Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice - 12(1) • Winter • 191-196 ©2012 Educational Consultancy and Research Center Educational Technology Research Trends in : A Content Analysis of the 2000-2009 Decade*

Yüksel GÖKTAŞa Sevda KÜÇÜK Melike AYDEMİR Esra TELLİ Atatürk University Atatürk University Hacettepe University Ömer ARPACIK Gürkan YILDIRIM İlknur REİSOĞLU Atatürk University Atatürk University Karadeniz Technical University

Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine Turkish educational technology studies in the academic literature within the scope of SSCI, and to reveal methodological trends within these studies. For this purpose, 460 Turkey- addressed articles, published between the years of 2000-2009 in 32 international journals, within the scope of 2010 SSCI were collected as data through ETPCF. The data were examined via content analysis and presented using descriptive statistical methods. According to the results, “educational environments” and “technology” were the topics mostly focused on in the articles. Regarding the research methods, quantitative analysis was generally used in these studies. Questionnaires were used as a data collection tool, and convenience sampling methods were also used widely. Descriptive analyses were mainly preferred as a data analysis method. The results coming out of this study will be helpful for directing the future studies.

Key Words Educational Technology, Instructional Technology, Research Trends, Publication Classification.

Educational technologies, which emerge as innova- learning processes. Their researches take a variety tive solutions to the question, “How can I learn more of studies, depending on the narrower focus within effectively?” change as a result of external factors the field of education. But in order to direct future on a day to day basis. Researchers have conducted research, determining the kinds of studies, which numerous studies on the effects of these changes are still needed, is also important. Therefore, this for students, teachers, learning environments and study will review recent Turkey-addressed educa- tional technologies articles, which were published * This study was prepared in the ‘Research Meth- in international journals, to take note of both their ods in Instructional Technology’ and ‘Academic topics of research and to find out the potential top- Writing in Instructional Technology’ graduate courses of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yuksel Goktas and ics that need further studies. the first draft of it was presented at the 2010 Trends of educational technology have drawn the International Education Technology Symposium. attention of many researchers from around the a Yüksel GÖKTAŞ, Ph.D., is currently an Associate world (Caffarella, 1999; Costa, 2007; Hew, Kale, & Professor at the Department of Computer Educa- Kim, 2007; Hranstinski & Keller, 2007; Klein, 1997; tion and Instructional Technology. His research Latchem, 2006; Ma, 2000; Masood, 2004; Mihalca & interests include Web 2.0, technology integration and usage, instructional design, problem-based Miclea, 2007; Ross, Morrison, & Lowther, 2010). The learning, and research methods. Correspondance: researchers themselves typically determine which Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yuksel Goktas, Ataturk University, topics to focus on, which research methods are best Kazım Karabekir Faculty of Education, Department suited to their topics, which data to collect, how to of Computer Education & Instructional Technology, select samples, and how to perform statistical analy- 25240 Erzurum/Turkey. E-mail: yukselgoktas@ ses. All current tendencies in the field are a result of Phone: +90 242 231 4047. EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES: THEORY & PRACTICE the precedents and trends that earlier researchers set by Şimşek et al. (2008). These studies distinctively as they worked out these elements in their studies. focused on the use of online systems in education, which has been a popular topic. Gülbahar and Some researchers examined a considerable number Alper (2009), also published another review study of the trends in the field of educational technolo- on current trends in “educational technologies”, in gies. For instance, focus on journals of Klein (1997), which they examined articles published in the last Masood (2004), Hew et al., (2007), Ross et al., (2010) three years in the field. They emphasized that their Educational Technology Research and Development review mainly found out the same trends as the (ETR&D); Hranstinski and Keller (2007) Computers ones noted in their previous study. & Education, Educational Media International, Jour- nal of Educational Computing Research and Journal of Another important study conducted in Turkey Educational Media; Latchem (2006) British Journal of helped to determine trends in emerging educational Educational Technology (BJET) were examined. As technologies. Erdoğmuş and Çağıltay (2009) exam- a result of the conducted analysis, it was found out ined dissertations published in all of the universities that most of studies in educational technology are that have educational technologies Master’s and doc- concentrated on media research, computer based and toral programmes. [What is their date range?] They computer aided instruction, learning psychology, dis- found that the most popular three topics handled in tribution systems, instructional development, instruc- these dissertations were media, media comparisons, tional methods, and instructional design. Once exper- and student variables. Their findings in related to imental methods were often employed, but recently, the methodological trends mainly correspond to qualitative methods have been increasingly used. The the findings revealed by other researchers. Akça- contributing authors of ETR&D in particular are fre- Üstündağ (2009) also examined Master’s theses and quently referenced in contemporary field studies. emphasized that distance education studies are in- creasing, while studies on computer-aided instruc- Another group of reviewing researchers focus on tion are decreasing. This finding is similar to the -re “educational technologies” dissertations (Caffarella, sults of Gülbahar and Alper (2009). She has similarly 1999; Costa, 2007; Ma, 2000). Computer-based and expressed that quantitative methods are widely used, computer-aided instruction topics are generally the and that experimental methods are also prominent. focus of these, and quantitative research methods are According to her, questionnaires, achievement tests, employed in most of these studies. But recently, quali- and interviews are commonly used as data collection tative studies have been increasing while experimental tools. Sert (2010) examined 173 Turkey-addressed studies have been considered important. articles published between the years 1989-2009 in 32 Only a limited amount of attention has been given international journals within the scope of SSCI via to Turkey-addressed educational technology stud- content analysis. According to her findings, “learning ies in the academic literature. Şimşek et al. (2008) outcomes” were the most reviewed topic within the examined 64 “educational technologies” disserta- research article sets. As in the study by Gülbahar and tions in their study, in which they offered a gen- Alper (2009), Sert (2010) found that most of those eral evaluation of the dissertations published in studies were developed as a survey, and samples were the last 10 years, in Turkey. According to Şimşek mainly selected from undergraduate students. Paral- et al. (2008), those dissertations concentrated on lel to the results of Şimşek et al. (2008), she observed teaching and learning approaches, e-learning, and that samples in the studies that they reviewed were multimedia. Additionally, they emphasized that in selected via the convenience sampling method. Turkey the quantitative paradigm was more pre- An area not extensively covered in these reviews is, ferred than the qualitative one. Achievement tests, trends of Turkey-addressed educational technolo- attitude scales, questionnaires, and interview forms gies studies which were presented internationally. are among the most employed data collection tools. Therefore, an analysis of articles published in jour- Their other important observations include that nals within the scope of SSCI in terms of methodo- these quantitative dissertations primarily feature logical dimensions would be an important contribu- sample selection methods such as convenience and tion to the field. Many of these studies have notably purposeful sampling and census, and that data was produced only one-dimensional results. Identifying mainly analyzed via descriptive statistical methods. those components which determine tendencies will Alper and Gülbahar (2009) examined articles, pub- allow us to make evaluations from different perspec- lished between 2003-2007 in the Turkish Online tives for the benefit of future researchers in the field Journal of Educational Technology (TOJET) and of educational technologies. In addition, areas of observed commonalities similar to those noted

