As a member of the USCM Marines, you may think you have a thankless job, and you’d be right. But the fighting spirit of a USCM Grunt is THE MOST IMPORTANT component of any mission. Without it, our warfighting and force-projection capabilities would eventually grind to a halt. Semper Fi Marines, Oorah! Game Setup Here’s how to set up the game. Take a look at the components, and then follow the Pre-Mission checklist below.

Pre-Mission Checklist 1. Distribute the Character Cards. Each player will have 2 Grunts and one random Named Character Card (each Named Character will have a special ability). Return the rest of the Character Cards to the box.

HUDSON GRUNT CardCharacter Number: CHAR- CardCharacter Number: CHAR- 8 13 Card Name: Hudson Card Name: Grunt Character Name / Character Name / Subtitle: Character Subtitle: Character


Hudson gets +2 Firepower Firepower 2 when you have 2 or fewer Firepower 2 Characters in your Squad. Card 4 Text 4 Armor TM & © 20th Century Fox. ©2020 UDC. PRINTED IN CHINA. Armor TM & © 20th Century Fox. ©2020 UDC. PRINTED IN CHINA.

2. Each player will have a Player Board. Players will place their Character cards onto the three slots on their Player Board in the Ready position (Ready is showing). The rightmost slot is the Point Man (Beware the Point Man will generally take Wounds first!).

HUDSON GRUNT GRUNT Depleted Card Number: CHAR- Card Number: CHAR- Card Number: CHAR- 8 13 13 Card Name: Hudson Card Name: Grunt Card Name: Grunt Character Name / Character Name / Character Name / Subtitle: Character Subtitle: Character Subtitle: Character Turn Sequence/ Actions


Hudson gets +2 Firepower 2 2 when you have 2 or fewer 2 Characters in your Squad. 4 4 4 TM & © 20th Century Fox. ©2020 UDC. PRINTED IN CHINA. TM & © 20th Century Fox. ©2020 UDC. PRINTED IN CHINA. TM & © 20th Century Fox. ©2020 UDC. PRINTED IN CHINA. Point Man Slot


3. Place the large APC tile with the Sector Row numbers pointing towards the middle of the playing area. Entrance Sector Numbers

Xenomorph Phase Sequence

Hive Track Xenomorph Phase Icon 1 4. Each player’s Squad miniature begins on the APC tile on the Sector 3 entrance. Each miniature should have a colored base ring that corresponds with their Player Board. 5. Take 3 random Mission Cards to be used in the game. Place them face

up near the plaSubtitle: Mission Character Name / yVideo Evidence Card Name: Obtain area.Card Number: MISS-6 These cards will give the platoon special abilities once you begin placing Objective Tokens on them. Put any unused Mission Cards back in the box



Objective Token Objective Token Objective Token face up face down TM & © 20th Century Fox. ©2020 UDC. PRINTED IN CHINA. Spaces

6. Take the Phase Cards and build the Phase Deck.

GAME OVER MAN! GAME OVER! Card Number: PHAS- 7 Card Name: Game Over Man! Game Over! Character Name / LT. COMMAND:

+1 TM & © 20th Century Fox. ©2020 UDC. PRINTED IN CHINA. TM & © 20th Century Fox. ©2020 UDC. PRINTED IN CHINA. TM & © 20th Century Fox. ©2020 UDC. PRINTED IN CHINA.

Here’s how. • Find each player’s 3 Phase Cards, corresponding to the color of that player’s Player Board. • Add the single Lt. Command Card. • Take the number of Xenomorph Phase Cards equal to the number of players in the game and shuffle them in with the Player Phase and Lt. Command Cards. The Phase Deck is now ready. Keep the remaining Xenomorph Phase Cards handy, you will need them during the game.

