LOCA.I.AJVD GEXERAL 3iEWS. Barjaius in dress cooda at M. Grei;or'8. Geo. T. Giirrisoa of Ma^nn, and Ilobert Mrs. E. H. Williams was chosen vice- P. riwect ol Stoikbridge, have been gnmled pre-ident o( the ladies' library association, Rev. A. FisliHr cf .Vcw York .State, will reissue of pefsimi*. iu place of Mrs. Julia A. Huntington, at Bar/ains in (.ilk inufllern at .M. Gre;,'or's. occupy the Baptist pulpit ne.\t Sunday Ford'sBazaar its meeting held yesterday afternoon. mornin^j and evening. Ford's Bazawr has ree^-ived its first con LaijMnR ia afflicied wilh a "Jack the- signment of wall pnper lor ihe spring trade Iiijrham Circuit Court huKCer." M. A. Kandali huH had new axlen put on of 1891. More 10 f«ll()w. his hack and claims there is now no junker You can jjft plush ;;armenl3 at reiliiced Court commenced at 10 o'clock last .Mon­ GROCERY- of the wheeli! running oil. Fur bargnins allend the cut siiki of nil The Holidays are a thing- of the prices at .M. Gri-i-'urH. * day forenoon. Following is a synopsis of kinds of goods for ca' Take in the Ruiisia.-) Weddinir Feast at Following are the grocers ill .Mason Piiti the Leslie Republican. The DEMeCKAT not guilty. Gave recognizance in the sum yOU want in OUr line, and at pricCS: Kimtnel's Book (itore to morrow ufierriooii lied to rebate nn lobncco in stock: A. L. e.\teiids the fraleriial hand to ihegenllemHn. of S300 to appear for trial at next term of that will pay yOU tO COIlie a long at •'-.•.iO. * - Provisions Vnndercook $2:! 7J, Howard k Son §9.10, court, with W. G, Wiley and 1 rank Uavia i j j s. Last Saturday, January 3d, was W. C. Boy N. Miller has been wreelliii/j wilh W. M. Pratt $8 as sureties. • ways to see us. Barker's 29th birthday. His relatives from the ineasleH tor the lust ten days. At The people vs. Charies J[cCarrick- Wehavejust received one dray In the City, and at To every sub.scriber of the Kveiiing Lansing to the nuniber of eight came present iht-y nri' under. uttering forged paper. Arraigned and r iir i, n News, will be given a picture of the Bus- down to enjoy the day with him. This was pleaded guilty. Sentenced to the Ionia re- 'O'la 0' Wall Paper, and the bal- Our Church Jteni, a jonnial of the Pros siaii Wedding Feast, Friday afternoon at the first time Ins father, Robert Barker, liyterian church of lliis city, will be issued ICinimel's book store. has been Out since his rei-eiit illness. Will formatoryfor si.x months. This is the kiice for our Spring trade will be ia nionthly during this vi-ar. ""'All desiring the services of John Himel received several lillle reminders of th voung man from Leslie who forged Kdmond I mm nm occasion. Frank A. Allen, cImrL'ed with forgery, berger, as auctioneer, can learn his charges Potle.-a' name lo a note that he sold to SOOn. Chas. J. Rayner. „ , . ^ „ Commence the ncw year by call- will be tried at lliis term of court. The and dates by culling at ibis ofTice. The stockholders of thft Rogers Manu ihe people vs. Catherine Coryell—re I. trial beiti" set (or lu-xt .Monday. facturing Co. met at the Fiinners' bank last Lafge crowds are taking the benefit of celving stolen property. Arraigned and h"? 0" US, get warm, and have a., TRr OUR TEAS! Tuesday evening nnd elected directors as Wood's olScial railway guide for .Mich the low prices now being made by .Mill pleaded guilty. Se'ntence suspended good social chat. follows (or the ensuing year: D. P. Whit until next term of court. Gave recogni iguii and part:i of olher states and Canada Dry Goods Co. This firm reports a good Yours for 1S91. more, .\. .McDoiuild, E. A. Barnes, C.J Zance in the sum of ,^100, with J. ,M. Dres They are the Best in the City is out bright and early In .I.inuary. trade during their January snle. Rayiier and 0. F. Miller. Yesterday oflS ser as surety, lo appear at iie.\t term of court. ll will pay custotners to come 20 miles Chas Hancn ol the National Hotel, cers were chosen as follows: President The people vs George Lee—selling Kenpectfully, uiid get hargtiins in felts and overs, school Dansville, will give u club dance Friday C. J. Ravner; vice president, E. A. Barnes FORD « KIRBY. liquor without license. Arraigned, infor­ shoes and rubbers at Brown Bros.' * evening. January 23J. Frederick's orches­ secretary and trensurer, D. P. Whitmore. mation quashed and respondant discharged W. M. PRATT. tra will furnish muaic. Bill 50 cents. F. M. Vniidercook lias chiiiiged his paper, The Sabbath schools of Mason a few without day. the St. Louis Itidepeiideiil, froa a si.v col­ All wool 3(1 inch drc:ss 11 innel only 33c weeks since made arrangements for The people vs. L. R. Chftddock—assault umn quarto to u iiiiie-eoliiiiiii lolio. for the next 10 days at M. Gregor's. * bouse to house canvass in the interest ol with intent to do great bodily harm. Cause the viirioufl churches and Sunday schools. continued until first day of next term of Married, ai the Hotel Horion in this cily, Frank Andreas, living five miles norl From all sides we hear good reports from court and recognizance respited. .Intl. 1, bv Rev. ,1, A. Hiinies, Diiiiiel Pur- Ingham Ccmiig Di^morral west of Willminsion, liaii bis nght hand i the work. Last Sabbath there were present William R. French vs. Homer Williuma cell nnd Misa Mnliie.M. Mull of Aiireliu.s. jiired last Tuesdny by the discharge of ill the .M. E. Sunday scliool 237 scholars —case. Order for security (or costs grant, < Published every Thursday gun from which he was drawing a load. which was a large number considering it ed. by ,1. C. Kimniel will sell Ills entire stock of WHS after the excitement of the holidays. Andrew J. Smith, plaintiff in certiorari, goods from now on lor cash at one-quarter TllE deiiiocralic slate convention lor l^e W. L. CLARK & CO., vs. Lucretia Gundertnan. defendant in cer off and on cloaks and clothing one bnlf iKimiiialioii ol candidates for supreme jus MA80X. lacniGAS. Ralph Hinklev, a 17 year old boy living tiorari. Judgment of court below reversed oir will be given. 2i^.'? tice and regents of the uiiivfirsitv will bi in the norllieastern portion of the city, re (or manifest error. Eh P2S,ICa3S : held at Lansing the latter part of February. ceived a serious gua shot wour.d hist Friday Mrs. E. B. WiliiiiLrtli of Saginaw, (or John C. Uebele vs. L. S, k M. S. B. R. Ona Year, $ i.SO ; Six monlhi, 7S e.nta ; Three forenoon. Ralph was hunting with some Bee Hive some lime editor o( the .Michigan Pylhimi, Co.—case. Voluntary non-suit entered. D. 0, Ball & Son, dry goods dealers, have companions and while climbing a fence a mon cents. FINANCIAL.. sical line. Agent for the Francis Bacon will help fill H bo.K with clothing, bedding County Teachers' Association, to be held at In Delhi township, two miles north of Holt piano. Violin and guitar strings for sale. The Women's Missionary Society ol the and household supplies? Their presiding Mason, 011 Siiturdav, .Tan. 24lh, 1891, com village. Cash rental for a term of years. ltl. DJiESSUB, Ollloeat Farmera' Bank,Mason. Ider writes that he has ministers in his J, Mich,, has money to loan. Buainesa promptly Rend his ad. in another column". Presbyterian chnrch will serve a tea at the niencing at nine o'clock a. ra : For further particu'.urs inquire of o (tended to. parsonage Wednesday evening, Jan. 14th. district whose families are in need. We Opening Exeicisea. 51tf A. D. Aldrtch, Holt. • C. E. Ball has traded bis (our year old send to him. He distributes. This gives secretary's Kejiort. Irom 5 to 7 o'clock. They invite all ther Tletorla Boar for Service, OENTlSfS. Greenbacks . Green Jennie to Geo. us large range. The call includes all ages. Does Education Educato? • Nellie JI. Knappen friends to sup with them and bring an of­ Class Exercise in Heading. - Alico Lyon Comit, registered No. 422. Terms $1, iehl of Iiiifham township, for a four year- Shall we let them suffer? Let the league fering for the Master's cause. A program What and Uow of LanKUago, G. S. Bird, Leslie cash. 50w8p W. H. Rayser, Mason. P. VANOnSKK .DENTIST. OfficoinDarrow How Can the Board Help tho Teaclisr, . block,Maaoii,Mich. old roadster gelding. Green Jennie is bred of e.xercises is being prepared (or the even­ help. Bring bedding of all kinds, clothing Col. L. H. Ives, Mason New Milch Cow For Sale. to Jubilee and Mr. Ball reserves the foal. ing. from alady's comb, handkerchief and cloak School Physiology, Jnlia TC. Jordan, BunkerUIIl to hosiery and overshoes; from a child's Blind Spots, - n. It. Pattengill. Lansing Inquire of James Blakely, Ingham. During the year 1890 your pastor has Thomas Lasenby has purchased the Ash tip lo toe,'' not forgetting underwear and Rottding in Higher Gmdes, C. F. Rettinger, Okumos Preparation for Teaching, - J, B Phillii-a, Holt Far Floe Fumtlnire. MlCHICmrrENTgjT. preached 87 sermons in Mason,37 elsewhere, street meat market of Wm. Conpy, taking nightweitr. From a great coat and ear How Shall Wo Spend tho Recreation Hour? Call at S, P. Stroud & Son's. delivered 10 addresses of difierent kinds, possession last Saturday. Mr. Lasenby "The Niagara Falls Route." uffs for the minister to the stationery and Delia Pierce, Maaon attended 20 funerals, married 20 couples, has lived near Mason for many years and BaslnesM. . ROUTHWAUn. pencil he uses. And, ladies, when you Every liya teacher should attend the and made over 500 calls.—Our Church is well acquainted. He has good business Moaon 8:12 a.m. 10:11 a.m. 6:ia p.m. 0:17 p.m. change towels and table linen think of meeting of the nssoeialion. Come prepar [•fI;mM^^^ have that money^ you owe mft Item. ability and the Democrat extends a wel­ Jackaon 9:05 ll.OS 0:45 11:30 those whose taste is just as refined who ed todiscuss the papers. School officers now. Don't want to get a dunning letter.. . come to him to the business ranks of our must takf^ their meals from an oil table XouM Respectfully, F. W. Wkbb, Great closing out sale of boots and are especially urged to be present and td: Chicago 4:15 p.m. 7:55 p.m. 8:06 a.m. city. cloth. Bring muslin, print, gingham. shoes, telt gooiJs antj rubbers for cash at see that their teachers attend. ,i Let us send a ?ood box illooution and Physical Cultore. Detroit.— 12:10p.m. 6:15 p.m. 10:46 p.m. 6:20a.m. Brown Bros^] * • Eaton Eapids Journal: D. Maekey and Ingham County Agricultural Society.' Mrs. Florence Minar will give instruo-.- • St.Thomaa 4:05 . 10:55 2:00 a.m. 10:00 family, whose house burned to the ground Niag.Fttlla.'7:42 . 2:27 a.m. 5:29 Married, at the Presbyterian parsonage Sfarrlajj'e JLIconses. tionijimelbcution and physical cuUure attbe, , "aat wfiek. now occupy the Frost house in in this .city, Dec. 31, by Rev. J. A. Barnes, The annual meeting of the Ingham G. A'.B. hall every Tuesday and Friday,: nonrnwAKD. the second ward.—Miss Rena Lincoln of Charles Grover and Miss Alice Stark both The following marriage licenses have County Agricultural society for the election afternoons at four o'clock. She has classes in;, Maaon'. 7:48 a.m. 11:28 a.m. 5:3U p.m. 9:55 p.m. Mason, is with Miss Ida Merritt. lor a few of Leroy. Alao at the same time and been granted since our last report: of officers, hearing the reports of the sec­ both branches and desires to enlarge them. Iianalng.:.. 8:18 11:60 C:15 10:10 days.—L. T. Hematis goes to Mason this placet Joseph B. Jeffords and Mary.X." ^ranlo an d Roaidonce Age. retary and treasurer, and the transaction Owoaao 9:09 12:42 p.m., 7:02 . • , week. He will retain his residence here Jeffords of Leslie. Ananis Hnmborgor, Alma...... 24 of such other business as may properly HouMe nnd i:.ot lor JSzohango . . Bay City... 11:20 . ^ , 10:10 Lanalng through the winter. Emma L. Oblingor. Auroliua....,,, 21 come before the meeting, will be held at For a 40-aore farm within, a few mtleB.ofj iacklnaw. 9:0(ip.m. OivossoAc 6:30 a.m. Acc'n. The Michigan Almanac for 1891, pub­ 24 James Buikr and Louis Locke, two Jack­ Daniel F. Harris. White Oak the 'court hoiiso on Thursday, Jati. 15, Mason. . lltf . . H. J.Dosmelly... lished by the Detroit Tribune, is'out. This Mittie M.Godley, White Oak 2.1 ' M.J. MnitttAT, O. W. EuooiES. 1891, at one o'clock p. m. Business of son colored men, are under arrest upon the 33 Ticket Agent. Gon. Pass, and Ticket Agt. work is lull of valuable and viselul infor- Daniel Purcoll, Anrolins.. JackHon stone Oral 3 Tile : •- • ; charge of burglarizing the Blackman Cen­ Hattio M. Hall, Aurelinj 17 great itnportance to the society will come Maaon. ChicaRO. malion in handy and cothpaot form. And Sewer Pipe of all sizes on hand and ter house. W.-W. Terwilliger identified the Charles Grover, Leroy 30 before the meeting and a foil attendance Price 20 cents. Trade supgiied by the 23 sale by J. W. CnAPiy, Eden, Mich. overcoat, cigars and other articles as stolen Alice Starka, Lerby... ia desired.' , , 38 Detroit News Company. ] Joseph B. Jeffords. Leslio...... V- _ Hloneytol^ban from him. • The goods were found in a 31 , L. H. Ives, Secretary. LEGAL BLANKS Mrs. Mary Jeffords, Loalle A large variety of Indies' sik mittens to pawn shop in Ithat city and the proprietor W. A. Melton. President. Oh real estatei at thelFafmerB'BonS^ilirii^^ Joseph Martin, Limaing ...... AtthisoIEce. be found atM. Gregor's. / '' '* testified that Sutler sold him the cigars. rraokio Uoxio, \Viiliam8toa...... 20 C. J. Eayneb, Treasurer. : 8on'; Mich.; v-tix^^^^JMr. and Oorbett made a full txinfession last A FIERCE GOTHAM FIRE. A THIRST FOR BLOOD. MICHIGAN HAPPENINGS. iii^ht to Chief Marsh concerning the par­ EVttVy CoiiiiiilsMionoiJ unil Xun-CommlH' ticulars of the robbery. .According: to toam Co. Democra >ii>ii«il Qtllcer i-'eU in tho ISuttlo wltli tllu their story Featherstone and Mullen H'ere AN ENTIRE BLOCKOF BIG BUILD­ MINNESOTA MAN STARTS IN INCIDENTS THAT HAVE LATELY lll(lll>llh. the iiriiiolpals and they—Bennett aiiiliouts HlB AVlfo. IIlH S.in, iiud llln purtunt Doluifs of Our Xoigliborii—Wed. yesterday iiioniiii;.', after repulsing the Fire Started on the sia^'e of the Fifth 111 ItuiiiN—Hott-l Cttuets J'oreml lo I''i.*e for DuiiClitor. and Then lilon'H Ilia Uiril dliiKs aud Deaths—Ci-iiiiee. Casualtion, atluck made on ilieir siipidy train by Avenue Theater, Ni.'W York, and biiriiifcl Their LiVf~—Tlio Top .•«lrii. llxlier Dead und tlio Knd General News Notes. Two Strike's bund, when u courier ar­ with fffeai rapidity. Three alarms were viiat ]Ioii--i;ls- Woniid and Two Strike, aboill one mile mi'iit of ./. .J. Crooks cau^'hl lire Theater was in Humes, and the entire family of Carl Keher consisted of six and six disliiict explosions of powdet laturo^i.onural i>4)ulun;;ct'> beyond the mission. The Seventh formed block in Ki-ave |ieril. The lire broke out persons. To-day the father and mother a line and heitaii ilie Ii^'lllin^', which was held there was heuI'll from the interior. under tho sla;,'e, of the Fifth Avenuo are dead, ihe soli is hovering on the edge (•arried on by inly llireo or four huiidred A lluiiiiiii; hruiid. borne by the strong' Theater. Al half past l:.' o'clock an ex­ of the grave, and one daughter is daii- Till'; INDI.\NTItOL'l£I.i:. Indians ut a liiue, while tin- ^'reul mas.ses iiortliwesi wind, fell on Ihe roof of tliu plosion was heard in the building, and a gerously wounded. Carl liehor was a Sturtevaiil liouse, ucidss Itroadway moment later the uiiiierparl of the city German ii.tred nearly tin, who lived in a X'^l'ioiulHu'. *'o(iitii{; tlio XiuntlU'K 111 IJnivcs. kept coiieeuleil. (jell, i-'oi'syilie sus­ pected an ambush, and did not lel them from tin- Fiftii .-Vvenue 'I'lieuler, setting' was illuminated by a liiif,'.' sheet of lluiiio cabin ou "the Hats," as they are called, A sjiccial ffiiiii Fort Yali'S, X. D., draw him into daiiKi'i'ous ^'rouml. Col. lire lot lie hiilel. The quests Were hus­ which rose to the roof of the theatei-, en in Wilkin County, about twidve miles dated the-nil iast., .say.*: .'V l:ir;;'Minm- Henry started one hour later than Kor- tled out amid itreal exeitemenl and con­ velo|)iii;.; the entire buildini; and llerr- from this city. His family consisted of bur of yniin^' warrinr.-; nf thr .'-steaIing, when tli(i others did ull thetrouiis is small. Lieut. .Mann, of hnrlinir the iiian;,'|e(l bodies of live men, .Mlol'iiey in ISiili, and in ISilS was elected der (iiilri^,'lit, and il lias bw'ii coiniiKiii they could lo shield him from the law, A Conipuny IC, Seventh Cavalry, vvas and about ten or twelve wounded, into Circiiil .1 n(li,'e of Wayne County. Ho tall; for ilin'i; u-erks ilial ihi' rwls wiuild few weeks ago, after an iiniistially \io- wounded, shot Ihrou^'h the side. The the river. 'J'he bouiwus bound forrius- was apjiointed rnili'd States Disll'ict acL'i'iil till' lirst opportunity oinn-i'd to leiit family broil, (.'arl Keher iiiiil the Kifsi .Sertjeatil of Conipuny K was also burs. and was movin,;,' slowly up tin; .liidge in IST.'i. in wliiidi po.ilioii lie was inassaiM-c tlm wliitrs. Xliu dispiuchcs house and went to Klizalietli, a tierman Wounded. river, but with a full pressun; of steam. when promotion reached him. Ilejiub- sent out frmii lliis jioiiit that llm Indi­ village eight miles from here, where bo 'J'he tinhls of yesti'rday and to-day Most of the iileii killed and iii,iiired lished a coiniiilation of "Admiralty Ke- ans won';,'lud t.liai Jliill was ri'iiioveu ojiened a shoe shoji, and has since \vork-'d leave Conipuny K wilhoiil u siii^th; o'li- were sleeping in their bunks at the time porls" souk; years ago. worn firiiss i-xaiisi'riilions coiicoclpd hern steadily until last nighi. Saturday niglit Cer, eillier coiniuissioned or noii-coiiimi.s- of the accident. All were horribly Tom Xavi.s', one of tlie most remark- tor llie )iiir[)osc of allayiiif,' ii-'uiiiij; in lie got a ride with ;i noiglibor and went sioned. burned, scalded and sonn; mati;,'l<'d by aide young men lliis State has everseeil. the KiisL home. 'J'he rest of llie horrible story pieces of iron. The followinj; is a list and a convict in the Stale retiilentiary Tin; di'iarluiiriil of ili(> Eistli Cavalry .sAL'cv .SAV.V(;r:.s. of last night's crime was learned from of the dead; Frank I'erry, deck hand; fiir Seven year.s, has been pardom'd. His under Ca|il.. Foiiiitaiii will inovr raoidly the lijis of his dying wife :in(l his daugh­ .SurrniiiKl.Ml iiimI Ileiiiiiii-d in on :ill Stdos. Ken Lawsoii, lireman: .lames Swail, ,1, hislory is greater than tin; wildest ro soiilliward, ami t'oiiiiiany 11 of the ters. (len. Scholield has reei-ived a teli'irraiii ]'.. Shaw and .lames Creen, deck hands. iiianee. .M the agi; of -1 he was el(;cted Twciily-si'i'oiiil liifaiilry, now iii;ar Nrw Keher onlnred his home on the llatii at from (jell. .Miles duli'd al riiie Kidt-'e 'J'he daiiia^'i' lo the ves.si.