192 GÖKTAŞ, KÜÇÜK, AYDEMİR, TELLİ, ARPACIK, YILDIRIM, REİSOĞLU / Educational Technology Research Trends in Turkey... research that have not been covered or which could Method usefully be covered more extensively in international Content analysis was employed in this study to ex- publications can be highlighted. amine Turkey-addressed educational technology Thus, the purpose of this study is to reveal the de- studies that were published in 32 international jour- scriptive characteristics, methodological dimen- nals within the scope of SSCI. In this study, content sions, and general trends of Turkey-addressed analysis was used to classify the data based on identi- educational technology studies published in inter- fied themes and concepts for good readability (Bau- national journals within the scope of SSCI between er, 2003; Cohen, Manion & Morrison, 2007; Fraenkel the years 2000-2009. The specific research ques- & Wallen, 2000; Yıldırım & Şimşek, 2005). tions that guided this examination are listed below. 1) Generally, in which journals were educational Sample technology studies published? The study sample consists of 460 Turkey-addressed 2) Which topics were commonly researched in edu- educational technology articles. These articles were cational technology, and what is their distribu- published in 32 international journals within the tion by years? scope of SSCI between the years 2000-2009. First, 3) Which methods were commonly used in educa- journals which published articles on educational tional technology studies? technologies within the scope of SSCI were select- ed. Then, articles which were published in the last a. What is the distribution of methods by years? ten years in these journals were examined. b. What methods are commonly used in relation to research topics? Data Collection Tools 4) What research patterns emerged according to specific research topics? The Educational Technologies Publication Classi- fication Form (ETPCF) was used as a data collec- a. Which patterns were commonly preferred for tion tool. This is based on the research questions topics in which quantitative methods were and the related studies (Hew et al., 2007; Masood, used? 2004; Reeves, 1995; Sözbilir & Kutu, 2008). Dur- b. Which patterns were commonly preferred ing the development process, first a draft copy was for topics in which qualitative methods were created; this was then examined initially by peers used? and expert juries, and then by a language expert. c. Which patterns were commonly preferred for Following the revisions, the form was tested for re- topics in which mixed methods were used? liability. Pilot study was implemented by 20 gradu- ate students who are taken “Research Methods in d. Which patterns were commonly preferred Instructional Technology” course. They examined for topics in which literature review methods 100 articles with ETPCF form and the form was were used? revised according to their feedbacks. The form, 5) Which data collection tools were commonly which was used as a data collection tool, consists used in educational technology studies? of seven sections. The first section is the identifi- cation record. This part displays the names of the 6) What are the common data collection tools used authors of the examined article, and the name of in educational technology studies according to the journal which published the article. Other sec- their methods sections? tions cover the type, topic, method, and data col- 7) What are the sampling characteristics in educa- lection tools, sample, and data analysis methods of tional technology studies generally? the articles respectively. a. Which sample selection methods were com- monly preferred? Data Analysis b. Which sample levels were commonly selected? Data obtained from the articles, which were exam- c. What is the range of common sample sizes? ined via content analysis, were analyzed by using 8) What data analysis methods are commonly used descriptive statistics. Both the percentage and the in educational technology studies? frequency of the items were calculated.


