--- 2 ’ 1942 Reyser & Piedmont _____ 2

6 ASBURY. HOiVARD D, 1939 Miquippa, Beaver Falls-- 1 1.1 BELL,.GEO. T. C. 1940 Johnfitown ______1 1931 Centeiville, Md. _____--_5 1941 Bonceverte -______1 1936 Churchville, Md. ______5 1942 Fairmount, W. Vn. ____ 2 1941 Pomonkey _____-____---_ 1 1942 Clweburg. W. Va. __-_-2 li ASHTON, C. B. 16 BERRY, ISAAC R. 1942 Osen Hill ______-2 1917 New Windsor ---___--__2 1919 Montgomery, W. Va. -_-I Hinton, 1 7 AUSTIN, THOMAS N.. 1920 W. Va. ______Alderson, W. 2 1908 Lincoln. Va. ______-.- 4 1921 Va. ______1923 Lewisbuw. 2 1912 Salem, Va. ______._-3 W. Va. _____ *Martinsburg. Itr. 2 1015 Hall’s Hill, Va. ______-6 1925 vd.-- 1927 Parkemburg 6 1920 IIarrisonbm’h’, Va. _____-9 - ______1933 Ronnoke, Va. --___---_- 6 1929 Alexandria, r7a. I1 ___-____ 1938 McKeesport, Pa. __---_- 4 1940 Retired - 1942 Annamlis ______--___--- 2

8 AWKWARD, CLYTON W. 16 BERRY, ISAAC R. 1949 Toolcfivillo ______1 1R48 Richmond, Aebury _____ 1 132 WASEIIWTONCONFERENCE . (80th Session

17 BOONE, EUGENE 22 BROOKS, XOWARD A. 1928 Mt. Hope ______1 1914 New Yorlc Conf. -_-_ 1 - 1929 Talcott ______1 1916 Trans. to Wash. Conf. -_ 1 1930 Alderson, W. Va. ______2 1916 Hullsville, Putty Hill ___ 1 1932 Paden City; Sistersville 8 1916 Gettysburg, Pa. --L ---_ 2 1940 W. Staunton ______2 1918 Coleavile, Md. _-__-_---4 1312 Sl~edi~rdstown______-_ 2 1922 Wayside, Nd, -__-I __-_4 1926 Laytonsville ------I2 1938 Broadneck __._- ___--__-- .i

18 BOOZE, GEORGE H. 1894 Lyiichbupg Circuit, Va._- 1 ' 1896 Woodlawn, Va. ____--___1 28 BROIOKS,>J. R. 1896 Oakville. Md. ______1 1929 Alderson ______-__.__1 1897 Laytonsville, Md. ---___2 1930 Salem _-_L ______-_-__1 1901 Shendon, Va. ______2 1931 Lincoln ______-_____2

1903 New Blaritct. Md. _-____:? ~ 1933 Woodstock ____-______- 2 19Oti Marlboro, Xd. ______-- 3 1911 Oxen Hill, RZd. ______z 1913 Lincoln, Va. ______2 1916 Covinnton, Vn. ______1 1920 St. Johns. Md. ______4 1916 St. Johns, Md. ______4 1920 Centwville, Md. __--____3 1923 DavidsonvilIe, Md. __-___6 3929 Atholton, Md. ______4 2933 bxt. Zion ______4 24 BROOKS, W. E! 1937 Moorefield ______---___5 . 1924 Mooreffeld _-___---c--_I- 2 1912 Retired 1926 Libertytown ______--____2 1928 Mutual ______6 1937 Cliicamuxen ______-____2 1933 Poolesville ______-____4 1939 Brookville _____..___-____2 IO BOWMAN, DOUGI.AS C. 1941 Bedford, Bedford Spgs. _- 1 1943 John Sbwn ______1 1942 Retired-

,> ,> 20 BRIDGES, RAMSAY 1942 Washington, D. C._-_-__ 1 26 BROWN, COLUMDUS C. Assistant Pastor Asbury 1899 LaPjata, Xd. _---_--_-- 3 1943 Cumberland -______-____1 1902 Nash Memorial -_----__-6

1907 Bel Air ______L______3 1910 Brooks & St. Luke -_____9 1919 East Port _------19 21 BRIGGS, CHARLES S. 1938 Retired 1902 West Virginia _____---__2 1904 Romney, W. Va. _------4 1908 Pomonkey, Md. ____.- -_-_ 3 // ' 1911 Alexandria, Va. _-_---__ 1 ' 26 BROTIU, JANIES 1912 Lynchburg, Va. ------_._ 2 D. 1914 Cumberland, Md. -----__2 1909 Westminster, Id. 2 ' 1916 Staunton, Va. -_------_1 1911 Harrisburg, Pa. ----____ 1 1917 Parkersburg, W. Va. --,- 3 1912 Shepherdstown, W. V&.-, 6 1920 Clarksburg, W. Va. ---_._ 2 1917 Fairmont. W. Va. ---_--8 1922 Centennial, Baltimore __ 8 1926 Charleaton, W. vs. --_- 4 // 1930 Supt. Charleston Dist. -__6 1929 Asbury, Baltimore ___-__8 1936 St. Paul, Baltimore --__3 1932 Mt. Zion, D. 0. --I_--3 1939 Annapolis, Asbury _--_ 8 1936 Supt. S. Balto. 'Dist -___6 1942 Dist. Supt. Wash, DiAt.-- 2 1941 Glenburnle ______-_--3 '133

27 BROWN. JAMES L. 32 CARPENTER, IRVING H. 1891 Pt. Pleasant, 1%'.Va. __ I 1907 Salem-, Va. ______2 I lg92 Moorefield, W. Va: _..____2 1909 Bedford Springs. TTa. ___ 2 1894 Union, W. Va. ______1 1911 Middleburg. Vn. ______2 1896 Talcott. W. Va. _-_--__- 1 1918 Asbury, Richmond, V,._- 1 . 1896 ' Lewisburg. 1%'. Va. ____ 2 1814 Harrisburg. Pa. ______1 1898 Woodstock, Va. ______2 1915 Washington. Pa. ______2 1900 Tennalytown, D. 0. _____ 2 1917 Ronceverte. W. SUI. 2 1902 Hagerstown, Md. ______G 1919 Rockvillc. Md. ______I3 1909 New Market, Md. _-__-_3 1922 Elllcotl City. Md. li 1912 Abipfon, Md. _____--_-_I, 1928 Lexington, Vn. ______2 1917 Chase, Md. ______5 1931 Aberdeen. Id. __ 4 J906 Lexington, \'a. ______8 1936 Charleston. W. Vn. _____ 1 1922 Churchton, 3rd. ___--_--_I 1936 Harrisonburg ______4 1923 Sykeeville, Nd. ___-_-___-1 1940 Fairmont. W. \'a. ______2 192J Fallv Church, Md. ____-_.I 19-12 l'onioilkey - ______2 1956 Patapsco Park ______L--- 1 1927 Lincoln, Va. _..-______-_1 - 1928 Uimerville, vas ------3 22 CARR, A. ,I. 1931 W. Staunton, Va. _____-2 1920 Mt. Vernon ______16 1933 Buckeystown, >Id, _--_--- 4 1936 Su~~e~numerary______4 1937 Retired 1940 Simms Memorial ______1 . 1941 Suiieriiiiinerary ______3

84 CARRlNGTTnN, NAl'OL.EON E.. 1924 Gettysbmg, Pa. ______1 1925 New Market, Md. ______6 1931 Crrtonsvilie. Md, ______13 29 BURNETT. C. W. 1918 Grace, Pittsburgh ______2 1926 Washington, Pa. ___.___-1 35 CARROLL, EDWARI) 0. 1927 Keyser __-----___-- --_--- 3 1933 LI1. Wash. .% A11ing:oi~. 1 .*. 1930 Buckeyst&

81 CANNON, JAMES R. . (pans. from New Eng. Co11f.) 1934 In School _____-__-__---1 1936 Sdem, v8. ------.-- 4 1940 Brownsburg _-_------2 1942 E. Calvary, D. C. ------2 131 ,

46 COATES, ROBlCltT F. 1911 Woodville. Md. ______11 I qo.3. -.. Aberdeen, Md. ______1 1923 Whatcont, Balto.. 4 9Y (:AKI'IW J.4iifES I:. Md. ___ 10'27 Wash. Dist. Supt. fi l!I?S Mt. Airy, Mil: _-_------G ___.__ 19% Shar]~St. Balto. 9 1931 \Vashington Grove .-----4 ______ID42 ,lonee McniotM D. C. 1938 Quince Orrh. & Scotl'd-- I __ 1 13 is Retired 1988 Em. Qrv. L Quince Oreh S 1942 Retired

?O CARTER, JOILEI H. t7 COLEMAN, C. G. 10% Puttv Hill, Mil. ______6 1933 Fallston & Fed. Hill _-__7 1928 Pittsville ______3 1940 Atlinltnn 4 1930 Brownsburg ---- ______2 1932 Charlotte Hnll _--.:_____ 1 1933-New Windsoi*,'Md. ______6 41 CARTER, LRAEJDER A. 1938 Pisgall ______.__ 4 1892 Gettysbwg, Pa. ______2 1942 Bcdford nnl Redford'Sp. _ 2 , IF94 New Market. Md. ______2 1896 ChaEe, Md. ______2 - 1Q98 Hereford. Md. ______4 I902 Harrisburg. Pa. ______1 $8 GROMWELL, LIONELL L. 1903 Laytonsvile. &Id. ______h ,J 1940 In School ______2 1908 Winchester. Va. 8 1942 Mt. Vernon ______2 1911 Reirdertovn. Md. ______8 1911 Naeli RIem., W~tsh.,D. U.--6 1822 SimLsnn, Wash., D. C. __ 1 1928 Aberdeen, Md ______1 49 CURTIS, RANDALL J. 1918 Middleburg, Vn, f 1824 Liitl~erville__L______2 ______lY?R Rroprlnerk ______- fi ' 1919 Brownsburg, Vn. ____ _ 2 1913 Waterhiwy. Md. ______-_-fi 1921 Bridgewater. Vu. _-_~____ 2 193' 'rmneck - RIt. Cnl\*al-y .- 2 1923 Lincoln, VR. ______

)Wb Shepherdstown, W. Va. ~ 3 1938 All. Zion ______G 19% Inwood ______S 1931 HarlJera Ferry ______-__1 1933 Covinrnn, Vs. ______-__S 1936 Retired

43 CHASE. LEV1 C. 50 DAVIS, CLARENCE . 1919 Buchannn, Va. _____.__ 3 1932 Willlmsport _-______- 2 1922 Iinxrood, W. VEL ______6 1934 Xutual. .Md, _.______..__8 1988 Lewisburg. W. Va. 2 J 937 Richmond, Aebury ______2 lBR@ Veuena, Pa. ______2 1939 Shenherdstown, .W.va. - 2 South River. ______c__6 1941 Hamilton ,_-__--___--. -_ I 1938 EaFtDort ______6 1942 Sti*asbui*g ______-__--_B , 135

.. 51 bAVIR, GEORGE A. !921. McKeesuort --.______5 1901 Williamsport, Md. ______2 1926 Frederick, Xd. ______.___S 1903 Ahingdon, Id. ‘______4 1931 Lynchburg, Va. ______4 1907 Sparrows Point, Md. ___ 1 1936 Staunton, Va. ______2. 1908 Jnwood, W. Va. ______2 1937 Sui>t. Alexandria Dipt. __ 4 1910 Ndi, Wasli., U. C. ____ 4 1941 911~1.S. Bnlto. Dist. ____ 2 1914 Reislcrstov 11, Md. ______a 1943 East ~hJffllll1Jl Street ____ 1 I919 Cuniberland. Md. ______3 1922 Waterbury ______3 1994 Lexington; Va. ______‘4 67 DYSQN, J. B. A. 1998 Aberdeen ______3 1936 New Market. hfd ______4 1981 Bennings. D. C. ______4 1940 Biicke~.slonn ______t 3935 Mt. Zion, Brtlto. ______2 .-._ 1937 Huntington, W. V. _____ 2 I939 hfiddlehurs ______8 JS nYsoN. I~ESLI’E A. 1942 Cenlcrdle ______3 1927 Charleston Mission ______1 1918Paden City ______4 1931 Verona ______5 52 DAVIS, L. 13. . 1937 Cumberland. Md. __- _____ 5 1942 Moorefielcl ______--__-__-2 ’ 1942 Ronceveitc - Wlii!c SUI~JII.2 *

.;a DENT, GEORGE A. 69 FIELDS, S. W. . 19% Poolesville ______- 1 1920 Grpfton ______I_____ 2 1930 Valler Lee ______2 1922 Conne!liy-il!e _-I 1932 Surernumerary ______1 1923 New Natket _~ ______1 1933 ShelrherdrJtown, 11‘. \‘a. _- 3 1924 Here!ord ..______3 1926 Wasliington, Pa. ______2 1927 Buchystown ______1 1938 Keyser - Piedmont __-_-_4 1928 Bennings, D. G. ______1 1942 Laurrl 2 1929 \Vashington, Pa. ______3 1932 Johnstown, Pa, __ 1 1933 Ronceverte ______.______3 1936 Libertytown, Jrd. ______2 54 DIXON, HARRY E., dR. ~ . 1938 Pitts., Camphor-Grace 1 1939 Union 1 __ Charlestoyn, TTa. 1 1940 Covington ______2 1939 W. ____ 1912 New Wndsor ______-_--2 1940 Harrisburg ______2 . 1942 Haeera1owi.n ______!!

CO>F’ORD, J. 1%’. 1926 La Plata ______18

61 FOY, JOHN H. 1841 Transf. from N. C. Cud. ID41 Pittarille ______-__1 1932 BridEewater ______1 1942 Brownsburg ______1

S? FOY, JAMES ’ D. . . 1988 Aliquippa, Pa. ______-_1 1939 Lemisbutg. W. \‘a. __ __ 2 1941 Pittsburgh-Btma Vista __ 3 56 DOTSON, JAMES E. 1904 Pocahontas, \T. Va. -__--2 1905 Talc’t, Hinton, It. Hope 3 63 FRYE, F. J. 1909 Charbatown, w. Va. _---4 1927 Aliquippa, Pa. _____ 1--_ 6 1913 LeefibUrg. Va. --_------4 1932 Grafton 6: Buchannon __ 4 1917 Marlboro ______-__-2 1936 Ponionkey, Md. ______6 1941 Johh Wesley, Balto. _____ 3 1919 Washington, PR,_-I_-- -- 2 ! I. .. 1925 Highland & Palrnrrn ___ 2 1935 Bedford R- Bedford Spm. 1 .

193Y Hedwavilfe, W; Vn. ___I , . 1939 PittsviIIe 1 1'340 Harpers Ferry ______1

SI HOLLANDS, E. W. 1921 Hinlon _-______I 1922 Sliei,hcrdstown 1 . 1923 Ronceverte ______1% . 1924 Martinshurz. W. Va. __ I 1925 Fa116 Church. Va. ______:; 1928 Wnshington. I%. ______1 3992 Harriaonbnra, -'a. -_z.__ .R €932 Roanoke, VH. ______I 193 Parkerahtlrg --:---a _____ 1 1937 Retired .

F:! HUGHES, CLINTON I). 1912 IIedgewville. W. Vn. t 1913 Cough, Xd. ______1 I914 Liberfytown, Nd. ______fi 1920 St. Tnigoes ______:_;____ ?. 1922 Hereford ______:-__---I 1928 .Pisgall ______-__ __ 9 19% lJnion, W. Vn. ______1 1026 Montgomery. W. Vn.. ____ 1 . 1928 Secbcrf. W. Va. ._-_L__2 1980 Clicsai~eake noacli. Md. __ I I 9;l Reliveti

$7 HIIOHES. V. N. 8. I907 In SAiool -______._ I 1908 Grottoes, Vx. _____:_____ 3 1911 1,aurel. Bid. ______8 1914 Washington Grave ______8 1922 Nash Memorial ______i 1929 Belair L______2 ' lQ?I Sirnpson. Wash. D. C. __ 7 1938 Thden Q Ml. Vernnn __ I 1939 hberilccn, Mil. ___ . 5

81 JACKSON. E. H. 1949 Middleburg ______1 I9 I:: Winchester ______1

,. FS .IACKSON. KELLY L. 1932 North Caro. Conf. . 1932-34 Part time Professor. Ben. ne11 Collece, Fnstor Greens- - horo Extension _~ __-_____2 1984 Trans(. Del. Conf. ' 1934 Fair Lee, Md. ______4 1938 Pownend, Del. ______._I 1939 Trensf. Wash. Conf. 1939 Mt. Zion, Balto. -- ______4 1913 Sliaiyi Sreet, Ralto. ____ 1 f6 JACKSON, WALTER S. 1903 In School ____-_------__1 1900 .Cllarlottesville, \'a. __-__2 190.1 Transferred out ______8 ' 1902 Bedfoi'd City ______4 1907 Hereford, Md. ______2 1906 Ashury, Richmond 3 1909 Lexington, Ira. ______2 19.09 Simlmn. Wash. ______10 1911 Clarksbura, W. Va. _____ 5 1919 Centennial ______i ______2 1916 Wheeling, W. VH. ______9 19'21 Richmond IXit. ______--_6 1919 Annapolis Dist. ______8 1927 Asbury, n~lto.__-______2 1922 John Wesley ______2 - 1929 St. Paul, Balto. ___-----2 1924 Washington Dh!. ______I8 1931 Fairniount, W. Va. ______8 1927 Asburs, Washington ____ 4 1934 Hagerstown, Md. ------8 1931 Leigh St., Richmond ____ 4 1940 St, Mattliews. Balto. ---- 4 1,936 Lynchbuts ______4 1940 Whatcoat, Balto. ____r___1 1941 Relig. Ed. Flel\l Agent ___ 2 97 JEFFERSON, hI. hI. JR. 1942 In School 1943 ASd. PRRtOl', ..\EbUl:Y. JOHNSON. BRADLEY Wa4iington. D. C. _-- 1940 Ci*edentials Restored 1940 Kilmavnock ______1 1941 Inwood, W. Va. ______1 1942 Seehert 2 E8 JEFFERSON. 31. Jf. SR. 1911 In School Lincoln Conf. 1913 ______1 JOHNSON, CHARLES E. 1913 &!orado Siirinss ______1 1924 Lihertytown, Md. ______2 1914-Pueblo, Colorado ______1 1926 Piedmont. W. Va. ? 1914 Transf. to Atlanta Conf. 1929 Ellicott City, Md. 4 1915 Brunawick. GH, ______3 ______1933 Asbury, Ealtimore __--__2 1918 Chal)lain U. S. Army---- 1 1936 East Hoffman St. ____._b 1919 LaGrange, GR. ______5 i 1943 Supt. S. Bfdto. Dist. 1 1921 Transf. Wash. Conference ____ 1921 Roanoke. Va, 6 1930 Huntington, W. Ira. ____ 7 JOHNSON, ERNEST W. 1937 Mt. Zion; Balto. ____---- 2 1920 Covinston, Va. _____..___3 1939 Centennial, Balto _------2 1923 Chapleston. W. T'R. _____ 6 1941 Luthewille 3 1929 Ha!l's Hill, Va. ______3 1032 Martinsburg 2 I ______i 1934 Sykesville hit. Gregory 6 E9 JEFFERSON, WJI. E. 1940 Hagerstown ______2 I, ' I 1903 Rockineham, Va. -______5 19 12 Newl)iwg ______2

1908 Covin~ton.______~ _____ 1 1909 Rpnceverte, W. Va. _____ 1 JOHNSON, HORACE A. 1910 Central, D. C. ______.I . 1911 Washington, PH. ______4 1900 Darksville, W. \'a. _____ L 4 1915 Inmood, 15'. Va. ______1 1904 Prlnee Frederick, 3rd. __ 7 1916 .$uchanan, Va. ______2 1911 Romney. W. VH. ______S 1914 Hagerstown, 10 1918 Boqds ______r______I Md. ______1919 Grafton, W. Vn. ______1 1924 1Jinw hlarlboro, Md. ____ 2 . 1920 Woodlnwn. PH; ______1 1926 Winchester ______6 1921 -Parltersburg, W. VH. _L-4 1932 Woodlawn ______8 1925 Pittsburgh 1 1940 Retired 1916 -Martinsburg ______1 1927.,. .Harpers Ferry _____..____4 JOHNSON, ,JOHN H. . 1931-.,. :Suwi-numara~y ______6 1911 Woodstock, VH. ______1 1936 Leeavile, Va. ______1 Hinton, W. Vn. 1 .i 1912 ______I937 Montgomery, W. Va. ____ 6 1913 Leesville, Va. ______8 19-12 Woodstock ______2 1916 Inwood, W. Va. ______4 1920 Williamsnort, hfd. ______8 1926 Chase, Md. ______8 90 JIINKINS, JOSEPH H. 1934 Annapolis, Md. -_____ +- 6 1902 Hullsvjlle. bid, ______1 1939 Ames, Baltimore _.______6