| is very slii,'ht. .Mayor of .'\dri;in. One year later In; Elif,'laiid Cily, will couk; in tliks point about il o'clock ill llio ev(;iilng. All tho aKeiii'v, .lull. :;. sayiiii; thai .'i.iioo I"- 11 is owned liy a I'itisbur;,' linn, and most was re-eli;cled. and always was called and iiiovi; Uii'iK'i; soiiilnvard lo aid in monibers of the family were there, and dians. men, women and children, and i ; the creu- lived lln;re. the "kid" .Mayor, lb; kejit the fastest Si]ii(;k;liiii;,' tin; iipl'isiiii,'. Troops aro jumiied U|i in surprise at tin; unexpected ellldill^' ubonl llDO bucl;s, are now en­ horses and best rigs in .•\drian. Hi; vis­ also in ri;:i.diiii;ss U> t:il;i; l!ii! lii'kl from But apiiearanee. He walked lo the lablo camped in a section of the Had hands 31iir(lcz- I'lisliMied on :i It.iuiitlliil. ited Chicago, and on his return tin' story Korl Lincoln, ami ilio di'lacliini'ut of tVay^t'iii'iI (llrl. with aiiparent iinconeerii. and laid down about lifteen miles from the .L'ine IMdt;e Hew aliroad I hat the "l;id "-M ayor had llio Twi'tiiy-liflli liifaiilry al J'ort .several small lia.gs of candy and a large a^'ency, and llieri; is almosl a cordon of 'J'he iiKiUesl over the remains of Al. won .<."i(i,(iiii) al a liver in wheat, 'J'ln; 'Keosh is oxpi'i'li'il 1(1 inandiiii a. .souili- up a great shout for the sculiii.g-ladders bottle of wlii>ky. "'J'liese an; Christinas troops uronml them. (len. !Miles uii- Trout, the boy miil-dered in front of the good peopli; believed ull this, anil he oastorly dirnclion lo-imirrow. lOvory they were iiuickly run up and a vain ef­ proscnls for you, and 1 have got some iiounees Ihul he hojied to l;i; abh; Ui in­ disreputable house of .Madame Ijundis at lloatcd along in a lime light of pleasure, honr iiiori'iisi'silii: iiiiiifliiir of llio hoslilos, fort made to n;acli the imi)oril(;d men. more," he said, and stepjied into a lean- duce till! hosliles to surrender without a Columbia Cily, Hid., was cuneluded and wine su|i|iers and gay liirn-oiils. Tin; and (.«-iirriil Milos propu.srs iiutliiig A deadly silence ihat lasted for a full to at the buck of tho house, used for a strilu'^jle. The sjioi where lliey are eii- the coroner linally li'aci;d the fatal shot "kid" .Mayor was worshiped by .•Xdriun Jncii eiioii^'li ia tlio hold lo (.•rush ilio ri;- minute resulted, and then a moan of woodshed, and a momeiit later ri;ap- camiied he describes as .soii.ewhal like 1.0 Elenore Sterling, an inmate of the |jeo|)le, and iiolhing he did shocked their caldtrajil savairi'S in a wcok or ten days. agony ;irosi; from the crowd. Firemen peared at tin; door with a .self-cockitig Ilie luvu beds of California, where the house. ,Seeing Ihe evidence fast (dosing iiioraliiy. One day the kid disapp(iared, wen; Seen to bend their heads and wi|)0 revolver in each bund. 'J'liese he leveled .Modocs made tlieir linal lif,'lil, ll is in around her, she confessed that -she and il was found that lialf the farms in NcKl""*';* Umit<'(l, away tin; tears that they could not ]ire- and began lirliig. 'I'lie lirst bullet was excellent iiosision from an Indian stand- lired the shot whicli ended 'Trout's life, Lenawee County were cniiiliered by At iho Illiii! Crook niiiios, nf,ir I'.ir- vent from llowing. It was llioilglit that lired at his son, but missed its mark. I jioinl, but there are now no avenues of and claimed she did it in self-defense be­ bogus mortgages issued by him. Tho niiiiffhain, .Mil., a iiilrlicd liallli; was the men had certainly been liul'led into The young man staggered back, and escape, all liaviii;,' bei^n closed by the cause sln> feai-ed rough Irealment if tho Clark estiite. of Adrian, had bought .S'.IS.- foiijjhl boln-oiiii llio wivi'S of slrilcin;,' the raging furnace beneath, and they throw 11)1 his arms to jimtcet himself, i troops, lleneral Miles says the Jndiuiis boys got in, as they wero very drunk. (100 of these worthless securities from minors ami a crowd of iir.i,TO liiiiiors ;muI were given up as lost. Hut fr.im the 'J'he second and third bullets struck him ' liuve jiulhered some cattle aiiid jirovis- She was liotiiid over without bail and ull the Mayor, a New York insurance com­ thoir fiiiiiilios. Tin; company hlid crowd on the Twenly-eiglilli street side ill the arm, wliiidi was shockingly man- i ions and a|i|ieur to be detcrmiiiod to the other men nrisoners relrased. She pany had invi'Sted .5Iil:.',iioo, and friends moved Iho iii'iiro niim-rs into ilu; lioilsos a few jiiouients later went up a chei'r. gled. Tho fourth bullet was aimed at make their liyliL fo. siiiireiiKicy al this is a very hundsoiiie girl of ]'.) und is the and neighbors of the "kid" were riiiii(;d from which the wliitc miners wol'i; ro- It announced the rescui; of the lireinen his oldest daughter and eiilored hor ]ioiiil. daughter of resiieeluble )iarenls living in in all directions. .-V year afli;r his iHglit Contl3'oviclod. Tho wives of llii; strik­ tin; iiorlliern jiarl of Whilley Couiily, but by iiieun:^ which Seemed mlrueiilous. shoulder. The lani|) •was extinguished lleiieral Mile.s, lie aildeil. has ir.iiar^'e the ]\layor (;ame back and surrendered, ers, armed with Hat irons, ft-yi'ii.^ puns she has boon a wayward child since she For miles around the llunies cou'd bci by the (iflli shot, which enteriHi the of the eanipaiirn. and usii has progressed jileailed guilty and was sentenced to leu and sti(;ks iitinoli-iMl tin; colored v,-(im(;ii was ir. years old. seen sliooiing liigli into the hi;aveii.s, und body of Alr.s. Keher. Hy this time tho he lias slulioiied himself ul the most eoii- years' iiii]iris(uiiiieiil. and childri'ii ami soon drove them io iht; an oncrmous crowd gulhei'(;d und whole family was in a frenzi(;d state, and veiiiiuil iioints for ^^eneral coiiiniuiiica- J'jinie ill a I'risoii. woods. The iie.nl'o men allempled to iii- crowded the neighboring streets. all mtulc a rush for the door. 'J'liK Detroit Jloat Company is con- lioii Willi his forces. A .i^iOO.OOO lire and a ]iaiii(; involving terlcre ami were ;il once set upon by tho From the roof of the Fifth Avenue Kelicr dropped his revolvers and drew strueiiiig a submarine craft of \vliich. ••ll is very diriienll," In; said, "loesti- ;!70 convicts look jihici; ;it Ihe Clinton aiiffrv women and coiii]iletoJy routed. Theater tin; llames ran along tlu; cornices a huge earving-kiiife. As Henry Keher great things are expected. 'J'ln; vessel iiiuti' just how iiuiny troops there are prison, Danneniora, -V. V. The build­ Tho wives of tin; siril;ors say thoy will of I'rof. Ili'miuinu's new theater, which reached tho door his father plunged llio is forty feet long, nine feel Ijeani, and now on the S'.'ein; of action. (leu. .Miles ings bitrni-'d iindiide all I he ncw iiortion of never lel llie ne,t,'i-oos tako llie phii;es of hud recently been eomploted-and w;is one knife into his son's back, iienelratiiig fourteen fei;t depili of hold. The mech­ has twelvi; re;;imenls of iiifanlry, live the prison, llie Idtcheii. the hospital, store their husbands. 3f the jiretticst and most oxpoiisive pluy- deep Into the lungs. Jn siiite of this anism is soiin;what similar to lhal of the of cavalry and some artillery forces, room, State shop and machine shop, hoii.ses in tin; cily. In an instant the gliastly wound the yoijng man mounted submarine torpedo boat, hjlectric slor- uboul half a regiment. This reives him '.riie .'iTO convicts, who were panic I-^iIUmI to Connect. entire roof was abluze. .V high wind his horse aud rodo two miles to the agi! batteries will be used for sloriiig .seventeen and a half re;,'inients, but that slricken, ,1'ere in the new portion of the Kiltii; Herbert, n Irapey.e perf;ir;iier, sprang up and carried Ihe (ire with a house of Hotfry Schoiuann, the nearcsl; oxygen, giving light, and fiirnisliiiig the would not 'udicule llie number of inen, iu-ison. They mudeaslampede to escape, dolus the i\le.\ic:ui ladder uelul a' hoa.lftr rapidity defying the tweiily-lliree lire neighbor, who at oiico went to Carlisle motive jiower. Tin; iiii|iroveineiit over for il is inipossible lo say how full a eoiii- but were corralled and marched to tho in Columbus, met with a horribie ucci- companies which were thi;re lo light it and telegraiihed this city and AValiiiolou tin; tor|iedo boat is claimed in tin; buoy- plemenleuch fe^'inient has in the li(;ld. old iirisoii. The insliliition was entirely dcnt. While bulancilii; liersolf ou u lad­ Tho osliniaied loss on the F'iflli .-Vve- for surgeons. aiioy of the (;raft which will conn; lo ihe ^\'hen troops move in tin; winter in sneli bi;i'efl of provisions und it was necessary der, she allem|iled III siirinu'forward into nuc Theater was .^lon.oon by 11. C. The tlireo daughters got safely out of surface as soon as tin; electric motor is a hurry, there is always u lur^'e' projior- to leli\grapli lo J'lultsburg for supplies. the anas or.ln;r assistant, Ed Carr. She. Jlincr and .WOO.OUH by the Gilsey estate. the house and scatlered to hide lliom- stojiped, wdiereas the machinery of the lioii of the men left bi;liiml from sloknes AVlien lirst discovered the lire, which missed In'r hold and fell to llie lloo:', a !Miss Fanny Davclijiort loses S.llMlUd, selv(;s in a haymow and outbuildings. t,or|i(;do bout must be working lo bring it i;lc.. and 1 would not like lo fjucss how started in the kitchen doparlmeiit, had distance of twenty feet, striking on hf-r exclusive of her costumes, and Prof. I\li's. Keher was left alone iu the house to tin; surface of the water. I'esides a many soldiers tliero are in the circle allainod such a headway that it could hands and feet. T.olh wrists wf:robl-oken Jlerrmann's loss is placed ut .S.")(J,uOO. with the butcher. Hi; attacked hor screw wdieol al tin; stern lln;re will bo around the ilidiali.s. not be checL-cd with the limited lire light­ l)adly and .she recoivod other p;tiiifi;i in­ liorcely with the carving-knife and two wheels on (;illicr side of the new ing facilities of tho prison. juries. stabbed her again piid again. craft. Turning an electric switidi will I'IKItUJi l''J(j;!IT.S. DECREASE OFTHE PUBLIC DEBT Wifo iHunl.-r und S»il<;Ionlnit»:or. Du'iTUii—Clioico Ci-oamery 2.^; .lit; cateu, Dec. 31, 2«ll) .S1,5-1].871,I03 the awful tragedy, and then died. Jf*r other property wore seized. 'Xlie troops CuKUsi.;—Full Croaiii, Huts I.'.).'. .28 DooreaHO of bonded debt during the r>:i7.^~}. On those farms arc mortgages, Gon. Koiilaiiger has written a letter to body aud limbs wore hacked full of holw, thou continued their march, eventually l-lcias—I'l-OBU '21 .lO.'i month 7,42.1,028 of .511,101.714. The money they brought L'Eclair in wliick he asserts that he has PoTATOiiS—Woatcrii. por bu Sii .22 CASH IN TllKASUliV. any one of half a dozen of which would reaching Makongo, where they met Kmiti with them added to-this amount makes a I.NDIANAIHILIS. .ao Bosorvod for redemption of United have been fatal. Dr. Thomas N. JlcLeaii, not advociiti;d the formation of ;i new Pasha. • ^ C.\.rri.E—Sbippini,' MO 0 4.75 StatoH notes, acts of ,Tan. 14, 1875, of this city, arrived three hours later, and total of .S1.';,S:H.'.)(I2, showing a gain of . Parliamontary group in his interest. The nor.s—Choice Jjight .'i.llO iL'i a.75 and,Tilly 12,1882 $100,000,000 .1?,1(i.712,9ii!). But ,as the assessed value ILEK Uns AKOUSEU: 'Por redemplioii of gold certilicates shortly aftcrw.ard Dr. Triplcttof Walipit- General also says that lie e.x,peals .noth­ Shkki'—Common to Prime 3.00 (Li 4.75 is from :.'o to 40 per cent, less than tho Whkat—No. 2 Hod IB ISI .01 I issued 175,.131,000 ton, and dressed the wounds of Hcuyy ing from ParliamtJiitary action. A Voltod •Woman Diislius iil'ltcher ofBlnw CoKN—Xo. IWhitu Vi & ..lOV, Porredorupciou of silver cortificiitea Keher and his sister. Tho former hsi selling value, it would make the real VLti'ol Into the i'aco or a Crooncustlo OA'rs—Xo. 2 White .1-1 (iS .4.i;.j • issued 300,855,778 value of these farms .•5(ir.,072,;!3S. Then Dropped Dcnd. For redemption of currency curtifl- lost a great quantity of blood and his JSarbor. ST. LOUIS. cates issued 0,820,000 injures are so severe it is thought ho cau- deduct the original capital, and the ' \\'illett .'Sweeny, an aged and •well- Ca'ITLK 4.00 (3 5.00 STcvcr before in the history of Putnam Hoo.s... 3.0U (3) For redemption of Treasury JiotOB, notsurvive. The girl will probably re­ mortgages show a net increase of .•JaO,- known citizen of .lerseyville, Ohio, while I act duly U, ISOO 24,000,500 County was there such a strange and WiiKAT—No. 2 Hod 02 (a .03 cover, though hor -ivonnd is daiigeroun. OOO.UOO. This is on the real estate alone. at the depot at .\tlion.s, to take the train Coicv—No. 2 •« (jS .40 Por matured duot. accrued iuterout, vicious tissault as was prepetrated at and interost due and unpaid 5,070,597 Everything in and jibout the cabin was Add tho personal property, stock, agri­ for Marysvillo, Ohio, suddenly fell dead. Oats—No. 2 11 121 .42 Grooncastle, Ind., the other evening. llAitLlir—Minuosota GO lij .71 soaked with blood and tho scene was ono cultural implements, etc., and somo Heart disease supposed to be Uie-cause. Total cash reserved for above Shortly biiforc T o'clocic, as Theodore CINCINNATI. of the most ghastly that could be i.in- millions more must be placed to tho 3.on & 4,23 purposes S(021,81i8,&l.l Kleinbub, a resident of the north part of Catti.].; credit account And as to the mechani­ Hogs. 3,00 & .1.75 AVAILAULE FOB OTHEK pmU'OSEa. agined. A itcquiriltlon lor Kiilms. cal class: or the ,S,S2S employes engaged the city, was returning homo from his SnKiir 3.0(1 Hi 5.50 Praotional silver, fractional cur­ Except tho frequent quarrels in the . Gov. Campbell ot Ohio, has issued a \Viiii.iT—No. 2 Hod 03 & .06 rency, aud minor coin not fall le­ in making agricultural imploinonts, 3,- place of business, he was met by a family there was no known cause for •ieq.uisitIon upon tho Governor of Indiana .thickly-veiled wom.in, who, thinking it Coitx—No. 2 Jil gal tender 319,153,000 7-17 are.foreign born. Of this number O.vis—No. 2 Mixed .12 & Net; each balance, including $34,207,- Eehcr's action. He was not a heavy i;for Marvin Kuhns, the notorious outkaw ],047 brought money with tliem to tho was his brother, E. D., rushed upon him MILWAUKEE. 975, national bank fund . do- drinker and according to the neighbors loiaw confined in jail at Fort AVaync, ,aad Wheat—No. 2 Spring 85 (5 .SG poelted in the Treasury under act extent of ,S17G,3r)4. 'Xhe present value of "' .vwith a pitcher of some uwknown acid. with whom he rodo home ho was perfect­ wanted at Fostoria for murder. •Seeing from beneath the gleam of the CoKN—No. 3 4S;/.(!5 .•17K. of July 14, ISilO 38,418,600 tho whole number is .S2,'G!):),(ilO. Mort­ Oats-No. 2 White 42 (fi! ly sober the night of the tradegy. That; •42.'-j gage indebtedness of this class on. their . gas light that she was mistaken in her ItYIi—No. 1 i;G (2! .07 Total SC79,«0,050 tho deed was premcdit.ated is shown by Pro/ou to Death. Baiiley—No. 2. 03 itf Debt, loss oosli In the Treasm-y own homes is ,5325,100, showing a net •victim, she suddenly disappeared in the .07 the fact that ho brought with, him from ,, ,Otis Wall, a prominent; citizemfiof darkness, and a few moments later ap­ DETEOIT. Deo. 31, 1890 6C2,130,.'J11 proOtof S2,192,0Sp. Cattle 3.00 (S 5.00 Debt, less cash ia the Treasury, Nov. Elizabeth throo revolvers, all fully :,:Syyoming County, Pennsylvania, was peared at tho' business place of Klein­ HOG.1 X 3.00 & 3.50 30,1800 : 673,433'139 loaded, and the rope which ho used to The Schmock bank at East Tawaa i'fBOzento death. In returning homo lie bub Bros,, the most popular barbers o'f SUEEP 3.00 (3 1,00 hang himself with was entirely new, wants to pay its depositors 80 cents on ioat ihis way. 'v.. :.thooity. Mr. E. D. Kleinbub was busy Wheat—No. 2 Ited .08 (.'« ,99 Net increase of debt during the Conx—No. 2 Yellow .52 & ,53 • month 511.003,398 bought only tho day before in Elizabeth. the dollar. aflu's chair when a small boy handed V A Pimtlier Attacks n Slan. Oats-No. 2 White ,4S CoNSiDEnAitLE mystcry still surrounds', • him a note, which read: "Come to the TOLEDO. AInv lie ii^iinny. May Ha Not. . Itoins Ol Interest. .•^J •Wiakcsbarro (Pa.) special: Robert t5?'('f,vT.wb, | |S^9i?'',4ea!l-ar!d'.twejit)':'foin' arc still miss- ..those of Bennett; who shot Watchman Wheat-No. 2Kcd 1.01 ® l.Oii and rofer.to.thcm as pillage,—Tl'tw/iinff- which 'critical. J'fJ^ges have pronounced ai-teries were' cut, and Mr.''^'"'—r.'Shippc—y nearl- ^—'-''y ' i'jv^l CoES-No.2 .58 .00 i ton Post. • . \ . more than ordinal^.., - bled to death. ,. • W^^^if?^0;/h v.'a V, ;,0'Bri«D,in the leg,: aV'SiROOO. Bennett OAiy-^M!iodWooteni...... • M. .50,

