Orissa Review

According to G.C. lake of Rajasthan. In the Orissa Praharaj2, Kaisar-i-Hind State Gazetteer5 this place has Role of (Silver Medal) the following been mentioned as Khadial. explanation of the word Khalia During the British period in the are found in his compiled work Kharial has been mentioned as "Purnachandra Odia Bhasa- Khariar, Thereafter, still it is Freedom kosha" (A lexicon of the Oriya being used in all purpose as language). He stated that, due "Khariar", which is within 82'/ Struggle to the condition of clay and 83' longitude and 20'/23' sticky, gravely (soil) cattle latitude. The shape of the suffer from stringhalt. It also territory is like an English letter Mohammed Yamin means a low marshy land unfit "L".6 for cultivation, slippery Brief Political History of condition of the ground owing Khariar It is a strenous task to trace the to the accumulation of water. A history of freedom struggle in small pool at the foot of a hill The present terms of a small principality like where water is left in summer. district (formed after the Khariar. The tremor of freedom This locality was named bifurcation of struggle was felt in Khariar and afterwards it on 1st April, 1993) comprises region. This paper seeks to the area of Khariar principality highlight the role of this region came to be known as Kharial, Kharialaya and Khadial. alias state. It was reduced to in the freedom struggle. the status of an estate in 1865 Origin of Khariar Some interpret "Khadi" A.D. by the British authority. It meaning chalk and therefore, had its capital at Komna. Then Very scanty explain the word "Khadial" information is available about the state was known as Tonnote means living place for learned state. This state was separated the origin of the name of people.3 Khariar. Very few records have from Patna in 1590 A.D. and come to my notice which are We have also traced its Raja ruled independently. placed here after careful the origin of the name Khariar Within 1751-55 A.D. the whole scrutiny. Near Badadadhi- from a report written by area fell into the hands of the baban temple, one of the oldest Sibanarayan Deo.4 He stated Maratha of , but it temples of the area, the first that during the reign of Ratan appears to have been ceded to living settlement or housing Singh (1818-1842 A.D.) he the British Government by the restoration had been made and had shifted his capital from Treaty of 1803 A.D. with the that settlement might have been Komna to Khadial. The name Maratha.7 It can be called with some name about Khadial owes its origin to a corroborated by the records of which nothing substantial is river of Rajasthan named T. Mottle, the first European to known. In course of time Khariar which falls into visit (1768 A.D.) tradition believes this housing Sambhar lake, Menda, for trade in diamond clearly settlement was called Khadial, Khandel, Rupanagar reveals the political instability in "Khaliapali".1 and Aral rivers fall into Sambhar Sambalpur region due to

50 August - 2010 Orissa Review struggle between the British and Bhonsale territories because the Maratha for supremacy the Bhonsale troops had killed towards the close of the 18th the adopted son. In century." Again in 1806 A.D. consequence Pindari spread Maratha regained their into Chhatisgarh. From a supremacy. Towards the end of report written by Sibanarayana 1817 A.D. It was once more Deo,11 Pindaris had plundered reverted to British and it finally the Khariar region. It is known in 1826 A.D. ceded to East that Bhonsale Government had Company. It appears taken Ratan Singh to Nagpur from "Aitchison's Collection of for non-payment of arrear Treaties, Engagements and Takoli and kept him there for Sanad" that Khariar was finally 14 years. It is known that ceded under Article-5 of the Majhi Priest and local leaders treaty between the the Central Province (C.P.) of had collected funds and had British India. Company and Raghuji gone to Nagpur for payment Bhonsale-III, dated 1st and finally released Ratan Khariar Supported the December, 1826 A.D. This Singh. After that Ratan Singh Cause of was further confirmed by a became Raja in 1818 A.D. and Veer Surendra Sai, the subsequent Treaty dated 26th ruled upto 1842 A.D. Raja most illustrious Chauhan of December 1829 A.D. By article Ratan Singh died in 1842 A.D. Khinda in Sambalpur region of the Treaty. Chhatisgarh was and was succeded by his son with all his strength was striving given back to the Nagpur Sunder Singh. He was to oust the Britishers from the region. After the death of succeded by Krushna Chandra Motherland, but by the later Raghuji Bhonsale III, the British Singh Deo. part of 1858 A.D. Surendra fully lapsed the dominion status Sai found Sambalpur region of Nagpur Raja. It is said that During his period of reign from 1852 to 1867 A.D. unsafe and made his stronghold this territory was wild, rugged in the hills of Khariar. was a crucial period of revolt and mountainous covered with Manikgarh the traditional against the British for he dense forest, difficult to access, bastion of the Chauhan in this supported the cause of and of course, thinly part of country, provided 9 Surendra Sai. populated. Surendra Sai greater protection During the period of Khariar formed a part and safe mobility in 1861 A.D. Prataparudra Singh Deo of the Chhota Nagpur Division Raja Krushna Chandra Singh (1792-1818 A.D.) the capital in British record until it was Deo and the people of Khariar was at Komna. There was a transferred to the jurisdiction of region did not pay any heed to Pindari raid in this area in 1806 the superintendent of Tributary the frequent warning of the A.D. according to Mahals, , and in 1861 British authority to drive District Gazetteer.10 The leader A.D. Khariar state was again Surendra Sai away from the of the Pindari Chittu, was transferred as a part of state. Instead, K.C. Singh Deo determined to devastate the Sambalpur and incorporated in helped Surendra Sai with men

August - 2010 51 Orissa Review and money. He gave him shelter cause of Veer Surendra Sai. members left the Sabarmati and maintained secrecy of his The injustice meted out to Ashram on foot and reached whereabouts.12 That had Surendra Sai was a climax to the sea at Dandi on 5th April invoked the British authorities one of the most gross forms of 1930. As scheduled Gandhiji and they regarded K.C. Singh political chicanery practised by broke the Salt law on 6th April Deo, the Raja of Khariar as the British (East India 1930, this had great significance dangerous.13 Company) for grabbing Indian all over India.15 Raja K.C. Singh Deo territories. In the inaccessible During this period, as did not receive proper area of Sambalpur Surendra already observed Khariar state treatment from the British. Sai waged a sustained war by was incorporated in Raipur Despite that, when the 32 Guerrilla tactics in order to district of Central Province. The Regiment of Madras Native espouse the cause of the mute first Civil dis-obedience Infantry under Captain Swiney tribal peasants who had flocked Movement of 1930, led the passed through Khariar to join under his banner without any Forest Satyagraha in Raipur 14 the Regiment at Kamptee. He fear to the British troops. district. We get this information gave them valuable logistic During this journey of heroism from Raipur District assissance without which and time of urgent necessity Gazetteer16 which narrated thus Captain Swiney would never Veer Surendra Sai got valuable : "The forest Satyagraha started have reached his destination support and assistance from in the district led the arrest of safely. Instead the Raja helped Khariar which still remains a large number of persons on the Britishers to capture some statement for posterity and has 29th April 1929. Waman Rao of the camp followers of Veer been a historic testimoney for Lakhe asked the audience to Surendra Sai. At the same time all freedom lovers. break laws and destroy the the Raja of Khariar used to help Civil Disobedience Government on 18th May Surendra Sai with men and Movement 1929. He suggested social money inspite of all this hiccup. Within the formation of boycott of bureaucracy. The Raja of Khariar never got the Indian National Congress Consequently he was Surendra Sai arrested and saw by A.O. Hume and during the convicted on 25th June 1930 that no harm was done to him. time of Lord Dufferin in 1885, and had to undergo one year Because of this fact, he was the Indian freedom struggle got simple imprisonment. On the called a dangerous Chief in new shape and energy. The same day car of the Police British correspondence. He is whole country was agog with Superintendent was stonned also regarded as mere over the Civil Di-obedience and two policemen were Zamindar in the letter of Acting Movement decided upon by the assaulted by the people. Commissioner R.N. Share of working committee of Raipur District dated 23rd Congress on the Lahore Gazetteer further elaborated January 1862 A.D. session in 1929. The Civil that sporadic violence Despite the above Disobedience Movement continued unabated in the hurdle, Khariar Raja and the began on 12th March, 1930. former Khariar Zamindari. An common people supported the Mahatma Gandhi with 78 male attack was made on 30th

