Psalm 23! ! Today we mark the fourth Sunday of , , .! ! Refreshment Sunday because, like it’s counterpart in , it is the Sunday on which, during a season of preparation, we allow ourselves a peek at the celebration for which we prepare. ! ! The for the in the Catholic rite begins Laetare/Rejoice, from the beginning of the canticle in Isaiah 66; ! ! Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her, says the Lord. ! ! It happens to be the canticle set for morning prayer on Saturdays, and so we say it regularly here at Chale.! ! Jerusalem signifies the Holy city, the home of the Temple, the home of worship, and the place in which people gather as God’s family. The place in which we are nurtured.! ! The canticle goes on to say;! ! ‘You shall be nursed and carried on her arm. As a mother comforts her children, so I will comfort you’.! ! And a custom developed in this country, that people would visit their (going back to their home church or nearest cathedral) on this Sunday. Regrouping in this way no doubt strengthening that sense of belonging, coming together again as an extended Christian family. ! ! Today the focus has largely shifted from seeing the church as the place of nurturing to focussing on the family, but the two are not mutually exclusive and many will come to church today to give thanks for those who have revealed something to them of the unconditional love of God, through their parenting, teaching, guiding, and perseverance in difficult times.! ! Nurturing is hard work, sometimes relentlessly hard, it is demanding, and often thankless. People to often speak glibly of the joy of motherhood. But if we think about our own experiences of nurturing there is a great deal of pain and sorrow there too. ! ! One of the readings set for today is psalm 23. It speaks of how God walks with us and provides for us, and it does not airbrush over the difficult stuff. ! ! Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for you are with me.! ! God the Good Shepherd, the one who provides and protects, who can’t keep us from falling, but is there to help pick us up, and to give us the strength and courage to hang on in there with those who are in darkness, because we can be sure of Gods presence with us.! ! So we come together today in thanksgiving for the nurturing and protecting love that we have received, from wherever that has come, and we pray for the church in her mission.! ! We give thanks for the Good Shepherd, love incarnate, our exemplar, and we pray for those who are struggling to find the strength and grace to fulfil their role as mother, comforter; nurturing, providing, and sharing the joys and sorrows of those who depend upon them.! ! Lets take a few moments in silence to bring before God those people in our hearts today, for those who have nurtured us, for those who struggle to offer such selfless love, and perhaps particularly for those who mourn for a love they have not had the chance to share.! ! ! ! ! !