Conclusion and Discussion Research topics which were explored via quan- titative, qualitative, mixed, and literature review As seen in Graphic 1, the highest number of articles methods were usually examined via experimental, was published in TOJET in the last ten years. That quasi-experimental, survey, case study, and litera- high total is followed by the Hacettepe University ture review research patterns. Similar research re- Journal of Faculty of Education (HUJOE), the Eura- sults may be found in the literature (Gülbahar & sian Journal of Educational Research (EJER), Com- Alper, 2009; Hew et al., 2007; Hranstinski & Kel- puters & Education (C&E), and Educational Tech- ler, 2007; Ross et al., 2010). This may stem from nology & Society (ET&S). Three hundred fourteen the fact that experimental and quasi-experimental of the examined articles were published in national research patterns are prioritized so as to increase journals, while the other 146 were published in in- internal validity (Slavin, 2008). Additionally, it ternational journals. This suggests that researchers may also originate from the fact that case study, in Turkey prefer national journals (Sert, 2010). explanatory, triangulation, and literature review The topics which were handled most within the research patterns are also effective. educational technology studies were learning en- Likert-type questionnaires, achievement tests, char- vironments and technology. These are followed acterization, and attitude scales were utilized often by distance education, multimedia, and teacher as quantitative approach methods, while structured education respectively. In the literature, technolo- and semi-structured interviews were utilized often gy-enhanced learning environments are the most as data collection tools in qualitative and mixed ap- studied topic in the field (Alper & Gülbahar, 2009; proach methods. Neither Akça-Üstündağ (2009), Caffarella 1999; Erdoğmuş & Çağıltay, 2009; Hew Alper and Gülbahar (2009), Hew et al. (2007), nor et al., 2007; Ma, 2000; Masood, 1997; Ross et al., Şimşek et al. (2009) compared methods with data 2010; Şimşek et al., 2008). Another covered topic collection tools in their studies. However, their re- was distance education, which affects educational views did indicate that surveys and interviews were technologies significantly (Reiser & Ely, 1997). used to a considerable degree in educational tech- Quantitative methods are prominent in educational nology studies. Most likely, the use of surveys in the technology studies. After this, literature reviews, and studies is due to the need to obtain data from ex- qualitative and mixed methods follow. The national tensive samples in a short period of time (Büyüköz- literature (Alper & Gülbahar, 2009; Gülbahar & türk, Kılıç Çakmak, Akgün, Karadeniz, & Demirel, Alper, 2009; Şimşek et al., 2008; Şimşek et al., 2009) 2009; Hew et al., 2007) and to the fact that surveys demonstrates that quantitative methods are still the minimize costs (De Leeuw & Hox, 1996). preferred method for educational technology stud- When the numbers in samples were examined, ies within Turkey. In the international studies, how- the number of studies which contained samples of ever, though quantitative methods were preferred over than 1000 were very low. When we look at the most of the time (Hannafin & Young, 2008; Ross & result that shows surveys are the most used pat- Morrison, 2008; Ross, Morrison, & Lowther, 2005), tern, using larger samples should be the optimal qualitative methods are also growing in popularity practice in regard to the logic of the pattern. When (Kelly & Lesh, 2000; Masood, 1997). In Turkey, the the types of samples were observed, it was discov- frequent application of quantitative methods may ered that the studies were usually conducted with stem from the fact that quantitative methods have pre-service teachers, undergraduate students, and many positive aspects. Research results derived from teachers. This result indicates that recent studies of them can be generalized; their results are relevant to educational technologies concentrate on learning- a wider population; and they are generally affordable teaching environments. As Sönmez (2005) has in terms of time and financial costs. Despite these noted, the situation can be explained by unclear advantages, however, the number of qualitative and subquestions or the weaknesses of researchers’ mixed studies increased in 2009, and both quanti- knowledge about statistics and research methods. tative paradigms and literature reviews were not so Furthermore, Erdoğmuş (2009) stated that it can many in number. Therefore, now it is possible to be due to time constraints, the legal and ethical say that Turkey-addressed educational technology processes, and the aims of the researchers to ob- research has begun to reflect methodological ten- tain the more data in a short time. dencies that are commonly found abroad. Driscoll (1995) stated that educational studies should be Descriptive and inferential analysis was utilized open to different research methods because of nature in quantitative studies, while descriptive analysis of the instructional systems. and content analysis were used in qualitative ap-