Mt.i'lv.i•!'•:lv^^'| fication for the unlawful act of a sub­ from tho general nest under the Pres­ A Q-BI008 SKELL. 1 TTlll undertake It." crowning beauty of her whole appeal THE BLUE A>^'D TIIE GMT anco, a profusion of golden hair, thai ordinate. But the ruliugs are gen­ ident, who is also Commander-in-chief, XY W. n, S, ATKIXSOX, "Thank you," murmured fho sSc^rasn, erally coupled witii reservations or to tho drummer boy. If the President, M ho reuchctl forth his hand to c'asp uncommon pold^in shade that is seldom BRA Mi SIK.V 1VHO SIKT Ul»OK THE exidanatioii.s which greatly restrict as Commander-ill-chief, issue an order, M.AX -ivjtil tt very red biqae, that of his visitor, "May God bless your seen, yet never disregarded, nn accoiinl Alii legs iliat Wore tome- of its very rareness. yiELU Ol' ISATTLK. their operations in practico. Then, tho ri'.sponsibiIity rests with him, .>nd what oblliiuo, efforts;" again, there are arguments and au- his right to issue such order may be 'Wed to Ueach out hla "Amen;" was tbo low- 'esponsc. "I Shesiiuke, and the melodious accents none of her voice lilled Karle with delight. tlioritie.s directly iu .sui>i)ort of tho tested by imiJoachiiieiit, am sure He will. A grcjl wrong has S°Iirilllii? .Slurioh of tli« KubKllioii—Old And to Btralyhlea hit evidently been done, and J. bind myself lie bad always placed grea< stress up­ .Suln)iiilHrejiL'c.s of Life in Cauij> und ou ovory wiyue, right ihat wrong and restore an honest rellection in a great degree o( the uaturuj stances with which the superior is tlio I'iclO. during the early year.s after the wa' name to an honest wan. I .-o.'cmiily of its POSSCS.--OI'. }i acqnaiuted, but of wJiicli the subortli- with iLo .Soiitli, Now that cnhn view But ho ftnick a big keg wilh a liqce, dedieale iny.sclf to your cause to act for ".\unt Cerirude, are you weary? V REUNION. nato is iguonint. The limits of au­ can bo taken, it is almo-it generally •Which bpooiiily iiiado hiia you anil let iiulliiiig sttiiid in lay lawful stayed out longc-r than I intcndod, but I: to riipio thority are not determined by written conceded that our army behaved iu the way in order to unravel tbisinyslery and could not botir to lose sight of the faint­ I'liff 'I'rlfl trusty 1>iudo Uo never walked oui at tur lUriiuo; my banker, the yearly sum of live tbou- yuiir stalc-ruoiii, auntie'.'* Perhaps It right.s which would interfere with tho ing ni)Ou the discijdine of the service, He know if he di.l llf i'i;;litoi*n slxty-thrt'o, saiid dollars, and 1 will also providi- for would be as wi-il for you 10 lie down bo- i.ot'> •'lasji oiH'i' im»ro your grim old hand, discipline of tho army," says Durke. the (juestion of ola'diimco or disobedi­ The world would bo rid Of thobuildor of thai iioWa banjuo. your future, slimikl my dr-ntli 0(-(-tir lit.- fore you become sea Sick and faint." "He is bound," says Clode, "toobey and ence is a ]ioi'sonal oue affecting the in­ Tliim ^lii..l(l iif illjoriy; fore your task is coini)lcIi."d, TliiswiUof Wo iiM-(.t. u;;:tin. tliuiif^li ]);irt('il Ion;;, "1 "feci raiher ilizzy, now, my love, and dividual citizen or soldier, and not the lint once, jUBt by wayof al«.rqiie, mine is already dielulcd, and only awaits Tlirx* llv<';itKl iu-<-niy yo.'irs. will take yoitr advice." jifttion at large. If ever tho liberties UehnuleJ in iiuilulny hit; sliii-(iue; my signal lire. .Mr. Gray, 1 will ninv How jjrmnlly hy my .siiif yovi liiiii;; To )irove this i.-( true itising slowly, the feeble woman leaned of this poojile are so far jeopanlizod as W'hi'u i\»- woro viiliiiitf-ors. The reinitins you enji -liow siiiniiion .Mrs. Sti>liliiiis and 0110 of my on tlic strong young arm of ber niece, to rest u])ou tho disobedience of unlaw­ On tho lake uhoru, just dowu hy Hyde Servants to actus witnesses wliiUt I write ai;d so pass.-d lo a slate'-room (piito near On ninny :i SoulinTii iiattlotii'ld. ful I'ommauds issued by superiors to I'lLnjuc. my iituiio to niy last will and U-.slu- Ci.i;vi;l.\si), Ohio. llio one eni,Mged by himself, and tlio ^\ iM'ti life »*;is yt}itiy^ and fnir, their subordinates in our little army, inenl..'" youiig iihysiciati smiled contentedly, in pnrry, cut utkI puliit you ^wuii;;, they will be already lost, whether tho li caim" iiaiiii lo liaiui; 10 I Ik? Solemn transaction, and ngaiii Aniiil tIm'i;unnrj'.-. ami IltoMaolie, UiiitiasUiii;; it i-'euiule .Spy. Wh.tt Is worth lIvluR for, anyway? wilhurew, afler .Mr. Kiippclyo had de­ Cll.: V. lliiw :.:L;ri(iiic.Ai.\-rANen. Ail. ilioM' uiTc-(lays, oil! swomI, old frii Tlilnlv over lo-da.v and yesterday — lo carry Dr. Klf.-iisicin back to ibe .Several days passed in rather an un NVortti lirlnulii;; barl; anow; What can the world give to satisfy? d(-]i(il, ns be bud declined jntssing the eveiiifiil way, briglilcned occasionallj S -V the fall of 180;?, W<' liciili arc ;.'i-.-iy .-11111 w.-iriiDni now, iiiirlil Willi ilioni. by a gliliip.se of tlie Vidiug girl, wiio' while I was stationed Money and ivlno, nnd woman niid .sonu— illil comraiio. .stanch and ti-iio. "U'lu-n shall you be ready to leave for iiiime li(^ foniiil 10 lie 1-^iliel .N'evergail, Mny (lays lil.o tli((s(- iu-'(-r (-.mho ajraln, at Memphis, I had 'i'liero Is tho lot: Ilicyarenll fools' toys. Rni;l;iiid'."' asked .Mr. Kapiielyc, as be slnMliUcd out and in the state-room O 'i'lii- ;rn'i'ii liclds ••i-lnc-on dyed, occasion to go up the We iiral(.' of rl;,'lil and wy prato of wrons. And Igiiorauco craves till i;uo\vloil^'c cloys. held ills band at parting. ber aunt, who sci-med ill and restless IV(ii- ln-oihor a-.raliiNi. Iii-oiIk-i- >i;Liid, Mississippi to Cairo, M'iili sailers hy tjicir .side, "In about one week's time I liiink I Dr. i-.'lieiisteiii had not sought an intr to receive there some Money and women while sou^rht nro dear. can setile my own atTairs and arrange a iliieiimi, ;is he knew-tho-admiration h Onco tasted, bri;;lit wlno leaves imin lio- 'l'lio \V(irl(i ionlccd on in wonder then, funds that had lieen lioine for my m.'jiher during my aliseiic.'. involiiniarily felt, •whilii'--she remain hlnd. .•\li. slood Willi h.-ilcd lM-(-aih, )jJ \ shi|i])ed to me. The 1 shall lake the lirst sieaincr I can, and unknown, might ripen Inio a waraid The sweetest lovt'-soiip wi'arlcs the oar— Wliilo yon and I. 'dd C(Hitra(io triio. " boat on which I start­ will coin..- a'.;.-iiii lo rcceivo further in- feeling upon a closer frio-nrlship. Wen" si..|ri(llii;; at l!n- donlli. All life Is cruel, and dentli is Iciud. led w as a st ern- siriK-lioiis before 1 leave, if you wish it." 'l'li(-id(l Ila^' floats iiion- in-oiidly now, I'roviiieiice, liowever, had planhc •/ '/\\ wheeler, rather frail, 11.iw li(-a(it if 111 I in' S(-i'ii('. "1 do; till then, my dear friend, au dill'ei-ently, and bad dei-ided that •thc 1 licar sonic -^a.\• -Wlial lo.tls an- tlicso, to give bis ])orsonal service under the V ll w"'^^ plowed up revoir. •' iwo should be, at l<-asi, friendly. Not (ii-caiiiiii;; what we've la-i-ii. puiiishmeiits iiuiio.sod uiion hint by tho tho sti'i.'am, making 'F 'J'liiis ended an interview wbicli was One rough and stormy day was dra" articles of war. A'o other obligation the usual sioiijiagcs, now on one side of .11 destined lo bo I ho cause nf bringing to ing lu a (-los(-, when leaving the dam Soldierly ^llnMlieinTo, must be jnit in comjietition with this: the river and then on the other, tight-1 light events of llie most slartliiig char­ aiino-ipbere of the deck, where ho h acter, the di.'velopnient of which would liy fuL. ALKX. in:KK bailik, neither jiarental authority .nor relig­ ing .shy of susjiicious-looking spots and passed a <-ouple of hours watching t ious scruple-i. nor ])ersoual safety, nor sheering from slioro when there were jilace oiir hero amid scenes and cireuin- leadi-n sky and the storin-lasiied wave siaiices so terrible and tragic in their togellier wiili sea-gulls ilial skimm HEllE does iutol- ])ecuiiiarv advantages finni other ser­ hostile indications. ,-\t one umbrageous nature lliat (•oiiUl they liave been fore- over their surface, Or. Elfonstein, gont, projier ro- vice. .-^11 tbe duties of his life are. ait- spot on tho .-Vrkansas .side we had a J Reiiiarka* Rooiaiice. iidd might have causo-d many luoiiients passing lo bis slal.'-room, was siartl sjionso to rational cordiiig to the theory of military obedi- startling salute from a lurking foe. of ho-siiaiion. by a low cry of dismay coming from : coinuiand cease euee, ab.sorbed in that 0110 duty of Quite a little fusillade it was, aud sev­ room of .Mrs. >.'evoi-gai!, followed Im obeying the commands of the olllcei's eral of the shots struck our texas CII-VJ'TER IV. .and dog-lilco sub­ dialely by the )i:ile, frigliu.-iied face set over him." iwhere tho ollicevs of tbe boat had OlITWAItl) IKIC.Vn. mission tomurdof- her niece, w-lio, ou seeing him so no fpiarters, above tho upper deck) and BY EMILY THORNTON. ous vanity begin'? liy a principle inherent in tho sys­ Dr. Elfoiistein did notsecJiis mother on exclaimed: astonished some of our non-combatants. bis reliirii. on aceouiitof the lateness of Some military tem tho subordinate position held by "Oil, sir. .something dreadful is" JInt. as the texas was tin-lined, tlie tho hour, but at the breakfast table lie men claim that the the iier.soii to whum a command is ad­ mailer with my tiiint. Do you th .shades of evening falling, and tho dis­ mot her. .(Inty of a soldier dressed forbid.s tho presumption that there- is a ]iliysiciaii on board?" tance cousideralile, no damage was cirArrni! iri-roiitinii«ii. "My son, good morning," she said, "is "blind obcdieiico ho may deeidia whether or not the "1 am one myself. 3Iy iiamo is El' done, and the faint-hearted coiihl con­ "How that gariiient, came i\u;ri' in that pleasantly, on his cnlrance; "soyuu havo to every order ot tiling coniraaiidoJ is necessary tor tho condiiion, or bow tiiat dagger left llio stein, of New York. .Sliall 1 suo ho sole themselves with the language of reliirned in safety;" a sniierior ollicer." uiaintcnniu-eof discipline. Theiierson case in liis dressing bureau, ever re­ "If yon will be so Icind." 31r. Lincoln, "The j^anie's fictitious, "J liavo; and in a pecuniary point of who gives the eoiiiiiiand is recognized Sic|)piiig insidi-, our young friend, The editor of mained a mystery 10 Pilzroy Glciiden- view, the visit brought a gn.-at change and there's nobody hurt." vani-ed immediately to the berth, wh nil JSlan 1 French), as the oue who has tho moans of do- ning. for Ihe belter." eidiiig as lo the necessity, aud to liim lie found .Mrs. Xevergail in a faint ill a late issno, Cairo, at that time, was a very busy ".\ll )io could ooncliule, after the deep­ "Indeed: that is good news." attaches the responsibility of deciding est study, was that some unknown ein;- condiiion, caused by extremo cxha vonelii.'s for tho place, but it had the worst hotels on '•l'''rom this day 1 am 10 receive five eorreetly. ray bad struck the fatal blow, and after tioll. truth of tliisslory : the continent. .-Mter a night of un­ thoiisnnd dollars aiiniially. as 1 have stealing these arliclos front bis private With the greatest sympalliy, tho Na7)o]r-oii T, was eiiterlaiiiiiig tho Czar Wliatever the right to give an order rest at this tirst-class hotel and a very entered into an eiigagemeiit lo tliat rooms, had left the dagger piirposclv tor inslaiilly eoinpreheiKled tho sit Alexiiiidcr and tlin rrus-iaii hiiig at may be, the ri'j;ht to disobey eaiiuot be indifforeut breakfast iu the morning, cfi'cet." U))0n the floor, and returned llie torn tiiiii.anil Iui-iiiiigtun'cl;ly toliisown st, breaklasi, in Tilsit, when tho conversa- founded on the fact tJiat" tho thing the next ihing iu order was to go to the ".My dear Karle. you do surprise niel" and bloody gown to the idoset, in order "1 fear, liowi'Ver, iiiv next remark room, i-eappcnred with his small iiou turiii-il on loyalty. eoiiiiiiaiided is not a usual or recog­ exiu'ess ollice, bnt a crowd at tho Pro­ to fasten suspicion iipiiii him, and thus you will not lilce so well," iciiie w-nlh-L, and at once applied pr- "'S\y .soliliei's obey me bliiully," said nized subject of military order; for vost Marshal's ollieo excited curiosity. shield theinseives. .'\lrs, Klfi'iislein's brigJit looks faded on restoratives, w-lilcb fortiinateiy had cireunistaiicos withiu the knowledge of In the middle of the large room there ilie Cznr. "It did shield them pfl'ectiially, while he instant., (l(>sircd clfect, ,-iikI .soon the young him who gives tho ooinmnnd may stood a well-dressed fema'io, not more, "And uiiiio are anxious to die for tho poor, innocent yoiilli ^yas iirrcsied "This (Mig.Tgement obliges mo 10 .-^ell fears v.-(n-e calmed, tiiid sbo had bring withiu s|iiiere of military authori­ apiiai'ontly, than 111) years of age. She jno." lioasli-ii Xtqioleoii. and conimiltcd to prison on the charge my pra(-lice, and sail in about- one woi^Ic pleasure of again seeing her auut C ty that to whieli it would not ordinari­ Ai tho siiog,\stioii ol' the Prussian was above medium Jieight, bad good of murder. lo settle in a eoiiutry village in I'biglaml." i'ortahic for the time. ly extend. While members of the Iciii!,' 11 tot of ilevotlim was agreed features, shapely form, raven hair, and "To make a long story short, in dim "Oh. Enrle. you surprise tncl" "Vour aunt is beUer now, and I tl ii]ioIi. 'I'lici ro\al |iiirly was breakfast­ iiiilitary service are bound by a solemn Hashing eyes. .She was indignantly time the trial took iihice, and Sir Ueg- "Moiiier, dear, yon shall have your immcdialii danger has passed. B inald Glcndenning, who liad siiei-eedcd ing ill tho lil'lii skiry of 11 building that oath to obey all lawful orders of their protesting against the charge of being- choice now: wbellier lo accompany 1110 will not deceive you; iter case is boj to tho title, testilied to the bitter feeling faco.l .-i |iavcil sireiit. I'.ach ruler was sujierioi's, they are not sworu to dis­ a rel.iel spy and of running ijuiuine and a t onee, or allow me to l.ioaril you at your hiiiiiaii skill to cure." that had existed between the brothers. to c.-iil ill one of bis .soldiers and eom- obey iinbiwful ones. Disobedience of other contraband wares into the Con­ brother's in Ibis city for a few inonlhs, "I know it. Doctor, and she also is Ho also idenlilied tbe dagger and dress­ niaud liim to jump from the window. an unlawful order is loft eutii-ely lo federacy. until I can survey llie ground, and fully aware 01 lier condition. My undo, the discretion of the actor in each par- ing-gown as belonging to the iirisoiier. establish inyself. Inica.sc you remain, f ill Xew York ;t few iiiontlis ago, an Ji'a]inlooii made (be lirst test. It was a delicate position for chiv- tictibir (;iiso. subject to approval or "Antoiuo Diival tosiilied as fully to the can at any time come for you, jifter I .sou taking care of him slie contract "Call lliei l.-irdi.di! Jbiroiix." he com- alric gentlemen to bo placed in, bnt jinnislimeut as may be sulisefjiicutly threatening language iisinl to the dc- wlieiber it will be a permanent boiiie. cold that has ended in consumption, maiidod. and Mareau npiH'iircd. linidly some well known Union ladies coi^sed. on the day iirevious to tbe iiiiii'- adjudged. Iu all eases whore there is Perhaps T shall not care to reiiuiin afler a family ]iliysician, i)r, Jliinsey—pe^ " Will you obi'v any order I may give were'summoned, and they, with the dct' by his brotlier. the least doubt as to the lawlulne.ss of few months." you know him as you also arc from* you':'" asked Xiuiolooii. defendant, retired to a private room, "The trial was ijuite lengthy, but re­ orders, the moral obligation of the There was a long pause, broken at York—thought sbo might live to • " ^'es. .--ii-e." the doors of which wero pro|iei'ly sulted in bis acijuillal and discharge the only relatives wo have on car' oath calls for obedience. length by the mother. from custody. "JJlindly, whatever it is'?"' guarded. When they all returned the "iOarhr, I dread tho ocean, and I shall siding in Liverpool and vicinity, '•JJnt although freed by law, tho popu- ".(Uiinlly. .-ire." Obedience to ii.nlawi'iil orders is defendant was an o.xiiosed culprit. She dread a foreign homo. Perhaps 1 lind -vvas eager to return to lior native bar opinion rciiiaiiicd unchanged, nnd, ''Tlioii jiinio out of tliat window.'' often not only justiliablo but highly had lost her deJiant and indignant air, best remain, as yon say. It is your in order that T might not bo left on unable lo endure the cold, itvertod looks '•.IJnt.l h;ivo a wife and two children, meritorious. This is shown by tho and looked crestfallen and alarmed, opinion that I had belter reiiiaiii?" alone after she is taken aw.-iy. of liis former friends, bo left bis homo sire." i-eadiiiess mid unanimity with whicli "If you think you can eiidiiro ihe .rep­ thiiilc, Doctor, that she will survive and embarked for America under an as­ our passage is made'-"' " 1 will ei-.i-e for tliem. .l''or\vard!" indemnity laws are passed for the pro­ aration. I shall dislike it as much as sumed name. "f trust so. ti'ood nursing oft -Viid Iho ti'iinb'ste Ulareaii. with a tection of those eoueerned, and by you." '•.-ViTiving in Xcw York, the strain of coniplishes more than medicine" uiililary snliiW', walked to tho window the public ajiprovnl and favor some­ "I know that, dear." grief that lio had mulergoun so told upon "Yon like Uncle ,Iolin's family'.'" w-ill do all -ive can, and perhaps tb and leapoil out-. times sliown to tho most (-onspicuoiis Ills nervous system that he was laid upon ijiird will favor us with his bicssin actors iu disobedience. The fame ac­ "Oil, yes." "Call a jirivato of the bodyguartl," a bed of severe illness. '•I pray that ho may. It would quired by Croiioral .Dix for Ids order to ".•\nd would be Iinppy thenV.''' nrdered llie C/ar, whose turn came "Then it was that your father sought ribic l." Hag is a case in point. himself to busine.s.s, and thus forget his "It may not be a long separation." "Ivan Iva.iovitcli." -".-VIIow 1110 to correct you. Miss •troubles and misfortunes. "I v.'ill hope so." "Well, Ivan, just throw yourself out "It is only then in words which, if gall, for yon see I know your nam - "Things began to mend with him after l!y the close of tbo week, Jfr.s. Elfen- of llint window." executed, would effect some iialpable have one, surely, if you will alio" this and business prospered, and before stcin was e.omforlnbly established iu a '"Yes. fallii.'r," answered tho gnards- outi'.ige against moral or religious ob­ be such to you. Anything I' six years passed tiway speculation had room furnished witli her old mau, and lie walked to the window aud ligations, which all laws profess to re­ either as pliysician or friend, so enriched him that ho found himself tilings, while iho son succeeded in dis­ leaped to death. gard, and wJiich cannot be sn|ierseded siu-eil shall bo done." tho possessor of luillioiis. posing of the i-est. aswell as his practice, by the partial regulations of a par­ and had engaged a jiassago on the "Thaiilc you, I shall .accep' "Command the bravest of my .sol­ "lictiring then to iirivato life, he ticular society, that .soldiers can hope Oceanica. proli'ci-cd advice and friendship j_' diers to come here," said the Prussian bought this place in Yonkers, in oi-der to for indemnity in resistance of the ly. The thought that I have on- King tohis soi-vnit. .\. six-foot uhlan, enjoy himself in a (juiet way. Ifiit ill- .-V .short visit was then paid to Mr. commands of ft superior. .