7. Mix up the Location Tiles Barriers face down and place them in a single stack near the playing area. Objective

Hive Entrance 2

and . Since and Xenomorph Dice (step 2) ve (step 1) (see The . enomorphs Spawn enomorphs on the board ™ . Tracking Card enomorphs Move enomorphs Move 3 ote: This space has a enomorph Phase icon. enomorph Phase on page 8) enomorphs Attack enomorphs Attack our Set up is complete. You’re ready You’re our Set up is complete. or duty! Xenomorph Phase X N X So during setup, resol (step 3) Y f there are no X the at this time, you can skip both X the X go straight to X

Card Number: TRAC-


Card Name: N/A TM & © 20th Century Fox. ©2020 UDC. Character Name / Subtitle: Tracking Entrance Sector Numbers Hive Counter Hive Track Xenomorph Phase Sequence Xenomorph Phase Icon

e Counter on the first space racking Cards to form the Tracking Deck and place it and the Tracking Deck form Cards to racking h Tokens in a pile near the playing area. near the playing in a pile h Tokens Tracking Card ound Tokens and place them face up face place them and Tokens ound ame as instructed. enomorph Dice in a pile next to the enomorph Dice in a pile next to e Track on the APC tile. wn), and near the playing area. area. the playing and near wn), ying area. You’ll be placing them on the board ying area. You’ll ace-down near the playing area. near the playing ace-down

Place the Hiv of the Hiv during the g Place the X pla Shuffle the T f

Put the Breac Put the Mix up the W up the Mix sho (as


11. 10.

8. 9.

Begin the Game Turns in ™: Bug Hunt are governed by the Phase Deck. The game begins once the top card of the Phase Deck is played. There are 3 different types of cards that will prompt the players on what to do. 1. If the card played is a Player Phase Card that player takes a turn. Proceed to Player Turn Sequence.

2. If the card played is the

Lt. Command Phase Card, TM & © 20th Century Fox. ©2020 UDC. PRINTED IN CHINA. the players decide which player LT. COMMAND:< Player Phase Card will take that turn. Proceed to CHOOSE A SQUAD. THAT SQUAD TAKES A TURN. Player Turn Sequence.

TM & © 20th Century Fox. ©2020 UDC. PRINTED IN CHINA.

GAME OVER MAN! GAME OVER! 3. If the card played is a Card Number: PHAS- Lt. Command Card7 Card Name: Game Xenomorph Phase Card Over Man! Game Over! advance the Hive Counter Character Name / Subtitle: Phase 1 space along the Hive Track. This may interrupt the turn if the Hive Counter lands on a space with a special +1 icon (see below). If the Hive Counter leaves the TM & © 20th Century Fox. ©2020 UDC. PRINTED IN CHINA. last space of the track, the Hive Track resets back Xenomorph Phase Card to the first space. (Don’t forget the first space also has a Xenomorph icon!) • Proceed to the Xenomorph Phase.

GAME OVER MAN! GAME OVER! Card Number:• PHAS- Add another Xenomorph Phase Card to the Phase Deck 7 Card Name: Game Over Man! Game discard pile. Over! Character Name / Subtitle: Phase

+1 TM & © 20th Century Fox. ©2020 UDC. PRINTED IN CHINA.

Note: Once a card from the Phase Deck is played, the current player’s turn ends no matter what. When there are no more cards in the Phase Deck, just take the cards in the Phase Deck discard pile, shuffle them together, and continue.

Trust your fellow Marines and your USCM training. Now get moving Marines, play that first Phase Card! 4 Player Turn Sequence During their turn each player will do these two simple steps. 1. Movement - The player may spend up to 3 Movement Points each turn to move their Squad. 2. Action – The player may perform one of the following actions: • Shoot • Capture an Objective • Breach a Barrier • Reload The Player Turn Sequence and Player Actions are printed on each of the Player Boards for easy reference.

Movement A Squad can spend up to 3 Movement Points (MP’s). It costs 1 MP to exit a Location Tile, or 2 MPs if the squad is exiting through a barrier (this does not breach the barrier). If a Squad is moving into an empty complex space that has no Location Tile, that Squad draws a new tile, places it there, and their movement ends. Each tile has only one entrance, marked by a bright light. When a new tile is placed, the entrance is always placed next to the exit of the last tile the Squad was in. If there were Xenomorphs in the empty complex space, they are placed on the new tile.

Entrance • A Location Tile may contain Hive and/or Objective icons. • If a Squad enters a new Location Tile and it has an Objective icon, place an Objective Token there. Objective Token • If a Squad enters a new Location Tile and it has a Hive icon, place the proper number of Xenomorph Dice there indicated by the number on the Hive icon.

Hive Token 5 Normally, a Squad cannot exit a tile that contains Xenomorphs. The exceptions to this rule are: • If their tile contains another Squad. • If the Squad moves to a tile containing another Squad, through a passage that doesn’t have a barrier. Finally, Squads may move to or from the APC tile, but only through Sector 3. The Complex grid is 5 tiles wide and 6 tiles long. Players cannot exit the Complex grid.

Xenomorph Phase Sequence Location Tiles

Empty Complex Space


Xenomorph Icon

Sector Numbers

Hive Track

Actions Once the Squad has moved (or not moved), it may take one of the following actions: • Shoot: See below for the procedure for fighting the Xenomorphs. • Capture an Objective: If your tile has an Objective Token on it, remove it and place it on any Mission Card. • Breach a Barrier: Choose a barrier in your tile and place a Breach Token over it. It no longer counts as a barrier. If a tile is later placed on the other side of that breach, it remains breached even if the new tile indicates a barrier on that side. Breach • Reload: Ready all of your depleted Characters. Token

6 Shooting Whenever a player takes the Shoot Action follow the steps below.

1. To shoot the player may deplete any number of their ready Characters in their squad and add up their total Firepower. This is the total number of Xenomorphs that may be targeted with the attack. a. Players must target (roll) Xenomorphs in their tile first. b. Any remaining Firepower may also be used to target Xenomorphs in adjacent tiles, as long as there are no barriers between the Squad and those tiles. Xenomorphs in an adjacent empty complex space (not on a Location tile) cannot be targeted.

c. Players may only target an individual Xenomorph Die once, so any extra Firepower is wasted. 2. Roll the Xenomorph Dice in the Squad’s tile first. Each Xenomorph that rolls a is killed! Return them to the Xenomorph Dice pool. Xenomorphs that rolled a or survive.

Furthermore, the Squad takes 1 Wound (face up) for each you rolled. One of the Characters that fired must take the Wound. Repeat this until all the Wounds have been distributed.

3. Now roll any Xenomorphs that are being targeted in adjacent tiles. As before, Xenomorphs that rolled are killed and returned to the Xenomorph pool.

Xenomorphs that rolled a or survive and move into the firing Squad’s tile. The Squad takes no Wounds for rolling .

Note: Squads can shoot from the APC tile, but only to the first tile of Sector 3. This is resolved just like any other attack, but any surviving Xenomorphs escape instead of moving to the APC tile.

Ready and Depleted When a Character shoots, or becomes depleted for some other reason, move it down on its Player Board so it covers the “READY” text and reveals the “DEPLETED” text. Depleted Characters cannot do anything that requires depleting them until the player has done the “reload” action. When this happens, each depleted Character in that Squad is moved up to cover the “DEPLETED” text, so the word “READY” is clearly visible.

7 HUDSON GRUNT Card Number: CHAR- Card Number: CHAR- 8 13 Depleted Card Name: Hudson Card Name: Grunt Character Name / Character Name / GRUNT Card Number: CHAR- Subtitle: Character Subtitle: Character 13 Card Name: Grunt Character Name / Turn Sequence/ Subtitle: Character Actions


Hudson gets +2 Firepower 2 when you have 2 or fewer 2 Characters in your Squad. 4 4 TM & © 20th Century Fox. ©2020 UDC. PRINTED IN CHINA. TM & © 20th Century Fox. ©2020 UDC. PRINTED IN CHINA. 2 Point Man Slot 4 TM & © 20th Century Fox. ©2020 UDC. PRINTED IN CHINA.