194 GÖKTAŞ, KÜÇÜK, AYDEMİR, TELLİ, ARPACIK, YILDIRIM, REİSOĞLU / Educational Technology Research Trends in Turkey... proaches. Also, both quantitative and qualitative and researchers should try to be more informed data analyses were utilized in mixed methods stud- about these methods. ies, while only qualitative data analysis methods • Going beyond the ordinary, the use new patterns were used with literature reviews. Content analysis which have not been used before or were used was used frequently in mixed and literature re- very rarely (e.g., single subject, ex-post facto, view. Similar results may be found in the literature historical analysis, cultural analysis, theoretical (Hsieh & Shannon, 2005; Masood, 2004; Şimşek analysis, secondary data analysis, meta-analysis, et al., 2008; Şimşek et al., 2009). Analysis methods co-relational, etc.) instead of the use of standard were not aligned with the research methods. This research patterns may eliminate deficiencies re- indicates a possibility that data may be analyzed lating to this aspect in the field. without considering whether the data is appropri- ate for the analysis method. If that is the case, then • By paying attention to sample selection methods, this may also indicate that the researchers’ statistics objective and random sampling, which is appro- will be weak. priate for normal distribution, can be provided. Ultimately, in terms of the number of examined • The majority of the examined studies have sam- articles and research questions, it is possible to say ples from pre-service teachers or teachers. Even that this study is more comprehensive than the pre- the research questions for different topics are an- vious ones which were intended to determine the swered by pre-service teachers or teachers. Con- tendencies of educational technology studies. This ducting studies with different types of samples study reviews both the positive and negative aspects (i.e., different types of participants) may lead to of the previous surveys, and it also serves as a guide different solutions. to direct future studies. Reviewers and the editors • The size of the samples can be increased; this is in of the field’s journals may also benefit from these keeping with the logic: more data, more accurate results. However, the fact that this study covers ed- the results. ucational technology studies published only in 32 • By diversifying the data analysis methods, re- international journals between the years 2000-2009 searchers can acquire a better understanding may be considered as a limitation. Therefore, the of (and experience with) data analysis meth- examination of journals without SSCI and of arti- ods. Therefore, research methods and statistical cles from a larger date range will reflect even wider courses which are offered to graduates should be trends of development and change in the educa- diversified and enriched. tional technology studies conducted in Turkey. • This content analysis is a product of a long and tedious effort. In order to prevent other research- Recommendations ers from experiencing the same difficulties, the Based on the findings and discussion presented process should be planned extensively in the be- here, the following recommendations are made ginning. specifically addressing to practitioners and re- searchers. • By examining more periodicals, including those in indices, future studies can be directed to re- flect the development and changes in education- References/Kaynakça al technological studies conducted in Turkey. Akça-Üstündağ, D. (2009). Türkiye’de bilgisayar ve öğretim teknolojileri alanında yapılan yüksek lisans tezlerinin içerik ve • Recently, Turkey-addressed articles published in yöntem açısından değerlendirilmesi. Yayımlanmamış lisans tezi, journals within the scope of SSCI have increased. Gazi Üniversitesi, . In order to continue this trend, high quality in- Alper, A., & Gülbahar, Y. (2009). Trends and issues in educational terdisciplinary studies should be produced. technologies: A review of recent research in TOJET. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 8 (2), 124-135. • Studies regarding systematic changes and man- Bauer, M. W. (2003). Classical content analysis: A review. In M. agement may also be conducted to add different W. Bauer & G. Gaskell (Eds.), Qualitative researching with text, perspectives to the field. image and sound (pp. 131-151). London: Sage. • In order to conduct studies in keeping with in- Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş. ve Demirel, F. (2009). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: ternational trends, the emphasis given to quali- Pegem Akademi Yayınları. tative and mixed methods should be increased,