-Vud, even friend ou boara this steamer, ivith medals 011 breast and a scar health visited him; a stroke of paralysis Rajipelye, who gave him full directions qmergeney, is the greatest comfor across Li.s lace, entered. then, when the alternative is between while the committee who had investi­ rendered ono side comparatively lielp- how to proceed, aud many minute de­ "Our state-rooms aro fortnnat two offenses, and the choice must be less, while tli asthma, which ho had tails of tlio place and inhabitaiit.s. "I^ly fi-iciid," exclaimed tho Kiug, gated her found .sueha storeof quinine, oiicli other, so any time, by night determined by the adoption of the less been subject to . " many years, increased Promising to write weekly, keeping him ''to ,sbow their obedience to orders and sewj.ug silks aud other articles contra­ that I can bo of service, do not h instead of the groatot'—of the di.s- to an alarming cxtt!! t. informed of every movement, the young their loynlfcy, a French aud a Kussian band (detached from her skirts, under­ to inform ino," said tho Doctor obctlieiK'o of command, or the eoiu- man bade him fareivell, and in a few guardsman Lave jumped, at coiiiinand, clothing, and even her hair) as'\\-ould "Duringall this tinioono wild wish has loft tho narrow fiuartcr.s. "I M niission of some outrageous civil or hours later was uiion the outward-bound from that window. Have you tho have started a modest business in a been his, and that was to solve tho mys­ m again, in ono hour, to see how military crime—tho responsibility will tery of his brother's fate, and so clear steamer. pluck to tlo the same':'" quiet way. She was held for a time in pears on waking." always be upon the iufonor to show his own good name of tho unjust suspi­ Standing there alone, surrounded hy "Is it for the fatherland'?" durance vile, and ultimately sent be­ One afternoon as Earlo was.f that the commands ho would otherwise cions that still clung to it, strangers, it is not a matter of snrpri.se "Ifo." yond our lines. that a fooling of weariness and almost upon deck looking out upon be boundeu to obey are manifestly aud "His object Avas, before this, to havo "Then I refuse to do it." desolation crept over him. ocean, lie bceame conscious tha palpably illegal: else he may involve returned to his native place, in some dis­ Individuals will apiilaud or condemn ll Hifrli-rricoil IjiiC CIioiip Dinner. With a desperate cfl'ort, tho yonngman stop had approached and hal' himself in the guilt, aud certainly in guise, and so work unknown toward the these dilYoreiit-minded soldiers, exactly ONCE paid S-10,- at length succeeded in dissipating this near. the i3enalty of a iDOsitive crime, under accomplishment of tliis desired end, as the opinions of each indivicliial ia 000 for a dinner gloom. Ho knew full well that it would It was Miss Xevergail. the supposition or pretense of avoiding "But his return was etTectually pro- not answer to faint on the very thresiiold While hesitating to consider- regard to what "soldicly pbedience" for forty peojjle, Tcntcd by bis ill-health and helplessness. an imaginary one. of bis new duties. his presence would be accepta 31UIV be—what it may bo. said General Wm. "Lately this wish has becoino tineon- an exclamation of terror s ' iiiQ "Article of War" in tho United ' ' Prompt, ready, un­ T. Clarke, now of trollablo. Ho prays that he may not He know, also, tb.at, to accomplish his worlc,hc must be courageous aud bravo.so and glancing toward thospo States Regulations, which enjoins obe­ hesitating obedience in soldiers to .Denver, formerly dio •with this stain still clinging to his ho turned away from bis post of obscrv.a- stood, ho saw that she dience by suboidinatos'to all lawful those tvho are set over them is Adjutant General name. Ho has therefore decided to ask tion on deck, and sought tho more lively steady herself, being dizzy from.-, commands of superiors is familiar to SO necessary to the safety of the mili- of the Seventeenth you to undertake tho case for him," saloon. lurch of tho steamer. all .soldiers. Tho diiliculty is ia the tarv state, and to the success of every Army Cor2)s, com­ "But," hero interrupted tho amazed Springing to her side, he' manded by Gen­ listener, "thero must be some mistake. Taking a book from one of tho t.iblcs, application of it; therein it is that tho military achievement, that it would bo offered his arm, saying, as she; eral James B, Mc- I am no lawyer, simply a physician, and •he affected to read. man in tiie service encounters diiliculty. pernicious to have it understood that accepted it: as such, what can I do?" Presently his eyes rested upon a mid­ AVhat is meant by Za?oj'it/command.s? military disobedience, iu any instance, Pherson. General "Everything. We think far more than dle-aged lady, who seemed in feeble "Allow nie to a.ssist yoa tb-a: Is the person commanded to judge may go unquestioned." "Except in the Clarke went on to a lawyer," replied Mr. Gray, "Of course health, as she leaned back l.mguidly in place, where motion will not.'-' In all ca-^cs of tho lawfulness of tho solitary instance tyhere the legality of explain about the high-priced meal. It you would have to sell your practico in an easy chair, while her pale face and ccpoible." commands? an order is glaringly apparent on the 'was in Jackson, Miss,, in the summer Now York and settle in England. There, attenuated ligure spoke of prolonged "Thank you," returned the' face of it, a military subordinate is Of I8C3. The Federal army had just If not, in what case, or class of cases, as a growing physician, you .would gain sutfcrings, but a patient spirit. , "I suppo.se I ought not to. vent compelled to a comjilete and undeviat- taken jjossession of the town. A few is the conimaudor the judge of the the conlidcnco of tho people. You would She was evidently \yaiting for the ap­ deck alone, unused as I am-ti days before that one of the Federal lawfulness'? ing obedience to the very letter of the be admitted to places where no one else pearance of some person, .is her dark but I am SO completely fascin " command received. cavalry commands had captured a Con­ In these two last-mentioned eases, would, and could study tbo characters of eyes continually wandered towards the this restless scene. Aunt--i3;sl federate ofKcer on his -way to Texas to if there be such, would the law mili­ "* • • Hence it is scarcely rich and poor. door. "I never look upon a scene buy cattle for the Confederacy, and tary protect the subordinate in diso­ possible to imagine a case where "SirKichard Glcndenning married, two Dr. Elfens'tein looked at her with in­ said Earle, thoughtfully,,, J'yri 'with him they captured a big leather ing my own littleness, when- beying an unlawful command'? a subordinate would be at liber­ years after the disappearance of his creasing interest. valise stuffed fuU of Confederate mon­ brother, tho same lady who was to havo Silently lie recalled face after face of tho all-ruling hand that hold When is it right to obey tuila'wful ty to depart from the positive com­ ey—some of. it just as it came from tho been his bride. Miss Constance, and they his- friends and patrons, in vain; ho in its grasp, -and rules-th^ commands? mand of his superior." (Samuel's La'w press, with sheets uncut. It counted now occupy Glcndenning Hall. You will could not place tho likeness that had so storms, 'But It seems quite: Whether to him who gives an un- Militai-y.) up in all $40,000. General Clarke got probably be called to attend their family, suddenly attracted him, aud his failing Will you not join me in-aj la'wful command, to him who exec.ntes "* * "So long as the or­ bold of it and went to a man named and sp can sea the room where poor Sir to do so caused him both annoyance Tho fresh sea-breeze will.: it, to the two jointly, or in what de­ ders of a superior -are not obvious­ Johnson, who kept the best hotel in Arthiir met his sad fate, and can study and chagrin. after your ijonfinement to,'',th gree to each, responsibility should at­ ly and decidedly in opposition to Jackson. He told the landlord that the location of the place. Suddenly a brighter look floated into of your invalid aunt." tach, are questions of deep concern to the well-tnown and established cus­ he 'would give ihn $40,000 for a dinner "For all this trouble Mr, Eappelye, as tho lady's eyes. Placing her hand onceiho the public service and to the com- toms of the army, or tbe laws of the for forty, and the landlord went to we will still call him, will pay you hand­ Following tbe range of her vision, he arm, tbe two turned andvq; mxmity. land—or, if in opposition to such laws, ivork to do his best, and really got up somely. Five thousand per annum shall was surprised at beholding the most per­ tho deck, while an earnest fai These are some of the questions do not tend to an irreparable result— a- fine dinner. All the principal gen­ bo yours as long as ho lives, and at his fect picture of youthful beauty he had ing conversation ensuedi.-wKi with which the military service has to so long must the orders of a superior erals of the army sat down to it. death you will, if successful, be munifi­ ever yet beheld. them for another half hoiir^^' deal, not theoretically alone, but meet prompt, immediate and uiibesi- "When the meal was finished,.General cently rewarded,'as his will, still un­ It was all embodied in the person of a Dr. -Elfenstoin: foiiiidt-'his- • practically. The soldier is not enabled tating obedience^^, * ' • • Keflec- Clarke handed over the $40,000 to Mr. signed, can testify. young girl of about twenty summers, panion an jntclligoiit.viin'd-jb', versationalist. Wl . to solve them by being told simply that tiou and conaid'eration, therefore, 'when Johnson. It made the old fellow rich, "Are you ivilling to serve him as he who smilingly drew near. Small,.with a figure exquisitely mold­ awkward, pause, .could,-ioiisu he, like the private citizen, is-bonnd tending to/question the order of a too, said General Clarke, -for he put wishes? Will you undertake the task of clearing his good name of tho foul asper­ ed, and movements of perfect grace, a fascination of her. oultlya'' to obey the laws of the land. Ke- superior, mast, in some sense, be con­ every dollar of it in real estate at very sions cast upon it?" pure, white skin, with, the rosy tint of imperceptibly .w6vbja;-leoliii_^ sponsibility must attach to somebody sidered ay a miKtary offense." (Sim­ fair figures, considering the character Thero was a long pause, during -which hctilth .•just tinging each soft cheek, eyes admiration around hiS/heturt'^y for violation of law. mons on pour t-Martial,) of the currency, an;' his Leirs the pale face of the invalid seemed to of a lauguid hazel, large, dreamy, yet -(Vas ignorant,-Tanti).:v,t6O:i;la; And sO the substance of, conclusions currency, an;' his Jieirs are There is a formidable array of au­ grow a shade paler under his eager ga?o. full,Of intelligence and gentleness, a what, had ho; realized,!-"'"'"" thorities in sujyport of the'vie>y that the arrived it by all authorities on militar.v ' pretty •woU off now on account of the At l,ength the silence was broken i-y sweet mouth.wbose tender red I.lps dis­ would bring to f utufei'jttel illegal command of a superior is' not, law is that almost blind obedience ii, rise in the value during the past Dr. El'fenstein, who said, in a calm, closed, when speaking or laughing, teeth have made it a.duty-at.on ia the eyes of the common law, a jtisti-' tbe. sails, rule". for,,every subordinate, iweatv^fivejears.^ steady tone: ovea, and pearly white, with, .as '^ho [to jut COKI TEUE TO FIRST PRINCIPALS.

The BaptlBts Eefuso to Aid in a Scheme WATCH FOR THE COMING to Teach Keliirion by Law. o!tititm»tft. IS'.'O, levy upon hiuI take all tho Wayne. ihey are enemies to God, the governnient, OATS, perbuuheU {iO -IU ri;;lil. title and inlcreni of iho nnid Marrian Smith, Cl>ltN.»*helled,por hundred @ good religion, ai.d huinaiiity, ^.nv 'ov^ ' ' ^jiV^ i^/ti* fn'i't AclmlntKtmtor'h S«I«. one uf the lielVMidauts. in aud lo tlio folhuving do- CLOVKIt SKKI), per bushel W (Kicu^l *>•''' Mcribed real ewljite, that is Ii» nay, all that certain E.\-GovEu.vuu Luce in being vigorously Ity vlrtuuof u litvnnt*. to );riiiit«*i], on tho KtU TIMUTUY SKKD.por bnsUtd 1 flO(g>l7 5 pieco or parcel of laud, to wir: Lots fifteen .(15) unj- (iiiy uf Ih'cctiibfr, ItSltn, lij- y. a. i^mitli. jmUo of pro- and properly scored for the pardon ol Thos. A Gem of Art. OllUCElUKH AND l*UOVlMI0Nfi. ttixtfon [UiJ, block twelve [I'j], GrlllinV addition to hiiio of i)u> rixitiiy of liiKliiiiii.KUit HiitiHOi'MJchipiti, SA LT, Saginaw, per burn*! @I 00 the city uf Ma^on. Inuham county, Michigan, all of Navin. Are there not scores of prisoners I hlmll Mcll tU iml)lic iiiic:imi, uti tlio JJIst •luy of UK^^•S. Unpicked, per hutthttl 1 00f(tll 40 which I kIuiM expose for hale at public auction or SI4 Fubniury, IS'.iI, lit tfti n'clock'iri llie foriMiouii, at confined in prison who, taking all oircutn The Detroit Journal Year Book for 1891, POTAT* tics, per bushel (ci^ li.'i vrndue, to thu hiiiheni bidder, at the front dour of tho 71V tli« trout iluor ut tltt* (.Miirt lituiftLi, in city of Mu' FbOCIt. per UiO pounds Li G0Caj2 SO court houne, Ln the city of Mtinon, in ^aid county, on .stances into coiisidetalioii, were more en jusl issued, is indeed a gem of art. The Mi mmi! Mill, Iii^liiiiii ctxiiity. Mirlii);iui, hH tho ri^ht, tiltu niTCIvWUKAT KLOUJt.perlOO founds ^.'i 00 the 1*1111 (tuy of rtibriiury» A. D. IK'JI, at leu titled to e.xecutivt) cleiaency than this man? cover is o( rich blue and gold, beauliful in 5iV iiiiil iiiicrfMl of uiiii'h Ilultif Kout, hil»» of Ijitittin^, KGGS, Kresh, per dozen 'I'l u'clocU in the forenoon. Bad he stolen a one hundredth part of esign. the engravings of state institutions ik Mi:)ii^Aii, Jii'il, i*i'iztnl in uiiil tu tho fitUowiii;; hiiutp tu wil: The w.-m liHlf of tht- I'liwt bIx (U) roJs of luli DCTTICK % W CUAS. K. PADDOCK. SherilT. •what he did he would hayu been cr/inpelled and public men are esquisite, the latter in HfViTi (7) uriii cinht (8), iiml lh« wowl eight (H) rod« of LAJwD, porponnd 7 Dated the i:!'lh day of December, A. D. ISHU. Iw7 to serve out his sentence. $98,000 for less eluding members of ilie supreme court, -/|{ lot iiiuti (!»),'iM in Mock nitii'-two (.9:1) ill iho city of APPIiKS, Dried, per pound ® b PKACUKS.Uried. per pound D® 10 I'ruluato Ordur. than seven years' servitudfl is a fairly good leading G. A. U. and other society officers, >!? LaiiNiat;, in thu contity of hiKhHiu and ciltitu of Micb' mmm i;;ai]. LlvrSTOCK AND MIAT. ESTATE OF CONKLIN MIN0U8. iSilary. Navin has made no reititution to ic. All the leading topics are clearly and Vlf .lOnX DUNSDACK, CATTLE,perlOO pounds 60(^3 00 Statoof Michigan, CUD nty of Ingham, ss. At a soa- HKKF, Dresrtfd, per 100 pounds It 0005 00 his victims and the criniM for which he was oiicisely treated in alpliabeticiil order, Administrator of Iho ciitaty of lliittiu Hoot, Utct'ftttt'd. sion of tho probate court for mild county, hold at tho Dated Jjinimry illh, IH'.il. Swil nOGS.por 100 pounds 2 00 ItrolmVooIUco, iu the city of MiiBon, on the ItUhday of eeiilrtiiccd WHS nil his lirst offense. It is a sides the full ISiHI census and complete if POUK, Dressed, per 100 poundn II "."ia-I 00 Urcemher in tho year one thousand eight hundred mockery upon justice to grunt such pardon.'?. lection and olher stulislics. l*ro!mt« Order. HAMS, jterpound 7(0) S and ninety. Now i.s till.' ti.mc to place SIlOIJbDKllS,per pound (tf 0 Prooent, y. A Smith.judge uf prolmto. The book is liiiiiilsninely printed on plate KSTATI-: (iK i-:nw.\Ki) coijiath. dkckaskix CII K'K HNS, DresMcti, pur pound Kd^ .Mi your order for an Overcoat. s In the nmltor of tho e-itaie uf Oiilia ConkUn, aper, has InO pages, and no home ia com. Statcof Michi^'iiri, county of I njiimin, .tr*. I'robattt CIIICKKNS, Uve,perpouud & -I Mas. El'ckxe WK'riiKREi.l,. better known Ciiurt fiir Mitid county. S<*ra[thin CouUliii, Clara (..Vnklih, and Mabel J. Conk- plelB without a copy. Every siiliHCriber Cold weatlier is coming on ji'l TCKICKVS, Live, por pound , ro) 7 liu, .Minors. to the Ainericnii people as Emma Abbott, Krttati' of J'Mwiird C'olUath. docfuni'd. TUJtlvKVS, Dressed, i.or pound « 0® Kl Oil rending aud tlllii;; the potition, duly verified,ot a popular prima dona, died at Salt Lake to the Detroit .lournnl gets one free of slj and every man should be pre- j'l Notict' in hi-n-hy Kivcn, that Ijynmn WMhiker, tho lltIH,:>lNU MATKIUAL, iidininjntrator of i«aid i>htato. \\m tiled liin llnul uc- Klori'iicu Conklln, guardian of said minors, praying City, Utah, lust Monday morning at 7:30 charge. The price for e.xlra copies is 2;1 .VATICU LIMlC,perharrrl @1 for license to sell said niiiiorn' interest in cerluiu real pared. _ X rountiind that I liavo ai)|>ointt'd tliM ICJlh day of CALCINKI) PLASTKU, per barrel (JiJi; 50 ents, by mail .'iO Cents. Send .'iOcents in estate, in her petition descrihetl, for tho iiui-poyo of o'clock of pneumonia, after less than a iliiiuiarv iK'Xt, at )i' o'chtck in tho furonoon, ut PLA.STKIUNG IIAIU, perbushol - ftJ :in two cent stamps lo the Delrnil .lournal. If you are in need of an 'jij t ho iirolmle olllco ill miUl fuunly .km the timo of llmrtn^; nupiiortiiig, mivintainiiig and educati (g said minors, Tveek's illtiesB. She died upon the unniver- Sn 1NGLKS, per thousand OOfaJIJ and payhig the indebtedness now u;:ainst their estate; th.-rron. Q. A. S.MITJI, lJMK,Oood.perbarrel & 15 eary of her hiisbanirs dentli. Her reinaiiis Detroit, Mich., and receive n copy of this Overcoat, Suit of Clothes, or '/[{ Dated MiiNiMi, Dec. llO.lSHii. .Iiidijoof I'rohato. Thoreupon it in ordered, that the ISlh day of LATH,poi-M.foot 4 OOm 50 J<»niiary, ne.\t, at ton o'clock In the (orenoon, bo •will he hurled at Gloucester, Muss., where valuable work bv return mail. Gko-AV. Mristoi., I'roliato Ite;;irtter. .VJ\v:i a pair of Pant.s, come right to % liHsi^ned lur Ihe hearing of said petition, and that tho •her husband lies buried. Emma .Ibboit k J. N. SMITH, the Tailor,and | Chancery Sale. Mort^u};*) Sal«. next of kin of said minors, and all other persona "was horn in Chicago, in ISiiO, and has been Tlie New Disco vcr.r. Default having been nmdo in the condiliouK of a Interented in said estate, are required to appear at ft. liave your measure taken at Stain of Michipm. Tiie circuit court for tho county session of suid court, then to bo holden in the probate- an artist for many years. I'ler early life You have hoard \our friends and neigh of Iiij^bam—ill chiiiiciry. Danirl G. .Mann, fonjidain* eriuin niuitpitfo uiado by Henry Kdwards of the oily f Urooklyu, New York, lo Ellen Owen ot Detroit. otlice, iu the city of Mason, uiid show cause, if uny •was filled with liardshipa but in her later bors talk about it. You may yourself be once. Don't wait until the ant, VH. Albert Hollnian aud Chriiitine Iloniuan, de- there bo, why the prayer of tlui i>elitiouershould uot ftindaiitH, iVolice iri liereby ^ivon, that in purtniuuco Michigan'dated October liutli, A. D. IS87, and recorded life she developed capable business niiin- rush. ri the ofllce of the register of deeds, for the county be granted: And it is further ordered, that said, one of the many who know from personal of a decri-M of tstiid court, iiiadti in the abuvo entitled petitioner give uutice tu thu persouHiiiterestudinHaitl agement and had aceamulhted a property caiiM', on tlie tentli day of November, A. 0.1890, 1, of Ii.ghaiu and suite of Michigan, on tho '.If.lh ilay experience jusl bow good a thing it is. II Remember prices are as estate, of tho pendency of uuid petition, and the hear­ tho untler«if;ned, one of tho circuit court conimirtMioii- of November A. D. I8SS, in liher 7-1 of morigagefl, on estimated at Sl,00i),00O, and being childless you have ever tried it, you are one of its ing thereof, hy causing a copy of this •rder to bo ei'fi of the county of InKlitU". holt at public page Ult. on which mortgnge thoro is clainiod to hedne •il low a.s ever for cash. at tliedatuof this notice tho sum of twenty-shv hiin- published in tho Inoii.am Coii.ntv Dksiocuat. u news­ it will go to her father's t'linily. staunch friends, because the wonderful auction to the hi;.'liest bitlder, ut iho went from dour paper i)rinted and circulated in said county, ibroo of tho cniirl Iniune iu lliu city of Maiion, in Huld ilred and forty-11 vo dollars and thirleon cents, and an thing about it is, tliat when once given a attorney's fee of twoiiti--fivo dolhirs provided for in succeshivo weeks previous to saidday of bearing, cini'nly of Ingham.i-aid place beinj; a place where naid A truocopy. Q. A. SM ITll, Jnilgo of J'rohato. Real Estate I'raiisfers. trial. Dr. Iviiig's New Discovery ever after said mortgage, and no suit or proceedings at law circiiii court is bold,} on Saturday, tho 21st £3ay Gko. W.UaisToi., Probate lieglslor. 51w-l holds a place in the house. If you have of February, A. D. ISOl. m eU^eu o'clock in having bofu Iiistitnted to recover tho moneys secured hy said mortgage, or any part thereof; never used it and should be iifllieted with a ihi' roronoon of naiil day. tint lundrt described in Niiid The following transfers have been record­ I T. N. SMITH 1 decrei- iiH I'olInvvM : Tlie ea^tt itne half of the Miuitli* Now therefore, by virtue of tho power o( sale con­ Slicriirh Sale. ed in the ollice ot the register of deeds for cough, cold or any throat, lung or chest west i]Uai'terol feclloii niinitier one, towiiHhip number tained in Haid mortgage, and the Htatiite |n such caso 3S'oIice is hereby given, that by vlrluo of a writ of made and provided .notice is hervby givuo that on fieri tacifis. iksnod out of the circuit court for tho trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it one m-rlh of nuiK't nuniher ono eai-l, Uunkerhill. Ing­ Ingham county, for the week ending .Inn. FnUay, iho jytli day uf March A. D, 1891, county of J ngham, in favor of I'liillip Taylor of Ma­ The Tailor. ham conniy. iVichinan. JOUN C. SCiUIEJtS, 3, where consideration is SSOO or oyer : a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time ot Circuit Court Comniisnioner for Injjham county, at ten o'clock in tlie forenoon, I Hhall Bell at public son, against the goods and chattels and real estate of O, K. Ilarniis to A. Sanford llvalt, lot C, money refunded. Trial bottles free at H, Gr.o, F. Day, ftlichij;an. nction. to tbo highest bidder, at Iho front door of Solomon II. I'iko, in said county, to me directed and- the court liiMiso In the city of Manon, in the county delivered, T did, on thu 22d day of November, A. D. 1 htdok 171. Lansiai; S 1,100 M. Williams' drug store. Solicitor for Cnniiilainfint, 2w7 Addisuii peiisniore lo Walter TosdicK. w Dated .lauuary Clli, 1S!II. of Infihani, state of 31ichigan, (that being tho pliico ISIM), lovy upon and take ail tho right, title and inter­ of ne l^of section 27, Inictiani ' ;),850 where tho circuit court for said Ingham county in est of the suid Solomon II. Tike, in and to tho follow­ •Ceo. E. Itanney to (Jeo. M. Dayton, lot .1 Also sold by F. H. Field, Dansville. I'robato Ornd lotrt rods, thence west six and two-thirds (C^) rods, thenco .Ainion ilt)le to Goo. L. .Atkins, so Jetition,and the hearing niorlgages on pugo 215, by which the power of sale Jirivate Co. K, IDlh N'. Y. Cav., ap|>lied July :iO, ISSU, IS'JO, levy npnn and taki* all tlie riglit, title and inter­ Charles II, Root to Caroline M. Lane, no '/^ ed her, and being out of work and money thoreot,by causing a copy of Ihis order to be pnbliHh- lliprein contained lias become operative, and upon on account of rheiMiiatiriUi. Claim allowed Jan. 22, est of tho said George \V. Potter in and to the follow­ of sw Y^ ot section IC and other lands, odintho I.scii.oi Oiuntv Dkmocuat, a newspaper which mortgage there is claimed to bo dno at tho was the cause of his stealing. As this was 18'JO, rtix nionthH urter application, at ?10. ing described real estate, tliat is to say. all that cer­ Onondaga printed and circuluted insaid county.Ihreo HUCCciiBive date of thin notice, tho sum of two thousand thirty 1.750 his first olTence he was put on probation.— tain pieco or parcel of lunii, to wit: Tlie west half Coltiried Uorro to Eilward G. llerre, a imr- Mrs. Mary A. Witso. Crund Itaiddri, Mich., applit'd weoks provionu to said day of houring. and fil'lCO dollars(S2,o:JO Gl), besides an attorney fee Aug, 22, ltiS7, for widowV pcnwion aw tho widow of A true copy. Q. A. SMITH, (^ of the soutiiwest qiiarter £]/^j of section number cel of land on hw ]4 of uo)<^ of section 22, Newark News. provided for by statute and stipulated for in said twenty-two (22), townsliiji number two (2) north of Meridlao Uonry L. Wine, hitu major llth Mich. Cav. Hor nierlgrtge, of thirty dollars; and nonuitorproceeding 1,000 claim was cranttid .Ian. 14, ISliO, atS2r) pur month, lw4 Judge of Probate. range two (2) west, Ani-ellus, Inghuni couuty, Michi­ Ainion Taylor, by (;u«rdiaa, 10 Charles Gf.o. W. RitisTOi., Probate neglHlor. at law having been instituted to recover tbo wholoor gan, aii of whicli 1 sliail expose for salo at pnblio Clark, \v y. of nw of ne J:es aud expenses of administration ; estate, tliat is to say, all iliat certain pieco or parcel tho large nnniher of cise.s succotislully prodeciited. Notice is hereby (;iveii, that hy virtue of a writ of Farmer is most complete and thorough, and Thereupon It is ordered that llie lOlh clay ol of land, to wit: The west 11 fty (50) acres of the east part of it ia every bottle has given salisfac. All Holdior« who aro now in receipt of u pension ol fieri facias issued ont of the circuit court for tiie January, next, at ten o'clock in tho forenoon, ninety (On) acres of the nortliwest quarter i'/i) ot the journal enters its 51st year better losti than 1:12 a mouth uhonld apply for an incrcuHe. county of Ingliam. in favor of the Karniera' Bank of tion." Sold and guaranteed by Longyear boaKsigned for tho hearing of said potition, and that section number twenty-two (22), township No. two(2) Cull or addrctiH Itlnson, u);ainat ttie i^oods and chattels and real estate equipped than ever. Writers who are well tbo heirs at law of said deceased, and all other por- nortli of range ouo (1) west, Vovny, Ingliam couuty, Bros. of Solomon B. Pike, in aald county, to uiu directed hons interested in said estate, are required to appear Bllchigan. alt ol which I shall expose for sale at pub­ linown authoritieB are its regular contribu­ and delivored.I did, on tho 22d day of November, A. F. I. DARLING, Attorney, at a suHsion of said court, thon to he holden iu the uro- lic auction or vendue to the highest bidder, at tho tors, and their anicles nre accompanied by D. ISnO, levy upon and take all the right, title and bate offlce.in tho city ofMason, and show cause, if any front door of tho court house in the city of Mason. in (Late Special Examiner Pension Boroaa.) Interest ol thu said Solomon D. Pike in and to the illuatrations and engravings, to assist the tUoreho.wUy the prayer of llio petitionorHhould notbt said county, on the OtU flay of Jiinuary, A.D. follewinfcdescribed real estate, that is to say, all that reader to fullest understanding of the uub 'IG Old Houseman DIock, granted. Aud it is further ordered, thatsaid petition­ 1801, at two o'clock in the atfornoon. er givonotice to tho persons interested in said estate, certain piece or parcel of land, to wit: Twenty-five F.H.FRflZELL GEAND RAPIDS, • - - MICH ('.!6) acres of land olf tho northeast quarter of section CIIAS. E. PADDOCK, Shorifr. 3ect treated. of tho pondoncy of naid petition, and tho hearing DatodNov.2'lth,A.D.1690. 48w7 UnaforSiiIo All Kinds of thoroof.by causing ft copy oftbisoiderto bopublisliod number seven (1) towusliip number two north of The Prairie Farmer is a model home in the Inouam County D7:M0CRAT,a nowspapor print­ rungo one west, Vevay, Iiifc'liiim county, Michigan ; .paper, alike useful to the farmer, the vil bounded as follows, coniniencinK on section line six­ Mortgage Sale. No more ed and circulated in said county, th:''o succoshIvo wooks previous to said dav of hearing. ty (tJO) rods west of the norllieaat corner of said sec­ Default having been made in the conditions uf a 'lager, and the city man, furnishing delight tion number seven (7), runnlnR tlionce south oiglity iiffl & GUITAR mm A truocopy. Q. A. SMITH, certain mortgago bearing date the third day of March, ful reading for all who love and appreciate (80) rodi", thence west forty (411) rods, thence south 1870, executed by J. Davis of the townsliip of Locke, of this! 62w4 JudgeoJ Probato. forty (.10) rods, thuuce west six and two-thirds 10%) -agriculture. The ladies and children are Gko.W. Bristol, Probate Iloglstor. Ingham county, Michigan, to Gabriel If. Conklin of a?2sCE BEST* I^-AJDE, rods, ibence north ono hundred and twenty (120J BlHson, Micbigau, for the sunt of two hundred doUara not forgotten, for its departments of Houae- rods to section Hue, thence east forty-six and two- SherifTH Sale. (S200) and recorded iu the oflico of tho register of •hold, Garden and Lawn. - Young Folks, Also .AgODt for tbo tlilrd«(.l(>7flrods to tlie place of beginning, all of which deeds for tho county of (nglinm and state of Michi­ Notice is hereby given, that.by virtue of a writ of I shall expose for sale iit public auction or vendue to Toetry, Puzzles and Miscellany are nnsur- gan in liber AO of mortgages on page 491 and by fieri facias, issued out of tho circuit court for tho the hiKhost bidder at thu Iront door of llio court Gabriel F. Conklin ussicned to Joliti 0. Cannon, county of Ingham, in favor of A. Ii, Pike against the passeti. FRANCIS BACON PIANO hnuae in thociiy of Mason, in said couuty, on tho November fourth, 1880, which said assignment waa ;oods and chaitcls and real estate of Soluoiun H, Pike, 0th clay of Jiinuiiry next, at ten o'clock in the The publishers will send a sample copy recorded in said county o I Ingham in liber 48 of n said county, to mo directed and delivered, I did, on forenoon. ' CIIAS. E..PADDOCK, SherilT mortgages on page 321, and by John 0. Cannon to every applicant, and it is worth while to One of the Best In the World. the 22d day of Vovombor, A, D. 1800, levy upon and Dated tiiis 2.1tii day of Kovenibor, \. D.ISOO. <8wT assigned to Charles J. llayner Juno eighth, 1862, and ^rop them a postal for a specimen, or send take all the right, titio and interest of tho said Solo­ tho same day recorded in the otlice of the register of mon B.Pike In and to tho following described real Uorigase Sale. doods for Ingham county, aforesaid, in liber 48 of •them-the subscription price,-One Dollar, estate, that is to say, all thrtcertain piocoand parcel Can furnish any cooda wanted in tho Musical Default havioK been made in tho conditiona of a mortgages on page 353. There Is claimed to bo duo for a^vear, to The Prarie Farmer, 168 Line, CHEAPER THAN ANYBODY. of land, to wit: The west fifty (50) acres of tlto eiwt on said mortgage at tho date of this notice five hun­ ninety (9U) acres of the northwest quarter (i<) ol sec­ certain mortgago made by Uannali Davis to Ilachaol JldacSa St., Chicago, 111. Subscriptions Call and aeo me, at the City Bakery. N.Marshall, dated September 12th. A.D. 183S, and dred and tUirty-threo dollars ($533 CO) for principal tion number twenty-two (22), towntthlp number two and interest, and no proceedings either in law or in ; JTeceived at this oGSce. recorded in tho cflice of the regiater of deeds, for the (2) north of range one (1) went, Vevay, Ingha.n coun­ equity haying been instituted to recover any part of P. H. PRAZELL, Mason. ty, Michigan, all of -which I shall expowe for sale at county of Ingham and state of Michigan, on tho Sth Great Discoverers. day of October. A. D. 18S5, In llher liB of mortgagoa, on tho debt tiow dno and secured by sitid mortgnge; lubllc auction or vendue to tho highest bidder at tho Now, therefore, by virtue of tho power of sale con­ rontdoorof the court houso in the citvof Mason,in page 300, on which mortgage there ia claimed to bo What Bell and Edison are to the tele­ duo at tho date of this notice the sum of twelve tained in said mortgnge and in pursuaoco of tho said county, on tho 9th day of January, A. D. statute in such case niado and provided, notico ia phone and electricity, says ihe Pittsburg 1801, at two o'clock In the aftornooii. hundred and six dollars (SV^OD), and an attorney fee of tweuty-livo dollars provided for in aaid mortgage, hereby given that upon.Satnrtlay the tlilrty-Urnt : !&ew8, Dr. Franklin Miles, the well-known CnAS. E. PADDOCK, SherifT, and no suit or proceedings at law having been insti­ day of Jnnunry, 1801, at ono o'clock In tho •epeeialist in nervous diseases, is to the ner Dated Nov. 24tb. A. D. 1S9D. 4Xw7 tuted to recover thcjinoneya aocured by aaid mortgage afternoon at tho front door of the Ingham county court house in the city of Meson, slate of Michigan, Tous system and nerve fluid. Among his or any part tliereof; Now. therefore, by virtuo of tho power of salo con­ I shall offer for sale ut public vendue the land do- i'^.aiumeron3 discoveries the Restorative Ner- tained in aaid mortgnge, and the statnto in auch case Bcribed in said mortgage, vi?.: Tho cast half of tho Save $36.50 California. -^ine is undoubtedly one of the greatest. It made and provided, notice ia hereby given that on north half of tho southwest quarter of section ono J.C. JDDSONi CO.'S poreonttlly conducted Call- Satnrdny, the Tch day of March, A. D. 1801, in town four north of range two east in Ingham r •as unsurpassed in nervousness, dyspepsia, ornlu Excursiona In broud piuKO Pullman Tourist county, state of Michigan, or so much thereof as SloeplnB Cars, via Denver .t Kio Gnindo R. R., (tho at ten o'clock in tho forenoon. I shall sell at public j*'3beadache, epilepsy, neuralgia, backache, auction, to tho higliest bidder, at tho front door of shall bo necessary to satisfy the debt aforesaid with Bcenio lino of tho world) leavo Chlcauo via ChlcaBO the interest and costs including the attorney fob by liumelancholly, sleeplessness, change of life, & Alton B. K. 12:00 noon Saturday of every week, tho court house in tho city of Mason (thafbeing tho each excursion in cbareo of an efflcioDtund Bontlo* place wliore tho circuit court for Ingham county is statute provided. «tc. Free trial bottles may be hod of Rubber Shoos cnlcsa worn imcom&rtaMy tielit, manly excursion manairor. I'ullman tourlstsleepinB holden), the preirisea described in aaid mortgago, or Dated Novorabor lat, 1890. Bcnerally aUp.off tho tact cars through from Boston and Chlcaso toSan Fran­ so mocli thereof as may bo necessary to pay tho iDongyear Bros., droggiscs. All shoald read cisco and Loa Anitolea. For ratua, reservation of OHAKLES J. BATNEB, amount duo on aaid aiortgago, with eight per cent, Ldcikm Bmd, Asaigneo. 'is;"New and Startling Facts for the THE "COICHESTEE" KUBBEP. CO. jgrtba, etc, call on or addroas, J. C. J DDSON & CO.. ISS Clarlc siroot, cmcago. interest, and all legal coats, together, with an attor- Attorney for asslgnoo. 45wl3 Sflfflioted," a very able, interesting and fine- make oil their ahoca with laildo of hoel lined -.vll'j ney'a fee of twenty-five dollars,covenanted for there­ .j-3y:illuatrated book. Free to all. rubber. Thla oUnKa to tho ahoe and prevents th*. A. iri: AK t I nndtrbilw to briefly in, the premises being described in said mortgage as robber irom slipping off. to.ch any Itilrly inttitllgcnt person ofoitlifr nil that certain lot, pieco and parcel of land situate A. Valuable Remedy. ;;,.>,,. -A FortiinatB Woman. chTcAR?!. 23 UNIONSQUARE,NYMNfni^ Call for tJio " ColchestiT " •ex, who csn retd and wrlto, and who, in the township of Vevav, In the county of Ingham after initrucUon,wni work indDstrioulIy, and state of Michigan, and known and described us '5|»^-!;itrra. Mary L. Baker of Ovid, Mich., has $3000.^ — - — —' liow to esra Tlirce Tlioyiand Dotlani a ST.1.0UIS.MO. tJ.|;M^^J|||J||yi nALLAaTEX. "ADHESIVE .fc^OUK'TEKC." y«ar to llwlr »wii li>c«ttile»,wlicBn«r they llve.I will >1k rumlili follows: the southoastlquartor Q^) of tho aantheoet Sireaaba'to be very thankfuL She was. a ttiQ»Itiutli>oorfln]pIojrnient,atwIilcl]you»n«mthBtan)oant. quarter (!^) of section number nineteen (19), in town FEMALE OLIO PELLETTS No money for me unleie aucceMf^l ni above. Eaatly and quickly number two (2) north ofniDgeonii (l)west contain­ "ffeat-aafferer from heart disease for years. teamed, t dB.ini ))ut ono worlier I'rom each district or county. I RELIABLE AjGENTS WANTED have already lau^rlit and provided with emptoynirnt a Inrra ing fortv acres of land. I A safe and auro Monthly Modiclna. .Iclontlflcally (aB:ahortof breath, had hungry spells BROWN BROTHERS, number, whi> are mnlttni; over MIlOO a vearuaclt. It's Jil£W BACUAEL N. MAR-TIALT,. • componUdell. Smt by mail.aocuroly aealwl, on re­ \~iii;iB eidejflBtteriogi'faiDtaeaa, etc. After and MUI.I1>. >'ull luirliculsrs FIC£X:. Address at once. A.'B.ni.Tttns, . Alortgageo. ceipt of price. J!;OC. E.PORTER,- MASON-. 61vrl3p lock Box i81,;DoJK>J{, Michi • . •if

Tour Folks and Our Folks. Board of Superrlsors.

