DIRECTORY.] 223 M ARKS TEY. [.] Here is a chapel for Independents. There are charities of gross estimated rental, £6,238; rateable value, £.J,580; about £34 per annum. Terling- Place was formerly a and the population in 1871 was 9"24. palace of the Bishop of Norwich, with a lar~e chapel, PARSLEY is 1 mile south·east; FULLER STREET is 2 having privile!!e of sanctuary, which gave shelter to the miles north·west; TERMITTS is 2 miles south-west celebrated Hubert de Burgh in the reign of King Henry Pariah Clerk, James Pearson. Ill.; it was also a residence of King Henry VII I. : it is now the seat of Lord Rayleigh, and is about a quarter of a mile south of the church, very pleasantly situated, and sur- PosT OFFICE.-William Wright, receiver. Letters re- rounded by extensive woods. Lord Rayleigh is lord of the ceived through , delivered at 8 a.m.; di.,.patched manor and chief landowner. The land is principally at 6 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Witham arable: subsoil, clay and gravel. The area is 3,205 acres; National School, Henry Cawdron, master Rayleigh Lord, Terling place Bright William, wheelwright :Middleditch Loui!>a(Mrs.), beer retailer Gooday Arthur Robert, .T.P. Bruce John, farmer Richardson Charles, land steward to Hill Rev. Francis Thomas, M.A. Butcher Deborah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Lord Rayleigh Vicarage Cousins Josepb, farmer Russell George, shopkeeper Moore Rev. Fras. Reed [Independent] Garland Henry J ames, farmer Steele John, butcher COMMERCIAL. Ha.mmond Thomas, farmer Tufi'Walter, farmer Alg-er William, farmer Harris John, blacksmith Turner Henry, carpenter Alliston James, Rayleigh Arml Lewis John, farmer Turner Joseph, bricklayer Ardley Edmund, cooper Loker John, agricultural implement Walford Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Bolton George, farmer agent Wood John, farmer, Sparrows Bridge Charles, farmer Middleditch Henry, beer retailer Wright William, tailor

GREAT TEY in the tenth century belonged to Algar, yearly, derived from 13 acres of land. Robert Hills, e~q., Earl of Mercia: it is a parish, in the Eastt>rn division of the J.P., is lord of the manor anri principallanriowner. The county, Lexden union and hundred, county soil is rich loam; subsoil, loam and clay. The chief crop~ court district, Colne rural deanery, Colchester archdea­ are wheat and barley. The area is 2,503 acres ; gross esti­ conry, and diocese of Rochester, situate on the river Ro­ mated rental, £4,946; rateable value, £4,426; and the 'llan, 7 miles west from Colchester, 4 north-east from population in 1871 was 781. Joggeshall, and 3 from station. The larg·e TEY CRoss is I mile north-west; CHECKLEYs, half a and ancient church of St. Barnabas stands on a heig-ht mile north-east; P ATTOCK GREEN, half a mile north and has a square stone tower with 8 bells. The register ParMh Clerk, Samuel Herman. dates from the year 1550. The Ihing is a vicarage, yearly value £215, and there is a sinecure rectory, united with PosT 0FFICE.-Bernard Lockwood, post mMter. Lettel'8 that of Chapel, yearly value £800, both of which are in the arrive from Kel vedon at 9 a. m. & are dispatched at 6 p.m. gift of, and held by, the Rev. William Walsh, M.A., of St. The nearest money order office is at John's College, Cambridge. Here is a charity of £40 National School, Miss Ann Houchen, mistress Lay John Watson, J.P. Wallcott's farm Cousins George, Eight Bells Moss Thomas, farmer Walsh Rev.William, M.A., .r.P. Rectory Dyer John, carpenter NortonHercules,farmer,Lambert'sfarm COMMERCIAL. Eves Absolom, wheelwright Overitt Mrs. farmer, Smythies farm Bickmore Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer & Fairs John, boot & shoe maker Sharp James, farmer, Uphall farm landowner, Flories farm Hills Jhn. farmt>r, Buckler's Green farm Smith & Sons, blacksmiths & wheel- Carrington John, farm bailiff to John King Charles, blacksmith wrights WatMon Lay LayJohnWatson, farmer, Wallcott's frm 'Vinsom Henry, Chequers Cloughton Thos. farmer, Baldwin's farm LockwoodBernard, butcher&postmaster Woodward Sam. farmr .East Gore's farm