Finishing the Player Turn Once a player has moved and resolved their Squad’s action, their turn ends. Play the next card in the Phase Deck.

The Xenomorph Phase Whenever a Xenomorph Phase occurs, you must resolve each of the following 3 steps in order. 1. The Xenomorphs Attack • When the Xenomorphs attack each Squad’s Point Man takes 1 Wound for each Xenomorph in their tile. See the How to Place Wounds section. If there is more than one Squad in a tile, those players decide how to distribute the Wounds.

2. The Xenomorphs Move • Each Xenomorph that isn’t in a Location Tile containing a Squad moves to another tile/space. (Xenomorphs can move freely though barriers.) • If they are adjacent to a Squad, they move into that tile. If they are adjacent to two or more Squads, the players decide which of those tiles they move into. (The players can choose to move some into both). • If they are not adjacent to any tiles containing Squads, they move one tile/space closer to the APC tile. • If they move onto the APC tile, they escape and are removed from the game and returned to the box. Unlike Squads, the Xenomorphs can exit through any sector row. If any Xenomorphs escape, move the Hive Counter 1 space along the Hive Track. It doesn’t matter how many escape, you just move the counter 1 space for each escape.


Blips Sectors Card Text

Card Number: TRAC-


Card Name: N/A TM & © 20th Century Fox. ©2020 UDC. Character Name / Subtitle: Tracking SURGE: PLAY THE XENOMORPHS MOVE STEP OF THE XENOMORPH PHASE AGAIN. ile. If the Sector row is filled, place is filled, row ile. If the Sector 9 pty space to the APC tile in that Sector pty space to the e Icon wn enomorph Die that must be deployed in that Sector. in that Sector. be deployed Die that must enomorph . Place the number . Place the number ve any Xenomorphs left Xenomorphs after any the Hives, filling up ve Card Number: TRAC- responding to the 5 Sectors on the APC tile. Each “Blip” “Blip” tile. Each on the APC to the 5 Sectors responding

39 PRINTED IN CHINA. yed simply follow the instructions the card. on follow simply yed Card Name: N/A TM & © 20th Century Fox. ©2020 UDC. Character Name / Subtitle: Tracking racking Cards have card text. After all the Xenomorphs have text. After card have all the Xenomorphs have Cards racking enomorphs in the last tile in that sector. last tile in that sector. enomorphs in the t with the Location Tilet with the to closest enomorphs into that tile enomorphs into es in that Sector. , then repeat this process with all the number, then repeat this ual to the Hive

epeat this process for each Sector that has “Blips” in it on the Sector that has “Blips” in it each epeat this process for racking Card (see example below). Card (see example racking to a Sector, the Xenomorphs o deploy been deplo Some T R T place them in the closest em place them in the a Location T that doesn’t contain the X Hiv If you still ha in that sector of X eq T star has a Hiv the APC tile that Sectors cor Sectors a X represents Pla The Xenomorphs Spa Xenomorphs The

Dice placement

• •

3. • Cardhas5 Tracking Each Deck. the Tracking top cardof y the • Example of Xenomorph How to Place Wounds When a Character takes a Wound, put a on its card face up (as shown) without looking at the other side. • The maximum number of Wounds a Character can have is equal to the Character’s Armor number on the Character Card.

• Once a Character has that many HUDSON CardCharacter Number: CHAR- Wounds, whenever it takes another 8 Card Name: Hudson Wound, flip one of its Wound Tokens over.Character Name / Subtitle: Character • If you reveal a , the Character lives. • If a is revealed, the Character

is killed and removed from the Card Title COME AND GET IT, BASTARDS!