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196 GÖKTAŞ, KÜÇÜK, AYDEMİR, TELLİ, ARPACIK, YILDIRIM, REİSOĞLU / Educational Technology Research Trends in Turkey...

Ek 1. İncelenen Dergilerde Yer Alan Makalelerin Yıllara Göre Dağılımı

Dergi Adı 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 TOPLAM The Turkish Online Journal of Educational - - 6 39 49 47 24 16 16 17 214 Technology (TOJET) Hacettepe University Journal of Faculty of 3 1 7 12 4 4 3 3 13 4 54 Education (HUJOE) Eurasian Journal of Educational Research (EJER) - 1 2 2 - 5 8 - 1 11 30 Computers & Education ------1 2 12 14 29 Educational Technology & Society (ET&S) - - - - - 2 10 5 7 4 28 Education & Science (E & S) - 3 2 - 3 - 3 3 4 2 20 Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice - 2 3 2 1 - - 3 1 4 16 British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET) - - - 2 - 1 - 4 2 4 13 The New Educational Review ------2 5 7 Asia Pacific Education Review ------1 1 4 6 Australasian Journal of Educational Technology ------1 1 2 1 5 Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education - - - 1 - - 1 - 1 - 3 Educational Research - - - - - 1 1 1 - - 3 Educational Studies ------1 - 1 1 3 Instructional Science - - - - - 1 - 1 1 - 3 Journal of Computer Assisted Learning - - - 1 - 1 - 1 - - 3 Journal of Science Education and Technology - - 1 - - - 1 - - 1 3 Educational Technology Research and Development - - - - 1 1 - - - - 2 ( ETR&D) European Journal of Teacher Education ------2 2 Innovations in Education and Teaching 1 - - - - - 1 - - - 2 International International Journal of Computer-Supported ------1 1 2 Collaborative Learning Teaching and Teacher Education ------2 - 2 Asia-Pasific Journal of Teacher Education ------1 - - 1 Information Processing & Management - - - 1 ------1 Interactive Learning Environments ------1 - 1 Journal of Teaching in Physical Education ------1 - - - 1 Learning and Instruction ------1 - - 1 Social Science Computer Review ------1 1 Teaching in Higher Education ------1 1 The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher ------1 1 The Internet and Higher Education ------1 - 1 The Journal of the Learning Sciences ------1 - - 1 TOPLAM 4 7 21 60 58 63 56 44 69 78 460


Ek 2. Eğitim Teknolojileri Yayın Sınıflama Formu

A-MAKALENİN KÜNYESİ 1. Makalenin Adı:……………………………………………… 2. Yazarı/ları………………………………………………………… 3. Derginin Adı:…………………………………… …………………………………… …………………………………… ……… 4. Yazarın/ların Üniversitesi:……………………………………… ………………………….. 5. Yıl:…………… 6. Cilt:……………… 7. Sayı:…………… 8. Sayfa……………… 9. Referans Sayısı: ……………10. Araştırma Sorusu/Hipotez Sayısı:……………11. Çizelge (Tablo) Sayısı:……………12. Şekil Sayısı: ………………… 13. Grafik Sayısı:…………….…14. Yazarlar:Türk ( ) Yabancı( ) Karma( ) 15. Yazı Dili: Türkçe ( ) İngilizce ( ) Diğer ()………………………… B-MAKALENİN TÜRÜ

1. Alan yazın derleme ( ) 4. Deneysel (Uygulamalı) çalışma ( ) 7. Değerlendirme çalışması ( ) 2. Yöntem çalışması ( ) 5. Eylem araştırması ( ) 8. Mesleki çalışma ( ) 3. Kuramsal çalışma ( ) 6. Betimsel çalışma ( ) 9. Diğer ( )