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September on the police party J.P. Singh Deo,19 a Salihagarh village in 1930 and which had gone there to make freelance archaeological protested the taxation taken by arrest. The policemen were researcher visited the site on the Government. This incident able to extricate themselves 16th April, 1996 and wrote it is popularly known as "Saliha with difficulty after resorting to in his article "Saliha and Its Agitation." It was mid of firing. Two persons were Aftereffect." He makes the Summer, the people of many wounded and other sporadic following observation. villages like Chuhuri, Kodmeri, violence occured at Nuadehi, Thelkobra, Saliha, "Once two stone Chaulshara, Patparpali, Katyanpar, Bairbhadi, temples stood there. One was Khateru and Konnadabri Karemeli, Murhela. Patparpali, of linga and other was of villages. Dumerdihi, Nilji and , rectangular Sakti deity. The etc. and many more villages The above narration of second sculpture of a Saliha gathered and denounced the Gazetteer shows that, police shows a yogi fasten with a belt force were deployed in many against the imposition of wood (Yoga patta) practising high 21 parts of the district. The tax and pandri tax." In the austerity in sitting position. same way in Kalahandi the Khariar Zamindari was famous There is every possibility that for its teak forest and was part peasants revolted against once two small temples Shiva Durbar rule mainly because of of the same district. As freedom and Sakti stood there. At struggle was all India in nature, the Kulta immigrants from other present Konabhaira deity is districts especially Sambalpur the activities of the forest worshipped as presiding deity Satyagraha of Raipur must have who received the patronage of by the villagers of Saliha was the ruler to improve agriculture spread to the interior villages or once a site of Shiva-Sakti forest areas of Khariar. in his territories which deprived worship." the indigenous tribal of their Saliha Agitation Braja Kishor Padhi20 traditional rights and privileges. Saliha, a village is while dealing with freedom This peasant discontent situated at a distance of eight struggle in Khariar Principality surfaced in 1878 A.D.22 and in Kms towards north-east states, "The year 1930 A.D. is the same Kalahandi Kondh direction from Nuapada a landmark in the history of rebellion also took place. They sorrounded by rocky Khariar. The tyrannical rule of had nursed a deep grievances mountains. It appears to have Garhjat feudatory state evoked against the Kulta Cultivators. been located within dense a strong feeling of resentment The above resentment forest. It seems to be an ancient against the ruler and aroused of common people against the settlement, because two pieces their sympathy for oppressed ruler in real terms was directed of sculpture arts are found on masses of the States. The towards the British because the the bank of the tank. One is a imposition of taxes on the British forced and imposed the rectangular Sakti measuring 2 tenants of the states by the Raja ruler to collect wood and ft. 2 inches by 1ft. 6 inches. of Khariar created resentment Pandri taxes from the common Sakti worship in ancient and against him. The people men. So, everywhere there was early Medieval periods was Khariar state united and some short of rebellion, one of popular. organised a meeting at such was Saliha agitation.

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A meeting was Ramu of Saliguda, Gouda Rai Movement on 8th August 1942 organised at Saliha. More than of Saliha and many more people for which a resolution of All seven hundred people of Panaguda and Chanabeda India Congress Committee was assembled. Their ambition was villages were arrested and were passed on 7th August 1942. one. A resolution was passed taken to prison. Some died and Gandhi asked the British to in the meeting not to give taxes many more were wounded on leave India for good. Gandhiji and to revolt against imposition the spot.24 was arrested. The news of his of taxes. One Pratap Singh arrest was followed by non- All the above narration (Komdat) Supervisor of violent demonstration in the of B.K. Padhi is mostly from Nawapara investigated secretly shape of meetings, hartals and oral archives and therefore and informed the same to Raja procession throughout the most of the statements may find Artatran Deo immediately. He country. Despite the warning in excess of the real happening disliked to expose himself. So, from the Superintendent of and exaggeration. There was he dealt it diplomatically and Police of Sambalpur for no death during Saliha firing and believed that matter can be unlawful gathering, a number of Keju Das Baba and Kartik settled peacefully and reported meetings were held at , Sabar suffered injuries in their the matter to police to control , Barpali, Khariar leg on 30th September 1930. the campaign. To suppress any and in Sambalpur in defiance of And It is also found clear from untoward incident police the notice or warning.25 rushed to Saliha while meeting the Raipur District Gazetteer The Quit India was in progress. Police that, only one person was Movement in Khariar was gheraoed the campaigners all of reportedly wounded. intense and there was a sudden and warned the In the further course, widespread protest against the people to stop the meeting. The with the consent of Raja British Raj. Many Congress people dis-obeyed the order Artatran Deo, Khariar estate activists were arrested. Every and chanted slogan against the was amalgamated with Orissa attempt was made from the Government. So, to control the province on 1st April, 1936 people to lodge their protest agitation police charged lathi. In and remained in Sambalpur against the British Raj and early return people manhandled the district. The people at Khariar release of Gandhiji. There was police force and burnt the like other parts of the new widespread unrest in Khariar, lathis. Some policemen were province had regularly received wounded. Without finding any Nilji, Sinapali and many more the clarion call of the Congress remote villages and people in other alternative the police were and many of them actively compelled to fire at the crowd. large numbers courted arrest. participated in the cause of With all the above nationalist They arrested forty to fifty freedom struggle. members in the meeting. So in temper the Quit India the whole area, there was Non Co-operation Movement in Khariar was only anarchy and the situation was Movement & Indian sporadic in its success. beyond control. Leaders like, Independence At last, toil and blood Keju Das Baba of Chahari, Mahatma Gandhi of the people of India became Ramlal Deongan of Parakoda, launched the Quit India materialised with the coming of

54 August - 2010 Orissa Review

Lord Mounbatten as the new Consonant ka to Na, (Cuttack Plateau" O.H.R.J. Vol.XVI, Viceroy. He worked out 1932) p. 1957. No.4, pp.124-125. compromise plan for the 3. Deo, J.P. Singh, op.cit. pp.81- 14. Mishra, C.R., "Popular transfer of power, more suitable 82. Movement, Spirit of Freedom : An Overview of Popular to the British hidden agenda of 4. Deo Lal Sibanarayan, on 8th Movements in the Sambalpur July, 1918, vide : Khariar dividing the Nation. At that time region". West Orissa "A Darbar record and vide : there were many Muslims of study in Ethos Dr. M. Pati (ed) Mahapatra, M.M. (ed), (A Khariar including late Bismrurta Pratibha Swargata Publication : 1992), p.247. Mohammed Hussain (Ustadji) Kavi Siba Prasad, (Orisa) who led a protest march from Appendix-VI Report of Lal 15. Mishra, P.K., History of Khariar Masjid (Mosque) to Sibanarayan Deo Lal Saheb, Orissa, Saha Publication the police station and submitted dated 8th July 1918. (Sambalpur : 1999-2000) p.340. a memorandum to the police in 5. Behuria, N.C. (ed), Orissa 16. Varma, K. op.cit., pp.80-82. State Gazetteer, Vol.I (Cuttack charge against the partition 17. Ibid, p.27. : 1990) p.8. formula of Lord Mountbatten. 18. Ibid, p.28. The pride and joy in the 6. Deo, J.P. Singh, Khariar - achievement of freedom on Renda Vouz of Culture, 19. Deo, J.P.S., "Saliha Firing and Khadial Jyoti, (Khariar, Jaya its After Effect", unpublished 15th August, 1947, was diluted Durga offset : 2005) p.1. type Manuscript, p.179. by the pain and sadness of 7. Deo, J.P.S., "Socio-culture 20. Padhi, B.K., Modern History partition and the consequences History of Orissa - a case of Khariar, Ph.D. Thesis of partition. Freedom was only study of Khariar estate," awarded by Sambalpur the first step with faith and hope. Glimpses of Orissa, (ed) B.S. University in 1992, India began to march forward Das, Punthi Pustak, ( unpublished typed to meet the challenges of : 1986) p.58. Manuscript, pp.170-173. freedom. 8. Motte, T., 'A narrative of a 21. Ibid. journey to the diamond mine The above narration 22. Senapati, N. (ed), Orissa at Sambalpur, reprinted in District Gazetteer, Kalahandi, shows the martial, heroic and L.S.S.O. Malley's Bengal p.60. independent character of the Orissa District Gazetteer, people of Khariar with a seat (Sambalpur : 1932) pp.44-57. 23. Ibid. of culture, knowledge and 9. Deo, J.P.S., op-cit, p.58. 24. Padhi, B.K., op-cit, pp.170- 173. wisdom from remote past. 10. Varma, Rajendra, (State 25. Mishra, C.R, Freedom References : editor) Madhya Pradesh District Gazatteer, Raipur Movement in Sambalpur (18- 1. Deo, J.P. Singh, Badadadhi ( : 1973) pp.70-71. 27) B.P. Publishing Baban (Bada Gudi) temple of Corporation (Delhi : 1986) 11. Deo, Sibanayan, op-cit. Khariar, Khadial Jyoti pp.233-234. (Khariar : Jayadurga Offset, 12. Das, Aniruddha, Life of 2006) p.81. Surendra Sai, Vidyapuri, Cuttack : 1963, p.83. 2. Praharaj, G.C., Purna Chandra Odia Bhasakosha, (A lexicon 13. Deo, J.P.S., "Archaeological Mohammed Yamin is a Research of the Oriya language), Vol.II, Remains of Fellow, I.C.H.R., New Delhi,

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