\ 179

. I_

102 LANGPORD, J-. W. 1920 North Point, Md. -----’- I 1921 New Market, Md. ------2 1923 ‘Prince Frederick ____----4 1927 Centervilie 1 1928 Salem, Va. ______2 Lewisburg, Va. ‘97 JORDAN, BASHUA 1930 W. ------3 1933 Aliulppa _-_- --- 1919 Leesville, Va. ______-I -___--- 2 Montgomery. W. Va. ---- 3 1920 Lincoln. ITa. ______---3 1935 Winchester. Va. 2 1923 Waynesboro, Va. ___-_---2 1938 ____---- Woodstock ______L 1925 Supepnumarary ______2 1940 2 I!?d? 1)11viOsonviIle -___------2 1927 Croome ______I 1928 Camlihor, Pittsburgh _--- 6 1934 Cumberland, Md. ___----- 1 in? LEWIS, STEWART A. 1935, camphor, Plttsbwgh ---- 1 1881 Spring Creek 1 1936 ,Keysel*, Pled., W. Va ._--- 2 1832 Union, W. \fu. _------2 1938. Fanbke, Va. ______----3 1584 Harpers Ferry, W. Va.--- 2 1941 Supt. Charleaton Dist.--- 8 1886 Charles Town ___-__----4 19.13 Baltimore Mt. Zion ----- 1 1691 hitlrtinsburg ______.1 1892 Central, Wnsh. ___------1 . 1F93 Laurel. bid. ______1 98 KENT. WM. H. 1894 Sandy Sgrlnys ______1 1905 It-: Vernon, Wash.’ ____ 1 1895 bIt. Zion, Wash. ____1--- 1 1906 New Market, Xd, ___---4 1896 to 1YO9 in A.M.E. Church 1910 $&?ford ______-_--1 1910 Ronceverte, W. Va. _____ 1 1911 W+t’Staunton, Va. ----- 2 1911 Harpers Ferry ______-_4 1913 Michaeslvlue, Md. ------4 1915 New Market ______-5 . 1917 Romney, W. Va. _------5 1920 Green Sm. Vplley, Md.-- I 1922 Harpers Ferry ______--2 1921 Eastern ______2 1924 Boyds _-______-1 1923 New Windsor ______---1 1926 Supernumarary ______----1 1924 Romney ______1 1926 Retired ’ 1925 Lincoln. Va. ______2 1927 Bowie, hfd. ______2 1929 Montgomery, W. Va. --- 4 39 V. 1’. KEY, Retired 1928 Union. W. Va. ____->--- 2 1933 1026 Montgomery ______-1 104 LOFTON, E. L. 1926 Moorefield ______L_-- i) I New Market 1929 Ronceverte .______-__--- 4 1920 ______.____ 1 lY21 Churcton 1 1938 Pomonkey, Md, ______--2 ______1922 Clarksburg 1936 Lnurel, Md. ______-_7 ______I 1926 Fairmount. W. Va. _---- 4 1942’ Whnteont, Bnltlmore ---- 0, 1930 Cumberland, Md. ___----- 4 1934 McIieespxt ______-_2 1936 Wheeling, W. Va. ------2 LOO KING, FAIRFAX F. 1938 Pirts.. Pa., Warren 3 1911 ;WoMlawn, VII. ___--.--- 2 1941 Sopi. A‘. Brtlto. Dist. ---- 3 1913 *.n?$\vine, Md. _____--4 1917 Pomonkey. Md. L___-._-- 5 1922 Bel Air, Md. ______3 106 LOVE, EDGAR A. 1425 Alexandria, Va. --r ____--4 ,’ 1915 Fairmount Heights. Md.-- 1 1929 S. Baltimore DiEh’iCt __--6 1916 In School ______1 1936 Ebenczer, Washington--- 7 . 1817 Greenspring \‘alley and . . 1942 hle.Ietropolitan, Balto, __--2 U. S. Chaplaln ______-3. .‘.“ 1920 Morgan College ______1 1921 Washington. Fa:. --_--__-4 101 LaGRANGE, CECIL R. 1925 Annayidis, M&.- ___-_---8 1981 Hedgesville, W. Va. _---- 1 1928 Wheeling, W. Va. _-_--- 3 1932 Richmond, Asbury ___---Y 1931 John Wesley, Baltimore-- 2 1936 Arlington ______I 1933 Supt. Washington IJlsi.-- a 1942 Xartinaburg, FV. Va. _-_-1 1941 Field Sup., Mission 1943 Wheeling ______-- 1 and Church -.&tension- 3 140 (80th Seesidn lilt IJC!VE&L. 30HN E. 1900 North Carolina Conference In School ______.:I 1904 Prof. Bennett College ___ I , 190s In school ______-__...-_-- 2 1906 As?eville. N. C. ______-_1 1907 High Point,". G. __-_-- !? 1909 Reidsville. hr. C. ___ I 1910 Pror. Bennett College -- :: 111 MILLER, LEV1 B., Jr. 1913 Prof. New Orleane COL- 4 1941 St. Luke Q Oxen HIII_- I 1917 Tvanef. to Little Rock I942 Siwri'mvs Pein6 ______2 fonr. Wesley Qiare), Little . 112 MlL1,EIl. LOTT T. Ro-k. Aihnsns _____-___---- 1934 Ritchie 3 . 1919 Pres. Wnlden College ---I2 1987 RidgeIey-Huntfiville -____3 ID'?? Prof. Lme College :----2 1940 Scotlnnd ______2 3924 Ser. lo Bishou R. E. .Tdnes 1 1942 Sunei~~urnarar~ 1955 Transf. to Texas Cord. Trinity s1. Soustoo _____ 1 113 MINOR. NATHAN 1929 Transf. to Miss. Conf. - 1919 Union, W. VR. ______2 r'entral - Jackson ______-3 1921 Morganhvn, W. Vn. -___2 1932 Prof. Gatninon Then. Sem. *I 1923 Keyser, W. Va. ______: l'ransf. to WRRh. &nf. 1926 Cumberland, Md. ______- 4 1936 Shepadstown, W. VR.--- 1 1929 Bnlto., Eastern ______2 1037 Osen Hill ______..______1 1931 Broadneck. Md. ______6 1938 Clarksburg. DnclmnRn __-2 I937 Bel Air _-______.____4

1940 Alc~nridrin _- 4 1941 Staunton -______I___1 1942 Arlin&m ___. ______2

114 MINOR, IVM. R. iiMCK, J. 307 S. 1912 Buena Vista ___-______1 . 16.12 McKwq'Oi*t L--- 2 ______1913 Stewartsville ______1 1914 LTnfon, W. Va. ______8' 1917 Mowanantown. W. Va. ___ 1 1918 Hinton. w. Va. ______2 InF MATTHEIVS, CHARLES H. 1920 Seebert, W. Va. ______8 2 16'94 Talcott, W. Va. ______I ID28 Sliclherclstown ______2 1897 Xontpomery ______-1 . 1926 Buckeyatown, Md. ______2 1898 Keyser ______2 1927 Hereford, Md. ______3 1900 Romney ______-_____.. 1 1930 Churcton. Md. _-______--1. 1901 Lavtonsvllle, Md. _____--- 2 1932 Newbnrg ______4 1903 Hereford. .Did. ______-- Y I 1936 Quince Orch. & Scotlnnd-- 1 19Ofi Miehnelsville -=-..------5 1937 Pisgah 1 1911 Re1 Air ______11 1938 Retired 3922 Pomonkey ____.-______I

19'18 Lexington, Vn. ~ ..______--r 115 MITCHELL, ELISH4 NI. 1924 Field Agent, Bnlto. --_-- 5 1909 Laneaster, Vn. -___-__..-1 1929 CImksbuw. W. va. ----- 2 1910 Inwood, W. Va. ______-S 1931 St. Mntthews. Baltimore-- 1 1918 Leigh St.. Richmond, VR. 4 ' 1936 Centennial. Bnlto. _____-3 1917 Stauntan, Vn. ______4 1888 Lewisburr. W. \'a. --- .--,I 1921 Glenburnie, Md. ______--1 1039 RFtirerl -1922 Frederick, Md. -______4 - 1926 Camijhor ______--,-I---..2 1928 Martinsburg, W. Vs. __--2 1930 Benninge. D. C. _____--- 1 1931 Fairmount Heights _-___-2 i93a Lexington. Va. -___-__ -- 1 1934 Sparrow8 Point ___-__--2 1936 Hwrisburg, Pn. __-:----4 1940 Aliutppa, Beav. Fall8 -_---! 1941 Town Neck ------:--,--8 .I '.

I J fi MONROE, JOHN'F. 1921 Greenspring. Md. 6 1927 Sandy Swing, Md. _----- 2 I920 Ohen Hill, NU. ----__--- J 1932 Central, 'D. C. ______2 1934 SUII. ______-_-__-__.-- 2 1936 St. Luke ______-_1 1937 Linden ______(---: 1 1938 Slmllson Men,. ______._li

,I I:: MOON. ELZA P. 1905 Xl'tlnsburg. W. VR. ___-2 I907 Wsynesborn, VH. ______-2 1909 West Staunton _-_-__----1 1910 Hereford, Mcl. ______2 1912 Mt. Hone, Va. ______--3 1916 Charlestown, 15'. Va. ___-c J9li Rrownsburg. VH. ______2 1919 Laytonsville, Md. i ____-__ 124 NELSON. CHARLES C. 1926 New Windsor 2 ___-_____-- 1913 Fairmount Hgis. __ _--2 1928 Mutual, Md. ______-I 1915 Nottingham 8 Crooma -_ 6 1929 Keyser ______1 1921 Hereford. >Id. 3 1930 Seebert, W. Va. 1 _-___--- 1927 St. Matthews -______----4 . 1931 Poolesville. Md. _--____--3 1931 Bel Air, Md. ___ 3 1934 St. Inigoee 3 --~______- 193.t. Chnse. Mtl. ______- 9 l93i Retire&

125 NORRIS, JOHN C. 118 NOORE, E. A. ' 1898 Chsrlottesville. Vs. _____ 1 1987 Aliuil>pa & Rcav. FRlla-- 1 1899 Point Piemant. W. Va.-- 1 1938 Lwtonsville ______~ __ C 1900 Pomonkey. Md. ______-1

1901 MnrtinsbUW, W. Va. I-1 1902 Middletown. Md. I 1903 Nt. Zion _____:______2 1905 Atholton ______6 1911 Buckeystown _..______-2 1913 Westminster _--__-__---- 1 1914 New'Market ______--1 120 MOORE. I.. A. n. l9lfi Hereford, Md. ______-- 4 1910 Wlllinmsburp, 'El. VR.____ 2 1915 Reiateratown, Nd. ____--1 IO]? Tal. fir Red. SUI., W. Va. 1 1920 Harpers Feri*y. W. Va.--- 2 1913 Buch,,n;~n, W. Vn. _____-1 1922 Romney, W. Va. _____---2 1914 Supernumarnry ______2 1924 Sykeaville, Md. __------3 1916 Corington, Vn. --_____--4 1927 Prince Frederick ______-.5 1920 Pittsville, Va. _-----_---4 1932 Barnesville ______-__5 1924 Hereford ______2 . 1937 Retired 1926 Romney, W. VR. --___--- 3 1029 Pittsburgh, N.6. -_____--1 I I930 Gra€ton. W. Va. ______--2 126 PARKER. H. A. 1932 Nooyefield ______-______3 1923 Strasburg. Va. ______3 1936 Xoodstock, Va. ---_-_--- 2 1926 Westminater, VR. _____--a 1937 Hamilton, Vn. ______-3 1928 Verona. Pa. ______1 1940 Prince Frrclprick -______3 1929 Charles-Tnwn ____-____-2 1931 New Market. &Id. _____-1 1932 Hamilton ____-______-___2 1934 Lesington _----___---. -- 4 1938 Washington, Pa. _____---f 1930 Huntington, W. Va. __--2 . ' 1941Pnrker11burg L __ 9 - 127 PERRY, NATHANIEL P; 1917 Boyds, Md. ______-1 '' 1940 Washington, Pa. __--___-2 1918 Bennings, D. C. __--_..- 7 1942 Linden-Ridgle4.-HuntRviIle 2 1925 Wasllington. Pa. _____ ,-1 1926 Sparrows Point __ __-... ._2 1928 Eastern, Ralto.. Md, ____ 1 128 PETERS. JOHN H. 1929 Nash, Waslilllgton _-___-2 1912 Sistersville, W. Va. -_--I 1931 Staunton __ _.______-__-- 4 1913 Morgantown, W. Va. __--3 1995 Lei.$ St.. Riclimond __--G 1916 Mt. Hope, W. Va. -___--3 1941 Dist. Supt. Alcx. Dist. __ 2 1919 Ronceverte ______-2 1921 Misslonary to Liberia _-- 5 133 RAY, JOSEPH E. 1926 Staunton. Va. _____--_-- 3 1942 Liberytown I 1929 Lynchburg, Va. ______---2 ______1943 'Discontinued 1931 Wheellng, W. Ira. _---_-- 5 I 1936 Dist. Supt. Charles. Dist. 5 1941 Dht Supt. Waah. Diet.-- 1 134 REID, RZGWS S. 1942 Ebenezer, n. C. ______2 1910 Unton, W. Va. __--_----- 4 1914 Hinton, Tal., W. Va. ---- 4 1918 Seebert & Herrock _-___2 -129 PLEASANTS, D. M. 1920. Shegerdstown, W. Va. -- 2 Camphov, PLtts. 1922 __---_--1 1922 Woodville, Md. -__---_- 7 1923 Piedmont ______--___2 1929 Linden, St. Marks, ______8 Parhersburg 2 1926 ______- 1937 Uprep Marl.,, St. Luke __ 4 Johnstown 1927 -_____-______1 1941 Chapel Hill ______3 1928 StraRburg ______2 1930 Falls Chureh -___-___---- 3 1933 Mt. Zion. Baltimore -_-- 2 135 REVELLS, L. H. 1935 Ranald Men]. c____-______2 1915 Gttysburg, Pa. 1 1937 Staunton -_____-__------4 ______Moran, Pa. - 1941 Leigh St., Richmond ---- 3 1916 ______8 1919 St. Matthews, Md., T. 9. 1 1920 Westminster, Md. ______2 130 POGUE, B. J. 1922 Grafton, W. Va. ____.__ 4 1926 Pittsburgh, North Side---- 1 1926 Uppervilie. Va. ______2 1929 Romney ______-__-1 l0?8 Centerville, Md. ____._-_3 I 1933 Lincoln, Va. _-_------1 1931 Highland, Va. ______1 1934 Cen., Washington _____--3 1932 Brownsburg ______1 1937 Nash Memorial _-_------7 1933 Leesvllle, Va. ______L- 2 1935 Seebert ______1 1936 Union 1 121 POLK, W. H. ______1937 Highland, Palmyra _____ 1 1818 Union, W. Va. r------I/ 1938 Bedford. Va. 1 1919 New Windsor. Md. __---I ______1939 Retired 1920 Woodstock, Va. ___--__--3 1923 Grottoes. Va. -_____L--- 1 130 RILEY, RUTHERFORD H. 1924 Winchester. Va. _____--- 2 1928 Clricamuxen ______7 1926 Wayside, Va. ___L_____- 8 1936 Middletown, Md. ______1 1929 Shepherdstown, W.' Van-- 2 1936 Inwood, W. Va. ______6 1931 Chas. Town, W. Va.---- 2 1941 Grottoea ______2 1933 West Staunton ___--_---1 1943 Middleburn ______1 1934 Romney ______-______--3 1936 Leesburg ______-2 ROBER'l'S. JAMES E. 1938 Pooleaville, Md. __-__--_ 4 ' 138 19.12 Huntingiown ______--2 1938 South River ______5 1911 Scotland, Md. __-______-1 (. 1912 Mt. Vernon, D. C. ____-8 132 QUEEN, CALEB E. 1916 Tennallytown, D. C. ____ 6 1909 North Point, Md. __-__- 1 1920 Oxen Hill, Md. ______3 1910 Tennallytown, n. C. __-1 1923 Randall Mem., Md. _____ 4 1911 Chaplotte Hn11, Md. ___-2 1927 St. Lukes & Jackson ___-9 1913 Hall's Hill, Va. __--__-2 1936 Jackson _-______2- 2 1915 Winchester, Va. ______-2 1938 South River __-______6 ', 1943) , Df the 3IETRODIST CHURCH 143

' 139 ROBINSON, R. R. CbaRlain, Dlr. Student 1905 Buchanan, W. Va. --.---2 Activities Lsngston Univ. 5 1907 Central; Wash. ______1 1941 Tiansf. Levinnton Conf. 1908 Charlei, Town, W.Va. ___ 1 Gary, Ind. (pastored)____ 1 1909 Hedgesvile, W. Va. ------1942 Transf. Wash. Cod. 1911 Strasburg. Ira. _____----2 Chaplain, DIr. Morgan 1913 Transf. Dd, Conf. -_--_- 7 Christian Center ______2 1920 Transferred biick 1920 Inwood, W. Vu. _____-_-1 1921 Brownsburg ______-2 1023, GiNis. Baltimore ______1 143 SHERMAN, V. C. 1924 Waterbury _____------0 1941 Transf. from La. conf. 1927 Catonsville _____--_-----4 1941 Kew Windsor ______1 1931 New Xarket, Md. ------3 1942 Balnew ______2 1934 Bedford, Va. ______--_-2 1936 Bridgewater --_------3 1939 Covington, Va. ______-__1 144 SIMI, W. G. 1940 New Windsor ______1 1941 LusLy ______2 1918 In School ______L 193OCharlottes~iIlc ______1 1931 Leesville ______2 1933 Brownsburg ______1 1931 Ridreley & Huntaville __ 9 195'7 Brandywine ______6

I15 S&L-\LL\VOOD, CHAS. E. 1911 In School ______2 1913 Gouch, &Id. ______1 1914 New Windsor ______2 1916 Charlotteavllle, Va. ______1 1917 Buchanan, W. Va. __--_-2 1919 Point Pleasant, W. Va._- 1 1910 Val!ey Lee. Md. ______2 1922 Buchanan, i7a. ______.2 1924 Strasburg, Va. _-______E 1927 Wayiie8boro ______1 1928 \Vwdville. Md. ______-v 1937 Chapel Hill-Oxen Hill -_4 1941 Boyd ______-3

146 SMITH, A. J. 1923 Arlington ______2 1925 Mt. Gregory ______f! 142 SEABROOK. JOHN J. 1927 Fairyfew ______-__8 1927 Atlanta Confe:*ence 1930 Fallston & Fed. Hill ___-E In School ---_--..------3 1933 Putty Hill &, Govans ____ S- 1930 Assistant Secretary Of ID36 Arlington ______I Colored Work, Board of 1941 Pitts., Cnmnhor. Grace-- S Temperance, Prohibition 1942 Bdnew ______-- 1 and Public Morals ___------1 1931 Prof. Samuel Huston 147 STEMLEY, JOSEPH &]lege ______-- 2 1929 Woodlawn ______S 1933 Tranaf. Lexington hnf. 1932 New Windsor ______--1- Columbus, Ohio pastored) 1 1938 Charlotte Hall -____----- 8 1934 Transf. Southwest Cod. 1936 Fairview, Getbsburg ___-1 Chaplain, Denn of Men-- 2 1937 Bwnesville ______- 7' 144


151 TTLDON. THOMAS S. 1920 Catonsville ____.______S 195 J3cnl:i:igs. D. C. ______3 1998 Randall, D. C. ______7 1936 WIlatCOilt, -I?rl1to.. Md. _-\5 1940 Lynchburg __-______:3 1943 E:i~leiw 6- P:ttnl,sco ____ I

15: 'I'OUI,$QN. C. H. l9lO l7rniirly1vine ______.. 12 19Y2 \Vnnliington Grove _____ 2 1934 .TOllil Stewart Alcm. -____R 1942 Retired ,


, 1939 (kntcriille ______-______2 1942 Cuniharlnirrl ______1 19.13 N. I'niiit _-__-______1 158 TPLER, \V. R. 1920 LnncRster --_--______2 I53 THOMAS, TI~EOPII)J,USA. 1922 Hiahlnnd ______2 1915 WeC'efilininislei. Mtl. ______1 1926 Leesville ______r) 1119 \Vil!iarnspwt, Md. ______1 1929 Charlotte Hall ______3 1920 Lushy, Mil. ______2 1932 Tnmood ______= ______4 1922 Frostburg, AId. ______1 I936 Hedsesville -__-______2 1923 West Staunton, Va. ____ 3 1938 Romney, W. Va. ______3 1926 Woodstock, VR. ______5 I941 Grafton, - 11'. Y[%,_~_. __ Z . , 1931 Sher/heidsto:iii, W. Va. __ 2 Coni. Evniigclist ______1 1943) 14;