C-MAKALENİN KONUSU 7. Sistematik değişim ( ) 1. Tasarım & geliştirme 4. Çoklu ortam (multimedia) ( ) 8. Öğretmen eğitimi ( ) 2. Uzaktan eğitim/öğrenme 5. Araştırma ve teori ( ) 9. Eğitim ve performans ( ) 3. Yönetim 6. Öğretim ortamları ve teknoloji ( ) 10. Diğer ( )


1. NİCEL 2. NİTEL 3. KARMA 4. ALAN YAZIN DERL. 11.Deneysel 12.Deneysel olmayan 111.Tam 121.Betimsel 21. Kültür Anlz. ( ) Deneysel ( ) 122. 22. Olgu Bilimi ( ) 112. Yarı Karşılaştırmalı 31. Acıklayıcı (nicelènitel) 23. Kuram Oluşturma ( ) Deneysel ( ) 123.Korelasyonel ( ) 41. Meta analiz ( ) 24. Eleştirel Çalışma ( ) 113. Zayıf 124.Tarama 32. Keşfedici (nitelènicel) ( ) 42. Alan yazın derleme ( ) 25. Örnek Olay ( ) deneysel ( ) 125.Ex post facto 33.Çeşitleme (nicel+nitel) ( ) 26. Tarihsel Anlz. ( ) 114.Tek 126.İkincil Veri 27. Kavram Anlz. ( ) Denekli ( ) Anlz. E- VERİ TOPLAMA ARAÇLARI Veri Toplanmamış ( ) 2. Görüşme/Odak Grup 4. Tutum, algı, kişilik veya 1. Gözlem 3. Başarı Testleri Görüşmesi yetenek testleri

21.Yapılandırılmış ( ) 41. Acık Uclu ( ) 31.Açık Uclu ( ) 11. Katılımcı 22.Yarı-yapılandırılmış ( ) 42. Çoktan seçmeli ( ) 32.Çoktan seçmeli ( ) 12. Katılımcı olmayan 23.Yapılandırılmamış ( ) 43. Likert ( ) 33.Diğer ( ) 24.Online görüşme ( ) 44. Diğer ( )

5. Anket 6. Döküman ( ) 7. Alternanif Araçlar 8. Diğer (yazınız) 51. Açık Uclu ……………………………… (performans testleri, tanılayıcı 52. Çoktan seçmeli ……………………………… testler, kavram harıtaları, 53. Likert …………………………… portfölyo) 54. Diğer …………

198 GÖKTAŞ, KÜÇÜK, AYDEMİR, TELLİ, ARPACIK, YILDIRIM, REİSOĞLU / Educational Technology Research Trends in Turkey...

Ek 2’nin devamı Eğitim Teknolojileri Yayın Sınıflama Formu

F- ÖRNEKLEM Veri Toplanmamış ( ) Örneklem Düzeyi Örneklem Sayısı Örneklem Seçim Şekli

1. Okul Öncesi 2. İlköğretim (1-5) 3. İlköğretim (6-8) 4. Ortaöğretim (9-12) 1. 1-10 arası ( ) 1. Rastgele ( ) 5. Lisans (Eğitim Fak.) 2. 11-30 ( ) 2. Kolay ulaşılabilir örnekleme ( ) 6. Lisans (Diğer) 3. 31-100 ( ) 3. Amaca uygun ( ) 7. Lisans üstü (Master-Doktora) 4. 101-300 ( ) 4. Evrenin tamamı ( ) 8. Öğretmenler 5. 301-1000 ( ) 5. Diğer ……………… ( ) 9. Öğretim elemanları 6. 1000’den fazla ( ) 10. Veliler 11. Yöneticiler 12. Diğer……………… G-VERİ ANALİZ YÖNTEMİ Analiz Yapılmamış ( ) 1. NİCEL VERİ ANALİZLERİ 2. NİTEL VERİ ANALİZLERİ 2. Kestirimsel 21. Korelasyon 22. t-testi 23. ANOVA/ 1. Betimsel ANC OVA 11. Frekans/yüzde/çizelge 3. Nitel 24. MANOVA/ 12. Ortalama/standart sapma 31. İçerik analizi MANCOVA 13. Grafikle gösterim 32. Betimsel analiz 25. Faktör analizi 14. Diğer……………………………………… 33. Diğer ………………………… 26.

Regresyon(gerileyici) 27. Non-Parametrik testler 28. Diğer Makaleyle ilgili eklemek istedikleriniz varsa lütfen yazınız: