THE TEESDALE MERCURY Wednesday, 1st November, 20001 LETTERS are welcome on any Please send your letters to: subject, but should be brief Letters to the Editor, and to the point. Letters not Tee8dale Mercury , 24 £ m itttr a ttp Comment C r y p t i c c r o s s w o r d intended for publication ers Market Place, Barnard Castle, DL12 8NB, to arrive no later should be clearly marked as FIRST we had the Olympics, then the Paralympics. We such. We reserve the right to phone number. We should than first post on Monday to edit letters for length and con appreciate it if handwritten ensure consideration for inclu also had the Great North Run, and, on Sunday, it was letter writers would kindly the first North Yorks and South Durham League cross b y Ian G alletley tent. sion in the current week’s Please include your full print their names to avoid issue, or by email to: country m eeting of the season (despite the rain). address and daytime tele- errors.
[email protected] Although very different in terms of quality and 2 3 4 5 6 7 achievement, all four share the same ethos in terms of De-lighted w ith the support for lantern parade dedication, determination, a healthy, competitive spir Mei 8 it and a fun attitude. their SIR - May I take the opportunity to thank Once again, thank you for an excellent com- Especially the Great North Run. We pictured in last Durhi everyone involved in the Middleton-in-Teesdale munity event from myself and, I’m sure, every- week’s Mercury two Barnard Castle ladies, Anno ice, tl lantem parade on Friday, October 20.