-. 1 9% Prince Pieclerick ______1

!G7 WILLIAMS. FRANK L. ' 19.12 Joliii Slewnit Mem. - - 2

1 CS \\'TLLIAXS. JOSHIJA 0. 1932 In School ______-____2 1934 Oscn Hill _____L -_-__ 2 . 1936 Camphor Mein.. Pitts. __2 1935 Parkemburg. W. Vn. ---- 3 1941 Pittsburgh, WnrJen ---- 9 I 146 WASHINITOXCOXFEBEXCE !80th Sesfiioii

I69 WJLLI.4MS. JULIUS 0. 1940 Bedford ______1 1941 Romhey, W. Va. ______2 1943 Lewiahurg ______1

175 WILSON, COLUMUIJS (3. 170 WII,LIAMS, LACRENCE 1,. I92G Britlgewater, Ira, ______3 1916 Brookville. Id. ______4 1028 Grottoes ______3 1920 Upper llarlboro, Md. -____4 I931 Woodstock ______2 1924 Hagerstown 8 1933 Salem ______1 1932 ,Asburr, Balto. ______1 I934 Middleburg ______5 1933 Ellicott City, Mil. ______11 1939 Fnlls 'Church ______5

171 WIILIAMS, MATTHIAS 176 ~WI"I'EIJ,S,JOHN L. I, Mt. Zion, Balto. II 1948 Ciiarleslown, W. VR. ___ 1 I. . 1911 1922 Reisterstomn _____ .21 /' 177 IVOO1)S. J. IC.

1 i? WILLIAMS, ROEERT M. 1923 Failmount Heights ___I__6 1921 Ransf. to N. West Iowa 1929 Sykesville, Md. ______5 Conference 1934 Martinsbuieg ______R 1921 Sioux City, Iowa ______2 19812 Charleston 2 1923 Trm~l.back to Wash. hn- nual Conference 1923 Parkersburg, W. VR.____ 2 178 YEARWOOD. J. N. i 1925 Rich%ond, Va. ______6 1911' Sharnsburg, Pa ______1 1931. Asbury, Wash.. D. C.____ I S 1912 Linden, Md. ______1 1913 Charles Town, W. Va. ___ 2 1915 Ronc., & White SUI. ____ 2 173 WILI,IAMS, ROSCOE C. 191i Shepherdstown, W. Va. __ 2 1941 Transf. from At!rnts Tonf. 1910 Mt. Zion, Md. ______2 1941 Lemishurg, W. VR. ______2 1921 Buckeystown, Md. ______4 1943 Sykesville ______1 19!5 Richmond, Va. ______1 1926 Leesburg, Va. ______3

1929 Bennings, D. C. ___I____1 174 WILLIAMS, W. E, 1930 Marlinsburg, W. Va. ____ 2 1922 Lusby ______7 . 1932 Hall's Hill, Va. ______2 1929 Barnesville 3 1934 Sandy Springs ______4 1932 Churchton ______4 1838 Woodvillo ______j ______6 "THEY REST FROM THEIR LABORS AND THEIR WOItKS DO FOLLOW THEIII"

1 BARNES, NOAH C. 1939 Supt. N. Balto. ______6 . 1927 Lanhnni ______-_8 1935 Mt. Zion, D. C. -I----2 1830 \\'asiiin~ton Crovc 2 1987 Retircd 1932 Brandywino ______---G 1942 Did I$i7 Qiiiiice Orchl;rd-Scotl'd--- 1 1938 Retired 1943 Uied 4 ROAN, J. M. 1896 Joined N. C. Coni. 1896 Hickow, N. C. 3 2 BOOM, J. N. Q ______-___ 1928 Ridnlcy and Huntnville __ 4 1899 Shelby, N. C. ______1- 2 1901 Winston, C. 1 1932 Colesville ______-_ 5 N. ______1902 Raleigh, N. C. 2 1938 Jackson ______3 ______1904 C. 1 193'7 Snhhntieal Year 1 Goldsboro. N. ______Transf. to Waah. Canf. 1938 Jackson ______8 1905 Shepherdatown. W. VR.-_ 1 1941 Retired 1906 Grottoes, 2 1942 Died Va. ______1908 Woodstock. \'a. ______1 1999 Wt. Sulphur, W. Va.____ 4 1919 Supernurnwary ______1 8 CURRY. GEORGE I. .I ' 1914 Mont. 8 Wash., Pa. ____ 1 1880 Gettyabara. PR. -- 2 1916 Mt. Hope ______1 1882 Onkville, Md. ______1 1916 Buckhannon, W. Vn. ____ 1' 1883 Shwherdstown. W. Va.-- 2 1917 Mt Airy, 31d. ______8 1885 Hedzesville, W. Va. ____ 1 1926 Barnesville, Md. ______3 18% Tmiisf. to C. Mo. Cant.__ 1928 Buckeystown, Md. ______1 1902 Transferred hack ______1929 Balnew, Md. 2 I902 Martinsburg. W. Va. ___.2 1931 Inwd. W. Va. ______1 1904 Waynesboro, VR. ______2 1932 Hedgesville, W. Va. _____ 1 1900 Winchester, Va. ______2 1933 Buchanan ______1 1908 Cnmberland District ____ 6 1985 Pittaville ______1 1913 Asbury, Baltimore ______4 1936 Seebert ______2 1917 Jackson St., Lynchburg, - 6 1938 Libertytown, Md. ______4 1923 Stannton _____..______2 1942 Retired 1925 Bel Air, Md. ______4 1942 Died GAP4 - STAT COLLEGE BALTINIORE, MARYLAND (Co-educational)

n--- n--- z PURPOSE: 1-To prepare teachers lor the sccontlary schnuls. 2-To prepare students for advaiicetl ivork iit poles- siotial and graduate scliools. 3-To prepare studcnts for homemaking. &To make availnhle ;I liljeral arts curriculum: COURSES : Major fields of study availalile in English. French ctlu- cation. music education; history and political science, sociolog-y and econoinics, hidog>?,.cheiiiistry. inathc- matics, home ecoiioniics. health arid physical cducation. Other courses available in speech and dr:iliiatics, Ger- man, philosophy and ethics, coniinexe, physics, and Latin. DEGREES : The degree of Bachelor oi Arts or 13acltclor ol Scicncr is conEerred upon the successfiil coinpletioit oi 110 semester Lours of worl~in prescribed cclurses .if study and 120 quality points. ADMISSTQN : Graduates of standard and accrctlited high schools who have satisfactorily -coniplctecl a niininiuiii of 15 units of work are eligible For admission. DIVISIONS : The regular school on the caiiiptis, I-lillen Road and Arlington Avenue : .the Summer School, six wcelcs, on the campus ; the Evening Classes, held in the Douglass High School hilding, Baltimore. INFORMATION : FOR CATAidOkITE OR DE?AILED INFORMATION TYKITE TCI 7'T-1 E kEGISTRtAR MORGAN STATE COLLE'GE Baltimore, Maryland STATISTICAL TABLES


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W.b . aha . w-P

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. N- VI. 04 4. WIO

Yo. Enrolled in 10. . WW II, 12, 13: 14, Not U. Io- -. 0- Counted :n 9

. . N- 4. Wca m: mu - WN .- . W-IW . VWN ...... /\". ". . ."...--.-- .- Workers Enrolled . VIVI0 in Leadership . OVIVI -Schcols and Classes ..... Number of .. Societies . . WW ... . hh .. .. - Members . . mo . . WW . . IO- Table NO. 2-South Baltimore District


.\ .. , . < , ...... , I ...... :!:::: ...... l ...