LITTLE TEY is a parish, in the Eastern division of Cambridge. The Rev. George Pawson, ]ate rector of this the county, Lexden union and hundred, Colchester county parish, left £200, the interest of which is annually dis­ court district, Halstead rural deanery, archdeaconry of Col­ tributed in coals to the poor. John W. Lay, C!'lq., is lord of chester, and diocese of Rochrster, close to the ancient Roman the manor. The principal landowners are J. W. Lay, esq., road from Colchester ( Camalodunum) to St. Alban's ( Veru­ Mrs. Honeywood, and Mr. Golden Goodey. The soil is lamium), 7 miles west from Colchester, 3 south-east from loam and clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat and Coggeshall, and 1~ from the Marks Tey station. The barley. The area is 486 acres; gross estimated rental £890; church of St. James, a small building, has chancel, nave, rateable value £804; and the population in 1871 was 76. small wood tower and I bell. The register dates from the Sexton, James Taylor. year 1660. The living is a rectory, gross yearly value £223, with residence, in the gift of Balliol College, Oxford, Letters through Kelvedon. The nearest money order office and held by the Rev. W A. Francis, M.A., of Christ's College, is at Coggeshall Francis Rev. W. A. M.A. [rector] I Wilsher James, farm bailiff to Golden Goodey

MARKS TEY is a parish, in the Ea~tern divi~ion of the J. Round eQq,, M.P. ~fr. Swinburne, Hev ..T. Ambrose, 1\Ir. county, Lexden hundred and union, Colchestt>r county court J. Wagstaff, and Thomas Carrington Wilson, esq. The district, H alstead rural deanery, Colchester archdeaconry, soil is rich loam and clay; subs01l, gravel and fine sand. and diocese of Rochester, adjoining , 5 miles west The chief crops are corn, beans and roots. The area is 1,191 from CoiC'hester, and 5 east from Coggeshall; the Great acres; gross estimated rental, £4,764; rateable value, Eastern Rail way has a station here, with junction for Bures, £3,669; and the population in 1871 was 443. Sudbury, and Colne valley, 46! miles from London. LoNG GREEN an1l PoTTs GREEN are to the south-west. The church of St. Andrew is a building of the thirteenth Sexton, Zimri William Pedley. century, having chancel, nave, and wooden tower with I bell. 'fhe register dates from the year }.")62. The living is a rectory, yearly value £234, with re~iden<'e and ~lebe, in Letters through Colchester, which is also tile nearest money the gift of Balliol College, Oxford, and held by the Rev. order office l>onald Millman Owen, M.A., late fellow of that colle~e. PosTAL TELEGRAPH OFFICE nt Railway Station, open Here is a N 11tional school. Marks Tey Hall, the residence from 8 a. m to 8 p.m. week days only of John Cane, is to the south of the road; pnrt of the National School, John Fincham, ma.o;;te:r; Mrs. Eliza moat, by which the ancient building was surrounded, ~till Finclmm, mistres.~ remains. The principal landowners are Mr. Justice Byles, Railway Station, George Jeffries Cane John, l\Iarks Tey hall Garrett Joseph Stammers, maltster Popham & Sharp. tambour ]aC'e mnnu­ Owen Rev. Donald Millman, X.A. Goodey Eliza(Mrs.),Trowel~ Hammer facturers of infants' falls, shawlo;;,coifs, Rectorv Hart George, cattle dealer dresses, sleev"s &c. ; & at CogJeshall Rayner Richard Kary Charles, bricklayer Tampion Daniel, larrner COlJMERCIAL. Layer Shadrach, Prince of ·wales Wagstaff, John, farmer, Church house Bacon Louisa & Ada(l\Iisses), shopkprs Mayhew Sarah (.Mrs.), shopkeeper Warren Charles, Rt!d Lion Chaplin John, farmer Moss John, farmer W"ilson Thomas Carrington, corn & Dixey John, farmer Pedley Zimri William, builder, whetl- seed merchant French Charles, builder & bricklayer wright & blacksmith -