2 Hudson gets +2 Firepower game. Shift the remaining Firepower when you have 2 or fewer Card Characters in your Squad. Characters on the Player Board Armor 4 Text TM & © 20th Century Fox. ©2020 UDC. PRINTED IN CHINA. to the right. Each Squad must always have a Point Man. • If a Character has its maximum number of Wound Counters, and they are all flipped but none show a KIA, the Character is killed the next time it takes a Wound. Complex Overrun If you must place Xenomorphs and cannot because they have all escaped or have been placed in the complex, the complex has been overrun by the Xenomorph horde and you must abort the mission. The game ends. You’ve lost! Once the Xenomorph Phase effects are resolved, play the next Phase Card.

10 Missions and Objectives Each game, you will have 3 different Mission Cards to complete. To complete a Mission, there must be 3 Objective Tokens placed on it. You cannot put more than 3 Tokens on a Mission Card. Whenever a player discovers a Location Tile with an Objective, place an Objective Token on it. Whenever a player takes the “Capture an Objective” action, the players decide which Mission Card to place it on.

Objective Tokens have two sides. When the token is placed on the Mission Card, make Subtitle: Mission Character Name / Video Evidence Card Name: Obtain Card Number: MISS-6 sure it’s face up. Objective Token Objective Token Each Mission has an ability. To activate face up face down that ability, you must flip one of its Objective MISSION Tokens face down. If the Mission has no OBTAIN VIDEO EVIDENCE tokens showing face up, then it cannot be ACTIVATE AT ANY TIME. MOVE ALL XENOMORPHS IN A SINGLE TILE TO AN used. Mission abilities always tell you ADJACENT TILE. when they can be activated, so keep them in mind!

TM & © 20th Century Fox. ©2020 UDC. PRINTED IN CHINA.

Winning the Game Once each Mission has 3 Objective Tokens on it, each Squad must exit the complex from Sector 3. Once each Squad is on the APC tile, the game ends and the players win! Losing the Game The game ends immediately in a loss if any of the following events occur: • Additional Xenomorph Dice must be placed but cannot. • Any Squad has lost all three of its Characters • The Tracking Deck runs out of cards. • An additional Xenomorph Phasing Card has to be added to the Phase Deck but cannot. Adjusting Game Difficulty Afraid of bugs? Try these to make the game a little easier: • Replace a Grunt with a Named Character card. • Skip the Xenomorph Spawn Step during game set up. Think you’re a bad-ass? Try these for a greater challenge: • Add one or more Xenomorph Phase cards in the Phase Deck to begin the game. • Play an additional Xenomorph Spawn Step during game set up.

11 Duty Roster Game Design: Ryan Miller Brand Manager: Travis Rhea Associate Brand Manager: Corrine Deng Director of Game Development: Bubby Johanson Associate Product Manager: Rob Ford Graphic Design: Krista Timberlake Copy Editor/Writer: Anders Mattson Art Direction: Samantha Padilla Box Art: Vinz el Tabanas Game Art: Caio Cacau, Daniel Reneau, Vinz el Tabanas Miniatures: Jacob Anderson, Julio Elizondo Project Managers: Louise Bateman, Tonya Lashley Director of Creative Services: Mike Eggleston VP of Production and Logistics: Suzanne Lombardi President, Upper Deck Company: Jason Masherah Playtesters: Zachary Apps, Eden Avery, Ryan Carroll, Corrine Deng, Julio Elizono, Rob Ford, Michelle Fricke, Roland Garcia, Ryan Garcia, Cassie Hailey, Christina Hamill, Cori Herrera, Vanessa Jasso, Kevin Jimenez, Bubby Johanson, Bree Klusmeyer, Taylor Litonjua, Anders Mattson, Tyler Mayes, Morten Mikkelstuen, Robert Miller, Shirley Miller, Darren Nielsen, Samantha Padilla, Jackie Palmer, Paula Perkins, Susan Quigley, Randy Reyes, Travis Rhea, Matt Rogers, Nicolas Rogers, Teresa Rowlee, Nicole Ruman, Mark Shaunessy, Katie Thompson, Krista Timberlake, Ted Tronson, Steve Warner, Amanda Wolf, Jennifer Wu

TM & © 20th Century Fox. ©2020 UDC. 5830 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008. All rights reserved. Printed in China.