• Ifrs. V, J. Teffl is at Albion this week. The county legislaliire convened for (he Bert Tubbs ia the electric light trimmer Jiiiiunrv Sf>^iou la.-t .Monday fnivnown. and at Owosso. WHS called 1(1 order by Chairman Pollok. The (olldwing supervisois were present Aid. f. D. Everts was home (rom Albion .Messrs. Ben-her, J. S. Bennett. F. C. Ben­ over Sunduy. nett, Covert. Davis, Uuntkel, Earle. Fuller. 108 and 110 Washington Ave.. |:1 Giffjrd, Hart, fliiuelberger. Uowlett. r Byron Owen of Bay City is the guest of .Musju friends. Huston, Hume, Lesher, .McEuen. Park, Shafer, Siblev. Slilson and Weinple. LANSING, MICH. Mrs. M. J. Murray and Miss Dora Ban Charles F. Hammond was allowed §125 dall are in Detroit. for uHsieting in the trial of Gertrude Wliil- -Mr. and Mrs F. C. Sayers speut New acre ut the h-.sl October term of the circuit Year's in Eaton Rapids. court. Do You Wan! the Goods t Jay W. Freeman of Aurelius, was ap R. N. Miller and C. B. Root have re­ pointed aa commissioner lor that township "If pop Iiad hlnnkoted you in turned lo Albion College. in accordance wilh Act No. 170, Session the stable you would be fat, too." 5 ill AY Miss May Tanner of Jackson, is visiting Laws of 1H8.'), upon ni'ilion of ^l^, D'^vis her cousin, Miss Ina Main. Thecoiniiiir.ee iippi>iiiied lo settle *iih FREE—Gci from your ileaUr fr.'e, the the county treasurer found there had tieeii ,i Book. It li.-w hancisdirie |iictiifcs nnd Miss Maude Kimmel ia visiting Miss over .'JIG,(JOO more inonev handled during valiiahli; inlurnuitiiiii aleiut Imrsi's, Purdy uad friends in Leslie. the past year than ever belore in the history Two or liiree i.oilars for a 4a lloi-ss Miss Roseita Gunn of Ionia, spent New of the county. Bluukct will iiiak'j your horse worth moru Year's with A. .Miller and family. Chairman Pollok appointed Metsrs. and eat Icis to keep wnrni. -IX- Park, Duiickel and Himelherger a commit Hermie Skinner of Aurelius. is visiting 5/A Five Miz tee to examine the bonds given by ihe friends and relatives at Hastings. various county olfieers. The eomniiuee Fine Dress Goods, ., , , 5/A Boss Stable Miss flattie Butler visited her friend reported upon the bonds given by County •^'^^''^blk Electric Black and Colored .Miss Hallie .Merritt at Poiiliac New Year's. Trea.suivr Phillips for Si;0,(IOO. Sheriff Pnddofk I'or §10.000, County Clerk 11..use 5/A Extra Test .Mifis Caroline lia.xter of Ann Arbor, is Faille and Gros Grain for $2,000, Register in Chancery House lor visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. C. E. Hander- so other styles :it prices to suit cvcry- $5.00U. and Circuit Court Cuniini.ssioni^r jbody. If you can't get ihi.ni Inn;.' your' son. Squiers lor §3,000 and they were unani dealer, write us. .Mr. J. D. EldridgB of Auburn, Ind., has imnibly approved by the board. SILKS, Are Satisfied and Tell Us it is a been yisiling the Wolf sisters the past Considerable of the time of members week. has been talieii with committee and routine ^ Combination Suits and .Miss Delia Comfort of Nashville, spent work. Paris Kobe Patterns. New Year'slwith ihe family of Cily Marshal .Married, by Rev. James Webster, ui the Youngs. parsonage in Leslie, Januaey ."d, Fred M. L. Munson and wife of Charlotte Ro'.sman uiiii Miss Emma Bri/gs, bi4h of pent New Year's at Herbert Karker's of Onondnga. CLOAKS, Aurel'us. (Vdriati Press: D. F. Wilson of Stock- Rhcnnifttisin Cured Wa Day. bridge, becomes principal of the Blissfield "Mystic Cure''for rheuraatisni and neii An Immense Display at east side school. riilgia radically cures in one to three diivs, Its action upon the system is remarloible Miss Maine Henderson returned to her and mvsterions. It removes at oi.ue il SPECIAL HOLIDAY PRICES. school ill London last Monday. Her father cause and the disease immcdi.iiely disap a§=5E THE SraOSiSGESY. accompanied her as far us Detroit.! pears. The first dose greet'y beiiefiis I NONE GENUIIMEW/ITHOUTTllC !;'A LADEl. M;timf'rt by W.«. .•^vll^s ,V s,in.<. I'lilhuhi. wha Fine Seal Plush Newmarkets Rev. .Airs. Ball, who has been visiting 75 cents. .Sold by H. M. Wiliitims, drug iMi.i,c till-Tanious H,ie- ''.'•• r • 'i'il...v Hi:..ni;"i» her son, A. G. Ball, for sometime returned gist, Mason. 2'nO 3-4 Length Walking Coats, lo her home at Frankfort on Tuesday. Buctlen'g Arnica Salve. Jackets, Wraps, .Miss Belli) Washburn, daughter of W. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruii- W Washburn, D. D., of West Saginaw, ea,sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter, chapped Astrachan Capes was the guest ot Miss Amanda Barnhart hands,chilblains, corns, and all akin crup- lui, (i. tions,and positively cures piles, or no pay

and Muffs, 15, C. Ferguson of Owosso. was in this '•^^""•<="- It is guaranteed to give perfect ly the lalier part of l.sl week. He re <>'™oneJ refunded. SPrice 2S Fancy Plush Sets, irned Saturday evening accompanied by K""'"PO""''«^-_£or_8aleJ)yH.M. Willlama I Mason and:at F. ILField's. Dansville. Children's Furs and F. D. Tallman, a relief operator for the rntid Trunk R R. Co., spent Sunday with 'The First Step. Misses' Garments. Come any day but Saturday, and| his piireuts at Eden. He expects a regular Perlmpg you are lun down, cun'l oat, This fIront Oeniian .^redIcinll is 111 situation soon. can't sleep, can't think, can't do anything clicalicst aiui lii-st. IL'H dnscs of SUf.- to your satisfaction, and you wonder what I'lllllt UirrHUS for Sl.tiu, less thai Hiram .T. Wilson of Athens, Calhoun Avoid the Ensh. one cent a do.se, it will cure Iln county, visiied friends in this city the latter ails you. You should heed the warning, worst cases of sUlii <'isc:i..ie, tnvin j part of la.st week. He was an old time you aro taking the first step into nervous a civiiiinuii pimple on tlit? fnce j t,o llint awful dif,'ase. St.-rofiila. Table Linens, Napkins, Mason blacksmith. prostration. You need a nerve tonic and SULl'lllJIt IHTOJitS is the; in Electric Bitters you will find the e.\act lie.^t iiiedicino Itt use in J. L. Fuller nnd family now occupy the cases of such stulpl.oni r.iMl^Vonr Kid- Towels and Matched Sets remedy for restoring your nervous syslnni Grillifi "blue blind" house on Oketnos deep scaled diseases. JJo^ ncys iiri'out to its normal, healthy condition. Siirpris not ever take ''''"rder. U.'<') k street. We gladly welcome them back iiig results follow the use of this great, nerve BLUE PILLS 'SI; 1,1-1! UK ) ngniii as residents of our city. \ lIITTJiU.S. If I tonic and iilterHtive. Your appetite re­ or mercury, they aro dc.icl-v yon arc sick, no turns, good digestion is restored and the ly. I'Ince yenrJriiM: ill/^ii'.atter wUut nils > S. H. Curry returned lastJSaturday even, .-iCLI'IILTIt lUTTKItS, jVyo,,. use iiig (nitn a two weeks' visit in York Stale. liver and kidneys resume healthy action. -the purest and Lest Try a bottle. Price 50c, at H. M. WillianiH' ^medicine ever inmle. Il is the first time that he has been b:ick Siiipkrlite! in Mason. At F. II. Field's, Dansville. since he left there 15 years ago. Don't wait until you l^withayellowsticky^^,,„ „„,j,,;^ j,.^ wuUt'.nrl Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Henderson returned An Extmordinary Incident. jsiilistance'.' Is your ro flat (til your hack, Dry Goods, Cloaks and Carpets. il)r<^ath foul and hut net, some'at ow.a, it from their visit last Saturday evening. Jolleiisive'.' Vonr LANSING. For four years Mrs. Bonjamin Mover, vill euro you. Suljiliin- The latter part of it was made sad by the jstcniaeh is out illers is death of a brother of the "doctor. of Soudcrton, Pa., was totally blind. lof ordi;r. Use>„ _ Not long ago she vras taken ill, so that lOTim^ Z'"'''*^ Iiiva'.ld's Fribiid. ; L. L. Saltier, ol the Peoples' Savings she had to stay in bod several days. limnedialel'w7 ""h" ynunS. "Sed iiiiJ tot- nil blink of Lansing, was a New Year's guest Sen-d. "CTs ^3.00 fsvoiirUr-i'lering are srem i:,iii.; well liy B On tho fourth day she awoke in tho 01 fffflll Wlllffil of his brother-iti-law, County Clerk Rouse, inc thick, jy iti" "se. Uei-.ien'l..T wliat ynujjg Ami Uoceivo for Ono Yciir tliP ^ ropy.olo-jfl'I'e-'id bore, it nriy save your and attended the party in the evening. morning and e.\-claimod: "My God in 2 udv, or >yit I'"-'' •'^•^v.-il liundreds. Oldest and Strongest State and Savings Bank Heaven, I seo!" Her husband rushed • "n't wait until tn-iiiorrow. Tlie .Mail Uoiiiii from Miss Teresa Burns attended the enter- in Iho City. mm COUNTY DEMOCRAT to the bedside 0 and waA rocoguized. taiiiment given by the Symphony Club at Try a Bottle To-iiay! • ' DANSVILLE TO MASON Then tho other members of the house­ Lnnsiiig last Friday evening and spent ihe Capital,_$75,OOO. and WIDE AWAKE iVro you low-siiirited and weak, ^ BaviiiKlieen 'liscontiiint d. the sultscrilier wilt heni hold camo in and were recognized. after run a veliicle nvi.r Ihe road daily (Suinlay Ibllotving Sunday with friends in that city. or siifferiiiL' from tlie cxcesse." of > SOTI-I E-OSi 5:3.00. youth'.* Jf so, SlJU'llUrt lilTrEUS [ , JTourlh of .Inly e.\ceiited) for the conveyance of pns- She pointed oufc different articles of M. D. CHATTEKTOX President aooKers. express aiel freiijlits, at reasonatpte rates, Mrs. A. Butler nnd daughter, Hattie, will euro you. i • furniture in the room, told different L. C. WEBB Vice-President ivliiK Dansville at eii;lii o'clock a. ni.,and arrivi eft for Chico. Cal., last Monday evening. Mason at or before t(l a. m., and rettinitii); at sn persons what they were wetiring, and J. M. DKESSEK Cashier .Miss Hattie will attend a young ladies' At the Head Send 3 2-cent stiraps to A. P. Ordway & Co.. Snes eacli day as shall best proniele the convenien Boston, Jlaaa.. for best medical work puhlishod'.^ Of thepnldic. GEO, P. GLYNN. in many ways proved, that she saw. seminary there and her mother will visit of Young People's Magazines. Dansville, .Midi..Oct. I7.1SSS. She asked that all her children and about three monUis and then return home. nterest Paid on Time Certificates ot Deposit grandchildren, twenty-fivo in all, come' Mr. and Mrs Chas. Merrill of Eaton to her bedside, and they did. She told Ra()id8, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Worden, Mr; MONEY TO LOAN. COME AND SEE US. them that she had earnestly prayed and Mrs. F. C. Sayers, Mr. J. H. Siiyers, that she might seo them all once be­ Mr. C. H. Worden and Mr. S. H. Worden DiroctorH—B. 1". Wliitmoro, L. 0. V/elil), J. B. fore she died, and this ^vas the answer of Mason, were ihe guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dwlrinll, Qeo. W. Brwtol, H. M. WMIifiiiiH. nurpcT Keed, M. D. Cliattorton.J. M.DrL'Uni'r. C. G. IIuritiuK* to her pniyof. Then she said: "This \IV1T1N6 pages// W. W. Heald last Thursday.—Williamston ton. ]s:iii inll:i;)ini;iti»ii nt the liroiielii.-it tiiHes — Enterprise. is the last day that I shall ever hav<* tlie air-|i;is.s:ii;es le;tiliiig into ilie limits. .EVERY MONTH the use of my eyesight." She awoke Few other (•iMiipliijni.s are so iircvaleiii, or Grand Ledge Independent: Mr. and call fur nmiT imiinpt .•iiiil eiiergutic ;ict,ioii. Mrs. Moody of Mason, are stopping with the ne.xt morning as blind as ever, and .BBAUnPULLY' As neglect nd pnsfal for descriptive list." Eiifiis A'idal, San Crlstobcl, San Domingo, ,Addr.u MUNN &, CO,/ .301 Broadway, H. PAEC-C & CO.. Chical fOOOO. 00 ay..r Ii bflnr mida hy John R. work for.n«,.by Anna rsBc, Austin, of GIBBOKS BBOTEESS; FnliMers. uoodffln,Troy,N.V.,Rt ,vorlc tor ui. Itcider, njsTAHT BEtnw roil All, nsiniuiao PAUts. We wish through the colamns of/the .Texu,'.and.Jno.Bonn, Toledo, Oliio. t you amy not mnko ai much, but wa can ifiB cufc.'Othe»aredolnsuwell. Why DETROIT, MICH. StTiu! ctms forKhonmattsm, NeuralgiaanaSciatlta.' • Kt»eh you quickly how to earn (Vom to Democrat, to express our sincere thanks lotyou): some earn over«600.00 > Sold by dniKKiata everywhere, or by mall, S5 cento.*^ f »10 a day at tho atart, and more aa you «j - mtli. ;3.'oa can do'the work and live FrEsIi^Sali Meaf Lon. lloth lezea, all aRca, Iu any part of the Ineudsand neighbors.who sol^'indl; ItoviiJlCy f iaatof WorJui, jLowoU, OtttM, HAraerica, you can commoDce at bomo, gl,. Iiome,>wheraveryouare. Evenbe- •in; all your tlnie,or spare tnomonu onlv to Bsisted and sympathized with us in the Ktanora ameully eamlnr IVoin ti to' F. tho work. All la now. Great pay SDltK for »lUaaay,iAlli;ei.Weibowyoubow POVI.TBT AWD GAiaJB. .erely worker. We aurt yoo. Almliblnr illness'and death of our mother. a»d-itart;yoit,-iCan:.ffork In spare time OTOtyttilnr. EASILY, SPF-EmLY leameiT. or »U tlieHuifcoBlgnloney for work- Old uaijers at tliis ofElce rAlfriClfLAKS rain. AddriiaVonS MttS. HATTIK.TBEBBr. ers,^^F«llurtt;luilinowii nmonfr them, „.tlTtSliUii A to,, mtbUP, BAUK. XBWl»aai»«nilecftil. Panlculm S. L. Shebmak. 1 SUUttUett els Ca.,B»Ka|aX[artliuid,Malao Casli for Hides and'Felts •f'

...... ^ ' ^--/fe- - ^ ^ > / ^ FARMER previous decade than In tho earlier TFIE Fl iTUIlE of REFOLMF ^ ^'"'^^'^ ^'"''"'^y produced. The i.rii'cs TARIFF LETTERS Ta TIIE SE^^ATEA>*^D HOUSE. XIIJ:. 1 L X L Xli:; IXUl KJiXJl ^ agricultural ])roducts aro detormined BROWN. decades. I entirely by the extent of production, aud Vou are not a iiorse-raccr, but you •2?HE BEST. know what a liandicap is. Wlieii one WORK OF OUR NATIONAL LAW­ VIEWS OF CONGRESSMAN WM. this is governed by natural causes, uot NO. 1-4. by legislation. liorsfl Is lighter or swifter than its com­ MAKERS. M. SP.^INCER. Rheumatism. Neuralgia. "A failure of croiis in this country is Bofii a 'Jarlll l:.-~li-ii-l r.ri-e,-ii Tniilo? petitor it is somctiiues agreed to handi­ regarded by the fanni-rs as the greatest DiCAU Fai:m!:i; I;i:ow.x: 'I'ln- (iUe^Iion cap Ihe former. A certain quautity of Th» J>emucrats IVill K<><>i> TuriST noform calamity that c-an befall tlieni. Jiiit such which I put al ihe le-.-iil of litis lelter lead is fastened lo the saddle in order to Procoeiiingrii of tliu Soiiato and XIouko of K. Ogdcn, Mich., Hogcrstown, Md., to tlio i'Vulll-lt Will lie thu Wiiiuiiii; failure inevitably results In higher prices may si-em to be an entirely needless one; diminish the speed and give the other Itoiiresoiitativtfs - Iiiii>olot.s ^itiiutLiU of of farm jirudHc-ts, and therefore the since most ititelligi.ni men. wln-iher pro- hor.se a chance to win. Now if tho DlKcuiiSoU and Acted L'lma—CI»t of tho ".A half bottle of "I, aud others of my Mio l:t'liilbli<.;iiih-'riioy Clllinut .>llilt tlio ti-etionists or larilf n-fornier.s. areai,'i-<'ed handicajiped )ior.s<^ wins the race, jiot- Hui.ilior.1*. your i u v 111 u a b 1 e President lias cited as an evidence of if.ffUiclue. ^•t. .laeulis fuaiily, have usi?d St. JUhUa. iiiiiI Cau Nuitlior tio l''orHaril Nor . jirosperity that which the farmers them- thai protection doesreslrii-t importation, witstanding that itis weighted with lead, TilK ."^I'liate met al ttooii on tlie L'tHii, after Oil.cured meof rheu­ Jacobs OU for neu­ }s. Tiie VIce-l'resiilent laid matism and riieu- ralgia and fouad it lieforc tht? iiteiiihei'S a t-oiiitiiuiilcation froiu iimtiu swelling of llio higher ])rices njstiltiiiu'from crop failure. siiui atjre'' a'so tlitil the ri'>trii'lioii of handicap liad not Ie.s.-.etied its speed? Yet u bjicedy. efiecUva Consre.-sinan Win. Jf. .'^priiisor will bo tlie (ioveni'ir of Idalio tt-itiisitiitliti;; cre­ knee. It is the bcbtiu 'J'here can be no joinbinatioii among im)iortatiuii must iieeesstirily, in the long it Is such a tnoiistroiis claim as this that cure." a Iiroinineni li^juru in tlie new llniuieratic dent ia in of the Senator-elect from IliaV State the universe-" run. restrict exjiortatioii. 1 say the the protectionist sets up w-ho claims that • House. Jli' is already a eaiididato for fanners to reduce tlie outjuit of agricul- —.Me>st-s (j'eorge L. Slimip aud Wllliuiii .1. J. M. L. l'oitTi:K. Mas. Acnes Keixet. tlii^ tariff does not diminish imj)ort.s. Soealccr. with a show of bi'iiii,' (fleeted;,, tural products: such combiiialions an- (liU'Stioii may seem a needless one, but Mcfiitiiiell. Tlie credettthils liavliii; been but whether he is elected or not, his Ion;,' not even desirable. Karmers universally when 1 iwki: \\\> the protei'tionist jour­ .Such a claim was made in the latest read, Mr. llo:ir iiioced that as Mr. .^^lioup IT HAS NO EQUAL. and conspicuous service in liw. IJeino- strive for bountiful iuirvests, the pious nals and See what thoy are irying to number of the .liiimcu'i JCcritn/ni'ixt, the was pre-^ent lliii oath of ollice lie niliiiliils- cratic jiariy lends ti^'al interest to lils ,, ones among them iiraying as well as leach the jji^opb'. and when 1 re;td the organ of the Proli-clivo Tarlfl'League, in lered to liiiii. .Mr Vance i-eiiiarketl tlialtlio views cf tlie outlool; for tariff reform :it laboring for litem. Tliey regard a boun­ ulleninces of their le.;uliiig men. 1 can­ an article entitled, "Does Proteclivo new Stale of Idado appeared to have elected more than ils fair sictre of .•Jeti- tills time, ile talked recently to a mem­ tiful harvest as essential to tlieir ])ros- not regard the cineslloii jiropoundeil as 'J'aritr Curtail Poreiu-n Trade'."' Its litor.s. and he thotiu'hr tital llie credeuliala ber of tlio New Vorlc lleforiii Club as ' perity, notwltlistaiidiiig the facttliat the being uiiworty of treatment in tliese let­ answer to this iiuosllon is, "Never sliotild lie n-ferred t*i tlie Coitiiiilllei) on gn-aler the crop the less will be the ters. follows: I was a greater fallacy promulgated." Yet I'rivlleges iiiul |.;ieclIons. Mr. Hoar baiil Iirii'c of the products. They are political "Thtr no]mbllcan jioliticians of ^Va^h- ; Two such eminent prntoctioiilsts as in anutlier column this organ of protec­ that, as he tiiider>.tood. tltere weio only economists who believi'—who realize, in fiiKtiin are now li'yiii^' to divert iniblic President Harrison and .\Iaj. .Mclvinley tionist heresies prints as an article of its two .>oii the tariir i|iiestloii lliey have | minority of the Ways and ;Means Com­ be desired. In the f^eiiale ini tlie llUtli the elei'tloii bill beenthoroiii-'hly reimdialed. 'J'liey now corresponding depression of prices, and was taken up. and Senator WoU-olt. of (.'ol- mittee that the jiroposc'd larilf bill would "i'"oreigii trade," he stiy.s, "spoils the hope byrevivin^'si.eiioii;ii issues, through the lartrer the crop the lower the prices, oratio (Iteii.), iiiaile an aiiiiiiateil speech not reduce the revenue, saying: "Tho equilihriuin of a nation's industry: It ag:iiiisl it, iittraetiiig the closest alti-iitloii and by means of the force hill and .-ip-i ir such shoiild be the result a year from very instant that you havi> increaseii the leaves them one-sided and ili.sjoinled, and fi-oiii its lirsl .-cnteiice Io its last, it wa.s, jmals til seeiioiitil prejudice, to re-fonn I this time thi President in his annual duties to a fair iirotective point, putting postimnes indeliiiilelv the period of their he said, a .siinrco of great regret to liliii to political issiii'S upon oilier lines than ' be ciilh'il upon to dill'er front any coii^lder- tariir anil t;ixalin;i. Jii this lliey will bo uble iitiiaher of his party, and to decline to Its iiiucli disaiiiioiuli'd as ilievwere over­ lake tlie path wlilcli the older leaders whelmed iiy tlii^ ri:siili of llie reciMit pointed out. Ii was iiroiier that the reas­ lileclion. 'J'lii^ ]ieo|ili! of the coiiiitry ons wlticli imiielleil that ilill'en-iici! l)e fairly hiive iiroiiounced ;if::Mnst laxtitioii of the stated. Tlie inesettl w:ts not an oji|)or- many for llie hi'in'lil of the few. They ttitie time for the liill. Nearly one- will not ,i;ive up this issue iiiilil it lias tlilril of llie .session was llirotigh iittil dayli;;iit was not .vol vl-iii)Ie. Tliere oventtialed in prticiietti legislation iu ac- were lieftirt) lie Settale ineastiros of vast oordiince with their (Ieiii:iiid.s. If wo iitiliorlntice iliat woititl fail, for atiotlier wore now livlii!? iiikIit the form of ^'ov- year al least, iiitlirss tliey wei-o ntiw acted iinitiient wli-ich pfi-vttils In inoiiarchial iipoii. Among tilt? iiieastires awailing England, the new (.'oiii,'ress would :it action. Mr. VVolcott iiietitItineil tin? silver oiici^ bo convened, and tlii' .Mclvinley bill bill, tiie aiiportioiiiiieiil. hill, ilie inire-food would be iniiiie(li:it,e|y repudiated; but bill, thu coiiyrlgiit bill, ami tiie privnto iiiuliir our nioi'e eonservalivo methods laiiil court bill. We stand, bo said, wo must abide the eoiisiiiutioiial forms ill lite shadow of a great linanclal n!<|uire(! for S'Tiiriiij,' results. tllsasler. The jieoiile turn to (.'ongi'e.ss for rollef. They want the assurance either thai tiiere will lie no ieglslatloti on the "(In llie ItiriiV i|liesli(iii tlie ilepubll- linanclal subject (so that tliey can set canscaii neither t;o I'orwaril nor bttcliward their liotisfs in oi-tli-r") or tital Ihey will re- with any pro-pect of bet terin^' their con­ c'elve an aileinnite iin'diiiiit of circulation dition. To stand still is conceded defeat; for llie iratisacllon of tlieir busltiess. Hut to niovi> in the oiber dinTlion olTers it was not only, lie said, because those scarcely less advantage. Jf they fro for­ measures were ciaimirliig for recogiilth)ii ward they Miust rely npnn the fiillilltiietit thai lie foil coiMlielled lo oppose the passage of pled;:e> made before the I'leclioii. and of tilt? elctrliott hill. If lite session were to last lti(lc(inlteiy, and if iioiiu of tlteso vllal pciidinf,' the. [itissa^'e of the McKiiiloy ittoastircs were ijetullitg. lie would still vole bill, to the ell'i'i't that while jirieos of ngainsl il. ll'w-asa irave-sty on duty that The success of this Great CouRh Cure articles ;tll'e;-t"is- | tvilhout a par.tllel in the history cf medicine; teinpofarily ailvaiieed. yei, ultimately i.-ussitig eiiniii^cs In tin' clei-tit^ii iaw tital iiad All dnifjuists .ire authorized lo sell it on a pok and in tlf near future, by metiiis of coiii- siooti wit bout aiiientlmi'iit for twenty years. itivc (tuarantec, a test that no other cure can suc- petilioti, such prlci'S could be f;rea.tly Tin; ihiytiftfr .\ew Year's lite Hpetiker ccsslully stand. Tiiat it in.iy become knotvn, reduced and tiit.ieles would bu sold laid iiefore lite iIoii.se liio resigiiat ion of H. the I'roprictors, at an enormous expense, are r.liea|)er iIkiii before ilie |iass;ixe of llio li. I^inridiatii as a iiieniiier of ilits itoard of placinu a Sample Bottle Free into every home bill—thus iilnciiii,' tlieir reliaiiee in tho .Maunders of ilie Natioitai ibittie' for IHs- in the Unilod .''t.nrs nnd C.inada. If you ha future for a reversal of ilie poiuilar aliled \*ohiiitt.t;i- SoUllei-s, iCefei-reti 10 tiie a Cough, .Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use il, Judi,'nieiii iu November upon a claim L'oiiimllte 1 Military .Ml'airs. tin iiiiiiiiin it will cure yoa. If your child has the Crov thai coiniielition is to eoine to llieir re­ of Mr. •\Ici\iiiiey. of (liiiii. lite Hooe liieit or Whooping Couc;h, use it promptly, and rel lief, and tlial by thi> liiiii;of the next adjoiinieti until ^imiday. ,inii. .'i. .•Vltiiongii is sure. If you dread that insidioas di.wa Pn^sldeiititil elcetioii ihi' people will bo it was umlei-slooii wlieii tiie Peiiiile ad- Consumption, use il. Ask your Druggist for in llie full iMijoyiiieiii of clietip ui:cessa- Jourtieil Her. lit tliat llu? session on,Ian. SjlILOIl'S CURl-:, Price locts., 50 cts. and ries of lifi' sei'iireil iliroiu'li eoiiipi'titioii. •M was to b.! merely formal tliere were forty $'i.oo. If yonr Lunt;s are sore or Kack lame, Tills liop(. is ;i IhitIrriutf oiie'; ilcaii m^ver .Senators ]iri-seiit wlieii llif joui-iial was read. use Sliiloh's Porous I'lasler, Price 25 cts. be fealized. Iticliidliig .Mr. .\illson, wiio liad been aliseiit fniiii tlie cll.v for ten (lays past. Tin? Seii- ••('onipi'lilioii has ;iIretiily diuie ils per- iitiii-eli.cl, fi-^uii iilalto, .^it•. .McCoiiiiell. wiio itas not yel iieeii sworn in. was ai.so present feel work in ihis country iu ilieniaiter ami was iiiii-oiitn-i.ii ton gooii ninny of tiie of redil.iii,:,' pi-iees. So peiiVelly has Senators, as was al.so Jir. iiiiiinis. of lilalto, conipetilloll been i-arried ou tluit eoiu- wiio itas been elected for tile leriii lo iieglii biiiation for the ])Uri,osc of tirresiiii;; Marcii •! next. No Inisiiicss wlialevei- was coniiielilion has iu'eii resorieil lo ;i traii.saeted uiul llie Seiiiitc. on iiiolioii of Mr. aloiif,' the line. 'J'liere is S: tircely ;i, niati- Spooiier, adjoiiriii'ti till .fan. .'i at noon. nfactiiriii,;,' iuduslry lu the United .Stales Tims tnr live Iteiniblicaiis iiave agrei'ti to Bui do not use the dangcro-as alkalins voteagaltisltiie eieclioii liiiloii adircct vote thai, is not more or less coiitiMlled by and mercurial preparations which destroy and liiere are two i.tliers wlio say they would .soniii kiiid of CDmhiiiauou for the jiur- vote for a mot Ion to lay it nsiiie and taice your nervous system and ruin Ihe digeslivi jiosc of limiting: the output and rei^'u- nil t!n:inc(?. I.'iiis is not eiiotigii. A Jteptili- power of the stomach. The vegetable king­ latiiiK llie iirices. in some ctises this lican S.'ualor who Is earnestly opposed to dom gives us iho best and safest remedial cotubinatii n litis taken the foi'iu of tiiu election l)iiisai(i ton. reiiorlcr tiiat in trusts or or;^aiii/cil uionopolii's. 'Tln.'SO lime it would pass iln? .'Senate, lnit it could agents. Dr. Sherman devoted Iho greater tru.sls ha\(> secured the coiiceiilralioii of Jiy no posslliilily be p.-issod hy the Motist.- in part of Ill's life io the discovery oi this relia­ nearly all ilu.' i.-apltal eusa.ni.'d in a ^'iviit its aiueitded form. Jty tiie time It got to ble and safe remedy, and all its i.ngredients the House, he said, it would be loo late for industry, and by this eombinatioii a cmn- the alleitdance of a (|iioi-iiiii to bo secured are vogelable. He gave it the name ol plete control nf the outpiil and prices In that body. The lilii. lie said, could never h.'ts been secured. Iu ol liei'casi.'S a more becomo a inw. mild typ(^ of combination has berui re­ sorted to. in some etises the combina­ THE ILLUSIONS OF GREAT MEN, a name every ono can romcmlier, and lo the tion has been seeiired by means of cor- present day nothing has been discovered that respoiideiice belwei'u the vtirious iii- Goi-n-ifK states that ho one day saw tho is so beneficial for the BLQ3D, for 'na len-sts and tacit a^'roomenl reticlu'd as exact counierpari of himself coming to­ LIVER, for the KIDNEYS and for Iho to output and jirire.s. yoar after yi.'ar. ward hini. STOMACH. This remedy is now so well But, throu.^h one form or aiiollier, Pope saw an arm apparently come .scarctdy an iiuliistry ctiii be mentioned through tho wall, and made iiKiiilrles and favorably known by all who have used ill which further cotii|ieiition is not pre­ after its owner. It thaf arguments as to its merits are use­ vented (IV maile impos..ible by the muliuil BviioN' often received visits from a less, and if others who require a cbrrect- coiicurreiice of those entrtigcd In the specter, but he know It to be a creation ivc to the system would but give it a trial business. of the imagination. the health of ihis country would be vastly "Those, therefore, who look io comjie- JDi;. .Toii.vsox hoard his mother call his improved. Remember the name—PRICKLY titipii for a reduction of prices will bo name in a clear voice, though she was at doeejvcd. Trices of maiiulactiired ar­ ASH BITTERS. Asif your druggist for it the time in anotlicr city. ticles can only be reduced, while tho PRICKLY ASH BiTTERS CO., . McKinley bill is iu force, hy lii per cent, ad valorem and let him remain for twelve month.s.—CMcurjolicrnhl. LovoLA, lying wounded during tho "By a thorough knowledi;© of tho naturtiT la tinued Imiiroveinent in this direction, which KOveru tht? operati'na ofdigotlon and nu siege of J'ampohiii.i, saw the Virgin, tlm, and by a caret til oppllc ittloii of the lino prope although suidi iinprovemenl will scarce­ message would—following tho lines of tliem iibove tho lilcrhegt revenue point, natural co-ordination." Tho Senator who oucouragcd him to prosecute liis ties of vvol -a -U'eted Cocoa, Mr. Ep».s has provld' ly be iiercejiUblo ill the brief spa.cc of his late ono—deplore tho unfortunate that very instant you diminish importa­ views with satisfaction "oiir geographical mission. our breakfast tables with a dolloately flavoured bo two years, l^owor prices secured by re­ cratro which may save us many aeavy doctors' bll condition of the country brought about tions, and to that extent diminish tho situation, separated as •wo aro by tho fiat Sir .TosirtTA P.evxolu.s, leaving his Itlauy tliojiidlcloua use oC anon artioles of d' duction of waives would bo atteiuled that aeou.^tltutlou may uo Rr dually uuUc upunt by tho low prices for farm jiroducts roven tie." Tli is is a very clear and 'true of nature from tlio older forms, the house, thought the lamps wero trees, and with fjreater di.sasti..r than if present fitronifeniiui^h to roslat ovory tondoacy to disc:: caused by abundant harvests- proposition. 'LFpon it Mclvinley proceed­ stagnant conditions, and the inibrutin tho men and women bushes agitated by BuQdroda of .subtle tiinladlea nre UoatlSK around jiriccs should be maiutaiiied ami wages ready to attack whorovor there i-i a weak polo civilizations of other continents." Tliis the breeze. increased: so that, wlierover cheaijiicss "ThoRepublican ioailerscannot nope to ed to reduce the revenue by increasing Wo may cacape many a fatal shaft hy koopin? ' was said in defense of a bill which had aclve.H well rortlllod with puro blood a. d a pio; is secured by reduction of w;tgcs, the divert the atleiitioj> of the counlry from taxation, and thus in .so far to prevent E-w.-vTLLAC. while clmntlng tho "Jfis- for its objec*- tho diininutiou of foreign nourl.Hhod frame."—"Civil Service Oacette.** romi'ily will be worse than Ihe di.-case— tho tariff aupstion whatever - thoy may tho poojile from buying tlie things whicli crore" and "Do Profiiiidis," fondly be­ Made simply with DoUIn? water .ir milk. So' trade, and tho words of tho Senator onlv liiiialf-potind this y I'rncir*. labelloil thus: spcakiiig In a political sense, as it will do, whether they go forward or go back­ lieved that tho sounds ho emi-ttod wore they want. were consistent, at least, with that ob­ J.l.llJiS lil'l'.S &CI>.. Homooopathlo Cbyn" alTccL the interests'of the .Republican ward. Tlic Ueinocrtilic party has a of the nature and had the full effect of a LO.VDO.V. EN-OI.A.VD. ..y On the other iiaud, when President ject. And yet wluit a iJicco of incon­ parly. Jlence, it seems conclusive that plain, nnmislakable duty lo perform; trumiict Harrison came to write his message to sistency is it for the Emnomist to print the .Uepubllcan narf.y cannot improve its that duty consists in moving sti.-adlly on­ Olivei: Cromwetx, lying sleepless on Congress lie found that the imports at sucli sentiments as its own, and then at­ THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY, position ou tho tariff or on taxation by ward and pressing tho advantage wliich his couch, saw tho curtains open and a tho port of Nev/ York for the lirst three tempt to show olsewhoro that protection adhering to the McKinley hill. it has already obtained. It will keep wecksof November were actually greater gigantic woman appear, who told him does not curtail foreign trade. BEECHAM'S PILLS "Jf, Iio.wovei', tho leaders of the party this (lucstiwn beforo the public until tbo than for tho corresponding periods in that he would become tho greatest man PorBilions aiil Mois Bisorte shoiild-deterniine to reverse their posi­ fruits of victory have been rotilized, un­ ISSfi and In 1SS8; and lie called attention In disposing of the whole mtittor I in England. til tho Mclvinley bill litis boon repealed, need not trouble you with a long array "'Worth a Gniaoa a Boi" but sold i tion, overturn the leadership of IJarri- to this singular fuct.witli evident satis­ Ben .To.vso.n- spent the watches of the and tinti! materials which make prolit­ of figures. I will only call your atten­ for 25 Cents, son, Mclvinley. and JJeed, and ])uc faction as showing that "tho prohibitory night an interested spectator of a crowd ablo niaiui fa-tiiro iiiipossibli! have been tion to the familiar fact, which you have B-y MKCCGI.'STS. Ulaiiie forward with the implied promise efl'ect upon importations imputed to the of Tartars, T'urks, and Eoman Catholics, relieved from unnecessary burdens, and often observed in your own buying, that of tlte repeal of tho McKinley bill, tho act is not justified." But the President who rose up and fought round his arm­ enlargeniunt of trade, through reciproc­ so cheapened as to not only aid manu­ was too hasty in his conclusion that tlio as the price of goods rises the fewer will chair till sunrise. ity and tho bettering of their condition facturing but increase prolitablo produc­ McKinley law is not reducing importa­ be the sales of them. AVhcn sugar, for Bostoic, tho physiologist, saw figures UlalnTia or Tiles, Sick ITciulaclKN Costii by repudiating all that the. KeDublican tion. It will demand larger markets for tion. Taking as an example the dry example, is dearest our housekeepers are 3J'.>\vels, Pamb Agriie, Sour Stiiinach nnt and faces and there was one human face party has done since it caiuu into power, American products; not only reciprocity goods schedules, in which tho increase of most economical in the use of it. Fewer ISelcliinj;; if yonr food douii nut osainiUa' constantly before him for twenty-four and yott have no apputitc, It will Iind this latiter condition more Avith Cuba, South America, and Canada, duty was relatively much greater than pics, cakes, preserves, etc., are made by hours, the features and headgear as dis­ hopeless than tho former. but freer trade with all the world. in other parts of tho tarilf, wo'find that tJie great majority of poor and moder- tinct as those of a living person. "President Harrison, in his message to "Tho lale election was only tno expres­ for tho two weeks ending December ii, t^tely wcll-to-do people; and when cloth­ Congress "jfointed with pride" to tho fact sion of popular desire; that popuh-tr do- •the imports at New York were only .S3,- ing is dear they wear their old coats BE^•VE^UTO Cellixi, imprisoned at that there had been, recently, an in­ sire has not boon accoinplislicd. It m.ay 959,338 worth, against S5,376,6-H for the longer to escape buying a now one. Home, resolved to free himself by self- crease in tho prices of agricultural prod­ not bo fully realized until after tho next corresponding two weeks in 1SS9, or a Now, when these simple economies of destruction, but was deterred by the ap­ ucts, such as corn, wheat, etc.; and ho Presidential election, at which tho final difference of §1,417,303. When the poor people are added together they parition of a young woman of wondrous endeavored to convoy the impression and complete victory will be achieved— President wrote many manufactured make a very largo stream of loss to the beauty, whoso reproaches turned him that such increased price of agricultural namely, the election of a President and goods were still coming in from orders trade of tho country. What the people from his purpose. tVant.(l In cT,-ry Ooiinl.v to set In tli« .S(.ci.«i Snrrico iniu-nttionii rrom CartU Granimn,'oi.CIilL'f of I>euvU products was the result of the Mclvinley both branches of Congress,. who will sent off before tho now tariff law went do not buy tho retail merchant will not Napoleon once called attention to a CiOtflnn.tl. KxiKTlpnoi, nnt ni.off.Jtnry. r»rlii!UlBr.fri!.. Aii bill. Kothing could he further from carry into effect the popular verdict of into operation, with tho expectation order, and what the retail merchants bright star he believed ho saw shining in Crsnnmn I>ct«edvo Uurcuu C». u Arcae. Claelna- the trutli. If ho had taken pains to last Novcm'ber. During tho Fifty-sec­ that tho goods would bo landed be­ do not order the .wholesale dealers, his room and said; "It has never de­ ^ RedueecllStoS ntoDth by hunniess Jiei examine tlie reports on tho condilion of ond Congress tho large Democratic ma­ fore tho expirationof tho old law. The importers and agents of manu­ serted me. I see it on every great oc­ reinedlw. Kostan' - jority-will keep this question < .mtinually _ - _____ ' iQcanvcinicncc Con!! crops, wliich is.sticd from tho Agricul­ goods did not get in in time to avoid the facturers will not supply. Tho rise of currence urging mo onward; it is an un­ lul. Scad Oc. for drculiiTM Olid twtimonlttla. Ad tural Department almost simultaneous­ in view.' It will not bo tur led to the e.'ctra McKinley tax, and there was thus prices narrows the circle of buyers; and failing omen of success." JMU 0. H. K SMYDSlt, Htulo Ml^ UiIaiBO, Njiiaa this piipi»r when yon1 iwrite - ly with his mossage, h(5 would have found right' nor to the left; it wih lOt permit no longer any motive to hurry them in. anything which adds to the cost of goods side issues of any kind to int • -fere with row ARE YOUR that in Kansas tho average yield of corn If, however, it should turn out at the will raise tho price to tho consumers. A STRANGE TALES. Cures cold or tender ' per aero was only eMven bushels, where­ this all-absorbing and a -important end of the fiscal year that our imports tariff duty on imported goods clearly Swollen or pcrspirint: FE! , question. With the advants,-as already Smaller Shoes mav be worn whh comfort,- Price, 50 as it. ought to have been thirty. The have gone on increasing, will this fact raises tho cost of them, and must there­ An inch of rain means 100 tons of «t Dnif Stores, or by mail. Tflal I'ackace and illustra very fact that there is almost a total obtained it would be little les :han crim­ prove that the McKinley law has not re­ fore increase the price at tho same time DBmphlet for-a dime. - ., water on every acre. IHS I'liULNK CO., WOKID BuiluiJtQ, NbwY- failure of tho the corn crop in Kansas inal ! to permit anything to - ccur which stricted imports? Our population con­ that it diminishes the buyers of them. There are at least-10,000,000 nerve was one of the reasons which produced would make impossible n.^imatc and tinued to grow during tho four years of The duty on imported goods is added to IJORNtr.TIOnB fibers in the human body. ^\ViubtnaU!ii^~ tho political revolution in that State.' complete tariff reform." the war; can any sane man claim, there­ the price to tho consumer—not only the The failurcor shortness of the corn crop fore, that the war did not diminish the whole duty, but an extra gain, on the ] The saloons of Plain field, N, J., wero IL<^'^locipal^x^f^er tJ.S. 4 in the great corn belt of the country- population? The thousands who fell on dnty itself. As those buyers of imported (jlosed evenings so as not to interfere I !lyTv(T, tiMtr. wi.,-, llli..ljnilli.a,|,^ff]i^[n.i«, M AiiKi a(jE increases a ma-.'s modesty, caused scarcity of this prodnct, and the battloColds wore not so many as the goods are driven away by higher prices, withachurch "revival,". Jlnven so that- after a year or t-o he can't Aulde scarcity resulted in higher prices: foe children that were born'at" the same the importation of such goods must noc- The largest insect known to the ento­ IloWto com, But the trouble with the farinors "stimirion -up enoiigli courage to Idss tile time. I'ct wo know thatthe war caused cssarilv decline. There can be no two :tiiln.-») mologist, the Erebus strix of Linnajus, a cntt'sent was that they had little or nc) corn to Avoaiau whose lips iq the past were a toss of . population, and this loss was opinions about t}iis; it must bo so v/ith Dootuid moth of Central America, ex­ PATRICK OTiti;RELL.-Atry aJ Litw. Wa-^ilintfil soil, and many of them who had stock glued to his for hours on a k tretoli three' rovc£.led in the census of. 1870 in the absolute ccrtatntj\ pands its wings from eleven to eighteen TA(>nM A «100u> Hl.omi rsnriilljtnnnteilliorc'l «o lead became .buyer at the higher rates inches. times aweek . ' : reUtivoly lower rate of increase for the - ElCUAKD Kxox. - Tut ui. TACUBA UV1!STai.1T l'0.:^TAGUai.'.n

w 1, ..^t JUUIuu ICuiisell'K >'nH- ret. Take UEAnr of guace. I In Ills cold displeasure lie was whole girl he had once sued to vainly. Tourists, You've tried Dr. Pierce's Lillian Russell is now the owner of le:igues away frotn her, and Katy's chin Harlan's heart bounded at that. Yes, the most perfect Jaiianese dog over seen Whether on pleasure bent or baalness, Favorite Prescription have iveat u]), the brightness of her eyes jn- vainly I Joe Martin had done his humble Ti, ilieart of grace, begin anew, In this country, says Truth. It Is a little ] should take on every trip a bottle of Syrup creasiajj to a Hash. level best, aud failed, and he had won you and you're disappointed 1\,-day's to day, uotjvsterduy. three-months old, and Miss Kusscll paid ; of Figs, as it ueLs most pleasiuilly and ef- "You might have," she answered, the dear prize he had sought. And on ItH buudiug bloom the dew :^lr.s. Eugene Clark ono of tlio.se fabu- i Jeetuallv on the kidneys, liver, and bowels, The results are not wwicdi- calmly. .•Vnd she was a prize 'I'he sweetest Of early nioruingbtill doth play. loiis amounts for the dog lhal only prill- • preveut'iiii.- fevers, beudaehes. und other girl iu towu, :ind the lirightcst und the ate. .V hot llu.sh rose to Harlan's check. ces and iirima donnas can iilford. Koko, j ,orms of sickness. For sale iu M)c and a ' Tate heart of grace, and gather up He had to steady his voice before he handsomest. .•V!w;iys with a daiiitily for that IS the name that Miss llus.sell And did you e.xpect the dis­ boltlco by ull leuding driig,'inU. This dewy swi-etuess of the morn sjioke. ])roiid little munucr i;f her owu toward has given her exiieiisive pet, is so Very ease of years to disappear in Fill up with this your eui|itied cup, •'1 won't ask you where you hud liccu licople iu gcueral—never to him. A girl small, and yta so very bright and Intel­ In tile Kditor'ii Itooiii. Aud pledge the fuir hours newly born. or aliythill^' about it. 1 won't humble with a rare mind and a warm heart, aud ligent, that even at this remarkably "I am a Holocaust;'' shrieked a hide­ a week ? Put a pinch of time mvself to that extent. Oh, 1 don't sus- a face like a fair llower. -V .icirl any man youthful age it has made a budding rep­ ous liery-tongued Object in the city edi­ Take heart of grace, aud look before. in every dose. You would jiect you of much 1 1 suppose he bcgireil i could he proud to marry. .Vnd she hud utation that iiromises to eompeti; with tor's ears. Instead of buekwurd ou the way. you to take a walk with him :i little given herself to him, uuhesitatiugly, that of its beautiful mistress. It is said "And J am a Dull Thud," growled an not call the milk poor because Wash out tlie old regretful score. quietly that Miss Ku.s.sell Hew to Kid;o ways aud talk over old times, and I sup- trustingly. Object of gloom. the cream doesn't rise in an The soiroiving sins of yesterday: pusu you lulled to say no and went. :ind I liy .loveI what if .she had gone out for consolation after her boisterous 'j'he city editor made two grabs at the hour.'' If there's no water in sujipose 1 might have heard all you suid. walking with .loc Martin'; I'crhaps she Thanksgiving night reception at the reporter's eojiy and hurried to tho olo- And let the old mistakes and pain, Casino. ljut 1 don't likeiti Itwas no way to hadn't been able to get out of it. Per­ valor shaft. it the cream is sure to rise. EIBe cleiiuseil willi this n-fresliiug dew, treat i: e. You're enga'^'ed to me and haps— Ull, he was ready and anxious ir Von lliiil ll rrloiul "What w;ts that'.'" inquired the man- Aiid muke hegiuuing once agiiiu, ^. I agin:; I'dltor. If there's a possi'Dle cure, Dr. no other fellow has a right to your coin- to forgive her—to tako tier back I He About to visit BOuie sictiou of country Triwro With liujieiiiul oourugii bright.aiid new •|)any on any occusioii —not without my never could get along without her. 11 inularial disease, eitiier iu tho form of chills I "1 dropped u Holocaust down tho ele- Pierce's Favorite Prescription ! vator shaft with a Dull Thud." res|ionded Tor what's the world and ull ilu duy.s, knowing it. Have 1 so much as looked had been a— ajid fevor or bilious reniilteut was purticularly Ihe city editor, and a silence which might is sure to effect it, if given a But oars to try and try iiguiii, at unothur girl since 1 got your promi.se? ! 'What he had been, he did not then rife, what would bo about tho best udrice you could ipve bim'/ We will tell you—to carry have been Quay fell ujioii thu editor's fair trial. Not ouis tu fuller ou its wuyH, No; audi ucver would have. You've : specify. -V far down the road before him ttlout,', or ])rocui-e on arriviui;, tluil poti'ut me- desk willunil making a sound. no such notions, ihough. You suit ; he .saw a sight which made him spring Not ours to lliiig uside for puiu. diciiml safeiiuurd, Ilostetler's Stouiach Hitters, You get your one dollar it Your.-elf and .loe .Martin. Y'ou've shown ' up and crack his whip over the horse's TuosK of you who are weary und heavy known throughout malurla-pluKUed reyious. Ttiko lieurt of grace then, duy by day, that you don't care a straw for me or my curs, lideei-l wilh ^lelMiess and cure, weighed costs back again if it don't here and in other couutiios, us Uii* surest means tlowu with, tl.e iiitir.nitles lliul be>et the Take lieurt of grace and sing each morn. rights or my feelings!" That he might overtake her had not of disarinin;^ the miaaniatic scourj^e, und rob- aueiue sy>iei.'.. .-an liiiil tjieone lliliii; iieees- benefit or cure you. "'i'o-day's to day. not vesti'idoy, They stood :il the tlibsons'gate. Ivaty's occurred to him, but there she was. bi biiiR it of its fol] dehtriicttvo iiiUuenc**, Not wii-y to restore you to bn;ihi. biioyaiilliealth iind ull the world is neivly burul" cheek's wero pink, her hands tremulous j bundle and all. Oh, how g!:ul he was.' only does it fortify tlio iiyslem by imrreiiHini: its lu Sheriii.iT;'... Iriekly .V.-I1 lllttei's. ll !a- We wish we could give you —l.N'or.11'errv iu Youth's (.'onipauioii. wilh the shocked resent uient she could, Jt was fortunate that Miss (lilisou was Btiiniiua. but ov_ ercnnies irre^i,'u_ lariiy of liiiies- . vl^-o.-atvr. .-.nil st:'eii;,'tlieiis the debllltal'eU the makers' confidence. They not keep back. Hut .she forced herself : just then passing a long stretch of empty tioii. tho liver and tbo liowelr,, iiud eountoniets j ort:uii>. uid.s di^'eslloii. uiiiUli>pelstheclouds the uiifiivorable iileets of over-oxen ion, bodily I arislu; tro'i; a il'seased liver, show it by giving the money to .say: lield.<, for anything,' more observant than undineuUJ oiposuro in rauyli w,'uther, or oe. Her .tlUtake. •'Harlan—why, Harlan 1—do you be­ birds and woodchucks might have been cupiiiiou tiio_ Bedi'iilury or laborious, loss ot back again, in all cases not SELINA"S TllOlJSSl^lAI). iipjiotito, nnd'cxcessivo nervousness. 'I'liofuue- lieve that;'' ] surprised to see a young man jump frmn "How do you tell wdieti there is anv lions of iLlinu'lilalioa. biliuus m eretioii, und benefited, and it'd surprise you "Helievi; iir" stiid Harlan Chapuian : his buggy, stride lo the side of a pretty blei'p havo iu it a most poM'erful and relluble gold in this luuny-looking stone'.'" asked JIV KM.MA A. (Ifl'lOK. sevcre'y. "Do 1 believe my own eyes and : pcdest'rian, and seize heherr two bauds in a auxiliary. the dear girl who was being shown to know how few dollars are i your ovii admissioii ? Heliei-e itI" j tenderly visu-like grip. JioMlMl to (.'lilell the Tliief. around the mint by an oUicial. "Why. we smell it." lie replied. needed to keep up the refund. Going lielne from the jiosi of:Iiee-oir lce,, I^ " They stood holly facing each other ,in .lotliuui and one froiu the sofa-cushion. ^ ^ [ you love nie. ^Vliy. I know you do, und who coni|)rise the society would rather city- L'uele S.ini. .\lso, to wil—two luinp.s I'that will be onougil." divide and squander all they have lhan -Wasn't Slit- a Wiso Chi lit, and tliree clocks. \Ye're looking for the Harlan Chapman stalked lionii! j But K'uty (lid 'the inevitable thing— admit they are beaten. Visiior—1 suppose your daughter-is third lamp and the fourth clock every ale his dinner, tiiul .sat down on '•'i'^ i .she burst out crvin" Statu 01' Oiiio, City oi' Toi.niio, I buisily iirepai'ing for her wedding'? minute." jiorch and read nn article about trout-I "Il was my fault,'' she sobbed. "1 Lucas CocntV. C • Mother—'S'es; she is U[> ill her room lishing in a lale magazine. I was angry when I shouldn't have lieen. Kalie lool;eil up at her tall lover with ruANi; .1. CUKS-KV nia-lios niUli thut ho is tbo now. destroying all her old letters.— herehurniing.bluc-cyed. bright-eomjdex- j _ He read it thoroughly, exaiiiining the • You did have a right to ask, llarley. and senior partner of the tiriii of l-'. .1. Cn ixi:v ,t Co., rOU A OMC-DOLn.VK lULI* HMtit us bv miUl doiiit: luihiiK'ss in tbo city of 'I'olodo, County HuiisiitiiUI Miinllihj. wt* will (ii'Iivrr. Jtuc ut nil cliiirtfcM. tt) uny inTnon la ioned face radiant wilh the fun and gootl illuslralions attentively, uiiil striving to it kept me from saying a word.'' and Slate aforesitiil. und that said Ili-iii will pay till? Uiiiti-il SiutL-M, ull uL tho foUowiuj: urlldcb. car*- nature never absent f-roin il. H-leaii ull possibht iuforinutioii. Ihit didn't give you a chance." the sum of ONK lUr.NIUtKI) DOl.LAIlSfor each "Wiinx slovens cot tidy iliov polish tho tullyi'iicktd: and every case of Catarrh tliut ctinnut be curod bottoms of the pans." Wh.>a .servuuts aro when he luid reached the tail-piece lie j "f .should' have taken it," .said ICatv. OiuMwo-ounm boU'n ot l*nri' VanHlino lOcfa. When Harlan Chapman, whose family by tlio use of ILvi.L's C.u'AUiiii Com:, given .sAl'Ol.IO thoy are never tired of Ollfi t^^'U'iUnici-b.iltld nr ViL-itUuu l\i)li:ulu,... iri * was one of the licstanii the best olt' in somelel^w felt that he knew less about; "J shouldn't have been so still'aud hat'e- I'UA.NIv d. CIIENKY. cleaning an! ni.djtirot ViiM-'Ir c'Onlil Crttlllil 15 " Otlr A-hTtii of V;iM'llIIM Cuiiiphnr Ico in " town, li;iii engaged liiiiiself to Katy (lib- trout lh::n about any other lish, llesli or : fid. I'll icU von now. Harlcv. you'll Sworn to bofnro mo and snbscribiMl iu my presi.'uce, this i;th duy of IJe'ceniber. A. l.>. IKSti. Fir.ST Studi'iit (i.ntering eom])iiniiin'.s raonil Oiiu<':ikiM)i: Vfim-liiie S'itp. iiiiMMMiU'd 11) ' fowl, under the .sun. _ _ j laugh—vou can't help il. llssoridicul- ()iit'i';il;tt>vnpi*. iiratioii tlitre.from had slareil :i little, suiileil. beamed, There w.as no use in pretending, and so ! un'd got out of powdered siifar, mid 1 tion. Cures-whoro other remo.lies fail. '£>'!. y. ,1. CllliNKV ,t CO., Toledo, O. lU'lt'ss /(ihr'lrii •rill' .nil' namf'.lirain-tir: tjoit ititl crtrtiUr^ patted her on the head, and coiigr;iUi- he gave it u)). ! said I'd just run down to Piiine's and .82-SoId by Druccists. 7.1 eenls. ly n-reirr an itiniirion wfiic/i A(i.v lUtlf. ur no mluf. 'I'lii; loclis on the door are Wiini perfectly Cbc.'.i*bn>uxb .^H";.-. Co.. ^1 SUito SL, N. Y. lateil i Iarl:in. He could think of nothing but ICaty I ^,,,.1 .some,' .Selina wauled to juit tho.se nhdii. It is the doorUiat is liantrcd. Chsi*