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...... -...... i...... 0,. ..


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I...... I .I ...... 147; ...... i; I il I122 ...... : ...... 360 ...... :.:...... 10 ...... ,301 4 . ..::: ...... II I 80 ,628 20 ...... 10 1 232 '..227 IO ...... 4 156 "277 IO ...... I 43 ...... I 20 ...... 106 5 ...... 3 50 ...... 2 49 ...... : 3 ...... 3 42 180 :22 ...... 3 81 , 63 ...... 2 20 '9... I ...... 3 60 ..... 16 ...... 4 50 ..... 3 ...... I 17 163 IO ...... 12 I 12 ...... 69 ...... 3 IO ...... I1 ' 2 18 ...... I 15 ...... 73 ...... __I.-_-___ Total (Carried Forward)...... 5229 164 ...... 89 47 1485 .. Total Last Year...... 4446 210 ...... 128 62 '1987 Increase...... 782 ...... Decrease...... 36 ...... !... 39 15 .. 502 u C 2 2

...... I ... .-o... .N. ... .00...... IC\-- : : :z!g ; : : :x :.: .: : ':EZ : : : : : :-;.; : : : ...... -...... ,*\--

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.. I * . .Nh :Nm : : :-wq.m . :-IC) .... .O .m :9.- : :E :::"...... :: : : :I : ...- .. .N .q. .. .VIVI. .m ...CY : : ...... v\... . .mwmq. .-. .-'wmm .... *...... VI-*. .... := ...... : : := : : :\ON : ;q. : ...... :: ::I .;k .o .om .-ow .cy\oWh .N ::- :hsm :hWh= ;g%M?;zEax:;= ... * .w. *. . .I : .O .mz :mhm .h .C.~VVI.w.r . .e= . mo .h -- .N .n VI : OT-. N :, :-:... * ... . _. ... .o .mYI-9. .. .- ...O*. . -N-...... v\ :N"g :-A. .m .0- * .- := ;z ; ; ;" :-mN -moo ...... - . . . . I=-: .N :=VIw~L" . .-P.mw ...... ~...... ~......

...... :a : ...... Children 4-11 I VI a Youth 12-23

Adults, Ex- k? clusive of Home Cept. $ Cfficers and Teichcrs -h Aberige . Attendarce 2. 3, 4. 5 *3 ...... Kursery, 0. Birth to 3 2 am=:ws: : gP: : w: BEVI: N: z: : x: : : * ...... a ...... Ham Cept...... & ...... -. . -. .. ..A..... VI..... mu_... V.. .n. .. .- I at21 Enroll- fi ment. Add 2. 3.4, 5.7. a Meth. En- ro:led Vaca- z2 tion Schools zz. Meth. En- $ rolledhek, Day Schools rz -cs c4- :hildren 2%.e g 3 &-; rn - cnm >go: > . NN Youth . NON pc.g gz . oww - =g.?g 2 Adults 2 * rngz a $2 No. Enrolled in IO. . me-4W-D II, 12, 13. 14, Not . 000 Counted in 9

NN . WN -. Ulo yl: W- ...... -. Uh ... . ._...... - .. W: UlN -. ..-. -WA: U: 0: : : UN: : : : : : VI-: : ...... WUlO .... . mvl- ... I : ”; ; a; ;.E ...... Number of .. Societies s . . ww . . ha’ Be .. 2. .-ww- Yembers . wwv . WQU .~ ...... -... ._ . .-.... , . . ..._ ...... , .. Children 4.1 I

Youth 12-23 hNW- mhhN ...... ONPUOIOIS-...... Adu!ts, EX- ..... ,...... rlusive of . -- . P AN: E: : -. N-’ -- . W-. . NW. -. -tc. W. - . ON&. 0Q.poP m. mW. N-W. . VIUVI. 0. mv. OC. 5 Horre Cept. Cfficers and 7 c chers Aberage Attendarce 2. 3. 4. 5 Nursery, : U*E Birth to 3 . 000

. -N Hoxe Dept. . UNO . WUN 1otal Enroll. . -.but . oww ‘ OQVI . --VI

. N-h roled Vaca- . QWW . WhP tion Schools Meth. En- -. IN rolled Week- U. ON e- hU Day Schools ...... L...... - ... . NhVI0 . w-. . N-. --PW.C.. _...... P.. -. ... W. N...... -w . VI-.. -a. ---e. .. .a’...... 0’.0. ... 0. U...... I...... auam . N-. . --”. -...... _...... NN. -. W.. a. N.. W-. . . . -10 .a=.. OWWUOIO\n.. .. N...... VIVI. N. w.. 0. h.. -e0...... N-NN ...... N. ----.. .. _...... VI.. 0. um4VIo.. m.. : : : : E: : : . . VI- ...... g: : : : : : : : ...... aI .....VI-- ...... 4m . VIN.. . mW~.~.:...... -N...... 2: m: : : : : . . VIVI urn:: 00: -VI: ‘ ...... u: ouo::.::::::: ...... :: : : : : : -: -: : . -: : ...... Total Enra!ln;ent of ... . zg Church Schwl ..... &f;: (Add 9 and 15) ...... -..*. ... No. Joined .. ..N ...... Durir.g Yr. g$ w. -N- ... Nm .. ”: - . -. ...-. . . . ._-.-. on Prof. of 2 ... . Wvl: VWNW00. Oh: 0: -0: : W: : 0: : hew: W: OIQVI-: h: O:,. 7 ...... Faith ...... Does Church ...... Use Any .... g: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::z:::.::::::::NOT Ap. 6’ ...... 0 ...... proved by E!! ...... Gen. Eoard? ...... No. of Methodist .._ Worl:ers Enrolled ... . a*U- in Leadership ...... -Schcols and Classes ...... _ ...... Number of f.PW Societies E ...... _... ,_ .. . a8riurrqd.

...... , mngh :mr..?-?-?NQ..?.unnQ.m11 .w . .11 . .11 . . -Q.- . cy'...... IhWN -;




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Spwial C ft;X bcn. Dens. !'+I. ... . :. :. --- .. : ., ,.: :. Special Gifts to ..... - . .... ionf. Ecns: (C,B,L ...... Cenerz~l Adminis- tiltloii Fund , Jurisd cllanal Con- kercvcc fxpcnse

-_ - Buildings and Improveiiciits Paid on -lndeb;c& ness, Not Includ- ing Interest Tiid for Intercit in Indebtedness - .. . Paid Tor. 'Insurance ___-_____Prciniums Race Relations Sunday White Cross or ..I..[ ..... Golden Cross __ ., ~.. _-_-__- Other Current Ex- penses and In- 2 cidentals 6 .. - 2 City Missions c, Home for Aged-- Hospital

3rphanage Sustentation ._ .. Minister's Wives %and Total for Yr. Less Items Reported Twice